What is the density of fiberglass? Painting fiberglass web: application. How to use the web: conditions

One of the main concepts modern renovation This is the creation of smooth surfaces followed by coating with a selected decorative material.

Almost all types of finishing used today (decorative plasters, painting, wallpaper) require a smooth base, which is obtained by plastering the walls.
Gluing fiberglass makes it easier to create smooth surfaces; moreover, the strong and durable fabric reinforces the plaster layer.

How to lay such fabric on the walls in order to obtain the required result flat surface?

The painting cloth consists of the finest glass threads, it is light and very thin, for which it is often called “spider web”. If you unfold the canvas, you can get a perfectly flat surface, but due to its structure it is quite prickly.
This material is created not by weaving, but by pressing glass fibers. The result is a very durable canvas that is lightweight.

Painting web is used in the process of leveling the walls of rooms, in combination with plaster. And if the starting layer of putty is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, then this material acts as an intermediate layer between it and the finish.

Using leveling mixtures with fiberglass makes it easier to obtain an even base that can then be painted. But, in addition to this application, non-woven glass fabric strengthens (reinforces) finishing layer plaster.

Particularly relevant is the use of reinforced fiberglass finishing for walls in newly built houses and apartments. During the first 1-3 years, construction, as builders say, “shrinks.” And as a result, along with the deformation of the walls, the finishing cracks.

Comprehensive reinforcement of layers of plaster with mesh and painting fiberglass allows in most cases to avoid such a negative factor.

But, you can use, for example, glass wallpaper as a durable finishing material, or, as is most often done, simply apply mesh reinforcement, without extra costs. Yes, this is true, but canvas based on durable fibers has significant advantages over its analogues.

Advantages of fiberglass

The canvas is usually found on sale in the form of rolls of 50 meters each. If you unfold the canvas, it can be torn very easily, but the same wallpaper can be painted or fiberglass mesh do not represent the ideal strength until they are laid on the surface of the walls with additional application related materials. What advantages does such fiberglass have?

Light and fragile canvas, when laid on a wall in accordance with technology, turns into a serious reinforcing layer with a significant margin of safety. In addition, the process hides minor defects and surface imperfections.
Glass fiber consists of fibers that ultimately make it possible to obtain a coating with moisture-resistant, fire-resistant qualities, and also not susceptible to wear and tear or aggressive substances.

The coating has excellent vapor and moisture permeability, which prevents the formation of fungus or the creation of an uncomfortable atmosphere of stagnant air.

The material contains no toxic substances that can harm others or cause an allergic reaction.
But, like any finishing agent, the “web” will get all its due. positive traits only in progress correct installation, using appropriate materials.

What to glue on

As the main substance for installing the canvas on the surface, you need to use only the glue intended for this purpose - ready-made or dry mixtures for fiberglass. They have everything necessary qualities, do not form unwanted lumps.

You should not use wallpaper options for installing fiberglass, their base is starch, or analogues that do not have sufficient strength required in this situation. Special compositions are made on the basis of PVA glue, which gives glass fiber canvases those strong properties. IN pure form Such a mounting agent also does not need to be used. PVA is a very strong compound for “cobwebs”.

You should not test the connection using putty. Such mixtures have less penetrating power than any glue that impregnates the canvas, making it similar to polymers. In addition, unglued areas will inevitably swell, forming bubbles, and as a result, installation with putty will negate all leveling of the surfaces.

Canvas gluing technique

The main purpose of fiberglass is to level the surfaces of walls and ceilings and eliminate existing deficiencies. But first you need to prepare the planes.

Ideally, the “cobweb” is laid on an already dry starting layer of plaster. However, if the relief of the walls is smooth and does not have cracks larger than 1 millimeter, in such a situation it is permissible to glue fiberglass directly onto them.

Typically, such work can be carried out in houses with walls made of aerated concrete. In this case, you must first prime all surfaces.
If there is significant damage, dilapidated areas, and other deficiencies, they are eliminated, and only then do they begin laying the fiberglass sheet.
Dilapidated oversized elements can be fixed using Perlfix gypsum mounting adhesive.

