Camellia japonica how to care. Camellia japonica: varieties, planting and care at home, reviews, photos. Camellia japonica: home care

The tenderness itself was brought by the Czech pharmacist Georg Joseph Kamel to Europe from the distant Philippines. Refined and whimsical, with no scent and only two colors (red and white), they charmed Old Europe. Wanting to preserve the unfading beauty of a delicate, wax-like flower, women tried to grow a mysterious plant from a distant and unknown country in their boudoirs. But in cold Europe, the camellia flower did not take care at home (the photo of which is posted nearby) and constantly died. Growing camellia is difficult, although it is possible if certain requirements are met.

Camellia blooms in winter, when living quarters are heated. Not wanting to change its habits, it practically does not survive in ordinary premises. Placement in greenhouses, winter and apothecary gardens is more suitable for normal development. Ornamental plant gives visitors long-lasting, from 2 to 4 months, flowering.

Mysterious flower, where are you from?

Camellia is a true southerner. In subtropical climates it is represented by evergreen shrubs and trees. In the tea family it is allocated to the genus “Camellia”. Belongs to the flowering and decorative foliage groups.

  • Cultivated in India, China, Japan and other countries.
  • In Russia it grows in the Caucasus, in Sochi. In the Krasnodar Territory, the crop is cultivated as a tea plant.

Botanical description of camellia

The Camellia genus is very numerous. Represented by approximately 80-250 species of evergreen perennials from 2 to 15-20 m. The amazing decorativeness of the bushes is due to the unforgettable elegance of the flowers.

Camelia, flower

Varietal species sometimes develop a bouquet of 2-3 flowers. Usually the flowers are single, large, 1-12 cm in diameter. The color range of single and double flowers includes white, soft pink, transitioning to deep crimson. There are cultivars with variegated corolla petals. Depending on the variety, flowering may begin in April and end in December. The duration of flowering of the variety or cultivar is 1-4 months. The duration of flowering of an individual flower is up to 1 month.

Camellia japonica. Bud and leaves

Leaves simple, 3-17 cm, glossy, leathery, dark green in color. The shape is elongated-elliptical and other shapes, short-petiolate, arranged in 2-3 or single leaves

Fetus– dry capsule with 5 compartments containing 5-8 seeds.

Camellia: seeds

According to their purpose, the species are divided into tea and ornamental (garden) crops.

Tea plants are grown on farms to harvest tea leaves. But most cultivars - ornamental crops. They are used in home growing, for interiors, recreation areas office premises, in greenhouses. Under suitable climatic conditions, they are planted in open ground, decorating garden and park landscapes in the form of solitary or group plantings.

Which type of camellia to choose for home growing

Most often among flower collectors and exotic lovers there are 3 types of camellias:




Camellia montana "Daydream"

Distinctive features of Japanese camellia

The varieties are distinguished by large simple, double and semi-double single flowers that literally strew the bush. IN color scheme the white-red line of shades predominates. There are cultivars with variegated corollas. They bloom from October to April. They prefer partial shade. Used in rooms as a pot plant. Can be grown in greenhouses and winter gardens as a ground plant.

  • Buttermint;
  • Coquettii;
  • Donation;
  • Winterrose;
  • Fimbriata.

Distinctive features of Camellia reticulum

Camellia reticulata is so named for the rather noticeable mesh on the petals of the corolla. Varieties and hybrids of camellia reticulum differ in the shape of their flower petals. They can be smooth or wavy in shape, and in color from white to dark pink and deep red, sometimes a variegated mixture of several shades. The flowers are fragrant. The aroma is subtle, pleasant, barely perceptible. The number and arrangement of petals (more than 10) of the corolla in double forms resembles a small rose.

In some cultivars, the middle of the flower is decorated with long yellow stamens that resemble a fringe. Garden varieties form unusually large flowers up to 23 cm in diameter. potted plant, does not tolerate direct sunlight and greenhouse climate.

The most famous varieties of camellia reticulum are:

  • Captain Rose;
  • Yuletide;
  • MaryWilliams and others

Distinctive features of Camellia montana

Mountain camellia is called true or sazanka (translated from Latin into Russian Camellia sasanqua).

Represented by cultivars and a group of frost-resistant hybrids. Shrubs 2-5 m with thin perennial branches. Young shoots are pubescent. Distinctive feature is a hairy pubescence along the vein on the underside of the leaf blade. The flowers are simple, single, but can be collected in bouquets of 2-3 flowers. Flowering is abundant and lasts from November to December. The color of the corolla petals varies in a white-pink-red line.

  • Chansonette;
  • bonanza;
  • Daydream
  • Cleopatra;
  • whitedouble;
  • Enishi.

How to grow camellia: care at home

The main difficulty in growing is the high requirements of plants to provide the necessary conditions:

  • constancy environment– temperate climate in summer and cool in winter;
  • all year round Fresh air no drafts;
  • air and soil humidity within the required limits;
  • nutritious soil without stagnant water.

