How to make a canopy frame under polycarbonate. Sheds attached to the house: photos, varieties, installation stages and design features. Monolithic polycarbonate - useful properties

IN summer time all meetings with friends or family gatherings are postponed to Fresh air. Sudden rain often interferes with plans and forces guests and owners to move into the house. There are many structures designed to protect against such troubles. Among the options, awnings and polycarbonate canopies attached to the house stand out. They are not only easy to manufacture, but also reliably perform their protective functions.

What is a canopy

A canopy is a structure consisting of a roof and supports in the form of pillars. The structure may have different sizes and the device, installed separately or adjacent to the house. The main purpose is protection from rain, but they also serve as canopies to protect from direct sunlight.

Polycarbonate canopy for sun protection


The advantages of the design include:

  1. Lightweight, no need to build a strong foundation.
  2. The ability to cover a considerable part of the yard or area near the house, allowing you to perform various works regardless of weather conditions.
  3. A polycarbonate canopy adjacent to the house makes it possible to hold events with relatives or friends without appearing in the open air.
  4. The design is simple and can be made by hand.


It is necessary to remember the disadvantages of awnings:

  1. The structure does not protect from wind, dust, cold, or insects.
  2. The roofing material can completely block access to sunlight, which is why there is a lack of illumination under the canopy.
  3. The roof rattles noticeably in the rain, so it is not recommended to install the structure under the windows of a bedroom or nursery.
  4. In winter, large masses of snow accumulate on the surface, creating a significant load on the roof and base of the canopy.

A canopy is not a simple protective structure; it forms a kind of communication center, a place for gatherings with friends and relatives. In addition, it is capable of performing other functions:

  • parking lot protection;
  • transition from home to bathhouse or other buildings;
  • canopy over the porch, balcony, or other elements of the house.

In addition, high-quality canopies decorate the area near the house and create a high decorative effect. They are often combined with other structures, forming specialized areas for recreation, communication or other purposes.

Types of canopies

Existing canopy designs can be combined into groups according to different characteristics. By form:

  • straight;
  • single or double slope;
  • domed;
  • tent;
  • wavy;
  • multi-level;
  • arched, etc.

By type of connection to the wall:

  1. Cantilever (a design typical for canopies over windows or porches).
  2. Having supports on the ground. Used for buildings big size creating excessive load on the walls or foundation.

According to the material:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • combined.

There are many varieties roofing, but we will only consider polycarbonate canopies.

Requirements for the design of canopies

A polycarbonate canopy attached to a house is being built for permanent use, so certain requirements must be met. In particular, the shape of the roof should not interfere with the flow of rainwater or snow melting in winter. In this case, places of possible gathering should be located outside the paths, parking areas or possible presence of people. This is most relevant for regions with snowy winters, where heavy wet snow often falls. The load it creates can deform or destroy the structure, so it is necessary to ensure timely sliding of snow masses from the surface. To do this, you need to build inclined or pitched roof shapes.

Important! In cases of using a polycarbonate canopy attached to a private house in a region with increased snowfall, the use of large flat surfaces should be avoided.

Canopies and canopies made of polycarbonate

As a roofing covering the most preferred material considered polycarbonate. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but in a short time gained high popularity due to its performance qualities. The material has high light transmittance; some of its varieties differ little from glass in terms of transparency.

Roof covering - polycarbonate


TO positive qualities roofing material should include:

  1. Light weight. The load from polycarbonate is much lower than from other roofing coverings.
  2. Elasticity, the ability to bend and take the shape of the base.
  3. A transparent canopy or canopy made of polycarbonate attached to the house does not create significant shading.
  4. The material can withstand fairly high mechanical loads; due to its elasticity, it can withstand impacts.
  5. Durability.
  6. High frost resistance.
  7. Low combustion ability. A polycarbonate roof has the ability to self-extinguish.
  8. Ease of processing.


Among negative qualities should be indicated:

  • High susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. Considering the scope of application, the disadvantage is serious. Manufacturers solve the issue by applying protective films and adding neutralizing additives to the composition of the material during manufacturing.
  • Polycarbonate is unstable to the effects of technical hydrocarbons (oils, gasoline, and other chemicals of this series).
  • The material has the ability to accumulate moisture. For this reason important point sealing the ends becomes mandatory cellular polycarbonate with a special aluminum tape that prevents water from penetrating into the cavities.