Cracks should be filled with plaster using serpyanka tape as reinforcement.
All restored areas are rubbed down with sandpaper or sanding mesh flush with the surface of the walls.

As a result, you should get a smooth base without significant damage.
At the end preparatory stage It's time to start the main work. How to properly glue fiberglass on a surface?

Installation of fiberglass

Attention, when purchasing fiberglass, it is worth considering the peculiarity of its installation - overlap. Therefore, the material will require slightly more than the perimeter of the room or the ceiling area!

The technique for gluing fiberglass to walls is as follows.
Initially, you should prepare blanks from the canvas. The roll is unrolled and cut into pieces corresponding to the height of the walls, plus an additional 50-100 mm.

Installation begins from the corner where the first layer of glue is applied. The composition must be applied with a wide brush. This allows you to create sufficient thickness of the glue balls.

A piece of canvas is placed at the top and at the joint with the corner of the room, after which it can be straightened and pressed with gloved hands, and the entire surface can be smoothed with a wallpaper spatula.

The excess tolerance at the bottom is cut off with a knife, under the ruler. The fiberglass laid on the wall needs to be coated one more time. adhesive composition above. If there are missing areas (not glued), they can be easily identified by their distinguishable shade. A well-impregnated fabric has a uniform color.

The next piece of canvas is laid in the same way, but with an overlap of 20-30 mm over the previous one. In this way, all surfaces of the walls are completely glued, and if necessary, the ceiling. Floors need to be covered with small pieces of fiberglass (up to 1500mm), this makes it more convenient to work. After drying, you can begin further finishing.

Is it necessary to putty fiberglass?

The result of pasting the walls with canvas is a flat surface, ready for finishing. In this situation, a dilemma arises: can you paint it right away or should you putty the walls first?

There are several nuances associated with the properties of such a material, which indicate that plaster is needed. Firstly, when painting directly on fiberglass, you need to use at least 2-3 times more color; it will simply be absorbed into the coating, leaving a pale tint.

Secondly, after gluing the canvas, its texture will be visible even under a double layer of paint.
Thirdly, without putty, the surface of the fiberglass is not suitable for wallpaper.
Also, when applying paint or glue, part of the mixture will fall along with thin fibers from the structure of the canvas, which will not create a uniform coating. As a conclusion, fiberglass has one purpose, it reinforces and levels the finishing layer, but is not independent type bases for further finishing.

If you become the owner of a newly built house and apartment, reinforced reinforcement in a combination of starting putty, mesh, fiberglass, and finishing plaster is a highly recommended measure. Otherwise, get ready to make new renovations in the next three years.
But, even in habitable housing, fiberglass will not be superfluous, because in addition to reinforcement, you can in a simple way eliminate surface imperfections in the form of cracks and small depressions.

It often happens that the repairs made do not last long to please you with their impeccable appearance. Painted or plastered surfaces become covered with a network of cracks, and the wallpaper begins to peel away from the walls and become covered with “wrinkles.” Allows you to avoid such problems preliminary preparation surfaces - reinforcement (strengthening), leveling, applying a composition to improve adhesion - a fairly large amount of work.

They can be replaced by gluing fiberglass based on fiberglass threads. It will strengthen the walls and ceiling and eliminate small cracks. The finishing coating will lie flat and no defects will arise even when the walls of the building shrink.

The material is suitable for application in residential, office and industrial premises. The main thing is to choose the right type of fiberglass.


Fiberglass is used for rough finishing to prevent cracking of the finishing material and its deformation during the shrinkage process. The material is non-woven sheets based on fiberglass threads, which are pressed. The material is produced in rolls 1 m wide. Material length is 20 and 50 m.

