Technological map of the door block manufacturing process. Simple and clear: the procedure for making wooden doors. Installation of interior door blocks

Thermal insulation (thermal protection)

Thermal insulation is one of the main functions of a window, which provides comfortable conditions indoors.
The heat loss of a room is determined by two factors:

  • Transmission losses, which consist of heat flows that the room gives off through walls, windows, doors, ceiling and floor.
  • Ventilation losses, by which we mean the amount of heat required to heat the cold air entering through window leaks and as a result of ventilation to room temperature.

In Russia, to assess the heat-protective characteristics of structures, it is accepted heat transfer resistance R o(m² · °C/W), the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity coefficient k, which is accepted in DIN standards.

Thermal conductivity coefficient k characterizes the amount of heat in watts (W) that passes through 1 m² of structure with a temperature difference on both sides of one degree on the Kelvin scale (K), the unit of measurement is W/m² K. The lower the value k, the less heat transfer through the structure, i.e. its insulating properties are higher.

Unfortunately, a simple recalculation k V R o(k=1/R o) is not entirely correct due to differences in measurement techniques in Russia and other countries. However, if the product is certified, then the manufacturer is obliged to provide the customer with the heat transfer resistance indicator.

The main factors influencing the value of the reduced heat transfer resistance of a window are:

  • window size (including the ratio of the glazing area to the area of ​​the window block);
  • cross section of frame and sash;
  • window block material;
  • type of glazing (including the width of the remote frame of the double-glazed window, the presence of selective glass and special gas in the double-glazed window);
  • number and location of seals in the frame/sash system.

From the indicator values R o The temperature of the surface of the enclosing structure facing the interior of the room also depends. When there is a large temperature difference, heat is radiated towards the cold surface.

Poor thermal insulation properties of windows inevitably lead to the appearance of cold radiation in the window area and the possibility of condensation on the windows themselves or in the area where they adjoin other structures. Moreover, this can happen not only as a result of low heat transfer resistance of the window structure, but also due to poor sealing of the joints of the frame and sash.

The heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures is standardized SNiP II-3-79*"Construction Heat Engineering", which is a reissue SNiP II-3-79“Construction Heat Engineering” with amendments approved and put into effect on July 1, 1989 by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 12, 1985 241, amendment 3, put into effect on September 1, 1995 by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 11, 1995. 18-81 and amendment 4, approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated January 19, 1998 18-8 and put into effect on March 1, 1998.

In accordance with this document, when designing, the reduced heat transfer resistance of windows and balcony doors R o should be taken no less than the required values, R o tr(see table 1).

Table 1. Reduced heat transfer resistance of windows and balcony doors

Buildings and constructions Degree-days of the heating period, °C days The reduced heat transfer resistance of windows and balcony doors is not less than R negative, m² · °C/W
Residential, medical and preventive care and children's institutions, schools, boarding schools 2000
Public, except for those listed above, administrative and domestic, with the exception of rooms with humidity or wet conditions 2000
Industrial with dry and normal mode 2000
1. Intermediate values ​​of R neg should be determined by interpolation
2. Standards for heat transfer resistance of translucent enclosing structures for premises industrial buildings with a humid or wet regime, with excess sensible heat from 23 W/m 3, as well as for premises in public, administrative and domestic buildings with a humid or wet regime should be taken as for premises with a dry and normal regime of industrial buildings.
3. The reduced heat transfer resistance of the blind part of balcony doors must be no less than 1.5 times higher than the heat transfer resistance of the translucent part of these products.
4. In certain justified cases related to specific constructive solutions filling window and other openings, it is allowed to use designs of windows, balcony doors and lanterns with a reduced heat transfer resistance 5% lower than that specified in the table.

Degree-days of the heating season(GSOP) should be determined by the formula:

GSOP = (t in - t from.trans.) · z from.trans.

t in- design temperature internal air, °C (according to GOST 12.1.005-88 and design standards for relevant buildings and structures);
t from.trans.- average temperature of the period with average daily air temperature below or equal to 8°C; °C;
z from.trans.- duration of the period with an average daily air temperature below or equal to 8°C, Days (according to SNiP 2.01.01-82"Building climatology and geophysics").

