Living room design in a two-room Czech. Design of a two-room Khrushchev house without redevelopment, ideas and photos. Original stylistic solutions

Two room apartment- one of the most common housing options. Despite small area, it is quite roomy and comfortable. Perfect for living as a single person or a family with children. Two-roomed flat allows you to implement various design ideas. It will be radically transformed and transformed into a modern and cozy living space.

It is not difficult to create a modern design for a 2-room apartment. The choice of ideas for such a home is huge and varied. Bringing them to life will not be difficult. Especially if you turn to professionals for help.

You can put flowers on the kitchen table

You can hang pictures on the wall in the hallway

Combination of white and chocolate colors in the interior

When choosing a design project, you should approach it wisely and take a number of points into account. The main one is the geometry of the room and location window openings. Since changing this is quite difficult, and in many cases impossible. The interior design of a 2-room apartment must be consistent with these features. This will allow it to turn out laconic, beautiful and modern.

They play an equally important role in this process wishes of the homeowners. The atmosphere in the room depends on how comfortable they are. The interior should not be cluttered with furniture and other details. It is necessary to think through everything down to the smallest detail. This will allow you to organize functional and comfortable spot for accommodation.

Modern style in the living room interior with wall lighting

In the kitchen, the TV can be mounted on the wall

Apartment design without redevelopment

This apartment layout option assumes the presence of two rooms that are isolated from each other. They have a small area, but are convenient and comfortable. The distribution of this space can take place in several ways.

The most common one involves using a small room as a nursery and a large living room. This option is great for families with children. Another method of organization is also practiced. In this case, a large room, which is located far from the entrance, acts as a bedroom. The space allows you to equip:

  • place to rest;
  • dressing room;
  • install a baby cot.

This design of a two-room apartment is standard and often found. When arranging it, it is better to use light shades for the walls. For example, beige, sand and others. They will create a cozy and calm atmosphere in a small room.

You can hang a chandelier above the bed

You can hang a modular picture on the wall

Nice chocolate color in the living room interior

To prevent it from seeming boring and monotonous, you need to use bright accents. They will enliven the atmosphere and give the interior of a two-room apartment individuality. Green and blue colors are perfect for this. They should not be very bright, but subdued. This interior of a two-room apartment is universal. If necessary, it can be supplemented, improved and re-equipped. Such a room can easily become a nursery for a newly born baby.

For ceilings, it is better to use shades that will contrast with the walls. In this case, the material must be High Quality, wear-resistant and not dark. Otherwise, the environment will not be very comfortable. It’s good if it reflects the rays of the sun during the day and fills the room with light.

You can also use a rug, which gives the room a homey feel. The main requirement for it is size. It is better to choose a small rug in a light shade. Thus, the interior of a two-room apartment will be spacious with an infinity effect, which will visually increase its volume.

The ceiling is decorated in classic style and light colors. This makes the room spacious and cozy. Small lamps that diffuse warm rays of light work well. For such a room should not be used suspended structures, as they take away centimeters on the ceiling. As a result, it will reduce its height and create a cramped effect.

As decorative elements Paintings, photographs, etc. are perfect. They must be correctly matched to general interior premises. Thus, they will be combined with it and look harmonious. They are positioned so that a person’s attention is scattered throughout the space during rest.

The combination of white and black in the living room interior

Modern style in the interior of the kitchen in gray

Studio apartment: design features

Quite often such apartments have small kitchen. To hide this drawback, you can use modern layout options. In this case great solution The problem is the design project of a studio apartment.

This type of interior is generally preferred creative people. Because they don’t feel comfortable in a small space. An increase in area is achieved through the use of visual effects and changing the layout of the apartment. Transformation of space allows you to create a comfortable and convenient place for living, relaxation and creativity.

Beautiful ceiling in the bedroom with a chandelier

Design bright bedroom in modern style

Together with suspended ceiling you can make a backlight

The main task when creating a design two-room studio apartment is to provide volume and space. Light colors for the walls, floors and ceilings will help with this. But there is one problem - the premises perform several functions. Therefore, it is necessary to identify separate zones. They are designed for different purposes:

  • recreation;
  • cooking;
  • lunch.

For this you can use like different styles, and shades. This will allow you to visually highlight each zone. Perfect fit neutral colors in combination with additional elements decor. Mobile type partitions can also be used. For example, in a bedroom with an area intended for active recreation or work. Such a wall can be easily moved and, if necessary, the area of ​​the room can be changed.

