Is it possible to make an electric heat gun yourself? A variety of heat guns and algorithms for making them yourself. What you should pay attention to when making them

Heat gun made with your own hands in the case when it is necessary to heat a room that does not have central heating, and there is an opportunity to purchase an industrial heating device No. In addition, a homemade heat gun will be an excellent way out of a situation when the owner needs to maintain non-residential premises, for example, a workshop or hangar, a certain temperature in order to ensure the operability of production.

The principle of operation of a heat gun is that a heating element is used to heat the fuel element.

How to choose a heat gun? Depending on the method of heating the fuel element and air, the following types of heating devices are distinguished:

  • gas;
  • diesel;
  • electrical;
  • multi-fuel;
  • aquatic.

Each type has its pros and cons. For example, a gas heat gun is good because the energy carrier in it burns completely. This allows you to save cash for heating. It is also good because it can be easily moved to another place of work.

The disadvantages include the need to create a stationary gas installation when it is necessary to heat a large area. A gas heat gun, in addition, has a high degree of fire hazard, since it works with an open fire, so it cannot be used in buildings where flammable substances are stored and fire-hazardous industries are located.

Another type of mobile heater is a water heat gun, which is good because it can heat a room for a long time when it is turned off. In addition, it is fireproof. However, it also has a drawback - it is quite difficult to maintain, as it requires water as a coolant.

In order to finally decide on the choice of a heat gun, you need to know what the heating scheme is in the required room. The owner of the premises can order such a diagram from specialists or draw it up himself, if available necessary knowledge. Therefore, if it is difficult to decide on the choice of a heat gun, it makes sense to turn to professionals.

In the process of choosing it, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • price;
  • power;
  • ease of maintenance;

Usually, in terms of all these parameters, an electric gun is the most profitable. Such a device can operate from ordinary household electrical network, so it can be used in everyday life, for example, to heat a garage.

Making your own heater

Despite the fact that the industry can offer a wide range mobile heaters the most different models, an electric homemade heat gun is still popular among homeowners. The fact is that this device, assembled independently, will cost its owner several orders of magnitude cheaper than a similar device purchased in a store.

Repairing a heat gun assembled independently will cost its owner mere pennies, since there will be no need to visit official service centers that work at fairly high prices.

A do-it-yourself heat gun is created from scrap materials, which allows you to have a wide range of spare parts in case of repair. It is not difficult to make a heater design that takes into account all the features of the room.

If the owner decides to create a heater with my own hands, then the electric gun will become for him optimal choice. The fact is that you can find out how to make a cannon with your own hands in almost any electrician’s reference book, and for the work you will need to have some available materials.

Heat gun diagram

In this case, you will definitely need drawings of the device and its diagram. Their use guarantees the build quality and compliance of the device with the rules fire safety. Typically, the design of this heater includes:

  • frame;
  • heating element;
  • powerful fan;
  • control device;
  • wire with plug.

To make the housing during installation you will need metal pipe or box It is advisable to choose a case large thickness With low level thermal conductivity, which will protect the device from mechanical influences.

Ten is usually taken standard, sold in the store. Moreover, its power is calculated depending on the area of ​​the heated room and the load on the electrical network. If necessary, the electric gun can be equipped with several heating elements.

When mounting a fan into the housing, you need to remember that it will be more convenient to install a device on the gun that regulates the rotation speed of its blades, and it makes sense to place the control system for the fan and the entire heating device in a separate box.

In order to get additional savings, you can coat the body of the electric gun with heat-insulating paint. You can apply it to other elements of the device. This saves energy when heating the room.

What should you pay attention to during manufacturing?

When independently assembling a heating device such as a heat gun, it is worth remembering a few points. The average power of such devices ranges from 1.5 kW to 45 kW. If you need more power, then it is recommended to design a diesel heat gun with your own hands.

During manufacturing, all connections should be carefully checked to ensure they are insulated. It's not worth studying self-assembly an electric heater in the case where there is not even basic knowledge of electrical engineering.

A self-made heat gun must be registered with the fire authorities. This will save the owner from a fairly large fine for failure to comply with fire safety rules.

Today, heat guns have become one of the heat generators that can be used to heat large rooms. But manufacturers did not limit themselves to powerful models, knowing that in the cold season in many regions there is a heating problem various kinds premises is relevant. For example, a garage, warehouse, and so on. Although most often this type heating equipment used for drying rooms that have undergone renovation. Therefore, it is worth understanding the guns thoroughly and answering the question of how to choose the right one for the necessary needs of the consumer.

