Danya meaning. Daniel - Taurus. Its negative points

Names: origin and forms

Daniel- (from Hebrew) my judge is God.

Spoken: Danil, Danila.
Old: Danilo.
Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

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Daniel- my judge is God (Hebrew).
The Russian folk form of the name is Danila.
In the 19th century, this name was a peasant one. Now it is becoming more common as a middle ground between the common, “simple” and the special, rare.
Zodiac name: Twins.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: blue-gray.
Talisman stone: blue jasper.
Auspicious plant: ash, buttercup.
Patron name: squirrel.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: calm, self-absorption.


Daniil Grekhozarutsky (Uglichsky), abbot, martyr, June 5 (May 23).
Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 1 (February 16).
Daniil Moskovsky, Prince, March 17 (4), September 12 (August 30).
Daniel (in schema Stefan) Nivertsky, Egyptian, venerable, confessor, December 30 (17).
Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr, July 23 (10). Among the other 45 in Nikopoli, after suffering for the faith of Christ, he was burned (IV century).
Daniil Pereyaslavsky, Archimandrite, April 20 (7). As a young man, he secretly left his parental home and entered a monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors. He became famous for his ability to perform miracles (16th century)
Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop, September 12 (August 30), January 3 (December 20).
Daniil Stylite, Rev., December 24 (11).
Daniil Shuzhgorsky, Rev., October 4 (September 21).
Daniel the Prophet, December 30 (17), one of the four great prophets (others: Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah). 600 years before the birth of Christ, he accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world. The Book of Daniel describes how he lived in the court of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar as a captive and rose to a position of influence through his skill in interpreting dreams. The book of the prophet tells how three of Daniel's companions - Shadach, Meshach and Abednego - were thrown into a burning furnace because they refused to worship the golden statue erected by Nebuchadnezzar as a deity. But God did not allow the righteous to die innocently; He sent an angel from heaven who cooled the fire, and the three young men came out of the oven unharmed. This theme is one of the earliest in Christian art and is already found in the wall paintings of the Roman catacombs. In the book of the prophet Daniel there is a story about how he himself was thrown into the den of lions for disobedience to the religious demands of the Persian king Darius and loyalty to the true God. And here God did not leave him. Seven days later the king returned and, finding Daniel alive and unharmed, he believed in the power of the Jewish God. The courtiers who plotted against Daniel were themselves thrown to the lions, who immediately tore them to pieces. Daniel is also the personification of wisdom and justice.


In Rus', on the Saturday before Christmas, a “cave” action was played out in the church - “three youths in a fiery cave.”
On July 23, on the day of Daniel the Martyr, old women healers collected healing dew for healing: a clean canvas is passed early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar to heal against damage and the evil eye.


Danilka as a child is a calm, balanced, smiling child, looking at the world with curiosity. He loves to play football, is interested in tennis, gymnastics, but only for health, and not for sports results. Rarely can anyone imagine what is languishing within him creativity, therefore, it can develop only under a happy coincidence of circumstances. However, he will be an excellent specialist in any case.

The adult Daniel remains a calm person, who does not like to rush, and is reserved. His mental storms pass unnoticed by prying eyes. Outwardly, he is always smiling, friendly, and does not raise his voice. Sometimes he seems a little timid, but he has masculine strength and pride.

Daniel does not tolerate lies, he can flare up, but he quickly calms down and does not remember evil. Daniel is too deep in his inner world to focus on the negative qualities of other people.

Daniil painfully experiences the betrayal of his friends, but he himself can sometimes forget about someone, remember when it is necessary to use them.

Daniel has a highly developed imaginative perception, so he can become an actor or artist. But he can also be a scientist, designer, entrepreneur, cook, driver, builder, or work in the field of electronics. Whatever he does, work is always for him

will come first. Vivid imagination, improvisation, passion, ability to work with his hands - all together help Daniil achieve creative success.

Daniel's self-absorption and serious internal reflections make him a good psychologist, his intuition is also impeccable, so he often chooses his wife unmistakably, at first sight. At the same time, flashy appearance is not important to him, the main thing for him is to be sweet, kind, soulful person, usually a colleague. Usually the wife is more active, she manages him, guides him through life. Daniil is devoted to his family, loves children, but, due to his busy schedule, does not spend much time with them.

Daniel loves his home, treats it with care, and together with his wife he improves it, preferring antique things.

Family and family ties are important to Daniil; he spends holidays with relatives. His house is open to guests, he is sociable and hospitable, he dances well and sings in company. He drinks in moderation and sometimes gets into cards. Rarely, but Daniel has a second marriage. His union with Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Tatyana may be successful.

Surname: Daniilovich, Danilovich, Danilovna, Danilovna.


Daniil Abbot (? - 1122) - the first Russian pilgrim to leave a description of the holy land. Its circulation dates back to 1106-1107. He went to Palestine to see “that coveted land and holy places where Christ endured passion for the sake of us sinners.”

He wandered around the Palestinian land for several months and described in detail everything that he saw, the places where Jesus Christ walked. He spoke about the city of Jerusalem and the Jordan River, about Bethlehem, near which Jesus was born in a cave, about Capernaum, where He healed people, about the Sea of ​​Tiberdia, about Mount Lebanon, and spoke in detail about Mount Tabor and the place on it where Christ was transfigured: “The place The Holy Transfiguration is firmly surrounded by a rocky fence. iron gate at that fence... And in front of that fence there was a beautiful field, it turned out on the top of that mountain. It is a wonderful and amazing arrangement of God that there is water here at such a height; for there is a lot of water on that mountain, at its very top. Therefore, on that mountain there are fields and good vineyards, and many fruit trees. And you can see very far from it.”

