Weld a door from a profile pipe with your own hands. The master's work is scary - a metal door with his own hands. Tools and necessary materials

Every person who knows how to use a welding machine has a desire to make a beautiful and reliable iron door with your own hands. This work requires skills, but the product will be individual, guaranteed to be strong and durable. The process of welding such doors will not require fantastic financial costs and does not take much time. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material and prepare necessary tools, but first you need to take measurements and draw detailed drawing future product. We will describe in detail all manufacturing process and sequence of operations.

Preparatory work consists of choosing the design and construction of the future door, since each door is unique in size and can be outdoor or indoor. To understand how to weld a door correctly, you need to decide on the material, fittings and decor that you want to use. In order to calculate the number of components, you need to take measurements and make an accurate drawing. In progress preparatory work the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • the recommended dimensions of the door are no more than 100 X 200 cm, otherwise it will be too heavy because additional stiffening ribs will be needed;
  • if the dimensions of the opening exceed 200 cm in height, you need to cover the excess part of the opening with insulated decorative or blind inserts;
  • if the opening is wider than 100 cm, you can install a blind insert or a hinged, securely fastened sash;
  • determine which way the door will open and select the appropriate locks;
  • calculate the location of the locks and the door peephole in accordance with the height of the residents;
  • determine the type of paint, insulation and interior decorative coating;
  • calculate the type and depth of the door frame fastening points, anti-removal pins and vertical fastening drive;
  • calculate parameters and determine the type of metal components.

It is very important to make sure that the box will be attached to a monolithic opening, and not to wooden or plastered fragile surfaces.

The drawing, made to scale, must indicate the location of the peephole, handles, keyholes, hinges (from 2 to 4 pieces), stiffeners and anti-removal devices and mechanisms. To adjust, the door leaf must be smaller than the frame, and it, in turn, must be two centimeters smaller than the doorway.

Required tools and materials

Fast and high-quality work is possible only if you have a convenient and properly organized workplace and working tool. Do-it-yourself welding metal doors requires a certain instrumental minimum, which consists of the following set:

  1. convenient and durable mounting table;
  2. welding machine with a set of electrodes and a mask;
  3. marking tool, felt-tip pen or sharpened chalk;
  4. welding magnets with an angle of 90° and clamps;
  5. angle grinder (grinder) with discs;
  6. electric drill and screwdriver with a set of drills and bits;
  7. hammer drill with carbide drills;
  8. working electrical extension cords;
  9. tape measure and building level.

After taking measurements and drawing up a detailed drawing, you can accurately calculate the amount and name of the metal required for welding the doors, as well as select locks, hinges and other components. The natural desire to emphasize one's own individuality may influence the choice of material, and Special attention Here it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance, hinges, increased secrecy of locks, anti-removal units and additional locking mechanisms. A standard set of materials for a metal door consists of the following elements:

  • for the front sheet, steel with a thickness of at least 2-3 mm is selected, according to the size of the door with the overlap of the frame, usually 100 X 210 cm;
  • the door frame is welded from a 3 X 3 cm corner;
  • for the door frame and stiffeners, use a 2.5 x 5 cm profiled pipe and strips;
  • Fastening the box to the opening is ensured by strips 3 mm thick in the amount of 4-6 pieces. and 30 cm long;
  • door hinges in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • selected fittings and mounting bolts;
  • primer and polymer paint;
  • insulation and interior decorative finishing.

It is important that the locks have high wear resistance, and the hinges are equipped with bearings that ensure noiselessness and long term services.

Sequence of welding operations

The door welding process is individual and depends on specific project. It is necessary that the parameters of the welding machine allow stable operation at the existing network voltage. To maintain the required dimensions and angles, you need to check with the measuring instrument, and also use special welding magnets when working. The sequence of operations is as follows: step-by-step implementation the following main points, namely:

  • the door frame is marked and cut, magnets are placed in the corners, tack welding is performed;
  • if the connection angle is violated, it is corrected, then the structure is finally welded;
  • seams on all sides are processed with a grinder;
  • then the door frame is cut and welded with obligatory measurements of the diagonals;
  • a gap of 3 mm is required between the box and the frame three sides and 5 mm from the side where the locks are attached;
  • Stiffening ribs are welded into the door frame, taking into account the location of the locks, peephole, anti-removal pins, and the drive of the vertical locks;
  • mark the front sheet and weld it to the frame and stiffeners with a seam of about 4 cm every 15-20 cm;
  • We weld the hinges, having previously drilled a hole for lubrication;
  • We attach the lock assembly, pins to the welded door and drill out all the necessary holes;
  • We weld plates for fastening to the frame, grind and prime the iron door;
  • Next, painting is done, and after drying, all the fittings are attached;
  • the door leaf is insulated and finished with inside with final painting.

