Meditation on pure consciousness. Techniques and practices to purify human consciousness. Blind Faith and Exposing Lies

What is meditation? Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Usually our minds are too full of nonsense, just like a mirror covered with dust. The mind is a constant crowd; thoughts move, desires move, memories move, ambitions move - it's a constant crowd! The day comes, the day goes away. Even when you are asleep, the mind is functioning; it is dreaming. It is still thinking, it is still excitement and sorrow. He prepares for the next day, latent preparation continues. This state is not meditation. Just the opposite is meditation. When there is no crush, and thinking has ceased, not a single thought moves, not a single desire is held, you are completely silent - such silence is meditation. And in this silence the Truth is known, never again.

Meditationis a state of no-mind. And you cannot find meditation with the mind, because the mind will always find itself. You can find meditation only by setting the mind aside, remaining cold, indifferent, not identified with the mind, watching the mind pass by, but not identifying with it, not thinking that I am it. Meditation is the realization that I am not the mind. When awareness goes deeper and deeper, little by little there are moments - moments of silence, silence, moments of pure space, moments of transparency, moments of moments when nothing is held in you, everything is constant. In these moments of constancy, silence, you will know who you are, and you will learn the secret of the being of this life, of this existence.

A day will come, a day of great bliss, when meditation will become your natural state. The mind is something unnatural, it will never stop, it will never become your natural state. But meditation is a natural state that we have lost. This is a lost paradise, but paradise can be returned. Look into children's eyes, look - and you will see an amazing huge silence, innocence. Every child comes with a meditative state, but he must be instructed on the path of society - he must be taught how to think, how to calculate, how to reflect, how to argue; he needs to be taught words, language, concepts. And little by little, he loses touch with his innocence. He becomes a spoiled, polluted society. He becomes an effective mechanism; he is no longer a man. All that is needed is to return this space again. You already knew it, so the first time you know meditation, you will be surprised - because you have a great feeling as if you already knew it before - you will have a great feeling as if you knew it before. And this feeling does not deceive you, it is true: you already knew her. You forgot. The diamond was lost in the mountains of garbage, but if you can clear them, you will find this diamond again - it is yours. In reality, it cannot be lost, about it you can only forget. We are born as meditators and then we study the paths of the mind. But our true nature remains hidden somewhere deep inside, like an underground current. One day, delving a little deeper, you will find that the source is still pouring out - the source pure water; and the greatest joy in life is to find it.

Meditation is not concentration. If there is concentration, then there is one who concentrates, and there is an object on which one concentrates. There is duality. In meditation, there is no one inside and no one outside. This is not concentration. There is no separation between "inside" and "outside". "Inside" flows into "outside", "outside" flows into "inside". The demarcation line, the border no longer exists. "outside" is "inside", it is non-dual consciousness. Concentration is a duality consciousness: therefore concentration creates fatigue; so when you concentrate, you feel exhausted. And you will not be able to concentrate all twenty-four hours a day; you will need time to rest. Concentration can never be your nature. Meditation does not tire you, it does not exhaust you. Meditation can become twenty-four hours, day after day, year after year. It can become eternity. This is self-relaxation. Concentration is action. Meditation is a state of no-will, a state of no-action. This is relaxation. You just need to plunge into your own being, and it is existence ... In concentration, the mind acts on the basis of conclusions; you are doing something. Concentration comes from the past.

In meditation there are no conclusions outside of itself. You are not doing anything special, you just are. She has no past, she is not infected past. There is no future in it, it is clear of the future. This is what Lao Tzu called wei-wu-wei, action through non-action. This is what the Zen Masters said: "Sit silently, do nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself." Remember, "by itself" - nothing is done. You don't drag the grass up, spring comes and the grass grows by itself. This state - when you let life take its course, when you do not want to direct it, when you do not want to control it in any way, when you are not manipulating, when you do not impose any discipline on it - this state of pure undisciplined spontaneity is meditation. Meditation is in the present, in the pure present. Meditation is immediacy.

