The most unpretentious house plants that purify the air. Air humidification in rooms, for plants Useful indoor plants that purify the air in the apartment

Over time, the indoor air becomes clogged with dust, which may contain fungal and mold spores, particles of soot and burning, bacteria and viruses. It contains chemical compounds that are released building materials, chipboard furniture and paint.

You can deal with indoor air pollution without expensive electric purifiers. To do this you need to choose the right houseplants air purifying.

How plants purify the air

Indoor flowers not only serve as an evergreen frame for the apartment, they also act as an “air filter.” All plants secrete phytoncides - biologically active substances that help saturate the air with oxygen and moisture, as well as neutralize harmful impurities.

Flowers are excellent at fighting harmful chemical compounds such as benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

Where do harmful substances in indoor air come from?

Benzene is released from products made from plastic and rubber. The source of such fumes can be new linoleum.

Formaldehyde is present in varnishes and paints, as well as in the glue used to make plywood. Can release formaldehyde into the air New furniture from chipboard or MDF, as well as carpets.
Trichlorethylene is found in household chemicals. It is found in stain removers, varnishes and glues.

How many plants do you need to purify the air in a room?

Calculate required quantity plants according to the area of ​​the room can be as follows: per 5 sq. m of apartment you will need one middle flower or a tree. Not all houseplants are equally effective at purifying the air, and some can be harmful to pets or cause allergic reactions.

People often don’t know which plants to choose to purify the air in their apartment. Therefore, let’s look at what types of house flowers do a better job of removing harmful fumes than others.

The most effective plants for purifying indoor air

The list was compiled from the most popular indoor plants for air purification, which can be purchased at any flower shop.


You probably remember this plant for its narrow striped leaves and long shoots with young shoots.
The flower grows quickly and is easy to care for. It withstands lack of light and moisture. You can water it once a week. And if you spray its leaves warm water, then they will become brighter and more beautiful. A pot with a plant will not take up much space in the room; it can be placed in a flowerpot.

This plant has a unique ability to fight bacteria. In a room where there is chlorophytum, there are 80% fewer of them. It also helps clean the air from benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Chlorophytum absorbs exhaust gases, so it is recommended to use it for residents of the first and second floors in city apartments.

This plant came to us from tropical forests, so it loves warmth and moisture. The leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge. The temperature in the room should not fall below 17 degrees.

The flower grows well in partial shade or in a darkened window. With proper care, it will delight you with delicate white flowers for a long time.
Spathiphyllum humidifies the air better than others. In addition, it can neutralize the fumes of trichlorethylene and ammonia. Mold does not develop in rooms where spathiphyllum grows.

Such a plant with thick, fleshy stems will not only decorate a room, but also a home medicine cabinet. It treats sore throat, runny nose, and helps take care of the skin. Various vitamin supplements that enhance immunity are prepared from aloe leaves. Aloe refreshes the air by releasing phytoncides. The plant helps fight fatigue and improves performance.

It is very easy to care for. The plant loves bright light. You can water it once a month. Aloe grows in the lung sandy soil. A flower pot does not take up much space on the windowsill.
Aloe normalizes the indoor microclimate and absorbs formaldehyde. The plant produces a lot of oxygen.

Dracaena is good filter, neutralizing almost all harmful fumes. It even fights toluene and xylene, but cannot remove ammonia.

Dracaena may have different heights, depending on your age. Young plants are placed on the windowsill, and by the age of 10 they grow up to 3 m. There are about 40 species of this plant, differing in the width and color of the leaves.

It is easy to care for: dracaena does not like excess moisture, and is unpretentious to lighting. If the room is hot, the leaves may need additional moisture with a sprayer.

This plant will not only make the air in your room cleaner and safer, but will also delight you with beautiful bright colors. IN folk medicine widely used medicinal properties Kalanchoe. It helps to cope with a runny nose. In the room where this flower is located, practically no pathogenic organisms are found.

Like any flowering plant, Kalanchoe loves bright light. During the flowering period, it needs to be watered more often than usual.

Lemon, tangerine or orange trees create a safe microclimate in the house, ridding the room of germs and bacteria.
Citrus essential oils will help room occupants get rid of fatigue and headaches. People's sleep and mood will improve.

With proper care, citrus trees grow well. In apartment conditions they can bloom and bear fruit. To do this they need to provide:

  • abundant watering;
  • spraying with warm water;
  • air temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

The exotic guest was loved by flower growers for her exquisite flowers, so today she can be found in many apartments. She is very unpretentious to watering and lighting. The roots of the orchid need air and light, so they are placed on windowsills in transparent pots. It grows not in the ground, but in a special mixture of tree bark.

