How to whiten tile joints on the floor. How to clean floor tile grout lines? Use of household chemicals

Sooner or later, every owner decides to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, since these are the places where most of the buildup accumulates. various types bacteria and dirt. Most often, the appearance of grinding materials is spoiled by fungus and mold, which quickly multiply in rooms with high humidity and harm the health of residents. To cope with the problem, use special means or what is at hand.

The grouting material has in its structure a large number of micropores It can be quite difficult to remove dirt and dust that gets into them. Therefore, no matter how well the owners take care of the tiles in the bathroom, over time they have to clean the seams between the tiles around the entire perimeter of the bathroom. To extend the service life of the grout material and maintain a presentable appearance, you must follow these tips for caring for seams:

  • after taking a bath or shower, wipe the walls and floor with a dry cloth;
  • Once a week, treat the tile surface with disinfectants;
  • upon detection of a small amount fungal plaque or mold growth, you need to remove bacteria using a seam stripper or brush;
  • V hard to reach places You should use a spray bottle to apply detergents or disinfectants;

  • if deep penetration of bacteria into the seam is detected, you need to clean the grout material in the affected area and fill it again;
  • it is necessary to refrain from using products with abrasive particles, as they destroy the surface of the tile;
  • To protect the floor tiles from dirt and moisture, you need to put a special bathroom mat.

To clean the seams between the tiles and give them a presentable appearance, you need to figure out what means to treat the surface with, how to clean the space between the tiles, and how to protect the grout material from the formation of fungus or mold.

Points to consider

Also, before you start cleaning, you should consider the type laid tiles, the choice of cleaning agent largely depends on this.

  1. For example, tiles with a glazed surface cannot withstand exposure to any acid-containing substances. Because of them, the surface will become duller, and such a change is quite difficult to correct;
  2. After cleaning matte tiles, proceed as follows: thoroughly wash the surface and cover with a special protective mastic;
  3. Mosaic is quite resistant to any external influence, not counting products with high acidity and alkalinity.

Cleaning with household chemicals

Several types of household chemicals are good for cleaning tile joints. However, it should be remembered that for black or colored grout materials you cannot use solutions that contain bleaching agents. After using them, fading may occur and the grout will become faded. Shades will differ in different places.

To remove limescale, old grease stains or dirt stains, treat all seams and tiles with this detergents, like Fairy or Cilit. When the surface has been cleaned, but some stains remain and the surface is still not clean enough, it means that fungus or mold has appeared. To eliminate it, you must use antiseptic agents.

An oxygen-containing cleaner can restore the whiteness of the seams. It should be mixed with water in equal parts and apply with a sponge to contaminated areas. Leave for 30 minutes or 1 hour for deeper penetration. Then lightly press the brush or foam rubber to remove dirt and rinse with water.

Products containing chlorine, such as ordinary Belizna or Domestos, cope quite well with fungus and mold. Use foam rubber or a brush to coat all joints and allow the substance to soak in for 5-10 minutes. Such products emit substances that are caustic and toxic to the human respiratory tract; it is necessary to protect the nose, mouth and eyes during operation.

At the end, you need to thoroughly rinse the surface with water and wipe with a dry cloth. Chlorine-containing substances penetrate deeply into the grout material and do not completely erode for a long time. In this regard, it is not advisable to use such products for people with allergic reactions.

One of the best means by which you can clean the seams between tiles from fungal plaque and mold is a special marker. The device contains ink containing fungicides. The marker is safe for humans, it does not have any odor, has bleaching properties and creates a water-repellent film on the surface.

A steam cleaner has a good antiseptic effect. It can cope with deep dirt, remove fungus and mold. First, the surface is treated with a cleaning agent, then doused with steam. This contributes deep penetration antiseptic and eliminates living microorganisms.

Folk remedies

In addition to chemicals, folk remedies help clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom. One of the most simple recipes is a composition consisting of baking soda with lemon juice and vinegar. Use following proportions:

  • 1/2 cup soda;
  • 1/3 of the juice obtained by using one lemon;
  • 1/4 cup 9% vinegar.

