The meaning of the name Vladlen, origin, character and fate of the name Vladlen. Vladilen (male name)

Short form of the name Vladlen. Vlad, Vladya, Vladik, Ladya, Vadya, Vilya, Lenya, Vilen, Vladlenka.
Synonyms for the name Vladlen. Vladilen.
Origin of the name Vladlen. The name Vladlen is Russian.

The name Vladlen is of Soviet origin. The name Vladlen is derived from an abbreviation that spells out Vladimir Lenin. A variation of the name - Vladilen - from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The feminine form of the name is Vladlena. The short form of the name Vlad is also used for other male names (Vladimir, Vladislav).

As a child, Vladik is precocious for his age, he is very hardworking, loves to tinker and can do this for hours. During his school years, Vladlen plays sports, but does not achieve significant success in it.

Having matured, Vladlen becomes an extraordinary person; he is always full of ideas. He achieves his goals by destroying everything in his path like a tank. He is driven by his exorbitant egoism, which he even considers a virtue, and a firm conviction in the nobility of his goals. Vladlen will not take into account the opinions of others; he has an iron grip in achieving his goal. He is characterized by ingenuity, dexterity, and the ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead. True, it is very doubtful that a man named by this name would try for the sake of friends or relatives, although it cannot be said that he does not love them. Although at first he perceives luck as a miracle, he soon gets used to it and takes it for granted.

Vladlen has an independent, proud and slightly adventurous character. He is quite secretive and stingy in expressing his feelings. It can be difficult to understand. However inner world Vladlena is rich, he has strong force will. A man with this name can be stubborn or capricious, he can follow principles, but he cannot be called despotic. Vladlen knows how to admit his mistakes and is endowed with a sense of justice.

Among the character qualities characteristic of Vladlen, one can also find self-confidence, sometimes even exaggerated, and poise. Vladlen has a highly developed intuition, sometimes he is subject to vivid and clear visions. He has a highly developed intellect, both an analytical and a synthetic mind. All this allows Vladlen to easily and in the smallest detail develop a plan for any business and control the process of events. Vladlen has a good memory, easily and for a long time remembering what struck his imagination. Mechanical memory is somewhat weaker. It can be improved by developing it from childhood.

Having received a good education, but often does not work in the specialty he received. Vladlen does really well only what he likes. Many named by this name are fond of exact sciences and technology. They can become a good industrialist or engineer, and perhaps a military leader or landowner. Vladlen can also become a chemist or a veterinarian.

Vladlen, born in winter, is more reserved and independent, aimed at scientific activity, as well as “autumn”. Vladlen knows how to control himself, and also has excellent penetration qualities and a sober mind. All these qualities are conducive to building a good career. After all, Vladlen can be very patient in achieving his goals, and his intelligence and diplomacy will help him in a leadership position.

Vladlen is not alien to either the material or spiritual aspects of life. He matures early, and from his youth he easily succumbs to feminine charm. Vladlen is very proud, this is very noticeable from the outside. He devotes a lot of time to himself and his appearance, and is sensitive to the effect he has on others. In Vladlen’s family life, everything is not going very smoothly. On the one hand, a man with this name is not deprived of female attention, but on the other hand, Vladlen makes too high demands on his future wife. If Vladlen cannot accept what ideal people does not happen, and they love people not for their qualities, but just like that, then the man’s family life will not work out, and the relationship will not bring him happiness.

Vladlen likes to be loved and praised. Despite its secrecy, it does not suppress beautiful impulses, but his independence and desire to live are still visible in them own life. The man named by this name cannot stand loneliness. He is always surrounded by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, with whom Vladlen loves to go on picnics and walks. He is friends with both men and women, but in the circle of acquaintances he must be a leader. Vladlen is lucky and charming, makes a good impression without making any effort, but he lacks diplomacy in communicating with people.

Born in autumn, Vladlen finds time to communicate with friends, despite his busy schedule. In society, Vladlen behaves confidently and knows his worth. He tries to avoid conflicts, but he also knows how to stand up for himself. However, he prefers to resolve quarrels using logic rather than using his hands. In general, Vladlen strives to live up to the image of an intelligent, self-confident person, which he almost always succeeds in. Although a man with this name is sociable, it is very difficult to achieve favor on his part or, moreover, true friendship.