Few flower growers know about beneficial properties orchids. It perfectly cleans the air of formaldehyde and toulol.

It requires a lot of space, so it is suitable for large rooms. It is planted in a spacious pot.

You need to carefully care for the tree - wipe the leaves, water it often, and trim off excess shoots. As a result, you will get a beautiful exotic tree and clean air in your apartment.

Pelargonium, geranium

This flower has been known to many since childhood. It has long been grown on windowsills because of its beautiful bright inflorescences. Geranium copes well with all pathogens. Essential oils secreted by the leaves relieve tension, fatigue, and normalize sleep.

Geranium can be grown on sunny windows of the kitchen, balcony and bedroom. This flower is not suitable for allergy sufferers due to its specific aroma.

This flower not only neutralizes chemical substances, but also copes with staphylococci.

IN Lately Gerbera has gained great popularity for its simplicity and beauty. It increasingly decorates our window sills, and also improves sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and saturating the air space with oxygen.

Gerbera prefers bright diffused light, but not direct sunlight. Loves regular watering and moderate spraying. The accumulation of water on the leaves and rosettes leads to rotting of the flower.


In modern life, a person is surrounded by many things made with varnishes and glue. The surrounding objects contain parts made of plastic and rubber. They all release harmful chemicals into the air.

By growing indoor plants that purify and humidify the air, you can protect your home from dangerous fumes and create a favorable microclimate. The more plants there are in an apartment, the cleaner the air in it, and the more comfortable it looks. Therefore, choose plants that purify the air from our list to create a comfortable and safe atmosphere in your apartment.

Why and what should you clean the air in your apartment from? How plants fight household pollutants. Which flowers most effectively neutralize bacteria, fungi, and chemical compounds.

The content of the article:

Flowers that purify the air are various house plants that have the ability to filter the surrounding air and eliminate toxic compounds, which include benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and others. There are several basic "purifiers" recommended by NASA for air filtration on spacecraft and stations. They are also suitable for home use.

The need for air purification

At the end of the 80s of the last century, the American space agency conducted large-scale research, the purpose of which was to identify the best houseplants for purifying the air of toxic compounds. It was planned to use these flowers on space stations for additional filtration and saturation with phytoncides. The research results have also become useful for everyday needs.

The air in residential premises almost always contains particles of various chemical compounds that cause significant harm human health. To eliminate them, some plants are used that can filter out about 80% of pollutants.

As a rule, indoor air contains the following pollutants:

  1. Formaldehyde. The main sources of this substance: furniture made from plywood, fibreboards, carpets, upholstery materials, cigarette smoke, household plastic, gas. The compound can provoke the development of allergies, irritate mucous membranes, cause asthma and dermatological diseases.
  2. Trichlorethylene. It is found in household cleaning products intended for the care of carpets, fabrics, tap water, varnishes and paints. This substance is a powerful carcinogen that irritates the skin and eyes, negatively affects the liver and kidneys, and provokes nervous and mental agitation.
  3. Benzene. Sources include cigarette smoke, cleaning products, soap, varnishes, paints, and rubber. It is also a strong carcinogen that can lead to leukemia. It accumulates in human fat cells and has a detrimental effect on nervous system, can cause shortness of breath, convulsions, and also lower blood pressure.
  4. Ammonia. Most of it is in computer equipment, cigarette smoke, detergents Oh. May cause dry cough, sore throat, pain in the sternum. In large quantities it causes swelling of the lungs and larynx.
  5. Xylene. Included in various plastics, varnishes, paints, adhesives, leather products, and cigarette smoke. May cause skin rashes, irritation, swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory system and organs of vision.
Flowers that purify the air in the room and can neutralize the above substances are called phytoncidoactive. Phytoncides are special volatile compounds that are released by plants. They contain organic matter, amino acids, alkaloids, essential oils. Capable of destroying some types of bacteria, fungi, and unicellular protozoa.

What flowers purify the air in the apartment

Today, there are many varieties of plants that can effectively purify the air of harmful impurities. However, when choosing home flower It should be borne in mind that some of them may be allergens and also secrete toxic juice. It is not recommended to grow such plants in homes where children, pets and allergy sufferers live.


This is a perennial houseplant that has drooping leaves and tendrils that are white-green in color. Can grow in any soil and under different lighting conditions. Chlorophytum - unpretentious plant, which can be watered rarely. In case of lack of moisture, it will feed from existing root reserves. At good watering grows well. This flower is popularly called “spider” for its specific appearance.

