If laminate flooring creaks, what to do in such a situation: basic tips and recommendations on how to get rid of the unpleasant sound. Laminate flooring creaks: causes of the problem and how to fix them Should laminate flooring creak after installation?

Any extraneous noise has an irritating effect on a person. Especially if these are the sounds of creaking and crunching made by the floor covering. Why do such phenomena occur? Is it possible to fix this defect? You will find the answers in our article.

Laminated parquet, thanks to the manufacturing features and the presence of Click-type locking connections, is easily assembled into a single monolithic sheet. But it happens that just a few days after installation, when walking, you can hear that the new floor is crunching, “bumping,” or creaking. As long-term practice shows, the causes of this phenomenon can be divided into three groups:

  1. Violation of installation technology, and at any stage, including preparation of the base and selection of the substrate. In most cases, extraneous noise appears precisely because of non-compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Poor quality products, supposedly made using German technology (with the inscriptions German technology, German quality) or on behalf of a famous brand (Made by ....). Such labeling is not an indicator of quality.
  3. Failure to comply with temperature and humidity parameters installation or operation, such as acclimatization period flooring material, too much high temperatures heating systems, etc.

Let's take a closer look at them. At the same time, we’ll figure out how to eliminate the creaking of laminate flooring.

Laying technology is broken - what to do

Large companies conduct claims work and display relevant statistics. In 80% of cases, the installed product creaks or crunches if:

The base is uneven

According to SNiP 3.04.01-87 (SP 29.13330.2001), the surface must be smooth, durable, free of foreign matter, dirt, and remnants of old coatings. Acceptable level differences - no more than 2 mm for every 2 linear meters of floor.

Pits, potholes, cavities, bumps and other surface defects are the main enemy of the laminate, causing excessive load on the locks and the slab. If you do nothing, then in the near future extraneous sounds will be added to the appearance of cracks, crumbling joints, and a breaking slab. Therefore, eliminating this type of marriage is your first priority. For local defects, repair filling mixtures and quick-drying putties are used. If you need to level the entire base, use gypsum floor levelers.

Substrate moisture is excessive

Under the coating on the screed, according to the laying rules, there should be waterproofing film and fixed adhesive tape. In most cases, these recommendations are neglected; moreover, the floor is laid 1-2 days after pouring the self-leveling mixtures. Constant fumes negatively affect the stove, causing swelling and squeaking when walking.

Professionals will probably refuse to do anything with such a floor. It’s easier to dismantle the coating and purchase a new one. As a last resort, you can try drying the planks in a dry, ventilated area under pressure for several weeks and reassemble them. But there is no guarantee that the locks will “sit” tightly; they stretch.

There is small debris under the cover

It seems to you that the craftsmen in your apartment did everything right: they leveled the base well, carefully laid the floor, installed baseboards. And after a couple of days you discover that the laminate creaks. And it’s as if you’re not walking in an apartment, but outside in the snow.

Getting rid of such a crunch is much easier than leveling the base. It is enough to disassemble the laminated parquet from the wall to the creaking area and thoroughly clean it with a construction vacuum cleaner, cut off the bumps with a spatula, and, if necessary, prime with a strengthening compound.

Cleaning the floor with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Remember that laminate locks tend to stretch. Therefore, to ensure their tight fit, assemble the slats in the same order in which they lay before disassembly. And to avoid confusion, on back side slabs, write its number with a marker.

Technological clearances are not maintained

Laminate flooring is characterized by changes in linear dimensions due to periodic changes in temperature and humidity levels. Manufacturers recommend to level out this effect:

  • leave deformation gaps of 8-10 mm around the perimeter (near the walls);
  • install the floor as a single sheet without breaks on an area of ​​no more than 36-80 m2 (exact data is indicated on the product packaging).

If you do not make temperature compensation and shrink seams, That:

  • when humidity increases (for example, in autumn or spring), the floor will begin to crunch and swell,
  • with an increase in air temperature and a decrease in humidity (in summer, in winter at the height of heating season) creaks and cracks will appear between the planks.

Laying laminate with the formation of compensation gaps.

To get rid of these defects, you will have to completely re-lay the covering, and perhaps replace some planks with damaged locks. It is better to invite a professional who can correct errors at minimal cost.

Incorrect substrate selected

The underlayment serves as a protective damper for the laminate floor. In addition, it helps to slightly level out smooth differences of up to 2 mm for every 2 meters of surface. But not more.

Trying to simplify or reduce the cost of repairs, many use a lining with a thickness of more than the permissible 3 mm. Or they roll up the substrate in several layers, forgetting that the locking joints are not designed for such play. Then heavy furniture is placed on a springy, trampoline-like surface. Because of this, the slats bend and the locks fail and break. Creaks, cracks, cracks and damaged slats - this is the result of an attempt to make a floor cheap and cheerful.

It is possible to save the laminate, but only at the very beginning of the operational period. To do this, the coating will need to be completely dismantled, the base must be carefully prepared in accordance with the installation instructions, and a new substrate must be purchased.

Why does laminate flooring from an unknown manufacturer squeak?

