We are building a warm veranda. Do-it-yourself veranda at the dacha with photo. Roofing material for veranda

If you decide that your house or dacha lacks a veranda, then you can always complete it. But first ask yourself: why do you need an additional extension? If it is purely for relaxation amidst nature, then it makes sense to get by with an open terrace or gazebo. The veranda is erected to increase the thermal insulation of the house, because it plays the role of a vestibule between the street and the front door, blocking the direct entry of cold masses into the premises. The secondary function of the extension - to be a place of rest - will only be fulfilled if the room is spacious and insulated. Then in winter you can sit with a cup of tea, contemplating the winter landscapes. Let's try to figure out how best to attach a veranda to the house so that it is warm in winter and maximum air in summer.

Since the veranda will become part of the main building, its style should match the design of the house itself. It is recommended to use the same materials that make up the walls and roof of the house so that the structure looks harmonious.

If used in home decoration modern materials, That glass veranda looks quite appropriate

You can also combine materials, connecting the house and the veranda with the help of finishing. For example, if the house is brick, keep the same roof covering, and make the walls of the veranda from blocks, but do the exterior finishing decorative plaster and use it to finish the foundation of the main building. To wooden country house It’s definitely worth adding a wooden veranda.

The best ideas for decorating a veranda can be found in the material:

The wooden house and the veranda look like a single ensemble

Planning and legalization of the project

The veranda is always built to cover front door. Therefore, in an already finished house, you will not be able to attach it on the side you want. Without an entrance inside, this room will be cut off from the house, and you will have to carry food and tea into it from the kitchen across the street.

The owners themselves come up with the dimensions of the veranda, taking into account the number of people who could relax in it at the same time. For the needs of a family of 5-6 people, a building of 3x4 m is sufficient. But here it is worth taking into account the general view from the street. If you plan a small veranda, and the dacha itself is two-story, then it is unlikely that your architectural ensemble will look harmonious. But for small houses you can just add a veranda along the entire width of the building wall. This will increase the usable area, and from the outside it looks quite decent.

But no matter the size, you will have to officially legalize the building. And not after construction, but before! When you come up with a veranda design and figure out its general appearance, go to a special department that deals with building design and order a veranda project. After its manufacture, you need to go to the city’s architectural department to obtain a building permit and make changes to the house design. Why is it important to do this in advance? It takes about 2 months for the design and approval, so it is better if they happen in the winter, when the construction season has not yet begun.

Marking and layout of the site

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the site. To do this, remove the fertile layer (about 15 cm) and take it to the garden or flower beds. The site is leveled and the layout begins. According to the dimensions specified in the project, the boundaries of the future veranda are marked. To do this, drive iron pins or wooden pegs into the corners of the building and string the twine tightly around the perimeter.

The outer edge of the layout should coincide with the dimensions of the veranda, and the inner edge should be set back to the width of the foundation

Creating a foundation: pouring rules

Most often in Russia, a strip or columnar foundation, equal in depth to the foundation of the main building. At the same time, it is recommended not to tie them into one monolith, because the house and the veranda have different weights, and therefore different degrees of shrinkage. And to prevent a heavy building from dragging down a light building, place the veranda on a separate base. To do this, a gap of up to 4 cm is left between the foundation of the house and the veranda.

Attention! When creating the foundation You should take into account the soil characteristics in your area and the total weight of the building. Lightweight foundations on heaving soils can “play”, and then the veranda will move away from the wall of the main building. In addition, they are not designed for heavy walls, for example, made of brick, and can shrink under their pressure.

It is used for the construction of large verandas made of bricks or blocks, which are covered with a heavy roof (slate, metal tiles, etc.). The easiest way to build a strip foundation for a veranda to a house is from concrete.

The heaviest veranda will stand on a strip foundation

For this:

  • A trench is dug (calculate the dimensions according to the foundation of the house).
  • The formwork is placed at a height equal to the height of the future foundation (or slightly higher). It is made from boards, knocked down into shields.
  • Concrete is prepared in the following proportion: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 6 parts crushed stone.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured onto the bottom and reinforced with stones to make it about 10 cm.
  • Next, pour in the next portion, add stones again, etc.
  • For the top layer of concrete, stones are not used, but the surface is leveled with a trowel and left until it hardens (3-4 days).
  • If it’s hot, then water it a couple of times a day to avoid cracking of the foundation.

If the veranda is frame or wooden, then you can put it on a columnar foundation. To protect against soil heaving, dig holes to a depth below the freezing point of the soil in your area (more than a meter). For a small and light veranda, it is enough to place posts only in the corners. For a large one, it is worth making a series of intermediate columns with a step of 50-60 cm between them.

The columnar foundation can be made of concrete, blocks or red bricks

Work progress:

  1. Holes are dug.
  2. The bottom of each of them is covered with a 20-centimeter layer of sand.
  3. Pour concrete to the surface of the ground and wait for it to dry.
  4. Coat the finished post with bitumen and fill the gaps between it and the ground with sand.
  5. The above-ground part of the column is created from brick or block masonry, bringing it to the height of the main foundation or slightly lower. Make sure that there is about 30 cm left to the finished floor of the veranda.

Installation of subfloors

Work order:

  1. We fill the underground space with expanded clay for insulation.
  2. We cover the foundation with a double layer of roofing felt (both strip and columnar).
  3. We fix the logs to the foundation, having coated them with an antiseptic in advance.
  4. Laying edged boards(thickness 5 cm).

The logs are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic composition

You can also make a concrete floor, but in this case you will have to carry out additional thermal insulation work, because the base will draw cold from the ground, and the floor on the veranda will be constantly cold.

