Mulching the soil. How and with what to mulch the soil? Effective use of mulch

Soil mulching – processing technology land plot to improve fertility. Using this procedure, you can protect plants from negative impact weather conditions. Once you learn the mulching system, you can do it yourself.

What is soil mulching?

Mulching is a soil protection technology for successful cultivation harvest. This procedure for processing a plot of land has been known since the 17th century. Previously it was called "soil cover". This later became known as soil mulching.

Mulching involves laying a special protective layer on top of the ground, which is made from mulch. This material is a mixture of a complex of components that prevent:

  • weed growth;
  • drying out;
  • imbalance of water and air in the top layer of soil.

Mulching the soil is most effective in spring period. When the weather is unstable, temperature changes are often observed that can harm the seedlings. To minimize the alternation of frost at night with dry weather during the day, the ground is sprinkled with mulch.

Soil mulching is used after planting plants from greenhouses into open space.

What are the benefits of mulching the soil, and why should it be done?

Mulching has a complex effect on the soil. After applying a protective layer of mulch to the surface of the earth:

  • the evaporation process slows down, thanks to which moisture is retained longer and nourishes the root system;
  • the acidity of the soil is normalized, as a result of which it better absorbs nutrients;
  • root system becomes more resistant to temperature changes;
  • the soil structure is improved and the conditioning effect is ensured;
  • nutrients remain in the soil longer;
  • the splashing of soil onto plants during watering is reduced;
  • is improving appearance plants;
  • the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil increases;
  • protection against pests is enhanced;
  • the number of weeds on the site is reduced.

Thanks to mulching, after ripening, fruits on low bushes do not come into contact with the surface of the earth and do not rot. Carrying out this procedure reduces the need for plant care, freeing up more time for land owners.

How to mulch the soil correctly (methods and rules)?

Soil mulching techniques are classified into two categories: the type of material used and the processing technology.

Depending on the type of material used, soil mulching is performed in three ways:

  • traditional;
  • using organic mulch;
  • using inorganic mulch.

According to the processing technology, mulching is carried out:

  • soil sprinkling method;
  • using covering materials.

Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Soil treatment method according to the type of material used

Traditional mulching is used most often. This method of tillage does not involve the use additional material. A temporary protective layer on the surface of the earth is created by loosening.

Traditional mulching is also known as “dry watering”. Thanks to this method, the lower layer of soil retains moisture and coolness longer, and when high temperatures ah the evaporation process slows down. Additionally, loosening destroys weeds and provides oxygen access to the soil.

Traditional mulching also has a number of disadvantages:

  • limited duration of effect;
  • destruction of soil structure;
  • decreased fertility levels (with frequent use).

Organic mulching involves the use of components of plant and animal origin to create a protective layer. Typically, this procedure uses recycled components resulting from agricultural work. This method of processing the site is considered the most effective.

Organic mulching

Mulching is carried out using: straw, grass clippings, sawdust, peat, wood shavings, crushed tree bark, wood chips, humus, fallen leaves and cones, sunflowers, flax waste.

Organic mulching:

  • protects against frost and high temperatures;
  • retains moisture for a long period;
  • prevents crust formation after watering.

Mulch is poured onto the surface of the ground around the plant. The layer height is from 5 to 7 centimeters. IN summer period The mulch will gradually disintegrate and mix with the soil, enriching it with nutrients.

You should not make the protective layer too thick - for this reason, infections and diseases will arise in it. If the mulch particles are too large, they may harbor pests.

Produced using components of natural origin. In most cases, this method of creating a protective layer is done using rocks or industrial materials: gravel, sand, crushed stone, pebbles, brick waste, polymer film, agrofibre, burlap, expanded clay.

  • protects the area from weeds;
  • retains moisture in the soil for a long period;
  • prevents plants from overheating.

Flaw this method tillage is that inorganic materials do not break down and do not improve the quality of the soil. With prolonged use, soil fertility, on the contrary, deteriorates.

Methods of soil mulching according to processing technologies

Covering the soil with mulch is recommended when using organic materials. The application technology is simple: the mulch is loaded into a bucket or other container, after which manually poured under each plant. In this case, the most challenging task is to track the layer thickness. If it is too high, the soil will do more harm than good.

Covering the soil with covering materials involves the use of a special mulch film. It partially covers the soil and is used in the spring to better warm the soil. This method allows you to get an early harvest. The use of continuous film is allowed only in industrial conditions when growing plants in fields with a large area. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not prevent the growth of weeds.