All components are dissolved in 1.5 glasses of water at room temperature. A homemade product will help lighten darkened grout. To do this, use an old toothbrush or a hard sponge to rub the mixture into the seams and leave for 15-20 minutes. After time, the surface is thoroughly washed with water.

Ammonia not only kills microorganisms, but also returns the tiles to their former shine. To do this you need:

  1. 1 tbsp. dissolve alcohol in 2 liters of water;
  2. Use a spray bottle to spray the product onto the grout areas and the surface of the tile;
  3. leave for 20 minutes;
  4. remove any remaining dirt with a damp cloth, paying special attention to the tile joints.

Acetic acid will help clean the seams between the tiles from mold and mildew. For the procedure to be most effective, you should use 70% essence. It is applied to the surface using a spray gun, and the seams are additionally treated with a brush. This way the acid will penetrate as deeply as possible and eliminate microorganisms even in the smallest pores. Leave the vinegar for 10 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly with water.

The acid is diluted in clean water. To do this, take the following proportions:

  • 1.5 tbsp. essences;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

The solution helps remove contaminants.

Mechanical method

The most in a simple way is cleaning with sandpaper. It must be folded in such a way that it penetrates only into the seam without touching the surface of the tile. Abrasive materials destroy the glaze of the tile. After cleaning all joints, sweep away the dust with a brush and rinse the surface with water.

When it is not possible to clean the seams using either household chemicals or folk remedies, you should resort to mechanical method. It is used when mold penetrates deep enough or there are old stains on the tiles.

If the dirt is minor, use a stiff toothbrush or a metal dish scraper to clean the tile joints. To make dirt removal more effective, a solution of washing powder and water is applied to the grouting material.

The melamine sponge removes plaque, dirt and mold well. It is quite durable, but also soft at the same time. This allows you to penetrate into small recesses and scrape off plaque. To use, simply moisten the product with water.

The most radical way is to remove the old grout material with a special knife. This method is suitable when fungus and dirt have spread over too large an area and have become deeply ingrained. Trying to clean the seams in this case is not advisable.

Freshly laid tiles in the bathroom look very beautiful, but over time, dirt accumulates on the joints and seams, which is great place for reproduction and various fungi. Tips on how to clean the grout between tiles will help you deal with this problem at home.

In the bathroom, clean the grout between the tiles difficult task. After all, over time, lime, dirt, and dust accumulate in these places. All this, under the influence of moisture, becomes a favorable environment conducive to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

The tiles themselves are much easier to clean, but in the spaces between them, due to their roughness, dust and dirt still remain during normal washing. Therefore, you need to know what you can use to clean the seams on the floor and walls between the tiles. Below are the most common cooking methods folk remedies for removing dirt at home and tips for caring for tiles.

Soda and vinegar

This is one of the most simple methods removing dirt from tile joints. To prepare the product you will need baking soda and vinegar. Soda is diluted at the rate of one tablespoon per 3 tablespoons of water.

The cleansing algorithm is as follows:

  1. The resulting paste of soda and water is applied to the seams, but before doing this, you must wear rubber gloves.
  2. Next, make a vinegar solution and pour it into a container with a spray bottle. The ratio of vinegar and water should be 1:1.
  3. The result liquid product spray onto the seams over the paste. The soda mixture will begin to bubble.
  4. As soon as the chemical reaction stops, the tile joints should be thoroughly rubbed with a brush.
  5. Next, the seams are washed well with regular running water repeatedly.

A mixture of soda and vinegar is the easiest way

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

The paste is prepared from pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and ordinary baking soda in a ratio of 1:4. You can add dishwashing liquid to this mixture. In this case, peroxide is the bleaching component, soda acts as an abrasive, and the detergent deals with grease.

The finished paste is applied to the tile joints, rubbing in thoroughly, and left for a quarter of an hour. After this, the wall is washed several times warm water.

Important: If you used mosaic or glass tiles when decorating the bathroom, you should not use strong detergents with a large amount of alkali when washing.

Soda, lemon, vinegar

Many owners, for the first time after renovation, are looking for options on how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, because they cannot cope with the dirt that appears. A mixture of soda, vinegar and lemon - effective method, helping to remove heavy stains. This product penetrates well into uneven areas and small crevices, removing dust, limescale and other dirt.