GOST dictates different thicknesses of threads and weaving them in a chaotic manner, which provides a reinforcing effect. The density of the material is 20-65 g/m2. Depending on the purpose of the material, rolls of one density or another are selected. Optimal for interior work is fiberglass with a density of 30 g/m2.

Due to its low density, the material looks like a translucent canvas, for which it received another name - “cobweb”. Another name is glass interlining.

A special feature of the material is the presence of front and back sides. WITH inside roll is located front side, it is smoother. The back is more fleecy for better adhesion to the surface.

Fiberglass can be attached to any type of surface, including puttying, painting, decorative plaster. By preventing cracking of the finish, the material allows the walls to “breathe”.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the material is its ability to eliminate cracks and deformations of the finish. Fiberglass has good adhesion, which ensures a tight fit to different types of surfaces.

The material is hypoallergenic because it is based on natural ingredients(quartz or silicate sand), so it can be used even in children's institutions. Thanks to good vapor permeability, it is possible to obtain “breathable” surfaces.

Among other “advantages” it is worth highlighting the following:

  • good performance moisture resistance, so the material is suitable for indoor use high humidity(bathroom, kitchen);
  • fire safety, since the material is not flammable;
  • not susceptible to fungi and mold;
  • non-hygroscopic material, due to which an optimal microclimate is always maintained in the room;

  • does not attract dust and dirt;
  • high density, which provides the effect of reinforcement and slight leveling of surfaces;
  • wide temperature Range use (-40… +60С);
  • possibility to use on different types surfaces, apply for painting, putty, wallpaper;
  • the ability to use on surfaces subject to increased vibration load;

  • wide scope of application - in addition to strengthening surfaces, fiberglass, like fiberglass, can be used in roofing and waterproofing work;
  • high elasticity and low weight, which simplifies the installation of fiberglass;
  • light weight.

The disadvantage is the formation of tiny fiberglass particles that appear during the cutting and installation of the canvas. If they come into contact with the skin, they can cause a burn. This can be avoided by protecting exposed skin and respiratory organs with a respirator.

Fiberglass is often called a type of glass wallpaper. However, such statements are erroneous. The materials differ in production technology: glass wallpaper is made from fiberglass by weaving, and fiberglass is made from fiberglass threads by pressing. This difference causes different areas application of materials: glass wallpaper is used for finishing coating, while the canvas is used to prepare the surface for further finishing.


Painting fiberglass may have different densities. Based on this, there are 3 groups of “cobwebs”:

Density 25 g/m2

The material is ideal for gluing to the ceiling for painting, which is why it is also called ceiling. The light weight of the canvas does not put a load on the surface and absorbs less paint. Its use is possible on a relatively flat ceiling with small cracks.

Density 40 g/m2

Universal fiberglass, the use of which is recommended on surfaces more damaged by cracks than the ceiling. Performance characteristics allow the use of fiberglass of this density for walls, for ceilings, finished with old plaster, as well as on surfaces with high vibration load. The finishing coating is also varied: plaster, paint, wallpaper, which is based on fiberglass coatings or non-woven lining.

Density 50 g/m2 or more

Technical features allow the material to be used in industrial premises, garages, as well as on surfaces subject to great destruction with deep cracks. This type“web” is the most durable, and its use is more expensive. Costs are associated with the purchase of the material itself (the higher the density, the more expensive), as well as with the increased consumption of glue.


Today on construction market You can find glass wallpaper from various brands. We offer you a selection of manufacturers who have won the trust of customers.


German company occupies a leading position in the production of fiberglass. Vitrulan is engaged in the production of wallpaper, including water-active ones; the range is replete with materials and tools for painting works, as well as variations of fiberglass. The manufacturer also produces already painted canvases, fiberglass, which imitates fabric textures and has a variety of reliefs.

Buyers note the high performance properties of the material and, importantly, the absence of fiberglass chips when cutting and installing the canvas. Finally, the manufacturer produces material with a wide variation in density - from 25 to 300 g/m2,

The company regularly updates its product range, offering innovative solutions. So, those who don’t want to bother with glue can purchase fiberglass from the “Agua Plus” collection. It already contains an adhesive composition. You can “activate” it by wetting it with plain water. After this, the glue appears on the surface of the “web”, it is ready for gluing.

