Insulation of the veranda roof. Technology for insulating a veranda in a wooden house. Insulation materials

Veranda in wooden house, usually performed whole line functions. This is both the vestibule in front of the entrance to the house and the location summer kitchen, and a warehouse for gifts received from the garden or vegetable garden and temporarily stored or processed for the winter. Sometimes the veranda can serve as a greenhouse, where spring period grow seedlings. Therefore, many people think about how to insulate the veranda in the simplest and cheapest way so that it serves the needs of the home owners for as long as possible both in spring and autumn, when the temperatures outside have already reached sub-zero temperatures.

As a rule, verandas attached to a house have a fairly large area, not comparable to a balcony or loggia of a city apartment. Also distinctive feature veranda is big square windows

These factors make it necessary to approach the insulation work with your own hands with full responsibility and try to achieve the maximum effect in giving the veranda room heat-saving properties.

Selection of material for insulation

The choice of insulation that will be used during work is one of the main points that will further determine the order of work. Since in most cases the verandas in the house have frame base sheathed in one or two layers with boards, then it would be advisable to use steam and breathable insulation (mineral wool) as insulation.

This choice is due to the fact that insulation materials based on polyurethane foam (foam plastic, penoplex) are practically airtight materials.

And, despite the fact that they are easier to work with than mineral wool, and foam plastic is also cheap, they can be used for insulation wooden structures Not recommended. Condensation will form between the layer of foam plastic or penoplex and the wooden surface, which will lead to rapid deterioration and rotting of the wood.

In addition, both materials are quite flammable, and when burned they release deadly poisonous dioxin. The only one possible option The use of these insulation materials is external insulation of the walls of the veranda with installation of insulation over the sheathing, which allows air to circulate freely between the insulation boards and wooden wall verandas.

But the effectiveness of such insulation will be significantly lower than the use of mineral wool insulation in combination with foil insulation (penofol or isolon) when insulating a veranda from the inside of the room.

The order of preparatory work

If the insulation of the veranda in the house is carried out during the construction process, then no preparatory work is required. Simply, before covering the insulated veranda with finishing materials with inside the room is laid with a layer of selected insulation according to the technology, and the top is covered with plasterboard, plywood, plastic panels or “lining” - whichever suits your taste best.

But, if the problem of insulating the veranda arose in a built house, when the veranda was in use, a considerable amount of work will have to be done to prepare it for insulation.

It is advisable to start insulating the veranda from the inside from the ceiling of the room. Since the veranda usually has a flat roof and it is impossible to lay a layer of insulation between it and the ceiling while in the missing attic, all work will have to be carried out only from inside the room, just like on the balcony. To do this, the ceiling covering is dismantled. It is attached to the exposed sheathing, when washed construction stapler, vapor barrier film (membrane with one-way permeability) over the entire roof area with a perimeter release of 15-20 cm of freely hanging film. The joints of the film sheets are taped with tape.

If insulation is carried out with soft mats mineral wool, then small nails are first driven into the floor beams in a checkerboard pattern, leaving 10-15 mm unhampered. You will have to work with an assistant. One will hold the mineral wool mat, and the second will “lace” it to the ceiling using hammered nails and a nylon cord. You can use pre-prepared thin fiberboard strips that will help fix the slabs to the ceiling. After fixing the mats on the ceiling, do not forget to finish off the nails!

The second stage is laying foil insulation (penofol, isolon) with foil inside the room. It is better to fix it in a combined way: with glue and staplers. Penofol is very lightweight material, so there is no need to fasten it as securely as mineral wool. The joints of penofol sheets are glued with foil tape.

After laying penofol on the ceiling, the main covering is installed - plasterboard or any other material.

Wall insulation

Insulation of walls from the inside is carried out in the same sequence as insulation of the ceiling. The only difference is the thickness of the insulation. If mineral slabs or expanded polystyrene with a thickness of more than 50 mm are rarely used for the ceiling, then material up to 100 mm thick can be used for the walls.

Installing insulation on walls is much simpler and can already be done by one person. You should start laying the insulation from the bottom, and if the wall area is large, try to lay it in a checkerboard pattern, so that the joints between the insulation boards do not go through the entire wall.

Having finished installing the insulation on the walls, they are also covered with the main decorative material. On verandas this is usually used wooden “lining” or MDF boards. They “breathe” well, so the veranda is usually fresh and cool.

Floor insulation

As a rule, the final stage of work on insulating the veranda from the inside, which requires a large amount of work and time, is insulating the floor.

You can insulate both the space under the existing floor by filling it with expanded clay of the middle fraction, and the directly existing subfloor. The first method requires complete removal of the flooring and labor-intensive work of filling expanded clay gravel over the entire area of ​​the veranda.

