What is a dendroplan of a site and how to properly develop it? On methodological recommendations for drawing up dendrological plans and accounting statements What a dendroplan looks like in a project

The cutting down or replanting of green spaces on the territory allocated for development is determined by legislative norms for the protection environment. In accordance with the rules of work, the developer must obtain special permission- felling ticket, in the presence of bushes and trees that are subject to destruction or replanting. This requires dendrological research. In this article we will get acquainted with the composition of these works, and also consider what a dendroplane is (examples ready-made plans will be given for maximum clarity).

Conducting dendrological research

Before starting construction design on a site with existing green spaces, it is necessary to carry out dendrological studies, including drawing up a dendroplan and a counting sheet indicating data on the location of all trees and shrubs growing on the territory. The drawing can be combined with a tree-by-tree topographic plan (scale 1:500). Without carrying out dendrological surveys, it is impossible to obtain a felling permit, which grants the right to cut down or replant plantings on the territory of future development.

Engineers are faced with the task of studying in detail the age, species and type of trees (shrubs), as well as estimating their cost. Specialists conduct research in accordance with regulatory documents and develop necessary recommendations to minimize damage to nature during the construction (restoration) of objects. Upon completion of the work, a dendrological plan is drawn up and a subsequent examination is carried out. There are standards for the distance between objects and green spaces, which the developer must adhere to. This is impossible without dendrological research.

It is recommended to draw up a dendroplan simultaneously with geological surveys. If this drawing is missing, it is simply impossible to maintain the gaps between planting areas, as well as the standard distances between the axes of plants and buildings.
A well-designed dendroplan allows developers to make informed decisions on optimal placement site in relation to existing green spaces to comply with state environmental protection requirements.

Composition of engineering surveys on dendrology

    Inventory of green spaces, examination of their current condition.

    Estimating the compensation value of trees to be cut down.

    Compiling a list of all green spaces indicating qualitative, species and quantitative characteristics.

    Creation of a dendroplane, statement of account and explanatory note.

The main goal of dendrological research is to minimize harm to nature during the construction or reconstruction of objects, as well as to protect the environment.

What is a dendroplane?

A professional dendroplane allows developers to accept economically profitable solutions on the placement of objects on the ground in relation to existing plantings, taking into account state requirements for nature protection. It is a special topographic map of the site with a detailed indication of the number of green spaces, the perimeter of their location, as well as species and quality characteristics.
Each individual shrub, lawn or tree on the dendroplane is assigned a number. Sometimes it can be fractional. In this case, the numerator denotes the number assigned to the plant in the transfer sheet, and the denominator - total planting material. The drawing uses symbols. Single plants are displayed as a circle, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the crown of a bush or tree at the required scale. Group plantings are depicted in the form of geometric shapes.
As a rule, a scale of 1:500 is used to develop a drawing, but in some cases more detailed detailing may be needed - 1:100 or 1:200, for example, if you need to indicate in detail information about plantings (height, species, diameter). Special attention When performing dendrological surveys, they pay attention to historical, valuable, coniferous, relict trees and shrubs.

The drawing indicates:

    Location land plot.

    Ecological, biological characteristics, as well as the characteristics of all plants present on the site of future development.

    Composition and properties of soil.

    Illumination of the area.

    Other data in accordance with customer requirements.

Features of documentation.

Currently, the balance sheet and dendroplan are required to be included in the package project documentation(if there are green spaces on the site). There are many nuances that need to be taken into account when developing this documentation, so it is important to entrust the work to qualified engineers with relevant experience.

Statement of accounting as part of the dendrological plan

As part of any design documentation (for reconstruction, construction or major renovation) includes a dendrological study of the territory. The purpose of this work is to study the green spaces growing in the area. Based on the results of the survey, specialists are developing a dendroplane, which allows for an objective assessment of the situation regarding the location of objects, existing shrubs and trees.
An addition to the dendrological plan is a tally sheet indicating the amount of vegetation. It contains the maximum full information about all green spaces located on the site, including serial numbers of shrubs and trees, as well as their dimensions (height, diameter), species names. In addition, the accounting statement indicates the current state of the plantings (dry branches, diseases, damage) and the compensation cost of the vegetation. The statement reflects the results of a field survey of the area, which is carried out by dendrologist engineers.

