Is it possible to find out your destiny? How to understand that this is your person by destiny? Fortune telling, psychology, esoterics

Numerology– a serious science about the connection between numbers and human life and destiny. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain influence on a person. The date of birth, for example, and the numeric code of the name can not only determine aspects of character, but also lay them down. If you choose the right name for a newborn, comparing its numerical code with the code of the patronymic and surname, you can give the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with cabalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely wrong, since these sciences are independent and different, in essence. Kabalistics determines the influence of the numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify difficult and critical moments in the future with the aim of changing or eliminating them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic disasters and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids prescribe a specific tree for each numerical birth code, which determines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology primarily determines the character of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a certain year, month or specific day according to its code, compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalism.

The essence of numerology

Many people perceive numerology as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in fact it is an absolutely serious science that allows people, first of all, to understand themselves and at least slightly change their lives and destiny. For several millennia, since ancient times, humanity has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and understand its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, like astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not everyone understands it. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the mysteries of numerology as a serious, truthful science of prediction. Ancient numerologists believed that each numerical code contained hidden all the information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy was able to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of the universe and the future of the universe.

Famous personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems Numerological knowledge is based on many aspects and directions, but at the core they adhere to two combined traditions - Kabbalistic, using Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and Pythagorean, created by the ancient Greek famous astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras, using exclusively numbers.

It is Pythagoras who is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it was he who devoted most of his outstanding scientific works to numbers and their study, to identifying the patterns of numerical combinations and ongoing events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge, he created a system of digital classification, which is still used by modern numerologists. Probably everyone knows the geometric theorems proven and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that all the secrets of the amazing Universe lie in numbers.

The Pythagorean numerological teaching of numbers is based on the idea of ​​dividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is precisely this system of division that is presented in the “I Chin” - the “Book of Changes”, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could have known this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numerical codes that provide a lot of important information, was created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, a famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the cabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the occult sciences believed and argued that the name given at birth, as well as its word forms, translated into a system of numbers, are similar to personal astrological charts, making it possible to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was Louis Gamon, called Count Cairo. It was he who was considered the best predictor and numerologist, who published several famous books. The most influential and famous people, including Edward VII - King of England.

By studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic destiny, learn to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and fence off the negative, preventing many troubles and life disasters.

Fate number in numerology or number life path shows what qualities you have been gifted with to fulfill your destiny and what helps you achieve success in all areas of life.

How to calculate fate number by date of birth

We calculate according to the example of the date in the infographic below. You need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. The number should be unambiguous. Therefore, we add until we get a single-digit number. The destiny number in this example is 5.

Fate number in numerology: meaning

And now that you have found out your destiny number by date of birth, let's look at the meaning. Do you recognize yourself?

Destiny number 1: Leader, organizer, stoic

You are a born leader. Your number speaks for itself, you are number 1. You are confident, ambitious, independent, and always motivate yourself to succeed. You have a unique talent - to be in the spotlight almost constantly. You have no equal in organizational skills, in starting and running new projects. You get tired of routine work, you need new interesting tasks to complete. If you encounter difficulties, you can easily overcome them thanks to your inexhaustible inner strength. Your life credo is “I will do whatever is required of me to achieve success.” And this is what happens. Inspire the people around you to achieve their cherished goals and happiness and endless success await you!

Destiny number 2: Intuitive, inspirer, inventor

You are very smart, you have well-developed intuition, you are full of inexhaustible internal energy, which helps you on your life path. You are an ideological inspirer, a muse for those around you, with your help they come to various realizations and ideas, and you don’t put any effort into it special effort. you also good inventor. You love to come up with everything new and unique. People are drawn to you and are ready to follow you, like... bright light because you can always give them good advice, support and motivate. You may be extremely emotional at times, but this is only because you have boundless energy that drives you towards success and happiness. Continue to lead people, invent new things and inspire everyone around you, and then the personal qualities of your destiny number will bear fruit.

Destiny number 3: Artist, humorist, merry fellow

You are full of charm and charisma. You are witty, popular and artistic. What cannot be taken away from you is creative thinking. You are cheerful and always ready to get out of your comfort zone in order to try something new and unusual. You approach any situation with humor, which does not prevent you from assessing it wisely. You are the “king or queen of the party” and are loved by those around you because you can make anyone smile. You believe that life is too short to waste it being angry and sad. Unfortunately, people often think of you as being disorganized and frivolous and not taking life seriously. Although, in fact, your attitude towards life is optimistic, you like to look for adventures to fill it with positive moments. Continue to infect everyone with fun, joy and love for life, then you will definitely succeed!

