Calculate the length of the stairs to the second floor with a calculator. Calculations are not on your knees: correct calculation of stairs online. Calculation of stairs online

Designing a staircase in a private house is difficult process, which includes defining the length and width flight of stairs, angle of rotation and tilt of the structure, dimensional characteristics and number of steps. Sometimes, without knowledge of mathematics, geometry and architecture, it can be difficult to make calculations on your own. In this case, online and offline design programs can come to the rescue. Read the article about which services you should use to get accurate, visual results.

In order to create a staircase project on a sheet of paper or in a graphic editor, you must first calculate the basic dimensions of the structure: the width and length of the flight, the height and angle of inclination of the stairs, and the dimensional characteristics of the steps. This can be done either using formulas and independent calculations, or using automatic programs for calculating stairs.

The main components of the structure leading to the second floor, which the staircase drawing should contain:

  • Location of the structure in plan;
  • Type of structure (angular, marching, screw, etc.);
  • Height and angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • Number of steps (main and winder, if the design requires them);
  • The width of the tread and the height of the riser of each individual step;
  • Dimensions of the overlap above the step.

In some drawings, supports and pillars, stringers and bowstrings, and the type of riser (straight, radius, etc.) are indicated.

All values ​​must be kept on the same scale (1:100, 1:50).

Calculation of staircase design using programs: advantages

In order for the design to be convenient, reliable and safe, and for it to be assembled without difficulty, all calculations must be accurate. Even small deviations from the norm or failure to take into account any parameters (for example, not entering the width of the bowstring into the diagram) can complicate the installation of the structure and cause the cost of money and material for alterations. As for professional construction programs, the likelihood of errors in calculations is reduced to zero: the program takes into account everything, even the most small parts, and impeccably adheres to accepted building codes and standards.

At the same time, calculation using programs makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional model of the structure, which can be considered under different angles; provides ample opportunities for instantly changing the parameters of the stairs and allows you to move away from standard circuits and drawings.

Popular programs for designing stairs

Today, there are a huge variety of both online and offline programs for designing staircases of various types. They all differ in the principle of operation, the way the results are presented, and the interface language. The most popular and convenient are programs that were developed under specific goals. For example, in AutoCAD you can draw an excellent three-dimensional model of a staircase, but for this you will have to make the preliminary ones yourself. While specialized programs perform all calculations automatically and only require entering the initial data of the room.

Today, the following programs are considered the most convenient:

  1. Stairdesigner. This is a universal program for creating structures various types(angular, screw, marching, etc.) from various materials(marble, wood, stone, reinforced concrete, etc.). Calculations in the program are based on Blondale formulas, architectural norms and principles. The resulting 2 and 3D models contain all the necessary components (railings, pillars, steps, etc.) and their dimensional parameters. The diagram can be easily printed or converted into AutoCAD and modified there.
  2. Consultec Staircon is a program designed for 3D visualization, automatic recalculation of estimates, control of installation and manufacturing of stairs. Consultec, although classified as professional, requires minimal system resources, and its interface is not only intuitive, but also written in Russian, which is a tangible advantage. The results obtained during the design process can be adjusted depending on your own wishes.
  3. Staircase Compass is an effective tool that has a wide library of mechanisms for constructing and assembling stairs (SNIP system, welding, etc.). And the presence of several model options makes it possible to choose exactly the design that fits best into the interior.

All calculations in the programs are made taking into account international and state standards safety, building codes and engineering recommendations.

You can download programs quickly and for free using the Torrent Internet protocol.

Sema staircase designer

Sema is a convenient, multifunctional construction program that has been specially modified for designing stairs and creating three-dimensional models of future structures.

The main differences between Sema and other similar programs are:

  • Wide library (Sema can offer not only wooden joints for the installation of stairs, but also plastic fasteners, tongues, bracket connections);
  • Possibility of introducing external images and floor plans into projects;
  • Possibility of combining different types of structures;
  • Preview function;
  • Integration of the program with equipment for processing and assembling elements of stairs (templates for creating stairs can be automatically transferred from the program to CNC machines).

Calculation of stairs online 3d

You can design a staircase and create its three-dimensional model without installing programs, having only an Internet connection. For this they use online programs for modeling.

Often, to build you need to specify:

  • Type of staircase (straight or curved);
  • Dimensional characteristics of the opening (length, width);
  • Width and length of the structure;
  • The desired number of steps (if the design requires, then the number of winder and bottom steps).

