The life line is interrupted and then crossed out. Life line on the hand photo of all the signs. Internal life line break

Palmistry studies the different positions of the threads on the hands, each of which has its own meaning. One of the questions that palmistry can answer is the life expectancy of a person, which is determined by the path of life. However, when a gap occurs on the life line, the interpretation can be completely different and of a different nature.

Every person wants to know their destiny and predict their approximate life expectancy. Everyone loves life and fears death, and palmistry allows you to find out how long people have left to live using their life path in the palm of their hand.

It is different for each person and can constantly decrease or increase, therefore, on the one hand, to predict exact date does not seem possible. In any case, it will be issued differently.

Human life is shrouded in mystery and the verdict rendered by fortune tellers and palmists will be inconclusive. However, in palmistry, the life trait has a certain meaning, since the duration can be determined from it, and every individual wants to know it.

A life line with a break does not promise trouble, however, in this case it is interpreted completely differently.

Meaning and actual position of the main thread

With the help of the life path, you can predict not only the duration, but also the existence of a person as a whole:

  • his health;
  • the health of his loved ones;
  • bright events;
  • possibility of a painful death.

All this and much more can be recognized by just one trait.

The thread is located between the tubercle of the thumb, the so-called Mount of Venus. For more detailed information Both hands must be considered. But, if a person is interested in something specific, it is necessary to turn to the active palm.

Ancient palmists assumed that a break in the life line on the hand was a fatal omen and indicated the imminent death of a person.

However, in modern palmistry, this meaning is practically not used, but is only implied very difficult period In human life.

Different interpretation

A different picture implies several options for the development of events that await a person.

For example:

  1. If the life line is very short, this means that life expectancy is short, and possibly short.

  1. The double line indicates some of the person’s possibilities that will open up if necessary, the so-called “Second Wind”. The double road also implies success on the military front or in love affairs.
  1. If the thread has White color and the thickness is increased, in contrast to special cases, this indicates possible diseases and the envious nature of a person.

  1. If there is a break in the life line, then it can be interpreted as different cases in different ways, but more often than not, this does not bode well.

How to interpret a break in the life thread?

Breaks on the life line do not indicate bad consequences. However, in this case, other factors must be taken into account:

  • For example, the position of the road on the opposite hand, look at the further integrity and position of the comets.
  • All these signs can interpret the exact meaning of a line break.
  • First of all, a broken thread will tell about unpleasant changes and events in a person’s life in the near future.
  • However, how his life will change throughout this period can be seen with the help of other drawings or duration after the break.

If the road is restored, bridging the gap, then the obstacles will be smoothed out the best way, and things will improve.

Types of breaks

There are several types of breaks, which are interpreted completely differently. Each position has its own designation and its own role in a person’s life.

Butt interrupt value

The butt interruption carries within itself bad character and promises a person a bad event that will be postponed in the near future.

After this event, life will improve and will continue as before. Popularly, this phenomenon is called a “black streak” and occurs in almost everyone.

An internal break in the life line speaks of dramatic changes in a person’s life that will arise suddenly and on his initiative.

This will not be a bad sign; on the contrary, such changes most often bring good luck.

An external break does not appear so often in people, however, it can mean a quick move or even a change of citizenship.

Also, such a drawing speaks of a change in a person’s worldview and his future plans for life.

Branching life line

When the life line is broken, a person panics and demands justification for the situation.

In the case when the road breaks off and then turns into a fateful thread, it only means that the person is too lucky and is lucky.

There is also another case when the trait branches. There are several branching options:

  • at the beginning of the line;
  • in the center;
  • at the end of the line.

If a fork occurs at the beginning of the road, it indicates great opportunities person. Such a person is capable of achieving great success in labor activity, become famous person and gain the respect of your colleagues.

If you see a second line going sideways from the center, then such a person is prone to constant travel and changing activities. A person cannot sit still, and he needs constant change in order to find the realization of his potential.

In the latter case, the line speaks more about the two-faced character of a person. This can only mean that a person says one thing and does something completely different. In this case, he decides his own fate, and the line adapts to his decisions.

Rupture on the right hand

You can determine the fate of a person by the hand that is the main one for a person. So, for example, the right hand is for a right-handed person, and the left hand is for a left-handed person. In some cases, they use the help of another hand to understand what the meaning of the break is.

Gap in the life line right hand speaks of difficult trials that a person must overcome, the occurrence of serious diseases and other causes that threaten health. If in this option left-hand side has a long and continuous life path, then the illness will be temporary and not fatal.

If over time the break in the life line on the right hand has regained its shape, this only means that the disease will soon pass and the person’s life will return to normal.