Wellton and Oscar

The products are manufactured by the Alaxar production group, which unites leading companies from Germany, Finland, and Sweden. The main activity is the production of coatings for walls and ceilings. In addition, related products and tools are produced.

The brand boasts a wide range, including both Premium materials and more available options. Of the features - wide choose material by density (from 40 to 200 g/m2), the ability to purchase material by the meter, as well as its high performance properties, including the possibility of repeated coloring.

Along with fiberglass, you can select glue for fixing it from the same manufacturers, which is very convenient.

The cost of the material is lower (about 1,500 rubles per roll), but it tends to crumble and therefore requires special clothing for installation. There are minor defects on the surface of the fiberglass.

From domestic producers The products of the companies Technonikol, Germoplast, and Isoflex deserve attention. The first manufacturer offers high-strength fiberglass, which is successfully used for decoration production premises, roof insulation, as well as heavily damaged surfaces. The advantage of most domestic fiberglass is their affordability.

Russian manufacturer X-Glass is one of those that produces glass interlining in accordance with European requirements. It is distinguished by its versatility of use, perfectly reinforces surfaces, hiding small and medium-sized cracks and preventing the appearance of new defects. The brand's collection is not as diverse as compared to its European competitors, but X-Glass products are affordable. In other words, this is an excellent option for low-budget repairs without compromising on the quality of the coating.


According to independent consumer ratings, fiberglass from the Oscar brand occupies the leading position, with Wellton products slightly inferior to them. Many users note that the cost of the roll is above average, but the higher price is compensated by the impeccable quality of the material and the ease of its application.

Wellton fiberglass is actively recommended for stickers on ceilings and plasterboard surfaces, noting the ease of application, good adhesion performance, and the ability to carry out subsequent finishing work the very next day. Among the disadvantages is the appearance of prickly fiberglass particles during installation.

Those who professionally renovate apartments strongly recommend using Wellton, especially in new buildings. It is important to carefully protect your hands and face from glass dust; ideally, wear protective clothing.

It is better to refuse to buy cheap Chinese and domestic fiberglass. The material spreads under the influence of glue, requires considerable effort to fix, and during further painting at the joints it sometimes clings to the roller and lags behind the wall.

Preparatory work

Gluing fiberglass is a simple process that you can do yourself. Before starting work, make sure that your hands are protected with gloves and your respiratory organs are protected with a respirator. The fact is that fiberglass can form particles when cut. If they come into contact with the skin, they can cause a burn.

The use of the material begins with cutting it. The size of the piece of material you need is one that is convenient to work with. As a rule, fiberglass is glued to the wall immediately from the ceiling to the floor. However, you can divide it into 2 parts and glue them one above the other. To fix the “cobweb” on the ceiling, professionals recommend cutting a cloth no more than 1-1.5 m long.

Before gluing the material, determine its front side. When you unroll the roll, it will be inside. External side(on which glue is applied) is more rough.

Also at the stage preparatory work The glue should be diluted according to the instructions. Adhesives designed specifically for fiberglass should be used. Each type of canvas has its own glue. Glue for non-woven wallpaper is also suitable; it will hold fiberglass of any density.


Fiberglass is used in many types of construction and finishing works:

  • reinforcement of walls for a higher quality finish;
  • preventing the formation of cracks in the finish coating and masking existing cracks;
  • preparing walls for application decorative covering– when using fiberglass, you don’t have to putty the surfaces with finishing putty;
  • leveling walls;

  • creating original effects on the surface of the finishing coating (for example, marble effect);
  • use for roofing works as a basis for bitumen mastic(special types of material are used that improve the adhesion of the roof and mastic);
  • pipeline protection;
  • waterproofing work - fiberglass is used to strengthen and protect polyethylene sheets;
  • organization of drainage systems.

