Homemade inspection hatch for tiles from scrap materials. How to make a lid for a cellar: necessary materials for manufacturing, making a plug, installing hinges, selecting a handle How to make a wooden cellar hatch yourself

It is no secret that the presence of a basement under the floor of the first floor significantly saves space in the main room of the house. Waterproofing, external wall insulation, ventilation system - all this work allows you to maintain a constant temperature and humidity in the basement. In such a room you can not only store preserved food. If you install an insulated hatch in the basement, you can even equip it with a workshop or billiard room. Or take a swing at the bodega.

Having arranged the basement, you can refuse to build some outbuildings in the yard. Even at the stage of designing a house, you should decide whether yours will be. This room is not often used, like the attic. The entrance to it must be equipped with a tightly closing hatch. Then cold, humidity, odors, and noise will not penetrate from the room to the basement and vice versa. If you approach this wisely, you can install a hatch into the basement in any convenient location. The main thing is that the basement has a comfortable and safe entrance.

Important! IN open state The hatch cover should open almost to a vertical position. The comfortable opening angle is 90°.

The lid, opened at this angle, is easily held in place by spacers and latches. And when going down to the basement you can lean on it. In addition, it does not clutter up the space of the entrance itself and does not require extra space Around him.

All this applies to the hinged lid. Its advantages over removable, folding or folding options are obvious.

Advantages and features of various covers

As for the hinged lid, firstly, it does not require additional space to open, like a hinged one. When opened, it does not lie on the floor or rest on furniture. And the entrance to the basement can be located as close as possible to the wall.

Secondly, the hinged lid can be made to any size. Equip it with additional stiffeners and heat-insulating materials. Of course, a reinforced and insulated basement hatch will have more weight. But if it is equipped with a lifting mechanism, then even a child can handle it. Moreover, it will not need to be torn off from the frame and set aside, as is the case with the removable version of the lid. The removable hatch must be both lightweight and durable. Therefore, they are made in small sizes, at which the combination of strength and weight becomes optimal.

Thirdly, installing rollers on a folding basement hatch cover makes the structure heavier. IN open position folding doors take up more usable basement entry space than a hinged lid. In addition, folding the doors requires considerable effort.

Let's say it can be equipped with folding mechanisms and make the lifting process easier. But what to do with the technological gap between the sashes? Such a lid must have at least one additional seam at the border of the flaps. This seam will need to be protected from dirt getting on the hinges.

The optimal type of hatch for the basement is a floor-hinged hatch with one or two doors. The hatch should open fairly easily and not block the opening to the underground room. About the design features convenient hatch we will tell you below.

Dungeon Entry Materials

First of all, let's look at which components a hatch is being made. This is the frame of the opening and the lid itself. The frame must be fixed to the opening with anchors and have a recess for the cover. Then it lies flush with the frame and does not fall down.

What materials can be used to make a floor frame for the entrance to the basement? In principle, the choice is small - wood and metal. But the type of wood must be solid not only because the hatch will be part of the floor, but also so that moisture and condensation do not penetrate deep into the structure of the wood and do not affect it destructive influence. The frame for the cover is made of timber rectangular section eg 60 x 40 mm for better resistance for deflection, and the frame of the opening is made of a thick board, for example, 100 x 40 mm.

Important!For top cover a board with a thickness of at least 25 mm or plywood with a thickness of at least 12 mm is used.

Subsequently, it will be possible to cover the surface of the hatch with linoleum or laminate. You can also glue tiles onto plywood if the floor and the lid are in the same plane.

The space between the beams is filled with insulation and lined with a vapor barrier film. It is better to hem the bottom of the wooden lid with a galvanized sheet and bend its edges onto the sides of the frame.

Reinforced entrance

As construction material and metal can serve as an alternative to wood. A corner with a wall thickness of at least 4 mm is used for the outer frame, and profile pipe- for the base of the lid.

Advice! If floor covers are used in technical rooms, then it will be enough to weld the sheet on top of the pipe truss. All welds must be carefully ground.

A completely different attitude should be towards the hatch if you decide to equip it in a living space or, for example, in the kitchen. In this case, it must be installed exactly at the level of the subfloor. That is, directly on the screed. Then you can put tiles or other flooring material on top of it and veil its presence as much as possible.

