How to remove old paint from doors and apply new paint as quickly as possible. How to remove paint from doors - make new out of old. How to make new ones out of old doors Removing paint from a wooden door

The renovation is coming to an end, the funds allocated for updating the house have run out, and some old surfaces do not harmonize with the new finishing. We have to update using improvised methods and make new things out of old ones. The question arises - how to remove paint from a door? There are several ways, but each has its own difficulties, and this whole process is quite labor-intensive. But nothing is impossible for home handyman, equipped with tools and knowledge of the simplest technologies.

Why remove old paint from a wooden or metal door?

High-quality painting is impossible on an unprepared surface, and old paint was often applied to doors in several layers, with bumps and smudges. And no matter how high-quality the new enamel is, the end result leaves much to be desired.

It is also important to remember what reaction occurs between the old and new paint. It's not always possible with full confidence tell what type of solvent or base was last applied. And when painting is done with a new composition, it reacts with the old layer. The result is bald spots, cracking, folding and other troubles. And then it becomes clear that it would be better to remove the paint from old door.

The next time you tint the base with a different color, you often end up with sloppy strokes or an uneven color, especially if lighter paint is applied to a dark surface. If the paint is rare, then any other color can be guessed under a new layer.

Multi-layer painting has another drawback - the doors close worse and worse each time, as new layers are built up at the ends. Top and bottom end door leaf, where the layer of old paint is strong enough, it is not necessary to remove it, especially since these areas are not visible. In such areas, sanding is sufficient if the type of paint matches the new one. All peeling areas and cracked areas require careful preparation doors to renewal.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove paint partially, namely from the ends or only from one side of doors covered with dermantine on the outside. But this is still a labor-intensive process, and for an excellent result you will need to put in a lot of effort. The easiest way is to use wood paint stripper, but prepare the metal door for repainting a little differently.

Chemicals for effectively removing paint from doors

The chemical method of removing paint is quite effective; the easiest way is to buy a special liquid at a construction supermarket. However, this base (solvent) must be suitable for your type of wood or metal paint. For oil paint wooden door A chemical directive intended for metal paint will not work.

Tip: So as not to waste a lot of time searching suitable liquid, it’s easier to consult with the store’s distributor. As a rule, the more aggressive and effective the “wash”, the more harmful it is, so it is important to take all precautions.

Attention: Chemical paint strippers are harmful to health, regardless of the form in which they are produced:

Once a particular composition is suggested, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use. It might be highly toxic liquid product, which is handled only in a respirator and work gloves. Or a convenience store consultant will offer a ready-made liquid product for removing paint from a metal door. No worse than a gel or a dry mixture of components that needs to be diluted.

It makes no sense to recommend a specific product; it is easier to buy what is available in stores in the region. Paste and gel are applied to uneven, carved and profiled surfaces. You can select a suitable reagent from the catalog; it is also worth purchasing mineral kerosene along with them, which removes the applied product with the remnants of old paint. Sometimes additional washing of the surface with solvent, white spirit or water is required, depending on the instructions in the instructions.

The chemical may not begin to act immediately, but will show results after a few hours. Read the instructions carefully so as not to say that the product did not work. During the specified period, the “wash” will soften all layers of paint to a solid base. Only then can you carefully remove the door paint with your hands using a spatula. A regular metal brush or any suitable device will also work.

Attention: Any reagent is applied to the prepared surface, from which the peeling layers are first cleaned, which themselves lag behind and are easily peeled off with a spatula. The “wash” is applied only to a durable layer of paint; this reduces the consumption of the chemical reagent.

We remind you: When working with reagents, wear protective clothing, safety glasses and a respirator, rubber gloves and closed shoes.

How to remove paint from a metal surface?

If a wooden door can be painted many times, then the metal surface rejects repeated repainting, especially if it external door exposed to temperature changes. We have to renew the surface - remove the paint from the metal door. It is removed with special or improvised devices. For example, a grinder or universal tool with attachments capable of removing paint.

Before processing, the door leaf must be removed from its hinges, the fittings must be removed from it and decorative overlays and taken out into the yard for further processing. To remove paint in the simplest ways, use a heat gun (construction hair dryer), a special paint remover, kerosene, sandpaper, a spatula and a sander. There should be no illusion that this is very simple - with any tool and effective chemicals you still have to make some effort.