The characteristics specified in the documentation may vary depending on the requirements specified by the customer and the goals of the dendrological study.

The accounting statement contains the following data:

    Plant number (according to the dendroplane).

    Name of the plant (in Latin as well as national languages).

    Plant age and diameter.

    Condition at the time of the study.

    Crown projection and type of root system.

    The designer's decision on the need to cut down or replant a bush (tree).

    Other characteristics.

It should be noted that carrying out dendrological surveys involves the creation of a dendroplan (main drawing), a counting (inventory) sheet, as well as an explanatory note, which explains the goals and methodology of the work, and also indicates information about the land plot. Its registration is carried out in accordance with current regulations.

The dendroplane and tally sheet contain detailed information about the characteristics of each plant. This allows you to determine its compensation value. Only after these works have been carried out is it possible to competently compile a list of existing plantings that interfere with the construction of the facility, as well as draw up a plan for planting new vegetation upon completion construction work.

Examples of ready-made dendroplanes

What documents are required to create a dendroplane?

When submitting an application for registration and approval of a dendroplane and a balance sheet by highly qualified specialists of the Hektar Group company, we recommend that you make sure that you have the necessary package of documents.

To create a dendroplane you need:

  • Situational plan of the area on a scale of 1:2000 indicating the boundaries of the land plot.
  • Geobase (in digital modern format).
  • Permits for work.

In what cases is dendrological research required?

A dendrological plan is necessary when carrying out restoration, construction or repair work, if it is planned to replant or cut down trees (shrubs) on the site. In this case, you need to obtain a logging ticket and a conclusion from the regulatory authority (Department of Natural Resources). Only if these documents are available, the developer has the right to replant or cut down green spaces.
If plants are destroyed or damaged during the work, the developer must fully compensate for their cost and carry out landscaping of the area upon completion of construction in order to compensate for the damage caused. A dendroplane is also necessary when designing landscape design for a visual representation of the composition. In addition, it is required to carry out work on landscaping the land.

A dendrological plan is an obligatory component of competent landscaping of a land plot, regardless of its intended purpose. The creation of gardens and park areas, as well as the harmonious distribution of shrubs and trees, is essential for urban planning. These events are also important element urban ecology.

A dendroplane is required in the following situations:

    To carry out construction or restoration work in areas with green spaces.

    To carry out landscaping work.

    When designing landscape design.

Passing the state examination

One of the most important natural resources are trees and shrubs. They perform the function of environmental elements that influence the state of the ecology.

Dendrological examination is a tool that allows you to determine the current state of green spaces and the nature of their damage. It is in the interests of forestry and cities to preserve the maximum number of growing specimens.

Based on the results of dendrological research, the Mosgosstroynadzor (State Construction Supervision) Committee is obliged to provide a conclusion to continue the development of the project. For this purpose, the compiled dendroplan undergoes state examination. This is a mandatory procedure, since it is extremely important that construction is not carried out to the detriment of nature. After studying the project, Mosgosstroynadzor makes a decision on the legal replanting or cutting down of plantings.
Conducting dendrological surveys is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

    GOST R 55935-2013,

    GOST R 55528-2013,

    Law of Moscow dated 05.05.1999 No. 17.

It should be taken into account that this document is valid for 4 years from the date of examination by the regulatory authorities. After this period, repeated research is required. When updating the dendroplane, a mandatory reconciliation with the reconciliation sheet is carried out.

What affects the cost of work?

The price of creating a dendroplane largely depends on the purpose of the work: landscaping, submission to the regulatory department to obtain a decision on replanting or cutting down plantings, as well as other tasks. The cost is influenced by the area of ​​the study area and the amount of green space. In addition, pricing is influenced by factors such as the availability (location) of the plot.
It is recommended to think about preparing this document in advance to avoid the need to overpay for urgency and make smart decisions in a timely manner at the design stage.