It is important to carry out the production process without haste, carefully measuring the corners and achieving flawless operation of locks, vertical latches and rotary hinges.

Of course, this sequence does not reflect the nuances of each individual metal door, but the basic diagram is laid out correctly. Thickness, dimensions, and therefore weight are selected depending on the needs and individuality of each owner. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that additional mass will require an increase in rigidity, and this will lead to a greater load on the frame, hinges and door frame.


We talked about how to calculate, mark and weld a metal door with your own hands, what tools are needed for this process, what sequence of actions must be followed. Quality comes with experience, but you will undoubtedly save significant financial resources and also have a door made to your taste and size. Have fun and successful work!

Despite the fact that there are many models of entrance doors on sale, in some cases suitable option It's quite difficult to choose. Some are not satisfied with the dimensions due to the non-standard opening at the installation site, others are afraid of hidden defects in the product, and others are embarrassed by the high cost of the kit.

Handmade production of a metal door, with proper organization process has a number of advantages. For example, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the design; it can be assembled according to any acceptable drawing, and there won’t be any problems with the design - there are many techniques. In addition, the costs of assembling and finishing the block will be minimal.

Preparation stage

Work should begin with dismantling old door and complete cleaning of the opening. Only after a thorough examination of the condition of the base can one conclude whether it is suitable for installing a metal structure or not. It may be necessary to narrow (expand) it in accordance with the required dimensions and further strengthen it. The latter is typical for buildings made of cellular concrete, wood, as well as from other materials with a significant degree of wear. Therefore, the necessary technological operations.

After obtaining a passage in the wall with the correct geometry, you can begin taking measurements. Based on this, a drawing of a metal door is developed. In addition to determining the dimensions of the frame and sash, you should also choose a design diagram. First of all, in which direction is it more convenient to open the canvas, where is it better to install locks, hinges (their number) and fittings (handle, peephole) on it. Sometimes it is advisable to make a “one and a half” version. In it, the small sash is rigidly fixed, but if it is necessary to temporarily expand the opening (for example, when moving large loads), it is easy to open it.

  • The design of a metal door is drawn up taking into account the fact that there should be a small gap (about 15 - 20 mm) between the jamb and the base. It is called editing. It allows, firstly, to correctly align the frame, adjust its position, and secondly, to additionally insulate the opening around the perimeter.
  • The hinges on the door are placed at an equal distance from each other, and their number is determined by the weight of the leaf; With its light weight, two canopies are enough. But in any case, their distance (top and bottom) from the sash cuts is selected to be about 150 mm (for openings of standard height).

Materials and supplies are being prepared. When working with iron, welding will be required. Plus, a hammer drill (electric drill with a chipper) and a grinder. Everything else is ordinary household tools, a square, a tape measure. It’s a little more difficult with materials; you’ll have to choose.

  • Corners or profiles (with a side of 4 cm) are suitable for the frame. Here it is worth focusing on the purpose of the structure, the requirements for its stability and the option for further finishing. If high-quality insulation and increased strength are expected, then the door is made of profile pipeThe best decision. But stiffening ribs can also be made from a corner.
  • The frame covering is made of sheet steel. It is necessary to optimally combine such indicators as total weight fabric and its strength. But in any case, it is not recommended to use metal less than 2 mm thick.
  • Fastening elements. Any iron door, whether homemade or purchased, is fixed in the opening with anchor bolts. The only exception is for models mounted in wooden (frame) buildings. As a rule, when self-installation doors at their entrance, they are attached to special frames or to the base using welding or large hardware.

Everything else - seals, thermal insulation and Decoration Materials, fasteners, fittings - at the discretion of the master.

If you lack experience in making steel doors with your own hands, it is better to limit yourself to overhead hinges. Hidden canopies are much more difficult to install and require a professional approach.