Remove without suitable liquid old paint It will be difficult to remove metal doors with just a spatula or a hard nozzle. Using only one tool, it is easy to damage the smooth surface of the metal, and even a layer of fresh paint will not hide the defect. After processing the door for painting, it is advisable to sand the metal surface with a special nozzle or sandpaper, although this is less effective by hand.

A sander is an excellent tool for removing old layers of paint, provided the right choice nozzles If there are no other options, install a head with medium coating and operate at low speeds, that is, at low power. It is important to monitor the process so as not to damage the doors. If the nozzle and the load on the tool are chosen correctly, then the work will not take much time. Only the nozzle needs to be periodically cleaned of dry paint, which quickly clogs the head. The cleaner the nozzle, the more efficiently it works on the surface.

When processing with a sander and other tools, there will be a lot of suspension from the paint being removed, even outdoors. Abrasive attachments clog quickly and require cleaning, so it is important to consider that this is quite a “dirty” job, which is why it is done in the yard.

A heat gun is also suitable for this type of work; if you don’t have it on hand, you can rent it or borrow it from friends before removing paint from a door prepared for work. This tool melts the paint, which is then carefully removed wire brush or a spatula. For the same purposes, use a hair dryer and a blowtorch, directing a hot jet to the surface to be treated.

Attention: Take all precautions as the surface of the metal door becomes hot during heat treatment. Try not to touch the door with your hands so as not to get burned, especially since immediately after warming up it is most effective to work with paint that bubbles and melts.

Treating an old painted surface with high temperature only possible on metal. If you clean a wooden door this way, it may burn out. Stained glass windows You also have to remove it first to prevent the glass from melting.

Tip: When thermal removal When applying paint, a burning smell and a pungent odor of chemicals are inevitable, so all work is carried out in an open space. It is not recommended to burn paint on a balcony or loggia. apartment building- remove the doors from the entrance to the yard.

It is advisable to warn family members and neighbors so that there is no discontent, allergic reactions and the likelihood of smoke poisoning through drafts in the window.

When processing with a sander and other tools, there will be a lot of suspension from the paint being removed, even outdoors. Abrasive attachments clog quickly and require cleaning, so it is important to consider that this is a fairly “dirty” job. Of all the “hot tools”, only a hair dryer is suitable for removing old paint from a wooden door. But they also need to work carefully.

Advice: Whatever method you choose to remove paint from old doors, there will be costs and unpleasant moments. Don't be disappointed and leave the job in the middle. There is a possibility that you need to change the tool, attachment or temperature regime. In any case - it will be useful experience. There is a video at the end of the article about how professionals work to remove paint from doors.

How to properly remove paint from an old wooden door?

Many people think that an old wooden door is not worth the hassle of removing reusable paint. But this is true for cheap interior doors that are still found in old houses standard layout. Yes, a frame covered with plywood is not of particular value, and it is better to buy a new door leaf to match the design of the apartment. But when we're talking about O quality product made of solid oak or a real masterpiece with carvings by a master, such a door “does not ask” to go to the landfill. With proper updating and replacement of accessories, it will serve for a long time. Perhaps the paint from the door has already been removed using the old fashioned method - a solution based on caustic soda.

Wood differs from metal, stone and synthetic surfaces in its characteristic texture, which is easily damaged when working with sharp metal objects. You must work carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the fibers, tilting the spatula or scraper along the pattern on the wood. In those areas that are milled, it is important to work very carefully so as not to damage the design or convex surfaces of the design. In the corners they work with any wedge-shaped tool.

When working with chemicals, be sure to protect yourself:

  • long sleeve work clothes;
  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • thick rubber gloves.

Open the can of reagent and apply it with extreme caution so that the chemicals do not get on your skin or eyes. If the drops accidentally get on open areas of the body, they should be washed off immediately and if there are signs of irritation, contact a doctor. And don’t start working until you read the instructions on how to remove paint from a wooden door with the purchased “remover”.

Attention: Each type of paint requires its own type of special chemical remover - the discrepancy between the reagent and the surface layer of paint is the main reason for failures!

With any method of cleaning the door from old layers, it is recommended to carry out all work in an open space. When using an electrical appliance, be careful to make sure that the carrying case is in good condition and that the power supply is sufficient to operate the tool. You cannot turn on the tool at maximum speed, in enhanced mode. It is better to check the effectiveness of the nozzle not on the main surface, but on the end sections - from the bottom or top of the door. With an unskilled hand and rotating the sander too quickly, it is easy to damage even fairly strong wood.

