How to build a small brick oven. The oven is rough: we do it ourselves. Stove ordering diagrams in the photo

Stove heating as a method of heating private households is still popular. Since it is quite difficult to find a professional stove maker, many country property owners are forced to master the construction of brick stoves with their own hands.

To build heating unit in accordance with all rules and regulations, homeowners will need to stock up on appropriate knowledge and skills, prepare tools and purchase Construction Materials for a significant amount.

Types of furnaces

A DIY brick stove for your home can be:

  • Russian;
  • Swedish;
  • Dutch.

Furnaces are also distinguished:

  • baths;
  • garden;
  • heating;
  • heating and cooking;
  • fireplaces.

Russian stove

Among stove makers, it is considered the most multifunctional brick structure. It is equipped with a place to rest, called a couch. Under it there is a cooking chamber - a firebox or crucible, under which there is an ash pan. It must ensure continuous combustion solid fuel. These DIY brick ovens also have a niche for kitchen utensils and keeping cooked food hot.

The standard dimensions of this type of furnace units are: 2 meters high, 2.5 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Due to its impressive size, a Russian stove is capable of heating a living space with an area exceeding 40 square meters. But it also has a big drawback - it requires a lot of solid fuel to function.

Swedish stove

Its dimensions are more compact compared to the Russian stove. The height of the Swedish brick structure is approximately 2 meters, and the length and width are not more than a meter. This small DIY brick oven is intended for:

  • for space heating;
  • for cooking food.

A cast iron stove with 2 burners is placed above the firebox of the Swedish unit, and an oven is placed on the side. During the construction of the stove, a stove is built in the kitchen, and the rest of it is installed in another room.

A serious design disadvantage is the high degree of fire hazard. To prevent fire, the Swedish stove is equipped with dampers.

Dutch oven

To your appearance this type stove units is obliged to Russian stove makers, it was they who came up with it. The “Dutch” is intended for heating the premises. The stove is very compact and has a high degree of heat transfer. To fully warm up with its help cold room, it will take 10 hours.

During the off-season, a DIY brick Dutch oven can retain heat for 24 hours. Its structural design ensures high heat transfer due to the winding chimney. In addition, the stove has a spacious firebox.

"Dutch" is built only using kiln brick, which accumulates heat quickly and releases gradually. This building material for building stoves is very expensive.

How to lay out the oven and what you need for this

Having considered the stove designs and made a choice, you can begin next stage. Besides design design, the furnace design must meet the requirements fire safety, that’s why the preparation stage for its construction is so important, which involves:

  1. Development detailed diagram laying a stove with or without a stove.
  2. Determining the installation location of the structure.
  3. Selection of materials.
  4. A selection of tools.
  5. Drawing up construction cost estimates.

In addition to the above measures, you need to decide on the number of auxiliary workers, and perhaps they are not needed.

The final result of construction depends on how competently the design of a house with stove heating is developed. Now you don’t have to develop diagrams - drawings of the furnace with your own hands, but purchase ready-made documentation. When choosing such a project, you need to make sure that the figures indicated in it are reliable; it also wouldn’t hurt to make sure that there is a phased detailed description carrying out construction.

When choosing a location for a stove, first of all, pay attention to the area of ​​the room and the design of the stove. Since the process of laying a brick stove in a country house or in a house has many nuances, experienced stove makers advise novice craftsmen to build scaled-down models of future units.

Thanks to this, you can prepare for the upcoming laying and minimize errors and miscalculations. When are they chosen? complex designs stoves - laying stoves with your own hands can be an overwhelming task for inexperienced craftsmen. In this case, you should seek help from professionals.

Selection and purchase of building materials

Regardless of what type of furnace is to be built, the same materials are used - bricks, clay, sand. The main attention should be paid to the choice of brick.

There are 4 types of bricks for sale for the construction of furnace units:

  • hand molding;
  • ceramic;
  • refractory;
  • silicate.

For cladding the unit use ceramic products. It is advisable to purchase M-250 or M-500 brick, which is more expensive, but more uniform than cheap products. It is able to withstand multiple heating-cooling cycles. Expensive brick has another advantage - excellent molding properties and decorative qualities.

Sand, when you build a brick stove with your own hands for a dacha or private household, you need to take it clean, without debris and various impurities, and therefore it needs to be sifted through a sieve.

Clay for kiln units can be normal, thin or oily. The proportions for preparing the mortar and the technology for laying bricks depend on which type is chosen. Stove makers prefer to use clay that has a normal fat content.

Preparing tools

To build a stove with your own hands in a country house or in a residential building, you will need different instruments: construction, measuring and auxiliary.

From construction tools needed:

  • for cutting bricks - a grinder;
  • for sifting sand - a metal sieve with a cell no larger than 2 millimeters;
  • shovel;
  • to compact the mortar - jointing;
  • for laying the mixture - combined kerma;
  • a hammer drill plus a mixer attachment for it;
  • for cutting bricks - a hammer-pick.

