An article on the topic of doors is just for you. Entrance doors to the apartment: high-quality metal doors and tips on their selection (75 photos). Entrance door design

The need to protect your home has existed since time immemorial. Historically, people saw iron as something hard and durable that could be used to protect themselves. Throughout the history of mankind, the technologies for manufacturing door structures, as well as the materials from which they were made, have changed many times. We will talk about such ordinary entrance metal doors, but as it turns out, with a huge number of interesting facts and a non-standard history.

Interesting fact #1: In 2010, in Zurich (Switzerland), archaeologists discovered an entrance door whose age is about 5 thousand years. Thus, this find is the same age as the British Stonehenge. According to scientists, door design has survived to this day due to the fact that at that time harsh climatic conditions forced people to build their houses around lakes, and this required strong wood.

Interesting fact #2: The oldest wooden door still in use is in Westminster Abbey (UK). It is reliably established that it is made of oak, felled in the 11th century. Thus, the approximate age of the door structure is about 10 centuries.

Interesting fact #3: All over the world, metal entrance doors are divided into 13 security classes. And if doors of 6-7 security class are found everywhere in bank vaults, then a steel door system of 13 security class is only available in Fort Knox (USA). Fort Knox is a storage facility for US gold reserves. The steel product, which reliably guards the gold reserves of the United States of America, weighs 22 tons and is 1 meter thick. It is made of seven layers of steel, and it was welded using a secret technology.

Interesting fact #4:
The world's tallest door is located in the spacecraft workshop in Florida (USA). It has a height of 140 meters, and 45 minutes is the approximate closing/opening time.

Interesting fact #5: is rightfully considered the heaviest door system metal structure, installed at the Lawrence Laboratory in California. Its weight is about 320 tons, and its thickness is almost 2.5 meters. And although it seems that with such a mass only remote opening/closing is possible, but thanks to special door hinges the system also opens manually.

Interesting fact #6: The fastest closing door products are installed in laboratories that work with explosives. In case of danger, they close in 0.3 seconds. Such a high speed is ensured by nitrogen compressed to 1000 atmospheres.

The need to protect your home has existed since time immemorial. Historically, people saw iron as something hard and durable that could be used to protect themselves. Throughout the history of mankind, the technologies for manufacturing door structures, as well as the materials from which they were made, have changed many times. We will talk about such ordinary entrance metal doors, but as it turns out, with a huge number of interesting facts and a non-standard history.

In 2010, in Zurich (Switzerland), archaeologists discovered an entrance door whose age is about 5 thousand years. Thus, this find is the same age as the British Stonehenge. According to scientists, the door structure has survived to this day due to the fact that at that time the harsh climatic conditions forced people to build their houses around lakes, and this required strong wood.

The oldest wooden door still in use is in Westminster Abbey (UK). It is reliably established that it is made of oak, felled in the 11th century. Thus, the approximate age of the door structure is about 10 centuries.

All over the world, metal entrance doors are divided into 13 security classes. And if doors of 6-7 security class are found everywhere in bank vaults, then a steel door system of 13 security class is only available in Fort Knox (USA). Fort Knox is a storage facility for US gold reserves. The steel product, which reliably guards the gold reserves of the United States of America, weighs 22 tons and is 1 meter thick. It is made of seven layers of steel, and it was welded using a secret technology.

The world's tallest door is located in the spacecraft workshop in Florida (USA). It is 140 meters high and 45 minutes is the approximate closing/opening time.

The heaviest door system is considered to be a metal structure installed at the Lawrence Laboratory in California. Its weight is about 320 tons, and its thickness is almost 2.5 meters. And although it seems that with such a mass only remote opening/closing is possible, but thanks to special door hinges, the system can also be opened manually.

The fastest closing door products are installed in laboratories that work with explosives. In case of danger, they close in 0.3 seconds. Such a high speed is ensured by nitrogen compressed to 1000 atmospheres.

The Tanaka automatic door opens automatically when someone approaches it, and the opening is exactly the shape and size for a specific person to enter. Each of the horizontal sliding bars that make up the door is equipped with sensors that calculate the shape of the person wishing to pass through and repeat it.

The bronze gates of the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist in Italian Florence are considered to be the most beautiful. The entrances were so skillfully decorated that the great Michelangelo called them the “Gates of Paradise.” They were made by the then famous architects Andrea Pisano and Ghiberti, commissioned by the Merchants Guild in 1425.