Destiny number 4: Leader, assistant, organizer

You are a born leader and have great strength and discipline. You are a complete person. You have a complete understanding of how this world works. You have an unwavering ability to support yourself and those around you without any effort. You are a fairly successful person, but not because of simple luck, but because of your honesty and hard work. You are very reliable, persistent, and can turn an ordinary thing into something extraordinary. You are diligent and organized; if you have some important task ahead of you, you will certainly do everything possible to complete it. You are not afraid of life's difficulties, you bravely and persistently go through them. Sometimes it happens that you overwork, it leads you to decline vitality, but all this happens only because you are not used to giving up and leaving unfinished tasks. You love to see productive results from your work. You have an extraordinary gift for helping people who are experiencing difficulties in life. Keep doing this and then you will be the most successful person in all his endeavors.

Destiny number 5: Activist, motivator, extreme sports enthusiast

You love to travel, look for adventures, meet new people interesting people. You are very attractive and make new friends easily. Unlike most people, all changes in life affect you in a very positive way: you seem to blossom, gain even more interest in life. Any instability in life cannot break your spirit. You like to take part in several projects, events, and various activities at once. You are excited about something new and interesting, so you are always on the lookout for that kind of thing. Your flexibility is the key to success. You value freedom more than anyone else in the world and will do everything possible to not be tied to anything specific in life. You are often called too impulsive, an extreme person. You should not be offended, but, on the contrary, you should be proud that over the past 5 years you have seen so many interesting things, experienced so many positive emotions, how much a person has not experienced in his entire life. You have a unique gift for motivating people through your life experiences. Keep up the good work to be successful and happy!

You are a very sensitive and responsive person. This is what helps you make people around you happy. You are very responsible and attentive. You have a unique gift for providing essential support to people who need it. You are intelligent, you have well-developed creative thinking, and you are a good advisor. You will never judge a person for any actions, but rather give him wise advice. You are often admired, which confuses you greatly because you are a modest person. You are used to putting yourself in the background, just so that your loved ones feel good and comfortable. Because of this, many people sometimes feel like they are taking advantage of you. But that's not true. You yourself are ready to take off your shirt for the sake of the people you love and care about, if they are comfortable, then you will be happy. Continue to take care of your loved ones, but don’t forget about yourself, and then happiness and success will await you!

Destiny number 7: Intuitive, sage, analyst

You are a very sensitive person, your intuition is well developed. You have extraordinary wisdom, as if you have lived for a thousand years. Spiritual enlightenment is much more important to you than material values. You are very inquisitive and want to learn everything unknown, hidden, and gain new knowledge. You have an analytical mind, you know how to concentrate on one important thought, and you can easily give almost any advice. You value privacy and peace, but this does not prevent you from attracting people to you with the help of your innate charm and charisma. You are a wise storyteller and interesting to listen to. Very often people misunderstand you, mistaking you for an introvert who loves solitude and silence. In fact, you love communicating with other people, you have many friends, it’s just that very often interesting realizations come into your wise mind that you want to think about in solitude and peace. Do not be shy and do not be afraid of your thoughts, this is what will help you on the path to harmony and enlightenment.

Destiny number 8: Leader, visual, stubborn

You are the kind of person who likes to take responsibility for any occasion. You are a person with inexhaustible inner strength, you are a born leader with incredible charisma. These are the qualities that inspire other people to want to be like you. You know how to understand people very well, so you attract only good people. You have a developed gift of visualization, with the help of which you manage to achieve all the goals that you set for yourself. You are not afraid to take risks, which is why you easily achieve success in your career and financial sector. If you encounter difficulties, you boldly move forward with all the courage and perseverance. You are often considered stubborn and impatient, but this is only because you very boldly and decisively go towards your goal, and, unlike many others, you achieve it. If you motivate other people to succeed and help them in this, you will certainly become the happiest on earth! Good luck!

Destiny Number 9: Seer, Sage, Explorer

You are wise beyond your years. You are very smart and reasonable. You have the gift of foresight, you often experience a feeling of déjà vu, and you have prophetic dreams. You are an emotionally gifted person. You are always in search of new knowledge and personal growth, and you believe in an individual life mission. People are drawn to you because of your friendliness and gentleness. You are often judged for being too daydreaming and having your head in the clouds, but in fact, you are a person with a unique imagination and creative thinking. When you are committed to your deepest dreams and goals, everything strong qualities your character is strengthened, and you achieve everything you want. Continue to follow your intuition and then everything will certainly work out!