You also need to prepare measuring instruments:

  • tape measure at least 5 meters long;
  • to control verticality - a plumb line;
  • a wooden stove ruler about a meter long;
  • to check the evenness of the installation - the rule (there can be no gaps between it and the wall);
  • construction and flexible levels.

TO auxiliary tools include buckets, containers, etc.

Arrangement of the base for a brick kiln

When we install a stove with our own hands, first of all we ensure a distance between the chimney pipe and the roof covering of at least 15 centimeters. Then you can begin marking the foundation, which should exceed the parameters of the furnace structure in all directions by 15 centimeters.

It is better to form it when arranging the common building foundation. In order for the stove to serve for a long time, its foundation should not be connected to the foundation of the household. The fact is that their natural shrinkage differs due to different degrees of load.

First, the foundation pit is filled with concrete, and then the foundation for the furnace is built from bricks. Wooden formwork is pre-installed.

When the base is ready, its top level should be below floor surface by 19 centimeters. The foundation is not built for the fireplace, but the load on the floor of the upper floors is calculated. The base must be waterproofed using roofing felt or roofing felt.

Laying a brick stove for a home

First of all, you need to study the drawings of a brick stove with your own hands. Then prepare the solution and lay the first row using a spatula and trowel. Often, novice home craftsmen are sure that they should not “spar” the solution. In fact, on the contrary - the thinner the layer, the stronger the brickwork will be.

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. Hold the brick suspended with one hand.
  2. Applying light blows, mark the place of the chip.
  3. Holding the brick suspended, they cut it sharply and accurately into pieces according to the marked marks.
  4. When you build a wood-burning stove with your own hands for a summer house or home, the first row must be laid out impeccably. First, the outer row of bricks is laid, then the middle, and the seams are carefully filled with mortar, preventing the formation of voids.
  5. The initial rows are built from whole material, and the vertical seams should not coincide. But then the bricks need to be cut. They are laid with the chopped side inside the solid structure. This point is important when constructing chimney channels and fireboxes. The fact is that the chips will be the place where soot accumulates, clogging the chimney.

Features of building arches and vaults with your own hands

When constructing arches and vaults, they also use drawings brick oven with your own hands for a summer house or other building. The bricks are laid using the gradual overlap technology, with a thickness of at least two rows.

The thickness of such an overlap cannot be less than 2 rows. For the opening of the firebox, use a “lock” layout or masonry using the “lintel” method - the bricks are installed on metal corner vertically. A metal product can be replaced with a wooden frame.

For the construction of pipes they use sand-lime brick, able to withstand temperature changes and precipitation. It is resistant to acidic environment formed by the contact of smoke and water vapor. It is important that there are no unevenness or chips in the chimney. When the stove structure is ready, a control fire is carried out after 2 - 3 weeks.

Large and small DIY brick stoves are popular in private homes. But the main thing is to build the unit correctly so that it lasts for decades.


Brick heating stoves are still very popular. If desired, you can make them yourself. In order to facilitate the work, drawings of brick stoves have been created. Following the instructions and recommendations on, you can build structures such as in the photo.

Any oven consists of the following parts:

  • base (not connected to the foundation of the building);
  • the ash pan ensures the flow of air into the combustion chamber and accumulates ash, which can later be removed through a special door;
  • the firebox, separated from the ash pan by a grate (grate or rods), has a door for loading fuel, firewood is burned in it;
  • the chimney is a pipe through which combustion products are discharged;
  • smoke circulations (their labyrinthine circuits are needed to absorb heat from hot smoke).

Brick kilns have such characteristics as draft, power, efficiency, and the type of fuel used. The draft depends not only on the height of the chimney, but also on the cross-section and quality of the masonry. Ready-made schemes heating stoves made of bricks save craftsmen from carrying out complex calculations (more details: "").

Russian stove: drawings of brick stoves

Previously, such designs were found in every home, but nowadays they are already a rarity. Despite this, a Russian stove can successfully fit into the interior of the room. They are also not only heating device– they also have a hob.

To lay the stove you will need the following materials:

  • solid red brick – 1610 pieces;
  • view for a valve measuring 0.3x0.3 meters - 2 pieces;
  • dry clay solution in dissolved form;
  • samovar 14x14 centimeters - 1 piece;
  • flap 43x34 centimeters - 1 piece. Read also: "".

The pipe of a Russian stove is traditionally laid out of brick, however modern technologies make it possible to install a round structure with good tightness with safe and convenient passage through floors and roofs (read also: " ").

To work you will need the following tools:

  • trowel – for laying and leveling the mortar;
  • pick - a multifunctional hammer with a blade located perpendicular to the axis of the handle. At its other end there is a square windshield;
  • bubble level for masonry and hydraulic for the first row;
  • rule - serves to align the bricks of each row;
  • plumb lines - one of them must be permanently attached to the axis of the chimney (floor), and with the help of the second the verticality of the corners is checked;
  • brush – needed for grouting joints;
  • cord - it is pulled over each row of masonry.

