How to make a greenhouse from old window frames. Greenhouse from window frames How to make a greenhouse from window frames yourself

After installation plastic windows A completely logical question arises: what to do with old windows? And the answer is quite simple. if you have suburban area, then the most optimal solution will be the construction of a greenhouse from window frames.

The dimensions of the structure are determined based on:

  • dimensions of each frame;
  • their total number;
  • the size of the inside of the greenhouse.

The ideal option is to use window frames that have the same dimensions. This is the only way to create an even and symmetrical structure with no gaps. The length of a greenhouse made from old window frames is determined by adding the width of all the windows used.

It is recommended to draw a design diagram on paper, which shows the location of all passages and beds. The width of one bed is usually 0.8-1.2 m. If you make a bed too wide, it will be difficult to cultivate. Passages between the beds are made within 0.5-0.6 m.

Structure location

Once the dimensions of the greenhouse have been determined, you should think about its correct placement on the site. For normal height plant greenhouse made of window frames should be located:

  • on a flat area;
  • in a place normally illuminated by sunlight;
  • protected from strong wind zone;
  • far away from tall buildings and trees.

If you plan to build a framed window greenhouse consisting of a gable roof, then the best location for the long part of the structure is on the east and west sides.

Particular attention must be paid to the soil composition of the site. For the greenhouse perfect solution- chernozem fertile soil with admixtures of sand. If the soil on the site is clay, then to grow plants in a greenhouse you will need to additionally prepare it:

  • add gravel;
  • cover the gravel with a layer of sand up to 10 cm;
  • lay out fertile black soil;
  • add compost or mineral fertilizers.

You also need to know about the level groundwater. This is due to the fact that a greenhouse made of window frames has quite a significant weight. When groundwater is located at a depth of up to 1.5 m, it is not recommended to build such a structure.

Foundation structure

An important role in such a process as making a greenhouse from window frames is played by right choice foundation (even if the structure is located on stable ground). Essentially, the purpose of the foundation is to protect:

  • plants from negative influence external environment;
  • the greenhouse itself from premature subsidence from the load coming from heavy frames.

Experts say that the presence of a foundation will lead to thermal energy savings of 10-15%. This in turn will lead to a reduction in the cost of heating the structure, and crops will be grown at a stable temperature.

When choosing the type of base, you should be guided by practical functions. Of course, you can use ready-made metal foundation, which is selected for certain dimensions of the greenhouse. Installation of such a product is carried out under support pillars. The disadvantage of a metal foundation is its low level of protection.

The best option for a greenhouse made of window frames (pictured) is made of concrete. The width of the foundation is made from 0.1 m, depth - 0.7-0.9 m. If the greenhouse is created in an area with severe frosts, then the base is deepened to the level of freezing of the soil and is additionally insulated with polystyrene foam.

When laying the foundation, the weight of the greenhouse must be evenly distributed. This is the only way to prevent cold air from getting inside the structure. The space between the base and frame of the greenhouse is sealed with bitumen and silicone sealant.

Frame preparation

This process involves the following actions:

  • removal of old metal elements (hinges, latches, handles);
  • deletion old paint;
  • wood treatment with antiseptic;
  • removing all glass (when attaching frames to the frame using nails).

If self-tapping screws are used to fix the window frames, then there is no need to remove the glass. To prevent glass from falling out in the future, you should check the old glazing beads and, if necessary, replace them with new ones.

All windows that serve to ventilate plants are tightly closed. Minimum height the walls of the structure are 1.7-1.8 m.

Creating a wireframe

Now let's move on directly to how to make a greenhouse from frames. At the initial stage, a wooden frame is constructed, which makes the greenhouse as stable as possible. For these purposes, you can use both timber (section 5*5 cm) and ordinary boards (thickness 4 cm).

Most economical option- use of boards to which old windows will be attached. Moreover, the width of the boards usually coincides with the dimensions of standard frames.

The greenhouse frame consists of three main parts:

  • bottom trim;
  • racks;
  • top rack.

The structure of the frame provides for the following actions:

  • the foundation is covered with waterproofing material;
  • boards (two pieces) are laid along the perimeter of the base;
  • racks made of timber, which have the same height, are attached to the boards;
  • the number of racks is determined based on the number of window frames;
  • racks must be placed in the corners of the greenhouse and in places where the frames will be attached;
  • the upper part of the racks is fastened with timber, which is the basis for the roofing material;
  • if necessary, recesses are made in the upper part of the beam for laying rafters.

