Aubrieta: description of varieties, cultivation at home and care rules. Aubrieta: growing from seeds, planting and care Aubrieta fruit assortment growing

Aubrieta is an evergreen, creeping plant of the cabbage family, growing as a perennial herb. Natural habitat – shores and rocky areas South America and Asia Minor. The plant is very beautiful - as it develops, it forms a continuous thick carpet, covered during flowering bright colors violet, purple, red, pink, white flowers and their shades. Few-flowered racemose inflorescences adorn the plant for quite a long time, from about mid-spring until the very beginning of summer. As a result of flowering, fruits are formed in the form of pods filled with brown seeds.

The plant is planted in autumn or spring, when the weather is warm and night frosts are excluded, around mid-May. Since this plant is quite demanding in terms of growing conditions and care, it is worth choosing the right site before planting. At the same time, it is assumed that aubrieta loves a lot of sunlight, loose, light soil that conducts moisture well and breathes. Separately, it should be noted that great importance has soil acidity - it should be neutral or low, within a pH range of 6 to 7, no more. If, upon checking, it turns out that this parameter is outside the optimal range, the soil will have to be amended, for example, by adding a little lime to it.

As for the nutritional properties of the soil, here the plant is not at all demanding. Aubrieta grows very well on moderately nutritious soils and even when they are completely poor, but it will be better if you add a little peat or charcoal - this will accelerate the growth of green mass and help the flower to fully reveal its decorative potential.


Aubrieta seedlings, after germination, are planted in open ground in groups, but no more than 5 plants in one place. If the seedlings were grown in peat flowerpots, the seedlings are planted directly into them, but if the flowerpots are plastic or clay, the plants will have to be carefully removed. To do this, the flowerpots are immersed in water, but only heated to a temperature environment and wait until air bubbles appear on the surface. Now, the seedlings can be carefully removed and planted in holes at a distance of at least 5 centimeters from each other.

After planting all the seedlings, the soil is compacted, sprinkled with sand in a layer of about 5 centimeters and watered, but only through a sprayer so as not to expose the roots.

Rules of care

This plant is very demanding on lighting, the slightest lack of which has a depressing effect on it, but as for care, no special frills are required. And yet, in order for a flower to develop healthy and delight with its splendor and abundance of flowers, you need to follow some rules.


A mature aubrieta can easily do without watering - natural rain moisture is enough for it. However, during hot, dry periods it will be better to water the plant, but only a little - it is strictly not recommended to water it, especially in late autumn. But young plants require regular moderate moisture as the top layer of soil dries.

Along with watering, you can lightly feed the plant by adding a little sodium humanate to the water. It promotes general development bush and its root system. But this must be done very carefully, since an excess of nutrients will lead to increased growth of green mass, and flowering, if any, will be very rare and insignificant.

Fertilizer and feeding

Young plants do not require fertilizer; on the contrary, this is contraindicated for them, but it is advisable to feed an adult bush twice a season, but very moderately and only with mineral compounds - no organic matter.

The first feeding is applied in the spring, before the formation of buds, and the next in the summer, after the pruning procedure.

Bush pruning and rejuvenation

Pruning is necessary not only for sanitary care - removing diseased and outdated branches and leaves, but also to activate the second flowering. The first one lasts about a month and a half, after which you need to cut off all the stems at the root, loosen the soil, fertilize it a little and mulch it. If this is not done, the aubrieta takes on an unkempt appearance and does not bloom a second time.

Autumn pruning is not recommended - it weakens the plant before the winter cold. It is better to do this in the spring, when it gets warmer.

Over time, the aubrieta degenerates and weakens. It becomes painful, and in addition, it blooms poorly or does not bloom at all, so it is advisable to rejuvenate the plant at least once every 2–3 years by growing a new one from its cuttings. It is best to do this in the spring.

For cuttings, choose young shoots without flower buds and cut them off in small areas so that they have several growth points and are planted in nurseries. Wide flowerpots or special boxes filled with a feeding substrate - peat mixed with sand, in approximately equal proportions - are suitable for this. There should be at least 10 centimeters between the cuttings, otherwise they will interfere with each other. Such seedlings, already at the beginning of summer, can be taken out into the air in a box, where they will get used to natural conditions, and in early autumn, transplant into open ground.

For the first winter, it is advisable to insulate the plants by covering them with mulch, and if a frosty winter is expected, preferably also with spruce branches.

If everything is done correctly, the aubrieta will begin to bloom after wintering, abundantly and for a long time.

Growing from seeds

This method is quite effective and not complicated, but you should know that seed propagation often leads to the loss of varietal characteristics of the plant; in addition, seedlings bloom no earlier than after a year, or even two.