One of the creepiest doors in the world can be considered the door of St. Nicholas Cathedral, this cathedral is located in Slovenia. In fact, all the doors of this cathedral are a little creepy, but this one is especially creepy. It is quite young; this door appeared in 1996 in honor of the visit of Pope John Paul II to the cathedral. According to the design concept of the authors, the door should represent the history of the diocese.

Supposedly the most secure residential door on the planet is made in Colombia. This monster has the following characteristics: bulletproof, fireproof, explosion-proof, protection from metal cutting, 10 locks (pins almost 2 cm wide), biometric lock system (first a fingerprint is checked, then a blood test is taken to verify that the finger belongs to a living person) , camera integration via IP (if you wish, the visitor’s photo will be sent to you via e-mail, as soon as he presses the bell).

IN Ancient Rus', the doors were specially made low so that guests would greet the hosts who sheltered them.

Everyone knows the rule of behavior when a man lets a woman in open door has origins from ancient times. It’s sad but true: when people still lived in caves, a man would check the safety of his home in this way, in case a mammoth accidentally ran in or an enemy tribe dropped in. So the weaker sex had to check for the presence of danger on themselves.

Philadelphia inventor Theophilus Van Kannel received the first U.S. patent for a revolving door in 1888. In New York City, government buildings are required by law to have door rotation speeds of no more than 15 revolutions per minute.

Classification of wooden doors

    There are several classifications of wooden interior doors according to the following characteristics:
  • on coating materials;
  • by internal filling;
  • according to the method of glass fastening;
  • by opening method;
  • by the number of valves;
  • for filling the door leaf.

Let's take a closer look at each classification to understand what types of doors exist. This will help you make your choice.

Types of doors by coating materials

1. Veneered

Veneered doors are doors whose base is door leaf from inexpensive breed natural wood(for example, pine trees) with thin layer coverings made of valuable wood.

Thanks to modern technologies The veneer thickness ranges from 0.4 to 1 mm. A thin sheet of veneer is glued evenly and without changes to the door leaf. The perfect coating gives the impression that the door is entirely made of valuable wood. This is exactly the method of covering the door leaf that Varadoor uses.

2. Laminated

Laminated doors are called doors, the basis of which is a door leaf made of inexpensive wood (most often pine), covered with a laminate on top. Laminate is plastic film, which is painted and decorated in such a way that it imitates the most different breeds tree. The basis of the laminate can be any material. This film is cheaper than veneer due to the fact that it is less wear-resistant. In addition, veneer is natural and environmentally friendly pure material unlike laminate.

Types of doors according to internal filling

1. From an array

Doors made of solid wood are classics of the genre. Such doors can be made entirely from valuable wood (cherry, oak, ash, beech) or from inexpensive wood (for example, pine). Solid wood doors are the most expensive.

2. Frame

Frame doors consist of a frame (it is made of wooden beam), covered on both sides with MDF overlays. Inside such a door there are honeycombs made of pressed cardboard. They fill the cavities, allowing the door to “breathe” and making it significantly lighter in weight.

3. Moldings

Molded doors are doors whose leaf consists of solid large glass and molded parts framing the glass on the right and left.

Types of doors according to the method of glass fastening

1. Overlay baguette

For baguette doors, the glass is secured using a special wooden strip - a baguette. This rail frames the glass and panel.

2. Insertion into the door leaf

For these models, the glass is inserted and glued into the groove of the door leaf.

Types of doors by opening method

1. Swing

Hinged doors are the most common doors that are most often used in residential premises. Such doors can come off in one or both directions. An important point when choosing swing doors It is necessary to take into account that you will have to leave free space for opening.

2. Sliding

Sliding doors can consist of one leaf - in this case they are sliding, or of two leaves - in this case they are a sliding structure. The door leaves move parallel to the wall or slide into the wall cavity. Such doors can be mounted on the lower or upper rail, or on both at once.

Varadoor doors can be either hinged or sliding. The choice of one option or another directly depends on the fittings being installed.

Types of doors by number of leaves

Depending on the number of leaves, doors can be single-leaf (single-leaf) or double-leaf (double-leaf). The width of the doorway determines the number of leaves. As a rule, it is necessary to install on double-leaf or double-leaf doors additional element for locking - a shutter bar or latch.

Any door model from Varadoor can be ordered in either single or double leaf form.

