Which ceiling to choose in a summer kitchen? How to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. Suspended plasterboard ceilings

Which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen depends on the requirements of the interior, operating conditions of the room, and, of course, material capabilities. There are a lot of methods to suit every taste and budget.

The kitchen in most houses and apartments is a room with very difficult operating conditions. Cooking on a stove, even an induction one, creates noticeable temperature changes over a very small area. Water and evaporation provide high level humidity, which has a destructive effect on finishing materials. Specific contaminants - soot, grease, dyes - make cleaning difficult.

So the kitchen should be decorated not only modern and beautiful, but also practical, otherwise all the attractiveness ceiling decoration will quickly disappear.

The photo shows a two-level kitchen ceiling made of plasterboard.

To remain clean and aesthetically pleasing, finishing requires materials that meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to steam and high humidity– steam, reaching cool ceiling surface, condenses and then slowly evaporates. Accordingly, a ceiling that is not resistant to moisture will not last long in such conditions;
  • salt resistance– having evaporated, the condensate leaves behind salts dissolved in water. And these substances easily corrode unstable materials;
  • In addition, in the kitchen the surface encounters other types of steam and volatile substances: grease and soot. So you need to install the ceiling from materials that do not absorb dirt and grease and are easy to clean;
  • temperature changes have the least impact on the condition of the ceiling, but this factor still needs to be taken into account;
  • maintainability– due to the local action of various factors, the ceiling experiences an uneven load: overheating above the stove, excessive humidity above the sink, cooling near the window. Accordingly, the finish is also destroyed unevenly. It is recommended to make the ceiling in the kitchen such that it can be easily repaired, restored or replaced parts of the finish.

Finishing work

This category includes finishes that do not change the height of the room. Such materials are usually very affordable, but can be very decorative and interesting. Which ceiling is best for the kitchen is determined by the design and capabilities of the owner.

Whitewashing is the traditional and simplest finishing method. A lime mortar or chalk mortar is used.

Advantages of the method:

  • whitewashing has the most affordable cost;
  • the finishing ceiling layer is vapor-permeable, which eliminates the need for additional ventilation;
  • This type of repair is easy to do yourself.


  • whitewashing does not hide irregularities, cracks, rusts, and so on;
  • the finish does not withstand humidity and high temperatures, so it is not suitable for the kitchen;
  • The repairs made will not last long; in a year the next whitewashing will be needed.

Painting is an equally popular option. It is more attractive because, firstly, you can choose waterproof paints, and secondly, the color range of paints is much wider.

Finishing advantages:

  • the paint tolerates high humidity better;
  • not all, but some paint coatings noticeably more resistant to wear, which allows you to wash the ceiling;
  • You can not only paint the surface with one shade, but also create contrasting color transitions, ornaments, and a large image.

Disadvantages of the option:

  • the paint is more stable, but does not differ in durability - repairs will be required in 2-4 years;
  • the coating is not resistant to leaks from above;
  • paint can hide minor defects, but it cannot handle rust and cracks.

Plaster is included in almost all finishing works. However, there are also decorative plasters, which in themselves are aesthetic. The following photo offers an idea of ​​the attractiveness of this solution.

Advantages of plaster over other ceilings:

  • the material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • making a kitchen ceiling with your own hands is no more difficult than painting it, and the durability of this option is noticeably higher;
  • the plaster layer is vapor permeable and perfectly absorbs excess moisture;
  • The material can be washed countless times.


  • alas, such a ceiling absorbs grease and dirt, so you have to wash the surface often;
  • the finish absorbs odor;
  • A leak from above will render the ceiling completely unusable.

Wallpapering. The option can be very interesting, thanks to the large selection of patterns and colors, but for the kitchen, in general, this is not the best option.


  • wallpaper hides minor surface defects;
  • affordable cost even in the case of special types of finishing;
  • partial repair is possible.


  • hot air acts not so much on the wallpaper as on the glue, softening adhesive layer, so the wallpaper begins to peel off quite quickly;
  • using washable wallpaper– vinyl, you will have to take care of additional ventilation;
  • a leak will require replacing at least part of the trim.

False ceilings

In this case, the finishing material slightly changes the height of the room and in some cases requires the construction of an additional base.

The ceiling can be made of panels. For the kitchen, this is the most optimal budget solution, since plastic has many advantages. The panels can be mounted both on the ceiling surface and on the lathing.


  • plastic is resistant to moisture, steam, water, humidity and leakage from above do not affect the finish;
  • the material tolerates large temperature changes;
  • panels are produced by ourselves different widths, colors and even shapes. Plastic can be either plain or patterned;
  • plastic absorbs little grease, soot and colored dyes, so it’s easy to clean.


  • the material burns, and when high temperature deformed;
  • plastic is vapor-proof; additional ventilation will be required in the kitchen.

Drywall. It is better to make it and then finish it to your liking, as this material creates an ideal base. The greatest attractiveness of drywall is provided by its gigantic decorative possibilities. The ceiling in the kitchen can only be made of waterproof plasterboard.

Advantages of the solution:

  • plasterboard is non-flammable and does not support combustion;
  • the quality of the material allows you to create both single- and multi-level surfaces of any degree of complexity;
  • the plasterboard base is perfectly smooth and even, completely covering all imperfections of the base surface;
  • the material can be plastered, painted, covered with wallpaper, panels, tiles, and so on.


  • it is necessary to arrange the sheathing. The more complex the solution, the more complex the structure of the frame;
  • Drywall cannot be washed. A painted ceiling is possible if waterproof paint was used.

Suspension systems

The design of such ceilings is much more complex and involves the construction of a frame. Used for this purpose only metallic profile, since wood is less resistant to moisture and is not suitable for such a durable material. It’s much more difficult to do it yourself.

