Subconscious - What is it? How the subconscious mind works and what it can give to any person

Subconscious- This is an outdated concept that was previously used to denote the processes taking place in the psyche, displayed in consciousness without meaningful control. In other words, the subconscious is called the area of ​​the human psyche, which is responsible for the preservation and analysis of incoming information, for unconditioned reflexes... Freud used the term “subconsciousness” in his early works on the creation of psychoanalysis, but he later replaced his term with the category “unconscious,” intended primarily to denote a sphere of repressed content, mainly socially disapproved. In addition, the concept under consideration was previously used by the followers of cognitive psychology to determine the area of ​​fast memory in which the brain enters thoughts of an automatic nature, that is, often reproduced thoughts or those that the individual attaches particular importance to.

The power of the subconscious

Every mentally healthy person wants to live a happy life filled with joys and pleasures. Life without problems and barriers. Any person dreams of an interesting and prestigious job, success, true friendship and eternal love... People are all different by nature, however, they are all united by the desire to be happy. But often they do not what they would like, and live completely differently from what they dreamed of in childhood. How to fix the current situation? How to get what you want and learn to exist in harmony with the people around you and the world in general?

You can find answers to these questions in the book by Joe Dispenza, entitled: "The Power of the Subconscious or How to Change Your Life." The author is convinced that no human action is possible without the participation of the brain, which determines all his thoughts, feelings and actions, the ability to interact with the environment. The personality of a person and his character, reason and the ability to make decisions - controls all this and it is the brain that regulates. Therefore, the healthier the brain is, the happier, richer, wiser and physically stronger the individual will be. If, for any reason, the brain is not able to function normally, a person has problems in life, health, money, intellectual ability decreases, the level of satisfaction with life decreases, and success declines.

Naturally, the harmful effects of various traumas on the brain cannot be denied, but besides this, one should not close our eyes to the equally destructive effects of negative thoughts and destructive programs from the past.

The power of the subconscious. Often the causes of all human problems lie precisely in the misunderstanding of the messages of the subconscious. Many signals coming from the brain are completely misinterpreted by a person. For centuries, psychologists and physiologists have been struggling to explain how the human brain works, how it functions. After all, the human subject is a perfect system, an amazing mechanism controlled by a complex device. According to a number of characteristics, a person loses to the animal world, for example, he is not as fast as a cheetah, not strong like a lion, and does not have a dog's sense of smell. Existing in difficult primitive conditions, the human race was doomed to extinction, but became the "king" of nature thanks to such a complex mechanism as the brain. Nature has endowed people with mental activity that allows them to make decisions, imagination, which gives the ability to imagine a previously unseen, highly developed speech, with the help of which people interact with each other, memory and psyche. In addition, each individual subject has an individual set of qualities, and.

Summarizing all of the above, it turns out that the human brain is a unique mechanism that ensures victory in the battle for existence. Scientists in the process of research have found that the basis of the functioning of the brain is several mechanisms.

First, according to Pavlov, each person is made up of a set of constantly changing habits. Secondly, in accordance with the conclusions of Ukhtomsky, the basis of habits is the principle of dominant. Thirdly, the place of placement of the habits that control consciousness is the subconscious of a person.

What are habits or, as psychologists say, dynamic stereotypes? They are considered one of the constituent components that form the character of a person. In animals, habits are developed through training, and in the human subject, through education. A habit cannot be born by itself. For its occurrence, some kind of emotional reinforcement is necessary. Moreover, such reinforcement can carry both a positive message and a negative one. Encouragement, that is, positive reinforcement, can be praise, and negative - humiliation or insult. Dynamic stereotypes can appear spontaneously in a person, often he does not even realize that he has this or that habit.

Often times, habits are not only difficult to defeat, but also problematic to change. If an individual has to change it, he feels stress, discomfort, while returning to his usual behavior causes a feeling of security and satisfaction. This is due to the nature of habits, which are a manifestation of the instinct for self-preservation. The human brain remembers that behavior that does not lead to negative consequences, so it is perceived by it as safe actions. Any new action, even if it is useful for a person, is perceived by the brain as something new, and, therefore, causes stress.

A person's subconscious mind reacts negatively to any spontaneous change, which is why it is so difficult for people to get rid of unhealthy habits, such as alcoholism, drug addiction or smoking. It does not matter for the brain whether such a transformation is beneficial or negative, it only matters that the change can destroy the usual way of life.

Dominance or predominance is another essential principle of the functioning of the brain. Dominant refers to focusing on the most significant reaction of this moment while slowing down the rest of the reactions. The dominant, like habits, is an expression of the instinct of self-preservation, since all the efforts of the brain are directed to the fulfillment of a task that is significant for the individual. So, for example, when a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger, then he will not be able to think about anything other than food. Moreover, if at this moment some important event happens, joyful or sad, but generating more intense emotions, then thoughts about food will recede into the background. The dominant source of arousal is characterized by a tendency to suppress all other sources. All people, as well as animal world have dominants. Physiological (food), moral, aesthetic (striving for self-realization, respect), cognitive and other needs can become dominant for a person. The presence of needs is not unnatural in itself, but there is a risk of looping when a person becomes dependent on the need.

Dangerous, in the main, are those dominants that do not receive a logical conclusion. That is, the desire to become the richest, most beautiful, successful is doomed to failure in advance, since there will always be a subject who will be more beautiful, richer or more successful. The influence of the dominant is cut off only if it is satisfied. If it is impossible to stop the dominant in a natural way, then the individual lives with only one goal, which also gives rise to mental disorders.

What is the difference between consciousness and subconsciousness?

According to Vygotsky, the human subconscious determines his behavior.

The subconscious of a person forms habits and its dominants. In other words, the human subconscious is primarily aimed at ensuring survival in the surrounding world. Consciousness, on the other hand, receives messages from the subconscious, but it can not always understand them. The subconscious mind regulates the instincts, and the consciousness tries to justify them.

So, a person's consciousness is controlled by his subconscious. In this case, the consciousness operates with words, and the subconscious - with emotions.

Consciousness and subconsciousness also differ in their functions. The first is responsible for survival in society, and the second is for the preservation of human life. Two instincts coexist in a person: biological and social. The first is responsible for preserving his life, and the second can often have a goal opposite to the tasks of the first. People often place social success much higher than their own lives. Emotions and desires that live in the subconscious come into consciousness in the form of vague sensations that are not always understandable for consciousness. Separately, it is necessary to highlight illusions, as a result of which mistakes are inevitable, sometimes breaking someone's life.

The first most dangerous illusion is the illusion of happiness. Everyone dreams of a happy life, a happy relationship, but no one can explain what this feeling is. Each individual has his or her own judgment about happiness. In the endless search for happiness, the individual tries to make a lot of money, make a good career, and become successful. However, all these aspirations are only an illusion. After all, you can achieve wealth and still remain unhappy. The desire to achieve various benefits for a happy life is the greatest self-deception, an illusion. People waste their lives in constant pursuit of an illusion, not realizing that happiness is determined by the inner state, since it does not depend on the environment and external circumstances. No less frequent illusions that enslave people are the illusion of danger and suffering.

Thoughts feelings subconscious are integral components of success, you just need to be able to use them correctly. What the individual consciously believes is accepted by his subconscious. It answers all the thoughts of a person, regardless of whether they carry a positive or negative message, whether they are true or false.

