Design of a veranda at the dacha: the best ideas for designing an extension to a private house. A terrace attached to a house is practical, beautiful and convenient. How to decorate the walls of a veranda at the dacha

We not only want to do beautiful house, but also his terrace. After all, on the track we are in summer time We spend a lot of time, enjoy aromatic coffee, meet and see off guests.

To make the terrace beautiful and attractive, it can be decorated. Suitable for decorations various materials. It will be very beautiful if the terrace is decorated with sculptures, for example, gnomes and angels.

Much depends on the terrace itself, on its size. You shouldn’t put a lot of sculptures on the terrace if it is small.

It will be beautiful to enliven the terrace with flowers; you can create a beautiful composition from different colors and plants, even climbing flowers are perfect for decorations.

The terrace at the dacha can be decorated with wicker furniture, baskets made of wicker, it will be beautiful, unusual and elegant.

The terrace can be decorated with various crafts, you can make a multi-colored curtain from beads, you can take beautiful tulle and decorate the terrace with it.

Decorate the terrace at the dacha beautiful furniture, carpets.

If you like romance, then install a fireplace on the terrace. On cool evenings, this fireplace will warm you up and add a romantic mood.

It will be very nice to install a fountain. Just don’t forget to remove it from the terrace in winter so that the water doesn’t freeze. You can make a small waterfall out of stones, add fish, or you can simply put a small aquarium, which you need to take into the house in the evening.

A private house has many advantages over apartments. One of them is the opportunity to spend time on fresh air. For these purposes, the site is equipped with benches, hammocks, gazebos, but the most popular and functional place For relaxation, a terrace is considered. During the warm season, the owners spend most of the day on its territory. Some use it as a dining room, others as a place to read their favorite book or have noisy feasts, and some even arrange additional living room. And to make spending time on the veranda not only pleasant, but also comfortable, it is necessary to properly design this area. A well-chosen terrace design will allow you to turn a small and unsightly space into the main decoration of the entire site. But what rules should be followed when arranging your own veranda, and in what style you can decorate this space, we will consider in our article.

What types of summer verandas are there?

First, let's figure out what types of terraces there are. House buildings intended for recreation are divided into two main types: open and closed.

6. In eco-style, the use of a large number of fresh flowers is encouraged.

Terrace in glamor style

This interior is suitable for lovers of luxury and extravagance. It should be noted right away that glamorous designs are suitable exclusively for large territories, small terraces are best decorated in a different style.

Glamorous style involves filling the space with a large number of lamps, candlesticks and different objects made of shiny metal.

The seats have fluffy cushions bright colors, the tables are decorated with a lot of crystal. Bright candles are placed on the shelves, and the walls are hung with paintings, photographs or panels.

Furniture and carpets are chosen exclusively in dark colors. This style is characterized by the use of high-quality and expensive materials. An abundance of rhinestones, fur, large feathers and items made of genuine leather is appropriate here.

Among the huge number of decorative elements, it is important not to overdo it with the number of colors. In this interior, the emphasis should be on one main shade, and all other colors should complement it, harmonizing with each other.

Extravagant design is used only on closed verandas which are used as a living room or dining room.

In this article we looked at several popular designs closed premises, options for decorating open verandas and showed how it can be decorated attached terrace To home. Photo various interiors will help you create a general impression of each style and choose the most suitable one for yourself suitable option. The main thing, when arranging a space for relaxation, do not forget that it should not only be attractive, but also comfortable for all family members.

They say that the theater begins with the coat rack, and the impression of the house is formed on the veranda. Therefore, the design of even a small summer room should be thoughtful: both beautiful and functional. And the design of a veranda in a country house is no less important than in a private house. Moreover, you can cope with this task with your own hands: we will try to give you ideas in the form of numerous photos.

First of all, let's talk about general directions, in which verandas are most often decorated. The styles may be different, but almost all of them have an ethnic direction: Provence, Russian hut, Mediterranean, oriental, etc. All of them require the presence of wood products or other natural materials- rattan, bamboo. These elements are present both in the design of walls and ceilings, and in furniture. Then everything will look harmonious.