It is impossible to say that there are better heat guns, and that they should be given preference. According to this principle, making a choice means making big mistake. The whole point is not in the design of the device, not in its external presentation, but in its technical and operational characteristics. Let's look at how to do it right choice using the example of an electric heat gun for an apartment.

Criterias of choice

So, there are three main parameters by which you need to choose electric heat guns.

  • Unit power.
  • The voltage from which it is powered (220 or 380 volts).
  • Type of heated room.

Heat gun power

There are certain formulas that can be used to calculate how much thermal energy is needed to heat a certain volume of a room. They are complex because they take into account a fairly large list of various factors that influence the final result. Such factors include the thickness of the walls of the building, what material they were raised from, whether they are insulated, and with them the floor and ceiling, how many windows and doors are in the room, what material they are made of, which side of the world they face, and so on. .

There is a simpler calculation option, which is based on the ratio of the heated area to the amount of thermal energy required. The ratio is as follows: 1 kW of thermal energy should be expended per ten square meters of room area, taking into account that the ceiling height in the room does not exceed 3 m. For example, if a room measures 3x3 m, then to heat it you will need:

3x3=9 m². We multiply this indicator by another factor of 1.2, since the power reserve, according to the recommendations of experts, should be 20%. That is, 9x1.2 = 10.8, which means that to heat this room you will need a heat generator with a capacity of 1.1 kW. From the models of heat guns (electric) offered on the modern market, it is necessary to choose the one that is larger in power and closer to the calculated indicator.

It should be noted that this approach to choosing the power of a heat gun will be approximate. Therefore, let's consider a more precise approach. To do this you will have to use this formula:

P=(V x dT x Kt)/860, where

  • P is the power of the electric gun;
  • V is the volume of the heated room;
  • dT is the difference in temperature inside the room and outside;
  • Kt - thermal conductivity, or more precisely, the coefficient of this indicator;
  • 860 is the number of thermal calories in one kilowatt.

A few words about the thermal conductivity coefficient. It depends on the thickness of the walls of the building and the material from which they were constructed. A few examples. Laying a wall in two bricks with well laid thermal insulation measures. In this case, the coefficient will be equal to 0.6-1. If we take into account the masonry of two bricks without thermal insulation, then Kt is equal to 1-2. If the masonry is made of one brick with a heat-insulating layer, then the coefficient is 2-3. If an uninsulated garage assembled from corrugated board or sheet iron is heated with an electric heat gun, then a coefficient of 3-4 will be used to calculate the power of the gun.

Based on the previous example, we will calculate the thermal unit. So, the room is 3x3 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. Its volume is 27 m², that is, the area is multiplied by the height. Let's assume that the temperature inside the room should be +20C, and outside -15C. The temperature difference is 35C. Let this be a well-insulated room, so Kt=1 (for ease of calculations). We substitute all the values ​​into the formula, which will look like this:

27x35x1=945 kcal/hour.

To convert the result into kilowatts, you need to divide the resulting number by 860. The result is 1.1 kW. We also take into account the power reserve: 1.1x1.2 = 1.32 kW. From the catalog of electric heat guns, select the first one great option, the power of which will be sufficient to heat the calculated room.

It should be noted that experts divide heat guns into two categories based on power. The first is up to 5 kW, which are called fans. The second is higher than this indicator, which are called guns.

Operating voltage

There are two positions here:

  1. Guns with a power of up to 7 kW are connected to a network with a voltage of 220 volts.
  2. Heating devices above this power are connected to a 380-volt network.

It is clear that for heating small household and office premises electrical units operating from a 220 volt outlet are required. To heat large halls, construction sites or warehouses, a powerful device is needed.

But here the matter is completely different. Imagine an old house, in which the electrical wiring remained from King Pea. And if, according to calculations, a heat gun with a power of 7 kW is required for heating here, then the laid wires will probably not withstand such a current. This means they will start to burn, and here it’s not far from a fire.

Advice ! Before installing a thermal electric unit and connecting it to a 220 volt outlet, you need to check the wiring for resistance. It’s better to change it for a new one, taking into account the power consumption of the gun. After all, the likelihood that the wire insulation has lost its characteristics over time is very high.