There have always been and remain people in the world who firmly believe in the magic of numbers. A supporter of numerology would never settle in the thirteenth hotel room, guess suitable date on the wedding day, and some even eat “lucky” tram tickets. But the date of birth of a person has the deepest magical meaning - it determines fate, and many of us certainly want to know it in advance.

What can the numbers say?

We know Pythagoras more from school from his famous theorem. But there are much fewer who know that he was a mystic and philosopher, and received initiation by becoming a priest. Pythagoras founded a closed school where his students studied the properties of numbers. This is exactly what ancient Greek considered the founder of classical numerology. Until now, in attempts to look into the future with the help of numbers, people use the Pythagorean school of numerology. However, knowledge of Indian Mahatmas and Chinese numerology can provide no less information.

We calculate fate by date of birth

To find out a person’s fate by date of birth, it is not enough to simply add up all the numbers included in the numbers of the year, month and day of birth. But as a result of this addition we get “ Personal number individual." In order to know your own purpose and destiny, you will need a more sophisticated Eastern technique. You should start by finding the goal of your own embodiment.
Let, for example, the date of birth be 03/05/1974, that is, the birthday is 05, the month is 03, the year is 1974. In human destiny greatest influence Small cycles are used, therefore, in the entire date of birth, the most significant is the person’s birthday, and the month and year are of secondary importance. That is, the goal of the incarnation is precisely the birthday, in this case it is 05. The last digit, namely five, encodes the goal of the incarnation. Next, you need to make a chain of numbers present in the birthday - 1-3-4-5-7-9, they all speak about the experience already accumulated by a particular soul. Then you need to make a series of missing numbers - 2-6-8, which will indicate those tasks that will be most difficult for a person to solve in life.

Born under the sign “9” (9th, 19th, 29th of any month)

People born on these days will have a favorable fate, and if they can fulfill their destiny, indicated by the number “9,” they will be happy. Nine requires from a person a versatile manifestation of will. Throughout his life, such a person will maintain order, specificity and commitment in everything. He must not be late, break promises, lie or be vague. Thanks to his strong will, he should have everything in order - work, home, family, rest, daily words and actions. But life will constantly test such people with various obstacles, and they must calmly overcome them, each time becoming stronger and stronger. It is much easier for them to fulfill their purpose by choosing the right profession. The best professions for a Nine are those in which there is a lot of movement and self made: field geology, sports, dancing, surgery.

Born under the sign “8” (8th, 18th and 28th of any month)

The purpose of the embodiment of the “eights” is to unite small things and multiply them. They need to become the center of their own little world. That is, a person must unite his family around himself. The actions of such a person are based on tolerance, wisdom, and sacrifice for the benefit of his loved ones. They cannot break ties with their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers, children; adultery is unacceptable. If such a break occurs, the relationship must be restored, since the “eight” person is nourished only by the strength of his family, without which he loses life success. At some point, fate allows him to achieve success, but at the next it can severely punish him and take away all his achievements. This can be repeated until the “eight” turns into a reliable support for loved ones, because this is precisely its purpose. For this category of people, it is better to choose professions associated with sacrifice and wisdom: obstetrics, ecology, pedagogy, pediatrics, Agriculture, in general, those professions where you need to show care, mercy and kindness. Ideal options there will be employment in orphanages and homes for the elderly and disabled.

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Those born under the sign “7” (7th, 17th and 27th of any month)

Persons who have incarnated under the number seven need to control their emotions so that their creative activities do not turn into destructive ones. The easiest way to determine how much a person follows his incarnation is by assessing his income. If the “seven” has a chronic lack of funds, this means that it has deviated from its purpose. If there is more than enough for a decent existence, then this indicates the correct implementation of the task of birth and the favor of fate towards a person. But this is only possible with the right choice of profession. For “sevens”, creative, constructive work is best suited, and this can be banal employment in a plant or factory, crafts, trade, or folk crafts. But at the same time, a person does not necessarily have to stand directly at the machine; he may well be a small or medium-sized supervisor of his production. True, fate will punish for outright careerism.

Born under the sign “6” (6th, 16th and 26th of any month)

The “sixes” have almost the same tasks as the “eights”, but differ in a larger scale. These people need to rally large teams around them. The purpose of this incarnation is to achieve inner harmony; a person must open his heart to the whole world. He is required to have mercy, wisdom, and care for others. For “sixes”, professions that concern the human soul are suitable: pedagogy, neurology, psychology, raising difficult teenagers, drug addiction, etc. If a person finds himself in a leadership position, then in relations with subordinates he should show care and warmth. Only in this case can his task of incarnation be realized, and he can count on the favor of fate.

