Diagnostics to determine the level of development of business qualities. Methodology for determining the leadership style of a workforce. ability to make final conclusions

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11. Test tasks 1. Methodology for self-assessment of business and personal qualities manager Research conducted by psychologists. They showed that the characterological personality traits of a manager, a senior executive, are (willingness to cooperate, friendly attitude towards people, agreeableness), emotional stability, high self-control (developed strong-willed qualities, sense of duty, etc.), developed self-awareness (awareness of one’s aspirations and actions, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, etc.) For a leader, obviously, there is a certain optimum in the development of his abilities and intelligence. Below is a description of the method for determining a manager’s self-esteem according to F. Fiedler. In Table 1 we note 10 business and 10 personal qualities. The subject should evaluate each of these qualities inherent in him and his employees on a 10-point scale (from 0 to 9).

Business and personal qualities of a manager

Personality qualities

your mark


Most preferred colleague

Least preferred colleague
Business:1. Hard work2. Initiative3. Accuracy4. Professional literacy5. Organized6. Performance 7. Energy8. Responsibility9. Ability to work 10. Discipline
Personality: 11. Agreeableness 12. Fairness 13. Collectivism 14. Ability to keep one’s word 15. Responsiveness 16. Balance 17. Modesty 18. Visual attractiveness 19. Cheerfulness 20. Broad-mindedness
Average by pp. 1-10
Average by pp. 11-20
Overall average

Instructions (for assessing the business and personal qualities of a manager)

Rate on a 10-point scale (from 0 to 9) the psychological qualities of your most preferred employee, without mentioning his last name. Rate the qualities of your least preferred employee, also without mentioning his last name. Then evaluate yourself. 9 points – the most high level quality development. 0 – its complete absence.

Analysis and interpretation of test results

The table shows business (items 1-10) and personal qualities (items 11-20). Calculate the average scores for business and personal qualities (items 1-10) and 11-20) of all persons you evaluate (the most preferred, the least preferred, yourself). Derive the overall averages for all twenty psychological qualities. Analyze and interpret test data for the following items. 1. Did you give any high ratings to your least preferred employee? Have you given any low ratings to your most preferred employee? Are the ratings you gave yourself varied? Or are these estimates largely constant? 2. What qualities do you value most in yourself? Business or personal? What qualities (business or personal) do you value most in your preferred employee? Why do you dislike your least preferred employee? It may turn out that some of his qualities are similar to yours, and in some ways they are opposite to yours. What are these qualities? Why are they more important to you than others? 3. On the conventional scale (see below) place the symbols of your employees. Employee (-) I am Employee (+) __I______________________________I______________________________I___ 0 points 9 points Legend: employee (+) – most preferred; employee (-) – least preferred. Which of your employees is closest to your self-esteem? Which of the 20 psychological qualities are you closer to one employee and which ones are you closer to another employee? What new things have you learned about yourself? Are there qualities in which you are superior to your colleague (+)? What are these qualities? Are there qualities in which your colleague (–) is superior to you? Having assessed himself, a person can consciously, and not spontaneously, manage his behavior and engage in self-education. Typically, for an effective leader, the differences between the average ratings of the most and least preferred colleagues are small. The manager knows how to see both the advantages of the non-preferred colleague and the disadvantages of the preferred colleague. 2. Test “Personnel Service Potential” (the test was developed in the coordination group for studying the character of the Center for Sociological Research of Moscow State University) The potential of the personnel service is an indicator of the compliance of work with personnel in a particular organization with modern requirements. Any organization can be assessed using this test. Any professionally competent employee who has worked in the organization for at least a year and is well aware of the real state of affairs, except for managers and personnel service workers, can serve as an expert or direct organizer of testing.


