How to properly install a double-leaf interior door with your own hands. Anyone can install double interior doors Installation of doors with two leaves

This article is for those who are looking to purchase a beautiful double door. Let's try to understand the features of its design, installation, and choice of materials.

Find out the difference between double swing doors and sliding doors. How better door from solid wood from fiberboard or .

How to harmoniously fit the chosen design into, how to implement design idea and refresh it by installing a door.

Sliding type

Interior double doors are also made of the sliding type. They drive into a specially created opening from or, if possible, into the wall.

How to do it?

At the stage of building a house

Often the opening for double interior doors formed at the stage of building a house. Of course, before this you need to coordinate everything and decide on the type of construction. It’s easier to ask initially required sizes for the installation of such a door, rather than not knowing which way to approach the implementation of the idea.

To order

Interior double hinged doors can be made to order, taking into account the size of the opening and other wishes of the homeowner. With such a door you will not have any worries, because all the details will be carefully adjusted.

Ready from the store

If you purchase a ready-made door, pay attention to its dimensions. Usually they are: height - 2 m - 2 m 20 cm, width - the same. While height adjustment can still be done, width adjustment will not work.

The best option for rooms with low ceilings There will be tall double interior doors that can increase the space upward. To implement such an idea, you need to prepare the doorway in advance.

How to take into account interior design when choosing?

An important point when choosing a double sliding door is the interior design. Remember that there should be harmony in everything. Select the type of doors and their color to suit the style of your home. Red shades will fit perfectly into country style or similar ones.

Important! Try to stick to the same style when choosing interior doors, as well as sizes. This allows you to install the structure without any problems and make your home attractive.

For Provence style White doors or soft blue ones are most suitable, allowing the space to appear airy and weightless. Classic interior loves muted light shades, and dark ones can make the room too strict.

Minimalism emphasized by both dark and light shades, but the main thing is to adhere to the principle - the less, the better. Minimum number of parts bright colors, pretentiousness. Modern styles embrace brightness, saturation, and detail.

If there is a difference between floor coverings in the house, for example, in one room there is carpet, in another there are porcelain tiles, in the third there is parquet or laminate, try to combine these coverings with a common color scheme. Double interior wooden doors can be decorated with decor (insertion of another material or glass).

How to take into account the style of furniture when choosing?

An important point to consider when choosing is the color scheme of the furniture and its style.

It's easier to choose a door under specific color rather than the other way around. Double interior doors with glass allow you to make your home interesting and modern.

Stained glass, mirror inserts, etc. are used as decoration.

Material from which interior double folding doors are made

May be different. The pricing policy in this case varies from cheap options to expensive ones. A door can be made from the same material at a low price and at the same time at a high one.

MDF a very popular material for making doors of any type. It has good sound insulation, and are reliable. In addition, the material is quite moisture resistant.

Fiberboard most often used for cladding. Distinctive features: low cost, lightness. Cons: fragility, low level moisture resistance and sound insulation.


Interior double doors made of solid wood belong to the category of products with a high price. Such designs will fit very harmoniously into the interior of a classical style.

Pieces of glass are used for decoration. To democratize prices, manufacturers make such doors from pine, and the trim is made from veneer. This also makes it possible to reduce the weight of the product. In addition, the material can be specially processed to give it properties to resist moisture.

Double interior doors in the interior photos, which can be found on manufacturers’ websites or forums, are decorated using various elements: glass, painting, etc.

How to install a double door yourself

You can install a double door yourself by first studying the instructions

To do this you will need the following tools:

03.09.2016 11799

Increasingly, double-leaf interior doors are found in houses where public or simply hospitable people live, for whom receiving guests is not uncommon. IN spacious rooms with an area of ​​60 sq.m. such design move, as a device for double doors, is completely justified. Double interior doors, which have a wider opening than single doors, do not get lost against the background of the wall, and perform a design and aesthetic function in the interior.

Classification of door structures

Double hinged interior doors have two advantages over single-leaf doors:

  • They occupy small area for plowing;
  • They allow you to design a doorway one and a half times wider than for a single-leaf door.

