Equipment for the production of furniture frames. How to organize the production of kitchen furniture, business plan. Holes for fastenings

On the Stankoff.RU website you can buy machines for the production of furniture from leading manufacturers: Beaver, Filato, Griggio, High-Point, LIGA, WoodTec, as well as Russian and Chinese manufacturers. There are more than 364 models of machines for furniture production in stock and on order at the best prices. Only profitable offers with detailed descriptions and photos. Check prices with managers.

Types of machines for furniture production

To start a business in the field of furniture production, you need to equip an appropriate workshop. This activity involves the use of a variety of machines, units, and complex systems.

Choosing equipment in furniture workshop, it is necessary to take into account the planned volumes of production, the specifics of the activity, the size of the premises where the main activity will be carried out. All machines for furniture production presented in our catalog are divided into the following categories:

  • format-cutting units;
  • drilling and additive equipment;
  • milling machines;
  • presses, cladding systems;
  • inter-machine mechanization.

Format cutting machines come in vertical and horizontal types. Modern equipment Available with numerical control. The workshop worker needs to set the operating parameters of the machine. Cutting materials for the production of cabinets, tables, chairs, cabinets, and shelves is carried out quickly, without significant physical effort on the part of workers.

Using milling machines, milling is created on the surface of materials. Drilling and attachment machines for furniture manufacturing are necessary to create through or blind holes for subsequent assembly of structures.

Modern furniture is made from chipboard and MDF. For finished parts, the end parts need to be processed. They are covered with a special plastic edge. It performs several functions. The designs look neat with edges. This element protects the structure from deformation due to moisture absorption. For processing the ends, specific equipment for furniture production is intended - edging and cladding systems.

Individual parts and cutting elements are distinguished by their impressive size and considerable weight. It is irrational to transfer them from one machine to another for subsequent processing. Therefore, inter-machine mechanization is of no small importance. Conveyor lines move workpieces around the workshop. It remains for specialists to monitor this process.

Where to buy equipment for furniture production

Reliable, high-quality equipment is offered by leading manufacturers and suppliers. Preference should be given to products from well-known companies. Employees of the supplier company will offer their equipment options to each client. After installation of all units and systems, it is necessary to carry out commissioning work.

Today you can buy machines for furniture production on leasing terms. For beginning entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase all types of machines and systems, this option is optimal.

A reliable machine tool supplier offers technical and maintenance services. High-quality equipment is used for a long time, periodically updated, modernized, because new units often appear on the market and are introduced innovative technologies. The cabinet furniture production business will be successful if you cooperate with reliable business partners, equipment suppliers.


Working staff.
Sales Manager.

Types of advertising.
Sales of products.

Financial plan.

Production options.

Production of furniture according to customer sizes.
Business development prospects.

Despite the fact that furniture production has long ceased to surprise anyone, the demand for these products is not falling. There is no oversupply in Russia, but production operates in conditions of fierce competition.

Not everyone can withstand competition; some work long and fruitfully, constantly delighting customers with new models and design solutions. Some are unable to maintain a business in a strong flow and crash without having time to really find their place in the market.

Starting a furniture manufacturing business is serious business. Requires mandatory legal registration, clear calculations of investments and plans for the sale of finished products. And in order for the business not to become history, it is extremely necessary to comply with all points and make every effort to implement them.

When registering a business, it is best to assign it LLC status. The status itself already indicates the seriousness of intentions and will help attract investors from outside or as founders. The amount of planned investments is not small and it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without additional investments. LLC status provides the opportunity to receive additional income using a register of additional activities and expand the business in the future.

Also, this legal status provides prospects for participation in profitable tenders and cooperation with serious chains of furniture supermarkets, which has a positive effect on the reputation and income of the enterprise.


After all the design steps, it is necessary to organize the premises where the workshop will be located. The industrial zone of the city is best suited. The room you need is not small - about 300 m2. Hangar structures are perfect.

The problem of finding suitable premises is quite pressing, so you need to start dealing with this in advance. It is best to seek help from companies that specialize in this particular area. They already have ready-made proposals. They know for what purpose, what room is suitable, what technical specifications must be met and what standards must be present.

When concluding a lease agreement, be sure to pay attention and stipulate the terms of the lease. You need a long-term lease agreement in order to avoid future troubles with moving and re-registering the production address. Sometimes premises are rented with some equipment already there. If you have this option, that's great.

The rental agreement includes the rental of production equipment - and you less costs, and the owner has less headaches about where to put it and what to do with it.

Equipment for furniture production.

To start production you will need special machines. Buying them is not a problem.

Edge banding machines are necessary for processing synthetic (melamine, PVC, ABS) and natural materials (veneer, paper).

The process of edge cladding occurs after the process of cutting the material on a cutting machine. We'll talk about it a little below. It is imperative that equipment for finishing edges be selected depending on what kind of furniture you intend to make.

For a better understanding, here is a brief description of the machine's operating process:
- Glue heated to the required temperature is applied to the surface manually or using an automatic module.
- The machine applies an edge to the dimensions of the workpiece. It is possible to cut the edge with a technological reserve.
- Next, using a machine, the edge material is pressed against the surface being processed.
- After operation of the machine, the applied edge is finished - removing excess glue, processing the edge, grinding and polishing lines and corners.

It is worth repeating that the configuration of the machine must be selected according to the type of furniture being manufactured.

They are produced in various formats - both for small-scale production and for industrial-scale batches. Direct purpose - cutting furniture parts from sheet materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard).

To ensure that the work is carried out without chipping, two cutting units are used - the main one and the scoring one. Excellent for cutting laminated material with high accuracy thanks to the body of the saw unit installed at an angle. The presence of a scoring saw in the machine ensures absolutely clean cutting, without chips or nicks.