You have made sure that the installation was carried out according to all the rules. But the floor still makes unpleasant sounds. The second group of reasons may be related to product quality. Includes:

Violation of geometry (manufacturing defect, second grade)

When assembling, craftsmen often carefully tap the strips together to ensure a tight fit of the locks. If the material is curved or linear dimensions do not correspond to the reference standards, so-called internal stress arises in the slab. Because of this physical phenomenon a creaking sound is heard, and not only when walking on the assembled canvas. Unfortunately, in these cases, only complete replacement of defective elements helps.

Tapping the laminate during installation to seal the joint.

You can try to disassemble the floor, file or cut off the locks and “plant” the planks with glue. But this is a temporary measure, since there is no guarantee of a tight fit and absence of protrusions.

Weak load-bearing board

For the manufacture of laminate, HDF is used - high-density board. To save money, some manufacturers use an analogue - furniture MDF, which is not designed for such significant loads and quickly begins to crumble and breaks under the pressure of furniture. And since the thinnest part of the planks is the lock, it is damaged first. There is no cure for this “disease”. Only complete dismantling and replacement.

Crooked sawn lock

One of the conditions for producing high-quality laminated flooring is the presence of exceptionally sharp knives that form the locking part. As soon as it begins to lose its sharpness, it is immediately replaced. This is carefully monitored in large factories that produce branded goods. Laminate of unknown origin cannot boast of such control, so slabs with uneven or crooked cuts, excessively trimmed tenons and grooves are often found. In the store they can show you how easy it is to assemble finishing material, literally with one movement of the hand. But cracks, creaks and other defects will also simply appear on it.

Locking connection of laminate - operation diagram.

Laminated parquet should click into place with a characteristic sound. To improve the reliability of the connection, some manufacturers add plastic or aluminum tabs, and also improve the shape of the locks.

Does laminate squeak? Check temperature and humidity

Since laminate flooring is a derivative of wood, increased requirements are placed on the temperature and humidity conditions for installation and operation. Ignoring the manufacturer's recommendations will lead to the rapid appearance of defects or extraneous sounds. Namely:

Failure to comply with acclimatization rules

Before installation, the purchased coating must lie in the room for 2-3 days. If the planks were purchased to replace individual segments - at least 7 days. Optimal conditions for work:

  • Air temperature – from +12 to +25 °C;
  • Relative humidity – 40-60%;
  • Turn off the floor heating system - 5-7 days before installation.

As practice shows, if you install a laminate immediately, without technological aging, creaks, cracks and deformation phenomena appear on the 3-5th day of operation.

Insufficient or increased constant humidity level

Rare laminated parquet, like solid board, can withstand excess water. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay this material in a bathroom or toilet, or before entering a wet room. It is better to use a composite or ceramic analogue.

But with low humidity levels it’s not so simple. At the height of the heating season, the planks begin to dry out, creak, and gaps appear. It is difficult to combat this phenomenon. You can try installing humidifiers or re-laying the covering. In this case, it is advisable to lubricate the locks to level out squeaks with special sealants for laminate flooring on a wax or silicone basis.

Use of floor heating systems that are not permitted for joint use

Laminate parquet cannot be installed on traditional electric heated floors. Due to too much point heat load, the slabs will constantly crack and come apart. Only water complex with maximum temperature up to +27 °C or special systems such as “Pergo QuickHeat” or “Devidry”.

What to do if you are not satisfied with the laminate

When we detect defects in the flooring, we first begin to look for ways to eliminate them. For European and Russian products, in parallel with the repair work We recommend filing a formal claim with the retailer from whom the product was purchased. Be sure to include photos or videos of the floor. Within 3-5 days, he is obliged to transfer it to the factory dealer or directly to the manufacturer.

As a rule, it takes from 2 weeks to 2 months to review and provide a reasoned response. The most likely option is replacement of the defective batch, return or proportionate compensation. However, you may be required to provide samples for expert assessment or send your specialist for analysis. You can independently order an examination from Rospotrebnadzor, TTP or another similar organization, but in this case all costs are borne by you.

Unfortunately, this scheme does not work for Chinese products. The seller can offer compensation on his own so as not to spoil the reputation of his organization, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

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Laminate is one of the most popular materials for creating finished flooring in apartments, houses, as well as in office premises. Thanks to its excellent performance and attractive appearance, it is possible to obtain a coating that imitates a natural wooden floor from expensive and even valuable species wood Many people choose laminate flooring because of its simple installation technology, but they soon encounter an unpleasant problem - squeaking and crackling noises that can be heard when walking on the floor. If laminate flooring creaks, what to do without dismantling the coating: we’ll talk about this and how to prevent squeaking today.

With all my positive properties, laminate is demanding in terms of operating conditions and compliance with installation technology. In one case, the coating can last for several decades from the moment of installation without creating any inconvenience in operation, but in another it can present an unpleasant surprise after just a couple of days. If unpleasant sounds occur while walking on the slats, it is necessary to find out the cause - this will allow you to determine how to eliminate it. In most cases it can be avoided full analysis coverings.

There are several main reasons.

Reason 1: foundation

The quality of laying laminate flooring and its durability depend on a carefully prepared, level base. When installing a screed, a height difference of more than 2 mm per 2 m² is not allowed. If there are irregularities during operation, the slats will begin to sag due to uneven distribution of the load. As a result, the floor will begin to creak.