If speak about color design, then they are mostly dim pastel shades, closest to the colors of nature. Why mostly? Because a few bright spots of color are not only allowed, but also desirable. They enliven the picture without disturbing the overall harmony.

How to arrange a veranda: choosing a style

So how do you choose the style that best suits your occasion? First of all, the choice of style is influenced by the location. If it faces north or east, the British colonial style will look better. It includes a rocking chair as a mandatory attribute, as well as rattan wicker furniture.

Wicker furniture is an attribute country life. Very functional and convenient, at the same time it does not weigh down or clutter up the space

If you want to completely recreate such an interior, you can lay out a fireplace. On a closed veranda it will also serve for its heating. It can be lit at dusk on cool evenings. When creating the interior, do not forget about the only main wall in this room: finishing the veranda also includes its design. The wall is often painted in the prevailing tone, sometimes, if it is appropriate and fits into the idea, it is trimmed with stone.

To ensure that a decent area is not empty, shelves, flower holders, decorative elements- panels, lamps.

If the veranda faces south or east, it will receive a lot of sunlight. Such rooms are well decorated in the Provence style. It is characterized by beams on the ceiling, natural furniture light colors with some color accents. The curtains are chosen to be very light translucent. In addition to chairs, there is a table and there may be flowers in pots and vases.

The design of a veranda in the Provence style can be different: very prim and completely rustic

The style itself is very diverse and can be “ceremonial”, prim and very sophisticated, or rural. In the photo on the right, this “rural” part of it is greatly exaggerated, but the interior benefits from this.

This is also Provence style. And you can decorate your veranda this way too.

Vintage elements are always in fashion at any time: elements different styles, deliberate negligence, behind which lies subtle calculation and careful processing. Hot in Lately Decorating a veranda in this style will require you to use your imagination and use unusual techniques. For example, brick wall you will need not to plaster, leveling, but to tint, revealing even more its heterogeneity and dissimilarity. In this way, disadvantages turn into advantages. To avoid mistakes and improve your skills, practice on some other piece of wall, for example, in a shed or shed. When the idea has taken shape and you are satisfied with what you have achieved, you can apply the acquired skills on the main wall.

As you probably understand, the main task when decorating a veranda is not to overload the room. It is usually small, and there should be few objects here. That’s why they carefully choose furniture so that it is not bulky, comfortable and reliable.

If everyone doesn't make you happy traditional styles, you can try to decorate the veranda in a modern way. From the same materials and furniture, but in a different combination and layout, you can get a completely different interior. For example, support columns can be made as in the photo below, placed low modern furniture. Fencing - the same style (as in the photo), possible variant- made of tempered glass or polycarbonate.

The whole highlight of this veranda interior country house- V unusual design columns and fences

Almost the same veranda is decorated in a different way: the columns are dressed in stone, the same decoration is repeated on the walls of the house.

Furniture for the veranda

The veranda is a resting place. And rest presupposes the presence of armchairs and chairs. If you are decorating a country veranda, then it is not at all necessary to buy new ones. Such summer homes are good because you can put old chairs in them, just transform them: repaint them in an unusual color or sew covers. They transform instantly and give the room a cozy feel. What’s most attractive about this solution: it’s easy to change the color, and therefore the atmosphere in the room. How .

You can also transform old chairs and couches in the same way. But in addition to the new cover, you will have to make a lot of pillows. Nothing is more conducive to relaxation than a low, small sofa or a cozy armchair heaped with pillows.

Separately, it is worth mentioning tables and tables. If you plan to eat on the veranda, you cannot do without a dining table, albeit a small one, as well as chairs or benches near it. If this is only a seating area with low couches (as in the photo above), then the table is placed low, the tabletop is on the same level as the seats.

Solid sofas are also installed, but the area must be appropriate. You remember that the room cannot be overloaded with furniture. And even though bright hues upholstery can improve the situation a little, there shouldn’t be too much furniture: there are sofas, which means there are no chairs, maybe only one or two, or a rocking chair.

Of traditional pieces of furniture, that's it. They can also be used, which are hung on the wall of a building. If there is a deaf end wall, it can be turned into a shelf on which to place all the little things you need on vacation.