The angle, pipe, sheet and other metal components of the hatch significantly make the overall structure heavier. If it is impossible to do without them structurally, then the product can be made technologically lighter. Ferrous metal is heavy and “morally” unstable to moisture. It begins to oxidize and rust. The solution nearby is to use aluminum for the frame. Excellent surface strength, frame rigidity and the most important thing for a basement - its anti-corrosion qualities.

The floor entrance to the basement is on the border of temperature and humidity. The wood must be treated with an antiseptic and covered with layers of varnish or drying oil. Black metal also does not like moisture. Therefore, painting in several layers with preliminary priming is mandatory. Aluminum is the most unpretentious material for a basement hatch.

Treasured hatch

So, we have come to the point that the ideal hatch into the basement should combine several qualities:

  • have an insulated lid, preferably a hinged type, so that a constant temperature and humidity are maintained in the basement;
  • have lifting mechanisms, hinges, stops and position locks to facilitate entry into the basement;
  • be made of aluminum (preferably) to protect against rust and save yourself from systematic painting or other surface treatment of the hatch cover and frame;
  • have a reinforced lid so that it is a full-fledged part of the ceiling and has the same finish as the rest of the floor in the room - linoleum, laminate, wood or tile;
  • have minimum dimensions 750 x 750 mm, so that a person can freely descend and ascend with a load in his hands.

However, to order or manufacture such a hatch, it is not enough to draw a drawing. You also need to have experience in creating such structures and know many of the subtleties.

Invisibility hatch

A floor entrance to a basement can be both reliable and safe. If you glue a tile on it, the same as on the rest of the floor surface, hide the hinges down and remove the handle, then closed hatch it will be difficult to see. However, not all so simple.

To begin with, the lid should have the shape of a trough, the upper edges of which are located flush with the surface of the frame corners. Reinforcement must be installed inside this trough, which creates a reinforcing mesh. After installing the hatch in the opening, it is necessary to fill the trough with concrete or cement mortar to the very level. Only after strengthening the lid with mortar can tiles or other flooring be laid. Without this procedure, the lid will sag under the weight of a person, and the material will crack.

When performing the tie, it is necessary to fix the tube opposite the lock key. Then you can insert a T-key through the tile and turn the latch. The same key can also serve as a handle for opening the hatch. People living in the house will not trip over the protruding parts of the hatch. The key hole can be hidden with a plug.

Invisibility hatch to the basement.

Advice! It is advisable that the master lay tiles on the floor in the entire room at once, and the seams fall on the edges of the hatch cover. Then no one except the owners will guess about the existence of the entrance to the basement.

A safe, beautiful, reliable and discreet hatch in a house with a basement is a technical highlight. You will always feel under your feet flat surface floor and absence of protruding elements.

Hatch into the basement under the tiles.

Additional comfort components

A story about a reinforced and insulated, perfectly smooth and invisible hatch to the basement would be incomplete without mentioning some of its features. First of all, it is smooth operation and the ease with which you can open it without any effort. This effect is achieved solely by equipping the lid with gas shock absorbers.

Manufacturers of hatches calculate the load of shock absorbers depending on the weight and size of the hatch. The hinges hidden under the front corner and the shock absorbers work in pairs. They simultaneously lift the lid, first straight up, and only then tilt it to the side to a vertical position.

Advice! If the outer edges of the tile or laminate are cut inward, then when opening the lid on gas shock absorbers, the facing surface will not rub at the joints with minimal gaps.

The hatch cover and frame must fit snugly against each other. This fit ensures rubber compressor along the entire contour. If you decide to make or design a similar hatch, then hood hinges and car trunk shock absorbers can be very useful to you.

Do it yourself, trust or explain to the master, or maybe buy ready product– it’s up to you to choose. As well as using it with pleasure.

DIY cellar hatch.

For a more convenient descent into such basements, it would be very good to make a special floor safe hidden hatch into the basement under the laminate - a device designed to provide convenient and safe access to the rooms located under the house.

Original disguise of a basement hatch

It is necessary to clarify that it is multifunctional and its presence has a number of positive qualities- in him all year round you can store old things, food and supplies, as well Building tools, household materials, kitchen utensils and other property, which allows you not to occupy extra room. In addition, storing things in the basement is much more convenient than in a shed, since they will always be in close proximity to you.

