Our teachers. Zhong Yuan Qigong: “Big Tree” is an analogue of the “Pillar Standing” exercise. Source: Xuyi Mingtang, Tamara Martynova. “Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book for reading and practice. Stage I” Sue Mingtang

What is "qigong"?

Qigong is an ancient Chinese art of self-regulation, healing and harmony. According to some sources, this system dates back more than 7 thousand years. There are many directions and schools of qigong: Taoist, Confucian, Buddhist, martial arts, medical, etc.

The concept of "qigong" consists of two hieroglyphs - "qi" and "gong". "Qi" is the energy of life that fills the body, moves in it, accepts various shapes. "Gong" is work, the ability to control qi. Accordingly, “qigong” is the art of using energy, mastering which you can treat illness, become strong and invulnerable in battle, slow down the aging process, prolong life, develop Creative skills, strengthen the spirit and understand the world more deeply.

History of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system

Zhong Yuan Qigong, the oldest known qigong system, appeared more than seven thousand years ago, back in the days of individual tribes in China.

“Zhong Yuan” is the name of the plain in China where the Zhong Yuan Qigong style originated. "Zhong" means center, middle, and "yuan" means the source of all things.

For thousands of years the system referred to " secret knowledge"and was opened to the world only in our days, in the seventies. Currently, it has become widespread. Thus, in many countries, health and treatment centers of Zhong Yuan Qigong operate; books and video materials are published; lectures are held in medical institutions and university classrooms; annual intensive trainings, including at the International Training Center for Wushu, Gongfu and Qigong in Shaolin (China).

Zhong Yuan Qigong - the science of Life

Zhong Yuan Qigong refers to Qigong higher levels and is the most promising direction of human development. This is a holistic system of knowledge and practice methods. It includes exercises, meditations, various ways breathing aimed at human development, his recovery, treatment, expansion of consciousness, understanding of his life tasks and his mission.

In the Zhong Yuan Qigong school, a beginner goes from mastering individual elements to a philosophical understanding of the holistic picture of the world, which includes Man, his past and future, his deep thousand-year connection with nature. This is a universal and unique health and development system based on the natural capabilities of the human body. Zhong Yuan Qigong is the science of Life in the broadest sense.

Master Xuyi Mingtang is the successor of the transmission line of the Zhong Yuan Qigong school. The official responsibility of the Xuyi family for many generations was the spiritual protection of the Shaolin Monastery. Xu Mingtang's relatives were respected masters of the art of qigong. To this day, the Shaolin Monastery houses the temple of his ancestor.

Since childhood, Xu Mingtang studied with his father - the art of qigong, Chinese medicine and martial arts. Later, he studied qigong with other Teachers. Currently, Xuyi Mingtang is a well-known and authoritative Grand Master of Qigong. He continues to study the possibilities of Zhong Yuan Qigong. Since 1991, he has been conducting training using this system in Russia and around the world.

Levels of Zhong Yuan Qigong Practice

Complete mastery of the practice involves four steps.

At the first stage, the basic exercises of the Zhong Yuan Qigong school are studied. This is the foundation for further practice. The exercises are aimed at improving the health of the body as a whole, solving problems of lack of energy and low vitality.

The second stage allows you to normalize emotional condition, master the state of silence, deep relaxation at all levels of our body. This is aimed not only at improving the health of the body, but also lays the foundation for serious development.

The third stage introduces a special state of deep calm - pause. This state develops consciousness and intuition. This level reveals the creative potential of practitioners through proper energy exchange, because it is then that the creative force is released. Unexpectedly, talents and abilities are revealed: many begin to write poetry, draw, design and sew dresses... This is how the body becomes a conductor of pure creativity.

The fourth stage develops the ability to perceive and makes it possible to receive knowledge directly, directly from nature, flora and fauna. The task of the fourth stage is to gain wisdom and gain a deep understanding of the essence of your life, life situations and the entire Universe.

Who can practice Zhong Yuan Qigong?

The Zhong Yuan Qigong system is available to people of any age, profession and health status; no changes in lifestyle, daily routine or nutrition are required. The system is not associated with ideology, religion or politics. Classes do not require expensive equipment or specially equipped space.

Qigong does not impose restrictions; on the contrary, it expands possibilities. Having mastered the basics of Zhong Yuan Qigong, a practitioner can practice it independently anywhere and anytime.

Why practice Zhong Yuan Qigong and what does the practice give?

  • For a person who strives for health, practicing is the path to awakening healing powers your body;
  • For a socially active person, qigong is a source vitality and a way to maintain oneself in harmony and unity with the surrounding world;
  • For a seeking person, qigong is a tool for self-knowledge, understanding and cause-and-effect relationships, ongoing phenomena, as well as relationships between individuals.