What factors influence pricing?

  • Availability of land (location).
  • Number of green spaces (shrubs, trees and shoots).

    The number of engineers on site required to draw up the plan.

    Detail (scale) of the dendroplane.

    Objectives of the work and the scope of required research.

    Project implementation timeframe.

We hope that this article was as useful as possible for you. Now you know what a dendroplane is (examples of ready-made plans are given above). Subscribe to our social media to get the maximum useful information in the field of engineering surveys.

(as amended as of May 26, 2016,
with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to the resolutions of the Moscow Government:

dated 03/07/2006 No. 156-PP, dated 05/26/2015 No. 290-PP)

The rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities of the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2002 No. 743-PP, define the requirements for the symbols of green spaces on dendroplanes when developing project documentation. However, dendrological plans and tally sheets of green spaces presented by design institutes do not have a single approved form, which creates difficulties in checking them.

In order to streamline the submission of documents when developing project documentation, the Moscow Government decides:

2. The Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow shall be guided by the methodological recommendations (clause 1) when approving design documentation for the construction, reconstruction and major repairs of buildings, structures and utilities and improvement projects.

3. The Moscow Committee for Architecture and Architecture should bring to the attention of design organizations the methodological recommendations (clause 1) for guidance in the development of dendroplanes and accounting sheets of green spaces.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the head of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow A.O. Kulbachevsky.

Mayor of Moscow

Yu.M. Luzhkov

1. General Provisions

1.1 Dendroplan is a topographical plan showing the placement of trees and shrubs, obtained as a result of geodetic survey accompanied by a transfer sheet.

1.2. The dendroplan is compiled:

When developing design documentation for construction, major repairs and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities. In this case, it ensures the choice of rational placement of the designed construction projects in order to maximize the preservation of healthy and ornamental plants;

When issuing a passport for an existing object, it serves to visually display the actual location and accounting of green spaces of this object.

2. Dendroplane as part of construction design documentation

2.1. The development of design documentation for construction, major repairs and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities, is carried out on the basis of a geological basis ordered by the customer from Mosgorgeotrest with an inventory plan of green spaces for the entire development site (appendix to the methodological recommendations).

2.2. Inventory plan - topographic survey with information on the number of trees, shrubs and lawns on the site.

All trees that reach a diameter of 8 cm at a height of 1.3 m are taken into account.

The inventory plan distinguishes coniferous and deciduous trees of group 1 (spruce, pine, larch); if necessary, broad-leaved and small-leaved trees can be distinguished.

2.3. Based on the obtained geological basis and inventory plan, the design organization develops a development project (stroygenplan), where the main planning decisions and volumes of capital investments are determined, incl. for compensatory landscaping. At the same time, the volumes of felling and replanting in general for the development site are determined, and the compensation cost is calculated.

At this stage, the number of trees and shrubs that fall into the construction zone is determined without being specified on the inventory plan (without developing a dendroplane).

The inventory plan is valid for 4 years, after which it must be updated by a dendrologist based on the results of a field survey.

2.4. After approval of the design and estimate documentation for development, major repairs and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities, a working draft is developed specifying planning solutions, utilities and construction organization. At this stage, a dendroplan is developed, on which work zones are identified, and all tree and shrub plants to be preserved, cut down and replanted are marked with symbols in accordance with paragraphs of this appendix.

When developing a dendroplan, the numbering of plants in the inventory plan is preserved.

The shape of the dendroplane is given in the appendix to the methodological recommendations.

2.5. The geological basis for developing a project and drawing up a dendroplan should be the first copy of the original, because each subsequent copy leads to a distortion of the situation with an error of 0.5 cm on the plan or up to 2.5 meters in reality.

2.6. The construction plan should show existing buildings, structures, projected construction and reconstruction projects, access roads, crane tracks, storage areas for building materials, placement of utility camps and other temporary structures, utilities indicating the security zone and work zone, storage areas vegetable soil, wheel washing stations, storage of industrial waste.

