Do-it-yourself home basement repair technology. High-quality basement repair How to repair cracks in the basement of a house

If problems arise with the base, then in order to correct the situation and perform basic construction work, a person does not need to have any skills of a highly qualified specialist in finishing works. A general understanding of how the installation took place is sufficient facing materials and what fixing compounds were used. Since basement repairs may be needed at any time, it is advisable to prepare for this in advance.

If the owner of the house has not previously delved into such nuances, he must, first of all, understand that the plinth is the distance from the ground to the wall of the structure. It can sometimes occupy an entire floor or just a foundation that protrudes half a meter above the ground.

The main reasons for the destruction of the basement of a house

If over time a crack appears on the base of the structure or a fungus has formed, this indicates that the master, when carrying out facing works made mistakes that have now caused global problems. Also, sometimes experts ignore design standards, which would be sufficient to avoid such complications in the first years of operation of the building.

Over time, the basement will need to be repaired

The main causes of basement destruction include the following:

  1. House shrinkage. Such processes depend on the soil, and an important role is played by total weight building. The largest subsidences are observed in brick multi-apartment buildings.
  2. Poor quality blind area. If you neglect necessary technologies making a blind area, in the future this will certainly lead to problems with the foundation.
  3. Groundwater. If the flow depth was not taken into account when creating the project groundwater and no waterproofing measures were taken, this will also provoke erosion. If the owner of the house is going to build the foundation himself, it is better to use the services of professionals. Only they will be able to correctly assess the situation and determine the depth of groundwater flow.
  4. Design standards were violated. Quite often, builders do not take into account the insulation of the foundation, as well as waterproofing. But such problems mainly happen to people who, without the necessary experience, try to build on their own. In the future, this will certainly lead to the formation of fungi and freezing of the entire structure. In turn, this will also provoke destruction of a certain degree of severity.

In this video you will learn more about basement repair:

Types of base repairs and description of the technological process

There are 3 main types of repairs to the basement of a building, namely:

  • capital;
  • current;
  • cosmetic.

In some cases, when the work does not fall under one of these types, it is necessary to perform a partial restoration of the blind area. In any of these situations, a person should at least be familiar with the peculiarities of carrying out this type of work.

Partial restoration of the base and blind area

To partially restore the base and blind area, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Clean the facade of the building, which requires restoration work, from fungus, dirt and dust, priming the gorges and recesses.
  2. Next, using dowels, the exhaust mesh is attached so that it does not go beyond the edges of the recess. Now you can apply a layer of plaster mortar to the problem area, keeping to the level of the base.
  3. If the voids are too large, you should first prepare bricks of suitable size and fill these recesses with mortar. After the area has been restored, it should be moistened with water and waterproofing material should be applied in two layers.
  4. After the surface is completely dry, the plaster can be applied.

If partial subsidence of the blind area occurs, the damaged area is removed and crushed stone, gravel and sand are added, compacting the soil. Next, the formwork is installed, and the surface is poured with concrete so that the level does not exceed intact and undamaged areas. If an ordinary crack has formed, without subsidence, it can simply be rubbed with cement mortar.

Current repair of the basement

Routine renovation of the basement means that the cladding will be updated, as well as the waterproofing layers. Often wear occurs quickly due to the fact that the base part is always located in the most aggressive environment and takes on various technical and atmospheric loads. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to periodically diagnose and update minor damage.

Major renovation

To produce major renovation, the first thing to do is pour a new blind area. After the space has been cleared, it is worth digging a trench, the depth of which will be 35-45 cm. The width is chosen at the discretion of the owner of the house. The lower 20-25 cm are covered with sand, as well as crushed stone, and compacted tightly.

Don't forget about the blind area

Next, geotextiles or roofing felt are spread and filled with sand. To make the dressing, holes are made in the foundation and pieces of reinforcement are driven in there every 50 cm. They are also attached here reinforced mesh. Now you can install the formwork and fill the structure with concrete.

Further renovation work It is necessary to start only after complete hardening. A reinforced mesh is applied to the cleaned base surface. To perform these steps, you can drill a hole in the wall and drive the reinforcement in 1-2 rows, tying a mesh to it. Next, the surface should be primed and formwork installed, filled with cement and compacted.

Cosmetic repair of the base

Cosmetic repairs do not require any deep knowledge in the field of construction. The whole job is to restore the paint, plaster or other finishes. If any mechanical damage occurs, it may be necessary to replace one cladding element with another.

To understand such work, it is enough to have an idea of ​​how to prepare plaster or paint and apply it to the damaged surface. As for replacing any parts, more effort will be required, but such actions can be carried out based on the principle of installation carried out earlier during the construction of the house.

Strengthening the foundation

To strengthen the foundation, holes can be dug at each corner of the building, approximately one meter by one meter in size. They must be made in such a way as to expose the lower corner of the foundation. Such a recess must be no less than 45-50 cm deeper than the existing foundation.