The machines are produced in several types, each of them has its own characteristics and special purposes. Your task is to choose from a wide range of offers exactly the one that is ideal for production. The main difference is the method of placing the workpiece - horizontally or vertically, that is, by transverse or longitudinal cutting. And another difference is the type of carriage. The machines are produced with either a ball or roller carriage.

Regardless of what equipment you choose, pay attention to the availability of additional tables. They are indispensable when cutting full sheets of material. An important point is the upper clamping beam and the upper pneumatic clamp. They will ensure reliable fixation of small workpieces, which is necessary in the production of furniture of exclusive design with small details.

The main purpose of the equipment is to more careful preparation details. The machine cuts the material to the required thickness.

The workpiece is placed flat on the workbench with a pre-processed base surface. The workpiece being processed is fed automatically to the rotating knives. Basic specifications:
Rated supply voltage - 220 W;
Rated power consumption commutator motor— from 1500 W;
The rotation speed of the planing shaft with planing knives is 8000 rpm (idling);
The average height of the workpiece processed on the machine is 15 cm, the width of the work table is from 25 to 50 cm, with the corresponding width of the workpiece being processed up to 45 cm.
average speed automatic feed of the workpiece - 8 meters per minute.
The average planing depth is 2.5 mm. Depends on the width and properties of the workpiece.

Thicknessing machines are distinguished into single-sided and double-sided. Single-sided have one blade shaft located at the top, above the work table. Double-sided ones, respectively, have two knife shafts. The second one is built into the work table and performs the function of processing the lower part of the part. The work table itself is movable; with its help, the required height is set for processing the material to the required thickness. The machines are also distinguished by power and maximum lifting of the working table, its width and planing depth.

A fairly wide price range is convenient for choosing the necessary equipment depending on the buyer’s budget. The price depends on the country of origin and technical parameters.
When choosing a thickness planer, pay attention to safety features. The design must be protected from overloads by a power interrupt unit. If an overload occurs, the thermal relay must be activated and the power supply to the machine must be interrupted.

Choose machines with quiet operation, which can be ensured by a belt drive. It also protects the machine motor from overloads.

For additional safety of machine operation, power switches are often used. In addition to direct functions, they are equipped with a protective function against unauthorized activation when the operator is absent.

In the production of furniture, wood or any other material goes through many technological processing processes, and the four-sided machine is the basic equipment for many of them.

The main function is profiling molded products, cutting boards into lamellas for furniture panels. A furniture production workshop requires sufficiently powerful equipment with high throughput. When choosing a four-sided machine, first of all you need to pay attention to its dimensions. For example, in order to process a workpiece measuring 40 cm, you need a milling cutter with the appropriate parameters (about 80 mm). In order for the equipment to cope with the processing of large materials, a reinforced feed function is required. The workbench must be durable and wear-tested for stable operation under constant load.

The best strength is shown by machines with cast iron tables. The function of increasing the serving and receiving tables is very convenient and often necessary. To do this, the characteristics of the machine must indicate the presence of a manual or automatic control function. If you are planning serious production, then your four-sided processing machine must have a high feed speed - up to 30 linear meters per second.

Some manufacturers produce universal four-sided machining machines. That is, with the possibility of resuscitation and profiling functions. By simply moving the planing knives in the desired direction, the working function can be easily changed. Such a machine will help to significantly save money on startup investments. But for the workshop to fully operate with maximum output, you will still have to pay special attention to each process - this will increase quantitative indicators, which is important.

To fully support a furniture production workshop, there is enough a large number of various machine tools, but the four most important and mandatory ones are described above. The purchase of such a kit will cost approximately $40 thousand.

The enterprise in the LLC statue has obligations to compulsorily staff the staff.

Appointed by the meeting of founders. The candidate may be one of them, or an outsider who meets the requirements of the position held.
Full-time accountant. Face with financial liability. He can easily perform the functions of a personnel department employee. Must be familiar with the articles Labor Code. Maintain personnel records and related reporting.

Working staff.
Operators are needed to maintain production equipment. One for each machine. Workers are also needed to assemble furniture. This is 3 more employees. In general, to fully staff the work force, you need seven people - this is quite enough for the full-fledged process of the workshop. Workers performing assembly functions can travel to the customer’s home to install finished orders.

The enterprise definitely needs such a specialist, but he does not necessarily have to be full-time. Design may well perform the function of “coming”. Cooperation is formalized through an agreement stipulating the number of working hours per week or month and the corresponding salary. A designer can collaborate with several companies at once, have several projects and easily implement them. It would not be amiss to include in the cooperation agreement a clause not to disclose plans and the concept of the enterprise’s work in order to withstand fair competition and without violating its interests.

Sales Manager.
Do not be skeptical about such necessary personnel. In the first stages of launching production, an employee who will be responsible for sales is more than necessary. Try not to save money and look for an experienced manager with his own client base and a good reputation. This will greatly help in promoting your business. Moreover, the manager also performs the function of an advertising medium. And you need advertising like air.
Accrual algorithms wages for a sales employee several:
Fixed amount (rate).

As a rule, a fixed rate is quite rare and is usually accompanied by official registration of employment. Often the amount of the rate is equal to the minimum wage established by law. This option suits someone, we wish them good luck.

Rate + % of sales;
This payroll algorithm is very common among companies. It is actually very convenient for both the owner and the employee. The rate, again, is minimal and the percentage is small because the monthly sales volume (or planned volume) can be very large. With such volumes, the salary is not higher than 0.5% of this amount, but mostly 0.2-0.3%. The rate, as in the previous paragraph, is minimum or lower than the minimum. There are companies that offer a bet of $100. and add to this money a slightly higher percentage than usual.

