How lamps on poles are connected. Street lighting installation technology. Types of devices with DRL, their parameters and cost

Street lighting is one of the conditions for a comfortable, safe life. In addition, lanterns act as a design element and enhance the appearance of the yard. Today there are a lot of lighting options, they can be combined and supplemented. Place on the ground, fence, pillars, arches.

If you are planning to illuminate the street, remember: you can do several installations yourself, it’s cheap. But the lighting system, combination, high-altitude installation requires specialist intervention. Installation street lighting It’s a very real thing that can be done, but you shouldn’t neglect the rules. Let's delve deeper into the topic, revealing the essence from basic concepts to recommendations.

Types of street light lamps

The variety of light lamps confuses when choosing best view street lighting. Today they are used various materials for production, which allows you to complement any design solution.

Incandescent lamps: This is the same “Ilyich’s light bulb”. Outdated, uneconomical option, powerful in terms of power supply. The filament is strongly heated in the inert gas.

Halogen lamps are a subtype of incandescent lamps. Adding halogen vapor prolongs their operation. Commonly used in spotlights and lanterns. Such lamps are efficient, do not require replacement for a long time, and provide high-quality light. They are not recommended for indoor use, as they are noisy, and if their integrity is compromised, substances from the lamp can cause poisoning with harmful fumes. Please note that when street use- quite safe.

: Good old Soviet street lights that light up as if by magic after dark. It is controlled through a starting device, the ignition speed is related to the air temperature. In the cold, this process takes longer. Vulnerable to voltage surges and may go out. As a rule, these lamps are used for large areas. This is facilitated by efficiency indicators. If you like this look, be warned, the lamp is very hot, special heat-resistant wires are used with it.

Metal halogen lamps: It contains mercury, inert gas, halogens. When heated, the substances turn into vapor, emitting light. The number of bases in one lamp determines its power, General characteristics which are quite high.

Fluorescent lamps: The peculiarity of this lamp is radiation due to the passage of current through mercury vapor and ultraviolet radiation. Phosphor - a special coating of the lamp, converts UV radiation into visible light. This is the most energy saving option.

Solar panels: A great option for the yard. There is no power connection, so the lights can be moved. They are powered by the sun, environmentally friendly, and practical. They are common in landscaped areas and are an excellent design addition to sites.

How to connect the light on the street?

In order to answer this question, you need to consider the street lighting connection diagram. One of its components is a relay.
A relay is a device for regulating the operation of an electrical circuit, which can be controlled by setting parameters and time. Relays can also be devices that respond to changes external environment, as a result of which the process of contact closure starts. There are photo relays (responsive to light), acoustic, and thermal relays.

In our opinion, more the best option There is a photo relay for the street.
Considering the photo relay connection diagram, we will focus on the choice of device. Maximum load ranges from 1000 to 2300 W. Buy relays from trusted manufacturers, pay attention to the degree of protection IP44 (protection from external influences).

Be sure to read the instructions, since the wire colors of all companies are different. The instructions should include their designations.

This is phase, zero, commutating phase (to the lamp). It is better to make these connections through a special junction box, where all the wiring is conveniently secured. Load switching is the interruption of phase voltage and its switching on.

The working “zero” connected to the wire is used for power supply ( operating voltage 230 V). Output from the lamp: zero, commutating; from the relay: zero (connecting to the corresponding wire from the lamp), switching (goes to the lamp), phase. Two wires come out of the distribution box: neutral and phase. As you can see, the street lighting connection diagram is quite suitable for installation with my own hands, the main thing is to study it.

Technological features of installation

The technology for installing street lighting itself is very extensive and includes many points:

  1. Drawing up a project (if you have a large-scale job). Where are the types of lights, how many, what distance, what type of relay, etc.
  2. Selection of lanterns, cable placement (underground, outside), mounting methods (pole, bracket.) If your lanterns will be on the wall, select a suitable bracket.
  3. Then we prepare the ground, literally, we dig a place for a pole or cable. We lay the electrical cord, marking its location (to avoid damage when working in the garden or flower bed).
  4. Connect the cord to the lamp. Pay attention to the location of the relay. For example, if you have a photo relay, light must flow freely to it, otherwise its functions will be impaired.
  5. Be sure to check for grounding on poles and brackets. Grounding - essential element safety, reduces the current. This is the connection electrical network with a grounding device going into the ground.
  6. The last stage is an examination of the entire system: is the insulation maintained everywhere, the phase-zero resistance (determined by special instruments (one of them is the VAF-85 volt-ampere-phase meter)). Only after this should you turn on the network.