When developing a construction plan, the distance standards from structures to the plant axis must be met (Table 1).

Table 1

Distances from structures to the axis of plants (MGSN 1.01.98)

Distance reference limits

Minimum distance to the plant axis, m



Exterior wall buildings and constructions

Exterior wall of a school building or building kindergarten


Tram track axis

edge of the sidewalk and garden path

The edge of the roadway of the streets, the edge of the reinforced strip of the roadside and the edge of the ditch

Mast and support lighting network, tram, columns of galleries and overpasses

Base of slope and terrace

Base and inner edge of retaining walls

Underground communications:

gas pipeline, sewerage

heat pipeline, pipeline, heating network

water supply, drainage

power cable and communication cable


The given standards apply to trees with a crown diameter of no more than 5 m and should be increased accordingly for trees of larger diameter.

When planting trees and shrubs near the external walls of buildings, structures, and children's institutions, it is necessary to comply with standard levels of insolation and natural light.

2.7. The construction plan, combined with the dendroplan, is agreed upon with the balance holder of the territory, the head of the district government, the administration of the administrative district and is approved as part of the design and urban planning documentation in the prescribed manner.

3. Symbols of trees and shrubs on the dendroplane

3.1. The symbols for trees on the dendroplane are standard, used in Mosgorgeotrest, and must strictly comply with the symbols established by the Rules creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities of the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2002 No. 743-PP.

The dendroplane indicates existing trees and shrubs located in the zone construction site and outside it in the directions of utilities, roads, etc., with special signs.

Trees to be saved are indicated by an open circle, trees to be cut down are indicated by a completely filled circle, and trees to be replanted are indicated by a half-filled circle.

3.2. The size of the tree symbol on the dendroplane is 3.0 mm. Color - black and white.

If the drawing is heavily loaded, it is possible to reduce the size of the circle to 2.0 mm.

3.3. The following trees should be highlighted on the dendroplane:

Particularly valuable;




Trees are highlighted in the form of an enlarged circle around the tree or by color.

3.4. Multi-stemmed trees are indicated by a single tree symbol.

3.5. Group plantings of trees and shrubs, if it is impossible to designate them with separate circles (in the case of dense plantings), are indicated by an oval, the size corresponding to the area of ​​the plot (on a scale) occupied by the group.

3.6. Overgrowth and self-seeding are indicated similarly to shrubs by an outline and assigned a serial number.

3.7. The error in placing the symbol on the dendroplane is allowed 1 mm (0.5 meters in situ).

3.8. Each plant marked on the dendroplane has its own serial number, corresponding to the number in the count sheet.

3.9. The dendroplane can be produced on electronic or paper media M 1:500.

3.10. An example of a dendroplane fragment is presented in the appendix to the methodological recommendations.

4. Receipt sheet

4.1. The tally sheet of green spaces is compiled in the form of Appendix 13 to the “Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities of the city of Moscow”, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2002 No. 743-PP, with the addition of the object details (name and postal address ), order numbers, correction factors and summing up the totals in accordance with the paragraph of these guidelines (appendix to the guidelines). The accounting sheet is prepared on paper and magnetic (or electronic) media.

4.3. The first column of the accounting sheet indicates the serial number of the tree or shrub corresponding serial number on a dendrological level.

4.4. The second column provides a description of the species composition of trees and shrubs corresponding to the serial number, indicating the number of trunks. The stemness of trees is determined by the number of trunks in the butt part (the place where the trunk transitions to the root).

4.5. The third and fourth columns indicate the number of trees (shrubs) counted under this number. The results for the third and fourth columns are summed up at the end of the counting sheet and determine the total number of woody plants located in the work area.

4.6. The fifth column indicates the diameter of the trees falling within the work area. The diameter of the tree trunk is determined with an accuracy of 2 cm at a height of 1.3 meters from the ground, accepted for the taxation of green spaces of category 1A (city parks). The diameter of the trunk is indicated in the counting sheet in even numbers (4, 6, 8... etc.).

