Air filters for the kitchen. Which is better to choose: a hood or an air purifier. Types of air purifiers for the kitchen

It's no secret that even with regular and thorough cleaning of the house, the air in the apartment is saturated various contaminants: bacteria, microscopic particles of epithelium, plant pollen, combustion products formed as a result of operation kitchen stoves. The only one the right decision in the current situation is to install a modern “heavy” air purifier for the kitchen.

Installation of such modern devices allows you to significantly increase the comfort of living indoors, get rid of various types ailments: increased fatigue, headaches, allergic reactions, respiratory diseases and so on.

Many products, one principle

Each specialized supermarket is replete with a variety of household appliances. Qualified employees will be able to tell you quite accurately about all the advantages and disadvantages of each model, the specifics of production, work, manufacturer, and justify the cost of the product.

However, despite the large flow of information, choosing an air purifier is much more banal and simpler. A wide range of modern air purifiers are based on only 2 basic operating principles: exhaust and recirculation.

It follows from this that devices are divided by type of operation.

  • Exhaust type air purifiers. The operation of products of this type is based on the irreversible removal of various impurities and odors from kitchen area into the ventilation shaft and then into the environment.
  • Air purifiers are recirculation type. The operation of products of this type is based on the forced emission of air through filters. It should be noted that the air itself does not disappear anywhere, but is only cleaned of odors, dust and harmful substances, leaving them in the structure of the filters themselves.
  • Air purifiers mixed type. The operation of mixed-type products implies the ability to use common functions depending on need and appropriateness.


For recirculating kitchen air purifiers, there are several of the most common types of replacement filters used, including:

  1. Mechanical. Installed to capture large debris and pet hair. Such filters are usually a mesh with small cells. Mechanical coarse filters are installed on almost all models of modern air purifiers. To filter the air from smaller particles of pollen, cement or asbestos dust, the installations use more sensitive fiber filters.
  2. Electrostatic. Captures most microscopic particles floating in the air. Such filters work according to the law of attraction of electrical charges of different polarities. The filter operates by creating a corresponding stable electric field, which attracts dust particles. Although electrostatic air purifiers do not require regular replacement, they do require periodic wet cleaning.
  3. Photocatalytic. Such filters effectively decompose the smallest particles, the size of a large molecule, regardless of its production. The action of such filters is carried out using photocatalysis technology, that is, harmful impurities of organic origin are decomposed to the level of absolutely harmless air components.
  4. Coal. Such filters are used to purify the air from household gas contaminants and unpleasant odors. It should be noted that such a filter cannot absorb all gaseous compounds harmful to humans, in particular - carbon monoxide.

Important! To achieve maximum cleansing kitchen space from harmful substances, a combination of several filters is often used.


Every modern technical device has its advantages and disadvantages, knowing about which will make it much easier to make a purchase. So let's get started.

Advantages of a recirculation hood system:

  1. Ease of installation. Such Appliances does not require additional installation ventilation shafts and complex systems for removing polluted air. The operation of the device begins immediately after the purifier is installed above the stove and connected to the electrical network.
  2. Valuable heat will not leave the walls of the kitchen during the cold season.
  3. It cleans the air perfectly, trapping all odors, fumes and fats.

Advantages of a kitchen ventilation exhaust system:

  1. The silent operation of the device is due to the easy and unhindered removal of “heavy” air masses through special ventilation shafts.
  2. Saving on accompanying materials. In such systems there is no need to periodically change and install new filters, which are by no means cheap.
  3. The high efficiency factor is based on the principle of absolute elimination of “heavy” air and moisture in the air.

Installation of the unit in accordance with individual parameters

To make the right choice of the required household equipment for the kitchen, you should decide on several important criteria. Having decided on the parameters, it will be much easier for you to not only right choice, but also avoid unnecessary costs. So let's get started.

  • We define right size work surface. The length of the hood working area should be equal to or slightly greater than the working surface of the stove. This condition must be met so that all odors generated go directly into the hood and do not spread throughout the kitchen. Today there are 3 standard sizes of hoods: 60, 90 and 120 cm. There are cases when the stove is placed in the center of the kitchen. Then a hood is required custom sizes working surface.
  • We calculate productivity. Productivity is determined by the volume of air that the air purifier is able to process in 1 hour. There are 2 productivity: declared and calculated.

Important! Specified performance in technical passport should always be greater than calculated.

To determine the estimated productivity, you should calculate the volume of the kitchen, then multiply this number by 12 and 1.3.