Zhong Yuan Qigong is a practice that allows us to understand Life more deeply through the development of our own feelings, our inner world. And not only to understand, but also to change: change a sick state to a healthy one, sadness to joy... Qigong classes allow you to satisfy the needs of our soul, our spirit, and get answers to questions related to Life and Death.

Regular practice can increase vital energy, increase immunity, prolong active life and youth, reveal the body’s hidden reserves, acquire special abilities and resistance to stressful situations.

Qigong is not the goal! The goal is to live simply and happily. Practicing Zhong Yuan Qigong will help improve your quality of life.

Master Xu Mingtang (Mingtang Xu) is a successor in the line of succession of the Zhong Yuan Qigong school. He was born into the family of a famous Chinese traditional medicine doctor in Henan Province. Officially, for many generations, his family's duty was to guard the Shaolin Monastery.

WITH early age Xu studied Chinese medicine, qigong and martial arts from his father. He began seeing patients on his own at the age of 14. At age 15 he was accepted into college. At the age of 16 (1979), Xu entered Beijing Transport and Communications University, one of the best universities in China, to study computer science.

1983: After graduating from university, he returned to Henan Province. His Master secretly trained him for two years at various famous places such as the Shaolin Temple, Dragon Gate, Bai Ma Temple, Cloud and Frog Mantain Temple, etc.

1985: On the advice of his teacher, Xu Mingtang entered Peking University. The teacher felt it was important for Xu to study modern science and techniques so that the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and qigong can help people more effectively.

1988: Xu Mingtang established the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association and was elected Chairman of the association.

1989: Xu Mingtang also became a vice professor at the China Oriental Human Hidden Potential Research Center.

1991: To focus on his qigong training, he left his job and went to teach Zhong Yuan qigong in Russia. And very soon he began to conduct seminars in the USSR and Eastern Europe.

1995: Xu Mingtang comes to the United States to teach his school of qigong.

1997: Xu Mingtang becomes famous in Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the former USSR,

In 1998, Xuyi Mingtang was invited as a professor of Chinese and Western medicine at the same time at Beijing Hospital and China University of Medicine. The master establishes the Institute of Oriental Medicine Research in Ukraine and is the vice-president of this institute. Xu Mingtang also works at the department of the World Academic Society for Medical Qigong Research (which is based at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) and is a leading consultant there.

Books (2)

Image medicine or medicine of mental images

Thought medicine (or Image medicine) is a part of ancient Chinese medicine that studies what is human body, what is Life in general, what is an image and what is the influence of images on the human body: on his physical body, energy system and information system.

The book describes the basics of energy medicine, as well as approaches to obtaining images for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.

Lotus flower or the Tale of transcendental energy. Chapter 1

He who strives for wisdom and perfection brings his soul to the altar of spirituality. The enlightened master Xuyi Mingtang of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system shares his knowledge and wisdom on the pages of this book.

This is knowledge about what a person can achieve as a result of spiritual practice, about the structure of the universe and man himself, about his health, about the higher and lower worlds, spiritual path Tao and virtues of Te, diseases of the human spirit, illusions encountered on the spiritual path, and much more - interesting and useful. His knowledge is not bookish, not abstract, it is real, obtained by the master as a result of enormous personal experience. Not often modern man the opportunity arises to meet with a living enlightened person, our contemporary, even on the pages of a book.

Reader comments

Andrey/ 07/21/2018 The time has come for higher teachers who come to us people to introduce new knowledge for the formation of bodies of light. who wants to evolve and not die, practice kung fu chuts and others.

Michael/ 03/14/2018 What if Xu Mingtang is a good businessman who takes money from gullible people? The creator of the remake? Competent qigong can of course add health, but promising immortality is at least quite bold. Several of his instructors have already died of natural causes, before reaching 70. Well, Xu Mingtang himself doesn’t look very good these days - fat, with puffiness under his eyes. But he was only born in 1963, and also a grandmaster. I admit that he did not pass on some high-level training to his students, but he himself practices them. And it doesn't look very good.

Stanislav Vladov/ 01/29/2018 Comrades, the practice of qigong will be ineffective without supplementing it with the latest achievements in the field of scientific valueology. The benefits of urine therapy and horse-dung mud baths have already been reliably proven, especially for citizens of the Country of Fools. So drink your urine to your health and roll around with pleasure in the horse's parachute - and you will always be cheerful and rich! And those who want to achieve maximum results, ground yourself in tree pose according to Xuy Mintang immediately after drinking a glass of urine and standing knee-deep in horse shit. Good luck to you in healing and degenerating your mind! The Country of Fools will very soon reach the apogee of development of spiritual self-improvement and will fall straight into a parallel world- to the world of the Sixth Astral Dimension, described in the Bible as paradise, and in Tibet also known under the nickname Shambhala, where no one will ever need to work, since everyone will be immortal and spiritually perfect.