The ratio of ingredients should be like this:

  • lemon juice - a third of the whole citrus;
  • soda - half a glass;
  • vinegar (9%) - a quarter cup.

Before preparing the product and using it, you must wear gloves so that the composition does not cause skin irritation. Next, all components are dissolved in 1.5 liters of purified water (you can take chilled boiled water). Chemical reaction will begin immediately, so you need to mix the mixture very carefully so that splashes do not get on your skin or clothes.

The resulting product is rubbed into the seams. To do this, you can use a sponge with a hard side or a toothbrush. After about 20 minutes, the homemade cleaning mixture is thoroughly rinsed off with warm water.

The composition will be no less effective if you replace lemon juice with citric acid. For 1.5 liters of liquid you will need a tablespoon of crystals.

Lemon with baking soda and vinegar will help remove even old stains from tiles.


Thanks to the use of ammonia, the tiles in the bathroom will not only be clean, but also get a dazzling shine. The product is prepared as follows: dissolve a tablespoon of the pharmaceutical preparation in two liters of water. Next, using a spray bottle, the resulting composition is applied to the walls and floor. The homemade detergent is left for 20 minutes and then washed off with a soft sponge.

Thanks to ammonia, you will be able to remove not only accumulated dust and dirt, but also get rid of mold that has appeared. In addition, the product has a powerful antiseptic effect and destroys various harmful microorganisms.

Soda and "Whiteness"

The bleaching agent “Belizna”, known since Soviet times, also helps to effectively cope with complex stains on tiles and joints. To prepare the detergent, you will also need regular soda. A paste is prepared from these ingredients. “Whiteness” is poured into a convenient container and soda is added until a pasty consistency is obtained.

Wearing rubber gloves, carefully apply the composition to the seams with a spatula and leave until completely dry. Since the bleaching component has a pungent odor, the face should be protected with a gauze bandage. Next, “Whiteness” and soda are washed off with water, using a hard sponge or brush for high-quality cleaning. This product even helps to cope with the black residue from nicotine on the tiles.

“Whiteness” will return to the tile seams original color

Toothpaste, soda, mustard

This is another one effective way tidy up the tiles and grout. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • toothpaste (or powder) 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice from half a citrus;
  • soda – ½ standard glass;
  • mustard powder – 20 grams.

Pour clean water into the prepared container, add all the specified components and mix thoroughly. Using a sponge or brush, rub the mixture into the space between the tiles and leave for half an hour. Then the tiles should be washed with warm water.

Steam cleaner

Hot steam - in itself effective remedy fighting dirt. A good one, releasing steam under strong pressure, softens the calcified pieces and knocks them out of the joints. Under the influence of steam, harmful microorganisms die: bacteria, fungal spores and mold.

The steam cleaner can handle even very strong fungal deposits.

How to clean the seams between tiles with household chemicals

It is not always easy to deal with stubborn dirt using improvised means. In this case, to clean the tile joints, it is worth using special compounds developed for these purposes. However, it should be remembered that chemical substances, contained in them, are toxic. Therefore, when working with such compounds, it is necessary to use a protective mask and rubber gloves.

Below are the most common store products, allowing you to quickly clean out not only accumulated dirt, but also mold:

Means for cleaning seams between tiles

Modern production capacity allow us to produce many varieties of tiles. Therefore, before cleaning the tile joints in the bathroom, you should choose the right detergents.

  1. Glazed tiles in contact with acidic environment loses its external qualities. Glossy surface At the same time, it fades and does not look very beautiful.
  2. Matte tiles are quite easy to clean. However, even after cleaning it must be treated with a special mastic. It forms a film that prevents dirt from accumulating on the material itself and at the joints.
  3. When washing tile joints, do not use too hard and rough brushes and do not clean them with abrasive powders with large granules. This technique will easily ruin the surface. building material, and dirt in this case will accumulate much faster.
  4. In order not to subsequently suffer from fungus or mold growing on the seams, even at the repair stage it is necessary to choose the right grout. It is advisable that it be produced at epoxy based. Such materials are less contaminated and resistant to mold.
  5. Since the condition of the finish in the bathroom directly depends on the microclimate that exists there, it is necessary to regularly ensure that the room is as dry as possible. A properly installed ventilation system plays a huge role in this.
  6. After taking a bath or shower, you need to wipe the tiles with a cloth that absorbs water well. The absence of moisture reduces the likelihood of dust and dirt accumulation, and the seams will have to be cleaned much less often.