We invite you to meditate in the Altai mountains, at Lake Baikal, in Nepal, in Tibet ... At sea and ocean, at dawn and at sunset. If you don’t know how to meditate, it doesn’t matter, we will teach;) Meditation is easy!

Meditations for every day. Disclosure internal abilities Share Roman Vasilievich

Meditation on purification of consciousness

Draw in the center white sheet the letter "Omega". It should be large. The letter will personify the field of your consciousness, an aura or a symbolic womb. Next, reproduce the picture of psychogram 1.

The spiral turns counterclockwise to a point. If you perform the task mechanically, then it will be just a drawing. Your task will include the revitalization of the picture in order to make it work to clear the mind of stress, negative programs and disease signals. You must imagine that deliberately drawn turns of the spiral collect everything inharmonious into a point. At the beginning of the practice, little will happen to you, but as you engage in the work, everyone will respond. problem areas in body.

Realizing that the work to purify your consciousness is really happening, you will feel the urge to this practice. Having brought everything to a point, you can continue to consciously direct resentments, fears, illnesses, unpleasant situations, etc. into it. This takes a lot of time, because more and more old grievances will be remembered each time. Over time, you can go out to your problems of the prenatal period or past incarnations.

Feeling that on this moment the work is done, start twisting from the point clockwise what you need: new energies, qualities, states, etc. You can give your consciousness the installation that everything that you are missing at the moment is coming to you. Our higher "I" knows best what we need. It is important to trust him and absorb the waves emitted by the point. As a result, you should end up with the same spiral as psychogram 2.

the effect... Transformation of grievances, stresses, negative programs, diseases in the energy of love and creation. The emergence of new development opportunities, qualities of consciousness and states. Unblocking energies, attracting certain events and situations to oneself, healing the whole organism.

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The technique of meditation called Pure Consciousness will allow you to understand the chaos of numerous inner voices, acknowledge their existence and - free yourself from their control.

In the 13th century, the great Zen master Eihei Dogen wrote: “To know your“ I ”means to forget your“ I ”. This thought, paradoxical at first glance, is easily explained if you think about the essence of meditation. During this practice, we strive to get rid of the control of our own thoughts. Freeing ourselves from the heavy burden of problems and the options for their solution swarming in our heads, we open up new horizons in ourselves. Our consciousness is expanding, we are ready to accept the world and identify ourselves with it, to feel like a part of the general organism of the universe. We begin to forget our "I" - that false construction of mental constructions, which for so long have been taken for reality.

By practicing meditation, we can clearly see all our sorrows and fears, understand their nature. And decide that the clarity of mind that has come is enlightenment. But a severe disappointment awaits us: this is only the next circle, problems remain, and instead of old fears new ones come. And we "bury ourselves" under their load, because we do not have time to sort out the previous thoughts properly, when the next ones come in their place. In fact, we are only at the very beginning of the journey.

From numerous inner voices calling in different sides, one cannot turn away, deciding that one day we will be able to order them to shut up once and for all. We need to understand that jumping over everything that makes up the chaos of our life - anger and greed, hatred and fear, weakness and petty aspirations - will not work.

On the contrary, it is worth listening to the voices of our consciousness. And then, having separated them from each other, we must accept them all, no matter how scary, indifferent, disgusting, lustful or benevolent they may sound. If we suppress them, they will become more persistent. This does not mean that we should let them run wildly in our minds, but we can develop the ability to distinguish between many conflicting voices without being seduced by any of them.

Using the simple technique of Pure Consciousness, developed by the abbot of the Kanzeon Zen Center in Salt Lake City, Dennis Jenpo Merzel Roshi, we can learn to recognize and accept inner voices and ultimately free ourselves from their influence.

This technique works in the context of Western psychology, but also using the practice of meditation. It builds on the Voice Dialogue therapeutic method, created by Hal and Sidra Stone in the 1970s, and at the same time reveals the enlightenment and wisdom of Buddhist meditation techniques. The Method of Pure Consciousness operates with a system of questions and answers, which makes it possible to penetrate into the most varied areas of our “I”, explore them and eventually go beyond their boundaries.