Alexander/ 09.29.2017 I have been closely studying at this school since the beginning of the 2000s, I went through all the levels several times. Let me just say that everything is wrong here, and the most wrong thing is that it works! The classes go well with Yang style Taijiquan practice.

Olga/ 09/1/2017 Wonderful Teacher, you are the best shifu
Come to Ukraine as soon as possible to teach, you are sorely missed

Kate/ 08/13/2017 I understand everything, but why is the author obese? I looked at his photo, he is quite a fat man. And this means that his energy flows in his body are disturbed. Otherwise, he would at least speed up his metabolism. With so many excess weight, far from 10 kg, the heart, joints, and all organs suffer!!!

Ivan/ 06/22/2017 Reply to the previous comment. Everything is already in book 1. And about the term “qigong”, which is really about 50 years old, and what happened before it. And about the line of succession. Teachers of Yang Shen's level. You understand what this level means? If a person accepts only teachers who he understands, then this limits his path.

Alexander O/ 05/28/2017 The term “qigong” became widespread in the 50s of the 20th century. Therefore, where does Zhong Yuan “qigong” come from? Where are the other masters of the school - besides Xu Mingtang? Where are the school's treatises with the names of the teachers? Where is the line of discipleship? I simply suggest thinking and looking for answers. For if the School is 7000 years old, then it is 4.5 times older than the Shaolin Monastery. 3 times older than Buddhism. And then there is no need to refer to it. Fortunately, writing in China existed long before Christ. And there are plenty of ancient treatises. There are no reliable references about Zhong Yuan anywhere.

Alexander/ 02/09/2017 Excellent system

Galina/ 01/30/2017 How nice it is that there are so many like-minded people. I’ve been practicing for 7 years, the further I go, the more surprised I am at how many miracles there are in the world and how little I know

part of the universe/ 12/24/2016 I heard a lot of opinions and statements. It's great, everyone has their own opinion. Aggression in people who do not engage in practice sounds very obvious. They have their own way, there is no need to convince them. Their limited knowledge of themselves and their place in this world makes them blind and evil. And I wish the practitioners success. And myself included. No time, no space.

Rogachev Andrey/ 12/12/2016 I have been practicing independently for three years.
I discovered some mystical abilities in myself, including the third eye, which I saw for 2 nights...
I really regret that I lost this ability due to my ignorance. it was necessary to maintain the level of quantity and quality of qi in the body in a timely manner.
After opening my eyes, I began to foresee different things, to see the essence of people, what they think about, what they are sick with. I think I will continue to practice despite the knee injury, which took away a lot of my potential. (the opening of 3 eyes was facilitated by other events in my life. severe stress after the trial. alcohol whiskey and on that day I was in the temple and at the relics of St. Marena on Taganka. all in one day. I lay down at night as bright as day and a dot before my eyes light..turned it into the screen..and saw..different things..

Sveta/ November 1, 2016 I have been practicing for 7 years, once a week, always with a teacher. It is very important. I'm lucky, I live in Izmail and we have wonderful masters. The changes in health are amazing, a person changes spiritually too. And don’t listen to those who write that this is a scam. Practice and you will definitely see results!!!

Anna/ 09/30/2016 I have been practicing for more than 10 years. Practitioners don't age, that's true. Only those who heal grow old. They treat a lot, help everyone, often to their own detriment. I did not have the opportunity to attend a reception with the Master, but one of his first students helped me a lot.
Regarding practice. I’m not sure that I would start practicing knowing how serious this system is. You need to be prepared for this system. Only those who have tried many practices will be able to immediately realize the power of this system.
For health, it is enough to practice only 1 step, the results will be immediate.

Boris/ 09.17.2016 I confirm that the described system is self-sufficient and effective, I have been practicing it for more than a year. If you have the flu, then wood is an exercise that really helps improve your condition. Judging by the comments, not everyone understands that qigong is not about pumping up muscles, but about pumping up your energy.

Xuyi Mingtang

Tamara Martynova

Zhong Yuan Qigong.

A book for reading and practice.

First stage


Born into the family of a famous surgeon. Graduated from Peking University with a degree in software engineering, post-graduate studies, and interned for 2 years at the American Center for Modern computer technology, worked for several years in the programming laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From early childhood he studied Wushu, and from university - qigong. Many years of practice, great perseverance and innate talent allowed Xu Mingtang to master the skill in an incredibly short time and undergo training with many outstanding masters of China.

In parallel with his main specialty, he studied traditional Chinese medicine and already from the third year he worked as a diagnostician in a Beijing hospital.