In the second case, insulation can be done according to the existing wooden floor by laying a layer of insulation on top of it.

If it is mineral wool, you will need to install a sheathing on top of the existing floor, and the thickness of the block should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. The distance between the lathing lags is made 2-5 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that the mineral wool mats fit tightly into the lathing, with some effort.

After this, a layer of penofol is laid and, as the final stage, the floor is laid.

If the insulation is carried out with foam boards, then the installation of sheathing is not required. It is directly laid over the existing wood floor. A vapor-permeable film must be placed underneath it. It is fixed either with “fungi” dowels or T-shaped brackets.

On top of the penoplex, you can also lay a layer of penofol with foil inside the room. On top of such a coating you can immediately lay any flooring material: linoleum, laminate, parquet, plank flooring.

Insulation of veranda windows

Typically verandas or terraces are not intended for use in winter time, so the glazing on them is most often single. No matter how much effort is made to insulate the ceiling, walls and floor of the veranda, it is not capable of retaining heat, since more than 70% of it leaves the room through the windows. If you find it advisable to install on the veranda plastic windows at least with double glazing, the heat will be better retained.

But even if you do not plan to change the single-glazed frames on your veranda, you can somewhat reduce heat loss by using heat-saving films. They can only be used in winter period(from October to March), but in the autumn-spring season they can, to some extent, smooth out temperature changes outside and inside the veranda.

The heat-saving film is mounted on double-sided tape glued around the perimeter of the veranda frame and, after gluing, is treated with hot air from a household hair dryer.

Thanks to its ability to reflect up to 30% of infrared radiation tending to leave the room, it is almost equivalent to second glazing.

Insulating the veranda from the inside has one significant drawback. As a result of the work carried out, the “dew point” shifts from the outer surface of the walls, where moisture evaporates freely, to inner surface material with which the veranda is sheathed. If it is wood, then it will quickly begin to rot and become affected by mold.

Therefore, it is better to insulate the veranda from the outside. In this case, the dew point should theoretically move into the insulation and the walls will last longer.


Verandas, like terraces or balconies, are premises intended for use in the summer. Any work on their insulation is quite labor-intensive and ineffective without organizing constant heating during the cold season. And this requires large quantity electricity or fuel used to heat private homes. Therefore, before you insulate the veranda with your own hands, think! It is hardly worth starting such work unless absolutely necessary. That's what these are for utility rooms their functional features to be used for its intended purpose, and not as additional living space in the house.

The veranda is an excellent place where you can have tea with family or friends, or just relax. In hot weather, it turns into the most popular area of ​​the house, but when the temperature drops, the situation changes dramatically, because no one wants to sit in the cold.

But there is a way out of this situation. You just need to find out how to insulate the veranda and conduct necessary processes. Properly performed insulation will help preserve established amenities and prevent the occurrence of black spots that form when the temperature drops.

The number of materials that can be used for insulation is simply enormous. But among them we can single out those that are given the greatest preference among consumers, because they have proven themselves to be excellent with their positive qualities.

Mineral wool

  • The material allows air to pass through, which reduces humidity inside the room.
  • The insulation is fire-resistant and is excellent for verandas of wooden buildings.
  • It has excellent water resistance, repelling moisture and allowing you to maintain a favorable indoor microclimate.
  • Mineral wool suppresses sounds perfectly. A veranda using this material eliminates noise from the street, adding additional amenities.
  • The insulation is environmentally friendly. It does not contain any harmful substances and has no odor.

Mineral wool is used for insulation of floors, ceilings, walls and ceilings. There is a huge assortment on the market that allows you to choose the perfect suitable look from various manufacturers. It is suitable both for covering the veranda and for complete insulation of the house.


  • Foam plastic without special effort insulation is carried out. The sheets are fastened using special glue or mechanical fasteners.
  • The structure of the material allows you to retain heat inside the terrace in winter and create coolness in summer.
  • The product does not contain toxic substances. It does not harbor mold and various types of insects. It is quite often used behind drywall or under floor screed.
  • Used as insulation for ceilings, walls and flooring.


  • The insulation is suitable for both independent and combined use with other similar products.
  • Installation is carried out without difficulties. The material is fire resistant and is ideal as insulation for houses with wooden verandas.
  • Penofol does not emit or contain any substances hazardous to health.
  • The product has a foil layer, thanks to which the veranda receives an additional level of protection from winter frosts.
  • The material perfectly resists the entry of cold street air.

Expanded polystyrene

The product's characteristics are very similar to polystyrene foam. It is highly durable and can be easily finished. Perfectly suited as insulation for a terrace.