The set of qualities of polycarbonate allows it to be used on different areas. This is mainly glazing or the formation of transparent surfaces for outbuildings. When installing sheets of material, you must follow certain rules and use special fasteners and provide thermal clearances to compensate for thermal expansion. It is recommended to let the polycarbonate sit for some time after purchase to allow excess moisture to escape.

Types of polycarbonate

There are two types of polycarbonate:

  1. Monolithic.
  2. Cell phone.

Both types are the same material, but have different shapes.


An example of a monolithic polycarbonate canopy

Monolithic polycarbonate It is a solid sheet of plastic of a certain thickness. Outwardly he looks like ordinary glass, but has high elasticity, the ability to bend in any direction. The roof made of monolithic polycarbonate is transparent, does not interfere with the passage of sunlight and does not shade the space under the canopy. Some users consider this a disadvantage and purchase colored polycarbonate, which reduces the brightness of sunlight. There are different shades available for sale:

  • red;
  • bronze;
  • green;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • brown.

The abundance of shades allows you to create a roof with the effect of transparency, but with some change in illumination; all objects under the canopy acquire a reflection corresponding to the color of the coating. In regions with scorching sun the use of colored types of polycarbonate can significantly reduce the unpleasant sensations from the brightness of the light.


An example of a canopy made of cellular polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is sheets consisting of two or three thin layers material separated by longitudinal, perpendicularly installed jumpers. The resulting voids - honeycombs - make the sheets resistant to cold. Moreover, the degree of transparency of such sheets is much less than that of a monolithic material. For use as roofing, cellular polycarbonate is much preferable, as it is lighter, cheaper, and easier to install.

What to consider when designing a canopy

First of all, you should decide on the material for the frame for the canopy or polycarbonate canopy. When choosing it, you need to take into account durability and the ability to maintain its performance throughout its entire service life. Optimal choice are metal profiled pipes that are easy to connect and have high bearing capacity and strength. The disadvantage of this choice is heavy weight structures that require the creation of a sufficiently powerful foundation.

Usage wooden parts allows you to create lighter structures that do not create loads on the walls and do not require a strong foundation. At the same time, a wooden canopy has low strength and is unstable to wind loads. A squally gust can tear it away from the supporting structure.

Important! An important factor is the cost of the project. It is recommended to determine the order of expenses from the very first steps, so as not to waste time on plans that are obviously unattainable.

When designing the shape of the canopy, you need to take into account your capabilities and production base. Some options require the presence of specialists and the use of sophisticated equipment. If there are no such possibilities, it is better to limit yourself to simpler forms.

It is imperative to obtain information about the amount of snow in winter period, dropping in your region. The weight of the snow layer can crush a large polycarbonate canopy, so you should consider options with a removable covering, reduce the surface area or increase the angle of the roof. At the same time, it is important to ensure safe snow removal so as not to damage objects found under it.

How to make a canopy or canopy with your own hands

The production of a polycarbonate canopy can be divided into several stages:

  1. Creation of a project, working drawing.
  2. Acquisition necessary materials.
  3. Construction of the foundation.
  4. Manufacturing load-bearing structure.
  5. Installation.
  6. Installation of roofing.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands - step-by-step instruction

The duration and complexity of these stages largely depend on the material and size of the canopy, the method of fastening and other features of the structure frame. The creation of a foundation is considered the most labor-intensive operation, but it is often done without it. If a cantilever type of canopy is used, when one side is attached to the wall of the house, and only two opposite pillars rest on the ground, they are simply poured into concrete glasses. In the same way, pillars, supports for fences, etc. are installed. A full foundation is needed only for large sheds with a large roof area and a massive base.

The supporting structure is assembled by welding or bolted connections. Several assistants will be required for installation, especially when large sizes and weight of parts. Work should be carried out proper tool in compliance with all safety rules. The frame is fastened to the wall of a house or any other building using anchor bolts; the pillars are either welded to the foundation or screwed to the poured embedded parts. You should not skimp on the strength and stability of the canopy; ensuring the safety of the people under it is the main task.