Rupture on the left hand

If a person’s leading hand is his left, then fortune telling must be done using this hand. However, the result of fortune telling will be the same as with the right hand. A break in the life line on the left hand has no other characteristics or interpretations.

Among other things, the following factors may influence the interpretation result:

  • the thread increases in size as a person ages;
  • opposite hands have different lengths of roads;
  • the size of the hands and the correspondence of the feature in length;
  • interpretation of other symbols on the palm.

If a left-handed person has a broken life line on his left hand, this indicates a possible illness or misunderstanding that will affect the person’s entire health.

Also, if the road on the right hand is continuous, then the disease or any other obstacle will not threaten life and will soon lead the person’s existence in the right direction.

The above factors should not be excluded, since they can determine a person’s fate in a completely different way, and what at first seemed negative can be positive.

Double life line

If the life line on the hand breaks, then this is a sign of imminent problems or failures.

Another rationale is twofold:

  • Firstly, a forked road indicates that a person leads a double life and is prone to lying. His words cannot be trusted, because he says one thing and does something completely different, hence the contradiction between two personalities in one person.
  • Secondly, it can talk about a person’s undisclosed abilities, ones that he himself is not aware of. In this case, a second wind may occur at a time when he has completely lost hope.

In very rare cases, people develop a third line, which implies the presence of psychic abilities, about which a person, in most cases, is not aware.

By the thread of life one can determine many things that a person does not know about himself. By coming to a palmist for life expectancy, people can learn about themselves what they tried to hide from many people.

You can correct your thread using corrective palmistry; for this you will need a red marker or felt-tip pen. It is necessary to draw a straight line where the life line is shown.

You can do this procedure every day until the line becomes correct form and red color. But before that, consult with an experienced palmist so as not to affect other important aspects.

If a gap has formed on the life line, it will not bring negativity to a person’s home, it’s just that for some period certain difficulties will arise that will undermine health, however, over time, everything will return to normal and life will be restored. In other versions of the gap, there is a different interpretation, in which many nuances must be taken into account.

Fortune telling by hand is a favorite form of predicting the future, and not only among the Gypsies. On the hands and fingers of every person there are hundreds of unique lines that change with us and our lives. In fortune telling by hand, the life line is one of the main and most significant. The lines on human palms can themselves be interrupted throughout life. Novice palmists love short, abrupt lines of life and often immediately give a verdict: there is so much left to live...

Life lines on a person’s palms often lengthen and then become shorter. Drawing conclusions from this is pointless: while a person is alive, everything can change. You can also adjust the length of the life line, thereby changing it, as well as life. The human future will always be a mystery, therefore it is impossible to confidently judge the fate of an individual person based on the lines of life.

There are only three options for interrupting the life line. By the way, you should not confuse breaks in the life line, which are extremely rare, with breaks in which the streak of fate continues.

  1. “Butt” break in the life line

This period of a person’s life can be called walking on a tightrope: it is marked by both small and big troubles. Troubles can take you by surprise in several areas of a person’s existence at once: in material terms, in the health of oneself and loved ones, relationships between relatives. Usually people call this period of life a “black streak”. But, as it was written on King Solomon’s ring, “everything will pass, so will this,” so we should expect changes in better side. This gap exists parallel to the line of the guardian angel, who helps to overcome difficulties in life.

  1. Breaking the line of life inside

Exactly parallel to the broken line of life is the line of fate, or, as it is also called, Saturn. It occurs quite often. This break in the life line, according to fortune telling, signals future health difficulties, death of loved ones and even serious deterioration material well-being. But, as you know, everything has a second side: new career prospects and business success are coming in the future, because the Saturn line is responsible for a person’s career.

  1. External interruption of the life line

Very rare. This break means that the person will want to go home to his loved ones. The heart will calm down in relation to relatives, and the parental home will be a safe haven. Unfortunately, the situation in the world is such that no one is interested in a strong, long-term marriage: at the slightest quarrel, people get divorced. According to statistics, the number of divorces is 50% of all marriages. As palmistry interprets, by a hand with such a life line one can identify family-oriented people for whom nothing is more important than relatives.

What needs to be done if a dark streak has come in life? Firstly, do not be upset: everything has its end, and happiness is somewhere close, and secondly, value your emotions, money, feelings and actions. At this period of a person’s life, it is necessary to minimize the damage from the test that fate has given.

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Some “specialists,” when they see a short or broken life line, like to report the approaching end of existence. This is fundamentally wrong. The length and intermittency depends on many life factors. Breaks and breaks in the life line are not a death sentence. Everything can be changed as long as a person is alive and ready to fight. There are 3 types of breaks.

