How to make a chest of drawers for dolls. Do-it-yourself doll furniture. How to make a doll bedside table with drawers

Parents who have already been able to make a dollhouse on their own or bought it in a store, spending a significant amount, are thinking about how to make furniture for dolls with their own hands. Toy furniture is not cheap, so why not save your family budget. You can easily make it with your own hands from available materials.

Types of materials often used

To decorate your daughter's dollhouse, you may need the materials that we most often throw away:

  • cuttings of plywood sheets;
  • matchboxes:
  • plastic jars and boxes for cosmetics;
  • shoe boxes;
  • colored dish sponges;
  • viscose napkins;
  • plastic bottles;
  • egg tablets;
  • textile;
  • foil
  • wire and many other small things, the place of which we often determine in the trash can.

When choosing materials, everything will depend only on your imagination.


Plywood and wood are the most popular and durable materials for making doll furniture. However, the process of creating interior items from them is labor-intensive; skills in working with them will be required. But if you still make such furniture, it will serve the dolls for a very long time and will delight your daughter for just as long.

In order to make miniature plywood furniture you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • small nails or screws;
  • glue;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • attributes that you will use to decorate each type of furniture: fabric, beads, pieces of leather, and much more...

Common stages of work for all types of furniture:

  1. Think through or find printable furniture design diagrams on the Internet.
  2. Draw on cardboard or use ready-made prints of furniture parts and cut them out.
  3. Attach the resulting templates to sheets of plywood and trace.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut out parts from plywood.
  5. Sand all parts with sandpaper until the surfaces become smooth.
  6. We assemble the structure. We glue the parts or fasten them with self-tapping screws.
  7. We coat the finished item with paint or varnish and let it dry.
  8. If necessary, we cover it with textile elements and decorate it.

So one piece of doll furniture has been made.


Cardboard furniture for a dollhouse is very easy to make. You can also involve a child in the manufacturing process. Cardboard is the most available material for work. You can use either sheets of cardboard or take small cardboard boxes as a base.


  • cardboard or cardboard boxes;
  • white sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue (if necessary);
  • details for decorations.

Stages of work:

  1. We think through the details of the future piece of furniture and make templates on paper.
  2. Transfer the templates to cardboard.
  3. Cut out the details.
  4. We make the necessary cuts at the joints of the parts.
  5. Assembling a piece of furniture. Glue where necessary.
  6. We give a finished look by decorating the structure.

You can decorate the dollhouse with a new piece of furniture.


You can construct almost any interior item from matchboxes. The advantage of such furniture will be drawers. It is enough to show your imagination and think through in detail the image of future furniture.

We will need:

  • matchboxes, the quantity depends on what piece of furniture you will make;
  • glue;
  • decorations for future furniture.

Stages of work:

  1. Let's prepare required amount matchboxes.
  2. We glue them together in the sequence required for the interior detail.
  3. We decorate the resulting piece of furniture. Acrylic paint and varnish are suitable for painting.

Your daughter's dolls will be happy with the new thing.

You can make a rack for dolls from matchboxes yourself by watching the following video.

Plastic jars

Plastic jars can perfectly serve as furniture in your dollhouse. Sometimes you don’t even need to do anything with them. IN finished form they can be used, for example, as a bath. The child will be able to truly bathe his dolls; water will not spill out of them anywhere. You can construct more complex interior items from plastic jars, caps from toothpaste tubes, and other small items. They can simply be glued together in the required sequence.

For a master class on making a toilet for dolls from a shampoo container, watch the following video.


Using wire that bends easily, you can decorate your interior in Provence style. Beds whose frame will resemble a forged product will look very elegant. You can add a forged candlestick or an unusual forged chandelier. Almost any interior detail can be made using a wire frame. Your imagination will tell you the right direction.

Egg tablets

Using egg tablets you can perfectly decorate the rooms of a dollhouse. Both plastic and cardboard tablets are useful in your work. All that will be necessary is to carefully think through the composition and cut out the necessary parts of the tablets.

The work may require:

  • egg tablets;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • gel pen refills

and much more. Everything will depend on how your imagination plays out.

Master classes

This section offers you some ideas for creating furniture for dolls with your own hands.

Bed with drawers for matchbox dolls

We will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • sheets of white paper;
  • paints;
  • beads;
  • thin wire;
  • decorative elements to suit your taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doll for which the bed is intended. The number of matchboxes that will be required depends on this.
  2. Glue the required number of boxes with the side walls facing each other. This will be the base of our bed.
  3. If you want to make the bed higher, you can glue peculiar legs in the form of additional boxes to the outer boxes at the bottom.
  4. We cover the base of the bed with white paper so that the pull-out elements remain open.
  5. Draw the desired shape of the headboards on cardboard and cut them out.
  6. Glue the backs to the sides of the base.
  7. Paint the bed in the desired color.
  8. We attach beads to the sliding elements of the boxes at the base using wire. These are the arms of our bed.
  9. We decorate, cover with bedding and you can put the doll to sleep.

In the next video you will see a master class on making a bed for a doll from cardboard.

You can decorate your bedside table in the same style.

We will need:

  • 2-3 matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • White list;
  • the same paint and decorative elements that decorated the bed;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We glue the boxes together, placing them on top of each other with their bases.
  2. We cover it with white paper, leaving the retractable elements open.
  3. We paint in the style of the already made bed.
  4. We attach the beads to the boxes.
  5. We decorate.