Double swing doors are available

  • Deaf,
  • Paneled.
  1. from solid wood,
  2. from chipboard, or MDF,
  3. made of plastic,
  4. Made from durable, unbreakable glass. In this case, the glass is a single piece.

IN last years double systems began to be used everywhere plastic doors, as an economical option, affordable. On the contrary, double glass structures are currently only installed by the rich and famous.

Double-leaf swing interior doors are structurally divided into swing and sliding doors. Hinged doors, in turn, branch into

  • one-sided,
  • pendulum.

The first ones open to one side, the restriction on the box does not allow the canvas to cross the border and swing open to the other side. watches are capable of swinging in both directions. They can be pushed from both sides. A double-leaf pendulum structure conditionally divides the interior, performing more of a decorative function than a locking one. These products are usually made of durable, unbreakable glass, mounted on fingers that are built into the floor and into top bar opening.

The price of double interior doors ranges from $80-200. Such a wide price range depends on the quality and type of materials, brand, and region where such products are ordered and manufactured.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing or ordering a door?

The leaf for single-leaf interior doors has a width of 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm. For such structures, the width of the opening is set based on the size of the leaf plus 8 cm. The height of the opening for a product with standard height 200 cm should be 205 cm. This must be taken into account in individual construction when planning and laying out the door space. In standard houses, the dimensions of the opening correspond to the guests, and there are no problems with the choice of door designs.

If your home has a non-standard opening, then you have two options to solve the problem:

  1. Adjust to fit the opening, that is, expand or narrow it. The space is narrowed by wooden beams, attached with self-tapping screws and then sealed with putty. You will have to expand it using a chisel or circular saw(depending on the material from which the wall is built).
  2. Order non-standard doors from the company.

Doorways with a width of 88 cm and 98 cm are perfect for installing small double-leaf structures. Double doors in a typical Khrushchev-era building save space and look stylish and modern.

Above we talked about spacious rooms. The width of the opening in such rooms should be greater than the standard 108 cm. For example, 128, 148 cm. (Calculating 60 or 70 cm of canvas). There are double-leaf joinery with the size of each leaf being 80 and 90 cm, but for a residential building such doors are too bulky and they will take up a lot usable area for plowing. Not to mention, this gate looks heavy. And on door frame this is a big load.

It is important to know: door panels are taken from the calculation: opening width minus 8 cm, divided by two.

That is, for a hole in the wall 128 cm wide, two canvases 60 cm wide correspond. 5-6 cm correspond to the thickness of the box beam.

What tools are needed for installation?

To work you will need:

  • Measuring tape for measuring doorways, frames, and panels. The opening is measured by its width, height and depth. To calculate the depth, the thickness of the wall is measured.
  • A hacksaw to fit the boards of the box, cut the extensions and trim to the required length;
  • Drill with a screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws;
  • Pobedit drill bit 6 mm and carpenter bit 4 mm;
  • Shaped bits for screwdriver.
  • Hammer for driving wedges, nailing extensions and platbands.

How to install double swing doors

Includes double leaf swing doors includes:

  • box with extras;
  • two door leaves in a mirrored design;
  • platbands;
  • accessories.

When installing double doors, it is necessary to leave a gap of 15 mm between the opening and the frame. There should also be a small gap of about 5 mm between the panels and the box and between two separate panels. Total, one and a half centimeters. These gaps are laid in order to avoid jamming when high humidity. Below, the floor level and possible thickening due to finishing works. Basic painting or varnishing raises the floor by 1-2mm. Covering with linoleum or laminate adds 5-20mm. This must be taken into account when hanging canvases.

Modern door designs are designed in such a way that with basic carpentry skills, you can produce. – This is an important and responsible stage in this work.