1. Butt break

In this case, the line, having been interrupted, continues almost immediately. This time is popularly called a black streak. Known for big troubles various fields life. Unpleasant events can occur in your personal life and business, serious health problems are possible, even a deterioration in the well-being of especially close people can be reflected in this gap. But life, like the line, continues, having overcome all difficulties. Often such a gap goes along with a parallel line, which helps to overcome difficult situations.

In the photo: the line is interrupted and immediately starts again

2. Internal break in the life line

The line is interrupted, but parallel to it, closer to thumb, another one appears, slightly longer than the gap. It means major health problems, possible separation from family, loved ones, divorce. Getting deeper into work will help normalize the flow of life; Saturn (a parallel line appears on its hill) will attract good luck in money matters.

Photo of internal rupture

3. External gap

The continuation of the life line shifts towards the palm. This sign encourages you to pay attention to your family; problems are possible, however, they can be solved with timely attention. The love of your parents will also help. This gap is extremely rare.

External break in life line

There are several tips for these problematic issues:

  • Try to understand what lesson life wants to teach.
  • Continue life. You can’t isolate yourself or get hung up on the situation. It is necessary to try to overcome difficulties with minimal losses.
  • Change. Any test in life is not given for nothing. It is necessary not only to learn from each situation, but also to build your future life in such a way as to avoid repetition of unpleasant moments.
  • Analyze and understand karmic debts.
  • Listen to your intuition. Not everything and not always can be comprehended with the help of reason. And when inner knowledge gives signals, it is important to learn to understand and use them.

Drawing a line yourself can also help. With a red pen you need to sketch the gap and direct your thoughts in a positive direction. This ritual should be performed once on each waxing moon.

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When analyzing the Life line, we will consider the most common endings of the line, such as: the ending that smoothly goes around and crosses the Mount of Venus, as well as the ending of the line that goes to the Mount of the Moon and bifurcates the ending of the Life line.

The end of the line of Life, smoothly bending around the Mount of Venus shown in Figure 1.19. When the end of the Life line smoothly bends around the Mount of Venus, forming the correct letter “C” and ends at the upper rosette, then this sign indicates a conservative, stable and permanent person who value and love their home. Such people are homebodies who perceive all life changes with caution and reluctance, and do not like traveling and moving. They value stability, comfort and coziness, and turn their home into a fortress. Negative point for such people is that they cannot tolerate unfavorable circumstances for themselves and are very afraid of changes that could completely or partially change their usual way of life. If at the same time the thumb is rigid and not flexible, and the line of Life and Head have a long joint beginning, then such a person will be very conservative, who will be difficult and reluctant to try anything new, previously unknown and unmastered.

The end of the Life line crossing the Mount of Venus shown in Figure 1.20. The description of the end of the line, which reduces the Mount of Venus, is similar in its interpretation to the small radius of the Life line, but unlike it, it will only apply to old age and advanced age of a person. Thus, people with such an ending to the Life line will experience a weakening vitality and energy, loss of interest in life and activity in the age period when the end of the line begins to cross the Mount of Venus.

The Line of Life, going towards the Mount of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.21, indicates a person’s activity and tendency to frequent changes in lifestyle and moving. If at the same time the Life line changes its direction and does not divide into two lines, then moving and traveling will become part of such a person’s life and will completely change the course of his life. It is also believed that if the line of Life at its end goes towards the hill of the Moon, then such a person will emigrate to another country and end his life not at home, but abroad.

On psychological level the Life line going to the hill of the Moon will speak of the romanticism and originality of a person, as well as an original and non-standard mindset.

The Life Line bifurcates, while one part goes around the hill of Venus, and the second part goes to the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22, reveals a person who is both restless and striving for changes in his life, but at the same time experiencing great affection for family and friends. The equivalence of lines, in strength and depth, as in our example, will indicate that both directions and both are equally important for a person. life paths. If the lines are unequal in strength and depth, then there will be a choice in the life of such a person. It will concern either life in two countries, or testify to different areas and different areas development of interests, but in the end he will have to choose one path or decide on one area of ​​development, in which the direction whose line will be clearer and stronger will win.

If the line going to the Mount of the Moon is stronger, then this is a sign of a distant move or emigration, despite the fact that this person will have a lot in common with his homeland, with the place where he was born and raised. If the line encircling the Mount of Venus is stronger, then the person will eventually gain stability and constancy in life, end all his trips and choose a home and a native environment familiar to his heart and soul.