Calling out the voices

It is quite easy to incorporate the Pure Consciousness technique into your meditation practice (whatever its form) or daily life. Sit back in the position in which you usually meditate, and if you are a beginner, find a comfortable sitting position (you can sit on a chair), take a few deep breaths in and out, and relax as much as possible. The whole practice will take you 25 minutes.

The Pure Consciousness Method is focused on developing the ability to isolate and distinguish the voices of one's “I”. When you first hear a voice, ask it, preferably out loud, who it is and what its task is. The first person you come into contact with is the Controller. Ask yourself to talk to him. Of course, such a manner of communicating with yourself at first may seem strange, but you shouldn't attach any special importance to this - you are just voicing the dialogue that is always in your head.

The controller is your ego. He seeks to subordinate your actions, attitudes and views to his will. You've probably encountered and even fought this side of yourself before. Ask him what his task is. He controls the actions and thoughts of other people. And he is definitely trying to influence all the other voices. This is neither good nor bad - he is just doing his job. Key moment the technique of Pure Consciousness - to achieve cooperation with your Controller - with the ego, and not threaten to destroy it - is a mistake that is often made in the process of spiritual practices.

The very fact that you acknowledge and listen to the voice helps develop a more trusting relationship with it. In this way, you can earn the trust of the Controller. Be sure to ask him for permission to speak to the rest of the voices. Usually, if the ego is consulted, it gladly retreats for a while. The next voice you will meet is the Skeptic. Before talking to him, take a deep breath - when switching to another voice, it is better to accompany the mental action with a physical one.

It is clear from the name of the voice that the Skeptic's task is to be critical. But for what? In essence, everything: the very technique of Pure Consciousness, meditation, enlightenment, any information that you receive from the outside. Let the Skeptic be who he is. There is nothing wrong with some part of you doubting, on the contrary, this is a great advantage. If you did not have the Skeptic voice, you would be deceived all the time. It is important to ask him what specifically does not suit him.

Now take a deep breath and ask permission to speak to the Hungry Mind. Switch to this new voice. What is its task? He is in constant search for something better: peace of mind, a healthy body, family happiness. (Sometimes he wants sweets, fatty foods, and alcohol.) He never stops looking. Meditators very often have problems with the Thirsty Mind, they want to get rid of it precisely because it is the source of a huge amount of desires. But the Thirsty Mind is simply fulfilling its function. Remember that it is because of this “I” that you are meditating right now.

Take a deep breath and switch to the Unlustful Mind. What is its task? Explore this voice, ask it if it is looking for anything. The Unhappy Mind is a state of meditation in which there is nowhere to go, nothing to do. Again, this is neither good nor bad. The Unhappy Mind simply has no desires.

Observe for a few seconds how easy or difficult it is for you to switch from one voice to another. Moving through different “I” helps to understand yourself. This means that the constancy of "I" is illusory - you are changing all the time. You may think that your personality is a stable concept (I am shy, I easily fall into anger, I am spiritual), but these are all just voices drifting in space, it is not you. You are much more than you think.

Now take another breath and go into Pure Consciousness. This is the voice in which all other voices are contained. It is called differently - the basis of everything, the consciousness of the Buddha, the universal spirit, God. It has no beginning and no end. There is nothing outside of it, and at the same time, it is a voice within you. The task of Pure Consciousness is to be. Ask him what is in it and what is not. Does it contain your birth? The birth of parents? Your death? Can you identify its beginning and end? Does it contain your other voices? Does it reflect everyday problems? Stay in it for as long as possible. It is a state of complete voluntary surrender of your ego, an affirmation of your true nature. Becoming a Buddha is easy - it's hard to part with your own ego.

The next step is to hear the voice of the Big Heart. Explore it, learn about its mission for you and other people. His job is to empathize. What is his reaction to the suffering of the world around him? Is the Big Heart expressed in lasting love, in tender care, and maybe in both? Are there boundaries to your experience of the suffering of others? Listen to this voice for a while.