Despite its modest appearance and size, chlorophytum is a record holder among natural air purifiers. A few potted plants can completely filter the air in a 20-square-foot room. square meters per day. The flower can neutralize harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene. In addition, chlorophytum fights certain types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Another advantage of this plant is its hypoallergenicity. This is an absolutely non-poisonous and harmless flower that can be grown in apartments where children and animals live.

To enhance the cleansing functions of chlorophytum, crushed activated carbon is placed in a pot with it.


This is a small bush no more than 50-80 centimeters high. Native to the evergreen forests of Asia. It has long or heart-shaped dense leaves of different shades of green. Agalonema can grow in the shade and loves cool and moist air. From time to time it produces fruits in the form of red berries.

This poisonous plant, which should be grown with caution in apartments where there are small children or pets. The poison is contained in the juice and berries of the flower.

However, despite this fact, aglaonema perfectly neutralizes such airborne household toxins as trichlorethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. The flower makes the air much cleaner and fresher. In addition, it effectively fights streptococci.

climbing ivy

A spectacular flower with a high content of phytoncides can often be found in apartments. This is a small shrub that perfectly adapts to life in indoor conditions - low light and high dust. The plant looks good in a pot in hanging form. Loves dampness and abundant watering.

Ivy is recommended to be installed in rooms where people smoke, as it can neutralize cigarette smoke. It also cleans the air from mold spores, trichlorethylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide. Thus, the plant helps reduce the manifestations of allergies to household fungi.


There are several types that do an equally good job of cleaning the air in an apartment. If you want to filter the air efficiently, opt for the following: Dracaena marginata, fragrant, Durham, Janet Craig, warneki.

All these air purifying indoor flowers have different size and shape. The most common is Dracaena marginata. It reaches 3 m and looks like a small palm tree. Dracaena fragrant is also popular. Its size is about 1.5 m, and the leaves have yellow stripes.

Different types of dracaenas react differently to direct sunlight. However, high humidity is detrimental to all plants of this genus.

Dracaena perfectly removes xylene, trichlorethylene, and formaldehyde from the air. Well refreshes the indoor microclimate. However, it can be dangerous for domestic cats, as the leaves of some species contain toxic substances.


These are not only quite common houseplants, but also useful flowers for apartments, purifying the air. The most popular species grown indoors are Ficus rubber, Ficus benjamina, Ficus lyrera, Ficus bengal and Ficus dwarf. All these types require different approaches in care, but generally unpretentious.

Ficus leaves are dark green, dense and wide, sometimes variegated in color. Grow well in diffused light and moderate watering. Some types of flower can grow to a height of 1.3-1.5 meters and look like a small tree. Therefore, it is important to replant the plant in a suitable size pot in time.

The rubber-bearing ficus holds the record for removing formaldehyde from the air. Ficus Benjamin attracts household dust and benzene. Other types of domestic ficus also neutralize ammonia. At quality care the plant can purify indoor air for decades.


Geranium is otherwise called pelargonium. The plant has a specific, pronounced aroma that not everyone likes. Allergy sufferers are especially sensitive to the smell of geranium. However, the essential oils that make up the flower have soothing and bactericidal properties. The plant requires plenty of watering and good bright light.

Pelargonium destroys pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms in the room, and also ionizes and disinfects the air, kills staphylococci, which cause damage to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, bones, muscles and skin. Also for many it is a kind of cure for headaches and chronic fatigue.

It is good to place pots of geranium in the bedroom, as the flower helps you sleep well and soundly and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


The flower has bright spotted wide leaves, which contain poison, which can be dangerous for pets. You should also handle the plant sap with care. Sometimes it can cause allergies if it comes into contact with exposed skin.

However, the plant perfectly eliminates harmful substances contained in exhaust gases, and therefore is considered an indispensable flower for apartments facing large transport junctions and highways.

In addition, Dieffenbachia neutralizes compounds such as benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Phytoncides purify the air, refresh it and ionize it, improve the chemical composition, and destroy staphylococcus. The flower reduces the amount of household dust.

Spathiphyllum Wallis

The second name of spathiphyllum is peace lily. It's beautiful home plant with attractive white flowers with yellow arrows in the form of miniature corn cobs. Does not like direct sunlight and dryness. Prefers moist soil and shade.

When flowering, spathiphyllum releases pollen into the air, which is an allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not grow this plant. However, everyone else can safely grow it, as it cleans the air from mold spores, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, and benzene.

In order for the plant to effectively maintain the indoor microclimate, its leaves should be regularly cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.