4.7. The sixth column is filled in if there is inventory data on the age of plantings or, in some cases, on annual rings, the number of whorls coniferous trees or by taking samples (core) of wood with a drill.

4.8. The seventh column indicates the height of the tree, which is determined by the highest vertical point of the crown. Height measurement is carried out visually in the presence of an object nearby whose height is known or using an altimeter. The error in measuring tree height should not exceed 2 meters for trees over 5 m high and 0.5 m for trees up to 5 meters high.

4.9. The eighth column gives a qualitative description of the condition of the tree (shrub) - good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, emergency, dead. The shape of the crown, the percentage of dry branches in the crown, breaks of skeletal branches and tops, previously carried out types of crown pruning, the presence of basal shoots, mushroom bodies, signs of colonization by stem pests, hollows and frost cracks on the trunk, mechanical damage to the bark, the angle of inclination of the trunk from the vertical are indicated. , damage to the root system, branching of the trunk above the butt, etc.

4.10. When large trees are nominated for transplantation, the condition characteristics indicate the height of the trunk from the butt to the beginning of the crown. The optimal height is considered to be not exceeding 3 - 4 meters.

The higher location of the lower skeletal branches does not make it possible to carry out work on crown formation in the process of preparing trees for transplantation.

4.11. The decision on the preservation, replanting and cutting down of trees and shrubs is made based on the location of the plant on the construction plan, its decorative value, trunk diameter, height and condition characteristics and is indicated in the “conclusion” column (ninth column).


Tree replanting cannot be done under the following conditions:

Availability of utilities under replanted trees (MKS-TLF);

The presence of shells and temporary structures around trees to be replanted;

Impossibility of access of equipment;

Inability to form a lump of soil as required by the standards in thinned trees ( high density plantings, trees growing on construction waste. Near the foundations of buildings, fences, etc.).

4.12. The last column of the accounting statement contains the following information:

Compensatory cost for destroyed green spaces, calculated in accordance with the methodology approved by the Moscow Government Decree No. 616-PP dated July 29, 2003 “On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in the city of Moscow”;

Justification for exemption from payment of compensation cost if trees grow in the area of ​​utilities, in a five-meter zone of demolished buildings, low-value and self-seeded plantings, self-seeded deciduous trees have not reached a trunk thickness of 8 cm or green spaces are subject to felling due to sanitary conditions (dead, emergency) .

4.13. At the end of the balance sheet the results are summarized:

Total trees and shrubs;

The number of trees to be preserved, replanted, or cut down, highlighting the number of valuable and low-value species;

Number of trees and bushes cut down without payment of compensation cost:

a) in the security zone of engineering communications;

b) in a 5-meter demolition zone;

c) emergency and dry, self-seeding and shoots;

The area of ​​destroyed lawns, grass, flower beds;

Compensation cost for destroyed green spaces;

Cost of compensatory landscaping.

4.14. The accounting statement indicates the cost of compensatory landscaping for destroyed green spaces, calculated in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the amount of payments for cutting down green spaces and for carrying out compensatory landscaping when carrying out urban planning activities in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 29, 2003 No. 616- PP "On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in the city of Moscow."

4.15. The accounting sheet is signed by a dendrologist and a representative of the design organization, indicating the date of preparation of the accounting sheet.

The accounting statement is certified by the seal of the design organization.

Annex 1

An example of a green space inventory plan

Appendix 2

Example of a dendrological plan

Appendix 3

Receipt sheet No.

Name of the property _________________________________________________________

Mailing address ___________________________________________________________

Order number _______________ Correction factor for location of object


Correction factor for water conservation value (Kw) _______________________


Name of breeds

Quantity, pcs.

Diameter, cm

Age, see

Height, m

Characteristics of the state of green spaces


The compensation cost is calculated



Total trees and shrubs __________________, incl.