Drawings of brick stoves for any type of home look like this:
  1. Cooking chamber. For masonry it is used 3/4 ground corner brick with locks.
  2. Under. There is a slope from the back, for the purpose of which the space is filled with sand, on which the brick is laid.
  3. Covering the bottom. The structure is covered with bricks along rods, corners or sheet blanks.
  4. Vault with a castle. In some cases a central lock is used, in others the last two symmetrical bricks are used.
  5. Rows to the lower arch. The bricklaying of the stove is carried out in the usual way, then a vault template assembled from chipboard or springs cut from wood are installed on top of it.
  6. Wells. They are tied rows in which a hole is left leading to the underside.
  7. Sub-bake. Bricks are laid on a foundation mortar; hollow stones are not allowed.
  8. VK code. For convenience, the bricks are cut into a wedge-shaped shape.
  9. Covering the channel above the samovar. It is solid, only solid stones are used.
  10. The holes above the pole become smaller. The brick is cut in accordance with the drawing.
  11. Alignment of walls. At the same time, the over-pipe is reduced and the samovar channel is laid.
  12. Installation of a samovar. The structure is closed with a separate lid.
  13. Installing a view. To embed the structure, two rows are laid.
  14. Chimney. The height of the pipe from the bottom to the top must be at least 5 meters. The upper rows form a canopy that prevents precipitation from entering the chimney.
Thanks to this stove, high-quality heating of the house is ensured.

Buslaevskaya stove: projects

The design has a built-in hood. The oven is small in size. It is ideal for any private home, as it allows you not only to heat the premises, but also to cook food. Despite its compact size, the stove heats well spacious premises That's why I exist ready-made.

Special schemes for laying brick stoves will help you complete the work without carrying out complex calculations.

For installation you will need the following materials:

  • doors - firebox (0.2x0.25 meters), VK (0.39x0.5 meters), blower (0.14x0.14 meters);
  • refractory - 43 pieces;
  • solid brick– 382 pieces;
  • oven-cabinet 28x33x50 centimeters;
  • cast iron stove 0.7x0.4 meters with burners (removable rings of different diameters);
  • valves - steam exhaust (12x13 centimeters) and smoke (12x25 centimeters);
  • grate - grate 30x20 centimeters;
  • corner - three equal-flange blanks 1 meter long and 45x45 millimeters in size;
  • steel - piece 0.3x0.28 meters;
  • strip - 4 pieces of meter (4 graph paper), 0.25 meters (2 graph paper), 0.35 meters (3 graph paper);
  • cast iron plate – 0.4 x 0.25 meters; 40x15 centimeters.

Projects for brick stoves of this type look like this:
  1. Full row.
  2. Blower door.
  3. Window opening for cleaning.
  4. The bottom of the oven is lined with refractory, three sides are lined with iron.
  5. Installation of the combustion door, grate, refractory under the firebox, cleaning cover, ash door.
  6. Installation of DS.
  7. Laying refractory on the edge around the door.
  8. Laying according to the scheme.
  9. The oven is top coated with clay (1 centimeter), the heater is covered, and a stove with burners is attached.
  10. Installation of smoke circulation with cleaning windows, the stove is not laid.Subsequently, the brick is placed on its edge.
  11. The cleaning is overlapped, channels are created, and 25-centimeter strips are laid.
  12. The cleaning is completed and the fastening wire is installed.
  13. The cap is installed.
  14. Installation of the VK ceiling, while the hoods remain.
  15. The stoves are laid out according to the diagram.
  16. The small stove ends in sheet iron, the masonry is done according to.
  17. The cleaning hole of a large stove is laid out, the edges of the side walls of the channels are cramped.
  18. Laying protrusions.
  19. The projections are duplicated and the corner is installed.
  20. The BP chimney is closed in the same way as row 19.
  21. A three-row neck is made, the size of the chimney is reduced to a section of 26x13 centimeters for the top valve.
  22. A chimney is created with grooves on this and subsequent rows.
The dimensions of the structure increase when using clinker facing bricks, therefore, using them instead of solid material is not recommended. When finishing with tiles, durability is ensured (the material lasts for decades), in addition, it can be dismantled for cladding other heating structures.

Ordering a sauna stove: diagrams

Projects for heating stoves made of bricks show the location of fireclay and clay brick in every row. Explanations for the order:

1, 2 row. A blower is created (a window for air supply), and a dressing is used.

3. A window is left for the main chimney.

4. The damper and ash pan door are installed.

5. The grate and firebox are mounted, and the refractory is subsequently laid on them.

6. The shape of the chimney and firebox is repeated, and doors are installed.

Rows 7-11. The firebox ends on the 11th row.

