How to remove a harpoon-type suspended ceiling. How to remove a suspended ceiling with your own hands. How to dismantle a suspended ceiling with your own hands

Stretch ceiling - perfect solution for room decor. It can last for many years without requiring additional costs for care. During the operation of such a structure, various circumstances may arise that will require urgent dismantling. stretch ceiling do it yourself, rather than wait for specialists.

To do this, you need to know several nuances of carrying out such work.

Unpleasant situations that will lead to replacement or repair of the tension fabric can arise unexpectedly and at any time.

Here are the most common of them:

damage to communications laid above the suspended ceiling;
accumulation of water in the canvas, which occurred after flooding by neighbors or rain;
mechanical rupture of the tensioned base due to careless handling;
carrying out repairs to the room in which the suspended ceiling is located;
changing a boring picture.

Types of dismantling

To eliminate all the mentioned reasons, two types of dismantling are used:

The choice of one of them depends on the extent of the damage to the ceiling.

The last type of installation is used only when absolutely necessary - when the film cannot be restored or the decision is made to completely replace the background. In other cases, partial dismantling of the stretch ceiling is done. With it, work is carried out only on part ceiling surface, and in the case of a complete one, it will be necessary to dismantle all its components.

What do you need to know about the ceiling covering before removing it?

Before independently removing a stretch ceiling, you need to understand several important points:

  • determine the exact composition of the tension fabric;
  • don't forget to take everything off lighting located on the canvas, and for this you need to turn off the power to the room;
  • find out the type of fastening of the canvas to the profile, if it was fastened by specialists.

The integrity of the film being removed depends on the last point.

Three types of fastening are used:

  • Harpunovoe. At the production stage, a hook-shaped edging is made along the edges of the canvas.

    At his expense tension material securely attached to the baguette. This mount is simply installed and, if necessary, removed.

  • Cam.

    How to properly remove a suspended ceiling

    Its design has a special movable part, called a cam, which, under the tension of the canvas, presses its edges to the surface and firmly secures them. This mount is the most difficult to dismantle.

  • Klinovoe. When using it, the tension fabric is fixed in the groove of the baguette due to a wedge. Compared to previous types, this mount is the easiest to disassemble.

What tools are useful for removing the ceiling?

Their choice depends entirely on the material of the tension fabric.

The dismantling of its polyvinyl chloride type cannot be done without a heat gun, and for polyester it is not needed. Common tools are:

  • ladder;
  • anti-stapler (widely known as a crocodile);
  • painting knife;
  • putty knife;
  • pliers.

The last two tools must be prepared for working with fragile material; their sharp edges can cut the canvas.

To avoid this, their edges must be treated with sandpaper, and the working surfaces must be sealed with reinforced tape.

But even if you have all the tools, you need to have an assistant, since the process of removing the canvas is labor-intensive, especially if a fan heater (gun) is used.

How to partially or completely remove a suspended ceiling

Before dismantling, it is necessary to clear the space under the tension fabric. If you need to disassemble a small part of the ceiling, but there is no heat gun, you can use a powerful hair dryer. Initially, it is necessary to remove the decorative insert located between the ceiling and the wall.

And then the work is carried out step by step depending on the type of fastening.

Cam mount

You don't need to use a gun to dismantle it. This makes the work easier, but it must be done with special care, since the spatula will directly touch the film.

Work order:

  1. Having measured approximately 50 cm from the corner of the room, insert a spatula between two cams and then press the movable one.
  2. The material will begin to come out of the clamps due to the tension created.

    So it is necessary to release all the edges that are within the desired perimeter.

Harpoon mount

Easily amenable to frequent disassembly, so its dismantling is carried out quickly.

You should start from the corner of the room.

Work order:

  1. The air in the room is heated to 70 0C by a heat gun. This is a necessary measure that helps relieve the pressure of the fabric on the fastening. After heating, the canvas increases in volume and sags.
  2. The harpoon is picked up with a spatula and pulled upward, and then its hook is picked up with the help of pliers and released from the profile.
  3. The remaining part of the canvas is removed in a similar way.

Wedge mount

It can be easily dismantled.

A decorative insert is used as fastening, which acts as a wedge.

Work order:

  1. Detach the baguette, after which the tension of the canvas will weaken.
  2. A screwdriver is inserted into the released plug and removed.
  3. After the previous procedure, the canvas can be easily removed from the grooves on the profile.

If the ceiling is filled with water, all these actions are performed only after it has been eliminated.

Watch a video about dismantling a stretch ceiling - how professionals do it:

How to drain the water?

First of all, you need to estimate the volume of liquid hidden above the ceiling and prepare a container appropriate for it.

If there is a lot of water, then for convenience it is better to use a hose. Carrying out such work cannot be done without a stepladder or a stable table. To be on the safe side, it is better to cover the furniture in the room with film.

The procedure for draining water is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the lamp in the area where the liquid has accumulated.

    It will pour out through it.

  2. A hose is inserted into the vacated hole and lowered into the container.
  3. It is impossible to remove all the water with a hose.

    The remaining liquid must be drained, directing it along the canvas into the formed hole. At least two people are required to carry out the draining. One will pull back the tension material, and the second will monitor the filling of the container.

  4. It’s rare, but there are options for a stretch ceiling without lamps on it. Then the water is drained through the corner of the canvas closest to it.

This will be especially true if urgent intervention is required in case of flooding.

Stretch ceilings are characterized by high strength and durability, and good care their service life is about 20 years. Due to the design features, the ceiling canvas is not susceptible to house shrinkage and displacement load-bearing slabs. However, there are life situations when it is necessary to dismantle the tension fabric.

The reasons for this are very different - repair old electrical wiring, flooding of the apartment, dark stripes, stains, folds, replacement with a new matte canvas or its damage. However, not everyone knows how to dismantle and remove a suspended ceiling.

Methods of fastening suspended ceilings

There are several ways to attach a stretch ceiling. Here are the main ones:

How to remove such a structure at home?

Before removing and putting on the suspended ceiling again, it is necessary to prepare the room and tools, freeing it from furniture.

Before dismantling and subsequent installation, you will need to heat the room; here you cannot do without a gun. After all, if the room is poorly heated, the PVC film may tear. Optimal temperature for heating 600 degrees. Is it possible to re-insert the tape?

This work is performed by two people, one holds the gun, and the second removes the suspended ceiling; it is unacceptable to place the device close to the canvas, which can lead to damage.