Currently, he is the President of the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association (since 1988), a professor at the Beijing Sino-Western Joint Hospital and the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Council of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong.

Conducts seminars and demonstrates the healing capabilities of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and mental image therapy in different countries ah peace.


Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Until 1998 she worked at the Electric Welding Institute named after. E. O. Paton Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. tech. Sci. In 1980-1981 she took courses in parapsychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For several years she was a member of the Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Russian Electric Networks named after. A. Popova, taught courses on expanding consciousness. In 1991 I met Master Xuyi Mingtang and the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. She was captivated by its harmonious, logical completeness and became the initiator of the Master’s lectures and seminars in Ukraine and Russia, working with him as an organizer and translator. Since 1994 - teacher of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. In 1995, she formed and headed the Qigong Association of Kyiv. Conducts lectures and practical classes on levels I, II and III in the cities of Ukraine, near and far abroad, and develops training programs.


The book is intended for the general reader to become familiar with the system and for practitioners who trained at Zhong Yuan Qigong seminars. The practices described in this book may be too strenuous for some people. In case of existing mental or severe cardiovascular diseases (heart disease of III - IV degree, angina pectoris of III - IV degree), consultation and supervision of a doctor is necessary.

The authors and publishers do not bear any responsibility for damage to health resulting from improper independent practice: overdose of the duration of individual exercises, selectivity of exercises, violation of instructions.

Opening this book, you enter a world of unusual reality.

We offer you not just a journey through it, but the exploration of this world. Each of you has a chance to let it in, to make it your own, familiar. But to do this, you have to change yourself - become healthier and stronger physically, more stable emotionally, more talented and happier, and therefore kinder and more tolerant. And this is possible if you try to move away from your usual models of perception, fixed assessments and dogmas learned from childhood.

For some of you, some of the material presented here is already known and is beyond doubt, for others - almost everything is unusual and interesting, and for others - this is an irrepressible fantasy or, at best, unattainable perfection. And although this may seem strange to many, it is this third category that turns out to be the most open for development by “TERRA INCOGNITA”.

This step is basic. It studies the largest volume of material and greatest number exercises.

Don't be confused by the fact that she was named first. The first is the most important, main step, laying the foundations for development in an unusual area, a springboard for deep self-knowledge, entering one’s own world, awareness of oneself as a cosmic being. But to do this, you must learn to relax, and not only with your body, but also with your mind and consciousness. But relaxing the mind is by no means so easy. But this - an indispensable condition For further development.

You may have read a lot or studied other systems. But here you will become acquainted with the philosophical concept of the path of human development as biological species, its connection with the Earth and Space, the basic principles of self-regulation and communication with environment. In fact, this is the basis on which you can launch the processes of healing your body and reveal those reserves that allow you to take a different look at the world and your place in it. You will learn about additional channels of perception, in addition to the well-known five senses, get acquainted with a fundamentally new method of teaching - knowledge transplantation, learn to sense various qi structures and control them with your consciousness.

And if you decide to take this path, you will see what our world really is and what you yourself are really like. And then you will understand how much better and smarter you are than you thought until now, because you will see your inner world- the deep one that exists, and not the superficial one that your environment and life circumstances have shaped for you.

And if you wish, if it appears, you can “jump out” of everything that does not suit you. But for this you need to want and try. So maybe it's worth it? Try it!

Martynova T. I.

Preface to the second edition

Zhong Yuan Qigong is one of the systems for self-regulation of the energy state of the Human body and the development of its abilities. Of all the many systems of this kind, Zhong Yuan Qigong seems to be the most effective and, most importantly, the easiest to master and convenient for practical use. At the same time, it has an extremely wide range of effects on a person: vital functions are normalized, stressful conditions psyche, the body as a whole becomes healthier. But what is especially important is that, unlike all other systems, Zhong Yuan Qigong promotes the awakening and development in Man of those abilities and skills that are inherent in him by nature itself, but lie dormant in inaction, depriving him of the full joy of going through his earthly life. life path. That is why I read with such interest and attention the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, which describes the first basic stage of the practical development of this system, unsurpassed in its capabilities. And already in the very process of reading, I realized that this book itself is also different from all other publications of this kind.

It is well known that everyone who wants to engage in self-healing and self-development strives to choose the most suitable system for themselves. In this situation, the main thing for such a choice is often not even the system itself, but the ways of describing its essence and methods of mastering it as a basis various kinds methodological aids. But as you know, there are very few benefits that would meet all the requirements of a potential adherent of a particular system. And in this regard, the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, it seems to me, can satisfy all the requirements of even the most sophisticated reader in his life needs.