The material is suitable for application to any surface - concrete, plasterboard and can even be glued on top of the layer old paint(it’s better to scratch grooves on it to improve grip).

The use of “web” is recommended especially for those surfaces that are subject to constant mechanical stress. Wallpaper, paint and other materials fixed on top of fiberglass will last you longer without changing the original attractive appearance, even if the structure shrinks.

The glued “cobweb” fabric allows you to avoid many operations. You don't have to prime the surfaces, finishing putty you also don't need it (unless you plan to wallpaper). If the walls are relatively smooth, without potholes, then it is enough to fix the fiberglass.

The glued fiberglass dries quickly, and the application of subsequent finishing will be more efficient. This way you will save time and effort on repairs.

It is ideal for application under ceiling covering, as it will provide a flawless finish. Fiberglass glued to the outer corners will help you quickly and beautifully paste wallpaper in this area.

When applying glue to fiberglass, it is better to apply it slightly wider than the width of the material, since it quickly absorbs the glue. When gluing the canvas to the wall, iron it well with a clean rag, and when it “grabs” a little, run it with a spatula. This will help eliminate air bubbles from the space between the “web” and the base. After the fiberglass is securely attached to the wall, apply glue to its front side so that it darkens from the glue.

As new trends flow into interiors, they dictate their own rules. And they apply not only to appearance surrounding space, but also on it high-quality finishing. Currently, when decorating premises, in particular residential ones, special importance is attached to perfectly flat main surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, corners. Several methods are used to achieve such effects. One of the most common is fiberglass. Application of this type building material allows you to create a flat surface while simultaneously acting as a reinforcing coating. It is intended for interior decoration and can be used even in newly constructed buildings that have not yet shrinked. This is what influences the formation of numerous cracks, and installing fiberglass on the surface will almost completely eliminate their occurrence.

Fiberglass - what kind of material is it?

Fiberglass - modern finishing material, which forms a completely environmentally friendly coating. Thanks to this quality, it can be used in rooms for any purpose: bedrooms, kitchens, children's rooms. It consists of fiberglass threads and organic resins. Painting fiberglass is made by gluing fibers in a chaotic manner. The fabric turns out to be quite dense without any special pattern, pleasant to the touch. Thanks to such plexuses, this material is simply called cobweb.

Based on thickness, fiberglass is divided into classes, each of which has a specific density, which varies from 20 to 65 g/m2. Depending on the selected indicator, the weight of the canvas, resistance to mechanical loads, the strength of the coating and its reliability change.

Many people are mistaken when they think, when comparing glass wallpaper and fiberglass, that this is completely same material. This is wrong. Painting spider web can be puttied and painted with high quality many times, and is an excellent reinforcing material.

Advantages of fiberglass

The advantages of this finishing material are quite significant:


As a rule, any type of finish has disadvantages. Fiberglass is no exception. What kind of material is this that would not have some disadvantages? However, it is very important to correctly weigh their relationship with the benefits. The main disadvantage of the canvas is the small particles that can cause a very serious wound. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out cutting only with gloves. When working with fiberglass, it is very important to protect your eyesight and wear special clothing. Such safety measures are necessary to ensure that small particles do not get on the skin, as they can cause unpleasant itching.

Fiberglass: application and surface covering

Any surface, be it a ceiling or walls, needs finishing, and gluing fiberglass can simplify this process, completely replacing the need to use starting putty. Surfaces that are often subject to mechanical damage and cracking are especially in need of such finishing. This strength of this material is due to specific reinforcing properties. Fiberglass is most suitable for the ceiling. It can be glued to any surface: concrete, drywall, plaster and others. At the same time, its appearance will be perfectly smooth and even. Fiberglass is also used for painting; any material is suitable for these purposes. paint material. However, in order to carry out this work correctly, it is necessary to become familiar with a certain technology. It is as follows:

  1. Gluing fiberglass.
  2. Surface treatment with a primer.
  3. Applying putty.
  4. Surface painting.

It is very important to choose the right glue and primer. The strength of the structure will depend on this. It is also important to maintain the required time interval between gluing and painting.