Note! The fact that the cause of laminate squeaking is unevenness is indicated by the fact that the unpleasant sound appears in specific places, and not across the entire surface of the coating.

Prevention and elimination of the cause of squeaking is carried out in the following ways:

  1. As a preventive measure, you should follow the technology of its manufacture at the stage of preparing the base.
  2. In the presence of large differences, protrusions, depressions, cracks and other defects, repair measures are carried out - the surface is ground, leveled with special solutions, cracks are puttied, and bumps are cut off.
  3. If creaking occurs after laying the laminate, the lamellas in problem areas are dismantled and the base is leveled using a special solution. Laying of the substrate and laminate is carried out after completely dry grounds.

Detailed step by step instructions You will find information on laying laminate flooring in the article. We talk about the nuances, choosing a substrate and its types, the installation process and how to cut holes.

Reason 2: error when choosing the thickness of the substrate

The underlay is an integral part of the laminate installation process. With its help, minor defects in the base are leveled out, but it would be a mistake to assume that the substrate large thickness able to cope with significant unevenness. In this case, the height of the lamella deflection will only increase.

Note! Experts do not recommend using a substrate thicker than 3 mm.

If a squeak appears in a certain place, you should also disassemble the floor, remove the backing and level the base. Or replace the entire substrate.

Reason 3: temperature gap

One of the main conditions for laying laminate flooring is the formation of a compensation gap around the perimeter of the room between the outer lamellas and the walls or protruding elements.

Note! The role of the gap is to create free space, which will compensate for the expansion of the material with temperature changes and increased humidity in the room. Otherwise, when the lamellas increase and move, they will rest against the wall, and a creaking will appear as a result of the load. In some cases, the laminate even “stands on end,” and this already indicates that the locks are broken and the coating needs to be replaced.

The solution to this problem requires removing the skirting boards and trimming the outer slats to create a distance between them and the wall of the required width. A sign that it was the small width of the temperature gap or its absence that caused the creaking is that the latter forms over the entire surface of the floor and is especially pronounced in the area of ​​the walls.

When trimming the lamellas, it is important not to damage them - it is worth considering that laminate is a multi-layer material. To get the most even cutting line, use a grinder equipped with a disk with a fine cutting structure. Or .

Reason 4: contamination of the space under the laminate

Important preparatory stage before laying the laminate consists of cleaning the site from construction and other debris and dust. It is important that dust, screed fragments, shavings and small elements from sawing the lamellas do not get under the covering and on the locking part.

Even at the stage of creating the screed, after it has completely dried, it is recommended to use a special primer composition that will effectively strengthen and remove dust from the base.

Note! If possible, work on sawing the lamellas should be carried out in another room, and when laying them it is important to make sure that the locking part and the boards themselves are clean.

When grains of sand rub against each other, a peculiar crunching sound occurs, which is difficult to confuse with something else. This characteristic feature, which signals that there is dust and debris between and underneath the laminate planks.

If such troubles arose during the destruction of the screed, then proceed as in the previously described cases:

  1. Disassemble the coating.
  2. Fill in the repair compound.
  3. Dry it.
  4. Primed.
  5. Put the covering back together.

Reason 5: Humidity

The laminate contains wood, so the material reacts to changes in humidity in the room. For this reason, polyethylene is laid between the substrate and the concrete floor. waterproofing layer, and also provide compensation gaps around the perimeter of the room.

However, it is not always possible to avoid the appearance of crunching precisely because of the increase in the level of humidity in the room, when pressure occurs between the increased lamellas. This phenomenon is especially relevant in the off-season. And, if it is impossible to adjust the microclimate parameters in the room yourself, then it is enough to wait for the natural restoration of optimal humidity levels. Then the squeak will go away on its own.

Reason 6: tension in the locking connection

Often, squeaking occurs immediately after laying the coating. If used when finishing the floor quality laminate and the technology of each stage is followed, then it is worth waiting some time (sometimes up to several months), during which the laminate adapts to the parameters of the room, microclimate, and the quality of the base.

All this time the coating will be in motion until it takes its position. Later set time unpleasant sounds and squeaks will disappear, and the floor will become smooth.

Reason 7: choosing poor quality material

When choosing an inexpensive material of an unknown brand, the consumer always takes a risk, since one cannot be sure that high-quality raw materials were used or technology was followed in the manufacturing process of such a laminate.

Inexpensive laminate made in China often cannot boast of high-quality material in its composition, ideal bonding of individual layers to each other. Often the lamellas have incorrect geometry and deformation. Therefore, the appearance of squeaking in this case is inevitable, and the problem can only be cured by completely replacing the coating with material from a trusted manufacturer.

Low-quality laminate is equipped locking system different sizes, as a result of which it is difficult to achieve a tight fit of the lamellas to each other.

Video - Basic mistakes when laying laminate flooring

Ways to eliminate the causes of squeaking

Depending on the cause of the laminate creaking, a decision is made on how to eliminate it. It is not always possible to solve the problem locally, without resorting to dismantling the coating or completely replacing it. For example, if the reason lies in poor quality laminate, incorrectly chosen thickness or substrate material, or failure of the subfloor - you will have to dismantle the coating. In the latter case it may be necessary major renovation screeds. If the base is wooden, then it is necessary to tighten and tamp the boards that have moved away from the joists.