Modern living room in minimalist style

The bedroom interior is made in a modern style

Redevelopment: options

The design of a two-room apartment can bring to life the most interesting and original ideas. Especially if we're talking about about a large area of ​​the room. You can easily and simply turn such an apartment into a three-room one. An additional room can be equipped to suit every taste. It will be an excellent bedroom, nursery, office, etc. It all depends on the requirements and wishes of the owners.

Repair with redevelopment has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

First you need to do some repairs. It involves combining several rooms, and then dividing the space in accordance with certain proportions. This design option is perfect for large bedroom, corridor and loggia. Connecting them will allow you to get a large space with which you can work at your discretion.

To separate one room from another, use plasterboard walls. Partitions equipped with sliding doors. This way, light will penetrate into a room where there is no window.

The living room design is made in chocolate color

Combination of light and dark colors in living room design

Balcony walls can be decorated with flexible stone

Often used for visual separation multi-level ceilings. They are equipped with a large number of lamps that are adjustable. To increase the volume of the room, you can install glossy ceiling. It will hide the decrease in its level.

Walls can be made in different color scheme. The space allows the use of several shades. The main thing is that they combine and harmonize. Thus, the design of a two-room apartment will be laconic and beautiful.

Redevelopment is a serious job that must be coordinated with relevant specialists. Otherwise, such work will bring a lot of trouble. The owner of the apartment will be fined large sizes. In some cases, paying for it is not possible; you will need to return the property to its original appearance.

The kitchen can also look beautiful

The sofa in the kitchen will perfectly complement the interior

Solution for married couples

A married couple often chooses a two-room apartment as housing. And this is not surprising. If you choose the right design project for a 2-room apartment, you can make it as functional and modern as possible.

An excellent solution for married couple is a studio apartment. This allows for efficient use of the space. Partitions with the ability to move apart, shelving, etc. are installed. The play of light looks good, it changes and transforms the space.

A ready-made design project for a two-room apartment can be obtained either from specialists or found on the Internet. The Internet offers a lot of housing options. From them, everyone can choose the option that suits them.

Ready-made design projects for 2-room apartments are quite expensive. Especially if they are done by specialists high level. You can find it on the Internet for free. The owner himself is responsible for such a design.

You can install lighting on the ceiling, it looks amazing

The living room design is made in a modern style

Color harmony in living room design

Interior for a family with a child

With the arrival of children in the family, everything changes in the house. Especially living conditions. It is important to arrange your child’s corner where he will relax, play and study. A separate room is good for this. It is available in the following design options:

  • standard;
  • redevelopment.

You can put a TV above the fireplace

Great living room option for a small apartment

If we are talking about standard version apartment design, then the room, which has a small area, is equipped as a nursery. A suitable option redevelopment in three rubles. Extra room can be arranged as a nursery. In this case it is better to use pastel shades so that the room is bright and cozy.

Interior design of a 2-room apartment is great opportunities to implement any ideas. When choosing a specific design option for a room, you must be guided by the preferences of those who will live in it. You can use unexpected solutions to create a cozy and modern atmosphere.

Video: Repair and redevelopment of a 2-room apartment

If you decide to start renovating a 2-room apartment or simply plan to change its appearance in 2018, then you should approach the issue of interior design responsibly. , you will transform your home beyond recognition!

The space of a 2-room apartment is essentially divided into two parts, but they can be used in different ways. The most common options:

  • If there is a child in the family, then it is advisable to make one room a nursery, and the other an adult bedroom or a living room-bedroom (the latter option is more preferable if you often receive guests at home).
  • One room can be a full bedroom (it can accommodate both parents and Small child), and the second - the living room.
  • If the owner of a 2-room apartment is single business man(for example, a businessman), then one room can be used to accommodate a sleeping area and equipment for a full-fledged office, and the second can be used to create a cozy and spacious living room in which the owner can hold meetings with clients or partners.

Successful redevelopment

If for some reason you are unhappy with the way the space is demarcated in your apartment (for example, the rooms are too small), then you can start large-scale changes - redevelopment. But before you decide to take such an important step, carefully weigh the pros and cons. First, remember that the process can be very costly, time-consuming and time-consuming. Secondly, not all walls can be demolished; load-bearing walls definitely cannot be dismantled. Thirdly, in any case you will need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities.