Now return to the Unlustful Mind, stay in it for a few minutes before ending the meditation. Continuous and regular work with your voices, their constant and complete acceptance will help you hear thousands of other people's voices.

Buddha in you

This exercise is just short example working with inner voices and achieving Pure Consciousness. Naturally, each of us has endless multitude"I" living within us. Through working with the Controller, you will be able to explore other, louder voices. Which of them you can recognize depends on your life circumstances. Perhaps you will hear the voice of a strangled "I", an angry "I". The practice of Pure Consciousness, like an X-ray beam, highlights your true nature, you get the opportunity to differentiate your different selves and easily move from one voice to another without fear of getting stuck on one of them or getting attached to it, even if it is the voice of Pure Consciousness. As this mobility develops, you begin to react easily and calmly to any problem that arises in your life. This is meditation in action.

Having mastered the practice of Pure Consciousness, you can use this technique at any time during the day when there is a free moment. For example, if the feeling of anger does not leave you even during meditation, get in touch with your angry self, allow yourself to hear his voice, and then switch to the Unlustful Mind or Pure Consciousness. Experiment with your voices and you will see what comes out of it.

Many of us spend countless hours in meditation and, with the help of concentration, try to penetrate into the essence of being. But the truth is, there is nothing in us to focus on. Each of us is already a Buddha. There is no need to add something, cut off something, go somewhere. Listening to the voices coming from the depths, we find a home within ourselves and at the same time begin to understand that this home is much more than we are used to thinking.

Photo: travelburd /

My path of purification of consciousness began 7 years ago. I was fond of the theory of Shaolin Kung Fu for some time, but I immediately realized that there was some amazing Zen teaching behind it all. And then, as I remember now, I bought a book by A. A. Maslov “Writings on the Water. The first Ch'an mentors in China. "

After reading it in a couple of days, I realized that the whole problem is in thinking itself. And then I sat down for the first time and began to look directly at the thoughts in order to understand what this phenomenon was. In twenty minutes they began to melt, become thinner and thinner! And I STOPPED!

Honestly, I was scared of the unknown and decided to drop everything and understand what Enlightenment is.

What a search it was! I have experienced a lot of negative and positive states and I was constantly, each time, thrown back to the state of "I AM", or the soul. "Is this really all?" - I thought. But this is very primitive.

There is inner strength, some kind of inner skill, but there is no buzz from the Universe. There is a certain harmony with her, but it's all just boring. And again I threw myself into all seriousness. I have never had a master, or rather all those books that I read with rapture were my masters.

Meditation plus experiment became my whole life. Incredible things happened from time to time, which I could not call anything other than magic. But all this is part of the path and it was necessary to go further. Inwardly I felt that there was something much better and some unknown force pulled me there.

But after going through many different states, I realized that I was stuck. And then I decided that I would read and reflect until I understood everything, and then I would do last step... There was an intermediate state when it seemed to me that at last a true Understanding had happened in me, and there was a feeling that all that is is one single Consciousness, which gives rise to everything and where everything goes.

But this state is not much better than all others, and all these feelings of energetic vibrations of the Universe quickly become boring. To be honest, I was drawn to something magical, and I was desperately looking for it.

Where do so many different states come from? Why is everything so fickle? And, suddenly, it dawned on me! Well, of course, out of thinking! Everything I think is happening. It is worth clinging to one single word, and the state changes. And then for the first time I really realized what a dirty trick this internal dialogue is. I myself create a wall of concepts around myself, never once and not getting close to reality, to what really is.

Purification of consciousness and human biofield

Purification of consciousness is associated with human biofields. Continuation of the story

And here I stand like an idiot, on that very memorable evening, and I understand that seven years ago I was at the very goal! I was shocked! The whole burden of searching arises from the fact that a person was not very intelligent before. Seven years of life wasted! And I went ahead!