By SNiP 2.08.01-89* when calculating the enclosing structures of residential buildings, the following should be taken: the internal air temperature is 18 °C in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (determined according to SNiP 2.01.01-82) above -31 °C and 20 °C at -31 °C and below; relative air humidity equal to 55%.

Table 2. Outdoor temperature(selectively, fully see SNiP 2.01.01-82)

City Outside air temperature, °C
The coldest five days Period with average daily air temperature
0,98 0,92 Duration, days. Average temperature, °C










Saint Petersburg




To facilitate the work of designers in SNiP II-3-79*, the appendix also contains a reference table containing the reduced heat transfer resistances of windows, balcony doors and lanterns for various designs. It is necessary to use this data if the values R not in the standards or technical conditions on the structure. (see note to table 3)

Table 3. Reduced heat transfer resistance of windows, balcony doors and skylights(informative)

Filling the light opening Reduced heat transfer resistance Rо, m² °С/W
in wooden or PVC bindings in aluminum covers

1. Double glazing in paired frames

2. Double glazing in separate frames


3. Hollow glass blocks (with joints 6 mm wide) size, mm:

0.31 (without binding)
0.33 (without binding)

4. Box section profile glass

0.31 (without binding)

5. Double plexiglass for skylights

6. Triple plexiglass for skylights

7. Triple glazing in separate-paired frames

8. Single-chamber glass unit:


9. Double-glazed glass unit:

Normal (with an interglass distance of 6 mm)

Normal (with an interglass distance of 12 mm)

With hard selective coating

With soft selective coating

10. Regular glass and single-chamber double-glazed windows in separate glass frames:


With hard selective coating

With soft selective coating

With hard selective coating and argon filled

11. Ordinary glass and double-glazed windows in separate glass frames:


With hard selective coating

With soft selective coating

With hard selective coating and argon filled

12. Two single-chamber double-glazed windows in paired frames

13. Two single-chamber double-glazed windows in separate frames

14. Four-layer glazing in two paired frames

*Bound in steel

1. Soft selective glass coatings include coatings with thermal emission less than 0.15, hard ones - more than 0.15.
2. The values ​​of the given heat transfer resistances of the fillings of light openings are given for cases where the ratio of the glazing area to the filling area of ​​the light opening is 0.75.
3. The values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistances indicated in the table may be used as calculated values ​​in the absence of these values ​​in the standards or technical specifications for the structure or not confirmed by test results.
4. Temperature inner surface structural elements windows of buildings (except for industrial ones) must be at least 3°C ​​at the design temperature of the outside air.

In addition to all-Russian regulatory documents There are also local ones, in which certain requirements for a given region may be tightened.

For example, according to the Moscow city building codes MGSN 2.01-94"Energy supply in buildings. Standards for thermal protection, heat and water power supply.", reduced heat transfer resistance (R o) must be at least 0.55 m²·°C/W for windows and balcony doors (0.48 m²·°C/W is allowed in the case of using double-glazed windows with heat-reflecting coatings).

The same document contains other clarifications. To improve the thermal protection of the fillings of light openings in the cold and transitional periods of the year without increasing the number of layers of glazing, the use of glasses with selective coating should be used, placing them on the warm side. All door frames of windows and balcony doors must contain sealing gaskets made of silicone materials or frost-resistant rubber.

Speaking about thermal insulation, it is necessary to remember that in summer windows should do the opposite. winter conditions function: protect the room from the penetration of solar heat into a cooler room.

It should also be taken into account that blinds, shutters, etc. work as temporary heat protection devices and significantly reduce heat transfer through windows.