One of necessary conditions for the basement is to maintain the same indicators temperature regime throughout the year. This goal can be achieved if you correctly make a modern basement hatch for laminate flooring in compliance with all basic technologies, which will provide the basement with good thermal insulation.

Names of elements and design of the hatch to the basement

It is not at all necessary to make an insulated floor hatch in the basement under the laminate yourself; the corresponding order can be left in the welding shop. The only one possible problem lies only in the fact that a number of necessary building materials specialists may ask you to purchase them yourself, since they are not kept in workshops or construction warehouses.

It is best to purchase all materials taking into account some reserve, especially since all excess residues that are formed after construction will be returned to you along with the finished hatch.

Custom basement hatch option

So, in order to make a modern safe floor hatch for laminate flooring in a workshop environment you will need:

  • standard hinges for entrance doors;
  • lock with snap mechanism;
  • some metal corners;
  • metal pipe (for the frame);
  • steel or aluminum material in the form of sheets;
  • a metal rod, which will be required during the construction of the hatch to make a removable key handle;
  • plasterboard sheet;
  • conventional shock absorbers from a car;
  • metal nuts.

Read also

Installation of floors in a brick house

Also, the craftsmen in the welding shop will first need to make detailed diagram or draw an exact drawing in order to build a high-quality floor hatch in the floor under the laminate in the future.

It is virtually impossible to compose it from scratch yourself unless you have certain knowledge in the field of calculation permissible loads on metal structures and building design skills.

However, today you can find on the Internet whole line already finished projects hatches in the floor that are freely accessible. They are easy to partially modify or transform, taking into account individual preferences and wishes.

Making your own basement hatch

First, let's take a closer look at what requirements a safe basement hatch must meet if you decide to make it yourself, having previously drawn detailed drawing designs:

Before you begin installing the floor hatch that you decided to build yourself, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary tools and materials:

Original decor for a basement hatch in a wooden house

  • corners made of metal;
  • sheet metal material with an approximate thickness of 4-6 mm;
  • rubber;
  • welding machine and all related elements for its safe operation;
  • electrodes;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • tape measure or other measuring materials.

Before you begin directly building a hatch with your own hands, you first need to make a special frame. It must be built taking into account all proportions and technologies so that it is ideal for the overall design.

Construction and drawing of a basement hatch

To do this, using a welding machine from corners and other metal parts, you can design a blank for the main part of the hatch structure; its shape should look like a square or rectangle.

It is necessary to leave a small gap between part of the frame and the opening, which will be required for installing the sealing material. Optimal width The gap is about 5 mm.

On the further progress of work, you can make the following notes and give some general advice:

Details that you need to pay special attention to when making a basement hatch

Regardless of what you decide to do - order the manufacture of a hatch in a welding shop or make it yourself, you will need to adhere to the following general recommendations:

  1. When choosing metal corners, you should pay attention to the fact that they are strong enough, since this is the part that will take on significant loads. The best option is to use a corner with a thickness of at least 5 mm; such dimensions will allow it to maintain its geometry and not be subject to deformation even under very heavy loads.
  2. If, when installing the hatch, you are guided by car shock absorbers, you will need to make sure that the cover is securely fixed and does not fly out during operation, otherwise this may lead to various injuries.

    Example installed cover hatch with shock absorbers

    If the shock absorber cannot cope with pushing the cover out, the hatch door simply will not be able to open. Therefore, the power of the shock absorber must be carefully examined: when you turn the key, the cover must rise easily and smoothly. The power of shock absorbers, as well as their number, can be accurately determined only during test tests of the functioning of the structure. It is also necessary to correctly distribute their location so that the lid rises strictly at an angle of 90°, otherwise the mechanism will quickly become unusable during operation.

  3. Will need to find the right balance in location plasterboard panel. If the height is too low, the recessed lid will not open with the tile. If the height, on the contrary, is too high, then it will be above the floor surface.

    Scheme for installing a basement hatch

  4. It's best to use technology hidden installation loops by analogy with how it is done on vertical doors. However, with a basement hatch, a difficulty arises due to the fact that the door has a lining, the thickness of which can reach 1.5 cm. For this, it is necessary to take into account minimum requirements to the gap that will need to be left. The process requires separate study and calculation regarding the design of the loop, which qualified specialists can help with.
  5. All gaps should not have direct contact with other elements of the hatch when it is opened, otherwise this risks chipping the lining in the hinge area.

