Foam ceiling tile size. Ceiling finishing with foam tiles. How to glue tiles to a foam ceiling

This type of finishing quickly began to gain popularity. The coating looks aesthetically pleasing, beautiful and suits most interiors. Therefore, if you want beautiful finish ceiling, but there is not that much money, foam tiles will be an excellent solution.

Ceiling tiles are, in fact, a skillful imitation of gypsum stucco.

This coating has its advantages:

  • Acceptable price;
  • Possibility of coloring;
  • Variety of shapes, colors and sizes;
  • Possibility of installation alone;
  • Easy installation;
  • Lightness of coverage;
  • Thermal insulation and noise reduction.

And the disadvantages can be identified:

  • Fragility;
  • Pronounced geometric pattern;
  • Fire hazard.

Basically, foam coating is used for temporary ceiling finishing, but tiles are also quite suitable as a permanent option. If the geometric pattern does not suit you, then you can opt for a seamless variation of the foam ceiling. Another advantage of the tiles is their small thickness, which is very important if the height of the walls does not allow installing something monumental.

Manufacturers of foam decor are ready to provide customers with a choice of tile patterns, sizes and a huge palette of colors, which will allow the ceiling to be combined with any color scheme interior

But manufacturers also reserve the right for the buyer to repaint the tiles at will in any other color, using a brush and acrylic paint the desired shade.

What types of foam ceiling tiles are there?

There are three types of foam tiles.

  • Extruded;
  • Stamped;
  • Injection.

Extruded tiles are produced by polystyrene extrusion. As a result, it turns out to be a shade of dirty spring snow, so the tiles are covered with film on top using a press. Such tiles are the most expensive, but at the same time the most durable. Stamped tiles are also called pressed tiles. Unlike other types, it has the lowest price, but will require a mandatory edging in the form of moldings at the junction of the wall and ceiling. Made from expanded polystyrene. The advantage of polystyrene foam tiles is that they can be painted with water-dispersed paints.

Injection tiles are produced when high-quality raw materials are sintered in a special mold.

This coating is not afraid of moisture. During installation, the boundaries are almost invisible; deep relief can be applied to the tiles, so the ceiling will look like a solid stucco work of art. Usually, additional decor is added to the foam ceiling in the form of fillets and moldings made of similar material. The result is an excellent imitation classic style with a hint of vintage.

Interestingly, tiles can have different textures. For example, stone, wood carving, fabric and plaster. Laminated tiles are perfect for kitchen area, and the finish with a moisture-proof coating will decorate the bathroom.

Expanded polystyrene tiles can have not only a strict square or rectangular shape. Designers have long come up with such forms of tiles that after laying and installation the entire ceiling looks like a seamless structure.

Finishing the ceiling with foam tiles: how to do it

Among the disadvantages of this material is its high susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. Over time, the tiles turn yellow, and this can only be corrected by replacement. Therefore, experts still recommend immediately after installing the slabs to cover them with a layer of paint of a suitable shade.

But even if time has been lost, the ceiling made of foam boards can be refreshed with water-based paint. It will be evenly distributed over the entire surface and will not leave stains behind.

The painting technology is as follows:

  1. For painting, use a spray gun (spray gun), or a brush and roller.
  2. To avoid damaging anything important with paint, you should cover the furniture and floor with film.
  3. Safety glasses are a must.
  4. Coat all joints and gaps with putty or sealant.
  5. Check to see if the tiles need replacement.
  6. Mix the paint, then pour in the color a little at a time, without stopping thoroughly stirring the composition, until the desired shade is obtained.
  7. If the tile has a relief, then it is better to paint it with a brush;
  8. To ensure uniform color and eliminate gaps, it is recommended to paint the ceiling in at least two layers.
  9. Experts advise painting the ceiling so that the first layer is across the light, and the finishing layer is across the light. That is, apply last layer it needs to be in the same direction where the light from the window falls.
  10. You should be very careful not to stain the walls.

How to glue tiles to a foam ceiling

Installation ceiling tiles Just one of those jobs that is quite possible to do on your own without much physical effort. There is only one huge drawback - if the ceiling is very uneven, then it will first have to be sheathed with some kind of leveling material, for example, plasterboard.

Of course, there is a technology for properly finishing the ceiling with tiles:

  1. Calculation of the number of tiles. Usually their size is 50 to 50, but there are others non-standard options. If there is a remainder, then it must be divided into two so that there are inserts of the same size at the edges.
  2. Surface preparation consists of removing old coatings, puttying and cleaning. If the ceiling is uneven, it will have to be sheathed.
  3. The ceiling must be coated with primer.
  4. Marking the ceiling so that the tiles fit without mismatching seams. There is no need to draw a grid; you can highlight it with a regular rope.
  5. You need to glue the tiles from the middle to the edges of the ceiling, using PVA or liquid nails, and it is not necessary to treat the entire surface of the tile with glue.
  6. It is better to smooth and press the tiles with a soft cloth or sponge so as not to damage the design.
  7. You need to cut the tiles with a sharp wallpaper or construction knife.
  8. If moldings will be used, then the glue should be used the same as for the tiles on the ceiling.