Types of doors according to the filling of the door leaf

1. Deaf

These are doors whose structure consists entirely of wood and does not have glass inserts. Most often, blind doors are installed in bedrooms and bathrooms.

2. Glazed

These are doors that have glass in their design. The glass insert can be decorated and embellished different ways. Such doors are often chosen for kitchens and living rooms. They visually expand the boundaries of the room and transmit light perfectly.

Each door from Varadoor is available both in a solid version and with a glass insert.

What is the door made of?

Door care

Proper care behind the door is needed not only to maintain its external beauty, but also to extend its service life.

Door care products
An interior wooden door requires careful handling. To keep good appearance doors, use special means for caring for wood products. There is a wide variety of detergents available on the market today. But when buying, pay attention to the composition: there should be no acids, alkalis or solvents - the varnish is from them - protective layer, with which we cover wood, can deteriorate.

Cleaning the door is quite simple even without specialized tools. At home, you can make a “folk remedy” yourself. Its recipe is simple: just mix tap water with alcohol in a ratio of 90% to 10%, respectively, and moisten a rag in it. After cleaning with the solution, remove any remaining liquid from the surface of the door with a dry cloth. And additionally apply polish to lacquered doors.

If you don’t have it at hand and folk remedy, you can wipe the dust off the door with a regular damp cloth. Then you need to walk over the surface with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture - this way there will be no streaks left. Pay special attention to the bottom of the door block. When conducting wet cleaning This part suffers greatly from moisture.

If in your home glazed doors, start cleaning from dust from the glass. Wipe the glass with a damp cloth, then with a dry one. After this, start cleaning the door leaf.

Remember: even if the room is clean, you need to treat a wooden door with polish at least once a year. Then the door will sparkle clean and look like new.

Care Tips
Wood is a living material, so you need to comply with certain operating conditions if you want the door to retain its characteristics.

  • Insulate the door from moisture

You should try to maintain indoor humidity within 40-60%.

  • Avoid mechanical damage

If you notice a scratch on the surface of the door, you can fix it yourself. To do this, dampen the scratch with a damp cloth, then sand it with fine sandpaper and polish it with wax. The defect will not be visible and the crack will not grow.

If you are planning to renovate your apartment, take care of the doors: cover them with cloth or film to prevent dust and construction garbage didn't hit the tree.

Do not place heaters near a wooden door. Excessive heat can cause the wood to expand and cause the door to become deformed.

Every 2-3 years you need to do a little preventative maintenance: lubricate the hinges and locks, and readjust them.

If you care about wooden doors and fulfill at least the most simple recommendations, they will serve you for decades.


When stack inserts are added to the door array, the door seems to “come to life.” Any model we offer has an option with glass.

We emphasize the beauty of wood with the help of laminated glass - triplex or different techniques glass processing: fusing, stained glass, painting, engraving and sandblasting.

Varadoor has a division specializing in working with glass. We carry out any types of glass processing - from cutting to painting - in our own factory, using only high-quality glass.

Shaped glass cutting
For cutting glass, Varadoor uses an automatic cutting table for straight and figure cutting Italian company "Bavelloni". This machine allows you to load the sheet without interrupting the cutting cycle. It allows cutting of high complexity and precision. Any shapes: from square to oval, with a minimum discrepancy in size - only 0.02 mm per meter. This machine is very accurate.

The machine consists of three elements:
1) a pyramid-warehouse that allows you to work with four types of glass;
2) self-loading cutting table;
table for breaking glass with levers for unloading.
The supplied glass is loaded into the pyramid warehouse. The manipulator takes sheets of glass and places them on the cutting table. The process is automated to ensure that no glass is scratched or broken during unloading. Varadoor takes care of the safety of each sheet. After the sheet has been purchased the required form, from the cutting table it moves smoothly on a cushion of air towards the operator. There, excess pieces are cut off from the glass. After which it is loaded onto the rack.

Varadoor uses special equipment to create bevels on glass. A bevel is a thin cut at an angle front side glass If desired, you can make it matte or regular, straight or curly, with the right angle tilt Bevel width - from 10 to 60 mm.

Glass with beveled edges is often used in interiors different styles. Bevelling is a fairly simple procedure, but it gives the glass completeness and at the same time unobtrusively fits into any design.