Tools and equipment

Before removing the suspended ceiling and installing it again, you must purchase all the tools, materials and equipment for the work.

In the process of dismantling while preserving the canvas, you need to have: strong table or a stepladder, construction spatulas, or special factory blades with curved ends. You may also need mounting tape, insulating tape, construction knife, a screwdriver, narrow-nose pliers or clamps with cords, necessary to hold the weight of the removed sheet.

If the vinyl sheet is being dismantled, then a heat gun will be required for the work. You can read about how to wash a suspended ceiling here.

Quite often, the canvas is not completely removed for installation, for example, in the event of a flood or replacement. To do this, remove the plug at the point LED lamp, lampshade or chandelier, release water and dry the material. To work here, a regular spatula is used, the edges of which are narrowed or ground off so that its corners become obtuse, and the blade itself is rounded.

The spatula is treated with sandpaper, eliminating all burrs and irregularities.

Its blade is bent, this will help to reach the protrusion of the profile, which is where the harpoon rests. In order to carefully redo any defects in the ceiling without removing the chandelier with the remote control, the tool for work should not have sharp corners or a rough surface, otherwise the canvas will tear.

How to remove a suspended ceiling and remove a halogen light bulb yourself using improvised means? To do this, you need to understand the system of its fastening and select all necessary tools.

Preparing the room for ceiling removal

Always before removing and replacing a round suspended ceiling, the room should be prepared, even if only part of the ceiling is dismantled. You will need to remove all unnecessary items from the room, especially those that could be damaged at high temperatures from a heat gun.

In case of flooding, the ceiling is partially dismantled. But before removing the suspended ceiling, you need to drain the water through the hole in the chandelier, otherwise a rupture will occur stretched fabric. What furniture might get in the way?

Regardless of whether the work is done in warm or cold weather, aquariums and all pets are removed from the room.

Personal things can also interfere with your work. Lamps, chandeliers, spotlights and other lighting fixtures are taken to another room. Even during the dismantling process, the rubber band is removed, and you need to peel off the plastic ceiling plinth, fillets, releasing the foam baguette from the film. Work begins in the corner, which will help prevent the canvas from tearing.

Film removal process

To know how to remove a suspended ceiling correctly, determine its fastening system.

With the harpoon method, work begins from the corner. If there decorative inserts, then they are immediately removed. Next, using pliers, grab the harpoon and carefully pull out the old canvas. But you need to pull on the harpoon itself so as not to tear the film. Before starting work, the tool should be polished so that there are no burrs on it.

When the edge of the canvas is released, the work is done manually and only with gloves. Remove material from the corners to the central part of the wall.

If the ceiling has a wedge or glazing bead fastening, then its partial dismantling occurs using harpoon fastening technology. Next, using a spatula, carefully bend back aluminum profile to release the glazing bead and pull it out using a screwdriver. The work must be done carefully so as not to deform the baguette and the canvas itself.

When the fabric sheet is removed, it does not require heating; the work itself begins from the center of the walls, moving towards the corners.

If there is a clip fastening of the blade, then it is completely removed, partial work is excluded.

Otherwise, the film will pop out of the clips and become unusable for reinstallation.

How to remove a suspended ceiling: detailed instructions for different types of structures

If necessary, you can free only the edge of the canvas or the hole for the lamp, which is often used when flooding.

Is it possible to reinstall a removed ceiling with your own hands?

Many people have a question - how to remove a German suspended ceiling and a light bulb on your own?

There can be many reasons for this: damage, flooding, creases, overheating, replacement of electrical wiring and communications. If the design of the room changes, the ceiling surface can be improved, for example, making it two-level.

The main thing in this case is not to damage the film, otherwise it will become unusable. Where is the best place to put the curtain?

At first glance, this work seems easy, but in fact it requires skill and experience. After all, a person must have certain knowledge, so before removing the suspended ceiling yourself, it is advisable to study the basic information on this issue. If the work is beyond your capabilities, then it is better to seek help from real professionals who have everything necessary equipment and tools.

Cost and withdrawal of Belgian or Chinese canvas depends on what kind of design it has.

After all, some are disposable and cannot be dismantled, while others can be easily removed and used for decades. It is also very important, before removing the suspended ceiling, to determine the complexity of dismantling the structure.

To understand how to remove a suspended ceiling, pay attention to the type of fabric, usually it is fabric or PVC material. Both materials are suitable for re-installation, however the film will require a heat gun.

If the PVC sheet is not heated, it will tear, so it cannot be returned to its original place. Dismantle and install this material, starting from the corners, and move towards the middle of the wall. The work is done slowly and carefully, heating the canvas in the right places. The temperature inside the room will be quite high, so before the work process, all things that could deteriorate should be removed.

Judging by the complexity of the work, re-installation ceiling material It is better to entrust it to a team of professionals who have extensive experience. Watch the video below. We recommend viewing the article: How to insulate the ceiling in a house or apartment correctly?

How to remove a suspended ceiling yourself

At times it becomes necessary to dismantle the stretch ceiling. The reasons may be different: damage to ceiling elements or communications that are located behind the canvas. Or modernization or replacement of wiring, pipes, etc. is necessary.

It happens that it is necessary to remove the ceiling sheet in order to drain the water that has gotten through the ceiling onto the film. Is it possible to remove a suspended ceiling without damaging it?

It is possible, however, not of any design. There are several types of stretch ceilings, some are relatively easy to dismantle, others, on the contrary, are practically “disposable”.

In this article we will look at the types of suspended ceiling fastenings, the step-by-step dismantling process and some DIY repair methods.

Types of suspended ceilings and methods of their fastening

To dismantle the ceiling, the first thing you need to know for sure is its type.

How to find out? This must be indicated on the letterhead of the company that installed the stretch ceiling. If for some reason these documents are not available, you can determine the type of canvas and fastening according to the description in this section of the article. Why do we need this?

Below you will understand that the dismantling procedure and its actual possibility depend on this.

There are two types of canvases:

  • PVC - the technology for installing/dismantling such a ceiling requires a high temperature in the room, about 700C. Without warming up, there is a risk of being left without any canvas at all. To heat the room you will need a heat gun. In addition, installation or dismantling of such a canvas begins from the corners towards the middle of the wall.

  • Seamless fabric ones are convenient, first of all, because they do not require heating the room, which greatly simplifies the process of installation or dismantling.

    Work with the canvas begins from the center of the wall with further transitions to the corners.

For each type of canvas there are special types of fastenings:

  • The harpoon system is used only for PVC sheets.