Frame installation

Fixing the frames to the frame can be done using:

  • wire or clamps;
  • nails and beams;
  • screws and metal corners.

The use of wire (clamps) is less expensive and the easy way fastening windows to the frame. The only caveat is that the fastening locations should be correctly determined. The greenhouse should not disintegrate under the influence of factors environment. A wire is pulled around adjacent frames and bars and twisted using pliers.

When fixing windows with nails, the timber is applied to two frames at once. After which several nails are nailed into each of the frames through the timber.

Self-tapping screws and metal corners- most reliable way fixing old windows to wooden frame. Thanks to their use, maximum structural stability is achieved:

  • a corner is applied to the contacting frames on both sides;
  • a marker marks the points for drilling holes for the corner;
  • holes are drilled for self-tapping screws;
  • The corners are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself installation of a greenhouse from window frames begins from a predetermined angle. The frames are attached as tightly as possible to each other. A door opening is made in the end wall, for the manufacture of which you can use boards (if you cannot find an old door).

Sometimes you may encounter the problem of not having enough window frames. Don't despair. There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. The front side is finished with polycarbonate.
  2. The rear wall of the structure (usually done from the northern part) is clogged with plywood or boards.

All gaps formed between the frames are sealed polyurethane foam or thermal insulation material. There should be no drafts in the greenhouse.

If glass accidentally breaks during work, then:

  • new glass is cut;
  • the extreme part of the frame is covered with sealant (or window putty);
  • the glass is placed on a sealant;
  • a bead is filled, onto which antiseptic and paint are applied.

Roof decking

The best solution for a greenhouse made of window frames would be to install a gable roof, thanks to which the most uniform influx of sunlight occurs. To make a gable roof you can use:

  • old frames;
  • plastic film;

To create the roof, old frames are used only in small quantities. This is because covering the entire roof will cause the greenhouse to overheat. Which will negatively affect the normal development of plants.

The simplest and cheapest option would be to create a roof from polyethylene film:

  • The film is attached to the frame using wooden slats and nails;
  • A mesh material (nylon cord or the thickest fishing line) is laid on top of the polyethylene.

The only drawback of this technology is the need to remove the film when winter sets in. If exposed to snow, rain or strong wind, it will tear.

The most suitable solution for the roof of a greenhouse made from old frames - the use of polycarbonate, which is characterized by optimal weight and increased reliability. This roof covering does not need to be dismantled for the winter, as it is resistant to snow and wind loads.

Installation polycarbonate roof consists of the following stages:

  • timber is being laid that connects long sides designs;
  • the timber is placed in the places where the rafters will be attached;
  • the rafters are mounted at the same angle on the top frame;
  • Vertical posts are used to attach the rafters to the timber;
  • the creation of sheathing from boards is carried out;
  • polycarbonate is attached.

For fixation polycarbonate sheets bolts with wide washers are used. The polycarbonate should protrude 20-25 cm above the greenhouse wall.

During the operation of a greenhouse made from window frames, it is necessary to take care of it:

  • to extend the service life once every 3-4 years all wooden elements treated with an antiseptic and painted;
  • To increase the amount of sunlight, polycarbonate and windows are washed in the spring.

When installing a permanent greenhouse, you can install and create a heating system.

Video about installing a greenhouse from window frames:

Today, greenhouses are built from the most different materials. This could be polycarbonate, metal-plastic, or other similar elements. However, many consumers set a goal to build in a short time inexpensive greenhouse from more affordable and easy-to-use materials. Good structures can be made from ordinary window frames. Today we will look in detail at how to properly make a greenhouse from such parts.


It's no secret that the presence of a greenhouse on the site allows you to improve and increase the harvest in the cool spring, when open ground It is not possible to plant plants. Young shoots and seeds in greenhouse conditions grow and develop quite quickly, and by the time the first warm days arrive, they bloom.

Currently, most owners of apartments and private houses are replacing old ones in their homes. wooden windows to plastic ones. Typically, after all installation work they simply get rid of the old frames - throw them away, put them away as unnecessary. In fact, such details may still be useful. With their use, it will be possible to build a neat and inexpensive greenhouse.

You should not get rid of glass in such elements. They will be needed for the greenhouse, as they are able to maintain optimal and comfortable temperature regime for plants.

Using old wooden frames you can build a very reliable and strong frame, which will support the greenhouse structure for many years.