The reaction of the subconscious is expressed in emotions and behavior. To exist with the world and oneself in harmony, one must remember that constructive and positive thoughts generate positive work in the subconscious of a person, which relieves him of stress, contributes to the achievement of goals and makes him happy.

Working with the subconscious

An unexplored and amazing side of the human psyche, which conceals an almost inexhaustible potential for inner self-healing, self-development, changing the surrounding reality and improving one's own life, is the subconscious.

Mismanagement of the subconscious, careless handling of it, can direct its potential in a destructive direction, which will give rise to a series of endless problems. Each performed action, an emerging idea or an experienced emotional state comes from the subconscious.

The explanation of the behavioral model of a person, his actions, are the settings programmed into the subconscious mind. In most cases, the individual lays them down on his own, suppressing strong emotions, succumbing to his own fears and anxieties, thinking destructively. Also great is the role of parental education, the influence of other significant relatives, adults who early age instill in the child the norms of behavior, moral and ethical attitudes, and besides, they unconsciously transmit their own subconscious programs. It should also be noted the influence of society, the media, which constantly lay various destructive programs in the subconscious. Typically, they apply special technologies based on. These techniques allow you to imperceptibly introduce the necessary information, bypassing the consciousness and the sphere of rational assessment, directly to the subconscious level.

Managing the subconscious is about 90% of a successful and happy life. To achieve what you want, you need to restructure, reorient in the right direction the resources of the subconscious: invest in new adaptive attitudes, programs that help solve problems, give yourself new positively charged commands.

The first steps on the path of comprehending the secret of the subconscious are a deep analysis of one's own internal state, understanding aspirations and real tasks, turning off the uncontrollable unconscious "autopilot". Psychologists and psychotherapists can help to understand their own thoughts, feelings of the subconscious. You can also learn to control the subconscious on your own.

Working with the subconscious. To achieve success on your own, you need the following:

It doesn't matter in what way to get a response from the subconscious. The main thing is the desire to change one's own existence for the better.

In addition to the listed methods, you need to learn how to remove the negative from the subconscious, which accumulates day after day. To this end, it is necessary to sit comfortably at home, relax, "plunge" into oneself and imagine that all the negative accumulated during the day evaporates, flows down in trickles of water, disappears. The main thing here is the belief in images and pictures that flicker in the subconscious.
It must also be remembered that words are a serious weapon that, in an inexperienced execution, can harm the speaker himself. Many people, due to misunderstanding, use the power of words not for the benefit of their own person, but against themselves.

In order for a person's words to turn from a formidable weapon into a controlled assistant, you must try to monitor your own speech for seven days. You cannot speak badly about people and yourself during this period, pour out negativity, swear. Aggressive vocabulary generates only "bad" situations around a person, launches a negative program.

The Subconscious Can Do Anything - John Kehoe

In the seventies of the last century, J. Kehoe deliberately retired to reflect on questions about the activity of the human brain. Being far from the blessings of civilization and drawing information from spiritual and scientific sources, relying on his own experience and personal observations, Kehoe developed a methodology for developing the power of the subconscious.

"The subconscious can do anything" John Kehoe created the result of his research - a best-selling book. In his work, John Kehoe shares with readers important techniques to help create a new reality. He tells about ways to activate the limitless resources of the subconscious with examples famous personalities who became successful and famous.

Below are a few of Kehoe's techniques for transforming reality towards success and happiness.

The first way that helps to achieve from the subconscious mind the realization of the intended goals, he chose visualization, which consists in a mental representation of oneself in certain circumstances, replaying a situation that has not yet occurred. The method is based on the fact that the individual must imagine himself producing or having what he wants, receiving what he wants.

For example, a person dreams of becoming a more confident person. To this end, with the help of his imagination, he presents himself as confident, plays situations in which he performs bold deeds, freely communicates with strangers, and speaks to the public. In other words, a person needs to imagine himself at ease, confident, easily achieving success in situations that in reality cause fear, anxiety, and difficulty.

Thus, John Kehoe, answering the question: "how to change the subconscious with the help of visualization techniques," recommends performing three steps in sequence. First, it is necessary to clearly define what the individual strives to get, for example, to pass exams perfectly, to become rich, to achieve promotion or reciprocity from a beloved girl / boyfriend. Second - you need to relax, take a breath, sit comfortably, get distracted from pressing problems, resting your body and soul. Third, for five minutes one should mentally imagine the desired new reality, as if it had already happened.

In the process of visualization, you can endow yourself with any necessary traits and qualities. Main role practice and persistence play here. There is no need to expect the result the next day.

Kehoe considered the development of the consciousness of a successful subject to be another effective technique for gaining a new desired reality. To overcome this path, he identified five steps. The first thing that needs to be done, in his opinion, is to inflate the belief in success. This can be achieved by fixing in your own subconsciousness four basic beliefs that contribute to the formation of belief in success, namely the world is full of riches, each side of your own life contains countless possibilities, life always carries satisfaction and joy, personal success depends solely on the subject himself ...

The second step is finding abundance in the present. Each individual is simply surrounded by abundance. All you have to do is search. The money will not come until the person feels lucky. You need to find that area of ​​life where a person can feel abundance.

The third step is programming yourself for success. You need to learn to see success in everything, to receive joy from its contemplation, regardless of whether it is someone else's or your own.

The fourth step is self-development. This will help books on self-improvement, attending trainings and seminars, listening to lectures, taking online courses.

The fifth step is to associate your own personality with successful people, and it does not matter at all whether these people are real or fictional characters.

Thus, the answer to the question: "how to change the subconscious" lies in daily hard work, training, positive thinking... After all, continuous growth means constant practice.

The Power of the Subconscious - Joe Dispenza

It is necessary to assimilate the fact that the human brain, due to its structure, cannot distinguish the events of the external environment from those occurring in its thoughts. Knowledge of this axiom gives you the freedom to create and change your own existence in accordance with desires and aspirations. But beyond knowledge, one must also learn to use the right tools. It is about these tools and in question in the bestseller The Power of the Subconscious or How to Change Your Life.

Joe Dispenza's work "The Power of the Subconscious or How to Change Life" is based on the belief that man himself is the creator of his own being, that the human subconscious is a real wizard, capable of performing miracles, and at the same time it is an "evil genius" capable of destroying and destroying all living things. That is why you should learn to control your own subconsciousness.

Joe Dispenza set himself the task of empowering people to eliminate negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones. To this end, he proposed a unique technique for independent practice. The book describes in detail every step on the path of changing beliefs and conquering the subconscious. The course is designed for four weeks.

The book describes the technique of correct meditation, through which order is established in the subconscious. To put things in order, as you know, you need to get rid of unnecessary trash. Similar work it is necessary to restore order in the internal storage of a person. To change life towards success, in the first turn, it is necessary to get rid of the past, which created complexes, which gave rise to insecurity in one's own personality and a negative attitude towards certain things.

In his book, Dispenza tells how the world, human consciousness and subconsciousness are arranged.

To start changing and changing life, you need to realize that no action can be performed by a person without the participation of the brain, which determines his actions, thoughts, feelings, relationships. Behind the character and personal qualities, intelligence and ability, talent and creativity - the brain is responsible for all this. Only those people are completely happy and successful, whose brains are functioning correctly.

Dispenza tried to explain in his work how to optimize a person's “biological computer”, update its “software”, and achieve a completely new state of mind.