The structure of the frame is determined by the type of finish. So, for example, for a structure under plasterboard sheathing, you can do it yourself. But for a slatted frame, a very specific frame is required: the master making the ceiling must calculate the structure to specific dimensions.

The design for plasterboard - strictly speaking, is already suspended and has all the advantages listed above. Another plus is added to them: the suspension system effectively hides not only the imperfections of the ceiling surface, but also all communications: ventilation, pipes, lighting.

What kind of ceiling to make under very harsh operating conditions? Of course, from metal slats. This material is ideal for the kitchen.

The photo shows the finishing with metal slats.


  • Aluminum slats are absolutely insensitive to corrosion. Steel is protected by a layer of zinc and polymer coating. The material is absolutely resistant to water and steam;
  • metal does not burn, does not mold, does not rot, which is confirmed by expert reviews;
  • slats can have not only their typical metallic color and shine, but also any other shade and even reproduce a pattern;
  • metal absorbs absolutely nothing, so washing it is a pleasure;
  • this is the most durable option of all possible;
  • slats can take and hold different shapes, so a multi-level design is quite accessible.


  • Apart from the relative high cost, no shortcomings were identified in the material.

– no less suitable option for kitchen. It’s even difficult to say which is better - rack or tension, since the first is very durable, and the second is extremely decorative.

Advantages of the material:

  • the framework for the system is much simpler. At the same time, a multi-level structure can also be created;
  • the decorative possibilities of the film literally have no limits: any color, any texture, any image, any volumetric effect;
  • the tension fabric is absolutely resistant to water, even a leak from above will not harm it;
  • the fabric can be partially removed several times and re-tensioned after a leak;
  • Maintenance is easy, since the film does not absorb dirt and grease.


  • the film is easily damaged mechanically, so be careful when washing;
  • Self-installation is not possible, since installation requires special equipment.

How to make a ceiling in the kitchen depends on the selected material, the configuration of the base ceiling surface and operating requirements. If durability and water resistance are important, for example, stretch fabric is also suitable. If you want the simplest option, you can paint the surface or sheathe it with panels.

Several decades ago such questions could not even arise. There were only two ways to decorate the ceiling - whitewashing and painting with water-based paint. Today everything is much more complicated. There are several ways to design a ceiling and a wide variety of materials. To answer the question: “Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen?”, you need to know about all the disadvantages and advantages of certain coatings. We will study them in our article.

Ideal ceiling

Apartment renovations must be taken very seriously. This is especially true for such a complex room as the kitchen. To choose the right finishing material, you need to know what characteristics an ideal kitchen ceiling has. It should be:

It is not easy to select a material that meets all these requirements, but it is possible. Today, there are several ways to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. Customer reviews indicate that from modern materials It is quite possible to produce a high-quality and modern ceiling. These include:

  • plasterboard ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • structures made of polystyrene foam boards;
  • ceilings covered with wallpaper;
  • painted.

Slat ceilings

They are assembled from individual slats. The design can be open or closed. In the second case, narrow inserts are used that close the gaps between the slats; in the first option, the ceiling is mounted without them. The slats are produced in lengths of 3 and 4 meters. Their width can be different - from 9 to 20 cm. But the most popular are slats with a width of 10 cm.

Advantages of slatted ceilings

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Suspended structure (communications can be hidden).


  • Reducing the height of the room by 10 cm.
  • Impossibility of partial dismantling.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen

This solution to the “ceiling” issue has many opponents, but there are also many supporters. Using plastic panels on the ceiling in the kitchen, you can create a very original interior premises. Reviews from apartment owners indicate that this is a very affordable method. The material for it is inexpensive, and installation is quite quick.

This design has very significant drawbacks that cannot simply be ignored. As many designers note, such a ceiling emanates “visual cold” - what looks good in an office is not always suitable for an apartment.

An even more serious drawback is the short service life. Kitchen fumes and soot quickly disfigure the glossy beauty.

Stretch ceiling for the kitchen

The production technology of this model is to stretch PVC film onto metal carcass. A suspended ceiling for the kitchen is just a godsend for designers. It has great aesthetic potential. It can be completely smooth or be a whole cascade consisting of several levels. Given that correct installation, this design has no service life limitation. Stretch ceilings are not afraid of leaks.

Such designs are divided into two categories: standard (having seams) and seamless. The last option is a new type of ceiling made of synthetic fabric (polyester), which has very high strength. In this case, the material can be impregnated with polyurethane on both sides. Seamless stretch fabrics have a width of up to five meters.

Like any structure, a ceiling of this type has disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to install. It is impossible to make such a ceiling with your own hands - special equipment and certain skills in this work are required.
  2. Restrictions on the type and power of lamps that are built into the ceiling - these must be halogen lamps with a power of no more than 35 W.
  3. Difficulty of maintenance - it is quite difficult to remove fat from the surface of the ceiling.

According to reviews from owners, they are quite satisfied with suspended ceilings. Photo (for kitchen with high ceilings) clearly demonstrates that they can become a real work of art.

Painted ceilings

If you are haunted by the question: “What is the best ceiling to make in the kitchen?”, then you should know that painted ceilings are still relevant. Designers recommend making such a ceiling if the height of the room is small. Painting is recommended if the surface is flat and smooth, and also if the intended design does not include suspended structures.

The advantages of such a ceiling include, first of all, ease of manufacture. Modern paints For interior work easy to apply, do not have an unpleasant, pungent odor, so it is easy to work with them.

It is impossible not to note the hygienic properties of such a ceiling - covered with high-quality water-based paint, it “breathes”. If the base surface is prepared perfectly, then when you finish the job you will get a beautiful and tidy surface.

Plaster and whitewash

There is no cheaper way to quickly and efficiently update the ceiling. All you need is a bucket, a brush, water and some lime. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account that you will have to whitewash the ceiling often. Soot and grease cannot be washed off from such a ceiling. Over time, lime deposits will form that will have to be cleaned off.