Mulching rules

Mulching is carried out once every six months: in spring and autumn. In the spring - after sufficient warming of the soil and removal of old mulch, in the autumn - after harvesting.

Before mulching:

  • the area is cleared of dry plants as much as possible;
  • fertilizers are poured onto the soil surface;
  • loosening of the soil is carried out.

In gardens and berry fields, mulching is also carried out. Before applying a layer of mulch, the area must be watered. When mulching in autumn, it is allowed to create a 15-centimeter protective layer. Its thickness depends on the amount of light falling on the area. If the area is in the shade, there is no need to make a thick protective layer.

Spring mulching can be carried out when the soil temperature reaches +12 degrees Celsius.

You can learn more about the rules and features of soil mulching technology with your own hands by watching this video:

Types of mulch

Mulch is divided into two categories: organic and inorganic. Organic mulch has a complex effect on the soil, gradually rotting. Inorganic mulch is used for its intended purpose and additionally has decorative qualities.

The list of the most effective materials for organic mulching includes:

  • pine nut shells– one of the most useful components for the soil, retaining nutrients for 5 years;
  • pine or larch bark– trees and shrubs are processed using this material, and its properties are preserved for at least 3 years;
  • mown grass– a universal element, compatible with almost all types of soil;
  • fine-grained peat– a component intended for treating shrubs growing on sandy and clayey soils;
  • fallen pine needles– fast-disintegrating material used for processing vegetable and berry plants;
  • dried sawdust hardwood woodthis type mulch is used to increase the acidity of the soil (sawdust with resin cannot be used);
  • compost- a component made from undecomposed organic matter, which not only performs protective function, but also soil fertilization;
  • straw– a universal element, compatible with almost all types of plants;
  • foliage and leaf humus – material used as a covering layer for the winter;
  • spruce and pine coneslightweight material, intended for crops growing in soil with high acidity;
  • seed husk– one of the most effective components for maintaining moisture in the soil over a long period;
  • wood chipsuniversal material, additionally possessing decorative qualities;
  • bonfire– a material for vegetable plants made from parts of the hemp stem, which additionally has a protective effect against bacteria.

A list of the most effective inorganic mulching materials includes:

  • roofing feltroofing material, having waterproofing qualities;
  • roofing felt– rolled roofing material that retains moisture for a long time and prevents the growth of weeds;
  • black polymer film– a component that protects the soil from temperature changes (not recommended for use on trees and shrubs);
  • black agrofibre– a material that allows water and oxygen to pass into the soil, intended for use in cool weather;
  • expanded clay- a type of mulch made from baked clay, designed to retain moisture in the soil and protect against high temperatures.

It is allowed to use several materials simultaneously for combined mulching. But you need to make sure that the protective layer is not too thick.

Find out more about the advantages and disadvantages various materials for mulching, you can watch this video:

Is it necessary to mulch the soil in a greenhouse?

Young plants are most susceptible to the effects external factors. Despite being in a greenhouse, they remain unprotected from temperature changes, lack of moisture, and deficiency of nutrients. Mulching in greenhouses:

  • minimizes thermal fluctuations;
  • protects seedlings from weeds and diseases;
  • improves the growth of the root system, thereby reducing the percentage of plant death.

Organic matter is best suited for mulching in greenhouses. In terms of usefulness, the following are in first place: humus, sawdust and straw. In second place are paper, cardboard and roofing felt. In the absence of the above materials, the use of film and spunbond is allowed.

Basic mistakes when mulching

If you have no experience in mulching, you can make mistakes due to which the procedure will cause harm to the soil and plants instead of benefit. The list of the most common mistakes includes:

  • the use of a thick layer of mulch during the wet period leads to putrefactive processes;
  • the formation of too high a layer of mulch prevents the penetration of light and oxygen into the soil, and also causes the occurrence of diseases;
  • mulching in windy weather - a protective layer is not formed;
  • keeping old, undecomposed mulch on the soil in the spring prevents the earth from warming up.

A thick layer of mulch is applied in the fall only if the area is in a dry region, or in winter period It rarely snows. In other cases, a thin layer will be enough.

In the spring, before you start gardening, you need to remove the old mulch. This task is carried out by loosening the earth to a depth of 10 centimeters. Only then can new mulch be applied.