Windows on the windows would also be useful in such buildings. They are useful for providing ventilation in the greenhouse. In addition, with the help of these elements you can regulate the temperature in the interior of the entire structure.

The tree itself is reliable and sustainable material, however, buy new ones wooden parts It will be expensive to make a greenhouse, since they will not be cheap. That is why buildings assembled from old window frames are an excellent and inexpensive solution.

In addition to wooden ones, plastic double-glazed windows are often used in the construction of greenhouses. Many owners use old balcony windows having impressive weight.

If we dwell on the main advantages of such structures, we should pay attention to the following features:

  • There will always be a presence in the inside of the greenhouse high-quality ventilation thanks to the vents on the old windows.
  • Using window frames made of wood or PVC material, it will be possible to build a stationary and permanent greenhouse in the shortest possible time.
  • In these conditions, you can grow flowers, fruits and vegetables all year round.
  • A greenhouse built from old frames is also good because it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • In such a building it is quite possible to install additional lighting. Thus, in a greenhouse from windows it will be possible to combine both natural and artificial lighting.

There are no serious shortcomings in such structures. The only drawback that many users note is that it can be difficult to find the required number of frames of the same dimensions to make the greenhouse more even and neat.

Homemade greenhouses made from window frames are not uncommon. It is quite possible to build such structures with your own hands. Moreover, such work, as a rule, does not take much time and effort.


As a rule, inexpensive greenhouses are made from old windows by the owners of the plots themselves. Such work cannot be called too difficult and inaccessible, however, a certain algorithm of actions should be followed to ensure that the resulting greenhouse is of high quality and reliable.

Preparation of drawings

First you need to do everything preparatory work. You can proceed directly to assembling the greenhouse only after this stage. Otherwise, the structure may turn out to be uneven, and its location will not be the best.

First you need to find required quantity wooden window frames with the same dimensions. If you were not able to stock up on such elements, then you will have to apply all your skills and abilities related to architectural issues. You will have to measure each frame separately, write down the resulting values ​​on paper, and then try to draw up a suitable drawing.

When drawing up a greenhouse project, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

  • The ratio of frame dimensions and the height you need. The recommended height of the walls in a greenhouse is 180 cm. If you cannot stack the frames on top of each other, then you will have to slightly build up the walls at the bottom using other materials.
  • Roof. Often, a metal frame or timber is chosen to construct a roof. These dense and reliable materials are necessary because winter time snow may accumulate on them throughout the year. Under its load, “fragile” roofs will break.
  • Also, when drawing up a greenhouse drawing, it is necessary to take into account the roof ridge. It is recommended to direct it along the north-south axis so that there is sufficient and correct lighting in the greenhouse.

Only with the use of a drawing can you build a neat and aesthetic greenhouse.

Selecting a location

To install a greenhouse from old windows, it is very important to choose a suitable location, since the functionality of such a structure will depend on it. Experts recommend placing greenhouses exclusively on flat surfaces, which are sufficiently illuminated by the sun from all sides.

Besides, It is necessary to choose a place protected from constant and strong winds. There should be no tall structures or trees near the greenhouse - they will create large shadows that can fall on the panicked plants.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the greenhouse made from old windows should be positioned so that its longitudinal side is from the north to the south.


The soil under the greenhouse must be dry and clean. According to experts, the most successful option is in which there is a sandy layer of soil under the chernozem.

Glass in old frames most often has considerable weight, so the soil under the greenhouse must be well compacted. This criterion is especially important if we're talking about about installing a greenhouse without pouring a foundation.

If your site is located in a clay area, then the selected location will need to be thoroughly prepared for the installation of the greenhouse. To do this, you need to make a blind area from medium-fraction gravel, and then build a special cushion of sand with a thickness of at least 10 cm. You will then need to fill this base with fertile soil.

When choosing a location for building a greenhouse, you need to take into account the location of groundwater. They should be located at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If the soil on your site is too wet, then building a heavy greenhouse from window frames on it is not recommended.

Design options

Greenhouses made from window frames can have various designs. Let's look at the most popular options that many users choose:

  • For the lower part of the frame it is possible to use cladding boards. With this design, when weeding the beds, you will definitely not damage the glass elements or injure yourself. Similar problems can be avoided when digging or watering the beds.
  • Glass from the same window frames can be inserted into a ready-made frame. Such a design will look especially attractive and interesting.
  • Window frames can be joined together. With such a design, the design of the greenhouse will not be the most presentable. And if the frames differ in dimensional parameters, then it will be very difficult to connect them.