Fusing is a technique of sintering or fusing layers of glass. It would seem that glass is an ordinary solid material. But once it is brought to a certain temperature, it becomes flexible and pliable. As a result, the glass takes on any intricate shapes and contours and acquires relief.

A machine helps with this - a special oven for baking glass with a temperature of 800°C. The master places the cut pieces into it in even rows. Under artificial heat evenly distributed over work surface, the glass languishes for two hours.

The layers of glass are sintered to a homogeneous mass; they literally melt into each other. After this, we get squares strewn with multi-colored granules, droplets, buttons, leaves - all these are just some examples of fusing options with which we decorate doors.

You look at some products and you don’t believe that it’s just glass.

Triplex is multilayer glass. There is a special film between several layers of glass. The color of the film can be any.

To prevent dust from getting on the glass, the triplex is assembled on a special table in a perfectly clean room.

After all layers of glass are washed and dried, they are sent to the colander. This is a crimping oven that “glues” the layers together under the influence of temperature.

Glass is the main material for triplex. But you can add whatever you want to it. Fabric, metal plates, and even polymers can be baked between two layers of glass. Everything that fantasy draws.

Triplex glass is not only beautiful, but also incredibly durable. It is very difficult to break it. Moreover, the glass fragments will not fly apart - they will be held in place by the film.

Stained glass
Stained glass is a decoration technique using pieces of colored glass. Once upon a time, stained glass was used only to decorate palaces and temples. Now we can afford to decorate our home with stained glass.

There are several stained glass techniques. We make stained glass windows using stained glass self-adhesive film. The designer creates a drawing using a template on the glass base. (Drawings on white or black glass look best). Cuts out pieces of self-adhesive film and fixes them on the required fragments. To ensure that there are no air bubbles in the drawing, the designer runs a roller over its surface several times. Then the excess pieces of film are cut off, and the borders of the fragments are separated using film bones. They are covered with a golden or silver film, reminiscent of lead, as in classic stained glass. It turns out to be an amazing composition.

Stained glass windows with film cost less than soldered ones, and visual effect no worse than stained glass windows made using traditional technology. They can be used to decorate doors, windows, ceilings and partitions.

The glass painting technique is truly jewelry-like. It requires not only design thinking, but a lot of endurance and skill.

The contours of the future design are applied to the glass base. This is done using special equipment, the program of which includes a layout of the future painting. Then the designer manually fills the contours with special silicate paints different colors, in accordance with the selected template. The result is a real painting based not on canvas, but on glass.

And you can draw anything you want, be it flowers from Garden of Eden or samurai. Any drawings take on a different life on glass. This technique allows you to create very fresh, colorful images that will not wash out or fade.

Engraving is a technique of applying inscriptions, designs, clear angles and lines onto glass using special equipment - an engraver or laser. The engraver scratches the image, the laser melts the glass.

We use an engraver in our production. The process is fully automated - a program is installed in the equipment that reproduces the drawing according to the template. The specialist only monitors the progress of the process.

The tool produces up to 3500 revolutions per hour. To prevent the glass and the instrument itself from overheating, water is constantly supplied - this creates optimal temperature conditions.

Modern engraving allows you to make a very clear and precise image that will not be damaged detergents and will not lose freshness over time.

Sandblasting glass is the application of a design using quartz sand. The glass surface is pre-treated: a self-adhesive film is applied to the glass. Areas that need to be left untouched are isolated; the contours of the future drawing, on the contrary, open up.

The glass is then placed in special equipment. There it is fixed with suction cups to avoid unnecessary movements and scratches. Quartz sand particles in a strong jet compressed air make either the entire surface of the glass matte, or leave patterns on the uncovered self-adhesive film glass

Door installation

Installing an interior door -
the process is complex, requiring a certain skill and accuracy. How the door is installed will determine its functioning. There are some points that you should pay attention to, no matter whether you install the door yourself or have it done by a professional.

Preparing for installation
Upon acceptance new door check the presence of all parts and components, as well as the condition of the door and frame - it is important that they do not have any flaws.

The old door must be carefully dismantled without damaging the walls.

The working area should be prepared so that it is convenient to position the door horizontally.

Assembly door frame
The door installation process begins with assembling and securing the door frame.

It is important to correctly measure the size of the opening and adjust the size of the door frame to it. There should be a gap of 10 mm at the bottom.

When assembling the box, the top bar and vertical risers are joined. They are drilled: vertical risers - in the center of the joint; the top bar is in four places at a distance of about 6 mm from the edge.