Watch the following video for a master class on making a bedside table from matchboxes.

Sofa for dolls made of plywood

We will need:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue or small nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • cotton wool

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We decide on the design and dimensions of the future sofa. We make drawings for the back, seat, side backs on cardboard. We take into account that with the help of the back and side backs the sofa will gain stability.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. We apply the resulting templates to a sheet of plywood and trace them.
  4. Using a jigsaw, we cut out the parts of the sofa.
  5. If you want to make upholstered furniture, then at this stage we wrap each part of the sofa thin layer cotton wool and covered with fabric. If the sofa is not covered, it is necessary to sand the parts.
  6. We attach the sofa parts to each other using glue. If you have soft sofa, then you need to fasten it with small nails.
  7. We cover the parts not covered with fabric with varnish or paint.
  8. We sew small pillows for the sofa.
  9. We decorate it to your liking and give it to the doll for use.

Chairs can be made in the same way.

You can see how to make a sofa for a doll with your own hands in the following video - master class.

Floor lamp

To make it you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • strips of lace;
  • empty helium pen refill;
  • thin wire;
  • a small diameter cap (lids from jars of medicine or ketchup are suitable)

Draw a cone blank on cardboard. Cut it out and glue it together. Cut off the top of the cone. The result is the base of a floor lamp lampshade. We cover it with lace. We bend the wire in half and pass it through the rod. We attach the lampshade to the wire from above, and to the lid from below to give stability to the floor lamp. The lid can be decorated with a lace skirt. Instead of a rod, you can use beads as a stand by passing wire through them. In this case, we also decorate the lampshade with beads.

Watch the video for a master class on making doll furniture from old boxes.


To make a chandelier we need a small container. You can use medicine measuring cups, disposable plastic shot glasses, or the simplest candles in a metal case.

To decorate the chandelier you will need strips of lace, thin strips satin ribbon. They need to be pasted over the plastic base of the chandelier. The metal case doesn’t even need to be decorated, it will work original chandelier. We attach an LED to the base of the container that we used if you were planning a house with real lighting. We hang it from the ceiling. The method of attachment to the ceiling will depend on the materials from which the house is made.

This way you can make lamps for any room in your dollhouse.

Kitchen for a dollhouse

It will be convenient to use small boxes to make a kitchen. If there are no such boxes, then you will need to make them from cardboard. This is not difficult to do. It will be easier to use if the boxes are glued together to form a single structure.

If the kitchen has plans wall cabinets, then to back wall lockers, we glue a sheet of cardboard onto which we glue these lockers. You can strengthen the structure by gluing long flat sticks to a sheet of cardboard on the back side. The boxes must have cabinet doors cut through.

To decorate our kitchen we will use self-adhesive paper, or any other beautiful paper. We glue the cabinets and use wire and beads to make handles for them. The faucet can be made from wire, the mixer handle from small beads. A deep lid is suitable for a sink. We attach it to the tabletop. The stove burners can be made from buttons. You can decorate the space between the cabinets in the form of a tiled apron. To do this, find a suitable picture on the Internet and print it. Stick it on the sheet of cardboard on which the cabinets are attached.

We arrange dishes and food. The kitchen is ready, you can send the hostess to cook!

You can see a master class on making a kitchen in the following video.

Dressing table for a doll

We will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • foil;
  • small scrap ceiling plinth;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • colored, packaging or self-adhesive paper.

Stages of work:

  1. We measure the required height of the table on the box so that the doll can sit comfortably at it.
  2. Cut off the excess.
  3. The base of the table is the bottom of the box. From the part located below, we cut out the legs.
  4. We cover the resulting table with self-adhesive paper
  5. Draw the desired shape of the mirror on cardboard and cut it out. We glue the foil as a mirror surface.
  6. We decorate the mirror frame using thin stripes ceiling plinth.
  7. Glue the mirror to the table.

Chair for dressing table made in the same way. We change only the required height. Instead of a mirror surface, we make the back of a chair.

Almost any piece of furniture can be made from available materials. For this it is necessary free time, your imagination and desire. Your girl will be very happy with the new dollhouse!

See the following video for the process of making a dressing table for dolls from matchboxes and cardboard.

About how to do dining table for dolls, see the next video.

House is built. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s big or small, made of brick or cardboard, whether Barbie or Snow White and the dwarves will live in it. In any case, he needs an interior, furniture and necessary accessories. Today you can buy everything in toy stores. But as you know, the most fashionable things are considered exclusive, made in a single copy. self made. Therefore, we roll up our sleeves and begin work on making doll furniture with our own hands.

Making a real chair for Barbie

In the toy market, the most valued are working miniature models of real human everyday objects: cars, airplanes, clothes, etc. How smaller model, the more difficult it is to make them. Let's try to create such an exclusive piece of furniture.

To make doll upholstered furniture, you need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard 1-1.5 mm thick;
  • plain paper;
  • foam cardboard (0.5 cm thick) or corrugated cardboard (0.3 cm thick);
  • tube with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm from any material. You can use an old marker or a cardboard thread tube;
  • fleece or thin foam rubber 0.3-0.8 cm thick;
  • upholstery fabric. It is better to choose calico or staple, so that it is better saturated with glue;
  • PVA glue and “moment”;
  • scissors, knife;
  • ruler, pencil.