We described simple diagram, the backbone of the connection. This is the most optimal technology installation of street lighting. At different solutions There may be nuances in lighting when connecting several lanterns, placing a chain, or hanging. He will consider the basic recommendations regarding working with the electrical network, with the help of which you will perform all actions without difficulty, and most importantly, without harm.

Basic safety rules

  • Choose a quality manufacturer. Chinese cheap wiring, often defective. Violation of the insulation leads to heating of the cord, creating a fire hazard, short circuit. Lamps made from low quality materials burn quickly and break easily.
  • Buy a voltage stabilizer. This will protect your system from burning out.
  • Buy lamps designed for outdoor use. They are made of durable materials and do not allow rain or dirt to penetrate into the base of the device.
  • High-quality insulation is important, then the connected device will last a long time without repair.
  • Choose pillars, brackets with protective coating, preventing corrosion.
  • Underground wiring should run at a distance of 60 cm from the house, 20-50 cm from another cable, more than a meter from gas mains and oil pipelines.
  • The entire length of the cable must be accompanied by a support cable.

Choose copper wire, with a cross-section from 3 x 1.5 mm (at voltages up to 3 kW). The greater the electricity consumption, the larger the cross-section. When laying the cord underground, use pipes as additional protection.

Let's summarize. Many types of street lighting allow your imagination to run wild and make your yard truly cultivated. Installation of lighting equipment will not be a problem, with careful study, step-by-step work. Make a work plan so you don’t forget anything. After all, electricity requires special handling. By doing this you will protect yourself and others.

Lighting devices today are used not only inside the house, but also outside. This allows you to illuminate passages, create optimal conditions movement of people at night, etc.

Today, LED street lighting is increasingly being used for such purposes. This allows you to get very quality lighting, which at the same time consumes slightly less electricity.

Mounting methods

Street lamps are types of lighting devices that are designed to work in the external environment. Today you can find many types of such products on the market.

They all differ in installation method, among which there are 2 main options:

  • Installation using additional supports. This option can be found both on a city street and in a small park.
  • Fixation to a wall or other rigid frame. Very often used for illuminating exits, etc.

It should be understood that the installation method often depends on the purpose of the lamp and its design.

Connecting lamps

Installation process similar systems can be divided into several successive stages:

  1. First of all, the wiring is laid from the source of electricity to the future location of the lamp. This can be done by air or by running a cable underground.
  2. At this stage, the lamp is connected to the current source. This is done quite simply, since often only two conductors come out of the body of this design.
    Accordingly, they should be connected to electricity. For such purposes, special distribution boxes, in which several clamps are located. The cables are fixed according to the diagram of your lamp. In this case, they should be fixed properly so that the wire jumps out of the clamp.
  3. The final step is to attach the lamp to the frame. This is done differently depending on the shape of the product.

Please note that the lamp can be connected either directly to the source or through a switch or special photoresistors that will turn it on during the dark period of the day.

This scheme is quite simple, since it involves an intermediate link that is mounted between the current supply cables and the lamp. If you are not sure that you will do this correctly, then it is advisable to entrust it to an experienced electrician or carefully watch this video:

Lighting near the house allows you to create comfortable conditions and will slightly increase the level of security. Such a system can be organized using various devices.

Before purchasing inexpensive street lamps, it is important to check their quality. This will allow you to get a durable and reliable lighting system.