Glue properties

When choosing glue for fiberglass, you will need to take into account its type. This point is very important, since the strength of fixation and durability of the cladding completely depends on it. As a rule, there are many brands of glue, for example Wellton, Pufas, Bostik. Such compositions are made according to a special formula and contain only high-quality components that are completely safe for humans. They also form a film that prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

Scope of application of fiberglass

  1. Used to create a waterproofing layer. Fiberglass web is often used for processing polymer canvases.
  2. Roofing. Some types serve as the basis for bitumen mastics.
  3. Drainage systems.
  4. Pipeline protection.
  5. Included in high-quality finishing materials such as Wall panels, floor coverings and etc.
  6. Wall reinforcement. Painting fiberglass forms reliable protection from the formation of cracks, even those that appear due to shrinkage of the house.
  7. Saving money. Thanks to the strength of this material, you can significantly increase the time between renovations in a room.

Fiberglass gluing technology

There is a certain technology for gluing fiberglass. Step by step description:

  1. Treating the surface with starting putty to level out rough differences.
  2. Grouting obvious defects and coating with a deep-penetrating primer.
  3. Applying glue to the surface, optimal thickness layer - 1 mm. To do this, you can use a spatula, brush or roller.
  4. It is necessary to start gluing fiberglass from the corner of the ceiling or walls. The joints are additionally smoothed for better adhesion.
  5. Subsequent canvases are applied with a slight overlap. This place is pressed well along the entire length and after that a cut is immediately made.
  6. The cut parts must be immediately removed and the ends of the canvas pressed tightly to the surface.
  7. After gluing the last strip, you need to prime them. Dilute the glue for fiberglass thin enough so that it saturates the entire surface well.
  8. Leave for a certain time until completely dry.
  9. Putty with finishing solution and clean until perfectly smooth.
  10. Prime the entire surface.
  11. Proceed directly to decorating.

When gluing the fiberglass and until it dries completely, it is necessary to maintain the same temperature in the room and avoid drafts.

How to paint fiberglass?

Fiberglass glued to the ceiling or walls plays the role of starting surface. It can be covered different ways, however, the most common is coloring. This process, unlike gluing, is quite complex and time-consuming both physically and psychologically.

The first difficulty lies in the specific structure of the canvas. Since fiberglass is produced by pressing fibers under high pressure, there is some distance between the threads. Therefore, the paint will not apply evenly and may require further application. large quantity layers. And this, in turn, quite significantly increases paint consumption and, accordingly, financial costs.

The second nuance is glass shavings. This is what can cause a lot of problems. During staining, these particles fall off, and if the body is not protected by clothing, they will cause unpleasant itching upon contact. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to get rid of it. It is better to immediately protect yourself by wearing a specially designed uniform for this purpose at the beginning of work.

Weighing all the difficulties associated with painting, many ask a well-deserved question: “Why use fiberglass? What will this give, what advantages?” However, the answer is clear. Surfaces with this finish are quite durable and reliable, their service life is significantly increased compared to other types, which will save on frequent repairs.


Fiberglass web is an indispensable thing during finishing work in premises for various purposes. Its significance is quite great:

  1. The canvases qualitatively strengthen the surfaces of walls and ceilings from the formation of cracks, even in buildings that are shrinking.
  2. Alignment is possible without additional work related to plastering and puttying. And they, it is worth noting, are quite labor-intensive, take a long period of time and, importantly, create a lot of dirt and dust.
  3. Fiberglass can act as an independent textured coating or be reliable basis for applying finishing materials.

Fiberglass web has proven itself as a finishing material and has helped get rid of many problems. Today, even in new apartment There are many problems with repairs. Cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, which are very difficult to get rid of. Even if you plaster them repeatedly, they will appear again. The web mesh is designed to change the situation. The popularity of this material is growing more and more. Its use avoids possible problems further. And it is very easy to glue it. The main thing is to do everything right.