Ceiling wallpaper

When choosing which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you should consider this option. More recently, this method of decorating the ceiling has been very popular. Of course, we mean washable wallpaper - ordinary paper samples will lose their attractive appearance in just two to three months.

This finish is quite easy to work with and is inexpensive; moreover, thick wallpaper can hide minor surface imperfections. Keep in mind that light, plain samples can only be used on a perfectly flat surface. If you need to hide some small defects, choose wallpaper with a contrasting pattern. It is advisable that there are no symmetrical elements on it.

Vinyl wallpaper is easy to clean with soapy water. However, despite the obvious advantages of such ceilings, there are also serious disadvantages. Washable wallpaper is a rather heavy material. Even when using very high-quality glue, over time they begin to come off, especially where hot fumes rise upward.

Ceiling tiles

When thinking about the question: “Which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen?”, you should not discount such a recently popular method as using polystyrene tiles. Today this method is gradually becoming a thing of the past, although it is still popular due to its very affordable price. Tiles can hide quite significant defects in the ceiling.

The disadvantages of this coating include the porosity of the material, therefore it is not easy to wash. Many people believe that the appearance of such tiles does not meet modern requirements.

We use drywall

This material, beloved by many, helps to avoid difficult plastering works. It is enough to cover the base ceiling with plasterboard, putty it and paint it with good water-based paint. Everything, beautiful and high quality is ready!

Many believe that the disadvantage of this material lies in the complexity of installation (compared to rack or plastic options). You cannot make a plasterboard structure in one day. Therefore, in this case, it is more advisable to seek help from professionals. People with experience in such work will create original design ceiling in the kitchen, which will look very modern.

How much does the ceiling cost?

At the beginning of the article, we said that a weighty argument in favor of a particular coating can be its cost. This is really important, so we will give you average prices (in Moscow) for the most popular ceiling coverings and their installation work.

So, polystyrene ceiling tiles costs from 15 to 25 rubles/m2, its installation costs 130 rubles/m2.

PVC panels will cost on average 180-200 rubles/m2, and the work to install them will cost 300 rubles/m2.

Slat ceiling will cost a little more: material - 280-300 rubles / m 2, and work - 300 rubles.

Almost the same amount will be required to make plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen - 200 rubles/m2 (material) and 485 rubles/m2 (labor).

A ceiling covered with wallpaper for painting will cost 452 rubles/m2 (material) and 570 rubles (labor).

Oddly enough, a suspended ceiling will cost less. The cost of the material, which includes the cost of installation, is 840 rubles/m2.

As you understand, these are average numbers. You can choose a more expensive material, and the team of craftsmen, highly appreciating their professionalism, will quote a higher price. But the overall picture is clear, and you can focus on a specific type of coverage.

Ceilings for the kitchen: reviews

According to recent surveys regularly conducted by large construction supermarkets, the majority of buyers want to see suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Their reviews confirm this. In addition, an interesting trend has emerged - suspended ceilings are completely satisfactory for consumers aged 30 to 35 years. The older generation prefers drywall, considering it a reliable and proven material that has been used for many years. The oldest buyers still vote for polystyrene tiles, believing that they can be used to inexpensively update a kitchen ceiling.

If gaps form between the slabs in your house, choose a suspended ceiling, and if you choose the plasterboard option, then it must be covered with fiberglass or glass wallpaper.

New residents who are starting renovations in a newly completed house should take into account that the new building is undergoing a shrinkage process, so when puttingty, fiberglass and sickle should be used.

For a kitchen ceiling, you need to purchase paint from well-known manufacturers, preferably washable.

If you want to do redecorating ceiling that has turned yellow from tobacco smoke or after a leak, then first prime it with a matte alkyd paint. If this is not done, yellow spots may appear on the surface.

If you are planning to make side lighting of the ceiling, then Finishing work must be of very high quality.

If you want to make renovations in a retro style using stucco, then it can be successfully replaced by imitation foam or polyurethane.

If a crack appears on the kitchen ceiling, then it would be more advisable to putty and paint the entire ceiling. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and money.

Well, that’s probably all I would like to say about kitchen ceilings. Probably someone is waiting for us to say at the end of the article what the ceiling in your kitchen should be like. This won't happen. You, only you, can make this choice, which depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Kitchen decoration - difficult task. It needs to be practical, convenient, beautiful and desirable - not very expensive. And one of the tasks that we have to solve is to choose what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen so that it is easy to use, lasts a long time and is also attractive.

Requirements for kitchen ceilings

The kitchen is a room with difficult operating conditions. High humidity, an abundance of pollutants, and in apartments there is a high probability of flooding. All this imposes certain requirements on finishing materials. In particular, the ceiling in the kitchen should have the following characteristics:

In addition to all that has been said, there is one more wish - it would be nice if the ceiling in the kitchen makes it possible to hide network engineering(ventilation, wiring) and floor deficiencies.

Unfortunately, even with the current abundance of finishing materials, the entire range of requirements is not combined in any of them, but there are very good options.

Whitewashing, painting

Some time ago, all our ceilings were whitewashed. Because this type of finishing costs mere pennies, the material is widespread, the whitewashing process itself did not present any difficulties, and almost everyone whitewashed the ceilings on their own.

Another advantage of this method of finishing a kitchen stream is the ability of lime to regulate humidity. When there is an excess of moisture in the air, it absorbs it, and when there is a lack, it releases it. Excellent quality for the kitchen. This is where the advantages end.