Rate + % of cash receipts for the current month;
In this case, the guaranteed payment amount may be different. The % figure is no more than 1. But, pay your attention to one “BUT” - the manager earns his hard-earned % from the amount of money coming into the company, that is, from the amount that the accounting department sees in the account at the end of the current month. Many newcomers confuse or simply do not pay attention to this condition when applying for a job. Naturally, then problems begin.

% of sales;
One of the most common algorithms. The maximum profitable % of sales is calculated. Depends on the amount of planned sales for the reporting period. The higher the amount, the lower the percentage. Furniture is an expensive product, so the maximum salary level for a manager is 3%.

% of the company's income for the current month.
Accrual is based on the same principle as in point No. 3, only without a guaranteed rate. In this case, the % depends on the planned sales volume - the higher it is, the lower the %. Not the worst algorithm if the manager came to an already established client base, that is, there were already sales in the previous period and the money for the sold goods will be received this month. This is important because the majority of clients work with deferred payment, especially for large retail outlets- there the delay can reach up to 3 months.

Basically, according to this algorithm trading agent starts receiving salary no earlier than the third month of work. Don’t let this surprise you, if you agreed to such an algorithm, accept it for what it is, nothing can be done about it. Until the money for sales begins to flow into the company, you can offer a fixed rate, but it will be minimal or increased - this algorithm is described in point No. 2.

% of profit;
This algorithm is probably the most difficult for an employee to understand, but very beneficial for the owner.

The bottom line is to pay a commission of 10% of the received net profit from sales. It is important to pay attention to the fact that profit is calculated from the price at which the products entered the sales department, and not from the cost price.

Employee salaries are determined based on the average salaries of employees of the corresponding categories and the profile of the region in which production is planned to be launched.


Advertising is the most important process in promoting furniture production. It is important that a potential client knows about you before the finished product hits the market. There is a lot of competition in this type of business, and if you want to make yourself known, you need to do it in advance.
If you are seriously thinking about fruitful and long-term work, forget about “black” and “gray” production. Develop and register your own TM in Rospatent Russian Federation. The registered trademark of the promoted brand is strongly protected from counterfeiting and, if something happens, you can always defend your rights.

To do this, you must submit an application and pass a designation check for similarity. The advantage of registration is obvious - the right to use the trademark for 10 years (after which it is successfully renewed), has a positive effect on the company’s image and, accordingly, on the reputation and degree of trust on the part of a potential client. For illegal use of your trademark, you can demand compensation for material damage through the court.

If you don’t have time to do this, there are companies that will take on all administrative responsibilities for a fee and register the technical assignment as quickly as possible. The cost of such services is about $500.

After entering the TM into the general register of the State Patent, immediately begin advertising the enterprise and its products.

The very first thing to do is to clearly define the market segment and have a clear idea of ​​who your customers will be. Who do you want in your client base?
An advertising campaign is an expensive business, but it makes no sense to save on it. It is necessary to direct it as accurately as possible to the segment that you identified as potential in the first place.

In order for advertising to be of high quality and work correctly, you must study the market and your competitors. Carefully analyze the pros and cons of their work and products. Analyze the pros and cons of your production. Why is this necessary?
First of all, such an analysis will allow you to clearly identify the advantages that you will use in developing advertising campaigns. These can be high-quality materials, natural wood valuable species, high-quality fittings, qualified staff, the latest equipment and production technologies. Be sure to indicate the work of the designer during development. Often it is this fact that can quickly and permanently form a customer base. There are many connoisseurs among potential clients design work. Moreover, who but a designer constantly monitors the latest global trends in the furniture industry.

In addition to “black” and “gray” manufacturers, your competitors remain Chinese manufacturers of furniture and components. This is another serious niche in furniture production and occupies a significant place in the market. There is no point in underestimating such a competitor and not paying attention to him.

Companies representing Chinese manufacturers offer fairly cheap offers, but not always high quality. You can in your advertising campaigns aimed at similar customers to take advantage of the advantages in type, quality, capabilities individual order according to the dimensions specified by the customer.

What are the options:
Production of cabinet furniture;
Children's furniture;
Cushioned furniture;
Office furniture;
Bathroom furniture;

In any production direction, advertising must best meet the needs of a potential client and attract his attention.

Types of advertising.
Advertising on billboards ranks first in terms of memorability. It is expensive, but at the beginning of the production journey, a business definitely needs it. Place information about yourself in several places, or at least in one, but as effective as possible. Advertisers know the intricacies of placements. Don't be afraid to trust them. It is in their interest to make your advertising effective.

The next step in promoting your business should be the creation of a company website or professional landing page. This is a must. As Bill Gates said: “If your business is not on the Internet, it is not at all.”

Actively promote your website and landing pages online - this will bring more clients to your company.
Creating a good website costs about $500. Create an accessible interface and make it understandable even to inexperienced users. The website must contain information about the company, its data, and contacts. Create a colorful, attractive catalog and order button. Describe all the advantages of the offers and customers will not keep you waiting long. Create a wide range of payment forms.

Use printing services. Colorful booklets, flyers, Business Cards. These are mandatory advertising attributes for starting any business.

You can place information about the new company in the media. It would be better if these were specialized publications. Don't skimp on the best parts - this is the first and last spread of the magazine. It's expensive, but justified by the results.

Create a beautiful catalog. It will be useful for the manager and in several other sales options.

Sales of products.

As mentioned above, the sales manager will be involved in product sales. It may be one or several. But the owner must be directly involved in the development of the action plan.

You have already implemented advertising that attracts potential clients to you. You can, of course, stop there and fulfill those orders that come to you from these sources.
But if possible, do not miss the opportunity to increase sales.

One of the best options is to open your own store. Or better yet, a small network. If the production is located in a metropolis, then several districts of the city can be used for the operation of stores. If the production workshop is located in the region, a regional center is perfect. It can be a very small room, with an area of ​​20 square meters. You can place several types of products there and work according to the catalogue.