Flowers in the interior of the veranda

The design of a veranda at the dacha may include flowers or plants in pots. In the summer there are probably a lot of them under the window, but having them inside won’t make the situation any worse.

Putting a flowerpot on a separate stand in the form of a small column is far from country house solution, but making a forged stand or attaching several flowerpots on stands - anyone can do this


You can use curtains for open verandas only if the roof overhang is very long - more than half a meter. Then summer showers will not stain them too much. There are no such restrictions in closed verandas. In the photo below, the fabric is additionally protected by columns. If necessary, the curtains are stretched along a baguette nailed to the ceiling. Great way isolate yourself from everyone if you want privacy.

There are two approaches when choosing a color:

  • repeating the tone color accent, as in the photo above;
  • light, light, translucent, which will not burden the interior.

Light curtains on the veranda are the easiest to coordinate. With them, finishing the veranda will not be problematic. You need to choose the right fabric. Synthetic fibers are more suitable here: they are less difficult to care for and, despite the fact that they are synthetic, they allow air to pass through well.

The dark decoration of the veranda is emphasized by light, light curtains. The technique is proven and almost always works perfectly. This design will appeal to those who love oriental motifs in decoration: mats on the ceiling, low furniture...

Less romantic, but no less attractive roller blinds or Roman. There is no need for ceremonial fabrics here, but something more practical is very useful: the illumination during the day is easy to regulate, the wind hardly frays them.

For open verandas you can use bamboo curtains. They are not afraid of rain. They won’t protect you from splashes at all, but they will significantly reduce the amount of water that gets inside, as well as the wind. Bamboo curtains can rightfully be called “street”.

For those who want to completely protect the open extension from precipitation, there are curtains made of PVC film. They are made like car awnings, but mostly transparent films are used. Their tailoring must be ordered by accurately measuring the required dimensions.

Veranda lighting

Decorating a veranda is not complete without lighting. For open verandas, lamps that belong to the “street” class are used. They have increased protection against water and higher impact resistance. The protection class of such lighting equipment cannot be lower than IP44. It is indicated on a sticker on the back of the lamp or in the passport. Devices with lower protection can be used in a closed glazed veranda; outdoors, the numbers should be at least 44 (another 45, 55 is possible).

After clarification technical subtleties Let's find out where on the veranda you can install lighting. Traditional place is the ceiling. Can be used flat ceiling lamps. This is necessary if your ceiling is lined with something and its height is about 2-2.5 meters. At a higher height, it is possible to install hanging lighting fixtures, but there are not many of them with the required degree of protection.

Ceiling lamps for outdoor use. They don't look very good in daylight, but not bad at night

With the advent of LED recessed ceiling lamps, lighting verandas has become much easier, while it is brighter, more expressive, and consumes less electricity. Their only drawback: the relatively high cost, since a lot of small-sized lamps are required.

They may have different angle scattering: create a directed stream of light or diffused. They are available in different colors and sizes. During the day they are practically invisible, they do not decorate the interior in any way, but they do not spoil it either. But at night everything changes.

Lighting of an open veranda is often done on the railing. Here you can install them as lamps with ordinary or economical lamps, and LED. Craftsmen can do this LED lighting mount into the railing itself.

Lamps for the veranda are often mounted on the wall of the house. This is convenient: you don’t need to pull the wiring far and there are usually no problems with installation. To make the lighting more uniform, several pieces in the same style can be installed on columns or on the ceiling. In the area that needs better lighting. This is the table in the photo below. Above it, in addition to the wall ones, ceiling light sources were added.

An interesting effect is created by lamps on columns directed inward. They seem to cut off the darkness outside the illuminated area, creating a feeling of privacy. This kind of veranda lighting is easy to do: install directional spotlights or other similar lighting devices.

Lamps on columns - smart and beautiful, easy to install

It is possible to correctly design a veranda in a private house if certain conditions are met and an understanding of the style is met. Let's understand the nuances of design without touching on radical construction aspects, such as reconstruction or.