  • Build a box on the floor or table.
  • Mark a place for the hinges, use a milling cutter or chisel to make indentations for them. Screw the hinges with self-tapping screws. If the hinges are removable, also mark and screw them onto the door leaf.
  • Place the box in the opening. When leveling, secure it using wedges.
  • Mark and drill holes for self-tapping screws on the box so that marks remain at the end of the opening. Additionally, mark on the wall with a pencil where the marks are located.
  • Use a larger diameter drill to countersink the holes so that when screwing in the screws, the caps go deeper into the board.
  • Set the box aside for now.
  • In places where the drill left marks, use a 6-mm Pobedit drill to drill holes for the plugs. or nylon dowels;
  • Install the box and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  • Fill the gaps between the frame and the opening with foam.
  • Now you can hang the doors on which you previously screwed the handles, insert the lock, and nail the trim.

Installation of double-leaf doors

To install double doors, the opening must be positioned so that there is a wall on both sides of the opening. When rolling away, the door structure should not rest against the adjacent (transverse) wall. Installation of a double-leaf door has two options:

  1. Open installation. Can be done.
  2. With a false wall. Installing a wall requires qualifications and knowledge. This door will be installed by a professional carpenter.

With open installation, the entire product is visible, only the platbands cover the sliding mechanisms.

When installed in a false wall made of plasterboard, the effect is created that the panels are rolled into the wall.

Double designs have whole line advantages over swing ones.

  • Space is saved.
  • Without a false wall, installing a double-leaf door is technically simpler than installing a double swing door.
  • Doors are installed and function without disruption flooring. All mechanisms are located above the doorway. True, some models are equipped with a support roller that is installed under the door.

The sliding mechanism consists of

  • Guide rails, which are mounted on bars to the wall;
  • Two roller carriages mounted on top of the door leaves and inserted into a guide rail, which is masked on top with a platband matching the color of the door panels.

From this article you learned basic information about the installation and manufacture of door structures. Even if you do not start carpentry yourself, the knowledge gained from this article will help you avoid being deceived by unscrupulous craftsmen.

Until recently, installing interior doors with your own hands was quite a difficult task and required serious experience and skills from a person. Now everything has become much easier, having a good tool and knowing the procedure for installing interior doors, any House master able to finish work in a day. Next, we will show you step by step how to properly install an interior door in two ways.

Options for interior doors.

Before installing an interior door, you must first select it. When choosing, there are 2 main criteria - the size of the structure and the material from which the doors and the frame to them are actually made.

Material selection

It is not so important to install the interior door in wooden house or in a room in a city high-rise building, the design must not only be beautiful, but also reliable, and this primarily depends on the material.

Fiberboard is perhaps the most common option. The design is a hollow box closed on both sides thin sheets Fiberboard and based on a frame made of wooden blocks.

There is no need to rush to install such a door; it is, of course, light and cheap, and it may look quite decent, but the reliability is not all right; such a structure can even be broken with your fist, plus there is a high probability that in a couple of years it will begin to delaminate.

MDF is golden mean between cheap fiberboard and good wooden structure. The array is dense, durable, and most importantly completely environmentally friendly. Self-installation interior laminated MDF panels at home is an excellent solution if there is no money for installers, and beautiful door I want to.

The MDF canvas must be laminated with high quality, then it will not be visually different from wood.

Natural wood - traditionally it is believed that installation wooden doors this is the most the best option, but this is wrong, here you need to look at the quality and manufacturer. Believe me, sometimes it is better to install interior doors from good MDF laminate, rather than take a damp pine tree, which will fail in six months.

At the time of buying wooden canvases the quality of the forest must be carefully assessed.

If you decide to change interior doors and you have a high-quality wooden panel, then you don’t have to touch it, you can only replace the panel. In this case, the technology for installing interior doors will be much simpler.

GOSTs, tolerances and unclear issues

The size of the doorway for installation is perhaps the most important of initial parameters. To this day, all such designs are made according to Soviet GOST standards; by the way, the Chinese also focus on these dimensions, but in Europe, despite the supposedly uniform standard, many countries do it their own way.

So if our minimum blade width starts from 600 mm and then in increments of 100 mm, it reaches 900 mm, then France produces blades starting from 690 mm, but the graduation also occurs in increments of 100 mm.