You can glue the tiles in one of three ways, at the choice of the residents of the room: diagonally, in even rows and in a checkerboard pattern. The exception is seamless tiles - any method of gluing produces a solid canvas. The adhesive composition is applied to the tiles in the center and along the edges, because this is enough for the pasting to be uniform. If the ceiling has been primed, the tiles will adhere even more firmly.

Ceiling made of foam tiles (video)

Foam ceiling tiles – perfect solution for quality, beautiful and budget renovation, where minimally spent not only cash, but also strength. The coating will please the eye with its clear shapes, so you should definitely try this technique to update the design of your room.

Beautiful, inexpensive and easy-to-install finishing material for the ceiling - is it a myth or reality? Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles, a material that captivates with its variety and low price, can boast of all these qualities. We understand the advantages and features of choosing ceiling polystyrene foam, and also study the basic principles of installation.

No. 1. What is ceiling polystyrene foam?

Decorative tiles are made from polystyrene, which foams when heated. During production, they add to the material flame retardants and carbon dioxide, substances that increase resistance to high temperatures. Expanded polystyrene tiles made in this way, although they melt under the influence of fire, still perform better than ordinary polystyrene foam. By the way, you can also find ceiling tiles made from: they are not only less safe, but also rougher in appearance. The presence of fire retardants in the composition of the slabs indicates marking: domestic producers add the letter C, foreign ones add F.

By size, shape, color and appearance the material may vary greatly. On sale you can find tiles in square, rectangular and designer shapes. The surface can imitate country style or exquisite stucco in the style. The classic color of the tile is white, but colored versions and products with a laminated surface are also sold. Standard sizes are 50*50 and 100*16.5 cm, but other formats are also available.

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages

Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles are among the most popular. Buyers appreciate it for numerous advantages:

  • affordable price. In this regard, tiles can become a competitor even to ordinary ones. The most expensive samples with an exquisite design, which do not allow you to determine at first glance what the ceiling is made of, will cost much less than, for example, a system of tension or suspended ceilings;
  • ease of installation. You can cope with gluing ceiling tiles on your own, without any special skills. Considering the low price of the material, it can be called perfect choice if the budget for repairs is limited;
  • big variety. On sale you can find both the simplest white tiles with a simple pattern, and materials that very accurately replicate the structure of wood or wood, so you can use ceiling tiles to decorate any interior. White tiles can be painted in any desired shade;
  • additional heat and sound insulation premises;
  • resistance to temperature changes and high humidity, so the tiles can be used even in;
  • tiles do not steal height, unlike stretch and suspended ceilings. Additionally, it hides small irregularities and cracks that would definitely have to be removed when painting;
  • expanded polystyrene - although an unnatural material, it does not pose any particular danger. It does not emit harmful substances under normal operating conditions, unless, of course, it is made with high quality and has all safety certificates. Tiles become dangerous at high temperatures, i.e. during a fire;
  • The material is easy to care for; it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge;
  • high maintainability. If part of the ceiling is damaged, then several old elements can easily be replaced with new ones, so always take tiles with a reserve.

Now about shortcomings:

Experts convince us that truly quality ceiling tiles thanks to the additives used does not turn yellow for a long time and almost does not support combustion. Conscientious manufacturers declare that all the myths that exist among people are caused by the abundance of low-quality products on the shelf, and they advise you to always ask for a certificate of conformity. Sometimes we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the experience of using polystyrene foam turns out to be negative. It’s not just about choosing low-quality tiles, but also about choosing the wrong adhesive, on which a lot also depends.

Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles can be used in almost any room. It is undesirable to just glue it in the kitchen, and you can still find other material.

No. 3. Main types of polystyrene foam tiles

According to the type of production, ceiling polystyrene foam can be of the following types:

  • stamped or pressed;
  • extruded;
  • injection.

Stamped plates produced by placing polystyrene foam blocks in special forms and then squeezing them. The result is products with the simplest and not very relief patterns, small thickness (about 6-8 mm) and very fragile. Since such slabs are not covered protective layer, they absorb dirt well and are difficult to clean. The main advantage is the price.

Extruded panels are considered the most durable, durable, reliable and moisture resistant. The material is produced by hot extrusion of strips of raw materials. The result is tiles with a slight grain size and an almost smooth, dense surface, making it possible to apply a decorative coating. Such panels can be simply white and have complex drawings, or they can imitate the surface of any type of wood or stone. Due to high density, minimal porosity and impregnation water-repellent compounds the material becomes sufficiently resistant to moisture. It is extruded tiles that can be seamless, which we will discuss below.

Injection polystyrene foam produced by filling raw materials into a mold and sintering them under high temperatures. The result is a product with precise geometry and a clear relief pattern, the thickness of the slabs is 9-14 mm. Such panels tolerate moisture well, retain noise and heat well, are quite durable and come in a wide variety of patterns. Due to their intricate ornamentation and good performance qualities, such slabs are sometimes even used for wall decoration. Often injection panels are produced with imitation leather, wood, fabric, and ceramics.

No. 4. Surface type

In terms of variety, polystyrene foam ceiling tiles outshine many other finishing materials. Based on surface type, the entire range presented can be divided into the following types:

The shape of the tile can be square, rectangular, diamond-shaped, there are also irregular tiles, the so-called. designer form.

