What are the benefits of magnetic water? Magnetic water: amazing possibilities and their practical application

Magnetized water: drink for your health!

The Earth's magnetic field has approximately halved over the past 500 years. The lack of natural magnetic influence negatively affects our health.

And the constant presence in reinforced concrete buildings, in cars, trains and planes further reduces exposure magnetic field Earth.

Dr. Nikagawa (Tokyo) described the symptoms of a disease in 1976, which he called “absent magnetic field syndrome.”

It manifests itself in numbness of the shoulder girdle, pain in the back and head, insomnia, digestive and circulatory disorders, as well as increased fatigue.

Is there a way out? How to avoid diseases associated with the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field? Eat!

This Magnetic therapy using permanent neodymium magnets.


B. Garnger in his book “Health Magnets” compares the absence of a magnetic field with a lack of vitamins. She recommends wearing jewelry with magnets to prevent and treat diseases. Egyptian writings indicate that magnetic therapy was used 5,000 years ago. Graphic descriptions on walls, columns and temples confirm the use of magnetic therapy. Even Cleopatra wore a magnetic amulet to preserve her beauty and youth.

The Yellow Textbook of Internal Medicine (China, 2000 BC) is the first written evidence to demonstrate that imbalances in the human body can be corrected by applying magnetic stones to acupuncture points and meridians.

In Japan, more than 30 million people use various products with magnets approved for use by the Ministry of Health. With an exceptionally high work intensity, Japan ranks first in the world in terms of life expectancy, largely due to the fact that most Japanese people constantly use magnetotherapy for clinical purposes throughout their lives.

The positive influence of the magnetic FIELD on the characteristics of water was experimentally established back in the 18th century. Physician De-Gersu, who practiced in Geneva, proved that magnetized water helps treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, and skin diseases. Chinese biologist Yulong Ma experimentally proved that water passed through magnetic force lines increases activity human body, protects it from aging and disease.

An example of the beneficial effects of naturally magnetized spring water in the Khunzakut region of China is described. For more than one millennium, the inhabitants of this region live up to 120 years, enjoy good health and produce healthy offspring. They found out that the water they drink passes through the magnetic layers of the Earth. Such magnetized, that is, biologically active, water acquires additional properties that have a positive effect on health and longevity.

What is “magnetized water”?

Modern research has made it possible to draw a number of conclusions about the properties and benefits of using magnetized water.

The physicochemical basis of the action of a constant magnetic field on water is the ordering of the structure of its molecules located around large hydrophobic molecules and colloids. At the same time, hydrogen bonds are destroyed and the rotation of protons changes. Therefore, in magnetized water, compared to untreated water, such physicochemical characteristics, such as electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, viscosity, density and pH.

An increase in the solubility of oxygen in water that has undergone magnetic treatment was also noticed, and an increase in the chemical activity of this gas was noted. Many researchers explain the appearance of its bactericidal properties by this “activation” of oxygen in magnetized water. This explains the formation of hydrogen peroxide in magnetized water.

Magnetized water and other liquids acquire a homogeneous structure, increased fluidity and dissolving ability. Magnetic treatment of aqueous systems leads to an increase in the rate of dissolution of inorganic salts by tens of times (for MgSO4 - 120 times!).

Concrete mixed with magnetized water sets faster and is 25-30% stronger than usual. Milk passed through a magnetic field stays fresh twice as long.

Research (Davis, “Anatomy of Biomagnetics,” 1974) has shown that magnetic water is characterized by the following phenomena: an increase in the activity of hydrogen ions; decrease in water weight (how and why is still not clear); reducing the amount of nitrogen dissolved in water (nitrogen accumulates in stagnant water, in which various microorganisms actively multiply), we can say that magnetization, as well as the effect of silver, disinfects water; an increase in the number of crystallization centers - water ceases to be “hard” without the use of chemicals or boiling.

Research by A.B. Karyakin of magnetized water using infrared spectroscopy showed that its structure is ordered and close to the structure of melt water.

Plants react vigorously to watering with magnetized water, increasing their growth and productivity, and the rate of crop ripening increases. According to the Leningrad Agrophysical Institute, the increase in yield is as follows: tomatoes - by 15-35%, cucumbers - up to 50%, onions - up to 22%, carrots - up to 15%.