So, the most common methods of redevelopment:

  • Combining the kitchen with the adjacent room and turning these two rooms into a living-dining room. But it is not advisable to completely demolish the entire wall, because, firstly, it is better to isolate the work areas and hide them from prying eyes, and secondly, complete dismantling is prohibited by the current regulations, because gas appliances should not be in the living room.
  • . If these rooms are so cramped that all residents feel extremely uncomfortable in them, then demolishing the wall will help free up space and use it rationally. But if the family is large, then such a decision may not be beneficial and create a lot of inconvenience.
  • Demolition interior partition, that is, the union of two living rooms. In the end you will get original design and has become so popular in Lately spacious studio apartment. But this option is suitable only for a single person or a couple without children. If a family with children lives in an apartment, then everyone will need their own isolated space, and when the premises are combined, this will become almost impossible. If you prefer this option, then take care of zoning. For example, sleeping area can be separated with a screen, and the work area can be hidden behind a rack or cabinet.
  • Attaching a balcony or loggia to a living room. The owner of a 2-room apartment, dissatisfied with its small area, may decide to take such a step. But find out in advance whether it is possible to dismantle the wall, because if it is load-bearing, then this is prohibited. Also, take care to fully insulate the loggia, otherwise it will be cold in the room.
  • A less common option is to join the living room part of the corridor. But still, it’s not worth sacrificing them completely. Firstly, any apartment should have a space in front of the door used for putting on outerwear and storing it. And be sure to limit this area, otherwise the living room may become less comfortable.

Do you need a unified style?

In order for the design to be complete and the space to be orderly and unified, in 2018, designers recommend choosing one style and keeping all rooms in it, including utilitarian ones (kitchen and bathroom). Moreover, all residents should be satisfied, so the choice should be approached very responsibly. If everyone has different tastes, then you will have to try to find a compromise. It is advisable to stay in some neutral and calm direction, associated with comfort. It could be Mediterranean style, classic, Scandinavian.

Successful zoning

To make rooms isolated, use doors. Moreover, it is advisable to choose the same ones so that the design is uniform and harmonious. Doors will definitely be required in the bathroom, toilet, and bedroom. And the entrance to the living room can be decorated using an original passage, for example, an arched one. It is not necessary to close the kitchen, although a door to such a room can be very useful, because it will prevent the spread of odors different dishes throughout the entire space of a 2-room apartment.


For finishing you can use the most different materials, but still, when purchasing them, you should adhere to the style chosen for decoration. And if you choose one direction, then the flooring can be the same in all living rooms. Use parquet, laminate and so on. For finishing utilitarian premises, you can choose another material that is more practical and resistant to dirt and moisture (tiles or linoleum).
As for different rooms it may vary, this will make the design more original, as well as take into account the wishes of the owners of the premises, giving each zone individuality.


If your goal is to save space (and the problem of a small area is relevant for many), then use a modern compact furniture, especially built-in, it allows you to free up enough space for freedom of movement and freedom of action. Modular complexes are becoming especially popular, and they are used everywhere: in the bedroom, living room, kitchen or even in the toilet. By choosing this option, you can create exclusive compositions and easily change the design and appearance of the premises.


Plan location lighting fixtures preferably even at the repair stage, especially if installation of tension or suspended ceiling. More modern and in most cases convenient is diffused lighting. And some devices can be original and stylish and used for decoration.
It is desirable that the windows in all rooms of a 2-room apartment are the same, firstly, this is beneficial, and secondly, the overall interior design will become harmonious.
Accessories can be original, functional and useful at the same time; this will make the apartment more practical and comfortable. But you shouldn’t give up on cute little things either. Now your two-room apartment will acquire a stylish and original look, thanks to your efforts.

The design of a 2-room apartment is the most popular option today. The golden mean between tiny one-room apartments and expensive three-room apartments. A two-room apartment is enough to bring the best design solutions to life.

But even a square area of ​​40-60 m2 requires organization comfortable space. To create a beautiful architectural style global work with space will be required. The situation is most difficult with old layouts; there are nuances when it is difficult to make a design out of a two-room apartment studio apartment studios.