Procurement of seed material

To grow high-quality seeds, after the first flowering, you need to cut off the stems of the bush, leaving only a few of the healthiest shoots with fruits and, when they ripen, collect the pods, dry them and extract the seeds from them.

They can and preferably be planted this fall, but they can also be stored until spring planting in a dry, cool and dark place, for example, cardboard box on the refrigerator shelf.

Sowing seeds

There are two ways to germinate aubrieta seeds - in nurseries and directly in open ground.

For nurseries, it is worth using peat pots or tablets, which can then be easily transferred to open ground. Seeds are laid out in groups of 3 on a damp substrate, covered with a layer of sand about 4 millimeters thick, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film - a greenhouse is set up. This is done in early February and, until transplantation, the seedlings are kept at a temperature within 18 - 20°C. From time to time, the greenhouse is ventilated and the substrate is moistened, and with the onset of warmth, they are planted directly in the nurseries in open ground.

If you decide to sow seeds immediately in open ground, you will have to dig up the prepared area and remove weeds and fertilize with lime and charcoal. If the soil is heavy and clayey, it is advisable to prepare a drainage layer by laying expanded clay under the soil to a depth of approximately 10 - 15 centimeters, and then pour earth on it.

Sowing of seeds is carried out without deepening them into the substrate - they are covered with a layer of sand about 4 centimeters thick on top, watered from a watering can and a greenhouse is built over them, which is regularly ventilated, and removed when shoots appear. Shoots appear within one and a half to two weeks and, under optimal conditions, quickly develop and give rise to new plants.

When choosing a sowing option, it is worth considering that obrieta reacts very painfully to transplantation. Therefore, it is best to sow it immediately in open ground, or at worst, in self-dissolving seedling pots or boxes. In addition, it is worth immediately determining how many bushes will be planted in one place, since picking aubrieta seedlings is extremely undesirable.

Rules that must be strictly followed

Full development is possible only if very important conditions for the plant are observed, which are quite simple to implement and also few in number:

  • For abundant flowering, watering should be as limited as possible - you can water only during dry, hot periods and very little;
  • It is also necessary to fertilize and feed the soil carefully - twice a year and in small doses, since an excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, is more dangerous for shaving than its lack;
  • It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and weed out weeds. After each weeding, it will be good to mulch the ground - this will greatly slow down the growth of weeds.

Well, and most importantly, growing aubrieta can only be successful if it grows in a well-lit, sunny place. No partial shade, and especially shaded areas, otherwise you won’t get flowers, the bush itself will be weak, painful and may even die.

Problems during cultivation

If the plant is provided optimal conditions, close to those to which it is accustomed in natural habitat habitat, it is unlikely to bother you with its diseases. However, sometimes the obrieta still gets sick. Most often this is the result of insufficient lighting or improper humidity conditions - overflow. As a rule, the flower is bothered by powdery mildew, which covers the stems and leaves of the bush with a dirty white coating that greatly spoils the appearance. If the disease is not treated, over time the plant greatly slows down its growth, loses its immunity and may freeze in winter. Treatment is carried out with a solution of colloidal sulfur, strictly following the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product.

As for pests, most often these are aphids - an insect that feeds on leaves, sucking the juices from them, causing the plant to starve. Depending on the severity of the infestation, up to four insecticide applications may be needed to get rid of aphids. After processing, be sure to wash the leaves warm water, but only after the sun sets, otherwise another problem will be added - burns.

Aubrieta is very immune to other diseases and pests and suffers from them extremely rarely.

Aubrieta or aubretia - popular flowering plant, which is often used for decorative design garden and park areas. Aubrieta flowers are very bright, presented in white, pink, purple, and blue shades. They look very impressive in the garden and, when decorating the area, can be grown in the form of bushes, as well as a charming creeping or falling “living carpet”. The article discusses the rules for planting aubriet flowers and the secrets of growing the plant.

Growing aubrieta seedlings

Aubrieta reproduces by seeds, and since it differs quite high level frost resistance, it can be immediately planted in open ground. However, in regions characterized by frequent spring frosts, it is recommended to first sow seeds for seedlings and only then plant the plants in the soil on the site. This method must also be used in cases where you need to create a certain decor using an obrieta.

Did you know?One of unique features obrieta is that the plant does not shed its leaves for the winter. All year round it remains just as charmingly green, even in severe frosts.

The best time to sow seeds for seedlings

It is best to sow aubrieta seeds for growing seedlings a couple of months before the end of night frosts. In regions with an earlier and warmer spring, this will be the beginning of February, and in areas where night frosts last longer, this will be mid-February.

Sowing aubrieta seeds

To sow seeds, you will need to prepare separate containers and soil. Peat tablets or pots, or regular flower pots or disposable cups are best suited. Peat containers are good because they promote the development of a strong root system in sprouts, allow oxygen to pass through well, significantly reduce the risk of seedlings rotting, and reduce the risk of root damage when transplanting plants into open ground to zero. However, such pleasure is not cheap.