Using the tips above, you can easily get rid of existing stains and prevent the appearance of new ones. Regular maintenance of the tiles will preserve their original appearance.


It is generally accepted that the bathroom and toilet in an apartment are the “face” of the owner of the house. But no matter how durable building materials these rooms are decorated with, sooner or later you will encounter the problem of dirty tile joints.

The appearance of the room immediately becomes untidy, and the mood of the homeowners deteriorates. At first glance, only complete renovation will help restore the beauty of the room. But don't despair often even the most hopeless cases can be easily solved using available means.

Let's try to figure out how to quickly clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, including on the floor.

What happens to the seams between the tiles?

The spaces between the tiles are formed by a special type of material - grout. It is easy to use, the seams are sealed, and the end result is pleasing to the eye. But time passes, and frequent contact with water and detergents on the tiles destroys the seam materials.

Changes in humidity and temperature contribute to the appearance of small cracks in material structure, their number is gradually increasing. At the same time, aged areas absorb moisture. The result is unsightly tile work.

Destroyed areas of finishing of household rooms, if they are not cleaned in time, become an ideal environment for, because it is always warm and humid there. In such cases, using the premises also becomes dangerous to health.

How to clean the grout between bathroom tiles?

For cleaning, products designed to remove rust or limescale, for example gels Sanox, Cillit, Domestos and others. Cleaning powders containing chlorine (Pemolux, Comet, Biolan) have also proven themselves well.

If the first options do not help completely solve the problem, then you can try the popular ones traditional methods. How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom and on the floor using improvised means?

    A mixture of soda and ammonia in a ratio of 1:1. It is better to apply to the tiles with a regular toothbrush, rub and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This method Suitable for cleaning white finishes only.

    A good cleaning product is hydrogen peroxide.. Apply with a sponge and leave until completely dry. This method is not suitable for removing fungus.

    Treatment using bleach(""). Please note that she has to work in indoors it is dangerous for a long time. You should moisten the sponge with undiluted product and go over the seams. For maximum results wait 15-20 minutes. Then ventilate the room and wash the treated walls with detergent.

What is the best way to clean tiled floors in the kitchen and bathroom?

The seams between tiles in the kitchen are most often contaminated with food debris and fat deposits. Therefore, you can try other methods to cleanse them.

Experienced housewives to clean the seams, first soak the floor with a concentrated soap solution, it contains alkali.

It is better to leave it to work overnight. Further the floor needs to be scrubbed vigorously with a brush, as a result the dissolved contaminants are washed away, and the seams regain their original appearance.

Available for sale different means with a high content of acids and alkalis, it is usually recommended to remove grease stains and clean stoves with them. Try using them for other than their intended purpose - for the floor.

Before use, apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating, as aggressive chemicals may cause the tiles to crack or change color.

The following folk methods are suitable for kitchen floors:

  • A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda (apply to the seams, rub and rinse hot water).
  • A solution of washing powder and soda (one tablespoon of each per liter of water).
  • “Belizna” solution. Before use, make sure not to damage the tile surface. To do this, apply the solution for 15-20 minutes in an inconspicuous area of ​​the kitchen floor.

If the usual methods do not help

If it was not possible to scrub the seams, then in this case it is necessary to redecorating seams in household rooms. For example, the following scheme would work:

    Wash required areas walls using cleaning powder (Pemolux and the like).

    After drying, carefully go over the seams with sandpaper (not coarse-grained). This removes the damaged layer of grout.

    Wipe with a slightly damp sponge again to...