Construction of a wooden veranda frame

Let's look at how to build a veranda made of wood. To do this, install a frame of beams measuring 10x10 cm. Work procedure:

  1. The beams for the bottom trim are placed on the finished subfloor, connecting at the corners with a “straight lock”.
  2. Cut grooves for vertical posts every half meter in the beams.
  3. Place the racks, securing them with nails and staples.
  4. A beam for the top trim is attached to the racks on top.
  5. Near the slope of the roof of the house, a girder is nailed on which the rafters will lie. It must be taken onto the anchor bolts (and all posts adjacent to the building).
  6. Mounted rafter system.
  7. All wood is treated with an antiseptic.

Material on the construction of a veranda at a frame-type dacha will also be useful:

The beams for the bottom trim are laid on a foundation waterproofed with roofing felt.

The rafter system is attached to the beams of the upper frame

Design features of the roofing pie

Most often, roofs are made pitched. Moreover, they are more sloping than the roofs on the house. Creating a roofing pie on the veranda is carried out according to the same scheme as installing the roof of a regular house.

Continuous or intermittent lathing is placed on the rafters, depending on the roofing

Only if you have a home mansard type, then you made a vapor barrier with one of the layers. In the veranda, vapor barrier is not needed, because the under-roof space will not be used. In addition, with high-quality insulation of walls and floors, a vapor barrier layer is contraindicated. After all, a couple needs to leave the room somewhere. And it will leak through the ceiling into the attic, and from there it will evaporate outside. To do this, it is worth laying a special super-diffusion membrane as a waterproofing layer, which does not let moisture in from the outside, but steam can pass freely from the inside. True, for steel and metal coatings it is not used because they can rust from condensation. For metal tiles, a special condensate film is purchased.

The superdiffusion membrane consists of microscopic pores resembling funnels

Wall cladding and window installation

After creating the subfloors, you can sew up the frame, leaving openings for windows and doors. For this:

  • At the window locations we install a window sill board, which should be approximately half a meter from the floor. We fix the board to the vertical posts.
  • We sew up the frame with materials that will retain heat and match the main building. On the inside it can be plywood, and on top of it - lining, on the outside - or wood. But be sure to lay a layer of insulation between them and waterproofing film(on both sides of the insulation) so that moisture from the street and steam from inside do not penetrate into it. Don't forget to leave window openings.

After you have made the frame of the veranda to the house, insert windows and doors.

When installing vertical racks, take a step between them equal to the width of the windows

It is better to sew up the walls on both sides, laying insulation inside

Also, please note that the door should not be located opposite interior door leading into the house. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided. It is best to do it from the end so that cold air, which flew in when opening, did not find a way into the living quarters.

Features of creating a brick or block veranda

If the veranda is attached to brick house, then it is logical that its walls are made of brick or blocks, ennobling them with decorative plasters.

A brick veranda must have a solid foundation, as the construction will be heavy

Installation tips:

  1. It is better to place the extension on a strip foundation.
  2. Only undertake masonry work yourself if you have construction skills.
  3. Since the building will not be large, a half-brick masonry will suffice, and lay out the inside in blocks.
  4. Fill the voids with expanded clay.
  5. Such a veranda is finished with plasterboard or plastered, and then painted.

Special attention Pay attention to the insulation of each structural element. Even those owners who first install an uninsulated veranda, after a couple of seasons look for ways to make it warmer. Because freezing corners and frosted doors are not very pleasing to the eye. But in Russia harsh winters Not unusual.

A country holiday at the dacha is, first of all, an opportunity to breathe the fresh air of a garden or forest twenty hours a day. It is impossible to relax and at the same time be in the stuffy box of a country house, so a summer resident who values ​​his health sooner or later arranges with his own hands a full-fledged summer terrace with an awning or a roof. Building a terrace with your own hands is much simpler than a gazebo or veranda, so arranging a special area for a table and garden furniture, as a rule, does not require large investments, despite the fact that the effect will be quite impressive.

What is the secret of the terrace

Despite a certain external similarity between the veranda and the terrace, the purpose of these buildings is different, as are the actual sizes and designs. The veranda is a part of the house with closed walls, windows and a full roof. The terrace is a landscaped outdoor area for relaxing on a sunny day with a canopy, canopy or awning. It’s easier to understand the difference if you look at photos or drawings of a classic terrace.

When choosing a place and method for building a terrace with your own hands, you can use classic techniques for arranging a recreation area:

  • In close proximity to the house, using the platform and steps as a porch and platform in front of the entrance to the house;
  • Take it out as a separate area and place it in a cozy, sunny and less windy place summer cottage. In this case, a prerequisite is the arrangement of a path, stairs or steps, with the help of which you can quickly get inside the house;
  • Build a special type of roof or ceiling for a country house with your own hands, on which the recreation area will be located.

Important! It is clear that verandas and gazebos are not built this way, so any drawings and recommendations for the construction of terraces can be creatively processed, changing the dimensions to suit your wishes. The main thing is that the design is comfortable, durable and safe to use.

The dimensions of terraced areas, as a rule, can be several times larger than the dimensions of gazebo buildings, and even more so, verandas. Almost always, the base of the deck is built from wood or composite, raising the structure above the ground so that moisture and dampness do not affect the condition of the boardwalk.

