What is the best time to get pregnant. Conception of a child - how to calculate everything and get pregnant. Breaks between pregnancies

In the modern world, the definition of "planning a pregnancy" is used everywhere, since it has become possible to influence the process of conception and make a decision when exactly it should happen. The planning process is characterized by many subtleties, and expectant parents think these important points in advance.

The most favorable days for conception, depending on ovulation

Many have heard about the calendar method, but it is still very conditional. If there is a regular menstrual cycle, a woman may not pay attention to its duration, because after following it for 2-3 months, she will be able to draw up her calendar without any problems.

It is believed that the most suitable period is the days of the cycle from 9th to 18th. In this case, you need to count from the 20th day until the beginning of the next menstruation. In the case when a woman has an irregular cycle, it will be necessary to record the duration of each for at least a year.

Thus, it will be possible to determine the longest and shortest cycle of those that have been. Next, you need to make a calculation: from the number of days of the shortest cycle, 19 should be subtracted, and from the longest - 10.

For example, the shortest menstrual cycle was 24 days, and the longest was 28. The following calculations are obtained: 24 - 19 = 5.28 - 10 = 18. As a result, it becomes clear that the most favorable days for conceiving a child for a woman will be with 5th to 18th inclusive.

Video: how to determine the day of ovulation

Why are these, at first glance, accurate calculations remain conditional? Because even in women with a perfectly rhythmic menstrual cycle, ovulation does not always occur on precisely calculated days.

It is worth noting that factors such as frequent stress, depression, taking medications and especially hormonal drugs, as well as, of course, various kinds of diseases, can affect the changes in ovulation. So you should not use the calendar method as the only effective and absolutely accurate way of planning conception.

Did you know? The average cycle time for women, which is 28 days, is actually not that average. It turns out that only 33% of women have this cycle length. For the rest, it is either less or longer, or fluctuates up to 14 days from one cycle to the next.

Optimal age

The age of the future father and mother can influence both the conception of the baby and its further development inside the womb.

There is some truth in the fact that it is more difficult for a woman to become pregnant over the years. Carrying a baby is not so easy, and at a certain age it can be quite problematic. But the age of a man is equally important.

Before talking about the optimal age of a man and a woman for conceiving a child, we note that to this day, no doctor can accurately name the ideal age of reproduction, especially in men. The most important is the lifestyle of those who want to become parents, and age is a secondary factor, although it is certainly important.

For men

According to research, the chance of conceiving a child in men aged 40+ is approximately 60%. Then, closer to 45 years, the figure drops to 35%.

The reason for such statistics lies in the fact that over the years, the sperm produced is damaged at the genetic level, which provokes infertility. The number of active spermatozoa that are able to move gradually decreases, while the volume of damaged ones increases.

Video: the aging of the father to conceive a child Based on this, we can summarize that the ideal age for conceiving a child in men is the period from 20 to 35 years of age. With all this, it must be remembered that the most important is the quality of the sperm, which can be low even at a young age.

Factors such as:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Among other things, for many men, sexual activity decreases by the age of 35, which also lowers a woman's chances of getting pregnant.

Despite all the above information, the probability of conceiving a child in a man after 40 still remains. Therefore, this age should not be taken as a sentence.

Did you know? Pregnancy, as everyone knows, lasts about 9 months on average. Surprisingly, the longest bearing of a child, which has been recorded so far, lasted 375 days - more than a year.

For women

According to medical experts, the best female age for the birth of a child is the period from 18 to 35 years of life. At the same time, it is recommended to plan the first pregnancy before the age of 25. At this stage, the hormonal background already manages to stabilize sufficiently. Also, most often, a woman's body by this time has not yet been burdened with a number of chronic diseases. It is interesting to know what mom and baby feel at 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy.