Polyurethane foam

This product is distributed in 3 different types: flexible slabs, rough panels and in inflatable form. The advantages include easy installation and low weight. The disadvantages are poor tolerance to mechanical stress and significantly high cost.

Polystyrene foam and mineral wool are the most popular among consumers. They are profitable and excellent insulation for the veranda, which have a number of positive properties and allow you to save a decent amount of money.

The process of insulating the veranda

Insulating a veranda with your own hands is quite simple if you thoroughly understand all the stages of the work being carried out. Basically, the terrace is built on the same foundation as the house. Typically these are concrete slabs or a monolithically poured concrete base. In winter, 20% of the heat leaks through it, so before insulating the veranda, you need to insulate the foundation of the structure. This process is carried out without any particular difficulties. Polystyrene foam boards need to be glued to the surface of the base.


First of all, when insulating a terrace, the floor is insulated. Some people do not attach much importance to this process, limiting themselves only to the treatment of ceilings and walls, believing that it is not necessary to insulate floor surfaces and are deeply mistaken. In wooden verandas the floor is often laid as follows: on the ground or concrete base logs are laid on which boards are then placed and installed. For insulation it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

  • remove boards;
  • between installed logs it is necessary to secure wooden beams with screws;
  • insulation is placed in the resulting compartments - mineral wool, penoplex or foam boards;
  • when settling mineral wool, additional insulation is required when using foil or film, which will eliminate the possibility of getting wet;
  • remaining empty seats sealed with foam for installation;
  • Now you can put the floorboards back.

Lining inside

Insulation of the veranda can be done both from the street and from the inside. With insulation on both sides, it will be possible to achieve an incredible level of protection for the terrace during winter frosts, retaining much more heat.

  1. Initially, all existing cracks are sealed.
  2. Then you need to build a frame from a wooden beam.
  3. Next, a special one is attached to the beam waterproofing film. It is better to install it from the inside using a construction stapler, thanks to which the process will take less time and will be much more convenient.
  4. After these procedures, a frame is constructed from timber or a metal profile, which is filled with foam plastic or other similar material. It is desirable that the distance between the metal profiles correspond to the width of the insulation itself.
  5. Drywall is installed on top of the frame.
  6. The final stage is plastering, painting or installing artificial covering on the surface of the walls.

Ceiling insulation

To achieve an effective level of insulation of the veranda, the ceiling of the room must also be insulated. This procedure is quite labor-intensive. For high-quality work done, you should initially decide on the insulation and application or installation technology.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the attic is mainly carried out during the construction of the terrace, but if it was not there initially, then it can be built some time later. Sheets of polystyrene foam or other insulating material and vapor barrier are placed into the rafter frame.

It will be a little more difficult to insulate the terrace from the inside. The thermal insulation process can be done in one of several ways.

First way:

  1. First, a frame of 3x3 cm beams is built on the ceiling.
  2. The resulting cells are settled insulation material with similar thickness.
  3. Afterwards the ceiling is covered with plasterboard.
  4. The final stage is painting or plastering the surface.

Second way:

  1. Instead of the old ceiling covering, OSB or plywood is laid.
  2. Behind this is a film for waterproofing.
  3. A frame is constructed from beams in which mineral wool, polystyrene foam or another type of insulation is placed.
  4. At the end, the constructed structure of beams is covered with film, on top of which the lining is hammered.

Third way

  • The third method is the easiest. Frameless insulation is carried out only using solid material.
  • Sheets of foam plastic are fixed on the ceiling itself without any specially equipped structures.
  • Next, a construction mesh is placed on the ceiling, which is covered with putty.

External wall insulation

To insulate the veranda yourself, you will need liquid polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. But when placed on moving soils, the second one may crack, after which a waterproofing procedure will be required from the inside, because it will begin to draw moisture from the ground. Polyurethane foam is in a liquid state. It is sprayed onto the base, and when hardened, it forms a fairly hard coating.

Wooden walls

The outer part of the terrace is insulated differently, depending on the base material. The wood surface is processed as follows:

  • All existing gaps are filled.
  • The sheathing is constructed in a vertical position. It is advisable to make it in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation, especially if it is sheet, due to which during installation there will be a tight fit to the frame.
  • Mineral wool is placed in the resulting compartments, which is secured using dowels.
  • A waterproofing film is stretched over the top and secured with a construction stapler.
  • The final stage is finishing with clapboard or wall cladding.

Brick walls

Sheets of expanded polystyrene are glued to the constructed walls made of blocks or bricks and secured with dowels. The top of the slabs is also covered with an adhesive mixture and laid construction mesh. Once dry, the surface is plastered and painted in the desired color.