Selecting the device, design and dimensions

The terrace is a one-of-a-kind building, designed not to create shade, but, on the contrary, aimed at providing the possibility of a comfortable and safe stay in the sun. Therefore, when choosing a project and site for constructing a terrace with your own hands, drawings and dimensions, you must take into account the following features:

  1. The design of a platform of any size, raised above the ground by more than 18-20 cm, must include fencing and railings for the terrace. For buildings that include several sites located on different heights, intermediate steps and handrails are provided;
  2. The floor, railings and fences must be made of wood or a material with similar properties, for example, a polymer composite. The drawing must indicate the quality of wood processing and the type of coating applied - varnish or a protective composition based on epoxy resins;
  3. If there is a canopy or awning, one edge of the roof must be attached to the main wall of the house, the second rests on stationary supports embedded in the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm with a concrete blind area poured.

Important! Before choosing a plan for how to make a terrace, it is important to choose the right material, the best way corresponding to the design in the drawing.

The easiest way is to build a terrace at the corner junction of two walls of the house, as in the photo. In this case, we build a terrace and automatically get a platform in front of the entrance to the house.

Corner terrace design

The simplest option for a terrace would be to build a platform made of wood on a primitive foundation of concrete blocks or slabs, as in the drawing. The angular arrangement protects the terrace area from wind and rain on both sides, so there is no need for wind protection polycarbonate sheets or wooden shields.

If necessary, you can install a fabric awning, curtain or canopy over the terrace, the dimensions of which will be limited only by the dimensions of the walls of the house. The disadvantages of the design include the fact that if the slope is incorrect, the wooden platform can affect the distribution of rainwater, therefore the calculation and size of the slope of 3-4 degrees must be immediately recorded on the terrace drawing. The size of the foundation supports for the flooring must be calculated from a sketch or drawing, based on measurements of the entrance opening above the ground level.

For a light frame structure of a terraced area, it will be enough to lay 12-15 concrete blocks or several dozen as a foundation clinker tiles. You will first need to remove the top layer of soil, fill it with fine gravel, compact it and lay it down. sand cushion. The most difficult thing will be to maintain the size and thickness sand base so that the height of the foundation columnar or slab supports does not exceed calculated value according to the drawing.

Geotextiles can be laid on the sand, which effectively prevents the growth of weeds and grass. To fill the floor of the terrace, experts recommend first tying the supports with timber and laying joists made of wood. But in this case, you have to increase the vertical size of the terrace in height by 20-30 cm, which is not always convenient. In the simplest case, a beam measuring 60x60 mm is laid directly on the tile and fixed with pieces of reinforcement, driving it directly into the ground.

The most difficult stage of assembling a budget terrace structure will be covering the decking with boards. An oak or special decking board made of polypropylene and sawdust, 200x30 mm in size, is best suited.

For your information! The appearance and dimensions of the composite material are practically no different from processed natural boards. High resistance to moisture and absolute insensitivity to insects and pathogenic microorganisms make decking boards an excellent substitute for expensive oak wood.

When covering the platform frame, you must carefully follow the recommendations for installing decking boards given in the drawing. In a similar way, flooring can be made from ordinary boards pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Building a simple terrace on your own

The average size of the site is 4x2 m. Wooden structure We will install it on wooden supports in a swinging pattern. Part of the terrace area will rest on pillars made of paired timber 120 cm long and 100x100 mm in size, the second part of the terrace will rest on the plank wall of the country house. To install the timber, we will drill holes in the ground with a diameter of 90 mm and hammer the supports with a sledgehammer.

Next, the supports driven into the ground must be tied with a flat board or a sheet of thick plywood with a section size of 350x40 mm. When attaching boards, it is necessary to additionally control the horizontal position of the strapping sheet.

We attach the side trim boards directly to the walls wooden house, in the supports you will need to make a gash for installing a longitudinal strapping board.

After assembling the frame, transverse joists are installed, measuring 2.5 m with a cross-section of 100x40 mm, which will increase the rigidity of the base of the terrace platform and at the same time serve as a support for the floorboards.

On next stage The terrace fencing is being assembled. Along the outer contour of the platform, grooves are cut out in the floorboards, after which, as in the drawing, supports are nailed under the railings. A vertical beam or board measuring 100x50 mm, 120 cm high is attached to the bottom board of the trim using self-tapping screws. WITH inside of the racks, a groove for the crossbars is filed, after which the lower bar and handrails for the terrace platform fencing are installed.

Diagonal spacers are placed between the posts, increasing the strength of the entire fence structure.


The above terrace design is simple and easy to build with your own hands. If desired, you can install a small fabric awning or a full-fledged canopy made of polycarbonate or light ondulin over the terrace area. The wooden structure must be treated protective antiseptics, and periodically treat the floor with wax or paraffin mastics.

Closed and open, stone and brick, with full-wall windows and semi-shaded ones - verandas have long been transformed from small buildings that play a role utility rooms, in spacious and functional rooms. If desired, the additional area becomes a summer dining room, a refuge on a hot day, and, subject to careful insulation, a winter garden. It is difficult to say what exactly the veranda should become: with your own hands, you can create a modest extension or a luxurious hall with equal success.

The veranda is never considered as a separate structure: it is a part of the house that is attached to the main building during the construction process or after some time. Most often it is adjacent to the facade or end side, that is, to the wall into which the door is mounted. Thus, to get into the house, you first need to go to the veranda.

Traditionally, extensions are divided into two types:

  • open– the upper half of the walls is missing, and the roof is supported by beams;
  • closed– the space free from the walls is glazed (in some cases, the area of ​​the glass covering prevails over the area of ​​the wooden part).

When designing the location and appearance of the extension, you should remember harmony: the veranda should merge with the house, match its style, be built from similar materials, fit in size. Optimal length room - 4-7 m, width - 2.5-3.5 m. A smaller area is not enough, and a larger one will look bulky.

