What to do around the stove in the bathhouse. How to make heating in a bathhouse from a stove. Protective screen for the stove in the steam room

A metal stove is an excellent option for a sauna. But one of the most basic advantages of this stove - the ability to heat up quickly - simultaneously turns into a significant drawback. Its metal body emits harsh infrared radiation, which can cause heat stroke, and accidental contact can cause burns. This is doubly dangerous if you take children with you to the bathhouse.

Brick screen for a metal stove: for what, from what and how

To make bathing procedures safe and comfortable, it is necessary to install a protective screen - a fence - around the stove body. Safety guards for sauna stove must be made of fire-resistant and safe materials that do not emit harmful substances when heated chemical substances. Of course, brick is best suited for these purposes.

You can easily make a brick fence yourself. It can be laid in a continuous layer as in this photo, but this option significantly increases the required time to warm up the steam room and, accordingly, the amount of fuel consumed. This option is considered more acceptable for the atmosphere of a Russian steam room - you can achieve a gentle temperature (up to 70 o C), and if the heater in the stove is closed, then the steam should be “light”. But for a sauna, this option is somewhat inconvenient from the point of view that you will actually have to spend more time and firewood preparing the steam room, but being in a room where the stove heats and does not burn even at high temperatures is much easier and more pleasant than where The oven is not protected by a screen.

Therefore, some bath attendants, based on operating experience, recommend laying bricks in a quarter, half, or in a checkerboard pattern, leaving “windows” between the bricks as shown in these photos. This method of laying the protective screen will provide both safety and will not harm significant influence to reduce the heat level in the steam room. It should be taken into account that the distance from the stove to the brick fence is not critical and can be 3–5 cm.

The brick heats up slowly and gradually accumulates heat, but then releases it to the steam room for a long time, acting as an additional heat accumulator. The brick enclosure of the stove converts intense heat into lighter heat, creating comfort in the bathhouse.

For bricklaying protective fence it is better to use clay-cement mixtures with a cement content of 5–10% - such masonry joints will not be washed away by water and will not crack from high temperature.

Wooden safety fence

You can prevent accidental touching of the oven by using wooden fence for the oven. This type of protection is equally applicable in both the bathhouse and the sauna. It is important to follow the measures fire safety and use suitable materials, for example, abashi wood, which is characterized by high moisture resistance and low thermal conductivity and heat capacity: its surface is always warm to the touch, not hot. But this exotic wood is very expensive. Of our domestic species, alder and linden are perfect for these purposes. It is not advisable to use pine: it contains a large number of resins that, when heated, can cause burns.

A wooden fence for a stove in a bathhouse or sauna can be purchased either ready-made or built with your own hands. We present you some options for installing it. If the steam room will be visited by small children, then create a fence in the form decorative fence, leaving very small distances between the boards so that even the smallest cannot stick his hand in and get burned. If the steam room is visited exclusively by adults, you can make a barrier of a simpler design - several longitudinal and transverse guides, as in this photo.

The distance from the stove to the wooden fence is usually indicated in the factory instructions for the stove. According to fire safety standards the distance from the stove to combustible materials must be at least 500 mm.

Important! Be careful when using wooden fencing. If darkening of color or other signs of heating appear, move the fence a little further.

Screens for protecting combustible (wooden) walls

Protect from harsh radiation metal furnace you need not only people, but also the walls located near it, especially if they are wooden. For this, heat-resistant screens are most often used. Most often, screens are metal. Moreover, it is desirable that the metal be polished: in this case, heat rays are reflected back into the room. But metal screens cannot be attached directly to a wooden wall: they have a fairly high thermal conductivity and effectively transfer heat to the walls, but we do not need this. Therefore, it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation under the sheet of metal. Most often, mineral or basalt wool of small thickness (1-2 cm is enough), cardboard from the same materials is used; earlier they could use asbestos sheet, but today they have come to the conclusion that it is harmful. Glass wool was also previously popular: it is an excellent heat insulator, but it is difficult to work with - protective suits and gloves are required, and a respirator is required.