It is important to install the door exactly perpendicular to the floor, as this affects the narthex. If installed incorrectly, the door will either constantly swing open or, conversely, constantly close.

The corners of the frame must be exactly 90 degrees, otherwise the door may not “fit” into the doorway at all.

Door installation

After the frame is assembled and secured, the door is hung. Please pay attention Special attention when choosing hinges - buy them from trusted manufacturers.

Varadoor recommends using two detachable hinges so that if necessary, you can remove the door without unscrewing the hinges. In addition, such hinges are usually equipped with bearings that move doors are easy, and this extends its service life.

When fastening the door, leave gaps along the entire length of 1.5 mm between the door leaf and the frame. The gap is needed so that the door opens/closes easily. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity may cause the door to expand. Therefore, gaps with a width of less than 1.5 mm are not made.

After the door is hung, check whether it closes smoothly. If smooth, proceed to next stage- sound insulation.

To ensure sound and heat insulation between the opening and the door frame, apply polyurethane foam. Before starting work, cover the door with film to prevent debris from getting on it. The opening is moistened with water for better adhesion. After this, the foam is applied in a thin layer around the perimeter. Usual consumption: 1 cylinder per door.

In order for the foam to set, it is left for 12-24 hours (during this time it will dry), and then the excess is removed.

Installation of platbands
Before installing the platbands, they are adjusted to length. To do this, the trim parts are applied to the future installation site. Then they mark and saw off at an angle of 45 degrees. Varadoor advises following the following sequence: left, top, right.

After this, the trims are attached with glue or finishing nails.

The platbands hide all possible errors that occurred during the installation of the door, and significantly improve the external door frame, giving the structure a finished look.

In this article we described the main stages of door installation. Pay close attention to the door installation process - its service life depends on this. A properly installed door is a door that will last forever.


Fittings are an important detail that completes the appearance of the door. It can stylishly emphasize the design solution of the door or, on the contrary, break out of the concept of the model and thereby violate the given style.

Despite the fact that the door is not able to function without fittings, it is classified as a secondary element, but its importance should not be underestimated.

What are fittings?

Fittings are a door design element designed to improve its functionality and external decoration. Traditionally to door fittings include door handles, hinges, eyes, keyholes and linings, closers and stoppers, chains and latches.

Door handles

When choosing handles, as a rule, special attention is paid. This is due to the fact that not only the functioning of the door, but also its appearance depends on them. There are two types door handles- push and stationary.

The push handle is installed if the door has a lock with a latch. The door opens and closes by pressing the handle, which moves the latch.

A variety of push handles are nobs, - the so-called ball handles. To change the position of the halyard latch, they must be rotated.

The stationary handle cannot be moved - turned or pressed. It has nothing to do with the door lock and is designed to make opening the door easier. This handle is installed directly on the door leaf.

Door hinges

Door hinges are fastening fittings through which the door is connected to the frame (frame). There are overhead, screw-in and hidden door hinges.

When fastened, such hinges are placed on the door leaf and frame and screwed with screws. There are right, left and universal overhead loops.

Screw-in hinges are screw-in hinges consisting of two parts on which threaded pins are located. One part of such a hinge is screwed into the door leaf, the other into the frame. Depending on the weight of the door, screw-in hinge models with different quantities pins.

Hidden hinges are invisible when the door is closed. Such hinges are installed on the door leaf by insertion. The advantage is that a door with hidden hinges capable of opening 180 ° .

Closers and stoppers

The door closer is installed on the door when it is necessary to close it smoothly. This device automatically closes the door, which allows you to extend the service life of the hinges.

Stoppers are devices that are mounted on the door to protect the door leaf from impacts against the wall.


Door bolts are latches designed to secure the door leaf. There are built-in and mortise bolts.

This is the most economical type. Built-in bolts are installed without drilling or milling operations into a special groove in the door leaf.

The most common option. Mortise bolts are used more often in interior doors. Such devices are installed during the door manufacturing process.

Our company does not manufacture fittings, but fittings from any manufacturer will fit Varadoor doors.

The calling card of a house or apartment is the interior door. That is why it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to choosing doors. By the appearance and “character” of the door one can judge the wealth and taste of the owner.

How to protect your door from damage and scratches

A lot has been written about interior doors: how to choose, install, check their quality and much more. But almost every person who is going to change interior doors asks himself the question of what to do if the door is damaged?