The effect of magnetized water was tested on animals. In Israel, an experimental installation for the production of such water was tested in the dairy industry. 85 cows that drank magnetized water produced one liter more milk per day. Because the cows were stronger and healthier than others, they became pregnant faster. The calves of these cows weighed more and were healthier at birth. Chickens and turkeys laid more eggs, and the geese became more plump.

Magnetized water in medicine

About 70% of the human body is water. Every month, almost all the water in the body is replaced with new water, so you should expect corresponding phenomenal results from drinking magnetized water with phenomenal properties. Based on the increase in the dissolving properties and fluidity of magnetized water, its bactericidal and other unusual properties, it is logical to assume that a powerful cleansing of the body should occur with regular use of magnetic fluid: the liver and kidneys from stones, the spine and joints from salts, blood vessels from salts and fats, and, finally, the intestines from toxins and the body as a whole from harmful microbes.

Experiments conducted over a century and a half by doctors and physicists have indeed shown that drinking water treated with a magnet increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, and reduces arterial pressure, improves metabolism, promotes the removal of small stones from the kidneys, slows down skin aging, hair loss and normalizes weight. Positive results The use of magnetized water with medicinal effects in our country was discovered in the early 60s. A young science, magnetobiology, is currently studying this issue.

The essence of the biophysical process that occurs when magnetized water is taken orally is that water, when it enters the cavities of the body, is destructured and loses its “magnetization” with the release of previously accumulated energy. Quanta of the released magnetic energy are absorbed by surrounding cells, and magnetically dependent reactions are activated in them. This has a positive effect on metabolism. There is a replenishment of magnetic energy, usually supplied to the body from the Earth's magnetic field.

According to Professor Lane (Israel Institute of Technology), since magnetized water increases the solubility of minerals, it improves the supply of the entire body nutrients, which has a positive effect on the general condition of a person. For many years, practitioners in India, Japan, Russia and other countries have successfully used magnetized water to treat various diseases, restore impaired metabolism, increase overall energy levels and improve people's health.

In one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, patients suffering from kidney and gallstone diseases drank magnetized water, and it helped wash out salts and small stones. By chemical composition these stones are oxalate, phosphate or urate salts with layers of mucous substance. The stones grow irregular shape, have sharp corners and edges. Magnetized water smoothes stones, causing them to crack and grind. The size of the liver shrinks and the gallbladder becomes less rigid. All this helps reduce pain.

Magnetized water generally strengthens the immune system and has proven effective in treating colds, flu, and coughs. Regular consumption of fresh water prevents the build-up of the cholesterol layer in the arteries and their hardening (which can lead to increased blood pressure), and helps maintain normal heart function. It also alleviates asthma and many other diseases.

Candidate of Medical Sciences R.I. Mikhailova at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry found that irrigation (rinsing) with magnetized water helps remove tartar, eliminate periodontal disease, and treat phlegmon. Magnetized water prevents the formation of dental plaque, cleanses the enamel of soft plaque, and stops bleeding gums.

S.I. Dovzhansky (Saratov) has achieved significant success in using this water for various skin diseases.

Magnetized water at home

We admire not only the healing qualities of magnetized water, but also the ease with which these qualities are acquired. As soon as ordinary water crosses the magnetic lines of force, it becomes “living water” for a day. To obtain magnetized water at home, you will need an ordinary watering can and two magnets that attract each other and are attached to the spout of the watering can. By pouring ordinary water through such a device, you will get magnetized water. If you want to enhance its properties, the procedure can be repeated several times.

A simple way to magnetize water is to hold containers of water on two poles of magnetic disks with a magnetic field strength of approximately 3000 Gauss. Neodymium magnets are rightfully considered the ideal magnets for producing magnetized water. Magnetic material Mc1ReB can rightfully be called a material of the 21st century. It absorbed all the achievements in the development of permanent magnets, the enormous efforts of large and small scientific teams and broke all records magnetic characteristics. The magnetic field of a neodymium magnet significantly extends much further in space than the field of conventional magnets.

You can constantly keep the container on the magnet while adding water. It is not recommended to immerse magnets in liquid; they should be outside dishes. Water magnetization sessions should be carried out away from the refrigerator and other household electrical appliances.