To change their own beliefs, a person needs to have the courage to carefully analyze their own past life and overcome the boundaries of standards, patterns and attitudes.

A deep analysis of personal beliefs contributes to the acquisition of true strength. Their origins lie in conditions dictated by moral and ethical norms, religion, culture, mass media, even genes, social and family attitudes, education.

The next step on the path to conquering the subconscious will be to compare old beliefs with qualitatively new ones that can help. At first glance, there is nothing difficult in these actions. But if you approach it thoroughly, then you can face a number of difficulties. After all, the lion's share of information received throughout life is deposited at the biological level. It grows to a person, it becomes like a second skin. To get rid of the unnecessary, you need to realize that the truth today, tomorrow it may not be. You need to understand that any change is a conscious choice of everyone, not a reaction.

Unfortunately, the nature of the human subject is such that he decides on serious changes only when everything is very bad, when it is still impossible to live as before. Only a loss, crisis, injury, illness or tragedy can force a person to stop and rethink their own behavior, themselves, feelings, actions and beliefs. For an individual to be ripe for major change, he needs to go through pain. And the Universe has to be taught, nudged, so that a person finally wants to change something. But why force the universe to act harshly ?! After all, you can change without waiting for negative messages, but feeling joy and inspiration. To do this, you just need to want.

The subconscious of a person is a storehouse of everything that he encounters throughout his life. All traumatic situations displaced from consciousness, automatic thoughts are stored in the subconscious. It is believed that during sleep, the subconscious expresses itself as vividly as possible and you can establish contact with it.

Consciousness and subconsciousness of a person

Two minds in the head - - are closely interconnected and mutually influence each other and often argue with each other. Consciousness (objective mind) sends messages to the subconscious, which encodes information into symbols. And if consciousness can be compared with the captain of a ship (person), then the subconscious is the crew. The subconscious, in contrast to the consciousness, knows everything about a person. Intuition, unlimited resources, but also negative ossified beliefs and attitudes are stored in the subconscious.

The subconscious mind - how to manage it?

Controlling the subconscious is based on one, but very important and powerful tool, its name is awareness, which means being in the moment and observing. This is the only way to control the subconscious. When the mind is chaotic, it controls a person, but when thoughts are taken under control by a person: they are analyzed, consciously changed to constructive ones, contact with the subconscious becomes commonplace.

How to get an answer from the subconscious?

Communication with the subconscious can be established using simple techniques, for some it is possible the first time, others need time. Simple methods contact with the subconscious:

  1. Glass of water... On a piece of paper, a problem that worries a person is written, then a glass of water is collected and, closing his eyes, the question or problem is mentally pronounced and half a glass is drunk. The glass is placed on a piece of paper and the rest of the water is drunk in the morning. The answer may come that very night in a dream.
  2. Book... Choose a book, formulate an answer to the subconscious, open the book and put your finger anywhere. Read it.

Key words for the subconscious

Password words for the subconscious or switches - efficient technique, the creator of which is J. Mangan. "Magic" words directly fall into the subconscious, helping to change the state of a person. These words are known to everyone:

  • change - getting rid of pain in the body;
  • attention - getting rid of oppressive sadness, longing;
  • patience - for success;
  • count - to gain financial independence;
  • together - when you need to do something;
  • close - repeat in case of strong resentment, annoyance at another person;
  • collect - children become obedient;
  • directly - increasing self-esteem;
  • finish - builds endurance;
  • be - allows you to maintain health, calm the mind.

How to work with the subconscious?

How the subconscious mind of a person is not fully understood, the brain is fraught with many mysteries. The entire evolutionary basket of ancestors, throughout the history of mankind, is embedded in the psyche, therefore, certain mechanisms emerging from the depths of the subconscious are not always clear. Today, psychologists use different methods (each has its own advantages and disadvantages):

  • NLP techniques;
  • trance techniques;
  • holotropic breathing;
  • method of affirmations;
  • visualization.

How to remove fear from the subconscious?

Fear can turn out to be both an ally of a person - an instinct that prompts you to flee from danger, or completely groundless, so all people periodically ask themselves the question: how to remove anxiety and fear from the subconscious? This is always an individual process, and if the fear is deep, it is better to consult a specialist, minor anxieties and fears can be removed by following the following recommendations:

  • mentally replay a situation that causes fear with a positive attitude for several days (if you are afraid to ride the elevator, present it in all the details several times and imagine yourself calm and balanced at the same time)
  • face fear (start doing things that used to cause fear, for example, jumping with a parachute with a fear of heights);

Working with the subconscious - working out attitudes

Negative attitudes in the subconscious often negate all a person's efforts to overcome a problem or strive for success. Against his will, a person often mentally winds up a bunch of problems, where there are essentially none. But in addition to the destructive power of the subconscious, there is also a creative one, and it is within the power of a person to realize this and begin to think constructively, influencing the subconscious. The step-by-step Positive Attitude technique can help with this:

  1. Take responsibility for your actions, problems, despondency on yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down all your negative attitudes and problems starting with I (I myself / myself chose this low-paying job, a partner).
  2. Ask yourself for forgiveness.
  3. Replace a negative thought with a positive one opposite in meaning (I am unworthy → I am worthy, I have no strength → I am full of energy) and repeat as an affirmation for 3 months.

How does the subconscious mind work during sleep?

The subconscious of a person never sleeps, there is even a statement by experts that during a dream, the subconscious is more active than in a waking state. The brain processes the information received during the day, analyzes it with past similar experiences and can give out disturbing dreams, if negative experience surfaced in the subconscious in a similar situation, so the subconscious is trying to warn a person: “Don't go there!”, “You can't deal with this person! ". Sometimes the subconscious gives prophetic dreams, how it happens, for scientists - a mystery.

There are useful practices that allow you to effectively rebuild the subconscious during sleep:

  • affirmations spoken before falling asleep in a state of alpha rhythm reconfigure the brain for a wave of healing and implementation desired setting into the subconscious;
  • visualization - working with the subconscious before going to bed, in a relaxed state to visualize in great detail your desire as already fulfilled.

Books about the subconscious

The power of the subconscious is great, say psychologists and people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge. Using the techniques described in the books, it is important to rely on your well-being and condition, because the destructive programs and mental trauma discovered can cause colossal harm to a person. Several techniques and exercises will be beneficial for development. Books about the possibilities of the subconscious:

  1. « Secrets of the subconscious"V. Sinelnikov. The author gives healing techniques that program a person for recovery, finding harmonious relationships.
  2. « Secrets of the subconscious"L. Nimbrook. Exploration of the "black box" of the subconscious through lucid dreaming.
  3. « Superpowers of the human brain. A journey into the subconscious"M. Raduga. The book provides revolutionary tools for breaking the limiting beliefs and attitudes imposed by parents and society.
  4. « Open subconscious"A. Sviyash. The entire "kitchen" of subconscious processes in an understandable presentation, plus many author's tools for the effective use of brain resources.
  5. « The subconscious mind can do anything"J. Kehoe. Bestseller book. The author proposes a systematic approach that activates unconscious processes to achieve the desired in reality.