Breaks in the Life Line. Breaks in the Life line are always interpreted negatively due to the fact that they weaken the flow of energy in one of the main lines in the palm. The energy that flows along the line of Life, having reached the point of rupture, spills outward and does not go further to the rosettes, causing a person to have health problems or a loss of meaning and purpose in life. Therefore, it is very important, when there are breaks in the Life line, to find lines that can compensate for this gap and give a new direction to the flow of energy, since only in this case will the severe effect of the gap be weakened, giving the person hope for a speedy recovery or the beginning of a new path of personal development.

The effect of a break on the Life line is multi-level and the break itself can “work” on one or several levels, which is clarified along the main lines of the hand. If we take into account only the break on the Life line, without taking into account the lines that we have not yet studied, then a break on the Life line can mean: at the physiological level - a serious illness; at the security level - severe body damage or death (necessarily specified by other lines on the palm or compensating signs); at the level of psychology - a serious revision of beliefs, worldview, changes in character, habits and behavior, which constitutes a complete or fairly deep transformation of the personality, or indicates a loss of internal status - loss of self-confidence, collapse of hopes, desire to live, etc.; at the relationship level - the destruction of a marriage or strong connection; in terms of career, a break marks a radical change in occupation, a total change of job or other transformations that take place very dramatically; in terms of finances - large losses of money; in terms of circumstances – a change in the quality of life, i.e. a deterioration in the external conditions of existence. The sign can also indicate relocations, emigrations, if just above the gap a thin branch separates towards the Mount of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22.

Before studying breaks in the Life line, it is necessary to understand the basic law, which is used by all palmists without exception and concerns the displacement of segments of the remaining Life line after its break in one direction or the other. Thus, all breaks on the line of Life relative to their displacement to the sides are divided into internal and external. An internal break is such a break, the new segment of which, after the break in the line of Life, shifts towards the thumb, and with an external break, on the contrary, it shifts away from the Mount of Venus. In Figure 1.23, line 1 and Figure 1.23-1 represents the internal break in the Life line, and in Figure 1.23, line 2 and Figure 1.23-2 – the external break.

Rice. 1.23-1

Internal break in the Life line speaks of global changes in a person’s life, mainly associated with poor health. Since the segment after the break in the Life line is shifted towards the thumb and crosses the Mount of Venus, reducing it, there is a weakening of vitality, a loss of interest in life and vigorous activity. The energy of action becomes less and less, so a person gets tired more often, he needs longer periods of sleep and rest to restore his strength. Such people, after a break on the Life line, withdraw into themselves, become homebodies and stop being active. When applying dating to the Life line, you can determine the age when the event itself will occur, which will have a negative impact on a person, unsettle him for a long time and weaken his health.

External break in the Life line indicates an influx of external energy in the second half of life, which will make the individual more independent and self-confident. This sign also speaks of a person’s broader capabilities and his desire for change, so such people, as a rule, become younger at heart, get a second wind, psychologically free themselves from everything old and unnecessary, begin to travel, thereby radically changing their lives for the better.

The general rule when analyzing breaks on the Life line says that an internal break is a global change for the worse, and an external break is for the better. As a rule, such dramatic changes in people’s lives occur after a single negative event, which is indicated by the break in the line of Life, subsequently a global transformation and change in a person’s worldview occurs, thanks to which a revision of values ​​begins and the person begins his life anew, with a clean slate, as evidenced by the very shift of the broken line . To determine this turning age in a person’s life, it is necessary to apply dating to the Life line. The marker of age will be the end of the main line of Life or, most often, a thin comet (Ketu line) that cuts through the old and new segment of the displaced Life line.

Now let’s look at the main types of breaks that can occur on the Life line. In total, there are three types of breaks, which differ in the degree of overlap or compensation of the broken Life line, these are: an unclosed gap (Figure 1.24), a covered gap (Figure 1.24-1) and an intersecting gap (Figure 1.24-2). Since the basic interpretation of gaps was fully described earlier, the main differences between gaps in comparison with each other will be discussed below.

Unclosed gap in the Life line the most unfavorable of all existing gaps, which indicates the onset of negative events in a person’s life. The description of this gap is multi-level and was discussed at the very beginning of this topic. This gap cannot be unambiguously interpreted as death or severe physical injury to a person, since often this gap will be compensated by other lines or signs, which we will discuss in the following topics.