If the required conditions are provided, the crop should be cared for in the same way as ordinary house plants.

Location in the apartment

It is better to place Camellia in the eastern or western windows. In the south, shading is necessary. The room temperature should be moderate. In summer, in regions with warm summers, it is advisable to place camellia on a balcony or loggia, plant it in a garden in a pot or in open ground. The climate is not suitable for camellias on northern windows. The shoots will stretch, the foliage will become shredded and become pale in color.

Light intensity requirements

Meeting the light intensity requirements is very important for bud setting and flowering. Camellia blooms in winter. To begin budding and flowering, it needs lighting for 12-14 hours. Supplementary illumination is provided by phyto- or LED lamps. You can use other types of lamps. In summer they shade.

Ambient temperature

  • From March to July, the ambient temperature is maintained at +25°C.
  • With the onset of autumn, the flower is placed in conditions of lower temperatures +12..+15°C (closed terrace, loggia). The buds are being laid.
  • Their flowering will begin in winter at lower temperatures. Therefore, with the arrival of winter, camellias need a cold regime (from November to the end of December, some varieties until February) with temperatures within +5..+6°C, not higher than +8..+10°C.
  • For some varieties, short periods of time are acceptable. subzero temperatures within -5..-6°С.
  • From January, the temperature can be raised and maintained within +10..+15°C. Frost-resistant varieties easily tolerate lower temperatures.

Be careful! Camellia blooms at +10°C. If the temperature regime is not maintained in winter, flowering will not occur, and with the arrival of spring, the growth of vegetative shoots and leaf mass will not begin. During budding, you cannot change the location of the camellia and turn it along the axis towards the sunny side.

If you can provide camellias with such conditions, feel free to purchase a seedling of the variety or cultivar selected from the catalog and place it in the designated area.

Rules for planting camellia flowers

  • In order not to be deceived by dishonest sellers, it is better to buy seedlings in specialized stores that have the appropriate license.
  • When purchasing a plant, in a pot or other container, be sure to ask whether the camellia is permanently planted in the substrate or whether it needs to be replanted at home.
  • If replanting is needed, you need to prepare a container and soil mixture.

Preparing the container and soil mixture

  • The container for replanting must be larger than the root system so that the camellia can grow for at least a year without replanting.
  • The container must be disinfected.
  • There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the container.

Fine crushed stone, expanded clay or other material is poured into the bottom of the container. You can buy ready-made soil mixture (for azaleas) or prepare it yourself from the following components:

  • turf soil 1 part;
  • peat 2 parts;
  • leaf substrate or mature humus 2 parts;
  • sand, but better perlite, agrovermiculite 1 part.

Finely chopped pine bark and rotted conifer needles are added to the soil mixture to increase acidity and breathability ( better than pine). If it is needed, the soil is acidified with citric acid to pH = 4.5-5.0. Acidity can be checked with a litmus strip.

Planting camellia

  • The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage and the seedling along with the soil is transferred from the old pot into a new container.
  • Fill all voids with new soil.
  • The root collar should be above the soil level. If it is buried, then it is opened when the soil is wet.
  • The transplanted plant is watered.
  • The water is drained from the pan.

Young camellias need annual replanting. Adult specimens after filling the entire capacity of the pot or container with the root system. Camellias are replanted in late autumn, sometimes in winter. Transfer/transshipment to winter period does not affect the budding and flowering of plants negative influence. The first time after transplantation, the plant is sprayed daily with warm distilled water.

Care for camellia at home


  • Plants do not tolerate overwatering or dry soil.
  • The main condition is uniform watering during the growing season.
  • Add 2-3 drops of natural lemon juice to the irrigation water monthly to acidify the soil.
  • Keep the soil moist (not wet).
  • In adult camellias, the next watering is prescribed when the top layer of the soil mixture dries to the depth of the phalanx of the finger.
  • The intensity of watering during the dormant period is reduced to 1 time every 8-12 days at small rates. Spraying is stopped.
  • In July, when buds are setting, watering is also reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the bush will drop its buds and the roots will begin to die.
  • At the end of August, watering rates are increased. The water should be warm.
  • When watering cold water the flower gets sick.
  • In winter, during flowering, watering is carried out to moisten the soil. Excess water is removed. The next watering is prescribed when the upper part of the substrate in the pot has dried.

Camellia leaves need constant spraying, if possible, it is carried out 2 times a day.

  • When spraying, protect the flowers from water.
  • If the flowering is intense, the flowers cover the entire bush, it is better to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • Humidify the air around the plants.
  • Place humidifiers nearby.
  • Water for irrigation is soft, settled, warm.