Movies about the subconscious

Films about the mind and the subconscious are interesting for psychologists, people involved in the disclosure of their abilities. The human brain is a mysterious substance, who knows what may be hidden there? Cinema masterpieces that lift the curtain of subconscious processes:

  1. "Areas of Darkness / Limitless"... Eddie Morra is a loser in life, his marriage is ruined, as a writer he is not in demand, but everything is changed by a meeting with his former brother-in-law Vernon, who offers him miraculous pills that reveal the potential of the brain by 100%.
  2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... A film about love, which is not afraid of "erasing memories", the subconsciousness of the main characters refuses to erase feelings, and somewhere in the subconscious depths Joel and Clementine remember each other and collide again and again.
  3. Déjà Vu... A film about the mysterious phenomenon of the subconscious, known as deja vu, expressed in the message of the brain "it has already happened."
  4. Shutter Island... Federal agents Teddy Daniels and Chuck travel to a mental hospital on Shatter Island to investigate the disappearance of child killer Rachel Solando. The tangle of investigation is confused and complicated by the fact that Daniels' subconscious mind holds its own secrets.
  5. "Start / Inseption"... Dominic Cobb is a valuable expert in hacking the subconscious of people, he steals valuable information through lucid dreaming.

The subconscious is in psychology the processes of the psyche that are not controlled by consciousness. That is, this word is called the area of ​​the psyche responsible for the acceptance and processing of information entering the brain and is responsible for unconditioned reflection. Freud's early works also used the concept of the subconscious in psychoanalysis. He noticed that it is precisely this that processes and is responsible for the processes of ousting information from consciousness, mainly that part of them that is not approved by society. Also, this concept was used in cognitive psychology as a definition of the part of the brain responsible for fast memory and automatic thought processes. It is believed that the subconscious mind processes and stores the information that a person attaches great emotional importance to.

The power of the subconscious

It is important for every person to make his life happy, joyful, filled with all kinds of pleasures. Everyone dreams of interesting and prestigious jobs, loyal friends and love forever. All people are different, but they are united by the desire to live happily. But, in general, life is not the same as dreamed of in childhood, the work is not the same, and everything around does not happen as we would like.

The author of the famous book "The Power of the Subconscious" by the name of Joe Dispenz claims that all human actions depend on his brain. All thoughts, actions and feelings, abilities and behavior are controlled by this particular organ. He is responsible for personality, character, intellect, and the ability to make decisions. Therefore, physical strength, intelligence, wealth and other conditions necessary for a happy life depend on the health of the brain. And it is from the disruption of its functioning that poverty, dissatisfaction with what is happening, illness and success of a person depend. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use the subconscious mind.

Dysfunction of the brain

In addition to trauma, negative thinking and programs laid down in the past can also cause dysfunction of the brain. In most cases, problems in life arise due to the fact that a person cannot perceive the messages of his subconscious. Most of the signals sent by the brain are perceived by the individual in a distorted manner. For psychologists and physiologists of all times, it still remains a mystery how it works and what secrets of the human brain are hidden from modern science... A person in himself is a perfect system, a well-coordinated mechanism, for the management of which he is responsible enough a complex system... Naturally, in comparison with some animals, a person loses to them in strength, sense of smell, speed, and so on.

But all things considered, humans did not become extinct as a species just because of the work of this complex mechanism. And so it is sometimes important to test the subconscious mind to see if it is working normally or interfering with us. Thanks to thought processes, highly developed speech, rich imagination and the ability to make decisions, people have become at a high level of development and conquered the world. The ability to interact, the presence individual qualities and skills helped people become who they are now.

Based on this, we can safely say that it is the brain that is the unique mechanism that allows people to survive under any conditions. Many scientists have studied the functioning of this organ for a long time, and they managed to find out that different mechanisms are responsible for its work. For example, there are many answers to the question of what intuition is. And in psychology, it is a special method of the subconscious to warn the consciousness of danger.

For example, Pavlov defined that a person is a set of habits that are constantly changing depending on the situation. According to Ukhtomsky, habits appear according to the dominant principle. And as a result, it became known that the process that controls human consciousness is the subconscious.

Habits and the subconscious

In psychology, habits are called dynamic stereotypes, which directly affect the formation of a personality's character. In the case of an animal, habits arise during training, in humans - during upbringing. By themselves, stereotypes do not arise, since for this you need to reinforce the action with emotions. Moreover, their occurrence can be influenced not only by positive factors, but also by negative ones. As a positive impact, praise most often occurs, and as a negative one - insult or humiliation. Sometimes habits arise spontaneously, in which case a person is not even aware of their presence. To determine them, you can take a subconscious test with a psychologist.

In general, changing or eliminating a stereotype is not easy. In the process of change, a person will experience a stressful state, discomfort. But returning to the usual norms will bring satisfaction and a sense of security. The point is that stereotypes are a self-preservation mechanism. The safety of actions is reinforced by the fact that the brain develops habits on the basis of actions that do not lead to negative consequences... Therefore, any new accepted frameworks of behavior, even if they are beneficial, cause stress in the person.

Any change in behavior is negatively perceived by the subconscious, which is why it is sometimes so difficult for people to get rid of negative addictions. The brain perceives this unambiguously, any change can destroy the existing way of life, and, accordingly, carries a danger. And he does not distinguish between positive and negative changes, any change is a threat to him.

The dominant and the subconscious are attitudes and habits

Dominants and predominance are also an essential principle of the functioning of the brain. The dominant is considered to be the concentration of the brain on the most significant reaction at a certain moment, when other functions are secondary. This is the same instinct for self-preservation, because the brain begins to work on a task that is significant for a person. For example, if a person is hungry, then he can no longer concentrate on work or something else. But if at this moment in the life of an individual some bright emotional event occurs, then his consciousness will concentrate on a new dominant source.

The main characteristic of the dominant is the suppression of all other sources. Any human need can become dominant, no matter whether it is physical or moral. The presence of needs is natural, but there is always a risk that a person will get hung up on one thing. And then his life will directly depend on the satisfaction of this dominant need.

The most dangerous are dominants without a logical conclusion. For example, if a person strives to become the richest or most beautiful, then this goal is initially impracticable. Always in the field of vision of the individual there will be a person who has achieved more in this than he. And the impact of this striving will end only when the need is fully satisfied. And in a situation where it is impossible to stop the dominant, the individual begins to pursue only one goal, which can lead to neuroses and other mental health disorders.

The difference between consciousness and subconsciousness

The subconscious mind determines human behavior, says Vygotsky. It is unconsciously that habits and their dominants are formed in a person. That is, the main function of the subconscious is to create conditions for the survival of the individual. In turn, consciousness is the receiver of messages from the subconscious, but it does not always succeed in interpreting its signals correctly. Unconsciously, human instincts are regulated, while consciously the brain tries to justify them. It is also worth noting that the subconscious mind perceives emotional reactions, and the mind perceives verbal ones. This is the difference between concepts such as human consciousness and subconsciousness.

The differences between the two also lie in their functionality. Consciousness helps a person to survive in society, but the subconscious is responsible for life in general. Man has two instincts: social and biological. Moreover, the goals of both of them can be opposite. That is, for example, for many people, success in social sphere more important than keeping them alive. And the emotions and goals processed by the subconscious are perceived by the consciousness vaguely and incomprehensibly in most cases. In addition, human illusions are often to blame for problems.