No. 5. Seamless ceiling tiles

Seamless tiles are worth highlighting separately. Many people are confused by the fact that seams are formed during installation. If you glue regular tiles and act carefully, they will be almost invisible, but if you are a perfectionist who wants to get a monolithic surface, then you will like seamless tiles.

The main feature of the material is the special processing of the edges, due to which the seams will be minimally noticeable. As a rule, the manufacturer provides an installation diagram on the packaging, and if you follow it exactly, you can get an ideal, complete ceiling surface.

No. 6. What else to consider when choosing?

When choosing expanded polystyrene tiles, it is very important to personally see and evaluate the quality of the material:

By shape and size the tile can be anything. The most popular are square tiles measuring 50*50 cm, 30*30 cm and rectangular tiles 100*16.5 cm. Calculate required amount material not difficult. First of all, you need to know the area of ​​the surface to be finished. It should be divided by the area of ​​the material in the package. For example, if you take a large square tiles, then there are usually 8 pieces or 2 m 2 in a package. If the ceiling area is 17 m2, then it’s worth taking 9 packages, 10-11 is better: a small supply will not be superfluous, it will be useful during repairs, especially since during installation and trimming some of the tiles may be damaged. It is better to take a stock of material of 15-20%.

No. 7. The best manufacturers of polystyrene foam boards

The best guarantee of quality is the name of the manufacturer. In order to protect yourself, you should look towards the products of famous companies that value their reputation. Among the largest manufacturers it is worth noting:

  • Armstrong is a company that produces both the most ordinary and quite custom tiles. Performance qualities are excellent in any case;
  • Ormit is a tile made in Germany, characterized by high moisture-resistant qualities, a wide range of sizes and colors;
  • Antares – accepts all types of slabs, the color range is varied. Also produces skirting boards and corners;
  • Matrix is ​​a Chinese-made tile of small thickness. The main advantage is the low price;
  • Angara, another Chinese manufacturer with an attractive pricing policy, produces panels with a thickness of no more than 8 mm.

When buying tiles, in any case, it is better to make sure that they have quality certificates.

No. 8. Do-it-yourself installation of polystyrene foam tiles

One of the main and most important advantages of the material is the ease of its installation, but the preparatory work should be given maximum attention.

Ceiling preparation is done as follows:

Another difficulty when gluing polystyrene foam tiles is perform markup and install the first elements correctly. Exists two markup options:

The installation process itself looks like this:

  • Glue is applied to the tiles, it is best to use and apply them in dots or stripes. This will save glue and provide the tile with maximum breathability. You can apply a little glue to the end to guarantee;
  • the tile is pressed to the ceiling surface in a pre-designated place quite tightly, but without excessive force. After a few minutes, the tile should already stick if a high-quality fast-setting adhesive was chosen;
  • if some of the glue gets on the front side, it is better to immediately wipe it off with a damp sponge, otherwise traces may remain;
  • The remaining elements are mounted in the same way; if necessary, they are trimmed with a paint knife. Trimming will be needed for the outer elements, as well as for the central ones, if there is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling;
  • installation . It is also attached with glue. Craftsmen recommend fixing it additionally with small nails in several places, since it will be difficult to keep a long plinth pressed to the surface. The next day, the carnations are removed, and the holes from them are sealed with acrylic putty;
  • If discrepancies or seams appear between the tiles, they can be sealed in white.

All work is carried out in the absence of drafts. After the glue and sealant have dried, you can paint the tiles if desired, and it is not necessary to use only one shade: relief areas can be highlighted with a different color.

If you pay attention to the choice of polystyrene foam ceiling tiles and carefully install them, the result will delight you for many years.

The cheapest and in a simple way finishing the ceiling is the installation of foam tiles. In terms of cost, such work can be equated to traditional whitewashing, but unlike it, the design is much more effective, as it opens up enormous opportunities for creative ideas. This material has a rich texture and color, imitates various surfaces and decorated with beautiful relief patterns. Depending on the design style, you can choose classic white tiles or colored panels with stucco.

The process of installing such a ceiling is not complicated, so you can do it yourself without having special skills.

Distinctive features

Foam tiles are very popular in ceiling design, as they represent budget material, thanks to which you can quickly and stylishly decorate any covering. It is well suited for decorating residential premises, offices and country outbuildings. Tiles are produced various sizes from ecological raw materials, and special technology processing makes the material resistant to high humidity and sudden temperature changes. Today, the construction market is represented by a chic selection of modifications of PVC tiles, so purchase suitable option will not be difficult; in addition, the product can be painted and ideally hides all the flaws in the ceiling.

By finishing this method, you can get on the ceiling surface interesting drawings, they are evenly distributed throughout the base, but often form seams, so for a perfect finish it is recommended to purchase a special seamless tiles . Its panels are characterized by a snow-white hue and look beautiful in spacious rooms.

In addition to all this, foam tiles have other advantages:

  • Low price. Compared to the installation of complex suspended structures and decorative plaster, the material allows you to beautifully decorate the ceiling without significant financial costs.
  • Easy to install. The panels are lightweight and can be attached using mounting adhesive. In addition, the material is quickly cut and acquires right size or form. Installation work is carried out without the formation of dust and debris.
  • Easy care. The product is not afraid of water, so wet cleaning is suitable for it.
  • Good thermal and sound insulation.