Cooperation with furniture supermarkets can be called a very profitable type of sales. This option is ideal for young companies. Because supermarkets fully support the work of the workshop according to the entire price list presented by the production.

Undoubtedly, such cooperation has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the clause in the agreement regarding exclusive rights to representation in the regions where supermarkets are located. That is, you will not be able to sell your products in parallel with them. The second disadvantage is the price. All networks try to negotiate the lowest prices from the supplier and, by the way, they are not bad at it.
In principle, if you cooperate with them on the basis of exclusive sales rights, then this is not a problem. They will not be your competitor in territory. And in the price list you can enter any price that you agree on. A significant disadvantage of cooperation with networks is the payment by installments. This is a mandatory condition for cooperation. If it is unacceptable to you, refuse and do not offer yourself as a supplier at all. Installment plans in different networks sometimes reach up to six months. But mostly - three months.
Despite the disadvantages of working with such networks, they are justified by great advantages. A serious and undeniable positive point is its wide representation in many regions. As a rule, chains are very developed or rapidly developing and open their stores wherever possible.

Another important positive point is advertising through representation. Supermarket and hypermarket chains release their catalogs of seasonal offers. Catalogs are distributed free of charge. Thousands of potential clients will know about you. Another advantage of cooperation can be considered from the logistics perspective. Customer demand will direct your production in the right direction. You will always be aware of new trends and bring new ideas to technology and design solutions.


These are the companies that will sell your products in their regions. This great way promotion and coverage of the widest possible territory. The dealer search process is similar to general sales. It is imperative to create a beautiful, viewable Commercial offer. Describe the benefits, proposed terms of cooperation and send it to all relevant companies. A sales manager can handle this very well.

The two methods described above are only possible if the status of your company is not lower than LLC. Because your status indicates the seriousness of your intentions. It is rare when dealers agree to cooperate with companies of a lower status. In this case, there is no need to talk about networks. They don't even consider such proposals.


Regardless of what kind of furniture you produce, there will always be customers potentially interested in the products you produce. For example, if production operates in a resort area, these are sanatoriums and recreation centers.

If you simultaneously produce a line of children's furniture, these are kindergartens, various kinds of children's institutions that need constant furniture updating. Don’t be afraid to express yourself, participate in tenders. There are sites that specialize in collecting complete information about all ongoing commercial tenders separately for each region. Subscribe to the newsletter of such a site, connect industry and regional settings and you will constantly receive email all information regarding this issue. Information is constantly updated.

You will always be aware of current events in this area. The newsletter is absolutely free.

You can unsubscribe from it at any time if you don’t need it. Of course, it’s up to you to make the decision, but you shouldn’t refuse such opportunities. Again, LLC status can greatly help you with this. In addition, if you need high-quality consumables for production, you can place your tender. Conditions for participation and placement of tenders are freely available. Don't miss any opportunity to make your business even more profitable.

Financial plan.


It's time to carefully calculate the required investment.
LLC registration ________________________________________ $110;
TM registration with Rospatent ______________________________ $500;
Rent of premises ________________________________________________ $1000/month;
Purchase of equipment _____________________________________ $40,000
Consumables _____________________________________ $40,000;
Advertising ________________________________________________ $10,000;
Office equipment ______________________________________________ $1000;
Taxes, salaries __________________________________________ 30% of profit;
Total at the start _________________________________________________ $100,000.
The total investment in launching a production workshop is about $100,000.


The payback time of such an enterprise directly depends on the profit that you will receive as a result of the sale of finished products.

Even if we assume that the difference between the cost and price of finished products is 100%, it will take months and years to recoup the investment. It will take at least three months to produce the first batch of furniture, from development to the date of receipt of funds from sales.
Summing up the monthly expenses and minus them from the profit received, it is clear that to pay off only the consumables, you will need at least two full-fledged sales of all products made from the entire batch of consumables.

Ideally, if the workshop is fully loaded and the finished product is fully sold, taking into account installment payments for the products supplied to the buyer, it will take at least 8 months to pay back the consumables. And besides this amount, there is also the remaining $60,000 of invested money. If $40,000 paid off in 8 months, then the rest will pay off in proportion for another 2 years.

We can conclude that the full payback of the $100,000 investment will occur no earlier than in 2.8 years or 32 months.

Production options.
There are several options for furniture production at your disposal and each of them is worthy of attention.

A very common type of business in the Russian Federation and beyond. This includes the production of dressing rooms, wardrobes, sliding wardrobes (a type that is very popular for its characteristics), children's rooms, hallways, etc.
The equipment that has already been described above is used. Therefore, it is not worth dwelling on this point separately. You can supplement this list with an ultra-modern line of serigraphy. The equipment is intended for applying drawings to PVC film. It is used as decoration in the manufacture of wardrobes, kitchen furniture, hallways, cabinets and many others.

Materials - laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard), covered with decorative protective layer. Used in manufacturing furniture facades about buildings.
PVC edge— finishing edge based on polyvinyl chloride. The material has increased wear resistance, carries the protective function of the ends of parts made of chipboard from various kinds damage. Perfectly blocks moisture from entering exposed material during operation.

PVC film is a film based on polyvinyl chloride. They are used for vacuum membrane pressing on facades. Advantages: heat resistance, withstands household scratching well, retains the original color well (does not fade). There are film materials with antibacterial and antifungicidal treatment.

MDF - specialized environmental material, made from small dried wood fibers. Treated with binders. It has a finely dispersed structure over the entire cross-section and is easy to machine, shape milling and various types of finishing.