And the most dangerous of these is happiness. Almost every person dreams of a happy relationship and so on, but no one can really explain this feeling. The concept of happiness is individual for everyone. And in an attempt to achieve this state, many begin to put the dominant on the receipt of material benefits and recognition in society. But in reality, they are pursuing an illusion. Thus, they spend their lives looking for something that cannot be achieved. After all, happiness is a real-time emotion that depends on the environment and circumstances, and you cannot create it with material benefits. Also, people are often enslaved by the illusion of suffering and danger.

It is thoughts and feelings that the subconscious contains in itself, and they are the main components of success. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. After all, all the thoughts of a person are preserved in it, regardless of what they are. That is, the subconscious mind absorbs all positive and negative judgments, and it does not matter whether they are false or not.

It reacts with emotions and human behavior. Therefore, in order to normally coexist with the world and be in harmony with oneself, it is necessary to give the subconscious mind more positive thoughts. This reduces stress levels and allows you to more confidently achieve goals, develop and feel happy.

Working with the subconscious

The subconscious is an amazing part of the human psyche, which carries enormous potential. With its help, you can carry out your healing, develop, change the surrounding reality and improve your life. If you do not know how to work with it, then a destructive effect is quite possible. That is, working incorrectly with the subconscious, a person creates many problems for himself in life, lowering the level of its quality. It is the subconscious that programs our actions, emotions and ideas.

Installations and where they come from

Human behavior directly depends on the attitudes that are programmed in the unconscious part of the brain. Most often, people themselves lay them by suppressing strong emotions, accepting fears and anxieties, and also through destructive thinking. In addition, the lion's share of programs in the subconscious are laid by parents, educators and other significant adults, who from childhood instill in the child what and how it should be. More often than not, children live with the same subconscious attitudes as their parents. The society in which the individual is located also plays a significant role in the emergence of attitudes. In connection with the development of advertising and the media, a huge number of destructive programs enter the minds of people in modern world... Very often, the media use NLP in the creation of videos and special passphrases for the subconscious. This allows a person to put information into the brain so that it does not succumb to consciousness and rational weighing.

Almost ninety percent of a happy life depends on the correct control of the subconscious. It is necessary to analyze the existing installations, eliminate unnecessary ones and lay new ones that will accompany the correct way of achieving truly important goals.

How to work with the subconscious

The very first thing that needs to be done is to analyze at a deep level of the inner state, to what extent the person inside understands his aspirations and real tasks. And also you need to turn off the so-called "autopilot" in the subconscious. To understand why this or that thought or feeling arises, you can use the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. But you can do it yourself.

To independently achieve success in working with the subconscious, you need:

  • To understand what needs and fears consciousness does not pass from the unconscious.
  • Identify obsessive thoughts that torment a person every day and do not allow him to calmly move on.
  • Realize the desires and beliefs of consciousness.
  • To understand and learn the reactions of consciousness to any changes in previously laid down subconscious programs.

How to control the subconscious

The main tasks that the subconscious mind performs are to ensure happiness, safety and comfort. The activity of this part of the brain is aimed at protecting the human psyche from suffering, pain, difficulties, as well as meeting his needs. But this mechanism works correctly only if a person has learned to control it and learned the meaning and essence of his work. But most often the subconscious goes into disagreement with the consciousness, preventing a person from developing, reaching the intended goals. It imperceptibly affects a person's plans, making adjustments depending on the existing stereotypes, depriving the individual of strength and a positive attitude. In addition, the subconscious mind has the ability to control the brain and body.

Meditation, creativity and gratitude can be used to learn how to control the subconscious. Here you need to learn to consciously perceive your desires at all levels, including visual and auditory. If thoughts, feelings of the subconscious mind contain positive, they receive a response from the Universe, and in most cases materialize. Offenders should be perceived positively, thanked for their experience, and the like.

Thanks to meditation, a person receives answers to his questions, can find and eliminate attitudes and blocks that give rise to stress, anxiety and depressive states. It makes no difference which way the individual chooses to achieve this goal. The most important thing is a sincere desire to change your own life for the better.

In addition, it is important to understand how to remove negativity that has fallen into the subconscious, this is a very important process, because it accumulates in it every day. One method is to visualize the process. A person should sit in a comfortable position in a calm environment and mentally imagine how the negative leaves the head, like streams of water. An important factor is a sincere belief that all subconscious images are real.

In addition, you need to control the spoken words. It has long been known that the word is a real weapon, especially if it is supported by emotion. And many people say things that harm themselves without even realizing it. Psychologists recommend monitoring every spoken word for seven days. Moreover, it is important not to allow foul language towards yourself and others. This will help make the words an assistant, not an enemy. You should also get rid of negative manifestations, avoid quarrels. It is worth knowing that with aggression, a person lays negative programs in the subconscious, thereby attracting bad events and failures.

The subconscious is capable of anything - John Kehoe

Back in the seventies of the last century, a certain John Kehoe decided to investigate how the brain, the subconscious mind of a person, through solitude. He deliberately deprived himself of the benefits of civilization and plunged into the study of scientific and spiritual sources. His goal was to understand how to develop the power of the subconscious. After much work and attempts to understand the sources, he wrote a book in which he tried to convey to people as much as possible everything that he managed to understand.

The book was aimed at discovering ways and techniques of control to achieve a change in life for the better. And so a special technique for controlling the subconscious was developed. For a better understanding of the readers of the book, he gave examples of famous successful personalities, explaining how they achieved their goals. He developed several ways to learn to understand your subconscious.

The first way

It is about visualization. That is, in order to understand how to open the subconscious, a person must replay certain situations in his head that have not yet occurred in his life, in order to achieve from the unconscious the correct movement towards the intended plans. In other words, a person must imagine that he is already doing or has what he wants to get. For example, a person's goal is to become more self-confident. In the subconscious, he must imagine that he is already like that, boldly meets people, speaks in public, performs actions that require courage and confidence.

In other words, any situation, and how easily an individual copes with them, despite the fact that in reality it causes him anxiety, a sense of danger and discomfort. These are the main secrets of the subconscious. This should be done in three steps. First, clearly understand what goal a person wants to achieve. Secondly, you need to get distracted from all that is vital, it is convenient to sit down and relax, both in mind and body. Thirdly, you need to imagine a new reality for at least five minutes as if all this has already come. The main thing in all this is to be purposeful and carry out the procedure until the result appears. And it will not come immediately, and this should be remembered.

Second way

The second way to control the subconscious, according to Kehoe, is confidence in the development of a successful personality. To achieve what you want, you need to take five steps and understand all levels of the subconscious. First, the individual must believe that he will succeed. This can be done by convincing yourself of four things that the world is full of riches, all aspects of life contain many opportunities, there is always a place for satisfaction and joy in life, the success of a person depends only on himself.

Second, you need to find abundance here and now. Each person is surrounded by various benefits. You just need to find them. A person should look for the area where he sees an abundance of necessary and desirable benefits.

Third, you need to program yourself for success on your own. That is, to teach yourself to see success in everything, and at the same time to experience a feeling of joy from observing it, and it does not matter if it is a personal success of an individual or someone else's. It is also worth understanding what intuition is and listening to it.

Fourthly, you need to improve yourself and engage in self-development. To do this, you can use any available sources, including books, trainings, lectures and courses.

Fifth, you need to associate yourself with others. successful people... And it doesn't matter if they are real people or fictional characters from books, films, your personal imagination.