Besides positive properties, ceiling tiles also have disadvantages, namely:

  • A room covered with foam plastic panels requires high-quality ventilation, since closed room stuffiness and heavy air may form.
  • The tiles are installed on a previously prepared ceiling, so its surface must be carefully leveled and primed. This, of course, will entail additional costs, but if visible defects are not eliminated, the finishing material can repeat all the bulges.
  • No matter how well the tiles are laid, joints cannot be avoided. Therefore, all seams must be sealed.
  • Foam panels are easy to cut, but can crumble and break. Such cut out elements may fail in further use, since their integral structure will be disrupted and they will differ significantly from their industrial counterpart.


Foam tiles are a unique finishing material, as they are made various forms. Today on sale you can find square panels 50 cm long and rectangular. Hexagon and diamond-shaped tiles are also extremely popular; they look unusual in design and create original patterns.

Depending on the production technology, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • Stamped. The panels are produced from polystyrene blocks using special stamping. Such tiles are light in weight, low in density, and their thickness does not exceed 8 mm. The products are characterized by a relief structure and are inexpensive. Since the panels are not covered protective film, they are exposed to mechanical stress and are afraid wet cleaning. In addition, during installation, small gaps may appear between the plates that need to be sealed.

  • Extruded. The panels are made by pressing polystyrene raw materials. They are characterized high density and thickness 3 mm. Additionally, the material is covered with a protective layer, which provides it with protection from damage and dust. As a rule, such tiles imitate wood and marble; they are reliable in use, but due to the presence of connecting joints they cannot be painted.
  • Injection. The products are produced under conditions in which polystyrene is baked in molds. This type of panel, unlike previous options, is characterized by high strength and thickness. In addition, the patterns applied to the surface of the material have an unusual geometry and relief. When installed, decorative tiles look solid and their seams are almost invisible. This ceiling does not burn, it can be washed with detergents and painted in any color.

Special attention Also deserves seamless ceiling tiles, thanks to which the surface looks monolithic and smooth.

The edges of the panels have a special shape, so the joints that appear during its installation are “hidden” in an original way and become invisible. For of this type There is a separate laying technology for tiles and they are fixed using glue that dries quickly.

How to choose?

The ceiling plays a huge role in the design. Not only the atmosphere of the room, but also the appearance of the space depends on its decor. Therefore, you need to choose the finishing material for the ceiling correctly.

To ensure that the tiles look beautiful in the room and serve reliably for many years, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points when purchasing them:

  • Shape and edges. The material must have clear lines and boundaries. You should not choose tiles with deformed and curved edges, as this can cause many problems during installation.
  • Material structure. The panels must have uniform density around the entire perimeter. It is not allowed to use products that have crumbling edges or dents or waves.

  • Drawing. Preference should be given to tiles with clear patterns.
  • Size. Each panel in the set must be the same width and length.
  • Design. Traditionally, the material is produced in white, but to save yourself from future painting, you can immediately purchase panels desired color. Wood or wood-effect coverings also look beautiful. a natural stone. In addition, PVC tiles can be matte or laminated; it is recommended to inspect samples of them first, and only then give preference to one or the other option.

It is also advisable to study customer reviews before choosing a decorative product and purchase tiles only from well-known and well-tested manufacturers who can provide appropriate quality certificates.

Installation features

Foam plastic is considered one of the most available materials, which can quickly and easily decorate the ceiling. In order for the tile to look aesthetically pleasing, it must be installed correctly, adhering to certain technologies.

The process of gluing foam panels begins with preparatory work, which consist of the following stages:

  • Wall covering. This is done before installing the tiles, since the glue can stain the decorative coating. If finishing the walls is not included in the renovation, then they are simply covered with film.
  • Dismantling and cleaning. All lighting sources are removed and the electrical wiring is insulated. The old coating is removed and stains from rust, fungus, grease and soot are eliminated.
  • Puttying. A thick cement mortar is prepared and the cracks are covered.
  • Padding. It can be done either from ready-made mixtures, or prepare them yourself from water and PVA glue. It is advisable to coat the ceiling with a primer that contains antifungal components.
  • Grinding. The surface is checked for evenness and, if necessary, additionally applied starting putty, after which the base is sanded and secured with acrylic.

Ceiling tiles are glued to any surface. To fix it, you must first select a convenient diagram and only then proceed with installation. The most commonly used are diagonal, parallel and combined placement of panels.

Parallel installation starts from a noticeable corner in the room and looks like this:

  • Glue is applied to the tiles. They cover the perimeter of the wrong side and provide additional fixation in the middle. In this case, you need to control the glue layer, because if it is thick, traces may remain and the seams will become much more noticeable.
  • The canvas is pressed to the base of the ceiling and smoothed. The next panel is attached in a similar way, but its patterns should be a continuation of the first tile and look symmetrical.
  • After the row is completed, you should measure the seams and the distance to the wall.
  • The final stage will be decorating the ceiling with skirting boards, which are selected from the same material as the tiles. They are also fixed with glue.