Vladlena's birthday

Vladlen does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Vladlen

  • Vladlen Paulus ((1928 - 1979) Soviet theater and film actor, television director)
  • Vladlen Davydov ((born 1924) Soviet and Russian theater and film artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1969))
  • Vladlen Bakhnov ((1924 - 1994) poet, journalist, playwright, screenwriter)
  • Vladlen Livshits ((born 1929) Estonian psychologist and chemical engineer)
  • Vladlen Loginov ((born 1929) historian-researcher, specializes in the events of October and Civil War, film playwright, one of the most famous researchers of the biography of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin))
  • Vladlen Martynov ((1929 - 2008) Russian economist)
  • Vladlen Mikhailov ((1925 - 2004) Soviet general)
  • Vladlen Biryukov ((1942 - 2006) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist Russian Federation(2002). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1979).)
  • Vladlen Kryuchkin ((1938 - 2008) Russian documentary film director)
  • Vladlen Dozortsev (politician, publicist, screenwriter, playwright, novelist, poet)
  • Vladlen Yurchenko ((born 1994) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)
  • Vladimir Tor ((born 1968) real name - Vladlen Kralin, Vladimir Tor - pseudonym on the Internet; Russian public figure, adheres to nationalist views)
  • Vladlen Zurakhov ((1930 - 1991) Soviet chess player, master of sports of the USSR since 1954, chemical engineer)
  • Vladlen Gavrilchik ((born 1929) Russian artist, poet, prose writer)
  • Vladlen Tupikin ((born 1965) Russian journalist and political activist)
  • Vladlen Sirotkin ((1933 - 2005) historian and publicist, doctor historical sciences)
  • Vladilen Trenogin ((born 1931) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics at MISiS, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, member of GAMM and ROMAI, Academician of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Applied Sciences of Russia)
  • Vladilen Semenov ((born 1932) ballet dancer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1983))
  • Vladilen Mashkovtsev ((1929 - 1997) Russian poet, prose writer, science fiction writer, publicist, public figure. Author of more than one and a half dozen art books, published in the Urals and Moscow, including the historical fiction novels “The Golden Flower - Overcome” and “The Time of the Red Dragon”. Ataman of the Cossack village of Magnitnaya, Honorary Citizen of Magnitogorsk, holder of the Silver Cross “For the revival of the Orenburg Cossacks.”)
  • Vladilen Kondrashov ((born 1942) Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, theater and film actor)
  • Vladilen Letokhov ((1939 - 2009) Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, pioneer of laser physics and classic of laser cooling. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1970), professor. Author of more than 850 articles and 15 monographs, the most cited Soviet scientist in all fields of science for the period 1973-1988.)
  • Vladilen Nikitin ((born 1936) Soviet statesman, one of the creators of the oil and gas complex in Western Siberia)
  • Vladilen Solomin ((born 1933) Soviet and Russian architect, builder, honorary citizen of the city of Lipetsk)
  • Vladilen Volkov ((born 1939) Russian statesman)
  • Vladilen Kipyatkov ((born 1949) Russian entomologist, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1997), Professor (since 1997) and Head (since 2008) of the Department of Entomology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of St. Petersburg state university. Organizer (in 1989) and chairman of the section “Social Insects” of the Russian Entomological Society (REO), member of the presidium of the REO, president of the Russian section of the International Union of Researchers social insects(IUSSI).)


The name Vladlen is considered a purely Russian name, but is not listed in Orthodox calendar, because it is a product of the Soviet era. It comes from the shortened form of the name of the great leader Vladimir Lenin - “Vlad” and “Len”. This is the only one existing on this moment version of its origin.

The male name Vladlen was most popular during the existence of the USSR. Rarely seen today. Promises a lot good qualities carrier. According to experts, it has strong energy and good compatibility with most Russian female names.