Whitewashing the ceiling - old way, which is becoming increasingly rare

The disadvantages of whitewashing the ceiling are also significant. The first disadvantage is that it is not the most attractive appearance. Secondly, the surface turns out to be porous; in addition to moisture, it absorbs odors. Drops of fat or coloring liquids that fall on the surface are absorbed into the material, after which they cannot be removed in any way. Just paint over with a new layer or two of lime. It is for these reasons that whitewashing in the kitchen is now becoming less and less common.

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen is a modern replacement for whitewash. For these purposes, water-based paints with increased washability are most often used. At normal training The ceiling looks at least normal. The performance properties are also improved - the painted ceiling in the kitchen can be washed several times using liquid detergents.

The main disadvantage of this option is the need to thoroughly prepare the surface for painting. For a painted shelf to look good, it must be smooth and free of flaws. It is leveled first with plaster, then, in several layers, with putty. The process is difficult, lengthy and costly.

Paintable wallpaper helps make preparing the ceiling for painting a little easier. The ceiling also needs to be leveled, but not to the same extent as before applying paint. For these purposes there are special glass wallpapers, non-woven and paper ones. The most durable ones are made of fiberglass. They can be repainted up to 20 res. Paper ones last the least. They can withstand 2-3 repaints. Non-woven ones are a good option both in terms of quality and price. They will also delight you with a rich selection of ornaments (if you want, of course).

Another drawback of painted ceilings is that leaks leave stains that can only be painted over. It is rarely possible to paint only the damaged part - different shades are obtained. I have to paint the entire ceiling.

Ceiling tiles

If you don’t know how to make a ceiling in the kitchen inexpensively and quickly, consider tiles made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene. This method is now far from being as popular as it was 10 years ago, but is still used when there is a lack of funds and/or time for other types of finishing.

Ceiling tiles in the kitchen are a good option. It is washable, and you can use a brush and liquid non-abrasive detergents. with special glue. The base is preferably level, without sharp changes, but perfect surface not required. Installation takes several hours, and you immediately receive a ceiling ready for use.

This is what it looks like PVC tiles on the ceiling - one of the options

There are few disadvantages. The first is that not everyone likes the appearance. Here you can agree or not - it’s a matter of taste. The material is not luxurious, but the result is quite decent. Especially if you need it inexpensive way finishing.

The second disadvantage is the unnatural material. You can’t argue with this, but the material used - polystyrene - is chemically neutral and in its normal state does not emit any substances. Neither harmful nor beneficial. And that's not bad either.

From plasterboard

If you can make a ceiling in the kitchen by lowering it a few centimeters, consider the option of a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard. This method of finishing the ceiling is good because you can make multi-level structures that completely cover the ceiling. In the gap between the main and false ceilings, you can lay communications - vertical boxes, wiring.

The design of the ceiling allows you to install them, choosing the location of their placement according to your taste, which makes it more functional. The result can be very beautiful. Another positive thing is that drywall is made from natural materials- these are two sheets of cardboard and a layer of plaster between them.

- the task is difficult. First, the frame is assembled from guides, then it is covered with plasterboard, then puttied and painted. The positive thing is that it is several times easier to level the base ceiling: the surface is initially flat, you only need to seal the joints, and then thin layer putty, cover the entire surface.

Flaw plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen - difficult to clean. Even if you use moisture-resistant water-based paint, the surface will remain rough. Soot gets clogged into the pores, dust mixes with grease. Removing this plaque is not at all easy. Another disadvantage is that drywall does not react well to water. If you use moisture-resistant material, it will not be afraid of high humidity, but if there is flooding from above, most likely everything will have to be redone.

Stretch ceiling

In the kitchen - a good choice. In any case, it is beautiful and modern. Although when installing them, you will again need to “take away” a certain volume: they are mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling. As in the case of plasterboard threads, tension ones also allow you to hide the base ceiling and engineering Communication. Can also be used for lighting Spotlights, but of a different design.

Stretch ceilings can be film (their films are PVC) and fabric. For the kitchen you should choose film ones. They are smooth, which is easier to clean, and can be glossy, which makes the room lighter and adds volume. If you decide to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen from PVC film, an additional bonus will be protection against flooding, since the film is absolutely waterproof. If your upstairs neighbors flood you, the water will collect in a bag. It will need to be carefully poured, after which the material will return to its normal size.

Shape and color - any This is after the flood - the water gathered in one place

The disadvantage of film ceilings is their chemical origin and the ability to change sizes due to sudden changes in temperature. The film may wrinkle, sag, etc. Not the highest quality canvases suffer from this, but this phenomenon is present. Another significant drawback is that if you touch the film ceiling with a sharp object, the hole will be very large. The material is very stretched, which is why the slightest puncture turns into a huge hole. Fabric tension threads do not have this drawback, but they are looser in structure, they are more difficult to care for, and they are water permeable. But a hole made by accident does not grow larger.

Disadvantages also include the high price and complexity of installation, although you can do it yourself if you wish. If installing a film ceiling requires a heat gun or its substitute (to heat the canvas), then for a fabric ceiling none of this is needed.

Plastic panels

If you are looking for a ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive and easy to clean, your choice is plastic panels. This material costs very little; you can wash it with a cloth and liquid detergent. The surface is usually smooth, everything is easy to wash.

Installation in the kitchen is quick and easy. A starting plinth is attached around the perimeter, and panels cut to size are inserted into it. It also takes away a few centimeters of height and makes it possible to hide communications; you can use spotlights. An additional advantage is high maintainability. If something happens to one or more planks, you can remove them and install whole ones in their place.

The simplest option is to fit the planks one to the other

Also, this type of ceiling finishing allows you to quickly get to the base ceiling or the systems that it hides. This is a useful feature.

Disadvantages - not the best best view and fragility of panels. But the load on the ceiling is usually small, so plastic ones serve ceiling panels until the owners want something else. Another disadvantage is the unnatural material, which releases harmful substances when burned.

