Dates of solar eclipses. The next solar eclipse. Solar eclipses: interesting facts

Since ancient times, lunar and solar eclipses have been considered a sign from above. Some peoples were afraid of such a phenomenon and expected the end of the world, while others were sure that something positive would soon happen. What is a solar eclipse, astrologers began to study a long time ago. It was found that this is the most common natural phenomenon that does not happen so rarely.

What is it?

What is a solar eclipse, today every student knows primary school... The Earth moves around the Sun, and the Moon moves around our planet. The complete or partial overlap of the solar disk by the moon is called an eclipse. The Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned. It is worth noting that an eclipse can only occur on a new moon. That is, when it is impossible to notice the Moon from the Earth at all.

It is not always possible to see a total eclipse. The overlap of the solar disk depends on which orbit it moves in a certain period of time. Most often, you can see a partial eclipse. People who are busy with their own business and in the sun may miss the natural phenomenon altogether. Partial eclipse is visually similar to twilight. It may only get a little darker outside during the day. It may seem that it will rain soon.

Astrologers have long been able to calculate how many solar eclipses occur on average per year. This phenomenon is not so rare and is repeated 5-6 times. Most often, the sun is covered by the moon by no more than 70%. At the same time, it is not possible to observe a natural phenomenon from all points. the globe... In addition, an eclipse may not last long. Complete overlap of the solar disk can last no more than 10 minutes.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A beautiful natural phenomenon can be observed not only in daytime... At night, everyone can see a lunar eclipse from time to time. It represents the overlap of the lunar disk by the shadow of the Earth. Most often, a total eclipse can be observed in that part of the planet where the Moon at the time of a natural phenomenon is above the horizon. During an eclipse, the satellite of the Earth does not completely disappear. Observers can see the outline of the moon, painted in a bright orange color. This is due to the fact that even at the time of the eclipse, the Moon continues to beat off the sun's rays with even greater intensity.

Lunar eclipses occur much less frequently than solar ones. You can observe this phenomenon no more than twice a year. Complete overlap of the disk of the earth's satellite occurs quite rarely. People do not give a lunar eclipse of great importance... Most often this is left unattended. In fact, everything that happens in nature affects human health and behavior. Therefore, it is better for hypersensitive people to prepare in advance for such a phenomenon as a lunar eclipse.

Types of lunar and solar eclipses

Identical eclipses are rarely repeated. Depending on which part of the celestial body is covered by a shadow, partial and total eclipses are distinguished. With a total solar eclipse, twilight occurs only at a certain point on the globe. At this time, happy observers can only see the outlines of the solar disk. This phenomenon is considered quite rare and unique. An incomplete solar eclipse occurs much more often, when the moon covers only a small piece of the solar disk. Such a natural phenomenon can no longer be called unique. It is worth noting that the same eclipse can be total and partial for observers from different parts of the planet.

Lunar eclipses are also total and partial. If the satellite completely falls into the shadow of the Earth, it is not lost from the field of view. The shape of the moon can still be observed. At the same time, the night celestial body acquires bright shade... The sun's rays continue to illuminate the moon. A partial eclipse is the overlap of the celestial body on only one side. This phenomenon is very similar to the new moon. In most cases, people do not even suspect that an eclipse is taking place in the night sky.

The influence of a solar eclipse on humans

Any natural phenomena affect the general condition human body... Hypersensitive people are especially affected. They can feel a deterioration in their health a few days before the onset of the eclipse. Older people can feel headache, general weakness, exacerbated chronic diseases. Many people have to limit their activity and take a closer look at their health. Hypersensitive people should clarify in advance when the next solar eclipse will occur. On the day of the heavenly phenomenon, it is advisable to stay at home at all. It is not recommended for completely healthy people to go outside.

Pregnant women are sensitive not only to solar, but also to lunar eclipses. Doctors advise not to be under the open rays of the heavenly body during a natural phenomenon. This is fraught not only with fetal developmental pathologies. When two luminaries find themselves in one point, their energy has a strong effect on a person. At best, a young woman in position will feel a severe headache, and at worst, premature birth may begin. Meanwhile, people have noticed for a long time that children born at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse have good health and achieve success in life.

The influence of a solar eclipse on a person is also considered by psychologists. It is believed that during such natural phenomena, the mind and emotional sphere of people are too vulnerable. During eclipses one should not decide challenging tasks... And people who suffer from mental disabilities should not be left unattended. It is during lunar or solar eclipses that suicides most often occur.

How to correctly observe a solar eclipse?

A unique natural phenomenon, although it has Negative influence on human health, but it cannot be ignored. A solar eclipse is really very beautiful. But in order to observe him without harm to health, you must follow some rules. In no case should you look at the heavenly body without protective devices... Many do not know how to observe a solar eclipse correctly and use a telescope or binoculars for this purpose. With the help of these devices, you can only see the heavenly body at a closer distance. But first of all, you need to take care of the safety of your eyes.