Table 4. Thermal transmittance coefficients of solar shading devices
(SNiP II-3-79*, Appendix 8)

Sun protection devices

Thermal transmittance coefficient
sun protection devices β сз

A. External
  1. Curtain or awning made of light fabric
  2. Curtain or awning made of dark fabric
  3. Shutters with wooden slats
B. Interglazed (unventilated)
  1. Curtain blinds with metal plates
  2. Curtain made of light fabric
  3. Dark fabric curtain
B. Internal
  1. Curtain blinds with metal plates
  2. Curtain made of light fabric
  3. Dark fabric curtain


1. Thermal transmittance coefficients are given as a fraction: before the line - for sun protection devices with plates at an angle of 45°, after the line - at an angle of 90° to the plane of the opening.
2. The thermal transmittance coefficients of inter-glass solar shading devices with a ventilated inter-glass space should be taken as 2 times less.

Amendments to the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, which allowed the sale on the territory of the Russian Federation of products certified for compliance with the norms and requirements of foreign regulations, significantly facilitated the activities of importing companies and retail chains, but is by no means a choice metal doors Russians. Even the European EN, international ISO and the German DIN standards most often used in Russia are quite difficult to get acquainted with for free, and the regulations of the USA (ANSI), Japan (JISC) or Israel (SII) and China (GB/T), from where A large share of imported metal doors are supplied to our country - this is simply unrealistic for the vast majority of our compatriots.

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As a result, the risks of buying metal doors that do not meet the operational characteristics of the very concept of a security steel door are very high. Moreover, advertising labels (“elite”, “prestigious”, “safe”, “armored” metal doors) that are universally “hung” on steel door blocks by selling companies in the vast majority of cases do not correspond to what is put into these symbols sense. Thus, “elite” metal doors with visually good cladding with wooden overlays can have cellular content canvases are cardboard, which makes them winter period an effective heat exchanger, and the hall or corridor behind the entrance doors, according to the temperature regime, is the internal chamber of the refrigerator. "Armored" metal doors - cladding a metal sheet sheets 0.6-0.8 mm thick, which can be opened with an ordinary can opener, and the sheets of “safe” metal doors with a good set of insanely expensive locks can be removed from door frame or together with the box from the opening using a pry bar and a nail puller or knock it out with your foot.

There is a higher probability of getting an entrance door with good performance properties - buy metal doors certified to comply with standards and requirements Russian standards, but you need to know at least the basic standardized parameters that determine the level of quality and serviceability of a metal door. The basic standard defining design and the main operational properties of a metal door in Russia is GOST 31173-2003 “Steel door blocks”, and the level of protection of locking mechanisms is GOST 5089-2003 “Locks and latches for doors. Technical conditions".

Fireproof metal doors in terms of fire resistance, smoke and gas tightness, but not protective properties are regulated by GOST R 53307-2009 “Building structures. Fire doors and the gate. Test method for fire resistance", and bulletproof and explosion-proof metal doors - a number of provisions of GOST R 51113-97 "Banking protective equipment. Requirements for burglary resistance and test methods."

The frames of metal door leaves are made from rolled products in accordance with GOST 1050-88 “Calibrated rolled products, with special surface finishing from high-quality carbon structural steel”; sheet metal is used for cladding in accordance with GOST 16523-97 “Rolled thin-sheet carbon steel of high-quality and ordinary quality general purpose"or GOST 16523-97 "Rolled thick sheets of carbon steel of ordinary quality" (for reinforced or protective metal doors), less often according to GOST 5632-72 "High-alloy steels and corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant alloys."

Important: “Armored”, “safe” metal doors, like “iron” doors, do not exist by definition. Metal doors for residential premises are not manufactured in burglary resistance classes higher than V (GOST R 51113-97) for technical reasons - increased strength properties entail an increase in the mass of the finished door block to values ​​​​incompatible with installation in conventional wall openings and operation of doors at manual opening of the canvas. Massive doors with high burglary resistance classes are used in bank vaults and have electromechanical control drives.

GOST 31173-2003 standards, simplified for understanding.