  1. Sheets can only be bent along the internal cavities of the material.
  2. The material is fastened to special thermal washers installed in pre-drilled holes. You cannot screw it directly with self-tapping screws, as this will cause deformation of the roofing.
  3. The ends of the sheets should be protected from water ingress with a special aluminum tape. If this is neglected, the material will quickly become clogged with dust and will look old and untidy.

Installation of polycarbonate roofing is carried out on a fully installed supporting structure . The frame is pre-coated with a protective layer of paint, which must be renewed after installation, especially in welding areas or around holes. Before completing installation, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of attaching wiring for lighting, the necessary additional components for installing various equipment or decorative elements.

“Installation of a polycarbonate canopy” video instruction

Polycarbonate canopies can be used for a variety of needs. These are hanging canopies over the balcony and porch; covered parking for passenger cars and agricultural machinery; covered passages between the house and the bathhouse, summer kitchen, sheds, etc.

This article will cover different types canopies for a polycarbonate house, features of the choice of materials for the frame, calculations of buildings. You will also find here step by step guide for the construction of a structure based on a metal profile.

Types, calculation and design of canopies, choice of frame material

The most popular options for canopies and canopies made of polycarbonate are arched, cascading, single- and double-sloped. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Arched structures

Arched polycarbonate canopies in the yard are considered the most popular today, especially for organizing parking lots and galleries between the house and outbuildings.

  • The semicircular shape of the arch prevents snow from accumulating on the roof.
  • When it rains, water drains only on two sides.
  • Due to the downward facing sides, the likelihood of the canopy being damaged by wind is quite low.
  • The arched design is equally suitable for both a small canopy over the porch and a spacious parking lot for several cars.

The arched polycarbonate canopy has one drawback - if you make it yourself, you may face the problem of bending the profiles.

Arched polycarbonate canopy: the photo shows an indoor parking lot

Cascade system

Cascading canopies are, in fact, a system of several arched ones. This design is chosen for installation above flights of stairs, where the roof slope is very large. And there are two reasons for this:

  • When it rains, water pours from the solid arched roof, located at a high angle, into the space in front of the first steps, hitting those entering. With a cascade arrangement of roofing elements, water flows to the sides.
  • The aesthetic side of the issue. Several cascading arched polycarbonate canopies look much more interesting than one solid one pointing downwards.

The disadvantages of such a system are the complexity of the design, high time and material costs.

Arched polycarbonate canopy attached to the house: photo of a three-stage system

Shed roof

A lean-to polycarbonate canopy is the easiest option to build:

  • No bending of profiles is required, as is the case with arched roofs.
  • No bending of polycarbonate sheets is required. Accordingly, you are not limited in choosing the thickness of the roofing material.
  • During construction, you can do without the use of trusses; only longitudinal and transverse beams will be sufficient.

Shed structures are often used when attaching a canopy to the wall of a house or garage. The disadvantage is that the roof has a slight slope; in winter, snow will accumulate on it.

Wooden canopy made of polycarbonate: photo of a lean-to structure

Gable canopy

In construction, it is a little more complicated than a single-slope one, since it requires two slopes to be brought together at a certain angle. However, this construction is also more convenient to use:

  • Slopes lowered on both sides provide better protection from wind and precipitation compared to a single slope.
  • The angle of the roof is greater here, which means less snow will accumulate on it in winter.
  • Frame gable roof It turns out rigid, thanks to which it resists wind loads well.

A gable canopy made of polycarbonate can be used in for different purposes: for parking lots, barbecues, barbecue ovens, porches, pavilions between outbuildings.

Gable roof over barbecue oven

Calculation and design of polycarbonate canopies

Even at the stage of creating a project, before starting to calculate a polycarbonate canopy from a profile pipe, you need to find out the following for yourself:

  • Size and location of the future building.
  • Wind and snow loads– these parameters affect the shape of the roof structure.
  • The design of a private house and outbuildings - the choice of frame design and the color of polycarbonate sheets depends on this.
  • Specifications of available/desired building materials.