Another way to attach a protective metal screen is with a ventilated gap of 2-3 cm. A frame made of a material that tolerates high temperatures but has poor thermal conductivity is stuffed onto the wall. You can use small pieces of plastic or metal-plastic pipes For hot water: Screw the pipe sections with self-tapping screws to a wooden wall (vertically), and there is already a metal sheet on them. In this case, the bottom edge of the sheet should be placed a few centimeters above the floor so that it can move between the metal and the wall. air flow, cooling both the sheet and the wall.

Another type of protective screen is brick. A second wall is laid in the floor or a quarter of a brick. Its height is usually recommended by stove manufacturers, but it is usually 40-50 cm higher than the top panel of the stove. Ceramic tiles can protect a wooden wall. It looks great, is durable and easy to care for.

Often, manufacturers of metal furnaces offer ready-made screens to protect walls. These are structures made of two sheets of metal with an air gap between them. They are covered with heat-resistant paint, often with a decorative pattern applied to them, so that such a screen not only serves as protection for the wall, but is also a decorative element.

It can be mounted on the wall or in a place specially reserved for it (taken into account when planning and building a steam room). You cannot paint metal screens made by yourself: you need a special heat-resistant paint, which is applied in a factory using the hot spray method.

Reliable insulation of the stove in a bathhouse from the walls is one of the most basic tasks in building a bathhouse. Protecting flammable surfaces avoids not only fire, but also deformation of the wall material. It is important for home craftsmen to know the basic requirements and step-by-step instructions for working on thermal insulation from various materials.


First, let's figure out whether it is always necessary to protect the surfaces of walls and ceilings in a bathhouse.

When is furnace wall insulation necessary?

If the stove is made of brick, or is located at a distance of more than 1000 mm from the wall, carry out full cycle thermal insulation work does not make sense. In these cases, it is enough to make a protective screen from foil on moisture-resistant kraft paper. It is important to know the gaps between the wall and stoves with different surface materials:

  • it is recommended to move the stove, laid out with a wall thickness of half a brick, 350-400 mm from the surfaces of the bathhouse;
  • a metal stove, not lined with brick or a layer of thermal insulation, must be at least 1000 mm away from the walls;
  • It is recommended to install a steel stove with an extended part of the firebox and protected by thermal insulation at a distance of 700 mm.

But most individual baths are small in size and it is not always possible to maintain the required clearances. That's why optimal solution problems - protecting the walls and ceiling with a reliable layer of thermal insulation made of non-flammable, moisture-resistant materials.

Example of wall protection

SNIP requirements

Protection of the walls of the bathhouse from the heat of the stove is carried out according to the requirements building codes. For home handyman it is important to know the main ones.

SNiP III-G.11-62

"Heating stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts residential and public buildings. Rules for production and acceptance of work."

According to these standards, the gaps from the heater to the wall surfaces are:

  • thickness of overlaid wall panels heaters 24 cm, with a layer of lime plaster applied, or with the addition of a layer of cement, the thickness of which is 25 mm, as well as when applying a layer of asbestos and clay solution, 4 cm thick - the distance must be at least 13 cm;
  • the thickness of the wall of the heater is half a brick and applying a layer of lime plaster and adding asbestos, 25 mm thick or when protected with asbestos-vermuculite slabs 4 cm thick - a distance of 300 mm;
  • during installation steel furnaces, with the furnace walls covered with refractory material, minimum distance to plastered wooden walls 700 mm, with a layer thickness of gypsum and lime solution of 25 mm;
  • When installing a steel stove in a bathhouse with unplastered walls, the distance to them should be at least 1000 mm.

Checks and signs permits for the use of the bathhouse by a fire inspector when conducting control measurements. Only after this procedure can you use the bathhouse.

SNiP 2.04.05-91

"Heating. Ventilation and air conditioning."

