Cooking recipes once or twice and you're done. Who will benefit from this book?

It is believed that with greater physical activity, a person’s brain develops better. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that mice running on a spinning wheel had twice as many cells in the area of ​​the brain responsible for learning and memory.

1. Play sports.

Why are the mental abilities of more active rodents better? Voluntary physical exercise not so difficult and therefore more profitable. This means that when you exercise for fun, you become sharper and happier.

2. Train your thinking.

Not only are they important physical exercise. You can develop different areas of your brain by making them work. Professor Katz says thinking and analyzing the world around you can improve the functioning of dormant parts of the brain. Try new tastes and smells. Try doing things with your left hand (if you're right-handed, and vice versa). Travel to new places. Make art. Read Dostoevsky's novel.

3. Ask “Why?”

Our brains are predisposed to curiosity. Allow yourself to be curious. The best way to develop curiosity is to constantly ask the question “Why?” Make it a new habit (at least 10 times a day). You will be amazed at how many opportunities will open up for you in life and work.

4. Laugh more.

Scientists say that laughter is good for our health. During this process, endorphins are released and this helps us relieve stress. In this way, laughter can recharge our brain.

5. Eat fish.

Oil found in walnuts and fish, has long been considered beneficial only for the heart. But a recent study found that it is also beneficial for the brain. Not only does the air circulation system that supplies oxygen to the head improve, but the function of cell membranes also improves. This is why people who consume a lot of fish are less susceptible to depression, dementia, and even attention problems. Scientists have noted that fatty substances are essential for the mental development of children. It is possible that your own mental development and even intelligence can be improved with sufficient consumption of this oil. Eat at least three pieces of fish per week. For example, salmon or tuna.

6. Develop your memory.

The brain is a memory machine. Take an old photo album or school diary. Spend time with your memories. Let your mind reflect, remember. Positive emotions from memories will help you cope with problems.

7. Eat right.

Can unhealthy fats make you stupid? Researchers at the University of Toronto answered this question. They put rats on a diet that reduced their fat intake, causing the rodents to experience poorer functioning of the parts of their brains responsible for memory and spatial perception. But the situation was worse with the diet, when the percentage of fat content was increased. Fat can reduce the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your brain. You can consume about 30% of your calories daily as fat, but most of them should come from the aforementioned fish. olive oil, nuts. Avoid fats found in crackers and snack foods.

8. Solve the riddle.

Some of us love mosaics, some crosswords, and some of us love logic riddles. All this is very good way activate your brain and keep it active. Solve the riddle for fun, but by doing it, know that you are training your brain.

9. Mozart effect.

A decade ago, psychologist Francis Roscher and his colleagues made a discovery. It turns out that listening to Mozart's music improves people's mathematical thinking. Even rats completed mazes faster and more accurately after listening to Mozart than after listening to noise or the music of minimalist composer Philip Glass. Last year, Roscher reported that in rats, a Mozart sonata stimulates the activity of three genes associated with cells that transmit signals to the brain. This is the most harmonious way to improve your mental abilities. But before you grab the CDs, be aware that not everyone who strives for the Mozart effect gets it. In addition, even its supporters are inclined to believe that music improves brain power because it makes listeners feel better. The body is simultaneously relaxed and stimulated.

10. Improve your skills.

Routine activities such as sewing, reading, drawing and crossword puzzles are important. Challenge yourself to do these things in new ways to improve your skills. Read new books, learn new ways of drawing, solve more difficult crossword puzzles. Achieving better results will help keep your brain healthy.

11.Reduce the amount of alcohol.

A study of 3,500 Japanese men found that those who drank small amounts of alcohol had better cognitive function than those who did not drink at all. But, unfortunately, as soon as you drink more than you should, your memory immediately deteriorates. A study on rats determined that those who consumed a lot of alcohol lost cells immediately after drinking it. It has been proven that alcohol not only damages mental abilities, but also interferes with their recovery.

12. Play.

if you have free time, play. Make time for games. Play cards, video games, Board games. It doesn't matter what you play. The game will improve your mood and brain function. This will teach your brain to think strategically.

13. Sleep with a pen and paper.

Reviewing key information before bed will improve its retention by 20-30%. You can keep a book near your bed to read before bed if it does not tire you too much. And be sure to keep a pen and notepad next to your bed. If any obsessive thought appears, it will not let you fall asleep until you “redirect” it to paper.