The procedure for manufacturing metal structures

A do-it-yourself iron door, regardless of its diagram and drawing, is assembled according to one algorithm. Initially, individual elements are made.


There are no problems with it, but provided that all measurements and cutting of blanks are made correctly, in strict accordance with the drawn up drawing. It is not difficult to weld individual parts into a single structure of the correct geometry. You just need to work on a perfectly flat, hard surface and constantly monitor the angles. Once the jamb is assembled, all seams are carefully polished with a diamond disc.

It is mandatory to weld hinges and fastening strips with drilled holes to the box. Using the final details, it is fixed to a wall made of any material.

Door leaf

  • The frame manufacturing technique is absolutely identical.
  • For reinforcement, stiffeners are installed according to the selected pattern.
  • A groove is cut for the lock tongue.
  • Frame sheathing on one side. It is produced by fastening steel sheets by welding, with a slight overlap. In the area of ​​the hinges it is about 5 mm, along the length of the frame it is about 10 - 15. It is recommended to “tack” the cladding with several seams, no more than 40 mm in length. To ensure reliability of fastening, the intervals between adjacent sections are selected within 20.

  • Depending on the design, at this stage of assembling a metal door, the lock fastening elements are installed, the hinges are welded (those parts that are attached to the leaf) and a window for the peephole is cut out.

  • If the sash is supposed to be insulated, then it is immediately laid thermal insulation material; it is placed between the stiffening ribs, which prevents it from sagging under its own weight.

  • All that remains is to weld the second sheet of metal to the wrong side of the frame and also cut a hole in it for the peephole and the lock cylinder.
  • The last thing to do with the sash is to carry out control check its geometry and sand all joints, welds and paint with primer to prevent metal corrosion.

If the “one and a half” scheme is chosen, then all technological operations for the small blade are absolutely identical, with the exception of the eye and door lock. But upper and lower stops should be provided for fixation in a stationary position.


Making a metal door with your own hands is not all. It must be formatted accordingly. With blocks installed in outbuildings it is quite simple; as a rule, they are painted. But if we're talking about about the door at the entrance to a residential building (apartment), then it is advisable to decorate it. The choice of option is at the discretion of the owner, and some recommendations will help with this.

How you can finish the canvas:

  • Hard materials - multilayer plywood, fiberboard, vinyl plastic, wooden lining, laminate, MDF followed by varnish coating (colorless or with tinting components).
  • Leatherette and leatherette are used to cover the sash.
  • The water door to the apartment can be covered with decorative film. Since the impact of atmospheric factors is minimal, this finish will last a long time. And taking into account the low cost and simplicity of design, it is one of the best solutions.

Assembly of the structure

Essentially, it all comes down to hanging the sash, checking its position, the operation of the locks and adjustments (if necessary). All that remains is to install the handle, lock and peephole. If the door design includes crossbars and lower (upper) stops, then you need to make markings.

The sash is covered, and the places for drilling holes are marked on the jamb. After readiness, their coincidence with the fixing elements is checked. This applies to both the main canvas and the additional, small one.

The final “touch” is installing the manufactured door into the opening and lubricating all rubbing parts (which many people forget about). After this, we can state that everything is complete, the work has been completed.

For those who have skills in working with metals and want to get an iron door High Quality at low cost, its independent production - the best option. Moreover, the drawing, diagram, external finishing It is not the manufacturer who chooses, but the master. This means that the entrance to the house will not only be reliably protected, but also designed in an original way, and the block structure will fit perfectly into the interior of a particular building.

Sections of the article:

Reliable metal doors are used virtually everywhere. They are installed not only in apartments multi-storey buildings, but also in private households, bathhouses, and various outbuildings. In addition to purchased ready-made options, some people prefer to create a homemade design, in which good help there will be a drawing of a metal door.

Purchase a steel door leaf and door block Proper quality is not always achieved. The first problem is the pricing policy of modern construction market. The second problem is that sometimes the doorway is very specific and doors for it are made only on an individual order.

There is a simple way out of this situation. If there are practically no suitable products on sale, you can always make them yourself. The metal door has simple design, which is quite possible to make with your own hands. There are various drawings and much more for this. Homemade design will have the required level of quality, and the amount spent on materials will not be very high. All work on the manufacture of entrance doors is divided into several simple stages.