Owners of cats and dogs are especially concerned about how to protect their doors from the teeth and claws of their four-legged pets. Unfortunately, veneer and laminate are materials that can be damaged by sharp objects.

But it doesn’t matter if damage does appear on the door! They can be eliminated with a gentle furniture wax. Experts recommend using corrective wax pencils of the Novorit brand, produced by the Technocolor company, as well as a colorless fixing varnish from the same manufacturer.

Wax pencils are designed for filling dents, cracks and chips on laminated and wooden surfaces, as well as to ensure moisture resistance of the damaged surface. In case of a small scratch, wax is applied by rubbing. If the damage is significant, then application is done with a spatula and an edging knife. Excess wax is cut off, and then the surface is carefully polished with a soft cloth, preferably felt.

If the damaged surface has a distinct wood structure, then on top of the wax on the putty area you can apply an imitation of the pattern of a wooden surface with a felt-tip pen.

To quickly repair small scratches and cracks on laminated and wooden surfaces, you can also use furniture fixing varnish. Before use, shake it thoroughly and then apply several layers. After drying, after about 6-7 minutes, excess can be removed with a damp cloth. The bottle of varnish should be kept tightly closed.

The most low-maintenance materials are laminate and hardboard. To maintain them, simply wipe them with a damp cloth. Doors made of natural wood and veneer should be maintained using a special polish. The use of a special wax composition allows you to not only clean the door, but also protects it from damage and eliminates minor scratches.

Pros and cons of veneer doors

Doors made from natural wood have been valued at all times. They are characterized by high reliability, environmental friendliness, good quality and impeccable appearance.

But processing natural wood and further manufacturing the door require complex production process, which, accordingly, makes the cost of such doors quite high. Therefore, veneered interior doors are very popular among buyers - they are an excellent option for value for money.

There are 2 types of such doors: artificial veneer and natural.

  • Artificial veneer is a special paper onto which a wood grain pattern is applied and impregnated with melamine resins. Externally, this coating is very similar to real wood, but its service life and environmental friendliness are much inferior to natural material;
  • Natural veneer It is made from a thin section of wood 0.4 - 1 mm thick and about 15 cm wide. Natural veneer is stronger and more durable than artificial veneer, which is why Varadoor uses this coating method.

Advantages of veneered doors:

  • Affordable price and excellent quality.
  • Reliability and environmental friendliness.
  • Resistance to changes in temperature and humidity.
  • The use of veneer makes it possible to produce doors various colors and shades
  • Wood veneer has a unique pattern, so the texture is not repeated in any product.
  • In case of mechanical damage they are easily repaired.

The only disadvantage of veneered doors is the likelihood that the texture of the coating will be uneven. However, with a professional and high-quality approach to production, this can be avoided.

Door terminology

Language is the best mediator for establishing friendship and harmony.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

So let's speak the same language! We suggest you familiarize yourself with a list of terms that are most commonly used in the door industry and that you may encounter when purchasing a door.

Gorbylki - blocks with a shaped profile, which are used to divide the glazed part of the door and strengthen the glass. This element gives strength to the entire structure of the door leaf.

Door leaf- this is the main moving part of the door, which can be of a frame or panel structure. In the frame fabric, the internal cavities are filled either with honeycomb filler, or with MDF, chipboard, or solid wood blocks. A door can consist of one, two or more door leaves. The door leaf is attached to the frame using hinges or using rollers on a sliding rail.

Door frame- a prefabricated frame structure, which is fixedly installed in the doorway and serves for hanging door panels. Platbands and additional elements are attached to the box. The door frame consists of 2 vertical racks and crossbars. Made from MDF, chipboard or solid wood.

Decorative overlays (false croakers)- invoices decorative profiles, glued to a double-glazed window with internal or outside and forming a false, so-called false binding.

Addition (additional bar)decorative element, which serves to expand the door frame if it is already narrower than the walls. Dimensions in width can be from 30 to 500 mm, in length additional equal to length platbands. Usually made from wood-based materials covered with veneer or decorative film, very rarely found in solid wood.

Mold- shaped profile on the edges framing the glass or panel.

Platband- a wide strip that frames the doorway and hides the gaps between the frame and the wall. Platbands can be rounded, flat, figured, telescopic. They are made from MDF and chipboard, less often from solid wood.

Straps- bars located around the perimeter of the door.