As for the diagonal installation, it starts from the center of the ceiling. If you plan to place a chandelier in the center, then the edges of the panels are trimmed, and the resulting hole can then be easily closed with a plug.

Installation work in this case is carried out as follows:

  • The ceiling is marked, along which the first panel is attached in the very center. In this case, its angles must strictly correspond to the middle of the lines.
  • The second tile is installed along the marked axes, then work continues in the same way until completion. The installation of the outermost row will be carried out from the cut out parts.

With combined placement of ceiling elements glue is applied simultaneously to the surface of four slabs, after which they are immediately attached to the base. All work must be carried out strictly according to the markings, and the outer row is laid out from pre-cut blanks. This technique is considered complex, so it is not recommended for beginners.

To learn how to properly glue ceiling tiles, see the following video.

What can you paint with?

Foam ceiling tiles are produced various colors and textures, but many craftsmen prefer to purchase material with a white surface, after which it is further decorated with paint. It is worth noting that painting foam panels allows not only to give the material an aesthetic appearance, but is also characterized by many positive characteristics. It acts as a protective layer and strengthens the structure of the product. Besides, painted tiles do not get dirty so quickly and are easier to clean.

In order for the work to be completed efficiently, it is necessary to choose good paint, which will transform the appearance of the panels and extend their service life. Usually For ceiling tiles, paint with a high degree of adhesion is used, resistant to moisture and detergents.

In addition, dyes must be made from components that do not dissolve the foam.

  • Acrylic. The mixture belongs to the water-dispersion group, it is made from polymer and acrylic resins. It dries quickly, has no odor, is easy to use and does not cause harm to human health. After such painting, the surface of the ceiling is covered with a vapor-permeable film, so the material “breathes”. In addition, this type of paint does not fade, is not afraid of temperature changes and is available in a huge selection of color palettes.
  • Water-based. It is an emulsion containing water, various polymers and coloring pigments. It is inexpensive, spreads evenly over the surface, dries quickly and leaves no marks or streaks from a brush or roller. The only thing is that this paint cannot be applied in a thick layer, otherwise the film will begin to peel off and crack. Also, tiles painted with this solution will absorb dust and grease much faster. It cannot be washed with detergents, so it is not recommended to paint it in kitchen areas where there is a constant accumulation of soot and grease.

It is worth noting that foam tiles can not only be painted, but also whitewashed. This option is most suitable for rooms with high humidity.

How to wash?

Any decorative coating becomes dirty over time and needs to be cleaned. Foam tiles are no exception to this. As a rule, it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, but if after such cleaning there are traces of grease and soot, it is recommended to wash it.

Many people are afraid to wash ceiling panels because they believe that this can disrupt the structure of the material and ruin the finish. Actually it's not like that polystyrene foam tolerates contact with water well and withstands the chemical effects of detergents.

As for the kitchen, it will require more effective products that can cope with the film of grease. In this case use detergents, which are used to wash dishes or laundry solutions. But they often contain bleaching elements and can harm the appearance of the ceiling. It is not advisable to wash panels with powders, especially for products with a laminated and glossy surface.

September 29, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

If you want to finish the ceiling inexpensively, beautifully and without special effort, That the best material That's what foam ceiling tiles are for. The only thing is that over time it does not begin to fall from the ceiling like foliage from autumn tree, it must be glued correctly. Therefore, I decided to devote this article to the technology of finishing the ceiling with this material.

Technology for finishing the ceiling with foam tiles

Foam ceiling tiles are quite easy to install. However, this process includes several steps:

Preparation of materials and tools

Any construction work begins with the preparation of materials, and finishing the ceiling with foam tiles is no exception. So, in addition to the finishing boards themselves, you will need the following materials:

  • glue - home craftsmen are often interested in what to glue the tiles on? Store salespeople will most likely recommend Dragon glue to you. However, it is quite difficult to glue tiles with it, and it also requires a perfectly flat surface.
    That's why the best solution is a regular finishing putty. With its help, you can not only properly glue the coating, but also adjust its position relative to the ceiling;
  • painting cord;
  • acrylic;
  • acrylic or other water-dispersion paint (if you want to paint the ceiling).

As for the tools, the set you will need is quite simple:

  • narrow spatula;
  • notched spatula;
  • paint roller with pallet;
  • mounting knife;
  • old rags and rags.

Now you can start working directly.

Ceiling preparation

Before gluing the ceiling tiles, you need to prepare the surface. This stage is very important, since the durability of the finish depends on it..

Preparatory work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old finishing coating. As a rule, this is wallpaper or whitewash. On our portal you can find detailed information on how and with what to wash the ceiling to get rid of whitewash.
    As for removing wallpaper, this procedure usually does not cause any difficulties. The only thing is the remains of wallpaper and wallpaper glue must be thoroughly cleaned with a spatula or even wire brush. To simplify this work, the surface can first be moistened with a sprayer or a paint roller;
  2. Since foam ceiling tiles do not require repairing cracks or removing chips, after removing the old coating, you can immediately begin priming the surface. To do this, shake the soil and pour it into a special tray.

After this, dip a paint roller into the primer, squeeze it out slightly and apply it to the ceiling. The ground must lie thin layer so that it does not drip from the ceiling. After the surface has dried, the procedure must be repeated.

