How to landscape your garden plot with your own hands. Photo of the courtyard of a private house

The first step was to build an inexpensive wooden fence based wooden beam and naughty girls.

Because If the area of ​​the plot is large enough, then any capital fence would require significant expenses, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the plot, making landscape design the site is more holistic and complete.

Elegant adds a special charm to this primitive fence.

A wooden gate was made based on a simple rectangular frame.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result was neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda at the dacha.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore on holidays all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. To prevent bad weather from interfering with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy made of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, you can put on the terrace big table, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

There are many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special coziness in the house.

The owner also contributed - he made it for the kitchen wooden bench with storage box.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a sweet, rustic charm to the kitchen.

And the most important thing is the smell in the house. And it smells like pies and flowers here.

Saving mode and skillful hands will help you arrange country house at low cost. You can tear strips from old unwanted clothes and knit them beautiful rug for every room.

Bedroom for grandchildren in the attic and bathroom.

Chief of comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Do-it-yourself greenhouse and raised beds.

Old windows were useful for building a greenhouse.

Land development often requires a simple, practical approach rather than intricate solutions: a ready-made greenhouse.

Next to the greenhouse, boards left over from the construction of the fence were broken raised beds.

They laid newspapers between the rows and covered them with gravel - this will prevent the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful vegetable garden looks no worse than any club.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. Garden gazebo.

The next stage in arranging the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a gazebo around cozy corner garden, a semicircular flower bed was previously laid out next to it.

They made a small one on the brick pillars wood flooring and concreted the supports for the gazebo.

We installed a gazebo. Back wall The gazebo on the side of the fence provides a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only covers the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. DIY landscape design.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy areas in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before planting the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agro-film was laid and after that the soil removed from the roots, compost and fertilizers for the flowers were poured into the flowerbed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

They made a small one next to the flowerbed decorative pond. An old satellite dish came in handy for the pond bowl. The distance from the clubs to the pond was also covered with agro-film and later covered with gravel, preventing overgrown grass around and that small pond, due to which it would simply not be visible.

Blue poppies are the rightful owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flowerbed next to the house so that their scent can be heard from the veranda.

The flower beds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flowerbed was dug up and plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted above the fence.

In this article we will talk about how landscaping of a summer cottage is carried out. Some may think that the topic is irrelevant, since most people associate a summer cottage with a modest shed and garden beds. But actually it is not.

After all, even country houses from block containers will harmoniously combine with a flower bed and other decorative elements.

Features of landscaping

The photo shows an excessive number of design elements concentrated in a limited area

After reading the relevant articles on our portal, you can find out how to plan the territory of a summer cottage for maximum efficiency its application. We will not return to the basics of planning, but will simply tell you how, using a number of simple recommendations, you can improve your summer cottage area.

Important: Do you think that the decorative design of the territory adjacent to country house, will cost a considerable amount of money?
In fact, this is not the case, since most of the work can be done using available tools and available materials.

Before we improve the dacha plot, we will decide on the purpose of the territory and, as a result, on the list of upcoming works.

  • Is your dacha intended not only for growing gardening plants, but is also used from time to time for recreation? In this case, it is necessary to ensure that this area is conducive to relaxation and a pleasant pastime.
  • On average, the development of the territory adjacent to a country house consists of work in the field of landscape design. In addition, it may be necessary to build or update existing outbuildings, fences, etc.

Important: Speaking about the full improvement of the site, we note that it may be necessary to purchase or rent a diesel generator for the dacha.