Making a real chair step by step

  • Make drawings of the parts on paper and cut them out.
  • Cut out the details of the chair according to the drawings. Glue four rectangles of foam board or six of corrugated cardboard together. This will be the base of the chair, the seat. Then glue the back and front of the chair, cut out of thick cardboard. Secure the armrest tubes. Then, after pasting them with paper, they will hold up well, but for now they can be lightly “basted” with pieces of tape.

  • Cut several strips of corrugated cardboard 1 cm wide and long, equal length tubes, and place them in a stack under the roller, covering the layers with glue. Determine the number of layers according to location. Cover the armrest first with thin paper and then with fleece or foam rubber.

  • Cover the chair with fabric. To do this, cut out pieces of material according to the same drawings, but adding a little (1-1.5 cm) in length and width for the hem.

  • Cover the (removable) backrest of the chair first with foam rubber on one side, and then with fabric on all sides.

  • Install the backrest in the chair. It can be glued to a stationary backrest, or it can be left collapsible.

  • Make the cushion for the chair in the same way as the backrest.

  • This is how the royal chair turned out for your favorite doll.

The technique for making this upholstered furniture similar to the diagram described above, only this chair is not a model of the real one, and therefore the base for it is simpler to make. It consists of a piece of foam rubber, cut according to patterns, 1-2 cm thick and a small box. These parts also need to be covered with a beautiful fabric and then connected.

From a rectangular piece of foam rubber that matches the dimensions of the box, we cut out a pillow and drape it with fabric. If you can find a long enough and narrow box, you can get a chic sofa for a doll.

The desire to make furniture for a home is often stopped by a lack of materials. Of course, few people have in their apartment furniture boards, wooden blocks and springs. However, miniature furniture does not require such real details. Half-liter plastic bottles are found in every home and can be used not only as containers..

If you cut them in a certain way, they can turn out to be extremely original chairs. In order to give them a presentable look, you can trim or cover the edges of the plastic with beautiful braid. Next, you need to sew two pillows with your own and fill them with some kind of filler. One of them will be the seat, and the other the back.

To complete this work we need a cardboard tube that remains from the roll toilet paper. The manufacturing scheme is the same as in the previous version, only in this case we will not be able to make armrests. Therefore, miniature furniture will be more like an ottoman with a back.

Cut from tube the required form and cover it with cloth. Make a bag, fill it with filling and put it inside the tube to make a seat.

Crib for doll baby

Barbie or Monster High are grown-up girls, so it makes sense that they could have a small child. It also requires some furniture. For example, a crib.

There is a very simple option for making a cradle for little Baby - a crib made from matchboxes. You can use popsicle sticks for the backs. Glue two boxes together at the ends and cover them with colored paper. Glue the sticks and paint them. The crib is ready.

Matchboxes are great construction material for doll furniture. These are ready-made drawers. You can make an entire kitchen set out of them.

  1. Take 9 boxes and fold them in three rows, gluing them together.
  2. Cover the perimeter with colored paper tape.
  3. Use a stapler to make staples at the ends of the “boxes”. These will be the handles.
  4. Make wall cabinets from three boxes.
  5. Glue two parts of each box together.
  6. Paint or cover them with colored paper.
  7. Cut the top of the box down the middle. These will be the doors. Handles on them can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or glued onto a grain of rice.

You can construct a wonderful chest of drawers from matchboxes. For this we need:

  • 4 matchboxes;
  • 4 beads for legs and 4 for arms;
  • thin fabric or colored paper;
  • beautiful braid;
  • glue, paints.

Paint all boxes inside and out with a single color paint. Glue them together and wrap them in cloth or paper. Glue the braid along the contour, 4 bead legs on the bottom, and bead handles on each drawer.

What could be more entertaining, more beautiful and more expensive than doll furniture made by yourself? This is also a unique way of preserving Money, and the type of joint creativity between children and parents. This activity will help instill in your child creative skills, perseverance, and accuracy. This material offers the simplest and good ideas and instructions on how to make furniture for dolls, with photos and diagrams.

Doll furniture can be made from anything with your own hands. Every craftswoman can find at least one of the following materials at home:

  1. Plywood. It makes durable pieces of furniture for Barbie: table, chairs, wardrobe, sofa, armchair, and so on. The creation process is quite labor-intensive; it will require special tools: a jigsaw, sandpaper for sanding, nails, screws, self-tapping screws, glue and paint and varnish mixtures;
  2. Cardboard. The process of creating doll furniture for girls from cardboard is the simplest and most popular method. This is an affordable and easy-to-use material. It produces pieces of furniture of any size that are amazing in both complexity and beauty. To work, you will not need many tools and consumables: scissors, acrylic and watercolor paints, glue, pencils, markers, compasses, white and colored paper, scraps of fabric for decoration. Any furniture for dolls made of cardboard looks stylish, beautiful and original if made skillfully;
  3. Matchboxes. You can make any piece of furniture from them. The advantage of using boxes is the ability to create a drawer. Here you just need to show your imagination, and having come up with a model of a future piece of furniture, turn it into reality. To work with boxes you will need the same consumables and tools, as in the previous case;
  4. Wire. She'll make it beautiful furniture for a doll, made in antique style: candlesticks, chandeliers, frames for beds or sofas;
  5. Doll furniture made from newspaper tubes is a kind of imitation of interior items made from wicker. You can make sofas, chairs, armchairs from them.

This is not a complete list of available materials from which you can make furniture for dolls yourself.