But there are options for eliminating squeaks that do not require disassembling the coating.

PVA glue

If, over time, gaps have formed between the lamellas, then PVA glue is used to tightly fix the elements, after first cleaning the joint from dirt. If this is not done, the laminate will not fall into place.

Table 1. Eliminating squeaks using PVA glue

PVA glue can also be used to fill the joint between the wall and the laminate in cases where it is not possible to trim it.

Another option is to pour PVA glue into drilled hole, the diameter of which does not exceed 0.5 cm. The glue is poured using a syringe. While the glue dries, it is not recommended to step on the surface to be repaired.

When the glue has completely dried, the hole is sealed using a special laminate grout or wood putty of a suitable shade.

Video - Gluing joints with PVA glue

Alternative materials

To remove squeaks at the joints between the slats, you can use universal means. One of them is aerosol wide application WD-40. It does not contain silicone, so the floor surface after treatment will not be sticky or slippery.

The can is equipped with a thin tube spout through which the substance is supplied under pressure, which is convenient when processing joints.

To remove squeaks locally, you can use regular candle wax - it must be melted and rubbed into the joint using a special flexible spatula.

Video - Eliminating squeaking using WD-40

Elimination of laminate swelling when humidity increases (indiscriminately)

If the distance between the laminate and the wall is insufficient or absent, even with a slight increase in humidity, the laminate swells and increases linearly. The coating rests against the wall and tension arises inside it, and the lamellas that “do not fit” begin to be forced out. As a result, the canvas rears up.

In this case, it is necessary to empty the room of furniture, dismantle the baseboards and, stepping back from the wall about 20 mm, mark a line. Using a grinder or jigsaw, the laminate is cut along the intended line.

If the swelling is minor, then you can put a weight on top. It is also worth drying the air in the room using a conventional electric heater.

Note! The gap should be close to heating pipes and any protruding structures in the room.

Prices for Tarkett laminate

Tarquette laminate

To avoid unpleasant manifestations from the coating, it is advisable to deliver the laminate as early as possible to the site where it will be laid, so that the material adapts to the microclimate conditions in the room.

After laying the flooring, an unpleasant problem may arise - the laminate creaks. This may occur due to the fact that certain installation requirements were violated during installation. If such a situation arises, then you will have to figure it out and look for where the creaking is coming from. It is best to eliminate the cause without dismantling the floor, because the locks can be disposable and will need to be purchased after disassembly new material.

Why does laminate flooring squeak?

When laminate flooring makes various sounds, not everyone thinks about the causes of such problems. And there are many of them, these reasons include:

  1. Violation of the rules for preparing the foundation.
  2. Poor condition of the subfloor.
  3. Poor quality laminate.
  4. Violation of floor laying rules.
  5. Poor choice of substrate or its complete absence.

If you do not follow all the rules for laying the base, then the appearance various disadvantages quite an expected phenomenon. Some of these problems can be eliminated without disassembly, but sometimes partial or complete disassembly is required. When disassembling, there is a high probability of damage to the locks, as a result of which you will have to purchase additional material, and this will lead to an increase in the cost of laminate flooring.

In order not to subsequently rack your brains over the question of how to eliminate the squeaking of laminate flooring indiscriminately, you must strictly follow all installation rules.

Creaking of laminate flooring due to poor preparation of the base

Sometimes, squeaking laminate flooring may be due to the fact that the original (sub-floor) floor was in poor condition. If the covering was laid on a wooden floor, then it is necessary to check its condition before starting work. To do this, check for cracks and rotten boards. If the foundation is in unsatisfactory condition, then alteration is necessary.

Before starting work, wooden floors need to be consolidated. Rotten boards, even partially damaged ones, must be replaced. Alignment must be done during the process.

Concrete screed can have 2 problems:

  1. Unevenness - in this case it is necessary to make an alignment.
  2. The old foundation may collapse. Most often, this option occurs if low-quality concrete is taken.

If the base is old and has begun to deteriorate, then it is better to replace it. But such work is very labor-intensive and financially expensive. A thickness of at least 6 mm will help correct the situation. It is placed on the floor and secured. Then the laminate is laid. Using plywood, you can also level a wooden base.

Installation of plywood for laying laminate flooring

If the shortcomings of the finished laminate base appear as a result of a poor subfloor, then the entire structure will have to be disassembled. There will be no other way.

How to eliminate squeaking laminate flooring without disassembling it

If the laminate begins to creak, then not in all cases it will be necessary to disassemble the floor to eliminate this problem. If you correctly determine the cause of the squeak, then in most cases you will not have to disassemble the panels, and fixing the problem will not take much time.

Eliminating squeaks on uneven bases

If you clearly and correctly follow all the conditions for preparing the base for a laminate, then the likelihood of defects appearing is reduced significantly. All depend on the type of floor. Unevenness negatively affects the locks of the boards. If laminate flooring creaks when you walk, the likelihood of an uneven floor increases. This problem needs to be fixed.