Germany, Spain and Italy, as well as all countries of the former socialist camp, in this regard are guided by almost the same standards as our manufacturers.

Interior doors have clear standards that need to be checked before installing an interior door yourself.

As for tolerances, a gap of 3 mm is left on the sides and top between the box and the canvas itself. According to the rules, there must be at least 20 mm between the floor and the canvas. This gap is needed for normal ventilation in the apartment.

Along the perimeter of the frame in block buildings, you can leave any gap, up to several millimeters, the main thing is that the frame is level, but if we cut doors in a wooden house with our own hands, then we set the tolerance to at least 15 mm, it is needed in case the house fails shrinkage

When choosing an interior door, installation is already final stage, before this you need to read the description in detail, because the price may be indicated depending on the configuration, there are 3 options:

  1. Only the door leaf is sold - this option is good if the door is planned to be installed on an old frame;
  2. The canvas is sold together with the box, but the box comes disassembled; here, even before installing the interior door with your own hands, you will have to cut it to size and assemble the box, which in most cases is even good;
  3. Fully assembled blocks with a finished box, canvas, locks and hinges are installed only if preparation of the opening is not required. There it is enough to cut the racks to the height and install the interior door yourself.

Do not forget that it is not enough just to install interior doors in the opening, complete installation The design of an interior door involves the arrangement of platbands, extensions (if necessary) and fittings, so it is also advisable to take them right away, otherwise the shade may not be suitable later.

Installation of interior doors will not be complete without platbands and fittings.

There is one more important question– when to install interior doors during renovation? So, the instructions for installing interior doors say that such structures are installed at the very end of the renovation, after finishing the walls, floor and ceiling, but before installing the floor skirting boards.

Two mounting options

We’ve sorted out the dimensional tolerances and other pressing issues, now it’s time to find out how to install an interior door yourself. But to assemble and install the structure, we need a tool.

A few words about the instrument and accompanying material

To install interior doors we need:

  • A hacksaw for wood, but ideally it is better to have a miter saw, it does not leave chips, plus you can put it there exact angle cutting;
  • To create openings between the frame and the wall, wedges are required;
  • Hammer;
  • Chisel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric drill;
  • Plumb;
  • Level;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette.

Install an interior door yourself without good tool unreal.

Important! Safety regulations strictly prohibit cutting wood with a grinder. If you value your health, don't even think about it.

From auxiliary materials To install the doors you will need:

  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Masking tape;
  • Self-tapping screws different sizes and sections;
  • Anchor bolts with dowels.

Preparing the opening

Ideally, before installing an interior door, the edges of the walls should be, if not plastered, then at least leveled with cement-sand mortar.

But in real conditions, preparing a doorway for installing an interior door ends with adjusting the dimensions to fit the frame, because then the unflattering cracks will foam and be covered with platbands, so there is no point in creating special beauty.

It is advisable to level the doorway before installing the frame.

There is one important point here: often installing a double interior door requires widening the opening, so when we're talking about about the walls, then they can be “redrawn” as you see fit. But if the wall is load-bearing, then a slight expansion of no more than 5–7 cm is allowed, otherwise there may be problems both with the wall and with the law.

Box assembly

You can assemble a door frame with your own hands in two ways - by cutting the corners of the top strip at 45º and joining the strips at right angles. Both methods are good, but it is believed that an angular connection at 45º will look more elegant.

Really high-quality corner trimming can only be done with the help of a trimmer; if they assure you that an ordinary plastic miter box and a hacksaw for wood will do for this, don’t believe it, it can ruin the boxes that were made.

The vertical posts are cut first at 45º, after which you can proceed to trimming the upper horizontal strip. In order to set aside 3 mm, it is convenient to use a piece of fiberboard as a template.

We measure the gap relative to the top bar with a template.

  • You place the top strip cut on one side and move it along the cut of the template;
  • Then go to the opposite side of the door and, using the same template, mark the cutting line.

Trimming the top strip at an angle using a trim saw.

Now we lay out the finished, trimmed frame strips on the floor and once again control the dimensions.

This is what it looks like door frame cut at an angle.