The first thing I realized was that this time I had a lot more garbage in my head than then, and this garbage was stronger. But this is only the first thirty minutes. And then everything goes like clockwork.

What do you need to do? To look straight into the face of the enemy, at the wall of thoughts. This is, for now, the enemy, because a magical world opens up behind him.

We have a continuous stream of thoughts in our brains, and we constantly grab something and start procrastinating, thinking. Then we throw out this one and grab the next one. And so on endlessly.

Now, we will see how thoughts come and go, but we will not grab any of them and think about it. After ten minutes they become thinner and thinner, and after an hour or an hour and a half they generally look like trickles of electricity on the surface of the cerebral cortex with intervals of slight noise in the head.

Any pose, it doesn't matter. We act directly on the barrier. Important: the first hour, the eyes must be completely open, this is how attention works. And then, how it goes. Everything else here will be overwhelming.

I said goodbye to everything I knew, and sat in the kitchen, with the lights on, on a chair, elbows on my knees, and looked forward at the floor with my eyes fully open. But don't get me wrong, the focus was on the thoughts, not the floor. The wife and daughter were watching TV in the room.

Several times thoughts managed to grab my attention, but I realized this in time and let them go further. Then my wife or daughter came up to me, they said something, I answered short phrases, sometimes walked around the kitchen, went out to the balcony with his wife to smoke, but the process of separation from thoughts was not interrupted.

And my family had no idea what was going on inside me. I did not go into the audible, the visible, the tangible, the gustatory and the smelling during these two hours, since the thoughts themselves are involved in this. And this is exactly how our senses are cleansed, their internal hygiene.

Then we went to bed. The process continued already lying down, with closed eyes - electricity was still running along the surface of the brain. Suddenly, about an hour later, with the disappearance of the last electrical discharge on the surface of the cerebral cortex, the situation changed dramatically.

Meditation to Purify Consciousness

There was a sudden breakthrough in meditation to purify consciousness. The last brick of the wall fell and the feeling is as if you are falling into an abyss! It's like a roller coaster - and it's cool! This is a real EXTREME! And here the dog is buried.

The process of falling into the abyss lasts only about thirty seconds, for someone it may be faster, for someone it may be a little longer. Do not be afraid. It's just the law of inertia.

The energy of consciousness presses on the wall (in this case, consisting of thoughts), and when the wall is destroyed, by inertia, consciousness continues to move forward and then a sharp return to itself. It begins to realize itself, its source. And that's when you first discover the secret seed from which action or non-action arises.

And the whole joke is that inside, from the very beginning, there was no need to look for anything. We'll end up there anyway. But where it is really worth breaking through is outside, because, in fact, you have never been there, except in early childhood.

I lay there and understood that I am pure consciousness, separate from the body, from the brain and from anything in general. It becomes absolutely clear that this state of wakefulness can always continue, if you do not order, mentally, yourself to sleep. I continued this way with my eyes closed at the very source of life for about an hour.

Suddenly, the awareness of the source switched to the outside world and in this solemn silence all the sounds of the night entered me, wiping my last desire from the face of the earth, to be “me” or something else. I, myself don't know why, didn't want to open my eyes and just listened and listened to the sounds of the night. Finally, I asked myself: "What will happen if you just fall asleep?" And I began to sink into a soft sleep.

In the morning, when I got up, the world was not what it used to be. I suddenly understood at once what the Zen master meant when he said, "There is nothing in the world that you might not like." Then I realized that in this state it is impossible to think abstractly, in isolation from things and events.

It is only possible to express with the help of words, not an explanation, of one's experience of living life and interconnections with things. And the desire to explain something disappears, because what appears in front of you is like getting into childhood, into a fairy tale, into a magical world. And at the same time, the truth is revealed to you as the absolute simplicity and naturalness of life. This is a sincere world, the very truth of life.

Everything suddenly becomes clear and ridiculously simple! And in this world there is no enlightenment itself. It is already up to the bulb. And this strange lightness, as if a mountain had fallen from his shoulders. And you know, the word "enlightenment" very accurately describes what is happening. It is as if a thick layer of dust was immediately erased from all over the world!