In general, the benefits of this age of reproduction in women are as follows:

  • the ovaries have the largest follicular reserve, which increases the ability to fertilize;
  • significantly lower probability;
  • the body, due to its youth, is less exposed to diseases, which helps to safely carry a child;
  • pregnancy is a significant burden on the body, and a young woman will tolerate it more easily than a pregnant woman of age;
  • at this age, complications of pregnancy, including late ones, manifest themselves much less often;
  • in a woman at a young age, the birth canal is more elastic, and the pelvic bones are more mobile, which facilitates the course of childbirth.
Video: at what age is it better to give birth

Many women who temporarily postpone the birth of a child have heard the statement that after the age of 35, pregnancy will always have complications. And the key word here is always. Now, this is definitely not true.

The likelihood of getting pregnant, as well as the very process of bearing a child, completely depends on the individual characteristics of a woman and her man (if we talk about conception). And if there are no serious health problems and there is a correct lifestyle, then you can conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child not only after 35 years, but also after 40.

Best time of year for pregnancy:

Disputes about what time of year it is better to give birth to a baby still take place. Someone is interested in horoscopes and wants to influence the nature of the baby even before her conception, while someone is concerned about the health of the baby who will be born in a particular season of the year. Let's take a look at the main pros and cons of each period.


A child who is conceived in winter will be born in the fall.
Among the pluses it is worth noting:

  • at the last stage of pregnancy, a woman will be able to consume many natural vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits, which are abundant in autumn;
  • the lactation period will also take place in the comfortable conditions of fortification of the body.

As for the cons:

  • the onset of pregnancy coincides with the peak of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Of course, this is dangerous, since right now the main organs of the baby are being formed. But this problem can be avoided. It is enough just to take vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle, try not to visit crowded places and dress warmly;
  • the baby will be born during the cold season, which is not a good indicator for walking. But if you temper it from the first days, using air baths, etc., and also walk with it, not paying special attention to the weather (protecting, of course, the stroller from wind and rain), then there should be no problems.


A child conceived in the spring will be born in the winter.

  • the vitamin reserve in the last stages of pregnancy has not yet been depleted, so that the conditions for the birth of a baby will be quite favorable;
  • late toxicosis will be tolerated quite comfortably, because the weather is not hot.
  • in the spring, many people clearly feel vitamin depletion, therefore it is recommended to use vitamins, and both parents;
  • you need to protect yourself from accidental injury in the last months of bearing a child due to slush and ice;
  • the child will be born during an epidemic of acute respiratory infections and flu, so the baby needs to be protected and tempered.


In the spring, children are born who were conceived in the summer.

  • in the summer there is a large amount of vitamins that the expectant mother takes from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • the risk of getting flu or acute respiratory infections is minimal;
  • a lot of positive emotions in connection with the warm season, the opportunity to relax and gain strength.
  • the end of pregnancy coincides with an epidemic of colds, as well as the risk of injury due to ice or slush. It is recommended to temper before pregnancy, play sports and take vitamins. And in the process of carrying a child, rely on the help and accompaniment of her husband when walking;
  • spring is the season of vitamin deficiency. You need to remember this and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits in the fall, and later - tableted vitamins.


A child conceived in the autumn will be born in the summer.

  • a huge amount of vitamins at the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • childbirth and lactation also coincide with the fortified season.
  • the last months of bearing a child can fall into the summer season, when it is quite hot and even stuffy. It is recommended that you purchase a fan or air conditioner to regulate the temperature in your home. It is advisable to take a walk in the morning or evening, avoiding the stuffiness of the lunch;
  • Long daylight hours do not contribute to the production of melatonin, the hormone of pregnancy. But if a woman is healthy and happy, then you can cope with the amount of hormone that is available.

As you can see, each season has its positive aspects, and those marked with minuses can also be made as pluses, if you prepare for them correctly. For example, bad weather for a child is not too negative a factor, because these are excellent conditions for early hardening. Moreover, at first the baby is protected by the mother's immunity, which he received from birth, so viruses are not afraid of him.

Video: when to plan a child

Important!You should dress the baby correctly and according to the weather, because there are a lot of clothes on the child-this is as bad as its lack.

What time of day is it better to conceive a child

Sexologists believe that the best time to conceive a child is in the morning, from about 6 to 8 hours. It is believed that it is during this time period that a man produces the most active sperm.