Groove- a recess into which the protrusion of another object is inserted when fastening.

Loops- a mechanism by which the door leaf is attached to the frame. Hinges are detachable and one-piece, screw-in and hinged, visible and invisible, left and right. They are selected individually depending on the weight of the leaf and the door model.

Cross member- an element of the door leaf, which is located between the panel or glass and has a groove for securing them. The width of the crossbar on cabinet doors is 25mm.

Threshold- a special block located at the bottom of the doorway and serves to improve heat and sound insulation.

Narthex (ventilated plank, quarter)– the place of contact of the door leaf with the frame. Performs soundproofing function. Mainly used in conjunction with a seal.

Opening- a hole for doors in walls or partitions.

Clear passage (light opening) - maximum size doorway with the door fully open.

Layout is a relief profile strip attached to the surface of the door leaf and serves to “revitalize” the appearance of smooth surfaces. It can also strengthen panels or glass.

Sredniki- bars that separate inner space canvases into sections for further installation of glass or panels. The harnesses are also connected to each other.

Seals- elastic gaskets of a tubular or more complex cross-section that run along the entire perimeter of the door and protect against cold air, noise and moisture.

Panel- an area highlighted by thin profiled frames, a shield made of thin boards or plywood that closes the gap in the frame of the door leaf.

Accessories- door elements (hinges, locks, handles, stops, etc.) that provide comfortable control of locking devices and perform a decorative function.

– stained glass or a separate decorative element obtained by sintering pieces of colored glass in special furnaces.

Tsarga- the main element of the door leaf frame, the hinged strip, which is attached to the pillars. There are upper and lower drawers.

Veneer - facing material as thin sheets wood obtained by planing beams valuable species(planed), or peeling short steamed logs from birch, alder, pine on machines (hulled). Sawn veneer is made from spruce, Siberian cedar, and fir wood. It is the highest quality.

Glazing bead (baguette, frame)– intermediate frame element for attaching glass or panels to the frame.

Most often, conversations about door designs come down to deciding where it is profitable to buy interior doors and what color of door panels will best harmonize with the interior.

Interesting Facts about doors you didn't even know about.


The oldest door panel was discovered by archaeologists on the shores of Lake Zurich; its age is over five thousand years. The door was made of poplar and has been perfectly preserved to this day. Its height is only 153 cm and its width is 88 cm.
The oldest functioning doors are located in England, in Westminster Abbey. They were made from durable English oak around 1030-1040. And today these doors guard the entrance to the storage of old archives.

The tallest and heaviest

The world's tallest doors are installed in a NASA building designed for the final assembly of spacecraft and launch vehicles. The height of the building itself is 160 m, and the height of the doors is almost 139 meters. Opening or closing them is a slow process, it takes 45 minutes.

The heaviest door leaf weighs about 44 tons. It is also installed in the USA, at the Livermore National Laboratory and blocks the entrance to the largest source of neutron fusion.
But the most amazing fact is that this door can be moved manually even by one person thanks to the unique hinge design.

The most high-tech

The doors designed by Tanaka engineers do not open in the traditional sense. They automatically form an opening in accordance with the figure of the person who passes through them. The Tanaka door leaf consists of dozens of thin horizontal stripes, which, when approaching, diverge to the sides, creating a passage. Sensors are installed along the entire perimeter of this high-tech door structure that read a person’s external parameters.

Tanaka doors are built into the wall, so they do not require free space for work. And, in addition, they reduce heat loss because they provide minimal contact time with the external environment.
And although the product exists today only at the concept level, it is likely that this is what door structures will look like in the future.

If you need to update your interior today, you can buy veneered interior doors and install them on sliding system. You can order such a design with turnkey installation in the online store of the Porta Prima factory.

The most unusual

One of the most non-standard door designs was installed in the house of the American inventor Benjamin Skora. It works on the principle of a camera shutter and is controlled by simply pressing a button.

And German designer Tobias Frenzel announced “ping-pong doors.” This is a real find for office workers!
The door leaf is attached to special hinges, thanks to which it can take a horizontal position in a matter of seconds.
There is a mesh attached to the door, so you can take a physical education break and fight with a colleague from the next room.

The most terrifying

The most terrifying door panel can be seen by visiting the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the Slovenian city of Ljubljana.
According to the plans of their creators, the doors depict only scenes from the history of the diocese, but they make the most eerie impression!