Mulching is a technology for creating a protective layer on the soil surface and improving its quality. This procedure increases productivity and protects plants from temperature changes, lack of moisture, and a complex of other factors using available materials.


Publications: 149

Mulching the soil: materials for mulching

One of the most useful agricultural techniques used by gardeners of different climatic zones, is mulching. This procedure involves covering the soil surface with organic or artificial material, while the ridges are covered completely or only in the row-spacings.
Man learned to mulch from nature itself. In meadows, forests, under trees and shrubs, the soil is never bare - a layer of dry grass, fallen leaves and pine needles protects the soil from drying out and protects plants from cold weather and pests.
Under a layer of mulch, the soil retains its structure and a soil crust does not form. In addition, mulch protects the soil around the plant from being washed away by water when watering, retains moisture, and does not allow weeds to develop.

By mulching the beds, you can significantly reduce the number of waterings and virtually eliminate loosening.
How to mulch the soil on your site? What mulching materials should I use? As usual, there are plenty of options.

Mulching with inorganic covering materials

In order to mulch the soil on summer cottages Roofing felt, roofing felt, lutrasil, black and colored films are widely used.
They are spread on the beds, cutting holes into which the plants are then planted. It is better to make the holes slotted (by cutting the film along or across), rather than round or square. This way the soil will be better protected from moisture evaporation, and rainwater will penetrate well into the soil.
Black synthetic film is used to mulch beds with zucchini and cucumbers to get rid of weeds and reduce the frequency of watering. In strawberry beds mulched with film, the berries will always remain clean.
Tomatoes grow better in red film mulch, while cabbage prefers white film. Transparent film is not suitable for mulching; it does not prevent the growth of weeds, but, on the contrary, causes their rapid growth.
The film used as mulch must meet the following qualities:
do not allow light to pass through;
be thin and elastic, fit tightly to the soil surface;
be strong so that weeds cannot break through it.
Film mulch increases the temperature of the earth by 1.5-2°C, which is very important in an unstable climate middle zone with a short summer; on the other hand, the film reduces the evaporation of moisture, thereby reducing the temperature on the soil surface on hot days. That is, the film saves the plantings from cold, heat, and drought.
Mulching with opaque black film is widely used to kill weeds without chemicals. Perennial rhizomatous weeds, such as wheatgrass, sow thistle, and loach, die under the black film.
Under the black film mulch, a soil crust does not form, which does not allow oxygen to reach the seedlings in the required quantity, and as a result, they suffocate, and gardeners receive rare, unfriendly shoots. Mulching with film prevents soil compaction by precipitation. Even after 5 years of growing strawberries under film, the soil will remain loose.
In addition, film mulch helps to increase soil fertility: due to the decomposition of weeds, nitrogen accumulates in the upper layer of the soil, soil microorganisms, reliably protected by the film cover, are activated, begin to feed intensively, and the humus content in the soil increases.
Soil mulched with film retains heat better in winter; beds covered with film do not freeze as much as open ones. This advantage of film mulch is especially important when growing dwarf apple trees, whose frost resistance is not as great as ordinary ones, and strawberries, the roots of which are at a shallow depth.
Mulch films suppress the development of gray rot of strawberries and also help reduce the number of nematodes.
However, film mulch has a significant disadvantage - unlike organic mulch, it does not decompose and does not nourish the soil. For this reason, many gardeners prefer to first mulch the beds with humus, and then lay the film, non-woven fabric and so on.

Using Organic Mulch

No matter how many advantages films and other synthetic materials, modern summer residents prefer mulch made from natural materials.
A cover of organic matter in the beds not only prevents the growth of weeds, protects the soil from overheating and freezing, and retains moisture in the ground; as mulch decomposes in the ground, mulch is created faster. fertile layer, which nourishes soil microorganisms and plants.
To achieve the maximum possible effect from mulching natural materials, you need to know when and what kind of mulch should be used.

Mulching with freshly cut grass

The grass is rich in nitrogen and other useful substances necessary for the full development of plants.

You can use grass remnants after mowing the lawn, weeded and slightly dried weeds, and torn tomato shoots as mulch. By the way, mulch from tomato leaves - perfect option for beds with cabbage, it repels cabbage whites.
Don't rush to use freshly cut grass as mulch; let it dry in the sun for a day or two. Damp grass will rot too quickly.
In the northern regions, grass mulch is applied when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently and the plants have sprouted and become stronger. In the southern regions, it is better to mulch with grass before planting, then it can enrich the soil with nutrients.