Let's dwell on the architectural balance of interior and exterior in the design of a country veranda, its purpose, what types, types and features of decor there are. All this is generously illustrated with pictures and photographs.

Design of a veranda at the dacha - do-it-yourself decoration

Veranda - what is it? Residential premises, outbuildings, buildings, structures, permanent structure or not?

Veranda is an open or glazed room attached to or built into a building. An insulated version of a glazed veranda allows the owners to significantly expand the boundaries of the house, thus obtaining additional living space that can perform the following functions:

  • dining room;
  • living room;
  • kitchens;
  • winter garden;
  • libraries;
  • bathroom;
  • playroom for children;
  • work office;
  • rooms for creativity.

The open veranda is a comfortable space for summer relaxation in the fresh air. Blown by the breeze and protected from the sun, this extension is a kind of oasis of coolness in the summer cottage. But it is in demand only in good weather, because... resist the vagaries of nature due to their design features can not.

The design of a country veranda, both open and closed, must correspond to the part of the house to which they plan to attach the veranda. The best place for a veranda is a green backyard with good review to the garden. But if with the help of a veranda they want to improve thermal characteristics house or its architectural forms, then the extension is “joined” to one side of the facade or encircles the house completely.

History of the veranda and origin of the name

Without knowing the past, it is difficult to understand the present. The roots of the word “veranda” are Persian; it literally translates as “portico, gallery.” Verandas – large in area winter gardens with a certain microclimate, were built in Russia during the reign of Peter I. People rested on the verandas and held social events. In the 19th century, glazed verandas attached to living quarters expanded the garden and park space of the palace. Only the shapes, glazing methods, roof covering materials and veranda design changed.

With the advent plastic double glazed windows and new metal structures, circle functionality free-standing and attached verandas expanded significantly. In addition to the most used shape of the veranda - a rectangle, other shapes, such as a triangle, square, semicircle, trapezoid, etc., began to be actively used in dachas. Open verandas began to be actively darkened with the help of vertical gardening, and closed ones were positioned relative to the cardinal directions and given them a special style.

The only thing that has remained unchanged is the idea of ​​the veranda as a harmonious continuation of the main structure - the materials used in the design should not be sharply discordant with the facade of the house. For example, the design of a veranda in wooden house assumes wood materials. If you plan to use brick, metal or glass in the decoration, then only as an accent. A house made of wood with a veranda, the walls of which are lined, looks ridiculous plastic lining. And vice versa, in a house whose facade is designed in a high-tech or constructivist style, a veranda made of glass, plastic and metal will correspond 100% to it.

The veranda is an extension that acts as a connecting link in the “house-garden” duet. It is designed to combine warmth hearth and home and the beauty of the surrounding nature. It also serves as a cozy corner where you can relax, enjoying the picturesque landscape, or organize fun gatherings with loved ones. Let’s look at how to equip an extension, and which veranda design to choose to make it bright and comfortable, in more detail.

Before we begin to analyze the intricacies of arranging a veranda, turning it into cozy corner for relaxation, you should determine for yourself what type of structure the extension has.

Type #1 – open extensions

Many people mistakenly believe that an open veranda is the same terrace in front of the house. Difference between architectural elements is that the veranda is a room attached to the house, and the terrace is a platform on a separate base.

The terrace, like the veranda, can also be equipped with a roof or a shading canopy, but the usual walls are replaced by low fences

Light and space are the main decoration of open verandas. The design is designed to emphasize this dignity. Pastel colors and shades that are as close as possible to natural colors are ideal for lighting design of open verandas.

To slightly cover open openings and at the same time diversify landscape design, it’s better to run along the support posts climbing plants: campsis, clematis, wild grapes

Beautifully flowering vines planted around the perimeter of the extension will act as an elegant decoration of the space and protect the room from dust.

Ultra-modern innovations would not look entirely appropriate in the design of an open veranda. The most suitable for its design are traditional items interior: wicker furniture, forged shelves, porcelain figurines.

Type #2 – glazed structures

Whether to glaze the veranda or not is a matter of taste for each owner. You can glaze only part of the openings, or all the windows.