The most effective method will be drilling a small hole in the board. Next, a medical syringe is filled with PVA glue and this glue is injected into the hole.

It is better to fill at a slow speed until the glue comes out of the hole.

If there is glue on the edges of the hole, it must be removed. Then you need to leave the filling area for 3-4 hours. At this time, it is better not to walk on the floor so that the glue can set.

Once the glue has set, you need to seal the hole. To do this, use sealants or mastics, putties or self-adhesive films. Sealants and mastics can have colored bases, and therefore you can choose a composition that best matches the color of the laminate.

To create the maximum effect of an intact board, you need to remove excess composition with a cloth, and treat the hole area with fine sandpaper, then polish it with a cloth. For reliability, you can cover the board with a layer of colorless varnish.

Eliminating squeaks by drilling laminate flooring

Creaking in the absence of a temperature gap

There is a situation where sounds from the coating travel across the entire surface area. In this case, there is a high probability that the laminate was laid without observing the temperature gap. Such a gap must be left between the outer boards and the covering, since the laminate has the property of linear expansion. If the gap is small, then under the influence of expansion the locks begin to creak.

Correcting such a defect will not take much time. To do this, you need to remove the baseboards and increase the size of the gap using a grinder. There is no need to remove the covering.

Laminate creaking in the absence of a temperature gap

Laminate floor locks creak

A very common reason unpleasant sound– discrepancy or loose connection of locks. In case of discrepancy, a gap is formed, which can sometimes touch another board, resulting in sound. If the lock does not fit tightly, the same thing happens.

In this case, the position can be corrected without disassembling the surface. To solve the problem use adhesive composition, which is applied to the locks, and they try to move the boards towards each other. The surface is left for some time for the glue to harden.

Sometimes, instead of glue, it makes sense to use foam. It sets much better and faster, and also holds the panels noticeably better. The big advantage of foam is that it is enough to apply it to the edges of the boards; due to expansion, it will itself reach the desired, opposite edge.

However, when working with foam you should be careful:

  1. The joints must be wiped free of dust.
  2. Construction tape or masking tape is placed along the edges of the board. This is done so that the foam does not stain the surface of the boards.
  3. Foam is poured into the joint.
  4. After some time, the excess frozen foam is removed.

The joint surface can be painted over so that the treatment is not noticeable. Or apply a sealant or mastic of a suitable color.

Gluing the laminate locks

Laminate flooring creaks when laid on litter

When the owners of the house begin to wonder what to do if the laminate flooring creaks, it is important to remember how the room was cleaned before installation work.

After preparing the base, debris often remains, and if large debris is removed, then no such attention is paid to dust and small specks. And this step is in vain. If there is sand under the laminate, then squeaking is quite possible. Therefore, before installation you need to vacuum thoroughly. rough foundation and all the cracks. If the gaps are large, then they must be treated with filling compounds.

If it is determined that the laminate is crunching due to debris, then you can either dismantle the entire covering or vacuum the laminate in places in contact with the wall. To do this, you need to remove it, and the covering can be slightly lifted so that there is a gap. You need to insert a vacuum cleaner hose into this gap and try to remove debris.

Creaks due to the substrate

There may also be such a moment. This is due to the fact that the wrong substrate was selected. Laminate is a floating floor system; this system requires an underlay. This element provides some softness to the coating and hides small unevenness of the subfloor. The substrate is selected depending on the material of manufacture and thickness. If the coating creaks, then most likely it is due to the wrong choice of substrate thickness.

When choosing a thickness, it is important to remember that the larger this parameter, the larger the gap between the floor and the board. A large gap can cause squeaking. Therefore, the substrate must be chosen of normal thickness.

The optimal thickness is 3-7 mm. the maximum parameter can be up to 10 mm. But here everything is deplorable for the owners. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the coating and replace the substrate with a thinner one. There are no other options to resolve the issue.

When choosing a laminate, it is important to remember that squeaking can also be caused by a low-quality coating, so you need to choose a high-quality material. In many cases, it is impossible to do without dismantling the covering, so in such cases you need to pay attention to what locks the boards are equipped with.

There is laminate on sale that can be dismantled up to several times. Of course, such coating options are more expensive, but it is better than buying new material again.

With the help of a building material such as laminate, you can transform any room. But sometimes, during its operation, when walking on it, it begins to creak, which is very hard on the ears. Then a reasonable question arises: how to get rid of this squeak. In general, if such noise appears, it most likely means that the coating was installed in violation of the technology. Any problem that may be causing the unpleasant creaking of a laminate floor can be corrected, the main thing is to find it.

These unpleasant phenomena often appear because customers do not want to listen to the advice of craftsmen who warn that this material is quite capricious and needs a perfectly even base. Masters refuse careful preparation substrate, allowing the laminate to be laid on an existing, previously unprepared base. When the surface is prepared correctly, laminated coating It lasts quite a long time and without problems.

However, often even with full compliance with the main points of installation technology and surface preparation, the laminate coating begins to creak. So why does laminate flooring squeak when walking even in this case? Creaking immediately after laying may be present due to the fact that the panels rub against each other for some time and shrink. Unfortunately, in some cases this squeak does not go away on its own. Therefore, we have to look for the cause and way to solve this problem.