Armed with this information, we move on to calculating and drawing up a drawing of a polycarbonate canopy. Here we already indicate exactly: the dimensions of the building and the shape of the roof; specifications material of supports, frame and roof; quantity and nature of fastening elements.

Note:when determining the features of the structural frame, it must be taken into account that polycarbonate is produced in sheets standard sizes. Their joints must necessarily fall on the transverse profiles - the sheathing.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy: the width of the purlins between the sheathing profiles depends on the parameters of the roofing material

And now about the height of polycarbonate canopies. In principle, it can be anything - it all depends on your needs and wishes. However, for comfortable use of the building, it will be better if the lowest point of its roof is at least 180 cm above the ground.

The parameters of support posts for the manufacture of canopies and canopies made of polycarbonate must be calculated based on the following figures:

  • The minimum cross-section is 40x40 mm.
  • Metal thickness – from 1 mm.
  • The thickness of the foundation pillars must exceed the cross-section of the racks by at least 10 mm.
  • The recommended depth of foundation pits is from 50 cm.
  • For the sidewalls of rafter trusses, a profile with a cross-section of 20 mm is taken, for diagonal gratings - from 15 mm.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands: the drawings must be very detailed

Note:It is better to entrust the design of structures with an area of ​​8 m2 or more to specialists. The roof area here will be large, which means it will be necessary to accurately calculate the level of snow and wind loads. Errors can lead to deformation or collapse of the building.

Choosing material for the frame

Typically, the following materials are used to make polycarbonate canopies:

  • Metal profile. Durable, easy to install and unpretentious to use. Requires minimal maintenance - only timely treatment with anti-corrosion agents. Disadvantages - heavy weight of the structure and high price.
  • Metal pipes. The advantages are the same as metal profiles. The only thing is round shape cross-section is not so convenient for welding and other types of fasteners.
  • Wood – profiled or ordinary timber, rounded log. A beautiful, lively material, suitable if the canopy should be stylized as something. During construction wooden canopy Making polycarbonate with your own hands will require certain carpentry skills.

Wooden frame

DIY polycarbonate canopy construction

The longest part of construction is creating the foundation. The frame itself and the installation of roofing sheets on it will take at most one and a half working days.

Installation of support pillars and installation of bindings

We install support pillars in the following way:

  • We dig foundation holes - 50 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter.
  • We install a reinforcement cage inside.
  • Fill the holes with a cement-sand (3/1) mixture, cover with cellophane and leave to harden for several days.
  • We fasten the supports to the foundation with anchors.

Concreting supports

We tie the supports along the tops with a single beam; the front part of the canopy will then rest on it. This dressing is best done from a square or rectangular section. Usage round pipe this is undesirable, since the contact area of ​​the elements at welding work will be too small.

A polycarbonate canopy attached to the house: the photo shows the location of the front supports

Note:The attachment of the canopy to the wall is carried out on a beam attached to the surface with anchor bolts. On required height, checking with building level, mark a line along which holes for fasteners are then drilled. Next, screw the beam onto the wall, tightening the bolts well.

We make a canopy for the house from polycarbonate: the photo shows the installation stage of the binding

Bend the profile for the roof frame

If the canopy for a summer house made of polycarbonate has arched roof, then we will have to think about how to bend the profiled pipe. This can be done in several ways:

  • With help pipe bending machine. Such a device is expensive, and it makes no sense to buy it just for the construction of a canopy.
  • By cutting (6-8 mm) the pipe and bending it in the opposite direction. The cuts are then covered with metal “patches”.
  • Manual bending of a preheated profile. To prevent flattening of the pipe, sand is compacted inside before work.

Manual pipe bending machine

Welding the canopy frame

We begin welding the frame by assembling the trusses. This is done on the ground, with the obligatory use of a building level. We start welding the diagonal slats onto parallel profiles from the edges, gradually moving towards the center. Magnets for welding will greatly facilitate the work - they are good for setting angles between parts.

In the following video you can see how welding magnets are used.

We place the finished polycarbonate trusses for the canopy on the binding and on the support of the front part. We bait it pointwise and then weld it. All elements must stand strictly vertically, so after installation we check the correct installation with a building level. If necessary, we slightly adjust the position using a sledgehammer.