Next, a reinforced frame for the concrete cushion is made. To do this, a lattice with one cell 20 by 20 cm is made from reinforcement using welding. Next, this lattice is lowered into the pit and filled with concrete. Popularly this design is called a “bull”.

Repair materials

To repair the basement of a house with your own hands, you need to prepare certain materials for future work. First of all, this includes the following:

  • gravel, sand and crushed stone;
  • primer and concrete mixture;
  • plaster mixture;
  • dowels and fittings;
  • geotextiles or roofing felt;
  • boards for formwork construction;
  • exhaust mesh;
  • waterproofing solution;
  • asbestos or steel pipe.

How to protect the basement of a house from destruction

To resort to reconstruction as little as possible ground floor, you can take care to provide it with adequate protection from mechanical and atmospheric exposure. For this you can use a budget option, which is accessible to everyone, even those without experience in this field.

It consists of applying a resin to the foundation of the house, which can protect it from external influences. It is necessary to mix the resin with diesel fuel and heat until it forms homogeneous mixture, similar in consistency to jelly. This solution, when hardened, forms a special film that has protective properties and prevents moisture from entering the foundation.

Deformation of the basement of the house can lead to subsequent destruction of the walls of the entire structure. If its defects are discovered, you must immediately repair the basement of the house with your own hands and stop its deformation.

Various reasons can lead to the destruction of the base. Some are related to its daily use, others are related to flaws during construction work, third - with the influence of natural factors.

Often the reason for the destruction of the base is non-compliance with the technology during the arrangement of the foundation of the building. This may be an error when calculating the depth of its laying, the use of low quality materials, an incorrect choice of design, which, due to low bearing capacity cannot support the weight of the building.

Poor quality waterproofing of the foundation can also lead to the destruction of the base. Overmoistening of the structure due to the proximity of groundwater, precipitation or melting snow reduces the lifespan safe operation materials from which the basement of the building is made.

Ground movements in the area and its instability can cause deformation of the structure, which can only be corrected by repairing the base. In some cases, moving soil under a house leads to more dangerous destruction, which can only be stopped by repairing and strengthening the foundation.

Worn-out communications and frequent network breaks in the basement of the house also lead to the destruction of the base. Concrete is more resistant to moisture, while for a brick plinth each such breakthrough is disastrous.

The redevelopment of the building does not pass without a trace. Shifting the load or increasing it leads to a redistribution of the load on the base and foundation. Those parts that are located in areas with the greatest load begin to crumble. To rectify the situation, a study of destructible structures is carried out followed by repair of the base. brick house.

What do you need for work?

Before repairing the basement, it is necessary to clean the space around the house and check the integrity of the blind area. Damaged areas of the basement of the building are cleaned and treated with a deep penetration primer.

Kit necessary materials will depend on the technology of work. If the repair of the base is accompanied by the restoration of the blind area, you will need gravel, sand, concrete, waterproofing materials, and boards for making formwork. Restoration of the surface is carried out using a reinforced mesh, which is attached to the wall with dowels and plaster mixture. You will need a power tool: a drill with an attachment for mixing the solution and a hammer drill.

Partial restoration of the base and blind area

To carry out repair work on the base, it is better to choose dry weather, since excessive humidity and moisture interfere with working with cement. Windy weather will not be an obstacle to work - drafts, on the contrary, speed up the drying of the cement mixture. Work with cement mixture should not be carried out when negative temperatures, since the composition loses its strength.

Before repairing the base, it must be completely inspected to identify defects. Paint and plaster are removed from surfaces requiring repair. Clean off the old coating carefully, without excessive mechanical force. You can use a wire brush for this.

If destruction of the blind area is detected, repairs begin with its restoration. Small defects are eliminated locally; if it is severely damaged or detached from the foundation, it is advisable to replace the blind area completely. It is carried out on a slope, with waterproofing installed.

After restoring the blind area, you can begin repairing the basement of a private house. To do this, its entire area is covered with a fine reinforcing mesh. It is mounted tightly against the building structure and the dowel is secured with nails. The base part is primed together with the mesh, then covered with liquid cement raster. After him completely dry the surface can be plastered.

Major renovation

Major repair of the base requires filling new blind area. The old one must be dismantled, in its place they dig a trench 35 cm deep and fill it with crushed stone. A layer of roofing material is laid on top of the crushed stone. To ensure that the blind area is tied to the building, holes are drilled in its foundation at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, into which pieces of reinforcement are hammered. Reinforced mesh is welded to the reinforcement. Then the formwork is installed, after which the blind area is filled with concrete mixture.

