Tool kit for suspended ceilings. Stretch ceilings: installation technology. Tool for installing suspended ceilings. Price of tools and equipment for installation of suspended ceilings

Among other methods of arranging a ceiling, stretch ceilings stand out due to their special aesthetics: smooth surface, shiny, matte, plain or with a high-definition print pattern. The effect of a perfectly smooth surface of the ceiling, and even in combination with a complex multi-level design, strikes with grace. Is it possible to repeat the splendor once seen in conditions own apartment? It will not be difficult for an interested person to find a video with a harmonious fast work professional team installing a suspended ceiling. The manipulations performed are striking in their simplicity, which makes one think about the possibility of realizing the idea. on our own. Let's consider necessary materials and installation equipment suspended ceilings to confirm your decision or abandon the idea.

  • PVC film;
  • scotch;
  • fastening profile;
  • dowels diameter 6 mm, length 30 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • reinforcement rings for lighting fixtures;
  • glue (cyanoacrylate group).

Tools and Consumables for ceiling installation

All installation tools

  • heat gun;
  • water level or laser level;
  • beating cord;
  • ganiometer (folding protractor);
  • roulette;
  • pendulum saw;
  • hammer drill with drills;
  • spring clamps (“crocodiles”);
  • angled and flat blade;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • ladder;
  • miter box;
  • stationery knife.

Cloth for stretch ceiling

Depending on the type of panel, a distinction is made between fabric ceilings (without seams) and those made of welded polyvinyl chloride film(PVC). The PVC film is prepared properly and cut based on the measurements taken, taking into account the configuration of the room. The cutting and preparation of the film web is carried out using special equipment; the edges of the film are processed with a flexible plate (“harpoon”).

After cutting, the fabric is washed using special means and is packaged in heat-insulating film, because PVC fabric is very sensitive to temperature changes. The workpiece is smaller than the actual size (it stretches after heating); when it cools, the film will stretch strongly, forming a smooth surface of the ceiling surface. In addition to the glossy texture of the canvas (also called “mirror”), film with a matte and satin surface is widely used; a translucent ceiling is less often used (for arranging interior lighting).

Types of fastening profiles

The canvas is fastened to the walls using a special aluminum or plastic profile, which is mounted at a distance of at least 3 cm from the ceiling according to preliminary markings made according to the level. So as not to accidentally hit electric wires Pre-inspect the profile fastening area with a metal detector. Important reliable fastening profile to the wall, because it will have to withstand a significant tension load of the film web. To fasten the profile, dowels and screws are used, their number is determined by the size of the room and the wall material. You will have to drill a lot of holes; it is better not to skimp on the quality of the hammer drill and drills. The length of the profile rail is 3-4 m, if the wall is shorter, then the rail must be sawed off pendulum saw at an angle equal to half adjacent to the measured side. If the wall is longer, then the lath will have to be joined to a piece of the required length (the cut when joining must be at a right angle), with the obligatory gluing of the joints when joining.

Fastening profile (“baguette”)

According to the method of fastening, a distinction is made between wall and ceiling molding, there is also a universal one - suitable for mounting on ceiling and on the wall. There are several types of wall moldings, varying in weight, alloy, and method of fastening. A dividing profile (“separator”) is used when installing ceilings in large areas to connect several panels to each other.

Aluminum fastening profile for stretch ceiling

Let's take a closer look at the aluminum baguette. As mentioned above, it is attached along the entire perimeter of the room with dowels, in increments of 10 cm (the distance between the dowels). After warming up the room, the film (2) acquires special elasticity, using a “harpoon” (3) the film is attached to the profile, the mounting gap formed between the wall and the profile is closed with a decorative strip (4).

The harpoon fastening system makes it easy to dismantle the ceiling, if necessary, and restore the fasteners again. Plastic baguette is more elastic and lighter than aluminum, it does not break when bent, it is advisable to use it in the case of installation of curved structures.

Reinforcing ring - a smart choice

When choosing a reinforcing ring for a chandelier, pay attention to the main requirements for the material: it must be both durable and easy to process. Outside diameter the rings must match the cup of the chandelier (will be hidden under the cup later), inner diameter should not interfere with the free passage of the chandelier hook. The ring must be securely glued to the film (according to preliminary markings).