The test contains 10 items, each of which contains 10 judgments. Choose the judgment option that most closely matches the state of affairs in the organization being assessed. Each answer ranges from 0 to 10 points. The score is determined based on the values ​​indicated next to each of the 10 judgments. The sum of points for all 10 positions will show the value of the determined potential. It is useful to compare the results obtained with the results of assessments of other organizations. This will allow you to identify strengths and weaknesses in the activities of the personnel service. 1.Service personnel: deals only with registration of admission, transfer, dismissal, etc. - 1; personal accounting and training – 2; also certification – 3; also performs one or two other functions – 5; does eight standard features(they are named in paragraphs 2-9 of this questionnaire) – 8; performs more than eight functions – 10. 2. Hiring: carried out by itself, according to circumstances, without the participation of the personnel service - 0; by advertisement – ​​1; under agreements with other organizations, departments, educational institutions– 2; through short published announcements – 3; thanks to detailed publications with a list of requirements for employees – 5; there is a special personnel service worker who selects a small part of employees - 7; he selects most of the workers - 10. 3. Staffing of units: produced purely by chance and only on professional grounds – 1; the manager tries to select an employee by eye, taking into account who will work with whom – 3; there are methods that provide psychological compatibility workers and a normal psychological climate, but only in a certain order - 10. 4.Contract system: absent – ​​0; used for individual workers in the most general view– 2; for many workers in general – 4; for a few employees, but clearly provides for rights, obligations and sanctions in case of non-compliance on both sides – 7; for almost all employees from top to bottom in a clearly defined form - 10. 5.Job descriptions: practically absent – ​​0; exist for individual workers in the most general form – 2; for many workers in the same general form – 4; for few, but with a short list duties and functions – 5; for a few, but a very detailed list, supplemented by regulations, contracts and operating hours - 7; Almost such instructions have been introduced everywhere – 10. 6.Ongoing training: practically absent – ​​0; concerns only training in blue-collar and technical specialties – 3; Lectures are occasionally organized and/or individual employees are sent to advanced training courses – 4; lecture series are organized regularly and/or many are sent to courses – 6; there is a unified system of ongoing training, including internal, external and independent study – 8; such a system covers all personnel without exception - 10. 7.Promotion: the matter is random, unpredictable and largely dependent on the boss - 0; depends on the boss, which takes into account both business qualities and personal attitude towards the employee when selecting – 2; depends on specific managers who make objective but strong-willed decisions during selection – 4; produced on a competitive basis, but purely formally – 5; on a competitive basis according to objective criteria – 7; there is a promotion schedule for everyone and methods to ensure job suitability - 10. 8.Certification: practically not carried out – 0; carried out from time to time for certain categories of personnel – 1; for most categories of personnel, but purely formally – 3; for almost everyone and using several methods that ensure objectivity, but regularly – 5; using the same methods strictly regularly every three to five years – 6; according to test methods that ensure automatic results – every three years – 8; according to test methods annually – 10. 9.Dismissal: carried out simply, without delay and is a routine – 0; management tries to detain, under a plausible pretext, those who resign of their own free will – 1; HR employees or management bear moral responsibility for any dismissal – 5; every fact of dismissal; at one’s own and involuntary will affects the pocket of the personnel service – 10. 10.In case of staff reduction: employees are immediately dismissed according to labor legislation– 0; those leaving are warned about this in advance - 1; they are trying to find some other job – 3; they are looking for another job and always in their specialty - 5; provide career guidance and, if necessary, provide a new specialty at their own expense or jointly with the hiring company - 10. 3. Interview form for the position of manager Date___________2007 1. Rating (score) 2. Comments________________________________________________

not only what the applicant can do, but also its stability,


hard work, perseverance, ability to communicate with others, confidence


in itself, leadership skills, age, reasons for applying for this


work, as well as home situation and health

The interview was conducted by_______________________________________________ 3. For the vacant position_____________________________________________ 4. Last name, first name, patronymic__________________________________________ 5. Date of birth_____________________________________________ 6. Telephone number____________Real number___________ City__________Region__________How long have you lived there?_______ 7. Have you served in the armed forces?________________________ If yes, then the branch of service______________Date of service____________ If not, why? ?___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Have you been hospitalized during your service?_____________________ 8. Do you receive a salary?__________________________________________ 9. Are you working now? If yes, how soon can you begin your duties?__________________________ 10. Why do you want to fill this vacant position?______________ ____________________________________________________________

What is the main reason - prestige, security, income?

11. Work experience_______________________________________________

Tell us everything. This information is urgently needed


Write down your last place of work first


Experience in the armed forces must be recorded as work experience

Last or current place of work 12. Company__________________________________________________________ 13. City_________________________________________________ 14. From________to__________(working hours) 15. How did you get the job?________________________________ Who did you know there?_________________________________________________

Did the applicant express self-confidence regarding


getting a job?

16. The essence of the work at the beginning __________________________________________

Is it possible to use work experience?


applicant at previous places to work in this position?

What salary were you paid at the beginning?___________________________ 17. How has the job changed over time?___________________________

What progress has the applicant made?


on this job?

18. What did you do at work before you quit?___________ What ____________________________________________________________

Was the applicant responsible?

19. Salary until dismissal?___________________________ 20. Boss__________His position__________________________ What is he like?______________________________________ How was the applicant’s relationship with the boss? How closely did he watch you?______________________ What kind of power did you have?________________________________ How many people were under your command?_______________________ What did they do?___________________________________________ Is the applicant a leader? 21. Responsibility for Policy Wording____________________ Did the applicant have ____________________________________________________________

responsibility in the management system?