In the table we consider the disadvantages that create difficulties during redevelopment:

1. Secondary market. Considering that this is a secondary market premises, there are a number of unnecessary partitions and other inconveniences.
2. Long narrow corridor. Such a corridor does not provide the opportunity for full planning and furnishing. There are a couple of tricks that will help visually enlarge the room.
3. Shared bathroom. For many, this layout creates discomfort. Although in some cases this option is considered an advantage.
4. Small kitchen. In modern architectural project includes planning the kitchen area. This provides for the organization of space for household appliances. In small kitchens this is almost impossible.
5. Not high ceilings. This detail should only be entrusted to design tricks.
6. Small area. A small area can be organized using various design techniques. If you come across rooms in the shape of a trapezoid or pentagonal, then this is rather an advantage.
7. The basics of redevelopment. In order to draw up a redevelopment plan, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the apartment. We define General requirements, then we make a series of points.
8. How many residents live? Be sure to take into account the number of people in the apartment; everyone should be allocated personal space.

If there is not enough space, then zoning occurs using various design tricks.

9. Interior style direction. The interior style is chosen before starting repair work. Here it is worth giving preference to the most modern trends decor.
10. Lack of quadrature. Thanks to competent planning you can adjust the apartment plan.
11. All technical capabilities. Before a project is developed, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances associated with the technical capabilities of the room.

What kind of redevelopments and types of two-room apartments are there?

Each 2-room apartment of secondary housing offers several subtypes that determine the personal characteristics of the housing and the layout as a whole.

Stalinist redevelopment

The “Stalinka” layout is distinguished by large rooms and high ceiling structures. Architectural feature is the complete absence of load-bearing wall structures.

The possibilities for re-decorating the apartment are almost unlimited, see photos.

Architectural renovation of the interior:

  • You can make a 3-room apartment out of this layout, but it is better to increase the space.
  • The simplest and most common option is dismantling between the kitchen, hallway and room.

The kitchen and the room must be separated by a special sliding door-partition.

Redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev house

The Khrushchevs are the complete opposite of the Stalinists. Small or narrow rooms with low ceiling structures.

Main disadvantages:

  • Passage room.
  • Combined bathroom.
  • Small kitchen.

Redevelopment, what can be done (see Two-level one-room apartment)?

Remodeling an apartment is most likely a complex process:

  • First of all, we find the load-bearing walls where the door leaf is transferred.
  • If the apartment is designed for several residents, then the corridor can be used to separate the bathroom.
  • If the family is large, then due to the passage room we increase the corridor (see Design of a one-room apartment).

A 2-room Khrushchev house is suitable for a small family. You can easily combine a living room, a bedroom and an office.

Redevelopment of Brezhnevka

Brezhnevkas are similar to Khrushchevkas, but have more improved characteristics. The rooms are a little larger, the bathroom is separate.

Apartment redevelopment:

  • It's very important aspect are load-bearing walls that cannot be touched.
  • Here you can connect the kitchen with an adjacent room.
  • Connect the bathroom.
  • It is not recommended to touch the remaining walls.

The main job of designers is to visually correctly zone and increase space.

What is the new layout

The special feature here is the large kitchens and rooms:

  • Large corridor and separate bathroom are included in a number of advantages.
  • The large loggia can be converted into a separate room.

Redevelopment instructions:

  • This layout does not need modification.
  • Here you can easily transform it into a studio apartment with your own hands.
  • By removing the walls, you can equip a huge living room of up to 34 square meters (see Arranging a one-room apartment).

The second room can be enlarged with a loggia and isolated.

Any art begins to live from the details. The interior of a 2-room apartment is no exception, from which you can create an excellent studio apartment. Here you can recreate some improvements to the interior: color palette, zoning.

The design of a 2-room studio can be done in several directions:

  • Zone the room using several styles.
  • Use a single style in different colors.

Note. Choosing one style will create consistency in the room and unify the space.

A single style direction does not mean using the same colors and directions.

There is some specificity here:

  • If the apartment is half studio, where the bedroom remains isolated, it is best to use two styles.
  • The modern direction of the interior emphasizes free space, where the sleeping area is decorated in soft, pleasant colors.

We apply functional zoning

Functional zoning will allow you to organically and conveniently design the interior and logically distribute several zones in one space.

Living room, dining room and kitchen in one area

The most ideal option for small 2-room studio apartments is a combination of a living room and a kitchen.

In a remote corner you can place a library, office or sleeping area.

Study and living room

This option provides a separate living room, not connected to the kitchen area, but connected to a study.

Two zones can be separated using a screen, a door, or frosted glass.

Office and bedroom on the same territory

This design is not the most ideal, but if there is no choice, then you can come up with a way for the bed to be folded or removed. Large beds take up a lot of space. In this case, a separate work zone and is finished using a screen.