A few words about the authors of the book. Xuyi Mingtang is a MASTER, and that, it would seem, should say it all. But due to many circumstances, I was lucky enough not only to take a course in Zhong Yuan Qigong with him, but also to communicate with him in an informal setting. Therefore, I can say with full responsibility that Xuyi Mingtang is not only the highest professional in the field of qigong, with the gift of teaching, diagnosing and treating, but also rare in his personal qualities Human.

Tamara Martynova is a candidate of technical sciences who has worked for almost 30 years in the system of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. And along with this, she always tried to popularize knowledge and phenomena related to parapsychology, while constantly developing her innate abilities. But, in my opinion, her main calling in life turned out to be knowledge of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and promoting its development, both in Ukraine and in other countries. Now she is convinced that the practice of this system helps improve a person’s physical and spiritual health, reveals his creative potential, helps him adapt to any conditions and see the world in all its beauty, despite the adversities of our difficult times. And all this leads to the revival of the nation’s gene pool. She devoted the last 10 years of her life to serving this idea, becoming Xu Mingtang’s ally and his constant companion during his stay in the CIS.

Xuyi Mingtang

Tamara Martynova

Zhong Yuan Qigong.

A book for reading and practice.

First stage


Born into the family of a famous surgeon. He graduated from Peking University with a degree in software engineering, postgraduate studies, 2 years of internship at the American Center for Advanced Computer Technologies, and worked for several years in the programming laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From early childhood he studied Wushu, and from university - qigong. Many years of practice, great perseverance and innate talent allowed Xu Mingtang to master the skill in an incredibly short time and undergo training with many outstanding masters of China.

In parallel with his main specialty, he studied traditional Chinese medicine and already from the third year he worked as a diagnostician in a Beijing hospital.

Currently, he is the President of the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association (since 1988), a professor at the Beijing Sino-Western Joint Hospital and the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Council of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong.

Conducts seminars and demonstrates the healing capabilities of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and mental image therapy in different countries of the world.


Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Until 1998 she worked at the Electric Welding Institute named after. E. O. Paton Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. tech. Sci. In 1980-1981 she took courses in parapsychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For several years she was a member of the Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Russian Electric Networks named after. A. Popova, taught courses on expanding consciousness. In 1991 I met Master Xuyi Mingtang and the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. She was captivated by its harmonious, logical completeness and became the initiator of the Master’s lectures and seminars in Ukraine and Russia, working with him as an organizer and translator. Since 1994 - teacher of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. In 1995, she formed and headed the Qigong Association of Kyiv. Conducts lectures and practical classes on levels I, II and III in the cities of Ukraine, near and far abroad, and develops training programs.


The book is intended for the general reader to become familiar with the system and for practitioners who trained at Zhong Yuan Qigong seminars. The practices described in this book may be too strenuous for some people. In case of existing mental or severe cardiovascular diseases (heart disease of III - IV degree, angina pectoris of III - IV degree), consultation and supervision of a doctor is necessary.

The authors and publishers do not bear any responsibility for health problems resulting from incorrect independent practice: overdose of the duration of individual exercises, selectivity of exercises, violation of instructions.

Opening this book, you enter a world of unusual reality.

We offer you not just a journey through it, but the exploration of this world. Each of you has a chance to let it in, to make it your own, familiar. But to do this, you have to change yourself - become healthier and stronger physically, more stable emotionally, more talented and happier, and therefore kinder and more tolerant. And this is possible if you try to move away from your usual models of perception, fixed assessments and dogmas learned from childhood.

For some of you, some of the material presented here is already known and is beyond doubt, for others - almost everything is unusual and interesting, and for others - this is an irrepressible fantasy or, at best, unattainable perfection. And although this may seem strange to many, it is this third category that turns out to be the most open for development by “TERRA INCOGNITA”.

This step is basic. It covers the largest amount of material and the largest number of exercises.

Don't be confused by the fact that she was named first. The first is the most important, main step, laying the foundations for development in an unusual area, a springboard for deep knowledge of oneself, entering one’s own world, realizing oneself as a cosmic being. But to do this, you must learn to relax, and not only with your body, but also with your mind and consciousness. But relaxing the mind is by no means so easy. But this is an indispensable condition for further development.

You may have read a lot or studied other systems. But here you will get acquainted with the philosophical concept of the path of development of man as a biological species, his connection with the Earth and Space, the basic principles of self-regulation and communication with the environment. In fact, this is the basis on which you can launch the processes of healing your body and reveal those reserves that allow you to take a different look at the world and your place in it. You will learn about additional channels of perception, in addition to the well-known five senses, get acquainted with a fundamentally new method of teaching - knowledge transplantation, learn to sense various qi structures and control them with your consciousness.