There is not always one reason for this situation; there may be several. To figure out how to deal with such noise, you need to consider them separately.

It was already noted above that creaking laminate flooring can be a consequence of an uneven and unstable base. In order to eliminate this reason, the base should be carefully leveled even before laying the material. Creaking sounds occur due to friction between laminate boards or their in separate parts. This process occurs because the laminated panel changes its position on an uneven surface when pressed. If you constantly hear a creaking sound when walking on a laminate floor, then the entire base will have to be leveled.

Laminate flooring is creaking, what should I do?

If you yourself did not take part in laying the laminate and have no idea how it was installed, then it is advisable to invite a specialist to find out the cause of the creaking. If you laid the laminate flooring yourself, then you can easily cope with the problem yourself.

You can hear different tips about eliminating unnecessary sounds. For example, some experts sometimes recommend lubricating laminate cracks with machine oil or silicone. This method can actually help, but only for a short period of time. After which the squeaks will start again. In addition, such a lubricant can greatly damage the material itself, as a result of which it becomes unusable. Then you will have to purchase and lay laminate flooring again.

Presence of base defects

Laminate flooring creaks, how to fix it? If this problem does not occur everywhere, then you can remove some individual panels. It is also recommended to remove the skirting boards and thresholds that secure the laminate in place local repairs. It is best to sign each removed panel, for example, apply serial number on the other side. This will help you install them back correctly.

If, after removing the laminate panel, a depression was identified in the surface of the base, which is precisely the cause of the creaking, then this unevenness must be eliminated. The operating procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to level the surface using quick-hardening solutions, which are applied with a spatula.
  2. After the mixture has dried, the leveled area must be sanded. Otherwise, even small irregularities can only aggravate the problem.
  3. After sanding, place on the surface thin layer cardboard, after which the backing is returned, and the laminated boards are installed back in their place.
  4. If the coating creaks almost over the entire area, then this indicates that it was initially laid incorrectly. Then you will have to completely disassemble it.
  5. Then you need to level the base. To do this, you can use self-leveling floors. Using this solution, it is recommended to fill all the recesses in the base. This, in turn, will make the surface perfectly flat.

If the basis for the laminate is a plank floor, then perhaps it was the cause of the unpleasant sounds. This is due to the uneven position of the boards, or the fact that they may move away from the joists on which they were laid.

In such cases, there is more work to be done, namely: removing the entire floor, including baseboards, thresholds, and laminate flooring. Then check the wooden base and try to find areas that may be causing the floor to squeak under the laminate. Special attention should be given to floorboards that show signs of aging, fungus or mold. We replace damaged and damaged boards or joists.

Then you will need to firmly secure the boards that have moved away from the joists, after which it is advisable to scrape off their surface. The latter is necessary to ensure that the surface of the board becomes perfectly flat. If scraping is problematic for some reason, then the flooring of the boards can be made smooth using plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Sheets of plywood must be installed with glue and secured with self-tapping screws. A substrate is laid on top, on which the laminate is then installed.

Presence of construction waste

Quite often, the laminated coating creaks due to particles getting between the substrate and the slabs construction waste or grains of sand. This can happen when the base was poorly prepared before laying the laminate - small debris and sand were not removed. To eliminate this problem, we dismantle the covering, the substrate, remove the debris using a vacuum cleaner, and put the floor back together.

You can still wait until all the debris rubs out on its own under load. This idea is acceptable if the laminate itself is very good quality and is resistant to mechanical damage. WITH inexpensive material It's better not to do that. The fact is that garbage will only destroy it over time, and this can make the situation worse. Still, it is better to remove the entire laminate and clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner. Particular care must be taken to vacuum the joints. The boards should be wiped with a damp cloth. After cleaning, the laminate is put back into place.

Presence of screed defects

Laminate flooring can make squeaks due to unevenness of the screed. In this case, the creaking appears because in places of unevenness the substrate wears off and the laminate becomes loose. If this problem occurs, the flooring is removed and a new underlay is applied. Before this, you can fill the floors with a special self-leveling solution, and then lay the coating on it again.

One of the reasons that the flooring may squeak is the incorrect size of the gap between it and the wall, or its absence. This gap must be at least 8 mm. In large areas, this value should reach 28 mm. When laying the covering without a gap, it may rise in some places, and this, in turn, will certainly cause squeaking. It is important that the plinth strip does not press the flooring, but is suspended above it. To solve this problem, you can simply cut off the outer planks and move the baseboard itself a little higher.

Creaks may appear immediately after laying the laminate flooring. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the presence of residual stress in the locks of the boards. This problem usually resolves itself when the material adapts to the geometry and microclimate of the room.

Presence of substrate faults

The cause of squeaking flooring may be that the underlay used to smooth out uneven floors is too thick. Gradually it begins to cake and sag in places where there are holes. In this case, the floor must be leveled and the underlay replaced with a thinner one. One of the highest quality materials for this is cork. This substrate prevents the base from being pressed through. It is recommended to use flooring less than 2.7 mm thick. Thicker substrates, even high-quality ones, are too hard. Over time, such material will break under the influence of mechanical load, which is why it will no longer be able to smooth the surface of the base.