Color palette for a 2-room studio

The color palette directly depends on the choice of style direction and the interior as a whole:

  • When designing a 2-room studio apartment, you need to focus on visual magnification space.
  • Light shades of all colors, textiles, gloss, and glass are used here.
  • Dark shades as accents are not excluded. Textured materials are also acceptable.

Cool colors help light skin tones soft shades. If cold and bright shades used correctly, you can create a cozy beautiful interior and do Beautiful design 2-room studio.


For middle-income people, a two-room apartment is the most convenient option. To create comfort and home comfort it is necessary to competently create a beautiful design for a two-room apartment.

If the layout of the room is inconvenient, you can try redevelopment to expand the space by combining adjacent rooms or a loggia (balcony). Typical apartment planning is narrow hallways, small kitchens and a combined bath and toilet.

It is imperative to take into account the number of people living.

Article content:

Design of a two-room apartment in a panel house

You can apply 1 stylistic solution to the apartment. More often than not, everything in the apartment is in pastel colors. For convenience, you can use built-in furniture.

The area should be used as functionally as possible. Lighting should help increase the space.

With standard planning, the area should be divided into a sleeping area and a recreation area. The kitchen can be combined with the living room or left isolated if the family is small. If there is a loggia, it can become a wonderful office, and the bathroom can be expanded into the hallway.

To arrange the furniture most rationally, you can use computer programs, which will help you see the selected design of a two-room apartment in a three-dimensional image. You can move furniture for convenience and functionality.

If redevelopment is needed, load-bearing walls cannot be demolished. For other partitions, official permission is required for demolition. After these stages of work, you can begin the design project.

Light colors can be used on the walls, while dark shades can be used on the floor. This will increase the space of the apartment.

The kitchen is a gathering place for the whole family; it is better to choose smooth shapes without corners. The living room can be a contrast to the kitchen. Sliding wardrobes with sliding doors are ideal, which will save space. Two-level ceiling will help to better illuminate the room.

Became fashionable vintage style, where you can combine antiques in the design and decoration of the room. Already in the interior you should feel the rich history of each item. Especially for this purpose, things are artificially “aged”.

Vintage materials use copper elements, metal forging, expensive wood, textiles, etc. The main highlight of the style will be uneven surfaces, cracks or abrasions. Little things that emphasize antiquity are important: antique watches, black and white photos, vases, paintings, etc.

Design of a 2-room Khrushchev house

From the design side, apartments built during the time of Khrushchev or according to the same typical projects were called “Khrushchev buildings.”

Often the layout is incorrect, the area is small or there is no corridor, when five doors open into the hallway. That's why modern design a two-room apartment allows you to create a beautiful and comfortable home from any apartment. The right design will help hide design flaws and area.

The small area of ​​Khrushchev-era buildings creates the problem of lack of territory. Therefore, you should first carefully consider the redevelopment. You can change doorways, dismantle partitions between rooms, create arched structures. In old houses, certain walls and balconies cannot be changed.

It is also better to replace the bathtub with a compact shower stall. In the free space you can put washing machine. A small corner bathtub can fit into a combined bathroom.

If planning is impossible, you can use mirrors of all shapes and different sizes. This will make small spaces visually freer.

It is better to purchase furniture that can be easily transformed to save space. These are sofa beds, tables, cabinets, etc.

The living room is a place for receiving guests and relaxing. Therefore, more demands are placed on it.

The interior design of a two-room apartment requires a lot of natural light. Zoning can be done: a place for rest and lunch. For this purpose, screens are used, different coatings on the floor.

Pastel colors are required for decoration. To increase the height of the room, you can make a two-level or suspended ceiling.

The curtains are transparent to let in more light. Don't clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

To apply 3D design, you need the versatility and aesthetics of the room. This will not help tall cabinets storage and chest of drawers. It is more convenient to use a built-up bed with a computer table nearby.

You can hang it on the walls in the bedroom beautiful lamps, bedside tables. Japanese or Roman formal curtains are suitable for windows.

Even in a two-room apartment with a small area, with the help of small tricks you can create style, a comfortable atmosphere and amenities.

Photo of the design of a two-room apartment

With standard planning, the area should be divided into a sleeping area and a recreation area. The kitchen can be combined with the living room or left isolated if the family is small.

If there is a loggia, it can become a wonderful office, and the bathroom can be expanded into the hallway.

You should start from the living room, ideal option it will be combined with the kitchen if this is a bachelor’s apartment. If you have children, this is not a good idea.