GOST 31173-2003 classifies and normalizes metal doors according to:

    resistance to burglary, determined by the class of strength characteristics and class protective properties locking mechanisms - standard metal doors with strength class M3 and III - IV class of security properties of locks in accordance with GOST 5089-2003, reinforced metal doors with strength class M2 and III - IV class of security properties of locks, security metal doors with strength class M1 and IV class of security properties of locks;

    Important: Strengthening the protective properties of metal doors (burglary resistance) depends on the strength properties of the door block (with increasing strength characteristics from class M3 to M1, the burglary resistance of a metal door increases). Even standard doors cannot have locks with security properties lower than class III, and the level of security properties increases from class I to class IV. The class of security properties of a lock is determined not by its design or brand, but by the number of secrets that should be for locks with: a cylinder mechanism class III- 10 thousand, class IV - 25 thousand; disk cylinder mechanism of class III - 200 thousand, class IV - 300 thousand; lever mechanism of class III - 50 thousand, class IV - 100 thousand.

    mechanical characteristics (strength classes), determined by the magnitude of static loads applied in the plane, in the free corner zone, in the zone of fabric loops, as well as dynamic loads, applied in the direction of opening the blade and shock in both directions of opening the blade.

    Important: Strength class M1 has the best mechanical characteristics, strength class M3 has the worst, but any metal door sold today must have mechanical characteristics not lower than strength class M3;

  • according to thermal protection properties determined by the reduced heat transfer resistance - class 1 with a reduced heat transfer resistance of at least 1.0 m2 °C/W, class 2 with a reduced heat transfer resistance from 0.70 to 0.99 m2 °C/W, class 3 with a reduced heat transfer resistance of 0.40 -0.69 m2 °C/W.

    Important: Metal doors of class 1 have the best heat-insulating properties, class 3 has the worst, but any metal doors cannot have a reduced heat transfer resistance below the threshold value of class 3 - 0.4 m2.°C/W, which corresponds to that used in European regulations acts, the heat transfer coefficient Uwert is no more than 1/0.4 = 2.5 W/(m2K). It must be remembered that for Moscow, from October 1, 2010, according to the standards of the City Program “Energy-saving housing construction in the city of Moscow for 2010-2014. and for the future until 2020" the reduced heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures (windows, balcony and external entrance doors) must be no less than 0.8 m2.°C/W, and according to EnEV2009 standards for external doors the upper threshold value of the heat transfer coefficient is not more than 1.3 W /(m2K). Therefore, in the capital, metal doors entering from the street must be certified for heat-insulating properties of classes 1 or 2;

  • air and water permeability, determined by indicators of volumetric air tightness and water tightness limit - classes 1-3.

    Important: The air and water permeability of a metal door deteriorates from class 1 to class 3, but the air tightness of any metal door for residential premises must be at least class 3 and not more than 27 m3/(h m2);

    for sound insulation, determined by the airborne noise insulation index Rw - class 1 with an airborne noise reduction of 32 dB, class 2 with an airborne noise reduction of 26-31 dB, class 3 with an airborne noise reduction of 20-25 dB.

    Important: The best soundproofing properties metal doors have class 1, the worst - class 3, but the airborne noise insulation index is determined in the frequency band from 100 to 3000 Hz, corresponding to spoken language, telephone or alarm clock calls, TV with built-in speakers, radio, and does not characterize the ability of a metal door to block car noise , aircraft, etc., as well as structural noise transmitted through rigid related structure houses/buildings;

    reliability of operation, determined by the number of cycles of opening/closing of the door leaf. This value for internal metal doors must be at least 200 thousand, and for external entrance metal doors at least 500 thousand.

    Important: A metal door must be certified for compliance with the norms/requirements of Russian regulations, but with differentiation based on basic operational properties and burglary resistance. If the manufacturer/selling company claims compliance of a metal door with foreign regulations, then comparative information with similar (or similar) indicators of Russian standards must be provided.

Metal doors deserve greater confidence, for which not only a certificate is provided, but also test reports confirming compliance of operational parameters and resistance to burglary with Russian standards. Ideally, a metal door should have a passport in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31173-2003, which, in addition to manufacturing details and design features, indicates:

  • mechanical class;
  • reliability (opening cycles);
  • breathability at? P0 = 100 Pa (value in m3/(h.m2) or class);
  • airborne noise insulation index Rw in dB;
  • reduced heat transfer resistance in m2.°C/W.