And if you decide to take this path, you will see what our world really is and what you yourself are really like. And then you will understand how much better and smarter you are than you thought until now, because you will see your inner world - the deep one that exists, and not the superficial one that your environment and life circumstances have shaped for you.

And if you wish, if it appears, you can “jump out” of everything that does not suit you. But for this you need to want and try. So maybe it's worth it? Try it!

Martynova T. I.

Preface to the second edition

Zhong Yuan Qigong is one of the systems for self-regulation of the energy state of the Human body and the development of its abilities. Of all the many systems of this kind, Zhong Yuan Qigong seems to be the most effective and, most importantly, the easiest to master and convenient for practical use. At the same time, it has an extremely wide range of effects on a person: vital functions are normalized, stressful mental states are eliminated, and the body as a whole is healed. But what is especially important is that, unlike all other systems, Zhong Yuan Qigong promotes the awakening and development in Man of those abilities and skills that are inherent in him by nature itself, but lie dormant in inaction, depriving him of the full joy of passing his earthly life path . That is why I read with such interest and attention the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, which describes the first basic stage of the practical development of this system, unsurpassed in its capabilities. And already in the very process of reading, I realized that this book itself is also different from all other publications of this kind.

It is well known that everyone who wants to engage in self-healing and self-development strives to choose the most suitable system for themselves. In this situation, the main thing for such a choice is often not even the system itself, but the ways of describing its essence and methods of its development as the basis for various kinds of teaching aids. But as you know, there are very few benefits that would meet all the requirements of a potential adherent of a particular system. And in this regard, the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, it seems to me, can satisfy all the requirements of even the most sophisticated reader in his life needs.

A few words about the authors of the book. Xuyi Mingtang is a MASTER, and that, it would seem, should say it all. But due to many circumstances, I was lucky enough not only to take a course in Zhong Yuan Qigong with him, but also to communicate with him in an informal setting. Therefore, I can say with full responsibility that Xu Mingtang is not only the highest professional in the field of qigong, with the gift of teaching, diagnosing and treating, but also a person of rare personal qualities.

Tamara Martynova is a candidate of technical sciences who has worked for almost 30 years in the system of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. And along with this, she always tried to popularize knowledge and phenomena related to parapsychology, while constantly developing her innate abilities. But, in my opinion, her main calling in life turned out to be knowledge of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and promoting its development, both in Ukraine and in other countries. Now she is convinced that the practice of this system helps improve a person’s physical and spiritual health, reveals his creative potential, helps him adapt to any conditions and see the world in all its beauty, despite the adversities of our difficult times. And all this leads to the revival of the nation’s gene pool. She devoted the last 10 years of her life to serving this idea, becoming Xu Mingtang’s ally and his constant companion during his stay in the CIS.

Therefore, the book is written from the heart and with knowledge of the subject. In essence, this is a methodological guide to mastering the basic stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong. The book is preceded by R. Kipling's poetic commandment. It sets out those moral and ethical rules of life behavior, by observing which every representative of the human race can feel and realize himself as a self-sufficient, self-respecting person capable of organically entering into any group, i.e., a real HUMAN. This is extremely important for those who, after reading this book, decide to take the path of mastering the Zhong Yuan Qigong system - after all, its main purpose is precisely the development of a PERSONALITY in an individual, a healthy personality both physically and spiritually.

The first part of the book consistently and clearly outlines the fundamentals of the theory and practice of the system, describes in detail and very figuratively the progress of the main and auxiliary exercises, and provides practical recommendations on methods of obtaining, purifying and emitting qi.

The second part is devoted to a description of the methods of using qigong in medicine. In the text of the book, like gems“interspersed” into the overall mosaic picture are the Master’s Stories about his practice, Teaching and application of Qigong in Everyday life. The insertions into the text of dialogues between the Master and seminar participants are also logically justified. It is very important to answer the most typical questions that arise among people who have completed a course of qigong training and practice it in independent life. The book is generously illustrated with drawings, diagrams and photographs that clearly demonstrate the form of the exercises.

This structure of the book should allow the reader to consistently, step by step, penetrate into the essence of the great art of self-healing and human self-development. This is greatly facilitated by the style of presentation. It doesn't just bring the book's text to life. It seems to introduce the reader into a sincere conversation with its authors and by this alone creates an atmosphere of his involvement in the secrets of qigong. The book is written in simple and extremely clear language, which makes it extremely easy to penetrate these secrets and creates in the reader a feeling of complete accessibility to mastering this amazing system.

So - good luck, dear reader. On the path of becoming Your Personality. On the path to normalizing your health, which means on the path to joy and enjoyment of your earthly existence, on the path to knowing the world and yourself, on the path to happiness...

