Decorating the yard with your own hands. Effective and attractive arrangement of the yard of a private house. From paths to flower beds

Original and practical ways organize space in small yard. Don’t be afraid to combine objects that seem incompatible at first glance; use optical illusion and zoning techniques.

You will definitely find your own, comfortable and amazing design that will bring you pleasure and arouse the admiration of others!


The area should not be flat and easily visible. You should not lay straight paths that visually shorten distances.

Plan your yard to include functional areas. Arches, screens, container plants, paving will help you zone the area different materials, terracing.

Make even a short walk around the site rich in sensations: plant spicy, aromatic plants; a gravel path can rustle pleasantly underfoot; Berry bushes will give you the opportunity to eat several delicious berries.

Make the paths so that two people can walk along them.

We organize storage spaces and select colors

Where to store garden tools, children's toys, bicycle or watering hoses?

Decide where to store these things. Then there will be more in the yard free space, the gaze will not cling to piles of scattered objects, the feeling of clutter will disappear.

For a small yard, limit the color palette to a few soothing shades. For example, white, silver, pearl, sand colors will be an excellent contrast for plants and yard elements, and will also be clearly visible even in the dark.

Light colors will visually make the space lighter and more voluminous. Cool shades of blue and gray will visually push back the boundaries of the yard.

Dark-colored plants in the background will create an additional effect of depth. Your territory will appear larger than it actually is.

Using lighting

The level of illumination plays a big role in the perception of the space of the yard. Brightly lit areas immediately catch the eye, shady areas are convenient for secluded resting places, hidden from view. Be sure to take these nuances into account when planning.

Use artificial lighting, because even in the dark you can highlight interesting elements or entire areas: patio, central path, bench, beautiful plant or flowerpot.

Options LED backlight You will definitely like it for its efficiency and ease of placement. This type of lighting is easy to install and invisible during the day.

Flowers and plants

Don't plant too much variety of plants, if the territory is limited. Focus on a few spectacular species, trees with a neat, narrow crown.

Place tall (evergreen) plants in the background, plant low bushes of hydrangeas, roses, astilbe in the middle, and low-growing petunias, pelargonium, coleus, hosta, heuchera, and lobelia in the foreground.

Use vertical gardening, and also use other surfaces with good access for planting plants and lawns (for example, the roof of a garage).

Check out the landscaping in your yard with moss! Possessing small area, this method should definitely not be overlooked. As a result, you will get mega green spaces without any loss in area. Be sure to see how it works and see for yourself!

Use container plants to quickly change the layout of your yard.

There are many ways to incorporate a barbecue area, hearth, or fire pit into a small yard design. The warmth and glow of such garden hearth no less pleasant than from an expensive and large one. There are also models of barbecues that are attached to the wall and do not occupy the territory of the site at all.

There is also good news for lovers of water, melodious murmurs and freshness in the air: in a small area of ​​your yard it is quite possible to place a small fountain, organize a stream or a mini pond.

If you have absolutely no free space, build a beautiful birdbath. All of these options are sure to add freshness and attract birds, dragonflies, and butterflies to your yard!

If you are the owner suburban area with a beautiful cottage on it, then you have unlimited scope for decorating the area. Regardless of how big square at your disposal and whether you have a lot of money, you can decorate it to your taste, creating a small piece of paradise right in your home. After all, designing the yard of a private house with your own hands is not at all like that. difficult task as it seems at first glance.

Important points in site design

Arrangement of the territory of your site is an interesting creative process. In order to decorate your site, you do not need to have any design talents. It's enough just to know what you want and be able to plan the space.

Features of the arrangement of the site largely depend on the conditions in which you live. If your site is located next to a forest, then it will itself be part of nature, even if you do not think about surrounding the area with new green spaces. But if the house is located far from the forest in a fairly deserted area, then you will have to engage in landscaping quite actively.