And the woman, in turn, is best prepared for fertilization. It is worth noting that this is not a dogma, because different people lead different lifestyles and the biological morning can come for someone at a completely different time.

The best period for conceiving a child after a previous pregnancy

It should be noted at the beginning that it is not recommended to plan the second or third baby immediately after the birth of the previous child. Pregnancy has a strong enough effect on a woman's body and her health, and childbirth in general is a severe stress. It is important to recuperate, and it takes a lot of time.

Doctors, for the most part, agree that it is best to adhere to the interval between pregnancies of 3-5 years. So, a later pregnancy can carry a risk of complications, and too early will become a considerable burden on a fragile female body.

Important! A woman who has had a miscarriage or abortion is advised to pause at least six months before pregnancy in order for the conception to be successful.

Favorable period after taking contraceptive drugs

There is an opinion that you can conceive a child about three months after you stop taking hormonal contraceptives. It is worth noting that this statement is not entirely true, and we will explain why below.

The duration of taking such drugs before the planned pregnancy is very important. That is, if a woman has been using such pills for several years, then her body, simply speaking, will "wean" to produce and.
And until such production returns to normal, which will restore ovulation, it may take not only three months, but also three years. Here, the calculation can be carried out according to an approximate formula: for each year of taking hormonal contraceptives - about three months of recovery.

But if a woman has been taking this kind of drugs for less than six months, then after the termination of such a process, a reverse reaction of the body may manifest itself, which in medicine is called the "rebound effect", or "pregnancy on cancellation". The essence of this effect lies in the fact that the eggs are very active after the so-called "hunger strike".

Medicine even practices this method of combating infertility, when a woman who wants to get pregnant first takes hormonal contraceptives (short course), and then tries to get pregnant - artificially creating a "rebound effect".

With all of the above, you need to remember that the body of every woman is special and individual. Difficulties in conception can be even after a short course of using pill contraceptives, just like you can get pregnant within a week after canceling a six-year intake of hormonal drugs.

What else needs to be considered for a successful conception of a child

A couple who have decided to become parents should remember a number of recommendations that directly affect the successful conception of a long-awaited child:

  • you should lead a healthy lifestyle. There should be at least minimal physical activity, such as exercise in the morning or evening walks. It is not at all necessary to work all day in the gym, and in some cases it is even undesirable;
  • stick to proper nutrition. Food should be wholesome and healthy. It is recommended to limit alcoholic beverages, and exclude altogether when planning conception;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits, and in addition take vitamins in tablet form. Vitamin complexes are especially needed in winter and spring;
  • take all the tests prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner;
  • avoid stress and unnecessary worries, live in peace and harmony;
  • try to protect yourself from diseases, and if such occurs, do not self-medicate and take medications with caution.

Video: how to conceive a child correctly

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and very exciting process for many. In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, you must first of all monitor your health and lifestyle, as well as listen to the advice of medical specialists.

Many women of reproductive age have repeatedly asked the question "When is it better to get pregnant?" Today, there are many myths about auspicious days and the best age for conception. Therefore, below we will consider in detail the questions of how what is the best time to get pregnant in terms of various factors.

Pregnancy planning

If everything is in order in physical terms, it is strongly recommended that a couple of months before the intended conception, normalize your daily routine, avoid stress, adjust your diet and, of course, be sure to give up bad habits, including secondhand smoke in women. For more information on when and how to properly plan a pregnancy, you can find information from the article.

When is the best time to get pregnant in terms of age

Those girls who give birth to a child younger, and even more so those who become pregnant as a teenager, are not able to fully bear the baby. This is because when the body of the expectant mother itself is not sufficiently developed physically, it cannot provide the necessary amount of nutrients for the child who is in the womb. Not unimportant is the fragile psyche. Thus, the disadvantages of the early appearance of the baby are obvious:

  • Frequent birth of premature babies;
  • A greater number of weakened children;
  • Insufficient (wrong) education
  • Shifting parenting responsibilities to grandparents;
  • It is often impossible to secure the future for the child, because the parents themselves "did not get on their feet."