  • With the beginning of the active growing season, they begin feeding.
  • For fertilizing, use flower fertilizers for azaleas or rhododendrons, diluting the recommended dose by 2 times.
  • You can feed the plants with an organic solution (not manure), alternating with mineral fertilizer.
  • The main fertilizing is carried out during the period of increasing leaf mass.
  • Until the end of July - the first ten days of August, fertilizing is carried out every 10 days. Then feeding is stopped.

Crown formation

  • Sanitary and formative pruning is carried out.
  • During sanitary pruning, diseased, shriveled branches and shoots growing inside the crown are removed.
  • The formation of the crown is carried out at the end of flowering. During this period, new buds are not formed.
  • Depending on the type, pruning is performed to 1⁄2 - 1/3 of the length of the branches. Camellia montana is pruned as much as possible, and Camellia reticulum is pruned very delicately.
  • The cut areas must be disinfected and treated with garden varnish or other compounds.
  • Plucking is carried out during transplantation in order to improve the branching of the plant. Pinch off the tops throughout the plant or at the owner's discretion.
  • In addition to pinching vegetative shoots, pinching of buds is carried out. This technique adjusts the number of flowers on the bush. With abundant flowering, the period of opening of the corollas is sharply reduced. They fade faster. The flowers are getting smaller.
  • If you do not carry out formative pruning and pinching, the plant takes on the sloppy appearance of an overgrown bush.

Video about caring for camellia at home

Camellia can be easily planted and grown at home, despite the fact that most varieties are intended for open ground. However, there are selectively bred camellia species for breeding in apartments and houses.

From this article you will learn what care a plant requires to abundant flowering and how to propagate it correctly. In addition, we will look at several types of camellia that are very popular among gardeners - Japanese and garden climbing, and will tell you in detail about the rules for growing them.

Basic rules for caring for camellia flowers at home

IN wildlife It is a shrubby plant that can reach 3 to 12 meters in height. It has glossy, oval-shaped leaves. Single flowers of the plant are quite large (reach up to 15 cm in diameter) and consist of many stamens and five petals.

The color of the petals can be red, pink, white and even two-tone - with streaks, specks and spots. The flowering period is about a month, but for this, indoor varieties need to provide certain care and proper growing conditions.

Location and lighting

Camellia light-loving plant, so it is better to place it in a well-lit place: the flower feels good on windowsills located on the east and west sides (Figure 1).

Note: If you place the bush in the back of the room or on the north side, it will not have enough light, and on the south it will have to be shaded from direct sunlight so that burns do not form on the leaves and petals.

From time to time the bush is turned towards to different parties light to form a crown correct form. During the period of budding and flowering, the position of the bush should not be changed under any circumstances, so that the disturbed plant does not drop its buds. In the warm season, flower pots can be displayed on open air(balcony, loggia or front garden), not forgetting to provide shading at lunchtime.

What should the temperature be?

A 12-hour daylight period is sufficient for the establishment and development of flower buds. But at the same time you need to monitor the temperature in the room. It should not be allowed to rise above +20 degrees.

Figure 1. Plant placement in the house

If the length of daylight hours decreases, the temperature should also be reduced (to about +8+10 degrees). Only in such conditions can one count on the formation of buds and buds.

The flowering period begins in December and lasts until February. During this period, you need to move the plant to a cool room with a temperature of no more than +10 degrees. If this is not done, flowering may end prematurely or not begin at all.

Proper watering and humidity

When growing camellia at home, you must monitor the humidity in the room. It should be increased, so regular spraying is carried out with settled or boiled water at room temperature (Figure 2).

Note: During the flowering period, this procedure is carried out very carefully so that water does not accidentally get on the petals.

A specially purchased humidifier has a good effect on air humidification. If it is not possible to purchase it, then the pot with the plant can be placed on a tray with wet peat or expanded clay.

Figure 2. Maintaining optimal humidity

It is recommended to water the crop regularly and abundantly, but not allowing the soil to become waterlogged. To do this, you need to monitor the top layer of soil: when it dries, you need to start watering. Another sign of moisture deficiency is yellowing and shedding of leaves. However, if moisture stagnates at the roots, the leaf blades turn brown and the buds fall off.

Soil composition for indoor plants

Young bushes are replanted annually. For adult plants, this procedure is carried out once every two years. During the replanting process, you need to pinch the apical shoots so that the bush is more lush and develops faster.

The best time to carry out the procedure is spring, and for this purpose a special soil mixture is used, consisting of deciduous soil and peat (two parts each), turf soil and sand (one part each). But the bottom of the container must be laid with a layer of drainage to remove excess moisture.

Plant nutrition

Since camellia is a crop that grows in a humid climate, at home it should be provided with the necessary nutrients artificially.

To do this, fertilizing is carried out regularly throughout the year at intervals of three weeks. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used: 1 gram of the drug is diluted in a liter of water and root watering is carried out with the resulting solution.