    Example of installation of fasteners

    When using the technology described above for installing hidden hinges, well-thought-out gaps must be formed with equal distances between the cladding elements.

  6. The ideal design is one that has a swing-front opening. In other words, the hatch cover should initially rise upward, and then move to the side. If you follow all the recommendations listed, you should get exactly the option that is considered the most reliable and will ensure the durability of your basement hatch.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if the hatch is manufactured and installed efficiently and correctly, it will save free space inside the living space, and with the proper approach, completely hide the presence of the descent, so as not to harm the design and decorative appeal of the living space. For many homeowners, this is a must.

It is rare to find a private house structure that does not have a cellar. It is in the cellars that a variety of products are stored, which the owners grew on their own land, and are happy to treat their neighbors in cold weather.

Housewives also store in the cellars pickles and other baked goods made with their own hands, which are the most important delicacy on the table in winter. But the presence of a cellar also implies the presence of a hatch leading into it. If you do not want to spend extra money, you will have to make a cellar hatch with your own hands.

Before you begin, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose the best location for the hatch and decide on its size. must match the build of the owners of the house. In any case, you should not make the hatch smaller than 750/750 mm, because otherwise it will be quite difficult to get out of the cellar with food.
  • Make sure there are supports on which your new hatch will rest. Ideally, there should be four such supports.
  • Also take into account such a parameter as the weight of the product. Not all household members will be able to open a heavy manhole cover. The strength of the woman or child may not be enough to hold her.

The light weight of the lid should not in any way affect its strength.

In order to build a lid that is both strong and light, you should use materials such as:

  • A layer of wood at least 2.5 cm thick.
  • plywood sheet at least 1 cm thick.

Tip: For greater reliability of the structure, you should thoroughly soak all the boards with drying oil.

Hatch construction

The price of a basement hatch becomes much lower if you build it yourself.

Materials and tools

In order to build a cellar hatch with your own hands you will need:

  • Hammer;
  • Nails;
  • Saw;
  • Ruler or tape measure;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Screws;
  • Pencil;
  • Drying oil;
  • Plywood;
  • Reiki;
  • Boards.

In order to outside The lid looked more pleasant if you covered it with linoleum. Before fixing the linoleum, be sure to let it rest well. The linoleum needs to be secured around the perimeter of the entire hatch cover using aluminum corners. This option exterior finishing The cover is quite practical and reliable.


An important element of the hatch design is the handle, which should provide ease of opening and closing the lid. If you screw a handle to the lid, even if it is very beautiful, it will cause inconvenience. Your household members will, without a doubt, constantly trip over the handle sticking out of the floor.

There are quite suitable designs, called drop handles. At correct installation such a handle, as the instructions say, it will not interfere at all. And if necessary, it will be easy to raise and lower.

For convenience, you can provide a removable handle. This design is especially suitable for families with small children. After all, the basement is not a place for games.


If you want the hatch cover leading to the basement to not only be removed, but to be able to open and close, then you should provide hinges. Absolutely any hinges can be used; even old hinges from the hood of a Soviet car will be a completely suitable material.

When installing your sunroof cover on car hinges, you will have the following benefits:

  • Easy opening. Car hinges are equipped with springs, which makes it easy to open even heavy lids.
  • Fixed position. The lid will remain open until you close it yourself. This eliminates the possibility of the hatch slamming shut under its own weight.

Installation of such hinges is carried out only when the springs are removed. To begin with, the hinges are installed from the bottom. After installation, the hatch opens completely and the hinges automatically fall into place.

Installation of the cellar cover

Installation of the cellar cover is carried out as follows:

  1. We make markings. To do this, place the finished hatch shell on the floor in the right place and outline it with a marker;
  2. Using a puncher, we make a hole in the ceiling 3 cm smaller than the markings made on the ceiling;
  3. Using a hammer drill, we make a neat concrete protrusion so that the cover frame fits flush into the ceiling;
  4. If the hatch design provides for the installation of anchors, we install the anchors;
  5. We seal the gaps between the frame and the ceiling with cement mortar from the inside of the cellar and from the outside.

If the hatch is installed after the floor covering has been laid, it should be disassembled around the planned opening.

Sealing and insulating the cellar

In order to seal the hatch and insulate it from noise and moisture, you will need insulation. As insulation of this kind, you can use ordinary door insulation, the price of which is low. But ordinary felt tape may also be suitable.