The most important thing is to understand that the human brain, due to the way it works, does not distinguish between real events and the thoughts of an individual. This axiom will help you achieve your goals and get what you want. But you need to not only know, but also correctly apply it in practice, using various tools for this. V real life to engage in self-development and begin to be interested in the power of a person's subconsciousness are forced by negative factors. Only pain, loss and other stresses can push him to serious changes in his own life. While everything is calm, the person remains in the comfort zone, not wanting to change anything. Only hard work, awareness of actions and a sincere desire to achieve results can lead to positive changes in life. Nothing comes easy, and this should not be forgotten.

Many of people do not deny the fact of the existence of the subconscious system and its use in the process of life. Some even attribute the roughness of their character to the game of the subconscious. But the actual state of affairs suggests that if a person finds willpower in himself, learns to manage his inner world, then he will inevitably succeed in life. It is necessary for every person to learn to control subconscious processes, because it is then that the mind will control life, and not emotions and feelings. All decisions will be made harmoniously. So, in order to understand how to control the subconscious, you need to understand the underlying facts.

What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is not a fictional concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It is this that helps a person to navigate in certain life situations... Some subconsciousness is confused with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates in his subconscious a lot of information, which is acquired through the experience of life years. Certain thoughts produce habits or induce a person to take some kind of action, sometimes uncharacteristic of him.

Habits acquired in this way are commonly referred to as psychological skills. It is they that are laid to a person by parents, acquaintances, and their own experience. Thanks to this, a person is subsequently formed with his own unique view of the world around him. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious mind does not regenerate new ideas or anything like that. The thing is that a person creates his subconscious information himself. Thoughts, feelings, subconsciousness - in this order, information is transferred. Thus, everything that is reproduced in a person's thoughts becomes part of the inner world. People program themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefits, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The accumulation of this information is also influenced by external environment, therefore, a person must qualitatively select his social circle so that later he does not become part of a not entirely favorable company of people. The attitudes of the subconscious mind are not easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that can help eliminate negative programs completely.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and filter out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of rational grain. This happens in the process of transforming thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve their programmed goals, which will help them achieve success and accomplish certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious is quite a powerful thing that can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making the passage life path more lightweight.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for a person, not everyone can dispose of such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious mind for negative phenomena, which can subsequently lead to a disastrous result. That is why it is important to keep track of not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively.

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After a while, thoughts move to the programming stage and a person's desire to have his own family completely disappears. And already in the course of even a serious relationship, he avoids the family, psychologically pushing his partner away.
In this way, with simple actions, a person is capable of harming himself and destroying his life radically.

Subconscious functions

For many, it will be a discovery that the work of the human body is determined by the functions of the subconscious. For a more visual representation, the human body can be compared with some kind large production, which employs a huge number of people. Thus, the subconscious is that numerous working class that carries out the necessary processes for the normal functioning of the enterprise. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in close cooperation. The role of consciousness is to set global goals, that is, it is the director of the enterprise.

In addition, you can find other ways of comparison. For example, human body in its properties it can be similar to a kind of computer. Human consciousness acts as a kind of programmer who is able to install certain programs and other components for the normal operation of the machine. But the subconscious mind ensures the operation of these programs, their reliability and accurate performance of the necessary tasks. Only when consciousness and subconsciousness form a harmonious tandem, a person can be happy.

The functions of the subconscious mind are fairly easy to understand. They are primarily aimed at organizing and storing the necessary information in the human brain. If you develop his capabilities, then you can come to the conclusion that it is simply unrealistic to limit them, a person can remember everything that he needs. It is a well-known fact that by the age of 21 an individual is able to accumulate in his head an incredible amount of information, which is several hundred times larger than the volume of the Great Britannica. But the problem is that many do not know how to use such a gift of nature and how to apply this or that knowledge at the right time. Working with the subconscious mind can bring a person to a different level of life.

Scientists have conducted studies, during which they found that a person in a state of hypnosis can display any events in his life in the smallest detail. But older people can even tell what happened 50 years ago, and details will not be omitted. Such an experiment once again proves that the human brain is limitless and has tremendous capabilities. All the secrets of the subconscious are not fully revealed, but some points have already been studied.

The presence of such is quite simply explainable. The brain contains a huge amount of information due to the processes occurring at the subconscious level. In addition, the brain constantly occurs a large number of action variables, for example, rewriting information, building logical chains. Unfortunately, man has not yet reached the point of directing such phenomena. It is quite simple to explain this, because the process of assimilating information and its systematization has not yet been fully studied. All the secrets of the subconscious have not yet been revealed.

The process of subconscious transformation is very complex. One of the most important functions is the homeostatic process. For example, this can include the temperature of a person's body. It is the subconscious that maintains it at the level of 36.6. The subconscious mind controls the process of breathing and heartbeat. Thanks to this, the person is maintained in a normal and stable state. The nervous system works in an autonomous mode, which supports chemical metabolism and many other processes. Thanks to such a well-functioning work, the body feels comfortable and continues its vital activity.

The balance of the body is maintained by other functions as well, and this also happens in the sphere of thinking. Your subconscious mind is able to remember the most comfortable conditions you have ever experienced. Based on these conditions, our body strives to return to that comfort zone again. If a person tries to go beyond it, the body begins to react not quite correctly, discomfort is felt both on the physical and emotional levels. It only says that the person's subconscious has turned on its old functions and is trying to return to a state of complete comfort.

Any new sensations for a person, both physically and emotionally, can cause inconvenience, a feeling of awkwardness and fear. Such sensations can manifest themselves, for example, when searching new job, passing the first exams, meeting new strangers, trying to connect with the opposite sex. This is what the whole palette says that a person needs to get out of the comfort zone, but the subconscious, unfortunately, does not allow this, because of this, nervousness and a feeling of discomfort arise. To avoid such phenomena, people should learn how to control the subconscious.

Human development depends on the activities of the subconscious

Your comfort zone can be a trap. This is especially true for creative and creative people. After all, a flight of thought is required here. Sometimes useful and physical stress survive. Calmness and measured fluidity of life is truly hell creative person... The comfort zone must be left for those people who decide to become leaders. A person acquires new experience, new skills that will subsequently help him. But over time, all this again enters the comfort zone.

For example, if you are decided to be promoted up the career ladder or you are forced to do expensive purchase, you will feel discomfort and inconvenience for a while. In general, this process leads to the fact that a person is building a new comfort zone for himself already on the basis of the rules that are necessary to achieve a specific purpose... If a person cannot overcome these feelings, then it will be almost impossible to build a new comfort zone, but if he copes with this test, then, in the end, he will receive new knowledge, experience, as well as a new comfort zone that expands his capabilities ...

If someone has set himself too high a goal, then he needs to be ready for a long journey. He will need to learn to let go of stereotypes and remove labels. And this process takes time. This is working with the subconscious.

The main rule is that a person must formulate a goal for himself. Moreover, this goal should be similar to the law, which he will constantly replay in his thoughts. It is thanks to this that this goal will be recorded, so to speak, in the subcortex. A person will gradually begin to believe in this, and soon the events will begin to come true. The power of the subconscious will itself push to doing the right thing that are necessary to achieve a specific goal. A person will become sensitive to the information that needs to be obtained in the process of achieving the goal, and then he will really translate into his ordinary life great goal.