Rows 12-14. The heater box is installed.

15-16. The shaft expands and becomes half similar to the 6th row.

18. The cleaning door is installed.

22.23. The shafts are combined, and the edges of the bricks are ground down. Then the shaft above the heater is completely blocked, leaving only the chimney.

Frame structures can facilitate the installation process. In this case, brick is present only in the outer walls, and all internal elements are welded from metal. This can speed up the process of laying the stove. Read also: "".

Stoves often serve as interior decoration, so they are lined with clinker, tiles, and tiles. The diagonals in the first row are carefully measured, and a plumb line is hung in the center of the chimney, which is removed on the last rows of the pipe. Also, the diagonals are controlled every 4 rows, and on each row a cord is pulled during installation, which is checked by the rule.

Instead of cement-sand mortar, it is recommended to use clay, regardless of the type of furnace being built. Ready-made dry solutions significantly save time spent on clay preparation. To prevent the composition from drying out quickly, the brick must be moistened with water before laying.

Operating costs will be lower if there are no rectangular ledges inside the structure. For this purpose, when creating an overlap (ledge), the stone is tried on without mortar, the overlap line is outlined, and the excess material is cut off with a grinder. Internal seams during laying are regularly checked, and excess mortar is removed from time to time. The pipe is cleaned after completion of the work.

Brick kilns are made of several materials:

  • external cladding;
  • masonry bricks (main structure);
  • fireclay – fireproof material is used to lay out areas exposed to strong heat (furnace, under);
  • bricks with high-density edges are located inside the oven.
Clay bricks cannot be mixed with fireclay, and ovens, hobs, rods and grates, water tanks are not embedded in the masonry - this is due to different expansion coefficients when heated. If metal elements are rigidly embedded in the masonry, the structure will soon collapse. The drawings of brick heating stoves must be followed exactly in order for the design to be reliable and durable (read also: " "). In addition, during operation you need to pay attention to several points.

The stove seam should be no more than 5 millimeters for clay bricks, and 3 millimeters for refractory bricks. It is prohibited to adjust bricks that have already been laid: the element is removed, the mortar is cleaned off, and then a new stone is laid. The foundation of a house or bathhouse must be removed from the base of the stove by at least 5 centimeters, taking into account that to reduce heaving between them, the soil is replaced with sand. During construction sauna stove with the firebox exiting into the dressing room, you cannot embed masonry in frame partition, log house The front wall of the structure is enlarged, joined to wooden elements and the cracks are sealed with non-combustible material (usually basalt wool is used). Read also: "".

Rafter system, ceilings and itself wooden house are fire hazard. Therefore, when passing the furnace through these elements, it is necessary to follow the SNiP standards.

The following types of cuts are created in the ceilings:
  • thickening with bricks (material consumption is high, the design does not look very beautiful);
  • wooden box filled with non-combustible materials (expanded clay, sand, basalt wool);
  • a sandwich of two pipes with internal thermal insulation material.
There are also multifunctional ovens that are capable of generating electricity, providing complete combustion firewood, have a heating circuit. Their order is more complex, since they contain metal elements.

Drawings of brick stoves on video from a clear example construction:

For stove heating of small country cottages or country houses, in order to save materials and money, it makes sense to select designs for heating stoves made of bricks that are small in size and easy to implement. Then, having purchased building materials in accordance with the project, you can get down to business yourself, having first studied how to lay stoves with your own hands.

Heating and cooking stove

What type of stove should I choose?

At the very beginning, you need to decide what kind of stove design will be in your home. To do this you need to study existing species stoves for the home and choose the appropriate option for yourself from the proposed list:

  • Dutch channel-type stoves and the like take up the least space, are the easiest to construct and are undemanding in terms of materials. They work more in slow burning or smoldering mode, the efficiency is low - 40%.
  • A chamber-channel Swedish brick stove for home use is more efficient than a Dutch stove, its efficiency is up to 60%, it also takes up little space, but is somewhat more difficult to implement. In addition, building materials should be selected very carefully.
  • Russian stoves are the most efficient, their efficiency reaches 75%, but the laying of the stove is extremely complex; experienced specialist will not work.
  • A heating and cooking stove with a built-in water heat exchanger is the simplest heater option. Its construction will require the least amount of materials, and the simplicity of the design allows even a beginner to do all the work with his own hands; all he needs is a serious and scrupulous approach.

Advice. If you have absolutely no experience masonry work, then for self-built It is better to choose a “Dutch” or a hob; the construction of “Swedish” stoves is somewhat more complicated and requires experience in this matter. As for the Russian stove, it is not recommended to take on it yourself.

Next, you should understand where and how much space you are willing to allocate for construction, as well as the number of rooms heated by the stove. If the house is small, then the heat source can be placed in the wall between the rooms, so that each is heated from the back or side wall of the brick stove. The figure shows examples of the placement of various heaters inside a building.