Mulching the soil with compost

Compost is an almost ideal, universal material for mulching. It is suitable for everyone vegetable crops and completely safe. Compost mulch reduces the likelihood of plants being affected by diseases and provides them with excellent nutrition.
So do not remove organic garbage, kitchen waste, weeds, tops, etc. from your dacha, put it all in compost heap along with sawdust, wood shavings and paper. In just a year you will have excellent organic material for mulching your garden.

Mulching with straw

Straw is ideal for mulching mail under nightshades - tomatoes and potatoes.

It serves as a barrier between tomato fruits and pathogenic microbes contained in the soil, protecting the bushes from early rot, anthracnose and leaf spot. And on potato beds mulched with straw, the main potato pest, the Colorado potato beetle, is observed much less often.
In addition, straw mulch has a beneficial effect on crops such as basil, garlic, strawberries and blackberries.

Mulching with newsprint

You can safely cover the beds with black-and-white and colored newspapers (shredded or whole) - newsprint makes excellent mulch and good remedy for weed control.

Newspapers are laid in four layers on the ridge that is supposed to be mulched, and sprinkled with hay, grass, straw or earth on top.
Many summer residents are afraid to use newspapers because of the printing ink that gets into the soil with them, however, according to American scientists, not a single one Chemical substance from modern paint for newspapers does not pose a threat to the garden or vegetable garden.

Mulch made from Kraft wrapping paper and cardboard has proven to be no less effective in controlling weeds. These materials can also replace film mulch when it is necessary to warm the soil. If you cover the bed with kraft paper a few days before planting seedlings in the ground, the soil in it will warm up by 3°C.
Mulching with paper is especially effective on plantings of raspberries and legumes - it helps to increase their yield.

Mulching with fallen leaves

Fallen leaves make an ideal mulch for cabbage and bean beds. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants can also be mulched leaf litter, but only after the soil has warmed up well.
Leaf mulch on flower beds is very good; it protects flowers from freezing and, in addition, does not allow bulbous plants to germinate during early spring thaws.

Mulching with tree bark

Tree bark is one of the most durable mulching materials.

It repels water, so it takes a long time to rot. Most often, such long-term mulch is used around fruit trees and shrubs.
Koru coniferous trees should not be used for mulching tomatoes - the volatile substances released by it can harm the bushes.
But bark mulch has proven itself excellent in berry gardens and flower beds. Due to its durability, it is often used as decorative material in landscape design.

Mulching with sawdust or wood chips

Sawdust or is best used where the soil is rarely cultivated and practically not dug up (furrows, paths in the garden), because wood chips take more than a year to completely rot.
Sawdust can be used to cover the ground in a raspberry patch, or before winter, scatter it on beds with winter crops (for example, garlic and tulips).
Never use caked sawdust as mulching material. If sawdust lay piled in a heap for a long time, most likely oxygen stopped flowing into the deep layer, and it “soured.” Such sawdust must first be scattered thin layer and dry.

Mulching with pine needles

The needles have proven themselves well as mulch for eggplants and strawberries.

Many gardeners do not use pine needles due to the fact that the needles seem to oxidize the soil.
However, experience shows that soil pH, covered with a 7-centimeter layer of pine needles for two years in a row, remains at the same level as before mulching.
In addition to the above materials, mulch can be humus, reeds, peat chips, peat, sunflower cake or pumpkin seeds. Often a combined mulch of two or three materials is used, for example cake with freshly cut grass or cardboard with straw. Excellent result produces mulch of sawdust mixed with fresh grass.
How and when to carry out mulching, read in the next article of “Summer Tips”.
We wish you success and great harvests!

Plants grown by gardeners and gardeners need protection from troubles associated with changes in nature. Mulching the soil is procedure that helps protect horticultural crops. Mulch is a material layer covering the surface of the soil near growing vegetables, berries, melons or trees. The article presents more detailed information About, what is mulching and how this can be done. Those who want to explore this topic in more detail should get acquainted with video below.

Mulching the soil - what is it and why is it necessary?

Soil mulching is a method that consists of laying a layer that will play a protective role and prevent intensive growth of weeds, and will also protect the bed from drying out and imbalance of water and air environment V upper layers soil.

What are the benefits of mulching the soil?