To bring indoor plants maximum benefit, they should be placed according to special rules. Let's consider useful tips regarding the cultivation of such flowers:
  1. At least one plant should be placed in the room for every 10 m2.
  2. The diameter of the flower pot should not be less than 15 cm.
  3. To effectively neutralize harmful particles and improve the microclimate, it is necessary to regularly clear the leaves of the plant from dust. It is enough to wipe them once a week with a damp cloth or take a light shower.
  4. It is recommended to introduce soil filters so that the plant can maximum efficiency clean the air. For example, you can add crushed activated carbon to the pot.
  5. If you have an allergy sufferer living in your house, be sure to consult your doctor before thinking about which flower purifies the air well and before starting this or that plant. Firstly, the flower can be an allergen, and secondly, mold can grow in the soil, which also aggravates the course of the allergy.
  6. It is advisable to place indoor flowers in one place, and not scattered around the room. This way they will more effectively fight harmful microorganisms and compounds.
Which house flowers purify the air - watch the video:

Indoor flowers can perform not only an aesthetic function, decorating the room, but also improve the microclimate in the apartment. Many plants are capable of purifying the air from harmful bacteria, fungi, dust, and various toxic chemical compounds. Row indoor flowers can ionize and refresh the air in the room.

Indoor plants help purify indoor air. It is usually much more polluted than the air outside. In this article, you will learn which plants and which common toxins can rid the air you breathe in your home.

In the late 1980s, NASA and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers studied the properties of indoor plants that could be used to purify the air inside space objects. As a result, they did find a few plants that absorb common volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Luckily for us, these plants can also help purify the air in any room on Earth. After all, it is usually much more polluted than the air we breathe outside. Other studies subsequently published in the Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science also confirmed this. scientific discovery, and therefore there is no doubt about its veracity. Below is a list of plants that the best way cope with air filtration in indoor spaces:

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear the air of formaldehyde and benzene—byproducts of chemical cleaners, paints, and more. Aloe is excellent for a sunny kitchen window. But in addition to its ability to purify the air, it is known for the fact that the gel-like liquid inside aloe leaves can heal cuts and burns.

Spiderling (Chlorophytum crested)

Even if you forget to care for your indoor plants, you are unlikely to kill this tenacious flower. Easily recognized by its abundance of dense foliage and small white flowers, spiderweed purifies the air of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a common solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

Gerbera (Gerbera Jameson)

This colorful, flowering plant is very effective at eliminating trichlorethylene that you might bring home from the dry cleaner. It also does a good job of filtering out the benzene released by the ink. Therefore, it is recommended to place such a flowerpot in the laundry room or bedroom. However, it must be taken into account that he needs a large number of Sveta.

Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria three-lane)

This plant is one of the best for purifying the air from formaldehyde, a substance found in cleaning products, toilet paper, fabrics and personal care products. Therefore, it would be nice to have a similar flowerpot in the bathroom. It will grow successfully even in low light and steamy, humid environments while helping to filter the aforementioned pollutants from the air.

Epipremnum aureus (Scindapsus aureus)

Another powerful plant that absorbs formaldehyde. It represents a fast growing climbing plant, forming an attractive cascade of green leaves peeking out from hanging planter. Consider placing it in your garage, as car exhaust fumes are laden with formaldehyde.

Fun fact: Epipremnum aureus, also known as Devil's Ivy, remains green even when stored in the dark.

Garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum mulcifolia)

Colorful chrysanthemum flowers can do more than just decorate your home office or living room. They also remove benzene from the surrounding air, which is commonly found in glues, paints, plastics and detergents. This plant loves bright light, which is necessary for it to develop buds, so if you want to grow it at home, you need to find a place near open window with direct sunlight.

Dracaena marginata (Dracaena marginata)

One of the most recognizable features of the low-maintenance dracaena is its red edges, which give the flower a pretty hue. It is also known for the fact that it can grow up to the ceiling. Besides, this plant is the best in purifying the air from xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, which can enter the indoor air along with varnishes, drying oils and gasoline.

Weeping fig tree (Ficus benjamina)

A weeping fig tree or Ficus benjamina in your living room will help rid the air of pollutants that tend to come from the surface. carpets and furniture. These include: formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Caring for a ficus can be difficult, but as soon as you learn how to water it correctly and provide it with normal lighting, it will delight you for a long time with its appearance and unusually useful properties.

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims)

Bring this beautiful flowering shrub into your home to combat formaldehyde released from sources such as plywood or foam insulation. Since azalea performs best in cool places with temperatures around 15-18 degrees, it is a very good planter for improving indoor air quality in a basement or basement, if you can find a place for it there.