The first diagram on the left shows the placement of a stove for a brick house with a stove bench in the bedroom and heating of other adjacent rooms: living room, hallway and bathroom. The second diagram shows where you can install a heating and cooking stove with heated water for domestic hot water. Between the two bedrooms it is planned to build a “Dutch” type heater with a loading chamber outlet into the living room. The third diagram shows an example of a country house, where the same stove heats the kitchen and bathroom, and there is a fireplace in the living room.

The principle by which the furnace is placed and built is simple: direct heating from its walls should cover as many rooms as possible, and when this does not work, it is better to use furnace designs with a built-in water heating coil. In this case, the remaining rooms will be heated by heating radiators.

Masonry brick

In order for a home-made brick stove to work efficiently and durablely, it is necessary to select appropriate building materials for its construction, in particular, brick. Not only the strength and durability of the structure, but also its thermophysical properties, which ensure comfort in your home, depend on this choice.

It is especially important to choose the right quality materials, if you are planning to fold a Swedish stove. For the “Dutch”, the requirements for the quality of bricks and mortar are not so high.

Previously, brick ovens were made entirely of red clay bricks, but now there are 2 types of them:

  • red ceramic grade 150;
  • fireproof fireclay.

In past times, the sizes of oven bricks and ordinary building bricks were different. If the dimensions of a single building stone are 250 x 125 x 65 mm, then the stove stone had dimensions of 230 x 114 x 40 mm or 230 x 114 x 65 mm. Nowadays, dimensions have been unified for convenience, so selection comes down to assessing the quality of the material. Here are some recommendations for purchasing the material from which brick heating stoves are laid:

  • Stones should be purchased in the same size.
  • You cannot use hollow bricks, much less silicate bricks. All you need is a solid ceramic stone.
  • For facing masonry, it is better to take stones from decorative texture, if you do not plan to decorate the walls with additional tiles or other facing material.
  • In the combustion chamber, the brickwork must be fireproof, made of fireclay stone.

Instructions for performing work

Once a heating furnace design has been selected, a foundation is required for it. The exception is small “Dutch stoves” and heating and cooking stoves, which do not place a large load on the floors. The latter can be erected directly from the cement floor screed, having completed all the heat and waterproofing measures discussed below.

In other cases, the heating furnace should rest on a foundation, preferably a monolithic reinforced concrete one. Its dimensions make it 50 mm larger than the dimensions of the structure itself, the thickness of the slab is 100-150 mm, depending on the load. The foundation is made free-standing, not in contact with the base of the building.

Before making a brick oven, the foundation slab must stand for at least 2 weeks, after which waterproofing (roofing felt in 2-3 layers) is laid on top, followed by sheets of asbestos or basalt cardboard for thermal insulation. Then a sheet of roofing steel and a felt bedding are laid down, from which the laying of the stove begins. The litter must first be wetted, and after laying, allow it to dry to the metal. Now you can proceed directly to the construction of the walls.

First of all, you need to figure out where to start laying. There are special diagrams for this; each row of stones is reflected in detail on them, starting from the base and ending with the chimney. When did you choose certain type source of heat and found or purchased project documentation for its construction, it necessarily depicts the row laying of stoves of this type. Below, as an example, is the order of a small “Dutch” measuring 520 x 520 mm.

Next, you need to prepare a solution for laying stoves from white or yellowish clay with the addition of quartz sand in a 1:1 ratio. It is not recommended to use water with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts (hard water). Before cooking, the clay is soaked in water and left for a day, after which it is passed through a sieve with a mesh of 3 x 3 mm. This process is carried out by rubbing, since the mixture of clay and water cannot otherwise be passed through a sieve. Then sand is added and kneading is done with gradual addition of water. The final solution should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

The sides of the masonry stone have their own names, and they determine the type of masonry. The traditional masonry of brick stoves is spoon and butt. This means that from the front side of the wall we can see the sides of the stone with the corresponding names. Bed masonry is extremely rare, and is not allowed at all for the construction of stoves. The wall is built with bandaging, that is, the vertical seams between the stones should not coincide.

The process begins from the first row and further, constantly checking the diagram, which shows the row of masonry. There is no need to rush this work; the emphasis should be on quality. For a beginner, it is better to first lay each row dry, without mortar, based on the drawings. After making sure that the installation is correct, apply mortar to the bricks and lay them down completely.

Remove excess clay, achieving a joint thickness of no more than 3 mm and no less than 2 mm. IN selected places You can thicken the seam up to 5 mm. The stone must be placed immediately in place; moving or knocking is not allowed. Excess clay mixture removed from stones cannot be used again.