You cannot also look at the eclipse through sunglasses or smoky glass. These things do not fully protect from direct rays. With a long examination of the celestial body, you can get a retinal burn. How to observe a solar eclipse correctly? In order to see the unique celestial phenomenon without harm to health, it is necessary to use special solar filters. You can buy them in specialized photo and video equipment stores. Without a protective device, only a complete overlap of the heavenly body can be observed. The effect of a solar eclipse on the eyes at this moment is minimal. But to determine visually, there is a complete overlap of the solar disk or only partial, only a real professional can.

You can use solar filters alone or with binoculars. The second option is more preferable for those who want to see all the details of the eclipse. For those who seek to capture the moment in a photo or video, filters should also not be forgotten.

Influence of eclipses on nature

Few people know that celestial phenomena affect not only human health, but also nature. The weather can change dramatically in the weeks or days before an eclipse occurs. Often, in warm May, frosts begin, and in winter they unexpectedly come warm days... But such changes in nature are absolutely harmless. But an eclipse can provoke more dangerous changes in nature. These include tsunamis and hurricanes. It has long been noted that during lunar and solar eclipses, the activity of the World Ocean increases several times. When there will be the next solar eclipse, every captain of the ship should know. This is the only way to avoid tragedy. Long trips by sea are not recommended to be planned on the day when a natural phenomenon is expected to occur.

The most dangerous changes in nature occur where a total lunar or solar eclipse can be observed. Scientists all over the world are studying Already today they managed to find out what a solar eclipse is and when it will happen next time. The schedule of celestial events is scheduled for decades ahead. Thanks to the hard work of astrologers, it is possible to avoid many natural disasters and protect themselves from tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes.

Solar eclipse 1999

One of the brightest solar eclipses occurred on August 11. Almost all inhabitants of Europe could observe the complete overlap of the disk of the celestial body. The most fortunate observers were in Bucharest. Such a natural phenomenon could be seen for the first time in the 20th century. The total eclipse did not last long. People could observe the unique phenomenon for no more than three minutes.

Observers were able to see the solar eclipse in Moscow only partially. The solar disk was covered by only 70%. Despite this, there were many who wanted to see the unique celestial phenomenon. And this is no coincidence. After all, the national TV channels began to talk about the occurrence of a solar eclipse several weeks before. The entrepreneurs did not lag behind either. Special disposable glasses appeared on sale, with the help of which it was possible to look at the sun without harming the eyes.

The solar eclipse had a limited time. However, everyone was able to see how the moon overlaps the solar disk. This performance was truly unique. Some artists have even described a natural phenomenon in their works. For example, Elena Voinarovskaya wrote a whole poem, which was called "The sun, do not disappear." The eclipse is also described in the first part famous work"Day Watch".

Unique eclipse of the XXI century

The younger generation already knows very well what a solar eclipse is. But how this phenomenon occurs, many schoolchildren have not been able to see before. The situation was corrected in March 2015. On this day, a natural phenomenon occurred that will be remembered for a long time by many. On March 20, residents of the CIS countries were able to see the solar eclipse. Astrologers note that the most difficult period was from March 16 to April 8. The influence of a solar eclipse on humans at this time was the strongest. People with chronic diseases have felt the aggravation of their ailments. But there was positive side... An eclipse is a time when a huge amount of energy is released. Those who used it wisely managed to make good deals and make the necessary acquaintances.

The inhabitants of the planet could observe a total eclipse in the Arctic and in the north Atlantic Ocean... On the territory of Russia, the process could be best seen in the city of Murmansk. The solar eclipse in Moscow began at about 1 pm. It was possible to observe it only partially. Many residents of the metropolis did not even pay attention to the fact that the Sun hid behind the Moon. It was possible to see the eclipse only with the help of special devices.

When will the eclipse be observed next?

Scientists have long studied the nature of various celestial phenomena. When and where will there be a solar eclipse next? You can find out about this now. During the entire 21st century, 224 solar eclipses are expected to occur. Only 68 of them will be complete. But annular eclipses deserve much more attention. This is exactly what the 1999 solar eclipse was. The next one, which residents of Europe and the CIS countries will be able to observe, will take place on February 26, 2017. In the same year, on August 21, there will be a total eclipse, the duration of which will be only 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

What should you keep in mind?

Those who want to witness a unique natural phenomenon should prepare in advance. Solar eclipse has a limited time. Therefore, you should know in advance the exact hours of its occurrence. You can always hear about a total or partial eclipse in the news or find out on astrological sites. Information is reported several weeks before the onset of a natural phenomenon.