Fiberglass, one of the varieties of materials for puttying or painting. It is a thin non-woven sheet that is pressed from fiberglass threads. It looks like a grid. This material is manufactured in rolls, one meter wide and twenty and fifty meters long. Please note that this material is not intended for finishing. Its area of ​​application is to protect surfaces from cracks.

The web has a density from 20 g/m2 to 60 g/m2. For painting, a mesh of lower density is used, for reinforcement of a higher density. This material allows you to hide microcracks and also allows the walls to breathe. The complete naturalness of the material does not disturb the environmental conditions of the room. When used, the appearance of fungus is prevented; it does not react with chemicals. Can be used in areas with high humidity.

Fiberglass web adds increased strength to the base and prevents cracks

Areas of use

This material can be glued to any surface. It gives increased strength to plaster and putty. If necessary, it can be applied before staining. Very often, cobwebs are used before wallpapering. But this can lead to the formation of bubbles, which appear due to the fact that the drying process takes a very long time.

You should know! Fiberglass has two sides - back and front. They differ in their structure; the front side is very smooth to the touch. The reverse side has lint, it sticks better. Although there is a correct division into sides, if they are confused, there will be no special consequences. The main thing is to comply required quantity glue and press the material tightly to the surface.

Pasting mixture

The glue for the “web” should be selected correctly. It needs a special one, which is designed specifically for this purpose. There is no need to try to save money and use other types of glue. This can lead to consequences that could not be expected.

The glue is applied thickly, but without excess. It is very convenient that if there is not enough glue, and the mesh is already glued, then you can coat it on top - saturate it. The spider web mixture has the following advantages:

  • the glue is completely environmentally friendly;
  • leaves no stains or marks;
  • final setting time – 2 days;
  • does not react to cold.

Rules for applying a web mesh

To glue cobwebs, you don’t need any special skills at all. It is important to follow the rules, which are quite simple. But if you have no experience, then it is best to practice a little. You shouldn’t take on large amounts of work right away. A little patience, and soon everything will work out like real masters.

VIDEO: how to work with fiberglass

The process of applying fiberglass can be divided into several stages. A lot depends on the correctness of their implementation.

  1. The surface on which this material will be glued is prepared. It is advisable to remove all irregularities, they can cause bubbles. All dirt is washed off with a damp cloth.
  2. The glue is applied to the wall or ceiling. You shouldn’t skimp on the glue, but you don’t need to use a lot of it either. The fact is that the process of applying a grid is very similar to wallpapering. The same rules apply here.
  3. Pre-prepared spider web mesh required width applied to the surface. It is best to ensure that the front and back sides are correct.
  4. Fiberglass is smoothed out well. If you can’t do it with your hands, you can use a soft cloth. Using a spatula, remove the remaining air. You should move from the middle to the edge. But it's important to be careful. The web can be easily torn, which should be avoided.
  5. Everything that sticks out is cut off. The glue is applied again. A well-soaked sheet becomes dark.
  6. Subsequent sheets should be properly glued overlapping. Drafts must be avoided. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain.

If external and internal corners are not ideal, then in these places it is best to cut the mesh. Then you can avoid the appearance of voids. Cracks in the corners must be sealed with tape (paper). This should also be done at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

Fiberglass and drywall

If the surface is made of plasterboard, preliminary preparation is required. All seams must be sealed with putty. It is important to know that the joints of the drywall sheets and the mesh should not coincide.

Unlike simple walls or ceilings, when the web is glued overlapping, it must be glued end-to-end onto the drywall. Pruning should also be avoided. If this is not observed, cracks may form in these places.

Final stage

When will it come complete drying, and this can take up to two days, you can start filling the surface. If painting is intended, it is better to use finely dispersed putty. It should be applied in several layers. Each layer must be allowed to dry completely. After this, you can begin sanding using sandpaper. We must not forget that, as with simple painting, you must first prime the walls or ceiling.