Now that the ceiling is prepared, you can begin to apply markings.


To ensure that no problems arise during the process of gluing the ceiling, and that the tiles are positioned evenly, markings should be made using a paint cord. You will need at least one assistant to complete this job.

Instructions for marking are as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to mark the point of intersection of the ceiling diagonals. To do this, stretch the painting thread from one corner to the other, and, holding it in this position, pull it down like a bowstring, and then sharply lower it. As a result, the thread will hit the ceiling and leave behind a straight line.
    The second diagonal is designated using the same principle;
  2. the point of intersection of the diagonals is the center of the ceiling. Now, taking into account the size of the tiles, you need to apply squares or rectangles to the ceiling (depending on the shape of the tile). In this case, the first tile should be located in the center of the ceiling.

For convenience, you can place a tile in the center and draw lines for its location, from which the remaining rows are counted in both directions.

The arrangement of the tiles diagonally looks interesting, especially if it is square and you are not going to seal the joints with putty. With this arrangement, the corners of the slabs or the connecting seam should converge with the corners of the room.

The presence of such markup will greatly simplify and speed up further work.

Gluing tiles

So with everyone preparatory stages we figured it out. Now let's look at how to glue tiles onto putty.

Before gluing the tiles to the ceiling, it is necessary to remove burrs from the edges. This can be done using a mounting knife.

The work is carried out like this:

  1. To avoid covering the markings with putty, it is better to apply it to the tiles. This is done using a notched trowel, which distributes the composition over the entire surface of the slab;
  2. the smeared tiles must be applied to the center of the ceiling and aligned with the markings. In addition, the position of the plate should be aligned with construction level so that the surface is smooth.

It must be said that aligning one tile in horizontal plane It's hard enough. Therefore, it is better to immediately stick a square in the center of the room and then level it with a level, using the latter as a rule;

  1. the remaining ceiling tiles are glued in the same way and installed in the same plane as those already glued;
  2. along the perimeter of the ceiling you will probably have to trim the material. To do this, measure the resulting marked rectangles on the ceiling, then carefully cut the tiles with a mounting knife.

Often the tiles have different sizes, which can lead to failure in the seams. To avoid this, it is better to place the rows at some distance from each other. As a rule, 2-3 mm is quite enough.

This completes the ceiling gluing. If your ceiling is flat and does not require a surface, then you can perform the procedure described above using Dragon or Liquid Nails glue. In this case, there is no need to level the coating horizontally.

Further finishing of the tiles

We looked at how to glue foam boards. But, as a rule, the finishing of the ceiling is not yet completed.

In particular, you can achieve a very interesting effect if you fill the joints between the slabs. As a result, the ceiling will look like a solid surface with three-dimensional patterns.

This is done as follows:

  1. after the putty or glue has completely dried and the foam ceiling tile is securely glued, it must be primed according to the scheme described above;
  2. Next you need to fill the seams with acrylic putty. To do this, put the compound on a small spatula and run it along the seam, filling the latter with putty. Do this carefully so that you do not have to rub the putty with sandpaper;
  3. According to this scheme, all joints are filled.

This completes the filling process. Now you just need to wait until the composition hardens.

Many home craftsmen ask on forums whether it is possible to paint ceiling tiles. I’ll say right away that you can paint it, but with some reservations:

  • the material should not be laminated, otherwise the paint will not stick;
  • the paint should not contain organic solvents - white spirit, etc. In general, for these purposes, compositions based on water based. For example, acrylic interior paint is an excellent option.

If you are painting the ceiling in the kitchen, then for these purposes it is advisable to use waterproof paint that will allow you to wash the ceiling.

Painting of foam ceiling tiles is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before painting the surface, you need to prepare the paint - move it carefully and, if necessary, tint it. On our portal you can find detailed information on how this is done;
  2. Next, you need to pour the paint into the roller tray and then moisten the roller itself in it. Since the ceiling tiles have three-dimensional patterns, the roller should have a fairly long pile;
  3. then Apply paint with a roller perpendicular to the direction of sunlight, i.e. along the wall on which the windows are located. The paint should be applied in an even thin layer;
  4. After the first layer of paint has dried, repeat the procedure. The second layer is applied in the direction of the light, i.e. perpendicular to the first layer, as shown in the diagram below.

After painting the ceiling, you should glue the ceiling plinth. To do this, you can use the same putty that was used to glue the tile itself.

People are often interested in how and what to paint foam ceiling tiles to highlight their patterns? For these purposes, special paints with various effects, called glazes, are used.

For example, if you want to give the ceiling a luxurious look, you can highlight the patterns with glaze with a gilded effect. For these purposes, you will have to use a thin brush or even a sponge. Certainly, this work quite painstaking, however, the result is worth it.

True, the price of such paints is quite high - it can reach 800-1000 rubles for a small bottle.

I’ll say right away that the ceiling finished with foam plastic tiles does not require any special care. All that may be needed is to clean it from dust. To do this, simply wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

In the kitchen, grease and other contaminants can settle on the ceiling. Accordingly, housewives are interested in how to clean such a surface. If the ceiling is not painted, then even detergents can be used for these purposes.

If the surface is covered with paint, then everything depends on its characteristics. Therefore, when choosing paint coating pay attention to its performance.