4. Test “Evaluation of a candidate for workplace» This test can be used to determine a student’s ability to conduct a selection interview (interview), as well as the degree of mastery of the relevant topic of the training course. Instructions Read each statement and mark it with the letter “P” (true) or “L” (false).


    When interviewing a job applicant, it is best to rely on your feelings. Listing the list of requirements for the employee is an indispensable condition when conducting a conversation with the applicant. To determine whether an applicant can work independently, it is best to ask him to describe how he coped with his current job. The question about what hobby the applicant for a position has allows, among other things, to draw a conclusion about whether he is a sociable person or not. If a company representative describes the conditions at the new workplace as very difficult, he will be able to find out whether he is ready for such work and what loads he can bear. Do not miss the opportunity to ask the applicant about his attitude towards opposite sex. The question of whether everything is in order with the applicant in his married life should be overlooked for reasons of tact. Asking how the applicant feels about working in the room will help provide insight into their leadership style. This will also help to understand how the applicant raises his children. You can try to find out the religious views of the applicant. The answer to the question about what newspapers and magazines the applicant regularly reads gives an idea of ​​what his Political Views. By finding out which tailor the applicant sews his clothes from, you can find out what position he strives to achieve. Intelligence and education should be critical when evaluating an applicant. There is no need to ask why the applicant wants to leave his previous job: in this case, he will never tell the truth. If the one who makes the decision to hire an applicant for a leadership position, after a 20-minute conversation with him, makes a mistake in his choice, then he himself is to blame for this.
This test should encourage you to look at the problem of assessing applicants from an angle that is unusual for you.


Using the key, evaluate your result. The statements contained in the test are evaluated as follows: mark "L" assigned to questions: 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, and the mark "P"- questions: 2, 3,4,5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15. 5. Exercise “Certification of a young specialist” (developed by D.K. South, modified by G. Vorobyov, used in relation to young specialists of a number of categories) Evaluate a young specialist whom you know from your work (if this condition is not feasible for you, choose a student). You will be asked 33 questions, grouped into 5 skill groups with a maximum number of points for each group - 20, for a total of 100. Each question is a statement about your employee, worth a certain number of points. Based on this number, set your score between 0 and this number (as you see fit). Comment on the data obtained for individual groups and in general. Number of points scored and their comparative analysis allow us to judge the main groups of qualities of a young specialist (or student). Communication skills(20) Writes in such a way that everyone can understand him - 3.9 The works he has written rarely require reworking - 3.6 His speeches are always carefully thought out - 2.8 Working notes are always correct and accurate - 2.7 Can always emphasize the most important things; does not get bogged down in details – 2.5 Able to discuss the results of his work concisely, clearly, comprehensively – 2.3 Able to give explanations – 2.2 Relationships(20) Patient with those who have less knowledge than him - 4.5 Gets along well with all types of people - 4.4 Respects the judgment and abilities of other people - 3.9 Willing to take advice - 3.6 Listens to other people's point of view – 3.6 Motivation(20) Willing to work beyond what is required when there is a need - 4.6 Dedicates all his strength and abilities to solving the task assigned to him - 3.7 If given free time, is actively looking for work – 3.1 Often performs work “beyond the norm” - 3.1 Does not quit work until it is done – 2.8 Strives to complete the task in full, without any defects – 2.7 Special Skills(20) Prefers to lead students rather than push them – 3.6 Able to organize the work of others – 3.6 Spends time reading specialized literature – 3.1 Requires serious evidence before agreeing to a proposal – 2.9 Able to apply in practice own theoretical knowledge – 2.4 Able to find some way to solve an existing problem – 2.4 Able to break down complex problem for relatively simple things – 2.0 Independence(20) Doesn’t get thrown off track when unexpected things happen at work – 3.8 Doesn’t get thrown off track peace of mind factors such as work overload, tight deadlines, etc. – 3.8 Does not avoid decisions and does not hesitate when making them – 2.5 Solves problems himself, does not ask others to do so – 2.2 Remarks and frivolous reproaches are easily tolerated – 2.2 Is not afraid to ask questions – 2.1 Relies on your own judgment where possible and reasonable - 1.9 Ready to admit a mistake if, in fact, you made one - 1.5 6. Expert sheet for a situationally complex assessment of the performance of managers FULL NAME. Expert__________________________________________________________ Full name The manager being assessed ________________________________________ To assess the effectiveness of the manager, use the following scale: 0 - not effective 1 - not very effective 2 - not effective enough 3 - somewhat effective 4 - relatively effective 5 - practically effective 6 - effective