Also be sure to think through all the paths so that you can comfortably move around the site. If you have a house in the village, this does not mean that there should be a narrow path overgrown with grass from the gate to the entrance to the house. Take care of existence good tracks. This will make it much more convenient for you to walk around your yard even in bad weather or after rain.

If you plan to put a gazebo in the yard, create a place for meeting with friends or children's games, then this part of the estate needs to be paved with stone or trimmed with paving slabs.

Another important point is landscaping. No matter how large or small your space is, it is still worth decorating it with greenery. Without this, the yard area in most cases looks deserted and boring.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to spend your free moments of rest caring for flower beds and capricious plants that will dry out without watering in three days, limit yourself to neat lawns and simple plants like conifers. They grow almost on their own, requiring minimal attention and time from you.

Planting on the site various plants, you don't have to be limited to coniferous or deciduous. Multicolor bright flowers They will decorate your site in the warm season in a way that no artificial structures can. Combine bright colors with greenery, and your home will always be pleasing to the eye.

But don't forget about convenience. To make it more comfortable to admire green spaces, you need to arrange a place to relax. It all depends equally on how big your family is and how much area the yard occupies. You can get by with wicker chairs or a bench, or you can build a luxurious gazebo made of natural wood.

Layout features

Before you plant all your plants, try to plan out what your site will look like from the outside. To do this, just draw a diagram of the landscape on a piece of paper, or you can create it in a graphics editor on your computer. This way you will know exactly how many materials and plants you will need, and you will also be able to visually divide the space into zones. The project can be created without outside help. Knowledge of the basic rules of landscape design and beautiful pictures depicting decorated courtyards will help you with this.

Project planning begins with dividing the space into zones. If you love outdoor recreation and prefer to spend time with friends not in the city, but in the country, then be sure to arrange a cozy place where your company can have fun and relax. For this you will need a barbecue and a table with several chairs. It is recommended to install the grill in the far corner of the yard:

  • firstly, you will protect yourself from an accidental fire;
  • secondly, the smoke from the fire will not penetrate the windows and saturate your clothes and all things in the house.

Also don't forget about the paths. Neat, dry paths should lead to the recreation area, and it is better to install the grill itself away from trees and dirt. It is not necessary to place it on a stone-paved area, because you are unlikely to have picnics in the pouring rain.

Landscaping a children's play area is also not a difficult task. Set up a sandbox or swing, decorate the playground with some bright decorative elements, or paint things together with your child. bright colors. This alone will be enough for the child to be interested in spending time there.


After you have divided the space into separate zones, you can start landscaping the area. The number of flower beds, trees and shrubs should also be thought out in advance:

  • firstly, this way you can determine how many seeds and seedlings you will need;
  • secondly, the plants will be arranged so that at any time of the year the area will be green and blooming.

The first stage of landscaping the site is planting grass. Wild grasses and weeds are not enough to make the area look beautiful. On the contrary, most designers advise getting rid of them so that the area does not look untidy. You can decorate the estate with green, thick grass in different ways:

  • the simplest and most common is planting an ordinary lawn grass. Sow it, and your yard will be decorated with a neat green canvas for several years to come;
  • The second option is to use a ready-made roll lawn, which is simply spread on a flat area of ​​the site.

When the background is beautiful well-groomed area already ready, start planting trees. If you have moved into a yard where trees have already been planted, there are two options:

  1. The first is to leave everything as is. In this case, your yard will look a little neglected. However, such landscape design will only decorate the area with a house in a classic english style, For example.
  2. Another option is to cut down all old trees along with stumps and plant new seedlings. When choosing new trees, it is worth assessing the soil. It should not be too loose and clayey. If the soil in the entire area is depleted, then the soil needs to be enriched with a layer of high-quality black soil. Particular attention should be paid to those places where you plan to plant flower beds.

On the site there is room for both ornamental trees and fruit trees, which will regularly delight you delicious apples, pears or berries. It is not necessary to plant a whole garden on your site; sometimes it is enough to plant several seedlings that will provide the required amount of shade.