Features of street lighting

Illumination of the area near a home or business is carried out using special lamps. For such purposes, products with several qualities are used:

  1. Maintains functionality even with frequent shutdowns. This is due to the fact that outdoor lighting may not work all the time. Therefore, light bulbs must withstand voltage fluctuations.
  2. Resistance to various temperature conditions. This factor is also important, since the lamps operate outdoors.
  3. High brightness. Lamps on the street must illuminate a large area so that a person can easily move and navigate it.

Installation work

Installation street lamps is quite complex and requires certain skills. This procedure consists of several successive steps:

  • design. In most cases, several flashlights are used. Therefore, it is important to distribute them correctly throughout the area to ensure maximum illumination. Experts recommend dividing them into certain areas. Therefore, very often for this purpose they are placed along paths or recreation areas.
  • installation of pillars. Almost all types of lanterns require the presence metal supports. They are made in different style, giving a certain design. Very often, forged structures are used for such purposes. It is advisable to cement the columns to obtain a durable system.
  • cabling. Electric wires located in the ground. It is important to choose the depth of the laying so that there is no possibility of accidentally damaging them during excavation work. Alternative option The cable will be installed over the air. But such systems do not look very aesthetically pleasing or beautiful.
  • installation and connection of lamps. This process is not difficult. Many manufacturers equip structures with special fasteners. As for the connection, you need to correctly connect the wiring to the lamp outputs. In most cases, systems have special clamps that simplify operation.

Installation of street lamps involves the use of quality products and correct gasket cables to their location.

Street lighting of a private house primarily serves a practical purpose, creates comfort, illuminates the road and recreation areas in evening time. When installing a sensor, it increases security at the dacha by responding to the movement of a stranger by partially turning on the light. This approach partially replaces a guard dog, scaring away the intruder and attracting the attention of the owners. This type of lighting is also called technical lighting; lamps are installed at the gate, on the porch of the house, along the fence and garden paths.

Actively used and decorative lighting, which is responsible for the aesthetic part on local area. It can visually increase the area of ​​the site, emphasize individual elements of the garden and buildings, draw attention to sculptures and ponds, and also change the appearance of familiar things. Properly created decorative lighting lifts the mood and gives a feeling of relaxation.

The creation of street lighting must be approached thoroughly, strictly following the principle of phasing in work.

Work on lighting the area of ​​a private house should begin with the creation of a plan. You should work out an idea of ​​how everything will subsequently look. Will the paths and gazebo in the garden be illuminated or just the main building? Do I need lighting for flower beds? ornamental trees or decorative wall? What kind of lamps will there be: lanterns, spotlights, or maybe diode strips? And are there any other works planned on the territory?

The finished idea needs to be transferred to paper, drawing up a plan for the location of objects. The plan does not have to be scrupulously verified; a clear understanding of what and where should be in the end is sufficient. It is also worth deciding on the placement of other electrical appliances: motion and light sensors, electrical wiring lines, switches and sockets.

The plan can be drawn up in any convenient way:

  • Use a printer to make several copies of the site passport. And place objects on the resulting copies, draw various options arrangement.
  • If there is no site passport, create rough plan You can also do it on drawing paper. Draw a so-called situational diagram. Dividing the sheets into cells will help to correctly scale the area. In this case, it is better to focus on a scale of 1:100, where there will be 1 meter of land per 1 cm of paper.
  • Make a plan in computer program, for example, in a design application landscape design or in a program for performing lighting calculations.

Cable routing

At the planning stage, you will also need to decide on the way the cables will be laid out. They can be routed from the electrical panel in three ways:

  • Underground way. It is the most popular because the wiring is hidden from view by the ground and will not spoil appearance garden It is also considered safer, since the cables will not be damaged due to negligence.
  • By air. It is cheaper and easier to install. As a rule, it is used only in cases where underground installation is impractical. In this case, the cables are hidden under the roof of the house or hung on poles. And to reduce the number support pillars, use lightweight cables with galvanization or plastic sheathing.
  • By ground method. Typically used as a temporary measure, such as decoration for a period New Year's holidays. In this case, the cables are simply laid along the grass.

Calculation of wiring elements

Considering that lighting devices are marked in Watts, and energy meters and fuses in Amperes, to select machines with a suitable load you need to recalculate these parameters yourself. The calculation formula here is quite simple.