If big family, then you can increase the area due to the hallway.

Based on materials from:

“Khrushchevka” are the first mass-built houses with small-sized apartments, low ceilings and poor sound insulation. They were actively built from the 60s to the 90s of the last century throughout the country, and many Russian families at that time acquired their own housing for the first time.

Those who live in these today small apartments, for example, with an area of ​​43 sq. m, they are increasingly asking the question: how to draw up a design project for a two-room “Khrushchev” apartment? And what interior design ideas are there?

Layout features

“Khrushchevka” is easy to recognize among other apartments by its characteristic features, for example, wide double-leaf windows in the shape of a square. Or along small windows on the edge of the end panel in the kitchen.

What else distinguishes this type of apartment from the same “Stalin” apartments and other options:

  • Availability of a passage room.
  • Small kitchen - from 4-5 to 6 square meters. m.

  • Combined bathroom: toilet and bathroom are located in the same room. A Khrushchev-era bathroom is usually so small that it cannot accommodate a standard bathtub 150-180 cm long.
  • In Khrushchev's kitchens, housewives cooked on gas stoves.
  • Many apartments have a balcony and a storage room, the latter being no different in size from an ordinary room in houses of this type. There are no balconies only in apartments that are located on the first floor of the building.

If we talk about the house in general outline, then in it central heating, there is no garbage chute and elevator. Such buildings usually have 5 or 7 floors, less often - 9 or 3-4. According to the layout, all apartments in the Khrushchev block face one side, except for the corner ones - their windows face reverse side overlooking the courtyard.

“Khrushchev”, from the point of view of planning, has advantages and disadvantages, but it is impossible to judge them objectively.

Among the advantages of such apartments are noted:

  • Availability of a balcony and storage room.
  • Typical layout: small corridor and kitchen, two approximately identical rooms.
  • A passage room that often borders the kitchen and leads to a second room.
  • The shared bathroom is another plus. It saves space in the apartment.

The disadvantages of the “Khrushchev” apartment include:

  • low sound insulation or too thin walls;
  • low ceilings - only 2.55 meters (some buildings have ceilings of 2.70 meters);
  • a cramped hallway or its literal absence;
  • small area of ​​the apartment as a whole: a standard two-room apartment in a Khrushchev building has an area of ​​no more than 43, 44, 46 square meters;

  • small area of ​​the room - bedroom or nursery;
  • lack of a balcony on the ground floor - there are practically no “Khrushchev” buildings with a loggia on the ground floor;
  • walk-through kitchen, which combines with the living room and is so small that all the equipment can fit on it gas stove and a short tabletop.

“Khrushchevka” can be located in a brick or large-panel house.

“Kopeck apartments” may differ slightly in area and layout:

  • "Book" they call a Khrushchev house with rooms in a row - a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom and a total area of ​​42-43 square meters. m.
  • "Tram"– a two-room apartment with an area of ​​almost 47 sq. m and adjacent rooms, one of which is a corner one.

  • "Improved"– layout without a passage room, separate bathroom and tiny kitchen. The total area of ​​such an apartment is usually 43-45 square meters. meters.
  • "Butterfly"– an apartment with a kitchen in the middle and two rooms at its edges. The area of ​​such a “Khrushchev” building is usually 46 square meters. meters. It has a separate bathroom almost in the kitchen.

The “book” layout is good because it has adjacent rooms that can easily be combined into one or the entire apartment - into a full-fledged studio. However, the disadvantage of this layout is that no matter what the redevelopment is, one of the rooms will remain a walk-through room. Only if you don’t put up a partition and create a corridor leading to the next room.

Regardless of the “original” layout, the “Khrushchev” can be changed and made functional - to combine rooms or increase the space of one of them.

Redevelopment options

The great advantage of a “Khrushchev” apartment is that it is easy to redesign: “move” walls or combine rooms to create more space. At least visually. Internal walls or the partitions in the “Khrushchev” are not load-bearing, which means they can be removed and the space of the room can be changed in agreement with government agencies.

Redevelopment of a Khrushchev building begins not only with the owner’s desire to remodel it, but also with obtaining permission for this procedure from the state. It is easy to obtain, provided that the living rooms and kitchen remain in their places, only the location of the walls themselves will change. Once the state gives the go-ahead to change the configuration of the space, we can begin.