The final stage is decorating the yard with bright colors. Of course, we're talking about about flowers. The main advice is Choose plants that fit into the style of your yard. For example, a house in a village or a cottage in a rustic style should not be surrounded exotic plants. It is also important that the plants chosen for planting are comfortable in the conditions where they will grow. This applies to both climatic conditions and soil.

You can plant flowers not only in flat beds. You can plant plants in beautiful flower beds. They can be made from anything. The easiest way is to decorate certain areas with pebbles or bricks. Sometimes a mini-flower bed can be decorated even with the help of a low wicker fence. Plants planted in a dilapidated building look even more creative. wooden barrel, cart or tub.


Using decor

The final stage of decorating a site is the use of decorative elements. They will make your yard more cozy. The decor can be used even in a small area. The main thing is not to place too many decorative items.

Modern lifestyle involves a constant increase in comfort around a person. Every landowner was faced with the fact that after the construction and decoration of the modern design of a private house was completed, there was a need to process and arrange the territory adjacent to the house.

Our ancestors used ordinary vegetable gardens and beds to obtain food, but now human values ​​have changed and vegetable gardens have been replaced by fashionable solutions.

How to make your yard beautiful

A well-designed courtyard design of a private house brings aesthetic pleasure not only to the owner, but also to his guests and neighbors. The impression the environment creates can play into the hands of the owner, which will allow him to make better acquaintances.

The first thing to do is choose an idea. You need to think carefully about what impression the owner wants to create. What emotions will his yard carry? Almost all other work depends on this. This is what the designer will rely on when choosing a location. additional elements and choice of material.

Also, the choice of the future type of yard is influenced by the size of the territory, which can be subject to change. If it is large, then of course it will be more convenient to combine various elements. But if the territory is tight, then you need to make some effort to choose an idea and a method for its implementation.

Once a method for improving the site has been chosen, preparation can begin. The first thing you need to do is decide on the location of the main elements.

For convenience, the entire territory is divided into separate zones, each of which will have a unique element installed.

Functional elements

In addition to elementary paths, flower beds in the courtyard of a private house can create a feeling of prosperity for the owner of the house. You can choose absolutely any material for construction, from natural stone and rock fragments to concrete pours and building bricks.

Additional elements, such as a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, make it possible to bring more comfort to the idle time spent by family members and their guests.

A modern private home must necessarily include geometric elements in its layout. This can be correctly placed design elements, game and geometric shapes and the location of the tracks.

At correct use vegetation, you can create even in a small area a completely completed picture of curves and straight lines.


As stated in the feng shui landscape book, water is a constant source vitality and qi energy. In fact, more and more often, various elements related to water are used to create a beautiful yard.

The best solutions for such ideas would be fountains and small ponds into which you can put fish. The Chinese water clock looks interesting, which, due to the constant speed of water movement, clicks a certain number of times with a strictly defined period of time.

But you shouldn’t think that organizing such an element on the site can be thoughtless. To add water to beautiful yard of a private house, the photo of which can be found below, you need to prepare a plan. It will take into account where and from where water will flow and the need for additional communications.


The lighting system is something that can correct even the most incorrect or spoil a carefully calibrated design. It should not only illuminate the entire area at night, but also emphasize those elements that the owner wants to highlight.

Also, do not forget that when designing lighting, the issue of safety arises.

When located lighting fixtures you need to pay attention to lighting:

  • Site boundaries.
  • Routes of movement for guests.
  • Building's facade.
  • Access for cars.
  • Main entrance.

Every new guest should understand how to move around the territory without fear of getting into trouble.

Once useful lighting has been installed, decoration can begin. Both regular lanterns and shaped lamps and garlands are suitable for this purpose.

An excellent solution for big houses is the lighting of the steps. This allows you to not only highlight and indicate the location of the house, but also play with different color combinations.

Worth paying attention modern system energy storage. This allows you to save on electricity. Such installations contain special surfaces that absorb sunlight and accumulate energy to illuminate the area at night. Such lamps look especially good when installed on paths.