The production process is in many ways similar to the manufacture of cabinet furniture. That is, children's furniture is also mostly cabinet furniture. The same equipment and many similar materials are used.
A special feature of furniture for children should be the use of natural materials in production. You can use solid wood, MDF, veneer, chipboard or tambourate. Metal, glass or plastic - furniture for children can also often be found from these materials. Without a doubt, the most suitable material for such furniture is solid wood. It is natural, environmentally friendly, durable. Wood is very difficult to process, so products made from it are quite expensive, but it allows you to make real masterpieces of designer fantasy.

Children are subject to rapid growth. Therefore, the production of children's furniture is often profitable due to the increased demand for it due to frequent replacement. If you manage to secure even a few clients, this can be a good start for the further development of children's furniture lines.

It is also worth adding that materials should be used that are easy to hygienic treatment finished product. The reasons are clear - the child’s health comes first!

This is a separate category of furniture. The peculiarities of such production lie in the widest range of finishing materials and design possibilities. Sofas and loveseats, poufs and ottomans. A wide variety of chairs. In such a production, design abilities will be able to show themselves in all their diversity.

According to GOST, the definition of “upholstered” furniture includes structural elements with flooring materials at least 20 mm thick.
materials for bases - boxes, panels and frames made of wood, plywood and fiberboard. The main element that gives the product softness is springs. “Snake” springs, tapes made of rubber and rubber fabrics, tapes twisted from rubber threads in a cotton winding are used.

If you plan to produce expensive upholstered furniture, then use an elastic timber beam for the frame. If not, then there is no need to invent a bicycle - materials such as plywood and chipboard are perfect. They are cheaper and easier to process. They are quite durable and there are no complaints about low quality.

To create soft elements, foam rubber or polyurethane foam are used. What exactly to use is up to you. They differ in production technology and density.
The upholstery uses both woven materials (natural and artificial fiber), as well as leather and leatherette. For the production of inexpensive upholstered furniture, it is not practical to use leather as upholstery. Use fabric - it is cheaper, more practical and easier for technological process.

Nothing new can be added to production aspects. The process almost completely duplicates the described item “cabinet furniture”.

The only thing you can pay attention to is the simplicity of the manufacturing process. It couldn't be simpler. Decorative elements are almost completely absent. Strict appearance. Classic colors of materials, high level of convenience and practicality - these are the main criteria office furniture.

Only high-quality materials should be used in production. Mainly used are laminated chipboard, MDF, decorative plastic, glass and some others. But the use of metal is unacceptable. In conditions high humidity it will quickly begin to rust, regardless of any treatment or preparation. It is also not advisable to use wood - it practically does not tolerate constant temperature fluctuations and high humidity in the room.

In such conditions, wooden furniture quickly delaminates and warps. MDF and chipboard use special coatings that guarantee long-term operation. Using MDF you can make furniture of almost any shape. This can even be called an advantage, because such furniture, compared to office furniture, is more suitable for design executions and experiments.

Another material that is used every day in the production of bathroom furniture is plastic. It's not expensive. It is also convenient in reproducing various forms. But its difference from MFD is broad color scheme, makes it a favorite both in production and in operation.
There are also some fashion trends in furniture design, especially when it comes to glass products. This is art toning and sandblasting. All this is done using special equipment. Tinting vinyl film is used to tint glass elements.

Sandblasting designs are applied to glass using a stencil. Most often, the stencil material used is Oracle. To apply such decorative elements it is used sandblasting machines. You can apply drawings not only on glass, but also on mirrors and any other glass surface. There are entire catalogs of designs for sandblasting that are freely available on the Internet. There are so many of them that you can draw new ideas from there and not be afraid of being unoriginal.

Most of this furniture also belongs to cabinet furniture. But production is easier due to the fact that the needs of a summer house differ from a full-fledged residential building in their simplicity. We mainly produce various tables, chairs, and shelves. Sliding walls, built-in and external, are very popular.

Popular due to its practicality in use. Easy to install from a niche. At the peak of popularity are models in which you can install a sleeping bed. During the day it folds up, becomes almost invisible and frees up a lot of space for household chores. And there are quite a lot of such examples. In principle, such a business will always be relevant, but its seasonality may be alarming.

Production of furniture according to customer sizes.

As an additional service and to increase the interest of a potential client, the company needs a service such as manufacturing furniture according to the customer’s measurements. A very relevant service for the simple reason that residential and commercial construction has long moved away from the standards of layout, size and shape of premises. If you want more interest from customers, be sure to include this service in the general register of offers.

Business development prospects.

In the future, when you fully recoup your investment, you can think about expanding your business. What could it be? For example, you can organize the production of consumables and furniture fittings(hinges, screws, self-tapping screws, nails, handles, films, laminates and everything that production cannot do without. Of course, these are additional investments, but they will significantly reduce the cost of furniture. And this will directly proportionally increase the income and profit of the enterprise.

We wish you success and prosperity in this complex but creative business!

Today, furniture manufacturing technologies include the procedure for processing blanks and cuts, as well as the process of assembling and packaging manufactured products. It follows that equipment for the production of furniture from chipboard as a result ensures aesthetics, ergonomics and excellent quality of the finished product.

Cheap alternative to wooden furniture

Furniture made from solid wood has always been expensive, so to reduce the price of finished products, materials from wood waste are used. At the moment, the basis of the material is often particle boards, which are subsequently dried and crushed, as well as impregnated with urea-formaldehyde resins.

Before deciding on the equipment needed for making furniture from chipboard, it is worth taking a closer look at each type of it.

Cutting with hand tools

Hand-held power tools should only be used when the company's productivity is low, that is, almost exclusively in workshops, because installing the guide ruler of this tool in a position that ensures the correct position of the cut always takes a lot of time, especially when making high longitudinal cuts.

The advantage of this system is the uniform feeding, which practically eliminates the formation of chips in the facing material of the slabs being cut. Although there is a significant drawback - low efficiency.