As soon as the concrete has hardened, restoration of the building's base begins. To strengthen it, it is necessary to fix a reinforced mesh on the facade. You can secure the mesh by tying it to reinforcement rods driven into the wall. After this, the formwork is installed, the base is filled to its entire height with a cement mixture. Another option is to secure the mesh to the wall using dowels and perform plastering work on it. After the plaster has dried basement part buildings can be further protected by lining it with brick, stone, decorative tiles or siding.

Strengthening the foundation

When the cause of destruction is deformation of the foundation, it needs to be repaired and strengthened. This deformation is especially dangerous for apartment building, where people may suffer due to the destruction of the foundation of the building.

Work to strengthen the foundation is carried out in stages. First they are performed in the corners of the building, next step- on the central sections of the wall. To do this, a trench is laid below the base of the foundation, which is compacted with gravel and creates a base for pouring a new foundation. The foundation walls are cleaned and primed. Using a hammer drill, several rows of holes are made along the entire height of the foundation, maintaining a distance of 0.7-1.2 m between them. Anchor bolts are installed in the holes. They can be replaced with pieces of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 0.4 m.

Attached to anchor bolts or reinforcement with tying wire reinforcement cage, the cells of which have a size of 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 m. It is installed at a distance of 0.1 m from the old foundation structure. After its installation, the formwork is installed. The entire structure is poured with concrete. After it has hardened and carried out excavation work to backfill, you can begin repairing the base and updating the blind area.

All structural elements country house equally important, they are inextricably linked and fully necessary. If one of the elements of the system becomes unusable, then all the others will gradually begin to collapse. Repair of the base is required in cases where cosmetic work cannot be done. It is the basement that is the most vulnerable part of any building and subject to various influences. In addition, the blind area plays an important role in protecting the house from moisture.

Due to the fact that the base is located outside the house, it is systematically affected by environment: temperature changes, humidity, precipitation and microorganisms. All this together invariably leads to the destruction of the material. And when deformation of the basement part of the building occurs, the remaining structural elements of the house also begin to collapse.

To carry out repair work on the basement, it is best to invite professional builders, which will be able to guarantee that the house can be used in the same way for many more decades. In general, the work can be done independently, however, an inexperienced person may encounter certain difficulties.

The blind area usually collapses much faster than the base, so it needs repair more often. It is located around the perimeter of the house and, as a rule, is made of concrete.

Reasons for the destruction of the base and blind area

The basement of the building is constantly exposed to natural influences, due to which it begins to collapse over time. The same is typical for the blind area, which often cracks and simply moves away from the base of the house. Among the main reasons for the destruction of these structures are:

  • temperature changes;
  • high humidity and extreme exposure to water on rainy days;
  • severe frosts and freezing of materials;
  • non-compliance with the technology for constructing the plinth and blind area.

The basement of the building is exposed to active environmental influences.

The base may collapse if errors were made in calculating its height and thickness during the design. In this case, it will be necessary to increase the strength of the above-ground part of the foundation. As mentioned above, it is better to trust the repair of the basement to professionals if the country homeowner has the opportunity to invite them.

Repairing the basement yourself

Repair work on the basement of the house involves, first of all, eliminating traces of biological effects on materials (mold, mildew, dampness, etc.). To be able to get rid of all this, it is necessary to remove the old finishing material (plaster) from the base and completely clean the surface (not individual areas, but the entire perimeter of the wall). Next, the entire wall must be dried.

After the base has dried, the surface is treated with an antiseptic or finished with boards that have been previously impregnated with an antiseptic composition. Besides, Special attention attention should be paid to insulation and waterproofing. Once the insulation layers have been laid, plaster can be applied. Repair work of this type can be done with your own hands if the owner of the house has some experience in the construction industry.

Repair of cracks on the base

If cracks begin to appear on the base of your house, this is an extremely unpleasant signal that the foundation is being exposed to severe external influences. This could be heaving of the soil, rising groundwater, or excessive load from the building.

In this case, it is necessary to involve professionals who can quickly determine the reason why cracks appeared on the base, and also promptly carry out all the necessary measures to prevent subsequent destruction. It is not recommended to carry out such work on your own.

If, when you see cracks in the above-ground part of the building, you simply cover them with cement mortar, then you will not solve the problem, but will only hide it from view. In the future, this may negatively affect the operation of the entire building.

A house in which cracks appear on the base is either built incorrectly from the start, or is subject to severe impacts that must be properly and professionally resisted.

What should the blind area be like?

If you are repairing a basement, then you need to pay attention to the blind area, which is probably also not in the best condition. The blind area should be made at a height of 5-8 cm, above ground level.

Scheme of the blind area. Click to enlarge.

To give the blind area high level strength, during construction it must be reinforced with metal mesh. Many experts recommend laying several layers.

You can achieve maximum strength of the blind area by adding small crushed stone to the concrete.