Heat gun

Need a heat gun

The most important equipment for ceiling installation is a heat gun running on liquefied gas. To operate the gun, you need a gas cylinder, which is connected to the gun with a hose. It is necessary that the cylinder is located at a distance from the gun, preferably in an adjacent room, because when installing a stretch ceiling, the temperature rises to 70°C, so the length of the hose must be more than 10 m.

As you can see, installation suspended ceiling Despite its apparent simplicity, it is not so elementary in execution. Requires expensive, highly specialized equipment and the necessary operating skills.

Stretch ceilings are practical, convenient and beautiful. Their installation does not take much time, moreover, the installation of such coatings is clean - this means that after it there is practically no construction waste. No special preparatory work There is no need to carry out: neither leveling the ceiling nor removing furniture from the room.

Equipment for installation of suspended ceilings

The main problem is the price of tools for installing suspended ceilings: it is quite high, and it’s not worth buying them just for installation. But if you have plans to do this professionally, you should choose high-quality, inexpensive tools and materials, which will turn the installation of coatings into a source of permanent income.

Gas gun

This necessary equipment for installation of polyvinyl chloride stretch ceilings. She can be gas or electric. In everyday life, equipment that runs on gas is most often used, since home electrical network not able to withstand long-term loads.

Note that gas equipment itself is a source of danger from a cylinder explosion, open flame, combustion products

Many companies are engaged in the production of such equipment. On the domestic market the most common gas gun is Master, which is different high level Efficiency, simplicity, cost-effectiveness and, as a result, reliability.

Among other brands of gas guns used for installing suspended ceilings, Hitashi, Fubag Brice, Euronord Cafer, General Cafer, Kroll, Caliber, etc. are popular; they differ slightly in price, technical parameters and the manufacturer. But The principle of operation of all models is the same.

Price for gas guns for suspended ceilings made in China, of course, lower, but consumers note that often such tools do not burn gas completely during operation, so more of it is required for heating than in European-quality guns. Another unpleasant point is that gas, burning incompletely, releases carbon monoxide CO.

Basic tools for installing suspended ceilings

The basic set of tools and equipment, without which it is impossible to install suspended ceilings, consists of:

  • gas gun;
  • hammer drill or screwdriver;
  • spatulas;
  • harpoons;
  • profiles.

Hammer or screwdriver

These tools are far from minor for installing suspended ceilings, although they can easily be replaced with a drill with an impact function, if necessary. But it is most convenient to use a hammer drill, because the heaviest load on this tool for attaching a stretch ceiling is drilling holes in brick or concrete surfaces.

Comfortable to use in this case a Makita rotary hammer with the following characteristics:

  • 3 modes;
  • impact force – 2.7 J;
  • power - 780 W;
  • maximum concrete drilling diameter – 24 mm;
  • maximum brick drilling diameter – 50 mm;
  • weight, on average, 2.6 kg.

The tool is not heavy at all, it is comfortable to hold in your hand, and specifications quite good.

On construction market There are many manufacturers of rotary hammers represented different manufacturers. But it is better to choose Bosch or Makita tools for installing suspended ceilings, the price of which will be higher, but the quality is quite high.

The mentioned companies have an excellent reputation, so their products often become objects of counterfeiting

Chinese manufacturers produce goods at a significantly lower price, but their service life is shorter. Thus, according to consumer reviews, if you regularly and daily use branded tools, not only for installing suspended ceilings, they will enough for about 5 years without overhaul and battery replacement.

Secondary instruments

To install suspended ceilings, the following additional tools are used:

  • painting cord;
  • levels;
  • tape measures or squares;
  • hacksaws for metal.

Of course, this is not the entire list, but there is no point in going into detail about all the tools (for example, a tape measure, a square, a hacksaw).

Painting cord or chokeline

A tool for installing a stretch ceiling, such as a painting cord or chokeline, can be purchased in virtually any specialized store, without even paying attention to the manufacturer.

Water level

Quite easy to use tool. There is one nuance that should be discussed in more detail. The water level tubes have plastic bulbs, which often make it difficult to place marks under the ceiling, so they can simply be removed and guided by the hose.

Secondary tools are inexpensive and easily replaceable, but they are essential for installing suspended ceilings.


Baguette is the most important component ceiling covering . It is a special profile that is designed to secure suspended ceilings. Baguettes are usually produced in lengths of 2.5 m, if necessary, it can be cut into smaller pieces.

The baguette has special locks that allow it to be used as a “tuck”, i.e. It is in it that the ceiling covering is fixed. The convenience of this method is that using the profile you can easily install and dismantle, and even adjust the tension of the ceiling during the installation process.