Common ivy (Climbing ivy)

The study showed that this houseplant reduces the amount of fecal particles in the air, and is also able to cleanse it of formaldehyde present in household chemicals.

Dracaena dereme (Dracaena Warneki)

Dracaena fights pollutants released into the air by varnishes and oils. Dracaena Warnecki easily grows indoors, even without direct sunlight. Thanks to the presence of striped leaves that form lush tufts on a thin stalk, this plant can look very impressive, especially if it reaches its potential height of 3.65 meters.

Aglaonema (Aglaonema curly Deborah)

This easy-to-care plant rids the air of various pollutants and will remove more and more toxins over time if they continue to be present. It blooms and produces red berries even in low light conditions.

Bamboo Palm (Hamedorea Seyfritz)

Also known as palm cane, this small palm grows lushly in shady areas. indoors and often produces flowers and small berries. It tops the list of the best air purifying plants for benzene and trichlorethylene. This flowerpot is also well suited for placement next to furniture that can highlight environment poisonous gases of formaldehyde.

Philodendron ivy (Philodendron aquifolia)

This climbing plant is not very suitable option for the home if you have children or pets: Philodendron is toxic and therefore should not be eaten. But it is very effective at cleaning the air of all types of VOCs. Philodendrons are especially good at combating formaldehyde released from chipboard and other sources.

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Shade and weekly watering is all the peace lily needs to thrive and produce beautiful white flowers. It was ranked high on NASA's list as a plant that simultaneously removes three of the most common VOCs - formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. In addition, it also counteracts the spread of toluene and xylene.

The expansion of the range of indoor plants and especially the growing popularity of tropical exotics forces every gardener to face the task of increasing air humidity. After all, moisture-loving crops cannot be kept in the “dry climate” of residential premises. And this problem can be solved in two ways: frequent spraying or various humidifiers. Homemade, artisanal analogues special equipment solve the problem partially. But humidifier devices can become indispensable assistants. But they don’t cost that little, and choosing the right humidifier is not at all easy.

The simplest and most popular method of air humidification is the use of spraying. © Dmitry Shabanov Content:

Why is air humidity so important?

When growing indoor plants, the main components of care are watering, fertilizing and replanting. Despite the fact that for each and every culture, regardless of the degree of its capriciousness, there are always strict recommendations on comfortable air humidity, they are often ignored, counting on good adaptability, but above all not wanting to burden the care of indoor pets with daily procedures. But humidity for the vast majority of both flowering and decorative deciduous indoor plants is a vital parameter.

Dry leaf tips are the most famous and smallest problem caused by insufficient air humidity. Dropping buds and flowers, yellowing and falling leaves, thinning shoots, falling apart bushes, massive spread of pests that feel best in dry air, from whiteflies and spider mites to aphids and scale insects - these are the problems that stem from inattention to humidity air.

In addition, abandoning moisturizing measures will not simplify care at all: in a dry environment, plants will have to be watered more often and more abundantly, especially in winter, further weakening them and jeopardizing natural development cycles, disrupting the dormant phase. And it’s not worth mentioning pest control measures at all.

Only rare indoor “Spartans” and succulents can be content with dry air and feel good even when working heating devices in winter. They will tolerate a decrease in air humidity to 40-50% (a drop below will not benefit even cacti and other dry plants). Most indoor crops require average stable air humidity (and appropriate compensation for its changes in summer and winter). Indicators from 50 to 70% will be comfortable for them.

A tropical plants, naturally accustomed to the humid forests of South and Central America or Asia, even need very high levels of air humidity. And without it, they not only look ugly, but also cannot bloom, often get sick, and gradually die. For such plants it is necessary to provide air humidity of 70%, and for some - even 90%.

Air humidity cannot be considered a stable indicator. It is constantly changing, dropping sharply in summer and winter, during periods of extreme temperatures and system operation central heating and returning to relative normality in spring and autumn. During transition seasons, air humidity is living rooms is within the average range and is comfortable for most indoor plants.

In summer, the decrease in humidity is “tied” to the heat and is a direct result of our beloved sunny weather. And in winter, the air is consistently dry, humidity levels drop 3-4 times compared to autumn and do not exceed 20% with the most gentle heating option. All plants without exception suffer from such conditions and it is vital to compensate for the changes.

Air humidity is considered a parameter that specifically affects indoor plants. But in reality, everything is much more complicated: both we and our furniture, interior items and decoration of walls, floors and ceilings suffer no less from too dry or damp air. And humidity is one of the most important microclimate indicators. Problems with skin and dryness in winter, drying out of furniture and parquet, allergies, runny nose and even colds - all these phenomena also indirectly depend on improper humidity.