Drozdovskaya A. A., Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Marine Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

  • Director of the American Institute "Kundawell", Seattle (USA);
  • President of the International Charitable Foundation "Mintang";
  • Founder and dDirector of the Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell";
  • Department Member external methods treatment of the All-China TCM Association;
  • Deputy Chairman of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong;
  • Founder of Chinese Image Medicine;
  • Secretary of the World Zen Meditation Federation.
Born May 29, 1963 in Puyang City, Henan Province, China.
1979 -1983 Xi'an University of Transport and Communications, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
1985-1987 Peking University, Master of Science in Computer Science.
1987-1991 Center software Chinese Academy of Sciences, software developer.
1992-1999 Ukrainian-Chinese joint LLC “Da-Yu”, general director.
2000-2006 Head of the Center for the Healing Arts of Chinese Medicine, Seattle, USA, Director of the American Kundawell Institute.
2006 - present. Founder and director of the Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell".


In 1983 he graduated from Xi'an University of Transport and Communications, then in 1985 he entered the master's program in software engineering at the Department of Computer Science at Peking University, after graduation he was sent to the software laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In 1991 he came to Russia as part of a program for cooperation in the field of computer technology. During his stay, he learned that TCM methods began to be studied and applied in the USSR in the 50s and gained recognition among both medical specialists and patients. Therefore, for the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Image Medicine, the Ukrainian-Chinese joint LLC “Da-Yu” was founded in Kyiv.

In 1993, he resigned as a programmer from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and went to Russia and Ukraine to study and disseminate Image of Medicine.

Since 1995, he moved to the USA to distribute Image Medicine.

In 1996, in order to promote the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xu Mingtang founded the Mingtang International Charitable Foundation (Kyiv, Ukraine) and financed the training of more than 20 foreign students who studied Chinese medicine in China.

In 1997, the Department of Theory and Methodology of Health Technologies and physical culture East under the Ural state university physical education, in which Xu Mingtang taught Image medicine, methods of maintaining the health of Traditional Chinese Medicine and he was awarded the title of professor. With the financial support of the Mingtang International Foundation, professors from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine were invited to give lectures at the university department.

In 2000, the Chinese Medicine Healing Arts Center was established in Seattle, USA to provide Image Medicine training and treatment.

In 2002, in Moscow (Russia), Xu Mingtang was awarded a Doctor of Science degree from the World Information Dissemination University (WIDU) of the European Academy of Informatization (AEI). In 2003 he worked as a national university professor.

In 2005, the American Kundawell Institute was founded in Seattle, USA, to promote the study of Image Medicine, Chinese Medicine and the training of specialists.

On June 22-28, 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang and the founder of string theory (quantum physics) - Michio Kaku were invited to the 16th International Annual Meeting of ISSSEEM USA to give a presentation on the topic “Image Medicine”.

In July 2006, Professor Xu Mingtang, at the invitation of members of the US Congress, round table made a report on the effectiveness of Image Medicine and its development.

In 2006, in order for people from around the world to come to China and study TCM, Professor Xu Mingtang began planning work to establish the Beijing Kundawell Medical Research Institute.

On April 18, 2008, the official opening of the Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell" took place in Beijing.

Activities of the Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell" after its founding

On October 15, 2008, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited to the Fifth World Congress of Chinese Medicine of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, which was held in Macau.

On November 9-11, 2009, at the Guangzhou International Conference on Traditional Medicine, the Forum for the Development of External Treatments of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Sixth Annual Meeting of National Chinese Medicine, Professor Xu Mingtang received a special award for his contribution to the development of the science of external treatments of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

In January 2010, the editors of the magazine “Talents of China” visited the Beijing Medical Research Institute “Kundawell” and took an exclusive interview with Professor Xu Mingtang, which was then published in this magazine in the “Economics” section under the title: “Xu Mingtang. Another demonstration of miracles treatment using Bien Chue’s “inner vision.”

On March 19, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on “Image Medicine and Ancient Chinese Medicine” at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

On October 9-10, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a speech at the 45th Academic Salon of New Teachings and New Ideas on the topic “Imaginative Thinking and the Essence of Meridians,” which was funded by the Chinese Science Association and held at the Xiang Shan Hotel.

On October 22, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on “Imaginative Thinking Image of Medicine” at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

On November 5-8, 2010, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the “China-Taiwan Population Health Forum - 2010”, which was held in Guangdong Province and was organized jointly by the Guangdong Association, the World Health Science Union “Taiji”, the Taiwan Institute of Chinese Natural Therapy, and read a report on the topic “Image medicine and methods of maintaining health.”

On December 19, 2010, the Academic Forum of Clinical Research on TCM, organized by the All-China TCM Association, was held in Shenzhen. Professor Xu Mingtang was invited to participate in it and made a presentation on “Clinical research on the Image of Medicine.”