The general diagram of the design procedure for thermal protection of buildings required in accordance with Scheme 1 is presented in Figure 2.1.

Where R req , R min – normalized and minimum value of heat transfer resistance, m 2 ×°C/W;

, normativeandcalculated specific consumption thermal energy for heating buildings for heating season, kJ/(m 2 °C day) or kJ/(m °C day).

method “b” method “a”

Change project



Where R int , Rext - resistance to heat transfer on the internal and external surfaces fencing, (m 2 K)/W;

R to- thermal resistance of the layers of the enclosing structure, (m 2 × K)/W;

R pr– reduced thermal resistance of a non-uniform structure (structure with heat-conducting inclusions), (m 2 K)/W;

a int, a ext – heat transfer coefficients on the inner and outer surfaces of the fence, W/(m 2 K), are taken according to the table. 7 and table. 8 ;

d i– thickness of the layer of the enclosing structure, m;

l i– coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material, W/(m 2 K).

Since the thermal conductivity of materials largely depends on their humidity, their operating conditions are determined. According to Appendix “B”, the humidity zone is established on the territory of the country, then according to Table. 2, depending on the humidity regime of the room and the humidity zone, the operating conditions of the enclosing structure A or B are determined. If the humidity regime of the room is not specified, then it is allowed to accept it as normal. Then, according to Appendix “D”, depending on the established operating conditions (A or B), the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is determined (see Appendix “E”).

If the fence includes structures with inhomogeneous inclusions (floor panels with air gaps, large blocks with heat-conducting inclusions, etc.), then the calculation of such structures is carried out using special methods. These methods are presented in appendices “M”, “N”, “P”. In the course project, such structures are the floor panels of the first floor and the ceiling of the last floor; their reduced thermal resistance is determined as follows.

A). By planes parallel to the heat flow, the panel is divided into sections that are homogeneous and heterogeneous in composition (Fig. 2.2, A). Areas of the same composition and size are assigned the same number. The total resistance of the floor panel will be equal to the average resistance. Due to their size, the sections have a unequal effect on the overall resistance of the structure. Therefore, the thermal resistance of the panel is calculated taking into account the areas occupied by sections in horizontal plane, according to the formula:

Where l reinforced concrete – coefficient of thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete, taken depending on operating conditions A or B;

R a . g.─ thermal resistance of the closed air gap, taken according to the table. 7 at a positive air temperature in the interlayer, (m 2 K)/W.

But the obtained thermal resistance of the floor panel does not coincide with the data of the laboratory experiment, so the second part of the calculation is performed.

B). By planes perpendicular to the direction of heat flow, the structure is also divided into homogeneous and inhomogeneous layers, which are usually denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet (Fig. 2.2, b). The total thermal resistance of the panel in this case is:

where is the thermal resistance of layers “A”, (m 2 K)/W;

RB– thermal resistance of layer “B”, (m 2 K)/W.

When calculating R B it is necessary to take into account the varying degrees of influence of areas on the thermal resistance of the layer due to their sizes:

The calculations can be averaged as follows: the calculations in both cases do not coincide with the laboratory experiment data, which are closer to the value R 2 .

The calculation of the floor panel must be done twice: for the case when the heat flow is directed from bottom to top (ceiling) and from top to bottom (floor).

The heat transfer resistance of external doors can be taken according to table. 2.3, windows and balcony doors - according to table. 2.2 of this manual

The difference between the external entrance door to a house (cottage, office, store, industrial building) and the internal entrance door to an apartment (office) is in the operating conditions.

External entrance doors to a building are a barrier between the street and the interior of the house. Such doors are exposed to sunlight, rain, snow and other precipitation, changes in temperature and humidity.

External doors installed at the entrance to the building (at the exit to the street). These can be either access doors at the entrance to an apartment building, or doors to a private single-apartment house or cottage; external doors can also be part entrance group to an office building, a store, or an industrial or administrative building. Despite the fact that all these external doors have different requirements, all external entrance doors, along with strength, must have increased weather resistance (resist dampness, solar radiation, temperature changes).