On the picture - hedge from cypress trees

  • Having decided to improve the dacha plot with our own hands, we avoid excesses in every possible way, both in landscape design and in the design of outbuildings. Regardless of the area of ​​the territory adjacent to the country house, remember that there is an overabundance of small architectural forms, plantings, pieces of furniture and other elements will create an atmosphere of discomfort and disorder.
  • If the dacha is used only on weekends or during vacations, it makes no sense to plant plants that require constant care. By abandoning a flowering front garden in favor of shrubs or decorative low-growing trees, you will significantly simplify the care of the site without compromising its appearance.
  • Often in landscape design, one significant detail is enough to create a bright and memorable image.. In relation to the design of a dacha, it can be a small artificial pond or an alpine slide.
  • The vegetable garden should be separated from the recreation area by a flower wall, preferably a colorful one. In this case, having completed the day’s work, in the evening you can fully relax near the garden.
    In order to complement the recreation area equipped in this way, you can use wicker furniture that will fit into the overall picture.
  • If the dacha is used for long-term living, you can take care of planting lawn grass or shrubs. This is very good decorative solution, but you need to understand that the grass will have to be cut in a timely manner and the bushes trimmed.
    Therefore, when purchasing grass seeds and shrub seedlings, take care of purchasing a trimmer and pruning shears.
  • A stone-lined path in place of the usual paths will give the site a finished and landscaped look.. As an alternative natural stone You can use brick or concrete paving stones.
    A completely budget-friendly solution in terms of arranging paths can be the use of backfill made of fine-grained crushed stone or pebbles.
  • When selecting decorative elements for the garden, we must take into account their functionality..
    For example, it would not be entirely correct to buy a beautiful forged bench, which, despite its excellent appearance, is uncomfortable. The same can be said about, which, in addition to an attractive appearance, should illuminate the area.
  • If to garden plot the forest is adjacent, it is advisable to carry out landscape design in a forest theme. The absence of sharp contrast and the smooth flow of the forest into the garden will not be visually straining and will not cause rejection.
  • Everywhere there is a tendency for summer residents to blindly copy design ideas from glossy magazines. This is the wrong instruction, since the copied idea may not take root in your area. As a last resort, when copying someone else’s ideas, do not forget to listen to your feelings.

Arrangement of a recreation area

In the photo - construction of a gazebo

The recreation area can be comfortable even on a plot of 6 acres. It's all about how you arrange this area.

For example, on small area You can allocate space for a covered wooden gazebo. Wooden gazebo- This universal solution, which is equally suitable for both comfortable spending time in hot weather and for use as a summer dining room.

Using a gazebo as a dining room is optimal solution in the event that instead of a house a cramped cabin with limited space is used internal space. If it is possible to do brick gazebo with a roof made of corrugated sheets, then you can also install a barbecue or wood-burning stove there for use as a summer kitchen.

This solution will relieve the load on the main dacha building, which can be used as a bedroom and as a room for storing equipment. However, nice gazebo It won’t hurt even if there is a full-fledged country house on the site.

Hedge selection

In the photo - a fence made of corrugated sheets

When answering the question of how to landscape a summer cottage with your own hands, one cannot help but attach importance to making a fence.

A properly made fence can perform two functions at once, namely, protect the territory from unauthorized entry and decorate the summer cottage. If it is built only as a protective fence, you can use corrugated board.

Corrugated sheets of thin galvanized or painted steel are distinguished by affordable price and durability. However, such a fence, despite its functionality, cannot be called an example of grace.

If you are interested in an aesthetically pleasing but... inexpensive fence, you can use a chain-link fence. The advantage of this solution is the absolute transparency of the structure, and therefore plants can be planted directly under the fence without fear of a lack of sunlight.

Important: A fence built using wire mesh is an excellent basis for growing climbing plants and the formation of hedges.

Wooden fence made of tongue and groove edged boards- This perfect solution. The only problem is the insufficient strength of wood that has not undergone special treatment. Therefore, when deciding to build a beautiful wooden fence around the site, the boards should be treated with antiseptic solutions and then completely dry paint.


In this article we have listed several effective recommendations, using which it will be easier to carry out landscaping of a summer cottage with your own hands.

Of course, in addition to these tips, there are many other points of view regarding the improvement of areas adjacent to a country house. Even more useful and educational information you can find it by watching the video in this article.

Any owner of a country residence understands that the arrangement of a private territory does not end with the construction and finishing of a residential building. Creation modern design The courtyard of a private house is an integral step on the path to decorating and organizing not only a beautiful, but also a functional territory.

In order for all work to improve the local area to take place harmoniously and correctly, and the end result can only please its owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very thoughtfully and seriously.

Planning stage

The beautiful courtyard located around the house is the first thing that the gaze of anyone who enters the territory falls on. It is precisely by its arrangement and appearance The owners themselves, their taste and aesthetic views are assessed.

When starting landscaping work on a site, you should first answer a number of questions, which will determine what the final result will be. Will preference be given to the practical component, or is the goal to create a beautiful image?

Do the families have small children who need a play area, or do the owners prefer noisy gatherings around the fire with barbecue? All these points are important when organizing territorial space.

The design of the yard of a private house will also depend on its size. If the area is large, then you can only limit yourself here to your own imagination and in cash. If there is only a small backyard, then practicality and ergonomics are at the forefront.

Once priorities have been set, a plan should be drawn up that will highlight all the necessary segments, communication systems, lighting and decorative compositions. It is the laying of communications and arrangement artificial reservoirs is initial stage landscaping works.

Path organization

Paths running throughout the site are an integral part of the design. Their main task is to safely move around the territory, as well as zoning and decoration.