Eclipse can have health effects. The eyes are the first to suffer. You should not look at the sky without special protective equipment. On March 20, only those who had protective filters were able to see the solar eclipse. You can buy them today without any problems in a specialized store.

In ancient times, solar and lunar eclipses caused superstitious horror in people. It was believed that eclipses foreshadowed wars, famine, devastation, and mass disease. The covering of the Sun by the Moon is called a solar eclipse. This is a very beautiful and rare phenomenon. A solar eclipse occurs if, at the time of the new moon, the Moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic.

Solar eclipse.

Annular solar eclipse. If the disk of the Sun is completely covered by the disk of the Moon, then the eclipse is called total. At perigee, the Moon is closer to the Earth by 21,000 km from the mean distance, at apogee - further by 21,000 km. This changes angular dimensions The moon. If the angular diameter of the Moon's disk (about 0.5 °) turns out to be slightly less than the angular diameter of the Sun's disk (about 0.5 °), then at the moment of the maximum phase of the eclipse, a bright narrow ring remains visible from the Sun. Such an eclipse is called annular. And, finally, the Sun may not completely hide behind the disc of the Moon due to the mismatch of their centers in the sky. Such an eclipse is called partial. It is possible to observe such a beautiful formation as the solar corona only during total eclipses. Such observations, even in our time, can give a lot to science, therefore, astronomers from many countries come to observe the country where there will be a solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse begins at sunrise in the western regions of the earth's surface and ends in the eastern regions at sunset. Typically, a total solar eclipse lasts for several minutes (the longest total solar eclipse of 7 minutes 29 seconds will be July 16, 2186).

There are also solar eclipses on the moon. Lunar eclipses occur on Earth at this time. The moon moves from west to east, so a solar eclipse begins at the western edge of the solar disk. The extent to which the Sun is covered by the Moon is called the phase of a solar eclipse. Total solar eclipses can be seen only in those areas of the Earth, along which the strip of the Moon's shadow passes. The diameter of the shadow does not exceed 270 km, so the total eclipse of the Sun is visible only on a small area of ​​the earth's surface. Total solar eclipse on March 7, 1970.

The lunar shadow is clearly visible on the surface of the Earth. Although solar eclipses occur more often than lunar ones, each separate place Earth's solar eclipses are observed much less frequently than lunar ones.

Causes of solar eclipses.

The plane of the lunar orbit at the intersection with the sky forms a large circle - the lunar path. The plane of the earth's orbit intersects with the celestial sphere along the ecliptic. The plane of the lunar orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 5 ° 09 °. The period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth (sidereal or sidereal period) P = 27.32166 Earth days or 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes.

The plane of the ecliptic and the lunar path intersect with each other in a straight line called the line of nodes. The points of intersection of the line of nodes with the ecliptic are called the ascending and descending nodes of the lunar orbit. The lunar nodes are continuously moving towards the movement of the Moon itself, that is, to the west, making a complete revolution in 18.6 years. Each year, the longitude of the ascending node decreases by about 20 °. Since the plane of the lunar orbit is tilted to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 5 ° 09?, The Moon during a new moon or full moon can be far from the plane of the ecliptic, and the disc of the moon will pass above or below the disk of the sun. In this case, the eclipse does not occur. For a solar or lunar eclipse to occur, it is necessary that the moon during the new moon or full moon was near the ascending or descending node of its orbit, i.e. not far from the ecliptic. In astronomy, many signs have been preserved that were introduced in ancient times. The symbol of the ascending node means the head of the dragon Rahu, throwing itself at the Sun and causing, according to Indian legends, its eclipse.

Lunar eclipses.

During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon completely disappears into the shadow of the Earth. The total phase of a lunar eclipse lasts much longer than the total phase of a solar eclipse. The shape of the edge of the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses served ancient greek philosopher and to the scientist Aristotle one of the strongest proofs of the sphericity of the Earth. Philosophers Ancient Greece calculated that the Earth is about three times the size of the Moon, simply based on the duration of eclipses (the exact value of this coefficient is 3.66).

The moon at the time of a total lunar eclipse is actually deprived of sunlight, so a total lunar eclipse is visible from anywhere in the Earth's hemisphere. The eclipse starts and ends at the same time for all geographic points. However, the local time for this phenomenon will be different. Since the Moon moves from west to east, the left edge of the Moon enters the earth's shadow first. An eclipse can be total or partial, depending on whether the Moon enters the earth's shadow completely or passes near its edge. The closer to lunar node there is a lunar eclipse, the greater its phase. Finally, when the lunar disk is covered not by a shadow, but by a penumbra, penumbral eclipses occur. It is difficult to notice them with the naked eye. During an eclipse, the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth and, it would seem, should disappear from view every time, because The earth is opaque. However, the Earth's atmosphere scatters the sun's rays, which hit the eclipsing surface of the Moon "bypassing" the Earth. The disc's reddish color is due to the fact that red and orange rays pass best through the atmosphere.