Whether the water is “northern” or “southern” depends on which pole of the magnet faces the vessel with water. It is believed that “northern water” has a great disinfecting effect and is used to treat infections (flu, inflammation of the eyes, ulcers on the skin). "Southern" - has powerful stimulating properties and is used more often when overworked. According to experts, it is best to use mixed water, as it increases vital energy and strengthens the body. Such water is obtained by placing a magnet under a glass with the north pole facing up and covering the glass with a lid with the magnet facing downwards with the south pole.

In my opinion, to obtain magnetized water, it is most optimal, simple and cheap to use two ordinary lids, which are used to seal jars when canning, and two neodymium magnets in the form of disks coated with nickel. Their diameter to ensure the required magnetic field induction of 3200 Gas will be 11.5 mm, thickness - 3 mm.

If such a magnet disk is placed edge-on, for example, on a plate with a drop of sunflower oil, the magnet will turn around and point its north pole at the geographic north pole of the Earth. With this plane, the disk should be magnetized from the inside to the iron cover, exactly in the center.

The second magnet needs to be magnetized on top of the same cover, and the second cover on top of the magnet. If we now divide the lids so that they have magnets on the bottom inside, we will get a stand and a lid for a 250 g glass, in which you can get magnetized water of your own in 10 minutes. High Quality.

To receive in pure form"South" water magnet from the base cover should be turned over. To obtain northern water, turn the magnet over in the lid that covers the glass.

The usual dose for adults is 250 g of mixed magnetized water in the morning on an empty stomach, the course is 10 days. Then gradually move on to increasing the dose to 3 glasses per day. For inflammation, take “northern” water, and for severe fatigue, take “southern” water. It is recommended to carry out treatment and prevention 2-3 times a year for 1 month.

The benefits and harms of magnetized water is a highly debated topic, full of myths and contradictions. Some people are skeptical about any magnetic therapy, considering it a pseudo-treatment and a way for charlatans to make money. Others call the magnetized liquid living water and consider it a panacea, without even knowing what properties it has. We will try to explain to you how such water affects the human body, understanding its physical, chemical and biological properties.

Magnetized water is a collection of molecules whose structure and placement are controlled by a magnetic field. Structural elements liquids, including minerals, are placed along magnetic lines, forming a regular crystal lattice, which fully corresponds to the structure of water from natural sources.

The fact is that our planet is one big magnet, so the water in rivers and lakes is already magnetized to some extent. This liquid is found in the cells of living organisms and acts as a medium and catalyst for many metabolic reactions. Therefore, magnetized water is just a liquid that has been returned to its correct natural structure.

About the benefits of magnetized water

From physics lessons we know that water has a chaotic structure, since its molecules are subject to entropy and move randomly. In a living organism, such a liquid penetrates membranes poorly, and its catalytic properties will be low. Since structural particles move in a certain direction under the influence of a magnetic field, they quickly penetrate cell membranes and accelerate biochemical reactions, increasing metabolism. Also, the acceleration of metabolic processes is explained by the partial loss of water’s magnetization when it enters the body. This leads to the release large quantity energy that is absorbed by living cells and used for endothermic reactions.

It has been observed that with regular consumption of magnetic water, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the amount of cholesterol decreases;
  • the process of removing stones from the urinary system is accelerated;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • the condition of the skin improves, its elasticity increases, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the process of hair loss slows down;
  • the condition of the joints improves, the risk of developing arthritis and rheumatism decreases;
  • immunity increases, as the magnetic field activates oxygen molecules, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Using magnetized water for hygiene procedures

Magnetic water is useful not only when taken internally, it is also recommended for external use. It is known that after taking a bath with magnetic water and salt, a person’s health improves. This procedure helps to normalize work nervous system, cheer up, relieve fatigue, and improve sleep.

If you use magnetic water in hygiene procedures for the oral cavity, you can reduce the risk of developing caries. This is explained by the increased amount active forms oxygen in liquids that kill bacteria on teeth. Also, magnetized water helps remove plaque from tooth enamel, improve the condition of gums and even cure periodontal disease.

About the dangers of magnetic water

Unfortunately, there are no medications without side effects and contraindications. In our case, oncologists add a fly in the ointment, arguing that magnetic water can cause the acceleration of tumor development, since such a liquid accelerates metabolic processes not only in normal cells, but also in cancer cells.