Not every heat treatment tool is suitable for heating old paint on the surface of doors - it can ignite and burn. Can not use gas burner with open flame, hot air only. A construction hairdryer is suitable, where the temperature of the supplied jet should heat the paint, but not destroy the wood. In this case, specialists use nozzle attachments that create a jet that distributes heated air.

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to remove not only the remaining paint, but also the “wash” itself. Before painting with new enamel, the wood must be sanded to a smooth state. If there are cracks, nicks or other defects, they must be filled with putty. Only after the oil paint has been removed from the wood, all defects have been eliminated, the wood has been treated with a primer, can you proceed to painting. The primer must be completely dry, and only after that proceed to updating the old door with new paint.

The most effective power tools for removing paint were:

  • vibration sander (removes a thin layer);
  • belt sander (access to hard-to-work areas);
  • angle grinder (rough grinding and access to corners);
  • scrapers and scrapers (for a flat surface);
  • “grinder” with brushes.

If you still have any questions about removing paint from wooden doors, we recommend this video:

Painting doors is one of the options for updating them. And the most common one.

The design of painted doors can be quite different, the main thing here is to do everything correctly so that the coating looks new for a long time. Today we will decide whether it is possible to paint doors with water-based paint, as well as how to paint doors correctly.

The video in this article will show the entire process of completing the work and from the photo you can see its individual stages.

Painting a door is done in three stages, each of which is quite important and will affect the final result. Let's immediately see what we have to do and evaluate the amount of work.

Stripping the door Door painting begins here. From correct removal The surface will also depend on the previous coating. It should be clean and smooth. you will find out below.
Primer Doors primed for painting correctly will only contribute to the correct distribution of the dye and the quality of the joint. This largely determines the service life of the entire structure. Doors are painted only on a primed surface.
Applying dye Coloring paneled doors and any others are fundamentally different. Liquid is simply applied to primed doors for painting. But we’ll look at how to properly paint doors with a roller or other tool a little later.

Choosing material

If the paint on the door has chipped or you are completely restoring it (see), you will need to choose the right dye. There are some a large number of in retail trade.

Range different compositions wide enough to cover wooden doors. In order to make a worthy choice, you first need to determine what exactly you want to see as a result: to emphasize and preserve the natural beauty of the wood, or to create a coating that will completely hide the original structure.

Depending on this, a person can buy:

  • Polyurethane, alkyd, acrylic, oil or perchlorovinyl based paint, as well as opaque enamel.
  • Tinted and clear varnish, stain, oil impregnation . They will give the natural color a different shade or more brightness.
  • If you need odorless door paint, then you should pay attention to acrylic ones. He won't be here. Just again, look at the photos of the colors and choose the desired shade. It is also worth knowing that when applying the coating it will differ slightly.

Experts in this matter advise choosing:

  • Acrylic dyes having water base, because they spread well and cover the surface, and they also have a convenient enough consistency to work with a brush.
  • Alkyd paints and varnishes - their main advantages are high water-repellent properties, good drying speed and resistance to temperature changes.
  • You can also choose varnish for the coating. To paint doors, the color of the varnish should be chosen correctly; it should match the overall interior.

In order for the painted ones to be attractive and of high quality, experts recommend choosing materials belonging to the second group.

All because of what they have best performance resistance to various negative factors, which are abundant in the bathhouse. In addition, such materials can be used to paint interior and entrance doors.

Attention; Painting compositions made on the basis of alkyd resin must be applied to a surface that is completely dry. Otherwise, if the paint is applied to wet wood, it will begin to peel off due to bubbles appearing on it.


  • Painting wooden surfaces is not carried out at once; several layers will be needed. It often happens that there is a need to use two different formulations.
    First, an impregnation with a tinting effect is used, and only then a decorative layer is applied. It is extremely important to choose compositions that would work in a duet. For example, before applying varnish, you cannot use drying oil. Only stain is suitable for varnish.
  • If your plans are only to refresh the color of the doors using oil impregnation or stain, you will still need to apply at least two layers. How many of them will be needed in the end will depend entirely on the surface of the door. You can apply up to ten layers until the result that a person wants is achieved.

Step-by-step instructions for painting wooden doors

Tools required for work

After choosing the paint, you need to take care of the tools:

  • Gloves.
  • Rags.
  • Paint brushes.
  • Roller.
  • Small spatula.
  • Emery cloth.
  • Paint tray.
  • Masking tape.