The reddish discoloration of the disc during a total lunar eclipse is due to the scattering of sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere.

Each lunar eclipse is different in terms of the distribution of brightness and color in the earth's shadow. The color of an eclipsed moon is often assessed according to a special scale proposed by the French astronomer André Danjon:

0 points - the eclipse is very dark, in the middle of the eclipse the Moon is almost or completely invisible.

1 point - the eclipse is dark, gray, details of the lunar surface are completely invisible.

2 points - the eclipse is dark red or reddish, a darker part is observed near the center of the shadow.

3 points - an eclipse of red-brick color, the shadow is surrounded by a grayish or yellowish border.

4 points - a copper-red eclipse, very bright, the outer zone is light, bluish.

If the plane of the Moon's orbit coincided with the plane of the ecliptic, then lunar eclipses would be repeated every month. But the angle between these planes is 5 ° and the Moon, twice a month, only crosses the ecliptic at two points, called the nodes of the lunar orbit. Ancient astronomers knew about these nodes, calling them the Head and Tail of the Dragon (Rahu and Ketu). In order for a lunar eclipse to occur, the moon on a full moon must be near the node of its orbit. There are usually 1-2 lunar eclipses per year. In some years they may not exist at all, and sometimes the third happens. In the rarest cases, there is a fourth eclipse, but only a partial penumbra.

Eclipse prediction.

The period of time after which the moon returns to its node is called the draconian month, which is 27.21 days. After this time, the Moon crosses the ecliptic at a point offset from the previous crossing by 1.5 ° to the west. The phases of the moon are repeated on average after 29.53 days (synodic month). The time interval of 346.62 days, during which the center of the Sun's disk passes through the same node of the lunar orbit, is called a draconian year. The recurrence period of eclipses - saros - will be equal to the period of time after which the beginning of these three periods will coincide. Saros in ancient Egyptian means "repetition". Long before our era, even in antiquity, it was established that saros lasts 18 years 11 days 7 hours. Saros includes: 242 draconic months or 223 synodic months or 19 draconic years. During each Saros 70 to 85 eclipses occur; of these, there are usually about 43 solar and 28 lunar. During the year, the largest seven eclipses can occur - either five solar and two lunar, or four solar and three lunar. The minimum number of eclipses per year is two solar eclipses. Solar eclipses occur more often than lunar ones, but they are rarely observed in the same area, since these eclipses are visible only in a narrow strip of the Moon's shadow. At some specific point on the surface, a total solar eclipse is observed on average 1 time in 200-300 years.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse can only occur with a full moon. It happens because the Moon enters the shadow cast by the Earth from the Sun. However, not every full moon is accompanied by an eclipse. An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up. The sun-lit Earth casts a cone-shaped shadow into space. Usually the moon is above or below the earth's shadow and remains completely visible. But with some eclipses, it just falls into the shadow. In this case, the eclipse is visible only from that half of the earth's surface that is facing the moon, that is, on which the night lasts. The opposite part of the Earth at this moment is facing the Sun, that is, it is day on it, and the lunar eclipse is not visible there. Often we cannot observe a lunar eclipse because of the clouds.
In those cases when the Moon plunges into the earth's shadow only partially, an incomplete, or partial, eclipse occurs, and when entirely - a complete one. However, with a total eclipse, the Moon rarely disappears completely, most often it only turns dark red. There are also penumbral eclipses. They occur when the Moon enters space near the cone of the earth's shadow, which is surrounded by penumbra. Hence the name.
For centuries, ancient people have been observing the moon and trying to systematize the onset of eclipses. It was not an easy task: there were years when there were three lunar eclipses, and sometimes not a single one. In the end, the mystery was solved: in 6585.3 days, 28 lunar eclipses always happen all over the Earth. In the next 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours (the same number of days), all eclipses are repeated according to the same schedule. So they learned to predict eclipses through "repetition", in Greek saros. Saros allows eclipses to be calculated 300 years in advance.

Solar eclipse

Even more interesting solar eclipse... The reason for it lies in our space satellite.