A closed gap in the Life line. It is called overlapped or compensated because the ends of the lines inside the gap form an overlap and seem to overlap or overlap each other. This is the softest and most gentle breakup compared to other breaks, which indicates a gradual and smooth change in life. For the most complete analysis, it is necessary to look at how the gap is closed - internally or externally, and interpret it based on this. If the bridged gap is external and it sends a branch upward from the Life line, as in our example, then such a sign indicates a revision of the worldview and value system through a crisis, and the acquired experience will play an important creative and strengthening role in further development personality and will only benefit.

Intersecting break in the Life line mainly formed by broken parts of the Life line. When determining the age period by dating, the time interval of the very intersection of the two lines will reflect a person’s health crisis, surgery, or severe mental and physiological problems.

When analyzing gaps, it must be remembered that the gap is active hand indicates global changes regarding lifestyle changes, problems on the way to achieving personal goals, as well as health problems, i.e. everything that concerns the active side of a person’s life. Breaks on the passive hand will mainly concern a fundamental change in worldview, worldview, meaning of life and revision of the value system. Tears on both hands give a kind of inevitability and predetermine the course of events that will affect both the active and passive sides of a person’s life.

Branches from the line of Life. Branches from the Life line are lines that originate on the Life line and head upward to the interdigital hills. Each branch coming from the Life line indicates the fulfillment of desires, satisfaction of ambitions, success, material profit and are considered very favorable for a person. Start new branch– this is the beginning of a new life stage and a period of serious positive changes. Each branch from the Life line should be assessed at its completion. If the branch turns out to be stronger and more powerful than the line itself, then such changes in a person’s life can change the main course of the Life line itself. There are four types of branches, which differ only in that their ends stretch to different hills, so they are divided into branches directed to the hills: Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.

The branches directed towards the Mount of Jupiter are shown in Figures 1.25 and 1.25-1 by line 1; to the Mount of Saturn – 1.25 and 1.25-1 by line 2; to the hill of Apollo - 1.25 and 1.25-1 with line 3 and to the hill of Mercury - 1.25 and 1.25-1 with line 4.

Branches directed towards the Mount of Jupiter indicate the desire to acquire authority, to strengthen one’s position in society and the desire to put one’s desires and ideas into practice. Often, the branches directed to the Mount of Jupiter are called “lines of ambition” because they indicate those qualities of a person’s character that push a person forward and force him to develop in accordance with his desires and ambitions, thereby satisfying a person’s ambition. In youth, up to the age of 18–21, branches going to the Mount of Jupiter indicate academic success, and in some cases, branches on the Life line up to the age of 14–15 can serve as an indicator of the success and material advancement of the child’s father. During school years, these branches, as a rule, indicate restrictions imposed by the family or school that need to be broken in order to gain the long-awaited freedom for personal development. If a thick branch from the Life line goes to the index finger, then this is a clear sign a person's efforts to escape someone's control or break isolation in some area of ​​life. For example, this could be a time of separation from parents or leaving a partner who suppresses a person’s individuality. A lot of rising small lines indicate a person who will constantly strive to achieve something in order to attract others to him. When a branch begins in the middle of the Life line, this fact indicates the choice of an independent direction in the personal, if the sign is on the left hand, and professional, if the sign is on the right hand, spheres.

Branches directed towards the Mount of Saturn, indicate success in your career, obtaining a new position or financial advancement. In any case, from the point where the branch branches off from the Life line, you will have to take on increased obligations, show much more responsibility in business than before, completely devote yourself to work, and only through complete concentration and dedication to these goals will success be guaranteed.

Branches towards the Mount of Apollo, are an indicator of a happy creative period. But at the same time it testifies that a person will satisfy his ambitions only with the help of hard work and great self-discipline. For all people without exception, this branch is a sign of professionalism in their chosen profession or field of activity, and for an artist or artist this will be the time of the beginning of recognition and fame.

Branches directed towards the Mount of Mercury, indicate success in the fields of science, business or communication with people, and is also an indicator of increase material wealth as a result of competent ability to manage money or business entrepreneurship.

When analyzing branches from the Life line, it is necessary to remember that the branches must start from the Life line and not cut it. If a branch cuts the Life line, then this sign is considered negative and will not have positive values, and in its action it will be similar to comets, which we will discuss below.

Double line of Life. The double line of Life (Figures 1.26 and 1.27) is a special karmic reward for pious and God-pleasing deeds in past incarnations. An extremely rare sign on human hands. The difference between the double line of Life and the sister line (line of Mars), which is designed to protect the main line of Life, is that in the double line of Life both lines will be equally strong, even, follow the same parallel course and direction, and they will also be equidistant from each other friend throughout.