    We process the inter-tile distances with a special marker. There are many types of them on sale from different manufacturers, but the essence of use is the same. You need to go over the seams with the product, as if painting with a felt-tip pen. Sometimes one layer is not enough, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After the manipulations tile masonry will look fresh. In addition, fungicides are usually added to the markers to protect against future mold growth.

If you want to achieve the perfect effect, then It is better to involve a team of experienced finishers in the repair. They will completely replace old plaster or grout for a new one. It is logical that this option is the most expensive.

We hope that the described methods will help you maintain a tidy appearance of your home and postpone serious repairs for a long time.

The tiled walls look flawless immediately after renovation. However, over time, you have to look for ways to clean the seams between the tiles in the kitchen. The cracks become clogged with dirt and spoil the appearance of the room. It is not always possible to wash them with ordinary detergents. In a room with high humidity, the integrity of resistant grouts and sealants is gradually destroyed by bacteria and molds that can penetrate deeply into the structure of the material. If dirt from the tile joints is difficult to remove, you need to use more aggressive cleaning agents.

It is best to use specially developed grout cleaning products.

Ultra Stripper is a concentrated cleaner. It successfully cleans mosaic, porcelain, granite, cement and ceramics from stubborn stains. Before use, Ultra Stripper is diluted with water. The concentration of the solution depends on the amount of contaminants.

BOZO disinfectant is used to clean tiles and tile joints. Thanks to its viscous consistency, the product evenly covers the porous surface of the gaps. It effectively removes stubborn grease, salt, soot and rust. After treatment with BOZO, the unpleasant odor disappears.

A product that will help you clean seams very quickly is HG tile joint concentrate. Before using it, you need to clean the joints with dishwashing detergent and dry their surface. The drug is applied with a brush and washed off after 10 - 15 minutes. The seams turn white literally before our eyes.

For light stains, it is better to use Atlas Delfin tile and joint impregnant. It is advisable to apply it immediately after repair to prevent the appearance of contamination. Atlas Delfin protects porous surfaces construction mixture, preventing it from accumulating contaminants. Impregnate is resistant to cleaning agents and makes kitchen tiles shiny.

Mr. spray can easily handle minor stains. Muscle Expert for the kitchen. It will remove burnt fat, sauce stains and burnt milk between tile joints. The spray has an antibacterial effect.

The use of Pemolux cleaning powder gives good results. It is applied to a small brush and wiped over the cement. It is convenient to treat the seams with a regular toothbrush (preferably a children's or electric one). The disadvantage of the product is the presence of abrasive elements (ground marble) in its composition. There is a high risk of damage to the surface of adjacent slabs.

The Snowball bleaching pencil will quickly and easily help restore the whiteness of tile joints. Simply draw a line over the seams with a pencil to make them look like new again. The components included in the product penetrate deeply into the cement, destroying mold fungi and bacteria.

Method 2 - steam cleaning

You can return your walls to their original cleanliness using a steam cleaner. A steam cleaner is a device that releases hot steam under high pressure. A jet of steam easily removes old stains, destroys pathogens and mold spores that have penetrated into the cement.

To clean tile joints, you need to purchase a steam cleaner that can heat up to a temperature of at least +175*C. It is better to use the device together with a brush attachment. The steam will come out through it more concentrated, so the effect of steam on the surface of the seams will be greater.

After treating the joints with steam, you need to wash off the dirt with water at room temperature. You can additionally treat the surface with antifungal disinfectants.

Method 3 - cleansing with bleach

You can clean newly darkened seams in the kitchen using chlorine-containing bleaches (Belizna, Cif Ultra White, Domestos). These products will help destroy colonies of fungi and bacteria on the upper layers of the material.

Bleach is applied to the contaminated surface with a brush and left for 10 - 15 minutes. After this, the product is reapplied and washed off with plenty of water. Bleach is difficult to completely remove from porous surfaces.

You can enhance the effect of chlorine-containing products with baking soda. A thick paste (similar in consistency to toothpaste) is prepared from baking soda and bleach. It is applied with a spatula to the seams and left until completely dry. The composition is washed off with water and a brush.

You need to make sure that the seam is completely covered with the compound, otherwise dark spots will remain on it.