And the world has become very rich in colors and kind of very intense in its interaction. It is as if you are becoming everything you look at. Everything that you see ... You just become the very essence of everything that is reflected in you. It is reflected, because you no longer apply any effort to this. Yes, the mystics gave good definition this state, comparing it to a clear mirror.

Cleansing consciousness from negativity

I am sure that most people can clear their minds of negativity at once, and after three hours, they are FREE FOREVER! And if it doesn't work out right away, then you need to spend several days to acquire this simple skill to carefully look at thoughts. AND ONLY IN THOUGHT!

All other delusion comes from the head center, the brain. And if you really need to learn something, then only this! This is a very simple skill, it is built into you, and you already know it very well, only now, you have never really used it. In fact, it’s not even a skill, it’s you yourself.

Here it is important not to think about looking, but to look. It's just attention, not some kind of super-concentration. But this is still ATTENTION. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT! You don't sluggishly wait for all thoughts to pass. They will never pass. It will only seem to you that they have passed.

The result will be either an unconscious state, similar to death, or a completely vigorous state, when there is only a blank screen in front of you. This means that you have become peaceful for a while. No, it won't help. Thoughts need to WATCH, as a vigilant watchman protects his territory from thieves.

And this, in my opinion, is the ancient secret method of “Contemplating the Wall”. This is close attention to the wall of thoughts. But without any strain on the body and everything else. Just attention. And damn it! It's that simple! Be honest with yourself. You just NEVER DO IT REALLY AND IN FULL SERIOUSNESS.

And here the fun begins. Real temptation and seduction begins. Brilliant ideas can come to mind (and they are really brilliant, probably that is how they did it greatest discoveries in the world), thoughts may come that you have already understood everything in enlightenment and you just need to sit down and think about everything.

If that doesn't work, then there is a queue of magical ideas. And finally, everyday and sexual. But everyone, naturally, has different ways. Various fears can often appear, such as: "What are you doing, stop!" etc. But it doesn't work! We will not give. The enemy will not pass! The Universe is before us!

And then the whole process takes no more than three hours. And it's difficult only for the first thirty minutes, then you just stupidly wait for everything to end.

The method of purifying consciousness

Experience has shown that the method of purifying consciousness by drilling a wall of thoughts once and for all solves the problem of the "dark night of the soul", which is most important for seekers. After all, its duration depends entirely on whether you are waiting for the wall to fall by itself, or you break it with some subtle effort, which, as you will later understand, is your original nature.

Naturally, when everything is over, no effort will be needed. It is simply YOUR NATURE, RIPPING FOR FREEDOM. With this kind of pressure, in the case when the wall falls, an almost instant moment of inertia is created and consciousness flies back to itself. It shines like the Sun, which illuminates everything around, but also itself.

As for the sensation of falling into an abyss, there is actually no abyss. It's just a refocusing of consciousness. From the state of concentration on thoughts, on constant internal dialogue, we switch to seeing the real world.

It is also very important that now you know exactly how to walk between these two planes, thinking and direct perception, through this abyss. And now it is happening fast enough.

The rest of the paths to enlightenment often cause misunderstanding and fear of this Great Bridge. For the most part, people do not know how to walk back and forth and do not know how to do it. They become afraid of logical thinking.

Same way, great importance has the fact that after a natural breakthrough through the veil of thoughts, no stages of further deepening or honing your enlightenment are needed, since passing through the abyss completely cleans your brain. It is the brain, not the memory.

The memory remains all, you can use it perfectly. It's just that the network of electrical discharges that we are aware of as thoughts, and which constantly riveted our attention to itself, thereby distracting us from reality, disappears. We eliminate only this network, which can rather be called an information infection, which covers our brain like a bag.

And this is an infection, just few people guess about it. So your brain is sick in its own way. He is constantly, as you will later understand, attacked by these electrical (well, something like that) discharges. After cleaning, the brain stops thinking, so to speak, by itself, regardless of your desire. He is now waiting for your instructions.