Step-by-step instruction

General requirements for creating furniture for a doll from scrap materials:

  1. First, a layout is invented, but you can also use ready-made drawings of furniture for dolls;
  2. The drawing is transferred to cardboard in full size. You can use a printer to print ready-made printouts of the parts, attach them to cardboard, trace them, and then cut them out;
  3. If furniture for dolls is made from plywood sheets with your own hands, then you will have to cut out the parts with a jigsaw or hacksaw. Then sand the ends with sandpaper;
  4. Finished parts, according to the instructions and sequence, are glued or fastened with self-tapping screws;
  5. The finished product is painted or trimmed with fabric, decorated, if desired, with elements of jewelry or drawings.

Each doll miniature has its own sequence and assembly technology.


An integral attribute of any gameplay between a girl and a doll is the bed. This master class will teach little craftswomen step by step how to make furniture for dolls with their own hands using the most ordinary cardboard:

  1. First, we make a drawing of the future bed on a sheet of cardboard. We place the doll on cardboard to take length measurements. We measure full height and add about 5 cm. We also measure the width of the crib, it can be anything. It depends on the personal desires of the craftswoman. We draw a rectangle of the required size accordingly, cut it out with scissors or a stationery knife in the amount of 3 pieces;
  2. Next we construct the railings. They must be the same width as the sleeping area. The length may vary, but one back is sure to be longer than the other. We also cut out 3 pieces;
  3. To make the backs stronger and more stable, they will need to be glued together and placed under a press until completely dry;
  4. To the blank sleeping place bed, pre-cut wire (bed length plus 3-5 cm), also in the amount of 3 pieces, maybe a little more. Attach to the base with tape;
  5. On top, on the base with a fixed wire, we glue the remaining blanks. We also put it under a press until it dries completely;
  6. After all the parts have dried, we attach the glued railings to the sleeping area and mark the fastening line with a pencil. Especially in those places where they come into contact with the wire. We make holes with an awl or a thick needle;
  7. Pour a little glue into the resulting holes, stretch the wire through them, leaning the workpieces tightly against each other. The ends of the wire are firmly fastened or tied together. We cut off the excess edges.

The bed frame is ready, all that remains is to decorate it. Decorating such a bed for Barbie with your own hands is also not difficult. It can be covered with colored or plain white paper on top. Just paint it with paints and decorate it with some jewelry. It will be beautiful to cover it with a piece of fabric, and you can make bed linen to match it. You can cut foam rubber to the size of the sleeping place and cover it with the same fabric, thus constructing a doll mattress.

Cut out the required parts

Connecting the elements

Seal the joints with paper

Cover the bed with colored paper


To create it, small boxes of different or the same sizes are suitable. Depending on the idea, the kitchen can be open, then all the pieces of furniture, made by hand from paper, can be placed anywhere and can be moved at will. If you plan to create wall cabinets, then they need to be attached somewhere. This means you will need to make the back wall out of cardboard. The cabinets themselves can be easily made from simple matchboxes, combining them several in a row or one at a time.

You can also use other small cardboard boxes, cut doors into them, cover them with paper, or simply paint them in your favorite color. Make handles from jewelry wire and beads.

From several boxes glued together you can make kitchen stove, regular buttons can serve as burners. Toy furniture made from matchboxes is functional and realistic. Let's look at how to make a doll's cabinet with retractable cabinets for storing utensils.

During the work you will need:

  • Matchboxes 3-4 pieces;
  • Paints;
  • Foil;
  • Glue with scissors;
  • Colored paper (can be cardboard);
  • Beads 3-4 pieces.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. We take the boxes out of the boxes, paint them in the required color, and leave them to dry;
  2. We insert them back;
  3. We stack the boxes on top of each other;
  4. You can glue them together immediately, or cover them without gluing with cardboard cut to size;
  5. Boxes can be decorated with foil by cutting out slightly smaller rectangles from it;
  6. Make handles from beads and attach them to the box with regular wire.

In the same way, you can make other doll furniture your own, for example, a chest of drawers for dolls from matchboxes. Then you will have to glue them together in several rows.

Kitchen work surface out of the box

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard box of washing powder;
  • White self-adhesive;
  • Plastic packaging for yogurt;
  • A piece of paraffin candle;
  • Sponge;
  • Drinking straw for juice.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cutting a box of powder required height. To do this, place the doll against the box and measure the distance just above the hip line or to the waist;
  2. Cut off the excess part, glue the working part self-adhesive film suitable color;
  3. We cut the tabletop to the size of a yogurt container, insert it there, and glue it.

The dishes can be made from plasticine, painted white on top acrylic paint, after drying, it will shine, resembling porcelain, if these are cups, or enamel, if this is a teapot or pan.

Preparing the boxes

Let's make a project

Glue the boxes

Decorating the kitchen with colored paper

Making a faucet from a tube

We fix the tap


It is impossible to imagine an interior, even a doll-like one, without a table. When considering the question of how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands, we will focus on making a large dining table. By following the instructions, you can do it yourself without difficulty:

  1. First you need to decide on the size of the product;
  2. Then cut out about 3 rectangles of the desired size. A table top with several layers will hold its shape better and more reliably;
  3. The legs can be cut from the sides of a cardboard box; they will be smooth and durable. If you want to make them curly, then you will need to cut them out separately in several copies, glue several pieces together and attach them to the tabletop;
  4. We fix the table top and legs with glue or a silicone gun;
  5. We cover the top of the product with colored paper or one matched to wood.