Using frames different sizes and designs can easily be converted closed room in an open and bright room

Verandas whose glazing is made without the use of frames look interesting. Glass ceilings literally erase the existing line between the interior decoration and the surrounding nature. Frameless glazing is an excellent solution when arranging a winter garden on the veranda.

Thickened glass, freely transmitting the sun's rays, will reliably protect delicate foliage exotic plants from gusts of wind in the cooler months

Do you want to make a veranda with a small area visually brighter and more spacious? Then decorate the roof of the extension with glass inserts. The glass roof gives appearance extensions of lightness and airiness.

A beautifully designed vaulted ceiling can act as the central element of the extension, bringing a touch of originality and unusualness to the interior

Verandas with transparent roofs are literally immersed in bright streams of sunlight. The sun's rays will penetrate through the vaults of the domed glass roof throughout the day, enlivening the room with its glow. Your task is only to enhance the effect by decorating the room with furniture in light shades and creating a light atmosphere for the relaxation area at minimal cost.

Design options for verandas using textured, stylistic and color solutions countless. But still, to create a holistic and harmonious image, you should Special attention focus on a number of points.

Choosing finishing materials

Most often as finishing materials Porcelain stoneware or stone slabs are used for flooring verandas. This cladding method is not only attractive, but also practical. Moisture resistant materials in unheated room will not become damp in cold weather. And cleaning the surface from traces of pets or dirty shoes takes a minimum of effort and time.

Cool ceramic tiles successfully compensates for the warmth of ceiling and wall wood panels. This technique is often used by designers, combining two natural material– stone and wood

Can highlight the texture of brick or stonework. All that remains is to complement the interior wooden beams- and the situation will become light touch country life.

Wood flooring with stone finishing on the walls of the extension forms a union close to nature, which fits so well into the design of a country house

Thanks to harmonious combination raw natural stone With natural wood you get the feeling that you are not within the walls suburban area, in a house in the forest.

Application of wood different breeds, each of which has its own unique shade, will allow you to create a unique and memorable interior. And the bright upholstery upholstered furniture will support the warm color of the atmosphere you created.

Arrangement stone oven or a fireplace on the veranda - a fairly common design technique. The presence of a fireplace in a room that needs a heat source will provide an excellent opportunity to relax in comfort while admiring the picturesque landscape.

The highlight of the veranda, in the design of which there are elements classic style, there will be a fireplace lined with natural stone

A cozy fireplace against the backdrop of large spacious windows and neutral furnishings create a calm and relaxing environment. Finishing the space using elements of masonry brings the spirit of antiquity into the interior, giving a feeling of reliability and safety.

All about furniture and accessories

The design of a country veranda is also a well-chosen comfortable furniture. It is selected depending on the size of the extension, focusing on the style direction of the design.

If the space is small, you should first determine for yourself which zones you plan to place in the small space.

If the area is limited to two or three square meters, you can simply put a couple of chairs or armchairs, setting up a corner for tea drinking

To avoid cluttering the area, you should choose folding furniture. To save space, use furniture included with window sills: folding sofas, tables with folding tabletops.

When arranging more spacious room, where there is an opportunity to flourish, the main decoration of the interior can be comfortable sofa.

If durable ones allow ceiling structures, you can even attach a hanging sofa swing, decorated with decorative pillows, on them

When furnishing a fully glazed room in which the furniture will be protected from the effects of weather conditions, you should only be wary of the fact that it will fade under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, for decoration it is better to choose objects of desaturated tones.

It’s great when the sofas and armchairs of such a cozy corner please your eyes natural origin. Wooden coffee tables chairs covered with cotton covers - all this will become the basis for the decoration of the open extension.

Wicker furniture made of wicker or rattan - perfect solution for a glazed veranda: in the cold season it will serve as an excellent addition to the interior, and on warm days it can be taken out onto the lawn in front of the house

Removable soft seats will help you arrange a comfortable corner for relaxation and add bright touches to the interior, enriching color palette verandas.

Bright glazed veranda in front of the house - perfect place for book lovers. Through large window openings from floor to ceiling, the sun's rays penetrate the room most of the day. So why not use this advantage by arranging on the veranda home library with places to read?