Since doors consist not only of canvas, but there are also other components, the first step that must be taken in order to successfully paint wooden doors is to properly prepare them. You can, of course, paint only the canvas, but in this case the difference between the box and it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

So, painting the doors must begin with the following steps:

  • We remove the door from its hinges and place it on trestles, stools or a table. If you decide to use alkyd products that have a pungent odor, then all work is best done outside.
  • If you cannot remove the canvas, then it must be blocked with wedges. They are placed in such a way that a file brush can be used to reach all surfaces. The lock should also prevent the doors from closing, which would inevitably damage the applied paint layer.

Attention: Experts still advise removing the canvas, but if this is impossible, then resort to the second option described above.

Then we begin to remove the fittings. If the handles and hinges are not removable, then we seal them with tape or wrap them in paper, but foil is most suitable. We recommend securing and sealing the lock with tape.

Preparing the door for painting

This is very important stage work, which includes several stages. Treat it carefully and with special care. In this case, painting the doors will be one hundred percent successful.

Preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • At the very beginning, we remove all layers of paint, putty or primer that are present. As a result, the wood should be completely clean.
    For these purposes you can use grinder or do homemade device from a block, wrapping it with sandpaper. If you have a hair dryer, it is best to use it; the process will be much easier.
    Layers of paint will bubble when heated and are then removed with a spatula. You can also buy a special remover designed for wood. But such a product is not cheap. How to remove paint from a door different options, you can read on the pages of our website.
  • Then we carry out the first grinding, which helps eliminate minor defects: scratches, remnants of old coating or dents. To do this, use sandpaper or a machine that is connected to a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next stage of work will be putty. Existing significant defects must be treated with a special wood putty desired color, if the coating ends up being transparent.
    If the doors are painted with an opaque composition, the color will have absolutely no meaning. Do not forget about the gaps that exist between the lintel, the jamb and the elements of the canvas.
  • After the time specified in the instructions has passed, sand the entire surface again. First, we use an abrasive cloth that has a medium grain or a machine attachment, and then we use a fine grain.
  • If the door has deep flaws, fill them with auto filler that does not contain fiberglass. This option can be used if painting is carried out with opaque paint.

If in the process of arranging or renovating your home you have a desire to update, give freshness or completely change appearance high-quality pieces of furniture made of wood - doors, floors, window sills, frames, trims, cabinets, tables or chairs, then in this case there arises urgent need First of all, remove the old paint from the wood, that is, prepare the surface for all subsequent work.

And if in the case of a new surface the situation is quite simple: it needs to be sanded and then primed, then an old wooden surface will require much more time and effort to bring it into proper shape. The matter is also complicated by the fact that wood is relatively soft material, and when removing paint from it there is a risk of damaging its surface.

Is there a need to remove paint from wooden surface? This is perhaps the first question you ask yourself when deciding to undertake some kind of restoration work. Indeed, in some cases it really does not make sense to remove old paint from the surface, and it is quite possible to apply a new layer of paint on top of the old one.

In this case, you should take a closer look at the surface being treated: if the layer of old paint is thin, the paint does not lag behind the surface and there are no cracks on it, then a minimal treatment with sandpaper will be enough, after which you can begin repainting.

  • the previous layer of paint is too thick;
  • the surface has already been painted several times;
  • there are cracks in the old paint layer;
  • the previous layer bubbles and lags behind the surface;
  • are you going to use a different view paint coating, different from the previous one.

How to remove old paint from wood

There are three main ways to remove old paint from a door or other wood surface:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Temperature
  3. Chemical

A mechanical method of removing an old layer of paint from a wood surface

This method involves mechanical action on a previously painted surface. This is the first method that is tried to clean the surface of a door, floor, window sill or any piece of wooden furniture from old paint. In this case, it is simply scraped off using the appropriate tools:

  • spatula;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • chisels;
  • scraper

In addition to simple hand tools that require significant physical effort, you may need more serious power tools: an electric drill with a special attachment for grinding and cleaning, Grinder or a grinder with a disc for grinding and cleaning.

The mechanical method of removing old paint is justified if the paint layer is already very old and the paint easily peels off in layers from the surface. It's also a good idea to clean off old paint. mechanically With smooth surfaces, or surfaces small area, for example, window frames.