Types of profiles for stretch ceilings

Profiles for suspended ceilings also differ in the type of clamp

Baguette for PVC ceilings there are the following types:

  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • dividing;
  • special.

Universal profiles are designed for installation of volumetric and curved structures.

Wall moldings are suitable for attaching film around the perimeter the entire room to the wall (in technology, this is reminiscent of installing suspended ceiling profiles).

Using ceiling baguettes, the film is fixed along the edges to a stationary ceiling, if there is no way to fix it to the wall.

There are also special types profiles, designed for specific connections complex structures and installation locations.

A split baguette is most often used over a very large area(more than 60 m2), if the coating is likely to sag under its own weight. In addition, for such a profile it is possible to create a stretch ceiling structure consisting of several mounting parts. Very It is convenient to use this material when installing the film in a room where there are columns.

Baguettes can be made from various kinds materials. Yes, you can buy aluminum and plastic baguettes. Aluminum profiles are used mainly for the installation of suspended ceilings using harpoon technology. It is fast and convenient: easy installation and exactly the same dismantling, if necessary. Besides, hard and rigid material will provide excellent fastening of the blade for a long time. In turn, the plastic profile is universal remedy during installation.

In addition to the above baguettes, there are other types.

Spatulas for installing stretch ceilings

This universal tool, which can be used not only for installing suspended ceilings, but also for any finishing works.

Exists different types spatulas, but the following types are most often used to install a stretch ceiling:

  • straight. They have a working part similar to a spatula;
  • curved. Used to insert film into the profile;
  • corner. They have a pointed working part and are designed for fastening the blade in the corners.

It’s preferable not to buy, but to make spatulas yourself to suit your own needs - it’s not at all difficult

To install ceiling coverings, these types will be sufficient, but experienced craftsmen select the shape of the instrument based on their preferences. In addition, spatulas for suspended ceilings do not have to be purchased at hardware stores; it is quite possible to make them yourself, so that it is comfortable to work with.


A harpoon is a mandatory tool for attaching a stretch ceiling to a profile and preventing it from sagging in the future.

You can buy on the market two types of harpoons: for invisible and visible baguette. Which type to choose depends on the customer. So, in the first case, the profile will look neat, and in the second case, the visible part of the harpoon fastening can give specific notes to the finish of the stretch ceiling.

Price of tools and equipment for installation of suspended ceilings

It should be noted that the price of some tools and equipment for installing a suspended ceiling, such as a gas gun and a hammer drill, is quite high and it is not at all advisable to buy them in order to make repairs at home once. It's easier to hire a team of workers.

So, for example, gas gun for stretch ceiling costs from $180, depending on the manufacturer, the price may be less, but you can either make a spatula yourself or buy it in a store. On average, it costs $3-7/piece. The cost of Bosh or Makita rotary hammers is approximately the same and is about $115.

Installation of suspended ceilings can be done with your own hands, especially since tools and equipment for this can be purchased at any hardware store at a price suitable for the consumer.

More information about such equipment for installing suspended ceilings as a gas gun and a spatula, as well as how you can replace secondary tools, can be seen in the video:

Many home craftsmen are interested in topics that relate to suspended ceilings, namely the possibility of their self-installation. However, it should be noted that for most simple craftsmen, the desire to install a suspended ceiling structure with their own hands is still not feasible. The reason for this is the fairly high cost of tools for stretch ceilings. Their purchase costs much more than the installation of the system itself.

Basic Tools

For those who wish to carry out installation on professional level and receive income from work, it is important to know what tools are needed for suspended ceilings.

To install such structures you will need the following:

  • Heat gun.
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.

Heat gun

One of the main processes when installing a stretch ceiling is heating the main fabric. In particular we're talking about about polyvinyl chloride fabric for suspended ceilings. To perform this type of work, craftsmen use heat guns. The operation of these devices is ensured by the supply of gas or electricity. However, the home electrical network is not able to withstand such a high load, so a heat gun is most often used in everyday life - a tool for installing suspended ceilings that runs on propane-butane gas.

If we describe a heat gas gun in simple words, then we can say that this is a direct heating heat generator, the operation of which is provided by natural or liquefied gas. For the manufacture of the cylindrical body of the device, sheet steel coated in the form of powder enamel, stable at fairly high temperatures, was used.