A canopy attached to the house, made of polycarbonate: photo of the installation of roof trusses

Across the trusses we make purlins from a thin profile of rectangular cross-section. The distance between the parts is from 50 to 60 cm.

Installation of purlins

Next, we proceed to the installation of the sidewalls. We weld sections of the profile to the bases of the outer trusses and screw them along the entire length to the walls. From the lower edges of the sections to the ends of the trusses we stretch and weld profiles of the same thickness. we do a couple or three crossbars. You can see what it looks like in the next photo. The frame is ready, you can begin installing the polycarbonate.

Sidewall work

Fastening cellular polycarbonate to the frame

And now about how to attach polycarbonate to metal frame canopy Installation is carried out using special fasteners - thermal washers. They consist of sealing and plastic washers, as well as a plug for them. All this is tightened with ordinary self-tapping screws. Special attention Three points should be taken into account:

  • Strict vertical screwing of self-tapping screws.
  • Moderate tightening of fasteners. Insufficient application will not ensure the proper quality of installation, and excessive application can lead to damage to the surface of the material.
  • There should be at least 4 cm from the sheet cuts to the boundaries of the hole for the self-tapping screw.
  • The hole for the self-tapping screw should be 2-3 mm larger than the diameter of the latter.
Note:New polycarbonate sheets should not be left in the sun during the warm season. Glue on protective film heats up and forms a very strong adhesion to the surface. As a result, the film will be very difficult to remove.

How to properly attach polycarbonate to a canopy: you need to use special thermal washers

In addition to thermal washers, the following fittings are used during the installation of polycarbonate:

  • Detachable profile. Used to join two sheets of material together. It consists of a base and a cover - the base is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, and the cover is fastened to it using a special lock.
  • End profile and punched tape. They are used for finishing cuts on polycarbonate sheets. First, punched paper tape is glued along their entire length, and then the end profile is fixed to it.
Note:The end profile is needed not only to complete the polycarbonate roof. This fittings protect the air channels of the sheets from moisture and dirt getting inside. This means that maintaining the original level of transparency of polycarbonate directly depends on it.

Additional accessories

Polycarbonate is innovative construction material, which has already become quite popular. In its short time on the market, it has supplanted the recently in demand film, glass and wood. At first, polycarbonate was used only in the countryside for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses due to the fact that it transmits sunlight well, has a good margin of safety and is easy to install. But later landscape designers paid attention to its other advantages.

Why polycarbonate

When registering the territory suburban area one of the most pressing issues is the arrangement convenient zone rest, which would be located outside the house, somewhere on the lawn, as well as shelter for the car. These problems can be solved in different ways. But the main one remains the construction of the pavilion. A canopy made of polycarbonate is the easiest to make, and besides, you don’t have to call a craftsman - you can do everything yourself. In addition, this design provides its owner with maximum benefits.

Types of material

So far, only two types of polycarbonate are known that are used for the construction of canopies - cellular and monolithic thermoplastic. The first is a panel consisting of several layers of transparent or matte plastic, which are connected to each other by vertical stiffeners located along the fibers of the material. At the same time, the voids are filled with air, which gives polycarbonate excellent thermal insulation properties. Cellular sheets bend well even in the usual, so-called cold state. Therefore, a canopy made of polycarbonate can be made even of the most complex and bizarre shape.

Monolithic polymer has its advantages. It absorbs ultraviolet radiation well and has rich colors, and for all its strength it is quite light in weight. It is used not only in construction, but also in other areas of industry, which include high-tech systems.

Advantages of this material

A polycarbonate canopy can be of any design, but each of them will have clear advantages that should be mentioned. And the most important thing is the durability of the structure. Also very important is the fact that this material is easy to install and does not require any special care. It provides high transparency or dullness of the structure, depending on the need, and also performs protective functions against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

The material is beautiful and, importantly, it is produced in a wide range color scheme. And one more very important aspect- it's low cost. Canopies made of polycarbonate, the price of which varies depending on the size, will still cost less than those made of wood or metal. One sheet of material costs from 1,400 to 10,750 rubles. This price range is due to its size and thickness.