Verandas open type combine a porch and an equipped rest area. Wooden furniture, railings, floral decor create home comfort, although the building is essentially located on the street

A small covered veranda serves as a hallway or dining room, especially in summer time. Here you can not only meet guests, but also chat with them over a cup of tea, sitting comfortably in an armchair

An open veranda is a great place for summer relaxation. There is everything you need to have a great time: fresh air, nature, comfortable furniture and saving shade

Usually even closed premises They are not heated, so the veranda is more often used in the warm season. Before construction begins, a number of precautionary measures must be taken.

Preparatory stage: documents and selection of materials

It is worth taking care of the future in advance. It is possible that in a few years you will have to sell, donate or rent out your country house, and then you will need documents that confirm the legality of the extension. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine and get the same papers, but in a more complicated and lengthy way.

The first step is to contact the design organization so that, based on the provided sketches, a drawing and design of the future structure can be drawn up. In this case, it makes no difference how the veranda at the dacha is built: with your own hands or with the help construction organization. With a completed project, application, passport and documents confirming ownership, you will have to visit several important authorities and wait for approval, after which you can begin construction. The final legal touch is the new registration of the house upon completion of the work.

Before visiting the design organization, you should create a sketch of the proposed veranda, where you must indicate the exact dimensions and location of doors and windows

In addition to the documentary side, there is also a financial side - the purchase and preparation of building materials. Main principle consists of compliance. For example, if a house is built of laminated veneer lumber, then the extension should also be made of wood. A veranda attached to a brick building must be made entirely or partially of brick. Combinations such as brick and foam blocks or wood and siding are absolutely unacceptable.

Main stages of construction

One of the options suitable for self-construction is a closed wooden frame veranda. Construction of the foundation, construction of walls, roofing do not require large material investments and the use of construction equipment.

Scheme components verandas: 1 – racks; 2 – foundation pillars; 3 – lower trim; 4 – drain; 5 – pick up; 6 – double-glazed window; 7 – paneling; 8 – top trim.

Do-it-yourself veranda drawings will help you anticipate any nuances and avoid mistakes. For example, the number, dimensions and location of double-glazed windows should be calculated in advance.

Step #1 - construction of a columnar foundation

After the top layer of soil has been removed and markings have been made, construction of the foundation begins. It would be great if it was analogous to the foundation of a house, but this is not always possible. The simplest and fastest is the columnar option.

To install the posts, various building materials are used: red solid brick, white sand-lime brick, concrete blocks, reinforced concrete beams, homemade concrete structures

Sequence of work:

  • Along the perimeter (necessarily in the corners) of the future extension, holes for pillars are dug 1 m deep;
  • gravel and sand cushions are placed at the bottom of the pits;
  • produce waterproofing (bitumen);
  • make a 15-centimeter concrete base;
  • pillars are erected from bricks using ordinary masonry.

The height of the pillars is calculated based on the height of the floor of the house. To ensure that at the end of construction the roof of the veranda fits under the overhang of the roof of the building, the floor of the veranda is approximately 30 cm lower than the floor of the building.

Step #2 - installation of the frame

Creating a strong and stable frame for attaching wall elements - important stage in the construction of a wooden veranda with your own hands. Perform the lower and top harness, the material for which is logs (diameter 12 cm) or beams (8 cm x 8 cm, 10 cm x 10 cm). The connection is made using a “direct lock”.

It is better to start the construction of the extension frame with more powerful corner elements, gradually moving on to the remaining details - vertical and horizontal beams

When arranging the lower double trim, logs are cut in at the level of the 2nd log and racks are installed, which are secured with metal staples and nails. A second frame is installed in the upper part and rafters are installed. The upper ends of the rafters are connected to a beam located under the roof slope of the building. Bolts are used to connect horizontal elements and racks.

Step #3 – construction of walls and roof

How to upholster the veranda walls so that the frame can support the weight of the structure? For this, relatively lightweight materials are used - lining or boards. Each type of wooden material has its own installation features. For example, when the elements are arranged horizontally (which is preferable), the lining is fitted closely, plank to plank, and the boards are overlapped.

If the veranda is being built simultaneously with the construction of the house, a solid roof covering is used: the roof of the house smoothly merges into the roof of the veranda

Thermal insulation material is laid on the inside, which is sold in the form of slabs or rolls. The finishing of the room is carried out using plasterboard or chipboard panels. There are many options for decorating the interior: the design depends on the purpose of the veranda.

The roof configuration of the extension has several options, but the most popular is the shed roof type - simple to implement and, as a rule, ideally combined with the roof of the house. The rafters are located at an angle: the upper ends are fixed under the slope, the lower ends rest on the walls.

There are two options for designing ceilings: in the first case, they are sewn up with boards, in the second, they are left open

The same material that was used to equip the roof of the building is used as roofing. It is important that both texture and color match. Usually, when building a veranda with your own hands, you use a material that is easy to install, for example, soft tiles, metal tiles or roofing felt.

The procedure for laying roofing felt:

  • boards are attached to the rafters in such a way as to create a dense flooring;
  • roofing felt sheets are rolled out overlapping, securing the edges with galvanized nails;
  • additionally fix the coating with slats located at the same distance from one another;
  • the lower edge of the roofing is folded over and nailed down.

Step #4 – forming the floor

The best material for the floor is a treated wooden board about 30 mm thick.

When choosing a tone for painting a wooden floor, they most often choose translucent paints and varnishes that preserve the natural texture of the wood.