Place a large shelf of books against the wall, place a comfortable sofa next to it, and consider lighting for reading in evening time– and a cozy corner will become a favorite place for a pleasant pastime for all household members

Furniture with forged elements looks very harmonious in the interior of an open extension. She is able to fit perfectly into styles with an ethnic flavor:

  • Country – country style, embodying environmental design;
  • Chalet – alpine style, characterized by originality, simplicity and romance of design;
  • Provence - the interior of a provincial French house, enriched with an abundance of floral designs and design techniques when creating a “game of contrasts”.

The best decor options include floor mats made of dyed straw, wooden sculptures, hunting trophies, porcelain flowerpots with dried flowers and glass trinkets.

They will help convey the aura of the East soft sofas and ottomans decorated with colorful pillows, and low tables decorated with elegant jugs

As with styles or chalets, they are characterized by an abundance of wooden interior items. A wide deck board as a floor covering, rough wooden benches and chairs will become ideal solution for finishing ethnic styles. Tablecloths, chair covers and pillows in warm sandy shades will help complement the picture. Ceramic and clay amphoras and flowerpots placed on tables and the floor will add special charm.

Wanting to realize Mediterranean style, creating an atmosphere characteristic of the south of France, wooden surface pieces of furniture and flooring it is advisable to artificially age

Covering wooden elements with a special varnish, you will give them a spectacular vintage look.

When thinking about the design of a veranda in a private house, you should not use a large number of pieces of furniture. They will only clutter up the space. It is better to decorate the interior with small accessories, using:

  • original candy bowls and vases;
  • fancy figurines and boxes;
  • colorful rugs and furniture covers.

These cute little things will help create an atmosphere of home comfort.

How to choose the right curtains?

In open rooms or verandas framed glass surfaces, there is often too much sun. The easiest way to solve this problem is by hanging roller blinds. They are very easy to use.

The canvases framing the veranda act as a kind of screens, creating a light-proof barrier, but just pull the string and the window opening is open

Curtains for the veranda play a key role in creating harmonious design. Thick fabric curtains will save you from the scorching rays of the sun, and transparent and densely draped curtains will be an excellent attribute for celebrations.

A canopy is a wonderful addition to the interior: an airy and almost weightless robe can bring a feeling of harmony and purity

When decorating a veranda in Mediterranean or Scandinavian style Curtains made of light and translucent fabrics are ideal. Combination light shades creates a festive atmosphere with an abundance of light.

Airy flying chintz or tulle in white tones leave an imprint of grace and elegance, creating the illusion of heavenly clouds frozen for a moment

Are you planning to create original design verandas at the dacha? Then choose bamboo curtains. Vertical or horizontal blinds will easily fit into any interior you choose.

Thick bamboo curtains will create a reliable barrier for the penetration of solar flow, acting as a worthy addition to furniture in a neutral palette

Fabric curtains on open verandas It is better to use them only in the warm season, after which remove them from the eaves and hide them indoors.

Landscaping elements

The real decoration of the veranda will be flower arrangements. Living, beautiful and fragrant flowers will give a feeling of calm and tranquility, creating a favorable microclimate on the sunlit veranda.

Beautifully flowering petunias, geraniums and surfinias can be placed in hanging flowerpots by attaching them to window openings, or place it on window sills and shelves

An effective addition to the design will be forged shelving, decorated with several pots with decorative foliage plants. And dwarf trees and flowers placed in pots everywhere will unusually decorate the room.

Besides ornamental plants You can safely plant garden and medicinal crops in floor flowerpots and containers: mint, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, rosemary

Pleasant aroma essential oils, secreted by spicy plants, will become additional source the pleasure of being in the lap of nature.

Wooden and forged products, stylized as miniature carts, bicycles and easels, are perfect as flower stands.

You can complement plant compositions by diluting them with varnished stumps, tinted branches or beautifully arranged natural stones.

Video selection: original ideas for terraces and verandas

Today there are many interesting styles and original design directions, thanks to the diversity of which you can choose what you really like. The main thing is that the design of the country veranda is harmoniously combined with both the architectural ensemble of the house and the surrounding landscape.