However, if we are talking about uneven decorative surfaces, for example, twisted, carved and curved elements on doors, furniture or trim, simple mechanical removal will be too complex, time-consuming and ineffective. Another negative point sanding is the impossibility of removing paint entirely, since it usually only makes the paint layer thinner, and in hard to reach places the paint usually remains.

Temperature method for removing old paint from wood

An effective way to remove the old paint layer with your own hands is to heat it and then remove the peeling paint with a spatula.

How to remove old paint using a hair dryer? To do this, you need to direct a stream of hot air from a hairdryer onto the paint surface being treated. When exposed to heat, the paint softens and begins to swell, after which it is removed using a spatula, scraper or chisel. If there are depressions on the surface, the paint can be removed from them with a triangular spatula. In the absence of one, you can use a shaving machine.

But remember that this process requires accuracy and caution, since if you mishandle a hairdryer and spatula, you can get hurt or damage the wooden surface. You also need to keep in mind that it is difficult to remove with a hair dryer. oil paint, since it, unlike other types of paints, does not peel off when heated, but melts, turning into a greasy soft substance that is difficult to remove with a spatula.

How to chemically remove old paint from wood

You can make a product for cleaning old paint from a door, frame, trim or furniture yourself or purchase a ready-made one. Home remedy in this case it is a caustic soda solution. This method requires great care and appropriate protection of exposed areas of the body, meaning thick rubber gloves and unnecessary clothing must be worn. Next, you need to pour a solution of caustic soda into an unnecessary container and apply it with a brush to the painted surface. Continue application until the old paint begins to bubble. After this, you need to clean off the paint with a spatula, scraper or chisel, and apply any degreaser to the treated surface, or at least wipe it with water.

It is much easier to remove old paint from wooden objects by purchasing a ready-made chemical agent, designed for a specific type of paint in combination with a wood surface. When using them, it is very important to pay due attention to the protection of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract: protect your eyes with goggles or a mask, your hands with gloves, and be sure to open the window while working.

If you cannot determine what kind of paint was used in this case to paint, for example, a door, you can choose a universal chemical agent for all types of paint. The selected solvent is also applied to the surface using a brush, roller or spray gun, and after 10-15 minutes, the paint is easily removed with a spatula or even just a rag moistened with kerosene or water.

Doing redecorating at home, many owners are thinking about new interior doors. These could also be the entrance doors in the corridor of, say, a private house. Ordering new doors will require financial costs and time to wait and install the door leaf. At the same time, old doors can still serve for a considerable period of time. Having put them in order, they will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room and perform their functions.

The process of removing paint from an old wooden window

How to remove old paint from doors? This will require a little time, tools and some materials. For the process, there are several ways to bring the door into proper shape.

In order to renew a door with new paint, you need to remove the old one, because it was once applied in 2-3 layers to brighten and protect the door material. Time has done its work. In some places the paint was swollen, in others it was cracked, and in others there were small streaks.

Removing paint from an old door

If a new layer of hard hat is applied to such a base, then the doors will not have a normal appearance. All the bumps will appear brightly and clearly, just as the cracks will look like they were copied from a picture of dehydrated soil.

The second explanation is the paint base. After painting a door, a considerable period of use passes, during which it is forgotten what the paint was based on. When applying new paint to a layer of old paint, the paint begins to come into contact with the base; it may simply not lie down, but appear in drops; when drying, the new layer may crack, and so on. This is one of the many reasons why old layer paint from the door surface.

If you decide to repaint the door a different color, then you should also prepare the base by removing the old paint. When applying a new color to an old one, a dark color may appear old color dark spots, or vice versa, a dark tone will take light elements from the old paint - after drying, you may get the effect of salt coming out.
Another reason for removing old paint is the build-up of layers on the ends of the door, which can cause the door to rub and close poorly. This can lead not only to deformation of the door leaf, but also to problems with the lock.

You can also remove the old paint in parts, say, only from the end of the door leaf, on one side of the door, since the other half is insulated and lined with leatherette.

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Design dark doors for the interior of a bright apartment

In any case, before carrying out work, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with what tools are applicable for removing paint, as well as what products need to be applied to facilitate the process.

Chemical compositions for removing paint from doors

One of these compounds is special remedy for removing paint from a door. It is sold in construction supermarkets and construction markets. Before purchasing, you should find out what kind of paint this product is suitable for; the liquid is intended for a wooden or metal surface.

Special paint remover

When choosing a paint remover, you should remember - the more toxic the liquid, the more damage it can cause to the surface of the door and the person doing the work.