It is worth noting that a correctly made blind area is located at a slight slope from the house (this must be taken into account when pouring the solution). In this case, water will not be able to get under the foundation of a country house.

Seal up cracks in the blind area

Repair of the blind area is required in cases where cracks begin to appear on its surface.

  • To seal small cracks you need to use cement mortar. Before you start pouring, you need to clean the surface (maybe even wash it). Then prepare the solution according to the instructions and fill all the defects with it. It is recommended to use the most liquid solution that can penetrate small cracks, filling them completely.
  • If the cracks are medium-sized, then they need to be sealed differently: the cracks are cleaned of dirt and primed. After which the primer is given time to dry. Then the concrete is poured. Places with cracks that were filled with concrete must be covered with film for about 2-3 days.
  • Sometimes large faults form on the blind area, the repair of which is quite complicated. They also need to be pre-cleaned and primed. It is best to choose thick concrete mortar, which gives maximum strength when drying.
  • Often the blind area itself begins to peel off from the building. In this case, the areas with delamination must be cleaned and primed, and then the crack must be widened. This is necessary to ensure that its sealing is of the highest quality and durability. The base can be additionally treated with bitumen mastic.

Cracks in the blind area.

Finishing the basement after renovation

When the repair work is completed, you can think about it, since there are many options. We have already repaired the blind area, so we can start decorating the basement.

The outer part of the plinth can be finished with the most different materials, which are presented in abundance on the market today: tiles, siding, corrugated sheets, plastic thermal panels, etc. Each of these materials not only gives an attractive appearance home, but also provides the proper level of protection from various influences.

May with full confidence to say that it is the basement of any building that is exposed to the most aggressive influence of a number of factors. This causes it to wear out quickly and require repairs. Otherwise, the entire building is at risk.

Timely repair work avoids the spread of mold and prevents the destruction of walls under the influence of high levels of humidity. In some cases, it may even be necessary to replace individual bricks, which must be taken into account.

Preparatory stage

When starting to repair the base with your own hands, you first need to use a shovel to remove the soil in contact with the bottom of the wall. After this you need to delete old plaster, which does not hold up well enough. It is also important not to miss the voids that arise. A hammer and chisel are perfect for solving these problems. With the help of such tools, you can lightly tap to get rid of old material.

Next, you need to clean the wall from dirt, dust and minor plaster residues that were not removed after previous work. This is best done with a special brush with fairly stiff wire bristles. You can purchase such a tool at any hardware store.

To protect against damage window frames or door slopes, it is recommended to pre-glue them with masking tape.

Filling voids

Before starting active work, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten all detected damage with ordinary water. Thanks to this, the plaster will adhere to the surface much better.

Great for filling voids aerated concrete blocks. This material is lightweight, durable and reliable. In addition, you can quite easily cut bricks of the required size from it.

The prepared blanks will need to be installed in the voids. You can secure them using masonry mortar. The prepared surface is wetted again with water. To do this, simply water the wall with a hose.

Plastering works

A special waterproofing solution will help ensure the restored plinth has proper performance characteristics. To prepare it, you need to dilute the prepared dry mixture with ordinary water.

The solution is applied to the wall twice. The first layer should be quite thin. And after it dries, you can start applying the second one. Optimal thickness– 3 mm. A brush or a wide spatula is perfect for this purpose. In order for this material to dry completely, you need to leave it for one day.

The next day you can do plastering work. A special composition is also suitable for this. In this case, a two-layer application is again used. The width of the first of them is about 10 mm. Ready material applied to the walls using a spatula using active circular movements.

To ensure that the finished surface is truly flat, it is best to use special plaster strips and a level. This simple set will make the base perfect.

The second layer of plaster can reach a thickness of 20 mm. After applying it, excess material will need to be removed using one of the strips. And in order for the material to dry well, you should leave it for at least a couple of days.

How to finish a base

Get rid of minor defects can be done using a plaster float. And you can give an attractive appearance to a corner not only through the use of planks, but also through a special corner spatula. It has a specific shape, which makes the process of performing work simple and comfortable.

Video “How to repair a basement”

The basement is one of the main elements of the house. Through it, loads are transmitted to the foundation from all other structures - walls, ceilings, roofs.

And although they try to choose the most durable and high-quality brick for the plinth, the masonry still sometimes needs repairs. Let's consider the types and causes of damage, and also repair the basement of a brick house using various methods.

Also in the video in this article:

Types of base damage and their causes

The most common damage to the basement of a house occurs:

  1. destruction of the outer surface brickwork(exfoliation);
  2. cracks in the structure;
  3. base subsidence.

They are caused by many reasons:

  1. soil subsidence;
  2. foundation subsidence;
  3. low-quality building materials from which the basement is built;
  4. poor quality construction work;
  5. incorrect or damaged waterproofing;
  6. incorrect calculation that does not take into account effective load on the structure;
  7. increase in load during operation, repair or reconstruction (for example, adding a second floor to a cottage).