The raw materials for laying out paths can be various materials: stone flat elements, slabs, brickwork, fine gravel or pebbles. It is advisable to organize low curbs, which will become an additional means of safety.

Passages can have a clear geometry, or they can playfully bend around buildings and plantings. Here the choice depends on the taste preferences of the site owners.

Flower beds

Flowerbeds in the courtyard of a private house can create a magical fairy-tale atmosphere. Such plantings will become the main decoration of any land plot.

When designing a flowerbed, one rule should be taken into account: plant varieties are selected so that the flowering period alternates. The result will be bright flower composition, capable of “pleasing the eye” all year round.

Organization of the reservoir

Thinking about how to decorate a yard, many come to the conclusion that building a reservoir is best idea. Water, according to Japanese masters, is a symbol of life and harmony. Indeed, cascading waterfalls and smooth pools with fish look mesmerizing on your garden plot.

To organize your own pond, it is better to use the services professional organizations who will conduct all the necessary studies of the soil composition, lay communications, and build a fountain or cascade in accordance with all the rules.

Territory lighting

Right organized lighting throughout the territory suburban area is a guarantee of safety. First of all, it is necessary to think over the functional component: illumination of the facade of the house, entrance/exit, all walkways, steps and rest areas.

Then you can consider the organization of decorative lighting systems. You can highlight flower beds, sculptures, and ponds. Built into the surface of the earth, they look absolutely fabulous Spotlights, creating the illusion of scattered stars, as in the photo beautiful yard private house.

Rest zone

Organization of a cozy area for relaxation on fresh air with the ability to cook food over a fire is a priority when organizing homestead leisure.

Around open hearth a relaxation area is set up in the form of a fireplace or stove, represented by a comfortable garden furniture. Plants are used for decoration.

If the territory allows, then it is advisable to construct a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, under which the furniture of the recreation area will be placed. Such a canopy can protect you from the annoying rays of the sun in summer, and will not let you get wet during rain.


Often, country estates are not equipped with large local area. The space in front of the house is usually occupied by a parking area, and only the back part of the yard is allocated for the arrangement of a recreation area.

To arrange a modern small courtyard of a private house, it is advisable to construct a deck or platform made of wood on which furniture will be placed.

Flowerbeds with perennial plantings I place them along the fence, which will not only decorate the territory, but will also become a kind of tool for hiding from prying eyes.

Furniture equipment

When choosing garden furniture items, you need to focus on the monetary equivalent and personal preferences. Stationary objects are made from stone raw materials or solid wood. It is impossible to remove them, and wooden objects will have to be constantly maintained in proper condition.

The most popular are folding models made of plastic. Such items can be put away when they are not needed, and their care is minimal - just wipe off dust with a damp cloth.

Thanks to the large range of colors and possible design configurations, plastic furniture can be matched to any landscape design style.

A cheaper analogue of wood furniture are rattan products, which have an expensive, respectable appearance.

As elements for decorating your backyard, you can select numerous figurines and figurines, and, if desired, have large quantity free time decorative elements it is possible to do it yourself.

Photo of the courtyards of a private house

Having purchased a plot of land for a summer residence, the owner also acquires a lot of specific problems, one of which is the improvement of the entire territory. After all, it’s not enough to just build a house or an ordinary temporary shed on it; you also need to create comfortable conditions for relaxation and, if possible, plant a garden or start a vegetable garden. Therefore, landscaping a summer cottage always comes first.

Do-it-yourself dacha plot

Naturally, landscaping needs to begin with cleaning the entire area. It is cleared of last year's fallen leaves, all unnecessary debris is removed, old stumps are uprooted (if present on the site), old buildings are dismantled if possible, etc.

After putting the area in order, you can move on to landscaping. But before you landscape your summer cottage with your own hands and achieve complete harmony of everyone on it landscape elements and various buildings, certain sequential actions are required. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a plan for all upcoming landscaping work.

Zone planning

All these zones are not mandatory, since the improvement of a suburban area may depend on the area of ​​the land plot and, naturally, on the preferences of the owners themselves. After all, for some it is important to have a vegetable garden with a garden, while for others it is simply comfortable to spend their leisure time among flower beds and neatly laid out lawns.

Whatever preference the owners make, in any case, the dacha should have a well-groomed appearance, and decent fencing of the site can play an important role here.

Hedge selection

For landing ornamental shrubs, which are usually planted along garden paths, fences and near alpine hills, lilac is most often chosen, as well as dwarf fir trees, weigela, jasmine, and Japanese rhododendron. These types of shrubs are easy to care for, and if the planting site is chosen correctly, with regular trimming of excess branches, they will constantly delight the owners with their appearance for many years.