The sun is a star, that is, the body is "self-luminous", in contrast to the planets, only reflecting its rays. Sometimes the Moon gets in the way of its rays and, like a screen, hides the daylight from us for some time. A solar eclipse can occur only with a new moon, but also not with any, but only when the moon is (when viewed from the Earth) not higher or lower than the sun, but just in the path of its rays.
A solar eclipse is, in fact, the same phenomenon as the covering of stars by the Moon (that is, the Moon moves between the stars and closes them from us when it passes by). The moon, in comparison with the sun, is a small celestial body. But she is very close to us, so she can close big sun much further away. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun and 400 times closer to it, so their disks appear to be the same size in the sky.
In the event of a solar eclipse, not all observers see the phenomenon in the same way. In the place where the cone of the lunar shadow touches the Earth, the eclipse is total. For observers who are outside the cone of the lunar shadow, it is only partial (the scientific name is private), and some see the closure of the lower part of the solar disk, and some - the upper one.
The size of the moon is such that a total solar eclipse can last no longer than 6 minutes. The further from the Earth the Moon, the shorter the total eclipse, since the apparent size of the lunar disk is smaller. If during a solar eclipse the moon is at greatest distance from the Earth, then it can no longer completely cover the disk of the Sun. In this case, a narrow light ring remains around the dark disk of the Moon. Scientists call this the annular eclipse of the sun.
The entire eclipse process, from the first visible "touch" of the Moon's disk to the Sun's disk, to complete convergence, takes about 2.5 hours. When the Sun is completely covered by the Moon, the lighting on Earth changes, becomes akin to night light, and a silvery crown shines in the sky around the black disk of the Moon - the so-called solar corona.
Although in general on Earth, solar eclipses are observed more often than lunar eclipses, in some particular area, total eclipses occur extremely rarely: on average, once every 300 years. In our time, solar eclipses are calculated with great accuracy thousands of years ago and hundreds of years ahead.

Eclipses and astrology

In individual astrology, eclipses are still considered a negative factor that tends to badly affect the fate and health of a person. But the degree of this influence is largely corrected by the indicators of each individual individual horoscope: the most negative effect of the eclipse can be exerted on people born on the day of the eclipse and on those people in whose horoscopes the eclipse point affects the most important indicators - it gets to the places where the moon is located, Sun or at the time of birth. In this case, the eclipse point is connected with one of the main elements of the horoscope, which in reality may not have a very favorable effect on the health and the spheres of life of the owner of the horoscope.
The strength of the influence of eclipses depends on in which celestial house of the horoscope this connection occurs, which houses of the individual horoscope are ruled by the Sun or the Moon, and what aspects (harmonious or negative) other planets and elements of the horoscope of birth form to the point of eclipse. Birth on the day of the eclipse is a sign of fatality. But this does not mean that a person will be haunted by misfortunes all his life, it is just that people born in an eclipse have a lower level of freedom, it is more difficult for them to change something in their life, it is, as it were, programmed for them. A person born in an eclipse is subject to the so-called cycle of Saros, i.e. the similarity of life events can be traced with a period equal to this cycle - 18.5 years.

Cases that will still be started may come back even after 18 years. However, if you are confident of success and your thoughts are pure before people and before God, and also if the general characteristics of the day of replacement are favorable, you can act, but remember that for all deeds and even thoughts related to the day of the eclipse, sooner or later you will have to keep the answer. A lunar eclipse can have an echo within three months, but the full impact of eclipses ends within 18.5 years, and the more part of the luminary was closed, the more powerful and lasting the impact.

Eclipses have a strong effect on all people, even those in whose horoscope the eclipses are not accentuated in any way. Naturally, the current eclipse will have a stronger effect on people born in an eclipse, as well as on people whose horoscope is somehow affected by the eclipse points. An eclipse is always of particular importance in the event that the degree of the current eclipse affects a planet or another important element birth horoscope. If the eclipse coincides with an important point in the horoscope, changes and important events can be expected. Even if the events that have occurred may not seem significant at first, over time, their importance will certainly appear. important points the horoscope of birth will be in negative aspects to the degree of the current eclipse, then sharp, radical events can be expected, crises, conflicts, complications and even rupture of relations, unfavorable circumstances in business, deterioration of health are likely. If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope turn out to be in favorable aspects with the degree of eclipse, then there will be changes or important events, but they will not cause strong shocks, rather they will turn out to benefit the person.

How to behave during eclipses

moon- a luminary that is very close to us. The sun gives energy (masculine), and the moon absorbs ( feminine). When two luminaries find themselves at the same point during an eclipse, their energies have a strong effect on a person. The body goes the most powerful load on the regulation system. Especially bad health on the day of the eclipse for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients. People who are now undergoing treatment will also feel bad. Even doctors say that on the day of the eclipse it is better not to engage in activity - actions will be inadequate and more likely to make mistakes. They advise to sit out this day. To avoid discomfort with health, it is recommended to take a contrast shower on this day. In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allais, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allé effect, but they could not systematize it. Today, new studies by Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirm this phenomenon, but they cannot yet explain it. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He said that during eclipses, time transforms. The consequences of an eclipse in the form of a powerful earthquake or other natural disaster are very possible during the week before or after any eclipse. In addition, economic instability is possible for several weeks after the eclipse. Either way, eclipses bring changes in society. During a lunar eclipse the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are highly vulnerable. The number is increasing mental disorders in people. This is due to the disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon according to the discovery of Tony Nader (Nader Raja Rama). The hormonal cycles of the body can be disrupted, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, the work of the physiological correspondence of the Sun - the thalamus is more disrupted, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases will also increase, since the Sun controls the heart. Perception of "I", pure consciousness- cloudy. The consequence of this can be an increase in tension, radical and aggressive tendencies in the world, as well as an unsatisfied ego of politicians or leaders of states.