Photo of the courtyard of a private house

Landscape design, created by a professional or the owner himself, turns an ordinary house in the village into a real country estate.

Every owner of a plot (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that creating a landscape design for a private house will be much more difficult than making repairs, for example, in standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more than rewarded by the beauty that will delight you every day.

By far the easiest way to create a beautiful yard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and there are no guarantees that a stranger will correctly understand your preferences and create your dream plot.

Considering the abundance of information on this topic in the public domain, you can plan and create a piece of paradise in your yard yourself. You can see how to arrange a plot near a private house in the photo in our photo gallery.

Such landscaped yard It will become not only a beautiful area near the house, but also a favorite place for meeting with friends, for gatherings with family, and for relaxing in the lap of nature.

Preliminary preparation

Landscaping the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible undertaking, so when starting this on your own, you should carry out a whole series of preparatory work, including theoretical training.

Every owner understands that landscape design near the house has two main goals:

  • make the local area as comfortable and practical as possible;
  • improve the area, give it shine and emphasize its beauty.

In order for both of these tasks to be successfully completed, in your work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So, where to start and what must be taken into account?

Building codes

Over many years of construction country houses and the development of the territory around them, certain standards have been developed that make it possible to properly organize the work and avoid errors in planning.

Basic building regulations relate to maintaining the distance between objects:

  • a residential building is at least 3 m behind a regular road and 6 m behind a highway;
  • residential buildings and utility buildings should be located no closer than 7 m from each other;
  • the dog's enclosure is located 4 m from the house;
  • outdoor toilet, a compost pit and even a well should be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, but large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the border of the territory.

Strict rules also apply to the laying of all communications. The depth of the ditches, the distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of planting certain plants near communications - all this must be taken into account before the actual arrangement of the site. It is necessary to connect light to the gazebo, lay water to the pool or organize drainage from it safely.

Thanks to compliance with these standards, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy beauty and peace, it will be convenient to carry out repair work, drive up to the house and move around the territory, in general, it will be a comfortable life.

Individual characteristics and preferences

When you independently work on the design of the site of a private house, you will be able to fully realize all your dreams and make the surrounding area unique and inimitable.

It is important to take into account not only your personal preferences, but also listen to the wishes of all household members. Agree, a house where children live cannot but have a playground, and avid lovers of gatherings around the fire cannot do without a gazebo and barbecue. Professional design the courtyard of a private house and photos of modern courtyards confirm this.

Lifestyle, family composition, presence or absence of pets - all this significantly influences the design of a personal plot. And if you take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, you won’t have to rebuild, redo or regret in the future.

Climatic features of the region

Having formed a general idea of ​​what exactly will be placed on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, having chosen your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the climate.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photos that you will find on our website proves that outdoor outdoor pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. A closed, windproof gazebo with a huge stove would be completely out of place somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, the plants that you can plant in your dream garden directly depend on weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background throughout the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.


Many are sure that good plot- This is a flat area. Therefore, owners often try, at the cost of incredible effort and financial costs, to cut off all the elevations and fill in all the depressions at all costs. And yet, it is most advisable to think through the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the features of the relief.

If the area near your house is initially more or less flat, you can do anything on it: lay out a garden, plant a lawn, build a gazebo or dig a pool.

An uneven plot allows you to equip different functional areas in different planes, dividing them with decorative steps or terraces. An alpine slide would look appropriate on a hilly area, and depressions are perfect for arranging a pond. Huge differences in heights also open up space for creativity - the vertical layout is fraught with a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will sparkle, acquire complexity and uniqueness. It will be your individual creation that no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, planning a yard landscape comes at a time when the main buildings (including a residential building) have already been built. In this regard, it is important to think through the design in such a way that the house fits organically into the environment and does not stand out from overall composition and blended in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role on the entire site, so all other elements should emphasize its advantages. At the same time, outbuildings can be hidden behind greenery.