Score in points

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A. Situations arising in connection with the logistics and staffing of a unit 1) when there is a delay in the receipt of raw materials, materials, reagents, equipment, documentation; 2) if the unit is understaffed; 3) in case of insecurity of financing.
B. Situations arising during the functioning of the unit. 1) in case of failure to fulfill planned tasks on time; 2) when the unit performs unscheduled work; 3) in case of poor quality work.
IN. Situations arising in connection with the organization of work of the head of the department. 1) when you are busy working with documents; 2) if necessary, rational distribution of working time; 3) if there is inconsistency in the implementation of activities by senior management.
G. Situations arising in connection with the attitude of subordinates to the work performed. 1) when preventing violations of labor discipline by employees; 2) when preventing violations of technological discipline; 3) with lack of initiative, formally workers to complete tasks.
D. Situations arising in connection with the peculiarities of relationships and communication between managers and subordinates. 1) when criticizing the style and methods of managing subordinates; 2) with distrust and mutual misunderstanding of subordinates caused by differences in age, experience, knowledge; 3) in case of disorganization of the work of a unit caused by the activities of informal leaders and individual employees; 4) when using moral encouragement to increase team cohesion and develop cooperation.
AND. Situations arising in connection with the peculiarities of relationships with higher authorities. 1) when responding to criticism from senior management; 2) when receiving vague conflicting instructions; 3) when receiving orders with which I fundamentally disagree.
TO. Situations arising in relations with related departments. 1) in case of inconsistency with the work plans and their implementation with related departments; 2) when the division of functions between departments is unclear; when providing assistance to a related unit.
L. Situations that arise when performing social work. 1) if necessary, “carve out” time from a very busy schedule; 2) when overloaded with social work.
M. Situations that arise during the preparation and implementation of innovation. 1) if necessary, take into account the views and suggestions, including those of subordinates; 2) if necessary, defend the innovation in the face of opposition from authority figures; when highlighting the main and secondary.

Purpose. Identification of the presence and degree of development of management and leadership

qualities of a leader. Can be used in a “battery” of tests, especially

effectively - together with sociometry. It is advisable to use when solving

the following tasks: selection and placement of personnel; psychological compatibility

employees; optimization of the socio-psychological climate in the team, etc.

Determination of personnel management style (adapted version of expert

methods of V. P. Zakharov)

Purpose. The methodology consists of 16 groups of statements reflecting various

aspects of interaction between managers and teams. The technique is aimed at

determination of management style. The testing procedure is contained in the instructions.

Instructions. The questionnaire contains 16 groups of statements characterizing qualities

manager as a leader. Each group consists of three statements,

designated by the letters A, B, C. You should read all three carefully

statements within each group and choose the one that is most

degree corresponds to your idea of ​​the manager being studied.

Mark the selected statement with a “+” under the appropriate letter.

If you are evaluating two or more managers at the same time, compare

them according to the three statements given, choosing one of the statements,

characterizing each leader (or one statement characterizing

two or more managers) and indicate your opinion of each as different

signs: “+”, “!”, “1”, etc.


A B C 1. Higher authorities require that all matters be reported

only to him. He tries to decide everything together with his subordinates, but personally decides only

the most urgent and operational issues. Some important matters are resolved

in fact, without the participation of the manager, his functions are performed by other employees. 2.

He always orders, manages, demands something, but never asks.

He gives orders in such a way that you want to carry them out. He doesn't know how to give orders. 3. Tries

so that his deputies are qualified specialists. To the manager

it doesn’t matter who works as his deputy or assistant. He achieves

trouble-free execution and subordination to deputies,

ASSISTANTS. 4. He is only interested in fulfilling his official duties, and not

the attitude of people towards each other. Not interested in service, gets to the point

formally. When solving official problems, he tries to create good relationships between

workers in a team. 5. He is probably conservative because he is afraid of new things.

The initiative of subordinates is not accepted by the manager, contributes to

subordinates worked independently. 6. To criticize a superior

Usually he is not offended and listens to her. Doesn't like to be criticized and doesn't

tries to hide it. He listens to criticism and is even going to take action, but

does nothing. A B C 7. One gets the impression that the manager is afraid

be responsible for your actions. Responsibility is shared between each other and

subordinates. The manager alone makes decisions or cancels them. 8.

Regularly consults with subordinates, especially experienced employees.

Subordinates not only advise, but can also give instructions to their leader.

He does not allow his subordinates to advise him, much less object. 9.

Usually consults with deputies and lower-level managers, but not with ordinary people

subordinates. Regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in

team, about the difficulties to be overcome. For execution

He often has to persuade his subordinates to do any work. 10.