When purchasing an industrial model of a furnace, the installation requirements can be found in the instructions. Home craftsmen must know and fulfill several requirements:

  • the ceiling in the bathhouse is protected by asbestos slabs, plaster and sheet metal, up to 1 cm thick, in this case the brick-lined stove is made in height so that the gap to the ceiling is at least 250 mm;
  • when installing a steel stove with a protective heat-insulating layer, maintain a gap to the ceiling of at least 700-800 mm if the ceiling is plastered and protected with non-combustible materials;
  • in all other cases, the distance to the ceiling should be 1200 mm.

But the DIYers are faced with the question of how to cover the wall near the stove in the bathhouse?

Methods of wall insulation

Industry produces various materials and I want to choose best option in terms of price and quality. Let's look at the main options for protecting surfaces in a steam room.

Fireproof plasterboard

This material is also produced as regular drywall, but the outer surfaces are treated with special substances that make it insensitive to high temperatures. At the same time, it is able to withstand exposure to open fire for 1 hour without losing its properties and without emitting smoke and soot.

You can distinguish it by the color of the sheet markings. It comes in red color. When purchasing, pay attention to 2 main characteristics of the material, which are indicated in the certificate:

  • limit of resistance to fire. This indicates the time of exposure to high temperatures before the material is destroyed. The higher this number, the more reliable the surface protection will be;
  • leaf mass. They use sheets 12 mm thick; such plasterboard weighs more than regular plasterboard, so it is important to take this characteristic into account, especially for installation on the ceiling.

Work on laying fire-resistant plasterboard is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. prepare the walls; to do this, they need to be cleaned of dirt and remnants of the old finishing layer. After this, it is necessary to prime the surfaces and level them with a solution;
  2. attach waterproofing and a layer of thermal insulation to the walls;
  3. we treat the walls and ceiling with impregnations that increase the fire resistance of surfaces;
  4. mark the installation location of the profiles for fastening drywall and secure the guides at a distance from ceiling covering walls – 100 mm. The gap to the wooden floor is 50 mm. The frame is secured with long self-tapping screws;
  5. sheets of material are installed on the frame and secured with self-tapping screws, the caps of which must be screwed flush with the surface of the sheets;
  6. you can move on to finishing works, but do not forget about the high humidity in the steam room, so you can treat the walls and ceiling with water-repellent impregnations. After this, the walls are puttied and a layer of decorative finishing is applied.

The work on finishing the walls and ceilings of the bathhouse using fire-resistant plasterboard has been completed.


How to isolate a stove in a bathhouse from a wooden wall? Many builders use the Minerite material, which combines thermal insulation properties and protect surfaces from exposure to open fire.

These slabs are made with a cement-fiber base and a hard front surface. Materials produced specifically for damp rooms and baths are not affected by humidity and heavy loads. Using Minerita slabs, wall coverings are installed without gaps; they are not subject to deformation when heated, so there is no need to leave temperature gaps.

The plates can withstand heating up to 150 0 without changing their physical properties. Environmentally safe when used in damp areas and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful substances and are resistant to the formation of fungi and mold.

The work on their installation is carried out similarly to the installation of drywall, but does not require the manufacture of a frame:

  1. before work, clean all surfaces from dirt and old coating;
  2. if necessary, we level the walls, especially the floors, to prevent the sheet from bending;
  3. the slabs are laid on the floor or walls without gaps to the wall and secured with self-tapping screws;
  4. on the walls and floor it is necessary to make a gap of 30 mm for air access. Therefore, self-tapping or industrial bushings are used on self-tapping screws. Therefore, when purchasing self-tapping screws, it is necessary to take into account the size of the indentation;
  5. When installing slabs in a new bathhouse building, it is important to make small grooves or drill holes of a larger diameter in the place where the self-tapping screw passes. This is necessary to protect against damage to the slabs during shrinkage of the building.

After completing the work, the slabs are puttied and decorative finishing is applied.