To make a small coffee table completely transparent will come in handy plastic cover, for example, from sour cream and an empty tube from soap bubbles. Place the lid on the tube and glue it with silicone. We choose the height as desired.

Making blanks

Connecting the tabletop elements

We fasten the legs

Making decor


Wire and aluminum juice and drink cans are suitable for creating chairs. Such furniture should be made by adults, since the edges of the cans are too sharp, which means that the child cannot avoid cuts:

  1. To create them, take a jar and cut it into many strips;
  2. Fold part up for the back, part down for the legs;
  3. From the strips, use the twisting method (symmetrically, asymmetrically, whatever you like) to form the back;
  4. The legs are made from several strips twisted together, so they will be stronger and look more solid;
  5. From the remaining strips you can make decorative elements, as in forged furniture;
  6. The bottom of the jar contains a recess that looks unfinished in our chair. You can correct the situation by cutting out the seat from foam rubber or thick fabric, glue with superglue.

Several of these chairs will create an original ensemble of a magical doll castle.

Making blanks

Fastening the back

Making a seat from foam rubber

We fasten the foam rubber


You can make furniture from paper in a variety of ways, from simple to the most complex models. Anyone can create a hair salon from several pieces of furniture. Let's look at and make easy-to-make furniture for Barbie dolls. A dressing table is an integral attribute of a hairdressing salon. This is what we will continue to do. To work you should prepare:

  • A cardboard packaging box, suitable for hair dye;
  • A piece of foil;
  • White and multi-colored paper for pasting.

Process of creation:

  1. The box is cut to suit Barbie’s height – this is approximately 80 cm;
  2. A rectangle is cut out of the excess part (under the mirror), its shape can be rounded, curly or straight, it depends on personal preferences. The width should correspond to the width of the cabinet;
  3. Attach the rectangle to the base of the table;
  4. We cover the entire product with white or colored (wood) paper;
  5. On the facade of the cabinet-table we draw doors and drawers;
  6. Cut out a mirror from foil and glue it onto the protruding cardboard;
  7. We use beads to form handles on doors and drawers. Just apply glue and fix it in the right places.

This toy model of dressing table looks like a real one, so it will become a favorite in the game. You can complement the interior with a bedside table made in the same way. The diagram for weaving furniture with your own hands from newspaper tubes is described in detail in the video.


Following the patterns of the diagram, you can build a wardrobe for the doll. After all, they also need somewhere to store their clothes. To make such a cabinet you need:

  • Cardboard box the right size;
  • Pasting paper;
  • Glue gun with silicone rods;
  • Paper clips for hangers;
  • Cocktail straw for handrail.


  1. Cut off the top of the box;
  2. Leave the resulting doors;
  3. We divide the box into two parts - one for the shelves, the second for the handrail with hangers. We cut out the crossbar from durable cardboard and fix it with silicone;
  4. We cover the entire box with paper that matches the color and texture;
  5. We cut out shelves from the same thick cardboard and fix them with silicone;
  6. A cocktail tube will serve as a handrail; we cut out the beam to the required size and glue it to the side parts of the cabinet;
  7. We make clothes hangers from paper clips;
  8. Such a cabinet will look like an original if it is covered with wood-like paper on top. Glue foil on the door, which will act as a mirror.

As you can see, furniture for Barbie dolls can be created from any materials. Special effort and this work does not require any expenses. You can take ideas for doll furniture from this article or come up with your own.

Crocheted furniture will look very impressive and stylish, but this is only suitable for those who can and know how to knit. Everyone else should not be upset - there are a lot of improvised, unnecessary materials in the house, and, if you think carefully, they will turn out to be no less attractive products for a doll house. We hope it became clear to little craftswomen how to build furniture from cardboard, matchboxes and other materials.

Take cardboard and draw lines

Connecting the dots on cardboard

Gluing blanks

Making decor


Having purchased Dollhouse in the store or by making it yourself, many parents think about how to furnish it. You can, of course, purchase ready-made items, or you can make furniture for dolls with your own hands, something that only your child will have in a single copy. Savings will be an additional bonus family budget, because toy furniture is not so cheap. And how much pleasure this will bring to your child, because he can help you in this creative process.

Basic materials

Do-it-yourself doll furniture can be made from any available materials:

  • Plywood sheets and wood are the most commonly used materials for making toy furniture. Working with them is labor-intensive and requires experience, however, products made from them will last a long time.
  • Cardboard is easy to work with, so even a child can be involved in the process. You can use both sheets and boxes in your work.
  • Matchboxes allow you to design any piece of furniture with drawers.
  • Plastic jars and cosmetics boxes can sometimes be used even in finished form, for example, as a bath. Using your imagination, you can make masterpieces from toothpaste caps and other small items.
  • Plastic and cardboard egg trays can also be used and will perfectly arrange the space children's house. You need to think through the composition in detail and cut out the necessary parts.
  • The advantage of the wire is that it bends easily. This, for example, will allow you to decorate a room in the Provence style, making the bed frame look like a forged product. You can complement the interior with a forged chandelier or candlestick.

Important! It can also be colored sponges for washing dishes, viscose napkins, plastic bottles, foil, and various textiles. Most of the things that we determine a place in the trash can will help you make furniture for dolls with your own hands from scrap materials.

Dresser and sofa for dolls

To make a chest of drawers from matchboxes, just glue their surfaces, laying 3-4 layers, and paint bright colors. The upper surface can be decorated in one style, and the inner surface in another.