Necessary materials, tools

The most expensive thing you will need is metal. All other components and materials will not be too expensive, of course, excluding decorative finishes. If you roughly estimate the amount for all expenses, then you will need no more than 100-150 dollars. At this price it is impossible to purchase even dubious Chinese products.

As for the materials needed for work, there are few of them. You need to purchase a profile pipe - suitable with a cross section of 20x40 mm. The pipe should be purchased in quantities of 20 linear meters - this volume is quite enough to produce a block of standard sizes (about 1 m wide and 2 m long). It is not difficult to calculate the amount of material for other dimensions. In case of any incomprehensible situations, it is worth looking at the sketch - today you can find a lot of drawings of metal doors and use them for assembly.

Sheet metal is also required. Its thickness must be at least 2.5 mm. dimensions- to the size of the future door, or rather the opening.

You should also prepare the hinges; you should choose models that are equipped with a bearing. These components are purchased in quantities of three. The canvas will be quite heavy, so three loops are the most reliable option.

In addition, additional fittings, thermal insulation, and materials for decorative finishing are required. Don't forget about Consumables– these are circles for power tools, welding electrodes, drills, jigsaw consumables.

The tools you should prepare are a welding machine, a welding table, a grinder, an electric drill, and a jigsaw.

Preparation and measurements

So, standard size the doorway in most apartments is 2000x800 or 2000x900 mm. If the existing opening is smaller or larger, then the canvas can be made to a special size. When taking measurements, you should make sure that it is the wall that is being measured, and not concrete or plaster.

If the height of the box is slightly more than 2000 mm, then it is necessary to provide an additional frame on top, or in the side of the opening if its width is more than 900 mm. In addition, you should remember about a gap of several tens of millimeters on each side of the box. This gap is necessary for blowing in seams.

If the opening width is more than 1500 mm, then experts recommend making a collapsible box rather than a solid one. In cottages, wide openings are installed in addition to door leaf two or more modules with glass, which make the structure more reliable and durable and perform a decorative function.

Click to open in full size.

During the preparation process, it is also worth starting to develop a drawing of a metal door. If the door leaf is unique and exclusive, then the drawing is made with your own hands. If the opening is standard, and the door structure will be standard solution, then you can use standard drawings.

Making a classic metal door

Classic steel doors are a structure made of canvas, frames, door hinges, as well as mounting plates.

Door frame assembly

So, the first thing you need to do is assemble the box or block. To do this, a prepared profile pipe is cut according to the parameters obtained during measurements. The cutting is done at an angle of 45 degrees. The cutting accuracy can be checked by connecting two pieces, and then checking the resulting structure with a corner.

There is another way to produce a box. In this version, the frame is assembled from a metal profile by welding. The result should be a rectangular structure. During the assembly process, it is very important to control the accuracy of the angles, as well as measure the diagonals - this is done to eliminate the risk of block distortions.

Assembling the door frame

At this step, blanks for the future frame are made. Suitable for these purposes metal corner. It is necessary to maintain a gap between the door frame and the frame on the lock side - it is approximately 5 mm. On other sides it will be enough if the gap is 3 mm. Is not exact numbers- V various drawings For metal doors, this size may be slightly different. To make it more clear, strips of metal of the required thickness are used to measure and control these gaps.

Next, the profile is marked and cut. It is placed inside the resulting box. Then the geometric characteristics of the structure are checked along the diagonals. If everything is correct, then a groove or slot is made on one side of the profile for mounting the lock. After this, the corners of the frame can be tacked by welding; the frames around the perimeter are also tacked at several points.

At this step, you can already weld strips of metal to the door frame, which will serve as fasteners for finishing materials.

Manufacturing of door leaf

Creating a canvas should begin with markings. It is worth considering tolerances and allowances sheet metal 10-15 cm per door frame. The overlap from the hinges is also taken into account. In various drawings of metal doors it is 5 mm.

The steel sheet according to the drawings and dimensions is cut using a grinder and welded to the finished frame. Stiffening ribs are welded inside the canvas. They must be installed horizontally. If the level of rigidity is insufficient, then their number can be increased.

Lock installation

The door is almost finished. To install the lock, make markings directly on the canvas. You can mark the holes for the holes with a regular marker. Then a hole is drilled along the marked marks, which then needs to be processed with a file. Next, holes are made for the fastening elements of the future lock. The holes are threaded, then the locking device is fixed with bolts. At the end, install a handle.