Magnetized water should not be consumed by people who have the first stages or suspicion of cancer.

Also, the negative effects of magnetized liquid include accelerated aging of the body. It is known that people whose metabolism is slightly slower stay young longer.

Nevertheless, the benefits of magnetic water are much greater than the harm. But due to contamination of natural sources, drinking natural magnetic water is no longer safe. Therefore, you need to know how to magnetize water at home.

Getting magnetic water at home

It is not difficult to endow water with magnetic qualities. It is only necessary for the liquid to be exposed to magnetic field lines. This can be done using regular magnets, but there are also special devices. Magnetic water is obtained at home using the following devices:

  • magnetic sticks;
  • magnetic stands;
  • magnetic transducers;
  • devices for magnetic therapy.

Each device has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you must decide for yourself which one is right for you.

Magnetic sticks

You can prepare magnetized water with your own hands using such a simple device as a magnetic stick. Sticks are made from various materials, but the most common products are from food grade plastic or medical steel, inside of which there is a magnet. To magnetize water, you need to lower the stick into a glass of clean, unboiled water and periodically stir the liquid with it.

Magnetic sticks are convenient due to their compactness and ease of use. You can take them with you on a trip and use them anywhere at any time. The disadvantages include the relatively long time it takes to magnetize water in this way.

Magnetic stands

Magnetic stands are very popular due to their low cost and relative ease of use. This method is suitable for those who keep magnetic water in separate special vessels. The container with liquid must be placed on the device for constant exposure of the magnetic field to the water. In this case, it is necessary for the water molecules to move in a magnetic field, so the liquid in the vessel should be stirred with a spoon and left. The disadvantages of this method include the duration of the magnetization process (at least an hour), during which you cannot take or add water to the vessel.

Magnetic transducers

Magnetic converters are very convenient to use, as they allow you to immediately use water that has been influenced by magnetic lines. Such devices are similar to water filters; they are also installed on water pipes– and the water from the tap comes already magnetized. Such a device can be installed both in private homes and in apartment settings. TO additional benefits magnetic converters can be attributed to their increase in service life cleaning systems for water.

Devices for magnetic therapy

Special devices for magnetic therapy can most often be found in medical institutions. The fact is that they need to use protection against voltage surges, as well as grounding. Therefore, such devices are completely immobile. The advantages include their effectiveness and long service life.

Magnetic water should be drunk immediately, as it loses its properties when heated, sudden movements, or interaction with environment and just over time.

The effect of magnetic treatment on water: Video

There are topics that you can talk about forever. Moreover, even after the end of the discussion, you still will not have confidence that the conclusion you came to is the only true and correct one. One of these topics is the topic of magnetic water treatment. It is noteworthy that they periodically forget about it in order to then, with renewed vigor, begin to discuss the sensations of last year.

Now in scientific circles a period of remission has begun to discuss the topic of the possibilities of magnetic treatment of water and what such treatment gives us. We decided not to stay away from the “hot” topic and not only talk about what such magnetic wave treatment of the most important liquid in human life is, but also talk about the benefits and harm that this procedure can bring.

So, the publication will contain a lot scientific terms, but don’t let this scare you - we will still try to present such lofty truths in an easy-to-read and accessible form, so that at the end of the publication you will still have your own opinion regarding this issue...

History of magnetic water treatment

How did it all begin? – this is precisely the question that needs to be answered in order to understand why scientists today have come to such conclusions. And, it all started with the fact that in the 60s of the last century, officials of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the Ukrainian SSR, tired of being scattered with small experiments in the field of magnetic water treatment, decided to conduct a global experiment in order to put an end to this question and finally decide - does magnetic treatment really affect water and does such water become useful?.

To do this, they chose not just another laboratory platform, but the entire Starobeshevo State District Power Plant, in the Donbass. Why this particular place? There surface water is distinguished by strong mineralization, which in turn affects the rapid processes of overgrowing of special condenser pipes in turbines with mineral deposits. At that time, the state district power plant had 4 turbine units and 2 capacitor halves. In front of one of these units, it was decided to install a magnetic device that emits waves of the required strength and intensity. With its help, 1/8 of the volume of all water that was cooled was supposed to be magnetized.