  • For single-phase network: Watt = Ampere * Volt (P = I * U).
  • For a three-phase network: Watt = √3 * Ampere * Volt (P = √3 * I * U).

If you plan to install LED lights, then you need to select a low-voltage cable for them, and also install a transformer at the main switchboard, it will convert the outgoing voltage during operation.

Creating an Electrical Circuit

Using a street lighting plan for country house a schema is created electrical circuit. The simplest one, which does not require special skills, is enough. When drawing electrical points on a diagram, it will be more convenient to use generally accepted notations.

For clarity, the following example is given. In the area in front of the house, lighting is required for the porch and the space near the gate. Two wiring lines are laid. On the first, the lamp and switch are designated “L1” and “B1”, respectively; on the second line, extended to the gate, the lamp “L2” is connected to the switch “B2” at front door and motion sensor “D” at the gate.

External lighting electrical equipment is subject to increased safety requirements. At this stage of work, special attention should be paid to them:

  • Underground cable laying should be at a distance of 0.7 meters from the surface. In this case, the cable must be removed from buildings by at least 0.6 m, from the pipeline by 0.5 m, and from parallel wires by 0.3 m.
  • Cables laid over the air should be located at a height of 3 meters from garden paths.
  • The light of street lamps should not fall on a neighbor’s property and “blind” the neighbors.
  • Only copper wiring should be used.
  • Wires placed on walls should be placed in a corrugated sleeve made of non-hot plastic.
  • Every lamp should have .

Selection of electrical appliances

Garden lamps are divided into several types, each of which has its own purpose. You can purchase one that suits any style or idea. The most popular lighting sources are:

Solars are not included in this list, since they are powered exclusively by solar energy and do not require cable laying at all. They should only be considered as additional elements backlight.

When purchasing lamps, you should definitely pay attention to whether they are intended for outdoor use. View all specifications products: power, luminous flux, type of cartridge and degree of protection against penetration of liquids and solids. This is why it is so important to buy devices according to the IP rating.

For a lamp located at a height of 50 cm, the IP rating should be 44 or higher. An IP range of 65–67 units is suitable for ground lighting; with this indicator, the lamp can be in water for 12 hours. For water lamps used in ponds, the IP number is 68 units.

The characteristics of other electrical appliances are also important: switches, junction boxes and sockets. Even semi-hermetic lighting devices should be located under a reliable canopy.


They allow you to significantly save on electricity, since they turn on the light only when motion is detected within the range. Such a device not only protects the home, but also creates comfort, since the owners do not have to look for the switch in the dark. Motion sensors are also used for decorative lighting, when spot lighting appears directly in front of the feet and disappears immediately behind the person.

Light sensors (automatic photo relay) react to a decrease in the overall level of illumination on the street and, when dusk sets in, they themselves give a command to turn on the lamps. Human participation in this process is not required.

Garden sensors also have good protection from moisture and dust, which allows you to use them without fear in any weather.

DIY lighting installation

  1. Installation of street lighting near the house begins with installation supporting elements for lamps. To attach wall lamps, holes are made for anchors, after which the brackets are hung. To ensure that the lamps stand level, you should use a building level. For lamps on poles, you need to pour a foundation. Using a rotary hammer, a hole is dug (50–60 cm is enough for medium and small lanterns), the bottom is filled with sand (10 cm) and compacted. Next, the formwork is installed. It fits plastic pipe for subsequent cable installation (the ends should be covered to prevent concrete from getting inside). After this, it is poured into the hole cement mortar. And until the solution has completely hardened, an anchor is placed vertically and strictly in the center.
  2. After completely dry A support is placed in concrete, lamps are mounted, switches, motion sensors and photo relays are installed. Wire connections are made in junction boxes. They are fastened with clamping nuts or twisted together. It is recommended to additionally solder the twists and insulate them with sealed couplings (in extreme cases, they can be wrapped with electrical tape).
  3. The last point is to connect the lighting system to the electrical panel.