It is simply the separation of oneself as pure consciousness from material world, body and, accordingly, the brain, and then entering the same world, the same body and the same brain at different levels, both thinking and direct perception. Of course, during all this disidentification, you are all the time, all the same, in the body.

And where else can you be. “Why is the department needed?” - you ask. But this is the same hygiene, but on a deeper level. When you separate consciousness from everything, you are still in the body, although you hardly feel it. At the same time, there is a purification of consciousness, brain, body and, for you, the whole world.

And this purification occurs through the abyss, or better to say, through the refocusing of consciousness. Now you are back and everything is clean. Use a pure brain, a pure body, a pure world, while being pure consciousness. Moreover, now you can use your brain not fifteen percent (or whatever), but one hundred percent! You, as pure consciousness, are now the master of all this.

But to call it "consciousness" is now very primitive. "Energy" is also not suitable. This is a much larger phenomenon. There are no words to describe it. It is simply, as they say in Zen, IT.

To be continued…

You are pure consciousness

There is a simple meditation leading to the knowledge of your true non-material nature, your freedom, eternity, awareness and bliss. This is the so-called "Pure Consciousness Meditation", and before moving on to this wonderful practice, we will consider a few important points to help you understand the essence of this meditation.

Individual consciousness, which realizes itself as consciousness, is called the soul. Being pure consciousness is our original and eternal nature,. This nature is unchanging and continuous, that is, we are always pure consciousness, although we may not be aware of it. Why don't we realize this? Because they are identified with the body, mind, emotions and other objects of the material world. Despite the fact that these identifications are false, they seem very realistic - but only until in deep meditation the Truth about our original identification as pure consciousness is not revealed.

Awareness of their spiritual nature gives freedom and joy, because the understanding comes that I, as a pure being, have nothing to do with this world of temporary things, except perhaps simple fact perception of what is seen as existing in this world. While a person, due to false identifications, considers himself the body, mind and everything else to which he is so attached, he inevitably feels the heaviness of life, tension, dissatisfaction, and experiences suffering. He considers himself actor, the cause of something, responsible for something, and therefore has to carry the burden of all the consequences of “being a human being”. Considering himself a separate being, forced to make efforts to survive, he lives his life in illusions.

The material world is compared in scriptures with illusion, mirage or dream, therefore it is also called unreal. It is perceived only when attention is directed to it, when it is fueled by our interest in it. And as soon as I, as a pure consciousness, turn away from it, it immediately disappears. This phenomenon occurs in deep dreamless sleep, as well as in deep meditation, when attention is redirected from external things to their source within us. Of course, in meditation this does not always happen immediately, and not always quickly. The more active, the more desires, the more we want to enjoy external objects, actions, events and states, the more difficult it is for us to tear our attention away from these things and direct it inward.

I am pure consciousness

Meditation on pure consciousness, which will be discussed further, just helps to smoothly, but quickly enough to redirect your attention from the external to the internal. It is very simple and extremely efficient technique... It can be practiced anywhere, at any time, in almost any state of mind and body, and in almost any circumstance - this is its versatility and perfection. This practice is recommended both in the scriptures and also by the enlightened sages who have transcended all scriptures and all duality, realizing themselves as pure consciousness, the eternal original substance of everything.

This meditation can be used by everyone, regardless of their spiritual level, and it will always be useful for knowing their true nature. This technique does not contradict any true religion, philosophy or spiritual practice and can be practiced in parallel with anything else. It cannot do harm, and its benefits for self-awareness are simply invaluable and incomparable with most other practices.

This meditation helps to more and more often return to the truth that I am pure consciousness, more often to remind yourself of this in Everyday life, and in direct meditation to plunge into self-awareness more focused and intense. The technique is described in detail at the link above, or it can be found in search engines by the original title of the article: "Meditation on Pure Consciousness", and there are also questions and answers, and discussion on the forum.

Successful and informative meditations and quick cleansing of consciousness!

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