A fire-resistant material consisting of quartz and quicklime with the addition of additives can withstand temperatures of 120 0. It is used for finishing fireplaces, walls, and ceilings of bathhouses from the heat of the stove. When heated, substances harmful to humans and unpleasant odors are not released.

Plates with a thickness of 25-80 mm are fixed in the same way as drywall with glue, screws or heat-resistant mastic. Thermal insulation of a stove in a bathhouse using Superizol is not cheap way finishing steam room coverings, but you should not buy Chinese inexpensive slabs.

Stainless steel protective screen

For these purposes, screens with a matte or mirror surface are used. Stainless steel sheets are perfect solution both to protect the steam room coverings from fires and to decorative finishing premises.

But the material is quite expensive, so you can use a screen to protect the lower surface of the walls near the stove, and install cheaper material on top.

Insulation of a sauna stove from a wooden wall using stainless steel screens is carried out according to the following scheme:

General scheme

The screen is ready. It is better to use the mirror surfaces of the screens, in this case, they will reflect the heat, it will be distributed faster and evenly throughout the steam room. Thus, we create a protective screen around the stove in the bathhouse, protect ourselves from burns and add a layer of decorative finishing.

Which method is better to choose?

Furnace wall decoration for different types and sizes of baths, different shapes and materials are used. The main thing is to ensure the fire safety of your steam room and protect the walls from deformation at high heating temperatures.

Otherwise, everything depends on the capabilities and desires of the steam room owners. You can use heat-resistant tiles or expensive tiles, or you can simply cover the walls and ceiling mineral wool and a layer of metal foil. By leveling the walls with sheets of plasterboard with surfaces not exposed to open fire, you can paint the steam room with heat-resistant paint using Minerita.

At large sizes baths may not need to perform this work if the conditions of SNIP and fire safety are met. By making the concrete base larger in size than the stove and maintaining a gap of 1 m to the walls, you can safely use the heater and enjoy the steam. In any case, it is important to take care of safety and then your bathhouse will serve you for a long time.

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The bathhouse has always been for Russians, where a person relaxes, as they say, “cleanses the spirit and body”, receives a charge of vigor and health for the whole future working week. But in order for a bathhouse to live up to the expectations placed on it, it needs a good one. It doesn’t matter whether this heating unit will be purchased in finished form or built with your own hands - the main thing is that it is able to create the necessary specific atmosphere in the premises and is as safe as possible in operation.

There are two the main methods of installing this heating device:

Placing the entire structure in the steam room.

Each of the proposed options has its positive and negative sides, but it is advisable to decide on the choice of installation method at the stage of building the bathhouse. If you plan to move the furnace firebox to an adjacent room, then when constructing a dividing wall between the steam room and the dressing room, an opening is immediately installed in it. However, if it is decided to carry out reconstruction already finished bath, then it is quite acceptable to cut into the wall required window for removing the furnace door of the furnace to the dressing room.

A sauna at the dacha is great. Steaming in it is useful and pleasant, and how pleasant it is depends to a large extent on the heater. In order to get only pleasure from your stay in the bathhouse, and not problems, it must be safe. The hotter the stove gets, the hotter the wall it is adjacent to gets hotter, and the fire is not far away. How to protect yourself, how to isolate the stove in a bathhouse from the wall, will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for the materials we choose to insulate the sauna stove from the wall

Usually the steam room is finished with wood. This is not only correct, but also healthy. In this case, it is necessary to protect the wooden wall from the stove. Otherwise, under the influence of high temperature, the wood will collapse. Although, if the distance from the stove to the wall is 1 m, then you can do without it. When choosing a material, both for the bathhouse and for insulating the stove from the wall, you must first of all pay attention to two things:

  • its effectiveness;
  • on environmental safety.

As for efficiency, asbestos, among others, is such a material, but in terms of environmental safety, it is better not to use it. After all, every time you visit a bathhouse, you and your family members will inhale carcinogens released when heated. Therefore, we choose materials based on:

  • natural stone;
  • fiberglass;
  • stone fibers;
  • stainless metal.