Some gardeners prefer to build high-quality greenhouses not from wooden window frames, but from double-glazed windows with plastic profiles. Some people buy them specifically for those construction work, and some people have unnecessary PVC structures in their arsenal. Greenhouses made from such materials are very durable and reliable. They are not subject to mechanical damage and last a very long time. However, double-glazed windows have an impressive weight, so they can only be installed on well-prepared and dry soil (preferably with a foundation).

The most popular double-glazed structures are windows connected in a row on all sides of the building. Similar buildings can be supplemented gable roof from similar materials.

Heavy double-glazed greenhouses can have any shape and structure. They can be built in mini format or made very large - it all depends on the wishes of the owners. Of course, the classic greenhouses are square and rectangular shape. Polygonal structures are slightly less common.

Detailed Guide

To build a high-quality greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • a screwdriver (it can be electric);
  • circular saw;
  • chisel;
  • special drills for woodworking;
  • building level;
  • square;
  • tape measure;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • fasteners.

If you have already chosen a suitable place to install the greenhouse on the site, then you can proceed to the construction of the foundation. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended to do it if the soil and the weight of the future structure require it.

Let's consider step by step instructions for installing a foundation for a greenhouse:

  1. First, the selected area must be cleared of dirt, debris, weeds, stumps and other similar elements.
  2. After this, you need to transfer the dimensions of the greenhouse to a cleaned area and drive small stakes around the perimeter. A cord or rope should be stretched between them.
  3. Next, in each corner and near the sides, you need to dig small holes, the depth of which should be no more than 0.5 m - the level of soil freezing.
  4. You need to pour crushed stone into the holes made and then compact it.
  5. The next step will be the construction of formwork. An asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of no more than 15 cm must be inserted into each hole. Next, you need to level it and insert reinforcement.
  6. Strengthen the structure with bricks, and then pour concrete.
  7. Next, on the foundation you need to assemble lower crown from timber and fasten it with iron plates.

Please note that it will take a couple of weeks for the concrete to dry completely. After this, the area under the greenhouse must be laid out with bricks around the perimeter. As a result, you will get a flat plane, thanks to which it will be easier and easier to assemble the greenhouse.

Next, you can proceed to the manufacture of the greenhouse frame. For this you can use timber or boards. But first you need to measure the width of the frames. Measure along the perimeter of the poured foundation sections that exceed the width window designs by 5-7 cm. These places should be noted.

At the marked points, you need to fix timber posts that have the same height. Then you need to stretch a thread along the top of the pillars. Use a level so that the tops can be adjusted. If there are protruding elements on the pillars, they need to be cut down.

After this, you need to take the timber and place it on the tops in a horizontal position. Thus, you will get unique cells for installing window frames. Now you should install the windows themselves, not forgetting about the doors and vents. Fasten all parts as securely as possible. Work carefully to avoid breaking the glass elements.

All cracks and joints should be treated with polyurethane foam. It is recommended to cover the dried foam with putty or paint - this will help protect this material from excessive drying out.

The last stage The construction of the greenhouse will involve the installation of the roof. It can be double or single slope. Let's take a closer look at the process of installing a roof using the example of a lean-to structure:

  • First you need to lay the boards on the wall frame under the rafter support. Be sure to mark the slots for mounting the inclined beams of the future roof.
  • Place posts in each corner of the side wall to form a slope. You need to put a block between them. The front part of the roof will then be attached to it.
  • Now you need to install the side boards into the roof and attach them to the front part with screws.
  • Make grooves for the rafter boards in the end board. To do this, it is recommended to use a special template, which is a cut out letter “P”.
  • Next, you need to tighten the cord and check that all the rafters are located in the same plane. Place on top roofing material. Experts advise using material from cellular polycarbonate, glass or special film.

The result should be an attractive and tidy greenhouse. The main thing is not to use a level at all stages so that the structure is level.

Owners' opinion

Greenhouses assembled from old wooden or polyvinyl chloride frames are found in many areas. The popularity of such structures is explained by their low cost and fairly simple construction.

As a rule, reviews of frame greenhouses are positive. Many owners found such buildings very warm. Such conditions are very comfortable for the growth and flowering of various plantings.