I also note that great dignity plastic tiles is that it can be repainted. In this way you can get an updated look to the ceiling. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to remove the old water-dispersion paint for this; the only thing is that before renewing the surface, it must be cleaned of dirt.


Finishing the ceiling with foam ceiling tiles is generally simple and quick. At the same time, the use of this material allows you to achieve the effect of an expensive finish. However, in order for the coating to be durable and truly attractive, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the installation technology that we have reviewed above.

The video in this article contains Additional information. If you still have questions regarding the installation of slabs, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 29, 2016

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5336 10/02/2019 7 min.

Foam tiles are often used to finish the ceiling surface. Among the others facing materials This tile is significantly better in price. As a result, we get a beautiful solid canvas that imitates stucco, literally for pennies. For low-budget renovations - the most the best option. And foam ceiling tiles have many other advantages. However, there are also disadvantages.

Types and technical characteristics of foam ceiling tiles

The quality of the finished foam ceiling surface depends on the materials used (tiles, glue), as well as on the installation method and the accuracy of the craftsman. Also common. As a rule, such material has original designs or ornaments. Today we offer a wide range of these tiles, among which you can find several varieties:

  • Stamped (pressed) tiles are rectangular or square slabs 6-7 mm thick in white and other shades. Pressed tiles are distinguished by their very low cost. However, it has one significant drawback over other types of tiles: each product is edged. That is, in finished form we will not get a seamless surface, but a canvas with prominent fragments. In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers often “stamp” it unevenly, and buyers may end up with low-quality products with different samples.
  • Injection tiles are thicker than the previous ones (9-14 mm) and have higher technical properties: waterproofness and a less noticeable edging around the slab. Finished by her ceiling surface it looks more solid, and due to its thickness it acquires an interesting relief.
  • Extruded ceiling tiles are the most expensive type of foam panels. It is superior to the types presented above in strength, as it is thicker. The color range of these products is also more diverse.

Advantages and disadvantages of panels without seams for the ceiling

Despite the slight differences between, in general, general pros and cons of foam products can be noted.

  1. The main advantage is the low cost of the tiles. This is achieved due to the fact that the material is made 98% from gas, and plastics in it are only a tiny fraction.
  2. Polystyrene foam tiles are safe for health, because all types of packaging for food products. All discussions about chemical exposure foam panels on the human body is just speculation.
  3. The wealth of color and texture assortment of tiles on construction market allows you to select the desired samples for different rooms. In addition to square panels, there are also rectangular samples, with smooth and zigzag edges. There are also slabs with glue already applied to them. As for the patterns on the tiles, there is a very large selection: convex, concave, filigree, etc.
  4. Modern tile coverings made of foam plastic are absolutely fireproof. The panels do not burn, but at high temperatures they can melt and emit harmful substances. By the way, a warning about this is contained on the packaging of all products.
  5. Even the thinnest tiles have good strength. It is noteworthy that mold never develops on it, and rodents avoid foam plastic. Well laid slabs High Quality can last for several decades.
  6. Ease of installation also plays a role. Foam tiles are easy and quick to glue. You can change the appearance of the ceiling in a day. The work process is such that only one person can cope with it, even the one who took up such a task for the first time. The panels are almost weightless and can be easily cut with ordinary scissors.
  7. The appearance of the finished surface is quite attractive, especially if the tiles are laid correctly and accurately.
  8. Despite the fact that the tiles are thin, the coating has amazing sound and thermal insulation properties. It turns out that 5 cm of penoizol can replace 2 meters of concrete.

As you can see, foam tiles have many advantages. In addition, the panels can be glued to almost any surface, even directly onto whitewash.

Small unevenness on the ceiling is allowed. The tile is very flexible, which allows it to adhere tightly to the surface with minor imperfections. However, it is necessary to mention some of the disadvantages of this coating.

Foam products are sensitive to high temperatures, so they should not be placed in close proximity to chimneys or bright lamps. Under their influence, panels can melt and deform. Also, products from some manufacturers do not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation well: the surface may turn yellow and lose strength.

These disadvantages cannot be called critical; they should simply be taken into account when choosing a brand and when choosing.

It is important to purchase quality tiles made of polystyrene foam from trusted manufacturers.

Modern manufacturers

Foam tiles can vary greatly in quality and geometric parameters. That is why it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer. Which companies produce quality products?

  • "Antares";
  • "Narcissus";
  • "Victoria";
  • "Aurora";
  • "Norm";
  • "Crystal";
  • "Pearl";
  • "Fan";
  • "Geisha".

The products are quite decent in quality, have standard technical characteristics, easy to install.

It should be noted that the options of the presented brands are low-budget and are of average quality. You should not use tiles from these manufacturers in areas with increased temperature conditions humidity level.

Improved quality products are offered trade marks"Armstrong", "Lily", "Ormit". True, the cost of tiles from these companies is an order of magnitude higher.

A rich and varied assortment of samples of foam ceiling tiles can be found in company catalogs, for example, in. The company’s official website offers any construction products that can be selected and purchased even via the Internet.