And one more point that does not relate to voltage, but it must be taken into account when operating heat guns at 220 or 380 volts. This is their uninterrupted work. Typically, the instructions for the device and on the packaging indicate the following signs: 24/1 or 24/1. In the first case, the numbers indicate that the electric heat gun must be turned off for one hour within one day. In the second case - for two hours. By adhering to these requirements from the manufacturer, you can guarantee their long and uninterrupted operation.

There are two more criteria that need to be taken into account. This is the noise that the gun produces during operation, and the temperature at which its performance will not decrease. As for the second position, all electric heat generators must operate quietly at a temperature environment up to +40C. This is the margin of safety.

Type of heated room

Let's face it, not the best important criterion, but often it depends on it whether you overpay for an electric heat gun or not. To do this, we need to give several examples.

  • For small office spaces such as a garage, dressing room, greenhouse, you should not purchase expensive models. Here you can get by with cheap farts, even Chinese farts.
  • If the heating unit will be used as a temporary heating device, then it is better to purchase a portable version.
  • If it is installed as a constant source of heat, then it is better to buy a good branded unit and mount it in a certain place, as a stationary unit.

Additional selection criteria

So, we’ve sorted out the basic parameters of electric heat guns, but there are other equally important positions that can seriously influence the choice. Here are a few of them.

  • The heat gun must be equipped with a thermostat, with which you can regulate the temperature, and therefore the power of the device.
  • An important function of electric guns is the ability to turn off when overheated. Currently, almost all manufacturers provide their products with this function, because these are serious fire safety requirements.
  • It is better to choose heat guns with a metal body. It is stronger, can withstand severe temperatures, and the metal itself becomes a source of heat when heated.
  • Devices with a cylindrical body warm up the room faster because they are equipped with a heating coil rather than a heating element. For example, they can be used in the morning in the garage when you need to quickly warm up the car.
  • Be sure to check if there is service center in your region who can repair the model of electric heat gun you are purchasing.

And one more point, which is determined by the misunderstanding of consumers regarding the type of thermal units. For example, a category such as infrared heat guns. What category do they belong to?

Firstly, it is necessary to start with the fact that infrared guns are completely different from electric models. They contain a completely different method of releasing thermal energy. Therefore, they cannot be classified as electric, although they operate partly from electricity, because the fan rotates due to electric current. But the main type of fuel for conversion into heat is diesel fuel, kerosene or gas. By the way, manufacturers warn that all these energy carriers must only be of high quality.

The simplest heat gun for the garage with your own hands is not difficult. Minimum required for work Supplies and tools. The main thing is to choose correctly the right option fuel - gas, electric or diesel fuel.

A gas gun can be used not only as a heater, but also as a powerful fan heater for drying basements and as a means to speed up construction and renovation work, especially in rainy, cool weather.

The name "gun" is due to appearance device. It “shoots” a stream of warm air, which is pumped by a fan. The air is heated by an incandescent coil, which can be heated using different sources nutrition.

If it is better to buy an infrared and “water” heat gun in a store, then you can make a heating device that runs on electricity, gas or diesel fuel with your own hands.

DIY gas gun for the garage

You can make a gas gun of indirect heating of the spiral and a version with open heating of the garage. A gas gun dries walls perfectly and is indispensable for construction work ah and in garages with high humidity.

Let's look at the stages of how to make the simplest gun with open heating, which is powered by a gas cylinder; it is easier to make it yourself:

  • will be needed following materials– for the body we select fireproof material ( steel pipe with thick walls, the best solution for the body), burner from gas boiler, fan (it is necessary that the diameter of the fan matches the diameter of the housing pipe), gas cylinder, gas supply hose with reducer;
  • in the metal pipe of the housing (length is a meter and a half, diameter - up to 18 cm), you need to drill holes on both sides for attaching the gas supply hose and for the outlet of the hot air flow. We drill holes, retreating from the edge - 2 - 3 cm, the diameter for the gas supply inlet according to the size of the hose connector, the diameter of the hole for the outlet pipe - 5 cm;
  • combustion chamber - built inside the body; it is a metal pipe of smaller diameter. They are welded to it with outside from 4 to 8 metal fins of plates that increase heat transfer. Additionally, the plates firmly fix the combustion chamber inside the heat gun body. The dimensions of the combustion chamber along with the fins and plates are according to the diameter of the housing pipe; this core must fit freely into the housing;
  • the combustion chamber will need to be firmly welded to the body by welding, it should protrude beyond both edges of the large pipe;
  • Now you need to hermetically close the gap that has formed between the combustion chamber and the pipe of the metal body, to do this you need to cut out a metal circle required diameter and width;
  • a burner from an old gas boiler or just a shower head must be installed in the combustion chamber, and a hose from a gas cylinder must be connected to it. Experts advise mounting the burner on a thin curved metal tube, which must be welded from the inside of the combustion chamber;
  • We attach the fan using self-tapping screws to a rectangular flange (it is easier to attach than a round one), which we fix by welding to the housing, on the side opposite the combustion chamber