Circular saw equipment with carriage

Most small and medium-sized furniture companies use circular saw equipment with a carriage to cut sheet and tile textures. Equipment of this type is manufactured by several dozen companies from Europe and Asia. Nevertheless, equipment for the production of furniture from chipboard is well known in the domestic market.

Regardless of the manufacturer, it has basically the same effectiveness. The difference, as a rule, lies only in price and depends on the design implementation, the length of the carriage passage, the likelihood of saws tilting, the presence of auxiliary technologies and the manufacturer.

Before purchasing a machine, you should first read the opinions about the chosen model, as well as reviews about the correct movement of the carriage.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment when used for cutting sheet and tile products are as follows:

  • impossibility of cutting a package of slabs due to their shift;
  • difficulty loading slabs onto the carriage;
  • the likelihood of defects on the edges as a result of damage;
  • large area that the machines will occupy.

Equipment having a vertical cutting table

Small companies that produce furnishings especially value equipment for the production of furniture from chipboard, which takes up little space. These are the machines necessary for cutting. They have vertical tables in the form of a welded frame, the surface of which is covered with timber beams. A horizontal guide is usually fixed at the top of the frame. A non-drive roller tire is installed at the bottom of the surface.

Machines of this type guarantee high-quality cutting and reduce the likelihood of defects in the slabs during loading. Their significant disadvantage is that the upper sawn parts of the package, after cutting is completed, can move downward under their own weight, and as a result, the operator constantly has to place wooden wedges in the horizontal cut.

Equipment with pressure beam and movable saw

Small furniture companies that produce serial products are most often equipped with technologies for cutting fabric with a movable saw and a pressure beam, equipped with a specialized pusher for moving the package.

The price of equipment for cabinet furniture usually depends on the size of the working opening, the length of the pusher passage and the package being cut. To reduce the likelihood of unnecessary costs when purchasing this machine, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the cutting maps used. Often the range of manufactured products and quantity do not allow cutting into blanks in a package of individual plates and only allow the use special cards for cutting one slab at a time.

It should be noted that equipment of this type, compared to similar ones, ensures maximum productivity, correct cutting and its efficiency. However financial opportunities Small firms are usually not allowed to buy such expensive machines, even if they were produced by Asian companies.

Equipment efficiency

Equipment for the production of furniture facades, as well as machines for making furniture, cannot be assessed, for example, in cubic meters of slabs or in the number of products produced. Since slab and sheet materials have completely different volumes, the total length consists of the materials being cut and the number of products in them.

Therefore, the choice of equipment for furniture production should depend on an assessment of parts, cutting charts, as well as on an analysis of the time that is largely spent on loading slabs and unloading products.

When assessing the productivity of cutting machines, you should not rely on the words of the consultant if they are not included in the goods acceptance agreement. Try to find out in advance from companies that produce similar products about the performance and results achieved with specific equipment.

Also special attention deserves equipment for the production of furniture panels. The furniture board itself is a wood material that is obtained by gluing together certain planed beams made of solid wood.

Furniture board has many advantages over others construction materials which are used for the production of cabinet furniture:

  • high-quality furniture panels are not subject to deformation;
  • Due to its environmental friendliness, furniture panels are widely used for furniture manufacturing;
  • furniture panels can be made in almost any size;
  • low price.

The production of furniture products will be popular at all times. Many people change their outdated sets, and wealthy people constantly update their furniture and do not wait for it to go out of fashion. Consequently, a good enterprise that has the necessary equipment for the production of cabinet furniture will always be profitable.

Purpose: straight, curved edge at a stationary location or for remote work, equipped with automatic glue supply.

Has protection against overheating.


  • Feeding speed: 4 m/min;
  • Edge thickness: up to 3 mm;
  • Edge width: up to 65 mm;
  • Glue tank volume: 400 ml;
  • Operating temperature for sizing: 160 – 180 °C;
  • Weight: 8.7 kg.

Makes blind and open holes. The production of cabinet furniture cannot do without this equipment.

The machines are:

  • single traverse - one drilling traverse, used to drill the edges of elements vertically or horizontally;
  • multi-traverse - have a different number of traverses, thanks to it you can simultaneously drill holes for dowels, a dowel rod, holes for an eccentric tie, stick holders in the face;
  • automatic multi-traverse - have 2 horizontal drilling heads, used to process filler cards in one pass of the part.
Characteristics / ModelMZ73211MZ7121AMZ-7121
Drilling spindles, pcs.3 21 21
Air pressure, atm6 - 8 6 6
Max. drilling diameter, mm35 35 35
Max. drilling depth, mm70 50 60
Spindle rotation speed, rpm2 800 2 800 2 800
Power, W1 000 1 500 1 500
Voltage, V380 380 380
Dimensions, mm1,000 x 780 x 1,7001,000 x 960 x 1,200900 x 1,250 x 1,200
Weight, kg150 180 200
Cost, rub.50 500 247 449 271 437

Used for processing chipboard ends. After cutting the material, the equipment removes chips on laminated coatings, as well as other minor manufacturing defects.

Characteristics / ModelMakita BO 5030Bosch GEX 125-1 AEMakita BBO180RFE
Type of equipmenteccentriceccentriceccentric
Power, W300 250 320
Max. disk rotation speed, rpm12 000 12 000 11 000
Max. disk diameter, mm125 125 125
Sheet fasteningVelcroVelcroVelcro
Nutritionfrom the networkfrom the networkfrom battery
Adaptationsdust collectordust collectorremovable battery, charger
Weight, kg1.3 1.3 1.7
Cost, rub.30 943 6 357 20 462

In addition to all of the above, you will need many smaller tools for furniture making, such as a screwdriver, hammer drill, and various cutting tools.