The width may vary, but usually products of about 85-120 mm are taken. The boards are placed on the joists using a thermal insulation layer. The top surface of the floor must be flat and smooth. Each part is treated with a protective agent, and after installation it is covered with paint or varnish.

A closed veranda is a complete home, protected from weather troubles. Having thought through the appropriate interior, it can be turned into a study, relaxation room, dining room or playroom for children

Video examples of the construction of such buildings

A veranda at the dacha can be built using ready-made double-glazed windows. Their sizes depend on the total area of ​​the room and the degree of illumination. The more glass, the lighter the finished structure looks. Especially good sliding structures, allowing you to turn a closed veranda into an open one in warm weather.

Many owners of private houses, wanting to increase the usable area of ​​the building, seek to attach various structures to it. One of the most common is the open veranda. Let's look at how a terrace is made from wood - the most affordable building material in our country.

We are drawing up an extension project

Before you start building a veranda made of wood or any other materials, you should carefully study the design documentation. Which will allow you to pre-calculate everything necessary materials, decide on the shape of the future structure, and avoid possible mistakes during construction. Even if you do not have the necessary level of drawing or similar tools, we recommend making simple sketches of the future building indicating its dimensions.

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When drawing up a project, you should think through the entire sequence of work and the most optimal methods for its implementation. Similarly, you should decide on the equipment and tools necessary for building a terrace.

Stage one - laying the foundation

After determining the construction sequence, a do-it-yourself wooden veranda is built step by step. You need to start with the base of the terrace, which is a shallow strip or columnar foundation.

As a rule, both types are quite widespread when performing self-made house extensions. Let's consider the features of the data for the future terrace.

Column by column

Simple and less expensive in terms of materials and physical effort is the columnar foundation of the veranda. It consists of several separate supports rectangular section V horizontal plane. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • red ceramic brick;
  • concrete foundation blocks;
  • concrete building blocks;
  • masonry sand-cement mortar.

Before installation, holes of 0.6-1 m are dug under future posts. The depth of burial under the terrace supports depends on the quality of the soil and the mass of the future structure. The bottom of the pits is filled with sand and crushed stone with intermediate compaction. A concrete pad is poured on top of the fill under the base of the terrace for leveling.

The wooden veranda should rest evenly on all elements of the foundation. To do this, the pillars are brought to a common height level. For this purpose, you can use partially cut blocks or bricks, as well as different thicknesses of joints. Once all deck supports are installed, they must be protected from moisture. In this case, ready-made bitumen mastic and roll waterproofing are used. The heads of the posts under the veranda are waterproofed in the same way.

Tape under the terrace - pros and cons

The terrace requires a lot of effort during construction. Main stages:

  1. marking tape along the perimeter of the terrace walls;
  2. digging a trench to a depth of at least 0.6 meters and a width of about 30 cm;
  3. installation of formwork to lift the tape above the soil level to the timber frame of the veranda;
  4. filling the bottom of the trench with sand and crushed stone;
  5. production and installation of a reinforcing frame made of steel rods;
  6. cooking concrete mortar in sufficient volume, fill the tape to the upper edge of the formwork;
  7. waterproofing cured tape using ready-made compounds;
  8. backfilling the trench with soil.

As can be seen from the description of the process, the installation technology strip foundation under a wooden terrace - the process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, requiring higher qualifications than during installation columnar base. In case of improper construction or high soil mobility, the tape can tear and bend, which will certainly affect the entire structure.

Stage two - construction of the building frame

The structure frame is installed on the finished foundation. A wooden deck can be made quickly, even if done alone. For work you will need construction timber with a cross section of 150x150 and 100x100 mm. The first beam will fit on the lower frame - the base of the veranda floor, the second - on the racks and supports for the railings.

Laying the bottom trim

We lay the timber with a section of 150x150 on a foundation for the terrace pre-lined with roofing felt. If the dimensions exceed 6 meters - the standard length of lumber in our country - you will have to splice the strapping elements. The technology for corner and longitudinal connection of timber is as follows:

  1. Select the most even, undisturbed lumber.
  2. At the ends, mark cuts for half the thickness of the timber. The length of the future groove is in our case 150 mm.
  3. Saw the timber along the markings using a manual or mechanical tool- carpenter's saw, circular or chain saw.
  4. Connect the parts groove to groove at an angle or lengthwise.
  5. Additionally strengthen the connection by driving in 2-3 nails No. 150.

To avoid possible displacement of the terrace frame relative to the base (this should be thought about at the stage of foundation construction), several scraps of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and a free end length of 200-250 mm are left at the top of the pillars or tape. Before laying the strapping, holes of larger diameter are drilled at the exit points of the steel rods, and the timber is laid on the pins, which are then bent flush.

After completing the timber lining of the terrace floor around the perimeter, lay several transverse beams of the same section in the same way, installing them in pre-marked and cut grooves in increments of about 1 meter, fastening them with long nails.

Installing racks

To support the veranda roof made of wood, it is necessary to install external corners and along the long side, parallel to the wall of the house, several vertical bars. The length of which is chosen in such a way that the height of the terrace roof from the floor is at least 2 meters, and the slope of the roof from the main building is maintained.

Connection diagram of harness and racks

If the terrace framing timber is allowed not to be planed, then the racks must be pre-planed with an electric planer. This will give them more aesthetic appearance and will simplify further finishing and processing of the veranda. The racks should be secured to the frame with self-tapping screws using reinforced steel corners. In the upper part, the ends of the beams are attached to the terrace frame, which is a frame element that serves to increase the strength of the veranda structure.

