Zamioculcas roots have rotted, what should I do? Zamioculcas: what a caring owner of a dollar tree needs to know. Video: meet the unpretentious African Zamioculcas

Below is the answer to the question why Zamioculcas (dollar tree) leaves turn yellow and what to do if they turn yellow at home. The causes of yellowing of the dollar tree can be different. Green leaves may change color due to natural aging . In this case, only the lower ones turn yellow and fall off in single copies. At the same time, young leaves are formed at the tops of the branches.

Massive yellowing of Zamioculcas leaves of any age is caused by sharp jumps temperature and a flow of cold air. Check if the plant is in a draft.

If only the tips of the leaves turn yellow, it means the room is too arid the air from which the dollar tree suffers.

Yellowness on young leaves is evidence improper watering. Excess moisture caused rotting of the tubers and roots.

If all the leaves turn yellow and fall off at once, it means you overdid it by not watering the plant at all. Zamiokulkas decided that a summer drought had arrived and prepared for it. In that case, it needs to be transplanted into fresh soil and start regular watering. Young branches will soon emerge from the old stems.

If it doesn't grow

The answer to why Zamioculcas or the dollar tree grows poorly and does not produce new shoots at home is presented below. A young bush generally grows very slowly, producing no more than a couple of leaves per year. This happens because the flower of celibacy throws all its strength for tuber development and adjacent roots.

It begins to grow the above-ground part only after it has mastered the entire surrounding space in the pot.

The same thing happens if you plant even a completely mature plant in a spacious container.

Another reason for poor growth and lack of new shoots is destruction of the root system. If the flower is watered frequently or water does not escape into the pan, the tubers will probably rot.

Naturally, development stops completely, and Zamioculcas dies. All that can be done in this case is to cut off the above-ground parts and try to root them again.

The dollar tree can rest by stopping growth for a period of dormancy. Since the plant came from Africa, its “hibernation” begins in February and lasts until July.

Dark spots

What do the dark spots on the trunk of Zamioculcas indicate?
The appearance of black and dark chestnut spots on the leaves and stems of the dollar tree signals perfect mistakes in.

Blots can form from being kept in a cold room, rotting of individual roots and tubers, or from overwatering.

Spots on the trunk can also indicate excessive soil moisture. In addition, they appear if some of the roots die off for some reason. If there are no other problems, and the tree develops well, then this is just a natural decoration of the zamioculcas.

The stem has shriveled

Why did Zamioculcas' stem shrink?
This can only happen from serious water shortage. The plant tries to use up its reserves and is gradually depleted.

Either you very rarely water the zamioculcas, or you do not use enough water, or the lump of earth has hardened and the water flows into the pan on the sides without wetting the soil.

Tubers and roots rot

What to do if Zamioculcas roots rot?

The most common problem, which occurs when growing Zamioculcas. She appears from overflow and excess water in the ground.

Constantly moist soil and a warm environment attract pathogenic fungi, which cause rotting.

To save the plant, you will have to act radically. The tree must be removed from the pot, the roots freed from dirt and washed in warm water. Now you should cut off all the affected roots and cut out the rotten areas of the tubers. Only healthy tissue should remain.

Then zamioculcas needs to be processed any systemic fungicide- Hom, Acrobat, Vitaros, Fundazol. The pot and all the soil are replaced with a new one, previously disinfected with boiling water or heating in the microwave. Only after this the plant is planted in a container.

In case of serious extensive lesions, when the tubers rot entirely, you need to cut off the stem or leaves and root them. You can only use uninfected parts of the flower.

The branch broke off

What to do if a branch breaks off on a dollar tree?
If you accidentally break off an escape, don’t worry! Sprinkle the wound on Zamioculcas activated carbon or charcoal to prevent bacterial attack.

And cut off the broken shoot just above the break and place it in a container with water. Soon it will have roots and you can have another dollar tree for your collection.

Why is the dollar tree crying?

This is how it manifests itself plant defense mechanism, thanks to which the plant, like other aroids, gets rid of excess water. Zamioculcas cries after too much watering and when humidity in the atmosphere increases, for example, after spraying or before rain.

Guttation(plant crying) occurs when the surface of the leaves stops evaporating moisture or does not have time to get rid of it. At this time, hydathodes - glands located at the tips of the foliage - are activated. They drop droplets of water outside.


Below are the two most common pests of Zamioculcas:

Flower midges

What to do if there are midges in Zamioculcas?
Black flying midges are bred in conditions constant dampness. Adults live on the surface of the plant, and eggs are laid in the ground. The larvae also live in the soil, eating roots.

To completely get rid of pests, you need to dig up the zamioculcas and lay it out to dry. At this time, dispose of the soil from the pot, treat the container with boiling water or strong potassium permanganate, and fill it with fresh soil.

After drying, inspect the tuber and roots, cut off all suspicious areas, treat with weak potassium permanganate. Instead, you can use crushed charcoal by simply dipping all the roots into it. These products perfectly disinfect fabrics, preventing rotting and the spread of pests.

Now the dollar tree can be planted in new soil, but do not water! Leave the flower alone for several days, watching for the possible appearance of midges again. To prevent their new attack, water only through the pan.


The omnivorous pest does not ignore Zamioculcas. Small insects multiply quickly, forming extensive colonies on inside leaves. If aphids are not exterminated in time, they can simply destroy the plant.
Most modern insecticides can be used against these insects. insecticides, for example, Intavir, Fas, Actellik, Decis, Karate.

From folk remedies work well herbal decoctions dandelion, marigold, tansy.

Amazingly tenacious and viable plant! Even if it loses its roots or leaves, it can be reborn from almost nothing. If you follow the recommendations of experts, you will not have to deal with pests and flower diseases at all.