Popularity: The name Vladlen is classified as a rare name and does not fall into the top 100 most popular male names. At best, it occurs in only 1 boy out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Vlad, Vladya, Vladik, Vadya

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

This name is purely Russian in origin, and like many Russian names, it has good energy. Experts believe that the meaning of this name can promise a boy many good, but at the same time, contradictory qualities. Usually Vladlen is a calm, pleasant, quiet, efficient, obedient person who gets along well with everyone around him. He may have many friends, many comrades, but he is unlikely to call any of them a real friend, because he trusts no one as much as his own mother or father. The Vladlens are too distrustful in terms of friendship. Although there are exceptions.

But in most cases, Vladlen is a reasonable and responsible man, ready to take responsibility for any person in his social circle, become a leader and be responsible for everyone without exception. This is a person you can rely on in any matter, whom you can trust...

Advantages and positive features: prudence, honesty, straightforwardness, eloquence, sociability and sociability, leadership abilities, self-confidence, willingness to help people. Vladlens also love to be in the center of attention, despite the fact that they attract attention to themselves with in no way provocative behavior.

Vladlen has a bad attitude towards people who are unjust, evil, dishonest, selfish and unreliable, he avoids communicating with fickle and unstable people, tries not to communicate with those whom he does not trust and with those whose reputation is already tarnished in some way.

During times Soviet Union The name Vladlen was in incredible demand, but since the eighties its popularity began to dry up and now this name is extremely rare.

Character of the name Vladlen

The character of the name Vladlen is such that it promises the bearer of this name a difficult nature and a bunch of useful, but along with them, not very desirable qualities. Thus, the character of such a man is usually endowed with such traits as hard work, calmness, sentimentality, shyness, idealism, good nature, integrity, cheerfulness, positivity and optimism, devotion and fidelity. The latter, by the way, are especially pronounced in relationships with female representatives - his character will not allow him to betray his companion, cheat on her, or be rude, that’s just the way he is. But there is one “but” - the fact is that Vladlen is demanding and can demand the same from his companion. But his character will never allow Vladlen to be rude to a loved one or show selfishness towards anyone - on the contrary, she is gratuitous in herself and is ready to do an infinite amount of good to people, both close and not so close, and all for free.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the character of a guy named Vladlen may be slightly different, because it depends not only on the characteristics of the name, but also on many other factors. So, Vladlen’s character may depend on parental upbringing, first of all, and even on the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

In early childhood, the meaning of the name Vladlen rewards the boy with a calm disposition and a rather tolerant character. This kind of person has a really calm nature, he never indulges, brings a minimum of trouble to his parents, listens to his mom and dad, and basically calls only for a positive reaction from the outside. Imagination, excellent imagination, calmness, prudence, rarely found in children in early age, unselfishness, desire to help people, unprincipledness, activity, energy, obedience, sociability, well-developed intuition and a unique mindset - this is what the boy can boast of, over whom the significance of the name Vladlen patronizes. But this is still far from full list its advantages, and over time, as we grow older, some of them are replaced by new ones, while others will completely disappear without a trace, and a small number of them may increase. Well, in general, he is a freedom-loving, but obedient boy who does not strive for independence. This boy is attracted by adventure and variety, but at the same time he does not strive for noisy companies and fun pastime; it is enough to just interest this boy in some interesting thing, and that’s it, he will be busy with it for a long time, without being distracted by anything from the outside world. Vladlen gets along with his peers at such an early age, but he is unlikely to want to communicate closely with anyone - he is a loner by nature.


The meaning of this name form gives a teenage boy whose parents chose the male name Vladlen a completely unique nature and, accordingly, a special character. In general, he is a calm and balanced guy, but naturally, not without flaws. So, his main flaw is usually excessive sentimentality and vulnerability, susceptibility and sensitivity - it’s easy to bring this boy to tears or resentment, he is unlikely to be hysterical, but he will be offended, so much so that for a long time, for sure, even ordinary minor criticism can drive make him depressed and make an enemy of the person who allowed himself to criticize him. But otherwise, he is a great guy - shy, but sociable, friendly, good-natured and benevolent, cheerful, efficient, attentive and caring, happy to help people in need of help, does not refuse advice and communication, but prefers to be alone. and attract a minimum of attention to your person. But he does well at school and is usually the one whom teachers hold up as an example. This boy usually has a simple relationship with his classmates - the meaning endows him with excellent friendliness and sociability, but does not endow him with the desire to make friends; it is difficult to make such contact. This is the kind of teenager that the significance of the name form Vladlen gives rise to...