14. Concentration.

Concentration can improve brain function. But “thieves of concentration” are not always noticeable. Learn to notice when you are distracted. If you were supposed to make a phone call, for example, the thought might linger all morning, disrupting your clarity of thought. You may not even realize that this thought is bothering you. Get into the habit of thinking and asking yourself: “What thoughts are running through my head right now?” In our example, you could redirect the phone call to your to-do list. This can relieve you of this thought and help you think more clearly.

15. Love for the brain.

A series of studies by Dr. Cutler and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania and later at Stanford University found that regular sexual intercourse had beneficial effects on women. Sexual intercourse at least once a week resulted in regular menstrual cycles, shorter periods, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels and slowed the aging process. Increasing estrogen levels by having more sex helps improve brain function. In Dr. Cutler's study, having an orgasm was not as important. Intimacy and emotional connection were the most influential factors.

16. Play with passion.

When people incorporate learning and creativity into their lives, they are 127% more productive in their work. Admire yourself and admire the world. Remember what you loved to do as a child and do it as an adult. This is the key to your genius. Da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Picasso - they all loved to play and explore.

17. Cycles of consciousness.

Determine the time when your consciousness is most active. If you set this time, you can do your most important tasks at this time.

18. Learn something new.

This may seem obvious. Surely you have a topic that interests you most. It doesn't matter whether it's work or leisure. If you don’t have such a topic, then try to learn the meaning of a new word every day. There is a big correlation between vocabulary and your intelligence. When we have lexicon is constantly updated with new words, then our intellect can work differently. Work while you study!

19. Write.

News Personal diary very useful, first of all for you. This is very good brain stimulation. Keeping notes allows you to expand your brain's capabilities. Find ways to write so others can read you. These could be stories from your childhood that your friends might find interesting. Start a blog so others can read you.

20. Aromatherapy to activate the brain.

Aromas can be used to uplift or relax. “Energy drinks” include mint, cypress and lemon. For relaxation you will need geranium and rose. A few drops of oils in your bath or diffuser will be sufficient. You can also use a handkerchief - a couple of drops will be enough. First make sure that you are not allergic to this oil.

21. Drugs to activate the brain.

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks help students score higher on tests. But the coffee won't last long. Instead of coffee breaks, try Gingko Biloba tea. It will improve blood flow to the brain and concentration.

22. Surround yourself with inspiration.

Connect with people who inspire you. Read magazines on various topics. Open up new possibilities. Find new solutions to problems. No matter how old you are or what you do, your brain just needs exercise. This could be logic puzzles, memorizing Shakespeare, or learning a new language. Make your brain work hard if you don't want it to rust like a car in a junkyard.

“Subtlety is as necessary for the mind as grace is for the body.”
Helvetius K.

It is well known that a person uses the capabilities of his brain on average by 10-15%. Modern look life does not contribute to the development of thinking and activation of mental activity. Is it possible to regain clarity of mind and sobriety of thought? How to make your brain work?

It turns out that by introducing a few simple things into your life, you can significantly increase your performance, improve memory and intelligence, develop creative and logical thinking, increase concentration. Let's look at 11 ways to activate your thinking and improve brain performance, improve memory and develop your intelligence.

  1. Listen to classical music

    And also read books by great writers. It is no secret that comprehension and learning new things allow one to develop mental activity. The brain is not a muscle, but it can be trained just as well. It is important to understand that you need to choose food for your mind with the same responsibility with which you choose food for your family in the store, so as not to clog your mind with unnecessary information.

    Classical music and works of art, studying history and painting are the best exercise for the mind! Don’t neglect reading literary works from school and university curricula: they are on this list for a reason.

    Classical music deserves special attention. There is even such a phenomenon as the Mozart effect: numerous studies have shown that the sound frequencies in the music of this composer have a positive effect on the body and cognitive processes. This also applies to other classic works: relaxing the nervous system, providing you positive emotions, musical compositions have a direct impact on mental activity.

  2. Acquire new and improve existing skills

    In addition to comprehending cultural heritage of humanity and its history, you can make your brain work better by trying new things. Try “hand made”, that is, create with your own hands. This will help in self-development. Now it is also fashionable and marketable. Try your hand at knitting, sewing and modeling, drawing and felting, weaving and cutting. And you will definitely discover something hidden inside you.

    Having discovered it, do not rush to stop: improve the acquired skill and try yourself in new directions, even if something does not work out: by overcoming yourself and comprehending what you did not succeed the first time, you will get more benefits for your brain. Great if you know how to play musical instrument: Play more often, learn new pieces, and try to learn to play something else.