Daniel talks fully and in detail about the holy churches, monasteries and retells the legends associated with them. The abbot tells in detail about the topography of the area: “But this is the way to Jerusalem. From Constantinople you have to go along the seashore three hundred miles to the Great Sea. To Petola Island, a hundred miles; this is the first island on the narrow sea; there is a good bay and there is the city of Irakli. great..."

Hegumen Daniel described these places not for the sake of geographical interest, but so that people would mentally follow him through these places and receive benefits for their souls. The purpose of his journey is not geographical, but spiritual.

Daniel's "walk" was very popular and survives large quantities lists, the oldest of which dates back to 1475. “Walk” has different names: “The Life and Walk of Daniel”, “Pilgrim Daniel Abbot”, “The Wanderer”, “The Book of the Verb Wanderer”.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The name Daniel has quite great history, it can be found even in the Biblical scriptures. It was very popular in the twentieth century, but even today it does not lose its relevance, being one of the ten most frequently used male names in the Russian Federation.

Where did the name Daniel come from?

The name Daniel has one version of origin, which suggests that it appeared in Hebrew. The name is found in the Bible - its bearer was the prophet Daniel, who was a soothsayer and lived at the court of the king of Babylon. He predicted the coming of Jesus Christ six hundred years before it actually happened. The name Daniel is made up of two Hebrew words: "dan" and "el", which are translated as "judge" and "god" respectively. Therefore, the name takes on the following meanings: “God is my judge,” “God is a judge,” “God is a judge.”

Daniel is great biblical prophet who predicted the appearance of Christ long before his birth

Smart, good people
They will tell their enemies:
“God will judge!”
If something goes wrong,
It doesn’t matter, let God judge.
Since ancient times, people have been like this,
And that's why you were given a name.
An ancient name will give you strength -
Wise, kind - Daniel.

Grosheva I.

Nominal forms

Short versions of the name: Danya, Dan, Dan, Dani.

Danya is the most popular abbreviation of the name Daniil

Affectionate addresses to Daniel: Danechka, Danilushka, Danilka, Danka, Danyusha, Danilonka, Danchik, Danisha, Danyushechka.

The name Daniel has many related nominal forms:

  • Daniel;
  • Deiniol;
  • Danny, Daniyar.

Female equivalent: Daniela.

Danil - analogue of the name Daniel

The hero of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Stone Flower” bears the name Danila. According to the plot, he is an extraordinary and difficult person. As a child, he was a weak, thin and unhappy child. In his youth, no one wanted to hire him, considering him an inattentive and useless guy. But Danila found his job - he became a stone cutter. His entire youth was spent in search of life truth and in spiritual formation. As a result, the hero chooses to work for the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and abandons all his loved ones.

Danila - main character fairy tales by P. P. Bazhov “The Stone Flower”

To write a poem for Daniel, you can apply the following rhymes to his name: awarded, endowed, won, saved, objected.

Church version of the name: Daniel.

The ecclesiastical and secular names of Daniel are similar to each other

Patronymic names that will be given to Daniil's children: Danilovna, Daniilovich (colloquial - Danilych); from the names Danil and Danila the following patronymics are formed: Danilovna, Danilovich.

The spelling of the name Daniil (Danil, Danila) in the passport: DANIIL (DANIL, DANILA).

What middle names go well with the name Daniil: Andreevich, Borisovich, Viktorovich, Gennadievich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Egorovich, Ivanovich, Zakharovich, Kirillovich, Lvovich, Maksimovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich.

Daniel is one of the nickname options for social networks

Table: the name Daniel in various languages

EnglishDaniel, Dan, DannyDaniel, Dan, Danny
Arabدانيال Danyal
GreekΔανιήλος Danielos
Zuluડેનિયલ Ḍēniyala
Chinese丹尼爾 Dānní’ěr
Korean다니엘 Daniel
FrenchDaniel, Dani, DanisDaniel, Dani, Danis
Hindiडैनियल Ḍainiyala
Japaneseダニエル Danieru

Name days and patron saints

The name Daniel appears in Orthodox calendar more than fifteen times. The most famous Saint Daniels are:

  1. Prophet Daniel. Born into a noble Jewish family. In 607 BC he was captured by the Babylonian peoples. Daniel received his education and went to serve in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. Biblical legends say that the saint had the gift of clairvoyance and was able to unravel the mysteries of dreams.

    The Lord Jesus Christ twice referred to the prophecies of Daniel in conversations with the Jews

  2. Daniel the Stylite. He was born in 410 in Mesopotamia, in the village of Vifara. He got his name in honor of the prophet Daniel. At the age of twelve the boy became a novice of the monastery. One day, seeing Simeon the Stylite laboring on a high pillar, Daniel decided to do the same. The saint went to the ruins of a pagan sanctuary, erected a pillar and lived there for a long time (more than thirty years), leading a spiritual life.

    The Venerable Daniel the Stylite spent 33 years on the pillar

  3. Prince Daniil of Moscow. He is the son of Alexander Nevsky. The saint was born in 1261 and led a pious, meek and peaceful life. As the ruler of Moscow, he erected a monastery on the Moscow River, which was named Danilovsky. In this monastery, Daniel took monastic vows and died peacefully in 1303.

    Daniil of Moscow was the fourth son of the Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

Daniel celebrates his name day on one of the following dates:

  • January 2;
  • January 12;
  • March 1;
  • March, 6;
  • March 17;
  • March 31;
  • 20 April;
  • June 4;
  • June 5;
  • June 26;
  • July 23;
  • 12-th of September;
  • September 25;
  • The 4th of October;
  • November 25;
  • 9th December;
  • December 11th;
  • 12 December;
  • December 24;
  • December 30th.

How does the name Daniel affect a person?