Grown man

For an adult man who received the name Vladlen, the meaning of this name completely changes beyond recognition. From an insecure and indecisive guy, he turns into a determined and planned man, who easily takes on any business, gives advice to everyone around him, and in general, is what is usually called the ringleader. But being a ringleader is not the principle of his life, no - by nature, Vladlen is calm and balanced, he tries in everything and always to show prudence, and does not try to stand out from the crowd. And the meaning can turn him into an excellent psychologist - Vladlen loves to help people, and it doesn’t matter about what help is coming Whether it’s about physical or moral, he is ready to talk at any moment, never shies away from close communication and makes contact with everyone, even with unfamiliar people. The only “but” given by such a parameter as a value is gullibility and inability to understand people - a boy usually has a feeling that prevents him from making friends that would not be worth having, while an adult man with the same name has no trace of it disappears. He is also closed and never tells anyone about his troubles or experiences - Vladlen copes with all his problems on his own, does not even let close people near them, he is independent and self-confident. And for Vladlen, the meaning gives too high self-esteem. Plus, he is too self-sufficient and does not tolerate anyone meddling in his affairs...

Interaction of Vladlen’s character with the seasons

Spring is here we're talking about about a boy named Vladlen, with a cheerful disposition. He is sociable, cheerful, speaks beautifully and is interested in everything that comes to hand. He is respected, and he respects other people's opinions, but he can also be aggressive. You can’t hurt his dignity - he won’t forgive that. Decisive and full of moral strength, he tries to be on time everywhere and help everyone.

Summer - the so-called summer will become different in character. By nature, he is loyal, hardworking, responsible, loves to communicate, but is dependent on his environment. He needs support and approval in all his actions. He finds them in opposite field– women are crazy about him, trying to attract his attention. He is charming and has a beautiful soul, but he lacks determination and self-control.

Autumn - autumn months ruled by selective, callous and at the same time friendly, loyal and self-sufficient representatives of the stronger sex. This is a loner by nature, striving for calm and independence from the environment. He gets along well with people, but offends them with excessive straightforwardness - he easily says bad things to their face, but not because he wants to offend, just honesty is important to him.

Winter - and here we are talking about a purposeful, ambitious, self-confident, amorous, active and efficient careerist. His minus is that he does not see real people, idealizes everyone, and assigns traits that do not exist to his communication partners. He is also vulnerable and touchy, but hides his sensitivity. Loneliness oppresses him - he loves fun and communication, but is closed.

The fate of the name Vladlen

The fate of the name Vladlen is fraught with many mysteries and unknowns, but modern researchers have nevertheless been able to formulate a theory as to how it could develop for a man named so. So, it says that Vladlen’s destiny is to be lonely for a long time, and all for the sole reason that he is indecisive and has difficulty making contact with the opposite sex...

But in the end, fate can bring a guy named Vladlen together with the one with whom he will fall in love for the rest of his life, whom he will love most. True, he can only have a long-lasting relationship with someone who can appreciate and love him for who he is. His fate is as simple as two, but involves many difficulties in relationships with women. It is important for him to be loved and appreciated, to be showered with compliments and admired.

Well, in addition, the theory suggests that fate may ultimately turn Vladlen into an ideal husband and father. This is by nature a devoted and true to principles family man, a good father and an exemplary husband; one dreams of this enough a large number of women.

Love and marriage

A man named Vladlen early begins to enjoy success among the fair half of humanity. Multiple sexual relationships and frivolous relationships with women continue for quite a long time, since he is a convinced egoist who prefers his favorite job to any serious feelings. He likes the life of a confirmed bachelor.

If Vladlen decides to start a family, then he unconditionally takes the role of head. He chooses a girl from a wealthy family as his wife. He, of course, loves his wife and loved ones, but devotes very little time to her. IN household You shouldn’t expect help from him, so he comes home to rest. By the way, only a patient and submissive woman who is able to withstand her husband’s selfish nature can get along with such a man. At the same time, she must also be an unsurpassed lover.