Important! The root system of flowers is delicate and sensitive, and if separated, the roots can be damaged. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds as rarely as possible and in separate containers.

Boxes and trays are the least suitable for growing seedlings of these plants . During the development of sprouts, there is a high probability that their roots will become intertwined and damaged during transplantation. Regular flower pots are the most the best option. There must be holes at the bottom for removal. excess moisture. You should not place more than four seeds in one pot with a diameter of 15 cm.

As for the soil, loose, well-drained sandy loam soil is most suitable for shaving. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself (garden soil must be mixed with peat or sand). It would also be a good idea to add a small amount of sawdust. Heavy clay soil is absolutely not suitable for such plants.

Did you know?If you add a little to the soil eggshells or lime, seedlings will grow faster.

A layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of the containers, then the soil should be filled. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, then sprinkled thin layer sand. Before sowing, lightly moisten the soil (this is best done by spraying). After sowing, the container is covered with a film, which is removed after the sprouts emerge.

Optimal conditions for seed germination

Aubrieta loves the sun. Therefore, containers with planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place, but avoiding direct rays of the sun. Plants tolerate cool weather well, but the optimal temperature in the room is +18...+22 °C.

Important!Periodically, the room where the containers with seeds are located must be ventilated, avoiding drafts, and if you continue to illuminate them with lamps in the evening, the seeds will germinate faster.

Seedling care

The most important thing in caring for seedlings is to water and loosen the soil on time. It is recommended to water with settled water at room temperature in the evening. Make sure that a dry crust does not form on the surface; at the same time, the soil should not be flooded. When weeds appear, they must be removed immediately. The room with seedlings must be periodically ventilated.

Picking seedlings

Picking involves planting the sprouts in separate containers. This process is carried out to strengthen the root system and improve nutrition of the sprouts. The aubrieta picking is performed after three or four pairs of true leaves appear on the sprouts.

You need to pick the seedlings very carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots. The day before transplanting, the soil should be moistened. Using a pencil, dig up the sprout, then lightly remove it from the soil and immediately plant it in the ground.

Planting aubrieta seedlings in open ground

Aubrieta doesn't like transplants. In order for the seedlings to take root well, it is important not to damage the roots. Before planting, you should decide on a place on the site, and also prepare necessary materials:

  • a hoe for forming holes;
  • sand for mulching;
  • container with water;
  • gardening gloves.

Did you know? Aubrieta leaves are used in cooking in boiled and raw form. They are great for decorating dishes, preparing salads, and soups.

The best time to plant seedlings

The seedlings are placed in open ground immediately after the night frosts have passed. May is considered the best month, so if we look more specifically at when aubrieta is planted, then with an early warm spring, mid-May is the ideal time for planting.

Choosing a landing site

The question “Where to plant aubrieta?” is very important, since it is necessary to comply with all the basic requirements for good growth and plant development. That is why for planting you need to choose a well-lit place, without drafts.

Important!Even with light darkness, the plants may not bloom.

Aubrieta is demanding on the soil. Heavy clay and acidic soils are not suitable for its cultivation, but sandy loam, loose, well-drained soil will ideal option. In addition, the flowers do well in rocky areas, which means they can be planted next to borders and on rocky slopes.

Planting seedlings on the site

Before planting, the soil should be slightly moistened, loosened, and weeds should be removed from the area. Then, using a hoe, holes are formed. The depth of the holes should correspond to the length of the root, and the width should be twice as large as the earthen lump that remained on the root of the seedling. The distance between seedlings should be at least 5 cm.

Did you know? Obireta can be planted between steps, along terraces and in cracks stone walls. Falling carpets of flowers planted on top of fences and stone stands look very beautiful.

The seedlings are placed in the center of the hole and, holding with one hand, are strengthened with earth. After planting the seedlings, the soil should be sprinkled with a small layer of sand and wood ash. At the end of the process, the plants need to be watered.

Care and cultivation of aubrieta

Aubrieta is not too demanding to care for. The main thing is to ensure that the soil does not dry out, that the plants are not attacked by pests and diseases, and that regular loosening of the soil, periodic fertilizing and mulching should also be mandatory. For this, the aubrieta will thank you with abundant bright flowering.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Aubrieta does not like a lot of moisture. Young seedlings are watered a little more often, and when the plant has taken root well, only in case of drought. It is recommended to add a little sodium humate to the water for irrigation, which helps strengthen the root system.

Important!Excessive watering can lead to rotting of the plant or to the fact that the leaves themselves begin to grow, but the aubriet will not bloom.