Always addresses subordinates politely and kindly. Used in circulation

subordinates often show indifference. In relation to subordinates it happens

tactless and even rude. 11. In critical situations, the manager is bad

copes with its responsibilities. In critical situations, the manager

as a rule, moves to more stringent management methods. Critical situations are not

change his management style. 12. He himself solves even those issues with which he cannot

I know him very well. If he doesn’t know something, he’s not afraid to show it,

turns to others for help. He cannot act on his own, but waits

“pushes” from the side, instructions from above. 13. Perhaps he is not very good

demanding person. He is demanding, but at the same time fair. 0 dumb

we can say that he can be too strict and picky. 14. Controlling

always notices results positive side, praises the staff. Always

strictly controls the work of subordinates and the team as a whole. Controls

work from time to time. 15. The manager knows how to maintain discipline and order.

He often makes comments to his subordinates and punishes them. Cannot influence

state of discipline. 1 6. The staff is in the presence of the manager at all times

in suspense. It's interesting to work with the manager. Subordinates provided

to ourselves. Answer form

1. a b c 5. a b c 11. a b c 15. a b c

2. a b c 6. a b c 12. a b c 16. a b c

3. a b c 7. a b c 13. a b c

4. a b c 8. a b c 14. a b c

Processing and interpretation of results

It is carried out on the basis of comparing the data in the answer form with the key. By

dominance of matching answers corresponding to a particular style

manual, a conclusion is made about the presence of a leading or mixed style


No. a 6 I No. a b c 1 A D L 9 A D L 2 A D L 10 D L A 3 D L A 11 L A D 4 A L D

12 A D L 5 L A D 13 L D A 6 D A L 14 D A L 7 L D A 15 D A L A D L A 16 A D

assessments. Desire for power, self-confidence, tendency to be tough

formal discipline, large distance with subordinates. Reluctance to admit

own mistakes. Disregard for the initiative and creative activity of subordinates.

Sole decision making. Control over the actions of subordinates.

Liberal style (passive non-interference) ~ L. Leniency towards

subordinates. Lack of exactingness and strict discipline, control,

liberality, familiarity with subordinates. Tendency to shift

responsibility in decision making.

Democratic (collegial) style (D). Demanding and control

combined with initiative and creative approach to perform official duties

duties and conscientious adherence to discipline. Aspirations to delegate

powers and share responsibility, democratic decision-making.

The main methodology consists of 27 groups of statements reflecting various aspects of interaction between management and the team.
The technique is aimed at determining the leadership style of the workforce. The testing procedure is contained in the instructions.
Instructions: “The questionnaire contains 16 groups of statements characterizing the business qualities of a manager. Each group consists of three statements, designated by the letters a, b, c. You should carefully read all three statements within each group and choose the one that most closely matches your opinion of the leader. Mark the selected statement on questionnaire a “+” sign under the corresponding letter.
If you are evaluating two or more managers at the same time, compare them with each other according to the three statements given, choosing one of the statements characterizing each manager (or one statement characterizing two or more managers), and mark your opinion about each on the questionnaire with different marks : 0; +; -.
Don't write on the questionnaire! Only mark the answer sheet!”

1. The central leadership requires that all matters be reported to them.

He tries to solve everything together with his subordinates, and single-handedly resolves only the most urgent and operational issues.

Some important matters are resolved virtually without the participation of the manager; his functions are performed by others.

2. Always orders, manages, insists on something, but never asks.

He gives orders in such a way that you want to carry them out.

He doesn't know how to give orders.

3. Tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists.

The manager does not care who works as his deputy or assistant.

He achieves trouble-free execution and subordination of his deputies and assistants.

4. He is only interested in the implementation of the plan, and not in the attitude of people towards each other.

Not interested in work, approaches things formally.

When solving production problems, he tries to create good relationships between people in the team.

5. He is probably conservative because he is afraid of new things.

The initiative of subordinates is not accepted by the manager.

Encourages subordinates to work independently.

6. Usually he is not offended by the manager’s criticism and listens to it.

He does not like to be criticized and does not try to hide it.

He listens to criticism, even plans to take action, but does nothing.

7. One gets the impression that the manager is afraid to be held accountable for his actions and wants to reduce his responsibility.

Responsibility is distributed between oneself and subordinates.

The director alone acceptsdecisions or cancels them.

8. Regularly consults with subordinates, especially experienced employees.

Subordinates not only advise, but can give instructions to their leader.

He does not allow his subordinates to advise him, much less object.

9. Usually consults with deputies and subordinate managers, but not with ordinary subordinates.

Regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties that must be overcome.

To get any work done, he often has to persuade his subordinates.

10. Always addresses subordinates politely and kindly.

In dealing with subordinates he often shows indifference.

In relation to subordinates he can be tactless and even rude.

11. In critical situations, the manager does not cope well with his responsibilities.

In critical situations, the manager, as a rule, switches to stricter leadership methods.