Perhaps the advantage of a husband named Vladlen is his ability to admit his own mistakes, as well as his ability to resolve a conflict without loud screams and insults.

Vladlen as a Father

Men named Vladlen do not have children for a very long time, because they do not want to take on such responsibility. Sometimes fate still helps some of them become not only happy family men, but also exemplary fathers. Then everything changes. They love their children to death. True, they are unlikely to bother with diapers and diapers.

Growing up, children can sometimes experience a lack of paternal attention, since Vladlen devotes a lot of energy and time to his career. But his children will have a comfortable childhood. He compensates for the lack of desired time with children with a bunch of toys, excursions, trips and other children's joys.

IN free time Vladlen, as a father, will instill in his children a love of sports, teach them prudence, determination and hard work. In addition, he will make sure that his children learn with their own minds, and not with his money. If he sees their efforts and is convinced that they themselves can achieve a lot, then he himself will begin to help.

Compatible with female names

The question of the compatibility of the name Vladlen with female names at one time caused a lot of controversy among astrologers, but today it has answers that are undeniable and 100% accurate. So…

Ideally, such a guy should connect his life with ladies who received the names Agata, Anna, Vanda, Evdokia, Zinaida, Stefania, Flora, Yana at birth.

The most vivid feelings await him in the case of relationships with girls called Angels, Veronikas, Victorias, Irins, Kiras, Claudii, Nonnas, Noras and Raisas.

Under no circumstances should you become attached to women who respond to Agnia, Ada, Emma, ​​Elsa, Svetlana, Marianna, Iya, Dora, Stella, Laima, Clara, and Larisa.

This calm and intelligent man needs a woman companion who is also calm. balanced, reasonable...


The meaning of the name Vladilen

Vladilen, Russian post-revolutionary - VLADIMIR LENIN.

Numerology of the name Vladilen

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 4


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Vladilen as a phrase

In Vedi
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
D Welcome
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
L People
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vladilen

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative person, looking to the future.

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Vladlena's birthday

There are no birthdays for Vladlen. Patron saints of Vladlen are also absent.

The meaning of the name Vladlen

Vladlen is an abbreviation of the name Vladimir Lenin.

Origin of the name Vladlen

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Vladlen with its origin. The history of the name Vladlen has Soviet roots. It happened in post-revolutionary Russia in honor of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin.

What does the name Vladlen mean according to D.Zima and N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Vladlen according to D. Zima and N. Zima, in its energy it has sufficient hardness, and this hardness does not at all spoil the beauty of the name. Perhaps even somewhat excessive beauty. Usually a person named Vladlen behaves confidently in any society and knows his worth. He is quite hardworking, capable of being persistent in achieving goals, and can stand up for himself, although he still prefers to avoid conflicts and resolve them more with the help of logic than emotions and especially hands. In a word, he strives to live up to the image of a self-confident, intelligent person, and, it should be noted, in most cases he succeeds.

A special point is Vladlen’s pride, which is usually very noticeable, but not painful. It’s just that Vladlen often tends to pay a lot of attention to himself, including his appearance, and is also not indifferent to the impression he makes in society. However, most likely, he will react quite calmly to the fact that someone does not like his person. Another question is how others might react to this. In fact, if such a position seems attractive to someone, then there will be many who, behind Vladlen’s calmness, will be able to discern arrogant contempt for other people’s opinions. But here, as they say, nothing can be done.

Vladlen belongs to the breed of people who know how to control themselves, and his good disruptive qualities and a mind not clouded by excessive emotions often allow him to make a good career. He can be very purposeful and patient, and intelligence and diplomacy can serve him well in leadership work. But in family life, everything is unlikely to be so smooth. Usually he does not lack female attention, but it doesn’t stop him from wondering whether he is making too high demands on his future wife? In the end, there are no ideal people; people love a person not for some qualities, but just because. Otherwise, love does not bring happiness.