12 is the air exchange rate for the kitchen room. 1.3 is the coefficient for pumping air through ventilation in multi-story buildings. In private one-story residential premises, the coefficient of 1.3 can be neglected.

  • We choose the most comfortable and permissible level noise. The noise level of modern air purifiers is within 55 dB. Although such noise cannot be ignored.

Equipment installation

To ensure correct installation of equipment, you must always follow general rules, which are indicated in the technical documentation.

The process of installing equipment must be taken with full responsibility. That is why the markings of all fasteners must be additionally checked using building level. The correct horizontal installation position is not only aesthetic issue, but also the key to rational functionality.

If for installation it is necessary to lay outlet channels, then preference should be given to channels made of PVC material.

Beauty requires care

For the manufacture of hoods, metal is most often used, which is quite easy to care for. It should be noted that filters used in recirculating air purifiers are not subject to such care.

The filter can be cleaned either independently or by dishwasher. However, if you clean it in the car, you must first wash its walls to remove food debris. Otherwise, the damaged filter can simply be thrown away.

Choosing an air purifier is a delicate matter

For optimal selection When installing an air purifier in the kitchen, you should take into account all the features of the room and the possibility of laying ventilation shaft equipment for an exhaust type device.

If you decide that you want to install a recirculation type hood, then questions regarding the air duct and its installation are not affected in principle.

The best option for purchasing a hood is to purchase it together with kitchen furniture. However, not everyone can afford such luxury today. Much more often, all components of a kitchen set are purchased at different times or in different places. After which the installation and adjustment of the containers is carried out. Let's consider perfect option purchases when you have the opportunity to purchase kitchen furniture with built-in household appliances

. In this case, the specialists of the furniture salon will carry out a professional selection of the model of the air purifying device, taking into account the size of the kitchen, work surface and furniture. When choosing an air purifying device, you are required to decide only on the type of desired placement of the hood on.

kitchen furniture

  1. Accommodation types: Hanging. The main advantage of this model is simple installation directly to furniture installation
  2. . Devices with such mounting are often small in depth and work well when using several air purification filters. Built-in. Such devices are built into kitchen furniture using high-quality fastening
  3. . They blend perfectly with it (in color and texture). As a rule, such hoods are made in the same style as kitchen furniture and are almost invisible.

Nowadays, combining a kitchen with a living space, forming a studio, is especially popular. Thus, on the one hand, there is visual increase space, and, on the other hand, the spread of odors from the stove throughout the entire territory.

To prevent the latter, experts recommend installing a high-quality air purifier for the kitchen, which will be selected according to the size common area and personal wishes of the owner.

Undoubtedly, modern models Air purifiers for the kitchen are technically advanced devices that today purify the air much more effectively than their predecessors. In addition, modern models have perfect designs, allowing only to complement and favorably emphasize the interior details of the kitchen space.

Every housewife sooner or later begins to worry about the problem of smell in the kitchen when cooking. different dishes, especially fried ones. This smell fills the home, permeating everything - clothes, furniture. How to avoid this trouble? After all, sometimes you want to eat fried potatoes. Ventilation doesn't help. This is where a kitchen air purifier, which is installed above the stove, comes to the rescue.

What are the types of air purifiers?

There are only a few of them: circulating (the air is not drawn out of the kitchen, but is purified by special filters and remains in the room), flow-through (contaminated air is thrown out through the ventilation; such air purifiers are more difficult to mount and install, but they are more effective) and mixed type (the type of purifier used depends on from air pollution).

Air purifier control

Each air purifier model has its own controls. Simpler units use electromechanical control, while more expensive models have push-button or touch controls. The electronics of expensive models make it possible to program the operation of the air purifier for the entire time while food is being prepared.

What type of air purifier to choose

Before purchasing and installing, you first need to decide which cleaner is suitable. To solve this issue, it is necessary to take into account all the factors and nuances of the kitchen. Of course, price also plays a role. You need to start with the size of the room and the air circulation in it.

If, for example, the kitchen is large and cooking takes little time, then an air purifier above the stove is a completely justified measure. And when small room need to be taken into account how air circulates how the kitchen is ventilated. Is there only a small window? Then, instead of a simple air purifier above the stove, you need a hood. The main thing is to choose the right model.