    This fastening system provides for the dismantling of the canvas.

  • glazing bead or wedge method of fastening the canvas to the baguette.

    Used for both PVC and fabric fabrics. This type“disposable” fastenings, i.e. There is no provision for dismantling and subsequent installation. Theoretically, disassembly is possible, but knocking out the wedge without damaging the canvas is very difficult without experience in such work. And this same wedge will need to be put back and the canvas tensioned. This technology is used due to its low cost and low clearance from the ceiling (2 cm).

  • fastening with a plastic clip is used only for seamless fabrics.

    This ceiling is relatively easy to disassemble.

How to remove a suspended ceiling?

Now let's look at the process of disassembling a stretch ceiling. Since a suspended ceiling is quite an expensive thing, it is better to entrust work with it to people with experience. But if for some reason this is not possible, then, armed with the information below, you can carry out the repairs yourself.

The main thing is not to rush and get an assistant. The technology and tools will depend on the type of canvas and the method of its attachment.

  • an ordinary plaster spatula, not wide.

    Before using it, grind off sharp corners with a grinder or sandpaper. Very desirable work surface wrap the spatula with reinforced tape, the risk of piercing the canvas will be significantly reduced.

  • pliers with long jaws.
  • a stepladder or, at worst, a stable table.
  • mechanic's knife.
  • heat gun, gas or electric.

    For the latter, you will need appropriate wiring, otherwise you risk having to deal with wiring repairs in addition to the ceiling.

  • you need to get large special clothespins, they will be needed for hanging the film. It is extremely inconvenient to hold the canvas suspended for a long period of time.

    They can be purchased at most hardware stores.

How to remove a suspended ceiling correctly? First of all, it depends on the design of the baguette and film. Since we have two different types canvas, then the disassembly process will be different. Let's look at each one separately.

Dismantling PVC ceiling.

We remove all unnecessary items from the premises so that there is free access to the intended repair site.

We remove all unnecessary plastic things, windows PVC is better protect from room temperature with a cloth. Using a heat gun, we heat the room. The further dismantling process takes place depending on the type of fastening.

  • Harpoon system.

    You should always start removing the canvas from the corners. We remove the decorative insert, if there is one, and using long-nosed pliers, pull out the canvas by the harpoon. Be very careful, you need to grab the harpoon with pliers, not the canvas. If you grab the canvas and pull with force, there is a risk of tearing it. And this is already fraught with a complete replacement of the canvas. Also make sure that there are no burrs on the pliers; they need to be sanded.

    How to properly remove a suspended ceiling without damaging it: subtle tricks and basic rules

    Although the canvas is durable, it is very sensitive to sharp objects. After part of the canvas has been released, the next process of removal from the baguette occurs with the help of hands. For this, it is best to use work gloves, because...

    It is very easy to leave marks on heated plastic. Removing PVC film always goes from the corner to the center of the wall. Having freed up the required ceiling area, you can begin the planned types of work.

  • Bead or wedge system. The beginning of dismantling is similar to the harpoon system. Next, with your hands or using a spatula, carefully and without unnecessary effort, bend the aluminum profile a little to release the glazing bead. Using a screwdriver with a curved end, pull out the glazing bead.

    It is extremely important not to damage the canvas or deform the baguette, so the hacksaw tip should be dull. Installation of the canvas takes place in the reverse order.

  • With a wedge it’s a little easier: take out the insert and bend the profile with your hands to release the wedge and the blade. We also shoot from the corner towards the middle of the room.

    The success of dismantling and subsequent installation in such fastening systems will depend on your skill and whether the installers left you an allowance of several centimeters. It is very important. Since for subsequent installation you will need to tension the canvas, and if there is not enough of it, it will be very difficult to do this. For example, if the tension is excessive, holes for lamps or other communications will “move” out of their place.

Dismantling of seamless fabric ceilings.

So high temperatures For this type of suspended ceilings, no suspended ceilings are needed.

With the glazing bead and wedge systems, they are dismantled similarly to PVC. The difference when dismantling is that you need to start from the middle of the wall, moving to the corner. Installation is the same. Success in removing and subsequently installing such a sheet depends on your careful and unhurried actions.

True, the success of re-stretching fabric panels will depend on how conscientious the installers of this fabric were.

If you cut it “butt” during installation, achieving perfect tension again will be very difficult, and in many cases impossible. However, the fabric does not stretch as much as PVC film. But if specialists installed the ceiling, they left a couple of “extra” centimeters. Then you can stretch the fabric without any problems.

And one more nuance with fabric canvases, or rather with clip-on baguettes.

Partial dismantling is impossible; with this type of fastening, the entire canvas will have to be removed. If this is not done, due to the unreliability of this type of fastening, the canvas may jump out of the clips. This is already fraught with its complete replacement.

Throughout the entire time of dismantling and then installation, do not forget to warm up the canvas. If after assembling the ceiling there are small irregularities left, it’s okay.

Heat it with a heat gun and they will level out. Since it is still plastic, do not blow hot air too close to the film. May become deformed or melt.

This is not a tricky dismantling process. Now you know how to remove a suspended ceiling yourself. The main thing is not to rush and work consistently, then you can do without calling specialists. Below is how to remove a suspended ceiling.

I tell anyone who came for an answer right away. Clean and free up space above the ceiling for convenience. Because the ceiling accumulates a lot of dust at the top and it will definitely fall down.

I will describe it very briefly with illustrations without any subtleties or nuances. Because there isn't enough space here. You'll figure it out on the spot. 1. Harpoon fastening (photo 1, 2) Be sure to take a wide screwdriver and pry off the fastening bar.

And pull down along the entire length. Be careful not to break it.

How to dismantle a suspended ceiling with your own hands? (8 photos)

Then put a spatula into the groove of the profile and pull it out flat.

2. On the cam clamps (photo 3,4)

We take two narrow spatulas. We insert them between the “cam” and the blade into the gap.

Use spatulas to lift the “cam” and release the blade.

3. Fastening on “wedges” (photo 5,6)

We start from the corners of the ceiling. There are gaps between the wedges (at the corners of the walls), use a narrow spatula or, best of all, a wide screwdriver. Take the second screwdriver and use the hook to push out the wedge clamp.

4. Explain on glazing beads. (photo 7,8)

Made from fabric, they are usually hung on such a mount. We also start dancing from the corners. We insert a thin wide spatula (naturally between the tension bead and the bead) and lift it. Then use a screwdriver at the end (into the hole) and press down to pull out the glazing bead.