Nowadays, they are increasingly skipping the puttying stage. This is replaced by applying a generous layer of glue. With this trick you can reduce paint consumption. Just keep in mind that in this case the mesh structure of the web will be noticeable. This will be impossible to change even if you apply many layers of paint. You won't get a smooth surface.

Fiberglass has many advantages, but there are also some minor disadvantages to consider. When cutting the mesh, small particles of fiberglass appear. When they get on open areas of the body, mucous membranes, they cause severe irritation. Therefore, work is carried out exclusively in special clothing and respirators.

But such minor shortcomings cannot cancel out the advantages that fiberglass web has. Its use allows you to avoid many unpleasant moments in the future. In addition, its pasting does not require special skills.

Cracks at the joints of gypsum boards will not appear if you glue fiberglass under the putty

It can be very disappointing when, after completing a long and expensive repair, cracks suddenly appear on the ceiling or walls in the places where the joints are between sheets of drywall or other facing material. To prevent this from happening, experienced builders recommend not limiting yourself to serpyanka mesh for reinforcing the seams, but completely covering the surfaces with fiberglass with your own hands.

Gluing fiberglass is much easier than wallpaper, it takes little time, but you can rest assured of the quality of the finish and not be afraid that due to shrinkage of the house or temperature changes, repairs will soon be needed again. Let's find out what kind of material this is, how it “works” and what is needed to install it.


Fiberglass is non-woven material made of fiberglass, externally resembling a thin “blotter”. It is produced by pressing rather than interweaving fibers. By itself, it does not have strength and breaks easily, but after gluing to the surface, provided that the technology is strictly followed, it forms a reinforcing coating that is very resistant to deformation.

Fiberglass is sold in rolls of 45-50 meters with a width of 1 meter, and may differ in density. It has a front and back side, which must be taken into account during installation.

The price of the material is low; depending on the density, a roll can cost from 300 to 1000 rubles. This is not something you should skimp on because re-repair resulting in cracks will cost much more.

Auxiliary materials and tools

Of course, the fiberglass itself will not stick to the wall; this requires special glue and a standard set of tools:

  • Glue sometimes comes complete with fiberglass. If this is not the case, buy glue for glass wallpaper - no other, including PVA or composition for heavy wallpaper, not suitable;

Note. Counting required amount glue, multiply the consumption stated for glass wallpaper by 1.5-2, since fiberglass has high absorbency. In addition, the instructions require that the already glued sheets be coated with adhesive on top.

  • To apply glue, which has a fairly thick consistency, to the surface it is best to use a wide brush;
  • It is convenient to smooth fiberglass with a special plastic wallpaper spatula, which experts call a “shark fin”;

Wallpaper spatula and lines along which it expels air from under the canvas

  • You will also need a sharp painting knife and a long ruler or wide spatula for joining the canvases and trimming overlaps.

Installation technology

In progress self-repair Many questions often arise.

In our case, the most important ones are the following:

  • How to prepare a surface for fiberglass reinforcement;
  • How to glue it correctly;
  • Is it necessary to putty the fiberglass before finishing?

We will answer in this order.

Preparing walls for reinforcement

Before gluing fiberglass to a wall or ceiling, the surface must be leveled with putty (see Leveling walls with putty according to all the rules). This stage can be skipped only if it has already been puttied earlier and the coating is smooth and durable.

Small cracks with a thickness of no more than 1 mm are allowed.

  • Large cracks on the plastered surface are opened and sealed in several steps with putty or a special compound for seams;
  • Joints between sheets of plasterboard (see How to putty joints of plasterboard according to technology) and other sheets facing materials, as well as the places where they are attached to the frame, are also puttied, and the seams are necessarily reinforced with serpyanka;

  • After the “patches” have dried, the entire surface is leveled with putty and sanded until a flat plane is obtained;