How to choose the right one

When deciding which polycarbonate to purchase, you need to decide on three parameters. These are thickness, color and quality. In order to do this correctly, you need to determine the purpose of the building. To select the thickness of the material, take into account the snow thickness and the lathing pitch. A few practical tips on this matter would also help:

  • four-millimeter sheets are suitable for devices and various advertising structures;
  • from a 6-8 mm slab you can make a partition, roof, canopy or canopy for a house made of polycarbonate in the color of your choice;
  • a 10 mm panel is usually used to construct vertical surfaces;
  • slabs with a thickness of 16 mm and more are suitable for buildings that must withstand truly enormous loads, for example, car parks.

As for color, it is also very important nuance, since the color of the slabs can be of varying intensity and transparency. For example, sheets of turquoise, blue and green colors are suitable for a canopy over a pool. But these tones cannot be used as a canopy over a sales counter, because they will distort original color placed inside the goods.

The quality of polycarbonate depends only on its manufacturer. Products from well-known companies are always distinguished by their reliability and environmental safety, and also have a protective layer against ultraviolet radiation, which is applied to the front surface of the sheet.

Required tools and materials

To install a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, you need to make calculations and purchase everything necessary to carry out this work. You will need the following materials:

  • press washers and anchor bolts (the latter are useful only when the pavilion is installed on a hard surface);
  • self-tapping screws with galvanized coating;
  • a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone, if it is necessary to install supports for support;
  • pipes for manufacturing support pillars with a square section 60 x 60, 80 x 80 or 100 x 100 mm;
  • cellular slabs with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm;
  • pipes for sheathing with a cross-section of 20 x 40 mm and for purlins - 40 x 60 or 60 x 60 mm;
  • a load-bearing arch, which you can make yourself, but you must remember that in such structures you need to maintain a ten-degree or greater angle of inclination of the roof.

Tools that will be needed for the work: welding machine, screwdriver, circular saw with discs, electric jigsaw, level and shovel.


Very often the owners country houses They don’t invite craftsmen, but prefer to do almost everything themselves. In order to quickly and beautifully carry out landscaping work, you need to know how to make a polycarbonate canopy yourself.

Before work begins on installing such a structure, it is necessary to make a design with drawings. To do this, you need to calculate the size of the frame and the load that it will withstand, taking into account the level of precipitation and characteristics of your region. Based on this, the necessary material is selected. A simple drawing of a polycarbonate canopy is presented in this article.

Installation of the structure, first stage

The main thing is to mark the site where it will be located. After this, they dig recesses 0.5-1.5 m long in which they will be mounted frame racks. The depth of the pits depends on the height of the pavilion itself. I install parts in them to which the frame racks will be attached, and fill them with concrete. Next, the soil is removed throughout the entire area of ​​the canopy to a depth of 10-20 cm, and instead of it, a so-called cushion of sand and crushed stone is filled in and compacted thoroughly. Then the installation is done finishing coating as lawn grate, paving slabs or just make a concrete screed.

A polycarbonate patio awning is usually installed on a frame made from material that has already been used for other extensions to maintain the style of the interior. The basis can be wooden, aluminum or steel blanks.

second phase

The final stage of installation is securing the sheets. First you need to prepare the panels the right size(see drawing of a polycarbonate canopy). To do this, they are cut using tools. In this work, it is important that after cutting, the length of the slab should be 10-15 cm greater than the perimeter of the arch. It is important to know here that after cutting polycarbonate sheet protective film, applied with her front side, should not be removed.

Now you need to attach the bottom of the profile to the arch so that its pitch is equal to the layout of the sheets. Next, fix the panels using self-tapping screws. To do this, drill holes 2 mm smaller than landing size the press washer itself. Then the screws are screwed in, and their caps are hidden under protective caps.

After two adjacent slabs are secured, the joining profiles are closed with a lid. At the very end of installation, the side parts of the sheets must be protected. This is done by installing end profiles, which are secured either with self-tapping screws or glued.