By pinching, you can form a compact tree from an ordinary shrub. Pruning and shortening the apical shoots serves not only to form the crown, but also to activate branching and flowering of the crop.

In addition, the owner of the flower needs to evaluate the strength of the plant: if it is too weak, some of the unopened buds must be removed.


An integral part of care is pruning. For better growth, axillary buds are pruned in late autumn. To ensure that the bush does not lose its compactness, in addition to sanitary pruning of weakened and dried shoots, the crown is formed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Trimming features ornamental shrub

This procedure is carried out when the first wave of flowering gradually ends, but the crop has not yet had time to form new buds. All cut areas must be treated with garden varnish to prevent infection from getting inside the wound.

The young plant is replanted every year. This is necessary because closed system the pot contains too few nutrients for the development of an ornamental shrub (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Stages of plant transplantation at home

If the plant blooms every year, replanting can be done every two years. The procedure is carried out in the spring, and it is combined with pinching the apical shoots to stimulate branching and flowering.

For planting, it is advisable to choose acidic soils, but even if you do not plan to replant, you need to add a small layer of fresh soil to the container every year. Required condition- the presence of drainage in the pot, since without it water will be retained at the roots.

From the video you will learn about the main features of growing camellias at home.

Care and reproduction

There are several ways to propagate camellias. One of the simplest and most effective is cuttings. To do this, select apical shoots that have not yet become woody. They should be cut in January or July.

Cut cuttings with 3-5 leaves 6-8 cm long are soaked in a solution of a root-forming preparation and planted in containers with peat and sand. Next, the seedlings are transferred to a room with a temperature of +20+23 degrees, regularly sprayed and watered. After two months, roots will grow on them and then the sprouts can be planted in separate containers (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Stages of crop cuttings

Another method of propagation is by sowing seeds. However, it should be taken into account that in this case the characteristic features varieties. Sowing is carried out in small boxes, placing the seeds one at a time at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Seedling containers are covered with glass or film and placed in a bright and warm place. The plant is planted in separate pots when two true leaves appear on it.

Camellia japonica: home care

This variety is native to the mountain forests of China, the island of Taiwan and the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula and Japan. This is not a very large tree or shrub that can reach about six meters in height. It has a voluminous crown and pointed leaves with a leathery surface. Flowers can be either single or paired.
IN room conditions Growing this variety requires certain knowledge and patience. With a lack of care, the crop can lose buds and get rid of leaves. Plants feel best in a winter garden, where daylight lasts 12-14 hours throughout the year. Camellia loves good lighting and if it is lacking, it refuses to bloom or produces too few buds (Figure 6).

Note: Pots with shrubs should not be moved during the flowering period, as this may cause them to drop their buds.

When flowering begins, Japanese camellia can be placed outdoors. This will have a beneficial effect on her condition. In the future, it must be transferred to a cool room to re-plant the buds.

Caring for Japanese camellia includes the following steps:

  • Frequent but moderate watering;
  • Regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • Pruning (carried out in the second half of autumn) to maintain the correct shape of the crown;
  • Regular replanting of overgrown bushes.

Figure 6. Growing Japanese camellia at home

In addition, the leaves should be periodically sprayed with settled water at room temperature to maintain optimal level humidity.

Camellia climbing garden: planting and care

This variety is easy to grow, and care includes standard measures.(Figure 7):

  • Regular watering, including during the flowering period, but it must be done carefully so that water does not get on the petals;
  • In dry weather, you need to spray the leaves with water at room temperature;
  • In spring and during flowering, complex minerals and organic fertilizers at intervals of two weeks;
  • Replanting is carried out every two to three years so that the plant receives a sufficient amount of nutrients from the soil;
  • To stimulate bud growth, pinching the apical shoots is carried out.

Figure 7. Growing and caring for garden varieties

In regions with cold winters, the plant needs to be provided with a light shelter. In addition, when planting garden camellias, you should use a special light soil consisting of coniferous soil, crushed tree bark and sand. Only in such a substrate do plants quickly take root in a new place.

You will find useful tips on growing camellias in the garden and at home in the video.

An amateur who has managed to “tame” this plant can consider that he has passed the exam to enter the “major league” of floriculture, and from now on call himself a professional. It is not easy to find a houseplant that is more demanding, more finicky than the beauty called camellia. Camellia domestica is a serious, and even legendary, flower. In terms of the beauty of the bush and the sophistication of its flowers, it can compete with roses and gardenias.

It’s not for nothing that Dumas’ son dedicated his work “Lady with a Camellia” to her, and the Japanese even named part of the island of Kyushu in her honor. Camellia managed to make both the East and the West fall in love with her, thus refuting famous saying Rudyard Kipling that these parts of the world cannot come together.