Air humidity is one of the most important microclimate indicators. © streetdirectory

Air humidification methods

Choosing the right humidification strategy should largely be an individual matter. As in matters of watering and fertilizing, there cannot be any general universal strategies. After all, each indoor plant has its own preferences for specific humidity levels, the frequency of procedures, and even their type.

The simplest and most popular method of air humidification is the use of spraying. Fast, effective procedure and really good. But only for plants with glossy, smooth leaves. After all, spraying is not suitable for plants with edges, succulents, and most flowering crops. And they are carried out only in the warm season, with rare exceptions (if the plants are kept in cool conditions, spraying can lead to the spread of rot). Another significant drawback of the method is that spraying does not create a stable environment; humidity levels constantly fluctuate.

The second “home” method is homemade humidifiers, or “grandmother’s” methods. Installing containers and trays with wet materials near or under the plants (so that the bottom does not come into contact with water and materials), which will constantly evaporate water and thereby increase the humidity levels for the plant - an excellent intermediate option, especially if you need to achieve average standards. Moss, aquarium soil, pebbles, expanded clay, etc. are used as “filler”.

For high humidity, such humidifiers need to be supplemented with spraying, but this is the simplest and affordable way more effective stabilization of conditions. A similar effect is produced not only by pallets and trays, but also by water bowls, fountains, and wet cloth placed on radiators.

Optimal stable air humidity levels can only be created with the help of special devices - humidifiers. This Appliances with a fairly simple mechanism of action and a relatively small size, which allows you to maintain the humidity stable, unchanged in accordance with your needs and the requirements of your pets.

Air humidification in the apartment. © Carly Ledbetter

What types of humidifiers are there for indoor plants?

Humidifying devices on the market today are very different not only in price category (from 25 to more than 300 USD), but also in technology and operating principle. All humidifiers can be divided into 4 categories:

Steam humidifiers

Steam humidifiers operate on the basis of a steam humidification system. This is enough simple devices, consuming a lot of electricity, with high performance and power (200-500 W), the main functional unit of which is heating elements, converting water into steam. Air humidity rises very quickly and is maintained constantly until it reaches optimal level devices turn off.

Such humidifiers create a constant environment for comfortable growing plants in medium and medium-high humidity levels (most often no more than 60-70%). They do not allow you to control specific indicators, but they solve the problem of extremely dry air quickly, efficiently and reliably.

Steam humidifiers include: simple models, and more convenient humidifiers with ergonomic, stable design, tip-over protection, lighting, indicators, control and programming functions. Their presence makes use more convenient, and the devices themselves much more reliable. There are also steam humidifiers with a fragrance function (saturate the air with essential oils) and an inhaler.

Steam humidifier. © Pearl Diffusion

The main disadvantages include:

  • lack of automatic shutdown function (only when there is a lack of water);
  • the need to clean heating elements from scale;
  • precautions to protect plant leaves and decorative materials from hot steam;
  • high consumption of electricity and water.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifiers are highly efficient and medium-power humidifiers (up to 150 W), which operate on the principle of converting electrical vibrations into vibration of a piezoelectric element to produce fine water dust. Such humidifiers are equipped with high-quality hygrometers, which will allow you to quickly achieve and maintain the desired values ​​without permanent job device. These are the only humidifiers in which the humidity levels can be precisely adjusted.

And besides, they, like steam models, are often equipped not only with control programs, precise humidity regulators, but also with a flavoring function. It is difficult to find any disadvantages of ultrasonic humidifiers, and they all relate to water quality: such devices only work with distilled water (even with a cleaning function, when using ordinary water you will have to constantly change the elements and drain the water after use).

Ultrasonic humidifier. © eoildiffuser

Cold humidifiers

Cold humidifiers, or cold humidifiers, are devices in which air is forced through filters and cartridges immersed in water, and is saturated with moisture efficiently and evenly. Unlike steam humidifiers, this is a low-power technique (up to 60 W), capable of performing the functions of a humidifier over an area of ​​150 square meters. m.

Safe, easy to use, these are slow but very effective moisturizers. They will be able to saturate the air with moisture twice as slowly as their steam counterparts, to achieve even average humidity in 60-70% you will have to wait a lot of hours, but the stability of the environment is much higher, as is the uniformity of the distribution of humidity indicators.

When the 60% mark is reached, the device switches to the performance support mode, does not intensively humidify the air, but only periodically circulates it to maintain a stable environment. U best models In addition to the air humidification function, there is also additional options cleaning and ionization, which improve the microclimate in the room as a whole.