There are many answers to the question of how to insulate the stove from the wall. And you need to choose the method that best suits you, both in terms of aesthetics, safety, and cost.

Fire-resistant plasterboard for insulating walls in a bathhouse

As one of the options, you can isolate the stove from the wall using GKLO - fire-resistant plasterboard sheets, and stick porcelain tiles on them.

Properties of GKLO

Fire-resistant plasterboard sheets have the following features:

  • able to maintain fire resistance for 25 minutes;
  • Resists fire for up to 55 minutes.

Best Fireproof Drywall Sheets

High quality fireproof plasterboard sheets issues German manufacturer- Knauf company. This:

  • slab with sides 120x250 cm, thickness 1.25 cm;
  • the front and back sides are construction cardboard, in the middle there is a core, which includes special glass fibers, which make the material more resistant to fire;
  • The edges of the sheet are covered with cardboard. For convenient joining of sheets there is a chamfer;
  • The sheet is attached both to the profile and to Knauf Perflix glue.


In Finland, Cembrit Oy produces excellent heat-resistant, environmentally friendly pure material, which is ideal for protecting walls from the stove - mineralite. The slabs include:

  • white or gray cement 90%;
  • mineral fillers;
  • reinforcing fiber.

The main advantage of mineralite is that it does not contain asbestos, while domestic manufacturers use it in the production of fiber cement boards.

Installation of mineralite

Before insulating the stove from the wall, we purchase:

  • mineralite sheets LV sauna - 2 pcs.;
  • ceramic 30 mm mounting bushings - 4 pcs.;
  • screws with countersunk or rounded heads.

How to mount the stove depends on the distance from the stove to the wall:

  • if the stove is located at a fairly large distance from the wall, then we attach the mineralite to the wall using screws;
  • with a distance of at least 50 cm, the sheet is not attached flush to the wall, but with a gap of 3 cm, for which ceramic bushings are used;
  • if there is very little space between the stove and the wall of the bathhouse, then two sheets are attached.

Installing double sheets is simple:

  • take the sheet and install it on the wall, screwing it in;
  • Next comes the installation of ceramic bushings;
  • After completing the first two operations, attach the second sheet.

Keep in mind: if you finish the wall behind the stove in a newly built building, then during shrinkage, the mineralite sheet may crack. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to make grooves in the sheet through which the screws will go, and to place scraps on the floor under the sheet. When the shrinkage process is complete, the sheets are finally screwed.

Additionally, a sheet from of stainless steel, attached to the plate.

Stainless steel protective screen

By using a heat-protective screen made of mirror stainless steel, you will reliably protect the walls of the bathhouse from fire. The screen can be ordered or purchased ready-made with basalt wool in addition. In addition to stainless steel:

1. Non-flammable needle-punched thermal insulating glass sheet is ideally suited for a stainless steel screen. Its advantages:

  • absence of resin that releases toxic gases when heated;
  • ease of installation. 2. The heat-resistant Rockwool FireBatts mat, supplied from Denmark, is also good. This product of the ROCKWOOL Group of Companies:
  • made of basalt wool, Rockwoo - hygroscopic and heat-resistant;
  • withstands temperatures up to 750 degrees C.


The Danish company Skamol produces a material that is used as insulation, super isol. Its advantages:

  • universal;
  • incombustible;
  • the maximum temperature maintained during operation is 1000 degrees C;
  • easy;
  • lasting.

Finishing the walls around the stove

If your bathhouse is wooden frame, That:

  • when decorating the walls around the stove with mineralite, it is advisable to leave 3 cm air gap, using the same ceramic bushings. Air will circulate between the wall and the mineralite sheet, preventing them from heating to extreme temperatures. Heat-resistant tiles on top of mineralite sheets will decorate the walls and provide additional security;
  • The walls in the bathhouse adjacent to the metal stove are also protected using red solid brick. We spread it to the height of the stove, but, if desired, it can go up to the ceiling.

Separately, I would like to dwell on heat-resistant tiles.