Raise the spatula to release the tension and pull the bead to remove it.

Be careful not to damage either the mount or the canvas.

How to remove a suspended ceiling

How you can remove a suspended ceiling in a minimum amount of time with your own hands: a detailed video with tips

The video posted after the article clearly demonstrates how to remove a suspended ceiling with your own hands. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to dismantle the above-mentioned structures. Certain types of innovative designs can be removed without problems, but others cannot be reused.

A logical question arises: is it even possible to dismantle suspended ceilings in cases of extreme necessity with your own hands?

I guess, yes. But it is better to resort to the help of professionals, because such procedures require not only the use of special tools, but also the presence of certain experience.

In addition, craftsmen must know which fasteners were previously used when installing structures.

It is on this nuance that, first of all, the methods used during the dismantling of unique, aesthetically attractive paintings will depend.

What you should know about the types of tensile structures

In principle, there are now only two types of such ceilings:

  1. Fabric (seamless) structures. When installing these systems, there is no need to use bulky “heat guns”; this is an undeniable plus.

    The installation of such canvases should first be done in the centers of the rooms, and then you can gradually begin to move to the corners.

  2. PVC buildings. Both fixing and removing ceilings of this type require mandatory heating of the premises. Otherwise, you can simply ruin the delicate stretch films. Therefore, specialists always use the same “heat guns”, moving from the corners of the rooms to their centers.

It is worth adding that the dismantling of PVC sheets in some situations can be carried out without heating.

It is enough for the masters to use the “guns” exclusively for the existing “harpoons”. Simply put, necessary work allowed to be produced locally. Professional tools then you can even replace it with powerful electric hair dryers designed for drying. You just need to carefully control the temperature.

Types of fastenings used for initial installations of ceilings

There are also several types of fastenings that allow you to correctly install various tension structures:

  • Harpooned. They are only suitable for PVC sheets.

    All tension structures in such cases are made only to order. But thanks to this, dismantling them later is quite simple.

  • Wedge or bead. Such fastenings are most often used for fabric structures. Purely theoretically, it is possible to remove canvases installed in this way. But it is incredibly difficult to knock out the “wedges” without damaging the ceilings at all.

    And for people who do not have sufficient experience, such tasks turn out to be basically impossible.

  • Clip-on. Fastenings made using small plastic elements are used only for seamless ceilings.

    By the way, dismantling of structures in the future, as well as their re-installation, is carried out in a minimum amount of time.

The wedge technology for installing tension fabrics is considered relatively inexpensive and easy, this is its key advantage. But between the base floors and the finished structures, it leaves too small gaps (about 2 cm, no more).

The main reasons for dismantling structures

As you know, there can be a lot of reasons for removing tension fabrics.

For example, there is no way to do without dismantling if the owners suddenly decide to soundproof ceilings. In addition, such structures do not allow the installation of all kinds of lighting systems.

If neighbors upstairs suddenly flood people, they will have to remove tensile structures in any situation in order to drain the water.

The same goes for various repair work related to base ceilings, replacing outdated electrical wiring and even broken CCTV systems, if there are any, of course.

However, it is not always necessary to completely remove the tension fabrics.

Sometimes it is quite possible to get by with only partial dismantling, which saves time and cash. It is recommended to remove entire structures if there is any serious damage or in cases of installation of new ceiling systems.

How to remove structures made from PVC films

If the initial installation of PVC structures was carried out using a harpoon system, then the craftsmen will need:

  1. Remove small decorative inserts, if present, of course.
  2. Start removing tension films from the corners of the rooms, grabbing the “harpoons” using special pliers.
  3. Complete dismantling with your hands, using rubber gloves.

    This is the only way professionals will leave absolutely no marks on the heated canvases.

  4. Move all the time towards the centers of the rooms.

Ceilings secured with a glazing bead system are first removed in the same way. Next, the craftsmen will have to use different spatulas in order to very carefully bend the “baguettes”.

Then they will need to release the beads using screwdrivers with slightly curved ends, this is important.

But structures installed using a wedge system are perhaps the easiest to dismantle.

It is enough just to bend the previously installed profiles with your hands, freeing not only the tension fabrics themselves, but also some inserts that ensure their fixation. As usual, you need to move from the corners of the rooms to their centers. The success of dismantling in such situations depends solely on the accuracy of the craftsmen.

What should you remember when dismantling fabric ceilings?

In general, fabric sheets are removed in the same way as PVC structures.

Especially if previously they were installed using a wedge or glazing bead system. But there is no need to use “heat guns” while performing work. And the masters should move from the center of the rooms to their corners, that’s all.

However, the success of dismantling and reinstalling these structures no longer depends only on the accuracy of the workers.

If, during the initial fastening of fabric ceilings, they were cut end to end, it will be virtually impossible to achieve ideal tension in the future. That is why true professionals always leave literally a few “extra” centimeters in order to avoid various unwanted problems in the future.

In addition, when removing any suspended ceilings, it is recommended to first remove all lighting fixtures.

This applies to both bulky hanging chandeliers, and to small mortise products. Because of them, existing canvases can be easily damaged.

If ceiling systems are dismantled due to a flood, it is recommended to prepare more empty containers in advance. They will be needed to quickly drain the water from the tension fabrics.

In addition, you should stock up on soft cloths and, of course, be sure to turn off the electricity. There should also be no sharp objects in the rooms.

The need to dismantle a stretch ceiling may arise for various reasons. For example, this is necessary when it is necessary to replace communications laid under it, or when certain sections of the coating are damaged. Let's see how you can remove such a ceiling without inviting specialists. Such a task is not an easy one. But, believe me, it is doable.

Can any ceiling be dismantled?

There are several types of suspended ceilings. Some of them are simply impossible to dismantle. Others are being filmed on our own without serious difficulties. Specific view structures that you install in the premises of your home should be checked with specialists at the stage of their installation. The type of ceiling, in addition, is always indicated in the instructions for its use. If you don’t have one at hand, you will have to determine the type of tension product visually, based on the information presented below.

First of all, you need to know that the coatings we are interested in are divided into:

  1. 1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  2. 2. Fabric.

The first ones are quite difficult to install and dismantle. This is due to the fact that these works are performed in preheated rooms. A similar operation can be performed with a heat gun - special device, without which the installation and removal of tension PVC coverings becomes impossible. Dismantling of polyvinyl chloride structures should begin from the corners of the room, approaching the middle of the walls. A fabric ceiling, called seamless, is easier to install (remove) due to the absence of the need to warm up the room. You need to dismantle it from the center of the wall to the corners of the room.