Critical situations do not change the way he leads.

12. He himself solves even those issues with which he is not entirely familiar.

If he doesn’t know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help.

He cannot act on his own, but waits for “pushing” from the outside.

13. Perhaps he is not a very demanding person.

He is demanding, but at the same time fair.

One can say about him that he can be too strict and even picky.

14. When controlling results, he always notices the positive side and praises his subordinates.

He always supervises the work of his subordinates and the team as a whole very strictly.

Supervises work from case to case.

15. The leader knows how to maintain discipline and order.

He often makes comments and reprimands to his subordinates.

Cannot influence discipline.

16. In the presence of a manager, subordinates have to work under tension all the time.

It's interesting to work with the manager.

Subordinates are left to their own devices.



1. a b c

9. a b c

2. a b c

10. a b c

3. a b c

11. a b c

4. a b c

12. a b c

5. a b c

13. a b c

6. a b c

14. a b c

7. a b c

15. a b c

8. a b c

16. a b c


Directive component - D

Focus on your own opinion and assessments. The desire for power, self-confidence, a tendency to strict formal discipline, a large distance with subordinates, reluctance to admit one’s mistakes. Ignoring people's initiative and creative activity. Sole decision making. Control over the actions of subordinates.

Permissive component
(passive non-interference)(passive non-interference) - P

Leniency towards employees. Lack of exactingness and strict discipline, control, liberality, familiarity with subordinates. Tendency to shift responsibility in decision making.

Collegial Component - TO

Demandingness and control are combined with an proactive and creative approach to the work performed and conscious adherence to discipline. The desire to delegate authority and share responsibility. Democracy in decision making.


April 6, 2012 Private consultant

Diagnostics professional knowledge, skills and abilities

I hope there is no need to say that conducting a written test significantly improves the quality of the assessment of applicants, the assessment of the specialist’s business qualities and, ultimately, makes the recruiter’s work easier.

After we have convinced ourselves that we need to test the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities through a written test on test questions/tasks compiled according to a standard form (in the specialized literature this is often called an “exam”), we proceed to the creation of these very standard forms.

Most likely, you will have to involve the company’s specialists and re-read a certain amount of specialized literature. Or get more sophisticated and come up with an additional questionnaire that will help collect the necessary technical information from the applicants themselves.

In the "Diagnostics" section you can see a couple of questionnaires that were used in Moscow companies some time ago.

When viewing, please remember that “direct transfer” of materials posted on the site may give a negative result. For each specific company and for each specific vacancy, its own questionnaires and test tasks should be developed.

Assessment of a specialist’s business qualities.

So, what qualities are called “business”? IN various benefits are offered various lists“business qualities”, so after looking at several, I chose something “average”.

So, BUSINESS QUALITIES: authoritarianism, speed of decision-making, flexibility in dealing with people, literacy, efficiency, democracy, discipline, conscientiousness, initiative, awareness, diligence, sociability, competence, perseverance, organization, responsibility, planning, enterprise, decisiveness, independence, composure, exactingness , hard work, the ability to see the future, the ability to listen to people, determination, honesty, broad-mindedness, energy.

Those who wish can immediately supplement their resumes with suitable qualities :) But, don’t forget to come up with a reliable story or event for each of them in which this particular quality helped you best.

Assessment of the business qualities of specialists can be carried out different ways. The intuition and experience of the interviewer will play an important role in making the final decision.

BIOGRAPHY ANALYSIS. Not a single interview is complete without this. By analyzing the material provided, one can judge the conditions in which the this person, understand whether the “social step” that a given candidate has reached is a consequence of his own efforts or a successful coincidence of circumstances.

A person's personality is embedded in early age. You can “directly” influence a person up to about 7 years of age. And then the person lives off the “rules and norms” learned in childhood. And it doesn’t lend itself to “education” :) Promotion professional level- Yes. Studying new sciences - yes. But the basic qualities of a person, some of which are classified as “businesslike,” do not change under anyone’s influence. With the exception of that rare case when a person “decided to become different” and deliberately begins to develop certain qualities in himself. So, focus on your childhood and teenage years, and be guided by the characteristics of behavior at previous places of work. These qualities will not change. And the newly arrived employee will most likely act according to a long-learned pattern.

Of course, it is important to immediately assess which set of qualities is most important in this particular vacancy - whether the desire for independent activity, active manifestation of social activity, and leadership qualities are needed.

High competition in the labor market often leads to the fact that the “leader and generator of ideas” applicant will be ready to take on the most routine work that requires exclusively executive skills. He may be very good and very intellectual, but take pity on him, your company and yourself in the end: from such a choice, most likely, nothing will remain except dissatisfaction with yourself and those around you.