It's important after that. As the gas gun is assembled, check the tightness of all fasteners and fastenings, especially the connection of the gas supply hose.

It’s easier and clearer to see the manufacturing process of such a gun in detailed video instructions

Manufacturing process of a low-cost electric heat gun

The simplest do-it-yourself heat gun is electric, in which the coil is heated by electricity, and warm air with the help of a fan it is supplied to the room. Compared to gas and diesel guns, an electric heater does not produce a direct open flame, therefore it is the safest.

The only problem - high consumption electricity. Therefore, electric guns are convenient to use in the garage to quickly warm up the room, but not as constant heating in winter.

Simple assembly process electric heater for garage:

  • for the body we take a piece of metal or asbestos thick-walled pipe (length 1 - 1.5 meters, diameter from 18 to 25 cm);
  • A 1 or 2 kW thermal heating element is used as a heating element; the number of heating elements is selected depending on the area of ​​the garage. To warm up 20 square meters, one heating element of 1 kW and one of 2 kW is enough; it will be possible to regulate the intensity of heating of the room.

Advice. It is better to make an old heating element from an electric stove or boiler shorter by half, this will help reduce resistance and increase the power of the heater.

  • You also need a powerful fan and a cable with three cores (cross section minimum 2.5);
  • We fix it inside the body a heating element, taking into account the free space for installing the fan;
  • connect the heating element to the cable. It is important not to forget to ground;
  • on the other side of the pipe we mount a fan; a regular household one for the bathroom will do, but you can take a more powerful one. The basic rule is that the rotation of the fan wings must be free so that the efficiency is higher;
  • The connection of the fan and heating elements to the network must be separate.

The downside of an electric heat gun is that it quickly burns oxygen and dries out the air. Such garage heating requires high-quality exhaust or natural ventilation premises.

The video will tell you in detail how to make a simple heat gun without using heating elements.

Heat gun for diesel fuel

For a garage without connection to central power grids, Alternative option heating - a homemade heat gun running on diesel fuel. This kind of garage heating is best done with direct heating of the air flow, and for remote construction site or a warehouse, an indirect option for heating the air is suitable.

It is important to remember that such heaters must be used in a garage in compliance with safety measures, since diesel fuel is burned in the combustion chamber, and a fan supplies warm air to the room. It turns out that the air flow through the open flame enters the room and that’s it. harmful products combustion diesel fuel goes directly into the garage.

How to make a diesel heat gun quickly with your own hands:

  • we need a metal tank (sealed), from which we will make a diesel combustion chamber;
  • we make the outer casing from a thick-walled metal pipe;
  • in the combustion chamber we place tubes made of refractory materials;
  • You will also need a nozzle for supplying diesel fuel, a pump or a fan;
  • We install a regular household fan in the pipe;
  • the tank for diesel fuel should be located away from the hot body - a distance of a meter, one and a half, it is advisable to protect the tank with thermal insulation;
  • combustion chamber (pipe of smaller diameter), mounted inside the gun body;
  • a nozzle for supplying fuel must be installed in the chamber (connection is a metal fireproof tube);
  • a spark to ignite fuel - from the starter of any car;
  • connect the pump or compressor to the fuel tank and injector;
  • A protective reflective screen must be installed at the hot air outlet.

In the video you can see the operating principle of the simplest diesel fuel burner.

Of all the types of homemade heat guns for the garage, the heater on diesel fuel most dangerous.

Rules for using a heat gun in the garage

When heating a garage using homemade heaters, especially with an open flame, it is important to follow fire safety measures:

  • device required reliable system ventilation in the garage, preferably forced;
  • the open flame of the heat exchanger must be covered with a heat-reflecting protective screen;
  • containers with fuel should be located as far as possible from the operating heater;
  • do not leave a working device in the garage overnight - this is dangerous;
  • the distance from the car’s gas tank to the gun should be no less than one and a half meters.