Armstrong suspended ceiling

If they are figuring out what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, they rarely remember about this type. Armstrong is more often used in offices, trading floors, production premises, but it also performs well in houses and apartments. It is inexpensive, easy to install, made from natural materials, and has high maintainability.

It is a system of profiles arranged in the form of squares. Plates are inserted into the squares, which form the plane of the ceiling. The slabs are simply laid on the profiles and are not secured with anything. This is convenient: damaged slabs can be easily replaced, and there is always access to the ceiling space.

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive but beautiful - Armstrong
Photo printing on glass. And this too - Armstrong suspended ceilings

The disadvantage of the system is that it takes away the height of the room; the slabs are afraid of water (they are pressed and painted paper). And the traditional drawback for inexpensive methods of finishing the ceiling in the kitchen is that it doesn’t look very cozy, although not everyone will agree with this.

Only profiles can be washed, slabs cannot. But they can be repainted or replaced with new ones - the cost is low, the replacement process will take an hour or two (including trimming). In general, a good budget option for ceiling repair.

The ceiling in the kitchen is of decisive importance for the presentability of this multifunctional room. Today there are a lot building materials, with which you can qualitatively and beautifully decorate the kitchen ceiling. Huge variety of colors and textures modern cladding makes it possible to create the desired ceiling in the kitchen that will match any interior.

But it should be borne in mind that all surfaces of this room are subject to extreme loads. When deciding which ceiling is best for the kitchen, it is necessary to evaluate the proposed finishing material according to several criteria.

The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. This process is associated with the release of a significant amount of heat, oil and fat vapors. When washing dishes and walls, the ceiling in the kitchen is exposed to water and detergents. Romantic dinners Using candles is fraught with the formation of soot, which can completely cover the ceiling in a small kitchen. Ventilation of the room is related to low temperatures, the possibility of condensation appearing and freezing.

Therefore, when deciding which kitchen ceilings will best withstand such operating conditions, you need to choose a material with the following qualities:

  • waterproof;
  • durable surface that can withstand repeated cleaning;
  • resistance of the pattern to detergents;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety;
  • presentable appearance;
  • long service life.

Example quality lighting working area

When choosing finishes for the kitchen, you should not focus on the most budget options. Repair is quite a troublesome task, but when deciding which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you need to stick to proven and reliable cladding methods.

You can save on repairs if you carry them out on our own. Most finishing methods do not require the worker to have professional skills or purchase complex, expensive equipment. Before you make a kitchen ceiling with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the types of building materials that can be used for this purpose. Right choice and the efforts made will allow you to create a kitchen ceiling that will delight the owners for years.

Let's consider what, what and how best to make the ceiling in the kitchen on your own.

Video instructions for choosing a finish

Painting the ceiling slab

If you are looking for the simplest, fastest and cheapest way to arrange ceiling slab, then you should choose the option with putty and painting. But this type of repair requires great skill from the plasterer. The surface must be perfectly leveled, since even the slightest flaw will immediately be evident.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wide and narrow steel spatula;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • liquid primer;
  • starting and finishing putty;
  • sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • water-based paint.

Installation of beacons Puttying (leveling) the flow Final level check

In order to be able to easily reach the ceiling with the tool, you will need a high stepladder or other stable base. The plasterer making a ceiling of this type must protect the respiratory system and eyes from dust, which will be released in abundance during work. Therefore, you should purchase safety glasses and a respirator.

The ceiling in a small kitchen is finished in a certain sequence:

  1. everything is removed from the supporting plate lighting. All unstable fragments of the old coating are removed. The stove is cleaned of oil deposits and other contaminants;
  2. Large cracks and holes are sealed. The slab is treated with a liquid primer;
  3. the solution is mixed starting putty. It must be applied quickly even to a small ceiling area, since this type of putty hardens very quickly;
  4. hardened plaster is treated with a primer;
  5. a layer of finishing plaster is applied. After hardening, its surface is leveled with abrasive materials, cleaned of dust and coated with a primer.

Sequence of applying paint layers

The final stage of repair is painting the leveled surface. If you are finishing a kitchen with high ceilings, then it is advisable to use paint in beige tones, on which dust and oil deposits are practically invisible.

Painted ceiling tile options

Video instructions for painting surfaces

Suspended plasterboard ceilings

Drywall is lightweight and inexpensive sheet material, which has a lot of advantages.

These include:

  1. the ability to disguise serious defects in the floor slab without major repairs;
  2. the presence of space between the load-bearing slab and hanging sheets, which can be used for placement, communications, insulation and built-in lighting fixtures;
  3. a variety of volumetric structures in several levels created from gypsum plasterboard;
  4. perfect Smooth surface, received after completion of work.

The best kitchen ceiling that can be created from plasterboard is a multi-level structure with curved projections, equipped with a hidden pendant, built-in and external lights. However, only a kitchen with high ceilings will look good with such a design. If the height of the walls is less than 250 cm, then it is better to limit yourself to a single-level surface. Using your imagination, you can create your own unique project, turning it into reality with your own hands.

To do good ceiling from the gypsum board you will need the following:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • steel spatulas;
  • ceiling plasterboard;
  • steel profile;
  • plaster;
  • liquid primer;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • finishing.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Markings are applied to the walls and ceiling. The holes for the frame are drilled;
  • The vertical hangers and the supporting profile are secured. For this, self-tapping screws or dowel nails are used;

Marking the surface for the frame

  • The frame is assembled from the ceiling and arched profile. Longitudinal and transverse parts are connected using special hardware;

Creating a wireframe

  1. the frame is covered with plasterboard. Self-tapping screws are screwed in at intervals of 15 cm and recessed into the sheet by 1 mm;
  2. holes from screws and joints between slabs are sealed. After this, the surface is plastered, sanded and treated with a primer.