In addition to the visual result, some online constructors display text recommendations (for example, “LS-225m staircase is suitable for climbing to a height of 2.7 to 2.8 meters”) and construction drawings of the structure indicating all dimensional values ​​in metric system, the total number of steps, the name of the material of manufacture.

AutoCAD - stairs (video)

Today, everyone has the opportunity to simply, quickly and effectively build an accurate, three-dimensional model of a staircase with their own hands. This is realized thanks to online and offline construction programs, which not only provide a visual design of the future staircase, but also perform complex calculations taking into account optimal values for comfortable and safe operation designs. The programs do not limit imagination and do not set boundaries; they allow you to combine different types of structures to achieve maximum comfort and a spectacular look for the staircase. All that remains is to decide on your own preferences!

The construction of a staircase and the preceding correct calculation and measurement of all the necessary quantities, at first glance, may seem too voluminous and impracticable. Believe me, once you become more familiar with the basic principles of calculations, you will understand that it is not so difficult.

With the necessary measuring instruments and using our advice, you can find out what measurements are needed when constructing a staircase and how to carry them out correctly to eliminate confusion and reduce the risks of irreparable mistakes. This knowledge will help you when the desire or need arises to calculate the number of steps on your stairs.

So, let's look at the main and most important points that are worth paying attention to Special attention for calculations and measurements:

1. First, let's talk about the main components of the stairs. The staircase consists of an alternation of platforms and flights. And the main elements of the march are the tread and the riser; they influence the slope of the staircase and its height. In this case, the riser is considered to be the distance between the upper surfaces of two adjacent steps, and their horizontal plane called a tread.

2. The size of the staircase is the distance between floor covering the ground floor and the floor level on the next floor, which is measured using an ordinary tape measure.

3. To calculate the number of steps, you need to divide the height from the first floor to the top of the second floor by the height of the riser. The optimal height is considered to be from 15 cm to 17.5 cm. But, having received a fractional number as a result of division, do not be surprised or panic. If, for example, the result is 7.5, of course, the option of seven and a half steps is not suitable. Then the total number of steps, 7 or 8, is chosen at your own discretion, taking into account overall size stairs.

After this, again divide the height by the number of steps and get the exact height of the riser.

For example, the height of the stairs is 290 cm, divided by 15, we get 19.3. Round up to 19 - this will be the total number of steps. Now divide 290 by 19, we get 15.26 cm - the height of the riser of your stairs.

4. Now let's calculate the width of the tread, we should not forget about its most rational value, equal to 25-30 cm. The ratio of the size of the step is calculated using the formula 2a+b=h, where a is the height of the step, b is the width of the step, h is average length step equal to 60-64 cm. Thus, the width of the tread is b = 60-2a.
If we take the height of the riser from the previous example, then the width of the tread will be equal to 60-2 * 15.26. It turns out 26.42 cm, can be rounded to 27 cm.

5. Calculate the total length of the stairs, for this we will use the following formula: from the resulting number of steps you must subtract 1 and multiply by the width of the tread. Let's look at specific example, if the number of steps is 19 and the tread width is 27 cm:
(19 - 1) X 27 = 486 cm or 4.86 m.

6. To calculate the position of the first tread, it is necessary to subtract the height of the riser from the total height of the staircase. The location of the second tread is calculated by subtracting the height of the riser from the distance between the first floor and the first tread. Continuing the calculations, we mark on the drawing the location and distance between all steps.

7. In the absence of overhangs on the steps, the length of the flight is equal to the sum of the width of all steps.

8. If you plan to have overhangs on the steps, the length of the flight is calculated by the sum of the width of all steps minus the sum of the width of the overhangs.

  • The average tread thickness is 2.5 cm, this should be taken into account when purchasing building materials.
  • Check all calculations and markings several times before cutting any materials to avoid extra costs for the purchase of new materials.
  • If you choose a tread width of 25 cm, take into account the overhang of 2.5 cm when calculating. When determining the height of the riser, make sure that the steps will not be too short or long when ascending or descending the stairs.

Using an online calculator to calculate stairs is not at all difficult if you understand the operating instructions and enter the necessary parameters correctly. It is very simple to calculate the stairs to the second floor using a calculator, and this can be done from any device with Internet access, for example, a tablet, computer, and the like.

The ladder must be strong, stable and properly designed. In order to determine the size of the stairs in a private house, it is worth taking into account the space between floors or, in other words, the thickness interfloor slab. First you need to decide on the shape of the structure. It is quite possible to equip a structure for lifting with your own hands, but in the absence of special professional skills, you should choose the most regular option straight stairs.

It will be reliable, convenient, and the construction process will not take much money and time. On average, such a staircase is suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5-3.5 m.

For the convenience of this piece of furniture, it is necessary that the flight of stairs be located on racks, and under it there should be free space. Thus, you can use square meters for shelves, placement of dark rooms and similar objects. To do the calculation correctly and independently, you need to use a simple and convenient formula, or in other words, just take optimal proportion– 2/1 relative to the length of the flight of stairs and the height of the room. For example, if the height of the stairs is 3 m, then the length should be 6.

To calculate the slope parameters, you need to rely only on personal preferences. Experts suggest choosing the most optimal tilt angles - 30 and 40 degrees. If the steepness is less, then the length will be very large, and in height it will look short.

What is an online staircase calculator?

Now many people have begun to use a computer method for calculating staircase parameters online. The program can be installed on an Android smartphone or on a laptop with any operating system. An example of recalculation is included in each application along with instructions for using the program.

In general, the development is quite convenient, functional and does not require too much time to calculate required amount material, width, including determining the slope.

The calculator table contains various columns and rows, each of which has a specific purpose. There is a calculator that designs the structure. In particular, by entering certain data into the table and clicking on the desired button, you can get an image of the future design in a couple of seconds.

The drawing will consist of:

  • Side and top views;
  • Drawings of steps;
  • Bowstring drawing;
  • Initial data.

Using the calculator, you can discover many new possibilities that will greatly simplify the development of your project. You can calculate and model a staircase on bowstrings, make the most accurate calculations of design details, get a diagram of the staircase in at its best and calculate the required amount of materials.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house

The method for calculating and developing a conventional staircase is very simple and you can do it yourself. Namely, to design a staircase in your home, you need to accurately measure the ceiling opening. In particular, its width and length, including the height of the ceiling.

Planning staircase design should be carried out when taking into account:

  • Dimensions of the future structure;
  • Interior and general style of the room;
  • Usage specific type materials;
  • Load;
  • The direction in which the movement will take place;
  • The need to install additional support.

In any case, regardless of what types of materials will be used, the calculation of the staircase structure is carried out from measurements of the room. If the construction of a staircase is carried out at the time of renovation, then it is worth considering how the room will change, because the walls often become thicker, or the ceiling is slightly lowered. The dimensions of the stairs can be affected by the finishing of the floor, ceiling and other surfaces in the room.

Key Parameters of the Ladder Calculator

Thanks to modern technical developments It has become much easier to build houses, determine the location of pipes and stairs in the entrance, and more. Now anyone can independently make a 3D simulation and examine the future staircase practically from the inside.

It is through a computer that you can:

  • Eliminate errors in calculations;
  • Build the stairs correctly, taking into account the norms and standards of SNIP;
  • Make the staircase comfortable and convenient even at the construction stage.

There are a huge variety of programs and each has its own type of interface, features for entering parameters and similar characteristics. It is worth noting that improved application models help calculate even such little things as the amount of fastening material.

Before using the calculator to calculate the staircase, as well as to generate its drawing, you need to decide:

  • With the location of the structure in the house;
  • Overlooking the stairs;
  • With material.

In general, if the project is simple, then the calculations will not require much effort and time, because a direct structure can be installed anywhere in the room.

The design standards are the simplest, among which the following must be taken into account:

  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Convenience;
  • Comfort.

Even when erecting a staircase in a private house, it is worth considering that it will be subject to great impact. For example, furniture, construction and Decoration Materials and it will simply rise a large number of people, children can run around and so on. That is why the stairs should be made as stable as possible and preferably with additional supports.

For compressed spaces and to save square footage in the room, you can use a spiral staircase.

It is worth noting that there are also staircase structures that are divided into double-flight and single-flight. They are large in size and are not intended for small rooms. Not only the base and middle of the building, but also the exit to the second floor must be thought out. The exit location or location of the hatch should be convenient so that there are no overhanging structures. For example, a sloping attic roof. This can cause serious head injury and more serious consequences. It is advisable to arrange a platform with railings at the top, which will protect the descent and make it more comfortable.

Rules for using the program: how to calculate the stairs correctly

The calculation of the rise to the top should be the most correct, regardless of what kind of staircase it is: straight, angular, vertical.

Other parameters are also not so important, for example:

  • What kind of entrance platform will it be equipped with?
  • Will it be convenient to wash the structure in the future?
  • What kind of mass will be used during construction;
  • Will the structure be made of wood or using metal panels?

The most important thing is that the structure must be safe and comfortable, as this can affect the health of those who will use the structure.

For example, too steep stairs and slippery steps can cause injury.

It is precisely in order not to spoil the future structure for going upstairs that you should use special programs that take into account all the nuances, including the size of the flight, the height of the opening and similar parameters.

Calculation of the stairs to the second floor: screw design

Spiral staircases can rotate 180 degrees.

These designs:

  • Stylish;
  • Beautiful;
  • Compact.

It is the spiral staircase that is ergonomic and in a practical way, through which you can get to the second floor from the first. In addition, such structures are often chosen because of their aesthetic appearance, since they will look perfect in modern style or hi-tech.

To calculate the diameter spiral staircase you need to multiply parameters such as the width of the march by 2, and then add the size of the diameter of the base.

To determine the radius of the lift, you need to divide the width of the march by 2 and add the radius of the support posts. To make the staircase as comfortable as possible, you should not make it less than 800 mm. This way, you can move around without problems. As for the number and height of steps in a spiral staircase, they need to be calculated so that one person can freely ascend/descend and, if necessary, turn around on it. The height of the approach space is calculated by adding the average height of a person - 180 cm and the average depth of the tread - 20 cm. Next, all this is divided by how many steps one turn has. Then the height of the stairs is divided by the resulting value.

Staircase calculation program

The formula for calculating stairs depends on the type of structure, height, width, number of steps and material. For a private house you can choose stairs various types. In particular, curved ones, for example, helical, angular and different materials. It can be metal, wood, or plastic, but on wood or metal base. As mentioned earlier, screw structures are compact in size and add aesthetics to the interior. The calculation of the stairs is also influenced by the room and its features.

In particular:

  • What it is used for;
  • What parameters does it have?
  • What is the interior like?
  • How many turntables are needed?
  • What should be the configuration of the steps;
  • Where will the staircase be located?

Calculation of stairs (video)

Self-construction of stairs is very interesting activity, because you can use your imagination, it’s not easy to do metal structure, and the original forged model. There can be a huge variety of finishing and construction options, but the main thing is to choose only proven calculation methods. For example, a special online calculator.


Online calculator for calculating stairs

  • ul li.videos").hide();">x
  • - click the “Calculate” button below;
  • - The online calculator will calculate your staircase and display a drawing in the window on the right.
  • - check your dimensions with our drawing. If everything is correct, click the “Drawing” button at the top.
  • - in a separate window, our online designer will generate a full-fledged drawing of your staircase: top view, side view, and 3D view. You can print a drawing of your staircase (ctrl+P).
    • - Double-check your dimensions and order details. Click on the “Next” button and the “Order” button. Fill in the fields in the order form. Click "Submit Order". Expect a call from our designer to clarify the details of the order.
    • With our online STAIRS Builder YOU CAN:

      Send an ORDER to us to PRODUCE ONLY DRAWINGS of all parts for your staircase. We design your staircase using a licensed design program - quickly, and most importantly accurately! All parts made according to our drawings fit together perfectly and do not require adjustment or sawing on site.

    • - send us an ORDER for the MANUFACTURE of the entire staircase. We will make a staircase EXACTLY ACCORDING TO YOUR SIZES - and it will fit perfectly into your room. You get a high-tech product with an exclusive design at an extremely attractive price. Compare our prices for OAK STAIRS with prices in your region!
    • Our stairs are designed to self-assembly, accompanied by detailed assembly drawings. The assembly of our stairs can be carried out by two people, and not more difficult to assemble cabinet from Ikea.

      li").toggle();toDown(".video-2-btn");"> Watch a video about assembling the stairs


    In most cases, a ladder is a mandatory attribute country house. In addition, structures of this type can be used in two-level apartments or offices. Stairs today not only perform a practical function, they are also additional items interior and add zest to the overall design of the room.

    Staircase options

    According to certain design features, stairs can be represented by marching, spiral or a combined variation. The total area and layout features of the room will determine which of the above types of structures is most appropriate to use in a particular case.

    It is necessary to ensure that installed structure answered everyone necessary requirements ergonomics.

    Marching staircase

    This design of the staircase is distinguished by its reliability and extreme ease of manufacture.

    The structure in this case will consist of one or several flights (this is the name of a straight fragment with steps).

    To maintain ergonomics, the number of steps in one flight should not exceed sixteen.

    Spiral staircase

    This structure consists of a support rod around which steps are arranged in a spiral.

    The total area of ​​the classic variation of a spiral staircase does not exceed one square meter, as a result of which it can be installed even in small rooms. The peculiarity of such a staircase is the possibility of its location anywhere in the room.

    Combined staircase

    In this case, we are talking about an arched architectural structure.

    The combined staircase combines elements of marching and spiral structures. This allows you to implement design tasks of any level of complexity.

    Before starting the corresponding calculations, it is necessary to take into account the specific layout of the room. You should also take into account the total area of ​​the room. It may be necessary to create a project that will coordinate everything further actions during the installation work. On initial stage The following points should be taken into account:

    • distance from the ground floor floor to the ceiling;
    • features of the location of the walls;
    • features of the placement of doorways;
    • total area of ​​the room;
    • planning features.

    The height of individual steps of the stairs should be absolutely identical. It is recommended to avoid the formation of differences in these indicators. Width landing should be equivalent to the width of the march. The length of one straight fragment with steps should be no more than 3 m. The minimum indicator in this case will be kept at 1.5 m.

    The size of each individual step depends on total number these elements. The length of the span or section is also taken into account. The total width of the staircase is determined by the required level of its throughput. The minimum value for one person will be 0.7 m.

    The level of comfort during ascent and descent will depend on the height of the steps. Most often, this indicator varies from 12 to 20 cm. The optimal depth of the steps is 28-30 cm. Provided that an uneven step is implemented, these indicators should be calculated based on the total length and height of the structure.

    How to determine the angle of inclination?

    The angle of inclination should be such that a person can move forward proportionally while walking up the stairs. The formation of the final indicator will depend on the height and width of the steps.

    In most cases, it is recommended to settle on a number that is in the range from 23 to 37 degrees. It should be noted that a very steep angle of inclination can somewhat complicate the procedure for lifting and transporting heavy objects up the stairs.

    Important! The greater the angle of inclination of the stairs, the less space may be required for its placement. However, too steep an angle significantly complicates the procedure of climbing to the second floor.

    If the angle of inclination is less than twenty-three degrees, then you can resort to installing a ramp. This flat design will make it easier to descend and ascend. It should be noted here that a staircase with an inclination angle of more than forty degrees can become an insurmountable obstacle for users.

    Parameters of railings and fences

    When carrying out the appropriate calculations before installing the stairs on the second floor, you should take into account the parameters of the railings and some of the structure’s fences. In particular, it is necessary to determine the following points:

    • baluster height;
    • handrail length;
    • height of support posts;
    • railing width

    The optimal width of the railing will be equivalent to 100 mm. This indicator will contribute to the comfortable use of the stairs by an adult. Railings are most often located at a height of 900 mm. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that the height of the baluster will be approximately 800 mm. In this case, you should pay attention to the method of installing the baluster. If this element is mounted in grooves, then its length should be slightly longer. The final indicator is formed taking into account the depth of the groove.

    As for determining the height of the support posts, you should also pay attention to the installation features. If the support used is installed on steps, then its length will be identical to the height of the baluster. Provided that the stand vertical stand installed on the floor, then to standard height the height of the placed support should be added.

    The length of the railing should be equivalent to the length of the flight of stairs. The total length of this element can fully correspond to the dimensions of the staircase or be slightly larger. The increase in indicators tends to increase if the handrail extends beyond the steps.

    The staircase structure can be prefabricated or monolithic. The first variation of the structure is not very popular, since installation work in this case will involve certain difficulties. In addition, all relevant work must be carried out at the construction site.

    Prefabricated stairs from large-sized elements enjoy in great demand. The installation procedure of the entire structure does not involve any particular difficulties. This variation of stairs can be used not only in private country house, but also in public buildings. Additionally, marches of structures of this type can be reinforced with frames.

    Flights with solid steps are presented in the form of a panel, which is significantly reinforced on the sides through the use of special stiffening ribs. The upper plane of such a panel has a stepped structure.