Wooden external entrance doors

Wood is traditional material used for making doors. Solid wood external entrance doors are used for installation in cottages and private houses. Wooden external doors according to GOST 24698 installed in multi-apartment residential buildings and public buildings. External wooden doors are made single- and double-leaf, with glazed and blind panels or frames. All wooden external entrance doors have increased moisture resistance.

Possessing low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient of wood λ = 0.15—0.25 W/m×K depending on the species and humidity), wooden doors provide high reduced heat transfer resistance. Wooden entrance door to winter time does not freeze, is not covered with frost from the inside and the locks do not freeze in it (unlike some metal doors). Since metal is a good conductor, it quickly conducts cold from the street into the house, which leads to the formation of frost on inside doors and frames and freezing of locks.

External wooden entrance doors type DN according to GOST 24698 are installed in standard doorways in the external walls of buildings.

Standard sizes doorways:

  • opening width - 910, 1010, 1310, 1510, 1550 1910 or 1950 mm
  • opening height - 2070 or 2370 mm

Plastic external entrance doors

Plastic (metal-plastic) external entrance doors are made, as a rule, glazed from PVC profiles(PVC profile) for door blocks according to GOST 30673-99. Single- or double-chamber glazing is used. glued double-glazed windows according to GOST 24866 with a heat transfer resistance of at least 0.32 m²×°C/W.

Plastic (metal-plastic) external entrance doors combine affordable price and high performance characteristics. Possessing low thermal conductivity (0.2-0.3 W/m×K depending on the brand), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) makes it possible to produce warm plastic doors(By GOST 30674-99) with a heat transfer resistance of at least 0.35 m²×°C/W (for a single-chamber double-glazed window) and at least 0.49 m²×°C/W (for a double-chamber double-glazed window), while the reduced heat transfer resistance of the opaque part of the filling of door blocks from plastic sandwiches not lower than 0.8 m²×°C/W.

In a room that is not equipped with a cold vestibule, to eliminate condensation, frost and ice, a door with high heat-insulating properties should be installed. Wooden and plastic doors have the highest thermal insulation values, therefore metal-plastic doors are ideal option for an external entrance door to a single-family residential building or office.

Metal external entrance doors

In the production of metal doors, either extruded profiles made of aluminum alloys are used ( aluminum doors), or hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet and long products in combination with bent steel profiles(steel doors).

A metal exterior door, by definition, will be cold, since it is like steel, and even more so aluminum alloys, conduct heat remarkably well (low-carbon steel has a thermal conductivity coefficient λ about 45 W/m×K, aluminum alloys - about 200 W/m×K, that is, steel is approximately 60 times worse in thermal insulation than wood or plastic, and aluminum alloys are about 3 orders of magnitude worse.).

And on a cold surface, by definition, moisture will condense if the air in contact with it has excess humidity for a given temperature (if the temperature of the inner surface of the front door drops below the air dew point interior space). Usage decorative panels on a metal door without a thermal break, will prevent freezing (frost formation), but not the formation of condensation.

The solution to the problem of freezing of metal external doors is the use in the production of external entrance doors of “warm” profiles with thermal inserts (the use of thermal breaks from materials with low thermal conductivity) or a device, that is, the installation of another door (vestibule) that cuts off the warm and humid air of the main interior room from the entrance outer door. For external metal doors (facing the street), thermal vestibule equipment - required condition (clause 1.28 SNiP 2.08.01"Residential buildings").

Aluminum external entrance doors

Aluminum external entrance doors GOST 23747 are made, as a rule, glazed using pressed profiles according to GOST 22233 from aluminum alloys of the aluminum-magnesium-silicon system (Al-Mg-Si) grades 6060 (6063). For glazing, single- or double-chamber glued double-glazed windows are used in accordance with GOST 24866-99 with a heat transfer resistance of at least 0.32 m²×°C/W.