    You can hone your skills not only in creativity; perform the most ordinary tasks and tasks better and in a new way: prepare dishes that are uncharacteristic for your kitchen, offer innovative solutions at work, teach your children new things.

  3. Train your memory

    Look through old photos, forcing your brain to remember pleasant moments in detail. Be observant: try, for example, to describe all the passengers on the bus you just got off, Special attention paying attention to the little things and minor nuances. After just a week of such exercises, you will notice how much the task has simplified and your memory, intelligence and observation have improved.

  4. Learn and write poems

    It is very convenient to do this with your child. Moreover, you can play educational games with your children that are useful not only for them, but also for you. Lay it out on the table small items, which were the first to come to hand (TV remote control, pen, hairpin, etc.), and ask the child to remember them, then quietly remove one thing: your child must name the missing item. Then switch roles: now let the child hide toys and hands from you. The task can be made more difficult by swapping objects and asking them to be placed in the same order, or by increasing the number of common and hidden elements.

    One more useful game cards could be for your family: draw or print paired images, cut them so that you get a stack of pictures, each of which has a pair. After this, lay out the images on the table and give the household time to memorize, then turn the pictures upside down. By the way, you can also use regular playing cards. Start looking for pairs one by one; based on the number of pairs found, you can select a winner, rewarding him with a nice little thing.

  5. Get enough sleep

    Sleep is the most important stage in the formation of intelligence. It is during this time that the brain is able to solve problems that it cannot cope with while awake, using sections hidden from consciousness and drawing information from the depths of the subconscious. A striking example of this is the table that Mendeleev dreamed about. chemical elements. There are many more such cases in science than we know, and you, most likely, have noticed that sometimes they come at night best ideas or ways to get out of situations that you puzzled over during the day.

    In addition, the number of connections between neurons responsible for mental condition A person’s ability to control himself, learning and memory increases precisely during sleep. The ability to meditate and relax your body and mind - huge advantage for those who want to make their mind work at 100%. Yoga, mantras and aromatherapy can help achieve a relaxed state.

  6. Proper healthy food

    This is one of the most important stages to increase mental activity. Having in your diet sufficient quantity vitamins and microelements, you supply them to brain cells, increasing its performance. One of the most important vitamins necessary for normal brain function are vitamins B12 and D. The first is found in meat, seafood, eggs and milk, that is, animal food sources, so vegetarians are most often deficient in this substance. Vitamin D is produced by the body during sun exposure. Therefore, sunbathe more often and relax in nature in sunny weather.

    Omega-3 fatty acid are by by and large one of the components of our brain, so their deficiency causes enormous damage to human health. The body cannot synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own, so they must come from food. Fish and seafood, liver, walnuts and some vegetable oils, for example, flaxseed, are rich in Omega-3 and should be present in the diet of adults and children. Rich in fatty acids and breast milk, which is why children who were breastfed tend to score higher on IQ tests than their formula-fed peers. Sufficient consumption of Omega-3 foods not only improves memory, mental balance and performance, but also significantly increases the likelihood of reversing or significantly reducing degenerative brain disorders.

  7. Play sports

    Any sport, yoga, qigong or fitness is an integral part of training the mind. The opinion that athletes do not shine with mental abilities is fundamentally wrong. If you exercise in moderation, it helps improve brain activity. Many studies show that the level of intelligence of people whose excess weight is off the charts is much lower than the abilities of those who are addicted to weight loss. There are many explanations for this: physical activity stimulates the production of a lot of hormones necessary for the body and even the growth of nerve cells that ensure brain function. In addition, physical activity prevents cardiovascular diseases.

  8. Develop creative thinking

    Visualization or imagination training is a very powerful mental stimulant.

    Start with the simplest exercise “Apple”: you just need to imagine this fruit with your eyes closed. Your apple already has specific color, but most likely this is all the information you can voice for now. Your task is to increase this information. The next day, try to imagine the same apple, only drawing out the details: it could have stripes, a leaf and a twig. Try to zoom in on the item shown. Every day you must add something to your apple, remembering in detail the features that already exist. As a result, you will get a full-fledged colorful picture. Then, to the question of what you can tell about the presented fruit, you will be able to give a detailed answer, not only seeing it with your inner eye, but also feeling its smell and taste, hearing how the leaf rustles on the apple tree where it grows. Such exercises are a powerful tool for training observation, concentration and the development of creative thinking.