Input electrical panel

There is a specific set of rules for the electrical panel (PUE). In particular, its body must be self-extinguishing, i.e. consist of either metal with a heat-resistant coating or heat-resistant plastic. The installation location must meet the following criteria:

  • Fire safety,
  • Daylight,
  • Good ventilation (preferably also natural),
  • Easy accessibility.

A country electrical panel usually consists of the following components:

  • Electric meter,
  • Residual current device (RCD),
  • Zero bus,
  • Grounding bus,
  • Input machines (30–60 A),
  • Automatic sockets for high-current electrical appliances (25 A),
  • Automatic sockets for low-current household appliances (16 A),
  • Automatic devices for lighting devices (10 A).

Connecting the backlight to the electrical panel

After all the lamps and other devices are in place, control check connections and zero resistance with phase.

Next, a connection is made to the electrical panel: the general voltage in the metering panel is de-energized, after which each wire falls into place. It is safer and more reliable to entrust this work to an electrician. After connecting, it is advisable to sign each new machine; for this, they usually have special holes.

The lighting can be connected either directly or through a separately made socket. In this case, to de-energize the network, it will be enough to simply unplug the plug from the socket.

Installation of various types of lamps outside the house for the organization of façade, street or landscape lighting The adjacent territory of a private house or cottage has its own characteristics. And the lamps themselves have design features due to the fact that they are installed outdoors and are constantly exposed to temperature changes, wind, precipitation and sunlight.

For outdoor installation, choose lamps more High Quality, which will guarantee their durable and safe operation.

In addition, pay attention to the degree of its protection, determined by the IP index, which should not be less than IP65 for lamps installed directly on the street, and not less than IP44 if they are not directly exposed to moisture (under a canopy, roof).

When installing street or landscape lighting, lamps are usually used that are installed directly in low plastic or metal columns up to 1 meter or at a height of 2 to 7 meters on iron or concrete supports, or mounted on architectural buildings and structures.

Installation of landscape, façade or street lighting fixtures.

Attach to external walls, the roof, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties for anyone. For fastening, dowels or anchors are used, which secure the lamp through special holes in its base.

Let's take a closer look at the foundation.
It is either cast from concrete on site or a ready-made base is simply dug into the ground, and then a support is attached to it on which the lamp will be attached, or you can directly attach a ready-made column from the factory, with a built-in lamp inside. You can also use metal to create a foundation. The support is inserted directly into the concrete or iron base and then fixed in it by pouring concrete, but if the base of the column is bolted, it is necessary to first provide and secure bolts of the required diameter at the required distance in the base.

The foundation provides stability and prevents falls and tilting.

Sometimes the design of a street lamp involves simply being buried in the ground or installed on the surface.

Instructions on how to connect facade, landscape or street lighting fixtures.

1. Disassemble the lamp body, which must be well protected from moisture and other environmental influences. We look at the instructions, if not, unscrew the visible bolts (they may also be under the plug); models with latches are less common.

2. Check the absence of voltage on the connected cable using an indicator screwdriver, and take measures against its erroneous or accidental activation during our work with it!

3. We mount the lamp to the base. Using bolts, anchors or dowels to a wall or foundation base. Less often, the pillar is inserted into the foundation, wedged and filled with concrete.

4. Connection to power supply.

We find inside a special place for connecting the electrical power cable to the lamp, which is most often made in waterproof mounting boxes - inside which you will find. We connect one cable to it or two in parallel if the lamps are connected by a cable (from one lamp the next one is connected). The wire goes to L-, to N-. If the material lighting fixture made of metal or mounted on a metal base - it must be grounded by connecting to a third grounding conductor.

It is not uncommon for a lamp to come from the factory with a cable connected to the lamp inside on one side and to a sealed connector on the other side.

All you need is to connect the power supply in a sealed manner electrical cable to the connector and then connect the connectors to each other.

General circuit diagram connecting a street or façade lamp to the electrical network shown in the diagram below.

Zero goes directly to the lamp, and phase goes through a photo sensor or motion sensor. Instead, you can simply install an ordinary mechanical switch in the same way.