In order to prevent rotting of the aubriet, it is recommended to mulch the soil with sand or sawdust every 10 days. In addition, the area must be regularly cleared of weeds by weeding and loosening. Weeds absorb from the soil nutrients, which significantly slows down the growth of flowers. Loosening helps saturate the soil with oxygen, which is necessary for the development of roots.

Plant nutrition

The plant is fed several times during the growing season. For the first time, fertilizing is carried out no earlier than a week after planting the seedlings in the ground and until the buds form. The second time - after trimming. Complex fertilizers for flowering perennial plants are well suited for feeding.

Trimming the shaving

Aubrieta blooms for about a month and a half. To enjoy the re-blooming of the plant, after it has finished blooming, it is necessary to prune (to the root). Then the soil is fertilized and mulched river sand. After the second flowering, the aubriet does not need to be pruned so that the roots do not freeze in winter.

Did you know?Aubrieta begins to bloom only in the second year after sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

Combination of aubrieta with other plants

Aubrieta is often used in landscape design. With its help you can create charming “living carpets” and magnificent cascades. The plant is often used for alpine slides and rockeries. Aubrieta in a flowerbed goes well with low-growing plants. The best neighbors yellow alyssums, iberis, phloxes, and multicolored euphorbias are considered.

Important!There should be no trees or bushes near the shaving site. They will only shade the plant.

Pests and diseases of aubrieta

The most common pest aubrieta is an aphid - beetles are very small size black, yellow, brown or red. They feed on the sap of the plant, taking everything from it useful material. The pest can be recognized by its glossy shiny leaves and pale inflorescences, and the aphid itself can be found under the leaves of the aubrieta. To combat insects, plants are sprayed with nettle infusion (to prepare it, a kilogram of fresh nettle leaves is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours). Insecticides should only be used as a last resort.

Did you know? To prevent aphids, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with wood ash after planting seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. This procedure should be repeated once a month.

Of the diseases, the plant is most susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot. Basically, these diseases are a consequence of excessive waterlogging. Powdery mildew appears as a brown coating on leaves and stems. The disease spreads quickly and eventually leads to the death of flowers. To combat the disease, plants are sprayed with a 0.3% solution of colloidal sulfur. Other fungicides are used only in advanced cases. If the plants are severely damaged, it is better to remove the bushes.

Root rot manifests itself as brown spots that cover all parts of the plant. If such signs are detected, watering should be stopped altogether, the soil should be sprinkled with sand and sawdust, and treat the plant with colloidal sulfur.

When to collect and how to store aubrieta seeds

Aubrieta seeds are collected after spring flowering. To do this, during the pruning process, you need to leave five to six shoots on which ovaries have formed. After the seeds darken, the stems need to be cut off and the seeds should be husked into a cardboard box or fabric bag.

After collection, the seeds need to be dried for a couple of days in a lighted, well-ventilated place. At the same time, avoid direct sunlight. Afterwards, the material is packaged in boxes or fabric bags and stored in a dark place at a temperature of +18...+20 °C, periodically opening for ventilation.

Wintering the aubrieta

Aubrieta is a surprisingly frost-resistant plant. It tolerates winter frosts well, and in order to prepare the plants for wintering, the bushes do not need to be pruned in the fall; only yellowed, damaged leaves are removed. It is also recommended to cover the plant with dry leaves for the winter to keep it warmer.

Other ways to propagate aubrieta

In addition to the seedling method, aubrieta can be propagated and grown by sowing seeds in open ground or by cuttings. Among gardeners the most the best option It is considered sowing seeds directly onto the plot.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

Seeds can be planted in open ground in mid-May or September. Before sowing, the soil must be thoroughly cleared of weeds, moistened and loosened to a depth of 15 cm. Then it is recommended to add wood ash and a little lime to the soil. You can also add complex mineral fertilizers. Seeds are not sown thickly. In no case are they buried in the ground, but placed on the surface and sprinkled with a thin layer of river sand. Seeds need plenty of sunlight to germinate. After sowing, the soil is slightly moistened, but it is better to use the spraying method.

Important!It is highly not recommended to feed the soil with manure before sowing seeds.

Cuttings of aubrieta

When pruning aubrieta, after the first flowering you will get a lot of leftovers. Such aubrieta stems without flowers can be used to propagate the plant by cuttings. They are planted in a well-lit, warm place, which can be a greenhouse or containers placed on the veranda. The ideal planting soil usually consists of equal parts peat and sand. At the end of summer, the seedlings are transplanted to permanent place growth. In October, it is recommended to cover them with dry leaves for the winter.

Growing aubrieta from seeds is the most common and reliable way its reproduction, therefore this article outlined the basic rules for sowing aubrieta seeds and presented detailed description order of plant care. Following these rules will help you decorate your garden with charming carpets and cascades of aubrieta flowers.