In any case, the use of insulation can save you from such unpleasant moments as:

  • Through the cracks in the hatch the house will always be warm;
  • When closing the hatch, the lid will not slam loudly;
  • If mold appears in the cellar, then insulation will relieve you of unpleasant odors.

If you decide to make a cellar hatch with your own hands, you should take into account even the smallest nuances.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to buy a factory-made cellar hatch or make it themselves. The main thing is that the structure being installed is reliable, durable and will please you for many years. The video in this article will help you see how to make a cellar lid with your own hands.

When arranging the entrance to the basement great importance has the reliability and quality of the hinges used; installation of elements that are not strong enough or cannot withstand loads leads to rapid loosening of the doors or complicates the process of opening them. If you have the correct drawing, installation is not a problem; mandatory conditions maintenance includes measures to extend service life: inspection, tightening, oil lubrication. You can purchase the necessary accessories at any hardware store, the frame and cover are in most cases made independently.

1. Stretched overhead hinges, fixed on one side of the hatch and on the floor or wall. The cost depends on reliability and decorativeness; maximum costs are observed when using forged types.

2. Hidden, mounted in the ceiling or internal frame and allowing the basement door to be brought to the same level as the floor covering. When choosing this option, the hole in the underground is easily covered with a carpet; only the owners of the house will know about it.

3. Driven mechanisms that automatically open and close heavy and massive hatches, most often metal. This variety, in turn, is divided into retractable and folding groups.

4. Pantographs that ensure sequential movement of hatches upward and only then to the side. When using such hinges, the edges of the door come out of the ceilings without problems, regardless of the thickness of the materials. The best results are achieved when they are installed on wooden structures and doors with two leaves.

5. Gas shock absorbers, closers and stops, simplifying the lifting of the hatch from the cellar and allowing it to be fixed in the desired position. The main advantage is the ability to lift heavy doors made of metal and wood by one person when they are positioned horizontally.

Regardless of the type, the fasteners used are subject to strict requirements in terms of withstanding weight loads, ensuring backlash and anti-corrosion protection. Hinges, like handles, are purchased with a reserve. For small manhole sizes (within 0.75-1 m2), two pieces installed closer to the corner are sufficient; in other cases, the axis is strengthened in the center. Actively used hatches require metal edging around the edges; this requirement is taken into account when selecting the backlash.

Description of the “Cellar” set

If you make and install it yourself, it’s worth buying a universal kit. Standard kit includes:

  • Gas shock absorbers (stops) with the required length and force (from 500 N and above).
  • Mounting brackets, including wall bracket.
  • Hidden hinges (left and right) with a bracket for a gas shock absorber and central ones without it.
  • A prefabricated lock consisting of a mounting and lifting plate, a locking part with a set of keys that simplify opening the hatch and lifting it.

The Cellar set can be purchased fully equipped, but in most cases not all of its parts are used. When installing a simple basement hatch without shock absorbers, the central hinges and lock are sufficient. Regardless of the selected configuration, the mount ensures free opening of the manhole with a minimum gap along its perimeter and thickness flooring up to 1.5 cm. Hidden or secret handles with brackets or ring are purchased separately. The cost of the parts included in the “Cellar” kit varies from 150 to 1500 rubles, they are characterized by: high quality metal and anti-corrosion protection.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a hatch with your own hands

Work begins with drawing up a layout of the lid, taking into account future furniture and passage locations; if possible, the entrance is arranged at the stage of building the house. To make a small structure, boards up to 40 mm thick are used, covered with moisture-resistant plywood; if intense load is expected, it is better to construct the frame from solid timber. All wooden elements pre-treated with drying oil, antiseptics or similar hydrophobic impregnation. Metal version It is recommended to make it from a sheet of steel from 3 mm and higher and the same corner; to insulate the underground, it is insulated with a sheet of foam plastic.

When making from wood, a simple procedure is followed: to subfloor a frame of 4 pieces of timber is nailed → a blank 1 cm smaller than the selected size is assembled from boards and plywood → regular hinged hinges are nailed on the basement side or shock absorbers are fixed → a hidden handle is cut into the right place → the lid is screwed at an angle of 90 ° and checked for jamming .

It is recommended to create wooden hidden hatches in multi-layers, top scores are achieved by making the first and outer layer of moisture-resistant plywood, padding along the edges of the sheathing and filling internal space insulation. A 1 cm gap is required.