Development land plot always starts with a plan. Rational use and artistic design of a personal plot are possible only as a result of its correct and thoughtful planning, taking into account natural, climatic, local, national and everyday features. In this article we will tell you how to decorate personal plot with our own hands in the village from scrap materials, we will give video and photo instructions for design.

How smaller area site, the more carefully you need to plan it and think through the design details.


When placing elements of the estate and choosing plantings, it is necessary to take into account the location of the place relative to the sides of the horizon, prevailing winds, the condition of the soil and ground, as well as its topography. Natural relief does not always and fully satisfy planning requirements; in such cases, it is recommended to carry out vertical planning.

For small elevation differences (up to 5%) excavation are not produced, leaving the natural relief, and the house is built with a basement or ground floor or they only level the site for building a house.

In areas with a steep slope (8-12%), the situation can be corrected by terracing the area across the slope, and the steeper the slope, the more terraces are needed. Stairs are installed between the terraces, and the surfaces of the terraces are connected by retaining walls. As a rule, for small slopes with clayey and sandy loam soils the steepness is 1:1.5, for sandy soils - 1:2, that is, a slope 1 m high occupies a strip of land 1.5 or 2 m.


In addition to direct functional purpose fences also play a decorative role, so the arrangement of a personal plot can begin with the installation of barriers. It is better to make the outer fence human height or slightly taller, and the inner fences can be installed with a height of 30 cm to 1 m. The fence consists of posts and sheathing; the materials for the fence can be different.

In addition, the fences can be made in the form of a hedge, planting it in two rows, between which stretch a low metal mesh. After 2 years, the bushes will grow into it and make it invisible.

Good for green fencing different kinds hawthorns, thuja, Japanese quince and others. The bush is trimmed in the second year. Hedges are formed by side and top trimming, which is carried out 2 times a year.

We invite you to watch a video about alternative hedge devices.

Carrying out the design of a personal plot Special attention need to pay attention to the paths. Their correct and beautiful layout plays an important role in the improvement and decorative design.The general pattern of the paths can be geometrically strict or free. There is a direct connection between the paths, the relief and the shape of the site.

First, marking is carried out - straight sections of the paths are marked using a cord, the ends tied to pegs, and curved sections - using one peg as the center of the circle, and the other as the leg of the compass. It is easy to draw smooth curves on the ground by changing the length of the cord and the location of the center.

If you want to lay paths with artificial turf, you need to carry out preparatory work. Along the marking lines, the turf is cut to a depth of 15-20 cm and removed so that a small elevation remains along the central axis so that rainwater flowed down to the edges. This place prepared for covering is called a “trough”.

Paths can be made:

Ground - along the stretched cord, use a shovel to cut the edges of the path to a depth of 10 cm. This layer of earth is removed, and the cut area is rolled with a hand roller.

For such paths you only need to sow lawn or white clover. This is exactly how many people design the driveway to the garage, paved with paving slabs for the wheels.

Gravel - a layer of 7 cm of coarse gravel (4-6 cm) is placed at the bottom of the “trough”, after rolling it - another layer of 5 cm of finer gravel (2-3 cm), and then a layer of sand mixed with clay (1:3 ) 1-2 cm thick, which is compacted well, while watering it with water for better shrinkage. Lastly, another layer of 2 cm of fine gravel is laid, which is also watered and compacted.

Perhaps the most aesthetic appearance paths, because such tiles can be of any shape and color and fit perfectly into the design. A dry mixture of sifted sand and cement (4:1) is poured onto the “trough”, and then placed one at a time concrete tiles, which is leveled and compacted in level using rubber mallet. Laying paving slabs is not difficult.

Wooden end paving - effective and very economical, since wooden “rounds” can be cut yourself. To make such paths, tree trunks various sizes they are treated with an antiseptic (bitumen, drying oil), and then sawed into equal sections of 10-15 cm. Such logs are placed on a layer of sand of 10 cm. Small ones are placed in the space between the large ends, and the remaining voids are filled with sand.

From monolithic concrete - for such paths, formwork is prepared, which is filled with plastic concrete with fine gravel, prepared at the rate of: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 3 parts gravel.

And a few more photos of various paths for a summer cottage:

We invite you to watch this video dedicated to the arrangement of paths.

Front garden and green lawn

When doing work such as landscaping a personal plot , you can quite simply make it beautiful, clean and elegant by sowing the free space with lawn grass. Such lawns provide places for relaxation, picnics and sports games.