Those born under the sign “5” (5th, 15th and 25th of any month)

The fate of people marked with this number is associated with creativity and specific knowledge. A person is required to strictly adhere to the norms and rules of morality and ethics. The purpose of incarnation is to comprehend the harmony and beauty of the world, however, you need to understand them not only yourself, but also show it to people. For this reason for better implementation According to their own destiny, “fives” need to choose professions related to creativity and the study of the beauty of the world: art critics, writers, musicians, artists, university teachers, foreign languages ​​related to the tourism business, any transfer of knowledge concerning the harmony and beauty of the world.

Born under the sign “4” (4th, 14th and 24th of any month)

For “fours,” the main principles of embodiment should be the tasks of centering and devotion. The bearer of this number has to work through various aspects in life to solve the task assigned to him by fate. And this task comes down to a clear understanding of the causes of events and their consequences, as well as the ability to convey this knowledge to people. Therefore, these people must have good stability in everything, which is helped by the right choice of life path. “Four” can engage in any activity that is devoid of monotony. But engaging in social activities will help to realize this embodiment faster if a person can put together and strengthen creative or labor collectives. Any work related to the improvement of society and the improvement of public relations. The solution to such problems is most facilitated by work on television, radio, newspapers and magazines (but not tabloids).

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Those born under the sign “3” (3rd, 13th and 23rd of any month)

People marked with a three are obliged to follow the principles of order and legality, and their embodiment is aimed at instilling this in the rest of the world. Of course, while demanding that others observe standards of behavior, the “troika” itself must remain on top. The right choice of profession, which could be physics, mathematics, astronomy, or jurisprudence (only the prosecutor's office, but not the legal profession), will have a positive impact on your fate. Here you can add social activities and professions that do not tolerate hackwork and irresponsibility, requiring order and accuracy.

Born under the signs “2”, “1” and “0” (1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 30th, 31st of any month)

Incarnation tasks that a person is able to perform in physical world, end in three. The numbers 0, 1 and 2 indicate that fate requires significant spiritual dedication from a person. Such people are not prohibited from any activity, as long as it meets the highest requirements of morality and morality. But this is not enough. In addition to the main job, people associated with these numbers by birth also require Everyday life show mercy. The best way to implement a task of this kind is volunteering. Moreover, it does not matter whether the assistance will be provided to people in a hospice or to homeless animals in a shelter - any free assistance, which is accompanied by sincere care and compassion, opens up the path for a person to realize his task. The most interesting are dates of birth, where the month and day of birth only contain the numbers 0,1 and 2. Such combinations speak of people with rather rare energies. The tasks facing such people are among the most difficult. For fate to show them favor, they need to be tolerant, merciful, and highly spiritual. If they violate the highest laws and choose the “wrong” profession in life, then fate will severely punish them (usually this happens after 33 years).

How to find out fate by date of birth?

Let's consider another example with a date of birth of 03/19/1982. It contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9, but is missing 4, 5, 6 and 7. Along with the task destined for fate, a person will have to solve the one expressed by the missing numbers.

  • 7 - means doing something with your own hands, conduct creative activities, this may include work in the country and small household chores, improvement of the common area.
  • 6 - a sign of good attitude and help to those in need. The latter can be not only relatives, but also work colleagues and neighbors.
  • 5 - requires a person to develop a sense of beauty in himself, so it won’t hurt him to go to theaters and exhibitions and read classical literature.
  • 4 - forces a person to maintain peace with all his might and order in the surrounding society, show tolerance.

Decoding fate based on the sum of the numbers of the date of birth

There is another option for reading fate by full date of birth, let it be May 25, 2008. First you need to add up the numbers that make up the day, month and year, you get 7, 5 and 10, respectively. After this, calculate the total amount, which in this case will be 22. This turns out to be the most significant number, interpreted by numerology.
This is what the decoding of the results will give:

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Knowing your weaknesses and strengths, a person is able to control fate.

5 3

Hello, dear readers! People have always wanted to find out about karmic debts and try to correct them so as not to pass them on to their descendants. Today we will find out what karma each of us has by date of birth.

Philosophical meaning of numbers

The science of numerology helps to understand the meaning of numbers. She also helped to find out whether people have karmic debts and how they appeared. And if they really exist, then everyone can decide how to free themselves from them. The magic of numbers by date of birth will help with this.