Wooden varieties are easier to make yourself; you will need a welding machine and an angle grinder with appropriate discs. Step by step diagram The work includes: cutting out a door from metal in compliance with the exact dimensions → welding a corner around the perimeter of the hatch; if the area is large, it is fixed inside the structure as additional stiffening ribs → laying a sheet of foam plastic with a thickness no more than the height of the corner → fixing the insulation using thin steel and self-tapping screws. Next stage consists of welding and anchoring a metal frame, subsequently reinforced hinges and closers are mounted to one of the selected sides, and a sealing strip is installed to the other.

When arranging a manhole in the basement with simultaneous filling concrete floor There are no problems - to bring the hatch to the same level with the floor, it is enough to recess the frame a few mm deep. In this case it is more difficult to hide the handle; when making it yourself, it is simply welded to outside metal The exception is types that are closed flooring materials, they require a special approach to fastening fittings. All steel elements involved are necessarily coated with anti-corrosion primers or paints.

When carrying out hidden installation Special attention is given to markings. On metal structures, holes for future fastening are prepared in advance; all elements have exact dimensions, when working with wooden hatches knocked down or glued together, they are cut 5-10 mm smaller due to the risk of fiber swelling. During installation, a strip with a height that matches the size of the provided gap between it and the floor is placed under the end of the door. Screws or self-tapping screws are screwed in when the hinges are positioned at right angles. During fixation, the lid is opened and closed several times until a smooth movement is achieved, without jamming in any area. If necessary, the hinges are shifted and twisted, but under no circumstances should they be used in an incorrectly secured state.

To ensure safe and long-term service, a number of measures are taken even at the stage of constructing a hatch into the basement with your own hands.

1. In houses with children, protection is provided against accidental opening of the door; if necessary, a lock with keys is inserted into it.

2. The outer part of the cover is finished with the same materials as the rest of the floor. To bring the upper plane to the zero level, the type and thickness of the floor covering are determined in advance.

3. At least once a year, the rotating elements are treated with lithol or oil; with active use, this period is reduced. Both hinged and hidden hinges require lubrication; free access is provided from the cellar side or from above.

4. Measures are being taken to insulate the underground: the hatch is sealed around the perimeter and insulated.

5. If there is a high risk of damage to the floor covering, to prevent creases at the moment of opening, the edges of the tile or laminate facing the axial side are cut at an angle of 60°.

6. The risk of the cover being pressed into the basement is eliminated; the width of the corresponding supporting strips is at least twice the size of the gap or sealing layer.

7. Actively used horizontal hatches are reinforced at the edges with metal.

Temporary doors to the cellar can be secured using a piece of rubber or simple canopies. If it is impossible to purchase factory-quality products, they are fixed on hinges from the hood of the car with a spring mechanism. This option is also worth choosing when heavy weight or the need for frequent installation in the open position. Car shock absorbers successfully fix both wooden and steel varieties.

Possible mistakes

The main problems arise when bringing the upper plane level with the floor mark, especially when making a hatch under the tiles with your own hands. Erroneous actions include fixing the door or screwing the hinges before installing the floor covering or adjusting its position when the concrete has not yet hardened.

Opening and changing the fastening is only permissible if there is a stable frame: the heavier the structure, the stronger Negative consequences. Violations of installation and operation technology also include the lack of anti-corrosion protection for metal elements and anti-fungal protection for wooden elements, the use of weak hinges and ignoring the need for their lubrication.

Almost every owner of a private house builds a basement in his own home for storing canned goods, vegetables from the garden and other products. A reliable hatch into the basement allows you to provide reduced temperature And optimal humidity in the cellar. Often the entrance is located on the floor in the kitchen or hallway of the house.

The access to the cellar can be closed either with a full door or with a floor hatch. The second option is more acceptable because floor hatches save living space. The entrance to the basement should fit into the interior of the house and not stand out as a rectangular spot on the floor. An invisible floor hatch can hide the existence of a cellar from prying eyes. Such doors completely merge with the flooring in the room; often they do not even have handles or hinges installed on them.

Most hatches have rectangular shape, although if desired, you can install a semicircular door to the basement. In addition, the cover material varies. Doors are made of wood, plywood or metal.