Several times a year, lovers of stars and romance gather under open air to see a mesmerizing spectacle - a solar eclipse. This is an unusual phenomenon that affects the rhythm of the planet as a whole, makes a person break away from his routine and think about the eternal. For scientists, an eclipse is an incredible opportunity to study new phenomena of the planet, space, the universe ...

A solar eclipse occurs when the solar and lunar orbits intersect and the lunar disk obscures the sun. The picture is truly mesmerizing: a black disk appears in the sky, framed by a border of sunbeams that look like the rays of a crown. It is getting dark around, and with a total eclipse in the sky you can see the stars ... Isn't it a story for you for a romantic date? But a date with a solar eclipse will not last long, about 4-5 minutes, but we guarantee its unforgettable!

When and where will the next solar eclipse be?

In 2019, you can enjoy the stunning phenomenon three times: February 15, July 13 and August 11.

Eclipse 15 February

The eclipse on February 15, unfortunately, has already passed. It was partial, the moon did not completely cover the sun, and complete darkness did not come. The southern part of our planet has become a more advantageous observation point. To be precise, then the best place viewing a solar eclipse was Antarctica. But not only there was visible the disc of the moon framed by the solar corona. Also lucky for the people of Australia and partially for the population South America and Africa. The inhabitants of Russia were not at all lucky, the eclipse was not visible at any point in a large and immense country. Many photographs of people from Antarctica, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay can be found in various social networks... And you can also watch a video, but which captures the entire eclipse, on the YouTube video hosting.

Eclipse July 13

For those who are too lazy to get out of a warm and cozy bed in winter, there was an amazing opportunity to see a mesmerizing phenomenon in summer. In 2019, another partial solar eclipse will take place on July 13, 2019. You can enjoy the phenomenon in Tasmania, Australia (in the southern part), in Antarctica (in the eastern part). Therefore, we book tickets, hotel rooms and keep counting down! The exact time of this particular solar eclipse: 06 hours 02 minutes before noon Moscow time.

Eclipse on August 11

Well, if you do not have the opportunity to leave for a couple of days to another country, to another continent to look at the solar corona, do not be discouraged. On August 11, the solar eclipse can also be observed in Russia, in Moscow. Of course, not only in Moscow, but also in the northeastern part of China, in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, on Far East and in Siberia. Also, people who are in the central part of Russia, in Scandinavia, in Greenland and in Canada, in the northern part will be able to see the phenomenon.

In 2019, there will be only partial solar eclipses. It turns out that we will not have the opportunity to see the all-consuming darkness, and the appearance of stars in the sky during the day? Maybe there have never been total solar eclipses at all?

Eclipse history

Let's dwell on this issue with you and recall the literature course in high school... After all, the most famous solar eclipse is the eclipse on May 1, 1185. It was on this day that Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich set off on an unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians. It is known about him thanks to the ancient Russian work "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", which we study at school at the school desk.

The version that there was no total solar eclipse at all disappears. But now it is not 1185, but the 21st century already, has it really been since the 12th century that there have been no more total solar eclipses on Earth?

We clarify, and it turns out that the last total solar eclipse was not so long ago. He could be watched on March 20, 2015. The phenomenon took place in the north Atlantic Ocean and in Africa. More recently, a solar eclipse occurred on November 14, 2012 in Australia. And the longest total solar eclipse occurred on July 22, 2009. The apparition lasted 6 minutes and 4 seconds. To see the longest eclipse of the sun by the moon, people traveled to central and northeastern India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China and Ryukyu.

The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse was confirmed, but, unfortunately, it is not expected in 2019. The closest will happen on July 2, 2019, and to see what is happening with your own eyes, you will need to move to the central parts of Argentina and Chile, or to Tuamotu. But those who do not like to travel will have to wait to see a total solar eclipse in Russia. You will have to wait until March 30, 2033, it is in March that the phenomenon of a black lunar disk with a solar corona can be observed in the eastern part of Russia, and also in Alaska, perhaps by a total eclipse, the territory of the peninsula will also become part of the Russian Federation ...

We remind you that in 2019 it will be possible to watch 2 more partial solar eclipses: July 13 and August 11. Take a pen, go to the calendar and circle the above dates, then you definitely will not miss these events and can enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of a short moment.