Imagine the surprise of the scientists and participants in the experiment when, after installing such a magnetic apparatus and recording the first results of the experiment, reports showed that the intensity of such mineral deposits decreased significantly, and not only in the half of the capacitor where the magnetic emitter was installed, but also in everyone else. These are miracles! Scientists here have already rushed to skim the cream of the experiment in their favor - they managed to magnetize all the water, and generally improve the water-chemical composition of this water. But skeptics did not share their jubilation and found their own explanations for what happened, and - very banal - people steel, which contained phosphates, and their property of acting as anti-scale agents is very well known to science.

This spoon in the ointment slightly poisoned the scientists’ moment of glory, but... they hastened to conduct another experiment, and this time the main roles in it were assigned to the same magnetic equipment, but instead of water it was decided to use... concrete. Thus, water for preparing concrete or liquid concrete itself was passed through magnetic emitters, and then the resulting characteristics of such concrete were analyzed. But, in laboratory conditions, the results were somewhat contradictory, therefore, scientists decided to go for a global experiment again. This time, magnetic emitters were installed at one of the capital's mortar factories, where all the ingredients for preparing concrete were mixed. And, another triumph awaited the scientific team -

the characteristics of magnetic concrete were stronger, and such concrete hardened faster - it seemed that instead of an ordinary mortar, an elite one was poured.

But even here, the envious people of science did not stand aside and rather caustically noted that such a high quality of concrete could have been achieved earlier if all production technologies had simply been followed.

Magnetic water treatment and impact on productivity

The results of these experiments took place about 30 years ago. Then it was proven that

Irrigation of agricultural crops with magnetized water increases productivity.

Hundreds of farmers, and even ordinary amateur gardeners, immediately began to magnetize water, and cunning businessmen immediately launched a production line of special nozzles for irrigation faucets, in which magnets were built in to magnetize water. By the way, such miracle devices can still be found in markets and some still firmly believe that they help reap a large harvest.

Although, if we recall the practical confirmation of this theory, which resulted in an increase in productivity by 30%, then, in any case, I really want to believe in it. True, if it were all so simple and accessible, then why is this technology not widely used in the fields of the country and we still complain about lean years? Would the state really miss such an opportunity?

Most likely, the results of such an agricultural experiment were simply beneficial for someone (in particular, the manufacturers of such magnetic attachments for irrigation taps).

The truth about the processes of magnetization of water

Device for magnetizing water

So, what happens to water that is subjected to magnetization? Having found the answer to this question, we will finally be able to figure out whether there was a miracle or was it all just a manipulation of the facts?

The crystal research institute's results state that

magnetization of water is not able to affect the processes of crystal growth in it

- in other words, statements that were previously made that magnetic waves change the solubility of salts in water, change the crystalline form itself in the precipitated solid phase, lead to a change in the formation of scale formation processes- nothing more than a scientific fiction. Scientists wanted this to be so, but unfortunately it is not possible to confirm these arguments with an evidence base of facts. Moreover, even Nobel laureates talked about what

if the likelihood of such an impact could be assumed, then... the magnetic effect would be neutralized by other associated factors of influence (for example, thermal effects), therefore, the statement that magnetic treatment of water by 5% increases the possibility of heat transfer in heat exchangers is nothing more than a fiction ( Do you doubt it? The objectivity of these figures, as stated by scientists, was based on 10% measurement accuracy!!!).

More experiments were carried out and... even those who defended these theories stopped believing in the possibility of magnetic treatment of water and the ability of this water to change. This is probably why publications on this topic began to appear less and less often in scientific journals, because it is true that magnetic processing is nothing more than a myth - it did not look much like a scientific discovery...

Now many readers know that magnetizing water significantly improves its quality. In the natural environment, this occurs when water passes through layers of earth's rocks.

When charged with magnetic energy, it acquires many useful biological and chemical properties.

They activate the speed chemical reactions in the human body, metabolic processes improve health, give strength, and promote longevity. How to get magnetic water and how to take it.

I like the fact that the process of magnetizing water at home does not require additional costs or application chemical reagents. Water, being in an induction magnetic field, acquires biological activity that improves human health.

  • And what are the benefits of magnetic water, you will read.

How to get magnetic water at home

Magnetic water is easy and simple to make yourself, at home. After all, as soon as ordinary water crosses the magnetic lines of force, it immediately turns into magnetized water, healing properties which lasts up to 48 hours!