Having learned how to insulate a veranda, many will be able to carry out the above steps on their own, without involving outside specialists. Having completed all the steps correctly, you don’t have to worry about a comfortable and cozy stay on the terrace even in winter, when there is a terrible frost outside the window.

Country houses are in fashion today. Some are the happy owners of a summer house, and many even prefer to live away from the bustle of the city. Of course, everyone strives to make their homes more comfortable and beautiful, so they decorate them with verandas and terraces. These extensions need to be distinguished. Without going into details, a terrace is an open area without walls, and a veranda is part of the house, but, as a rule, without heating.

In summer, such premises are good for various gatherings, but with the onset of the cold season they cease to be used. However, you don’t have to deny yourself and your loved ones the usual pastime. Insulating the veranda will help maintain its comfort at any time of the year. Of course, it is best to think about this at the construction stage, but even in a finished house purchased or in a veranda added later, you can correct the situation.

So, there is no point in insulating the terrace, but you can take care of comfort on the veranda. As a rule, insulation is a set of measures aimed at improving the heat-saving properties of walls, windows, ceilings, but you need to start from the floor, because the cold rises from below.

The procedure will depend on how the floor is made, which can be concrete, laid on a solid foundation, or wooden on supports.

Insulation from below

Insulation of floors on a concrete base

  1. When making a concrete foundation for a future veranda, you need to start work with backfilling of sand and gravel cushion. river sand(or another, the main thing is that it is not small and without clay impurities) is poured into the foundation pit and compacted. Then comes a layer of crushed stone or gravel, which also needs to be compacted.
    Such a pillow will not allow the cold coming from below to the concrete slab and will protect it from capillary moisture, which can rise through channels less than 0.5 mm wide. The thickness of the layers of sand and stone depends on the type of soil and the structures being built.
  2. On top of stone for greater reliability lay the reinforcing mesh from rods with a cross section of 10-12 mm and The foundation is filled with a solution based on frost-resistant concrete.
  3. The concrete is covered with a layer of waterproofing: roofing felt or similar material, and placed on top insulation layer. For example, you can take mineral wool slabs.
  4. The insulation, in turn, is also covered a layer of waterproofing film, and on top of this whole “pie” they put reinforced concrete slabs or a reinforced screed is made.

Such a foundation will be a good barrier to the cold rising from the ground, and will also protect the veranda from dampness. In addition, a concrete floor allows you to take additional insulation measures.

Floor insulation on supports or piles

With this type of foundation, the floor is usually made of wood. Air circulates underneath it, so it will be very cold on the veranda in winter.

  1. Insulation begins with measures to block access to cold air under the veranda. To do this, you need to build formwork along the perimeter of the floor, marked by the supports.
  2. The second step is filling the resulting underground with expanded clay. On top of it you can lay a film for vapor barrier and additionally lay insulation. Of course, before such actions you will need to remove the existing floor.

Base insulation

External insulation of the foundation is another way to save the warmth of the veranda. In addition, the soil, expanding or decreasing in volume under the influence of air temperature, can deform the foundation. This problem can be solved quite simply by covering the entire perimeter of the base with insulation. Usually these are polystyrene foam boards, which will serve as a barrier to the cold and also prevent contact with the ground.

A less expensive, but more reliable option would be to use extruded polystyrene foam, which has the necessary strength, is not afraid of moisture and cold, and its service life is more than 50 years. Before gluing the insulation boards, the foundation is coated with bitumen or bitumen-polymer mastic, which is not afraid of low temperatures.

There is another option to insulate the base, the newest, expensive, but also reliable. This is sprayed polyurethane foam. The liquid base is sprayed onto the walls using special equipment, and after drying the foam becomes solid, monolithic, without a single seam.

Insulation from above

Such methods are good when you can’t get to the foundation, but you still want to make the floor warm. However, even with an insulated foundation, thermal insulation measures will also not be superfluous. main feature all work with a finished floor - raising its level, which occurs due to the laying of various heat-insulating materials.

Insulation of concrete floor

Warm floor system

Since the veranda is not heated, this solution will be ideal for maintaining comfortable temperature in room. Moreover, it is recommended electrical system, and not water, since the cable is not afraid of frost, which cannot be said about pipes with water.

Quite labor intensive, but reliable option, which requires the use of durable insulating material in the form of slabs or mats. This can be expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool.

Wood floors can be very beautiful, and country houses It is often customary to decorate with just such coatings. Wooden floors can be laid on any base, while taking care of insulation.

One of the insulation options is sprayed materials. This is quite expensive and requires that the work be carried out by specialists using special equipment. The use of such insulation will require cleaning the floor from debris, bitumen drips, greasy stains and solvents. There is no need to lay cross beams between the joists - future spraying will form a fairly dense heat-insulating layer. Foam is applied special device, which mixes a special liquid composition with carbon dioxide and sprays it under pressure.