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135 once already

Aubrieta, or aubretia, is a perennial ground cover crop that can fill garden plot, creating a colorful flower corner. Its main advantage is frost resistance and the fact that with the onset of cold weather it does not lose its decorative foliage. Aubrieta enjoys increased attention among gardeners when creating alpine slides, vertical gardening and as a background when filling large flower beds.

The flowering period begins in May and lasts for 5–8 weeks. This produces a large number of small simple flowers, consisting of 4 petals, which are collected in inflorescence brushes. During this period, the foliage is completely hidden under the flowers, resulting in the impression of a floral carpet. Aubrieta leaves summer period acquire a characteristic bluish tint, and with the approach of cold weather - a bright green color. The plant can grow in poor soils where other crops die.

In total, there are about 12 species of aubrieta in nature, but many of them, such as white aubretia, cloatha, graceful, Kolumka, can rarely be found in flower beds. There are several varieties that are often used by gardeners in the garden.

Deltoid shaving

  1. 1. Aubrieta deltoid, which is often called the lilac bush. Considered the progenitor of all modern varieties aubrations. Represents a perennial herbaceous plant with stem heights up to 15 cm. The foliage is distinguished by the presence of characteristic teeth along the edge of the plate. The flowers reach a diameter of 1 cm and have a purple or lilac hue and form loose inflorescences. Flowering occurs in May, its duration is no more than 4 weeks. One of the varieties of this species - Bougainvillea aubrieta - is distinguished by a bright orange center of flowers against a background of light purple petals, its height is 20 cm.
  1. 2. Aubrieta hybrid, or cultivated, is a separate group of plants that overwinter under the snow. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is distinguished by a variety of shades. Some varieties of this species have large double and semi-double flowers. When grown from seed, it retains all the specific qualities of the mother plant. The developed cascade varieties of hybrid aubrieta make it possible to use them for hanging planters And balcony boxes. It has a longer flowering period of 50 days.

The most common varieties of this species:

  • Red Cascade is a cascading variety with red flowers that hang on long shoots. Often used to decorate stone walls.
  • Greencourt Purple - distinguished by double flowers of a lilac-purple hue.
  • Côte d'Azur - deep blue flowers stand out against dark green foliage and is a repeat blooming variety.
  • Dr. Mules - distinguished by colors of a rich purple or violet hue.
  • Charming Morocco is one of the lush flowering varieties, distinguished by its large flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm.

Growing from seeds

Aubrieta can be grown by sowing seeds directly into open ground, but then the first flowering will occur only next year, and seedling method, which will make it possible to plant fully formed bushes by the beginning of the season. Propagating a flower by seeds allows you to get a large amount planting material and create a unique decorative flower garden.

Sowing in open ground

Aubrieta prefers to grow in open sunny areas, but light shading is also allowed, which will contribute to a longer flowering period.

You can sow seeds directly into open ground only when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and the threat of a return of late frosts has passed. IN middle lane In Russia this occurs in the second ten days of May. It is necessary to prepare the area for planting in advance: dig it up, clear it of weeds and add sand and wood ash. After which it is necessary to level the surface so that there are no depressions or elevations.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Pre-moisten the soil and try to distribute the seeds as evenly as possible on its surface.
  2. 2. Sprinkle the seeds with a 0.5–1 cm layer of sand.
  3. 3. The top soil must be moistened with a spray bottle.
  4. 4. Cover the crops non-woven material, which will protect them from possible late frosts and prevent the soil from drying out.

Shoots will appear 10–20 days after sowing. As soon as the bushes grow and get stronger, if necessary, you can transplant them to another place, but without exposing them root system seedlings, as the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. The first flowering will occur next year.

Aubrieta prefers to grow on poor soils, but the soil should be loose and freely allow water to pass through. Stagnation of moisture can cause rotting of the roots of the plant and cause its death, so it is not recommended to plant aubrieta in clay soils.

Growing by seedlings

In order for the aubrieta to bloom already in the current season, it is necessary to plant the plant for seedlings at the end of February: this will make it possible to obtain already strong and formed bushes by May. But it is necessary to grow it correctly at home: since the plant forms a long tap root, then replanting it to a permanent place can be disastrous for young seedlings. To avoid stress, aubrieta seeds should be planted in peat tablets or cups - this will help avoid negative consequences transplants.

It is necessary to plant them in a permanent place in open ground at the end of May at a distance of 5–10 cm from each other.

Features of care

Further care of the crop will not cause much trouble. Aubrieta grows better on small elevations, so it can be used as decoration alpine slide. Throughout the season, it is recommended to loosen the soil near the roots and regularly mulch the crops with a 3–5 cm layer of river sand. During particularly hot periods of summer, it is necessary to additionally water the plant using sprinkling. Aubrieta safely tolerates drought, but at the same time loses its decorative effect.