Proper consideration of all the features of the site, construction norms and rules, laying communications, as well as your own taste will help create a picture on the site that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.


It’s time to move on from general ideas and reasoning to more specific planning. own plot.

Admiring the beautiful landscapes of private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything they saw. But you need to be able to control yourself and, with all the variety, choose exactly what is really necessary and appropriate in each specific case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all the objects available on it, but also to place there those that will appear in the future. There are a number of “mandatory” attributes of any country farm (not counting a residential building):

  • garden house(for inventory);
  • garage and parking space;
  • terrace or courtyard;
  • gazebo for relaxation (with fireplace);
  • paths;
  • street lighting;
  • green spaces;
  • decorative elements.

Among the frequently encountered objects in suburban areas are:

  • bath;
  • dog enclosure;
  • children's playground;
  • pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this needs to be placed correctly so that the yard is not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs where the design of private plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, can you begin marking the area.


Even at the planning stage, the owners determine the functional load that their site will subsequently bear. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones that are found in almost every suburban area, the following can be distinguished:

  • entrance (front door);
  • household;
  • gardening;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's area (if there are children).

If the territory is small, then often functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is on the design of the recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the plot allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the designated areas so that when sunbathing, for example, by a pond, you do not have to breathe in the exhaust fumes of an approaching car.

To delimit each element of the site, the following methods are used:

  • green spaces (hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • paths;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • trellises, screens, screens, etc.

When planning the location of each zone, it is important to take into account how they will look from above, for example, from a balcony or from the windows of the second floor of the house. Look at the courtyard projects of private houses, photos that we have selected for you, and you will understand that admiring the parking lot from the bedroom is not very romantic, but children's playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Style selection

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and complete only when it is designed in the same style as the house and other permanent buildings.

There are a great many styles. However, at the first stage of species gradation there are:

  • regular (classical) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

A regular park appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV, so this concept of site design is often called French. It is enough to remember Versailles to understand the main features of the regular style:

  • large area of ​​the site;
  • strict geometry in everything (paths, flower beds, trimming bushes and trees);
  • order and regularity.

It is very difficult to maintain such a park, so usually the regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty is maintained by a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the landscape design of a private house is often created in a natural (landscape) style. Here, care does not require such colossal efforts and is quite within the capabilities of the owner himself.

Basically, natural design is classified according to the place of origin of a particular design model for the area around the house:

  • English (as close as possible to the natural landscape, characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • Slavic ( natural materials, an abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, an abundance of perennials and a lack of flower beds with the correct outlines) Even the design of the garden of a private house will be important here;
  • European country (a little more orderly than Slavic, but overall the same “careless”, slightly neglected in appearance);
  • Japanese (restrained, strict, with artificial ponds and the obligatory rock garden, evergreens, mostly low);
  • Mediterranean (ideal for outdoor recreation: patios, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay pots);
  • Moorish (there is always a small artificial pond in the center, surrounded by lush vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes and climatic conditions, but the starting point is always the house, which sets the tone for the entire composition.

Design of platforms and paths

On the plan of a personal plot they indicate not only capital buildings, highlight future functional areas, but also connect all objects with a network of paths, paths and paved areas.

For maximum convenience of movement, the tracks are laid along the shortest path. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in your yard, you can make the paths winding, and the areas (for example, under a car or for a patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, paving paths and areas in the local area depends on the chosen design style of the entire garden.

Judging by the photos of the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses, designers often try to choose a more restrained option closer to home, but in thematic corners and various zones they allow themselves to play with the shape and choice of materials.

Today, there are many means for laying paths:

  • concrete tiles;
  • paving stones;
  • cut stone;
  • wood cuts;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decking, etc.

Whatever option you choose for your site, the main thing is to properly plan the road and path network so that you don’t have to subsequently shorten the path along the lawns; and also follow all installation rules so that the paths perform their function for a long time.