The main advantages of soil mulching include:

  1. Reduce the number of waterings, since the soil retains moisture much longer.
  2. A layer of mulch helps protect the roots from overheating, wind, and cold. Plants tolerate the effects of frost and heat much easier, since temperature changes occur less sharply for them.
  3. Mulch is nutrient substrate For earthworms, and also helps preserve nutrients in the soil.
  4. A layer of mulch prevents the spread of weeds and frees the site owner from weeding the site.
  5. This method helps to significantly increase productivity, since the layer protects leaves and stems well from rot.
  6. Mulch has a positive effect on the pH of the soil, regulating this indicator, making it either acidic or alkaline.

Methods for mulching the soil

The main methods of soil mulching include the following:

  1. covering the bed with a special covering material (agrofibre) or black film;
  2. sprinkling the soil with organic materials;
  3. Sprinkling the beds with compost.

Watch the video! Mulching the ground with freshly cut grass

What type of mulching should you choose?

The choice of mulching type directly depends on the climate and the purpose pursued by this procedure. It could be:

  • weed control;
  • soil fertilization;
  • reducing the number of waterings.

Application of black film or agrofibre

To mulch the soil, you should use a black film; in no case should you choose white, transparent or blue material, since only black material helps stop the growth of weeds.

Important! The black film perfectly retains moisture, and the moisture content of the soil underneath is constantly maintained at the same level.


Agrofibre – new material, which is used for mulching the soil. It contains perforated non-woven material made of polypropylene fibers. The porous structure of the material helps to easily pass air, water, protect against weeds and diffuse light.

Where can you use black mulching film:

  • The film can be laid between the rows of corn and.
  • This material can be used to cover trees and shrubs.
  • Black film is also often used to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture and reduce indoor air humidity.
  • The material is perfect for protection against.

Organic materials

This mulching method is perfect for vegetables and ornamental crops. Most useful for:

  • asparagus;
  • radishes.

Types of mulch for the garden

A huge number of types of mulch are used by summer residents on their plots, the most common include:

Healthy! Compost or unrotted manure can be used as mulch.

How to mulch the soil correctly

Regardless of what type of mulch was chosen, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Cannot be carried out mulching on damp soil after rain or watering.
  2. It is also not worth compacting the mulch; the material should remain loose and lie in an even, uniform layer of about 5-10 cm in thickness, depending on what type of soil it is, on clay soils - about 2 cm.
  3. Before carrying out the procedure, you should dig and loosen the soil and remove all weeds.
  4. The beds where the berries grow should be covered with a layer of mulch at all times.
  5. During the summer months, dry and green mulch should be used.
  6. The trunk circles of trees should be mulched with mowed grass, closing tightly bark trees, the layer thickness should be about 5 cm.
  7. Manure for mulching is used constantly, it should be used in small quantities; pig manure and bird droppings should not be used as mulch.
  8. Mulch the beds with rotten soil straw should not be done before sowing, as this can significantly inhibit plant growth.

Interesting! The more fertile the soil is, the faster the process of mulch decomposition and its transformation into humus occurs.

Mulching- this is the covering of the soil under fruit trees or vegetable plants protective layer. You can also mulch the soil between the beds or rows of vegetables. Various materials are used as mulch.

In nature, under trees and shrubs there is always a layer of fallen leaves, pine needles, and dead plant remains. This organic layer protects the soil from erosion, drying out, and weathering. Mulching has similar effects. At the same time it enriches the soil organic substances and promotes the development of the plant root system.

Mulching prevents the formation of crust on the soil surface and reduces the growth of weeds. Accordingly, the number of waterings is reduced and there is no need for regular weeding. Under a layer of mulch, the earth breathes easier. This especially applies to clay soils, since mulch does not allow sunlight to pass through and prevents the soil from hardening.

Soil bacteria actively multiply under a layer of mulch. Mulch is for many of them additional source nutrients (substances. They reproduce well under mulch earthworms and small animals that help improve soil structure. In summer, a layer of green mulch is easily and quickly processed by microorganisms. In this regard, mulch must be added periodically.

Under a layer of mulch, optimal temperature and soil moisture for plants are maintained. Changes in soil temperature occur less sharply. This has a positive effect on the metabolism in plants. The greatest effect of mulching is observed in areas with dry weather, as mulch prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Weeds die under mulch because they lack sunlight.