In this article:

It used to be that kitchen sets were bought “to last forever.” Today, according to market experts, kitchens change every 3-5 years. Partial or major renovation, replacement of household appliances, the emergence of new functional elements - all these are reasons to choose new kitchen furniture. And the key to good money.

The kitchen business covers a significant share of the furniture market (about 22%). And large furniture corporations and private entrepreneurs successfully coexist in it. Like two parallels - without intersecting, because each has its own sales market. Furniture factories are interested in mass quantities of orders (a typical example is mass production kitchen sets for furniture in new buildings, dormitories).

For piece production of even exclusive and expensive furniture, there is no point in reconfiguring the entire production line. Therefore, individual and small-scale orders are successfully handled by small industries and private entrepreneurs.

Demand and competition analysis

Despite the enormous competition in the furniture market, it cannot be said that the modern supply fully satisfies demand.

Firstly, most private entrepreneurs make furniture according to the principle “the simpler the better”, because the minimum equipment and tools at their disposal do not allow them to create truly original pieces of furniture. Rectilinear shapes, smooth facades - all this is reminiscent of high-quality furniture from the Soviet era and is in demand only because of its low price.

Secondly, kitchens– this is furniture, mainly “locally” produced. Cabinet furniture of low and medium price categories will not be delivered from another region - transport costs are too high. Therefore, the buyer has to be content with offers on the local market. To successfully enter the furniture business in a particular region, you do not need to “reinvent the wheel” by coming up with fundamentally new designer models. It is enough to study the proposals of competitors and take a “pencil” look at the areas that are not covered.

It is convenient to analyze a competitive offer using the following parameters:

  • Manufacturing materials. The undisputed leader in the material base for the production of wooden kitchen furniture is laminated chipboard. It may be worth covering other types - MDF, furniture board, etc.;
  • Interior design and kitchen facades. Fashion for various styles is changeable, and in order to “get into the flow” you need to constantly study its trends and design innovations. This is what the production policy should be based on. For example, in 2000, the market was swept by a boom in fashion for furniture in oriental style, after - the turn of retro came, today - the trends of minimalism and hi-tech are relevant;
  • Color solutions. Thanks to modern materials decoration and pasting, you can imitate any type of wood and other materials (leather, glass, metal, plastic), offer the customer a choice of all kinds of shades and not only in the classic color scheme;
  • Fashionable "chips". You can stand out among other manufacturers of wooden kitchens with spectacular design details - elements of cabinet furniture. For example, an original design can be applied to glass using sandblasting; facades - cover them with film with a 3D picture that is fashionable today or decorate them using the craquelure technique.

The consumer values ​​originality. By using good idea a novice entrepreneur can easily compete with a company with many years of experience work on the market.

Organizational aspects of starting a kitchen manufacturing business:

1) Legal registration form

Since the end consumer of most small and medium-sized industries is private individuals, optimal solution business organization will be the opening of an individual entrepreneur indicating the following types of activities according to OKVED:

  • 36.13 Production of kitchen furniture;
  • 51.47.11 Wholesale trade of furniture;
  • 52.44.1 Retail sale of furniture.

2) Production premises

The size of the room depends on the equipment parameters, planned production volumes and the manufacturing process. If you are not going to cut parts yourself, then for storage Supplies(mainly fittings) and assembling the cabinets will be sufficient and small room in 25-30 m 2 types of boxing or garage. If you plan to place at least one format-cutting machine in the workshop, a “garage” is not enough - it is best to rent a part production premises in any industrial zone with an area of ​​at least 150 m2.

Of the special requirements for the premises, only humidity control can be noted, the rest are standard: 3-phase electricity, heating and other communications, access roads.

3) Certificates and permits

The production of kitchen furniture does not require licensing. But so that the finished product can receive quality certificate, you need to make sure that all materials, fittings and components from which you will make kitchen furniture have appropriate certificates.
The finished product must comply with GOST standards:

  • 16371-93: Furniture. General technical conditions;
  • 28136-89: Cabinet wall furniture. Strength testing methods;
  • 13025.1-85: Household furniture. Functional dimensions of storage compartments;
  • 19882-91: Cabinet furniture. Test methods for stability, strength and deformability;
  • 28105-89: Cabinet furniture. Test methods for drawers and half-drawers.

Technological process for the production of kitchen furniture

The production of kitchens, in essence, is the production of the same cabinet furniture, except with a large number of internal compartments that require jewelry precision additives, and a larger number of auxiliary fittings.

But there are other specific features of kitchen furniture:

1) Bent facades

For the production of facades non-standard forms a special press is required.

It contains several layers thin sheets, between which glue is applied. The material is kept under high pressure press, gluing into a single monolith and at the same time giving the workpiece a bend certain radius. It is impossible to make such forms by hand with high quality, so small manufacturers usually order radius facades in batches from the factory, and in the kitchen design they are given a “standard” full-size place that will not require correction according to certain parameters.

2) Glass for facades

There are several types of glass for facades:

  • standard transparent;
  • with a ribbed surface;
  • with a decorative pattern (decal, sandblasting, etc.).

The production of curved and convex glass is carried out using various molds in special furnaces at a temperature of about 800 degrees.

Sandblasting of glass and mirrors is done according to a template, with a special self-adhesive film, with which you can decorate the surface with any pattern. To create a ribbed surface effect, corrugated paper is placed under standard glass and “simmered” in an oven at temperatures up to 400 degrees. Decal and others decorative ornaments melted in the same way.

Otherwise, the process of manufacturing and assembling furniture is not much different from the production of cabinet furniture:

Manufacturing stages

1) Measurements

The premises are measured and a package of necessary design documentation is developed, which includes:

  • kitchen sketch;
  • drawings of individual parts;
  • cutting and additive cards;
  • list of materials, fittings, fasteners and other consumables.