The double line of Life shows a physically and energetically strong, spiritually and morally resilient person. Possessing extraordinary energy and penetrating power, a person with such lines will look for himself in areas related to interaction with other people, which will require emotional and psychological stability, physical endurance, constant self-development, firmness and strength of character.

Despite the fact that Prarabdha karma, for merits in past incarnations, gave such a person a good, bright destiny, excellent physical health and protection from various kinds of troubles, it also imposed on him additional responsibilities in life. Such a person, living one long human life, through his actions and deeds, seems to live two lives, having two completely different life paths and directions of development, which are very easily combined in his life. Such a person feels the need for parallel life paths, at the same time, two radically different ways of thinking, two worldviews coexist in him, and at one moment he can play one life role, at another - be a completely opposite person to himself.

When considering each line, it must be remembered that the inner Life line plays the most important role. It is designed to be responsible for the health of its owner, for the level of vitality and energy, and also shows the connection with close relatives and spouses. The second line of Life, which is located closer to the center of the palm, acts as protection. She covers it, giving the first line of protection and protecting it from external influences and negative influence events. Also, the outer line of Life fulfills part of the line of Fate, which shows a person’s professional orientation, his ups and downs in his career. As a result, the outer line combines two lines - both the line of Life and the line of Fate.

When analyzing the double line of Life, it is necessary to take into account which hand these lines are on. If double line If life is on the active hand, this indicates a very strong human energy, which must necessarily find its application in Everyday life person. As a rule, such a person will live two lives, have different images, will play different roles, for example, at home he will be alone, at work completely different, etc. But at the same time, he will have time to combine everything and be on time everywhere. A double Life line in a woman’s hands will indicate a combination of career and family, despite the fact that these two different areas will be equally important to her.

If the double line of Life is on the passive hand, then this indicates that two completely different lines coexist in a person. different systems values, two worldviews, two inner world, different emotionality and sensuality, which very often replace each other.

Signs on the Life Line. Signs on the Life line are not found often, and their presence on the line itself or next to it will indicate great fateful changes in a person’s life. Almost all the signs we have previously studied that are on the Life line carry a negative meaning and relate to both physical health and psychological state person. When analyzing negative signs, it is necessary to remember that the signs on the main lines are very difficult to change and are in no hurry to disappear from the hand, therefore, in order to “remove” bad sign from the Life line, you need to radically change your attitude towards life and your usual behavior. For example, if a sign of an accident is found on the Life line and the person is constantly inclined to break the rules traffic, driving recklessly on the road, while showing disrespect for other road users, then in order for the sign to “go off” the line, it is necessary that the habit of observing traffic rules deeply enters the consciousness of such a person. It was already said earlier that the main task of a professional palmist is not to state the very fact of a future event, but to identify the problem area and correctly present information to the client, so that he can take the necessary measures in time to prevent unpleasant events for himself and managed to turn the situation in his favor. Below we will consider the main, most common signs on the Life line.

Points on the Life Line are interpreted depending on their color. The color of the dot indicates the influence of Rahu or Ketu on the person. Thus, a red dot serves as an indicator of danger from nature (water, earth, air, fire), and a dark or black dot indicates an approaching illness or operation. Black dots at the very beginning of the Life line may be an indicator of congenital diseases in a child. The point at the break point on the Life line is evidence of a serious and long-term illness. But the most negative and dangerous sign will be the point at which the Life line ends, indicating the age of violent death.

Island on the Life Line(Figure 1.28) indicates a period of poor health, rapid fatigue and lack of vitality for the period the sign is in effect. When analyzing the islands, it is necessary to apply dating to the Life line, which will indicate the time of the beginning and end of health problems.

Square on the Life Line(Figure 1.28) is a security sign and has protective effect during unfavorable periods of a person’s life. In our example shown in the figure, the square surrounds the island on the Life line, giving the necessary protection to the human body from illness and hope for a successful outcome. It must be remembered that the square protects against the consequences of negative events, but does not cancel their occurrence.

Triangle on the Life line(Figure 1.28) has conflicting interpretations and its influence on a person should be clarified by other lines on the palm. On the one hand, the triangle indicates an improvement in financial situation and career success, which will be earned by a person thanks to his tactical and diplomatic abilities, as well as the ability to get his way. On the other hand, a triangle is a warning of danger from smoke and fire, especially if the sign is strong and is on both hands. Also, a triangle may indicate the acquisition of real estate with the help or assistance of the father.

Lattice on the line of Life indicates a loss of meaning in life and spiritual weakness of the individual. It is very important to evaluate the nature of the Life line after the impact of the grid on it. If the line breaks, then the consequences of the events that happened in a person’s life left a deep mark and affected the health of the owner of the hand. If the Life line after the grid continues without changes, then the events were of an educational nature and remained only in the person’s consciousness, without affecting health.