Don't forget to put insulation if necessary All wiring must be done in advance GCR can also be attached in parts

If the kitchen abuts the ceiling with a small gap, then a gypsum plasterboard structure can effectively hide it, creating the illusion of a monolithic structure of furniture and suspended structure.

Video instructions for installing gypsum boards

Wallpapering the ceiling

Today you can buy wallpaper that is resistant to the most extreme external factors. But it should be taken into account that their front part has a three-dimensional structure. This provokes the accumulation of fat deposits on the wallpaper, which are extremely difficult to get rid of.

To cover a load-bearing slab with wallpaper, you need the following equipment:

  • chop cord;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • pencil;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • spatula for removing glue;
  • electric drill with mixer;
  • rags.

When considering the best way to cover a ceiling slab, you should opt for non-woven wallpaper. This practical material, resistant to moisture and chemicals.

Ceiling after wallpapering

The sequence of gluing wallpaper on the supporting slab is as follows:

  1. the main ceiling is leveled with putty and treated with liquid primer;
  2. A plastic or foam baseboard is glued to the ceiling and painted;
  3. blanks are cut the right size. Their length is calculated so that after gluing there is no gap left on the bearing surface;
  4. a line is drawn along which the first strip will be glued. The carrier plate is lubricated with glue;
  5. The cut strips of wallpaper are glued. Excess glue is removed with a spatula and rags. The joints are carefully aligned.

DIY wallpapering method

Method of wallpapering with a partner

Pasting should be done when behind closed doors and windows. Ventilation can be carried out one day after completion of work.

To create a beautiful and original ceiling, you can make a surface from liquid wallpaper. This is one of the types of decorative plaster, which is applied to the base with a spatula.

Liquid wallpaper looks very impressive and unusual, but the bill for the purchased finishing material can be very impressive.

Video instructions for wallpapering

Suspended ceiling "Armstrong"

Despite the fact that tiled hanging systems are accessories for offices and service premises, they can also be successfully used for arranging a kitchen. This is due to the fact that in addition to practicality, modern ceilings"Armstrong" have high aesthetic properties. Made from glossy or mirror cassettes and a chrome profile, the ceiling looks extremely beautiful and elegant.

In addition, communications, lamps, insulation and ventilation can be installed above the slabs. Maintenance of tiled structures is very easy. You need to reach to the ceiling and remove the cassettes from the grille. After that you can clean them all available means and in ways, including completely immersing in various containers with cleaning solution.

Types of Armstrong panels

The tiled hanging system has the following advantages:

  • ease of installation with your own hands;
  • masking defects in the floor slab;
  • creating additional space for installing communications, air ducts, insulation and lighting fixtures;
  • a wide selection of cassettes of various colors and textures;
  • the ability to quickly and freely access equipment located above the stoves;
  • affordable price.

When deciding how to make a ceiling in the kitchen, you can also focus on glass inserts. Transparent matte cassettes or slabs with drawings of various themes are used. The color of the Armstrong tile ceiling can be changed at any time to match the updated interior of the room.

To build this system, you will need the following devices and materials:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • oil level;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • modular lamps.

The ceiling can be made from slabs measuring 60x60 cm or 60x120 cm. Modular lamps are adapted in size to the frame lattice and have a size of 59.5x59.5 cm. They are equipped with fluorescent and LED lamps.

The arrangement of the tiled ceiling is carried out in the following order:

  • Markings are applied to the walls and ceiling. Screwed to the walls corner profile. Vertical adjustable hangers are fixed to the floor slab;
  • on load-bearing plate communications, air ducts and hidden lighting fixtures are fixed.

Armstrong structural elements

  • The frame is being assembled. First, longitudinal profiles with a cross-section in the form of an inverted “T” are installed, aligned and secured. After this, the crossbars are installed.

Frame assembly

  • slabs are laid on the frame. Modular lamps and ventilation grilles are connected and secured to the frame. Sensors and CCTV cameras are installed in office premises.

Installation of slabs and lighting

The kitchen is a very special place in the apartment, having its own microclimate. The latter is constantly changing (from humid to hot), which means that the ceiling of this room must have appropriate resistance. Developments from past years and new technical discoveries offer a variety of options for kitchen ceiling coverings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The most traditional and budget option. Simple work is carried out in the sequence below.

Step 1. The kitchen is maximally unloaded from furnishings, and what remains is well packed in durable plastic film.

Step 2. The ceiling is gradually, in sections, moistened with a soap solution.

Step 3. From wet areas old layer The whitewash is removed sequentially with a spatula.

Step 4. The cleaned surface is washed off completely using a soap solution.

Step 5. The ceiling is covered with a water suspension containing chalk, blue and wood glue or slaked lime, salt and aluminum alum.

Table No. 1. Advantages and disadvantages of whitewashing the ceiling.

Cheapness.Instability to high humidity and temperature changes.
The fine-porous coating provides a “breathable” layer with good air exchange.Can't be washed. To eliminate stains and sooty areas, it is necessary to whitewash the ceiling again every time.
Extreme simplicity of technology, which does not require special qualifications from the performer.Whitewashing does not hide, but reveals defects. Preliminary careful alignment of the working plane is necessary.
Minimum financial costs.Fragility - cracks and shedding appear quite quickly.

Prices for whitewashing


Price water-based painting depends on the price Supplies. As is most often the case, the highest quality layer is provided by the most expensive paint compositions with silicone - they form a film permeable to water vapor, which tightens minor irregularities and can be washed with non-abrasive products.

IN general outline the sequence of work is as follows:

Important! Wherein last layer The paint is located parallel to the main flow of light from the window in the kitchen.

Table No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of painting the ceiling.