Over time, the yard of a private residential or country house becomes overgrown with outbuildings that simplify life for the owners, the construction of which, as a rule, is done with their own hands. Single-pitch canopy with polycarbonate coatingsimplest design, which can serve as a gazebo, a place to store firewood, maintain a car and other household needs. Polycarbonate gives buildings a modern, attractive look, without requiring financial investments or complex maintenance. This article will tell you how to calculate, execute drawings lean-to canopy from this inexpensive material.

Polycarbonate is modern high-tech material based on polymer plastic, which has a cellular structure. This material transmits light; colorless, colored and patterned products are produced. It will also be excellent for a garage attached to the house or a separate structure. This material has gained popularity due to the following qualities:

Note! Experienced craftsmen note the excellent soundproofing ability of this material, thanks to which even in the heaviest rain the sound of drops does not interfere with conversation and sounds quiet. High-quality polycarbonate has a service life of up to 25 years.


The design of a lean-to canopy is quite simple for DIY installation. It consists of support posts, trusses, sheathing and the polycarbonate coating itself. IN construction stores they sell ready-made kits for self-assembly, however, calculating and making the drawings yourself is not much more difficult. During the project creation process, the following factors are taken into account:

Important! Roof trusses A lean-to canopy is a triangular structure, the base of which is equal to the width of the canopy, and the hypotenuse corresponds to the length of the slope. To protect the polycarbonate sheet from damage and deflection, a lathing is constructed, the pitch of which does not exceed 40-50 cm.

Installation process

Installing a polycarbonate lean-to canopy with your own hands takes no more than 1 day, it can be done by one worker, however, help in this matter will not hurt. For assembly, you will need a standard set of tools, which includes a welding machine, a screwdriver, a hacksaw or a grinder. The construction process is as follows:

Important! All seams on the canopy frame remaining after welding are cleaned with your own hands and then primed. Metal parts coated with durable paint additional protection from corrosion. The edges of the carbonate are glued with reinforced tape.

Video instruction

Modern personal plot, it doesn’t matter whether it belongs to a cottage or a simple country house, it’s hard to imagine without a canopy, for example, over the owner’s car. This design now performs not only a practical function, but also an aesthetic one. The most common material used for canopies is polycarbonate. You can make a structure from it yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate

Selection of similar sheet blanks when installing suspended structures, it is justified by many advantages.

  • polycarbonate allows light to pass through, but at the same time protects from harmful effects ultraviolet;
  • it is non-flammable, which eliminates the risk of fire;
  • the sheets have different colors, you can choose the color to your taste;
  • designs made from these blanks look aesthetically pleasing;
  • polycarbonate is lightweight;
  • it is flexible, but at the same time impact-resistant;
  • retains heat well inside the overall structure;
  • it is easy and pleasant to work with (it is cut with a stationery knife and screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws).

True, polycarbonate also has disadvantages. They may appear during installation and operation. hanging structure. Namely:

  • over time, such material can crack, which will require replacing individual sheets;
  • if you violate the installation rules, the polycarbonate will also collapse;
  • thin sheets may not withstand layers of snow if the frame is poorly designed.

So, the described material clearly has more advantages, so its use in sheds is logical. But before you start building such a structure, you need to decide on the dimensions and draw up a sketch.

Preparatory work: what thickness of material to use

Before choosing the dimensions of the structure, it is recommended to decide on the type of sheets for installation. That is, you first need to choose the color and thickness of the blanks. Cellular polycarbonate is sold in sheets of different thicknesses (from 4 mm to 12 mm). When purchasing for country house construction the material can be cut (depending on the size of the building).

The thickness of the part for making a canopy is selected according to the following principle - the structure must withstand snow. But this is largely influenced not so much by the quality of the polycarbonate as by the reliability of the frame. Therefore, even the thinnest sheets can be used. This will also significantly reduce the cost of the canopy.

How to choose the size of a structure: drawing up a drawing

The most difficult thing is to decide on the size of the planned structure. There are several options:

  1. If the canopy is made over the porch, the width of the structure should be such that the last one to the left and right of front door protruded 30 cm. In this case, raindrops will not fall on the floor and the person entering. The length of the product is taken to be equal to the distance from the wall of the house to the edge of the first step of the porch.
  2. If the canopy is located above the car, then its dimensions must correspond to the size of the car, and an additional minimum of 30 cm must be added to each parameter.
  3. The same goes for the pool. The canopy over it needs to be a little larger.