What is karma? Karma is the collection of all positive and negative actions of an individual.

Numerologists are trying to figure out what impact it has on a person’s destiny. According to karmic laws, a person is allotted several lives, during which he can grow spiritually, correct his vices, and thereby achieve perfection.

Pythagoras also argued that an earthly creature can visit Earth 15 times, so everyone should try to be purer in soul, better in their actions, in order to avoid retribution in the future.

Good deeds will help improve the next life, and bad ones will worsen it. It is by karma that one can judge how a person lived his past life. This is not a punishment, but only what he deserves. To clear karma, one should develop spiritually and do good deeds.

If past lives were spent immorally, then the individual has accumulated serious debts. But they are not an obstacle to realizing your dreams and acquiring a good profession. Every person can correct the situation.

How to calculate karmic debt

The number of debts by date of birth will help you understand how to reduce, even completely get rid of negative impact for our lives.

Here are some sins that lead to deterioration of karma.

  • Failure to keep promises;
  • Renunciation of the goals and objectives of life;
  • An attempt to appropriate someone else's property;
  • Reluctance to develop spiritually, confess, cleanse your soul;
  • Failure to comply with human laws.

There are even more reasons; it is impossible to list them all. Experts summarized them, dividing them into groups.

  1. Non-compliance God's commandments;
  2. Rejection of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ;
  3. Not following the rules of Being;
  4. Destruction of the memory of the most important shrines;
  5. Underestimating the power of prayer;
  6. Bad attitude towards parents;
  7. Insufficient care for children.

Many people want to know how to calculate their debts, because they are the ones that prevent you from achieving your plans and create obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Luck leaves a person, something constantly happens to him, he often gets sick, quarrels with other people. These signs indicate that his karma has not been worked out.

Numerologists have determined that those born on the 13th, 14th, 16th, 19th already have debt.

How to find out about other people?

The calculation can be done this way:

It is necessary to add up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, May 8, 1977. We add: 0+8= 8, then add the numbers of the month: 0+5=5. Add up the year numbers: 1+9+7+7=24. A two-digit number must be summed: 2+4=6.

All the resulting numbers are added again: 8+5+6= 19.

If the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19 appear, then you should reconsider your life position, try to correct karma.

Generally accepted calculation of karma number

You should add up all the numbers, for example, the date of birth is March 13, 1981, then the calculation is: 1 + 3 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 26. You get 2 numbers.

The latter determines the past life, and the 1st indicates that along the way you will meet a person who will help improve karma and take the righteous path.

If the addition results in one digit, then you will have to correct all the errors yourself. You have not been assigned an assistant. For example, 01.02.2003, then when added you get an eight. The number 8 is considered the second, which means you will have to answer for the past yourself.

The influence of numbers on fate

First digit

Even numbers: 2, 4, 6 and 8 indicate a person who will help in difficult situations. It will be easier for you to correct mistakes.

Odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 – indicates that in life you will meet those people who will create a lot of problems for you. You can correct mistakes, but only with great effort.

Second digit

Remember the value the following numbers to make every effort to correct errors.


Indicates a selfish character in past life, to cause pain and suffering to loved ones, so in this incarnation it is difficult for him to earn love or friendship.

He will be deceived; he will be given assistants who will humiliate him and offend him in every possible way, that is, everything he did in his previous incarnation will be returned to him.

A person with a unit must help loved ones, love them, sincerely respect them, forgive everything, and remember no evil.


A sign of recklessness, irresponsibility. In a past life, an individual did not value what he had, took unnecessary risks, wasted his life, and now he is surprised that luck passes him by.

Fate gives you a chance to fix everything.

Don’t complain about fate, don’t walk on the edge, don’t flirt with death, otherwise it will soon come to you.


Indicates that in your previous incarnation you had a bad character and were a stingy, greedy person.

This means that you need to engage in charity, not seek profit in all matters, you need to strive not for material, but for spiritual values.


Indicates pure karma. In the past you were unhappy and lonely, so in real life Family happiness awaits you.

If you already have a family, value it and put it first.


Indicates people who performed witchcraft, performed forbidden rituals, and practiced divination. This behavior caused great harm to others, so avoid practicing witchcraft, give up fortune telling, any communication with otherworldly and supernatural forces.


A sign of harmony, happiness in the past, as well as right life.

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Your future will not bring you blows of fate and there is no need to work out anything.