Let's look at how to make a sofa for dolls with your own hands from cardboard. To work, you will need, in fact, cardboard itself, a synthetic filler, for example, foam rubber, and fabric with threads.

Stages of work:

  1. Take dense material, cut it according to the pattern of a small box rectangular shape, dimensions 6x15 cm.
  2. Make a similar figure, but with dimensions of 2.5x15 cm.
  3. In a box bigger size fill the foam rubber, leaving an open hole on top. The filler must be well compacted.
  4. To assemble, place the small product on the end (this will be the back), glue it to the back of the resulting soft seat.
  5. We take a beautiful fabric and make upholstery, covering the furniture with it and marking the size of the future cover.
  6. Cut the fabric according to these markings and sew it, leaving a seam at the bottom.
  7. To further secure it, you can make small holes on the surface of the cardboard for threading ties, or simply nail the fabric with a stapler.
  8. You can add accessories by sewing small pillows or bolsters.

Plywood bedside table

To make a bedside table or chest of drawers for dolls with your own hands, you will need:

  1. thin plywood;
    1. jigsaw;
    2. sandpaper;
  2. drawing tools (pencil, ruler, eraser);
    1. PVA glue;
    2. acrylic putty;
    3. acrylic paint white
    4. colors;
  3. branch from a tree.

Important! In the presented master class, the size of the finished product will be 14.5x16x6.5 cm. Knowing how to make a bedside table for dolls of this size, you can choose the dimensions at your discretion.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We apply drawings of the parts (back wall, 2 side walls, 3 shelves and a lid) onto the plywood.
  2. We cut out the parts and clean them with sandpaper.
  3. Using an awl, we make holes on the back wall, into which a file attached to a jigsaw is then placed and a cut is made.
  4. We attach the side ones to the back wall, gluing the joints. The result is a box in which you need to place shelves.
  5. Glue a lid to the top of the product.
  6. We disassemble the entire structure and apply PVA glue.
  7. After waiting until it dries a little, we put the chest of drawers back together.
  8. For the drawers we cut out rectangles.
  9. We glue the boxes and sand them down.
  10. We place these drawers in the chest of drawers and make the front side.
  11. We make handles for them from a tree branch, sawing it into pieces and gluing it in the right place.

Important! If the drawers do not slide well, lubricate them with wax.

The furniture for the dollhouse is ready with your own hands; you can complement it with accessories, for example, a mirror-sink.

Furniture for the house

Let's look at how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard using the example of a miniature dressing table made from cardboard packaging. To work you will need:

  • cardboard packaging, for example, for hair dye;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • foil;
  • office glue;
  • colored or decorated paper.

To understand how to make furniture for dolls, follow the instructions:

  • Trim the box to the required height.
  • On the cut piece, make a diagram of a mirror that matches the width of the table.
  • Cut out the blank and glue it to the base.

Important! The top edge of the mirror can be decorated with patterns or rounded.

  • Cover the future table with paper.
  • You can draw drawers and doors on the product.
  • Cut out the mirror and handles from foil.
  • Glue the elements onto the table.

Now you know how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands, and you can decorate the interior of a toy house to your taste - it all depends only on your imagination and free time.

Children's games are largely based on imitating the actions of adults. Children (primarily girls) enjoy watching and copying everything their mother or grandmother does. Each baby has a doll - mom, dad and their children who live their own family life, prepare food, go to work, do homework, watch TV and go to bed.

For full play, dolls, of course, need their own house. Of course, the modern assortment of toy stores makes it easy to solve the problem of furnishing. They have absolutely everything: from bedroom sets to household appliances, plastic products and dishes. However, such doll furniture costs absolutely incredible money.

Any materials can become the basis for doll furniture!

It’s easier to do everything you need with your own hands. Such an exciting process will undoubtedly interest your child. The little one will definitely put in all the work he can to create sofas, tables and cabinets for his favorite toys. Let's figure out what kind of furniture you can quickly and easily make with your own hands, and also find out what tools you will need for this.

What is needed to make doll furniture?

Don’t think that the process of making doll furniture is hard work that takes away your energy and time. Try making doll furniture yourself just once, and you simply won’t be able to stop, because this is not just another way to save money!

This is a fascinating creative process in which you and your child will be able to express out-of-the-box thinking and a sense of style. At the same time, you will master all sorts of decorating techniques and get another fun joint activity that will brighten up the long autumn and winter evenings.

Assembling furniture for dolls is a very exciting and creative process.

Look around - you will immediately notice how many items that usually go into the trash can can be used! They will become the basis for the manufacture of all kinds of doll items. If you decide to make furniture with your own hands, stock up on the following materials:

  • matchboxes that turn into chests of drawers in a couple of minutes, kitchen sets, cabinets and dressing tables;
  • cardboard boxes in which shoes, cosmetics or Appliances, because these are the foundations for cabinets, beds and tables;
  • plastic bottles from which you can make stylish chairs;
  • bright sponges intended for household work and washing dishes, which will serve as excellent padding for upholstered furniture;
  • viscose cleaning wipes;
  • plywood;
  • scraps of fabric, leather or suede;
  • wire and foil;
  • cardboard blocks in which eggs are sold;
  • threads, buttons, rhinestones and beads that will allow you to create bright furniture of a unique design;
  • ice cream sticks, toothpicks, Chinese chopsticks;
  • glue, scissors, stationery knife, pens, markers, paints.