  • The box is fastened in stages. First you need to tightly connect the planks together the way they should be;
  • When screwing in the screws, the frame slats may crack. To prevent this from happening, before assembling, we need to drill channels for the screws. This is done with a 2.5 mm drill (our self-tapping screw is 3.5 mm);

Preparing to fasten the box.

  • Now you can screw the screws into the ends of the box on both sides, and there should be 2 screws on each side of the corner.

There is a small nuance here; the vertical strip of the box to which the hinges will be attached does not need to be fully tightened on both sides; we will still have to remove it.

Fixation of the box with cutting at an angle.

If you don’t have a miter saw in your arsenal, then it is better to attach the frame slats at a right angle. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing, but the step-by-step instructions will be somewhat simpler.

We start by trying on the top cross member; we will embed it between the two side posts. Some craftsmen mount the crossbar above the side posts, there is not much difference, here it’s more convenient for everyone.

Along the perimeter of the frame we have a side, into which the door leaf rests when closing. To embed the top cross member on the side posts we need to remove this side. To do this, we attach the upper cross member to the rack, mark it, cut the side with a hacksaw, and clean the place for installation.

Now all we have to do is insert the top bar between the two side posts, drill holes for a pair of screws and secure the inserted bar with self-tapping screws.

If you decide to put the bar on top of the racks, then you will need to trim the inner edge on the top bar, then drill and drive the screws from above, as shown in the diagram below.

Do-it-yourself installation of a plank placed on top.

Installing hinges and handles

For a door, installing hinges is one of the most important stages. In principle, you can embed a lock and attach hinges after installing the frame in the opening, but if you are installing the doors yourself (without help), then it is better to do this right away.

Loops can be overhead or hidden. It’s easier to work with overhead butterfly hinges, since you don’t need to cut anything in the door leaf and frame, so we’ll start with them.

A little advice: if the door should open on right side, then you insert the hinges on the right, respectively, for left-sided opening, the hinges need to be attached to the left post.

Installation of hinges begins with markings on the canvas itself. According to the rules, the distance from the top or bottom point of the canvas to the loop should be 200 - 250 mm. You can measure with a tape measure, as in the photo below, but if you don’t have a tape measure at hand, then use the loops themselves, the standard size there is 100 mm.

We make markings for installing hinges.

Don’t get confused: the small (inner) part of the butterfly hinge is attached to the door leaf, and the large part is attached to the frame post. Before screwing in the screws, you need to drill holes under them, only after that the screws are driven in.

All hinges have recesses for the screw heads, so make sure that these recesses “look” up. If the hinges are installed the other way around, the heads of the screws will remain above the hinges, and therefore the doors will not close completely.

Drill holes for butterfly hinges.

We have the box almost assembled, now we put it on the floor and put the door leaf inside. As you remember, we should have 3 mm around the perimeter of the canvas, so we immediately insert as many homemade fiberboard templates (3 mm thick) between the box and the canvas as possible.

One part of the loop is screwed to the canvas; to screw the second part of the loop to the box, we make a mark on the box. Next, unscrew the self-tapping screws securing the supporting vertical bar and screw the mating part of the hinges to it. Then we return the box strip to its place and fix it completely.

Screw the loops to vertical rack boxes

Installing hidden hinges yourself is not much more complicated than the method described above. The difference is that you need to cut grooves for the hinges in the door leaf and frame. This is done using a mallet, chisel and knife.

Cutting grooves for mounting hidden hinges

As for the installation door handle, then you can read about this in detail and also watch the video in this article. And don’t forget that the hinges must be lubricated; you can learn about lubrication rules.

There are different methods for installing interior doors in a wall opening, it all depends on the specific conditions. Next we will look at the simplest and most popular options.

Method number 1. Classic

On this moment In our case, the frame posts must be cut to the height of the opening, the hinges and lock are cut in, the door is closed, and 3 mm thick templates are inserted between the door leaf and the frame.

When door block inserted into the opening, first of all, wooden or plastic wedges are driven around the perimeter; they will hold the block until it is finally secured.