The nature of the name Vladlen is such that the bearer of this name can be called a diplomat, and therefore it is advisable to speak with him from the standpoint of logic and common sense. It is worth considering that, despite his sociability, it is not so easy to get him to true friendship or at least real goodwill.

Characteristics of the name Vladlen according to B. Khigir

According to the description of the name Vladlen according to B. Khigir, in childhood the owner of this name is precocious and hardworking, he can sit in his corner for hours, tinkering with something. At school he plays sports, although without any visible success, and is fond of chess. He receives a good education, but upon graduating from college, he often does not work in his specialty. The adult Vladlen is an extraordinary person, he is full of ideas, but far from Manilovism. This is a person who knows exactly what he needs in life and has an iron grip in implementing his ideas. Driving force his actions - exorbitant selfishness, which he considers a virtue. Convinced that all means are good in achieving a noble goal (and all his goals, of course, are noble), he will move forward like a tank, destroying everything in his path and regardless of the opinions of others. You can't deny his dexterity and ingenuity; he knows how to calculate the situation several moves ahead. But it is doubtful that Vladlen would try for the sake of friends or even close people, although he loves his parents and relatives in his own way. Autumn Vladlens are power-hungry and cunning; they achieve a lot by cunning. They are very jealous of the successes of their comrades. Vladlen is fanatically devoted to work, absorbed in his career and spends little time with his family. By nature he is not a homely person. Vladlen – an interesting man, and he has no shortage of fans.

Derivatives of the name Vladlen

Variants of the name Vladlen: Vladilen.

Diminutives for the name Vladlen: Vlad, Vladlenchik, Vladya, Vladik, Ladya, Vadya, Vilya, Lenya.

Name Vladlen in different languages

  • Name Vladlen on English language: Vladlen.
  • The name Vladlen in Ukrainian is Vladlen.
  • The name Vladlen in Belarusian language: Vladlen.

Famous Vladlens:

  • Vladlen Vladimirovich Paulus is a Soviet theater and film actor, television director.
  • Vladlen Efimovich Bakhnov is a poet, journalist, playwright, screenwriter.
  • Vladlen Moiseevich Livshits is an Estonian psychologist and chemical engineer.
  • Vladlen Terentyevich Loginov is a historian-researcher (specializing in the events of October and the Civil War), film playwright, one of the most famous researchers in the biography of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).
  • Vladlen Arkadyevich Martynov is a Russian economist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (section of international relations).
  • Vladlen Mikhailovich Mikhailov - Soviet military leader, army general.
  • Vladlen Egorovich Biryukov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of Russia. Laureate of the USSR State Prize.

The meaning of the name Vladlen: The name for a boy means "V. I. Lenin." This affects the character and fate of Vladlen.

Origin of the name Vladlen: Soviet.

Diminutive form of name: Vladik, Vlad.

What does the name Vladlen mean? The name Vladlen is translated as “V. I. Lenin." Analyzing the meaning of the name Vladlen, we can say that it arose on behalf of the people's leader. Actually, the capital letters (syllables) of his initials became the constituent parts of the new name. By the way, it also has a female counterpart - Vladilena.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vladlen does not celebrate name day, since Vladik is not included in the list of church holidays.


  • Zodiac – Cancer
  • Planet – Moon
  • White color
  • Treasured plant - cabbage, cornflower
  • Patron – duck, crab
  • Vladlen talisman stone – white coral

Characteristics of the name Vladlen

Positive features: The name gives calmness and poise. He is tall, slender, handsome, very attractive to others. He avoids everything that would pose problems for him.

Negative features: The name Vladlen brings slowness and a tendency to moralize, pride, aesthetics, and arrogance. Despite his outward decency, Vladlen has something in himself that restrains people’s disposition. Vlad’s pride is often hurt, which is especially evident in adolescence. A man with this name takes too much care of himself, dresses with some sophistication, and may dream of a shark skin belt. Vladik avoids unpleasant information about anything, as he does not like to complicate his life.

Character of the name Vladlen: He has his own opinion on any issue, and he will not pay any attention to outside advice. The owner of the name Vladlen admits his mistakes and perceives them as valuable life experience.