The sheathing filled with insulation must be covered with another layer of film or penofol, a relatively new material, which is foamed polyethylene on an aluminized backing. It is laid with the backing up and pressed down a little into the cells to leave space for floor ventilation.
Now you can lay boards treated with antiseptic on top, attaching them with self-tapping screws. The boards are positioned perpendicular to the joists, but instead of them, if desired, plywood or gypsum fiber board sheets are laid, and only then the finishing coating.

Insulation of a wooden floor

There is an opinion that it is easier to insulate a wooden floor than a concrete one, but this is not entirely true. Of course, you won’t have to do the screed, but you still need to work hard.

Infrared heated floor

This is an alternative electrical cable, which is laid in a screed layer and is therefore not suitable for wooden floors. The only requirement that must be met for installing such a system is that the floor materials are non-toxic when heated, but otherwise this is a good option for maintaining heat on the veranda.

This method is the main one for insulation wooden floors. In terms of the sequence of actions, it is similar to that previously described, only the base is prepared differently.

In addition to all the previously described methods, you can use flooring special types linoleum or laminate, which can retain heat, as well as carpet.

Insulating the floor on the veranda is a task that is best done during the construction of this extension, but if you really want to, you can start work at any time. It cannot be said that the set of actions is extremely simple and accessible to anyone. Just the ability to hold a hammer in your hands will not be enough to get the job done, but those who are confident in their abilities and have, albeit small, but still construction experience, can easily do everything on their own.

The main thing is to choose the most suitable materials in terms of price and quality, because the success of any repair consists of two components: the skill of the workers and the quality of the means and tools used.

Verandas (terraces) of private houses and summer cottages are usually not heated, so they are used as living quarters only in the summer, late spring and early autumn. In winter, they serve as a kind of vestibule, in which only skis and sleds can survive. Is it possible to turn a cold veranda into extra room? Yes, you can. A properly insulated terrace will keep the house warm, the walls unheated room They will no longer freeze and become damp, and if you spend money on installing a heated floor or turn on the heater, you can fully use the “summer apartment” on frosty days. The choice of thermal insulation material and insulation method depends both on the solvency of the property owners and on the stage at which the work is carried out: during the reconstruction/expansion of the house or during construction from scratch. How to insulate a veranda for winter accommodation, will be discussed below.

How and where does heat go?

On cold days, heat can escape from the house in all directions: up, down and to the sides, that is, you should consider thermal insulation of the entire “envelope”: ceiling, walls, floor, windows and terrace doors. Many homeowners are mistaken in believing that heated air always moves upward. This is only one form of convection, in which warm currents primarily rise from the floor. In fact, they move in all directions. General rule: The greater the temperature difference, the greater the heat flow. Thus, the colder it is outside, the faster the heated air leaves the house.

An insulated terrace will “save” heat throughout the entire house

Is it possible to completely eliminate heat loss? Clearly not. But you can significantly reduce it by insulating the veranda according to all the rules. To do this, you need to know through which parts of the room the heated air “floats”. About 30–40 percent of heat loss typical house falls on the walls. The roof “takes” about 25 percent, windows and doors - approximately 20, and the floor - 10. A fairly large leakage of heated air occurs due to drafts, excessive ventilation and lack of tightness.

Review of thermal insulation materials

What properties do heat insulators have?

Thermal insulators are distinguished by structure: some resemble wool, others have tiny cavities - pockets filled with air, which has low thermal conductivity. The first include common mineral fibrous materials produced in rolls or in the form of dense “felt” slabs. The second are polymer-based insulation materials produced in the form of panels or foams.

Most wood-based products, such as MDF, plywood, and fiberboard, also have low thermal conductivity. That's why wooden doors, finishing the walls with MDF, lining the hatch to the attic with clapboard help to retain heat.
Some sealants also “work” as heat insulators. They seal cracks and gaps. One of the cheapest sealants is papier-mâché; it can be easily made from paper and wallpaper glue.

Good insulating materials not only slow down the process of heat loss, but also have other important properties: fire resistance, indifference to chemicals, wear resistance, non-toxicity, antifungal (prevents the development of mold). However, another significant factor is cost, so when choosing thermal insulation materials are guided by the notorious price/quality ratio. We should not forget about the requirements set out in regulatory documents(GOST 16381-77, GOST 22950-95, GOST 31913-2011 and others).

What materials are used to insulate the veranda?