Appearance of the beautiful camellia

Botanists classify this plant as a member of the huge tea family, and it, like many other domestic flowers, comes from eastern Asia. For the first time, an unusual bush was brought to Europe by a Czech naturalist from Brno, Georg Kamel. Subsequently, the tireless Carl Linnaeus, who gave the name to almost half of the world's plants, christened this flower with the name of the Czech.

Camellia - evergreen shrub, at correct formation can look like a small tree. Of the variety of camellia species, only three have taken root as a houseplant: K. montana, K. chinensis, and K. japonica.

The first two species are extremely rare in apartments; they are usually grown as garden plants. Camellia sinensis, by the way, is a well-known tea; it is from its leaves that this, perhaps the most widespread drink in the world, is made.

But on the basis of Japanese camellia, those varieties and hybrids have been created that are mastering our home collections. Therefore, in the future, when talking about growing camellias, we will talk specifically about camellia japonica.

Camellia has beautiful, dense, dark green leaves. They are small in size, elegant, sitting on dense, short petioles. Exquisite flowers can have different colors, but shades of white and red predominate.

Interesting! Initially wild Japanese camellia had only scarlet flowers, and species with a white color appeared only in the 6th century, surprising the Japanese emperor himself.

People also worked a lot on the shape of the flower; at first it was simple. Nowadays there are a variety of its forms: simple, terry and semi-double, even asymmetrical.

Camellia flowers can be from 2 to 12 cm in diameter and grow singly. When they bloom, they form a fruit - a brown capsule in which the seeds are hidden.

In indoor conditions, a camellia bush rarely grows more than one meter, most often a little less.

The conditions she needs

Japanese home camellia is demanding of everything: humidity, soil quality, watering, etc. But still, it seems that the main difficulty that a gardener will face when buying this flower is to provide it with the proper temperature conditions.


The fact is that for the maintenance of camellia ordinary apartment won't do. The owner will be required to have or cold balcony, loggia, or separate winter Garden. In spring and summer, the plant needs a temperature of about +20ºС; it does not like heat.

But the most interesting thing begins in early autumn, when the camellia lays flower buds. During this period, the temperature must be reduced, and significantly, to +15°C, or even +12°C. This is how the kidneys will form successfully. If the temperature does not decrease during this period, there will be very few flower buds; they will fall off at the beginning of development.

By the end of autumn, beginning of winter, the temperature should drop to five degrees. In principle, it should remain like this all winter, then the flowers will remain on the plant for a long time. And even if the temperature drops to slightly below zero at times, this will not harm the camellia if it has already bloomed by that time.


Being at home, the camellia flower remains demanding of air humidity. This is especially true in summer, when the temperature is quite high. The tree should be sprayed frequently, taken out to the balcony, or even better, buried in the garden, in shady place, watering daily. If low temperatures are provided in winter, you don’t have to worry about air humidity: with such indicators, humidity cannot be low.


Camellia does not like direct sunlight, but at the same time, it needs intense but diffused light.

Important! In autumn, during the formation of buds, the plant needs to be provided with approximately 12 hours of daylight. In practice, this means that at the end of August and in the first half of September, it needs to be closed from light in the evening, creating artificial deep shadow.

In winter, on the contrary, camellia is often illuminated, especially if it blooms at this time. When adding additional lighting, make sure that the duration of light and dark time is approximately the same.


Select based on the above features. For example, a flower should absolutely not be left near heating batteries. Make sure that there is no draft blowing on the camellia in winter, and that the sun does not overheat in summer. It is very important not to touch the camellia during the formation of flower buds: do not move it to a new place or turn it!

The soil

It should always remain moist, while being extremely loose and light. The substrate for camellias must be acidic, as for azaleas or gardenias. In winter, when the temperature drops, light drying of the earthen clod is allowed (and even encouraged).

Subtleties of care

Thus, caring for camellia at home is a troublesome task that requires special effort and attention. Some subtleties have already been mentioned, we can summarize and clarify them:

  • pay attention to the temperature, gradually lowering it from early autumn to mid-winter. Avoid summer heat;
  • make sure that during the formation of buds the duration of day and night is approximately equal;
  • all the time and by everyone possible ways increase air humidity around the plant. An exception may be the months when the camellia is in the cold;
  • Water the plant regularly, making sure that the substrate does not dry out even from above. At the same time, do not allow water to stagnate in the pot. Use soft, settled water; in winter it is useful to resort to melt water.

The beauty is fed in spring and summer, 2-3 times a month, with special fertilizers, or regular complex fertilizers, but in half concentration. By August, fertilizing should be stopped, so more flower buds will be formed.

Always make sure the soil remains acidic! To do this, add it to the irrigation water from time to time. citric acid or vinegar in small quantities.


In this component, caring for home camellia is also not easy in its own way; there are features that are rare.

The most important thing is that camellia, unlike most flowers, is replanted during the period of dormancy, and even flowering: usually the second half of autumn and winter. Transplanted during active growth, it will take a long time to recover.