  • remember, if the purifier is designed to work in a room up to 5 square meters, then it won’t be able to handle a 20 square meter kitchen.
  • Each filter is designed for a certain amount of polluted air. The more polluted the air, the more often the filters will need to be changed.
  • An air purifier in the kitchen is required to clean the air from harmful fumes. The average throughput of such a unit should be from 150 to 700 cubic meters per hour of operation. Pay attention to the power switches. There should be from two to five. There is no need to equip the air purifier with various unnecessary bells and whistles. This will only make it more difficult to care for and will affect the price of the cleaner itself. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the cheapest air purifiers do not have filters at all. And you need to care for them carefully.

Remember that the minimum noise during operation of this equipment does not indicate its slow operation, but the quality of the unit. The less noise, the more comfortable be in the kitchen. And all this is described in the production characteristics of the selected air purifier model.

Types of filters in circulating air purifiers

As a rule, all filters are replaceable and easy to change. Here their most common types:

  • coal (cleanses the air of various odors, but will not save you from carbon monoxide);
  • mechanical (delays various kinds large particles and pet hair). This is a mesh with small cells;
  • photocatalytic (decomposes the smallest particles into components harmless to humans);
  • electrostatic (attracts most dust particles from the air).

Ideally, to completely purify the air in the kitchen, you need to use at least two types of filters.

Compare air purifiers for the kitchen


  1. Easy to install, does not require external connections. Therefore, heat in winter will not “escape” from the room.
  2. It starts working immediately after being installed above the stove and plugged into a power outlet.
  3. It cleans the air well from odors, fumes and fats.


  1. It operates almost silently, since the air is discharged directly through the ventilation without delay.
  2. Economical in maintenance (no replacement or installation of new filters).
  3. It works on the principle of complete destruction of moisture and bad air.

Installation of the unit

To choose the right air purifier and avoid extra costs, we determine the parameters of the air purifier. To do this first measuring the working surface slabs Work zone There should be a few centimeters more cleaner. This is necessary so that all the fumes go directly into the air purifier and not past it. Today they make three hoods standard sizes at 60, 90 and 120 centimeters. But if the stove is installed in the center of the kitchen, then the unit must be ordered separately.

It is advisable to install all household appliances before installing the furniture. Therefore, the air purifier also needs to be hung before installing the furniture, which will make it possible to combine all the interior details on the wall. And also connect and remove air shafts without unnecessary problems. One of the problems when connecting the device is power supply, that is, connecting an outlet. Try to avoid connecting through an extension cord. It is not safe. The wire may sag or, conversely, become too tight. Or be exposed to constant exposure to fire and heat. The socket with the wire must be hidden in the wall. And it is best to place the outlet itself on the level with the hood and hide it in a cabinet.

Most optimal height The placement of the air purifier is 75 centimeters from the stove. The unit will not be exposed to steam and heat. And at the same time it will be able to capture all the fumes from the stove.

The installation of a circulating air purifier and a flow-through air purifier are different. For a flow-through purifier, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of laying ventilation shafts. And for the circulation one, in principle, it doesn’t matter which wall it hangs on. It only needs an outlet to connect to. But the main thing is that any air purifier fits into the kitchen interior. Therefore, the most the best option There will be a purchase of this type of household appliances along with kitchen furniture. Furniture salon specialists will select the desired model V desired design and will be combined with furniture. This is ideal. But in practice, furniture and household appliances are bought in different places and assembled in the customer’s kitchen.

Let us dwell separately on types of air purifier placement:

  • built-in With this type of placement, the cleaner is attached inside the kitchen furniture and is integral with it in color, size, and texture. They are practically invisible.
  • hanging. The unit is attached to furniture simple installation. As a rule, such purifiers are small in size and have several types of air filtration.
  • fireplace They are very similar to a fireplace chimney. They fit into any kitchen interior without any problems. But such devices can only be of the ventilation (flow) type or of a mixed type.

Nowadays, the kitchen is increasingly combined with a living room. This is called a studio. This approach to housing planning allows you to visually increase the space. But at the same time, the smell of cooking food is allowed to spread throughout the home. In such cases, only an air purifier selected based on the technical characteristics of the room will help.

Without a doubt, an air purifier above the stove makes staying and cooking in the kitchen more comfortable. Current models of air purifiers are many times better than earlier units. They filter the air more thoroughly and the operating noise is minimal. And thanks to the appearance of the device modern cleaner air allows you to add interior space without any damage to the design of the kitchen. This is facilitated by the materials from which the unit body is made. For this purpose, plastic, stainless steel, aluminum, tempered glass, and enamel-coated steel are used.

The material of the purifier, accordingly, affects its price. Most the best option is decorated aluminum. It is resistant to corrosion, but gets dirty very easily. Although it is easy to clean. A stainless steel and tempered glass create visibility expensive device. But the most expensive models are those made according to individual order in a single copy.