The inside of the housing has a built-in gas burner, a fan and special stainless steel grilles. The grilles are a kind of barrier to the path of unwanted objects that may get into the device during operation.

For ignition gas burner The device is equipped with a piezoelectric element. By means of a fan, air is pumped into the housing, which is heated in a short time by the fire of a gas burner.

The air in the workroom heats up very quickly, so in order to prevent individual elements of the heat gun from melting, it is necessary to create a kind of buffer zone for the heated air. For this reason, during the work it is important to ensure free space front and back of the device. The gas supply can be regulated using a special valve, which allows you to control the degree of heating of the working area.


Next important tool on the list of things you need for suspended ceilings is a hammer drill. Using it in concrete or brick structures drill holes. It is recommended to purchase a device with a power of approximately 750 Watts, since it is not expected to carry a large load.

If it is not possible to purchase a hammer drill, a drill with an impact function can be used. Although, it is worth noting that the productivity and operating speed of a rotary hammer are much higher.


Using a tool for suspended ceilings, such as a screwdriver, the baguette and brackets for lighting fixtures are secured. The advantage of such a tool is its low weight and the presence of a battery. Devices High Quality provide uninterrupted operation throughout the day, this can be called another advantage of the screwdriver.

By purchasing similar tools for installing tensioner ceiling structures, it is important to give preference to options with high cost and reliable batteries. This will allow you to get some savings, since a good device, even at a high price, will cost less than the annual purchase of batteries for it.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to when buying a screwdriver is the lack of an impact rotation function. In this case, devices very quickly become unusable.

Auxiliary Tools

In addition to the basic set, you may need minor instrument for installation of suspended ceilings. In particular we are talking about the following:

  • Water level or chockline for marking lines.
  • A tape measure or other device for measuring room parameters.
  • Square
  • Device for cutting metal.

You can purchase the listed tools, including a clamp for a stretch ceiling, at any hardware store, and there is no need to choose high-quality products or a trusted manufacturer.

When using a water level, there may be some inconvenience when placing marks in close proximity to the ceiling. That's why experienced craftsmen remove the plastic bulbs at the ends of the tube and guide the guide directly along the hose.

As for such simple tools like tape measure, hacksaw and cutting tool metal products, then there is no need to describe and explain their operating principle in detail. They are known to the simplest home craftsman.

Rules for choosing tools for installing a stretch ceiling

To perform finishing work at a professional level, you should purchase an expensive tool; saving on this expense item is not recommended.

For example, the cost of Chinese heat guns is much lower than similar devices made in Europe. However, the gas does not burn completely during their operation, which leads to greater consumption of propane to heat the room to a certain temperature. Besides incomplete combustion gas is accompanied by the release of carbon monoxide CO, while European devices are characterized by the release of harmless carbon dioxide CO 2.

If we talk about a hammer drill or a screwdriver, then professionals prefer European-made Bosch tools. The cost of such products is much higher, but their service life is quite long.

Thus, the equipment for installing a suspended ceiling with a main polyvinyl chloride sheet can be called a rather serious and expensive set. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase it for one-time use.

If ten years ago suspended ceilings in an apartment were considered a sign of high prosperity, now they have become a ubiquitous phenomenon. This was facilitated by the appearance on the market of a large number of companies offering services for installing suspended ceilings and a reduction in the cost of the panels themselves due to the expansion of their supply.

Now installing a stretch ceiling even during cosmetic repairs considered a routine operation. They are widely used both in new apartments and in old houses, where the owners are tired of struggling with slab joints, uneven surfaces and crumbling ceiling surfaces.

Professional installers equipped necessary tool, stretch the ceilings for several hours. But this does not mean that it is impossible to do it yourself.

To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • You need to familiarize yourself with the technology in detail and act strictly according to it.
  • It is necessary to stock up on all consumables so that during installation you will always have what you need at hand.
  • You need to buy or rent tools, without which it is impossible to properly install the ceiling.

Only if these three conditions are met can a high quality ceiling structure be achieved.

What tools may be needed

There is a minimum set of tools and devices without which you cannot install the ceiling. But it’s better to focus on a wider list.