To prepare water, you will need a small plastic or glass funnel, to the spout of which two magnets are attached on opposite sides, with the sides attracting to each other.

Or you can put two magnetic rings on the spout. By passing water through a funnel, you will obtain magnetic water from ordinary water. If the magnets are small, then the magnetization of water can be enhanced by pouring water through the funnel several times. And you will spend only 2-3 minutes on this procedure.

Or use a purchased funnel with magnets built inside.

What magnets to use for preparing water

Ferrite magnets probably familiar to the older generation of people. These are ordinary black magnets, which contain, in addition to iron, cobalt oxide, strontium and barium. They are durable, do not demagnetize for a long time, are not expensive, and are not afraid of moist air. But they are very fragile and have a weak magnetic field.

Neodymium magnets replaced ferrite ones; they are made using iron, boron and neodymium. Neodymium is an expensive metal. They usually have a nickel coating on top. Neodymium magnets are more expensive, more durable, and have greater adhesive force compared to ferrite magnets.

To prepare magnetic water, it is better to use neodymium magnets, the magnetic material of which is considered a material of the 21st century. Today, these magnets are considered the best, with a more powerful and wider magnetic field.

How to determine the north pole of a magnet

To determine the pole of a magnet, use a compass. Slowly bring the magnet to it with the flat side, as soon as the needle stops shaking and settles down, look carefully: if the north compass needle turns towards the magnet, then this side of the magnet is south.

Also check the opposite side of the magnet, you will see that the South arrow of the compass has turned towards it. Make a mark on the magnet, marking its south and north poles.

Another method for determining the pole. Hang the magnet by a thread (there should be no metal objects nearby), the south pole of the magnet will turn to the south, and the north pole will point to the north.

And one more way to quickly determine the poles of a magnet. Place a drop on a plate vegetable oil and place the magnet on it edgewise, it will immediately turn its southern plane to the south, and its northern plane will point to the north.

Why do you need to know the poles of a magnet?

Considering the polarity of the magnet, we can prepare magnetic water either “south” or “north” or mixed.

Northern magnetic water. According to scientists, “northern water” has bactericidal and disinfecting properties. Typically, this water is used to treat viral infections, infectious skin diseases, and inflammatory eye diseases.

"Southern Water" often used when losing vitality body, overwork, it has stimulating properties.

Mixed water or "south-north" . Of course, it is better to prepare mixed water, which would improve health and add energy.

How to determine magnetic field induction

To obtain healing water, it is necessary to keep it between two poles, with a magnetic field strength = 3200 Gauss. How to determine magnetic field induction? Magnetic induction is defined in teslas (T) and gassles (Gs) - the names come from the names of the scientists who discovered them (1 Gs = 10 -4 T.)

This is to general information, since I noticed that in some sources the induction of a magnet is expressed in T, in others - in G, I thought that there was an error hiding somewhere and began to look into it. It turned out that both were correct.

In order not to delve into the physical jungle, people far from physics are offered a simple method for selecting a magnet with a magnetic field induction of 3200 Gauss. It turns out that magnets can be selected according to diameter and thickness. So, an induction of 3200 Gauss will be created by 2 neodymium magnets, diameter = 11.5 mm and thickness = 3 mm.

How to make high quality mixed water

Now, armed with some knowledge, let’s prepare magnetic water according to science. For this, we will need two neodymium magnets with the pole marks described above.

Place one magnet on the table so that its south pole is at the bottom and its north pole is at the top. Place a glass of 250 ml water on it. Cover the glass with a regular canning lid with a magnet facing the water at the south pole.

This is science, it took a long time to describe everything, but to do it homemade device, to obtain magnetic water is very simple. After 10 minutes, with this magnetic field induction, high quality water is ready for consumption.

Now you know how to get “northern” magnetic water? That's right, you need to turn the magnet on the lid over with a different plane. And if you need “southern” magnetic water, then turn over the magnet that lies under the glass.

In our house we only had ferrite magnets with a weak magnetic field. Therefore, I decided to prepare magnetic water, keeping it for 1-2 hours. To make the glass on the magnet stand more firmly, do this: cover the bottom magnet with a lid and cover the glass with a second lid with a magnet:

In general, experts do not recommend using metal when magnetizing water, since the magnetic field is discharged. But in the case of neodymium magnets (d = 11.5 mm), since their diameter is small, the metal cover helps distribute the magnetic field over the entire surface of the glass. Therefore, powerful diohm magnets are recommended for magnetization.