Let us remind you once again that gluing foam tiles is as easy as shelling pears. But this is despite the fact that you are determined to carry out the process competently and accurately. The “slip-and-dagger” work will immediately reveal itself: unevenness or gaps between the slabs will be noticeable. So you should be prepared to carefully follow the tile installation instructions.

Calculation of material for the ceiling and its format

Calculating the number of slabs is not difficult. The most popular are square slabs with standard sizes 50*50 cm. There are also small panels 30*30 cm. Rectangular tiles usually correspond to dimensions 100*16.5. Whatever the size of the products, the calculation of the tiles is carried out in the following way:

  1. The area of ​​the room is calculated. Even a schoolchild knows how to do this: the length must be multiplied by the width.
  2. Another 10-15% is added to the result obtained in case of tile breakage, as well as for trimming the outer rows.
  3. The squaring of the tiles corresponding to the final calculation figure is purchased.

Don't forget to buy a foam ceiling plinth. Usually its length is 1 meter.

Surface preparation and marking

Surface preparation does not require serious effort. The main thing is to clean off the old coating and remove dirt. If this is not done, the likelihood of detachment of the foam boards increases. Serious irregularities must be filled: obvious displacement of individual elements will lead to distortion of the pattern and rapid detachment. You don’t have to bother with minor flaws: flexible and soft slabs will hide them perfectly.

Before starting work, it is advisable to prime the entire area. This will increase the adhesion of the adhesive.

Let it be known to the novice amateur craftsman: foam tiles should be glued not from the edge of the ceiling, but from the center point. To determine it, pull two cords diagonally. The intersection point will be the center. If there is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, then it will become the starting point.

In addition, the tensioned threads will indicate the correct path for guiding the slabs. You should not move by eye: there is a very high probability that the line of joints will shift. The final result will not please you: the curved direction of the rows will be very obvious.

Selection of adhesive material

Not all types of glue can provide good connection ceiling tiles.

What adhesives can be used for installing foam tiles?

  • T-Avangard-K is a dry mixture and is intended for cladding surfaces made of concrete, brick, cement and gypsum. 1 package (25 kg) is diluted with 5-6 liters of water. Price - about 275 rubles.
  • Ceresit ST 83 is a very high-quality mixture. It hardens quickly, so it must be used within 2 hours. Price for 25 kg – about 500 rub.
  • TytanStyro 753 – ready-made polyurethane adhesive composition, produced in 750 ml cylinders. Very easy to use, costs about 400 rubles.
  • Ceresit ST 84 – adhesive composition in 750 ml cylinders. Can be used on any surface. Costs up to 600 rubles.
  • Titan Wild is sold in cylinders of 0.2; 0, 5 and 1 l. It is often counterfeited, so you need to pay attention to the consistency, which should be very thick. Cost 1l – 100 rub.
  • Master glue sets very quickly and is excellent for foam plastic. Price 1l – from 100 rub.
  • Moment glue is used most often. Options are also available liquid nails"Moment". The cost of a 0.25 l cylinder is from 110 rubles.

There is a Chinese adhesive composition - “Dragon”. This glue is cheaper, but its consumption is an order of magnitude greater.

When choosing, consider not only the quality and cost, but also the glue consumption per area.

And one more important nuance: for installing slabs in rooms with high humidity, it is better not to purchase water-based glue.

Application and gluing technology

If we start the installation from the chandelier, then in each of the plates we cut off the corners for the hole from which the electric wire extends.

The nuances of application depend on the type of glue. The polyurethane composition is applied pointwise only to inner side slabs Other types of glue are applied with a brush not only to the entire inner surface slabs, but also on the ceiling, smearing it over the entire area. There are also compositions that require aging. The subtleties of application are always described in the instructions included with each container of glue.

Next, we apply the tiles strictly according to the markings and press them with our palms over the entire surface. So, tile by tile, we move further in accordance with the direction indicated by the stretched cords. We glue the remaining rows parallel to the first. If the tiles provide a seamless surface, then at the end of the work it is necessary to fill the joints with white sealant.

Most likely, the tiles in the last rows will have to be cut. This is done easily using household scissors. But here you will have to measure the required fragment, so also have a ruler and pencil.

The final stage is gluing ceiling plinth made of polystyrene foam.

Video review of installing foam tiles

You've learned how to install ceiling tiles, but that's not enough. It is also useful to know about caring for it during operation:

  • It is better to wipe laminated tiles with a damp, soapy sponge.
  • Non-laminated ceiling panels should be cleaned with a dry cloth.
  • During regular cleaning, dust can be removed from the surface using a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.
  • Small stains can be easily removed with a regular eraser.
  • Colored tiles should not be cleaned with a damp cloth: the coating will quickly come off.
  • Don't wipe foam ceiling solutions containing solvent or gasoline.
  • When covering ceilings with foam plastic, it is advisable to install lamps with low heat emission: this way the tiles will not turn yellow.
  • To update the ceiling after some time, you can simply paint it (only special types of slabs) with water-based paint.


So, foam ceiling tiles will provide a beautiful surface with proper and careful installation. This is an excellent option for low-budget repairs and for those hobbyists who prefer to carry out Finishing work on one's own. Follow the instructions given in the article to create a wonderful ceiling that emphasizes the comfort and beauty of your home. IN .

And he will tell you how to properly hang wallpaper on the ceiling.