It is convenient to draw up drawings and sketches in a specialized computer program for designing and cutting cabinet furniture (for example, “Basis-Furniture Maker”, “KitchenDraw”, etc.)

2) Cutting tile materials into separate pieces

According to the prepared cutting charts, cutting is carried out cutting laminated chipboard, MDF, fiberboard and other materials involved in production, manually or on a format-cutting machine. Curvilinear finishing cutting of non-standard parts - manually or on a CNC machine.

3) Milling patterns on facades

A specified pattern or profile is applied to the workpiece using copy-milling or CNC machines. For relief facades, regular MDF or Chipboard board without a protective top layer, so the workpiece after milling is covered with veneer or PVC film. To do this, glue is applied to the surface of the facade, and the workpiece is sent to a vacuum press, where it is lined with veneer, film, melamine, plastic or other finishing materials. Others are also applied using the same vacuum method. decorative coverings(acrylic, veneer, film, etc.).

4) Edge

If the facades are smooth and no additional decor is used, only the edges are covered with edging material. After the glue has hardened, the overhangs are removed (manually or on an edge banding machine).

5) Holes for fastenings

On a drilling and additive machine (or manually, using additive cards), holes are made in the workpieces for fasteners and fittings.

6) Modular assembly

Separate modules are assembled, metaboxes and drawers are attached.

7) Final stage on site

Already on site, the modules are assembled into a single kitchen. IN last resort glass facades are attached.

Business plan for a kitchen furniture production company

It is planned to open an individual entrepreneur on the general taxation system, working to order for individuals and accepting orders from furniture showrooms.

1) Purchase of equipment:

  • format-cutting machine (used) – 90,000 rubles;
  • edge banding machine (used) – 35,000 rubles;
  • milling machine (used) – 13,000 rubles;
  • screwdrivers (2 pieces);
  • electric drill;
  • perforator;
  • set of cutting tools.

Total: 160,000 rub.

2) Calculation of material costs for the manufacture of a kitchen with a frame made of chipboard, MDF facades and corrugated glass

The length of the finished product is 3 m/p.


  • Fiberboard - 3.5 m 2 * 50 rubles = 175 rubles;
  • MDF canopy – 240 rubles;
  • Laminated chipboard 16 mm – 16 m 2 * 250 rubles = 4000 rubles;
  • Melamine edge – 200 rubles;
  • Glass for shelves 5 mm – 0.5 m 2 * 350 rubles = 175 rubles;
  • Patterned glass for facades - 0.5 m 2 * 700 rubles = 350 rubles;
  • MDF with melamine coating for facades - 3.5 m 2 * 630 rubles = 2205 rubles;
  • Table top 38 mm – 3 rm * 600 rubles = 1800.


  • washing – 1200 rubles;
  • lamps (set of 3 pieces) – 500 rubles;
  • drying – 250 rubles;
  • dowels - 8 pieces * 6 = 48 rubles;
  • confirmation – 200 pieces * 0.71 rubles = 1.42 rubles;
  • canopy – 8 pieces * 13 rubles = 104 rubles;
  • roller guides (set) – 8 pieces * 95 rubles = 760 rubles;
  • supports - 24 pieces * 14 rubles = 336 rubles;
  • furniture corner – 20 pieces * 2.5 rubles = 50 rubles
  • rail - 1.2 pm * 65 rubles = 78 rubles;
  • shelf holders (glass) – 8 pieces * 3.2 rubles = 25.6 rubles;
  • laminated chipboard shelf holders – 36 pieces * 0.20 = 7.20 rubles;
  • overhead loop – 18 pieces * 14 rubles = 252 rubles;
  • plinth – 3 pm * 65 rubles = 195 rubles;
  • sectional screed – 20 pieces * 3 rubles = 60 rubles;
  • pens – 18 pieces * 40 rubles = 720 rubles;
  • self-tapping screws 16 mm – 150 pieces * 0.20 rubles = 30 rubles.

Total: RUB 13,762.22

3) Selling price of the set - 32,000 rubles.

It is planned to sell 25 kitchens of this type per month. Total revenue – 800,000 rubles/month. With material costs of 344,055.50 rubles/month (13,762.22 rubles * 15 pieces).

4) Expenses:

  • electricity, utility costs – 1250 rubles/month;
  • transportation costs – 10,000 rubles/month;
  • depreciation of fixed assets – 22,080 rubles/month;
  • rental of premises (250 m2): workshop, office and exhibition hall – 31,000 rubles/month;
  • salary to employees (director, accountant, manager-designer, cutter, milling machine, edge bander, 2 assemblers) – 165,000 rubles/month;
  • payroll taxes – 61,875 rubles/month;
  • income tax – 32,947.90 rubles/month.

Total: RUB 324,152.90/month.

5) Financial results:

Profit 800,000 rub – 344,055.50 rub – 324,152.90 rub = 131,791.60 rub

Product profitability: 25.9%

Return on initial investment (equipment + material costs for the first month of work) = 4 months.

We reviewed a business plan for organizing the production of kitchens with low investments. But they can also be minimized.

Firstly, purchasing even used, but still expensive equipment can be avoided if you use third-party cutting services. In fact, it is rare in any production that a format-cutting machine operates continuously, so enterprises that have invested money in its purchase are happy to offer paid cutting services to those who wish. The price depends on the number of cuts, thickness and material of the slab (on average - 200 rubles per sheet of laminated chipboard and 120 for fiberboard).

Secondly, if you save on the purchase of equipment, you can reduce the cost of renting a production workshop and labor. At the initial stage, 1-2 assemblers with piecework payment will be enough (usually 5-7% of the order).

As you can see, the “kitchen” business has high flexibility at any stage of the organization. That is why the production of kitchens, as well as other types of cabinet furniture, is available with a minimum level of investment.