Daniel is a fair, calm, balanced and restrained person. He almost never breaks down or yells at people, and is not prone to harshness or aggressiveness. People around him respect this person for his ability to control himself in any situation. Even the most crucial and exciting moment will not deprive a guy of composure. Sometimes it seems that he is deep inside himself and completely unaware surrounding reality. In disputes, he puts pressure on his opponent, gives objective arguments and arguments, and methodically defends his opinion. He expresses his point of view simply and convincingly.

It is unlikely that you will ever see Daniel shouting, harsh or aggressive

Daniel has rare character qualities that are not characteristic of a modern man. So, there is no envy or rancor in him. The guy is open and kind, does not try to find something bad in people. This is an honest and strong-willed person who is focused on his goals. Any of his endeavors ends in success. Danya analyzes every situation, looks for explanations for her failures, draws conclusions and changes for the better.

Everyone loves Danilo
For intelligence, patience and strength.
He opened his home for friends,
Always ready to help with everything.
On the hand - an ax and a pitchfork...
“I can do whatever I want!”
In a word, it’s clear: for Danila
Everything in the world is within your reach!



Daniel analyzes all the situations that happen in his life

Daniil is slightly constrained, embarrassed to come into contact with strangers. He is afraid of looking funny or stupid. A man constantly looks for flaws in himself and is extremely demanding of himself. Assertiveness and aggressiveness are not qualities that this person has. This can be considered both a plus and a minus. The only thing that can make a guy angry is his girlfriend flirting with another person. Only jealousy provokes a man into combative behavior; at such moments he easily gets into arguments and even fights.

Characteristics of Daniel as a child

Little Danya has a calm, gentle and affectionate character. He is friendly, gets along easily with other kids, can’t stand lies, and there is always a smile on this child’s face. He never cheats or deceives. Although the baby has a gentle disposition, he cannot be called quiet or reserved. He is always happy to take part in active games, loves to play sports, prefers tennis, football, gymnastics and martial arts. The boy does not dream of first places, does not try to break records, he simply enjoys the activities that he likes. Danil has creative potential, sings, dances, plays well musical instruments, but parents will have to make a lot of effort to ensure that all the child’s abilities are fully revealed.

Daniil is very smiling and gets along well with children

Danya was walking in the kindergarten,
Danya was collecting leaves.
Yellow, red, brown leaf
Falls down from the trees.
Here's a beautiful one, here's another one...
He is ready to collect everything, everything,
Try to carry it away
To give to mom.

Kersten T.


Danya is an inquisitive person, so she copes with her studies easily. If one of the teachers manages to captivate the boy with any school discipline, then he will completely devote himself to studying it and, most likely, will connect his future with a profession based on this subject. When a child does not find proper contact with the teacher, then interest in his subject completely disappears.

If Danil is lucky and meets a bright, talented teacher, he will be able to ignite in the boy a true love for his subject.

In his youth, Daniel is still calm, gentle and kind. In addition, impressionability is added to his character, thanks to which the guy is very worried when experiencing his first crush or any troubles and disappointments. Parents and close friends should be more attentive to the teenager during this time. But, despite this trait, the guy rarely gives himself any slack and shows emotions. In any difficult situation, the boy shows concentration and mobilization. And his penchant for prudence and good intuition allow Daniil to cope with any difficulties.

Interests and hobbies

Daniil goes in for sports to improve his health. The greatest preference is given to football and tennis. A man will not chase records and victories; it is much more important for him to enjoy his hobby. He will never give up outdoor recreation and loves to go fishing.

Daniil plays sports for pleasure, not for the sake of records

In addition, the guy is a big fan of art and literature. He loves to read, visits theaters and exhibitions. Wouldn't mind playing chess or another intellectual game. Danya does not like to talk about her hobbies, believing that this is everyone’s private matter.

Profession and career

Daniil dreams of realizing himself in the creative field or the field of discovery. But he often stops at the professions of engineer, builder, architect, geologist or programmer. This guy will also become a talented doctor, lawyer or theologian. The career of a businessman will also be successful. This person is better off opening his own restaurant or winery. The guy knows how to make important decisions, thinks everything over carefully, does not rush to conclusions, so he rarely makes mistakes. Danya devotes herself entirely to her business, but does not know how to save money.

Daniil feels most comfortable in the position of an engineer, builder or programmer


As a child, Danya rarely complains about her health. Vacation trips and proper nutrition help the boy avoid serious illnesses. In youth main problem the guy is gaining weight. It can be either excessive or insufficient. To get rid of this problem, you should watch your diet and exercise. At an older age, Daniel should also not forget about his diet, as there is a risk of developing abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a man is predisposed to mental disorders, the cause of which is frequent overwork. This person definitely needs to relax, preferably near the sea or ocean.

Daniel definitely needs to recuperate near the sea

Love and sexuality

In his youth, Daniil was prone to frequent changes of partners. He does this not to assert himself at the expense of the girls or to brag about his adventures to his friends. This person prefers to keep his personal life secret from everyone. A man knows how to experience sincere feelings. He treats women with respect and does not like vulgar and vulgar ladies. The guy prefers girls who are inexperienced, well-mannered, moral and modest.

In relationships, he is attentive, it is difficult to deceive him, the guy remembers all the insults inflicted on him, but rarely reminds his chosen one of them. In intimacy, he tries to achieve not only the unity of bodies, but also souls, and always listens to the girl’s desires. Does not like to discuss sexual issues.

Table: name compatibility

Family and marriage

Daniel is not one of those who gets married very early. This applies to both age and duration of the relationship. The guy looks for that same girl for a long time, and having found it, he doesn’t propose to her for a long time, testing his and her feelings in every possible way. It is important for this man that his chosen one completely conquers his heart and gives him hers. Then the lovers await happy life. Danya becomes a wonderful husband, and later a father.