This method is suitable for cleaning joints covered with white grout. It is not recommended to use bleaches on colored surfaces, even if the shade of the putty is very light. After applying bleach, a colored surface will lose its color uniformity and will look untidy.

If you have to process large area, you must definitely close the doors in the kitchen and open the windows, otherwise the acrid smell will spread throughout the apartment; You should work with gloves and a mask.

Method 4 - using improvised means

A good preventative against fungi is laundry soap. Fungal microorganisms die in an alkaline environment. You need to regularly clean the surface with soap before mold appears on it. Laundry soap will help get rid of mold that has recently appeared on the seams. Only laundry soap in the form of a brown bar has antifungal properties.

You can clean the grout between floor tiles with baking soda. The floor is moistened and the gaps are generously sprinkled with soda powder. When it gets wet, carefully wipe every centimeter of surface between the slabs with a toothbrush. Special attention should be given to areas with black spots and dots.

A solution made from:

  • 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp ammonia;
  • 2 glasses of water.

First, dissolve baking soda in water, then slowly add vinegar and ammonia to the solution. The product is applied with a brush to the seams for 10 minutes, then washed off. The composition actively foams and “explodes” contaminants from the inside, allowing them to be easily washed. The solution along with the dirt is washed off with water.

A similar result is observed after applying a soda solution with the addition of vinegar and citric acid. Dissolve 200 g of baking soda in 2 liters of water, then add 100 ml lemon juice and 50 ml of vinegar. Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid. It is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2. The composition is applied to the joints and washed off after 15 minutes with water.

To remove dirt from the gaps between the tiles, spray a vinegar solution onto them from a spray bottle. To prepare the solution, take water and vinegar in equal parts. The seams covered with the solution are cleaned with a stiff brush (not metal).

Hydrogen peroxide diluted in water dissolves greasy and burnt stains well (it is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2).

When choosing how to clean dirt, you need to take into account the type of tile. The glazed surface may become dull after treatment with products containing acids.

Method 5 - mechanical cleaning

How to clean the grout between tiles in the kitchen without resorting to chemicals? Mechanical cleaning of the joints between tiles is the most radical way to solve the problem. This is hard and painstaking work that is done only by hand. Use electrical appliances (drill with attachment or grinding machine) Not recommended. They can damage the tiles.

To clean seams with stubborn dirt, use:

  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • semicircular chisel or sandpaper.

You can cut off the dirty layer of grout using a metal tube, cut at an angle and sharpened.

But it is better to purchase a special scraper for cleaning tile seams and removing old grout. It consists of a handle to which a wide diamond-coated blade is attached. The thickness of the blade is 1 - 1.5 mm. It allows you to clean even very thin gaps between tiles. If the seams are wide, you can use models with multiple blades or remove layers of grout with one blade, positioning it at an angle.

The handle of the tool is at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface being processed. Therefore, during the long painstaking work the hand does not get tired. By pressing the tool, you can cut off the grout layer from the seam along its entire length in one motion.

If the fungus has appeared on the surface of the grout recently, it can only be removed upper layer material. If the cement has darkened for a long time, you need to cut off the layers located below the darkened ones. Fungal spores can be found in deep layers of material. They cannot be detected with the naked eye. Remaining in the grout, fungi will continue to destroy it.

During their life, fungal microorganisms emit volatile organic compounds that can cause various diseases, so you need to wear gloves and a mask when cleaning off the affected layers of building material.

In some cases, it is necessary to remove all the grout. After removing the affected material, dry the joint with a hairdryer. You can install a heater with a heating coil or a fan heater nearby. Such devices quickly reduce air humidity.

The dried surface is treated with special fungicidal agents. Instead, you can use a special primer that prevents the appearance of biocorrosion and the colonization of mold fungi and bacteria (Ceresit CT99). After applying it, new grout is applied, to which a little antifungal primer should be added.

Freshly laid tiles with grouted joints in the bathroom look neat and attractive. But after some time, the cladding loses its luster due to accumulating dirt. While it’s easy to clean the tiles themselves with water and a rag, the seams are not so simple – the porous structure of the grout retains plaque. But dirt is not as terrible as fungi and mold. How to clean the seams between tiles in different cases? Here is an overview of effective methods.