It is rare that natural or astronomical phenomena, in terms of the strength of their drama and impact on humans, can surpass a solar eclipse. Understanding its internal processes and hidden mechanisms will allow you to broaden your horizons, take a step into the world of star science.

Solar eclipses in the past and present

The earliest written sources telling about the sudden onset of night on a clear day were Chinese manuscripts written more than 2 thousand years ago. They, like later sources from other countries, tell of the extreme excitement and fear of the population at the sudden disappearance of the Sun.

For many thousands of years of human history, eclipses were considered exclusively harbingers of great misfortunes and catastrophes. But times have changed, knowledge has multiplied, and for an insignificant period in the historical perspective, from a harbinger of catastrophes, the short-term disappearances of the sun have turned for people into a grand show organized by nature itself.

Predicting the exact time of the beginning of astronomical events was also once the lot of initiated priests. By the way, they used this knowledge, based on considerations of benefits and the establishment of their power in society.

Scientists of our day, on the contrary, willingly share such information. For decades ahead, the years of solar eclipses are known, the places in which they will be observed. After all, what more people participate in observations - the more information flows to astronomical centers.

Below is a graph of solar eclipses for the near future:

  • September, 01, 2016... It will be observed in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar, partly in Africa.
  • February, 26, 2017... Southern Africa, Antarctica, Chile and Argentina.
  • August, 21, 2017... Most of the US states, northern Europe, Portugal.
  • February, 15, 2018... Antarctica, Chile and Argentina.
  • July, 13, 2018... South coast of the Australian continent, Tasmania Peninsula, part of the Indian Ocean.
  • August, 11, 2018... Most of the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, incl. territory of Russia, Arctic, part of North Asia.
Understanding the reasons for certain natural processes and systemic scientific knowledge allowed natural human curiosity to prevail over irrational fears, to comprehend the mechanism of this or that event occurring in the Universe. Nowadays, not only professional astronomers, but also many amateurs are ready to travel many thousands of kilometers in order to observe this phenomenon again and again.

Conditions and causes of solar eclipses

In the infinite space of the Universe, the Sun and the systems surrounding it move at a speed of 250 kilometers per second. In turn, within this system, there is a movement of all its constituent celestial bodies around the central star, along different trajectories (orbits) and at different speeds.

Most of these planets have their own satellite planets called satellites. The presence of satellites, their constant movement around their planets and the existence of certain regularities in the ratios of the sizes of these celestial bodies and the distances between them explain the causes of solar eclipses.

Each of the celestial bodies included in our system is illuminated by the sun's rays and casts a long shadow into the surrounding space every second. The Moon casts the same cone-shaped shadow on the surface of our planet when, while moving in its orbit, it finds itself between the Earth and the Sun. In the place where the lunar shadow falls, an eclipse occurs.

Under normal conditions, the apparent diameters of the Sun and Moon are practically the same. Being at a distance 400 times less than the distance from the Earth to the only star in our system, the Moon is 400 times smaller in size than the Sun. Thanks to this amazingly accurate ratio, humanity has the opportunity to periodically observe a total solar eclipse.

This event can only occur during periods when several conditions are met simultaneously:

  1. New Moon - The Moon is facing the Sun.
  2. The moon is located on the line of nodes: this is the name of the imaginary line of intersection of the lunar and earth's orbits.
  3. The moon is at a fairly close distance to the Earth.
  4. The line of nodes is directed towards the Sun.
There can be two such periods during one calendar year, i.e. at least 2 eclipses in 365 days. Moreover, during each period there may be several such phenomena, but not more than 5 per year, in different parts of the world.

The mechanism and time of a solar eclipse

Descriptions of how a solar eclipse occurs have generally remained unchanged over the entire documented history of observations. At the edge of the Sun, a dark spot of the lunar disk creeping to the right appears, which gradually increases in size, becomes darker and clearer.

The larger the surface of the luminary is covered by the Moon, the darker the sky becomes, on which they appear bright stars... Shadows lose their usual outlines, become blurry.

The air gets colder. Its temperature, depending on the geographical latitude along which the eclipse strip passes, can decrease by up to 5 degrees Celsius. Animals at this time become anxious, often rushing about in search of shelter. The birds become silent, some go to bed.

The dark disc of the Moon is creeping more and more onto the Sun, leaving an increasingly thinning sickle from it. Finally, the Sun disappears completely. Around the black circle that closed it, you can see the sun's crown - a silvery glow with blurred edges. Some illumination is given by the dawn flashing all over the horizon around the observer, an unusual lemon-orange hue.

The moment of complete disappearance of the solar disk usually lasts no more than three to four minutes. The maximum possible time of a solar eclipse, calculated using a special formula, based on the ratio of the values angular diameters The sun and the moon is 481 seconds (just under 8 minutes).