Installation of fabric and PVC sheets is carried out on different mounts. It is very important. Let's briefly look at each type. The first one is harpoon, which makes it possible to install only polyvinyl chloride ceiling sheets. It is not used for fabric ceilings. Harpoon structures can be dismantled. But the process of removing them is quite complicated.

The second type of fastening involves the use of special fixing clips made of plastic. With their help, you can install seamless products and remove them quite easily if necessary. There are also wedge and glazing bead options for attaching the ceiling sheet to the baguette. These methods are suitable for both PVC and fabric materials. Such fastenings are formally non-removable. But when great desire the bead or wedge can still be knocked out and then put in place. The main thing here is not to tear the tension fabric during its dismantling and installation.

What tools are needed to remove tension structures?

So, we found out that it is quite possible to remove fabric or polyvinyl chloride. To perform such a procedure, we need to immediately stock up on all the necessary devices and tools. These include:

  • Electric or gas heat gun(if you plan to dismantle PVC sheets).
  • Thin spatula for plastering work. This tool needs to be further prepared for use. We take emery or an electric grinder. Grind off sharp corners with a spatula. Then we wrap its canvas with reinforced special tape. Such a “protected” tool will eliminate the risk of damaging the blade when removing it.
  • A mechanic's knife and a screwdriver with a curved end.
  • Special clothespins big size. They are sold in construction stores. Clothespins are needed to secure the material (its weight is not small; it is unrealistic to hold the canvas suspended during the process of removing and installing the ceiling).
  • Pliers. We purchase a tool with long jaws. Regular pliers will not work. In addition, even the smallest burrs on the instrument should be sanded down.

Also, don’t forget to get a ladder in advance. Without it, reaching the ceiling will be problematic. If there is no ladder, we use any table as a stand for working at heights. The main thing is that it is as stable as possible.

We work with polyvinyl chloride coatings - accuracy comes first

Before dismantling the canvas, we clear the room from extra items and things, providing free access to the venue of the planned event. Be sure to cover plastic windows(if installed) with a thick cloth to protect them from melting under high temperature. Turn on the heat gun. We heat the room.

We work with harpoon mounts according to the following algorithm (we start the operation strictly from the corners):

  1. 1. Remove the decorative insert (it may not be there; it is not provided in all ceiling structures).
  2. 2. Using pliers, carefully pull out the PVC coating by the harpoon. Important! We need to grab not the PVC film itself, but the fastening harpoon. If the pliers get caught on the canvas, the latter is guaranteed to tear.
  3. 3. After releasing a small part of the decorative film, put the pliers aside and carefully pull out the main part of the coating from the baguette with your hands. It is recommended to perform the procedure with gloves. Then there will be no permanent fingerprints left on the PVC product that has been heated.
  4. 4. We secure the canvas with large clothespins and carry out the necessary work.

We dismantle glazing bead and wedge structures a little differently. In the first case, in order to pull out the blade, we need to bend the aluminum profile. And then carefully release the glazing bead and pull it out of the baguette. The easiest way to do this is with a screwdriver that is curved and blunt at the end. We act as carefully as possible. One wrong move with a screwdriver, and the baguette or canvas will be damaged. It's much easier to pull out the wedge. The profile can be bent by hand.

There is no need to remove the entire canvas. We exposed part of the ceiling, carried out the required work (repairing material, replacing pipes), and installed the canvas in place. We install the coating in the reverse order. If during the initial installation the craftsmen thought of leaving a 2-3 cm allowance, stretching the fabric will not cause problems. In other situations reverse installation coating can cause serious problems.

Fabric sheets - everything is much simpler

To dismantle seamless ceiling coverings, it is not necessary to heat the room with a gun. This greatly facilitates and speeds up the planned work.

We remove wedge and bead fabric structures according to the principle described above. There is only one difference - we start dismantling not from the corners, but from the middle of the room.

If the specialists who built the ceiling did not leave a supply of material (3–4 cm), we most likely will not be able to install the dismantled covering. The fabric cannot stretch as well as heated plastic film.

One more thing. Seamless fabrics secured with clips can be removed quickly and without problems (just disconnect the fasteners from the baguette). But in similar situations Partial dismantling of the ceiling is not possible. You will have to remove all the covering. This is due to the fact that clip-on baguettes do not provide reliable fixation of the structure. If you dismantle only part of it, the remaining piece of canvas may well fall off during the work.

These are all the features of independent dismantling of tension fabrics. Good luck!

The stretch ceiling can be removed with your own hands, without the help of specialists. To do this you need to know the features fastening structure(baguette) and the properties of the material from which the ceiling is made. Ceiling reupholstery and even complete installation designs do not take much time.

You will immediately understand the presence of moisture on the stretch ceiling

The owner of the apartment can dismantle old ceiling due to its deterioration (rips, drips, stains, mold formation, flooding and strong stretch marks, warping of the canvas due to deformation of the walls). Sometimes the canvas is changed to install a ceiling of a different color and texture or new electrics. Both the PVC film and the fabric can be removed from the baguette (frame) and then installed back.

Preparing the premises

The ceiling reupholstery is done in a pre-prepared room. Objects that can be damaged by high temperature are removed from the room (if a heat gun is used).

If water has accumulated on the suspended ceiling, it is enough to dismantle one part and drain it

Aquariums are removed from the room and pets are removed. You also need to remove any things that will interfere with your work. The lamp is removed from the suspended ceiling and put away in a safe place. You can remove the lamp yourself, but if the mounting is complicated, you need to contact an electrician. The ceiling plinth or masking tape is removed and removed.

Tools and equipment

Before you remove and reinstall the canvas yourself, you need to purchase the necessary equipment, materials and tools. To carry out the work you need:

  • stepladder or strong table;
  • heat gun (for heating the vinyl sheet);
  • construction spatulas, from which you can make shovels and hooks, or special factory shovels with a curved end;
  • clamps with cords to hold the removed canvas suspended (crocodiles);
  • mounting tape;
  • pliers with long narrow ends;
  • insulating tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife.

Often craftsmen invent their own tools for dismantling work. So, for example, metal construction spatulas are narrowed, ground down so that they become blunt, and the corners of the working blade of the spatula are rounded.

Spatulas for suspended ceilings

Spatulas and pliers are treated with sandpaper to remove all burrs and smooth out irregularities. The dull blade is bent to make it easier for them to reach the protrusion of the profile into which the harpoon rests. Any tool used during work must not have sharp corners or rough surfaces to avoid tearing the blade.