August 15, 2019

When it comes time to choose the right doors for your home or property, you begin to realize that everything depends on your needs. Some factors are beyond your control, such as certain standards and regulations.

August 15, 2019

Choosing an entrance door is a very important decision, especially if we're talking about about commercial, retail or public buildings. We must not forget that the front door is the face of not only the building, but also the public organization or the idea that this building represents.

July 16, 2019

Self-installation of interior doors is not like that difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. This process requires special skills and abilities and, if desired, you can cope with it perfectly.

July 16, 2019

Such doors are the standard of beauty and durability for all doors and a wonderful decoration for your home. These doors are an excellent replacement for both interior and exterior doors, creating graceful beauty at a reasonable price. affordable price and offering good quality.

July 16, 2019

Living in a big apartment building The average person is often interested in the issue of protecting their property. Some people put bars on the windows, others put double doors, but probably the most reliable method of protection is steel, or as they say, armored doors.

June 17, 2019

Modern interior doors are considered a full-fledged art object that adds aesthetics to the room. They easily continue the fantasy ideas of designers and are able to make themselves the accent of the entire interior.

June 17, 2019

Whatever one may say, stains eventually appear on all doors, be they metal or wooden. The most noticeable stains are on the handle or bottom of the door, which makes it untidy.

June 17, 2019

Economy class steel doors popular with people who want to quickly and efficiently close a doorway without focusing on finishing. They are popular and considered the most frequently ordered.

May 19, 2019

The current market is represented by a huge variety of building materials. And the times of standard room decorations, fortunately, are already a thing of the past.

May 19, 2019

Currently one of common problems is noise, it is very difficult to find a place where you could hide from the sounds around you. The soundproofing of the doors is very important point, guaranteeing comfort and silence in your home.

May 19, 2019

On the market today building materials available various options insulation of entrance doors. Modern material can be placed between layers of plywood, in panels, while the door remains light and warm.

April 18, 2019 Tambour doors

The demand for vestibule doors, according to many experts in this business, has two main reasons.

April 18, 2019

Metal doors are by far the most reliable protection for property located in enclosed spaces.

April 18, 2019

Now many people refuse to install swinging interior doors in their apartments. Such doors not only reduce visual space, but also often interfere with free movement around the apartment.

March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019

The vast majority of owners often overlook such a detail that the door in the bathroom not only acts as a rather original design detail.

March 17, 2019

A durable, reliable and high-quality front door is not only excellent protection for your home from uninvited guests, but also an indicator of the owner’s amazing taste, wealth and style.

06 February 2019

The issue of protecting private property is always quite acute, regardless of where the owner lives - in the Russian outback, in high-rise buildings or in a private house.

06 February 2019

Metal doors are installed not only in residential buildings, but also in industrial and commercial premises, preventing intruders from entering the protected area.

06 February 2019

Entrance doors form the very first, but nevertheless quite important, opinion about the homeowners. Therefore, you need to demand from steel doors not only reliability, but also beauty.

December 16, 2018

A metal entrance door, like any other product that is part of a home, needs care, but caring for an entrance door usually comes down to simply cleaning its surface and periodically lubricating the fittings.

December 15, 2018

Recently it has become fashionable to install entrance doors made of solid pine. Such doors are reliable to use, affordable and have an attractive appearance. Despite its cheapness

December 14, 2018

One of the leading companies in the production of interior doors is certainly the Ocean company. It entered the market back in the year two thousand. Since those years, the company has established itself as one of the leaders in Russia

November 17, 2018

November 17, 2018

If it is necessary to install entrance doors with double-glazed windows, buyers strive to find a reliable company so that the quality of the product is the best and the installation is carried out by the company’s employees. This is advisable for two reasons.

November 17, 2018

We produce Various types doors to the vestibule. Our consumers can order MDF vestibule doors with installation. The specialists of our company will create doors according to individual dimensions and sketches.

August 11, 2018 Entrance doors in bleached oak shade

Wood textures fit organically into popular interior concepts and landscape design when designing facades. We offer to order entrance doors in bleached oak color.

August 10, 2018 Black entrance doors

We bring to your attention a simple but effective option for equipping the entrance to an apartment, office block, private cottage, administrative office or commercial building.

August 08, 2018 Metal entrance doors with glazing

A decorative viewing window instead of a standard peephole in a private home is a stylish and functional design element entrance group. We will produce metal doors with glazing to order.