Daniel is a wonderful husband and father

The man takes on the role of breadwinner and protector of the family, becomes madly attached to the children, and endures all their whims. He will never forgive deception and betrayal. If Daniel's wife cheats on him, the guy will immediately file for divorce. He will have great difficulty leaving his family and will maintain relationships with his children throughout his life.

If the wife deceives Daniel or takes a lover, the man will no longer hold on to the marriage and, most likely, with pain in his soul, will file for divorce

Let the mountains of stones
In the sparkle they delight with the dance of lights,
Make me a “live” flower from stone
And I will become your mistress, wife.

Danila Krasnov


Table: correspondences for the name Daniel

Meanings of letters in the name Daniel

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name Daniel:

  1. Letter D. A man strives for success in society. He is thoughtful, responsible, self-sufficient, responsive, and always keeps his word. It's beautiful and successful man, but prone to pride and boasting. May have the gift of telepathy or clairvoyance.
  2. Letter A. An active young man, striving for endeavors, wanting to achieve happiness in life and comfort in everyday life. He is strong in spirit, independent, endowed with a bright appearance and leadership qualities. A man does not adapt to anyone, he acts only as he sees fit.
  3. Letter N. Internally strong, persistent in spirit, witty. A person is not prone to indiscriminateness and compliance, and does not agree to compromise. A diligent, efficient and responsible worker who does not accept useless tasks. He is very demanding of his chosen one.
  4. Letter I. The guy has rich in imagination, insight, practicality and intelligence. He is attentive to detail, tries to achieve spiritual harmony, and is endowed with an excellent sense of humor. A man is always honest and straightforward. It takes a long time to find an ideal life partner.
  5. Letter L. A creative personality with an aesthetic view of the world. It is always pleasant and interesting to talk with this young man; he knows how to win over his interlocutor, easily gives in and adapts to his surroundings. The young man loves surprises and unusual situations. In love, faithful and honest.

Daniil is a self-sufficient, creative and strong-willed person

The influence of the season in which he was born on the character of Daniel

Winter gives Daniel's character emotionality and hot temper. But at the same time, there is prudence and pragmatism in him. The guy loves to be at home and values ​​family connections. The most important things in life are your spouse, children and parents. Such a person chooses his life partner very carefully and meticulously.

Spring Daniel is a creative person. A person strives to find love and find happiness, and that is why he exists in this world. He is prone to vulnerability and touchiness, so he often spends time alone, disappointed in the people around him.

Spring Daniel is prone to loneliness and disappointment in the human race

In the summer months, Daniel is born with a light and good-natured character. This is a calm, unambitious and uninitiative guy. This guy needs a girl who will have absolutely opposite qualities, and who will also become his muse and beloved woman, and not just a housewife and wife.

Autumn reveals in Daniel such qualities as narcissism and selfishness. The man is not inclined to communicate, but appreciates kind and sincere people. He is used to realizing all his goals, as he has a strong and strong-willed character.

Table: Daniel’s personality traits depending on his Zodiac sign

AriesDaniel, under the influence of the Aries sign, is intelligent and inquisitive. The guy has a good sense of humor and an optimistic attitude. He loves to have fun, is endowed with sociability and charm. This person is admired by everyone around him. No wonder it is popular with women. He himself prefers feminine and gentle girls.
TaurusThe sign of Taurus rewards Daniel with the ability to adapt to circumstances. A man takes life changes easily and calmly overcomes all the difficulties along the way. He loves communication and noisy companies. He values ​​naturalness and charm in girls.
TwinsThe nature is calm and peaceful. Daniel-Gemini loves to be alone with himself, but is not afraid of large groups of people. A man loves girls, loves to have bright, passionate, but short-term romances.
CancerThis man is responsive, attentive, sincere and good-natured. He can be called a man with a capital M, because he is endowed with the most best qualities. This one achieves success in all his endeavors. Daniel-Cancer is loved by women for his tenderness and care. He will choose the girl who will support him in all situations.
a lionDaniil-Lev - owner complex nature. He is prone to diplomacy, aesthetics and excessive correctness, but at any moment he can turn into an adventurous, reckless, deceitful person. You never know when he is sincere and when he is playing. He chooses girls based only on external data.
VirgoUnder the auspices of the sign of Virgo, Daniel is born, prone to observation. This guy is more of a theorist than a practitioner - his words never turn into actions. He constantly plans something, argues, but never brings what he wants into life. He loves gentle, affectionate women who can envelop him with their body.
ScalesDaniel, who was influenced by the sign of Libra, has a romantic nature. A man will do anything for love, but everyday difficulties quickly lead him astray. Such a person needs a “educator” who can protect him from all adversity and guide him in the right direction.
ScorpionThe person loves logic and thinking. He is talented both in theory and practice. Daniel-Scorpio changes quickly under the influence of circumstances, so that most do not have time to follow these changes. Either he is an affectionate and gentle young man, or he is a cruel and aggressive person. This guy has been looking for a true friend all his life, because he needs a comrade who will listen to his stories.
SagittariusDaniel-Sagittarius cannot stand loneliness and monotonous life. He does not want to get married and set up a family nest. This man is attracted to an active life, adventures and adventures. The guy often dreams and makes up stories. Treats girls like prey.
CapricornDanya is born under the sign of Capricorn, prone to planning. He makes plans for all spectrums of life. His entire existence is scheduled minute by minute, every action is performed according to a strict pattern. Sometimes a man turns into a merry fellow who knows no limits to his fun. Being in a relationship with a woman, he turns into a dictator and a jealous person. Such a person cannot say anything against his words.
AquariusThis young man is endowed with sentimentality and sensitivity. He is not used to idleness, strives for self-improvement, and constantly moves forward. Among the shortcomings, we can note excessive self-interest - all of our own positive traits Daniel-Aquarius is used for self-affirmation and benefit. He is admired by women, but a man does not know how to truly love.
FishDanya-Pisces is attractive, beautiful in appearance, and knows his worth. He is a true gentleman, charming and gallant. This is an erudite and courteous person who loves to rule and manipulate others, showing them his superiority. It's hard for women to be in a relationship with this guy.