Moisture resistance - unlike bleached, painted ceilings can be washed.Fragility - cracks and peeling appear soon enough.
A simple technology of work that does not require third-party qualified assistance.Color fading, yellowing of the white coating.
The ability to obtain a variety of colors, not just white, by adding coloring pigments.Peeling of paint due to moisture seeping from rooms above.
No toxic components or pungent odor.Before painting, careful leveling of the working area is necessary.


A relatively inexpensive way to decorate. Washable (vinyl) wallpaper with a dense texture is best suited for the kitchen.

Wallpaper for the ceiling

Wallpapering a lamp
Wallpapered ceiling

To paste them on the ceiling, you need:

  • clean the surface, fill existing defects and cracks, and then prime it;
  • apply markings so that the wallpaper strips run strictly parallel to the walls;
  • When covering both the ceiling and the wallpaper with glue, place the strips end-to-end, carefully leveling them with a soft roller.

Table No. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of wallpapering the ceiling.

Not the highest cost, possibility of repairing individual areas.Difficulties in fixing dense and fairly heavy wallpaper, additionally coated with thick glue.
Masking of surface defects.Evaporation and hot air flows, as a rule, lead to deformation of the wallpaper and its divergence at the joints.
Resistance to washing (with appropriate texture).Leakage from above irreversibly damages the ceiling wallpaper.

Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) tiles

This coating is a completely budget-friendly and hygienic option. It is the highest quality, most reliable and durable when properly prepared.

  1. The surface is cleaned down to concrete, treated with an antiseptic, coated with a penetrating primer, puttied to eliminate large irregularities, and then marked.
  2. The tile can be glued to any universal glue(most often PVA) in accordance with the applied markings.

Prices for ceiling tiles

ceiling tiles

Table No. 4. Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the ceiling with foam tiles.

Low cost.Rustic, monotonous and somewhat old-fashioned appearance of the finished coating.
There is no need for particularly careful leveling of the working area.The porous surface of cheap foam blocks cannot be washed clean. More expensive laminated tiles do not have this drawback.
Foamed polymer tiles provide additional heat and sound insulation.Fire hazard - at least in some varieties. Information about resistance to high heat and open flame is indicated on the packaging.
Washable and resistant to moisture penetration from rooms located above.From long-term exposure bright light the tiles gradually turn yellow, fade and lose strength.
Opportunity local repairs. An abundance of joints, visually crushing a flat plane. This visual defect has been corrected in seamless tiles, having a higher cost.

How to properly glue tiles to the ceiling?

In you will find not only step by step instructions And useful tips, but also comparative analysis possible finishing materials. It is important to approach this moment with all possible attention, because the tile must meet the owner’s requirements both in terms of external qualities and material characteristics.

Plastic panels

This material is in the middle price range. Its most popular type is “lining”, i.e. long strips about 10 cm wide made of polyvinyl chloride material.

During installation, minimal preparation is performed - old layers of wallpaper, tiles are removed, and crumbling plaster is removed.

  1. Then the line of the future frame is marked along the perimeter (at a distance of 5 cm from the low angle, although the figure may be increased depending on how exactly the space between the base and new ceilings will be used).

  2. Along the lines drawn, holes are marked every 50-100 millimeters, drilled with a hammer drill. After this, dowels are inserted into them. Using holes drilled in the wall using self-tapping screws (for example, a 6x40 mm self-tapping screw), the main frame, made from the UD-27 profile, is attached with a lid to the wall. In this case, you need to use a level and ensure that the frame elements are positioned strictly horizontally.

  3. Then, using hangers and the CD-60 profile, guide rails are created to which the plastic panels will be attached. The optimal distance between them is 500 millimeters.
  4. The frame is checked several times for horizontalness and the absence of a difference in height - the future ceiling is made of plastic panels must be perfectly level.

  5. Next, you should begin installing the electrical wiring (if you plan to make ceiling lights). It is advisable to place it in a corrugated plastic sleeve, which will protect the wiring from moisture.
  6. First, the installation profile is mounted. Its large “shelf” is attached to the guide rails using self-tapping screws. The profile can be installed both around the entire perimeter of the room and in the places where the start and finish panels are attached.
  7. Now you need to cut the panels according to the previously developed plan and markings. Many experts advise making the length of the sheet slightly shorter than the width of the room, since polyvinyl chloride can expand even at low temperatures, which means that installation “back to back” can lead to future deformations of the suspended ceiling. If you are planning to make built-in lighting for a suspended ceiling, now is the time to make cutouts in the panels for lamps.
  8. Once the material is completely prepared, you can begin attaching the first (or starting) panel. To do this, you need to insert the starting panel into the installation profile from the side of the mounting shelf, and then secure it with self-tapping screws on the rails. At the same time, you need to make sure that they do not go too deep into the PVC, otherwise there will be a risk that the screws will damage the sheet.

  9. The next panel is joined using a mounting shelf to the starting one and fixed in the same way. The panels must fit snugly against each other. If necessary, you can make an “adjustment” using gentle blows with a rubber mallet. The remaining panels are attached in the same way.

Table No. 5. Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the ceiling with plastic panels.

Irregularities don't matter: panel system hides laid wires and pipes, allows the placement of heat and sound insulating fillers.The hanging structure reduces the overall height of the kitchen by 10-15 cm.
Not too much complex installation which does not require special qualifications and equipmentInstability to the ultraviolet part of the spectrum - the color gradually fades in light, and the white panels turn yellow.
High moisture resistance. The panels do not lose their shape and impeccable appearance even with strong leakage from the upper rooms.The synthetic material of cheaper panels can release harmful pollutants into the air.
Easy to maintain - surface stains can be easily removed.When exposed to open fire, plastic melts and emits acrid smoke.
Possibility of local repairs with replacement of the required panel without dismantling the entire structure.Low mechanical strength– Sufficient care must be taken during installation.