So, to carry out work on installing a stretch ceiling you may need:

  • stepladder (or two);
  • electric extension cord - for easy connection of power tools;
  • hammer drill or impact drill;
  • rangefinder (laser tape measure) so as not to run around the room from corner to corner;
  • a screwdriver (preferably a cordless one, then you won’t be tied to an outlet);
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • water or laser level;
  • Miter saw;

  • assembly blades for working with the canvas;
  • heat gas gun and a cylinder for it;
  • gas leak detector;
  • metal detector;
  • beating cord;
  • masking tape;
  • files;
  • metal drills (diameter 3 – 6 mm);
  • self-adhesive foil;
  • clothespins – clips for fixing the fabric;
  • insulating tape;
  • files;

  • diamond file;
  • manual hole punch;
  • miter box.

The list seems long, but there are many more positions in the professional recruitment.

Learn more about the purpose of the main tools

The purpose of such ordinary tools as screwdrivers, hacksaws, hammers, etc. is clear without explanation.

Therefore, it is worth considering only the purpose of highly specialized devices:

  • Heat gun - without it it is impossible to install PVC sheets. Its cost is quite high, so such a device is extremely rare on the farm. In this regard, it is better to rent and borrow the device for a while. Typically, when installing ceilings, gas guns with a power of 10 kW or more are used, which are powered from a cylinder with liquefied gas. Sometimes used electric guns, but the household electrical network is unsuitable for their operation - the load is too large.
  • Hammer – used to prepare holes for dowels in brick or concrete walls. For brick walls, an impact drill is also suitable, but for concrete walls, only a hammer drill.
  • Screwdriver – necessary for screwing in the screws used a large number of. Doing this work manually will take a long time and require a lot of effort.
  • Stepladder – convenient for working at heights. The platform available on it allows you to keep the necessary tools at hand.
  • Clips - used for temporary fixation of the ceiling panel. They are especially needed when working alone.

  • Shovels (spatulas) for filling the canvas into baguettes. This specialized tool, made from of stainless steel. Shoulder blades may have different configuration, length and angle of inclination to the handle. These spatulas are highly durable and do not bend. Ordinary putty spatulas will not work here. If you have the opportunity to choose, it is better to purchase spatulas with wooden handles(rather than plastic), they fit better in the hand.
  • Tapping cord – necessary for marking the baguette fastening line. It is a box of paint that will need to be applied to the thread. The thread is unwound and fixed at the desired level. Then it is pulled and sharply released, after which a clear, even line remains on the wall.

  • Metal detector - used to search for electrical wiring, metal profiles and ducts that may be in the walls and which may be damaged when preparing holes for dowels.
  • Gas leak detector - necessary to monitor the level of gas contamination in the room during operation of the heat gun. Safety is very important when using gas equipment, since there are often cases of gas leaking from a cylinder through a faulty hose.
  • A miter box will be needed to trim baguette profiles at an angle of 45 degrees when joining them in the corners of the room.
  • Manual hole punch – used for punching holes in aluminum baguettes. Holes in them can be made using a drill, but they will look sloppy and have burrs. The hole puncher will allow you to get absolutely identical and even holes.

To install a stretch ceiling, you will need various consumables, which you can purchase from the same specialized company where you get the ceiling panel itself.

Stretch ceilings are currently popular during renovations. This is explained by the fact that the design of such ceilings is easy to install and affordable. Correct installation can be done if you have the right tools.


To carry out the process of strengthening the tension system, some specific knowledge and experience are required. A number of devices are also required to work on the installation of a ceiling base, which can be fabric or film. A feature of special tools is their high cost. Sometimes the equipment itself is more expensive than a suspended ceiling.

The selection and use of work equipment requires a responsible approach:

  • the diversity of the list and functions of models can confuse the consumer;
  • the purchase of tools is carried out with the expectation of long-term use;
  • The results and safety of work depend on the devices purchased.


To install suspended ceilings, you may need devices that are impossible to do without. There is also a list of tools that serve as a supplement. Main equipment and additional tools are identified.


The equipment can be a power tool or gas systems, also no less important uses hand tools.

Main technical means To tighten the entire system, a heat gun is considered. It heats the material, which helps easy installation further. This technique operates on gas. It is more difficult to operate a gun using electricity, because when it is turned on, the load on the electrical network is too high. The heater body is made of steel with an enameled coating.

The interior of the gas heat gun is equipped with a burner, an air fan and steel grilles. An open fire heats up the room very quickly during operation, so it is necessary to create additional free space near the device. The heating power level of the device is regulated using a special valve. In each specific case, it is necessary to use a specially designed gun of different sizes.

The main tasks that the heat gun is aimed at:

  • increase in indoor air temperature;
  • heating the entire surface tension fabric;
  • maintaining the required heat level during operation;
  • preventing fogging of the main floor.