To be preserved:

trees ________

bushes _________

Subject to transplantation:

trees ________

bushes _________

To be cut down:

trees ________

bushes _________

Of these: on engineering communications

trees ________

bushes _________

in a 5 meter zone

trees ________

bushes _________

emergency and dry

trees ________

bushes _________

bushes _________

self-seeding (up to 8 cm)

trees ________

Area of ​​destroyed grass cover/lawn/ _________________________

Area of ​​destroyed flower beds ________________________________________

Compensation cost _________________ rubles

The cost of compensatory landscaping ______ rubles

Dendrologist ________ Representative of the design organization ____________ Date _____

Appendix 4

Calculation of the compensation cost for destroyed green spaces and the cost of compensatory landscaping

Appendix 4 has become invalid in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 26, 2016 No. 290-PP.

The PozitivProekt company uses a special software. A preliminary inspection of the territory is carried out, if required - topographic survey, assessment of existing plantings. The development of a dendroplane allows you to speed up landscaping and landscaping work, correctly determine the order in which they are carried out, and avoid mistakes in the selection of plants when planting them.

Drawing up a dendroplane

At the first stage, a drawing of the site is made on a scale of 1:500 (larger scales can be used). The drawing marks the boundaries of the site, the buildings located on it, and communication lines. Next, existing trees and shrubs are applied. For this purpose, special symbols are used (graphic symbols or circles with a diameter of 2-3 mm). For each existing tree, the species, age, height, and trunk diameter are indicated. Highlighted by color valuable trees(those that need to be saved). Another allocation is used for mature trees and shrubs that will be replanted during landscaping. Dotted lines are used to indicate self-seeding and young growth. Open circles correspond to trees and shrubs that need to be removed. Marks on the drawing are made with maximum accuracy, the error should not exceed 1 mm.

An accounting statement is drawn up as an appendix to the dendrological plan. It contains a list of shrubs and trees existing on the site. For each of them, the type, diameter of the trunks, height, number of dry branches, cracks, damage, hollows (in percentage) are specified. If a felling ticket is issued to remove a tree, its compensation cost is reflected in the accounting statement. Plants are included in the accounting sheet in the following order:

  • coniferous plants;
  • deciduous trees and shrubs;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • creepers.

For those plants that are only planned to be planted, a separate assortment list is compiled. It lists the species and varieties (in Russian and Latin), indicates the price of each seedling or large size, gives brief description for each plant.

The dendrological plan is drawn up in such a way as to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of shrubs and trees on the site. To do this, take into account:

  • conditions on the territory. Plants are selected so that soil and climatic conditions suit them. They are placed on the site taking into account the relief, illumination of a particular place, soil moisture, wind protection;
  • landscape design requirements. When choosing plants, take into account architectural style buildings, general concept of landscape design. Accent plants are identified - those on which participation will be concentrated. They are supplemented with structural plantings - shrubs, trees, annuals and perennials, which will highlight the features of accent plants;
  • species compatibility. The dendroplane is developed in such a way as to create a healthy phytocenosis (plant community in which different types and varieties complement each other and do not “conflict”). For example, they do not tolerate proximity to poplars, but grow well next to juniper or. When creating a dendroplane, a combination of species and varieties is formed in which the plants will not negatively affect each other;
  • seasonality. Select for landscaping decorative types, whose flowering periods are different. Due to this, the area looks bright throughout the warm season. To maintain an attractive appearance, coniferous plants are used;
  • care requirements. Plants characteristic of a particular region will take root best on the site. They will not require complex care. They are located on the territory in such a way as to ensure easy access to each of them - this will further facilitate and.

A dendrological plan helps to competently plan the landscaping of a site, to predict how the area will look immediately after completion of the work and several years later, when the planted plants become adults and their decorative qualities are maximally manifested. You can order landscape design and development of a dendrological plan from the PozitivProekt company.