No feeding allowed organic fertilizers, as this negatively affects flowering.

To improve the growth and development of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize mineral fertilizers, this stimulates the growth of buds and lush flowering aubriet. To do this, you can use the drug Kemira Lux. After the flowering period, it is recommended to cut the shoots at the root to stimulate the growth of new lush bushes, which will bloom again in September.

After repeated flowering, it is not recommended to prune the shoots, as this will weaken the plant’s immunity before the upcoming winter. It is better to postpone this procedure until spring. Aubrecia is a frost-resistant crop, but in regions with a more severe climate it is recommended to cover it with dry spruce branches or foliage before frosts.

Aubrieta is unpretentious plant, which will help create a bright accent in the garden without requiring increased attention. And having mastered the seedling method of growing, you can breed different varieties and species and add variety to the flowerbed at the very beginning of the season.

Aubrieta is a very popular and surprisingly decorative garden plant. This perennial looks like a low shrub, summer time and in autumn strewn with many bright flowers. The use of ground cover aubrieta in the garden landscape is wide: you can use the plant for borders, single plantings, group and other garden design options.

This plant adds personality to the garden, emphasizes the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and its cultivation does not complicate the life of the gardener too much. In the article we will look at the features of growing aubrieta: we will learn how to plant the plant correctly and how it should be cared for. In addition, we will get acquainted with the most popular varieties of this ornamental shrub.


The plant has another name - aubretia. This perennial is most often grown as decorative decoration garden landscape. The plant has the properties of a ground cover, since when it grows it forms a continuous carpet on the ground, strewn with bright flowers. For this feature, aubrieta is especially valued by gardeners, and they find worthy use for this property.

In the photo - aubrieta:

Cote d'Azur

In this case, the bushes are compact in size (14-16 cm), and the flowers are striking in their decorativeness and delicate lilac color. But what fast-growing shrubs for hedges are there, and what they look like, you can look at

Enchanting Morocco

This variety of aubrieta is especially distinguished large flowers, which reach a diameter of one and a half centimeters. The color of the petals is different: varies from pale blue to red. The bushes of the plant reach a height of 10 cm, and are very fond of sunny meadows. But what they are and what they look like in the garden can be seen in this video.

Enchanting Morocco


The bush of this variety is about 15 cm high and has flowers of a purple-lilac hue. Individual flowers are collected in decorative inflorescences, resembling lilacs in appearance. People call this variety “lilac bush”.


Requirements for the site and soil

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground already in mid-spring. But only after the threat of night frosts had passed. In most regions of our country, this period falls in mid-April-May.

The shrub requires careful selection of a planting site: it loves the sun and loves well-lit areas. The more sunny meadow you choose for, the more lush and vibrant flowering of the aubrieta you will get.

As for the soil, aubrieta needs light, loose, medium-fertile soil. If the soil contains lime or chalk, the plant will like this circumstance. Heavy, clayey soils are not suitable for obrieta: in this case, it may not take root at all. If the soil has a pronounced acidic reaction, then to reduce the acidity level it is recommended to add lime or ash to the soil.

Video - growing flowers:

It is better to plant Aubrieta on a hill or on a plain. Lowlands are not suitable for the plant, as water usually accumulates in such places.

The seedlings are buried in the holes along the entire length of the root. The distance between the bushes is 5 cm, more is possible. Aubrieta is usually planted arbitrarily, without maintaining strict rows, since subsequently the shrub still grows greatly.


Aubrieta can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings. Let's consider both methods in more detail.


After the plant has safely overwintered, it is pruned in the spring. After this, the healthiest and strongest cuttings are selected and placed in a sand-peat mixture in a greenhouse. Here they take root, take root, grow stronger: this is how summer passes.

And already before the beginning of autumn, the cuttings from the greenhouse are transplanted into open ground. It is important to replant the plants at the very beginning of autumn, so that they have time to adapt to the street and can then safely overwinter.


Aubrieta can be propagated both by seedlings and without seedlings. The first one is longer and more troublesome, but it brings good results. The second method is simple, and does not take much effort, but is also impressive. positive result not guaranteed.

In open ground

In this case, aubrieta seeds are sown in spring or late winter. It is important to plant about a month before the end of frost. Before placing the seeds in the ground, the bed must be dug to a depth of 15 cm, cleared of debris and stones, and weeds removed.

After the seeds are placed in the soil, the bed is covered with film to create a microclimate more favorable for germination. After the shoots appear, the film must be removed. Shoots usually appear 3-4 weeks after placing the seeds in the ground.

Seeds can also be planted before winter: in this case, the plant will be more hardened and will bloom the next year. The downside is that not all seeds will survive.


Using this method to propagate aubrieta is more profitable and predictable, although more troublesome. Seeds are sown for seedlings in February, and by May the already strong, strong seedlings are transferred to open ground.