Before removing the suspended ceiling, you need to find out how it is fixed in the profile (this data can be found in the contract that was drawn up with the organization that installed the ceiling). There are three types of fastening of the canvas in the profile: harpoon, wedge (bead) and clip.

How to remove a suspended ceiling with a harpoon mount

A harpoon is a plastic flexible strip, which in cross-section is a hook (or harpoon, which is where the name comes from). The plank has medium hardness and is produced by the meter.

The polyvinyl chloride fabric is marked and cut out, exactly copying the shape of the ceiling. A harpoon is welded to the edge of the canvas, along its entire perimeter. This is done using HDTV equipment, which is available at enterprises that install suspended ceilings. Once the harpoon is welded around the perimeter, it is firmly butt welded. The harpoon is inserted with a spatula into the groove of the baguette (profile), where it is fixed on the inner protrusion of the profile using its hook.

If the film is edged with a harpoon, removing the suspended ceiling with your own hands will not be difficult. To vinyl ceiling has become more flexible and stretchable, it is evenly heated with a heat gun. The recommended heat flow temperature is 70 degrees Celsius. Re-upholstering the ceiling starts from the corner of the room. Some home craftsmen heat only the corner from which the harpoon begins to be removed, and use a hairdryer to heat the vinyl.

Harpoon fastening of suspended ceilings

When removing the PVC sheet, it is necessary to remove the harpoon from the ledge (shelf) inside the profile. If this can be done in one place, then the rest of the canvas is removed by simply pulling it with a harpoon. The operating procedure will be as follows:

  1. Heat evenly suspended ceiling, starting from its central part to the corners.
  2. Take a bent spatula and a screwdriver.
  3. Find a place in the corner areas of the ceiling where there is enough big gap between the wall and the surface of the canvas. It is necessary to ensure that in the removal area there is no place where the harpoon is glued end-to-end. This place is not very strong; the film may rupture under physical impact.
  4. Using a screwdriver, press out the harpoon, insert a curved spatula into the crack and hook the harpoon.
  5. To release the harpoon, move the spatula to the right and left by 10-15 cm, thereby slightly pushing the harpoon away from the baguette.
  6. Another, perpendicular to the wall, the same thing is done. This way, the harpoon in the corner of the room will be hooked by 2 blades.
  7. The shoulder blades are parallel to the wall and pulled down with little effort. The canvas with the harpoon comes out of the profile.
  8. Then move the blades along the walls and carefully pull out the film. If the ceiling area is large, the canvas is hung on clamps (crocodiles) to avoid stretching and deformation.

If the ceiling area is small, the vinyl film can be removed without preheating; for large-sized canvases, preheating is required.

Dismantling a ceiling with glazing bead (wedge) fastening

Is it possible to remove a suspended ceiling with glazing beads? It is possible, but you need to keep in mind the fact that it will be difficult to put it back, since after installation the builders leave very little stock of canvas, but if there is a supply, it is possible.

Bead (wedge) - a special plastic profile of various sections. The bead is inserted inside the profile, pressing the material tightly. This type of fastening is used when installing both vinyl and fabric ceiling structures.

In order to remove PVC film or fabric, you need to remove the glazing beads from the profile by hooking them with some kind of curved tool (curved spatula, spatula, hook). Dismantling begins in the corner of the room.

  • Before dismantling, the polyvinyl chloride film is heated with a heat gun. There is no need to warm up the fabric.
  • The profile is slightly expanded using any convenient tool (for example, a thick screwdriver, long-nose pliers).
  • A curved spatula (or two) or a hook is carefully placed behind the glazing bead and pulled down. The glazing bead comes out and the canvas is released. This must be done very carefully, since the edge of the vinyl film or fabric is not protected by anything and is easily damaged.
  • If the ceiling area is large, the freed canvas is hung on clamps with cords.

Removing a ceiling with a clip fastening

Only low-stretch fabrics with polymer impregnation are mounted in clip fasteners. Clip fasteners are a special plastic profile, which in cross-section is a clamp.

Cam fastening of a stretch ceiling (clip)

The fabric is simply tucked inside the clip with a spatula, and the clip holds the fabric and prevents it from coming out.

  • Dismantling a seamless fabric ceiling begins from the middle of the wall, and not from the corner.
  • To remove the canvas from the clip profile, you need to apply moderate pressure on the canvas in the place adjacent to the wall. In this case, you can slightly release the fastening with a screwdriver or thin pliers.
  • The tension of the fabric will loosen and it can be carefully pulled out of the fastening.
  • If the fabric was cut very short when installing the ceiling, then during subsequent installation it will be difficult to tuck it into the mount.

Despite the beauty and durability tension covering, there are situations when it is necessary to dismantle it. This is necessary not only when replacing the coating with a new product, but also when carrying out its restoration after flooding or damage. Before removing the suspended ceiling, you need to figure out what type of covering you have installed. The method of dismantling and the possibility of reinstalling the product depend on this.

Methods for dismantling a stretch ceiling

Methods for removing the tension panel directly depend on the type of coating and the fastening profiles used. There are two types of coatings:

  1. Film products made of polyvinyl chloride. They stretch well and set by heating to high temperatures. A heat gun is used to heat the panel. Installation and dismantling of a PVC stretch ceiling starts from the corners of the room and moves towards the center of the room. Once removed, this type of covering can be reinstalled.
  2. Fabric seamless ceiling products mounted without preheating. They stretch worse and are cut with extra material around the perimeter. This margin is trimmed after installation. Installation and dismantling begins from the central part of the walls and moves towards the corners. After removal, it will not be possible to put the woven fabric back due to the lack of necessary allowances around the perimeter, which were cut off after the first installation.

Each type of panel uses its own fastening profiles. The possibility of safe removal and subsequent installation depends on their type:

  • baguette with harpoon fixation mechanism used only for installing PVC panels (it allows you to dismantle and reinstall the covering);
  • wedge or glazing bead fixation system it is more often used when installing fabric panels, but is also suitable for PVC products (it will not be possible to dismantle without damage and reinstall the covering);
  • profiles with a clip fixation mechanism used for installing fabric panels (they allow you to remove the covering, but cannot reinstall it).