However, do not relax, so as not to spoil your karma, live for the benefit of others.


A symbol of illness, enormous difficulties, failures in a past life.

Seven shows that serious mistakes have already been worked out.

In real life, luck and favor of fate await this person. Try not to spill this happiness by going to great lengths.


This is a sign of betrayal. In the past, the individual did a lot of bad things to his loved ones, so in this incarnation he himself will often be in similar situation.

Try not to be angry, not to take offense at those who betrayed you, do not try to take revenge on them, endure grievances steadfastly, forgive everyone in order to work off the karma you deserve.


Sign of wisdom. A person of this number passed away very early in the past, so fate endowed him with the gift of foresight, intuition that must be used to help people.


Indicates that in a past life you were a hardworking person, therefore in this life you are also destined for success in work and rapid career growth.

Continue to work out your destiny so that fate continues to reward you with all the benefits.

Julia Poe's Integrated System

Why is the conversation going to be about Julie Poe, what kind of person is she? Julie created unique system personality analysis, which included many techniques for predicting the future of each individual.

The Russian woman has deep knowledge in various specialties, but most of all she is attracted to the science of the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny.

Having accumulated enormous knowledge in the field of esotericism, she found compatibility divine providence(the purpose of man’s coming to Earth) and personality traits expressed in numbers. This lady draws up a horoscope that turns out to be surprisingly very reliable.

After conducting a lot of research, Julia determined that the birth month is responsible for this coming to Earth, and the year for the next one. By your birthday you can find out what percentage of your karmic task was completed in past incarnations:

  • from 1 to 9 – 100%;
  • 10-19 – by 80%;
  • 20-29 – by 60%;
  • 30-31 – by 40%.

Revealing the meaning of the month of birth

According to the research of this specialist, the month of birth is of particular importance in working out the task of staying on Earth:


Working off the sins of a brother or sister. In real life, you should do everything you can to help your loved ones, support them, purifying not only your karma, but also the souls of your brothers and sisters.


In the past incarnation, the individual was not famous for either kindness or mercy, therefore in this life one should be kind and merciful to all people.


This month indicates greater dependence on the mother, so it is worth establishing independent life.


Atonement for the sins of the father. A person needs to eradicate the negative character traits of his father.


Practicing mother's tasks. It is necessary to cleanse yourself of bad qualities parent, establish relationships with her.


Atonement for the sins of an entire family is underway. Such a person needs to create a strong rear in the form of his family, so that children and grandchildren do not experience divorce.


Symbolizes stagnation. The July person should change his place of residence so that his family continues its development. Stagnation hinders the development of an entire family.


Those born in August have big problems with parents. They must not only strengthen the union of their parents, but also create a strong family themselves.


Represents talents. A person must glorify his family.


Represents the strengthening of material wealth. October people are obliged to multiply the capital of their family through hard work without theft and fraud.


Those born in November must improve their status, gain significant positions and power. They are obliged to exceed the status of their clan, to rise to new heights.


A sign of a youthful soul. December personalities do not need to correct anything. But you shouldn’t relax, you need to live correctly, without doing bad things.

Purpose by squares

Each person coming into this world has his own purpose. Fill in the card with your birthday numbers to find out why you were sent to Earth. If there are no numbers, then you have problems in this area that can be eliminated.

On this card there are 3 ones, 2 threes, 1 nine, 1 eight, there are no numbers - 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Meaning of numbers:

  1. Socialization. in the absence of a unit, the individual is not able to develop in society. He needs to become more open, try to reach out to people.
  2. Intuition. Twos indicate the presence of intuition. If there are several of them, then intuition is very developed. If they are not there, then this feeling must be developed by listening to the world.
  3. Troika is responsible for creativity and self-development. People without C grades need to look for ways for self-realization and discover their talents.
  4. Career and professional activities. Fours indicate the individual's desire for career growth. If there are no fours, then the individual does not strive to make a career. We must try to awaken in ourselves the desire to move upward.
  5. Five is a sign of personal freedom. Without this number in the date of birth, a person easily succumbs to the influence of others and can become dependent, including on addictions. He will have to fight them and not succumb to their influence.
  6. A channel of violent free spirit. A person with a six cannot adapt to generally accepted rules. People who do not have the number 6 in their date of birth easily adapt to any circumstances. But not every situation involves compromise. Sometimes you have to show persistence and will.
  7. Space connections and life experience. This is a wise person who received this gift from above. If there is no seven, then you will have to work hard to gain this experience.
  8. Spirituality. A sign that a person is extremely religious. Without an eight, a person is an atheist. We must strive for spirituality.
  9. Extrasensory perception. Nines in the date of birth are given to people with supernatural abilities.