It is not advisable to pick seedlings - the plant does not tolerate such manipulations. That is why it is also recommended to plant seeds directly in peat pots, so as not to affect the delicate roots of the plant when transplanting into open ground.

In this case, it is undesirable to propagate by dividing the bush: this method is used only as a last resort. Dividing an adult plant is painful, so it is better to choose more gentle propagation methods.


It must be said that in general the plant is unpretentious and does not cause much trouble for the gardener. Let's look at the main points of caring for a shaving.

The plant must be watered very sparingly. Abundant watering is carried out only once immediately after planting in open ground for faster rooting. But in the future, watering is done in small portions, and quite rarely. The plant really does not like waterlogged soil and, especially, stagnation of moisture in the soil. If you ignore this recommendation and overdo it with watering, the flowers of the aubrieta may fall off, which will greatly worsen its decorative qualities. After reading this, you can find out which household water pumps for irrigation are the best.

The video shows growing and caring for flowers:

As a rule, rainwater is enough for aubrieta, and in damp climates no watering is required at all. Keep in mind that after rain or watering, the bed with the plant must be loosened to ensure good air exchange in the soil.

The plant also does not like severe drought, so it is recommended to mulch the soil in the garden bed: a layer of mulch will retain moisture at the roots and also prevent weeds from growing.

It is important to remove dried inflorescences in a timely manner so that the appearance of the plant remains attractive. And at the end of the first flowering period, the bushes need to be pruned: this measure will enhance the abundance and splendor of the next decorative period. After the second flowering, the bushes no longer need to be pruned.

Aubrieta is an evergreen plant, retaining the bright color of its leaves even in winter. However, if the climate is frosty, it is recommended to cover the bushes with dry leaves or grass for the winter, so in severe frosts the aubrieta can shed its leaves.

The plant does not need frequent feeding: it is recommended to apply fertilizer twice during the warm season, and no more. Aubrieta prefers mineral formulations high in potassium. From organic matter, you can fertilize the plant with wood ash. You can apply fertilizing only before flowering, and not during it. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not recommended in this case.

Pests and diseases

Aubrieta is generally resistant to diseases, as well as to damage from harmful insects. What can really harm it is excessive watering. Incorrectly chosen soil also sometimes causes wilting and disease. Of the insects, she has to fear the most from aphids. The insect is dangerous because it sucks plant juices and carries some diseases. The appropriate insecticides will help destroy aphids: Fufanon, Biotlin, Karbofos and others.

Sometimes the plant gets sick powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself as a grayish coating on the leaves, which then leads to wilting. This scourge should be combated with the help of colloidal sulfur, which is sprayed on the foliage.

In the video - flower pests:

Application in landscape gardening

Aubrieta is usually used as a ground cover due to the thick, bright carpet it forms. Pairs well with the following herbs:

  • milkweed;
  • alyssum;
  • rhizome;
  • Soapy.

Many gardeners and landscape designers select aubrieta varieties based on the color of the petals. In this way, you can create entire picturesque canvases in the garden: bright and decorative. The plant is great for border decoration, looks good in rock gardens, and as a background for taller flowers.

Aubrieta – flowering perennial from the Cabbage family. Its homeland is Southern Europe, Latin America and Asia Minor. Aubrieta can be found near river banks and rocky slopes. It's creeping evergreen amazes abundant flowering, covering the flowerbed and even vertical surfaces with a continuous flowering carpet. The aubrieta needs little but regular care. You can’t forget about it for a long time, but in gratitude it pleases with bright fragrant blooms and soft fluffy leaves.

Description of the plant

Aubrieta - perennial ground cover plant. Its stems grow 25-35 cm in length, and their height does not exceed 15 cm. The shoots are divided into 2 types: vegetative ones spread along the ground, and generative ones, like lateral shoots, rise to the sky. As a result, a dense carpet or oblong bush is formed very quickly.

Along the entire length of the shoots there are small pubescent leaves. They have an oval or obovate shape and are attached to the stems with short petioles. The edges of the foliage are whole or serrated. Due to the dense pubescence, the vegetation takes on a bluish-green hue.

In May, the bush quickly becomes covered with small flowers up to 1 cm in diameter. They are arranged singly or collected in clusters of few flowers. Flowering lasts 35-50 days. The corolla consists of four bent petals that grow together into a narrow tube. Yellow anthers and ovary peek out from the tube. Flower petals are violet, magenta, pinkish red, blue or white.

After pollination, fruits are set - small swollen pods. They contain small light brown seeds, flattened on the sides.

Types of shaving

There are 12 plant species registered in the genus Aubrieta. Since hybrids are more decorative, of the species, only the deltoid one has become widespread.