  9. Solve puzzles and logic problems

    Improving your logical thinking abilities and solving charades and puzzles may seem like overwhelming work at first, but over time you can learn to “click” riddles like nuts. A simple way to train your mind is to develop the hemisphere of your brain that is less active: in other words, write, draw and do something with your left hand (if you are right-handed, and vice versa). In this way, those abilities that were “dormant” until this time develop.

  10. Try to feel a sense of joy and satisfaction more often.

    Brain performance directly depends on the amount of endorphins produced in the body - hormones of happiness.

    Happy, satisfied, successful people do not lack these hormones, so their brain feels good. By being happy about something, you help relax the nervous system, the state of which is directly related to the capabilities of consciousness. Stress has a negative impact on brain activity, so try to experience moments of happiness more often. A one-time release of endorphin into the blood can improve performance here and now, so if you feel like you're starting to think poorly, remember something good or eat ice cream.

  11. Move!

    Changing your body position is another way to help yourself. Poor circulation, which occurs if you stay in one position for a long time, leads to the fact that the brain does not receive enough oxygen and begins to suffer from it. Each of us has encountered a situation where an arm or leg went numb. The reason for this may be poor circulation in this area. The same thing happens to the brain.

    This can also apply to posture. Studies have shown that people who keep their back straight have better memory and a sharper mind. This is due to the fact that when you hunch over, you squeeze some of the vessels that deliver blood to the brain and supply it with oxygen. Try walking for a week with a straight back and you will notice how much your memory and intelligence have improved.

You can stimulate your brain, develop new abilities, work faster and more efficiently, all you need to do is listen to your body and change your lifestyle quite a bit.

1. Play sports

It is believed that with greater physical activity, a person’s brain develops better. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that mice running on a spinning wheel had twice as many cells in the area of ​​the brain responsible for learning and memory. Why are the mental abilities of more active rodents better? Perhaps voluntary exercise is less difficult and therefore more beneficial. This means that when you exercise for fun, you become sharper and happier.

2. Train your thinking

It's not just physical exercise that's important. You can develop different areas of your brain by making them work. Professor Katz says thinking and analyzing the world around you can improve the functioning of dormant parts of the brain. Try new tastes and smells. Try doing things with your left hand (if you're right-handed, and vice versa). Travel to new places. Make art. Read Dostoevsky's novel.

3. Ask "Why?"

Our brains are predisposed to curiosity. Allow yourself to be curious. The best way to develop curiosity is to constantly ask the question "Why?" Make it a new habit (at least 10 times a day). You will be amazed at how many opportunities will open up for you in life and work.

4. Laugh more

Scientists say that laughter is good for our health. During this process, endorphins are released and this helps us relieve stress. In this way, laughter can recharge our brain.

5. Eat fish

The oil found in walnuts and fish has long been considered beneficial only for the heart. But a recent study found that it is also beneficial for the brain. Not only does the air circulation system that supplies oxygen to the head improve, but the function of cell membranes also improves. This is why people who consume a lot of fish are less susceptible to depression, dementia, and even attention problems. Scientists have noted that fatty substances are essential for the mental development of children. It is possible that your own mental development and even intelligence can be improved with sufficient consumption of this oil. Eat at least three pieces of fish per week. For example, salmon or tuna.

6. Develop your memory

The brain is a memory machine. Take an old photo album or school diary. Spend time with your memories. Let your mind reflect, remember. Positive emotions from memories will help you cope with problems.

7. Eat right

Can unhealthy fats make you stupid? Researchers at the University of Toronto answered this question. They put rats on a diet that reduced their fat intake, causing the rodents to experience poorer functioning of the parts of their brains responsible for memory and spatial perception. But the situation was worse with the diet, when the percentage of fat content was increased. Fat can reduce the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your brain. You can consume about 30% of your calories daily as fat, but most of them should come from the aforementioned fish, olive oil, and nuts. Avoid fats found in crackers and snack foods.

8. Solve the riddle

Some of us love mosaics, some crosswords, and some of us love logic riddles. These are all very good ways to activate your brain and keep it active. Solve the riddle for fun, but by doing it, know that you are training your brain.

9. Mozart effect

A decade ago, psychologist Francis Roscher and his colleagues made a discovery. It turns out that listening to Mozart's music improves people's mathematical thinking. Even rats completed mazes faster and more accurately after listening to Mozart than after listening to noise or the music of minimalist composer Philip Glass. Last year, Roscher reported that in rats, a Mozart sonata stimulates the activity of three genes associated with cells that transmit signals to the brain. This is the most harmonious way to improve your mental abilities. But before you grab the CDs, be aware that not everyone who strives for the Mozart effect gets it. In addition, even its supporters are inclined to believe that music improves brain power because it makes listeners feel better. The body is simultaneously relaxed and stimulated.