The black lunar disk then shifts further to the left, exposing the sun's blinding edge. At this moment, the solar corona and the glowing ring disappear, the sky brightens, the stars go out. The gradually liberating Sun gives off more and more light and heat, nature returns to its usual form.

It is important to note that in the northern hemisphere, the moon moves along the solar disk from right to left, and in the southern hemisphere, vice versa, from left to right.

The main types of solar eclipses

The area of ​​the globe over which the above can be observed total solar eclipse, is always limited by a narrow and long strip that forms in the path of the cone-shaped shadow of the Moon, sweeping across the earth's surface at a speed of more than 1 kilometer per second. The width of the strip usually does not exceed 260-270 kilometers, in length it can reach 10-15 thousand kilometers.

The orbits of the Earth's motion around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth are ellipses, so the distances between these celestial bodies are not constant values ​​and can fluctuate within certain limits. Due to this principle of natural mechanics, solar eclipses are different.

At a much greater distance from the total eclipse strip, one can observe partial solar eclipse, which in common parlance is often also called partial. In this case, for an observer who is in a place outside the strip, the orbits of the night and day luminaries intersect in such a way that the solar disk is only partially closed. Such phenomena are observed much more often and over a much larger area, while the area of ​​a solar eclipse can be several million square kilometers.

Partial eclipses occur annually in almost every point of the globe, but for most people outside the professional astronomical community, they go unnoticed. A person who rarely looks at the sky will see such a phenomenon only when the Moon covers the Sun by half, i.e. if the value of its phase approaches 0.5.

The calculation of the phase of a solar eclipse in astronomy can be performed using formulas of varying degrees of complexity. In the very simple version it is determined through the ratio of the diameters of the part closed by the Moon and the total diameter of the solar disk. The phase value is always expressed as a decimal fraction only.

Sometimes the Moon passes from the Earth at a distance slightly greater than usual, and its angular (apparent) size is less than the apparent size of the solar disk. In this case, annular or annular eclipse: the sparkling ring of the Sun around the black circle of the Moon. At the same time, observation of the solar corona, stars and dawn is impossible, since the sky practically does not darken.

The width of the observation strip with a similar length is much higher - up to 350 kilometers. The penumbra width is also greater - up to 7340 kilometers in diameter. If during a total eclipse the phase is equal to one or maybe even more, then with an annular eclipse the phase value will always be greater than 0.95, but less than 1.

It is worth noting an interesting fact that the observed variety of eclipses falls just on the period of the existence of human civilization. Since the formation of the Earth and the Moon as celestial bodies, the distance between them is slowly but continuously increasing. With changing distances, the scheme of a solar eclipse as a whole remains the same, similar to that described above.

More than a billion years ago, the distance between our planet and its satellite was less than it is now. Accordingly, the apparent size of the lunar disk was much more size sunny. There were only total eclipses with a much wider shadow band, observation of the corona was nearly impossible, as was the formation of annular eclipses.

In the distant future, millions of years later, the distance between the Earth and the Moon will become even greater. Only annular eclipses will be available for observation for the distant descendants of modern mankind.

Scientific experiments for amateurs

The observation of eclipses of the Sun at one time helped to make a number of significant discoveries. For example, even in the days of the ancient Greeks, the then sages drew conclusions about the possible movement of heavenly bodies, their spherical shape.

Over time, research methods and tools made it possible to draw conclusions about chemical composition our star, about the physical processes taking place in it. A well-known chemical element helium was also discovered during the eclipse observed by the French scientist Janssen in India in 1868.

Solar eclipses are one of the few astronomical phenomena available for amateur observation. And not only for observations: anyone can make a feasible contribution to science and record the circumstances of a rare natural phenomenon.

What an amateur astronomer can do:

  • Mark the moments of contact between the solar and lunar disks;
  • Fix the duration of what is happening;
  • Sketch or photograph the solar corona;
  • Participate in an experiment to refine the data on the diameter of the Sun;
  • In some cases or when using instruments, prominences can be seen;
  • Take pictures of a circular glow on the horizon;
  • Make the simplest observations of changes in the environment.
Like any scientific experience, observing eclipses requires adherence to a number of rules that will help make the process one of the most memorable events in life and protect the observer from completely real harm health. First of all, from possible thermal damage to the retina, the probability of which increases to almost 100% with the unprotected use of optical devices.

Hence the main rule of sun observation: be sure to use eye protection. This can be special light filters for telescopes and binoculars, chameleon masks for welding works... For the most extreme cases, plain smoked glass is suitable.

What a solar eclipse looks like - watch the video:

It is relatively safe to observe only a short period, only a few minutes, while a total eclipse lasts. Be especially careful in the initial and final phases, when the brightness of the solar disk is close to maximum. Taking breaks from observation is recommended.