How the subconscious works

As stated earlier, the subconscious mind is truly an amazing tool. It is it that is capable of influencing all areas of life. But how does this happen? If you understand this issue, you can understand how to change the subconscious.
A person constantly builds some of his inner beliefs and principles. Thus, it develops or degrades. Consciousness independently attracts to itself the factors of interest in a person's life, makes him get to know those people who correspond to his principles and beliefs, and much more. The amazing fact is that whether a person believes in it or not, the subconscious will still exist. It does not depend on the wishes of people or on their any kind of social status. This law acts constantly. All troubles in life will happen only thanks to beliefs, because the subconscious mind can do everything - make a person happy or lead to problems. For example, if he is convinced that he is doomed to poverty, then this is how it will be. It is necessary to start with the world will help to change the outer shell. It makes no sense to start with the latter. There will be no changes. The situations will be repeated until the inner deep causes are eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to know how to control the subconscious. It must initially be programmed correctly. In order for life to be harmonious in all areas, it is necessary to study the world around you. That is, thoughts must be literate and combined with real events... In this state of affairs, a person will be able to achieve well-being by changing not only the world around him, but also by changing something in himself. will give you the opportunity to get what you want, improve yourself in some way and help other people.

Concentration of the subconscious

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and how to use it. Its power is limitless, and scientists have long proved it. If a person has learned to control his own subconsciousness, it means that he received additional vital energy, which will help him later. Having learned to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book "Techniques for controlling the subconscious" (Murphy Joseph). The author reveals in it the secrets of such a concept as "mental treatment". This term has several interpretations. First, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all the problems of people lie in unfulfilled desires. A person is deeply worried about the fact that he did not achieve the result, his plans did not come true. In this case, you should not count on living in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means physical improvement of a person.

Methods for controlling the subconscious

The subconscious mind can do anything, a person only needs to set it up correctly. Many would like to receive some specific recommendations on how to do this. There are not many of them. Below are some of the techniques for manipulating the subconscious mind:

  1. Before going to bed, it is necessary to give the subconscious the task - to solve the problem that worries. The thought-form, accepted by truth, travels from the brain to the solar plexus and eventually materializes.
  2. Don't limit your subconscious traditional methods... You need to think big.
  3. You should not deeply react to painful sensations in the body. You need to trust fate.
  4. Before going to bed, visualize the fulfillment of your desire several times. Thoughts, feelings, subconsciousness are all links in one chain.

Abilities of the subconscious system

Often, the subconscious mind is compared to a computer in which you can put a certain kind of program. This is how inner conviction and thought regeneration occurs. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations.
Having formed certain psychological habits in oneself, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In this process, he acquires certain convictions, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates specific tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary in order for a person to receive such a mindset for success.

Tasks of the subconscious

A rather difficult function fell on the unconscious part of the human mind - this is the systematization and interpretation of certain data that are laid in the process of thinking and visualization. The subconscious mind is obliged to help a person get exactly those desired thoughts and images that he imagined. But, besides this, it also helps a person to control the work of all internal organs and systems of vital activity, this process is also incredibly important.

Possible difficulties

The problems that a person may face is a lack of knowledge for the correct formation of their own thoughts. People can fix in their subconsciousness absolutely not what they want. This is because the unconscious reaction cannot tell if the thoughts are good or not. Therefore, he perceives everything as truth. In this situation, you must be very careful not to put destructive thoughts in your own unconscious reflexes.

How to deal with problems?

To overcome the destructive effect of thought, you must first understand why a person programs himself for failure. If he can cross this border, he will receive really invaluable knowledge that will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, you need to accustom yourself to think positively in any situation, to find positive sides even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Georgy Sidorov offers effective ways to change the paradigm. "Controlling the subconscious and getting out of the matrix" is one of the best seminars that provide techniques for working with your inner world. Many other authors in their works also reveal the realized practices of subconsciousness control. Valery Sinelnikov's book "Secrets of the Subconscious" will help you to believe in your strengths, resist difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.


Subconscious- a term denoting a layer of the human psyche that exists autonomously from consciousness, is responsible for the processing of beliefs, automatic reactions, habits, feelings.

Many people believe that the subconscious is something incredible, something extraordinarily powerful, something incomprehensible. When we talk about the subconscious and the unconscious, many consider this part of their personality separate from themselves. As if there is me and there is something outside. As if their subconscious is some kind of universal mind. And the subconscious mind can connect to the universal knowledge. In this article I will tell you what the subconscious is. What it really can and cannot, and how to use its subconscious to achieve its goals.

When I say subconscious and unconscious, I mean this: your brain is divided into 3 levels. The conscious part, the unconscious part, and the subconscious.

Your consciousness is what you think, this is your logic, these are the thoughts that you hear.

Your unconscious is conditioned reflexes, for example, when you see a barking dog running at you, you get scared. Or when you hear your name, you respond. These reactions and their analysis take place in silence.

And instincts and reflexes are recorded in your subconscious. You probably know what instincts are. And, unconditioned reflexes are automatic reactions transmitted to you with the genetic code. For example, blinking when something flies in your face. Or close your eyes when you sneeze (otherwise you can harm your eyes).

Everything that lies at the level of consciousness changes very easily. And everything that is recorded at the unconscious level can only be changed using fine work with the brain.

Myths about the subconscious

Let's first talk about myths and what doesn't exist.

When I work with my clients to get rid of fears and inappropriate behavior, then 95% of the work I do outside the conscious level. At the level of the unconscious. In what follows, I will use the word "subconscious" meaning both the subconscious and the unconscious, because this division is very arbitrary.

If the person has a fear of dating or public speaking- this fear is irrational. Rational fears help us survive, for example, being afraid to cross a busy road at a red light is normal, rational. And irrational fears only hinder us.

Move on. This information about fears is recorded in conditioned reflexes in the subconscious (more specifically: the subconscious). Whatever this person does in order to cope with his fear, he will still feel this fear every time. Because everything that is written in reflexes is very resistant to reverse changes (but there are workarounds).

The task of our subconscious is to protect our lives. It makes no difference to our subconscious mind whether we are good or bad, whether we laugh or cry, the main thing is to save life. If something happened in childhood that threatened our lives, then every time we are faced with a similar situation, we will have an automatic reaction.

When in childhood we first encounter a traumatic situation, then in this situation we conclude how we should behave in similar situations. And in every subsequent situation, even decades later, we will automatically turn on a conditioned reflex to protect our life. Because our subconscious mind will consider this situation dangerous.

The whole problem is that what was dangerous for our little ones can be safe in adulthood. Real case: mom left one year old child one in the room. He woke up and thought that no one was home. This is really dangerous for him, because he will not be able to protect himself and impregnate himself. He concluded in that situation "when I am left alone it is dangerous."

He grew up, but the children's response program remained. The person is an adult, and in some situations behaves like a child. This affected the relationship, he became attached to the girls so much that they shied away from him. If you correct this situation (a childish decision), then the behavior will go away. I will tell you how it works a little later.

Many consider the subconscious to be somehow mystical. But the subconscious is just a part of the brain that works simply and quickly. Every time we need to make some kind of automatic reaction, for example, "walk". These complex coordinated muscle movements come from the subconscious level. You don’t think about how to strain a muscle group so that the leg is bent in the right place?

Our subconscious does not know what to do, does not know what is good or bad for us. After all, our subconscious mind does not care how and what we will do. Its functions include only automatic reactions.