Also lawn grass You can also sow in the front garden in front of the house, where small trees or shrubs planted in groups look good. In this case, the tallest trees or shrubs are planted in the center of the group, and the lower ones - along the edges.

When planting in the front garden flowering bushes their color scheme is taken into account - plants with white, yellow, orange flowers, and at a greater distance, near the paths - with red, purple, blue and dark or red-leaved bushes.

The physiological and psychological impact flowers and their smells on the human body. Decoration of a personal plot - color compositions compiled according to following rules design:

  • compliance with color ratio. Red - green, purple - yellow, blue - orange - such combinations create contrasting and emotionally effective relationships. The color combinations are soft and harmonious: red - yellow, red - blue, violet - orange, violet - green, blue - yellow. White color goes with all colors. When creating flower beds, you need to remember that in well-lit, sunny places flowers of warm, soft and harmonious tones are placed, and in shaded places - contrasting ones.
  • continuous flowering if possible. To do this you need to select flowers from at different times flowering. So, in April snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, and tulips bloom; in May - forget-me-not, lily of the valley, violet, iris, lily, peony; throughout the summer - gladiolus, phlox, purple dicentra, poppy, bell, delphinium; in September - aster, goldenrod, dahlias; in October - chrysanthemums. Roses have a long flowering period - from May to September.

Flowerbeds are arranged in the front garden, on recreation areas, rocky hills, slopes, terraces, and near a pond. The background for the flowers is green lawn, stones, house walls, tree trunks. When planting flowers in a flowerbed, you need to take into account that flowers of the same type look very beautiful together, but different colors. Variegated mixtures of tones are undesirable. A flowerbed does not become beautiful because there are many types of flowers on it. It is not the quantity that is important, but the harmony between colors. Another rule for arranging a flower garden is that the further the flowers are planted from the path, the larger the color spot can be and the higher the flowers themselves.

When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for soil and light, the growing season, resistance to wind, time and period of flowering, decorativeness, plant height, etc.

Roses occupy a special place in the landscaping of the site. Almost continuous flowering and a wide variety of colors put the rose in first place in the decorative design of the site. Roses are planted in a sunny, bright place, protected from the wind. Climbing roses are planted on the south side of the house. The perfect background for these flowers is a green lawn, coniferous trees, stones of retaining walls and terraces.

Alpine slide

The design of a personal plot is often complemented by this design solution like a rock garden or an alpine slide. This is a decorative composition made of low-growing shrubs, flowers and stones, where the latter form the basis of the slide.

It is better to select stones of the same type, the largest ones weighing about 30 kg.

A pit with a depth of 30-40 cm is dug along the intended contour. On heavy clay soils, its bottom is covered with a layer of gravel of 10-15 cm, and on waterlogged soils it is increased to 20-25 cm. After this, fertile soil is poured into the pit above the level of the surrounding soil by 40-60 cm, and then lay out and install the stones, trying to achieve maximum naturalness of their placement. Spaces of varying sizes are left between the stones for planting plants.

For alpine slide select low-growing and creeping plants with brightly colored flowers, leaves or fruits. At the same time, coniferous species should also be included (creeping juniper, dwarf thuja, Canadian spruce) - they enrich the colorful flavor in spring and autumn. Correct selection plants provides decorative effect alpine hill not only during the growing season, but also in winter. From deciduous shrubs you can choose purple-leaved barberry, periwinkle, heather, hydrangea, honeysuckle, ivy, rhododendron, boxwood. Among the flowers, the rock garden will be decorated with pinnate carnation, creeping St. John's wort, goldenrod, iris, bellflower, crocus, and primrose.

Intensely colored flowers are planted in the center of the composition. It is better to plant flowers in groups or individually, but not scatter them all over the hill.

When arranging your garden plot yourself, you can also think about installing a small reservoir in decorative purposes. Such a small pool can be made from concrete ring, which is dug in 5 cm below ground level. A 20 cm layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom, compacted while pouring water, then poured cement mortar(1:3). The rings are laid along the upper perimeter paving slabs, and the joints are sealed with mortar. You can plant water lilies, irises, and reeds in it. Caring for such a reservoir involves changing the water.

A small swimming pool with communications can be made by separately concreteing its bottom and walls, which are reinforced with reinforcement. In order for water to flow out of it better, the bottom is tilted to the side. drain pipe, which, in turn, is also installed at an angle. Water from the pool is drained into a general sewer or drainage well, which is installed under drainage in the lowest place. The fill pipe should be slightly higher than the water level in the pool. If you install a spray head, you will get a fountain that looks very attractive.