It is better to make the top trim from planed timber 100x100. Assembly is carried out on the ground in detail, after which it is installed on the ends of the racks and attached to them. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical parts are perpendicular in two planes. To do this, use a plumb line or a building level.

Stage three - installation of the terrace floor

The step-by-step process of installing a wooden terrace continues with the manufacture of the extension floor. Particular attention should be paid correct selection material, these are operating conditions associated with constant exposure to moisture and sudden temperature changes.

A standard pine or spruce floorboard is the worst thing you can choose for a veranda. If you decide to use it, you must treat the lumber twice with antiseptic compounds that protect the wood from rotting and damage by various microorganisms. Pay special attention to processing the boards from the end.

The best choice for the veranda floor is larch flooring. Its advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and damage by fungi, mold, insects;
  • has a beautiful woody structure;
  • lends itself well to additional treatment with protective and decorative compounds.

Instead of larch, artificial larch is often used for outdoor terraces. flooring material– decking.

For increase decorative properties For the entire product, the flooring can be laid not only traditionally along one side of the terrace, but also at an angle to them. With this method, the consumption of floorboards on the veranda will increase by 20 percent, but it is worth it. They are also carried out from the center along diagonals, which requires making precise corner cuts, which can be made on a miter circular saw.

Stage 4 - roof installation

Protect veranda visitors and flooring A high-quality roof will help protect you from rain and the heat of the sun. Its frame is made of wood, using a vertical terrace frame and a horizontal base beam fixed to the wall of the house. When constructing the veranda roof, it is necessary to provide a slope relative to the horizon of at least 15-20 o in order to avoid the accumulation of large masses of snow.

As roofing materials for terraces, they are used as traditional metal sheets or soft roof, and less common glass or colored cellular polycarbonate. Thanks to the use of the latter, the roof of the veranda can have a radius or dome shape. Of course, this will require the manufacture of a more complex rafter system, but it will give the terrace a unique appearance.

Stage 5 - installation of railings, finishing

Wooden railings will help limit the internal space of the veranda and protect visitors from falling. They are made from profiled metal or planed timber. Balusters will add zest to the exterior interior.

Having completed the installation of the fence, the wood should be treated with stains, stains or oil-based paints, in other words, protected and prepared for use.

In this article we examined the issue of building a veranda, as it turned out it is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and step-by-step algorithm.

The opportunity to be at home and outdoors at the same time, to enjoy the surrounding nature and not get wet in the rain, to sunbathe and barbecue, to set up a winter garden, to relax with the whole family - all these desires become possible thanks to the ancient invention of architects, which is still popular today. Even to a finished house, you can add a terrace with your own hands without spending significant money.

What is a terrace, its types

An area near the house or in the garden, equipped for comfortable rest, usually adjacent to one of the walls of the house, traditionally raised above ground level, with a deck and canopy - this is the standard definition of a terrace. In fact, there are many types of terraces. To choose suitable option for your site, you should understand the differences and subtleties of the different types of these sites.


The division into main groups is made according to design features and degree of openness, as well as location on the site. The choice of site type is influenced by the purpose and surrounding natural conditions, For example, strong winds or the presence of a body of water.


For mild climates and if you want to relax in the fresh air, an outdoor terrace is perfect. It is made without walls and roof, which allows you to enjoy the proximity of nature. For privacy, on such a site you can place tall plants or decorative elements, make a glass fence, install balusters and railings.

Sun rays and precipitation will fall on furniture and other interior elements, so it is better to choose sofas and armchairs from a material that is not damaged by water and does not fade.

It is better to put interior items in the house for the winter


Today is a sunny day and I want an open area, but in the evening it will rain and get colder. In this case, a good solution would be a compromise between a veranda protected on all sides and a terrace open to the sun and fresh air. Semi-open options come without a roof, but surrounded by walls and with a canopy in combination with different quantities walls and partitions, columns.

The most advanced version of such a private recreation area is a structure with sliding glass or plastic walls and a canopy. When conditions change, you can close the doors and find yourself in a room completely protected from the weather.

If you want to isolate yourself from immodest glances, then you can use curtains and curtains, put pots with indoor plants, hang a flowerpot, plant a hedge around


If the weather conditions in the region are difficult and change frequently, then the optimal solution would be to build a closed terrace on which you can relax and enjoy the countryside landscape even in winter. This is a whole room with walls and a ceiling, a canopy or a roof, it can be heated and has separate entrance from the street or from home.

In a closed terrace they often arrange winter gardens, and to make the area more open in the summer, sliding frames and walls are installed

By location

The terrace can be located deep in the garden, near a pond or pool, or adjacent to the house. Depending on the location, recreation areas have their own design features and nuances of decor and lighting.


A beautiful garden area can be built directly on the ground by preparatory work to strengthen and level the base for the terrace. A light canopy will shade and create privacy, wicker furniture will provide comfort, and garden plants and flowers around will give aroma and fusion with nature.

To protect the terrace from the wind, you can install light partitions

Advantages of soil construction:

  • ease and speed of construction;
  • minimal financial costs;
  • openness of space and closeness to nature.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • exposure to bad weather, possibility of flooding;
  • the need to treat materials with antiseptics;
  • not recommended for unstable and difficult soils;
  • You need a flat area.


These decks are slightly raised above the ground and are mounted on joists or a concrete base. Finish finishing material decking is traditionally used for flooring, which looks great and does not rot, does not have splinters, is safe and pleasant for walking barefoot.

Advantages of ground-based sites:

  • can be either open, closed or combined;
  • low financial costs;
  • the flooring protects from water and dust;
  • Great possibilities for design and decoration;
  • does not require fencing due to its low height.