Moreover, defects in most cases arise not for one reason, but for a combination of them. For example, peeling can be caused by the fact that a brick of reduced frost resistance has been selected, and also that the waterproofing has lost its properties.

Why damage to the base must be repaired as early as possible

As we have already said, all other building structures rest on the plinth, the repair of which can be more expensive than even labor-intensive work to eliminate defects in the plinth.

A significant subsidence of the base can lead to the destruction of walls and ceilings, and even to the fact that the structure will become unsuitable for use. Construction Materials do not self-heal. Ordinary peeling of a brick can lead to a chain of more serious consequences.

For example:

  1. Peeling (damage to the surface layers) gradually goes deeper.
  2. Subsequently, the material is completely destroyed.
  3. The thickness (area) of the plinth wall decreases.
  4. The load on the remaining undamaged areas of the plinth masonry increases beyond their strength limit.
  5. Cracking occurs, and then destruction of the entire base, and then the rest of the structure of the house.

Therefore, having noticed even a minor defect, it is necessary, if possible, to identify its cause and eliminate it, and then carry out repairs. Now let’s learn more about how to repair a basement.

Base subsidence

It is detected by cracks in the brickwork and even by deviation of the base surfaces from the vertical or horizontal. Having discovered such a defect, you need to act as follows.

Determine whether the subsidence of the base continues

The continuation of subsidence is evidenced by the constant expansion of cracks. You can determine whether it is there or not in a simple way using beacons.

It's easy to make them:

  1. We cut strips of paper about 2 centimeters wide and 10-15 centimeters long.
  2. Using strong glue, we attach them so that they seem to tighten the crack (similar to repairing with electrical tape or adhesive, but the purpose is different).
  3. It is advisable to write the date of the sticker on each lighthouse.
  4. After 10 days, we look to see if our tapes are still intact. If intact, then shrinkage no longer occurs.

By the way, in the same way it is necessary to control the result of work to eliminate shrinkage and strengthen the foundation.

Determine whether there is subsidence of the foundation

In 90% of cases, the reason why the brick base sank strip foundation, this is the draft of the latter. In order to make sure that only the base is to blame (this rarely happens), in places where there are the most cracks on the base, we expose the foundation with small holes.

Most likely, there will be cracks there too. In a well-known way, with the help of beacons we determine whether they have an extension.

Should work be carried out to strengthen the foundation and plinth if the subsidence has ended?

Many people recommend, after making sure that there is no more subsidence, to simply seal the cracks and, if necessary, carry out redecorating. However, there is no certainty that the processes that caused the subsidence (for example, changes in the groundwater horizon) will not be repeated. Therefore, strengthening must be carried out in any case.

Strengthening the foundation is best done in stages, without exposing it completely, so without supporting the outer wall of the foundation on the ground, collapse of not only parts of the foundation, but also the walls may occur.

  • Opening the foundation of the building. We dig a trench not along the entire perimeter of the building, but in small areas 3-4 meters each with the same intervals between them.

Advice. Be extremely careful when excavating to great depths. Make slopes of at least 30 degrees or secure the walls of the trench with shields.

  • Most likely, cracks will also be visible in the exposed foundation. We seal them with cement-sand mortar.

  • It would be optimal to additionally tighten the foundation with steel tires with intervals in height of 0.5-1 meter. Therefore, we place their parts in our pits so that we can later connect them by welding or bolts.
  • Afterwards we prepare connections to connect the old fill with the new one. To do this, we drill holes in a checkerboard pattern, spaced from each other at a distance of 0.7-1.2 meters. We glue either standard ones into them metal connections, or install self-expanding anchors.

  • We treat the walls of the existing foundation with a water-repellent compound, its price is low, and the effectiveness of waterproofing increases significantly.

  • We waterproof the existing foundation. It's best to cover it waterproofing material. If the old waterproofing is in satisfactory condition, we still carry out additional coating, since by installing tires and connections, we damaged its tightness.
  • Preparing a cushion of sand and crushed stone for pouring. We compact it carefully.
  • Installing formwork. To strengthen the foundation, as a rule, a thickness of an additional layer of reinforced concrete of 30-40 centimeters is sufficient. For formwork it is best to use inventory boards they will speed up the work.
  • Installing reinforcement mesh. You can weld it, but the easiest way is to knit it. To maintain the protective layer of concrete, we install clamps.

At the same time, we do not forget that we will not be concreting the entire foundation, but sections, so we will leave 15-20 centimeter bars at the edges, with which we will connect the reinforcement of the grips poured in the second stage. We also provide connections between the frame and ties previously reinforced in the existing foundation.