Our subconscious can quickly determine whether a person is in front of us or not - using automatic reactions. By analyzing 1000 faces that we have seen throughout our life, our subconscious mind can determine which person is standing in front of us.

But our subconscious mind does not possess any super powers. Yes, we can use our subconscious to better memorize, learn foreign languages ​​faster. Achieve more in sports. We can use our subconscious to change our habits, change our beliefs to those that will be useful to us.

But our subconscious mind is capable of me the world around. Create a cash flow, or an apartment out of thin air. It can only help us to change ourselves. And when you change, you can change the world around you (or change, or move to a place that will suit you best).

For our brain, it makes no difference whether the actions take place in reality or we are just scrolling the picture in our head.

In our brain, there is no trigger that would be responsible for whether the picture is real or not. You can be convinced of this when you dream. Usually you do not even realize that you are dreaming, although what may happen to you will be absolutely incredible. You can guess that this is a dream if you consciously analyze what is happening there. Therefore, when you scroll in your head some events you need (visualize), then you are actually teaching your brain new reactions.

You do not attract wealth to you (or money, or the right people). You train your brain for new actions, and as soon as the right person or desired house, or the necessary events will fall into your field of vision, then your subconscious mind immediately focuses on this. After all, you trained him before.

We need to understand that every day 1000 different paths and 1000 equal opportunities open up to us. The number of variations of how we can act in each situation is infinite. Due to the fact that we give a clear goal to our brain (what we want), our brain begins to look out for 1000 possibilities for those that can potentially lead to a result. There is no mysticism or esotericism here.

Unconscious attraction

Many people talk about the law of attraction, that the subconscious mind can attract the right people who will help you achieve your goals. But this is not the case. If you look closely at your surroundings, you will see that there are people around you who are roughly similar to you.

We all tend to group together for survival, and we filter out people who do not belong to our group, who are not like us. Even if this person is useful to you. In your environment there will be people like you.

If a woman considers all men to be "dumb", then she will unconsciously push all the smart ones away from herself, and cling to the dumb ones (the real story of my client). Even if a woman comes across the best man, she will filter him out only because he will seem strange to her. This has been proven by many social experiences. I usually say that trauma attracts trauma.

Therefore, when we want to achieve something more for ourselves, then we need first of all to change ourselves and here work with unconscious processes will help us. There are ways to directly influence our erroneous unconscious programs, and create positive new ones. New healthy habits and reactions.

When we begin to feel differently and act differently, it attracts completely different people. We begin to notice opportunities that we didn’t notice before. That is, our subconscious begins to work for us.

Correction of subconscious programs

In order to correct the erroneous programs of the subconscious, we need to remove the cause. It is also impossible to introduce a new attitude, for example,. Yes, in theory, this can be done if the trauma that created this belief was not strong.

"The trauma that created this belief"?

Every belief is not created on empty space... Every belief is backed up by some real situation. Each belief was recognized the moment something happened that was really dangerous to you. Therefore, if you repeat 10,000 times an affirmation, for example, "I can stand up for myself," it will not bring any significant results, because the subconscious mind will immediately find the situation that gave rise to this belief. The affirmation will simply be rejected.

Subconsciousness and pregnancy

Very often, beliefs are laid during pregnancy. If a mother in the early stages of pregnancy thought about an abortion, felt fear, then this will strongly affect the child.

Although a small child has not yet been born, from the age of 40 days after conception, he begins to write everything down. If the mother wants to kill him (abortion), it causes severe trauma to the unborn person.

I’m not saying that abortion is good or bad, it’s a private matter for everyone. But starting from 40 days after conception and up to the age of 6 years, the basic foundation of the personality is laid. Each traumatic episode (life-threatening) creates a protective program.

Usually, after 6 years, new protective programs are no longer created. Because after 6 years, the child can already stand up for himself. Argue. Fight. Seek help from other people, deceive and somehow influence the situation in a different way.

How can you influence the subconscious mind if affirmations do not help? I will also add that beliefs also will not help to change unconscious programs. Because when you say, for example, "I can not be afraid of public speaking because they do not threaten my life" - your unconscious will immediately find memories that suggest otherwise. For example, my client's fear of public speaking began at the age of 4, when he was in the kindergarten, at a matinee, reciting a poem in front of everyone and hesitated. He saw disapproval in the eyes of his parents, and chuckles in the audience, and at that moment he decided that he would never speak in public again.

You can convince yourself of the opposite as much as you want at a conscious age, but it will break on the rocks of beliefs laid down at an early age.

Correction of subconscious programs

In order for us to change the unconscious programs, we need to remember the situation in which the child made the decision to behave in a similar way. This can be done using the associative memory function. Because every uncomfortable feeling comes with sensations in the body, somewhere it can press, press, burst, then according to this discomfort in the body we can find the very first situation. Since in the very first situation there were the same uncomfortable sensations in the body.

It is necessary to remove that uncomfortable emotion that he experienced there and then, in childhood, replace it with positive memories. When we remove old erroneous programs from the subconscious, and instead create those that will be useful, the client's life changes radically. And in fact, the behavior changes instantly.

Regression analysis

The whole regression analysis (regression by age down to the very first situation) is that using special techniques, we can remember even what seemed to us forgotten. Up to the intrauterine period. Even when we were in my mother, everything that happened there was recorded. We remember all significant events.

This allows not only to remove unnecessary automatic programs, but also to create new ones instead of them. And now I'm talking not only about fears and phobias, but also about modesty, tightness, but also about some diseases. Indeed, many diseases are directly related to. For example, our subconscious mind can trigger an allergic reaction or skin diseases in order for you to avoid certain places, smells, events.
Subconsciousness and psychosomatics

Your subconscious mind can reward you with paralysis of the limbs just to save you from some situations. If we talk about stuttering, then most often I work with the fact that a child was gagged in childhood (or he himself decided). This, of course, is at odds with the general belief that stuttering is caused by fear. Most often, stuttering is associated with a prohibition on expressing oneself. For example, the child was forbidden to laugh loudly, cry, argue or make noise. And then he could decide in some situation that he would no longer say anything. In order to implement this decision, the child's subconscious mind later created a stutter.

Psychosomatic illness may not appear immediately. But the start of a psychosomatic illness is usually associated with a similar traumatic situation. That is, the subconscious mind first made a conclusion, for example, that it is necessary to avoid open spaces (because it can threaten life). But you could not start actively reacting in open spaces right away, but, for example, 10 years later, when an event similar to this situation happened.

This is because the injury must recur. If our automatic reactions were triggered by just one injury, then we simply would not be able to leave the house. The traumatic situation must be repeated and confirmed. This filters out random situations.

Subsequently, these injuries can be mitigated. Because as we grow up, thinking changes from automation to logic. This explains the fact that the elderly do not have some childhood diseases. For example, stuttering is rare, and inadequate modesty is rare.

Therefore, if you want to be free from experiences and use your subconscious mind 100%, then I recommend paying attention to work with the subconscious through. After all, it allows you to access your subconscious in just 10 minutes. By the way, it is completely safe. Because your subconscious mind makes sure that you do not harm yourself.

Be healthy and happy!

P.S. For those who have read this and want specific actions, you can use the ones on my website. They need to be repeated using a special technique: looking into your eyes, through a mirror, out loud. I usually give these affirmations to my clients so that after our therapy they will quickly come to a positive state of health. As a supportive tool.