So, analyze your biographical data. The more information about " past life"you will receive - the more accurate the applicant's assessment will be. But do not forget about the "legal limits of interference in personal life" - leave the candidate the opportunity not to answer "uncomfortable questions." Spend a little time finding out your rights in asking questions - you can scroll through legislative framework, or you can do it in a shorter way, for example here: Petrukhin I.L. Personal secrets (man and power). M.: IGP RAS, 1998.

To assess business qualities, you can use various types of QUESTIONNAIRE. This part has a lot of overlap with the diagnosis of individual psychological and personal qualities, so we’ll talk about questionnaires next time. You can offer to solve a small problem or a “set” of problems. From what is at hand, there is only one example.

“You are the head of a department in a small company. An employee comes up to you and says: “I don’t want to work with Ivanov.” How should you react to this?
1. "So what?"
2. “You can’t go anywhere, it will come anyway.”
3. "That's stupid of you."
4. "Why?"
5. "I think you're wrong."
6. Suggest your own version of the question or action for the most correct way out of the current situation."

GROUP SELECTION METHODS- these methods can be used when it is possible to bring several candidates together: group discussions, business games, problem-solving exercises and analysis specific situations. Of course, when preparing this kind of method, you need to very clearly define the criteria that will allow you to determine the advantage of some candidates over others. Just in group interaction the best way the “business qualities” of the individual are assessed.

And, of course, we must not forget about " expert assessments", or to put it simply - collect RECOMMENDATIONS for this candidate.

Assessment of individual psychological and personal qualities.

INDIVIDUAL - PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONAL QUALITIES: level intellectual development, motivational orientation, emotional and nervous mental stability, features of attention, memory, thinking, features of communication and interpersonal behavior.

Condition "number of times". Codename: “Cutting off everything unnecessary”: you will never need to evaluate all the listed qualities. For each position and profession, a list of qualities is compiled (remember also job description, job description, job description :)

Condition number two. Code name: “For one beaten, they give two not beaten”: let him be present at the same time professional psychologist. Otherwise, in the test subject’s answers you can see such things that we will remember them in nightmares for a long time. :)

Condition number three. Codename "Oh, give me freedom": get sophisticated and give the subject the opportunity to complete your task in calm atmosphere- without the phone calls accompanying his thoughts, sneaking past company employees and clients.

Selecting methods is not too difficult - a huge amount of literature on this topic is now being published. In addition, more and more specialized programs are appearing, which initially contain most of the techniques necessary for diagnostics.

But, after thinking about the applicants who were exhausted by the abundance of tests (as recently as today, one of them complained about the four-hour test), I decided not to include detailed diagram application of techniques to the newsletter.

Of all the abundance of methods and methods for assessing applicants, diagnosing individual psychological and personal qualities is not my favorite activity (this is the real reason for the lack detailed information about tests :). At the very beginning of my work, I tried to “do everything according to the rules” and with inexplicable pleasure loaded candidates with a lot of tests to assess certain qualities. But, over time, I learned (or rather, I hope that I learned) to evaluate fundamentally important qualities in the process of conducting interviews and diagnosing professional and business qualities. Therefore, even if I use tests, it is for “reverse” purposes - when you need to prepare the applicant for successful completion interviews. But that's a completely different story.

Questions :

10. Test “Test your leadership qualities and knowledge of management” M. Yarmarkt 11. Test “Leadership style” A.A. Zhuravleva

12. Test "Assessing your leadership style"

13. Test "Diagnostics of the level of self-esteem of a leader's personality"

14. Test "Check what kind of leader you are"

15. Test "Assessment of personal qualities of a leader"

16. Test “Methodology for assessing the empathy of a leader” by A. Mehrabian and N. Epstein

Part 1: (1 – 9 questions)

1. Methodology for determining the management style of a work team

2. Test “Diagnostics of professional competence and effectiveness of managers at different levels”

3. Test “Assessing the competitiveness of a company”

4. Methodology “Need for restructuring”

5. Test “Test yourself - your readiness to start your own business” F. Sram

6. Test "Are you capable of becoming a leader"

7. Test "Characteristics" (to assess the business and personal qualities of a manager)

8. Test "Assessment of predisposition to management activities"

9. Methodology for determining organizational and communication skills L.P. Kalininsky



Diagnostic purpose. Identify several styles of workforce management.

Testing procedure. The test includes several groups of questions, each of them is divided into 3 statements, conventionally designated by the letters a, b and c. In order to answer the questions correctly, you need to carefully read the proposed text and, from the three answer-statement options, choose only one that most matches the leadership style in your work team. Testing can be carried out either by the entire team or by each individual individually. In the first case, the test results will be more convincing, since they will be more devoid of subjectivity.