When the age reaches the mark after 30 years, getting pregnant is also not the best option. Despite the fact that psychologically a woman becomes stronger, prepared for the birth of a baby, she is often very much waiting for the appearance of a baby, there are disadvantages, and they can be significant:

  • Less likely to get pregnant
  • Increased risk of complications from the fetus: low weight / high weight fetus, placenta previa, hyper
  • Higher likelihood of genetic abnormalities in the fetus, mainly associated with gene or chromosomal mutations.

Men also have some limitations for the optimal age of conception. They have it up to 45-50 years, since when they reach an older age, the risk of genetic abnormalities in their offspring increases dramatically.

If a woman protected herself using oral contraceptives, and after the end of their intake she thinks when it is better to get pregnant, then there is no need to rush. In order for the gestation period to pass without complications, it is better to postpone the pregnancy for 2-3 months.

What days is it better to get pregnant

When the question arises of what time it is best to get pregnant, the answer becomes obvious in terms of the menstrual cycle. The best time to get pregnant is during the ovulatory period. It is then that the ovum leaves the ovary, after which it enters the cavity of the fallopian tube, where it can only meet with the sperm once a month. To determine when ovulation occurs, you can use special tests that are sold in the pharmacy or by measuring the basal temperature.

Please note that the best way to get pregnant is to have sex on the day of ovulation. Despite the fact that, presumably, the viability of sperm is up to 1 week, if sexual intercourse occurred the day before in 1-2 days, then the probability of successful conception decreases, amounting to about 30%, and if in 3-5 days - then by all means 10%, which once again proves that such a time is not the best for conception. After ovulation, the probability of fertilization of the egg is preserved only for a day, after which, as you know, the female reproductive cell dies, and the probability of conception is equal to zero.

It turns out that for men, the question is also relevant, on which days it is better for a woman to get pregnant. So, the best time will be when the spermatozoa become the most active, as well as mobile, and this happens from late summer to early autumn. Although, in general, the spring and autumn seasons are considered fruitful. the number of sperm in the seminal fluid at this time reaches its maximum.

Some people want to plan for the sex of the baby over time. You can find out when you can get pregnant with a child of a certain gender from the article

Best time to get pregnant with your second child

It is better not to plan the birth of a second or third child immediately after the previous birth. A woman's body after severe stress needs a long enough period to recuperate. It is recognized by physicians that the optimal interval between the first and subsequent pregnancies is from 3 to 5 years. An earlier pregnancy is fraught with heavy stress on a strengthened body, and a late one increases the risk of complications during pregnancy.

If a woman has had an abortion or miscarriage in the past, the best way to get pregnant is to wait at least six months for conception and gestation to be successful.

Myths about when to get pregnant

Modern society is not without prejudice about when is the best time to get pregnant. However, most of them are myths that have no scientific support.

The earlier you get pregnant, the better.

For some reason, many have an established opinion that the younger the body, the better it will endure pregnancy and childbirth, and the faster it will recover. Regarding the reserve potential of a young girl, this is true, but when an early pregnancy occurs, she is fraught with many problems, including even serious medical complications. Despite the fact that from a biological point of view, the age from the moment of the onset of menstruation (11-15 years) is considered childbearing, from other positions this age is too young for conceiving a child.

After 35 years of age, pregnancy always has complications.

In this categorical statement, the key word is “always.” So, this is not true, in addition, it depends not only on age, but on the individual state of the body of a particular woman. A healthy woman who does not have bad habits, who takes care of herself, can absolutely safely bear a healthy child after 35 and even 40 years.

To get pregnant, you need to follow the lunar calendar.

Whether to adhere to a certain season in order to conceive a child or not is the business of every woman. The data that say that it is better to get pregnant at a certain time of the year is not based on scientific facts and medical evidence, but on "pseudo-scientific" statements that find a connection between a favorable pregnancy and constellations, the amount of fruit, temperature, etc. Moreover, even according to the lunar calendar, even if conception occurred at a favorable time, for example, in the fall, when there are a lot of vegetables, then the last trimester will be in the summer, when it becomes problematic to carry a child in hot weather.