In addition, many users noted that the construction of such greenhouses seemed quite simple to them. The main thing is to choose a suitable place for construction in advance and draw up detailed drawing greenhouse Then during the installation process you will not encounter different problems and inconsistencies.

However, some people claim that their greenhouses from old frames lasted less than 5 years, after which they began to rot at the bottom in contact with the ground. Owners faced with such problems recommend painting greenhouses annually to extend their service life. Users did not notice any other significant shortcomings.

If you are going to assemble a greenhouse using window frames with your own hands, then you should consider some recommendations from professionals. Perhaps they will help you avoid many problems in the process of making a greenhouse:

  • When constructing a greenhouse from window frames, it is recommended to use electric tool– jigsaw, screwdriver. It is much easier to work with such devices.
  • Keep in mind that a greenhouse made from old frames is only suitable for domestic use. personal plots. It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow vegetables and fruits in them on an industrial scale - such plantings will require a more reliable and expensive metal structure.

  • If you want to make a greenhouse frame from timber rather than boards, then you need to take into account its thickness. Bars that are too thin may not support the weight of the entire structure. Such buildings will not last long.
  • To make the entire structure more stable and reliable, vertical supports should be installed. It is recommended to prepare them at the frame construction stage.
  • If you want to lay a roof made of polycarbonate on a greenhouse made of windows, then it is better to insert glass only after all roofing work has been completed.
  • It is not recommended to use old windows for roof installation. It is better to use special polyethylene film or polycarbonate instead of such elements.

The level of thriftiness of each summer resident is determined not only by ingenuity and wallet, but also by the ability to make what is necessary for the garden with his own hands. Today we will look at greenhouses made from old window frames - an option with minimal costs, practical and convenient. Moreover, the materials for the production of such a greenhouse are always at hand.

Are you replacing windows? Does your neighbor change his windows? Do you see how they replace windows “wholesale” in kindergarten opposite or another institution? Here is the answer to the question of where to get window frames to build a greenhouse. Otherwise, you can always negotiate with your neighbors or even post an advertisement about buying window frames inexpensively, with take-out or self-pickup (many people throw them away for free, but they also offer money). That is, it is not difficult to find material for production, if you have the desire.

But, in addition to the materials, you also need to know the correct algorithm for creating a greenhouse from window frames.

The base of the greenhouse is necessary here, since wooden frames have some weight, and if you also add a greenhouse cover, Consumables and so on, then its mass will increase even more. This means that in order to prevent and completely prevent subsidence of the greenhouse and its destruction, as well as to ensure the greenhouse’s reliability and stability, it must be installed on a foundation.

Larisa 08/08/2014


bullshit you don't know how to do anything

Galina 04/10/2019

Someone tell me how much it costs square meter installing a greenhouse from old window frames???

  • Add a comment
  • We are building a greenhouse with our own hands from old window frames: which frames to choose - wooden or plastic?

    Window frames have undoubted advantages compared to other materials. First of all, this strength of window frames.

    A wooden frame will have to be built in any case, but the frames fastened together will take part of the mechanical load on themselves, and the resulting structure will be stronger than wire arches or pine poles, from which greenhouse frames are most often made ( but no stronger than factory galvanized steel frames).

    Additional advantage appears at such a greenhouse, if the windows can open. This way it is very easy to regulate the temperature inside. late spring and in the summer, when on a sunny day in a closed greenhouse the temperature can reach a disastrous 60 degrees.

    Opening and closing required windows,you can adjust the temperature even in separate parts greenhouse, if it is large enough.

    Double glass provides good thermal insulation in conditions where there are no cracks through which heat could escape and cold wind could blow.

    Another plus - durability. Glass does not decompose in the sun like plastic film, and if for some reason it breaks, it is easy to replace, especially for wooden frames.

    Finally, price. If you change the windows yourself, then you get the material for the greenhouse for free, if your friend changes them, he can sell the material he doesn’t need for next to nothing.

    Disadvantage is less strength compared to metal frames, vulnerability to the effects of putrefactive fungi that decompose wood and various insect pests. This makes a greenhouse out of wooden frames short-lived.

    A greenhouse made from window frames has its advantages and disadvantages, but if building a greenhouse is necessary, try it, do it yourself.

    Plastic windows for greenhouses

    As a rule, plastic windows have double-glazed windows, which allows them to provide more reliable thermal insulation than wooden frames with single panes of glass.