On May 21, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on “Imaginal Thinking, Image-Based Treatment and Diagnosis” at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

On August 3, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on the topic: “Differences between ancient Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the way of thinking and the effectiveness of treatment” to students from Austria, Spain, Italy and others European countries, at the invitation of the head of the International Training Center of the Institute of Acupuncture and Massage at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

From October 9 to 12, 2011, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the First European Congress in Montenegro. Representatives of thirty-one countries took part in it: China, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro and other countries.

October 29 and 30, 2011 - participation in the Forum "Health of the Population of China and Taiwan", which was held in Taipei, at the Bei Yuan Shan Hotel, and made a report on the topic "Effectiveness of Image Medicine (Chinese Image Medicine) in treatment cardiovascular diseases." More than 300 medical specialists from China, Taiwan, Malaysia and the USA attended the forum.

From November 19 to 23, 2011, within the framework of the First International Conference on Image Medicine (Chinese image medicine), which was held in Moscow (Russia), the 20th anniversary of Image Medicine (IIM) in Russia was celebrated. At the conference, Xu Mingtang made a presentation on the topic: "The evolution of the image - achieving success for the practitioner. The image and its influence on human life. Training to gain the ability to see the image."

On April 5-7, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the International Conference on Pulse Diagnostics of TCM and training courses organized by the All-China TCM Association, and read a report on the topic “Pulse Diagnostics of Bien Chue.”

On April 5-7, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Third Annual Conference of the Professional Committee for Pulse Diagnostic Research at the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.

On April 19, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Sixth Investment Conference of Chinese Enterprises “International Forum for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, organized by the press center of the Beijing International Hotel.

On April 28, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Forum on the original way thinking in International Chinese Medicine and Image Medicine, as well as in an event to search for the cultural roots of Chinese medicine, which was organized by the All-China TCM Association and the Beijing Kundawell Medical Research Institute.

On June 1, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang gave a lecture on “Bien Chue Pulse Diagnostics” at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

On June 17-19, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Fifth Meeting of Representatives of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong and the Seventh Academic Exchange Meeting in the Field of Medical Qigong.

On June 23-24, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the first meeting of the TCM Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, held in Jilin.

On September 29-30, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the second international conference on Medicine with mental images and the first Ukrainian-Chinese conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which took place at the Palace of Culture of Students of the Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine.

On October 13-14, 2012, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Meeting on the Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the “Book of Changes” in the territories of China and Taiwan, held in the city of Zheng Zhou, and gave a lecture on the topic: “The use of imaginative thinking of the “Book of Changes” in pulse diagnostics".

On April 13-14, 2013, Professor Xu Mingtang and specialists from the Kundawell Institute took part in the Second International Forum on Original Thinking in TCM and Bien Chue Pulse Diagnostics, as well as in an event to search for the cultural roots of TCM, held in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. The Kundawell Institute also co-organized these events.

On April 20, 2013 in Malaysia, Sarawak Sibu, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Fourth Annual Conference of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Societies and the Asia-Pacific Forum for Exchange and Cooperation in the Field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and gave a lecture on the topic: “Pulse Diagnosis of Bien Chue".

On June 4, 2013, Professor Xu Mingtang was invited to a meeting on the accreditation of specialists in the field of Mental Image Medicine of the Bien Chue School, which was held at the main office of the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Medicine with mental images (Image medicine) has been accredited by the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

On October 19–20, 2013, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the III International Conference on Medicine with Mental Images and the I International Latvian-Chinese Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine in the capital of Latvia, Riga.

In January 2014, Professor Xu Mingtang was appointed as a visiting professor at Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A certificate of this was issued to him by the director of Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr. Tang Nun.

On July 12 - 13, 2014, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the Third International Forum on Indigenous Thought in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Dr. Bien Chue's Pulse Diagnosis and the event "Journey to Search for the Origins of TCM Culture."

On September 13 - 14, 2014, Professor Xu Mingtang took part in the IV International Conference “MEDICINE IN THOUGHTS” and the II International Russian-Chinese Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

On October 12, 2014, Professor Xu Mingtang, at the invitation of the Association of Women Doctors of China, the Department of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Center for Classical Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture of the World Acupuncture Federation, took part in the “Fourth Forum on Biophysics”, which was organized in Beijing, at the Museum Lusin.

On April 9 - 10, 2016, in the city of Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, China, Professor Xu Mingtang made a presentation at the VI annual scientific congress of the professional commission on pulse research, which was organized by the World Federation of TCM Societies.

On May 21 - 22, 2016, he takes part in the Third International Forum and Seminar on Chinese Pulse Diagnostics, which took place in ChengDu, China.