Matchbox is one of the cheapest and most accessible materials

Once you have prepared a sufficient number of necessary items, you can begin making furniture for dolls.

Dressing table for dolls

Dolls love to preen themselves, so they simply cannot do without a table with a mirror! To make such a table, prepare:

Stages of making a table:

  1. Determine the height of the table by measuring the doll in a sitting position. For example, for a Barbie doll its height will be approximately 8-9 centimeters.
  2. Cut the box and cover it with colored paper. Using a marker or gel pen, draw sketchy doors and glue small beads that will imitate handles.
  3. Do not throw away the rest of the box, but cut out an oval or rectangular piece from it for the future mirror. Cut out a piece of suitable size from foil and stick it on the blank for the mirror. It can be glued around the perimeter with colored paper.
  4. Coat the base of the mirror with glue and attach it to the table blank, going around its back side.

A hair dye box will become the basis of a dressing table

Dresser for dolls

Storing clothes requires that the room have chests of drawers with drawers. To make a doll chest of drawers you will need:

  • match boxes;
  • matches;
  • thick napkins with patterns.

Stages of making a dressing table:

  1. Take three matchboxes and glue them together, placing one box on top of the other.
  2. Cut out pieces from thick napkins to cover the perimeter of the boxes. There is no need to glue the napkin to the back so that the boxes can be pulled out by pressing them with your finger.
  3. Take out the drawers and stick pieces of napkins on the front.
  4. Cut the matches into small sticks (the heads with sulfur should be thrown away) and glue the sticks onto the drawers to create an imitation of handles.

Matchboxes are an excellent material for making a chest of drawers

Coffee table for dolls

When the dolls gather for a tea party in the living room, they need a table on which to place the cups from the set of dishes. This piece of furniture will require the following items:

  • sheet of thin plywood;
  • Chinese chopsticks;
  • jigsaw;
  • acrylic paints.

Step-by-step process of making a table:

  1. Cut from plywood sheet the circle that will eventually become the lid.
  2. Cut the sticks into bars for the legs.
  3. Apply glue to the cut of the bars and the place to which they will be attached to the lid.
  4. Glue the legs.
  5. After the glue has dried, paint the table with several layers of acrylic paint.


No living room can do without an elegant sofa, for which you will need the following items:

  • flat wooden die;
  • Chinese chopsticks;
  • cotton wool;
  • acrylic paint;
  • shred soft fabric for pillows;
  • decorative braid;
  • dense fabric (velvet or corduroy) for upholstery.

Creativity and ingenuity are important when making doll furniture

Stages of making a sofa:

  1. Measure the wooden block and prepare fabric upholstery for it (don’t forget to leave allowances).
  2. Coat the die with glue and drape it with fabric on all sides.
  3. Cut the Chinese sticks into 4 bars (the width of the bar should match the width of the wooden block). Cover the bars with paint;
  4. When the paint has dried, glue the two roller legs to the fabric-covered base. Glue two more rollers onto the top of the sofa to imitate the side roller handles.
  5. Glue decorative tape around the perimeter of the sofa to hide the seams of the fabric.
  6. To make pillows, cut scraps of fabric into small squares and sew on three sides from the inside out. Turn the resulting squares inside out left side. Fill with cotton wool and sew with a hidden seam.

Bed for dolls

No dollhouse can do without sufficient quantity cribs, because the girls are so happy to put their charges to bed before they themselves go to rest. There are several simple options making beds for dolls.

Option 1: Matchbox crib

For little dolls or toys, you can make a mini version of the bed from matchboxes. To do this you will need:

  • 2 boxes;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • rhinestones, beads, cords;
  • microfiber household cloth;
  • White paper.

What you need to do to make a crib:

  1. Place two boxes on the cardboard and cut out two rectangles according to the measurements.
  2. Glue the boxes together, securing the sides with sulfur. Cover the top and bottom with pieces of cardboard.
  3. Cover the sides with paper or cardboard to hide the wax. Do not cover the back and front of the box so that the crib has drawers for storing linen.
  4. Cut a rectangle from a household napkin and stick it on the bed so that the dolls have a mattress.
  5. Cut out the headboard of the bed from cardboard, cover it with white paper and glue it to the bed. Decorate the headboard with rhinestones, beads or decorative cord.
  6. From scraps of fabric, cut one rectangle to the size of the bed - this will be a sheet.
  7. Cut two rectangles to make a blanket in the duvet cover (leave 0.5 cm for the seams). Sew the fabric from the inside out, turn it inside out. Using sharp scissors, make a diamond-shaped hole in the center.
  8. Cut a blanket from a household napkin and tuck it into the duvet cover. Sew the bottom of the duvet cover with a blind stitch.
  9. Cut two squares from a piece of fabric and sew a pillow, stuffing it with cotton wool.

A cardboard crib is the most popular piece of doll furniture

Option 2: Big crib out of the box

In this case, you need to stock:

  • a box of hair dye or small household appliance;
  • sponge or piece of foam rubber;
  • colored paper;
  • decorative braid, buttons, rhinestones.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut off one of the wide parts from the box. Cut 1-2 centimeters off the sides to create a headboard and bottom frame for the crib.
  2. Tape the box along all the folds so that the crib does not fall apart.
  3. Cover the box with colored paper (you don’t have to cover the inside).
  4. According to the measurements of the box, cut a piece of thick sponge or several rectangular pieces of foam rubber. Place them inside the box to form a mattress.
  5. Glue decorative cords along the edges of the box, and decorate the headboard with rhinestones, flat buttons and other elements.