Classic scheme for installing interior doors using wedges.

Fixing is a rather important moment; here we position the block vertically and horizontally. Keep in mind: the wall is not always strictly vertical, so check the box with a plumb line.

It is better to check the vertical by plumb.

To prevent the door block from falling out from a strong push, it must be firmly secured with anchor bolts or at least long self-tapping screws. We recommend using anchor bolts with a thickness of 6 - 8 mm.

The principle is simple:

  • Drill a through hole in the box and lightly drill into the wall;
  • Remove the door block and drill holes for dowels at the drilling points;
  • Place the box in place and secure it with anchors. The box should be clearly level, since we have already verified everything before.

If you fix the box with long self-tapping screws, then they are installed around the entire perimeter at intervals of half a meter, but the heads of the screws need to be hidden somehow. They can be covered with a decorative strip or plastic covers.

Anchor bolts are powerful things and 3 points are enough to fix the box - two points under the hinges and one under the lock plate. In combination with polyurethane foam, this is enough.

Now we fill the perimeter of the box with polyurethane foam. We move from the bottom up, the foam needs to be blown out without fanaticism, because when it expands it can squeeze out the door frame.

Plus, at the time of blowing in the foam, the door block must be assembled and three-millimeter templates must be inserted around the perimeter, this will protect the frame from deformation.

Remember: the door block cannot be mounted only on “bare” foam (without screws or anchors).

Method number 2. Metal hangers

If fastening the box with self-tapping screws or anchors is not suitable for you, the same can be done using metal hangers. These hangers are used for mounting frames under drywall.

Using hangers to fix the door frame.

The technology is similar:

  1. Assemble the box;
  2. Insert the box into the opening and level it;
  3. Fix the box with wedges in the opening;

  1. Bend the wings of the hangers along the wall;
  2. Mark the entry points of the dowel-nails and drill holes for them;
  3. Attach the wings of the hangers to the walls with dowel nails;
  4. Fill it with foam and wait for it to harden.

The size of the frame for double-leaf interior doors is twice as large, which means there is a higher probability of the posts and crossbars being squeezed out by foam, so installation on hangers is optimal here.

Fixing frames for double doors on hangers.


Both of the above methods have been tested in practice and work perfectly. For the same craftsmen who want to install interior sliding doors we have prepared step by step instructions.

Installing interior doors with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

Before installing double-leaf interior doors, you will need to find out their types. The design can have 2 operating principles - sliding and swinging. This system is made of glass, wood, aluminum, MDF.

Preparatory work

Installation double doors begins with preparing the site for installation of a new structure. There are several ways to make a door frame. If necessary, it can be purchased at finished form. The width of the box is equal to the width of the wall. When purchasing hinges, you need to think about which direction the double-leaf interior doors will open.

Initially dismantled old door with loops. The box is removed to next stage. To do this you will need a crowbar, a hammer, self-tapping screws, a tape measure, a level, and a saw. The box is secured with a pry bar. The opening is cleared of cement. In some cases it will be necessary to remove the previous foam.

Installation of the box begins with its assembly. This design is presented in the form of a frame made of the following types of beams:

  1. U-shaped.
  2. Rectangular.

Box assembly technology

The box is adjusted to the dimensions of the main structure. The width of the required opening for the mounted structure is calculated using the following formula:

Shpr = 2×(Tdk+3+Shdp)+4, where:

  • Shpr – doorway width (mm);
  • Тдк – thickness of box beam (mm);
  • Шдп – width of the door leaf (mm).

The box is assembled according to the following formula:

ШВК= 2×(ШД+3)+4, where:

  • ШВК – internal width of the box (mm);
  • ШД – internal door width (mm).

Box timber must be cut at an angle of 45°. To do this, use a hacksaw with fine teeth. Then the hinges are cut into the vertical part of the door and the first structure. The loops are installed in the cuts. If overhead loops are used, then plunging is not done.

The assembly of this structure begins by attaching the parts to each other and twisting them with self-tapping screws. Initially, you will need to make a hole with a diameter smaller than that of the screwed-in element. This will prevent cracking during installation work.