Aluminum alloys do not contain heavy metal impurities and do not emit harmful substances under influence ultraviolet rays and remain operational in any climatic conditions with temperature changes from − 80°C to + 100°C. Durability aluminum structures is over 80 years (minimum service life).

Aluminum alloys grades 6060 (6063) are characterized by fairly high strength:

  • design resistance for tension, compression and bending R= 100 MPa (1000 kgf/cm²)
  • temporary resistance σ in= 157 MPa (16 kgf/mm²)
  • yield strength σ t= 118 MPa (12 kgf/mm²)

Aluminum alloys, better than any other material used in the manufacture of doors, retain their structural properties during temperature changes. After appropriate surface treatment of aluminum products, they become resistant to corrosion caused by rain, snow, heat and smog of large cities.

Despite the fact that aluminum alloys used in the manufacture of extruded frame profiles and external door leaves have a very high thermal conductivity coefficient λ about 200 W/m×K, which is 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of wood and plastic, due to constructive measures using thermal breaks from materials with low thermal conductivity, it is possible to significantly increase the heat transfer resistance in “warm” aluminum profiles with thermal inserts up to 0.55 m²×°C/W.

Hinged aluminum exterior doors are most often installed in shopping and business centers, shops, banks and other buildings with high traffic, where the main requirement is high reliability of the door structure. In the manufacture of external entrance doors, as a rule, “warm” profiles with thermal inserts are used. But quite often in practice, in order to save money, “cold” aluminum profiles are used in vestibule systems in the presence of a thermal curtain.

Steel entrance external doors

Steel external entrance doors in accordance with GOST 31173 have the greatest strength. They are usually made blind.

Perm production company"GRAN-Stroy" carries out custom manufacturing and installation of external steel metal entrance doors in accordance with GOST 31173. Cost of ordered external steel doors depends on their configuration and finishing class. The minimum price for a steel exterior door is 8,500 rubles.

The external entrance door leaf is made of hot-rolled steel sheet in accordance with GOST 19903 with a thickness of 2 to 3 mm on a frame made of rectangular steel pipe with a cross-section from 40×20 mm to 50×25 mm. The inside is finished with tinted smooth or milled plywood with a thickness of 4 to 12 mm. Door leaf thickness up to 65 mm. Between steel sheet and a sheet of plywood there is insulation, which also performs the function of sound insulation. The doors are equipped with one or two mortise three- or five-point locks with lever and/or cylinder mechanisms of the 3rd or 4th class according to GOST 5089. Two sealing circuits are installed in the vestibule.

The main regulatory requirements for entrance doors are set out in the following codes building codes and rules (SP and SNiP):

  • SP 1.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits”;
  • SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings” (updated edition of SNiP 02/23/2003);
  • SP 54.13330.2011 “Multi-apartment residential buildings” (updated version

Sections of the article:

Often, choosing from a wide range door designs a person cannot choose a door that is ideal in all respects. Many people end up choosing one of the most functional models. Others decide to make wooden doors, fully meeting the owner’s requirements, independently.

There is no doubt that having carpentry skills is a significant advantage. However, if desired, even a person without such experience, through diligence, improvisation and with the help of some instructions, is able to make the necessary structure.

Material for work

Popular and inexpensive material, suitable for making doors, are lumber from pine trees. The use of spruce is undesirable, since the structure of the tree is quite unstable and during processing it forms a large number of knots and chips.

Making beautiful and smooth doors from pine wood means, first of all, right choice and board preparation technology. It is necessary to choose lumber with an even structure, without obvious chips or flaws. You also need to pay attention to the color of the boards. The presence of some blue on the surface of the boards is direct evidence of gross violations in storage technology. The use of such boards is highly undesirable, since rotting processes will soon begin in them.

Board drying technology

For absolute confidence in the quality of the material used, and subsequently the entire door structure, after purchasing the boards must be additionally dried. This must be done even if their appearance is perfect. To do this, each of the boards is laid on a spacer that separates the bars so that they do not come into contact with each other in a warm room with low humidity.