The second most important requirement is that the root collar of the plant should under no circumstances be covered with soil or go under the surface of the soil! If in doubt, it is better to add a little more soil when replanting, and then, after a few days, when it has compacted, add the missing layer (it’s also not a good idea to leave the root collar too open).

Well, remember that the soil must be loose, retain moisture, and have an acidity pH of 4.0–5.5 units. It is better to buy such soil at a specialized flower shop (it is sometimes sold under the name “substrate for azaleas”).

You can take the risk of making the soil yourself if you have some experience. The basis of such a mixture can be high-moor peat, sand, crushed tree bark, vermiculite and leaf soil, taken in equal proportions. Must be placed in a pot good layer drainage!

Experts recommend replanting adult camellias once every 2-3 years, and this should rather be a careful transfer into a pot bigger size. Young plants should be replanted annually.

Crown formation

Camellia does not tolerate pruning, but its crown needs to be shaped. It is advisable to do this by pinching young shoots in winter and in early spring. Also during this period, old, too elongated branches are removed, treating the cuts with garden varnish.

An important element of formation is the removal of excess buds. If a plant lives in comfortable conditions, it tends to produce too many flower buds, which subsequently turn into small, sometimes underdeveloped flowers. To avoid this, excess buds should be plucked out, then the flowering will be more magnificent.

Camellia propagation

Camellias are propagated at home in three ways: seeds, cuttings and air layering.

The seed method is quite simple, perhaps even the simplest. There is only one BUT: your camellia needs to bloom successfully, and in place of the flower a capsule with full-fledged seeds has ripened.

Important! Seeds must be sown soon after collection, otherwise they will quickly lose their viability!

Sow in a moist greenhouse filled with a sand-peat mixture. Make sure that the temperature of the substrate does not fall below +20ºС, but preferably a couple of degrees warmer. Seed germination is good. The plants are transplanted into separate pots when two true leaves appear.

Camellia is propagated by cuttings in winter, after flowering, or in the second half of summer. The peculiarity of the plant is that cuttings take root for a long time, about two months, provided that they were kept in a warm, humid greenhouse. Cuttings should be cut semi-lignified, from the tops of the branches.

Camellia takes root well if you can bend its thin side branches to the ground. By pinning them to the surface and sprinkling them with a damp substrate, you can expect them to sprout additional roots. If this happens, they are separated from the main plant and planted in another container.

Diseases and pests

Speaking about problems, it is worth noting that the main ones are yellowing of leaves, their falling, lack of flowering or loss of buds by the plant. If this happens, you need to carefully analyze whether everything has been completed the necessary conditions, which were discussed in the article.

It often happens that a plant’s leaves suddenly begin to fall off en masse. The reason is most likely root rot, stagnation of water in the pot. In this case, you should check the earthen ball, improve drainage, partially or completely change the substrate, making it looser.

Fortunately, harmful insects do not often visit home camellia flowers. If they do appear, it is usually scale insects, aphids or spider mites. Against the first two, you need to apply treatment with popular insecticides, for example, “Aktara” or “Aktellik”.

“Aktellik” is also good for fighting ticks, as well as “Apollo”, “Sunmite”, and other substances from the group of acaricides.

Evergreen camellias have a huge number of fans around the world. Camellia bushes with glossy dark green leaves are strewn with a variety of flowers. U garden varieties The flowers are quite large, up to 12 cm in diameter; indoor flowers, such as Japanese camellia, delight with a variety of colors.

Camellia flower may be various sizes, colors and shapes. There are rose-shaped, peony-shaped, anemone-shaped, symmetrical, terry, simple.

In the East, where the Japanese camellia comes from, the art of growing these plants dates back more than a thousand years. Nowadays it is much easier to grow such a beauty at home. In tropical and subtropical climates, for example, on the Black Sea coast, it can be safely grown in open ground. In colder latitudes, camellia is planted in tubs and containers.

Japanese camellia is a visitor from Southeast China, not Japan, and the most common of indoor species. Thousands of varieties bred by breeders originate from it.

How to choose camellia?

You should buy flowers in special stores or nurseries. Choose healthy plant, symmetrical, with elastic leaves. It is necessary to inspect the leaves for spots or cobwebs. The bush should have many buds and few flowers. A variety such as Japanese camellia is perfect for both beginners and experienced gardeners and will become a real decoration for the home.

Seedlings are also available for sale. Flowers are removed from flowering seedlings. Thus, nutrients after planting, they promote the development of the root system.

You can also go the hard way and make your own from seeds. This is a long but exciting way to obtain plants.


To stimulate growth, the tops are pinched 2-3 months before transplantation, at the end of October.

The best time to transplant camellias is late autumn - early winter. The plant is placed in a shallow tub or pot; an extra layer of soil of just a couple of centimeters can lead to rotting of the roots.

