Your previous life. Reincarnation test - who you were in a past life and how it will help now. Strong emotional charge and intensity

Is coming New Year, but before making plans for him, it is worth taking stock of the outgoing year and drawing up a clear picture of your career. Ask yourself the following questions.

What career goals have I been able to achieve?

During this year, you probably set several goals for yourself, but the most important thing is what you did in order to achieve them. Have you been able to lead an important project that helped you become more famous? Have you achieved the desired promotion? Or were they just doing their job and making no progress?

Make a list of your achievements for the year - both large (for example, a salary increase) and small (were able to update your resume). “When you see what you were able to achieve, or at least partially did, you will be motivated,” says Caroline Stokes, founder of Forward, which conducts trainings for top managers.

It doesn't matter what exactly you have achieved - the main thing is that you have at least some progress in your career.

Have my skills improved?

Consider how your professional skills have changed by the end of the year compared to the beginning.

“Think about what you've done this year to improve your skills and knowledge of your profession and industry,” advises Jessica Hernandez, President of Great Resumes Fast. If you have ever tried yourself as a leader or figured out a new business in the company, then you will notice how your skills have improved.

Have you attended conferences or online courses this year? Have you received any certifications? Have you followed industry trends? All of these activities increase the level of your professional qualities.

If you are not sure which skills you have improved, ask your boss about it. From the outside, it will be more visible to him in what aspects you have become stronger.

If you could change anything that happened at work this year, what would it be?

Admitting your mistakes is the first step towards avoiding them again. The next step is to make small changes that will help you avoid re-ending. If you missed a chance, how should you prepare yourself not to miss the next one? good opportunity? If you made some mistake, then you must understand what needs to be done in order not to repeat it.

By realizing what could have changed this year, you will understand what to focus on in the next.

Are you satisfied with your job?

If you answered yes to this question, then it is worth figuring out what exactly brings you joy. Are you committed to your cause? Do you like the people you work with? Or are you attracted to trials?

It doesn't matter what exactly you like about your job, the main thing is to keep these things in mind and perceive them as key incentives as your career progresses. Not everything about work is fun, but you should focus on what creates a good work environment.

If you are unhappy, then you need to figure out what does not suit you and what can be changed in next year... And remember, you can always look for a better job.

What do I want to achieve in my career next year, and what do I need for this?

There is no point in looking back at the past if you are not going to learn from it and change something. After assessing your progress in your career this year, make an action plan for the next.

Hernandez recommends writing down three to five goals and breaking them down into quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals. “As you cross your goals off the list, you will see your own growth and will not lose motivation,” she said.

After writing down the goals, discuss them with the right people- by the boss, relatives or partner. Put together a plan. Just sit back and figure out what makes you happier.

If your current boss can't help you achieve your goals, know that there are other companies in the world that need motivated people like you.