Installation of the loop is done in the next step. This element should be located between the frame and the interior door. The number of loops depends on the weight and size door design. Professional furniture makers recommend installing 3 hinges.

The markings are made from above, making a 25 cm indent from the edge. 50 cm downwards from the resulting mark. From the bottom of the floor you need to measure 25 cm upward (to determine the location of the third loop). Interior doors are placed on edge. If the canopy is level, then the outline of the sash is outlined. The unnecessary part is cut off. To position the loop perfectly, you will need to align and clear the marked area. Heavy loads can lead to cracks. If all the parts fit, then screw the awnings to the door structure using screws. Their minimum length should be 3.5 cm. Do the same with the installation box.

Initially make markings for vertical installation loops Then the door is inserted into the frame. The gap between the door and the top beam should be no more than 4 mm. The door is pulled out and the grooves are cut out. The structure is installed back so that the loop cuts into the corresponding box. If it closes without any snags, then the double-leaf interior door has been installed correctly.

Box and opening structure

The frame of double doors can be installed simultaneously with the main product. Initially, the surface is protected with paper or tape. This will allow for quick cleaning in the future. construction foam. The box must be installed vertically. To do this, use a plumb line or level. First, insert the stand with hinges and the top crossbar. Then the structural elements are subjected to expansion. The racks must be vertical.

The second rack is installed using a similar method. If the walls of the building are curved, then the box will need to be adjusted using pads. The 2 side posts are drilled through. The block is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws. You can install the box in the opening using liquid nails. Glue is applied to the wood. The frame is installed together with spacers. Furniture makers recommend placing fabric under the last elements to prevent the door from being scratched.

Installation of interior doors begins with the installation of the crossbar. Make markings and holes. Its depth should be equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

To prevent backlash, you will need to make a hole in the corners.

The groove is adjusted on a carpentry unit. Then the bolt is inserted and the screws are screwed in.

Design adjustment

Initially, the first door is installed. If it closes poorly, then the grooves are deepened. If the structure “walks,” then you need to place small cardboards under the hinge flaps. The second door is installed and adjusted using a similar method. The hinges will need to be secured with screws. To ensure that the position of the product does not change during fixation, it is recommended to place wooden spacers between the base of the opening and the frame parts.

The installation of double-leaf interior doors includes the installation of a locking mechanism. This process is carried out by weight. The mechanism body is applied to the end of the structure on required height. An awl is used to outline the outline. Then a groove is made. Its depth should match the length of the lock. Its body is placed in the door. The strip should be flush with the plane of the end.

For several days (after installation), you cannot carry out work that increases the level of humidity in the room (painting walls, plastering). After this period, interior double doors ready for use.

Planning and architectural design of details inside a room intended for housing or office must meet many requirements. Sufficient width of door and window openings offers undeniable advantages, both in terms of aesthetics and ease of use. Their advantages attract numerous masters, namely:

  • ease of use of the wide opening;
  • opportunity visual increase usable area;
  • the room acquires a pleasant design and aesthetic appearance.

Despite the fact that a huge range of interior doors are offered on the websites of the world's leading manufacturers, and they are definitely intended for certain type opening, there is an opinion that a regular opening can also be equipped with narrow interior swing double doors. This gives the simplest apartment a certain charm.

Advantages of double hinged interior doors

The two-piece design was popular several centuries ago. Taking into account the specific architecture of large-scale mansions, where the scale corresponded to the purpose and status of the owner, a door with two leaves has proven itself to be excellent, and thanks to its numerous advantages, it has successfully migrated to the present day. The popularity of this design solution in modern planning obvious due to the following indicators:

  • The vast majority of door designs are equipped with a pendulum system, which allows them to be comfortably opened in two directions. The reversal makes them convenient and practical;
  • samples in some models consist of two identical one-piece fabrics, others are decorated to improve aesthetics decorative inserts from a variety of finishing materials. It can be stained glass, white or colored frosted glass and other solutions;
  • the room acquires unique comfort and hospitality, beauty and sophistication, a noble and solid appearance;
  • when decorating a room with non-standard architectural openings, a double door is the best option, which can be selected with amazing accuracy;
  • can be manufactured in various price categories. These are models from natural wood, lined with veneer and panel. The latter can be hollow, completely filled and filled with a honeycomb pattern;
  • the use of environmentally friendly material that is easy to process, moisture resistant and has good noise protection;
  • with proper design, they can perform the functions of dividing a large room.