This standard instructions, which is suitable for most locks, but lock designs may vary, the installation itself depends on the product.


Before welding these elements to the resulting structure - doors and block, it is necessary to lubricate them. Using a grinder, the places where the frame and the door block are connected are cut - these are the points that were previously tacked with a welding machine. The hinges are fixed from the inside.


To fasten the resulting structure into the opening, strips of metal are used. You need from 6 to 10 pieces. They are simply welded to the box. Then you will need to drill holes in them for the anchor bolts.

Insulation and finishing

The door is almost ready. Now all that remains is to insulate it. The thermal insulation option you choose is cut and placed inside the canvas. The insulation is placed between the stiffening ribs.

After this you can start practicing decorative finishing the inside of the door. Plywood, laminated panels, and any other material are suitable for these purposes.

Metal door with glazing and decorative elements

Often, such door models are installed in private homes or cottages. The window performs several functions - through it you can see who has arrived. Also, thanks to the glass, the hallway will be much brighter. Decorative elements will decorate the canvas and give it an exclusive appearance.

The window in the door must be made while the sheet steel is being cut. When making it, you can use the drawing of a metal door located at the beginning of our article. It is necessary to weld reinforcement along the perimeter of a rectangular or any other shaped hole in a steel sheet. The sizes should be determined in advance. All other stages of work are similar to the technology for manufacturing a classic door.

After the structure is painted, a double-glazed window is installed in the place intended for the window. In order for the glass to be as reliable as possible, with outside a forged decorative grille is often welded.

You can also equip the door block with various additional accessories. These can be closers, seals, eyes and much more. The main rule is that the fittings must be of high quality. Only then will it last for a long period of time.

Homemade door compared to a factory one

The first disadvantage is the rationality of this decision. The cost of materials and fittings is a considerable amount, although the simplest factory door will cost 30% more, but you will save a lot of time and effort. Also, your welding skills are important. If you are not sufficiently qualified, there is a risk of marriage. In any case, factory welding will be much better.

But generally speaking, homemade door made of metal - this is not a utopia, but a real reality for those who have welding skills and experience working with power tools.

The assortment of the modern construction market is rich: in specialized stores you can. Metal, wood, plastic, combined – all entrance doors have special specifications in manufacturing issues. The desire to make a metal door block yourself arises for a number of reasons. For example, you want to get a design with specific requirements and additional materials, you need a high quality product at a minimum cost.

Tools and materials

Making a metal door with your own hands actually refers to budget option: creating a product yourself will cost much less than buying it finished design. Of course, in order to produce truly functional and stylish door, you must own the tool and have some experience in welding.

In addition, you will need competent drawings, quality materials And professional tools. We list the main components that are used in the process of creating a metal door composition:

Photo: door perimeter seal

The list of the above materials and tools required to create a metal door is approximate: the finishing solution depends on the type and functional value future design. For example, when making a vestibule or entrance door, it is best to purchase a thick metal sheet. You can also use two sheets of metal: in this case, the space between them must be filled with insulation.

A metal workbench will be very useful

One more interesting material for making a door, although not an entrance one, is.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The creation of a metal door consists of four main stages: the manufacture of the frame, the production of the metal leaf, the installation of fittings and the covering of the product. A typical door structure is two meters high and 90 cm wide.

Let's look at the features of working on creating a metal door:

  • Frame . The manufacture of the frame must begin after all measurements have been taken. Dimensions door frame must be optimal: the metal frame must fit harmoniously into doorway, so a gap of 2 cm should be left on each side.
  • Canvas . Gaps must also be left between the frame and the metal sheet, and the sheets should protrude slightly from the edges of the frame. It is necessary to carry out welding work in small areas. The seams are made no more than 4 cm in length, and the distance between adjacent seams should not exceed 20 cm.
  • Accessories . To produce hinges, steel rods with a diameter of 2 cm are used. The hinges are welded to the canvas and the metal frame at the same time. Professionals recommend carrying out mandatory anti-corrosion treatment of the product: with its help, the door will last for decades.
  • Facing . You can use any material you like: vinyl artificial leather, PVC film, artificial leather, leatherette and others.
  • Basic steps in making a metal door with your own hands:

  1. Take measurements of the opening and leave about 2 cm from the walls to the frame to eliminate polyurethane foam all the cracks. In addition, such a gap will correct the installation of the door if the opening is skewed.
  2. Cut a metal corner according to the selected dimensions (approximate dimensions - 50x25 mm) and place it on the table for welding. Measure the length of the diagonals of the rectangle: they should be equal. You can start welding only if all dimensions are the same. This is how a door frame is made.
  3. Measure the finished box according to internal space, taking into account a 1-centimeter gap on each side of the structure around the perimeter. Cut a corner with dimensions of 40*25 cm for the blade. Use a grinder to make a small slot in the lock profile at the optimal level for installing the lock.
  4. At the same time, they are hammered into the metal profile wooden slats optimal dimensions. This is done to simplify facing work.
  5. Also, for ease of welding, it is recommended to immediately weld the loop profile to metal box and loops. It is necessary to ensure a perfect match between the hinges and the door frame: to do this, carefully check the distance between them. If this condition is met, hanging the door will be easy.
  6. You should check whether the profiles of the door leaf and the frame are parallel, after which the remaining profiles of the door leaf are inserted into the latter and welded.
  7. Then the sheet of metal is welded. First, the canvas is measured: on each side there should be 10 mm on the door slam, with 15 mm on both sides of the lock. The sheet is cut to the specified dimensions and placed on the product from the profiles.
  8. First, the loop part is welded from the back of the sheet in the internal cavity, then the sheet is welded around the perimeter.
  9. The false strip is welded on the inside of the metal sheet. To better strengthen the door structure, special stiffening ribs can be welded.
  10. Clean the weld seams and paint the product. It is recommended to paint the door even if you will be covering it in the future. Additional coating will prevent corrosion.
  11. Install two locks. To do this, a hole is drilled in the corner for the bolt to enter, then a slot is formed for fastening the lock in the metal sheet. You can also cut a hole for the door lock.
  12. Cover the door. It can be covered with planks or wood panels, glued PVC film, repeating the texture of wood, or, for example, use leatherette. Many people simply paint the canvas and then weld interesting forged elements decor. You can also use curly ones metal sheets or soft elements.
  13. Material on topic. Read directly in our review.

In stores you can choose metal doors different models and sizes. They can be entrance and interior. You can make the door yourself. This requires materials, tools, skills and abilities to work with iron.

Manufacturing metal structure Doing it yourself has a number of advantages over buying ready-made products. At a minimum cost, you can get the front door to your apartment without modifications. doorways. At self-production metal doors must follow the rules safe work, at each stage, perform all operations carefully and accurately. Advantages:

  • by choosing the material for production yourself, you can be confident in its quality;
  • can be made with an individual finishing option;
  • You can make an iron door on a budget.

Doing it yourself can save a lot of time.

Measurements and drawings

Making metal doors with your own hands begins with drawing up simple drawings. To do this, measurements of the doorway are taken. Width is measured in several places. Then the minimum value is selected. 1.5-2 cm is subtracted from the resulting figure. The gaps between the door frame and the walls of the opening should remain of this size. The size is transferred to the drawing. The height of the future product is measured in the same way. Based on the data obtained, a profile or angle for welding work is prepared.

Tools and materials

Welding metal doors yourself is cheaper than purchasing a finished product. But you cannot make an iron door without skills in using tools and a welding machine. To work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. metallic profile or corner;
  2. door leaves made of metal sheets;
  3. steel sheet 2 mm thick or more;
  4. construction hinges;
  5. door fittings: locks and handles;

Other tools may also be needed. This depends on the model of the structure being welded. It’s good if your home workshop has a workbench and several clamps.

Stages of steel door assembly

A do-it-yourself iron door at home is created in several stages:

  1. manufacturing metal frame products;
  2. creating a durable door leaf;
  3. installation of high-quality locks and handles;
  4. surface covering.

Standard door frame dimensions: width - 90 cm, height - 2 m. If these conditions are met, you can make an iron door with your own hands.

Stage 1: weld the loot

For making a door from a profile pipe or from a corner to an apartment or a private house you need to cut the material. The cross-section of the profile should be about 50x25 mm. The blanks are cut according to the dimensions in the drawing and laid on welding table. The next operation is measuring the diagonals. Both of them must be equal. When such indicators have been achieved, welding can begin. Finished work check again: measure the diagonals, dimensions of the internal space. If the work is carried out competently and correctly, the welds are cleaned.