It is wise to use homemade heat guns for quick short-term heating of a room and not leave them unattended for more than five minutes, since the risk of fire when using such heaters is very high.

You can make a heat gun with your own hands very quickly. You just need to prepare it in advance various materials, choose acceptable type heating device, and what it will work on: electricity, gas or various types fuel.

The difference between guns depends on the type of fuel on which they operate. heating devices or on the method of heating the air flow. Hence the names:

  • electric gun;
  • diesel;
  • gas;
  • infrared type of heating elements;
  • water;
  • monofuel.

First of all, we are interested in how to make a heat gun that works from the network, because it is the most common and safest option. Simple maintenance, no need to check for fuel in the tank, environmentally friendly.

Functional Features

When you do not have the financial opportunity to purchase a patented factory-made device, then a homemade heat gun is the only opportunity to carry out your planned repair or construction plan.

The operating principle of such a unit is simple: heating elements are installed in a pipe made of asbestos or some metal or a spiral is positioned in a special way. A powerful fan is inserted on one side, which forces air into the pipe, where it is heated and released into the room through the opposite hole.

Such electrical devices really quickly heat rooms of various sizes. It all depends on heating element power: the more powerful, the faster it is created optimal temperature. There is only one negative point - this is a high energy consumption and rapid drying of the air. When used in a residential area, place an open container of water nearby to humidify the air.

A do-it-yourself heat gun is often made by garage craftsmen to heat these rooms in the winter.

Electric gun

Before starting production, a detailed electrical diagram of the device is made and all components are assembled.

To make a heat gun with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  1. Asbestos-zinc pipe large diameter so that the fan comes in. Some prefer to make the body from galvanized metal with a thickness of at least 1 m, but all homemade device turns out to be more mobile.
  2. Electric motor and an impeller for assembling a fan - can be purchased in stores or assembled from scrap materials, for example, using an old fan and a motor from a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Heating elements can be made from a special wire by twisting it onto an electrode. You will get a spiral, as for electric stove, you just have to do it preliminary calculations, otherwise such a gun could turn off the lights in the entire area.
  4. Buy or pick up ceramic insulators, copper wire with a cross-section of at least 2 mm, 24 A fuses, connection wire with plug and other small items.

Only after this we begin to collect electrical part according to the previously drawn up diagram. The electric heat gun is assembled as follows:

  • prepare the body and support with an insulating lining;
  • we stretch the spiral in the shape of a star and fix it inside the body, or install heating elements in the center of the pipe;
  • connect the power wires to the terminals;
  • we fix the fan, connect the wiring;
  • install protective grilles on both sides of the body;
  • we mount the control unit and connect all the wiring to it;
  • install the wire connecting the device to the network.

All connections electrical diagram When assembling the heat gun carefully isolate— everything is done with our own hands, so we pay special attention to the little things. After completing the work, we do a test run: the system is working normally, which means the product can be used without fear.

Attention! Special attention When assembling, attention should be paid to safety: the metal body of the pipe must be protected with an asbestos lining on the base to prevent a fire, and all wiring is carefully insulated.

Diesel heat generator

Sometimes, not only for the sake of economy, but when there are no sources of electric current nearby, a diesel fuel gun comes to the rescue in heating the premises. Its operating principle is radically different from its electrical counterparts, and so is its design. Before you start manufacturing, you need to get a drawing, study it carefully, and then assemble all the parts. The simplest diesel heat gun of indirect heating has the following main parts:

  1. Cylindrical body made of durable metal.
  2. Tank with fuel, transfer pump and filter element.
  3. The combustion chamber made of thick metal with one or more nozzles for spraying diesel fuel.
  4. Fan for air injection.
  5. Chimney pipe for removal of combustion products.

The diesel heat gun begins to be assembled by installing it inside the main fan body, then inserting the combustion chamber and centering it. Connect the fuel piping system from the tank and transfer pump to the nozzle. The fuel tank in the entire structure is located at the very bottom; it does not have direct contact with the pipe body for fire safety reasons.

It is necessary to take a container for a diesel heat gun that is factory-made, despite the fact that you assemble everything yourself - this is a guarantee of safety.

A pump is fixed nearby and fine filter. The pump is connected to the nozzle via a copper tube. A factory-made piezoelectric element is placed inside the combustion chamber to ignite the atomized fuel. An outlet pipe is made in the upper part of the chamber, through which all combustion products are removed into the atmosphere. Installed on both sides of the housing protective grilles to prevent careless contact with the hot end part of the combustion chamber and to protect people from the operating fan.