Cross on the Life Line in the interpretations of modern palmists, it is a sign of an increased accident rate from vehicles as a result of automobile or other types of accidents, or it indicates single, but striking negative events that will affect the quality of life of the owner of the sign.

Star on the Life Line has the same interpretations as the cross, but its effect on a person is greatly enhanced. If this is an accident, then it is of severe severity, as a result of which a person can be on the brink of life and death; if this is an attack on a person, then with very serious consequences for physical health, etc.

Circle on the Life Line indicates vision problems or indicates common problems with health. In the classical interpretation, proposed by palmists of the 18th–19th centuries, a single circle on the Life line speaks of problems with one eye, and two circles - with two eyes. By modern interpretations, circles on the Life line indicate a deterioration in the overall vitality of the body.

Interaction of comets (Ketu lines) with the Life line. On comets, or Ketu lines, we have already partially discussed the topic of describing signs on the hills, so this topic will consider how these lines interact with the Life line, how they look on the palm and what properties they have depending on where and how they are running out. You already know that comets in the palm of your hand give a person mental anguish, deprivation, worries and resentment, i.e. they indicate psychological events that carry great heartache for a person.

The general interpretation of comets is multi-layered, and these signs can work on various levels human life. If comets relate to physiology, then they give a person illnesses; in everyday life - difficult living conditions; in relation to financial status – financial difficulties; to a career - indicate problems with work or dismissal from it; if it concerns relationships and love, then these are conflicts, divorces, stress and disappointments.

Comets are located horizontally on the hand, begin on the Mount of Venus and on their way cut through the main lines of the hand, including the line of Life. Any comet, due to its intersection with the Life line, creates obstacles to the movement of the energy of action, as a result of which it creates troubles, difficulties and problems in a person’s life. Therefore, any intersection of the line of Life by comets is a kind of marking of events on the lines, which are a warning factor about quite tangible changes or events in a person’s life that can entail both psychological disorders, and painful periods. For events of the past time, comets are just a recorded fact of unpleasant events, but for the future time, this is a warning that in no case should be ignored. It is also necessary to remember that comets on the palms are different, therefore, when analyzing them, one should always pay attention to their expressiveness and thickness in relation to the line of Life, and it is also necessary to take into account its beginning and end, i.e. the place from where it comes out and where he's heading. When comets cross the Life line, it is necessary to visually extend the secant line towards the hill to which it is heading, as a result of which it will be possible to determine where the danger will come from and what its consequences will lead to, by analogy with the previously discussed Rahu lines. If at the same time the comet looks weaker than the line of Life in strength and thickness, and does not damage it after crossing, then the event that is about to happen in a person’s life will not cause significant losses, obstacles will be easily overcome, and the events themselves will be forgotten very quickly, since they will not cause deep emotional wounds. Conversely, if a secant line cuts the line of Life, after which its character and direction changes, as a result of which negative signs appear on it, such as islands, crosses, dots or breaks, then such an intersection is an omen of very unfavorable events that will knock out a person for a long time from the usual rhythm of life and will affect all spheres of his life.

Now let’s move away from the general theoretical description of comets and consider how they look on the human palm and what they influence depending on their type, length, origin and direction. All secant lines in palmistry that somehow interact with the Life line are usually divided into several types depending on the nature and scope of their influence. The safest type of comets, which do not come into contact with the Life line, are called lines of concern (shown in Figure 1.29 and located at the bottom of the Mount of Venus in the white oval). Further, according to your negative impact there are comets that stop on the line of Life without crossing it (Figure 1.29, lines in a white circle); Next come comets that cross the Life line and go into the space between the Head and Heart line (Figure 1.30). The remaining comets are considered depending on the lines they cross: crossing the line of Life, Fate or Apollo (Figure 1.30-1), crossing the line of Life and Head (Figure 1.31), crossing all the main lines and going to the line of the Heart (Figure 1.30-1 ).

Small lines on the Mount of Venus that do not cross the Life line are called worry lines and indicate periods of excitement and anxiety. The periods of influence of these lines on a person are characterized by nervous tension, in which it is very difficult to achieve inner harmony and tranquility. If there are many such lines, then this indicates a person’s internal nervousness, strong receptivity and impressionability, as well as a strong waste of necessary energy. If at the same time the entire palm is covered with a network of small chaotic lines and there are islands or irregularities on the Head line, then the nervousness and anxiety of such a person’s character intensifies. Nervousness can also be a consequence of the unfulfillment of one’s desires and aspirations, the reasons for which are clarified along other lines of the hand.