Another important type of tool is a hammer drill, which is used to make holes in the wall and ceiling, and also to install a profile. The kit with the hammer drill must contain the drills required for installing the baguette.

This device can be replaced with a drill that has an impact mechanism. But it won’t cope with all surfaces. Concrete and poured concrete are more difficult to drill.

A screwdriver helps to screw in screws. This tool can be powered by electricity or battery. It is more convenient to work with the latter option, since not all rooms are connected to the electrical network during repairs. The practicality of the work process is ensured by the use of smaller tools.

Other functions of the screwdriver:

  • fixing the profile for fastening the canvas;
  • installation of brackets for lamps;
  • carries out other auxiliary operations.

To carry out soldering of tension system fabrics, they resort to the use of a HDTV machine. The seams formed as a result of the operation of this device are practically invisible, the ceiling looks like a solid canvas. This is the value of the equipment in question. It bears this name because of the influence of high frequency current.

The product consists of two main parts: a welding press and a generator.


Additional accessories are room measuring instruments and necessary details for the ceiling:

  • A laser tape measure allows you to take measurements while standing in one place.

    A laser level is much convenient for repairs, as it provides high accuracy indications. For correct marking, the level is fixed manual method, wall mounting is also possible. This method involves installing a level on a stand, which is suspended on a self-tapping screw or fixed to heating pipe. For uneven surface developed more convenient system fasteners laser level. This is a tripod that places its supports on the floor and ceiling. A stand is mounted on the rod to ensure the movement of the tool.

  • Suspensions. Needed to hold the finished canvas. Their number depends on the size of the room.
  • Cord for marking the room. Purchasing this part does not require careful selection of a specific characteristic.

    A staircase with a stable design and the required height.

    Blades for fastening the profile. They have the shape of a spatula, which prepares the surface before directly stretching the fabric. Straight, curved and angled blades are suitable for work. Tool bending may have different angle tilt There is a large and small scapula with a rotation of forty-five degrees. The length of the handle of the larger device is forty centimeters.

A small spatula with the same angle is equipped with a handle no more than ten centimeters long.

A device that has a structure curved, like a ring, at an angle of ninety degrees, is suitable for mounting hidden lighting in a box. There are shoulder blades in the shape of a triangle. Such models are able to penetrate holes with uneven bases. A straight blade is useful for rooms with water or gas pipes.

The repair also uses an electric spatula, which is a device with a moving blade. The cost of such a tool is much higher than a manual one, so it is not worth purchasing it for one-time work.

Another list is highlighted, which includes those important for self-installation materials:

  • a gas cylinder with a volume of fifty liters, complete with a hose;

    sealant kit;

    sharp stationery knife;

  • detergents, which may be useful during installation;

    plywood or plasterboard material may be needed if heavy lighting installation is planned;

    screwdriver bits.

The part without which it is impossible to attach a stretch ceiling is a profile. It is usually sold in lengths greater than two meters. The specific value depends on the place of purchase. The profile is equipped with locks that have the function of fixing the ceiling base. Such a device greatly facilitates the installation, dismantling and adjustment of the ceiling during repairs. Many experienced craftsmen work with its help.

How to choose?

Tools for installing suspended ceiling systems are selected taking into account the following points:

  • production;
  • the power level must ensure high-quality performance of work;
  • availability of a guarantee: the cost of most of the necessary devices is quite high, so the warranty period allows you to save material resources in case the manufacturer turns out to be dishonest.

The choice of a heat gun depends on the area of ​​the room in which the stretch ceiling is being installed. For installing a ceiling in a small room up to 20 square meters. m. it is enough to purchase a device with a power of 15 kW. It is easy to use due to its light weight. For larger rooms with high ceilings To pull, you need a gun with a power of at least 30 kW.

The purchase of a rotary hammer is carried out taking into account the careful selection of the power of the device. For quality drilling the device is suitable at 750 W. Attention is also drawn to the presence of a dust removal system: it is very important.

The quality of a screwdriver depends on the longevity of the battery. The longer the charge lasts, the better the device.

When purchasing a HDTV machine, pay attention to the presence of start buttons. It’s better if there are two of them; they allow you to start the work process by pressing both buttons at the same time.

High-quality equipment complies with safety regulations. Less hazardous devices provide for starting the unit with only two hands.

When choosing a blade, the convenience of the tool handle is taken into account. It is made from sanded wood material.