Special chemicals for removing paint are available in such forms as dry mixtures, liquid solvents, paste and gel concentrates. After choosing a chemical remover, you should read the composition and precautions.

There are some products that require working only with a respirator and gloves to avoid getting burned or poisoned by toxic gases. This is very important, especially if the work will take place indoors and not outdoors.

Chemical compositions for removing paint from wood

The dry mixture is diluted with water or other liquid specified in the instructions. After that ready mix Apply to the surface of the door and leave for some time. It all depends on the type of mixture, the manufacturer, and the quality of the product. After reading the instructions for use, you can decide whether this product is suitable or not.

The gel and paste are also applied to the door with the old paint and left for a while. After using some products, you should rinse the surface with white spirit or plain water.

The chemical composition can act on old paint within 20 minutes, or it can take up to 4 hours. To avoid getting into trouble, before purchasing this product, you need to consult with the seller, as well as read the instructions.

Regardless of the consistency of the product (liquid or dry), the remover is applied to the surface of the door, which has already been prepared for this procedure. To do this, you should use a spatula to remove all the “inflated” paint, and that which is easily removed, and then apply the product exactly to those areas where the paint cannot be removed.

The process of removing paint with a special gel

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Tools for installing an interior door

How to remove paint from a metal door

A metal door needs to be updated more often than a wooden one (especially if the door opens directly onto the street). Temperature changes high humidity in cold weather - all these components act on the door covering. The paint peels off, swells, and rust can form on the door under the paint.

Paint from a metal door can be removed with improvised means, a grinder, or a chemical agent. Before removing paint, you need to prepare the door. For this:

In order to remove paint, you also need to prepare materials and tools:

Without a chemical reagent, it is difficult to remove old paint from a metal door; you can also damage the door leaf itself by scratching it. If scratches are left behind, a new coat of paint will outline the scratch. It may stay that way.

The process of removing paint from a metal door

After the paint that has come away from the base on its own is removed, a chemical should be applied for the specified time. There is no need to do anything to the door during this time. After the hours have passed, the old coating is carefully removed with a spatula. The remaining small “islands” can be cleaned with sandpaper. As a result, the door leaf needs to be processed with a grinder for evenness (so that there are no small burrs).

A hot air gun is suitable in the sense that hot air melts the paint; immediately after using the gun, use a spatula.

When processing a metal door, the metal heats up, so you need to be careful when working with the door leaf.

Remove paint from the door using a hair dryer, blowtorch and other heating objects can only be removed from a metal door leaf.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

When using heating objects on a wooden surface, there is a high risk of fire. When inserting a peephole into a metal door, you need to be careful so that it does not deform or melt. It must either be removed or tightly closed. If steel door stood in doorway When entering the apartment, it should be taken out into the yard, warning neighbors about the work, because there will not only be a lot of garbage, but also unpleasant odors.

Wooden doors bring a special charm to the interior, but only if they look decent and the paint is applied carefully.

Cracks in the paintwork, faded shade and peeling paint on the doors can ruin the entire impression of the room.

There is a need to remove old paint. For this purpose, proven chemical, thermal and mechanical methods are used.

We'll tell you more about how to remove an old one from a wooden door in the article.

When choosing a method for removing old paint, The question may arise: should it be removed altogether? The answer to this question and the choice of coating removal method depend on the following factors:

  • door surface type;
  • condition of the coating;
  • type of paint used;
  • adhesion strength of the coating to wood;
  • thickness and number of layers.

The most difficult thing will be to remove the layer of paint coating, which has good adhesion to the material, and the door itself has a complex surface topography and mass decorative elements.

If the door is designed for subsequent painting, then depending on the condition of the coating, you can get by with sanding. This is possible when the paint was applied carefully in one layer and does not contain peeling or chipping. The old coating is simply treated with sandpaper, and a new layer can be applied.

Old layers of paint that are exposed to atmospheric influences and time, have significant defects (chips, cracks, swelling) and will have to be removed. It is also necessary to remove too thick a layer of paintwork that has hardened streaks and other results of careless handling of the door in the past.

It happens that new door paint is incompatible with the old one. This is also a reason to completely remove paint from wooden doors.

Preparatory work

Preliminary preparation of the door requires cleaning it from dust and dirt. Also it is necessary to clean off the swollen layers, lagging behind the base. If one of the sides will be hidden in the future, for example, by leatherette upholstery, you don’t have to carefully remove the paint - just clean off the peeling.