Photo gallery: famous personalities named after Daniil (Danila)

Daniil Kharms - writer, poet, prose writer, playwright Daniil Andreev - Russian religious philosopher, poet and writer, author of the mystical work "Rose of the World" Daniil Granin - Russian writer and public figure Danila Kish - Serbian writer Daniil Austria - Russian-German violinist Daniil Mauvais - Russian racing driver Daniil Sagal - Soviet theater and film actor Daniil Danin - Russian and Soviet prose writer, screenwriter, literary critic, popularizer of science Daniil Shtoda - Russian opera singer Daniil Kramer - famous Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, teacher, composer and producer Danila Kozlovsky - Russian theater and film actor, director, screenwriter, producer Daniil Kvyat - Russian racing driver, GP3 series champion Daniil Strakhov - Russian theater and film actor Daniil Vakhrushev - Russian theater and film actor Danila Bagrov (Sergei Bodrov) - the main character of the cult films of Alexei Balabanov " Brother" and "Brother 2"

Daniil is a calm, balanced, reliable and hardworking man. This is a completely unselfish and non-evil person. The guy is used to making all decisions after long and careful consideration, so he rarely makes mistakes. This person chooses the right profession, loyal friends and a good wife, thanks to which his life becomes happy and cloudless.

Version 1. What does the name Daniel (Danila) mean?

Translated from Hebrew, Daniel means “God’s judgment.”

Daniil is a calm and kind boy. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. He cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time.

Daniels born in winter are always talented and achieve a lot in life.

“Autumn” Daniels are calculating and somewhat selfish. They master a wide variety of professions. They like to spend time in the country or in nature. They are interested in fishing or hunting. Very great importance gives family and kinship connections. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 7.

Version 2. What does the name Daniel (Danila) mean?

Daniel - from other Hebrew. my judge is God, colloquially. Danil, Danila; old decomposition Danilo.

Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Shvets Danilo, whatever he sews, is rotten.

Danila did not die, his illness crushed him.

On July 23, on the day of Daniel the Martyr, old women healers collect healing dew for healing: they pass a clean canvas early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar: the dew helps against damage and the evil eye.


Daniel is kind, calm, friendly, and never gets irritated. At the first acquaintance, surrounded by other, outwardly brighter people, he seems unnoticeable, but his lively mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him among potential rivals. Attaches great importance to family and kinship ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight. This union is consensual and durable.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

1. Personality. Smiling men.

2. Character. 87%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 76,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence - intuition - morality - sociability.

7. Totem plant. Holly.

8. Totem animal. Sperm whale.

9. Sign. Fish.

10. Type. Calm, never nervous phlegmatic people. They don’t like to rush; cold blood flows in their veins. Even when experiencing emotional drama, they try to smile.

11. Psyche. Balanced. People of this type do not try to shine in society; they are sweet and pleasant conversationalists.

12. Will. Quite strong, but subject to constant doubts.

13. Excitability. Introverts: They are more interested in their own inner world than in the life around them. They are timid, even cowardly.

14. Reaction speed. Since childhood, it is easier to convince them with arguments than to force them. They are jealous, demand loyalty from their boyfriends and girlfriends and want them to always be close. They often put friendship above love.

15. Field of activity. It's not uncommon to chase two birds with one stone and study two majors at the same time, such as science and acting. Daniil choose a job that leaves a lot of free time for various hobbies, such as painting. They have a highly developed imaginative perception, so they often become actors.

16. Intuition. Perfect. Expressions are often used: “It seems to me that...”, “I have a feeling that...”. Listen to them and don't try to convince them.

17. Intelligence. They have an overly analytical mindset; attentive to the smallest details and trifles.

18. Receptivity. Their imagination is too developed, so their dreams of love are far from reality. Such men lack healthy aggressiveness and assertiveness; they do not know how to express their feelings themselves and cannot tolerate open expression of them by others, for example, questions like: “Do you love me?”

19. Morality. These are law-abiding people. They are very devoted to the family, even if it seems that they are “keeping their distance.” It hurts when friends betray you.

20. Health. Average. They need to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, take water procedures. It is recommended to take care of your teeth and intestines.

21. Sexuality. This is an unpleasant topic for them, which they do not want to talk about, although adolescence feel problems in this area. They feel a discord between inner receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality and therefore experience some kind of anxiety.

22. Activity. Average, and thanks to this, Daniel does not become an adventurer.

23. Sociability. Tyrannical. Always impeccably dressed, they receive guests somewhat ceremoniously. To a certain extent, they are characterized by snobbery.

24. Conclusion. Although such people are charming, parents and teachers should not be deceived. External impressions are not always correct.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Daniel (Danila)

Daniel (Danila) - “God is my judge” (Hebrew)

By nature, he is an eternal pioneer. Slow in judgment, but decisive in action. In work, practical ingenuity merges with improvisation.

His home is always full bowl, he grows up in such a house and strives for such abundance in the future. His family pride is intelligence and high intellect, rejection of arrogance. He respects himself and respects others. He is calm, rarely nervous, trying not to show it. Phlegmatic, secretive, perfectly in control. Even when he experiences emotional drama, he smiles. This is a person with a balanced psyche. He does not strive to shine at any cost, dear, wonderful interlocutor.