Currently, double doors are the best option for suburban construction, city apartments and office premises various sizes and layouts. Thanks to wide application, installation is a pressing issue these days. Installation and assembly are quite simple; they can be done independently with the most modest skills and experience. Therefore, recommendations on these issues will be very helpful.

Step-by-step assembly of double-hinged interior doors

If you are finally convinced that your living space could not be more welcome double hinged interior doors, fully consistent with the basic design concept, and they suit the design type, then the exact step by step guide will help you do everything with excellent quality. The peculiarities of the work consist in several stages that separate the processes of assembly and installation of the entire system. Product equipment with my own hands in the presence of modern instrument– the process is not complicated, but the work must be done carefully and painstakingly in order to achieve good result. In addition, installing it yourself means significant savings and gaining experience.

The main parts of the installation process are:

  • installing a frame in a doorway;
  • marking and inserting door hinges;
  • actual installation of the door leaf;
  • sealing cracks in the structure;
  • completing the finishing by attaching trims.

In order for your work to be completed with the appropriate quality, and for the door to ultimately not creak with every movement, not warp, be comfortable when opening and closing, and perform all the functions assigned to it, you need certain materials and tools. You will definitely need polyurethane foam packaged in cylinders, sets of screws for the box and anchor bolts, sets of plastic or wooden spacers and wedges intended for installation. As for the tools, you will need a set of a screwdriver, a screwdriver or drill, a construction level, a chisel, a miter box and a good hacksaw for wood.

Installing a frame in a doorway

Being the most important point in installing a door, this stage requires the most attention, because a slight distortion will significantly complicate all further work and its final quality. With the help of spacer wedges, it is firmly and most accurately fixed top part boxes. The use of wedges must be in pairs; the hinge side of the box must first be leveled and the accuracy of the planes checked building level. A gap of no more than five millimeters should be left at the top and bottom. After which the lower part of the box is fixed with wedges into the existing gaps in the corners. The final moment of installation is fastening with anchor bolts to the slope.

Marking and inserting door hinges

At this stage of work, a chisel or a special cutter is used, which is very convenient and high-quality for marking and cutting loops. It is worth remembering that special precision is required here - the hollow must fully correspond to the dimensions of the loop. After a thorough check, the hinges are screwed on with screws and the legs are processed machine oil, and for greater reliability you can use a special graphite lubricant.

Door leaf installation

If you strictly follow the instructions for the previous stages of work, this process will go smoothly. The purchased canvas is carefully hung on the hinges, and several openings and closures are made to stabilize the position of the doorway. After the spacers are installed, from above - along the level of the hinge, from below - along the handle, check the door for spontaneous movement of the door. No fixation needed.

Sealing cracks in a structure

Completion of work installation double hinged interior doors occurs when used polyurethane foam. She is as much as possible thin layer should fill the space separating the opening from the box. A little advice - to avoid contamination, you need to cover the door leaf with film or seal it with construction tape. After twelve hours, when the film has dried and compacted, the excess can be cut off, just like the wedges.

Completing the finish by attaching trims

Installing the trim completes the entire installation. To do this, you need to accurately measure the length of the platbands and use tools like a hacksaw and a miter box to make cuts. In the best way there will be a cut at an angle of 45 0 and fastening. Modern liquid or finishing nails are the best option.

That's practically all, now you are privy to each and every intricacy of the door installation process, it is successfully completed. You received precise instructions and learned exactly how to easily and correctly install interior doors. Independent work with the help of our instructions it will be simple and will give you real pleasure.

Video - installation of double hinged interior doors