Cold action humidifier. © duux

The disadvantages of cold humidifiers include::

  • slow work (the drier the air, the longer it will take to humidify);
  • the ability to use only distilled water;
  • not suitable for creating conditions of very high humidity from 70%;
  • the need to periodically clean containers and filters and change the latter.

Air and climate system washes

Air and climate system washing. They are household appliances that are used for their own needs, and not specifically for indoor plants (improving conditions for them is rather a nice bonus operation of climate control systems).

The range of models on the market allows you to choose not only different type humidifiers, but also different price ranges. Moreover, among all three types of air humidifiers, there are both budget and more expensive systems with additional functions and nice options. All humidifiers operate within a specific room, for use in different rooms you need to either purchase several devices or move one from room to room.

Air purifier. © diysmartcity
  • if the plants are located generally in no more than a third of the room or are standing on the windowsill, you need humidifiers for a small area (choosing a humidifier that changes the microclimate in the whole house and works over a large area is only worth it if you have problems with humidity that persist not only in winter, but and are observed in the summer, during other seasons, that is, if increasing air humidity is necessary not only for plants, but also for a comfortable microclimate and improving the habitat);
  • make sure that the spray area does not exceed the size of the room (there is no need to buy a powerful 100 square meter humidifier for a room of 15-20 square meters);
  • purchase humidifiers only if it is justified: it is easier to use for 1-2 plants manual methods increasing humidity, humidifiers are needed only where collections of dozens of indoor crops are collected;
  • First of all, pay attention to the type of water: it will not be possible to use ordinary water in devices that operate on distilled water, even with tireless care;
  • Keep in mind that power determines not only the productivity and speed of air humidification, but also energy costs: some indicators will have to be sacrificed;
  • estimate the volume of the water tank, which will determine the duration of operation without your intervention and the frequency of replenishing water in the device (a 5-liter tank is enough for 10-12 hours of operation; all humidifiers consume from 6 to 12 liters of water per day during active operation);
  • pay attention to the indicator of the amount of air passed through: normally, for stable humidification, the device must pass all the air in the room 2 times in 1 hour;
  • if you plan to move the device from place to place, consider the weight and ergonomics of the model, convenience and stability;
  • All humidifiers make noise, but different models noise levels range from 5 to 70 dB, and the comfort of being near devices with different noise levels will change accordingly;
  • In order for a humidifier to be easy to use, it must not only be safe, but also have all the necessary control options - from a mechanism for protecting against over-humidification of the air to an indicator regulator, setting a timer, having a night mode, and an automatic shut-off function;
  • explore additional options: perhaps the function of air purification or aromatization and inhalation will help you solve many health problems and allow you to effectively prevent colds;
  • pay attention to aesthetic characteristics: you cannot “hide” humidifiers, and it should fit organically into your interior.

Humidity level is one of the most important microclimate indicators. Dry indoor air can cause poor health and even health problems. How to increase the humidity in an apartment if you don’t want to spend money on expensive equipment? There are ways - you can either make an air humidifier with your own hands, or use improvised means.

Do you get tired quickly? Are your allergies bothering you? Do you get sick often? Dry air may be to blame. Low humidity - especially in winter - becomes a problem in many homes and leads to negative consequences.

To humidify a room, you don’t have to buy expensive devices. However, you should not think that a basin of water in the middle of the room will solve the problem with low humidity once and for all: alternative methods are not as effective as, so they can only be considered a temporary measure.

Why do you need to humidify the air in your apartment?

It is simply necessary to monitor the humidity level. But why is dry air in an apartment harmful?
Why do you need an air humidifier in your apartment, even a homemade one?

  • Dry air causes a sore throat, cough, and dries out the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes; eye problems are especially relevant for those who use lenses.
  • Air with low humidity and high dust content is especially dangerous for children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers. In addition, the risk of allergies increases in healthy people.
  • With a lack of moisture, fatigue often increases, drowsiness sometimes even occurs.
  • Hair and nails become more brittle and faded, and the skin becomes dry.
  • In dry, warm air, bacteria and viruses tend to multiply faster, which means the risk of disease increases.
  • Dry air negatively affects not only humans. Due to lack of moisture, indoor plants stop growing or dry out, wooden furniture, windows, doors, etc. quickly become unusable. musical instruments etc.

The list is impressive. However, there are too many consequences too, so it is better to maintain a middle ground.

To make the apartment comfortable, it is necessary to maintain a humidity level of 40–60%. About, for example, in a nursery or office, you can also read on our blog.

indoors in several ways. If you don’t have special equipment at hand, you can use traditional methods. Exact number This, of course, cannot be determined, but if the room needs humidification, you will definitely know about it.