A man with this name is an extraordinary person, he knows what he needs in life, and has an iron grip. The driving force of his actions is selfishness. Vladilen is a “Soviet” name derived from “Vladimir Lenin”. Dexterous, savvy, able to calculate the situation several moves ahead. He moves toward his goal like a tank, sweeping away everything in his path, and is convinced that all means are good to achieve success.

He will not sacrifice anything not only for the sake of friends, but also for close relatives, although he loves them in his own way. He is Vladlen, born in autumn - power-hungry, very cunning, jealous of the successes of his comrades. Gives great value work, is absorbed in his own career and spends little time with his family. Vladik has no shortage of fans.

Vladlen and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Vladlena's marriage with Ariadne, Violetta, Danuta, Irma is favorable. The name Vladlen also goes with Christina. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Ada, Deborah, Zhanna, Iya, Laima, Larisa, Renata, Taisiya, Cheslava.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vladlen promise happiness in love? Family life It can turn out differently, it all depends on the attitude of the chosen one towards him. She may be seduced by his social and material position, but then become disappointed in the real Vladlen, who is not inclined to remain faithful. Flirting is of particular importance to him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A guy named Vladlen is more inclined to leadership than to subordination. He has a concrete and practical mind. His life will be pleasant and without any shocks, that is, the way he himself wishes. Observation, organizational skills, and realism help Vladlen achieve success in the field of science, politics, and social activities.

Business and career: Vladlen needs a high material level. A guy with this name strives for social communication and finds people there who help him get what he wants. Child having beautiful name Vladlen, even as a child, demonstrates an enviable work ethic. He really likes to tinker and create things. Vladlen is also good at sports and often turns it into his profession, achieving tangible success.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vladlen: The health of the name Vladlen is rather weak. He may inherit serious illnesses from his parents, but taking care of his health allows him to avoid crisis situations.

The fate of Vladlen in history

What does the name Vladlen mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vladilen Paulus - Soviet film and theater actor, television director
  2. Vladilen Davydov is a Russian and Soviet theater and film artist who received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1969.
  3. Vladilen Bakhnov – journalist, poet, playwright, screenwriter
  4. Vladilen Livshits – Estonian chemical engineer and psychologist
  5. Vladilen Loginov is a historian and researcher who studied the events of the Civil War and October revolution, film playwright, who is one of the most famous experts who studied the biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
  6. Vladilen Martynov – Russian economist
  7. Vladilen Mikhailov - Soviet general
  8. Vladilen Biryukov - Russian and Soviet film and theater actor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Laureate of the USSR State Prize
  9. Vladilen Kryuchkin - film director who worked in the documentary genre
  10. Vladilen Dozortsev - politician, prose writer, publicist, playwright and poet
  11. Vladilen Yurchenko is a Ukrainian football player who plays as a midfielder
  12. Vladimir Tor (V.Kralin, Vladimir Tor) – public figure, supporter of nationalist views
  13. Vladilen Zurakhov - Soviet chess player, chemical engineer, master of sports of the USSR
  14. Vladilen Gavrilchik - Russian poet, artist, prose writer
  15. Vladilen Tupikin – Russian political activist and journalist
  16. Vladlen Sirotkin – Doctor of Historical Sciences, publicist and historian
  17. Vladilen Trenogin - Professor of the Department of Mathematics at MISiS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Applied Sciences of Russia, member of GAMM and ROMAI
  18. Vladilen Semyonov - teacher, ballet dancer, People's Artist of the USSR
  19. Vladilen Mashkovtsev - prose writer, Russian poet, publicist and science fiction writer, public figure, author of fiction books
  20. Vladilen Kondrashov – film and theater actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
  21. Vladilen Letokhov – Russian and Soviet theoretical physicist, classic of laser cooling, pioneer of laser physics, author of more than 15 monographs and 850 articles
  22. Vladilen Nikitin is a Soviet statesman involved in the creation of the oil and gas complex in Western Siberia
  23. Vladilen Solomin - Russian and Soviet builder, architect, honorary citizen of Lipetsk
  24. Vladilen Volkov – statesman
  25. Vladilen Kipyatkov is a Russian entomologist, professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Section of the International Union of Social Insect Research.