Failure to comply with installation technology

It must also be said that laminate is a material that reacts very sensitively to possible changes in temperature and humidity. This can also cause squeaks. Therefore, before laying it down, it should lie in a room for several days, where the material will gradually adapt to room microclimate, in particular to humidity.

When the climatic conditions of the environment change, the laminate produces squeaks and crunching sounds that appear throughout the entire area of ​​the floor covering. To solve this problem, it is best to wait until the season changes. Gradually, the flooring should itself adapt to the room microclimate. If squeaks appear from autumn to spring or from summer to winter, then the reason for this is the unevenness of the floor. In this case, noise can be eliminated only by completely dismantling the coating and eliminating existing unevenness in the base.

In general, if the installation was carried out in compliance with all technological standards, then the flooring itself will stop creaking over time, taking on an optimal position. After a couple of months, it’s worth listening to whether the laminate creaks. If the noise continues, this indicates that the cause of the problem is different.

It’s another matter if material of dubious quality was used during installation. Inexpensive flooring is most often purchased because they want to save money. In general, you should not purchase goods from a supplier whose reputation does not inspire confidence. If you still decide to buy a relatively cheap laminate, then it is advisable to find out the opinions of people who have recently used it. Reviews can be read, for example, on the Internet.

If you don't know anything about the laminate flooring you're purchasing, you may be very disappointed. After all, even if the flooring is laid in compliance with all the rules, this will not help to avoid the appearance of squeaks. Once they arise, they will not disappear on their own. You will have to endure until the next repair or start unscheduled repairs, which will require a complete replacement of the floor covering. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase only quality materials, especially if you plan to use them for a long time.

If a person has little experience and decides to install laminate flooring with his own hands, then the result may be that the floor will be mounted flush against the walls. Experienced people know that when laying flooring around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to leave gaps. Moreover, their size depends on the area of ​​the room. So, if the laminate is installed in a room with small area, then the distance should be at least 8 mm. In large rooms it should be at least 10.5 mm. In rooms with a very large area, the gap should be increased to 21-29 mm. As work progresses, a plinth will be installed around the perimeter to hide it. Connections to other materials are closed using protective profiles. If you do not make gaps, this can lead not only to squeaking, but also to damage to the coating.

If the gap was not provided when installing the baseboard, it is recommended to correct this so that the floor covering is not damaged. To do this, the baseboards are first dismantled, after which the gap between the wall and the base is increased by filing the boards.

The flooring may become noisy due to very heavy furniture being placed on it. This is due to the fact that heavy weight interior items interfere with the natural behavior, and in particular, the expansion of the laminate.

New flooring often behaves unusually at first. So it can float under your feet, and when you walk, sometimes there is a clicking or squeaking sound of the laminate after installation. In fact, this is normal behavior of the new material, which is due to the fact that there is still tension in the locks. If all the requirements of the technology for laying the flooring and preparing the surface are met, over time it should stop creaking. If the noise does not stop, then it is obvious that you will have to look for the cause. Many people try to deal with “creaky floors” using talcum powder. The fact is that this material not only does not help, but can also create new problems.

By the way, adhesive types of laminate creak the least. This is due to the fact that the glue plays the role of protecting the locks from the penetration of foreign debris into them. However, if the flooring is noisy due to defects in the base, then the adhesive laminate, like other types of this material, will most likely also creak.

If after purchase the laminate is not used immediately, then it is necessary to observe certain important rules its storage. So, it should lie on a flat horizontal surface. In general, you should not use the material immediately after purchase. First, it must adapt to the indoor climate for a couple of days. This is especially important in winter, when the laminate sold is most likely stored in cold warehouses. Under these conditions, it does not have its normal form. In order to return it to its usual appearance, the material must lie for some time at room temperature. After which it can be used at work.

Any responsible manufacturer building materials gives recommendations on the use of its products. They must be followed.

If you know the main reasons for laminate flooring squeaking, then it’s easy to conclude that it’s best to prevent them rather than deal with them later. If extraneous sounds still appear, then you should pay close attention to this problem. After all, she won’t be able to decide on her own. In addition, over time it can become even more serious, which, obviously, will require large expenses.


Does laminate flooring squeak after installation? There may be several reasons that cause this problem, so the method of solving the problem is chosen after first determining what exactly causes the creaking.

Only after determining why the laminate creaks can you decide what to do to get rid of the problem:

  1. When laying the covering, the distances between the joists were too large. The boards on which a person stands sag under the weight, bend and make an unpleasant sound.
  2. Was used cheap material. Quality boards laminate must be thoroughly dried. Low-quality laminate, laid according to all the rules, has weak locks; undried boards dry out over time and change in size, which causes squeaking.
  3. Uneven base. The slightest deviation of the subfloor affects the entire structure.
  4. The installation technology is broken. Manufacturers recommend laying laminate flooring on a thin substrate ( optimal thickness– 3 mm), and if a thick one was chosen, then over time the boards sag, crushing the backing, and begin to creak when walking on them.
  5. The recommended technical distance between the wall and the coating is not maintained. Minimum distance between them - 7 mm, and for large rooms this gap is increased. This measure is necessary so that the laminate boards, after installation, can take a normal position and be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the room. If there is no indentation from the wall, the panels begin to rest against the surface of the wall, which causes creaking.
  6. Increased humidity in the room. The coating consists of sawdust or shavings, and an increase in humidity in the room affects the laminate: the floor, swollen with moisture, increases in volume, the boards touch each other, and begin to creak.
  7. Litter (dust, sand, dirt) clogged into the coating. Particles caught between the boards can cause squeaking.
  8. Heavy furniture. After installation, it is necessary to give the laminate some time so that the boards are distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the room and take the optimal position. If you immediately fill the room with furniture, the covering will settle incorrectly, which will lead to unpleasant sounds.