According to views modern man numbers appeared in ancient times. The only purpose for their emergence was the desire of our ancestors to streamline surrounding reality, to the desire to “count everything”.

Such a point of view, had it been voiced in antiquity or the Middle Ages, would have been blasphemous even for scientists. After all, the sacred books of all the world’s leading religions and mystical movements are filled with the magic of numbers. All serious philosophical schools have studied numbers and their influence on the destinies of people and the world. Only a few treatises from the Egyptian, Neoplatonic, and Pythagorean schools of numerology have reached us. Only Kabbalistic numerology managed to fully preserve its traditions. They continue to develop successfully today. But Kabbalistic numerology, like Kabbalah itself, is a very closed science, “entrance” to which is open to rare representatives of the Jewish people.
What can you learn from the numbers?
Since childhood, we have known Pythagoras as the creator of the theorem of the same name. But few people know that he was an outstanding philosopher, mystic, received initiation and became an ancient Greek priest. He founded a closed school for the study of numbers and became the founder of classical numerology.

Trying to find out about the future using numbers, we most often resort to the help of the Pythagorean school of numerology. Although no less informative are the calculations that can be obtained using Chinese numerology and the knowledge that the Indian Mahatmas passed on to us.

Where to begin?
To find out fate by date of birth, it is not enough to add up all the numbers of the day, month and year of a person’s birth. As a result of such manipulation, we will only receive his PERSONAL NUMBER. To find out your destiny and your own destiny, you will have to use a more complex eastern technique. And you need to start by defining the purpose of your incarnation.

Let's take for example the date of birth 1982.03.19, where 1982 is the year of birth, 03 is the month of birth, 19 is the day of birth. For the destiny of man highest value have small cycles, so the most important thing in the date of birth is the day of birth, and not the month or year. The last digit of the birthday is the goal of incarnation. (In our example, the birthday is 19, the last digit is 9. The goal of incarnation is encoded in nine). We write down the numbers that are present in the date of birth 1-2-3-8-9. These numbers indicate what experience the soul has already accumulated. Now we write down the numbers of the number series that are missing: 4-5-6-7. These are the tasks that will be most difficult for a person to solve in this life.

Those born under the sign of nine (09, 19, 20 of every month)
Fate this person will turn out favorably and he will be happy if he is able to fulfill the goal of his incarnation, which is indicated by the number 9. This number requires a person to demonstrate all aspects of will. His entire life should be accompanied by order, commitment and specificity in everything. Lateness, failure to fulfill promises, unclear expression of thoughts and lies are unacceptable. Family, home, work, leisure, everyday actions and words - everything must be ordered through the manifestation of a strong will. Life is full of obstacles various kinds, which she constantly presents to these people. Their goal is to calmly overcome all obstacles, because time after time they become stronger.

The correctly chosen profession greatly simplifies the fulfillment of one’s mission. For a nine, this is surgery or traumatology, dance, sports, geology - that is, any work that requires the practical use of hands and movement.

Those born under the sign of number eight (08th, 18th, 28th of every month)
The purpose of this incarnation is multiplication and unification in small things. A person must become the center of his small world. He must unite his entire family around him. All his actions should be based on wisdom, tolerance, sacrifice for the benefit of those closest to him. Breaking relationships with parents, grandparents, children, brothers and sisters, and adultery are unacceptable. If this happens, it is imperative to establish relationships, because a person born under the number eight is nourished only by the forces of the family. Without them he cannot be successful in life. Fate may give him the opportunity to reach some heights, after which he will cruelly take away everything that has been achieved. This will continue until a person becomes a reliable support for loved ones, for this is his purpose.

It is recommended to choose professions that are imbued with wisdom and sacrifice. Pedagogy, ecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, gynecology, agricultural sector and other professions that require kindness, mercy and care. Particularly shown is work in orphanages, nursing homes and care for the elderly.

Those born under the sign of seven (07, 17, 27 of every month)
It is very important for people of this form of embodiment to control their emotions in order to distinguish creative action from destructive action. For these people, a banal sign of how well the task of embodiment is being accomplished is the amount of money they earn. If a person experiences a chronic lack of money, this indicates that he is not fulfilling his purpose. If there is enough money for a decent existence, the tasks of birth are realized correctly and fate is favorable to the person. But this happens when the profession is chosen correctly.