Most often, the following is used to insulate walls, ceilings, floors, windows and terrace doors:

  1. Mineral (glass, stone, slag) wool - a fibrous material resistant to high temperature. Thermal conductivity depends on the density of the wool.
  2. Expanded polystyrene (foam), including extruded polystyrene, is an inexpensive, fairly durable thermal insulator, the main disadvantage of which is its high fire hazard. When burned, it releases toxic substances. They produce modified self-extinguishing polystyrene foam with fire retardants (marked “C”). Fire-resistant boards are much denser and heavier than the types of polystyrene used for packaging. Extruded polystyrene foam 50 percent more efficient (for the same thickness) than standard mineral wool products.
  3. Penofol is foamed polyethylene, covered on one or both sides with a layer of aluminum foil. Such “sandwiches” of metal foil and plastic insulator are used to reflect radiated heat.
  4. Polyurethane foam in the form of panels or polyurethane foam (foamed polyurethane foam) is a material with low thermal conductivity (0.03–0.04 W/(m K) and high adhesion. Foam is formed when mixed chemical substances. When hardened, it “locks” into tiny pockets air. Since foam can fill cracks and crevices, it is used to seal existing building structures, which helps eliminate drafts. Foamed adhesive tapes used for insulation of windows, doors, attic hatches.
  5. Cork sheets made from cork oak bark are an environmentally friendly, but very expensive heat insulator.
  6. Expanded clay is porous granules obtained by firing clay. Used as backfill for insulation of floors and ceilings.

Foil penofol reflects about 95 percent of thermal energy

Vacuum insulating panels - innovative technology in insulation

Relatively new material, successfully used in Europe and gradually conquering the domestic market - VIP vacuum insulating panels. They help out in cases where saving space is the main factor influencing the choice of material. Minimum thickness insulation allows you to maintain the height of the ceiling and eliminates the need to create a threshold between the terrace and the adjacent room.

Thermal conductivity of the panels is 0.007W/(m K). In terms of thickness/degree of thermal insulation ratio, this is the best of all available materials for insulation. VIP systems typically consist of highly insulated vacuum panels and sealing strips of appropriate thickness. Such panels are usually installed along the outer edge. Manufacturers of vacuum panels supply kits with attached instructions demonstrating the optimal layout of panels and sealing tapes, which helps reduce the thickness of the insulation system to a minimum. The new heat insulator has one drawback - the material is expensive.

Ultra-thin VIP vacuum insulation panels are 20 times more effective than traditional insulation materials

How to insulate a veranda from the outside

Pros and cons of external insulation

  1. All dirty work are carried out outdoors.
  2. The veranda area is preserved.
  3. The freezing point extends beyond the outer boundary of the walls.
  4. The whole design resembles a thermos: it keeps the room warm in winter and cool in summer.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of performing reconstruction in bad weather.

To carry out work on insulating the veranda, no permits are required, therefore, having decided on thermal insulation materials, we begin the process. It is advisable to insulate the outside of the room in the warm season.

Ceiling insulation

If the veranda and the house have common roof and attic, then insulating the ceiling will not be difficult. The most convenient way is to fill the frame cells with heat-insulating material.

Important! It is necessary to take care of vapor barrier.

What material should I use? A low-budget option: roofing felt is spread overlapping or the sheets are joined and glued, and a layer of expanded clay is poured on top or mineral wool slabs are laid. If possible, it is better to use foil-coated penofol, which retains heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through.

Ceiling insulation diagram from the attic side

Wall cladding with thermal insulation material

The easiest way is to line the walls with sandwich panels, which use mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam as insulation. The main advantage of such insulation is the combination of thermal insulation with external finishing, and you can choose almost any option for the outer layer: metal, PVC, and so on. When choosing decorative log or siding sandwich panels, the exterior of the house completely changes.

Thermal insulation with panels made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool is performed in two ways:

  1. If you are insulating a veranda in a wooden house, then first lay sheathing on the walls. The pitch corresponds to the size of the panels used. Then the insulation is attached with special dowels (“umbrellas”), on top of which it is fixed with a stapler waterproofing layer. Insulated walls are covered with siding, plank, clapboard or any other finishing material - the choice is huge.
  2. On brick or concrete walls assembly adhesive Thermal insulation panels are fixed. Then a reinforcing mesh is attached, plastered and painted or a suitable facing material is used.

Insulation scheme brick wall outside

Insulation of windows and doors

Ideally, it is advisable to install a ready-made entrance door with the provided thermal insulation (for a private house). If it is not possible to replace the door, then you should insulate the old one. To do this, foam rubber (you can get by with a blanket) is fixed with a stapler or glue, then leatherette is attached with furniture nails. A seal is laid around the perimeter of the door.