Even if his will is strong enough, he is overcome by constant doubts. He responds to requests for help with difficulty - he is burdened extra hassle. As an introvert, he is more interested in his own inner world. Daniel is a timid person and even a little cowardly. Since childhood, it is easier to persuade or convince him than to force him. Jealous, possessive. He wants his friends and girlfriends to be faithful to him and constantly be near him. Often he puts friendship above love. Tends to do several things at once. He often studies two majors at the same time: literature and music, science, and acting. He chooses a profession that allows him to pursue his hobbies and have a lot of time for it. Interested in painting.

He has a well-developed imagination. Easily adapts to all changes. Intuition is unusually rich. Long before the events occur, he anticipates their outcome. One should listen to his predictions, and one should not contradict him. The mindset is analytical. He is able to get to the bottom of the smallest details in order to achieve the truth. A dreamer who finds it difficult to fit his idea of ​​love into a framework Everyday life. He lacks persistence and does not know how to express his feelings at all. Does not tolerate displays of feelings.

His health is normal. Lips, teeth and intestines should be protected at all times. He needs a balanced diet, exercise, and water treatments. The sexual theme never occupies Daniel. Since his youth he has had problems with this, but he doesn’t like to talk about sex because of his upbringing. Has a split sense of inner receptivity and sexuality. He is tyrannical with friends, but is always faithful to them. He dresses impeccably and receives guests somewhat ceremoniously. I'm a snob at heart. He is charming, which lulls the vigilance of those around him. Behind his calmness lies indifference to everything that does not interest him, including those around him. You need to be careful with him. He is insecure, sometimes acting on the sly.

“Winter” is interested in exact sciences, architecture, and teaching. He is correct, diplomatic, restrained.

“Autumn” is a good politician and economist. Reasonable, flexible, stubborn in achieving goals. The name corresponds to the patronymics: Valerievich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Adamovich, Egorovich, Mironovich, Mikhailovich, Savelievich.

“Summer” Daniil - gravitates towards acting, can be a good director and cameraman. Smart, balanced, good-natured.

"Spring" - writer, artist. He has a well-developed imagination, an eternal dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone and everything. He is easily wounded, touchy, but skillfully hides it. Suitable for patronymics: Modestovich, Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Eldarovich, Moiseevich, Gennadievich, Vasilyevich.

5 version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

Translated from Hebrew it means: God's judgment. In the Bible, Daniel, a Hebrew prophet known as the chief seer and soothsayer in the courts of kings, was right hand King Nebuchadnezzar.

In early childhood, he is a calm and smiling child, no more sick than other children. Daniels are like their mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They love to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health. These men are very hot-tempered, jealous, and often impulsive.

“Winter” are talented, although they find it difficult to communicate with others.

“Autumn” are prudent, pragmatic and selfish.

By profession they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, and builders.

Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually do not help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time at the dacha. Sociable and hospitable. They dance well and sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

“Winter” ones are quick-tempered, but not vindictive, they quickly move away and immediately make up. They love to leave and return home. Kind and responsive. They hardly change with age, they just get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never reprimand their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't wear things very carefully. Preferentialists.

In order for the marriage to be reliable, it is better for Daniel to choose a wife among those whose names are Anna, Helena, Glafira, Juliet, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella, Tamara, Tatyana, Elvira. It is unlikely that he would be successful with Elizabeth, Irina, Angelina, Ksenia, Roxana.

6th version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

DANIEL - my judge is God (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: April 20 - Reverend Daniel of Pereyaslavl, as a young man entered the monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; became famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).

July 23 - The Holy Martyr Daniel, along with forty-five others in Nikopolis, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was burned, and then the bones of all of them were thrown into the river (IV century). December 30th - Holy Prophet Daniel, lived at the court of the king of Babylon in captivity; For loyalty to the true God he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The Holy Prophet Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world.


Planet - Mercury.

Color - gray-blue.

Auspicious tree - ash.

The treasured plant is the buttercup.

The patron of the name is squirrel.

Talisman stone - blue jasper.


Daniil is a kind, calm, smiling person who never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his powerful mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from his outwardly impressive rivals. Attaches great importance to family and family ties. This is a sacred thing for him. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, he treats his home very carefully, completely sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it. He chooses his wife unerringly, at first sight, and here the sweet, modest woman will easily defeat the frivolous beauty.

Numerology of the name Daniel (Danila)

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around them and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize, creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Daniel (Danila)

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • L- People

Do you want to know the origin of this beautiful Russian name, and what unites the people who bear it? Today the topic of our article is Danila: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful sonorous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Danila: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Danila

  • The name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniil.
  • In the Bible, the only bearer of this name was the prophet Daniel. The name is translated as “God is my judge”, “my judge God”.
  • The form of the name Danila is found only in countries former USSR and has a slightly old-fashioned character. But now the name is regaining popularity; more and more parents name their sons by it.

How the origin of the name Danila influenced its meaning

What kind of character could the boy Danila have?

Adult Danila is a kind, calm, smiling person. These are perhaps the defining traits of his character. His positive attitude to life is felt in everything.

Main character traits:

  • With the people around him, the man is always friendly and welcoming. When meeting a person, Danila sincerely shows interest in him and is ready to support him with advice and kind words.
  • Thanks to his excellent memory, the owner of this name not only remembers all his acquaintances by name, but also remembers their hobbies and interests, which allows him to quickly find a common topic for conversation with a person and win him over.

Another pleasant feature of a person named Danila is his sense of humor. He knows how to joke in a very kind and non-offensive way, easily defusing the situation in a company or, conversely, creating a friendly atmosphere with a good joke. Moreover, quite often he makes fun of himself, which not everyone is capable of.