Do diesel installation doing it yourself is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. If you do not have sufficient knowledge, then it is better to buy a factory version - a guarantor of fire safety.

Butter gun

Some garage craftsmen make devices using waste oil with their own hands, but why reinvent the wheel when there are factory installations that are approved for use in any premises. They work on any hydraulic or motor a waste product that can be purchased inexpensively.

A waste oil heat gun made by a garage craftsman will be much cheaper, but what about safety? Who will answer if with an installation operating on oil processing, will something happen? In the factory version, all combustion products are discharged through a pipe to the outside, and in homemade unit oil often burns in a dirty cup when it is pointed at it blowtorch. The factory version has an efficiency of 100% and oil combustion does not disturb the ecology of the premises, which cannot be said about handicraft production.

Its operating principle is identical diesel version, and a gas heat gun is assembled in the same way, but instead of diesel fuel, gas is supplied. Features a high degree fire danger, because there is an open fire inside the housing. Such devices can be purchased from appropriate retail outlets at a price of 5.1 thousand rubles. - they have been tested by the fire inspection, there is a certificate allowing use in various premises.

The home-made unit inspires little reliability, it is noisy and smokes in different modes, and open fire there's nothing inside closed pipe does not add security. In addition, burner warranties are often made in China, No.

To repair the factory version, you just need to contact the service center, where specially trained technicians will solve all your problems. If the main parts break down, it will be much more difficult to revive a makeshift device, if at all possible. His work can be seen in the video.

Homemade gas guns are powerful, very dangerous devices where there is no protection against overheating and there is no flame control. They should not be left unattended for a minute.

Many users believe that assembling, let alone repairing, a heat gun with their own hands is not so difficult. This is not so - without special knowledge and technical skills, you will make a makeshift version of a heat generator. Remember that the electric gun you made is the source electrical injuries, short circuits, if a simple mistake was accidentally made during assembly. Other types, especially those using open fire, are sources of inevitable fire.

What to do if you need to carry out construction in the cold season or urgently need a garage. In order not to delay the repair, the walls should be dried as soon as possible. An effective solution Installing an electric heat gun may pose a problem. With its help, you can quickly complete many tasks, save time and money.

Heat guns have various modifications. First you need to determine what tasks the device will perform, calculate the power depending on the area of ​​the object, and then go shopping.

In contact with


What is a heat gun for and how does it function? The operating principle of this thermal equipment is similar to the operation of a hair dryer. On the one hand it happens forcing cold air into the heating element, and on the other hand, this air comes out already warm.

The device consists of:

  • body - usually metal;
  • heating element;

In addition to the main elements, there are thermal sensors from overheating, power and air flow regulators. Models running on gas or diesel fuel are equipped with a special filter for air purification. Electrical devices, unlike them, do not need this.

The device is called a heat gun because it has an elongated cylindrical shape and wheels. The fan is distinctive feature and the main advantage of the unit.

The operating principle of an electric heat gun.

In order not to get confused and make a mistake in choosing equipment, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Will the device work in a small residential area or in an industrial facility?
  2. Whether the room is ventilated or not.
  3. How to select equipment with the required power so that the device can operate without overheating.
  4. Which is better - or a heat gun.

There are industrial models designed for large premises - warehouses, hangars, greenhouses. The power of such devices will be too much for a garage or a summer house. They are expensive and consume a lot of electricity.

Small units that can be used at home have higher environmental friendliness, especially if they run on electricity. Here you need to pay attention to what area the device is designed for and whether it will experience overload.

Convectors also quickly warm up the room and have almost the same principle of operation - with ventilation. What is the difference and what is better - it all depends on the characteristics of the room and the individual preferences of its owner.

Problem of choice

How to choose a heat gun. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the materials from which the body and burner are made.

The highest efficiency is for an electric gun with a ceramic heater. Such models are the most expensive, but durable and productive.

If there financial opportunity, then you need to buy ceramics in a metal case.

The second important indicator is the power of the heat gun. It is calculated based on the following values.

For each square meter the room consumes 100 W. Hence, small room at 20 - 30 meters it will require a minimum power of 2 - 3 kW. In this case, the ceiling height should not be higher than 4 m.