Once you find out why laminate flooring creaks, you can begin to eliminate the causes. Some of these factors cannot be removed without dismantling the entire structure - for example, a low-quality laminate will continue to creak, and there is nothing left to do but lay a new one. However, in most cases there is no need to disassemble the coating.

Universal methods for solving the problem

How to eliminate squeaking laminate flooring without disassembling it?

First of all, you need to carefully examine the flooring, walk around the entire room, noting the places where the unpleasant sound is heard. Perhaps, at the same time as the creaking, the edges of the board are raised.

After problem areas identified and begin work.

The process may require:

  • paraffin candle;
  • plastic spatula;
  • matches;
  • drill;
  • medical syringe;
  • silicone sealant;
  • PVA glue.

Operating procedure:

Process nuances

A drill is used to drill holes in the laminate, but it is important to follow the drilling technology: if you ignore the recommendations, chips and cracks may form on the coating, which may require its complete replacement.

To prevent this from happening, use twist drills made of hardened steel with a sharp, rather than standard, sharpening angle.

After filling the hole with the selected composition, you will need to mask the damaged area of ​​the board. For this purpose, use special wax for laminate, mastic, putty, epoxy resin or sealant. It is important to choose a product that best matches the color floor covering. The composition is rubbed into the damaged area, then the excess is removed and gently treated with fine-grained sandpaper, being careful not to touch the laminated coating. The final stage is treating the masked area with matte transparent wood varnish.

Ways to solve the problem depending on the cause

If the methods listed above did not help, and the laminate still creaks, what can be done without dismantling the entire structure? Options for solving problems depending on the reason that caused the creaking.

Uneven base

If you lay laminate flooring on an unprepared (carefully leveled) base, the installed coating will creak.

In this case, you will need to fill the depressions in the base polyurethane foam. This is done in a similar way to the method using glue: problem areas are identified, holes are drilled, filled with foam, masked and varnished.

However, if there are a lot of unevenness or there are places where the base protrudes above the general plane of the floor, then you won’t be able to get rid of the squeak in this way; you will have to dismantle the structure and prepare the base according to all the rules.

No technical space between the wall and the covering

How to remove the squeaking sound of laminate flooring from the wall of a room? The grinding noise caused by the board touching the wall is quite easy to eliminate.

For this:

  1. Remove the baseboards that hide the junction of the laminate with the wall.
  2. Using circular saw, carefully cut off the edges of the boards, leaving at least 10 mm between the wall and the covering.
  3. After vacuuming the perimeter of the room, carefully removing shavings and dust formed as a result of the work, install the baseboard in place.

Creating a technical space between the wall and the covering - eliminating the creaking of the laminate

It is quite possible that the baseboard also provokes squeaking - it is advisable to immediately check how tightly it adheres to the coating. If the gap between it is too small, it is recommended to fix the baseboard a little higher so that it does not put pressure on the covering.

Grinding noise from panel joints

How to get rid of squeaking if the laminate was laid according to all the rules, but an annoying sound appeared immediately? Most likely, in this case, the cause is the grinding noise produced by locking connections or joints of laminate panels. It usually goes away within 2–3 months after installation of the coating.

If even after this period the creaking does not go away, a special sealant is poured into the locks or panel joints. Before starting work, it is important to inspect their condition. There should be no dust, sand or other debris between the boards.

High indoor humidity

Increased humidity in the room affects the size of the panels, they swell, increase in volume, the load increases at the joints, friction is created when the load is placed on the floor, and an unpleasant sound is heard.

Laminate swollen from moisture

How to get rid of the squeak in this case? Reduce humidity levels. To do this include heating devices, warm up the room. Operating radiators will remove excess moisture from the air in the room, and after some time the panels will return to their normal shape, after which the creaking will stop.

Other options

Laminate flooring creaks: what to do if none of these methods helped? Most likely, the cause of the unpleasant sounds emitted by the coating is a violation of the laminate laying technology, and in this case it will not be possible to do without dismantling.

Debris caught in the coating

Does laminate flooring squeak when you walk on it? It is possible that debris was not removed during installation, and construction dust, sand or other solid particles remain under the panels or get between individual covering elements. It is recommended to definitely get rid of debris - in addition to squeaking, it can ruin the laminate with inside, scratching him. You will have to remove the coating and thoroughly clean the base.

The backing is too thin or thick

If a substrate that is too thin was laid under the laminate, which does not soften or level the base, a squeak appears. The sound can also be caused by a substrate that is too thick, causing the panels to sag over time. You can get rid of the problem only after removing the coating and laying the substrate recommended by the manufacturer.