Comets that reach the line of Life, but do not cross it, are divided into comets related to the sphere of personal or family relationships. These are event comets, the time of which is determined at the point of intersection or at the place where they meet with the Life line when dating is applied to the main line.

Comets leaving the area personal relationships , cross the lines of Influence on the Mount of Venus, or originate from them, but do not cross the line of Life - indicate family problems and troubles. They also indicate experiences that relate to personal life or indicate conflicts with spouses and associated stress, which cause problems with the development or continuation of relationships.

Comets related to the sphere of kinship relationships, originate from the region of relatives and begin either from the Malika rekha or next to it on the Mount of Venus. As a rule, such lines indicate experiences and stress associated with relationships in the parental family or with loved ones. These could be contradictions, quarrels, or attempts by parents to interfere in a person’s affairs and life. Comets also indicate that such attempts on the part of relatives are perceived as hostile and negatively affect the course of the person’s life.

Comets crossing the Life line and going into the middle of the palm, into the space between the Head and Heart line, talk about strong external changes and associated experiences. This could be a severe shock or non-standard situations, which are perceived very negatively by people. If a comet crosses an island that is on the Life line, then this sign is a classic sign of operation.

The lines on a person’s hand, unlike the patterns on the fingertips, can change throughout life. Inexperienced palmists are very fond of short and dangling lines of Life - and are immediately ready to pronounce a verdict: you have only one life left...

Sometimes the Life line becomes shorter, sometimes, on the contrary, it lengthens. so predicting a person’s lifespan based on the lines of the hand is a thankless and pointless task. While a person is alive, everything can change. Moreover, the lines on the palms can be drawn and adjusted - then over time they will change, like life itself.
The presence of a long line of Life, like its breaking, is not a final verdict. Fortunately, human life will always be a mystery.
There are three options for breaking the Life line. There are no breaks when the line has no continuation: this happens extremely rarely, but there are no breaks when the line of Life continues.

Breaking the line of Life end-to-end- when the line of Life, having broken off, continues after some interval. This period can be conditionally called a flight over the abyss. It is marked by both large and small troubles. Troubles and misfortunes can affect any area: health, material well-being, life and well-being of loved ones, family relationships, and so on. Usually such periods are called a black streak. But any dark stripe is replaced by a light one. Darkness, as we know, thickens before dawn. And such a break, as a rule, is accompanied by a parallel line of a guardian angel, who helps to get through all the trials.

Internal break in the Life line: parallel to the broken line of Life, continuing it, closer to the middle of the palm, goes the line of Saturn (Fate). Happens quite often. Typically, such a gap indicates health problems, loss of loved ones (or divorce), and a sharp deterioration in material well-being. But everything passes. How can the heart calm down in this case? Work. New career prospects, success in business - after all, the Saturn line is responsible for professional activities.
External break of the Life line: the continuation of the Life line is closer to the thumb. Quite a rare case. In such a situation, the heart will be calmed by love for loved ones. For such a person, the parental home is the beginning, and the family that he creates himself is the most reliable refuge. Unfortunately, in Lately The family institution is collapsing, and the divorce rate is more than 50%. For many, going to the registry office has become a kind of entertainment - like going to Turkey, for example. Just as bright, emotional - and just as short-lived. Well, now seriously.

What to do if that very dark streak in life comes?

First: accept everything that life gives us.
Second: do not try to fight fate: it is useless. Of course, we cannot sit idly by. Continue to live, act, dream. Just don't break into closed doors or try to bring back the past. When a ship is sinking, you must try to save everything you can. And here it is very important to switch to saving mode: money, feelings, actions, energy. Stop the fuss and stay calm. In this period the main task- finish the battle with minimal losses. Save the army, as Kutuzov did, without allowing himself to be defeated in the Battle of Borodino.
Third: to change, to undergo transformation - in fact, it is for the sake of our transformation that such tests are started. We come into this world to learn. Everyone has their own lessons, their own exams. A person in whose life there has been no grief cannot appreciate happiness. So you can consider that the crisis is best time when fate gives you a chance to learn something, gain new knowledge and experience.
Fourth: finish old things, close karmic debts.
Fifth: listen carefully to the signs of fate. She will talk to you, don't even doubt it. So forget about rational arguments for a while and trust your intuition more. And to make your life a little easier in moments of crisis, I advise you to resort to correction. Take a red pen, preferably a helium one, and draw a healthy and beautiful Life Line. And don’t forget the guardian angel line. We wish you happiness!