It is best to choose work that can be described by the word “creation”. This production processes in different industries National economy- in factories, factories, folk crafts and trade enterprises, crafts. It's about not only about workers standing at machines or consoles electronic control, but also about middle and senior managers of these enterprises. However, career for the sake of career is punishable.

Those born under the sign of six (06, 16, 26 of every month)
The tasks of these people are similar to the tasks of the G8, but they are more ambitious. People with an eight in their date of birth need to unite a large group of people around them. The goal of this incarnation is to find a state of inner harmony and open your heart to the world. Fate requires from a person wisdom, mercy, and care for others.

All professions related to human soul– neurology, pedagogy of difficult teenagers, psychology, addiction treatment, therapy, etc. If a person works in a leadership position, he must treat his subordinates with warmth and care. Only in this case can the tasks of incarnation be considered completed and hope for the favor of fate.

Those born under the sign of five (05th, 15th, 25th of every month)
The principle of concrete knowledge and creativity patronizes this number in fate. She expects from a person strict adherence to the rules and norms of morality and ethics. The purpose of this incarnation is to comprehend the beauty and harmony of the world. But they need not only to be comprehended, but also to be conveyed to people.

That's why the best professions, which will help a person realize his own destiny are professions related to art, words, and the study of the beauty of the world. These are writers, art critics, university teachers, artists and musicians. This also includes working with foreign languages, organization of travel and excursions, any transfer of knowledge about beauty and harmony.

Those born under the sign of four (04, 14, 24 of each month)
The main principles for people of this incarnation should be devotion and the principles of centering. In life, a person needs to work out many aspects in order to achieve the task set before him by fate. It comes down to a clear understanding of the causes and consequences of current events, and the ability to convey this knowledge to people. A person of this incarnation must have unconditional stability in everything.

And it can help him right choice life path. You can engage in any activity that does not require monotony. But a person will be able to realize himself faster in this incarnation if he engages in social activities, if he can create and develop work or creative teams. Any work that is related to improving the improvement of society and public relations is shown. And therefore work in print media(except for “yellow”), on television or radio helps solve problems.

Those born under the sign of three (03, 13, 23 of each month)
Three requires a person to strictly adhere to the principles of law and order. The purpose of this incarnation is to bring them to the world. But demanding that people comply with moral standards, a person born under a three must himself be at his best.

The right choice of profession will positively affect your destiny. And this is astronomy, mathematics, physics, legislation, jurisprudence (except for the legal profession) and the prosecutor's office. And, social activity and other professions that require precision, order and do not tolerate irresponsibility and hackwork.

Born under the sign of two, one and zero (02, 12, 22, 01,11, 21, 31, 10, 20, 30 of each month)
Three ends with the tasks of embodiment that a person can realize in the physical world. The numbers 2, 1 and 0 suggest that fate requires great spiritual and emotional dedication from a person.

You can engage in any activity that meets the highest principles of morality and ethics. But this is not enough. For people with similar birth dates, it is necessary, in addition to their main work, to show mercy in everyday life. Volunteering – The best way realize the tasks assigned to a person. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s help in a hospice or a homeless animal shelter. Any free help, accompanied by sincere compassion, care and love, helps a person solve the problem of embodiment.

Particularly noteworthy are birth dates where the day and month of birth consist only of zero, one and two. For example, 10.12, 01.02, 21.11. Such combinations indicate that a person has energies that are quite rare. Therefore, the tasks facing him are extremely difficult. For fate to be favorable to these people, they must be highly spiritual, merciful and tolerant. In the case of incorrectly chosen professions and violations of higher laws, fate severely punishes these people, most often after 33 years.

How to find out fate by date of birth
Let's return to the numbers in our example. Date of birth 03/1982/19, 1-2-3-8-9 are present, 4-5-6-7 are absent. In parallel with the main task, a person will have to solve those indicated by the missing numbers. 7 – engage in creative activities and do something with your own hands. Minor work Housework, work at the dacha, volunteer work - everything will be counted. 6 – good relations and help to those who need it. This applies to neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, etc. 5 – this number indicates that it would not hurt a person to develop a sense of beauty. Visiting exhibitions and theaters, reading good literature will be very useful for him. 4 – this figure indicates that a person should strive with all his might to maintain order and peace in society, showing loyalty and tolerance.

Fate is happy and not so happy
By calculating the numbers of his date of birth in this way, any person can understand how well he copes with the tasks of his incarnation. And if something is wrong in fate, the numbers will tell you what the reason is.