10. Improve your skills

Routine activities such as sewing, reading, drawing and crossword puzzles are important. Challenge yourself to do these things in new ways to improve your skills. Read new books, learn new ways of drawing, solve more difficult crossword puzzles. Achieving better results will help keep your brain healthy.

11. Cut down on alcohol

A study of 3,500 Japanese men found that those who drank small amounts of alcohol had better cognitive function than those who did not drink at all. But, unfortunately, as soon as you drink more than you should, your memory immediately deteriorates. A study on rats determined that those who consumed a lot of alcohol lost cells immediately after drinking it. It has been proven that alcohol not only damages mental abilities, but also interferes with their recovery.

12. Play

If you have free time, play. Make time for games. Play cards, video games, board games. It doesn't matter what you play. The game will improve your mood and brain function. This will teach your brain to think strategically.

13. Sleep with a pen and paper

Reviewing key information before bed will improve its retention by 20-30%. You can keep a book near your bed to read before bed if it does not tire you too much. And be sure to keep a pen and notepad next to your bed. If any obsessive thought appears, it will not let you fall asleep until you “redirect” it to paper.

14. Concentration

Concentration can improve brain function. But "thieves of concentration" are not always noticeable. Learn to notice when you are distracted. If you were supposed to make a phone call, for example, the thought might linger all morning, disrupting your clarity of thought. You may not even realize that this thought is bothering you. Get into the habit of thinking and asking yourself: “What thoughts are running through my head right now?” In our example, you could redirect the phone call to your to-do list. This can relieve you of this thought and help you think more clearly.

15. Love for the brain

In a series of studies by Dr. Cutler and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania and later at Stanford University, it was found that regular sexual intercourse had beneficial effects on a person. Sexual contact at least once a week slowed down the aging process. In Dr. Cutler's study, having an orgasm was not as important. Intimacy and emotional connection were the most influential factors.

16. Play with passion

When people incorporate learning and creativity into their lives, they are 127% more productive in their work. Admire yourself and admire the world. Remember what you loved to do as a child and do it as an adult. This is the key to your genius. Da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Picasso - they all loved to play and explore.

17. Cycles of consciousness

Determine the time when your consciousness is most active. If you set this time, you can do your most important tasks at this time.

18. Learn something new

This may seem obvious. Surely you have a topic that interests you most. It doesn't matter whether it's work or leisure. If you don’t have such a topic, then try to learn the meaning of a new word every day. There is a big correlation between vocabulary and your intelligence. When our vocabulary is constantly updated with new words, our intellect can work differently. Work while you study!

19. Write

Keeping a personal diary is very useful, primarily for you. This is very good brain stimulation. Keeping notes allows you to expand your brain's capabilities. Find ways to write so others can read you. These could be stories from your childhood that your friends might find interesting. Start a blog so others can read you.

20. Aromatherapy to activate the brain

Aromas can be used to uplift or relax. “Energy drinks” include mint, cypress and lemon. For relaxation you will need geranium and rose. A few drops of oils in your bath or diffuser will be sufficient. You can also use a handkerchief - a couple of drops will be enough. First make sure that you are not allergic to this oil.

21. Drugs to activate the brain

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks help students score higher on tests. But the coffee won't last long. Instead of coffee breaks, try Gingko Biloba tea. It will improve blood flow to the brain and concentration.

22. Surround yourself with inspiration.

Connect with people who inspire you. Read magazines on various topics. Open up new possibilities. Find new solutions to problems. No matter how old you are or what you do, your brain just needs exercise. This could be logic puzzles, memorizing Shakespeare, or learning a new language. Make your brain work hard if you don't want it to rust like a car in a junkyard.

Thanks to discoveries in the field of neurobiology, the most powerful factors influencing brain activity person. The impact of these factors has been studied in particular detail in childhood. Researchers argue that the efficiency of the adult brain is predetermined, in particular:

  • his genetic program,
  • vaccinations and inoculations,
  • illnesses suffered in childhood,
  • eating habits during childhood.

However, despite the fact that an adult is no longer able to influence these factors, he nevertheless has the power to make his brain work faster and more efficiently. At least, this is the optimistic conclusion reached by the research team led by Dr. M. Merzenich.

If we combine the efforts of all scientists who have studied the question of how to make the brain work, then as a result we will get a list of 24 factors influencing changes in the brain activity of an adult.

With Vikium you can organize the process of brain training according to an individual program

What is included in this list, compiled in the wake of scientific experiments and observations?

Food culture

1) Scientists urge people to prefer food that has undergone minimal processing. We must follow the example of hunters and pioneers who prepared their food quickly and simply. At the same time, they were distinguished by keen observation, intuition, and the ability to find a way out in the most difficult life circumstances.

2) Observing 4,000 teenagers, Swedish scientists found that eating fish twice a week improved verbal abilities, visual-spatial orientation and general intelligence in teenagers. All of the above indicators increased by more than 10%.

So eating a full plate of fish or seafood twice a week is essential for fueling your brain. Scientists urge, if it is impossible to follow this recommendation, not to neglect fish oil. Although the exact mechanism of influence fish oil on mental performance has not yet been identified, it, at least, like other omega fats, helps improve brain blood flow.

3) Make sure your food contains enough vitamins B, C, D and E. If not, take them separately. This must be done regularly.

4) You should avoid eating too much sweets. Excess glucose in the body reduces the activity of synaptic connections between brain neurons, which leads to a gradual deterioration in mental activity. Replacing candy, ice cream, sweet rolls and soda with fruit and yogurt will help your brain work faster.

5) Two cups of coffee a day is a great help for brain activity. Scientists have recorded the fact of an increase in the electrical activity of the brain and, as a result, an increase in attention span and the ability to more easily and quickly absorb new knowledge.

6) A little good wine, scientists believe, not only does not harm the adult body, but also stimulates brain processes. Italian scientists found that 29% of people over the age of 65 who rarely drank during their lives showed a tendency towards mental retardation in old age. In the same age group " drinking alcohol in moderate quantities,” only 19% of old people prone to mental retardation turned out to be such.


7) A recent study conducted at Tel Aviv University confirms the conclusion that smoking is harmful to brain activity. Researchers measured the IQ of 20,000 men aged 18 to 21 who joined the Israeli army. For those who smoked more than 1 pack of cigarettes, the average score was at the lower limit of the norm (90 points), and the average score among non-smokers was -101 (with a maximum possible score of 116 points).

8) Don't skimp on sleep. Getting enough sleep means giving your brain a rest. People who get good sleep process visual signals entering their brain better and faster.

9) A little meditation and other stress-reducing techniques are very good for the brain.

10) Scientists compared sexually active rats with rats that were allowed sexual contact only 2 times a month. More active rats showed not only an increased number of neurons in the brain, especially in areas responsible for memory management, but also more connections between these cells than rats from the second group. Although the discovery was made on rats, scientists considered it fair to transfer these findings to humans, explaining that regular sexual intercourse lowers the level of stress and anxiety hormones.

11) Any inflammation inevitably leads to a decrease in brain activity. Therefore, the habit of carrying the disease on your feet, ignoring the recommendations of doctors, plays against you in this case. Swedish scientists have proven that the inflammatory process in the body negatively affects mental activity. Therefore, prevention and timely treatment inflammatory processes- Another one important way help the brain cope better with its functions.

Hormonal background

Another answer to the question of how to make your brain work faster lies in the area of ​​hormonal health. Good work the brain provides normal, and most importantly - stable, insulin levels in the body.

Lack of insulin negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas, which leads to weakening of memory. High insulin levels over time can trigger Alzheimer's disease. So, a person finds himself squeezed into a tight framework not just of insulin standards, but also of the stability of indicators.

12) Two ways to support your brain are:

  • avoid skipping meals so that insulin levels do not decrease,
  • do not overeat, so as not to provoke a surge in insulin.

Free time

13) Rule " What we don't train stops developing"fully reflects the laws of development of both muscle and brain tissue. In mice that lived in cages with a rotating wheel and a lot of objects that created mazes, an increase in brain tissue and an increase in intelligence were recorded.

You don't have to become " squirrel in a wheel“, but regular physical activity and a generally active lifestyle is, albeit quite expected, but a proven answer to the question of how to make the brain work better.

14) When swimming in the pool, make it a rule to hold your breath for as long as you can. This exercise provides a one-time powerful blood flow to the brain, which gives it a strong additional impetus for development.

15) Just 40 minutes of walking 2 times a week leads to significant activity of connections between nerve cells and, as a result, improves memory and intelligence. Scientists proved this by offering this walking mode to a group of subjects who led a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. A year later, test results showed significant improvements.

16) When psychologists from a London college analyzed the brain scans of 125 students and then counted their Facebook contacts, they found that students with the largest number friends also had significantly larger number neural connections, especially in areas associated with memory and emotional reactions. Therefore, they advise expanding the number of your contacts and developing your ability to communicate with a variety of people.

17) Students who, according to the conditions of the experiment, watched TV for more than 2 hours a day, demonstrated after that different shapes attention disorders. The more you watch TV, the worse you perform on intelligence tests, according to scientists who tested 4,000 people. The lowest scores were found among those who sat watching TV for more than 4 hours. So, the less attention you pay to watching television, the more efficient your mental activity and the more intact your attention functions.

18) Well executed computer game or developing computer program(For example, " Vikium” and the like), as it turned out, are a good solution to how to make the brain work faster and more efficiently. Belgian scientists performed an MRI analysis of the brain in 150 adolescents. It turned out that those who regularly played video games had more brain cells in the area responsible for the control and interaction of emotions and behavior, and therefore a higher potential for learning new things.

Intellectual Habits

19) If you are faced with solving a problem and you have to make a choice - gather a group for “ brainstorming"or find a solution alone, give preference to the second strategy. Taking responsibility for finding a solution, confidence in own strength, high level claims - all this stimulates and maintains the tone of your intellectual activity.

20) If you work what is called " sweating it out", there should always be water for drinking near you. In an hour and a half of hard work (especially hard physical work), the brain becomes so dehydrated that this can trigger or accelerate the aging process in it. Teenagers who, according to the conditions of the experiment, first performed physical exercises and then sat down to play a video game, made annoying mistakes and blunders if the experimenters asked them to refrain from drinking water.

21) Scientists have found that self-confidence has a strong positive impact on intellectual abilities. When you take on a problem, make sure that you not only want to solve it, but that you actually believe that you can solve it. A certain amount of intellectual courage develops the mind and improves brain function.

22) Make it a rule to learn new things. Canadian scientists measured the level of memorization in 30 couples who were learning to dance tango. It turned out that after training, the dancers' memory underwent significant improvements. It doesn't matter what your lessons are about - foreign language, singing or construction skills. By loading your brain with new tasks, you pull it out of its usual comfort zone and force it to develop.

23) In science the so-called “ Mozart effect"—the influence of classical music on human brain activity. Classical music, due to its structural complexity, requires certain efforts from the brain to follow the musical pattern, and thus serves as a good simulator.

24) Don't let your gadgets replace your memory. Memorize and reproduce in memory:

  • faces,
  • melodies,
  • poetry,
  • phrases and quotes,
  • addresses,
  • phone numbers.

For the brain, such exercises are like vitamins for your entire body.


Do you rest little and work a lot? Mental fatigue cannot be avoided. The brain needs adequate time for rest and sleep, otherwise it will not be able to work well. It may also decrease if you have endocrine diseases, chronic illnesses and depression.

Performance brain but it depends on several things. First, it is your central nervous system's innate ability to digest the information it receives. Second - training brain A. If you are used to thinking and deciding complex tasks, then you can cope easier than those who encounter them for the first time. And third - food and rest brain A. It requires special nutrients and the opportunity to rest well.

The main substance of which it is composed brain Oval tissue is made up of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, in order to recover and function well, it is necessary to eat lean meat and vegetable oils such as soybean, olive, and sunflower. Many useful for brain A nutrients found in nuts and seeds. Unsaturated fatty acids that are essential brain y, also for ensuring that blood moves throughout the body, supplying neurons with the oxygen they vitally need. Proper nutrition and adequate rest can greatly improve performance. brain A.

Everyone knows that brain on carbohydrates, but among them there are those that are quickly digested and give a slight rise, followed by a sharp decline - these are sweets, buns, chips, and there are slow carbohydrates, they give up their energy gradually, so they are able to nourish brain throughout the whole day. These are various cereals and vegetables. Also brain You need proteins found in meat, phosphorus, the source of which is fish, vitamins B, E, A, and microelements - iron, magnesium, calcium.

If you need to improve your abilities brain and immediately and quickly, for example, before an exam, then you can use new drugs that stimulate brain, they are called neotropics. For example, phenotropil is a substance that improves memory and mood, work speed brain A. These drugs have side effects, so don't get carried away with them. They are ideal for one-time emergency use, for example, during a session.


Many people try to increase brain performance with coffee. But caffeine only increases nervous excitability, hands begin to tremble, a person gets excited and cannot concentrate.

Helpful advice

If you start eating right and sleeping well, your brain will not immediately start working quickly. It will take time to notice improvements.

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In order to complete any complex task or completely immerse yourself in work, it is often necessary to use all the resources of our A. These can be either actions that require full concentration on achieving a result, or mechanical actions that are repeated cyclically. Be that as it may, in this case we need all the resources of our concentration without reserve.

You will need

  • - pen
  • - paper


Isolate yourself from the outside world. Turn off your phone, radio and TV. Isolate yourself indoors and make sure no one bothers you. This is a decisive factor; in the case of reorienting the logical apparatus to something else, you waste both time and resources in the form of mental resources.

Use what you tune in and concentrate on. Perform a ritual that will help you with concentration. This is different for everyone - it could be a cup of coffee, a mug of tea, or a cigarette. In any case, during this time yours should be cleared of distractions and irritants.

Follow this list using the item as a task. When moving on to the next task, allow yourself five to ten minutes of relaxation to recover if you are overexerted. Don't use this time to get distracted by other things and don't allow yourself to be interrupted.

Video on the topic


Never allow yourself to be distracted

Helpful advice

Maintain the highest degree of concentration on each task.

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Some people go to Gym to keep yourself in good physical shape. Someone sits on special diets to keep fit and increase endurance, but what about the brain? After all, it can also be trained and made to work better than you want.


Train your memory. Walking down the street, try to remember the numbers of cars, houses, count the trees. The most the best way training is memorizing foreign words, new terms for you. By improving your memory, you no longer have to look in your address book for a phone number, or ask a friend if you forgot his name.

Learn something new. Actively read literature, newspapers, books. This way you will not only become more literate, but also remember for yourself interesting words, gain life experience, you will be able to concentrate more on business and not be distracted.

Eat, include dark chocolate in your diet. Any sweet fruit, honey, will make your brain work more actively. Chocolate speeds up the processes of information exchange between people and you begin to think more intensely. Drink cocoa and eat at least one chocolate bar every three days. Also remember that eating too much sweets is not healthy.

Solve crosswords, play mahjong or chess with friends. Sudoku will not only make your brain think faster, but also improve your logical thinking. In checkers, you can begin to think strategically, calculate in advance all kinds of decision moves.

Communicate, move. Morning jogging, going to the gym and just good vacation increase the level of endorphins (happiness) in our. And, your brain remembers information instantly and reproduces it without repetition the next time you need it.


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During the change of seasons, our body experiences incredible stress. Hence, problems with sleep, depression and a general deterioration in mental activity. There are several scientifically proven methods to combat this.


IN Lately Meditation has become fashionable. Like yoga or proper nutrition, meditation is now firmly rooted in our way of life, and if you have not yet tried its effect on yourself, then the right moment has just arrived. But keep in mind that meditation will not work instantly. You will need time to gradually stop being irritated by sitting in one position and concentrate not on your galloping thoughts, but on one single subject. For example, on breathing. Practice meditation every day. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the duration of meditation. Regular meditation not only has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, but also generally leads your nervous system to a state of harmony and peace.


No wonder the proverb says that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. If you want to get rid of negative emotions, improve your mood, improve concentration, then sports - The best decision. Regular exercise increases brain activity and relieves stress. You can exercise at home, in the gym, in the park and choose the type of activity you want (running, swimming, brisk walking, fitness, dancing, etc.). The most important thing is that classes should give you pleasure.

Cooking food

Experimenting in the kitchen is a great way to realize your creativity. Cook something unusual every day or come up with your own recipes, and very soon the cooking process will no longer be a burden to you.

More greens in your diet

Greens have a huge positive effect on our body. Never neglect adding it to your diet. Greens prevent our aging nervous system, and also speeds up the perception of new information by our brain. To prevent senile dementia, add tomatoes and fatty fish to your greens: herring, sardines, tuna or salmon.


This is not about to-do lists and daily plans in a diary. Keep a notebook in which you collect thoughts you like, poems that inspired you, your own ideas - everything through which you express yourself and realize your creative side. One such notebook can continue to give you inspiration for a very long time.


Sleep more. In order to treat yourself to the opportunity to get enough sleep, you will have to give up some usual things, for example, late working hours or late-night texting. Go to bed at 22.00-23.00 for at least a week, and after it you will notice that your health has improved, your mood has improved, and your performance and productivity have increased several times.

Surely you would like to remember information instantly and efficiently. To many, this possibility seems unrealistic. However, if you know several ways, you can significantly improve your memory.

Sports and an active lifestyle have a positive effect on memory and the health of the body as a whole. In this case, you can choose how specific types sports, as well as regular walks in the air.