Having decided on the nature and scope of work, you should select tools for removing paintwork.

You will definitely need:

For the chemical method, you will need reagents, a bucket of water, and a brush for applying a special composition. The mechanical and thermal methods will require a special tool (grinding device, drill with attachments, industrial hair dryer).

How to clean at home?

To remove old paint from wooden doors one of three methods is used:

  1. Mechanical impact.
  2. Use of chemical reagents.
  3. Exposure to high temperatures.

Each option has its own strengths and weak sides. Depending on the specific situation selecting a suitable method appropriate tool and drugs.

Thermal methods

The thermal method of cleaning a wooden door from paint involves using an industrial hair dryer and a spatula.

Work order:

  1. Plug in the hair dryer.
  2. Direct a stream of hot air at the door area.
  3. When heated, the paint will begin to swell and come off, making it easier to scrape off with a spatula.
  4. The processing process is repeated in the next zone.

After the entire door has been processed, it is necessary to finalize the missing fragments. The surface is cleaned with sandpaper.

If you don’t have an industrial hair dryer, you can use an iron, first placing foil between the sole of the device and the door.

Advantages of the method:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • no extensive experience required.


  • it is necessary to use a special tool;
  • it is not always possible to use on difficult surfaces;
  • there is a possibility of damage to the wood if the temperature setting is incorrect;
  • may require modification.

How to clean a surface mechanically?

The mechanical method involves removing a layer of paint using tools: from a regular spatula to a drill with attachments and other special equipment. Application electric tool speeds up the process, but may not cope with difficult places.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • dust formation;
  • high probability of physical damage to the surface;
  • need a tool;
  • the need to use protective equipment.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • Availability good tool speeds up the process.

As suitable tool To remove the paint coating you can use:

Removing a multi-layer coating using only sandpaper or a spatula is labor-intensive and ineffective.

The best solution to the problem is choice chemical method or using power tools.

How to clean with chemicals?

Wash chemically carried out using solvents. The technology is based on the destruction of the structure of the dye itself by chemicals:

  1. The solution is applied to the surface with a brush.
  2. Maintain the required time, which depends on the composition and type of paint.
  3. Using a spatula or scraper, remove the coating that has swollen under the influence of the reagents.
  4. Clean off any remaining paint.

If the instructions for the wash indicate that the surface needs additional wiping with white spirit or another solvent, this must be done.

Advantages of the method:

  • speed of action of the chemical composition;
  • ease of use;
  • no excessive effort required;
  • no special skills required.


  • toxicity of chemicals;
  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • mandatory availability of personal protective equipment;
  • the need to organize good ventilation during the application of products;
  • acrid odor;
  • Solvents require special disposal.

Despite enough high efficiency, the use of chemicals often requires surface finishing mechanically.

Before using a solvent, it is important to check whether it is suitable for specific type paint, and whether the condition of the wood allows using this cleaning method.

The selection of the reagent should take into account the type of wood and the condition of the material. Rotten wood may not withstand intense chemical exposure.

How to avoid damaging the door leaf?

The wooden surface has a characteristic texture and is susceptible to harsh mechanical stress.

When working with natural material The following points should be taken into account:

In addition to updating the paint, you should pay attention to the condition of the fittings. If necessary, replace or restore metal elements.

Cleaning Tips:

  1. Work must be carried out using personal protective equipment.
  2. Removable parts of wooden fittings, e.g. door handles, convenient to process separately.
  3. If the door is removable, then before cleaning it is advisable to remove it and lay it horizontally - this will make it more convenient to carry out work.
  4. For heat treatment, you cannot use open fire - only hot air.
  5. After washing, defects in the wooden surface must be eliminated by sanding or putty before covering with new paint.
  6. Before new paint the tree should be primed.
  7. The use of sandpaper for removing paint and sanding can only be recommended when thin layer covering a wooden door.
  8. It is recommended to carry out sanding work on wood with power tools outdoors. This will reduce the likelihood of the working part of the equipment touching a foreign object.
  9. When using chemicals to wash off, do not use plastic containers - the solvent can “corrode” them.

Rushing when removing paint is inappropriate, as it can lead to damage to the wood and injury.

Video on the topic

How to remove old paint from a wooden door, video instruction:


Removing old paint from a wooden door is a labor-intensive process that requires time and a thoughtful approach to achieve the goal. But even those who do not have experience or special training can cope with the task.