  1. Pour water into the bottle.
  2. Place it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. Remove the container and leave it in the room for five minutes. The walls of the bottle will quickly become covered with condensation.
  4. If after five minutes the drops on the bottle are almost dry, it means the air in the room is very dry. If the humidity is too high, the drops will turn into a small puddle. If the drops slowly slide down it, then the humidity is normal.

A fir cone can also help measure the humidity level. A fully open bud indicates low humidity; if the scales of the cone are only slightly open or pressed tightly against each other, then there are no problems with humidity.

To find out the exact moisture content in the air, you will need hygrometer. The main thing is to place it away from radiators and other heating devices: this way you will receive the most reliable information.

If you want to know not only the level of air humidity, but also other indicators of the microclimate (for example, temperature and carbon dioxide content in the air), then you should pay attention to the smart microclimate system. It allows you not only to monitor the characteristics of the air in the house, but also to automatically control climate control equipment.

The most common advice for humidifying the air in an apartment is to place wet towels on the radiator. But the towels will have to be wetted frequently, which is not very convenient. More elegant and creative solution There will be special humidifiers for the radiator.

These humidifiers are a container into which water is poured. The vessel is hung on the radiator, and the water in it gradually evaporates, filling the room with moisture. Humidifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are made from ceramic, plastic, steel and other materials.

Judging by the reviews, the most popular option is a ceramic humidifier. True, its evaporation area is small, so it is better to hang two or three devices on radiators. Ceramic humidifiers are inexpensive, their fastenings are usually reliable, and the variety of shapes, colors and decorative paintings will make it easy to choose a copy that matches your interior.

Tough tap water could ruin appearance container walls. Therefore, before pouring water, it is worth filtering it.

1. You can make a humidifier for the battery yourself:

  • The main thing is to choose a product from a material that does not melt when high temperature. Ceramic vases or bottles, dishes made of heat-resistant plastic, etc. are suitable. You can make a home humidifier from plastic bottle, but then you will have to forget about the aesthetic side.
  • You need to make a hole in the container and pull it through reliable fastening. Strong wire will do just fine.
  • The final look of a homemade humidifier depends entirely on you! You can paint it with paints, make an applique, or cover it with beautiful fabric.
  • So that the room is filled not only with moisture, but also pleasant smell, you can add a couple of drops to the water essential oil with your favorite scent.

2. The easiest way to humidify the air at home is take a spray bottle and spray water in the room or place a reservoir of water in front of the fan. You can also place a pan or a slightly open kettle with boiling water in the room. But you should not abuse this method: hot steam has a bad effect on the durability of wallpaper and furniture.

3. The next method is similar to the previous one, only it turns into a humidifier kitchen stove. Place a saucepan or other container of water on the stove and simmer over low heat. Add cinnamon sticks, lavender, orange or apple peels to make your home smell nice. Remember to ensure that the water does not boil over.

4. The bathroom is known to be the source of the highest humidity in the house. Leave the bathroom door open after you shower. is an easy way to add a little extra moisture to the air.

5. Don't know how to deal with low humidity? Wash your entire wardrobe! you without extra effort fill the air with moisture if you dry your clothes on or near the radiator. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: things will dry faster and the humidity will increase.

In general, hydrogel is a decorative soil that is used in floriculture, but it is also suitable for humidifying the air. Instead of placing basins and pots throughout the house, you can put them in a beautiful glassware hydrogel in the form of colored balls. When exposed to moisture, they increase in size several times and gradually release moisture to the air in the room.

Do not forget to add water to the container with the balls from time to time so that the evaporation process does not stop.

The microclimate in your home may improve slightly if you design a small home garden. , the issue is controversial, but some specimens can help with moisture: plants need little water from the ground, 99% of the moisture evaporates through the leaves, flowers and stems.

You should choose moisture-loving plants that need regular watering or spraying, such as ficus, ferns (for example, nephrolepis - one of the types of ferns), hibiscus, dracaena, etc. And you shouldn’t turn your mini-garden into a jungle - a few plants that complement the interior will be enough.

Any container of water can become a humidifier, since water tends to gradually evaporate. An aquarium is the same container with water. You need to choose an open aquarium without a lid - closed models are not suitable for our task. The only drawback is that the aquarium and the fish in it need to be constantly looked after.

Have you always dreamed of a small oasis in the middle of the room? Make your dream come true! If you don’t want to take care of plants and an aquarium, purchase a small indoor fountain or waterfall. A beautiful fountain will not only moisten the room, but will also perfectly complement the interior.