Stage 2: frame for the door leaf

The canvas should door frame located at a short distance from its inner edges. The sheet of canvas should protrude beyond the outer edges of the frame. The structure is welded using short seams. Their length is up to 4 cm. They are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. After welding work and checks geometric parameters The seams are cleaned with a grinder and sandpaper.

Stage 3: fastening the sheet

The cut sheet of steel is welded to the finished frame. For the slam of the future door, you need to leave approximately 10 mm on each side. Sheet the right size placed on the frame and welded. Work begins with the hinge part of the door. Welding is carried out with stitches inside the cavity. The canvas is welded around the entire perimeter. To give the product greater strength, you can use the installation of stiffeners. The work ends with cleaning the seams and painting the door leaf. Painting protects the metal well from corrosion.

Stage 4: how to weld the hinges

Loops for metal products are made of steel rods with a diameter of about 2 cm. The hinges are welded to the frame and to the canvas. The loop halves should match each other. To do this, you need to carefully measure the distance when installing them. If this condition is met, the door will easily fit onto the frame and will close and open well. After welding, the parallelism of the profiles on each side is checked assembled door. It is imperative to carry out anti-corrosion treatment.

Stage 5: cut into the lock

The structure is almost ready. All that remains is to insert the locks into it. It is recommended to install two locks different types. To enter the bolt of the locking mechanism, you need to make holes in the corner. It is necessary to make holes and slots in the canvas for attaching the lock body. This is done by the master himself, along with holes for keys and handles.

Stage 6: cladding and insulation

To give the product a beautiful appearance and heat-insulating qualities, the doors and external cladding are insulated. Used for cladding different materials: vinyl artificial leather, artificial leather, PVC film, leatherette, wood and much more. PVC film can be imitation wood texture. Some owners paint products in desired color and decorate them with forged decorative elements. Profiled sheets of metal or elements from soft materials.

To insulate and improve sound insulation properties, you can use foil insulation. It is placed inside the door leaf, a layer is placed on it mineral wool, polyurethane, foam or other insulation. The remaining cracks are filled with sealant. To improve sound insulation, a rubber strip is glued on. The entire package of insulation and insulation is covered with a sheet of plywood or MDF, attached to the structure with screws or liquid nails.

Stage 7: Installation

Installation of the finished door structure is carried out by two different ways. Entrance door can be located in a single plane with the wall. In another case, on the inner side of the wall there are slopes of large width. Most often, doors are installed using metal plates. They are attached to the box in three places along its long sides. The opening is cleared of foreign objects and debris. The door is installed and leveled and plumb. For this, wooden or plastic wedges are used.

A puncher is used to make mounting holes in the wall. Metal rods 10-15 cm long are driven into them. Instead of rods, anchor bolts can be used. Installation is done like this: the owner himself needs to check the quality of the installation many times. Incorrect installation will result in jamming or jamming of the locks. Before filling the gaps with polyurethane foam, be sure to check the ease of operation locking devices. If everything works well, the voids are filled with foam.

In cases where the door is installed inside the wall, installation using anchors. In this case, a welding machine is used to secure the door. The finished door structure is installed in the opening and secured with wedges. IN vertical racks boxes are drilled with 3 holes. Through them, you need to drive pieces of steel rod 10-12 cm long into the wall. The remaining ends are welded to the frame. After this, the operation of the locks is checked again, and the voids are filled with polyurethane foam.

The technology for manufacturing and installing a door is simple if all requirements are met exactly. It should be noted that it is easier to make a door with your own hands if 2-3 clamps are used during welding. If you have to cook door structure for the first time, don’t be upset by her ugly appearance. Appearance can be changed when covering surfaces. Decorative overlays will hide all the flaws of an inept master. The next product will be much better.

You should not use a thick sheet of metal. The product will be heavy. A thickness of 1.5-2 mm is sufficient. The profiled pipe should also have a wall thickness of 1.5 mm. For the door leaf you need to use at least 4 horizontal partitions. After cutting the elements, their ends should be well processed. All rust is removed from the workpieces wire brush and coarse sandpaper. They need to be welded to a sheet of metal with small seams located 10-12 cm from each other.

Ready product need to be degreased and coated with two layers of primer. After drying, paint the product twice. The service life of homemade metal doors is no less than those bought in a store.