Now about the price. It is different for each type of air purifier and depends on the functionality of the device, appearance, and technical characteristics. Average price of a purifier flow type(hood) from 3000 rubles. A average price for a circulation purifier starts from 2500 rubles.

Air purifiers for the kitchen above the stove - types and criteria for selection.

Combustion products, soot and carbon monoxide escape from the kitchen through the hood. At the same time, a kitchen hood allows you to get rid of cooking odors. in the kitchen it is always hung above the stove, because this is where all the gases and unpleasant (as well as pleasant) odors are concentrated. The kitchen hood has different names. You can often find both the common name of an air purifier and a kitchen exhaust fan or module. Depending on the name, there will be no fundamental difference in the operating mechanism, but there are differences in throughput and final design.

Types of air purifiers for the kitchen

In the kitchen, a hood is needed to purify the air and remove foreign odors. This occurs due to the air draft created by the fan. Looking under the decorative body of the equipment, you can see one or more engines with impellers. Also one or more filters.

Modern air purifiers for the kitchen can be:

— Circulating. The air is purified using filters and then returned back to the room.

- Flow-through. Kitchen fumes and soot are thrown away. This occurs through the building's external ventilation system. Installation of such a hood will be more difficult, because you need to make a chimney pipe and connect it to ventilation hole. But such an air purifier works more efficiently. After all, the natural traction force enhances the air exchange created by the fan.

How to make the best choice?

When buying an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you need to pay attention not only to specifications. The size of the kitchen is also important, appearance the device itself. Throughput is performance. Main characteristics, which you need to pay attention to. The higher the capacity, the more air the hood can clean within an hour. Average productivity should be 150-700 cubic meters per hour.

Important! To determine the required performance for a specific room, you should remember that according to sanitary standards The optimal air exchange for the kitchen should be as follows. Within an hour, the air volume should change at least 10 times.

All good devices must have from two to five power levels. A useful feature is the smooth adjustment in wide range. Maximum power is needed when frying fish, if some dish is badly burnt.

Why filter air?

Some people wonder why air filtration is needed if it is being released outside anyway. It all depends on the type of device. In circulation mode, the filter can be used to retain the smallest droplets of fat and soot, as well as absorb odors (charcoal).

As for flow-through devices, only the first type of filter is installed in them; carbon filters are not used in supply air purifiers at all. Because the air is released and, indeed, no additional purification is required. But there is a point in a grease filter. After all, without it, grease would accumulate on the fan blades, slowing down the operation of the entire system.

Interesting! The cheapest flow hoods They don't have any filter at all. But they require careful care: it is necessary to regularly clean off grease from the ventilation hood and other parts.

Just because your kitchen air purifier is quiet doesn't mean it's slow. Simply, the purchased model is of high quality and will not tire you with its noise, which has a good effect on general condition. Each owner can choose a design to suit their specific requirements. But you shouldn’t make a fundamental choice based on design. First of all, of course, the production characteristics described in this article are important.

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Any cooking in the kitchen is accompanied by an abundant release of a variety of odors, some of which are pleasant, and some of which are not so pleasant. It’s good to have a powerful hood installed in the kitchen, which can promptly remove all odors from the room. But what to do if you follow the latest fashion trends and you have a studio apartment through which moisture, odors, grease and other contaminants spread at such a speed that no hood can handle it? There is a solution, and this is installing an air purifier in the kitchen.

Operating principle of the device

A kitchen air purifier is a device that works on the principle of recirculation. The fan of the device sucks in contaminated air masses and drives them through the filtration system, after which it is supplied again to the room. There are models on sale that are placed above the stove and, after cleaning, release air into the ventilation system, just like a regular kitchen hood. The filter elements of a high-quality air purifier make it possible to cope with such contaminants as:

  • Gas combustion products.
  • Soot.
  • Mechanical inclusions.

Important! In addition, the cleaner does an excellent job of removing various odors, pet hair and dust.

Classification of devices

When choosing an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you should be guided by several parameters.

Based on the principle of operation, this technique is divided into:

  • Purifiers with an exhaust type of operation - devices collect air impurities and send them outside the room through the ventilation shaft.
  • Recirculation devices - treatment of contaminated air is provided inside the devices. In this case, impurities remain on the filters, and purified air is returned to the room.
  • Mixed action air purifiers are equipped with two filtration mechanisms.