Although landscaping the yard of a private house (photo below) does not look so difficult, in fact this is the most problematic stage when independent design yard landscape. And all because serious theoretical preparation is required here (botanical knowledge allows you to choose the right plant depending on their growing conditions, flowering periods, combination with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, you just want to create something similar outside your window. We will give basic tips on landscaping your property.


The fundamental element of landscaping the area around the house is the lawn. Areas sown with special cereal herbs, and serve as a background for all other plants, and frame the entire green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type that immediately comes to mind when hearing the word “lawn” is the so-called recreational lawn. This is exactly how the areas around are planted residential cottages, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (animals running, children playing and even a picnic on a blanket);
  • Decorative lawns are usually installed in huge parks, where they create an even, dense surface;
  • Blooming lawns (Moorish) are more like not a herbal garden, but a summer meadow, full of all colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arranging a lawn and its subsequent care is quite a troublesome task, despite its apparent simplicity. Prepare the soil, sow, water, loosen, sow, mow regularly - these are just the main types of work. To simplify initial stage You can use a rolled lawn, but you can hardly do it without the help of professionals.

Modern design The territory of a private house in the photo cannot exist without green lawns, which allow you to fully enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Flower beds

Scrolling through photos of the design of garden plots of private houses on our website, first of all you pay attention to the flowers; it is impossible to imagine a single yard without them. When large plants (trees and shrubs) have already been planted, you can start organizing bright, eye-catching corners.

Flowers and ornamental plants can be planted in different forms:

  • flowerbed (flower garden) correct form, consisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborder (composition of their perennials complex shape);
  • border (floral frame of paths);
  • rock garden, rock garden (compositions of stones and mountain plants) etc.


The design of the local area of ​​a private house (photo from our article), in addition to lawns and flower beds, also includes artificial ponds. They enhance the feeling of closeness to nature, and the sound of water relaxes and soothes.

Mainly on personal plots You can find the following types of reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are created not for swimming, but for admiring nature. There you can plant special aquatic plants and raise fish.

A stream can be either an independent element of the water structure of a garden or complement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be running and not stagnate. That is why pumps and pipes are required to equip a stream.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require significant effort and expense for their arrangement.

But the outdoor pool is a real luxury. After all, it needs to be carefully thought out and built correctly, so that later you can enjoy the coolness of water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, light refreshing splashes and the mirror-like surface of the reservoir are the world's best antidepressant, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the site of a private house with ponds looks peaceful even in the photo. Therefore, the reservoir in the recreation area - best solution for owners of personal plots.


Today, lighting the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to move around the site safely and comfortably in the dark);
  2. decorative light (designed to highlight the most interesting areas and facilities on the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic view).

Lighting is mandatory:

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. sculptures, big trees, original flower beds at night they will sparkle with new shades in the rays of spotlights, and the pond and pool will be enchanting with the reflections of lanterns on the water surface.

You need to think through the location of all lighting fixtures even before landscaping work, because every lantern and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, there are now many lamps available solar powered, which greatly facilitate the work.


The finishing touch to creating a dream garden are decorative elements that not only emphasize stylistic decision local area, but also add variety to the surrounding picture. Best options You will find the decor of the courtyard of a private house in the photo on our website.

Decor includes small architectural forms(arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they delimit functional zones on the site, create dynamics and add the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters) give the yard a touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know when to stop so as not to turn your site into a children's playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is warmly welcomed. For example, a waste box decorated with trellises, a hatch decorated with floral arrangements, or a cheerful and unusual bird feeder, in addition to its original purpose, will also serve as a decoration for your garden. This design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.

Modern a private house– this is no longer an old village hut with a garden and a shed for cattle; This is a cozy cottage with a landscaped and well-kept garden area.

Of course, creating a dream garden on your own site is not an easy task and will require a lot of effort. After all, only a landscape design of your yard created by yourself will always please you and never get boring.

Photo gallery

In landscaping the site country house The projects in our photo gallery will help you.