Rack and pinion systems

This type of coating comes in plastic and aluminum. The latter option is more reliable, but at the same time more expensive. By virtue of design features mounted with a larger or smaller gap between the slats. Only gapless installation is suitable for the kitchen. Rack and pinion systems are supplied to the retail chain fully equipped with the necessary fasteners.

Installation proceeds in the sequence below.

Step 1. Markings are applied to the walls where the corner guide profile is attached.

Step 2. The transverse strips to which the slats will be attached are mounted. Here you will also need hangers that are fixed in the ceiling.

Step 3. Sequentially, one after another, slats are installed with openings for light sources pre-cut in the required places.

Step 4. The perimeter is decorated with a complete plinth.


  1. The design hides defects in the ceiling surface, as well as wiring, and allows you to insulate the kitchen and isolate it from noise from above.
  2. Durability and ease of care - the slats are easy to clean and do not absorb dirt.
  3. Fire safety (characteristic of aluminum).
  4. Aluminum slats do not accumulate static electricity.
  5. Resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.
  6. It is quite possible to assemble a rack and pinion system yourself - it is sold in modular kits, reminiscent of a construction set.


  1. The system requires a suspended structure that reduces the height of the room.
  2. You cannot quickly replace one rail - partial dismantling of the system will be necessary.


A suspended kitchen ceiling made from inexpensive moisture-resistant plasterboard allows you to implement multi-level combined structures with a variety of lighting and decor options. Preparation for such finishing is minimal - you only need to remove the crumbling plaster. Then they begin installation.

Step 1. Carry out markings along the walls, focusing on the lowest point.

Drywall prices


Step 2. According to the markings, a guide profile (UD) is attached along the entire plane mounting strips and secure with dowel-nails load-bearing profiles(CD), forming a hanging frame.

Frame assembly

Step 3. Plasterboard sheets are fixed to the assembled frame with screws with a distance between fastening points of no more than 20 cm.

Step 4. The sheathed frame is sequentially puttied - first the seams are sealed, they are covered with sickle tape, then both the seams and the entire surface are puttied again.

Step 5. After completely dry The sealed smooth ceiling is painted or covered with wallpaper.

Table No. 6. Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the ceiling with gypsum board sheets.

The ability to hide defects, electrical wiring and other communications.Installing a suspended frame reduces the height of the room by at least 7 cm.
Environmentally friendly - the material is non-flammable and does not emit harmful volatile impurities.Even moisture-resistant drywall cannot withstand prolonged direct exposure to water. Serious leaks from neighbors above are hopelessly ruining it.
Design capabilities that allow you to create multi-level systems with perfectly flat planes and smooth contours.Low strength - the material can be easily pierced by hitting it hard with your hand. Care must be taken during installation.
During installation, you can additionally insulate and soundproof the kitchen.Instability to deformation - sheets of drywall should be stored exclusively in a horizontal position, and only in dry rooms.
Resistance to high humidity and temperature changes (only for special types of drywall).Need for further painting works after installation - masking the seams, painting, wallpapering.
The plasterboard base can be updated - repainted, glued with fresh wallpaper.High-quality installation requires certain skills and the help of a partner.

Tension coverings

Not cheap, but, subject to the right conditions, the most durable option. This is the only reliable way to protect the entire home environment in the event of a “flood” from above. The synthetic film does not break through, but only sag under the pressure of accumulating water. After the accident has been eliminated, this moisture is carefully drained using a hose, and in order to wash the film, dry it and re-tension it, you will need the help of specialists. In the event that there was leakage through the ceilings process water from the heating system, you will need complete replacement films.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

When installing a tension system, a closed wall profile is attached around the perimeter, and ceiling lamps are dismantled. Then the canvas is suspended from the profile, heated with a heat gun, and tucked, first of all, in the corners, then along all sides, starting from their middles.

Reinforcing rings are glued to the places where the lamps are attached, the fabric inside them is cut out, the wiring is removed and the lighting fixtures are installed. At the very end, the lower groove of the profile is completely closed around the entire perimeter with a plug - thick polyvinyl chloride tape. The whole process requires special skills.

Table No. 7. Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings in the kitchen.

Quick installation - all work requires from 3 hours.Installation requires special professional equipment and mandatory involvement of qualified specialists.
Masking of defects.Reducing the height of the kitchen by at least 4 cm.
Particularly resistant to distributed loads - with a thickness of only 2 mm, a square meter of tension covering holds, without breaking, up to 100 liters of water flowing from above.Punctures and cuts easily form in a thin film, which can be difficult to eliminate.
An exceptional variety of colors, textures and patterns.It is impossible to move chandeliers and ceiling lights, since the holes for them are made only once during installation.
Fire safety - the material does not ignite and does not support combustion.The limited power of lamps is up to 60 watts for incandescent lamps and up to 35 watts for halogen lamps. Intense local heating can melt the film.
Durability – up to 20 years if observed necessary conditions operation.Unsuitable for unheated premises- for a country kitchen, for example.
Resistant to corrosion, rotting, no condensation.Cheap films can emit harmful volatile substances for a long time.

When deciding which ceiling will be the best for the kitchen, you need to determine the main priority and take into account the condition of the surface. For really flat ceilings, budget options for whitewashing and painting are suitable. Washable wallpaper allows for minor imperfections. Inexpensive tiles are able to mask more significant, but not too sharp changes in height. Suspension systems are guaranteed to hide all unevenness, as well as communications. The cheapest of them are plasterboard, the more expensive are plastic and aluminum. For those who are particularly concerned about safety kitchen furniture and equipment in the event of a “flood disaster” among the neighbors above, the optimal and only option will be stretched polymer sheets. In addition, it is quite acceptable to combine in one kitchen different types coatings.

Video - Ceiling for the kitchen: which one is better? Practical advice