Technical requirements

The choice of location for installing the manhole must be made based on following rules:

  1. The entrance should be located in an inconspicuous place, but not near a wall. This requirement is due to the fact that the perpendicular surface will prevent the hatch doors from opening.
  2. If the entrance to the basement is located in the kitchen, then it should be in a place where it is not planned to install any kitchen furniture. Open lid the hatch should not touch tables, cabinets and furniture elements.
  3. The door leaf must support the weight of a person. It is best to strengthen it with additional iron partitions or a frame.

The hatch in the floor must have dimensions that will correspond to the dimensions of the owner. The minimum area of ​​such a hole is 75x75 cm. With a smaller opening, lowering and removing food from the basement will be extremely problematic. It is worth immediately considering the shape and location of the handle.

The entrance to the cellar is equipped with special supports, on which shutters are subsequently installed. For safety, it is better to attach at least four posts.

The hole must be hermetically sealed, otherwise cold air will leak into the living space. In addition, the weight of the manhole cover should be taken into account. If it turns out to be too heavy, then it is equipped with special springs or an electric drive for more convenient operation.

Design Features

To attach a hatch to enter the basement, you can use ordinary door hinges. These are reliable fasteners that require a minimum of effort and cost. It is advisable to use them only for light wooden covers.

Another way to organize the entrance is to use hood hinges from the car in the hatch design. Spring-loaded latches allow you to secure the door in a stable position. Thanks to the lifting mechanism without special effort even a fairly heavy door opens.

Metal structure the door makes it not only strong, but also prohibitively heavy. In this case, the hinges must have shock absorbers. In addition, you can build something like a safe door using an electric motor and several aluminum pipes. But such a cover can only be opened if the engine is connected to a source of electricity.

Operation and care

The basement door requires periodic maintenance as it is exposed to strong temperature changes and exposure to high humidity. About once a year, the hatch hinges and shock absorbers should be thoroughly lubricated.

On wooden door From time to time, solutions are applied that repel moisture and prevent the development of fungus. The metal hatch should be cleaned of rust and painted.

How to choose material and type of construction

When constructing an entrance to the basement, the door material is selected based on its location. If the hole is installed in the corridor, and people will walk along it every day, then the cover is made of sheet metal to ensure reliability and safety.

If the choice of installation location falls on a remote corner of the kitchen, then you can make a door made of wood. This option will do, if parquet is laid on the floor or wooden plank.

In respect of design features It’s difficult to give universal advice. The most important thing is that the hatch cover does not interfere with movement around the room, supports the weight of the owners and does not attract attention.

Making a basement hatch with your own hands

For self-made wooden hatch to the basement with shock absorbers, we will need:

  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • brush;
  • screwdriver.

Necessary materials:

  1. flooring boards;
  2. timber for supports;
  3. plywood;
  4. nails, screws;
  5. hinges with shock absorbers and handle.

All work is performed in the following order:

  • First, from the side of the manhole, supports are nailed to the flooring of boards on which the lid will rest.
  • By using circular saw saw the boards into blanks, the length of which will be 0.5-1 cm less than the width of the hatch box.
  • A rectangle is cut out of plywood. Here you need to subtract 1 cm for the gaps between the door and the floor.
  • All wooden parts covered with drying oil, which repels moisture and prevents the development of fungus.
  • Laths for sheathing are stuffed onto a layer of plywood. A layer of insulation should be placed between the slats. Boards are attached on top of the slats.

It is important that the height of the hatch matches the height of the floor. It is advisable to select a material that will match the width and thickness of the boards laid on the floor. The manufacture of hatches of this design does not require large expenses or experience in construction.

Size calculation

Drawings of the entrance to the basement are drawn up individually. It is recommended to follow the standards when calculating the dimensions of the manhole.

Optimal size the hatch is 80x80 cm. In this case, the doors should be no more than 79x79 cm. It is better to choose a plywood sheet with a thickness of at least 10 mm, and a layer of wood - 25 mm. To make a metal hatch, you should use 1-3 mm sheet steel.

Features of installation under tiles

The best way hiding the hatch in the cellar is disguising it as tiles. For this purpose, the manhole cover is made in a special way.

A blank corresponding to the size of the hatch is cut out of sheet steel. Along its perimeter, corners are welded to form the sides. Reinforcement is welded inside the walls to form cells for the tiles. After installing the hatch, the solution is poured onto the fittings. Tiles are laid on top.