  • Filling areas that strengthen the foundation. You need to use not the standard B 12.5 concrete for foundations, but a higher class. Be sure to compact it with deep vibrators.
  • After the concrete has hardened, remove the formwork.
  • The new foundation wall also needs to be waterproofed.
  • After waterproofing, we carry out bedding.

Having completed the first stage, you can proceed to the second:

  1. We expose the remaining sections of the foundation.
  2. We seal cracks in the same way.
  3. We install the missing sections of tires to tighten the foundation. We tighten them
  4. We carry out work on installation of connections and waterproofing.
  5. We install the formwork so that the panels rest on the already finished sections.
  6. We install the reinforcement frame. We connect its rods with the outlets of the casting rods of the first stage.
  7. We pour the concrete, after it hardens, remove the formwork, waterproof it and sprinkle it.
  8. The second stage is completed, we have a ready-made reinforced foundation.

To avoid interruptions in work, it is better to use the following principle:

  1. We immediately fill a number of sections of the first stage on one side of the building.
  2. Let's move to the opposite side. While we are working there, the concrete will harden.
  3. Having completed the first stage on the opposite side, we again move to the area where we started, and there we fill the remaining sections of the wall.

After we have poured the reinforcing layer along its horizontal surface, it is necessary to lay it again waterproofing layer, which will then be covered with a blind area.

Option for using screw piles

You can speed up and simplify the work of strengthening the foundation with a relatively small subsidence using screw piles. They differ from ordinary metal ones in that they have blades in the shape of an Archimedes screw at the end that goes deep into the ground.

Such piles are not driven into the ground, but are screwed in like a corkscrew. Moreover, with the small size of the foundation and the piles themselves, they can be installed without the use of special equipment, manually.

In addition, when installing piles, the soil around the foundation is not loosened, but rather compacted, which reduces the settlement of the existing structure.

But we note that this method can only be used in cases of slight subsidence, since it does not eliminate cracks in the existing foundation and does not restore its waterproofing.

Work to strengthen the foundation in this way is carried out as follows:

  1. We screw in a row of piles around the perimeter of the old foundation. The step of their installation depends on the design and cross-section, installation depth. The manufacturer usually makes recommendations upon delivery.
  2. After the piles are screwed in, a trench about half a meter deep is selected along the existing foundation. Its width is approximately equal to double the distance from the pile installation line to the perimeter of the foundation.
  3. The piles are connected to each other by a metal beam, usually an I-section, by welding.
  4. If the piles are hollow, then their internal volume is filled with concrete.
  5. Just like in the first case, but only for the exposed part of the foundation, work is being carried out to seal cracks, repair waterproofing and install connections.
  6. A reinforcement cage is laid in the trench. It is not necessary to do it frequently, since the main load is taken by the beam connecting the piles. You can avoid reinforcement altogether if you use fiber-reinforced concrete.
  7. Fill the trench with concrete. Then we lay waterproofing and make a blind area.

After the foundation is strengthened, it is time to begin restoring the base itself.

Basement repair with replacement of damaged masonry

If the masonry is severely damaged, for example, to a depth greater than the brick, a complete rework of the base would be ideal. If we were talking about wooden houses, then such work is performed there quite often.

It includes the following operations:

  1. part of the plinth masonry is removed to install supports;
  2. supports are installed under the log house, resting directly on the foundation and taking on the entire weight of the house structure that previously carried the base;
  3. the basement brick is removed completely and re-laid;
  4. V last resort The areas where the supports stood are laid.

Sometimes in this way they solve not only the question of how to level the base with bricks, but also increase the height by raising the house on jacks.

For a brick building, this technology is difficult to apply for two reasons:

  1. the weight of a brick structure is much greater than that of a wooden one;
  2. brickwork requires support over the entire area of ​​the base; removing even a small part of the base leads to the formation of cracks.

But still, this technology is real, it is used when moving a building from place to place. It is difficult to do this with your own hands, but it is possible, although it requires large material costs.

In this case, it is desirable that the following conditions be met:

  1. the structure of the house should not be very heavy; it may not be possible to support even a two-story cottage on supports;
  2. If possible, the wall should be monolithic and not consist of two layers separated by an air chamber.

For reference, we present the stages of work, although few people use this technology. Everything is very similar to making openings in a blank wall. For work we will need the following auxiliary materials

  1. A strong steel corner with a shelf width equal to half the wall thickness;
  2. The length of the racks is approximately equal to the height of the base;
  3. Sealant for building structures.

The instructions for performing the work are as follows:

  • We choose a section no more than 1-2 meters long. We immediately prepare a square of this length.
  • At the junction between the wall and the plinth we begin to cut a groove. In this case, the cutter must be of such a diameter that it can penetrate half the thickness of the wall.
  • Simultaneously with cutting, we begin to insert the square into the groove. That is, having cut through the area so that the gas cutter does not interfere with us, we insert one edge of the square at an angle to the wall. Then, continuing to cut, we bring its opposite edge closer, introducing more and more new sections into the cut space. This is done in order to prevent the wall from subsiding downwards even by the thickness of the cut, this will inevitably lead to the formation of a crack
  • By inserting a square into the groove, we attach it to the posts; you can attach stops to the square or simply use welding. Before this, the racks must be extremely securely installed on the base to prevent their vertical displacement.
  • Having thus suspended part of the base on one side, we carry out a similar operation on the opposite side. Most likely, you will have to dismantle the floor to do this.
  • Now we already have part of the wall hanging, and the section of the plinth under it is not loaded. Let's take it apart.
  • Having taken it apart, we begin to make a new one. I think you know how to lay out a brick plinth - the techniques are the same as for walls. At the same time, do not forget about waterproofing between the foundation and the brick. At the edges of the area we leave protruding parts of the brick for tying with the masonry of the next area.
  • Having completed the laying and allowing the mortar to gain strength, we remove the racks.

Now our task is even more difficult - to remove the square, fill the seam with mortar without subsidence of the higher structures. This should be done slowly, perhaps over several days. To fill the joint, you need to use quick-hardening cement.

  • In the same way as we introduced it, we begin to remove the square. This will require a fair amount of effort as it is pinned down by the weight of the wall. We use levers and jacks for this.
  • Having freed small space seam, apply sealant to the surface. Then, after allowing it to harden, we tightly fill the remaining space with the solution. When it hardens, remove another part of the square. We continue this in small steps until we remove it completely.
  • Having completed work in one area, we move in order to another. We carry out the work until the entire defective base is rebuilt.

As you can see, the work is not only labor-intensive and complex, but also takes a lot of time. Relaying the plinth even under small house may take more than a month. Therefore, another restoration method is often used - sealing damaged areas with concrete.

Basement repair using concrete mixtures

  1. First of all, thoroughly clean the damaged areas. We remove not only crushed stone and dust, but also half-scattered pieces of brick that still remain in contact with the rest of the stone. It is convenient to use a brush and a blower for this purpose. At the same time, you should not be particularly zealous - a chisel and a hammer are of no use for this work.
  2. We seal all the cracks, filling them with a sand-cement mixture with a fine sand fraction. It is advisable to use a solution with the addition of fiber fibers and polymer additives or even special repair compounds.
  3. It is quite possible that the waterproofing of both the base from the foundation and from the walls in places where the brick has crumbled is damaged. Cover these defects sheet material it won’t work out, so we cover them with sealant or mastic in several layers.
  4. Then we need to ensure good adhesion of the laid mixture with the rest of the base. To do this, we use fine reinforcing mesh. We fasten it to the masonry using screws on dowels or self-expanding anchors.

Please note that there are special varieties of this fastener for brick and lightweight concrete, which take into account the lower strength and density of these materials. We use them exactly. We place the mesh vertically at a distance of at least 3-5 centimeters from the future outer surface of the base. This way we will protect the steel from corrosion.

You can use a polymer mesh, then the distance to the surface does not matter, the plastic is not susceptible to rust.

Polymer mesh is the best replacement for steel
  • We begin to fill the damaged areas with the solution. It is better to do this with a trowel or a falcon. In those places where the damage is especially deep and the mortar can slide, we install formwork.
  • Having finished laying, we level the surface and compact it with a vibrating screed.
  • Let the concrete harden under normal conditions. To do this, we cover the repaired area from the sun and slanting rain with a dark film. Periodically moisten the surface, not allowing it to dry.
  • We apply protective covering on concrete - it is best to use compounds that not only repel water, but also give additional strength to its surface. Any hardware store offers wide choose these funds. If you plan to cover the base, then this step can be skipped.

After the concrete has hardened, the repair of the brick plinth can be considered complete. All that's left to do is take care of decorative finishing and additional protection. By the way, almost all finishing technologies and materials simultaneously perform both functions.

First, about protection. By the way, it won’t hurt to carry out this work if there is no damage to the base, but it is made of low-quality material, thereby increasing the durability of the structure.

Base protection and finishing

In addition to poor waterproofing high humidity, leading to the destruction of its material, is also created when rainwater enters. Increasing the roof overhang can partially protect against precipitation.

Only a properly made blind area can protect from rainwater coming from the ground. After repairing the base, it must be restored or fixed if it was missing at all (most often it cannot be repaired). Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to properly make a blind area.

Restoration and construction of the blind area

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the site, remove destroyed pieces of concrete from the old blind area and other materials.