Heat-resistant tiles from the Terracotta company

A good option is heat-resistant Miami tiles with imitation weathered sandstone, produced by the Russian company Terracotta. A little more about her:

  • The main thing is that this tile is environmentally friendly. The basis is kaolin clay of different rare varieties. No dyes or chemical additives are used;
  • This material is universal: it is used both for internal lining, and external;
  • the color scheme is very expressive and does not change from exposure to high temperature;
  • it is strong and durable;
  • has good air and vapor permeability;
  • the maximum temperature that this fireproof tile can withstand is 1100 degrees C;
  • fix the tiles using heat-resistant “Terracotta” glue. The company also produces grout for joints.

The company produces tiles and other textures, each of them has its own unique charm. This:

  • fireclay;
  • flagstone;
  • old lock;
  • wood chip;
  • old brick;
  • papyrus;
  • torn stone and others.

Remember: before gluing heat-resistant tiles, apply heat-resistant mastic to the mineralite slab.

An inexpensive way to protect between the stove and the wall

To protect the wooden walls of the bathhouse from excessive heating in the area where the stove is located, you can use profile iron, which is used for roofs. To do this you need:

  • hollow metal tubes. Optimal diameter 3/8";
  • profile iron.

Let's get started:

  • We attach pipes to the walls adjacent to the stove;
  • We attach a metal profile to the tubes. At the same time, we do not reach the floor and ceiling by 100 mm; We again place the tubes on the profile. They should occupy a position similar to that which they occupy on the wall;
  • We place a profile on the tubes. When heated, the air passes through a 100 mm gap at the floor and finds an exit at the ceiling through the same gap. The walls do not heat up.

Another way to insulate a stove in a bathhouse is an additional wall between the stove and the wall. We make the additional wall from non-combustible materials: gypsum, for example.

You will learn everything about the construction of a bathhouse, installation of a stove and its insulation from the wall in this video:

The issue of equipping a bathhouse with a stove is often resolved in favor of metal structure. The popularity of this choice is explained by the relative cheapness and simple installation process. Achieving conditions for safe and comfortable operation of the unit is facilitated by the proper installation of a metal stove in the bathhouse. Will help you master the process yourself step-by-step instruction all stages of work.

Design features of the installation

The optimal situation is when the choice of stove is made before the construction of the bathhouse begins. In other cases, the furnishings of the room require adjustments. When purchasing a metal stove, first of all, pay attention to how it will be heated - directly in the steam room or an adjacent room. Each option has advantages and problems.

Installation of the fuel unit completely in the steam room is accompanied by equipment effective system ventilation due to increased combustion of oxygen when the firebox is opened. The second negative point is the allocation extra space for firewood, in small room this causes certain difficulties. When using the bathhouse in winter period You should worry about installing additional heating in other rooms. The only positive aspect of this solution is the ability to regulate the intensity of combustion without leaving the steam room.

It is much more effective when a metal stove with an external firebox is installed:

  • oxygen in the steam room is burned to a lesser extent;
  • V compact room saved free space and cleanliness is maintained;
  • heating is present simultaneously in several rooms of the bathhouse.

Comment! Installation is complicated by the need to make a hole in the wall if the installation of a metal unit was not provided for during the construction of the bathhouse.

When choosing a stove, you should pay attention to the firebox door. IN open position it should not create obstacles for loading fuel.

Compliance with fire safety

Key points that should be considered during the installation of a metal stove in order to comply with fire safety standards:

  • The minimum gap between the stove and any combustible structures is 0.5 m.
  • If the walls of the bathhouse are subject to fire, they are subject to mandatory protection from nearby metal heating unit. For this purpose, insulating sheets are installed or brickwork is made.
  • The optimal installation of the stove is when the firebox doors open towards the doorway, and the heater door is turned towards the corners.
  • The ceiling is another area of ​​the bathhouse that needs protection. If it is made of flammable materials, care should be taken to install a metal sheet with a layer of basalt cardboard. The size of the protective screen exceeds the dimensions of the stove by 1/3.
  • When installing an electric metal furnace, grounding installation and coordination with the fire inspectorate are required.