Option #1

All Khrushchev apartments have small kitchens and bathrooms. One of the solutions that redevelopment can provide is increasing the kitchen area. Owners often remove the wall between the kitchen and next room(usually it is a walk-through) and create modern kitchen-living rooms.

Classic “Khrushchev” kitchen 5 sq. m becomes a spacious living room with a cooking area with a total area of ​​up to 23 square meters, if the walk-through room is completely given over to the hall.

Such an apartment can be called a euro-“one-room apartment”: housing with an isolated full bedroom and a spacious kitchen-living room. The resulting “one-room apartment” is attractive because it becomes more spacious - the “extra” wall disappears, and additional space is freed up for furniture.

Option No. 2

A modest two-room apartment can be turned into a full-fledged studio if you completely remove internal partitions. With the exception of the bathroom - bath and toilet, these two rooms need insulation.

A modern studio can be zoned– divide by functional areas using partitions or cosmetic repairs. Owners often use these two combinations: they create artificial thin walls between the sleeping area and the relaxation area - the living room. They “play” with the shade of the walls and the material of the floor: they lay tiles in the hallway and kitchen, and laminate in the living room and bedroom. This technique not only divides the space, but also visually expands it.

A studio apartment is suitable for a young family without children or a couple who prefer one large area together with small but isolated rooms. However, such a redevelopment is not suitable for a family with at least one child.

Option #3

Next option redevelopment of the “Khrushchev” implies moving the walls and preserving 2 isolated rooms. For example, you can expand the kitchen area from 5 square meters to 15 square meters (more or less, depending on the area of ​​the apartment and the location of the rooms). To do this, you will have to demolish the existing wall and build a new one in a new place, moving its boundaries.

Option No. 4

The “improved” layout of a 2-room “Khrushchev” apartment can be made even more functional if you combine the kitchen with a walk-through room and divide the larger room in half. This redevelopment is suitable for a family with one child who likes to receive guests. And those will have a place to stay - in a spacious hall with dining table.


Regardless of how large-scale the redevelopment was in the “Khrushchev”, it is still possible and necessary to use zoning techniques.

Zoning the kitchen-living room

If the walk-through room and the kitchen have become a single space, it’s time to divide it – visually. In the cooking area, equip classic cuisine. If the width of the wall along which the cooking area will be located is not enough, extend it by perpendicular wall and take it to the rack.

Thus, the rack will divide two functional areas both visually and in reality.

If the area of ​​the kitchen-living room remains small even after planning, a tabletop can be replaced with a full-fledged dining table. You can separate the cooking area from the living room with a sofa if you place it with its back against the wall along which the countertop with oven and stove runs. Or place a thin partition made of metal, glass, or wood between them. Install a shelving unit with shelves up to the ceiling. Or you can abandon this idea altogether and visually divide the kitchen-living room with the color and texture of finishing materials.

Good decision– place in the cooking area floor tiles , in the living room - laminate or parquet. The texture of the floor will already divide the two combined rooms, even if the color of the walls in them is not different.

Living room zoning

If during the redevelopment of the “Khrushchev” building the number of rooms remained the same, and it was decided to give one of them as a living room-bedroom, then zoning cannot be avoided. Let’s say a family with children lives in such an apartment; the children were given a larger room, and the parents settled in the living room.

One solution is to divide the room with a thin partition., “hide” the double bed from prying eyes in the back of the room, near the window. In the area closer to the door, place a small sofa and dressing table, hang the TV and storage items on the wall, thereby maintaining free space for movement.

To get even more space in the “Khrushchev”, instead of a bed, you can choose folding sofa and leave the room unchanged. During the day it will be a living room and receive guests; at night it will become a full-fledged bedroom with a disassembled sofa instead of a bed.

If parents are not ready to sacrifice a full bed in the name of preserving free space, they will especially like the following solution. In a small bedroom-living room you can install a folding bed, which during the day is “retracted” into the wall bed, and in the evening “reclines” to form a full-fledged sleeping place.

Popular styles

Choosing an interior design for a small-sized Khrushchev apartment is another headache for the owner.

High tech

Modern interior solution, which is based on technological innovations, high functionality and prestige in the current interpretation. High-tech is characterized by plastic, glass and metal in furniture and decoration materials. If we talk about colors, they are calm, muted and monochromatic - white, black, all shades of beige and gray.

This interior style uses a suspended ceiling, but in a “Khrushchev” it may be inappropriate - the ceilings in the apartment are already low, and such a design will make them even lower.