  • He has many friends, people are drawn to him. Childhood friends to whom he is very attached continue to closely communicate with him in adulthood.
  • However, D. finds many good and loyal friends in his youth and student years, and then maintains relationships with them all his life. He knows how to make friends and appreciate friendship.
  • Danila is not prone to haste in business; he does everything slowly and deliberately. Whatever it concerns, he will first measure seven times, then cut once.
  • Even in difficult times life situations he knows how to stay positive and is determined for the best.
  • Strong and reliable in appearance, a very romantic person at heart. He hides his dreamy nature behind a screen of enterprise and practicality.

What fate awaits Danila?

Danila goes through life calmly and confidently. His kind and balanced character allows him to be at peace with himself and with others.

Reliable, responsive, reasonable, he is always ready to help, listen, give advice, and solve a problem.

In your youth, actively engage in sports, not as enthusiastically as in childhood, but on a regular basis. To maintain good physical shape, he goes to Gym, wrestling or swimming.

Work and profession

IN professional field Danila most often chooses a specialty that is associated with craftsmanship, design, where both knowledge and skills are needed.

The following professions are close to him:

  • builder;
  • engineer;
  • constructor;
  • master of crafts;
  • mechanic;

Characteristics of the name Danila, character traits and fate

Danila is loved and respected in the team. Even there, he always knows how to create a friendly atmosphere, establish contact with management and colleagues, and, if necessary, resolve a conflict peacefully. As an employee, D. is responsible, efficient, and disciplined.

Having “golden hands”, a man can decide to create his own service business. It could be a car workshop, construction company, a furniture manufacturing company.

Money and earnings

In material terms, Danila is not very demanding. He has a favorite job, he devotes himself completely to it and sometimes does not notice that financial side the question sags.

At a more mature age, having started a family, he takes finances more seriously, begins to earn more and save money.

Family and love

Danila is a very attractive young man, but not so much because of his appearance, but because of his ability to win over him. Girls really like the guy’s confident and calm demeanor; he exudes reliability and stability. However, in this case, appearances are deceiving. For the time being, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he is somewhat flighty, so novels happen quite often in his youthful life.

Having become a family man, a man still loves active recreation. D. prefers to spend his free time outdoors. He goes fishing, hunting, and barbecues with friends.

  • In his chosen one, he wants to see not only appearance, but also a rich inner world, a community of interests. After several years of searching, a young man usually finds just such a girl, and a happy life awaits them. family life.
  • Danila attaches great importance to family ties. As a rule, he prefers to spend holidays with his family, with relatives and friends. Having married, D. becomes a homebody and enjoys spending time with his family, helping his wife arrange her home and improve her everyday life.
  • He loves to receive guests, is often the initiator of such meetings, and is not at all shy about helping his wife with housework and cooking. festive table. If he is in the mood, he can even start preparing food himself; he is especially good at meat dishes.
  • Throughout his life he maintains close contact with his parents, helps and takes care of them, they are frequent guests in his house.
  • For children, the owner of this name is a caring and attentive father. He is ready to get up to the child at night in infancy to give his wife a rest; he can stay home alone with him. He does not have a fear of small children, like many men.
  • When the children grow up, Danila spends a lot of time with them, organizes leisure activities for them on weekends, and takes them to clubs and sections on weekdays.

What will the child named Danila be like?

At a young age, Danila is an affectionate, calm, smiling child. He is open to the world, inquisitive, sociable.

Danya is easy for both children and adults. He communicates with adults judiciously and seriously, listening carefully and thinking deeply about the answers. He easily enters into a discussion with the parents of neighboring children, willingly talks about himself, and shares his childish, but already quite meaningful, conclusions.

Danyusha easily makes contact with his peers, quickly finds mutual language and immediately begins to involve them in his games. Usually this is not running, hide-and-seek, climbing fences, but something more intellectual: building a city out of sand, drawing with chalk on the asphalt, studying the surrounding nature.

At home Danya is moderately playful and restless. He, like an ordinary child, also loves to jump on the sofa, throw a ball at a shelf, have noisy races with cars, and involve his family in his games, but he rarely does anything out of spite or is capricious over trifles.

Study and school

Danila is doing well at school, but there aren’t enough stars in the sky. He can be called average. Moreover, this applies to both behavior and diligence. He does not misbehave, does not enter into conflicts with teachers and classmates, but he can pull the pigtail of a girl he likes and move down stair railings, start a playful showdown with a school friend.

  • IN primary school Dani does not have a pronounced inclination towards any particular subjects; he studies diligently and goes to school because it is necessary and his parents said so. Already in high school, students have favorite subjects. Danila is rather a humanist; he loves history, languages, literature, and geography.
  • The boy has had it since childhood good health, he grows strong. A rather heavy-set boy comes to the first grade, and he may even be teased with a mattress and a lump.
  • However, the owner of this name takes ridicule quite calmly, does not snap back, laughs it off more, and over time they stop pestering him.
  • At this age, it is better to send a boy to a sport that disciplines and improves physical state. Dana may be interested in football, hockey, swimming, wrestling, and athletics.
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

The name Danil (or Daniel) belongs to calm and witty men. They are very diplomatic, friendly, and responsive. They approach all matters thoroughly, they are decisive and optimistic.

The secret of the name Daniel lies in the contradictory attitude of a man, which is then aimed at purely material values, then his thoughts rush beyond the clouds and dreams of creating something great and enduring.

The popularity of the name and its most common form - Danil - has been growing in the CIS countries since the mid-eighties, while at the same time in the USA and many English-speaking countries the name is in fifth place among popular names for babies.