Advice! The power should be a little more than is needed, then the equipment will not work for wear, and if necessary (in cold winter), it will be possible to add productivity.

The third indicator is how it will be installed thermal equipment. It is planned to use it permanently in one room or the device will be mobile. This will determine which gun to choose - stationary or on wheels.

For garage

A garage is a room that is ventilated and does not contain crowds of people. If the owner is a driver, then the gun can operate on exhaust car oil, which is quite effective in terms of savings.

For the garage you can purchase: electrical heating equipment low power - 3 kW. Household models are suitable.

The electric model is safe, but more expensive to use. The garage area is usually at least 30 square meters. m. This means that you will need at least 3-kilowatt equipment that operates from a 220V network.

For home and garden

To quickly supply heat to a house or cottage, a household mobile device on wheels will be sufficient.

For a dacha would be suitable great electric gun. Usage electrical appliances implies good condition of the wiring in the house. The more powerful the device, the more it loads the network. If the technical condition of the electrical network leaves much to be desired, then you must first install new wiring.

To heat a residential building, an electric heat gun is additionally used when the temperature outside drops sharply.

Why it is not advisable to use the device constantly:

  1. It dries out the air, which is bad for the respiratory system.
  2. They don't like dry air houseplants– you will have to spray more often.
  3. Wooden products are susceptible to cracking - doors, windows, furniture, floors.

Best for home use central heating– gas or steam, and an electric heat fan can be used for additional heating.

To heat a residential building, an electric heat gun is additionally used.

For construction purposes

Mobile models are required for construction. What is a construction heat gun? It is powerful equipment from 10 to 100 kW. In the shortest possible time it can dry a wall, ceiling, concrete. The advantage is that it can be directed to a specific area. If we take into account that the power of thermal installations is from 3 to 1000 kW, then for construction work 10 - 150 kW will be optimal, depending on the purpose.

Review of popular models

Domestic and foreign companies produce heating equipment of various quality. According to consumer reviews, the rating of heat guns is headed by Ballu for optimal combination prices and quality. The power is designed for household, construction, industrial facilities– from 2 to 110 kW. Price - from 1,500 to 223,000 rubles.

  1. Zilon made in Russia. Price – from 2000 to 16000 rubles. Depends on performance.
  2. Timberk Sweden. Price – from 1400 to 16000 rubles.
  3. Termica Russia. Price from 4000 to 8000 rubles. Household models.
  4. Master Italy. From 2600 to 4 million rubles. All modifications of electric heat guns are available for sale - from household to industrial.
  5. Vectra England. Price from 2500 to 6000 rubles. Household models.

The review of heat guns can be diversified with domestic models “Luch”, “Zubr”, “Interskol”.

The power range of heat guns is very wide. Starting from household appliances - 1.5 kW, ending industrial equipment– over 1000 kW.

There are one, two and three-phase models. The dimensions of the devices also vary - the more powerful, the larger. The volume of air that the fan drives through the gun is from 80 to 1800 cubic meters/hour.

Some models are specifically designed for wet areas and have appropriate protection.

Semi-industrial ceramic products

Semi-industrial ceramic heat gun is designed for heating spacious premises: auto repair shops, greenhouses, warehouses.

Important! Good climate control equipment is never cheap; expensive materials and complex technologies are used for its manufacture. Devices for regular use should not be chosen from the cheap segment.

Business facilities must save on territory maintenance, so they are most often multifunctional, mobile, and combined in terms of fuel use. Ceramic heating elements are the most environmentally friendly.

Advantages of ceramics:

  • durability;
  • absence of harmful compounds in the air;
  • no smell;
  • dries the air less;
  • higher efficiency at minimal cost.

Such characteristics are more suitable for premises where people work or live. Which is better - a convector or a heat gun, you can answer: when choosing a cheap convector, you can make a mistake. When choosing a cheap heat gun - the same.

The semi-industrial ceramic heat gun is designed for heating spacious rooms.

  • Equip the control panel - bring all wiring to the mode switches.
  • Check again before turning on.
  • Testing of the device should be carried out without touching the metal casing. If it doesn't spark, you can use it. For ease of movement, you can place the device on wheels or install it on a gurney.

    Useful video: how to make a heat gun with your own hands

    You can buy a unit in a supermarket, choosing it to suit your needs, taking into account safety. But you can make a heat gun yourself - this will greatly reduce the cost of the design and allow it to be used in utility rooms.