The manufacture of wooden doors using such manipulations is necessary to remove excess moisture, which is necessarily located inside the wood fibers. If you miss this stage, mold will grow in the material, which will subsequently destroy the door made from such boards.

The place for drying wood must meet the following parameters:

  • Air temperature not lower than 25°C;
  • Low humidity level;
  • Good ventilation.

Under such conditions, the drying stage takes about 1.5-2 months. However, this process can be significantly accelerated by using special cameras. In such rooms, the air temperature is pumped to about 50°C, but this value must not be exceeded.

The production of wooden doors in violation of technology and exceeding the permissible temperature during drying will entail the leakage of resinous substances from the wood, the main function of which is to bind wood fibers.

The drying chamber can be installed in any suitable location, be it a garage, warehouse or barn. In the process of such drying, lumber is laid in the same way as when drying without air heating.

Required tools and materials

To make a high-quality structure that can effectively absorb noise and protect from cold, you must have the following tools:

  • Set of dried boards;
  • Fiberboard sheets;
  • Insulation material;
  • Wood glue;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Plane;
  • Chisel;
  • Drill;
  • Hammer with nails and screws;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Fraser;
  • Door hinges.

As the technology for manufacturing wooden doors requires, one side of the door leaf must be made completely flat and covered with fiberboard, followed by laying insulation.


Based internal dimensions door frame, the dimensions of the future door are calculated. In addition, it is important to determine the size of the gaps at the top and bottom. When the measurements are made, it is necessary to cut a rectangle from a sheet of fiberboard that repeats the shape and dimensions of the future door. During the manufacturing process it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the corners. Their dimensions should be exactly 90°.

For standard box with dimensions of 200 * 90 cm, it is necessary to plan 2 boards to a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 110 mm. Since gaps are necessary for the door to move freely, the canvas should be planed to dimensions of 192*82 cm. For entrance structure panels are often used in the amount of 5 pieces. This allows the use of whole pieces of lumber.

Next, you need to cut 2 boards of 192 cm in length and 4 pieces of 72 cm in length. In addition, it is necessary to take into account studs measuring 50 mm on each side. When producing wooden doors, it is best to use a strictly symmetrical arrangement of panels. However, if it is necessary to create doors with asymmetrical shapes, the parts will be secured in the required place. This structure will not affect the functionality of the product. But do not forget about the 50 mm grooves.

During the test assembly of parts, if the elements match completely and there are no gaps in the grooves, the structure is assembled with gluing. If it is necessary to further strengthen the structure at the joints, you can drive in choppers 10 mm wide. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to level the structure until it is completely smooth.

When producing wooden doors, to secure the panels, you must choose suitable material, half as thin as the main one.

Making panels

These elements are cut from solid wood. The panel should fit tightly into the groove without leaving any gaps. One side should be completely smooth. The other, if desired, can be decorated with carvings or in any other way. The panels, in order to avoid subsequent deformation of the fiberboard sheet, during installation should be located at the same level as the main surface.

After checking the accuracy of the relationship of all parameters, the panels are secured using self-tapping screws, which are placed at an angle from the side of the subsequent lining of the fiberboard sheet. To add aesthetics ready product covered paint and varnish materials or stain.

Installation of hinges

The next step in making wooden doors with your own hands is installing hinges. One of the most popular are semi-hinged products. With their help, the door is installed by placing the door hinges on the axle from above in the open position.

Initially, the loops are marked on the end of the canvas and the box. The hinges themselves are attached to the canvas using self-tapping screws of suitable size. If distortions occur, it is necessary to adjust the position of the hinges. Otherwise, the structure will be subject to independent opening or closing.


In most cases, the production of wooden doors also involves insulating them and ensuring sound-absorbing properties. To achieve this effect, it is possible to use external upholstery of the product. This is done by gluing fiberboard sheets a layer of foam rubber, retreating 10 mm from each edge. Subsequently, a decorative strip will be nailed onto these free strips. outer material. However, this option is more suitable for entrance doors.

Insulation interior fabric The easiest way to do this is by filling the voids under the fiberboard sheet with a layer of cotton wool or foam rubber.