Reasons for dismantling

Complete or partial removal of the tension ceiling covering need by the following reasons:

  1. Need to replace with a new product due to its contamination, damage, flooding, or if you want to change the interior of the room.
  2. Partial dismantling carried out in case of flooding to drain water from the ceiling, dry the ceiling space and tighten the sagging covering.
  3. Complete dismantling of the film ceiling carried out for the purpose of cleaning it. Such procedures can only be carried out with PVC sheets. Fabric ceilings After cleaning, it will not be possible to reinstall it, because there are no allowances necessary for tension around the perimeter of the coating. But it is possible to stretch a fabric product in a smaller room.
  4. Partial dismantling or complete removal carried out when repairing the coating or for the purpose of installing new lighting fixtures.

Tools and materials for ceiling removal

Before removing the suspended ceiling with your own hands, prepare following materials and tools:

  • a narrow plaster spatula with rounded corners;
  • scaffolding or stepladder;
  • long-nose pliers;
  • mechanic's knife;
  • screwdriver with a curved end;
  • soft cotton hand gloves;
  • electric or gas heat gun;
  • clothespins for hanging PVC tension cloth.

Step-by-step instruction

Start dismantling suspended ceilings with your own hands by preparing the room. First of all, move all furniture away from the walls so that you can get to the mounting moldings. Remove all sharp interior items that could accidentally damage the coating. If the panel will be re-installed with heating, then take out the cages with animals and flowers. Now we will describe step by step the sequence of dismantling different types of canvases.

Methods for removing PVC ceilings

First, use a heat gun to heat the room. Subsequent dismantling work depends on the fastening profile used.

Harpoon mount

Work begins from the corners of the room. First, remove the decorative insert that covers the mounting slot near the wall. Next, using pliers with long jaws, we grab the harpoon of the panel and pull it out of the crack. It is important that the pliers do not have burrs or sharp edges, otherwise you risk damaging the coating. Therefore, the tool should be polished in advance.

Attention! Be careful. If you grab the cloth rather than the harpoon, you will simply tear the thin film.

After removing the first section of the panel, further work is easier and faster. In this case, you do not need to use pliers, but remove the coating from the fastening profile using your hands. To prevent fingerprints from remaining on the heated PVC film, wear protective gloves. As you work, move from the corners of the room to its center.

Bead fastening

First, we warm up the room and remove the decorative insert. Next, using your hands, carefully bend the aluminum profile. After this, the glazing bead is easily released from the baguette. Using a screwdriver with a curved end, pull the glazing bead out of the fastening profile. Try not to damage the panel or deform the wall profile.

Fastening with wedges

After removing the decorative plug, we bend part of the profile by hand to easily release the wedge and tension panel. We remove the covering first in the corners of the room, and then gradually move towards its central part.

Partial dismantling of the ceiling and installation back

Partial dismantling is often carried out to drain water from the ceiling or minor repairs. The dismantling process proceeds in the same way as described above, only not all of the coating is released, but only that part of it that is located near the problem area.

After this, the canvas is installed back. The ease of performing this work depends on the baguette used. Simply insert into the profile groove using a spatula with rounded edges. The ease of installation of the coating in other types of fastening baguettes depends on how large a supply of film around the perimeter is preserved. It’s good if there is an allowance of a couple of centimeters to stretch and insert the canvas into the grooves of the profile.

Methods for removing fabric

In this case, there is no need to preheat the room. Canvases that are installed in wedge or glazing bead baguettes are dismantled in the same way as film products. The only difference is that work begins from the center of the room and moves towards the corners.

Cam mount

If you use a cam (clip) locking mechanism, you will not be able to partially dismantle the coating; you will have to completely remove the panel. This is due to the fact that the reliability of fixation in this type of baguettes is small and partial dismantling the rest of the panel will still jump out of the fastening profile.
Do-it-yourself dismantling of a stretch ceiling, video instructions:

Dismantling cost

Prices for dismantling tension coverings in different regions are different. If you need professional dismantling stretch ceiling, price per m2 starts from $1.2. In any case, when ordering a stretch ceiling dismantling service, the price depends on the type of stretch ceiling and the fasteners used.

A distinctive feature of suspended or French ceilings, as a variety suspended structure, is their strength and durability. If they are used correctly and properly cared for, the service life of such a product can be from 15 to 20 years. Taking into account the installation features, displacement is practically not reflected in this method of finishing the ceiling surface load-bearing structures or shrinkage phenomena.

However, during operation, circumstances may arise in which it will be necessary to dismantle suspended ceilings. And there can be many unpredictable moments, starting from the need for repairs electrical wiring and ending with unexpected flooding from above. In such a situation, the question arises as to whether it is possible to remove the suspended ceiling without causing damage to the product.


Owners of a ceiling made of PVC film, finding themselves in the situation described above, provided that the material still looks quite decent, dismantle it, for example, for drying, and then install it back again. But in order to carry out this procedure correctly with your own hands, without causing damage to the film and frame, you need to have certain knowledge in this area and master the basic subtleties of this work.

The technology for removing a stretch ceiling will mainly depend on the method in which the canvas was secured in the guide profile. The method of fastening the material is recorded in the warranty card issued by the contractor, which must be issued to PVC structures. The coupon confirms the warranty period and also indicates how the tension product was secured. If such a document is not available, then you will have to independently understand the design features of the ceiling.

There are three main systems for fastening a stretch ceiling:

  1. harpoon;
  2. clip;
  3. glazing bead

1.) Harpoon system the simplest, which is why it has gained great popularity. The whole point is that a hard edge is fused along the edges of the film, called a harpoon. The harpoon is inserted into the profile, unbends there and thus stretches and holds the canvas.

2.) Clip system otherwise called cam. In this case, the canvas is fixed using elastic clamps of the plastic profile. Here, the product is not preheated, and decorative inserts and plugs are not required.

3.) Bead system provides for pressing of the canvas inserted into the profile with a longitudinal bead.

Attention! The last two methods involve contact of the tension fabric directly with the profile, so it is necessary to carefully remove the fabric so as not to damage it.


The main share of the production of suspended ceilings falls on ceilings, the material for which is polyvinyl chloride film. The main characteristics of this material are strength, elasticity and environmental friendliness. The peculiarity of PVC film is that it reacts to changes in air temperature. Increasing the temperature to +60ºС causes the film to become elastic and pliable, and when it cools, it decreases in size and hardens. Therefore, in order to install or dismantle a film ceiling, you will need to use a special heating device called a heat gun.

Must be taken into account! PVC film has a high degree of tensile strength, but it can easily be damaged by a sharp object, which may result in complete replacement canvases.