Thermal insulation is provided in ready-made entrance doors for private houses

It's the same story with windows. It is optimal to replace old windows with double-glazed windows. If this option is not feasible for any reason, insulate the outside with ordinary plastic film. To do this, slats are stuffed onto the frame, and the film is attached to them with a stapler.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the veranda from the inside

How to insulate a ceiling

If the roof structure does not allow external thermal insulation of the ceiling, you have to “take away” the height from the room and insulate it from the inside. A frame is mounted on the ceiling, taking into account that the cross-section of the beam must correspond to the thickness of the insulation boards. Using umbrella dowels, the heat insulator panels are fixed and a film is laid to protect against steam. The resulting “sandwich” is covered with plasterboard. If you don’t want to lower the ceiling height, then use vacuum insulating panels, which take up virtually no space.

Important! Be sure to insulate the hatch to the attic: seal the cracks, lay a seal around the perimeter, and sheathe it.

Veranda ceiling insulation technology

Thermal insulation of walls

They begin work by removing the old coating and cleaning the walls from dust. When using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, first prime the surface and lay a layer of waterproofing. Then the frame is mounted (it is more convenient to use metal profiles) and the thermal insulation panels are attached. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film. The final stage is installation of drywall, puttying and application finishing coating.

Changing the location of the dew point when insulating walls from the inside

Experts advise using ready-made heated electric floor modules to insulate walls from the inside and turning on the system on cold days/nights. This method of insulation is very expensive, but it guarantees dry and warm wall.

Thermal insulation of windows and doors

Double glazing is considered effective way reducing heat loss, however, is relatively expensive. To save money, you can “preserve” the window for the winter in another way: attach a regular film to the frame using double-sided adhesive tape. Yes, it’s not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but it’s warm. It is advisable to seal all cracks with self-adhesive foam strips. You can do it the old fashioned way: with paste and paper, after caulking it with cotton wool or foam rubber. Thick curtains with thermal lining – additional method protecting the veranda from heat loss through the windows.

Even when installed modern doors with thermal insulation from below it usually “pulls”. In Europe, it is customary to make a special roller and place it under the door. The British jokingly call him a dachshund. Making such a “dachshund” is simple: stuff the stocking with old socks or other rags and tie it (the length of the “sausage” should be equal to the width of the door). The top decorative “pillowcase” can be knitted or sewn.

Insulation of the floor on the veranda

Thermal insulation of the floor from the basement

If there is a basement under the veranda, then insulating the floor is easier - there is no need to dismantle the existing flooring.
Stages of work:

  • fasten along the floor beams and the back side of the flooring with a stapler or mounting adhesive vapor barrier material;
  • if the distance between the beams significantly exceeds the width of the insulation boards, the side edges are “increased” with slats, bars or a metal profile, leaving a step a couple of centimeters smaller than the size of the material (the mineral wool block should be tightly fixed in the cell);
  • install thermal insulation panels;
  • lay a layer of vapor barrier;
  • installing a rough ceiling.

Wooden floor insulation scheme

Other floor insulation options

If there is no basement under the veranda, floor insulation work is moved indoors. If the owners of the house do not plan to start major renovation terraces, then tearing down the old flooring just to lay thermal insulation is not worth it, since the result will be too labor-intensive and costly a method of insulation. Typically, logs are installed on top of the existing covering, expanded clay is poured in, or insulating panels are laid and a new floor is laid. True, in this case the floor level rises higher and a threshold appears between the veranda and next room. How to avoid this? Vacuum insulating panels “soldered” into MDF can be used. They will raise the floor by only 30 mm. The second way is to dismantle part of the covering and insulate it with ecowool, but this will require special equipment, since the composition is supplied under pressure. Another option is to install a “warm floor” system. You can do with little: carefully seal the gaps between the floorboards, fit the baseboards well and lay a thick carpet on the floor.

Insulating the floor over the existing coating

Note! With any method of insulation, one must not forget about reliable waterproofing.

Video lesson: insulating the walls of the veranda from the outside

Insulating a veranda, despite the abundance of thermal insulation materials and the apparent simplicity of their installation, is a rather labor-intensive process. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to specialists construction company. They will produce necessary calculations and insulate the veranda according to all the rules.

Hard to imagine country cottage or a dacha without a veranda. Basically, such a building is used only in the warm season. But often, to increase the usable area and operate the premises in winter, the veranda is insulated. How to implement this correctly and with minimal costs, we will tell you in this article.

Insulation methods

How to make a veranda suitable for winter living? It is advisable to consider the possibilities of thermal insulation at the beginning of construction, since after completion of the work, labor costs and financial investments increase several times.

Insulating a veranda involves installing insulation on the floor, walls, and ceiling. However, due to the influence of the atmospheric environment, not all types of materials are suitable for solving this problem.