Special attention It’s better to focus on the walls. Turn one of them into an accent one: decorate it with plastic, wood, stone or other panels. The emphasis will be created contrasting wallpaper, but not colorful - they are of no use in high-tech.


Remember the Ikea store with rational and, at first glance, simple options furnishings. That's what it is Scandinavian style. It is distinguished by its environmental friendliness - furniture and finishing materials, practicality - many hanging and multifunctional structures for storage.

The Scandinavian interior is dominated by light shades - white and beige, gray and brown. The emphasis is often on details - textiles and accessories.

Empire style

Luxurious style in an interior characterized by large areas both rooms and windows, doors, high ceilings. Empire style is unlikely to be suitable for decorating a “Khrushchev” building, but some of its elements can be introduced into the decoration of your home. For example, ornaments: in furniture upholstery or on kitchen facades, in textiles or on a wall, but only one. An accent wall with royal-style patterns would be appropriate in a classic interior, which we will talk about later.


Classics are appropriate for “Khrushchev” - laconic furniture made of wood with elements natural stone, discreet shades and textiles in a single range. A classic interior is not only beautiful, but also practical.

In a small bedroom or corridor of a “Khrushchev” building you can install tall cabinets– up to the ceiling, with facades in the color of the walls. They will not overload the already cramped space and will accommodate the maximum possible. If we talk about the color of furniture fronts, give preference to light shades - beige, white, light brown, gray, olive. Dark colors save for details - frames, chair frames and small bookcase or a rack, if there is room for it.

For the present classic interior stucco is typical. But in “Khrushchev” buildings it is unlikely to be appropriate. The maximum is a ceiling plinth, provided that the ceiling in the house is at least 2.70 m.


It is dominated by natural shades - brown, green, olive, yellow.

It could be something like this French Provence with aged furniture or American style - comfortable furniture, abundance natural materials in finishing.

Room decoration

The standard design of rooms in a Khrushchev building is a European renovation with functional cabinet furniture. Regardless of whether it is an economy class renovation or an expensive designer one, make small apartment Stylish is simple - just choose the same style for all rooms in the house.

  • Kitchen. In a standard “Khrushchev” kitchen, 5-6 square meters will only fit kitchen set. To make it even more functional, choose wall cabinets that go up to the ceiling - they will fit more dishes and kitchen utensils.

  • If the kitchen and living room occupy one room, then this is a great opportunity to make the interior even more stylish. The first rule is a single style and a single color scheme for the room. Light shades walls and furniture will visually make it more spacious and lighter, and will be especially useful if the ceilings in the house are low - 2.55 m.

Provence is especially suitable for a modest kitchen-living room - country style with abundance wooden elements. Light wooden facades kitchens can match the dining table in shade and material. The contrast will be created by a common luxurious chandelier, masonry in the cooking area and checkered textiles.

  • Bedroom. The square footage of an ordinary “Khrushchev” bedroom can vary - from 8-9 to 19 square meters. m. If the room is small but isolated, it is worth placing a full bed in it. A good night's sleep is more important than any interior madness, so give preference to a bed instead of a sofa.

Storage space can be organized along one of the walls or in a niche of the room - install a wardrobe up to the ceiling. Even in a modest bedroom of 9 square meters there is room for a double bed and a closet covering the entire wall. Dressing table can be replaced with a functional headboard or hanging shelves above the head or on the sides.

  • Children's room. It is usually reserved for the most large room. To save free space in the nursery, do not neglect wall cabinets– they are convenient for storing things that are used infrequently.

Required element children's bed: full-size, design bed or ottoman. And a wardrobe, preferably a wardrobe, so that the child can find his things on his own. For the nursery, choose calm shades, leaving bright ones for accents - interior details or toys.

If two children are accommodated in one room, then choose bunk bed: it will save space for games and activities, and maybe other furniture - desk, rack for books and toys.

Often, repairs and redevelopment in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings begin at the moment when it becomes impossible to live in the apartment: communications, floors and walls are worn out. The latter may not be able to withstand cosmetic repairs, and the idea of ​​redevelopment arises.

  • Don't be afraid of redevelopment. It will allow you to increase the space of the corridor or bathroom if you sacrifice 2-3 square meters of another part of the apartment - one of the living rooms or the kitchen. With the help of redevelopment, it is easy to enlarge the kitchen if you combine it with a walk-through room. Or keep two isolated rooms, but reduce the area of ​​one of them for the sake of the kitchen.