Aubrieta deltoid (deltoid). A herbaceous ground cover plant up to 15 cm high, covered with delta-shaped gray-green foliage. 1-2 pronounced teeth are visible along the edges of the leaflets. From May, for 1.5 months, the shoots are covered with racemose inflorescences. The loose racemes consist of purplish-blue or lilac flowers up to 1 cm in diameter.

Aubrieta hybrid (cultivated). The plant grows quickly and forms a green subshrub up to 20 cm high. Even under snow it retains the color of the foliage. From mid-May, for 35-40 days, the clump is covered with loose inflorescences - snowy purple or lilac flowers. For the first time, breeders began breeding aubrieta hybrids in late XIX V. To date, the number decorative varieties exceeded a hundred. The most interesting are the following:

  • Aurea variegata – dense green growth covered with golden spots, blooms with lavender inflorescences;
  • Blue King - blooms bright blue flowers;
  • Aubrieta cascade - gray-green pubescent shoots and foliage are suitable for vertical gardening, in May blue, purple or turquoise flowers with a yellow eye bloom above them;
  • Côte d'Azur - dense dark green growth decorated with sky blue flowers;
  • Red King - a spherical bush 10-15 cm high, blooms bright red flowers up to 5 cm in diameter;
  • Royal cascade – hanging shoots are covered with light pink small flowers;
  • Joy is an ampelous plant with soft pink or lilac double flowers.

Growing from seeds

Seed propagation for aubrieta is considered the simplest and most effective. Unfortunately, this method does not convey varietal characteristics.

Seeds are sown in open ground in April or September.
To do this, prepare holes 1-1.5 cm deep. The surface of the earth must be mulched with sand. In spring, care must be taken, as inconspicuous shoots can easily be confused with weeds.

Pre-growing of aubrieta seedlings is more common.

Sowing is done in February.
Seeds without preliminary preparation laid out on the surface peat tablets or sandy peat soil in disposable pots. The seeds are sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil and sand. Humidification is carried out using a spray bottle. The crops are covered with film and kept in a bright place at a temperature of +18...+21°C. Every day you need to ventilate the mini-greenhouse and moisten the soil.

Seeds germinate within 20-28 days. With the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. Seedlings are sensitive to fungal diseases, so moistening is carried out with caution. At the end of April, plants begin to be brought out Fresh air for hardening. After another 1-2 weeks, the seedlings are planted in open ground. The roots of aubrieta are very sensitive to any damage, so they are planted together with peat pots or tablets without picking. Flowering of seedlings occurs every other year in the spring.

Plants can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, in the summer the tops of shoots without inflorescences are cut. They are rooted in sandy-peaty soil under a transparent cap. By the end of August, the cuttings will grow strong roots. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out with big lump soil, then the plants will have time to adapt and get stronger before winter. Pending severe frosts It is recommended to leave the cuttings in the greenhouse until next spring.

In April or September, a large bush can be divided into several parts. Aubrieta endures the procedure quite painfully. The bush is dug up, cut into sections and immediately planted in the holes. Due to damage to the rhizome, some of the cuttings may die.

Planting and care

In early May, when the frosts have subsided, aubrieta is planted in open ground. The planting area should be well lit and ventilated. With a lack of light, flowers become less bright. The soil should have a light structure and moderate fertility. On heavy clay soils, aubrieta grows worse, so before planting, the soil is dug up and gravel is added. Dolomite flour or slaked lime is added to soil that is too acidic. The distance between seedling bushes is 5-10 cm.

The aubrieta should be watered moderately. Plants do not tolerate drought very well, but they also suffer from stagnation of moisture in the soil. Therefore, watering is done frequently, but in small portions. It is best to do this using the sprinkling method. Immediately after planting, the soil is watered abundantly and mulched with river sand to a height of 2-3 cm. Since the sand is washed away, the mulch is renewed every spring.

Aubrieta is fertilized quite rarely. It is enough to feed it with wood ash or potassium 1-2 times per season. mineral complexes. If you overdo it with fertilizing, the plant will grow green mass, but it will bloom worse.

At the end of June, when flowering is completed, the aubrieta is cut off. Not only faded inflorescences are removed, but also part of the shoots. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the bushes with straw or fallen leaves. In early spring, the shelter is removed. To prevent plants from quail during the spring thaw, grooves are dug around the flower bed in advance. Water from melted snow can go there. Such care will protect the roots from flooding.

Aubrieta in the garden

In landscape design, aubrieta is used for vertical and horizontal gardening. It creates a continuous flowering carpet and can be used for hanging. Flower garden partners for aubrieta can be euphorbia, Caucasian rhizome, soapwort, alyssum, iris and phlox. Aubrieta is also planted in rock gardens, rockeries or mixborders. Multi-colored thickets often grow along rocky slopes, walls and fences, forming an amazing green or pinkish-purple soft cascade.