It is also possible to replant in the spring, but spring transplant may inhibit future bud formation and negatively impact winter flowering potential.

Soil mixture

A quality substrate is the basis good growth and comfort for camellias. The soil should be acidic, loose, allow air to pass through and retain moisture well. If you choose the wrong soil, there is a high risk of flower death.

For cooking soil mixture it is necessary to mix turf soil, peat, coniferous land And river sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5. You can buy a special soil mixture “Azalea”, “For camellias”, etc., the main thing is to maintain the pH within 4-5. Some gardeners call ready-made soil mixtures an experiment, and it is unknown whether it will be successful. While for beginners, the soil from the package can be a great help. However, you should trust only well-known and trusted companies - manufacturers that produce truly high-quality mixtures.

Special conditions of detention

Camellia japonica, like its other species, is not indoor plants in the fullest sense. But even in a city apartment you can create comfortable conditions for an eastern plant.

Lighting and location

It is customary to care for camellias in an apartment in the same way as in open ground. The plant is provided with long daylight hours, in the summer months - up to 13 hours of diffused light. The flower feels great on western or eastern balconies without contact with direct sunlight.


For the comfortable development of Japanese camellia, a special microclimate is required. In summer, a warm temperature of 22-24 degrees and high humidity are required. At the end of autumn, the temperature is reduced to 10 degrees to ensure the formation of flower buds. From January, when flowering begins, optimal temperature content 15–17 degrees.

Air humidity

High humidity is ensured by regular spraying. In summer, especially on hot and dry days, place the camellia pot in a container of water or use a special humidifier. When flowering, spraying is carried out carefully, trying not to touch the flowers.


Watering should be done with soft, settled water regularly and abundantly. When buds begin to form, watering should be reduced.


Liquid fertilizing is necessary in the spring, every two weeks. Complex mineral fertilizers with trace elements dissolved in water and used for irrigation. The concentration of most fertilizers should be lower than stated on the label. You can use ready-made bagged fertilizers for flowering plants or roses

Camellia propagation

A florist’s special pride is his ability to plant and propagate plants. There are several propagation methods for camellias.

Propagation by cuttings is perhaps the most understandable method for amateur gardeners. A cutting (twig) is cut from the mother bush and placed in nutritious soil and humid environment. To propagate, the cutting must have at least 3, maximum 5 well-developed leaves and apical buds.

To germinate cuttings, more than heat than for an adult bush - up to 25 degrees. Despite all the apparent simplicity this method, it's not very effective. Therefore, it is wise to plant several cuttings at once.

The first roots will appear in 3 months, and the plant will bloom no earlier than after 2 years.

Pests and diseases

Camellia japonica. Yellowing of leaves - chlorosis occurs from a lack of iron and is treated with special drugs Twice a year.

Aphids feed on plant juices and contribute to the development of fungus. To eliminate pests, use appropriate means, such as insecticides.

Common problems

  1. Root rot occurs when the soil becomes waterlogged and acidified. As well as fungal diseases, root rot is treated with fungicidal drugs. When severely damaged, it causes flowers and buds to fall off and can lead to the death of the entire plant.
  2. If the flower turns yellow and the leaves fall off, there may be increased acidity in the soil, or the plant has received sunburn from prolonged contact with direct sunlight.
  3. When changing place while buds are setting, camellia may drop its flowers.

In nature, Japanese camellia reaches 12 meters in height and blooms profusely from December to April. Growing a small bush at home will be a great hobby. As soon as the first camellia flower blooms, all your efforts in growing this plant will be more than rewarded.

How to care for a camellia flower at home: methods of propagation How to care for Ficus Benjamin Natasha at home

Camellia japonica is an exotic tree whose flowering can conquer any heart. However, seeing luxurious flowers at home is not so easy - you need to work hard. To cope with this task and tame the Japanese guest, it doesn’t hurt to study the secrets and subtleties of caring for the plant.

Japanese camellia - an obstinate beauty

Camellia japonica, Camellia japonica, belongs to the family Tea and is the brightest representative of the Camellia genus. The plant's homeland is southern Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea.

In the wild it grows as a tall bush or a tree reaching from 1.5 to 11 meters in height.

In the latitudes of the former CIS, Japanese camellia is most often grown as a houseplant or greenhouse plant, which reaches no more than 2 meters in height.

The dark green leaves of the plant are very decorative. They have a dense structure and have a soft glossy sheen. But most of all, the Japanese beauty is valued for its flowers, similar to delicate roses, densely showering the tall bush during the flowering period.

The most common flower colors are white, pink and red shades. Camellia blooms in winter, starting in December and ending in April.

Camellia japonica is the ancestor of more than a thousand varieties. Tireless breeders have created many plant varieties, among which you can find simple, double and semi-double forms of flowers from 5 to 15 cm in diameter.