By type of installation, devices are divided into:

  • Dome - which are fixed above the stove and act by diverting air masses into exhaust ducts.
  • Suspended - also mounted above hob, work on the principle of recycling.
  • Built-in - characterized by a mixed process of operation, designed for installation in kitchen elements.
  • Mobile - they operate only in air processing mode.

Important! If we talk about the shape of the device, then they are also different: in the form of truncated pyramids, inclined, cone-shaped, T-shaped, cube hood, cylinder or devices with a bent corner.

Comparative characteristics

Like any other home appliance, air purifiers have advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when installing an air purifier in your kitchen:

  1. The easiest installation is for recirculation models. Their installation does not require complex systems air removal and in exhaust shafts. Such a hood can simply be fixed over hob, turn on and use.
  2. In terms of performance, the exhaust design is considered the best. The air from the room is removed outside the room irretrievably.
  3. From the point of view of heat saving, recirculation technology takes the lead here, since warm air does not leave the premises.
  4. Save cash will give an opportunity exhaust system, which does not require frequent filter changes.
  5. The noise level is significantly lower exhaust devices. Purifiers don't have to work hard to force air through dense carbon filters.

Important! During the comparison process, it is necessary to clarify that recirculation devices do not retain moisture. Its circulation throughout the room will be at the same level as before the installation of the hood.

Technical specifications

Each kitchen air purifier has its own technical specifications. To choose the right air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you need to find out:

  • Working blade size.
  • Device performance.
  • The height of the noise.

Working blade size

The size of the working surface of a stationary air purifier must be greater than or equal to the size of the plate. There are three different standards for hoods: 60, 90 and 120 cm.

Important! Sometimes owners install cooking appliances in the center of the kitchen or make a frame from several surfaces. In any case, you need the air purifier to be able to control the entire surface of the stove.


Productivity is the amount of air mass that the device passes through in 1 hour.

Important! The calculated productivity of the air purifier must be higher than that specified in the technical data sheet.

In order to find out the calculated indicators, the volume of the room should be multiplied by 12 (this is an indicator of the air exchange rate for the room) and by 1.3 (this is the level of pumping of air masses through ventilation ducts multi-storey building).

Important! In houses with one floor, the last indicator can be neglected.


Kitchen air purifiers cannot be called low-noise devices. Their maximum noise level is 65 dB, but, as a rule, kitchen air purifiers are noisy at 55 dB. For comparison, the noise level of a refrigerator is 45 dB, and washing machine produces 68 dB.

Important! In order to choose an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you need to determine the intensity of pollution and the required functionality. The main requirement for this device is high-quality air purification and its removal of harmful substances. The device does not need additional installation ionizers and oxygen enrichers, which only complicate its maintenance.

Which is better - an air purifier or a range hood?

When answering the question: which is better - a hood or an air purifier for the kitchen, you need to decide on the main differences between the devices:

  • A household kitchen hood is a universal stationary appliance.
  • Air purifiers are portable and can be used to purify the air throughout the home.

Important! The main difference between a hood and an air purifier is the independence of the latter. The air purifier does not require the formation of any outlet paths or connection to general ventilation Houses. For the device to function correctly, only a power outlet is required.


Installing an air purifier in the kitchen will be effective only taking into account the size of the room, as well as its air circuit:

  • If the kitchen is large and the stove is not used often, then using the device is completely justified. In such cases, the level of pollution is not too high, and the air purifier can do the job well.
  • In small rooms, it is better to install built-in kitchen hoods, which differ in their circulation principle.

Installing an air purifier in the kitchen is not difficult, however, there are some nuances:

  • Installation of the device must occur before installing items kitchen set. This will make it possible to correctly indicate the direction of its action in the area where the slab is located and to arrange other components on the wall.
  • The location of the future outlet must be calculated in advance. The wire from the air purifier should not be too tight, bend or be too close to the heating unit.

Important! The best option is when the socket is placed at the same level with technical means inside the kitchen cabinet.

  • The height of the air purifier above the cooking surface must comply with fire safety standards. The most suitable distance- this is 75 cm. This arrangement will make it possible to capture the entire mass of vapors without overheating too much.

Important! Instead of a hood, a kitchen filter can be installed above the stove if it is necessary to organize the outflow of air, regardless of the operation of the air purifier.

Air purifier kits for kitchens

A regular kitchen hood is equipped with a multi-level cleaning system. Most devices are equipped with two filters:

  • Fat - this element is made in the form of a cassette, which consists of several aluminum or plastic rows. Needs systematic washing under running water.
  • Air - intended for more thorough cleansing. It is a fibrous structure that holds small mechanical inclusions. Once every 1-3 months it needs to be completely replaced (as it gets dirty).