Stimulus material.

Test text.

1. Your company produces a group of goods that are not used in great demand from buyers. Competitors have developed new technology production of the same goods, which are of high quality, but require additional capital investment. What would your manager do in this situation?

a) will continue to produce goods that are not in demand among buyers;

b) issue an order for the speedy introduction of new technologies into production;

c) will spend additional funds on developing its own new technologies in order to ensure that the products are superior in quality to those of competitors.

2. Imagine that you work in a car factory. One of your employees recently returned from a business trip to attend an exhibition of new automotive products. He proposed to modernize one of the car models produced by the plant. Your plant manager:

a) will take an active part in the development of a new idea and will make every effort to quickly put it into production;

c) will order the development of a new idea to the appropriate personnel;

c) before introducing this innovation into production, your manager will convene a collegial meeting at which it will be decided common decision about the advisability of modernizing the car you are producing.

3. At a collegial meeting, one of the employees proposed the most rational decision one of the problems that has arisen in your work team. However, this decision is completely contrary to the proposal that your manager previously made. In this situation he:

a) will support a rational solution proposed by the employee;

c) will defend his point of view;

c) conduct a survey of employees that will help to reach a consensus.

4. Your team has done a lot of labor-intensive work, which has not brought you the desired success (profit). Your leader:

a) will ask you to redo all the work by hiring new, more qualified personnel;

c) discuss the current problem with employees in order to find out the reasons for the failure in order to avoid them in the future;

c) will try to find the employees responsible for the failure (who failed to do their job).

5. A journalist who works for a newspaper that is popular with readers has come to your organization. If you were asked to list the valuable qualities of your leader, which ones would you name first:

a) qualifications, exactingness;

c) awareness of all difficulties arising at the enterprise; the ability to quickly make the right decision;

With) same attitude to all employees, the ability to compromise.

6. One of the employees made a minor mistake in his work, but in order to eliminate it, it will be necessary a large number of time. What do you think your manager will do in this situation?

a) reprimand this employee in the presence of his colleagues, in order to prevent similar mistakes in the future;

c) make a remark in private, without attracting the attention of other employees;

c) will not attach much importance to this event.

7. A position has become vacant at your company. Several employees of the company are applying for it at once. Your manager's actions:

a) would prefer that a worthy applicant be selected by collective voting;

c) he will be appointed by the leader himself;

c) before appointing a person to this position, the manager will consult only with some members of the team.

8. Is it customary in your team to show personal initiative when solving an issue that is not directly related to the activities of the entire enterprise?

a) all decisions are made only by the head of the enterprise;

c) our company welcomes the personal initiative of employees;

c) taking independent decision Before taking action, an employee of an enterprise must consult with his manager.

9. In general, assessing the activities of your manager, you can say that he...

a) is completely absorbed in the problems that arise in your production, so that even in his free time he thinks about their reasonable solution. He is as demanding of others as he is of himself;

c) refers to those managers who believe that for fruitful work in a team there must be equal, democratic relations between employees;

c) your manager does not actively participate in the management of the enterprise, always acts according to a certain scheme, and does not strive to improve in areas little known to him.

10. The manager invited you and other employees to the anniversary. Usually in an informal setting he:

a) speaks with employees only about work, about plans to expand production, about increasing the workforce, etc., while it is he who sets the main tone of the conversation;

c) prefers to remain in the shadows in order to provide an opportunity for interlocutors and work colleagues to express their point of view on an issue that interests them, to tell an entertaining episode from their life;

c) takes an active part in the conversation, without imposing his opinion on other interlocutors, without defending a point of view opposite to all other participants in the conversation.

11. The manager asked you to quickly complete the work that you started very recently, which will take you additional time, your actions:

a) immediately begin to implement it as quickly as possible, since you do not want to seem like a non-performing employee and value the opinion that your manager has about you;

c) complete this work, but a little later, since the boss will first of all evaluate the quality of its performance;

c) try to meet the deadlines proposed by the manager, but do not guarantee High Quality its implementation. In our team, the main thing is to complete the work on time.

12. Imagine that your manager’s office is temporarily occupied (it is being renovated), so he will have to work in your office for several days. How will you feel?

a) you will constantly be nervous, afraid, afraid of making any mistake in his presence.

c) you will be very happy about this, since this is another opportunity to exchange work experience with an experienced, interesting person;

c) the presence of the manager will not affect your work in any way.

13. You returned from advanced training courses and learned a lot of useful and valuable things for your future work. The manager gave you a small assignment, and you used the knowledge acquired in the courses to complete it. What do you think your management will do?