The most popular rooms camellia varieties:

  • Pink Perfection- spectacular, densely double flowers of soft pink color.
  • Chandlers Red- dark red variety.
  • Linda Rosazza- snow-white semi-double “roses”.
  • Margaret Davis- semi-double white flowers with a crimson border and the same inclusions.
  • Tricolor- white petals with red splashes and long yellow stamens.
  • Desire- semi-double “roses” with transitions from snow-white to pink.
  • Double White- terry snow-white variety.
  • Guilio Nuccio- bright crimson flowers.

Features of care

If she doesn't like something, she immediately shows her temper - refuses to bloom, sheds buds and even leaves. Lighting, air humidity, temperature and soil composition are the most important components of camellia health.

Selecting a location and temperature

Ideal accommodation option camellia japonica is a winter garden with diffused light. If there is none, an insulated loggia or the brightest room is quite suitable.

The plant requires at least 12 hours daylight per day.

in winter camellia will need additional lighting, without which it will refuse to bloom. When placing camellia on a windowsill, you should shade it from direct sunlight.

In summer It is very advisable to place the camellia on the balcony or in the garden, in a windless place, sheltered from the active sun. During flowering, the beauty does not like to be moved from place to place or to turn the pot. The plant also does not tolerate temperature changes and drafts.

in spring And in summer Camellia japonica thrives in moderate temperatures. At the end of autumn, it is necessary to place the plant in a room with a temperature of +5 to 6 °C - at this time it lays flower buds. After the first “roses” appear, the camellia should be moved to a warmer room with a temperature no higher than +12 °C. It is these conditions that provide the plant with abundant and long flowering.

Watering and humidity

In summer The Japanese camellia should be watered abundantly, waiting until the top layer of soil dries out and avoiding drought in the pot. In winter, the plant is watered less often, taking into account the fact that when low temperatures moisture evaporates slowly and the soil remains moist for a long time. Overwatering is very dangerous for camellia roots.

Water for watering it should be well-settled, soft, at room temperature and without lime. It is useful to add a little citric acid to the water.

Camellia urgently needs high humidity. It is necessary to spray it regularly, and it is advisable to place the pot on a tray with damp expanded clay or moss.

In hot weather you can arrange Japanese beauty water procedures in the form of a shower, tightly covering the soil in the pot with polyethylene.


Young camellias require spring water every year. transfer. An adult plant is replanted every two or three years. This is done in the spring after flowering has completed and before new shoots begin to actively grow.

Transplant Camellia needs to be transshipped, which will allow it to be moved to a new location in a gentle way. When replanting, it is important to ensure that the root collar is not buried. There is no need to replant a large tub plant.

Enough update upper layer soil in a tub, trying to remove the old soil right down to the roots. Don't forget to ensure there is sufficient drainage at the bottom of the container.

For camellias required acidic soil with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5. Ready-made soil for azaleas or hydrangeas works well. Can be cooked earth mixture yourself from:

  • 2 parts peat soil;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

Top dressing

Don't get carried away feeding camellia- it is enough to apply it to the soil once a month liquid fertilizer for azaleas. During budding, you can feed the plant two or three times a month.


Cuttings. At the end of summer, cuttings about 8 cm in size are cut from semi-lignified annual shoots of an adult plant, treated with Kornevin and rooted in a peat-sand mixture in a “greenhouse”.

First roots You should wait after 3 months, and the first flowers - after 2 years. Unfortunately, sometimes this method ends in failure, so several cuttings need to be rooted at once.

Seeds. This method does not preserve varietal characteristics, so it is very rarely used. In addition, the seeds must be fresh, as they lose their viability very quickly. Flowering occurs after 5 or 6 years.


Enemies camellia japonica: , tea moth, . Insect control involves treating the plant with insecticides. Increased humidity air will help avoid pest attacks.


Camellia japonica very sensitive to all kinds of diseases. Chlorosis- the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green. Cause- iron deficiency. Treatment: treatment with “Iron Chelate” or “Ferrovit” twice a year.

Cucumber mosaic- leaves turn pale in spots along with veins. Treatment: treatment of the plant with “Aktara” or “Aktellik”.

Fungal diseases- brown, black or gray spots appear on the leaves. Solution: treating camellia with fungicides.

Common problems

The buds are falling And leaves- high room temperature, dry air, waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, chlorosis.
Turns yellow And leaves are falling- increased soil acidity.
Camellia refuses to bloom- insufficient lighting, violation of temperature conditions during the formation of flower buds.
The plant drops flowers- change of place during budding.

Needless to say, the luxurious Japanese camellia has a capricious character. Only those who make a lot of effort can achieve its flowering. But you just have to provide the beauty with cool conditions and give her care and attention - and she will thank you with a bouquet of delicious flowers.

And for the curious, we suggest you watch the video about Camellia japonica