Additional instructions for masonry that must be followed are, for convenience, given in the form of a short list:

  • Each stone is placed resting it on 2 others.
  • The first and last rows are made with stitching.
  • To avoid delamination, vertical joints are filled with mortar.
  • The bricks of each subsequent row must overlap the stones of the previous one by at least ¼ of the length.
  • Coincidence of tie and spoon rows is not allowed.
  • The cut sides of the stones are placed inside, not outside, the wall.

Laying out a brick oven yourself will require a lot of personal time and patience. There are no irresponsible units or parts here; every brick matters. If you approach the issue carefully and responsibly, the result will be healthy warmth and comfort in your home.

Stove heating is not going to become obsolete at all. Wood-burning stoves made of brick continue to be built not only by the owners of village houses, but also by the owners of large country cottages. Another question is how much does it cost to hire a master stove-maker to build and buy necessary materials. The only way to save money is to build a brick oven with your own hands, having studied the construction technology according to the schemes - procedures presented later in the article. Of course, a beginner cannot build a Russian or two-bell stove with a stove bench, but you can overcome a heat source of a simple design.

Projects of simple brick stoves

The first thing you should worry about is choosing a home heater design that can meet your heating needs. We offer 3 options simple designs, proven in work by many years of practice:

  • duct-type heating stove, the so-called Dutch oven;
  • hob with oven and tank connected to water heating or hot water supply;
  • Swedish - a combined heater with a niche for drying things.

Duct stove - Dutch

Folding the Dutchman shown in the picture yourself is quite simple. It is small in plan, but it can be placed indefinitely in height, while the internal vertical channels are lengthened. This allows you to heat a two- or three-story small house or cottage if you build a Dutch oven with a passage through the ceilings. A duct stove successfully burns wood of various qualities and satisfactorily heats rooms, although it cannot be called economical.

Reference. The Dutch oven warms up quickly, and after extinguishing it does not give off heat for long; the duration of combustion from one bookmark also leaves much to be desired. Its strengths are its ease of construction and low fuel requirements.

The plate shown in the photo is - convenient option for a country house or a small dwelling in the village, including for use in summer period. Tank installed on the path of hot flue gases, capable of serving hot water for heating systems or household needs.

Swedish brick stoves combine the advantages of the two previous heaters. In addition, they are economical, release accumulated heat for a long time and work equally well with wood and coal. But the masonry of a Swede is much more complicated hob plus more bricks and purchased iron fittings are required.

Swedish oven built between the walls

Drawings and orders of stoves

Stove order - Dutch

Cross-sectional diagram of a Dutch woman

The procedure for laying the hob

Schematic structure of the plate
Ordering a Swedish oven

Any brick stove transfers heat into the room in two ways: using infrared radiation from hot walls and through heating the air circulating in the room (convection). Hence the conclusion: for effective heating it is necessary that the heater, or at least part of it, be located in the heated room. Taking this requirement into account, we will give some tips on choosing a location for a building in a rural house or country house:

  1. If you need to heat one large room, then it is better to place the stove in the middle, with a slight offset to the side outer wall where the cold comes from.
  2. To heat 2-4 adjacent rooms, the structure must be placed in the center of the building, dismantling some of the interior partitions.
  3. Suppose there are 1-2 small rooms adjacent to the hall. There you can install water heating with radiators and circulation pump, connected to the furnace heat exchanger or tank.
  4. Do not plan to install the heater close to external walls. There is no point in warming them up; some of the heat will simply go outside.
  5. The hob and oven should go into the kitchen, and the hob should go into the living room or bedroom.

Advice. When placing the heater in the center of a private house, make sure that the future chimney does not fall into the ridge of the roof. It is better to move the building by 20-40 cm and bring the pipe through one of the roof slopes.

Partitions and floors made of wood or other combustible building materials located closer than 500 mm from the body of the stove must subsequently be protected with sheets of metal. It is advisable to lay a layer of basalt cardboard under them. In a stone house, these precautions apply only to the wooden roof elements located next to the chimney.

Procurement of materials and components

The main building material from which a do-it-yourself stove is built is red ceramic brick. It must be of high quality and must be solid; stones with voids inside are not used in stoves, except for construction street barbecues and barbecue.

Advice. The Dutch one is so undemanding in terms of the quality of materials that it can be made from used red brick. Only upon completion of the masonry will it be necessary to refine it, for example, by covering tiles or come up with a beautiful tiled decor.

To assemble a small-sized Dutch oven, you need to prepare the following materials and fittings:

  • red burnt brick – minimum 390 pcs.;
  • grate size 25 x 25 cm;
  • loading door 25 x 21 cm;
  • small cleaning and blower doors 14 x 14 cm;
  • metal flap 13 x 13 cm.

Note. As mentioned in the first section, the Dutch oven can be laid out to any desired height. The specified number of bricks is enough for construction in a one-story private house.