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Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are those, such as the Ramiro pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most vegetables on supermarket shelves are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their variety, then the name of this pepper “Ramiro” will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth letting other gardeners know about it. In connection with which this article was written.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, and heavy dew falls in the mornings. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a completely special microclimate in the ground layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if you haven’t introduced yourself to each other, get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms, similar to corals.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub– karyopteris, or Nutwing. He is also “wing-hazel”, “blue fog” and “blue beard”. It truly fully combines unpretentiousness and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from bell pepper with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onion, tomatoes, eggplants. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite the simple names (“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and provide a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

Zucchini fritters with Parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos of available products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes can be easily turned into a non-boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients to the dough. During the squash season, pamper your family with vegetable pancakes with wild mushrooms; it is not only very tasty, but also filling. Zucchini is a universal vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets. delicious recipes- compotes and jam are made from zucchini.

The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is scary at first, until you become imbued with the naturalness of the process: in nature, this is exactly how everything happens. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, and fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created over centuries. In addition, it requires a lot of labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not get sick and at the same time looks like a lawn... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the labor intensity of caring for it. I suggest you consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onions and sweet peppers - thick, aromatic, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and is thick because this recipe contains pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened in the sun in the garden beds. Bright, red tomatoes will produce just as bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made dressing for spaghetti, and you can also simply spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often observed a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the bleached tops of shoots “burn.” This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And lightening of foliage does not always mean a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack during chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell you in the article.

Korean vegetables for the winter - delicious Korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy because it is prepared with Korean carrot seasoning. Be sure to prepare a few jars for the winter; in cold winter, this healthy and aromatic snack will come in handy. You can use overripe cucumbers for the recipe; it is better to prepare vegetables in late summer or early autumn, when they are ripe in open ground under the sun.

Autumn for me means dahlias. Mine begin to bloom as early as June, and all summer the neighbors peek at me over the fence, reminding them that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by the fall. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. This means it’s time to start preparing the plants for a long harvest. cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Distinctive feature dishes - eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

Zamioculcas stretches out, the number of lobes on young leaves decreases, they become pale in color - the plant does not have enough light, it needs to be moved closer to the window. Although the flower is quite shade-tolerant, it does not develop well in completely artificial light.

Zamioculcas does not grow - slow growth is a biological feature of culture, and if it is not created optimal conditions, it slows down even more. An important role in stimulating growth is played by the composition of the soil and the size of the pot, which should not be too spacious. Zamioculcas grows poorly even in the absence of regular feeding, reacting especially sharply to a lack of potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.

Zamioculcas is rotting

If zamioculcas turns yellow

Spots on the stem of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas pests

Scale insects. which can get onto the succulent from neighboring plants. The insects are inconspicuous at first, but multiply quickly, and the stems and leaves become covered with dark spots. Adults are inactive; they are removed with a damp sponge; the larvae are destroyed by spraying the entire plant with a soap solution or insecticides, for example, actara.

Aphid. often appears if the plant is taken out into the open air for the summer. Affected leaves curl, become discolored, then turn yellow and fall off. It is destroyed by ready-made insect repellents such as Decis, Intavir, Actellik or Fitoverma.

Optimal temperature and light conditions, moderate watering without stagnant water, as well as regular fertilizing will help avoid the appearance of any pests and diseases on the succulent. Zamioculcas, which is properly cared for, adapts well to growing conditions in residential and office premises and remains decorative for a long time.

The indoor flower Zamioculcas is popularly called the “dollar tree.” Growing this plant at home is believed to increase family income and help accumulate dollars. With proper care, the dollar tree grows up to one meter in height and is distinguished by fleshy thick petioles on which beautiful, green, glossy, leathery leaves grow. If the leaves on zamioculcas turn yellow, this indicates that mistakes were made in care or the plant is grown in unfavorable conditions for it. We will describe all the reasons for yellowing leaves and how to eliminate them in this article. You can learn about all the features of caring for a dollar tree from our article “How to care for Zamioculcas at home?”

Why do Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow - the main reasons

  • Zamioculcas pests.
  • Dollar tree diseases.
  • Let's look at each reason in more detail.

    If the leaves on young shoots turn yellow or zamioculcas turns yellow completely, you should pay attention to how you care for it:

  • Lack of light. The exotic flower loves good light and grows best on eastern and western windowsills. In the back of the room, far from the windows, there will not be enough light for it and this can cause yellowing of the foliage.
  • Excess fertilizer. You need to feed the dollar one, but very carefully. Zamioculcas grow slowly, so many gardeners begin to introduce a large number of various fertilizers, thinking it will help their pet's growth. This big mistake! Follow this link. and read carefully how to properly feed a dollar tree.
  • Low air temperature and drafts. The air temperature in the room where your indoor flower grows should not be lower than +18 degrees. If the plant stands in a draft or near a cold window in winter, this may be the reason why yellow leaves appear on the zamioculcas.
  • Transfer. For any plant, replanting is stressful, to which the flower can react by yellowing the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant zamioculcas using the transshipment method. But if after transplanting the leaves of the dollar tree turn yellow for a long time, pay attention to what pot you transplanted it into. Zamioculcas does not like spacious containers. After transplanting into a pot that is too large, the roots may begin to rot, the leaves may turn yellow and dry out. Go to link and learn how to properly transplant zamioculcas.
  • Tuber damage. If a tuber is damaged during loosening the soil or during replanting, the damaged areas on it will begin to rot over time, and the leaves will turn yellow and dry out.
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    1. Scale insects are flat oval or round plaques of brown or yellow-brown color. This pest may not be noticed right away. You should carefully examine the stems and leaves of the flower.
    2. Aphids are small insects that can come in different colors. Pests settle on leaf blades and multiply quickly.
    3. All these pests feed on the sap of the plant, which is why the leaves on Zamioculcas turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

      Among the diseases on the plant, there can only be various rots of stems and roots. The causes of diseases can be the same mistakes in care and contaminated soil. When the roots, tubers and stems of Zamioculcas rot, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

      We figured out why Zamioculcas turns yellow. Having found out the cause of the disease, you can easily eliminate it and save your favorite houseplant. Moreover, the dollar tree is perfectly restored, for which all parts of the plant can be used.

      Let's figure out what to do and how to save zamioculcas if its leaves turn yellow and dry:

    4. Selecting a location. Study carefully proper care behind the dollar tree and fix all the bugs. Place the flower in a well-lit place, but without burning sunlight or drafts.
    5. Excessive feeding and tuber damage. In these cases, you also need to inspect the roots of the flower and carry out the same treatment as for excessive watering.
    6. You will be interested to know: Caring for dracaena at home, photos and reproduction

      But how to save zamiolculcas if the leaves on it turn yellow because pests have settled on them? If pests are found on the leaves, you can save the dollar tree in the following ways:

    7. If there are few harmful insects, they can be washed off with a soap solution. To do this, wrap the pot in cellophane so that the soap solution does not get on the ground. After this, all stems and leaves are wiped with a sponge, which is periodically moistened in a soap solution.
    8. If your flower has stem or root rot, you can save it using the following procedure:

    9. Cut off rotten areas from the stem to healthy tissue and treat them with Maxim. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate.
    10. You will be interested to know: Myrtle: care at home, photo indoor plant, signs

      Now you know why zamioculcas turns yellow, what to do and how to save the dollar tree. Follow all the rules for caring for your pet, and it will delight you with its beautiful green, shiny leaves.

      Until the end of the nineties, the functions of the money tree were regularly performed by the common crassula, or Crassula. But a flow of currency poured into the country, and then it turned out that dollars do not obey the “ruble” talisman. Our people are invincible - the “dollar” equivalent of the fat woman was immediately found. Zamioculcas, or aroid palm, is a mega popular monetary symbol of the 21st century.

      Zamioculcas was first discovered in 1828. Madagascar at that time enjoyed increased attention among collectors exotic plants, one of them was Conrad Loddiges. He became the discoverer of the Emerald Palm ( Emerald Palm) – Zamioculcas was awarded this poetic name. Some old works contain the first name of Zamioculcas - Caladium, i.e. related to calla lilies.

      The aroid palm does not require special attention. On the contrary, excessive watering, spraying and “stuffing” fertilizers can ruin the plant.

      Light Zamioculcas prefers bright, diffused ones. However, it easily acclimatizes in direct sunlight and in the depths of a northern room. But you should not sharply change the lighting intensity - all endurance has a limit.

      It will live in places where artificial flowers mostly have to be placed - you can place an adult specimen in a shaded area and limit watering. The plant will not die, will not lose appearance, will only stop growth and remain in this mode for several years. For its extreme unpretentiousness, it has earned the sympathy of designers.

      Heat-loving Zamioculcas is demanding in only one thing - in summer it desires almost thirty-degree heat, and in winter it should not be placed where the temperature is below plus 16. Drafts are not welcome and can even lead to massive yellowing of the leaves.

      Light soilrequired condition dollar palm wellness. Even if the substrate is poor, nothing bad, these are exactly the soils to which Zamioculcas is accustomed in nature. Suitable turf soil loosened with sand (60% and 40%, respectively), perlite or vermiculite. Another composition is leaf, turf soil, sand and small pebbles - 1.5: 1: 1: 0.5. If you have doubts that the local soil is good enough, you should buy a soil mixture for succulents or cacti.

      Some soils, especially in the taiga zone, have an acidic reaction. To get the soil close to neutral, add a pinch of lime. Drainage should occupy at least a quarter of the height of the container. The bottom of the vessel must have holes for water drainage.

      Transfer– an infrequent operation. The young plant is transplanted once a year, usually in early spring. The “apartment” for the dollar tree needs to be chosen to be of good quality, to match the occupant. The container must be heavy, otherwise it will tip over: after all, the leaves are long, fleshy and quite heavy.

      [!] Attention! All parts of the plant contain toxins. You should work with gloves.

      For tall specimens, a wide container is more suitable - in it the plant looks harmonious, and in this case it is easier to replant. Zamioculcas aged 5 years and older can be left in the same pot, replacing only upper layer soil.

      A dollar palm tree can be left for a month and a half without watering at all - when going on vacation, you should not water the tree “in reserve”, because it has its own reservoir of moisture - the rhizome.

      Reproduction and developmental features of Zamioculcas

      Any healthy part of the plant is suitable for procreation. It can be a rachia petiole with a nodule at the base (“baby”), a whole leaf, part of a central tuber, a root with a growing point, or even a piece of a leaf blade. Planting material dry for 1-2 days and place in a loose substrate - sand, vermiculite, etc. slightly deepened. Cover the top with a transparent cap or film. You need a temperature of plus 25°C and good lighting, but not full sun.

      For some owners, Zamioculcas behaves “the other way around” - it begins to grow in the depths of winter and does not show signs of life in the spring. The Chinese nicknamed it “crazy palm tree” for its unpredictability. But it comes from a different hemisphere, and was “domesticated” quite recently, and this explains everything. Plants have adapted and changed their biorhythms, but those that are especially stubborn live according to their internal “clocks.”

      [!] In some cases, the rooting of zamioculcas is much more effective in the fall than in the winter - again, due to “inverted” development cycles.

      Usually insects bypass the African guest. A weakened plant may be attacked by scale insects. less often - spider mites. It is enough to mechanically remove pests and improve care.

      Dangerous diseases root rot(see above).

      Recognized authorities in floriculture - the Dutch - did not give up attempts to introduce this truly beautiful plant into culture. Selection required the availability of seeds. And since it is almost impossible to obtain full-fledged zamioculcas seeds in a temperate climate, they were bought in Africa. Specimens of plants with any unusual qualities were also purchased there - variegated, dwarf, lanceolate, etc.

      Local residents quickly realized that the previously useless grass could bring at least a small income - and they enthusiastically began harvesting “wild plants.” Hence the name of the plant. They pay for it in foreign currency, which means dollars.

      About. How words are born: squirrel in Kazakh is called “tyyn-shishkan”, translated as “penny mouse”. In tsarist times, a squirrel hunter was paid 1 kopeck. The money is no longer the same, but the animal forever remains a “penny mouse.”

      Zamioculcas | Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree)

      Family Araceae. Homeland o. Madagascar. Zamiakulkas is an evergreen tuberous plant with dark green, fleshy leaves that are pointed at the end. The surface of the sheet is glossy. The stems are thick, the leaves sit on them symmetrically, alternately. The plant is large, grows in an apartment to a height of about 1-1.5 meters. Blooms in room conditions, if he is provided with appropriate conditions of keeping white flowers, but at a fairly old age. Undemanding in culture.

      Care secrets:

      Temperature: Moderate, preferably 16-18 °C in winter, but not lower than 12 °C.

      Lighting: A bright place with diffused light. In summer, he prefers to sit outdoors - on the balcony, in the garden, etc. In winter, you will have to move the zamioculcas closer to the window.

      Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but no water should remain on the tray, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some dryness more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of stem rot.

      Fertilizer: From April to August, fertilizing is carried out every two weeks, since Zamioculcas quickly consumes nutrients. You can use fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

      Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In the summer outdoors Rain washes are sufficient.

      Transfer: Every year in the spring. The soil should be quite nutritious. For young plants - 1 part turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat soil and 1 part sand. You can add a little well-rotted humus soil. Old Zamioculcas specimens are replanted every two years in the spring. The pot for zamioculcas should be commensurate with the root system. Good drainage is a must.

      Reproduction: By dividing the bush, leaves, cuttings. It is better to dry the leaf a little before planting. It is advisable to root cuttings or leaves with soil heating and the use of phytohormones for better root formation. Rooting can take up to 2 months.


      The only kind is Zamioculcas zamifolia(Zamioculcas zamifolia). Powerful leaves grow to approximately 60 cm in height. Afraid of waterlogging.

      Most often, zamioculcas suffers from excess moisture; if watering is too frequent, the roots rot and the plant dies. They also often suffer from a lack of sunlight, especially in winter. At the same time, their stems are elongated, the leaves are smaller and sit less frequently on the trunk. Excessive direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. Planting in heavy clay soil does not benefit these plants either. It does not evaporate moisture well and there is no aeration.

      Pests and diseases of zamioculcas: why does zamioculcas grow poorly and wither?

      Although the plant is distinguished by its resistance to pests and diseases, Zamioculcas, the care of which does not take it into account biological features, not only loses its decorative effect, but is also more often damaged by both insects and various rots.

      Why does Zamioculcas grow poorly or not grow at all?

      Of the problems that gardeners face when growing this succulent, the most common are the following.

      Dark spots on Zamioculcas

      Dark spots have appeared on the leaves - the zamioculcas is kept at a low temperature or has been exposed to a draft; excessive watering leads to the same result.

      Dark spots on Zamioculcas in the photo

      It is necessary to adjust the thermal and water regime, eliminate stagnation of water, sharply reduce the amount of moisture during waterlogging.

      Zamioculcas stem rots - stem rot, which is usually caused by excessive watering at low temperatures. This causes rotting of not only the stem, but also the roots. Heavy clay soil, which does not provide air and water permeability, can also lead to stem and root rot.

      Zamioculcas rotting in the photo

      This is the most common reason death of a flower, you can try to save it only if you dig up the tuber and remove the affected parts, sprinkling the sections with crushed coal. The entire plant, both its above-ground and underground parts, is treated with a systemic fungicide (oxych, foundationol) and planted in new pot, completely replacing the substrate.

      If the process has gone too far, the affected tuber is thrown away and parts of the leaves are used for propagation.

      Zamioculcas drying out

      Dried zamioculcas leaf in the photo

      Zamioculcas leaves dry out and fall off - if the lower lobes of the leaf die off, then this is a natural aging process; when all parts fall off, the plant suffers from errors in care. Mechanical damage may also be the cause.

      Yellow dry spots on the leaves are a consequence of burns from direct sunlight.

      The plant is rarely attacked by insects, apparently due to the thick, glossy skin covering the leaves.

      Among the pests of Zamioculcas, the following are sometimes found:

      Spider mite. the appearance of which is provoked by too dry air, manifests itself in the form of a thin white cobweb in the internodes; with severe damage, the leaves of zamioculcas wither, turn yellow and crumble. To destroy the pest, the leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge, sprayed with a weak tobacco infusion, after which the plant is washed under a warm shower. If these measures do not help, use ready-made insecticides (Akarin, Antimite, etc.) according to the manufacturer's instructions. You can also pollinate the flower with ground sulfur, but do this only outside residential premises;

      Thrips. often moving from neighboring plants, while silvery lesions appear on the leaves, the stems are bent, and traces of excrement are visible. To destroy this persistent pest, repeated treatment with insecticides (intavir, karate, actellik, karbofos, etc.) is used.

      Mealybugs, which attack plants in conditions of too dry air, are fairly large pests visible to the naked eye, suck the juices from the leaves and young shoots, which is why the flower lags in growth, the leaves become deformed and fall off, leaving a sugary cotton-like secretion on which they settle in further sooty fungi. In case of a mild form of infection, insects are mechanically removed with a damp sponge moistened with a soap or alcohol solution; in more complex cases, they are treated with pesticides (intavir, decis, actelik, etc.). Sometimes you have to try several drugs to choose the most effective one.

      After any treatment with insecticides, a day later, wash the flower with a warm shower, not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot with polyethylene. If necessary, spraying is repeated several times until the pest is completely destroyed.


      How did people in Russia learn about the properties of this native of Africa? You can make another attempt to unravel the secret of the monetary magnetism of this “palm tree”; time will tell how plausible the answer will be. In any case, you need to know the biology of the plant and properly care for it, because only a healthy zamioculcas “functions” correctly, attracting green currency. A sick flower can work in the opposite direction...

      Classification and appearance of Zamioculcas

      Zamioculcas- another representative of the Aroids ( Araceae), which was loved by interior designers and came into fashion in the early 2000s. Before him in indoor floriculture Monstera, scindapsus, anthurium and others were confidently registered. Genus Zamioculcas consists of a single species. Zamioculcas Zamielifolia is very similar in appearance to zamia - a plant from another, American, continent. This similarity first misled botanists, and then was reflected in the species name of the plant.

      You can distinguish zamia from zamioculcas by the leaf blades - in the first they are in the shape of a rounded spatula, and in the second they are pointed. Zamia stores water in a thick trunk; the dollar palm has no trunk as such - a bunch of feathery leaves grows from the ground. Both plants are toxic, but zamia has surpassed its “namesake” - it is much more poisonous and cannot be bred in home culture.

      The modern name was assigned in 1908 by the German botanist Adolf Engler. Several closely related subspecies native to both Madagascar and East Africa were combined into one species. Zanzibar, Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique – natural habitat Zamioculcas - territories with an extremely hot climate. This super-resistant plant inhabits both hot gravelly slopes and the deep shade of gorges, dry sands and damp mountain forests. Zamioculcas is not afraid of fires in the savannah - the deeply hidden root produces fresh leaves to replace the burned ones. If animals trample the bush, then a new “palm tree” grows from each leaf. This is how he lives in nature - persistent, like a true African.

      Appearance zamioculcas bred at home is no different from its natural form. This is a large plant with glossy, odd-pinnate leaves. The leaf can reach one and a half meters in length and has a thickened petiole - rachis. It grows slowly - it produces a maximum of 4-5 leaves per year, and as it matures - one or two leaves, no more. In case of lack of water, the plant discards most of the leaf blade, leaving the rachis as a reservoir of moisture.

      But Zamioculcas stores its main “strategic reserve” in case of drought underground - its rhizome is barrel-shaped, in nature it can reach half a meter in diameter. A home flower grows a rhizome as much as the volume of the pot allows. It happens that a plastic vessel cannot withstand the pressure from an overgrown root and becomes deformed, or even cracks. Feeding roots extend from the main rhizome from above. In addition to nutrition, they can perform the function of respiration and even partial photosynthesis - in case the plant has to shed its leaves.

      The dollar palm blossoms unexpectedly modestly - a cob forms near the ground, wrapped in a faded green blanket. However, the flower has its own admirers - termites, which is why in America the inflorescence of Zamioculcas is called ant corn. Russian insects did not appreciate the “dollar” nectar (maybe it’s for the better...). The opinion that a flower dies after a single flowering is incorrect - zamioculcas lives for at least 10 years, and in its homeland it is considered an immortal tree.

      Zamioculcas selection is at the very beginning of the journey - at the moment, only one stable variety has been developed, which has a 60-centimeter compact bush.

      Zamioculcas - care

      The new vessel is chosen not much larger than the previous one - so that there is a distance of 1-2 cm between the tuber and its walls. During transplantation, the tuber should not be buried in the ground. Much like a beet root, it will protrude slightly above the surface. It is convenient to combine the transplant with dividing the rhizome. Zamioculcas planted in fresh soil is placed in a shaded place for two weeks and watered very moderately, only moistening the surface of the substrate.

      Emergency transplant performed if the root system is rotten. As a rule, this is the result of excessively generous watering and heavy soil. The problem is externally expressed in the fact that not only the old leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow, but also the young ones. The base of the petiole softens and the leaf bends towards the ground. You need to carefully (with a brush) clean the tuber from any remaining soil, rinse it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry it. Then remove all rotten roots, and, if necessary, remove part of the tuber itself. The sections are sprinkled with ash, you can sprinkle them with Oksikhom or Fundazol. These same drugs are used to treat aboveground part plants. The container is disinfected and the soil is completely replaced.

      Watering Zamioculcas can be characterized by one phrase - “less is better.” In the sense that it is necessary to water the plant rarely, until the earthen clod has almost completely dried out. But the water must be soft and, very preferably, warm.

      [!] Watering the plant from a tray is highly not recommended! This is the surest way to rot the main root.

      Spray Money Tree possible, but not very often. Direct sunlight should not fall on wet leaves - drops of water will act like lenses, and the plant will get burned. It is much more useful to remove dust from the leaf blades with a damp cloth - they acquire a characteristic waxy shine. Many even use a leaf polishing composition to enhance the decorative qualities of the plant.

      Air humidity absolutely not critical. Zamioculcas is able to live in a humid greenhouse and in an office overdried by air conditioning - natural hardening takes its toll.

      Fertilizers should be applied carefully. An overdose can lead to metabolic disorders and plant death. As with watering, the rule applies - it is better to give too little than to give too much. Zamioculcas are suitable mineral complexes for cacti and succulents. The dose is reduced by half compared to the recommended one.

      The differences will only be in the timing of emergence. The fastest time - in 2-3 weeks - the “baby” takes root, a little longer - the divided tuber. To grow a dollar palm tree from a piece of leaf, you need to be patient for six months or more.

      Pests and diseases

      What do dollars have to do with it?

      It should be noted that this plant really, in some incomprehensible way, attracts businessmen. Back in 1905, the then “Ostap Benders” tried to pass off the “Emerald Palm” as a new species formed by crossing a palm tree and a fern. The “scientific sensation” was exposed and Zamioculcas was forgotten for many years.

      The Dollar Palm's star rose in 1997 when its sales at Dutch flower auctions exceeded all expectations. Moreover, 90% of the plants went to Russia.

      Although, who knows what the African shamans whispered over Zamioculcas...

    Zamioculcas relatively recently, only 10–15 years ago, became known to Russian flower growers. But during this time he gained wide popularity. The dollar tree, also called Zamioculcas, is famous for its very good health and undemanding character. It is recommended to grow it for beginners or lazy gardeners. However, even the most unassuming plant can wither and begin to lose yellowing leaves if you constantly violate the rules of care. Therefore, you need to know how not to make Zamioculcas sick and what to do if he does get sick.

    Zamioculcas in natural and home conditions

    Zamioculcas is a native of Africa. But unlike the capricious tropical plants, this creature is by no means gentle. In the wild, Zamioculcas is used to tolerating drought and extreme heat. He adapted perfectly to this extreme. The tuberous root accumulates moisture, which, if necessary, maintains the viability of the plant. Thick leaf bases serve the same purpose. The petioles (axes or rachis) of pinnate leaves grow directly from the tuber. They reach a meter in length; there is a compact form no more than 60 cm high. Dense leathery leaf segments (they are also called feathers) are located on the rachis. They are covered with a wax film and consume moisture very sparingly.

    At home, Zamioculcas, popularly called the dollar tree, is as ascetic as its wild relative. This plant does not require excessive care. Give the African native a moderately warm (in winter not lower than +15 degrees) and sunny place in your home. He will feel good near a south-facing window. In the north, Zamioculcas will also grow, but much more slowly. And this plant is already developing slowly, the growth of 2-3 leaves per year (not to be confused with feathers) is normal development.

    To please you with beauty and health

    In order for the plant to be beautiful and healthy, you should not neglect the very simple rules for keeping zamioculcas.

    Shoot growth problems

    To make Zamioculcas grow greenery faster, do not plant it in a spacious pot. The larger the container of the flower, the larger the root tuber and the more modest the leaves. The soil for this semi-succulent plant needs to be porous and poor. Suitable soil for cacti or universal soil, heavily diluted with coarse sand. Vermiculite, perlite and sphagnum moss are not to the liking of this flower, Zamioculcas experts say. But he will appreciate high-quality drainage: holes in the pot and a layer of expanded clay at the bottom.

    Be careful with water: overfilling is worse than underfilling

    In the summer, please your zamioculcas with a holiday in the fresh air, put it on the balcony or in the garden. The African feels great on a hot afternoon in the sun. There is no need to specially humidify the air for it. From water procedures To help the flower breathe, leave only wiping the foliage from dust and occasionally a warm shower. When bathing, be sure to cover the soil with waterproof material to avoid over-wetting it. It is important not to be too zealous with watering; Zamioculcas will even be happy if you sometimes forget to give it water. Wait until the soil is completely dry, wait another 3-4 days and only then water. But know the limits with moderation: with prolonged drought, the leaves will begin to fall. True, it’s not difficult to correct the situation: if the root is alive, just add water.

    It is convenient to check whether watering is needed using a thin wooden skewer. It must be carefully inserted at the edge of the pot to the very bottom, then turned around its axis and pulled out. If it sticks to the skewer wet ground, then it’s too early to water.

    But overmoistening the soil is a sure way to serious problems and diseases: especially severe when excess moisture is combined with low temperature and lack of lighting. This combination can destroy the main part of the plant - the root, not to mention the yellowing and blackening branches.

    Table: they prevent growth and development - diseases and pests

    For the health of stems and roots - disease prevention

    Symptom Feature of the plant Care error Disease Pest
    Zamioculcas leaves turn yellowIf there is young growth, there is nothing to worry about. Over time, the old leaves die off. Delete themLow temperature or waterlogged soilRoot rot
    Drops of water appear along the edges of the leaf blades (zamioculcas “cries”).For aroid plants, which include Zamioculcas, this is the norm. This is how the plant reacts to rainy weather: when the surface of the leaves cannot cope with evaporation, then special ducts open - hydriatorsReaction to high air humidity or soil flooding.
    The plant does not produce new shoots and grows slowlyZamioculcas grows 2–3 leaves per year - this is the normLack of light. The pot is too spacious, the plant grows a tuber.Deficiency of microelements: nitrogen, fluorine, copper, molybdenum, boron, chlorine, iodine.
    There are dark, softened areas on the tuber and roots Low temperature and waterlogged soil.
    Heavy soil
    Root (tuber) rot
    There are dark spots on the petiolesDark green spots appear on the petioles of mature leavesUnhealthy wet spotting - a consequence of low temperature, excessive wateringVarious types of rot or spotting, damage by viruses or bacteriaDefeat by scale insects
    The petioles are wrinkled, the feathers are drying out Insufficient watering if the petioles are hard and dryRoot rot if tissues are soft
    The petioles are thin, droop and fall off Nutrient deficiency
    The edges of the leaves dry out and curl Dried soil.
    The air is too dry due to the proximity of heating devices.
    If a white web is visible, it is a mite infestation
    Leaves lose color, become lighter, turn pale, white spots are noticeable Chlorosis is a disruption of the process of photosynthesis. Infectious chlorosis is caused by viruses and fungiCarriers of chlorosis - aphids and mites
    Zamioculcas sheds leaf segments Reaction to transplant stress cold water Nutrient deficiencyColonies of small insects on the plant - aphid infestation
    Hard brown scutes on the leaves, the plant loses its vigor Defeat by scale insects
    New shoots dry out, the plant has stopped growing Drafts, watering with cold waterRoot rot
    Zamioculcas has become reddish or orange in color Reaction to changes in lighting. Lightening or redness is caused by too much lightYellow or brown color - possible rot, bacterial or viral disease
    The bases of the leaves thickenThis is a natural phenomenon; moisture accumulates in the thickenings of the petioles
    The plant dries out. Zamioculcas tuber became empty Fomoz, or dry rot
    Zamioculcas fell apart, the leaves turned black Waterlogging of the soil, not enough lightRoot rot.
    Fungal disease - niello
    Sticky drops and whitish, cotton-like lumps appeared on the leaves. The leaves are withering Mealybug
    Brown wet coating on the petioles, they soften and die Waterlogging of the soil in combination with low temperaturesIf the tissues are softened, this is stem rot, which is caused by a fungus
    The leaves are stretched, the number of leaf blades is reduced, they become paler Lack of lightingThere is not enough fluorine, and possibly other elements
    The plant is not developing well. Whitish small insects are visible in the soil If the insects are jumping, they are fools.
    If black or gray midges are flying around, and pests in the soil resemble worms, these are fungus gnats

    Diseases: treatment and prevention

    The most common cause of Zamioculcas malaise is waterlogging of the soil. Because of this, the plant is affected by various types of rot. But there are also diseases associated with mechanical injuries and metabolism. They weaken the immune system. And as a result, the same rot appears.

    Injuries are the cause of many problems

    Zamioculcas injuries: a broken branch, frostbite, scratches and tears are not terrible in themselves, but can lead to serious illnesses, becoming a gateway to infections. If the wounds are not treated, the plant may become infected. Be sure to disinfect the injured area. You can sprinkle with activated carbon, sulfur powder, cinnamon (it is a good antiseptic), grease with brilliant green and dry. As the wound heals, it will become covered with a layer of dry, dead cells and then heal.

    If you accidentally break off a healthy Zamioculcas leaf, you can root it. Cut it off higher up break it and put it in water. Soon roots with a small tuber will form. After this, plant the plant in a small pot with light soil.

    Metabolic diseases

    These diseases are not infectious, but associated with care errors. The most common are chlorosis, etiolation (light deficiency), deficiency or excess of macro- and microelements.

    • chlorosis is a violation of the process of photosynthesis. Zamioculcas leaves become discolored, turn yellow, and white spots appear on them. Treat the plant with Fitoverm several times at intervals of 3–4 days. Feed him. For prevention, spraying with iron chelate (Antichlorosin) can be used. Some gardeners advise burying a rusty nail in the ground to provide it with iron;
    • etiolation is a disease caused by light deficiency. Zamioculcas prefers bright light, but also tolerates shade. This patience should not be abused. If the plant does not have enough light, the leaves stretch out unsightly, become discolored, and the leaf segments become smaller and smaller. Place Zamioculcas on sunny side, and in winter, arrange artificial lighting for it.

    Table: effect of nutrient deficiency on plant appearance

    Mineral feeding will solve the problem of lack of nutrients. Select a complex for the plant that will contain deficient elements. Typically, Zamioculcas is suitable for fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

    When rot appears

    The Zamioculcas tuber, its thick petioles, is a storehouse for nutrients and moisture. In such a favorable environment, harmful microorganisms happily multiply: fungi, bacteria and viruses. Zamioculcas tuber - for them tasty food and a comfortable place to stay. Sometimes the florist himself, due to inexperience, helps uninvited guests settle in a pot with a plant. Overmoistening of soil and air, especially in winter, non-compliance temperature regime, contaminated land - all this contributes to the spread different types rot, the most dangerous disease of Zamioculcas.

    Table: types of rot, methods of control, prevention

    Type of rot Symptoms Treatment Prevention
    Dry rot, or fomoz. Kovarna asymptomaticAt first the plant turns slightly pale, then dries out from the inside. The disease is fleeting.The disease is discovered too late, when it is already useless to take any measures. A plant infected with dry rot inevitably dies.To prevent phomosis, periodically spray or water zamioculcas with a solution of systemic fungicides, for example, Maxim.
    Rot of stems (leaves) is caused by heavy clay soil that does not provide air and water permeability, excessive watering at low temperatures, injuries, and the disease is caused by an attached bacterial infection.A damp brown coating appears on the petioles of Zamioculcas, the tissues soften and dieThis is the most common cause of death of a flower; you can try to save it by digging up the tuber and removing the affected parts, sprinkling the cuts with crushed coal. The entire plant, both above-ground and underground parts, is treated with a systemic fungicide (Oxychom, Fundazol) and planted in a new pot, completely replacing the substrate. If the process has gone too far, the affected tuber is thrown away, the remaining parts of the leaves are used for propagationHeal all injuries on the plant, follow the care regimen, be sure to quarantine new acquisitions
    Root rot (tuber) occurs at low temperatures, systematic waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of waterZamioculcas affected by root rot, if no action is taken, turns yellow, withers and dies. The cause of the disease can only be seen by removing the plant from the pot.If the rot has affected a small part of the tuber:
    1. Stop watering.
    2. Remove the plant from the pot and wash off the soil from the tubers and roots.
    3. Remove affected areas.
    4. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and cinnamon.
    5. Treat the plant with a fungicide (Hom, Khinozol, Fundazol).
    6. Plant in a new pot with fresh, sterilized soil.
    7. Start watering two to three weeks after surgery.
    8. You can spray it with a solution of a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon).

    If the putrefactive process has affected almost the entire tuber, it will have to be thrown away , try to root healthy leaves

    Follow the main rule of watering zamioculcas: moderation and moderation again. Maintain normal temperature

    What to do with sooty deposits, brown and rust stains

    Blackworm is a disease caused by a fungus that eats the secretions of aphids or mealybugs. The leaves are covered with a black, sooty coating; it is not too dangerous for the plant, but it prevents it from breathing and isolates it from light. Because of this, leaf growth slows down and the plant weakens. Remove plaque with a damp cloth. Then wash the entire plant. Prevention of mobs - timely control of insect pests.

    Zamioculcas, like other succulents, can develop spotting of different origins. They are caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Plants with weakened immune systems are susceptible to this disease. Stains may appear due to cold drafts, temperature changes or high humidity.

    A sign of brown spot is the formation of dry depressed brown spots on the petioles and leaf blades. They may increase in size or remain unchanged. If the disease progresses, measures must be taken. They fight spotting using the same methods as rot. Cut out damaged leaves, treat the sections with charcoal and cinnamon, and spray zamioculcas with fungicide.

    Rust is a type of spotting. The plant becomes covered with crusts or streaks of rusty color. One of the reasons is care errors: burns, injuries from droplets of cold water falling on the leaf, a sharp drop in temperature. The fungus invades the injured area and provokes the appearance of rust in other places. It is not recommended to remove crusts and rust stains. In their places, the tissue scars unsightly. Treatment with a fungicide helps control the growth of spotting.

    Sometimes “self-healing” occurs: the mushrooms do not tolerate the combination of dry air and light, and when Zamioculcas is placed in a very bright, dry place, the spots stop growing.

    Photo gallery: putrefactive and other diseases of Zamioculcas

    Brownish dry spots appear on the leaves or stems - this is brown spotting Root (tuber) rot - the most common disease of zamioculcas Stem rot is caused by a bacterial infection, and the disease is provoked by excess moisture Rust is a consequence of care errors A plant infected with dry rot (phomosis) dies Chern - fungal disease, appearing on plants infected with pests. When chlorosis, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted, the leaves become covered with white and yellowish spots

    Fungicides for the treatment of leaves, trunk, tubers, roots

    • Fundazol destroys pathogens of various diseases. A weak solution of up to 0.1% is sprayed on the stems and roots.
    • Sulfur - effective remedy treatment of fungal diseases and destruction of mites. It is more convenient to use in powder form, dusting plants.
    • Quinozol is an antifungal and antibacterial drug. It can be bought at a regular pharmacy. Dissolve the tablet in 10 grams of water. You can moisten the leaves with the solution and water the ground. Used for soil disinfection.
    • The drug Maxim is used for soil disinfection and treatment: it helps with fusarium, fomosis, and wet rot. A 2–4% solution is prepared from the drug for watering and treating plants. Valid for approximately 2.5 months.
    • Hom (copper oxychloride) is a very effective remedy against brown spot, rust, and various bacterial diseases. For 20 grams of powder take 5 liters of water. Treat 5-6 times, every two weeks.
    • Fitosporin is a drug for protection against fungal and bacterial infections. Helps only at the initial stage of the disease. Can be used for prevention. A small amount of Fitosporin paste (from the tip of a knife) is diluted in a teaspoon of water, 5 drops of the solution are dripped into a glass and the substrate is watered or the plant is treated.

    Video: do not let Zamioculcas, which has begun to turn yellow, rot

    Why is it important to stop pests?

    Photo gallery: a whole host of pests

    The larvae of the fungus gnat, which look like worms, eat young roots. Poduras, carriers of putrefactive diseases, often settle in damp soil. Colonies of aphids destroy young growth. Mealybugs feed on plant juices and secrete a sweet liquid, which in turn serves as food for harmful fungi. The scale insect is covered with a reliable shell, so adults individuals must be removed manually

    How to save a dying zamioculcas

    Zamioculcas enjoys the fame of an indestructible plant. But this is an exaggeration. If you do not pay attention to the distress signals that the flower sends, and calmly watch how it withers, death is inevitable. However, a florist who is attentive and sensitive to the mood of the plant will be able to literally pull the poor thing out of the other world.

    Zamioculcas turned yellow and began to wither and dry out.

    The plant has begun to turn yellow, but the cuttings are drying out and not withering. And you definitely didn’t overwater the soil of your sick pet. Is the lump of soil dry and falling away from the walls of the pot? This means that Zamioculcas is suffering from drought. It began to consume reserves of moisture and nutrition from the tuber and the base of the leaves. Make sure of this by removing the plant from the pot. The tuber must be free of rot. In this case, remove the yellowed leaves, return the zamioculcas to the pot and water it by immersion in water: large capacity pour water and dip the plant and pot there. After this, let the soil dry. And only after that, start regular watering, preferably in a tray. Do not overdo it so as not to flood the plant.

    You took the zamioculcas out of the pot, exposed root system and saw that the tubers had rotted completely. Don't give up, try to save the plant by rooting the leaves. Do not use yellowed parts for cuttings, only green and elastic ones. They can be rooted in a substrate with a large amount of sand or in water to which activated carbon has been added.

    Video: twigs gave the dying zamioculcas new life


    Zamioculcas doesn't just have roots - it has tubers. If they rot, then on the surface the plant “unfolds” in all directions, at the base it becomes wet, dark, soft spots. It is necessary to remove everything from the pot along with the soil, lay it out on paper (newspaper) and let it dry. Rummage in this soil, maybe there are surviving tubers or partially surviving ones. The plant will have to be cut if it rots in any case. You will need two pots, soil for succulents or universal soil. Select all the tubers from the ground and dry them for a couple of days in a warm, dark place. Cut the stems (leaves) at an angle with a sharp, disinfected knife. Remove half of the lower leaves. Place in water. Everything must be sterile. If you are not sure of sterility, then “powder” the sections with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal and into water. They take root quickly in the “warmth and light”. Examine the dried tubers carefully to see if they are rotting - cut them off like potatoes; be sure to treat the sections, as I wrote above, with charcoal powder. Dry for a couple of days and bury in one of the clean small pots (plastic) about halfway up the height of the pot. Place in a warm place. Water it after a week. The next watering will be when the top layer is half dry - this can take about 10-12 days at a temperature of +25. Then water again and so on until germination. In the spring, all the tubers will definitely be sprouted.

    When the cuttings take root in water, carefully plant them all together in one pot without harming the roots (this way they grow better and are easier to care for - there will be no excess moisture). Fill with crumbly soil, do not tamp down the soil, then water, let the excess water drain and then tamp down the soil lightly. Place the pot in a warm place opposite the window, 1-2-3 meters away, but not on the windowsill (this is not a plant that can live on the windowsill), better on the floor in the corner of the room. Do not take pots that are much larger than the roots; Zamioculcas needs close-sized containers. But don’t take a small pot either, because... Don’t forget that these little white roots will soon grow tubers the size of cherries.

    I don’t know what else to write, I could write a whole article on this subject, you better ask if anything is not clear. Good luck!

    pull out of the pot.

    Remove rot, plant in new soil, even sand

    Zamioculcas takes root both as a “twig” and as a “leaf”; you can take cuttings if there is a problem with the roots

    change the soil, replant!

    change the soil! Read on the Internet how to properly care for such a plant and what kind of care and climate it needs! Good luck!

    Look for rot and remove anything suspicious. The soil can be taken for succulent plants.

    Zamioculcas does not like moisture and cold at the same time and immediately begins to rot. Urgently cut off a few stems and place them in water. They will take root, plant them again. I had the same parsley. This is mine after new rooting

    Change the soil, water less often

    It is necessary to remove the earthen lump from the pot, inspect the roots, remove rot, sprinkle the cuts with cinnamon or ground activated carbon, transplant to new land. Take a pot that is not wide, but deep (the roots go deep), there must be a large layer of drainage at the bottom, use the soil for cacti. After transplantation, do not water, carefully water for a month. In the future, water only after the earthen clod has dried completely, since the plant stores water in the tubers, so it can remain without watering for a long time.

    Replant in fresh soil and water only after the soil has dried out.