    Positive aspects double glazing is strength(and structural rigidity), as well as resistance to negative environmental factors. They do not swell or dry out due to changes in humidity, like wood, and do not rot. Therefore, they do not need to be treated with antiseptics or painted.

    Disadvantages of plastic windows are their heavy weight , inaccessibility and difficulty in repair(glass in wooden frame you can replace or simply fill the frame with film if the glass breaks and the double-glazed window has to be completely replaced).

    Preparatory work

    How to build a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands, how to choose a location, what kind of foundation to make? Let's try to answer these questions.

    Selecting a location

    When choosing a location for a greenhouse, a summer resident usually has little choice. The main thing that the place was not shaded from the south, southeast and southwest. Particularly detrimental for greenhouse plants is the proximity to walnut, because this tree not only casts a shadow, but also releases phytoncides that inhibit the growth of all other plants.

    Trees can be dangerous also because during a storm heavy dry branches break off from them, which can damage or destroy the greenhouse.

    It is also desirable that the building was protected from the wind, which can destroy it.

    The soil under the structure must be level, motionless and dry.. It is desirable that this be sandy soil. If the soil is clayey, you should fill it with gravel, pour sand on top and apply fertile layer.

    Preparation of the project and drawing

    When designing a greenhouse, it is important to consider the following points:

    • ratio of window frame sizes to the height you need(it is desirable that the height of the walls is not lower than 180 cm), if it is not possible to stack the frames one on top of the other, you will have to build up the walls from below using other materials;
    • roof: most likely, you will have to use timber or metal carcass for the roof, since in winter time it can accumulate on the roof up to several tons of snow;
    • the roof ridge needs to be oriented along the north-south axis, to provide correct lighting greenhouses.

    If according to calculations it turns out that there are not enough window frames, You can use polycarbonate sheets instead appropriate size.

    If the greenhouse will be heated by a stove, immediately think about where the smoke will come out. Chimney can come out both through the wall and through the roof, but if it is made of metal, it will become very hot, and therefore should not come into contact with either polyethylene or polycarbonate.

    It is advisable to provide a special window for it (you can also use an existing window), and the space between round pipe and cover the square window frame, for example, with tin or plywood.


    Unlike conventional greenhouses made of wooden or steel frames and plastic film, greenhouses made of window frames foundation is needed. This is due to the fact that the frames are too heavy, and the soil under them will sag unevenly if you build a greenhouse without a foundation.

    What materials can be used to create such a frame? It turns out there are quite a lot of options:

    In areas where there are very coldy, the foundation must reach maximum depth ground freezing. Also use thermal insulation, for example, foam.

    Step by step: building a greenhouse

    How to prepare frames?

    Before you start building walls, frames should be prepared. First of all, you should remove everything metal parts such as hinges, awnings, latches and protruding nails. Then the frames are cleaned of old paint using metal brushes.

    After this the tree is necessary etch with an antiseptic so that bacteria and fungi do not destroy it too quickly. Fortunately, the choice of antiseptics today is quite wide. After this you can additionally paint the frames, but the antiseptic itself provides sufficient protection against fungi, insects, rodents and moisture.

    If you decide to nail the frames, glass must be removed during installation, if with screws, then you don’t have to do this.


    How to build a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands: photos and drawings will help us see this more clearly and build our own version of a greenhouse from wooden or plastic windows. To build the frame use timber 50X50 mm or a board 40 mm thick. The frame consists of racks, top and lower harness. The latter should be made of identical boards and increase the height of the walls of the greenhouse. The racks should be spaced at such a distance from each other that the window frame fits strictly between them, and they, in turn, cover the gaps between two adjacent frames.

    For real The roof frame must be strong. It is best for the roof to be gable, with additional supports under the ridge, otherwise it may collapse under the weight of the snow. Therefore, complete the roof frame best made from timber.

    Rice. 4. Diagram of the structure of the frame and the placement of window frames on it.


    Installation can be done with both nails and screws. Screws hold more firmly, but are more expensive. Each frame is secured both externally and internally, on each of its four sides. Then the gaps between the frames are sealed with polyurethane foam.

    Installation of a greenhouse from plastic windows will have to be done using bolts and nuts, drilling holes for them.


    It is not advisable to use windows for the roof. Instead, you can stretch plastic film or use polycarbonate. Fully a transparent roof means it will be too hot inside in warm months, therefore it must be sprinkled with a chalk suspension (as for whitewash) to create a slight shadow. The light that penetrates through the walls is enough for photosynthesis. The film is attached using slats.