List of components and building materials for the hob:

  • solid ceramic brick – 190 pcs.;
  • grate 25 x 5 cm;
  • two-burner cast iron stove measuring 53 x 18 cm with disks;
  • fuel chamber door 25 x 21 cm;
  • metal tank - boiler with dimensions 35 x 45 x 15 cm;
  • oven 32 x 27 x 40 cm;
  • cleaning doors 13 x 14 cm – 2 pcs.;
  • chimney valve;
  • steel corner 30 x 30 x 4 mm – 4 m.

To save money, you can take on the manufacture of a tank for heating water yourself - simply weld it from metal 3, or better yet, 4 mm thick. There is another option: instead of a tank, place a coil inside the stove, welded with your own hands from steel pipe diameter 25-32 mm. But we must remember that in such a water circuit it is necessary to organize constant circulation using a pump, otherwise the metal will quickly burn out.

To build a Swedish heating and cooking stove, you will need the same set of materials as for a stove. Just take a larger corner - 50 x 50 mm, buy a steel strip 40 x 4 mm and prepare fireproof (fireclay) bricks for laying the firebox. To install accessories, find soft wire made of steel with a diameter of up to 2 mm.

Advice on masonry mortar. Preparing natural clay, which experienced stove makers use to lay bricks, is a long and difficult process. Therefore, beginners are recommended to use ready-made clay-sand mixtures for constructing stoves, which are commercially available.

Laying the foundation

Before folding the stove, you need to prepare a solid base. The structure is quite heavy, so placing it directly on floors, even those covered with cement screed, is unacceptable. The foundation of the stove is a separate structure, not in contact with the base of the building. If you are building a brick heater near walls or constructing corner fireplace, you need to make an indent of at least 150 mm so that there is a minimum clearance of 10 cm between the foundations.

If the floors in the house are covered with screed, then it is recommended to follow the following step-by-step instructions for installing a stove foundation:

  1. Dismantle the screed section and dig a pit protruding beyond the dimensions of the stove by 50 mm in each direction. The depth depends on the thickness of the upper layer of subsidence soil.
  2. Fill sand cushion 100 mm high and compact it. Fill the hole to the top with rubble stone or broken brick, then fill it with liquid cement mortar.
  3. After hardening, lay waterproofing layer from roofing felt and install the formwork protruding above the screed, as shown in the drawing.
  4. Prepare the concrete and pour the foundation slab. For strength, you can lay reinforcement mesh there.

After 3 weeks (time for complete hardening concrete mixture) place a sheet of roofing steel on the finished base, and on top - felt impregnated with clay mortar or basalt cardboard. After this, you can begin to lay the body of the furnace.

Scheme of the base structure for wooden floors

To correctly lay the foundation of a stove under wooden floors, use the same algorithm, only instead of concrete slab lay out the walls of red brick (used can be used) to the level of the floor covering. Fill the void inside with rubble or crushed stone and concrete on top. Next is a sheet of metal, felt soaked in clay and a solid first row of stove masonry. You can get more information on the topic by watching the video


For a long time, stoves for heating a home have been traditional heating structures and not only boilers, but also various other heaters cannot be compared with them in many respects. They provide “living” heat; in addition, they are distinguished by practicality and unpretentiousness in the use of solid fuel. In addition, a self-built stove will last for many years.

Stoves for heating a private home are considered perfect choice for suburban real estate. A high-quality heating structure can provide residents with a comfortable stay in each of the premises of the building. Read also: "".

DIY stove: how to do it right

At a time when stoves were the main method of heating in houses, the construction and repair of them was carried out by craftsmen - stove makers. Now, if they have certain skills, home craftsmen have the opportunity to build a stove with their own hands. In the absence of experience construction work, it is advisable to entrust the arrangement of such a heating structure to professionals. We should not forget that the stove is a high-risk object.

Before you start constructing brick heating units yourself, you need to understand their main types and operating features:

  • heating stoves - they are intended exclusively for heating the house. Their masonrycarried out quickly, since their design is simple (more details: " ");
  • Heating and cooking stoves - today they are considered the most popular and in demand. In addition to heating rooms, you can also cook food on them, saving good money on gas and other modern coolants (read: " ");
  • for cooking, a special device is built into the heating structure kitchen stove, and, if desired, even an oven;
  • stoves-fireplaces - thanks to the installation of such units, you can save space in the house, thereby creating more comfortable conditions accommodation and provide efficient heating rooms (read: " "). It takes a little time to light them. Fireplace stoves have a presentable appearance, capable of decorating any room, like a small one country house, and in a luxurious country villa (read also: "").
Do-it-yourself home stoves are distinguished by shape. For country houses Most often, rectangular, square or round designs are chosen, and such a variety of models allows you to choose optimal option, based on the purpose and interior of a particular room.

In addition, regardless of the type, type and size of fuel used, the stove must meet certain fire safety requirements. The base for a brick heating structure must certainly be concrete. Read also: "".