Then we begin work, about them again step by step:

  • We carry out excavation. For the blind area you need to prepare a shallow trench. Its width is at least 70 centimeters, but the larger the better. Depth of at least 30 centimeters.
  • We compact the bottom of the trench, then arrange a cushion of sand, crushed stone and crushed stone-sand mixture, over which we carefully pass several times with a vibrating platform or, in extreme cases, with a tamper.
  • The next stage is the installation of formwork. It consists of boards or slats laid around the perimeter, which are secured with pegs and bedding. It is necessary to ensure that the upper edge of the poured blind area is at least 5 centimeters above the ground.

Even better, instead of formwork, put sidewalk stones on concrete castles(it's true additional expenses labor and material), so our blind area will be reliably protected from breaking off the edges.

  • In addition to the perimeter blind area, expansion joints must also be provided. Of course, they can be cut later, but why waste extra time and wear out discs for cutting concrete, it is better to provide for it immediately when pouring. We lay thin slats or other material along the perimeter of the wall, as well as at a distance of 3-4 meters perpendicular to it. Let's mark them.

Many craftsmen recommend generally connecting the blind area to the base using ties, but this is not correct. Firstly, their foundation does not shrink when the soil freezes and thaws. Secondly, concrete and brick have different coefficients of thermal expansion. Therefore, it is imperative to give them freedom.

Advice. The blind area can not be filled at all, but can be made from paving slabs(we already recommended side stones). A slight seepage of water into the ground near the blind area will not hurt. But, as practice shows, it will be more durable.

  • For device expansion joints It is better to use a very dry board of small thickness, impregnated with petroleum products, otherwise it will be problematic to remove it (ordinary concrete, although slightly, expands). It is even better to take scraps of metal or other materials that do not swell with water.
  • After laying the formwork, we reinforce the future blind area. As a rule, a mesh laid at 5-10 centimeters is sufficient. As mentioned above, connecting it to a foundation or plinth not only makes no sense, but is also completely dangerous, since this threatens a loss of strength.
  • We fill the structure. For compaction and leveling, it is better to use a vibrating screed.

  • Concrete maintenance is normal. By the way, the surface is horizontal, it is advisable to sprinkle it with wet sand or sawdust, constantly moistening it. Then the film can also be used transparent, it only protects against evaporation.
  • When the concrete reaches formwork strength, remove the formwork. This work must be carried out very carefully with slats that provide expansion joints.
  • We fill the seams either with a special sealant or with ready-made polymer inserts for such work.

Base finishing

A structure restored with mortar may not look very presentable and may not fit into the exterior of the building, so the basement of a brick house is almost always finished. There are several options.

Let's list them, paying attention to their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Regular coloring. A simple and budget option that does not always fit into the style of the house. If you plan to paint, you need to carefully level the surface of the concrete. The disadvantages include the fact that the paint needs to be renewed periodically. Moreover, she does not give any additional protection except for decorative effect.

Advice. To avoid having to paint often, add pigment to the solution you will use to restore the base. For accurate color rendering, it is advisable to use white cement rather than ordinary cement for the outer layer of concrete.

  • Plaster. This is usually followed by painting. Allows you to hide uneven concrete and additionally protects it. Like the other finishing options listed below, it allows for additional insulation of the base; for this purpose, it is laid between the concrete and the plaster layer. thermal insulation material(mineral wool boards, polystyrene foam).

In addition, special solutions can be used for plaster (as in the photo below). They can make the surface texture even more decorative than other finishing methods.

The disadvantages are that a layer of plaster, like simple painting, may not always fit into the exterior.

If the brick plinth belt is not damaged along the entire perimeter of the building, and you only repaired certain areas, plastering is one of the most simple ways hide the repair location. But, you can experiment by making one wall plastered and leaving the masonry intact on the rest.

Author's opinion. I generally don’t like it when brick is covered with plaster. The seams were partially exposed, 2-3 millimeters of brick were destroyed due to old age - all this is not a reason to hide the brick. This is especially true for historical buildings.

  • Facing. For cladding, tiles from various materials- ceramic and clinker tiles, natural stone. Thanks to the huge selection of these materials, there are no limits to the designer’s imagination. Can imitate brick or plinth masonry, untreated natural stone, wood, or choose any color, pattern or design. Material can be various shapes and sizes.

The tile protects the base not only from the penetration of moisture and unwanted substances, but also from mechanical damage, since its surface is very hard. If the plinth area is located near a path or sidewalk, such protection is not superfluous, since when removing snow or carrying out other household work it can easily be affected by equipment or equipment.

  • Siding finishing(its variants are block house and the like). Although this finish is most used on walls, it also looks great on plinths. In addition, there are special types of siding designed specifically for this part of the building. The material is quickly installed and has good performance characteristics. If it fits into the exterior, then you should choose it.

There are special siding panels for the base. After installation, they look like natural building material.

This is where we will conclude our article. It’s great if, after reading it, you can repair a brick plinth yourself, or at least select a technology for ordering work from craftsmen. Basement - no less important detail home than the foundation, so it must always be strong and beautiful.