After determining the dimensions, you need to draw a drawing.

On the facade side, the canopy is often made arched. In this case, the bending radius of the cellular polycarbonate must be equal to the height of the extension.

How to calculate the material

The amount of required materials can be calculated using the constructed drawing. Let's assume we create a structure without arched elements. Let it be a canopy over the porch. In this case, the width of the entrance door is 80 cm. According to the recommendations of experts, we take the width of the canopy equal to H = 80 + 30 + 30 = 140 cm or 1.4 m.

Let's say the distance from the edge of the first step of the porch to the wall of the house is 1 m. This means that the length of the canopy is the same.

A profile profile is ideal for the frame. square pipe with a section of 25 x 25 mm. It is enough to install three pieces of polycarbonate support, each 1 m long, and connect them transversely at the edge of the canopy.

The supports of the structure can be made from ordinary steel pipe diameter 32 mm. It is enough to install two pillars in the ground up to the level of the upper edge of the front door (at least 2 m). Don't forget to add 0.5 m to the digging into the ground.

Required Tools

To work with polycarbonate you need:

  • stationery knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a polycarbonate canopy

The process of making a canopy depends on many parameters, in particular on its location relative to the walls of the house.

How to properly attach a canopy to a private house over the porch

The first option is a structure attached to a private house. All work is done in several steps:

  1. For the main frame elements it is better to use metal profile pipe with a square section made of plain steel measuring 25 x 25 mm. It needs to be cut with a grinder. According to the calculation, it is necessary to cut 3 profiles of 1 m each and a piece 1.4 m long. It is also necessary to prepare two pipes of 2.5 m each.
  2. In the corners of the porch, that is, along the edges of the rib of the first step, two pipes are buried 0.5 m into the ground strictly vertically. It is advisable to concrete the bases of these pillars. Why in equal parts combine cement, sand, crushed stone, mix with water and fill the holes into which the pipes are inserted with the solution.
  3. Ends of segments square profile 3 m long at equal distances are mounted on the wall of the house 20 cm above the front door. For fastening, use metal corners, large screws and a screwdriver. If the house is brick, you will have to take a hammer drill, drill holes for self-tapping screws and first insert plastic dowels into the holes. You need to try to ensure that the two outer segments rest with their front ends on the tubular pillars.
  4. The transverse profile is laid. Its ends should also rest on the tubular pillars. To connect it perpendicularly to sections 1 m long, metal corners and self-tapping screws are used. As a result, the frame should have a slight slope.
  5. A sheet of cellular polycarbonate of the required size is cut from a single piece. A utility knife is suitable for this operation. The sheet is cut along the honeycomb easily. In the transverse direction you will have to apply a little effort.
  6. The polycarbonate is attached with self-tapping screws to the profiles using a screwdriver. In this case, the honeycomb lines must be laid parallel to the wall of the house, otherwise the sheet will sag from the snow and break.

Installation of an arched canopy around a pool in a country house

The second option is to place a canopy over the pool. This has its own characteristics, since it will not rest on the wall of the house. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. First, pillars are installed at the corners of the pool using the previously described technology. Material - pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. But in this case, you need to retreat from the corners in each case by 30 cm along the imaginary diagonal of the pool.
  2. Next, a profile frame is mounted on these pillars. Here it is advisable to use arched elements. To make them, it is better to use the services construction organization, because self-assembly such a frame is very difficult.
  3. It is better to weld the ends of the roof skeleton to the posts using electrodes and a welding machine.
  4. Sheets of cellular polycarbonate must be laid one at a time until the entire space is filled, carefully joining each other.

In a similar way, a canopy is installed over a patio, barbecue, open seating area and any other element of the architecture of the local area.

Video: DIY polycarbonate carport

A polycarbonate canopy will last a long time if you take care of it regularly. It is necessary to examine the condition of the fastenings, as well as the safety of the cellular polycarbonate sheets. Minor repairs include replacing screws or part of the coating.