Why does pollution occur?

Contamination of tile seams occurs for several reasons:

  • The ingress of water creates a humid environment favorable for the development of fungi and mold, which are brought in with the same water from old pipes or from the outside (from clothes, shoes, etc.);
  • Natural settling of dust and its retention in the porous structure of the grout;
  • Exposure to bathroom and toilet cleaners and soaps;
  • Floor tiles receive a large dose of dust, sand and dirt from the outside;
  • On kitchen apron Predominantly fat and organic matter settle.

The situation is aggravated by improper installation of seams and lack of water- and dirt-repellent protection and failure to maintain a normal microclimate in the room (lack of ventilation, excessive humidity and low temperature).

Treating the tile joints with impregnations immediately after grouting ensures the structure of the joint is tight and dirt, fungi and mold cannot penetrate into it, and they are easy to remove.

Methods of cleansing

There are many methods for cleaning tile joints in the bathroom and kitchen:

  • Use of chemical cleaning products;
  • Traditional methods;
  • Steam cleaning.

The choice of method for removing contaminants depends on the composition of the plaque. For dust and sand, it is enough to use abrasives. Fungi and mold must be disinfected and removed, and greasy spots neutralize with degreasers. Floor tiles require more effort to clean than wall tiles due to the intensity of the dirt.


The chemical method of cleansing is the most reliable: the drugs act comprehensively, they neutralize pollution and remove it. Stores offer a wide range of acid- or chlorine-based preparations in the form of sprays, solutions and powders.

For mechanical removal For inorganic contaminants, you can use powder products such as PemoLux, Sanita. They are applied to a brush or dampened cloth and the seam is cleaned, then washed off with water, for example, from the shower.

Emulsions and sprays are more convenient to use:

  • Cif is an abrasive emulsion for cleaning mechanical and organic contaminants. Suitable for use in kitchens and bathrooms, walls and floors.
  • Cillit Bang is a powerful acid-based product that kills mold or mildew and prevents it from reoccurring for a period of time.
  • Mr Muscle for the bathroom is suitable for cleaning the surface of the tiles and tidying up the seams themselves.
  • Products from the “Shining Bath” line are a means for cleaning tile joints with silver ions; they help prevent re-infection of the surface with microflora.
  • Mellerud is a universal spray for cleaning tiles on walls and floors from grease and organic deposits.

In departments household chemicals there is a huge selection special means for cleaning tiles and grout. In addition to them, you can use non-special solutions, for example:

  • Domestos for toilets copes well with mold colonies, especially black mold. It disinfects the surface and completely kills harmful spores. Its use on surface-painted seams is not recommended.
  • high concentration bleach. It removes fatty, fungal and dirt deposits.

It is necessary to use the products according to the instructions: some must be kept for a certain time, others can be removed immediately.

Steam cleaning of seams

You can clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom with a steam generator and even an iron with this function. This method is absolutely safe - no chemicals are used for steaming, and therefore there are no destructive effects on the coating. In this case, mushrooms and mold die completely.

The only case where the use of steam is impossible is the presence of polymer grout with silicone in the tile joints.

How to remove dirt and fungi from seams using a steam cleaner:

  1. Pass a stream of steam along the seam slowly; you can work one place 2-3 times.
  2. Rinse off the steamed dirt with running water or a wet cloth.

Steam can soak off plaque of any thickness and even partially ingrained dirt.

Folk remedies


Sodium bicarbonate is found in every kitchen. Essentially, it is a simple alkaline-based abrasive with disinfecting properties.

Soda will cope with surface stains of any nature and will help clean the seams on the walls of the bathroom and kitchen. For floors, this powder can be effective on light build-up.

Apply a small amount of baking soda powder to a pre-moistened brush or sponge and rub the seams with it. longitudinal direction. In this way, you can update the seams of the tiles and remove dirt at the joints between the plumbing and the wall with cladding.

When the seams are cleaned, apply soda and water diluted to a paste consistency and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.


To clean seams with significant dirt between tiles on the floor and walls, you can use radical remedy from the kitchen - table vinegar 9%. It should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and sprayed into the joint or applied with a rag. For severe contamination, the liquid can be used without dilution. Leave soaked for 3-5 minutes and clean with a rag or brush, rinse thoroughly with water.

The obvious disadvantage of the method is strong smell acetic acid. Use gloves and thoroughly ventilate the area.

Homemade cleaning paste

Among folk recipes There are ways to make homemade active cleaning pastes. Concentrated lemon acid It acts similarly to vinegar - it disinfects the surface and soaks away dirt and grease that has accumulated on the seam. Prepare the solution:

  • 3 parts water
  • 1 part citric acid,
  • 2 parts vinegar
  • 2 parts soda.

Apply the resulting paste to the seams for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

The components can be divided into 2 solutions and applied alternately:

  1. Mix 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water and spread into the joints of the tiles.
  2. Mix water and vinegar 1:1, apply over soda paste.

During the reaction, the media are neutralized and the seam is actively cleaned. When the hissing stops, you can remove the resulting slurry along with the dirt.


Ammonia will help clean the seams between adjacent tiles and give the cladding a shine.

Not to be confused with ammonia! Ammonia is alkaline solution, and ammonia is salt of hydrochloric acid, not suitable for cleaning!

To prepare the solution, take 2 liters clean water and add 1 tablespoon of alcohol to it. Soak a rag generously in the liquid and wipe the cladding with it, paying attention to the joints. For convenience, distribution can be done with a spray bottle. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to clean the grout between floor tiles

To update tile joints on the floor, we recommend using chemicals. Steam cleaning may not be effective enough due to intense contamination of the horizontal surface.

For homemade recipes, you can try vinegar, baking soda, and homemade acid-base pastes. The concentration of active substances in them is similar to household products.

Pollution prevention

The best way to deal with ingrained dirt in facing seams is prevention.

  • After grouting and each cleaning, it is recommended to treat the joint with a special sealant that fills the small pores of the surface.
  • For prevention, seams should be treated with soda or cleaning agents at least once a month.
  • There should be no moisture trapped between the tiles on the wall and the plumbing - there should be no cavities in the sealant, and the adjacent corner should be carefully insulated.
  • Neutralize individual spots of fungus immediately. A toilet bowl cleaner is suitable if you have not yet purchased a special solution.
  • It is necessary to clean the room and maintain an optimal microclimate without moisture accumulation.

Removing old grout

When the moment is missed and the dirt has become deeply ingrained, and even worse - fungi, when no method has helped, the only way out is to replace the seam with complete disinfection of the space between the tiles.

Grout can only be removed mechanically by hand or electric tool. Before you start cleaning, you should try to soak the grout - pour plenty of hot water on it or add vinegar to the liquid.

Soaked grout can be removed with any convenient tool:

  • A utility knife is suitable in cases where the seams are very narrow. You should choose thicker blades.
  • You can clean the seams with a special attachment on a drill, but you need to choose the right width of the disk and strictly follow the direction of movement of the tool so as not to chip the tiles.
  • A grinder is suitable for thick seams. But it creates a risk of damaging the tiles; careful work will be required.
  • Know-how of the masters from the video - saw attachments. Look how simply, and most importantly - carefully, they clean the tile joints:

In the released joints, it is necessary to carry out complete disinfection - treat the base with antiseptics, then re-grout.

To avoid similar problems in the future, choose high-quality epoxy grout– it is resistant to moisture, dirt and mold do not eat into it.

Precautionary measures

Not every tile can withstand all of the following cleaning agents:

  • Glazed tiles become dull from concentrated acids;
  • Small mosaics are sensitive to acids and alkalis; you will have to work with special tools very carefully, only along the seams with a thin brush;
  • It is recommended to use abrasive powders carefully, only along the seams - intense friction can erase the glossy layer of the tile.

Handle with care homemade means, especially with pastes and vinegar - these are substances with an aggressive active medium. Household chemicals in this regard, they are more balanced, and the manufacturer must indicate on the label all precautions and provide information about the compatibility of the product and different types of cladding.