First you need to make a career and gain financial independence, and only then get pregnant.

The age of primiparous women is increasing every year for this very reason. Material well-being is placed above family values. Newlyweds believe that the baby will greatly hinder them in achieving their goals. Many women want to first simply realize themselves in a career and only then think about when is the best time to get pregnant, but the years go by faster than we think. Despite the fact that the birth of a healthy child in an adult woman is no exception, the risks that appear with later conception still exist and they are real. When a sick baby is born, no material well-being can save the situation, so it is important to do everything in due time.

Thus, when a woman decides that it is time to become a mother and begins to think about when it is better to get pregnant, she can adopt the above tips and independently calculate the best day for conception and prepare in advance for the onset of pregnancy in order to bear a healthy baby in the future.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

Each woman with sufficient accuracy can determine the time of ovulation in her body. Measuring her body temperature daily and noting the results, she will notice that about 14-15 days from the first day of the cycle, the woman's body temperature will slightly increase and will remain at this level until the end of the cycle.


With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, the most favorable time for conceiving a child is the 14th and 15th days from the first day of the onset of menstruation. The beginning of the next cycle is the end of menstruation (menstruation), when, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the pituitary gland begins to grow and develop a new follicle. It is on these days that the mature follicle ruptures and the egg is released from it, ready for fertilization. And if semen enters the vagina, and there is a sufficient amount of good quality sperm in it, and besides, they will successfully go all the way to the egg (cervix - uterine cavity - fallopian tube), and at least one sperm will come "to meet" with an egg without delay, then there is a high probability that fertilization will take place.

IT IS IMPORTANT! If sexual intercourse takes place on the indicated days, this is not a guarantee that pregnancy will necessarily occur. Often, in young and healthy couples, the desired conception occurs only after many months of life together, it may take even longer. In this regard, one should not be especially worried and assume an inability to ovulate, obstruction of the fallopian tubes or infertility of a partner.

Statistical studies say that in about 90% of healthy couples, attempts to conceive a child are crowned with success after a year from their beginning, and the fact that success does not come immediately is not a reason for concern, a joint doctor's visit and an examination for infertility. The most likely reason for "failure" is fatigue and excessive anxiety.


2. It is not advisable to do a lot of cycling or horse riding. The constant friction of the scrotum leads to an increase in temperature and greatly reduces the quality of the sperm.

3. It is not desirable for future fathers to take steroids and muscle growth stimulants. Refusal to accept them must be done no later than six months before attempts to conceive a baby.


1. During conception, it is recommended to abandon vaginal lubricants. Vaseline-based creams may contain substances that alter the acid-base balance of the vagina and destroy sperm. Douching has the same effect, which should also be abandoned during this period. In addition, often used, it reduces the natural protective function of the vaginal flora. As a consequence, the risk of infection increases.

2. When having sex, the posture of partners is of great importance. In the man-on-top position, sperm loss will be minimal and penetration maximized. After ejaculation (ejaculation) of a man, a woman needs to lie on her back for 30 minutes, lifting the pelvic region or placing a pillow under the pelvis. This will increase the chances of conception. If a woman during conception for some reason has only one ovary, then after ejaculation, the woman needs to raise the pelvic region and turn to the side where the ovary is.

3. When conceiving, it is important to choose the right day. The egg is ready for fertilization within 2-3 days. Sexual intercourse does not necessarily have to coincide with the moment of her maturation, but it is better if he is closely tied to this moment. It's easy enough to predict. Usually, the egg is ready for fertilization 14 days before the end of the cycle. If it lasts 28 days, then it will be the 14th day from the beginning. With a cycle of 32 days - 18th.