Before the start of operation, the bathhouse must be equipped with fire extinguishing means, which must always be on hand in good condition.

Foundation equipment

Options for preparing the floor before installing the stove depend on the material from which it is made and the weight of the metal structure. Availability concrete surface frees from the need for mandatory strengthening.

Advice! For ease of cleaning in the bathhouse, the concrete floor is prepared before installing the stove. ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or brick.

Working with a wooden floor depends on the weight of the metal stove. If the total weight of the structure does not reach 700 kg, it is enough to worry about installing a non-combustible base. Exceeding the permissible limit forces you to install it in the bathhouse separate foundation. For calculation total mass metal structure take into account:

  • oven weight;
  • volume of stones;
  • water container taking into account its filling;
  • chimney weight;
  • a mass of protective screen made of bricks around the heating device.

In most cases, installing an additional foundation in a bathhouse is an inevitable process. Key points works:

  • The dimensions of the foundation exceed the dimensions of the metal furnace or protective screen by 15-20 cm.
  • Depth concrete base corresponds to the depth of the main foundation of the bathhouse.
  • When installing the stove next to load-bearing wall, the foundation is made incoherent, avoiding points of contact with the underlying foundation. This ensures independent shrinkage of the bathhouse and the metal structure.
  • The height of the foundation does not reach the level of the finished floor by 20 cm; the free space is filled with two rows of bricks.

Main stages of the technological process:

  • pit preparation;
  • installation of formwork;
  • laying reinforcing mesh;
  • pouring concrete mortar;
  • the settled concrete is covered with a double layer of waterproofing;
  • Bricks are placed on top in two rows.

When preparing the solution, standard proportions are used - 3 parts sand for 1 part cement.

Installation on a wooden floor

If the total mass of the metal stove does not reach 700 kg, and the logs and floor boards are of sufficient strength, installation of a foundation in the bathhouse can be avoided. But it is necessary to take care of a heat-resistant base. There are several solutions:

  • a metal sheet is laid on top of a sheet of basalt cardboard and asbestos;
  • a full replacement for a sheet of metal on the floor of a bathhouse will be brick, stone of natural or artificial origin;
  • Ceramic or porcelain tiles are suitable.

The space in front of the fuel door is decorated metal sheet in order to prevent sparks or coals from falling onto the bathhouse floor. Minimum size protective coating- 40 cm.

Wall cut-out

When installing a stove between adjacent rooms of a bathhouse, you must strictly adhere to fire safety requirements. It’s easier when installation is planned at the construction stage, then part of the wall is made of brick or other material that is not flammable. The size of the opening is determined based on the power of the furnace and its dimensions. The exact parameters must be indicated in the manufacturer's installation recommendations. If you want to change the specified dimensions for technical or aesthetic reasons, this can only be done in the direction of increase.

For installation in a bath homemade stoves Average standards apply:

  • the minimum gap between the elongated firebox and combustible material without protection is 38 cm, optimally leaving 50 cm.
  • when protecting a wall thermal insulation materials in the form of asbestos, gypsum or basalt wool, a distance of 25-36 cm is left.

Between wooden wall baths and a metal stove, brick is laid on all sides. It does not fit closely to the structure; there is an air gap between them. Its width is specified in the installation instructions; the minimum is 2.5 cm. air cushion filled with basalt cardboard or stone wool. Basalt wool should not contain binding components, otherwise at temperatures above 600 o C they will turn into sand.

Attention! Glass wool is not suitable for these purposes. Such an insulating material can withstand temperatures up to 350°C; exceeding the permissible limit leads to its melting and loss of properties.

Installation of a stove in a bathhouse should use special high-temperature insulators that can withstand heating temperatures of 800-1000 o C. Decorating part of the wall around a metal stove with stone or brick will ensure safe operation baths from the point of view of fire occurrence.