Mulching methods

There are three methods of mulching:

✓ covering the beds with black film or special covering material;

✓ sprinkling the soil with organic materials (peat, sawdust and etc.);

✓ Sprinkling the soil with compost.

The choice of mulching method is influenced by the type of soil, climate characteristics, and the goal pursued (combat weeds, reducing the frequency of watering, fertilizing the soil).

Mulching with black film or covering material is used when growing vegetables and strawberries.

For many plants, under such mulch, the nutrient requirements are reduced by a third. It should be noted that it is necessary to fertilize the soil before mulching with these materials. It is best to do this when planting plants. If possible, immediately after this the beds are covered with mulching material. At correct use black film and other covering materials can be used for several years.

Clear films and white materials are not suitable for mulching as they do not stop weed growth.

❧ Some plants prefer colored mulch. For example, cabbage is different better height on white mulch, and tomatoes on red. However, mulch of such colors is almost never used in practice.

Under the black film, the soil temperature is higher - by 2 degrees. In early spring They cover the beds with it at night. During the day, the film is removed so that the soil warms up better under the sun. In warm soil, all processes occur more actively in plants.

The same applies to the life activity of soil insects and microorganisms. However, it must be taken into account that under film and other covering materials the soil quickly becomes depleted, since organic plant residues do not enter it.

Moisture is well maintained under the black film in the soil. Water that evaporates from the soil surface accumulates in the form of droplets on the film and flows back again. Therefore, soil moisture is maintained under the film at the same level. Mulching with black film between rows when growing zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, and corn leads to an increase in yield by 30%, moreover, the fruits always remain clean, of good quality and are much easier to collect.

If you cover young trees and shrubs with black film, they will grow faster and take root better in a new place.

Mulching with black film is often done in greenhouses. This prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil and reduces air humidity in indoors. As a result, the number of fungal diseases among plants decreases. This is of particular importance in the cold season, when the air already has high humidity, for example in the fall.

Mulching films are also a means of combating insect pests. Some types of films have reflective aluminum inserts for these purposes. The film, unlike mulch of organic origin, protects plants from the appearance of mice.

Mulching with organic materials is more beneficial for plants than mulching with black film and covering materials. It promotes the growth of both vegetables and Ornamental crops. Special benefit it brings white cabbage, celery, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, asparagus.

As mulch for the garden and vegetable garden You can use green fertilizers (crushed green parts of plants), plant residues, weeds that have not reached the flowering stage, straw, hay, manure, fallen leaves, chopped wood bark, sawdust.

Good mulch is compost, including unripe compost, and a mixture of unripe manure and green matter. It is especially good to use such mulching in areas where plants are planted to produce green mass, such as clover. They increase the rate of compost maturation and subsequently enrich it.

Beds with berry plants should be under a layer of mulch at all times. In summer, dry and green mulch is used, and in winter, the beds are mulched with manure. With this approach, mulching does not lead to an increased content of nitrates in the berries.

We must remember that the greater the soil fertility, the sooner the mulch will decompose and turn into humus.

The mulch layer should not be made thick, as its lower part will become damp and rot, especially after rains. That's why on clay soils It is not recommended to make a layer of mulch more than 2 cm. Mulching should be repeated as necessary (about once every 2 weeks).

Improvement in the structure of heavy soils with mulching appears only after 2-3 years.

It is performed in the summer, immediately after planting and watering the plants. In summer, it is recommended to use only well-shredded mulch. The emerging shoots are sprinkled with sand, mature compost, and chopped grass. You can also sprinkle mulch on the rows.

For winter mulching use plant remainsground part plants, chaff, unrotted manure. You can prepare a mixture from this and sprinkle it on the entire garden, not just the beds. This mulch is poured in a layer of 10 cm in light soil, and 5-8 cm in heavy soil. You can also add mineral flour to it. It will reduce education unpleasant odor and will increase the intensity of formation of humus complexes in the soil. Also add a small amount of bone meal.

Mulching beds in winter also has some unfavorable consequences. If the plants overwintered under a layer of mulch, then there is a high probability that they will suffer from late spring frosts. In spring, under a layer of mulch, air cushions, which make it difficult for the soil to warm up and contribute to the freezing of plants. Therefore, after winter mulching, repeated mulching in the spring is necessary.

In winter, under mulch in the soil, the activity of earthworms increases. Therefore, in spring the soil in this area is looser compared to non-mulched areas. Such soil is much easier to cultivate.