Dendrological plan (project)

The name “Dendroproject” has become part of the practice of landscape gardening and construction, but it is not accurate enough. The basis of this name is Greek word"dendron" means tree. But a dendro project is a project of landscaping and placing on it not only trees, as one might conclude from its name, but also other plants used in garden construction and garden landscaping: shrubs, vines, lawn grass, flower plants(colors).

A garden planning project usually shows the placement of paths, structures and main groups of trees and shrubs. These groups are indicated by shaded outlines, individual circles, or other symbols. The task of the dendroplane is to decipher the content of these symbols; it must indicate exactly what is being planted and where. Basic The garden landscape is created not as a result of the placement of structures, paths, and platforms that are its constituent elements, but as a result of the spatial and volumetric placement of vegetation and its combinations. Therefore, the dendroplane is the main part of every garden, park and other landscaping project.

The choice of plant assortment for landscaping the garden and its placement in the garden depends on a number of factors: the purpose of the green object, the contingent and number of visitors, climatic and microclimatic factors, topography, soil, hydrological conditions, the presence of reservoirs, the vegetation available on the site, the surroundinglandscape designgarden, etc. All these factors must be taken into account when drawing up a dendroplan.

Dendroplanes are compiled using different methods:

In the note to the statement, it is necessary to note the features of the placement of plants in the group. For example, a curtain consists of birch and rowan. Against mountain ash, the note can, if necessary, be marked: placed along the edge. If the curtain consists of several types, then the note may indicate: place in a uniform mixture, etc.

Form I

Landing sheet

Curtain number

Name of plants

Curtain area m sq.

Quantity, pcs.





Berlin poplar

Hedge(50.0 X 0.6) in 2 rows every 0.5 m

Yellow acacia

Phlox paniculata, etc.


It is worth noting those cases of placing shrubs when they are used to create a hedge, as indicated in the above example of a planting list.

When identifying trees, shrubs or flowers in each clump, you need to measure its area and find in the specialized literature data on the nutritional area required for the designed plants, or find data on the standard placement of trees, shrubs and flowers.

If you have a task to create a dendro project, contact the specialists of our company “Ozelenitel Stroy”!

An important component of the process of preparing a territory for development and improvement is the preparation of dendrological documentation. This includes the dendrological plan (dendroplane) - special type a survey drawing and a table detailing the green space available on a plot of land, called a survey statement. Fast and in accordance regulatory requirements Our company, Izyskaniya MSK, can draw up a set of documents for a site located in Moscow or the Moscow region, which includes a dendroplane and a balance sheet.

Dendroplane for repair and construction work

Works related to:

  • construction;
  • reconstruction;
  • major repairs;

Engineering structures quite often cause damage to the green cover of a land plot. Including the largest representatives flora- trees. In order to maximize the conservation of nature and fully compensate for possible damage, it is permitted to begin work on the site after we have drawn up and agreed with the environmental protection authorities. natural environment dendrological information:

  • number of trees, shrubs;
  • their condition;
  • a list of trees scheduled for felling;
  • list of trees to be replanted.

We plot each tree on the dendrological plan of the site, and base the dendroplan itself on a topographic survey plan we had drawn up earlier or a copy from the general plan of the territory (with roads, buildings, engineering networks, underground and high communications).

Attention! The dendroplan and the inventory list of green spaces do not give the right to begin cutting down until they are approved by local environmental authorities.
Photo 1. Dendrological plan and statement in Moscow and the region

Dendrological plan for landscaping and landscaping

To carry out activities for proper landscaping and landscaping of the site, a previously drawn up dendrological plan, in the form of a tree planting scheme, is also required. But drawing up a dendroplane of this type requires a completely different approach from our specialists. The development of a dendroplane for landscaping as part of a landscape design project should take into account the normal living conditions necessary for the plants being planted:

  1. We must take into account the solar conditions. Each tree, decorative and berry bush need a certain mode of receiving sunlight, appropriate geographical area where they come from. You can ensure the optimal mode right place rooting (on a suitable side of the slope, in a shaded or, conversely, sunny area of ​​the site).
  2. We also take into account soil conditions. We compile a dendroplan of the site simultaneously with a soil cover map (if the owner of the territory wants to decorate the territory with flora that loves various soils). Soil moisture is also an important factor.
  3. It is also important to take into account biological compatibility various types trees in group plantings. A dendroplan for landscaping, drawn up without regard to it, will lead to the fact that some trees will oppress others.
  4. In addition to the biological one, our dendroplane also takes into account the trees’ need for care. Each tree should be in an accessible area of ​​the site (and not only when planting, but also in the long term).
  5. The purpose of the landscaping dendroplane is not only to take care of the plants and the beauty of the site. The plan we draw up must ensure that trees do not pose a threat to:
    1. building foundation;
    2. underground cable and pipeline communications;
    3. poles, power supply and communication wires stretched between them.
Important! A truly high-quality and comprehensively balanced dendrological plan can be drawn up by us with the participation of a landscape design specialist.

Dendroplan of the site for approval of tree cutting

If the construction site is allocated on an area that is not a wasteland, but covered with woody vegetation, then with a high degree of certainty it can be said that the developer will need to develop a dendroplan and an accounting sheet to coordinate the cutting down of some of the trees that interfere with construction work (obtaining a felling ticket). To obtain a felling permit, our dendrological survey results are submitted to the environmental management department. On the dendrological plan that we draw up for the purpose of justifying the felling, each tree must not only be tied to a system of horizontal geodetic coordinates, but also assigned to a group of a certain category. In the process of classifying trees, we pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • height;
  • trunk diameter;
  • crown diameter;
  • hollowness;
  • presence of damage, dry branches.

This data is important for the correct assessment of trees in ruble equivalent, carried out by the environmental supervision authority in order to determine the compensation cost that the cutter is obliged to pay to the state budget.

Important! The prepared dendroplan and tally sheet of green spaces serve not only to coordinate the destruction of unnecessary trees on the site. Based on these documents, the environmental service controls the landowner’s landscaping work, which he is obliged to carry out on a scale equivalent to the number of cut down plants.

Dendroplan and balance sheet - tools for accounting for green spaces

Another reason why you may need to order a dendroplan of a site from our company is to draw up a land lease agreement from a city or district. Among other responsibilities, the tenant must include in the estimate of necessary expenses the cost of a dendroplane for conducting an inventory of green spaces available on the site.

Inventory is carried out in order to determine:

  • cost of plants;
  • their physical condition;
  • the need for preservation or the possibility of write-off (with subsequent uprooting or cutting down).

The cost of the dendroplane and the accounting sheet compiled during the inventory process includes:

  1. our complete description of the vegetation cover of the land plot (including shrubs, “living” stumps, small growth, grass);
  2. we topographically map the trunk of each tree, including small trees that are less than a year old;
  3. identification and recording of damage to trees (caused by people, animals, severe frosts, winds, lightning strikes).

We record dry trees, plants exposed to diseases, or pest infestations separately in the statement. If the tree has dried only partially, then our employees calculate the percentage of living and dried branches (this information is subsequently taken into account by specialists when making a decision regarding the preservation or liquidation of the tree).

Important! During the inventory, our company pays great attention to assessing the possible impact (taking into account growth prospects) of tree roots and branches on structures. Including underground water pipelines, gas lines, sewer collectors. We notify the customer of identified facts of this kind in special notes, the presence of which is provided for in the dendroplan and the balance sheet.

How long does it take to develop a dendroplane and a balance sheet?

It is impossible to answer this question without knowing which area we're talking about. If the area is small (about ten acres), dendrological survey will not take much time, and we will be able to provide the results of the work to the customer within a couple of days. But when you need to examine a large area in a forest or park area measured in hectares, the compilation of dendrological documentation will require several weeks of intensive work from our specialists.

Accordingly, the price of the dendroplane with the transfer sheet will increase.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, dendrological site plans are ordered from us both for landscape design and in order to comply with environmental legislation. The results of our company’s work allow us to competently plan the use of trees in landscaping land plots, protect plantings from unreasonable destruction.