Armchairs for dolls

Each doll should have its own place, because to receive guests, have dinner or preen at the dressing table, the little inhabitants of the toy house will definitely need comfortable armchairs.

Option 1: Cardboard chair

To make this armchair you will need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • stationery paper;
  • thick foam or corrugated cardboard;
  • a tube left over from a spool of thread;
  • sheet of thin foam rubber;
  • piece of fabric.

Stages of making a chair:

  1. To make the seat, cut out 4 identical rectangles from foam board. Apply glue and connect by placing one piece on top of the other. Cover the top and sides with foam rubber. Stretch and glue the fabric over the foam.
  2. Cut a rounded back from a piece of thick cardboard. Glue the foam, leaving a small gap to connect to the seat. The foam needs to be covered with a cloth.
  3. Glue the seat and back.
  4. From the thread tubes, cut out the part needed to make the side rollers. Cover the armrests with fabric. Glue the bolsters to the seat of the chair.

Having cardboard and paper on hand, you can make a beautiful chair for dolls

Option 2: Designer chair made from a plastic bottle

Such a chair will be no worse than a modern one designer furniture, and for its manufacture you will need the simplest and cheapest materials:

  • thin foam;
  • household sponge;
  • textile;
  • decorative braid.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. Draw a diagram of a chair with a back along the bottom solder line. Start cutting, gradually moving the cutting line up so that you get a chair with high back and smooth armrests.
  2. Cut a round piece from a household sponge to make the seat of the chair soft. Cover the top with fabric. Place the foam rubber in the middle of the cut out bottom of the bottle.
  3. Cut pieces from thin foam rubber to stick on the back of the chair and its armrests.
  4. Cover with foam rubber outer part armchairs. Cover the back, armrests and outer part of the chair with fabric.
  5. Decorate the joints with cord or braid.

Using the same scheme, you can make an armchair for small dolls, only you need to use egg boxes for them, not bottles.

Ottoman for dolls

A bedroom set will not be complete without soft ottomans, for which you need to stock up:

  • cardboard from a toilet paper roll;
  • foam;
  • cloth.

To make a pouf:

  1. Cut the cardboard sleeve into two parts (this is best done with a sharp utility knife).
  2. Cut two circles from foam rubber that fit tightly into the hole in the tube.
  3. Drape the foam with fabric.
  4. Cover the tubes with fabric.
  5. Slide the foam seat into the tube. For beauty, ottomans can be decorated with braid or pieces of thin lace.

Kitchen furniture

The kitchen is the most important place in any home. Dollhouses are no exception to this rule, because little housewives love to play cooks and treat their dolls various dishes. For the manufacture of furniture for kitchen space you will need:

  • several dozen matchboxes;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard or thin plywood;
  • colored paper;

Kitchen furniture can be made from many matchboxes

Stages of making a kitchen for dolls:

  1. Glue bedside tables from three boxes placed one on top of the other. Cover each of these blanks with colored paper around it to hide the sulfur.
  2. Glue the side parts of the four blanks.
  3. Take three matchboxes and cut the lid on one side so that it opens. Glue colored paper onto the boxes.
  4. Cut a piece of cardboard that will be equal to the length of the connected matchbox blanks.
  5. Glue the nightstands to the cardboard, grabbing only the topmost of the boxes (the bottom two drawers will open when pressed with your finger).
  6. Step back four centimeters and glue on the top drawers of the headset.
  7. Glue a grain of rice onto each drawer to imitate handles.

Desk for dolls

Girls love to play school, so the dolls will definitely need desks, for which you can prepare lessons. To make this piece of doll interior you need to stock:

  • 4 box of matches;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • matches;
  • self-adhesive “wood look”.

The step-by-step process of making a desk looks like this:

  1. Glue three matchboxes together, stacking them on top of each other to create a cabinet with drawers. Cover the workpiece with self-adhesive film.
  2. Cut out the tabletop from a piece of cardboard. Upper part cover with self-adhesive tape.
  3. Cover another box with film.
  4. Connect the bedside table and the tabletop, and use an additional box as a second support (its height is exactly equal to three glued boxes).
  5. Cut the matches into small bars and make handles on the nightstand.

Don't stop at just one piece of furniture - make a set!

Wardrobe for dolls

Dolls definitely need a place where they can hang dresses, blouses and skirts, so the set would not be complete without a spacious wardrobe. To make a cabinet, you will need:

  • a paint box or small household appliance;
  • self-adhesive;
  • buttons “on the leg”;
  • cardboard;
  • Chinese stick;
  • wire.

Stages of making a cabinet:

  1. Take a closed box and cut the front part with a stationery knife - so that you get the doors of the future cabinet. Cover the cabinet with self-adhesive tape.
  2. Cut from Chinese stick a piece equal to the width of the cabinet.
  3. Cut out two circles from cardboard, slightly larger than the thickness of the stick. Glue the cardboard onto the ends (they need to be sanded a little for a better connection).
  4. Apply glue to two points inside the cabinet and attach a hanger stick.
  5. Cut the wire into pieces (about 8-10 centimeters) and twist the hangers into triangles. Leave more twisted wire at the top to make a hook.
  6. Using an awl or a thick needle, make two holes in the cabinet doors and sew buttons to create handles.
  7. Place hangers in the closet.