In spring, the old mulch is removed and placed in a compost heap. When growing vegetables in hilly beds and raised beds Mulching will be helpful. The soil in such beds warms up and dries faster, and the mulch retains moisture.

Mulch works very well on fruit trees, as well as berries and ornamental shrubs. The soil around them and paths are mulched. You can use long-lasting mulch (gravel, pine needles, shredded bark).

The trunk circles under the trees are mulched with mown grass, chopped green mass, bark, and fresh compost. The layers of mulch are made to an average thickness of 5 cm. Mulching the garden for several years significantly increases the permeability of the soil to air.

In gardens, it is necessary to mow the grass when it grows to 15-20 cm. After drying, it is used for mulching.

Some gardeners doubt the benefits of mulching with organic materials. Organic mulch is inhabited by worms and insects, it attracts birds, and provides shelter for mice and moles. The latter are very harmful to young plants, gnawing them. Therefore, rodent control is necessary when using organic mulch.

Mulching is performed when growing not only vegetables and berries, but also mushrooms, medicinal, ornamental and aromatic plants. Some believe that the presence of mulch makes plants more fragrant and medicinal. When growing some mushrooms, such as ring mushrooms, mulch is poured in a layer of 10 cm. Mulching will help make flower beds and other flower beds more decorative and attractive.

There is a well-known Swiss recipe for making mulch. You need to mix the chopped straw with soil and compost it for several weeks. After the formation of a homogeneous dark mass, the mulch is ready for use. After downloading, you can leave grass on your lawns. It forms a thin layer of mulch. However, during the rainy season it can rot, and then fungal diseases will appear in the grass. Therefore, when regularly mowing grass on lawns, you should not allow the formation of a dense layer impenetrable to air. Therefore, it is recommended to rake lawns at least three times a year.

Wood chips and shredded bark are not only good mulch, but also decorative element in the garden and on lawns. These materials can also be sprinkled on paths. The thickness of the mulch layer should be 8-10 cm. This mulch protects against weeds and erosion of paths. It is possible to lay a covering material under wood mulch, but not film.

It must be taken into account that each mulching material has its own characteristics. For example, the remains of garden plants are crushed and mixed with green fertilizers before being used as mulch. This type of mulch is suitable for any area in the garden.

Fallen leaves are used for mulching without chopping. You can mix it with other types of mulch.

A valuable type of mulch is hay, especially meadow hay.

Straw for mulching is used either unchanged or mixed with organic materials.

Manure is a type of mulch that is recommended to be used regularly, but in small quantities. You should not use it for mulching in winter. This is due to the fact that nutrients are easily washed out of it. Pig manure and bird droppings are not suitable for mulching.

IN last years There is a tendency towards natural anomalies in the form of sudden temperature changes. Summer heat can reach fifty degrees in the sun during the day, and at the end of August at night the air temperature drops to +15. Plants, like humans, react to sudden changes. This is expressed in the form bad harvest. The solution to the problem is mulching.

Soil mulching, what it is, what means to use and how, we will try to explain in the article.

Mulching the soil is an agrotechnical technique that allows you to retain moisture in the root system of a plant, preventing the growth of weeds; the layer also fertilizes the soil. It looks like a shelter around the trunk, located at the base.

For shelter the following are used:

  • Organic,
  • Inorganic materials

The use of the former is associated with the use of natural waste obtained as a result of agricultural activities. For example, sawdust, straw or hay. The second is associated with the use of production items, rock materials.

There is another method - traditional, every gardener uses it, this is the usual loosening of the soil after watering or rain. By loosening, the soil becomes more airy, moisture nourishes the rhizome faster and the plant develops faster.

Organic mulching

Organic includes waste Agriculture– peat, pine cones, tree shavings or bark, wood chips, eggshell, foliage, etc. Covering the row spacing helps plants survive the heat by lowering the soil temperature, and in winter protects them from frost.

Cover the seedlings, then it is possible to reduce the number of weeds around. Perennial weeds will germinate and can be cut back without allowing them to bloom at the same time. In appearance, such a site is not very tidy, but it will have increased resistance to negative factors.

If you see wheatgrass breaking through, it is better to get rid of it. When the garden is covered with straw, the remaining grains can periodically germinate and are also disposed of. They are easy to pull out by the roots; you will have to make a little effort.