Before you remove the suspended ceiling made from PVC film yourself, you need to carefully study the entire procedure, which actually consists of several stages. The right process execution will require patience, the necessary tools for this work and actions according to the instructions.

STAGE 1. To remove PVC film you will need special devices and tools, which include:

  • clothespins to secure the film;
  • heat gun, it is preferable to use a gas gun, because an electric gun has more power, which can cause damage to the electrical wiring during operation;
  • a small spatula with a width of up to 10 cm for working with a tension product, having rounded corners and ground edges so as not to damage the PVC film;
  • stepladder or table;
  • a good quality screwdriver with a curved end;
  • pliers are also curved;
  • construction knife.

Having prepared the necessary set of devices, you can move on to the second stage - preparing the room where the stretch ceiling will be dismantled.

STAGE 2. Before removing the suspended ceiling with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, namely:

  • remove lighting fixtures that were mounted on the ceiling;
  • clear the room of plants, animals, birds, if any;
  • protect furniture, household appliances, appliances in the room, metal-plastic windows from overheating as a result of working with a heat gun.

After the necessary tools and the room are prepared, you can proceed to the main stage of the work - removing the stretch ceiling.

STAGE 3. The method of dismantling will directly depend on the method of fastening the canvas that was used during its installation. Taking this factor as a basis, the existing structure will be dismantled.

Dismantling the canvas with harpoon fastening

The foam secured by the harpoon method is the easiest to dismantle, for the simple reason that the harpoon method is an easy option for assembly and the ability to repeatedly disassemble the ceiling structure. Removal of the stretch ceiling begins on the section of the wall closest to the corner.

The algorithm of actions performed when removing the tension fabric from the ceiling is as follows:

Step 1. To open and make accessible those places where the canvas was fixed, first of all, remove the masking tape from the profile.

Step 2. It is necessary to determine the location of the slotted inserts that are fixed between the wall and the canvas and remove them.

Step 3. Using a heat gun, warm up the room to a temperature of +70ºС, and this must be done. Due to heating, the size of the canvas will increase, and as a result, the harpoon fastening will weaken.

Step 4. Now you can begin to directly remove the film. To begin removal, the section of the film from which the dismantling of the ceiling will begin is heated. If the structure is flat, then, according to the rules, you need to start from the corner, and if it is curved, then you can start from any place in the structure. Climbing onto a stepladder, using a dull spatula, you need to pry and lift the harpoon. Then the released harpoon hook is grabbed with pliers and removed from the profile.

Step 6. Subsequent actions do not require much effort. The film must be carefully, slowly, so as not to damage the material, removed from the special fastening profile. During the process, if the need arises, new areas of the canvas are heated with a heat gun.

The considered removal algorithm applies to canvases made from PVC film. For fabric tension fabrics, a different technology will be used to dismantle them, because the fabric material is fixed with special glazing beads.

Dismantling the blade with clip fastening

Dismantling a suspended ceiling installed using the clip or cam fastening method is also quite simple and easy. Moreover, in this case the room does not warm up. The main thing is that the dismantling of the canvas must be done especially carefully, because during the work the spatula comes into direct contact with the film.

There are two possible ways How to carefully remove a stretch ceiling secured with clips.

Method 1. You need to prepare two screwdrivers. Then, one is inserted between the clips in the corner of the room, and the second is inserted after 55-60 cm. As a result, at this interval the pressure of the cams noticeably weakens and the material is easily released from the fastening. The procedure must be repeated until the required amount of canvas is removed.

Method 2. Take a spatula, insert it between the cams and press out the cam that turns out to be movable. Due to the tension, the material will be released from the clamp. The remaining film is removed manually.

note! After dismantling, marks from the clamps will remain on the PVC film. They will serve as guides when reinstalling the canvas.

Dismantling the canvas with glazing bead fastening

Features of the installation of canvases using the wedge (bead) method consists in fastening the material “into the spacer”. In order to independently dismantle such a canvas, you will need to use a spatula, a screwdriver and a heat gun.

Step by step it will look like this:

Step 1. By analogy with the previous option, which requires warming up, it is necessary to heat the room.

Step 2. Remove the masking plug.

Step 3. Starting from the corner, use a spatula to press out the outer wall of the profile. Then, using a screwdriver, pry up the inserted glazing bead and remove it.

Step 4. After removing the bead, the canvas is removed.

If the installation of a stretch ceiling using this fastening method was carried out with a supply of material, then such dismantled stretch ceilings can be reinstalled.


Before dismantling the fabric texture, it does not require strong heating. If the fastening was done using the glazing bead method, then the dismantling procedure is similar to those with a film ceiling. The only difference is that you need to start from the center of the wall, gradually moving to the corner. This work does not tolerate hasty actions; success will depend on how careful the actions performed are.

Reinstallation fabric product is possible only if, after the initial tension, the excess fabric has not been trimmed too carefully. As a rule, experienced installers do not do this, knowing that the fabric product is not as elastic as PVC film.

Note! If a fabric product is installed using the clip method, then it is not possible to partially remove it. It is better to remove it completely due to unreliable fastening with clamps.

During the process of dismantling and subsequent installation, the material needs regular heating, although not as strong as PVC film. In cases where, after installing the material, some unevenness is observed, it is enough to heat them with a heat gun so that they are leveled.

Don't forget, that the fabric texture is also a kind of plastic, therefore, in order not to deform it, the heat gun should not be raised too high to the ceiling.


The process of dismantling a stretch ceiling is not particularly difficult. You can do this work yourself if you have the necessary tools, know the nuances of this process and follow a certain technology.

The main point of the article

1. Stretch ceilings are strong and durable. However, during operation, it may be necessary to dismantle the tension fabric due to the repair of communications passing under the ceiling or flooding from above.

2. The removal technology will depend on the method of fastening the canvas. The main methods used by installers:

  1. harpoon - a harpoon is fused along the edges of the PVC film product, which is inserted into the profile, unbends and holds the tensioned fabric;
  2. clip or cam - the material is fixed using the clamps of the profile itself;
  3. glazing bead - the canvas is pressed against a longitudinal glazing bead inserted into the profile.

3. Dismantling PVC film consists of several stages:

  • preparation of special devices and instruments;
  • preparing the premises;
  • determining the method of fastening the material.

4. Depending on the fastening method, the material removal algorithm will be different.

5. Dismantling the fabric texture is similar to the actions with PVC film. The differences are that such strong warming up rooms, and also it is necessary to start the process not from the corner, as when working with film material, but from the center of the wall, moving towards the corner.