The most famous Daniel is a biblical prophet who had the gift of interpreting dreams, which is where his popularity among Catholics and Christians comes from. Thanks to its wide distribution throughout the world, people with the name Daniel will feel at home everywhere.

The origin of the name Daniel and its sound characteristics make it possible to say with accuracy what the name Daniel means and what impact it has on the owner. The combination of the influence of three factors - the translation of the name Daniel, its history and sound energy - deeply reveals Dani’s personality, his leading aspirations and capabilities. However, character and destiny are not determined only by names, so you should not rely only on the interpretation of the name Daniel.

Vivid personality traits

The history of the name Daniel is rooted in Jewish culture. It comes from the Hebrew name Daniel, which consists of two stems: the first root meaning "judge" and the second root meaning "God", so it is often translated as "God is my judge."

Many of the traits inherent in Daniel are explained by the biblical origin of the name. Danil is conservative, strict, mysterious. The Jewish egregor pushes him towards scientific activity and some secrecy. There is a lot of a born leader in him, but Daniel rarely strives to take a prominent place - rather he manages situations and people secretly.

Since the name Daniel belongs to the biblical group, a considerable number of saints bore it. To determine the name day, just look at church calendar and choose the first date of commemoration of the saint, falling in the period after his birthday. The following dates are given in the Orthodox calendar:

  • January - 2, 12.
  • March - 1, 6, 17, 31.
  • April - 20.
  • June - 4, 5, 26.
  • July - 23.
  • September - 12, 17, 25.
  • October - 4.
  • November - 25.
  • December - 9, 11, 12, 24, 30.

Sounds affect our mood, our perception of the world and ourselves. Oddly enough, the energy of sounds and the meaning of words are closely related - words that sound similar in several languages ​​often mean the same thing. The meaning of the name Daniel is revealed through its sounds:

  • D - a man is unlikely to jump into action and act on a whim, since the letter “D” is responsible for a thorough approach to business and the desire for meaningfulness.
  • A - personifies vital energy, the desire to create and create new things.
  • N - independence and legibility. In addition, Daniel, showing amazing diligence, will not devote himself to business without interest.
  • And - double “I” often says that a person is sensitive and kind-hearted. Daniel will most likely seek harmony and unity with the world.
  • L - creativity, artistry and an urgent need to find your way, to bring something great and important into the world.

The characterization of the name Daniel reveals the internal conflict between the desire for ideals and the desire to stand firmly on the ground. If Daniel can successfully combine idealism with practicality, he will reach his full potential.

The full name is rarely used among relatives and friends. Daniel can be called: Danya, Danila, Dan. Even the meaning of the name Daniel for a child depends on the form used by adults and peers.

  • Dani often has a developed sense of self-esteem and a focus on success.
  • Danila is more energetic and enterprising.
  • Dan is an intellectual, a speaker, and an astute listener.

The meaning of the name Danil allows you to draw an approximate path of life that is typical for its representatives. Thus, children with this name are most often calm, sociable and responsive. From childhood they grow up conscientious, it is difficult to force them to do anything, to force them to do something, although they are happy to help their parents. Perseverance and independence are determined by the meaning of the name. To influence a boy, arguments of reason are preferable to force.

In his youth, Dani can often experience a peak of activity; he quickly gets carried away by everything he sees and takes on everything more or less interesting. He is somewhat possessive of his friends, does not like competition, and at the same time is ready to do everything for his comrades. Thanks to his courtesy and charm, he is accepted in any company, although herather, routine politeness, rather than a willingness to truly be friends with everyone you meet.

Growing up, he most often turns into a confident, calm and reasonable man, realizing to the maximum what the name Danil means. Decisiveness and slowness, which replace the youthful reckless approach to business, allow Dana not only to solve problems, but to do it with maximum benefit.

Men who bear the name Daniel, by the meaning of their name, are pragmatists, very peace-loving and tactful. It is not so easy to gain their trust, and if you betray them once, they will erase the traitor from their lives without regret. The name Danila, due to its origin, gives the owner the ability to unravel others, control them, while being in the shadows.

There are celebrities named Daniel in almost all areas. However, famous people people with this name are more common among athletes, actors, politicians and journalists.

This is not a reason to choose a profession related to sports or theater, but if Dani has a desire to prove himself in the political field, take up writing or go on stage, then he has everything to succeed in this. Subject to moral satisfaction from work, he can realize himself in almost any field. And although Danya rarely strives for power, he quickly climbs the career ladder.

Daniel will do a great job own business, thanks to organizational skills and the ability to get along with people. Diplomacy, peacefulness and perseverance help him achieve what he wants.

Communication, love and family

Daniel is a highly moral, honest, fair and sympathetic person. He is respected by friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. He always behaves with dignity and integrity.

Daniel is a romantic, which often means idealizing his partner. This name belongs to passionate people, but men usually do not open up for quite a long time until they are convinced that the girl can be trusted. A man is looking for a decent, sincere, honest and faithful woman. The external attractiveness of a girl is practically not important to him; he really pays more attention to the inner world.

A happy family life is possible for Dani with girls who share his interests, are active and active. At the same time, his chosen one should be quite calm, since Daniel does not tolerate demands and claims.

The man values ​​his family very much and tries to do everything for his family. Free time He devotes everything to his children and wife. Helps with housework, warmly welcomes guests, and studies with the children.

  • Evgenia. This union lacks stability and confidence in the future, and the connection quietly fades away before it has time to flare up properly.
  • Daniel is versatile, creative person. He is not attracted to monotonous work; intellectual and moral satisfaction is of particular importance to him. He develops all his life, grows internally, becomes stronger and more decisive. Danya is not used to giving up, so he almost always achieves his goal.