When magnetizing water, magnets should not be immersed in the water; they should be on the outside of the glass. Try to keep your water magnetization device away from household electrical appliances.

How to take water

The healing properties of magnetic water last for two days. There is no need to store water for future use. It is better to add it as it is used up into a container located under the magnetic power lines.

Magnetic water is taken on an empty stomach, a few minutes before meals; you can drink water during meals. You need to drink up to 1.5 to 2 liters of magnetized water per day, 4-5 times a day. Water is taken in courses of up to 1 - 1.5 months. After a break is taken, it is recommended to conduct 2-3 courses per year.
If you have stones in the kidneys or gall bladder, drink magnetic water in small portions. Here, for example, is how Professor V. Klassen recommends taking water for kidney stone disease, both for the purpose of prevention and treatment: three times a day, on an empty stomach, take 150 ml of magnetic water. The course of treatment is one and a half months.

For the purpose of prevention, to support the body, the amount of water taken can be reduced.

Now on sale you can find various devices and devices for magnetizing water, the simplest of them: magnetic funnels, mugs, stands, which are not expensive.

Of the listed devices, mixed magnetic water can only be obtained using two magnets.

Health to you, dear readers!

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Until now, many scientists are arguing whether drinking magnetic water is beneficial or not? The majority prevails. I also carefully studied the material, which indicated the need to use such water in the daily diet.

How is it useful?

    promotes normal heart function

    reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and liver

    improves metabolic processes

    lowers a person's blood pressure

    supplies the body with nutrients

    promotes the removal of salts from the body

    strengthens the immune system, effective against colds

    rejuvenates skin cells, slows down the aging process

    normalizes a person's weight

    promotes wound healing

    stops hair loss and activates dormant hair follicles.

Magnetic mug in my home

Magnetic mug is one of the effective means strengthening the immune system. Any liquid that is in a magnetic mug is exposed to a magnetic field, reduces fatigue and the risk of disease, and increases life expectancy. Regular consumption of such liquid helps to increase the iron content in the blood, reduces the deposition of calcium and cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, saturates tissues with oxygen, and cleanses the kidneys, liver, and intestines.

The main effect of the magnetic mug, which I bought into, was the fact that the principle of structured water is effective in treating hypertension - blood vessels are cleansed, as a result of which pressure decreases. Since my grandmother is hypertensive, I try in all traditional and non-traditional ways to prolong her life, because even our parents cannot give the kind of love and care that our grandmothers give us.

I ordered this miracle mug online and it arrived within 3 days. It looks quite designer and interesting. I immediately took her to the village. Drinking water from this mug was easy. It only took 25-35 minutes to pour water into a mug and then use it as a drink. You could take it both in the morning and in the evening, but no more than 1.5 liters per day. The instructions describe the procedure for accurately determining the amount of water depending on the weight category. Treatment should last for two months, and then a mandatory break at the same interval. But if you yourself sometimes forget to do something, then what can we say about older people. Sometimes, of course, my grandmother skipped drinking the miracle water. But either age took its toll, or because my memory periodically deteriorated while taking water, the result was not effective. If he doesn’t take the pill, his blood pressure rises again in the evening.

I decided to further demonstrate the experiment on myself. Thank God, I don’t have any special problems with my health, but after giving birth my hair began to fall out terribly. There was so much left on the comb that I thought I would soon become bald. I drank the course, but “things are still there.” Maybe I was in a hurry, but I didn’t wait for a miracle - the effect was no longer, I resorted to proven folk remedies - egg yolk + honey, bought a couple of special hair concentrates and began to wash my hair with a special shampoo for strengthening hair. The effect became noticeable almost immediately; after a month, there was less and less hair left on the comb. I was pleased with this result.

For some reason, in my case, the magnetic mug did not help me. Maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know. You read the reviews, almost all are excellent. But if someone sees an error in my application, please write in response to my review. And on this moment, I just want to warn you against buying of this device. He did not live up to the hopes that were placed on him. And your immunity needs to be strengthened by a normal lifestyle with proper nutrition and playing sports. Be healthy, happy shopping!