    It is advisable to do them two at the ends of the greenhouse so that if ventilation is necessary, a draft can be created. The easiest way is to put together their frames from boards and tighten them plastic film, nailing it to the tree using thin slats.

    Rice. 5. The role of the door is played by the opening window.


    Thus, window frames are cheap and comfortable material For self-construction greenhouses. The advantages of such a greenhouse are the availability of materials, ease of installation and operation, and the disadvantages are the need for a foundation and lower strength compared to steel frame.

    Useful video

    Some more information about homemade greenhouses from the window frames, can be seen in the video.

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    You don't always have to throw away old wooden windows. If you have your own dacha, you can easily make an inexpensive and good greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands for growing seedlings and different vegetables- this will be a good alternative to expensive stationary greenhouses sold in specialized stores. Building a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands is much cheaper than purchase ready-made designs.

    Greenhouses made from window frames provide excellent transmission solar lighting, which is required for plants, and they also have high strength, so a greenhouse made from them can withstand various types atmospheric phenomena.

    Wood is a stable and reliable material, perfect for constructing a greenhouse. And if new wooden structures are quite expensive, then greenhouses from unnecessary and old frames will cost pennies.

    There are many advantages to building a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands:

    The only disadvantage is that it is often quite difficult to find required amount windows are the same size so that the structure is aesthetically attractive and smooth, so the difficulty of selection sometimes increases the time of building a greenhouse from old frames.

    Gallery: greenhouse made from old window frames (25 photos)

    Dimensions, drawings, diagrams

    Preparation work begin with selecting the required number of identical old windows. When they are completely different, you will need to show all your skills in the field of architectural engineering and take measurements of each frame separately, and then, having indicated everything on paper, try to make a drawing.

    This is the only way to make a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands that is not only reliable and durable, but also aesthetically attractive, and this is important for organizing the entire exterior summer cottage. Besides this, if build a structure from windows various sizes , then it will not be possible to achieve the correct geometry, and, accordingly, the absolute tightness of the greenhouse. It will also not be possible to make a practical and even pitched roof.

    Project, drawings, device and installation winter greenhouse with your own hands

    Location Features

    The place to build a greenhouse is an important point, since it will depend on this future functionality. It is advisable to install the structure on a flat area that is well illuminated by the sun from all sides. But it is also important that this place is protected from the winds, and there are no tall trees or structures nearby, which will then begin to create unnecessary and large shady areas for the plants.

    The greenhouse must be located so that its longitudinal side is located from the southern part to the northern.

    Selecting a Soil Type

    Soil under the greenhouse must be completely clean and dry. It is best if under the black soil there is sand layer soil. Since glazed window frames are quite heavy, the ground must be dense and thoroughly compacted. Moreover, when the structure will be installed without a solid foundation.

    If the soil is clay, then it will need to be properly prepared. Why do you need to make a blind area from medium-fraction gravel, and then prepare sand cushion a layer of approximately 10 cm, where to pour fertile and good soil.

    It is important to take into account the presence groundwater which must pass at a depth of more than 1.5 m. Soil with high levels of moisture not suitable for constructing a heavy greenhouse from old frames.

    By by and large, any old windows with glass are suitable for building a greenhouse from window frames, the most important thing is that, if possible, they are the same. Windows must be chosen with complete frames, not infected with fungi and bugs and intact glasses, so that you do not need to purchase new ones, since they are quite expensive.

    All unnecessary metal parts must be removed from the frames: latches, handles, hinges, etc. After this, the frames must be completely cleaned of peeling old paint and sanded grinder or abrasive paper. It is also necessary to treat wooden parts with an antiseptic composition that protects against rats, mice, different insects and dampness.

    If you fix frames to wooden frame using nails, then in order not to break the glass, they will need to be removed. And if you use simple screws, then there is no need to remove the glass. But all the windows must be closed so that they do not slam during operation. It is best to make the height of the greenhouse walls at least 1.8 m.

    DIY greenhouse made of plastic pipes

    Tools and calculation

    Also need measure the width of all existing windows to imagine how long the greenhouse will be. To determine the width, you should make a drawing on which all the locations of the beds, passages, etc. are indicated in advance. As a rule, gardeners make beds at least one meter wide. The width of the passage must be such that it is convenient to carry a small garden cart along it. Most often, the width is one meter, but it can be less or more, taking into account the wishes and ideas of the owner.