Important! Sometimes the selected air purifier for the kitchen above the stove contains another one - a carbon filter, which is designed for effective fight with unpleasant odors.

Most mobile air purifiers are characterized by a large set of components. In addition to the main options:

High-quality and regular care of the air purifier will significantly extend the life of the device.

Important! The device can only be cleaned after it has been de-energized! You can remove grease from the hood using commercial detergents, which must first be sprayed on the surface, allowed to stand for a while, and then removed with a damp cloth.

In addition, clear kitchen hood folk remedies will help:

  • Vinegar or lemon will help remove dirt. For getting good result You need to treat the surfaces with them, leave them for a while, and rinse with clean water.
  • Also universal remedy anti-fat is concentrated laundry soap, which should be grated and filled with water. The resulting solution is treated with the extract and then washed off with clean water.

To clean the filter from the hood, you can use modern detergents, however, if you do not have them, then you can resort to simple way, which will remove grease from any metal object. For this:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and dissolve 0.5 cups of salt in it.
  2. Place the filters in the boiling liquid, let the dirt and grease dissolve, and remove the pan from the stove.
  3. When choosing an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you must first of all be guided by common sense. If you are not constrained financially, then it is better to get a mixed type device that will work both as an extractor hood and as an effective air purifier.

An air purifier in the kitchen is a device that allows you to filter out all harmful impurities and provide the room with clean air. Such devices are in great demand among those who care about their health. But in what cases does it need to be installed, and is there a need for it? The information below will help answer this question.

Should you install a kitchen air purifier above the stove?

To determine the feasibility of installing an air purifier, it is necessary to consider the size and air circulation circuit of the room. It is these factors that decide whether or not to install an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove.

If the room is large and cooking takes very little time, then using an air purification device in such a kitchen is quite justified. This is explained by the fact that in such cases the intensity of contamination is quite low, so the device will be able to cope with the task assigned to it.

If the room is quite limited in space, then the second factor comes into force - the circulation of existing air. If this process is reduced only to ventilation through a small window, then there is a need for additional filtration, which will be carried out by circulation. Such a device is relevant in almost any kitchen; the main thing is to choose it and install it correctly.

How to choose an air purifier?

The kitchen air purifier above the stove must be installed in accordance with three main factors:

  • Room size. When selecting a cleaning device model for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room itself, because any model has its own specific performance indicator. That is, if an air purifier is designed for 10 cubic meters, then it will not be able to process a room of 15 cubic meters.
  • Pollution intensity. It is worth remembering that the effectiveness of air purification depends on the filtering ability of the working elements of the device. That is why when choosing, you must be guided by the frequency of cooking in the kitchen and the approximate amount of evaporated substances. The degree of cleaning and frequency of filter changes will depend on these indicators.
  • Required functionality. There is a huge variety of filter devices, and they all have different functions and features. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the air purifier for the kitchen above the stove must separate from the evaporation generated during the cooking process, harmful substances. There is no point in installing various ionizers and oxygen enrichers in such a device - this will only complicate maintenance and make the device more complex.

Taking into account all these factors, we can conclude that an air purifier for the kitchen should have only the necessary functions and perform the task assigned to it in conditions certain premises, and also be easy to maintain.

How to Install a Kitchen Air Purifier Above the Stove: Construction Tips

An important role when installing a circulation hood is played by its position relative to other interior items and household devices. Understand how to properly install an air purifier, will help following tips:

The air purifier must be hung before furniture is installed. This will allow you to orient the direction of its work to the area where the slab itself is located, as well as combine all the elements on the wall.

It is necessary to think in advance about the place where it will be installed and into which the device will be connected. It is worth remembering that the wire should not sag, be in a constantly tense state, or be in close proximity to heating device. The best option is to place the socket at a level with the device itself in the cavity of the cabinets.

An air purifier for a kitchen above the stove should be mounted at a certain height from the flame. The most optimal distance indicator is 75 cm. With this arrangement, the device captures the entire volume of fumes that come from the stove and is not subject to adverse thermal effects.

The most significant positive point when installing an air purifier is that it is an independent device. Unlike a hood, it does not require the organization of additional outlet channels or connection to a common ventilation system, but can only work if there is an outlet. The process of installing the air purifier itself is no more complex than the work of hanging cabinets - all you need is a few screws and a drill.