4. When a man is “worn out,” sperm production drops dramatically. If ejaculation occurs at long intervals, this is also bad: it is not so much the number of spermatozoa that decreases, but their mobility - they are no longer so actively rushing towards the goal. During the period of egg maturation, it is best to have sex once every 2 days. For a woman with a 28-day cycle, these are her 12th, 14th and 16th days. And during the 4 days preceding the possible period of conception, it is better for the couple to abstain from sex. But after the 16th day, you can relax and have fun.

5. If, before the decision to become pregnant, a woman was taking contraceptives, then it is reasonable to wait 15 months: after many years of taking contraceptive pills, it takes time to normalize the menstrual cycle. If a woman is over 30 and has not used contraceptive pills, it is enough to wait about six months. There is no reason to delay with this longer: the longer it is not possible to become pregnant, the more difficult it is for a specialist to provide effective assistance. And after 35, modern methods of infertility treatment do not work at all. If the woman is under 30, it is wise to wait 1 year. In the event that pregnancy does not occur during this period, you need to seek medical help. The better at the time of conception the physical and mental state of the future dads and mothers, the healthier the child will be.

IT IS IMPORTANT! Before getting pregnant, it is advisable to do the following:

- undergo examination - if you need to heal;

- heal unhealthy teeth;

- have a good rest (on vacation);

- reduce contact with household chemicals;

- to reduce the consumption of pharmacological agents;

- reduce sexual activity.

The conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to keep track of her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The calendar of the conception of a child is a form in which it is necessary to enter the first day of the last menstruation, the program, with the help of different colors, shows which days are the most "fruitful". Try it, the conception calendar is really very simple to calculate!

For a better understanding of how the program works, we will give the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. In the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur on the days of menstruation, as well as at the very end of the cycle. These "safe" days are shown in pink (see the conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during ovulation.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Increased libido (sex drive).

3. You can notice a jump in basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you built a graph in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. There may be short-term, aching pains in the uterus and ovaries.

6. The doctor, with the help of an ultrasound scan, reveals the signs of the release of the egg from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data on the beginning of critical days (exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%, nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any "little things", such as stress or change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Also note that you do not ovulate every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year “sterile”.

Unfortunately, planning for pregnancy is still not a general rule. But if your family in its evolution has reached the point that, firstly, it can afford pregnancy at a certain moment, and secondly, it can make this pregnancy a real fact, then you should know: the higher the health level of future dads and mothers at the time of conception, the healthier the child will be.

Therefore, it is desirable before that:

Many people care about the season, month, day, and even a specific hour. I can’t say anything about the day and hour (it’s better to find out from astrologers), but with regard to the time of year, I will note the following. The maximum level of health of a particular person falls in autumn (September-October): a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, summer rest (sun, air, water, physical activity). On the other hand, it is very good when a child is born in the fall: it is easier to organize hardening, winter is ahead (it will be more difficult to overheat). Again, it is very good when the first half of a child's life falls on the winter months - the immunity inherited from the mother to many viruses is still active, therefore, it is much less likely to get sick.

The logic, most likely, is that in the absence of serious health problems in future parents, conception should be planned for January-February, in order to give birth in the fall. Well, if health is not in order - "do" the child in the fall.

A special question is the age of the expectant mother. It is clear that at 18 you will be healthier than at 35. But the main thing is that you give birth to a child for yourself, and not as a gift to grandparents. Therefore, it is better to be a mom at 30 than a cuckoo at 18.

And further. Even when having a puppy, people tend to think about where he will sleep, what he will eat and who will walk with him. For the child you are born with, it is you and only you who are obliged to provide an existence worthy of a person ...

Before birth, the baby forms its skeleton from the mother's calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, due to the lack of calcium and phosphorus, her teeth may begin to "deteriorate". If they are no longer very good, then it is advisable to put your mouth in order in advance, so that later, being pregnant, you do not also run to the dentists.

If you and your blood relatives do not have and did not have problems with the nervous system, a standard prophylactic dose of 0.4-0.5 mg per day will do. If someone in the family has suffered or is suffering from neurological disorders, if you have diabetes or are overweight, about 1 mg does not hurt. A standard folic acid tablet is usually 1 mg.