The best option is roll and slab insulation based on natural minerals. They are sufficiently air- and vapor-permeable, which facilitates the free removal of moisture and protects the wood from rotting and deterioration.

Less preferable for verandas are artificial polyurethane foam insulation, which has low vapor permeability. These materials are often used for external insulation; the slabs are attached to a pre-installed timber frame.

Let's start from the floor

It is much easier to carry out measures to insulate the veranda during the construction phase. As a rule, such structures are made using frame technology. This facilitates the process of laying insulation into the walls, floor and upper ceiling.

The first stage of preparing the structure for winter living is insulating the floor on the veranda. After the foundation is erected, the supports are installed bottom trim from timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm and install the sheathing. Before insulating the floor on the veranda, the wood is treated with a protective compound.

Next, the so-called subfloor of the veranda from edged or unedged boards 25 mm thick. If there is a subfloor, this problem can be solved relatively easily. If there is no necessary space under the floor of the veranda, 30x30 bars are attached to the side planes of the floor in the lower part, on which the subfloor is mounted.

An insulating material and a vapor barrier layer are installed on top of the fixed boards. Since the lion's share of heat loss occurs through the floor, 2-3 layers of insulation are laid on the lower floor, alternating directions at an angle of 90 degrees.

Instead of slab or roll insulation, use hard materials, for example, expanded clay is poured between the beams. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top and the floor is finished.

We insulate the walls

The next stage of insulating the veranda is insulating the walls. Vertical bars are attached along the perimeter of the floor and secured with the help of jibs and transverse horizontal inserts. The outside walls are sheathed with finishing material of one type or another, after laying a vapor barrier.

Between vertical posts install insulation in at least two layers.

As a rule, the thickness of the material allows it not to be fixed additionally. It is enough to cut pieces of mineral wool 3-4 cm wider than the opening in which installation is planned.

After vertical surfaces insulated, sewn finishing layer vapor barriers and perform interior wall finishing.

Working with the ceiling

It is impossible to properly insulate the veranda from the inside, bypassing the ceiling. The upper frame is assembled similarly to the lower ceiling, that is, from wooden beams square section. In the case of sequential work, the ceiling is insulated before the roof is installed. To do this, the underside of the floor beams is finished with a final covering of the surface with preliminary installation of a vapor barrier.

The finishing is covered with insulation in several layers and covered with a rough ceiling. If the veranda does not require a separate roof with an attic, a sheathing is attached over the sheathing and the roof is installed.

Insulation of the finished veranda

It is much more difficult to insulate a building built several years ago. In this case, it is desirable to minimize dismantling work, which may damage previously installed finishing material walls, floor and ceiling. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of insulating a finished veranda.


If there is a need to rebuild the room for winter living, the installation of insulation begins with dismantling interior decoration ceiling. The operation is performed carefully to minimize waste. As a rule, in wooden houses, when finishing verandas, they use expensive material - lining.

After all the panels from the upper horizontal ceiling have been removed, begin installing the insulation. To prevent loss mineral slabs, proceed as follows:


As a rule, insulation of the finished veranda is carried out from the outside. This allows you to preserve expensive interior decoration. After dismantling the outer wall cladding, a vapor barrier is installed: the film is secured in the spaces between the studs using a construction stapler.

Insulating the veranda from the outside

Instead of mineral wool, foam plastic is used for external insulation of walls, which is resistant to atmospheric influences and is not afraid of the influence of microorganisms. The insulation of the veranda with foam plastic is carried out in a pre-installed sheathing, which ensures free air circulation.

Particular attention is paid to windows. It is better to install two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

If the windows for the veranda have single glass, all joints are treated with a special adhesive-based insulation, and the places where the frame fits are coated with sealant.


A large amount of cold air enters the room through the floor. Without high-quality thermal insulation, winter operation of the veranda is impossible, and heating costs increase significantly.

We begin work on laying insulation by dismantling the floor covering. can be attached in several ways:

If there is rough cladding, a vapor barrier membrane is attached and expanded clay or mineral wool is laid. At standard thickness It is recommended to lay 3 layers of mats or rolls of 50 mm between 150x150 timber. A vapor barrier is attached to the upper planes of the beams and the floor boards are mounted in their original place.

If there is no subfloor, make a false lathing from 30x30 pine beams, attaching it to the side planes of the beams with 70x4 mm self-tapping screws.

Thus, having studied the technology of insulating a veranda, even a novice master will be able to carry out all the work independently. Of course, it is better to insulate the room at the construction stage. But as a last resort, you can also insulate the finished veranda, spending an additional amount of effort, time and finances.