There are also relative disadvantages:

  • the need to arrange a foundation;
  • wooden parts require special processing.

The terrace flooring should be 5 cm below the level of the threshold of the house so that melted snow and rain do not enter the room


Such terraces are raised above ground level to a height of half a meter, have steps, fencing or walls, and partitions. This is the optimal solution for difficult terrain and sloping areas, houses with a high base and porch, and if you want to build a multi-level area for comfortable relaxation. The advantages of this terrace are:

  • opportunity beneficial use spaces with a slope or height changes;
  • possibility of constructing multi-stage complex structures.


If there is a natural reservoir, pool or pond next to the estate, then building an overhanging terrace would be a good solution. It is also recommended for difficult terrain and a large slope near the house. Overhanging structures are very popular in mountain resort areas and estates with beautiful views. Pros of an overhanging terrace:

  • allows you to enjoy the proximity of water;
  • the possibility of beneficial use of areas with complex terrain;
  • stunning view, the site seems to be floating in the air.

The disadvantages of an overhanging structure are the complexity of construction and the significant cost of the estimate, the need for fencing for safe recreation

What can you build from?

Used for construction various materials, the choice depends on the purpose and the presence of walls and roof. Heavy structural elements will require a stronger frame and a solid foundation. On the market you can find special weather-resistant and expensive materials for outdoor use, and if you have a limited budget, use cheap ones at hand.

Base and floor

For light open ground and ground galleries, it is enough to do gravel-sand cushion. During its construction, gravel or crushed stone of medium fraction and sand are used, and geotextiles are laid between these layers. The geo-fabric will prevent sand from mixing with crushed stone and subsidence of the base, as well as strengthen and level the soil and prevent weeds from growing onto the terrace.

More substantial wooden platforms are traditionally built on a metal base screw piles, concrete supports, screeds and bottom trim from wooden beams and lag.

For closed massive structures with a roof, the following types of foundation are suitable:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • screw.

The strip and pile type is made from concrete grade M-300, sand, water and a plasticizer, which is liquid soap. Reinforcement is performed using a rod, metal mesh or improvised materials. When installing formwork, you will need boards and bars for supports, and installing piles involves using roofing felt with permanent formwork and waterproofing.

The screw foundation is mounted from steel piles with blades at the bottom

The floor of the dirt terrace is not laid at all, furniture is placed and people enjoy relaxing in good weather. You can lay out the site:

  • paving slabs;
  • tile stone;
  • sprinkle with small sea pebbles of different colors.

A frame is mounted on top of any foundation and logs made of timber measuring 50x150 mm are laid, aluminum profile or WPC for decking.

It is recommended to finish the decking with decking boards, specially designed for the street. It looks neat and imitates natural wood of valuable and expensive varieties, has a rich palette of textures and shades, provides ample opportunities for stylish design recreation areas.

To fasten deck boards you need to use galvanized or steel nails

Advantages of this material:

  • does not rot, does not fade, does not burn;
  • does not deform under the influence of water and heat: does not warp or swell;
  • service life is at least 30 years;
  • absolutely environmentally friendly and safe, it’s pleasant to walk on it barefoot;
  • affordable price, ease of installation;
  • Can be washed and cleaned with detergents.

Regular floorboards are also used for flooring. Wood is inexpensive, this is its advantage, but there are also disadvantages:

  • under the influence of moisture, fungus and mold form on it, insects appear, dark spots appear, then the wood is destroyed;
  • the boards become deformed due to water, and dry out when exposed to dry air;
  • fire hazard.

To make it last longer, you should treat the board with antiseptic impregnation and cover it with several layers of weather-resistant or yacht varnish, and also choose species that are resistant to outdoor conditions, for example, larch.

Looks great on the terrace clinker or ceramic tile for street work, a natural stone. It is advisable to choose unglazed and non-slip coating options. Stamped concrete is an innovative material consisting of monolithic concrete, printed with polyurethane molds to create different textures on its surface.

Stamped concrete imitates wood, stone, paving stones, ceramics


The frame is the basis for the roof and future walls of the closed terrace; it bears the main weight load, so for the strength of the frame, choose either a thick one wooden beam, or metal profile. For lightweight platforms, metal-plastic structures can be used.

Treatment of wooden parts is carried out with fungicidal impregnation and varnish or paint for external use.

The standard size of timber for support posts is 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm; the species you should choose are larch or oak, conifers. Aspen, birch or beech are not suitable for building a frame, as they are quickly destroyed by water. The support posts are reinforced with braces, which reduce the load on the supports and give the structure additional rigidity and stability. For these works, timber with dimensions of 50x100 mm is taken.


Often a lightweight canopy is installed on the terrace. It can be made of tarpaulin or other waterproof fabric, polycarbonate, wood, glass. The canopy is mounted flat or with slopes, semicircular in shape, complex configuration. When building massive verandas, you will need support posts of 150x150 mm, a rafter system made of wood or metal and roll waterproofing, as well as roofing material.

Soft roofing requires a continuous sheathing; it is used for domed roofs and tents

Polycarbonate is suitable as a roofing material. It is light, transparent, tolerates well low temperatures, can take a curved shape. Corrugated sheeting is inexpensive and easy to install.


For semi-open and closed areas, it is necessary to install partitions and walls that will create privacy and protect from bad weather. Most often they are made of wood, they can be solid or carved, in the form of lattice or low. With the help of partitions, the site is zoned into several corners with different purposes, for example, summer kitchen and the dining area is separated from the recreation area.