Location of heating stoves

At independent arrangement stove heating it is necessary to provide the most optimal location for installing the heating unit. If, for example, you place the structure in the middle of the room, then its heat transfer will be the highest possible, since it will heat the space from all sides, while evenly releasing heat to the air.
In the case when the stove is placed near the wall, convection currents of cool air emanating from doors and windows will begin to actively move around the house. As a result, with this arrangement of the heating structure, residents will constantly feel the cold “stretching” up their legs.

Before laying the furnace device, it is required, according to the installation rules, to provide for the location of the combustion chamber door (read: ""). This is necessary so that you don’t have to carry armfuls of firewood across the room, spreading dirt and soot. You can avoid such problems if you install the stove in the kitchen or in a space that is rarely visited.

Types of base for heating structures

The drawings of heating stoves provide for the arrangement concrete floor or availability own foundation. In the latter case, the base is made in such a way that it is designed to accommodate the installation of the structure body and the walls of the chimney pipe, as shown.

Main components:

  1. Firebox. When you create a stove in your home with your own hands, this element is one of the main parts of the heating unit. It should accommodate the maximum volume of firewood or other fuel to ensure the greatest performance of the structure. The size of the firebox can be different, since this parameter depends on the type of solid fuel (for example, for firewood, the height of the chamber ranges from 40 to 100 centimeters), volume, and productivity. The firebox is laid out exclusively from refractory bricks, and the thickness of its walls should be at least half a brick.
  2. Ash pan. This chamber is equipped with a door and is located directly under the grate. It is designed to collect ash and supply air to the fuel. The height of the ash pit is equal to three bricks.
  3. Chimney. One of the main elements that are found in every modern brick oven. Outwardly, it is similar to a coil through which flue gases move, heating the air in the room. When creating a stove for heating a house, such as in the photo, when designing a chimney for a modern heating structure, experts do not recommend including a large number of turns and bends, since they create additional resistance to the movement of flue gases, resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of heating the room.

Preparation of the solution

The stove can serve trouble-free for a long time if the mortar for masonry is properly prepared. It is made from sand, clay and water. It must be at the same time viscous, strong and durable. Preparing a clay-sand solution is simple: it requires clay, which is filled with water and soaked for at least a day. Then the mixture is passed through a sieve and stirred to the consistency of “clay milk” and only then added required amount sand (read also: " ").

The stove with your own hands will be durable and reliable design, will last for decades if the solution is made correctly. In the event that the building materials are of poor quality, and the bricklaying was carried out without following technology, the heating unit will quickly fail and may even collapse.

Features of the furnace laying process

Before making a stove with your own hands, you should make a foundation for it in advance. Typically, bricklaying begins a month after the foundation is created. It is necessary to withstand a certain time for the stove to be efficient and of high quality, and for the heating structure to last a long time, without overhaul and rework while maintaining functionality and high performance.

The work of laying a brick kiln is carried out in several stages:
  1. First of all, lay out the ash chamber and the bottom of the first cap with a cover. Typically, a clay-sand mixture with high viscosity and strength is used for masonry.
  2. The doors are mounted in brickwork, and they are fastened using galvanized wire.
  3. A grate is installed above the ash pan. Then they begin to install the firebox, which is lined from the inside with fireclay bricks, placing it on the edge. When making the solution, sand and fireclay clay. The fire door is secured with wire and a steel plate having a thickness of 2.5 millimeters. Read also: "".
  4. On the 12th row of brickwork, you should block the combustion chamber and then, using a level, install a cast-iron stove with burners. On the left side of the structure, the first cap and channel intended for summer movement are laid.
  5. After the installation of the slabs is completed, the walls of the cooking chamber are laid out. On the left side, the construction of the lower cap continues.
  6. In the cooking chamber, in the inner row, a summer valve is installed, which is necessary for lighting the stoves.
  7. In the 20th row, the first of the hoods and the cooking chamber are blocked. In continuous brickwork It is necessary to leave holes for the vent of the cooking compartment, the summer passage and the lifting channel. To do this, the bricks are supported on steel corners in order to strengthen the heating structure and thereby increase its reliability.
  8. The portal at the cooking chamber should be closed with hinged fireplace doors. Good decision The doors will be equipped with inserts made of heat-resistant glass. If they are available, it becomes possible to control the combustion process and at the same time observe how the flames look. Read also: "".
  9. After covering the cooking chamber and the lower hood using two brick rows, they begin to lay out the upper hood. Cleaning doors are installed in convenient places for use to help remove soot.
  10. The walls of the hood are erected almost to top point wall opening. At the top the oven is covered with two brick rows. For additional thermal insulation, the hole between the top of the unit and the overhanging lintel must be filled with mineral wool.
  11. If you are making a stove yourself, place a decorative band along its upper perimeter and begin installing a pipe that removes flue gases. The ideal solution A brick chimney is considered, since metal and asbestos pipes often burn out over time. Read also: "".
An original DIY stove is shown in the video: