Feeding begonias for abundant flowering. How to plant tuberous begonia: growing beauty. Caring for tuberous begonia at home: feeding, propagation. Reproduction of ampelous begonia by seeds

Begonia is perhaps the most common indoor flower.

The advantage of tuberous begonia is its long and abundant flowering. Among the representatives of the genus there are plants with double flowers, similar to peonies, carnations or roses.

But how to properly care for tuberous begonia at home?

Planting begonia tubers

All you need to pay attention to before buying tubers is their appearance. Healthy begonia tubers should not have dents, stains, or signs of mold. They are dense to the touch, not loose. It is better to purchase tubers in March, when the awakened buds are visible. You should not buy tubers with overgrown stems.

Photo of begonia tubers ready for planting

Growing begonia from a tuber at home is not difficult, but the composition of the soil must be taken seriously. Begonia grows best in loose substrate with low acidity. In addition, for better flowering it needs fairly nutritious soil. This should be taken into account when preparing the soil mixture.

If purchased soil not satisfied, then begonia will happily grow in such a substrate:

Leaf soil – part 3;

Peat – 1 part;

Humus – 1 part;

Sand – 1 part.

Fill the pot 2/3 with soil, since the lower part should be completely occupied by drainage. For planting tuberous begonias, they choose not too cramped potty. The optimal size is when there is 4 cm from the edge of the tuber to the sides of the pot.

By adhering to the rules for planting tubers, which are presented below, growing begonia is easy.

1. Tubers are cleaned of old roots.

2. Disinfect in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 30 minutes.

3. Make a hole in the soil and place the tuber with the buds facing up.

4. Lightly sprinkle with loose substrate, being careful not to cover the buds.

IN further care for tuberous begonia at home comes down to creating comfortable conditions for germination.

The temperature is maintained at 15-20 C. Since tubers take a very long time to germinate, only after two weeks will the stems grow 5 cm. After this, add soil to the pot, covering the tuber completely. In a young plant, 2-3 stems are left, the rest are plucked out.

A young plant can be replanted only after the bush is fully formed. In this case, the volume of the pot is increased by 15 cm. During transplantation, the tuber can be completely immersed in the ground.

How to properly care for tuberous begonia

First of all, the flower pot must be positioned correctly. Its flowering and growth depend on this.


Begonia loves bright light, but it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight. It is best to place the pot in the room close to the window or on an eastern-oriented windowsill. On southern windows, the flower will get leaf burns.

Begonia does not like growing conditions to change frequently, so the pot with the plant is immediately placed on permanent place. Changes in lighting orientation cause leaves and buds to fall off.


Begonia loves warmth, so throughout the growing season the temperature is maintained at 20-23 C.

IN winter period the temperature is reduced by moving the pot to a cooler place.

Air humidity

Begonia prefers high air humidity, but does not tolerate spraying. To increase the air humidity around the plants, place bowls of water on the windowsill. It will evaporate, that will be quite enough. You can also place the pot in a tray with water and expanded clay, but make sure that its bottom does not come into contact with water, otherwise the tuber will rot.

In addition, when caring for tuberous begonia at home, do not forget to ventilate the room, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves. Begonia does not tolerate stagnant air, but drafts are also contraindicated for it.

Watering and fertilizing

The flower does not tolerate drought and abundant watering. It is best if the soil dries out sufficiently between waterings.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature, trying not to get on the leaves. Too much cold water Begonia is not watered.

For abundant flowering Begonia is regularly fed with complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. During the growing season, fertilizing is carried out 2 times a month.

Caring for tuberous begonia in winter at home

Begonia blooms for a long time, from early spring to late autumn. Appear regularly on shoots bright flowers. With the arrival of autumn, the plant prepares for a period of dormancy and flowering stops. What to do with begonia during this period?

First of all, stop feeding and reduce the watering schedule. The plant gradually sheds its leaves, and its aboveground part fades. After this, you can dig up the tuber for storage.

Before storing, the tubers are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried in a ventilated area. Planting material should be stored cool on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the country basement. Before storage, the tubers are placed in a box or bag with holes and sprinkled with sawdust. From time to time, the sawdust is moistened with water so that the begonia tubers do not dry out.

How to propagate begonia at home

Begonia is propagated by seeds, cuttings or division of the tuber.

Seed propagation is a very troublesome task, so it is rarely resorted to. For example, if the variety you like is difficult to get in your area.

Begonia cuttings are the most best option reproduction. In spring, begonia shoots are cut into cuttings and rooted in a moist substrate. To speed up the process, a greenhouse is built over the cuttings. This will help maintain the required humidity, but remember that the greenhouse needs to be ventilated. Rooting can be considered successful if leaves appear on the apical shoots. Once the cuttings are strong, they are transplanted into a permanent growing pot.

Only an adult plant, which is more than 2 years old, reproduces by dividing the tubers. In the spring, before planting the plant, its tuber is divided into several parts, so that each has developed buds. The cut area must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal so that rot does not form. Next, care for the begonia as usual.

Difficulties in growing tuberous begonia

Often new to indoor floriculture It is not possible to grow begonia without losses. Often the plant does not bloom at all, sheds its leaves or withers. What is the reason?

1. Begonia does not bloom because the conditions of its maintenance are violated. Flowering is greatly influenced by air humidity, watering regime and location of the plant.

2. The flower fades because the pot is located in a sunny place, the soil is too wet or water got on the leaves during watering.

3. The plant sheds its leaves due to improper care. If begonia is grown without a dormant period, the flower will look dull and will shed its leaves.

As you can see, growing tuberous begonia is not difficult, but you still need to make an effort.

Begonia seeds have a high germination rate and are usually planted in February. For planting, containers filled with a mixture of peat, sand and leaf soil in a 1:1:2 ratio are used. The seeds are laid out on the surface and covered with film or glass on top. After about a week, the first shoots appear, and you can gradually accustom the plant to room air, opening it for half an hour. After 2-3 weeks, you can plant the sprouts in small pots, and after a month - in regular pots for continuous growth.

Location and lighting

Loves bright light, especially if it is in bloom. However, being in direct sunlight can cause the plant to burn. It is best to place a pot of begonia on windows facing west or east, where the sun shines only half the day. You should be careful about drafts: hypothermia can lead to the death of the plant.

Pot size

Begonia should not be planted immediately in a large pot; it may rot. Sprouts with roots are planted in pots with a diameter of 5-6 cm. After the development of the root system, larger diameter pots can be used. It is important that the pot has drainage holes for outflow excess water.

The soil

Begonia is not a demanding plant. For planting in a pot, you can purchase ready-made special soil, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Begonias prefer light and loose soil that has a slightly acidic reaction. A mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand in proportions of 2:2:1 is best suited for begonias. Sand provides the necessary looseness flower soil, it can even be added to ready mixture bought at a flower shop. Leaf soil should not contain tannins. These substances are released by trees such as willow and oak. Fine gravel and expanded clay must be placed at the bottom of the pot with the plant to organize the outflow of excess water. You can acidify the soil using compost.


Begonias are replanted as needed, that is, when the roots no longer fit in the pot. Best time for plant transplantation - early spring. To properly replant begonia, you need to clean its roots from soil and peat, cut off rotten areas and put the plant in water with manganese for half an hour. By placing the plant in new pot, it is important not to completely cover the roots immediately. You need to let them dry, and only then cover them completely with soil. In the first month after transplantation, begonia needs especially careful watering. It should not be placed in direct sunlight, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

To feed begonias, you can use complex liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. Fertilizer is added to the soil 2 times a month starting from the moment of flowering. It is not recommended to use fertilizers containing nitrogen for flowering varieties of begonias, but they are ideal for deciduous ones.


Begonia loves water very much, especially on hot days, but it is very important not to let the water stagnate in the pot. Each begonia pot should have drainage system, for example, a layer of expanded clay at the bottom. In winter, the plant needs less watering, especially tuberous varieties. In winter, they are placed in peat and stopped watering.


Optimal temperature for growing begonias it is 21-23 degrees in summer, and in winter no less than 15. If the plant is located at more low temperatures, then most likely he will die.


Because of its tropical origins, begonia loves high humidity air, but you should not spray its leaves. This may cause stains to appear on them. The required humidity can be achieved as follows. The pot with the plant is placed on a tray with wet moss, wet peat or expanded clay, which is watered regularly.


Pruning begonias is necessary to form the crown of the flower and maintain the correct proportions of the plant. If you do not prune your begonia, over time its stem will become bare and the leaves will become small. The plant will stretch in length and lose its splendor. Therefore, as soon as the plant reaches a height of 7 cm, it is necessary to cut off the upper leaves for the first time. This will stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, which will add lushness to the plant. When the side shoots grow back, their tops are also cut off. At this point, the formation of begonia can be considered complete and in the future it is only necessary to trim off dried leaves or improperly growing shoots. If, nevertheless, the flower was not cut on time and has become very elongated, you can try to trim off the top and lower shoots, however, this does not always allow the plant to return its attractive splendor. Pruning is carried out only with a sharp knife; scissors cannot be used, as this will injure the flower.

Pests and diseases

Some of the most common lesions of begonias are fungal disease powdery mildew and gray rot. In the first case, spots of powdery plaque appear on the plant, which gradually cover all the leaves. In the second, gray watery spots appear on the leaves, shoots and flowers, which later develop into rot. Most often these diseases are caused excess humidity. If such problems are detected, you need to reduce watering of the plant, and also spray it with special solutions to combat the fungus.

The main pests of begonias include aphids and red spider mite. To combat these pests, solutions of Fitoverm, Intavir, and Karbofos are used. The leaves are generously sprayed with an insecticidal agent, then the plant is placed in cellophane film to enhance the effect. However, it is better to prevent the appearance of such pests using preventive measures begonia care.


The flowering of begonia is a very beautiful sight. The abundance of bright lush flowers reminiscent of carnations, daffodils, roses will delight flower growers in the garden from early summer to early autumn, and in the apartment the flowering period increases and lasts from May to November. If begonia does not bloom for some reason, then the conditions in which it grows are not suitable for it. You should reconsider the location of the flower: perhaps the air is too dry and hot. The plant should be fed with fertilizers to stimulate its growth and flowering.


Reproduction of begonia is possible different ways: tuberous, vegetative, using cuttings.

Tuberous propagation is carried out as follows:

  • Carefully remove the plant along with big lump earth and roots;
  • Trim the leaves and clean the roots from the soil;
  • The peeled tubers are placed in peat, which is kept moist;
  • Keep the room temperature at about 10 degrees;
  • Tuberous begonia should be replanted in early spring.

The vegetative method can be carried out using the apex of the root or dividing the tuber. In the first case, the cut top is placed in a pot with soil, covered with film and placed under diffused sunlight. After about a month, the seedling sprouts young shoots, which indicates rooting. In the second case, the tuber is divided into pieces about 7 cm long, each part of the tuber must have a bud. Pieces of the tuber are placed in moistened soil, also covered with film and placed in the light. After the appearance of young leaves, indicating the development of the root system, the shoot can be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by leaf or stem cuttings is used when you need to get a lot planting material at the exit. When propagating by leaf cuttings, an intact leaf of the plant is used, which is cut into small squares. They are laid out on the prepared substrate and covered with film. Rooting occurs in approximately 2-3 weeks. If stem cuttings are taken, then you need to use a cutting that has at least 2 buds. Large leaves are cut off. The cuttings are planted in the prepared substrate in a hole and covered with a bag or plastic bottle. Cuttings must be ventilated periodically. Rooting also occurs after 2-3 weeks.

Rest period

The periods of rest in begonia are not pronounced. These periods occur when environmental conditions differ significantly from those recommended. It's hot summer time with temperatures above 40 degrees, as well as the winter period with a decrease in temperature and light levels. During dormant periods, begonia's need for water is insignificant.

Plant toxicity/beneficial properties

Leaves indoor begonia contain a high amount of phytoncides - substances that clean and disinfect the air. This helps improve immunity, reduce fatigue, and increase performance. In particular, begonia fights bacteria such as staphylococcus, significantly reducing its content in the surrounding air (up to 80%). In addition, begonia neutralizes toxic substances released by padding polyester, plastic and some others. synthetic materials. Thanks to these beneficial properties It is recommended to place begonia in bedrooms, children's rooms, and living rooms.

This indoor plant need proper watering. Watering regime is the main component of proper.

Feeding at home

“Bona Forte” has proven itself well - it is a concentrated organic-mineral fertilizer, easy to use (10 ml per 1.5 liters of water) and at an affordable cost (180-200 rubles). Also fertilizers such as:

  1. “Good power” (300 rub.).
  2. “Biopon” (140-160 rubles).
  3. “Fertika Lux” (80-90 rubles).
  4. “Mr. Color” (60-80 rubles).

All of them have a balanced composition and ensure proper growth and development of the plant.

As for nitrogen fertilizers, they are applicable only for deciduous varieties, because they can inhibit the development of buds. Their the main task increase green growth, for example:

  1. “Bona Forte for violets and begonias” (100-110 rubles).
  2. “Azovit” (120-130 rubles).

Effective folk remedies

There are many effective folk remedies. They have both their pros and cons. The advantage is accessibility and minimal material costs. All ingredients can be found in the kitchen (sugar, yeast, etc.). The downside is that it takes a little more time than ready-made product, which can be purchased at any specialty store or even a simple supermarket.

  1. Yeast is inexpensive and accessible remedy, which is equivalent to the use of expensive mineral fertilizers.

    You will need:

    • 1 l. warm water;
    • 1 gr. dry yeast;
    • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

    Mix the ingredients and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Before watering, dilute the mixture again with water (1:5). This remedy can be used no more often than every 2 months.

    Reference! Yeast contains the hormones auxins and cytokinins; these substances accelerate growth and contribute to longer and more abundant flowering of begonias.

  2. Another quite accessible means that you can feed begonia to improve growth and saturate it with glucose is sugar.

    You will need:

    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
    • 1 l. water.

    Mix and water the root system with this solution. If the solution gets on the leaves, they should be wiped to remove stickiness. Repeat the procedure approximately once a month.

  3. Fertilizing with boron and manganese gives good results.

    You will need:

    • 1 gr. boric acid;
    • 0.5 gr. potassium permanganate;
    • 5 l. water.

    This solution can be used only after abundant watering, so as not to burn the root system.

General rules for applying fertilizers

  1. It is better to fertilize your indoor flower in evening time days. About 2 hours before this procedure, the soil needs to be moistened.
  2. Make sure that the fertilizer does not fall on the leaves and flowers, but only on the ground. Otherwise, the leaves may turn yellow or wither.
  3. Remember moderation. An excess of any fertilizer can lead to toxicosis and death of the plant.

By following these tips, your flowers will always be fresh and beautiful!

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about feeding begonias:

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In the flower salon " White orchid» You can buy tuberous begonia grown by specialists in our greenhouse. Tuberous begonia goes on sale in a flowering state.

The flowers of tuberous begonia are large, double or semi-double, and have a variety of colors - from white to scarlet-red. Begonia grown in the White Orchid greenhouse does not need replanting, because grown in leaf soil.

Caring for begonia at home.

Tuberous begonias love lungs fertile soils with slightly acidic reaction. The best substrate There will be leaf soil for planting.

Pots for planting tuberous begonias use low, plastic pots are preferable.

Lighting for begonias should be good, diffused light is preferable, so best place placement will be eastern, south-eastern windows, where there is no scorching midday sun. The best temperatures during the development of begonias are from 15 to 25 degrees.

Watering tuberous begonias.

Tuberous begonias are watered abundantly, but between waterings the soil is allowed to dry 0.5 cm deep into the pot.

It is best to water begonias this way: place the pot with the plant in an empty deep container, then pour the substrate from a watering can or ladle so that the water comes out of the pot, you can let it stand in the water for about 10 minutes, then the plant is placed on a tray and after some time (10 minutes -15), excess water must be removed from the pan.

If you do not remove the water from the pan after watering, the tender roots of begonias die from waterlogging.

Feeding tuberous begonias.

In order for tuberous begonia to bloom magnificently, it must be fed.

Begonias in bloom are very suitable for feeding liquid fertilizers Forte for flowering plants. Begonias are fed once every 2 weeks. You can also use Fertika-Lux fertilizer. In August, feeding is stopped and watering is also reduced - begonias begin to prepare for winter dormancy.

Preparing tuberous begonias for winter.

Begonias grown from tubers are dug out of pots in September - October, cleaned, dried, covered with peat and stored. The storage temperature of tubers should be no higher than 10 degrees.

In begonias grown from seeds, a small nodule grows during one growing season, so such begonias are not sent for wintering. Begonias grown from seeds are left to overwinter on the windowsill. They try to choose a bright, cool window for them, and water them occasionally. The lower the temperature on the window, the less often the watering will be. With the onset of spring, the elongated shoots are cut off, and young strong shoots will soon appear to replace them.

This begonia is propagated by seeds, tubers and cuttings. Begonia is cut as follows: cut the cutting so that one bud remains on the stem - a new stem will grow from it, without damaging the tuber. They cut out a cutting with part of the tuber - this is how the cuttings grow the fastest, but the tuber will die. Break out the stems at the base (on the tuber); the tuber is not damaged.

Seedlings are grown in a mixture of sand and peat, or in vemiculite. In order for cuttings to take root faster, it is better to use rooting preparations - Epin, Zircon, Kornevin. At a temperature of 20 - 24 degrees, rooting occurs in 2-3 weeks.

Photo of begonia in a pot

Begonia everblooming (Begonia semperflorens)beautiful flowering plant from the family Begoniaceae. IN wildlife found in the highlands and humid tropics of Africa, America, and Asia. The birthplace of evergreen begonia is Brazil. Here, on the ocean coasts and in forests, the flower develops intensively throughout the year. In countries with temperate climates, the plant is grown indoors.

The plant is a perennial plant that requires periodic rejuvenation. The bushes quickly grow up to 50 cm and manage to bloom in the year of planting. True to its name, the plant blooms all year round, forming simple or double flowers, delicate petals which amaze the imagination with their varied colors.

It grows very quickly. It can double in size in a year.
Blooms in summer, spring and autumn. Blooms already in the first year after planting
Easy to grow. There are some minor difficulties
Needs rejuvenation as it grows.

Ever-flowering begonia is not only a beautiful plant, but also useful. Flower cells secrete phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms in the airspace. Volatile compounds completely neutralize staphylococcus, and reduce the overall concentration of harmful bacteria by almost 80%. Thanks to these properties, the flower increases performance and strengthens the immune system.

Basic rules of care. Briefly

Favorable circumstances for ever-flowering begonia at home are:

TemperatureIn winter – no less than + 16° C, in summer – from + 23 – 25° C.
Air humidityIncreased; cannot be sprayed; placed on a tray with moistened pebbles.
LightingDiffused bright; Place on windows facing southwest and southeast.
WateringIn summer - once a week; in winter - once every 10 days; do not allow water to stagnate.
PrimingA special substrate for begonias or a soil mixture of peat, perlite, leaf soil (2: 1: 2).
Feeding and fertilizer2 times every 30 days concentrated universal fertilizer for indoor flowers, diluted 2 times.
TransferYoung bushes - annually, in early spring; mature - when the roots completely engulf the earthen ball.
ReproductionBy dividing rhizomes, cuttings, seeds.
Features of cultivationIn summer it is recommended to place the flower in shady place garden

The peculiarities of growing evergreen begonia should be taken into account. The plant loves Fresh air, the room should be ventilated more often (but the flower should be protected from drafts). To ensure that the bushes do not stretch out and look compact and fluffy, begonias are pruned. The top is shortened for the first time when the ever-flowering begonia reaches 8 cm. When the side branches grow, they also need to be cut off.

Caring for Begonia evergreen at home

Begonia everblooming flower at home adapted perfectly. Caring for it is simple, although some properties of the plant need to be paid special attention.

The plant blooms in early May and blooms until November frosts.
The flowering of Begonia evergreen is a very attractive phenomenon. Against the background of glossy green leaves covered with a light fluff, double and simple flowers stand out as bright spots.

Their color is varied, represented by all shades of white, yellow, red and their combinations. The duration and splendor of flowering are due to good lighting, high humidity and warmth.

To prolong flowering, faded leaves and inflorescences must be removed immediately.


In order for evergreen begonia to bloom beautifully and be healthy, care at home requires following temperature regime. This is especially important in winter, when laying flower buds. The thermometer in winter should not fall below + 16° C. In summer begonia everblooming develops well at temperatures from + 23 - 25° C. With a sharp change in temperature, the flower will drop its buds.


Begonia everblooming prefers high humidity. But the plant cannot be sprayed: drops of water leave unsightly stains on the leaves. Only the air space around the flower is sprayed. Begonia is placed on a tray with moistened pebbles, and air humidifiers are used.


Begonia everblooming prefers diffused bright lighting. It is an indispensable guarantee lush flowering and the beautiful exterior of the plant. It is preferable to place the flower on a window facing the southwest or southeast side. On the south side, shading is necessary on hot sunny days: aggressive sun can cause leaf burn.

Begonia everblooming needs good lighting up to 15 hours a day. In winter and autumn it is necessary to turn on the backlight.


Watering plays an important role in plant care. Home Begonia Everblooming loves the soil to be moderately moist, and not overdried or flooded with water. Water the plant along the edge of the pot, avoiding the leaves and flowers. In summer, water once every 7 days. In winter - once every 10 days.

Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore they provide good drainage. Use lukewarm, settled water. Watering with cold water or excess moisture leads to root rot.

Ever-flowering begonia has a poorly developed root system. Its roots are located superficially. Therefore the pot is for begonias you need wide, but not deep. This is especially true for small, recently rooted bushes.. They are first planted in small pots, the diameter of which is no more than 6 cm. In a container with a larger diameter root system may rot, but the begonia will not bloom. To prevent stagnation of moisture, there should be several drainage holes at the bottom.

Soil for Begonia everblooming

The substrate for the plant is required to be loose, water- and breathable. His important characteristics are fertility, low acidity and lightness. The soil for Evergreen Begonia can be prepared yourself from two parts of leaf soil and peat and part of perlite. Stores sell soil mixture for begonias. The composition of the mixture can be improved with vermiculite, crushed moss and humus.

Feeding and fertilizer

For supporting beautiful flowering and strengthening vitality Feeding and fertilizing are important for plants. At a time that does not coincide with the dormant period, ever-flowering begonia at home should receive concentrated fertilizer for flowering plants, diluted by half, twice every 30 days.

It is necessary to ensure that the nitrogen content in the fertilizer does not exceed the content of potassium and phosphorus, otherwise this will have a bad effect on flowering.


The flower is replanted in early spring. Transplantation is carried out when the roots cover the entire earthen ball. Young bushes are replanted more often than mature ones. Refreshing for adults upper layer soil. The flower is transferred from the old container and the roots are examined.

Rotten roots are shortened, the remaining ones are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After this, the roots are dried and the plant is replanted. After transplantation, the ever-flowering begonia should be kept in a shaded place for several days. After a week they begin to water it, and after 3 weeks they begin to feed it.

Dormant period of Begonia everblooming

When in environment conditions arise that differ from those that are optimal for the plant, and the dormant period of Begonia everblooming begins. In winter, this time coincides with shorter daylight hours and lower temperatures. In summer, the flower stops developing when the thermometer rises above + 27° C.

Begonia ever-blooming stops growing and blooming and directs all its energy to moving nutrients from leaves and stem to roots. Therefore, pruning of green and elastic shoots is not carried out.


Begonia evergreen can be propagated in different ways:

  1. Cuttings. In spring and summer, stem cuttings 10 cm long and having 3 pairs of leaves are cut. They are planted in the ground, deepening to the first bud. Cover with film and root at + 25° C, regularly ventilating and watering. After a month, the plants are transplanted into small pots.
  2. Leaf plate: the leaf is planted in moist soil and placed in a film with lower heating. The seedling is watered and ventilated. After rooting, they are planted in small containers.
  3. Seeds. At the end of winter, small begonia seeds are laid out on the ground, sprayed and covered with film, removing it to ventilate and water. After 14 days, sprouts will appear. After the formation of 3 leaves, the seedlings dive.

When propagating begonias with double flowers, only vegetative propagation is used.

Pruning begonias for the winter

Diseases and pests

When the rules of care are violated, diseases appear and pests attack the weakened plant. Most often, begonia problems manifest themselves as follows:

Begonia everblooming can be affected by thrips, scale insects and whiteflies. Insects are treated with insecticides.

Popular varieties of evergreen begonia

Begonia everblooming is one of the favorite plants of breeders. Many varieties adapted to temperate climate conditions have been developed; they are cultivated in home plantings. Several varieties are the most popular.

Begonia "Lotto" is a tall, compact bush. The leaves are velvety, bright emerald. Large flowers can be painted in different colors.

Begonia "Senator" is a medium-sized bush with bronze leaves. Medium-sized flowers can have different colors.

Begonia "Ambassador" is a compact, medium-sized bush. Green leaves with bright red edges. The flowers are monochrome (white, red or pink) or bicolor.

Begonia "Queen" - low-growing bushes with bright green leaves and double flowers of carmine, pink or snow-white color.

Begonia "Cocktail" is a low-growing, lush-flowering bush. Leaves are brownish-red. The flowers are painted in scarlet, white, pink tones.