Enclosed terraces look great with full-height glass walls that are equipped sliding mechanisms for opening on a fine day

How to make a terrace with your own hands

Building a terrace with your own hands will not take much time and is quite within the capabilities of even a novice master.

Drawings and projects

If the main building has already been built and the terrace was not included in the project initially, you can design it later by drawing detailed plan indicating all dimensions and location on the site.

The owners of ready-made terraces post designs of their creations for public use on the Internet

If the terrace is attached to the house, then the length is taken as the length of the area adjacent to the house

The flooring area is determined by multiplying the length by the width. For example, for a terrace with dimensions of 3x4 m, the area will be 12 m². Marking and construction rules:

  1. Decking consumption for finishing should be increased by 15%, making a reserve for waste. We round 13.8 m² to 14 and get the consumption of decking boards or other finishing material.
  2. The consumption of fasteners per 1 m² will be 22 clips and 4 starting fasteners per 1 linear meter. m. Each fastener has a hole for a self-tapping screw. Thus, for 12 m² you need to take 240 clips and 24 starters, 264 screws.
  3. Along the perimeter of the finished flooring, the ends of the boards are covered with end tape or a corner. The perimeter is 14 m.
  4. For the base you will need 3 main beams of 3 m each, logs that are laid in increments of 35 cm, for 1 m² you will need to take 3 linear meters of logs. Standard length the log from the manufacturer is 4 m. With an area of ​​12 m², you will need to buy 9 logs, 4 m long. In addition, you will need crushed stone, sand, and concrete supports.
  5. Concrete pillars are dug in or poured to a depth of 40 to 60 cm every 1.5 m. The size of the supports is 40x40 cm, 9 supports will be needed.
  6. The height of the terrace should be slightly less than the height of the first floor of the main building to allow for a slope under the canopy. If the height of the house is 3 m, the height of the terrace will be 2.5 m.
  7. We calculate the supporting posts of the frame using support blocks along the perimeter of the site, you will get 8 posts of 2.5 m each. 16 m of 50x100 mm timber will be used for braces on both sides of each post.
  8. A shed roof covers spans up to 4.5 m; for longer lengths, it is necessary to strengthen the structure with purlins and rafter legs. The pitch between rafters made from boards should be 60–120 cm, from timber 100–175 cm, from thick timber 150–200 cm. With a pitch of 80 cm, you will need 5 rafters of 3.5 m in length and dimensions of 50x200 mm, waterproofing 12 m² plus a margin for an overhanging canopy, a total of 14 m².
  9. For the sheathing you need boards 25x100 mm. Roofing material you need to take it with a reserve for the visor, which will be 14 m².

Wooden with canopy

The project has been selected, the drawing is available, and now construction work can begin. Let's look at all the stages of installation as an example. wooden terrace with a canopy, one of the most affordable and popular options.

For construction, you should prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • tape measure, level, pencil, ruler;
  • shovel, hammer, hacksaw;
  • sand, crushed stone, water;
  • fasteners, screwdriver, drill with attachments;
  • timber, waterproofing, roofing material, boards;
  • decking and accessories for it;
  • antiseptic impregnation, varnish or paint for exterior use.

Preparing the base and floor

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. The site is marked according to the diagram, the perimeter is outlined, and the locations of the support blocks are marked. The top fertile layer of soil is removed. Stones and debris are removed. Holes are dug for the support blocks, sand and crushed stone are poured onto the bottom.

    The layer of crushed stone and sand in the pit should be 10 cm

  2. Ready-made supports are installed on the pillow; they should protrude 15 cm above the surface to ventilate the flooring. For waterproofing, they are coated with bitumen mortar and wrapped in roofing felt. You can make permanent formwork from roofing felt and pour concrete pillars. The support beam is mounted horizontally to the wall of the house 5 cm below the floor level.

    The timber is secured with anchor bolts every 60 cm

  3. Beams are installed and fixed on the supports with reinforcement and fasteners, all junction points are waterproofed, logs are placed on top, attached to the support beam and beams, and the strapping is knocked down.
  4. A terrace or regular floorboard is laid and fastened across the joists.

    The ends of the decking boards are covered with corners

  5. The floorboard is sanded and impregnated with stain and antiseptic, and varnished in several layers.

Construction of the frame


For a wooden terrace attached to a house, the optimal solution would be pitched roof with a slope of 5–10º. Installation includes the following steps:


Polycarbonate has flexibility, transparency and lightness, is available in various shades, and is durable. Thanks to these qualities, it is often used for the construction of terraces, where it is an excellent alternative to wood and metal.

Polycarbonate is easy and quick to install with your own hands

Required materials and tools

To work, the master will need:

  • shovel, tape measure, level;
  • crushed stone, sand, concrete M-300, water;
  • wood or metal for the frame: profile pipe 80x80 for the main posts, 40x20 for the truss, embedded parts for the base;
  • polycarbonate transparent or matte;
  • welding machine;
  • fasteners: bolts, nuts, hardware;
  • drill, screwdriver, circular saw, construction knife.

Preparing the base and floor

Sufficient for lightweight polycarbonate metal frame and columnar base. Installation is carried out as follows:

Construction of the frame

Stages of work:

Canopy and walls

If the terrace is planned to be open, then it is enough to make a fence to the desired height. For semi-open and closed recreation areas, walls, partitions and a canopy are installed. Work order:

Video: building a wooden terrace

Photo gallery: arrangement and decor of the terrace

It’s easy and inexpensive to expand the usable space and create a recreation area near your home with your own hands. The result is a comfortable outdoor living or dining area where the whole family will enjoy spending nice summer days.