Throughout the summer, the mulch decomposes, while enriching the soil with useful substances and microelements. The soil becomes airy and looser.

If you use pine needles as mulch, the soil can increase acidity. To avoid this, it is recommended to mix with hay.

Good results after using sunflower seed husks. The material has good throughput, does not cake, does not slide, and in summer it lowers the soil temperature.

But improperly applied mulch, or too thick a layer, can also cause harm, for example, becoming a “cozy home” for snails or slugs. The microclimate promotes the development of fungus.

Inorganic mulching

This group includes:

  • Small stones
  • Brick production waste
  • Polymers
  • Agrofibre
  • Sackcloth

Gravel and brick chips are used more in decorative purposes. The benefits to plants are questionable, but the possible harm is obvious. Under the influence of moisture, the pebbles go deeper into the ground.

Often used to cover the entire garden. So he acquires aesthetically beautiful view and cleanliness. The gardener will not need to get rid of weeds. Drip irrigation tapes are placed under the layer, thus reducing the amount of physical effort of the gardener to a minimum. But is this really good for crops?

The main role of using inorganic material is to protect the soil from drying out in the heat and suppress the growth of weeds. This is what happens, but the overuse of polymers in the area only worsens fertility indicators. Soil that is completely closed does not breathe and aeration does not occur. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the cover and dig up after the end of the growing season.

Mulching methods

Methods are selected depending on the final goal. Fine-grained organic mulch is applied for fertilization and moisture. Film - helps to warm the soil and obtain an earlier harvest. If you remove it in time, the young growth will quickly take root and become stronger.

The beds are completely covered with agrofibre, growing vegetables and fruits on an industrial scale. It is difficult to imagine a strawberry field without such shelter; the need for weed removal and watering increases significantly. In such cases, you will need to worry about fertilizing the site in advance, and during the growth process, use foliar feeding of the bushes. When choosing agrofibre, keep in mind that they are recommended dark colors. If the material is transparent or white, light will penetrate and weeds will continue to grow actively.

In summer cottages, it is not recommended to use inorganic mulch. But if you are already using it, it is better to put it away for the winter. Organic, remains on the site all year round, in winter it rots and supplies the garden with organic compounds.

Mulching procedure rules

The procedure can be carried out twice a year – in autumn and spring. In the fall, after the harvest is complete, around mid-October. For the garden it is recommended to use tree bark, wood chips, nut shells and peat. For the garden - softer materials, for example, straw, sawdust, husks from sunflower seeds.

Before you mulch your garden or winter crops recommended:

  • Get rid of old dead wood, carry out sanitary pruning of trees and remove excess
  • Fertilize the plantings
  • Carefully dig up and level the soil
  • Water dry soil or mulch after heavy rains. Dry soil is not covered because the root system will not receive enough nutrient moisture.

Plantings in shady areas are covered with a thin layer, thinner than the rest. The area should be equal to the area of ​​the crown of the tree or bush.

Mulching of garden crops

The procedure is carried out in the spring, after the earth has warmed up to +15 degrees. If done too early, the development of the plant will only slow down. Early cultures taking it will cause wilting.

If you decide to mulch the bed during fruiting, it is recommended to do it after watering and loosening. After harvesting, summer mulch is dug into the soil. In the case when the area is not cultivated for the winter, the layer remains for the winter and is moved in the spring to allow the earth to warm up.

If winter in your region is mild and the soil does not freeze, then you can leave the mulch untouched and leave it for the next season. They carry out work to form it correctly.

Sprouted weeds should not be allowed to spread. Timely removal is the key to cleanliness. Thus, the beds will gradually be cleared of weeds, and weeding will be inappropriate. Plants will gain comfort, develop faster, and the harvest will delight you with abundance.

What mistakes can be made?

The first mistake is that the layer is too thick, which is especially harmful during active fruiting. It is possible that healthy plant will begin to rot. With this method, the roots do not get required quantity oxygen and lighting.

There is absolutely no point in mulching dry soil. Especially in windy weather. The wind will simply carry the material all over the garden. In the spring, mulch remaining above the roots will only prevent the soil from warming up and slow down the development of the plant.

In the fall, they are applied only for cultivation, perhaps in the inter-row spaces, so moisture will accumulate, which is especially important in regions with little snow. To retain winter moisture in the soil, it is recommended to loosen it after assembling the shelter. But such an action is possible if the soil is dry and there is no frost.